By the whale houfe of;Comm%ons to re- ce1vePetition.s touching Miniflers. >“ H ‘ ' .. 1 » ~. ,.,,...., __ ‘-2 Q J‘ ‘ V «- 1; 0 N00 mg; [ Printed by I. ‘D. forflemj 0'vert”on,andj are to bcfold at his Shop entring‘im:o Popes-hcada ” flllcy out eflumbard fir¢¢?¢: .1 5 4% :01»; , ~ ’ , uh’. «P‘:N'“"‘ \ M‘4.7.-"T‘ f’ ..‘.7 ,‘‘;J,.," V,’ \.;1..w I ‘W 7 , 41 a,f’[derm;q’énningtan. S. The Nafi1*33§¢fthW°%C0mm1*t€€S d1b?f¢E ‘ -mm‘; «vmaw ‘ win‘ ‘Aw: “ ‘..’ I ''m‘\\. .u.’”?« :55” ’ ‘ ~ 1 rt’ ;_,~ v: ‘V 2.‘ , ‘ -rv.« ‘P 3.. D;er::cmbcr T the 1 64 0,‘ S.‘7W9om.Hutc/952$/on. M Hampm. VA .‘Perryn, l\/fiuM'r£/burflflvzkg-, M.Stap6[w. M.‘Ra;ye, S,.HénmrT.«:zine. M.3\Coé S.%‘T/aomzw C/aeezfie, V S.0/imir Luke, S.Walter‘Devarax. M,0/clfla/of, - i/bar» Qarrard. M.Ste.vm.r,g A BA. fl//Btoiz. 4 4S'.Hemy W4!/op, M.?{onera S;Iobn Coréet. V S . I0bn~.Frmz&[in, '1 "S.H@m9w /fmsletfan, I%;.Wa/ton. M.;Spzzrfie93w, 1Vl.C ’mzmbeZl, Lam’ ‘R51:/922622, M*gb”3 » A faéii .6’ oa/(91.4 % Mo? /if/%, M » AT ate, . ]\/Llanany, . A S* Mi/er Fleemraod, “ r 5* I/Villiam M a_/54m. ’* S.T£wmao' ‘P6/bam, ¢ M.Rbade:, M;Tg’mm, f a. :2 % §Zert‘3Pic,{erz'ng%,‘ y em. Hmworg, ‘ M.Edwrd .4/5, Mgoflrtbur ~§oaa/nvi;z,_,_‘ t % % M. beam MMW» Nf;H€nnin£to3, ¢ _ M.Corée5,_ *JBr4mfie[d, V Sacpfffif Héjfl’MfZ.A 3.. R0551": Hmrlawg : S. Frm1>az°aSe;maz4r, M.Crcw; aware], Cradacég, 4 Jficve/I ‘VPaa[e.% I/Vzfli4;mA rifirtmg ' dM_WbiZe9 ' $15 *5??? 019/96’ WW? 06% M9 % W SfHwm.VVa;drz;gtorz, Sffifairmsfiarrizaggton Sofafwl/Vrm. A . flndibe !@i<%-'rr’.;w and ‘fiwxfgeffllex of flcorw timméerlmzd, Vfilfifs Jimzm/Ixre and Cam éerlamd 5 ma? ti;/37¢ Q] Camarémy. rrms Inhabitanets of Hz/mmdam in the County 05 ‘BM?/§§fig[74m, and all other Petitioners e ’ :1: $%Comrr1{tz6e is totakeinto their econfidmratxon, the Petition ofthe of d1at“atUF€;anda1fo to eeconfiderhovfir ehere may bepreacnnua lwijuifieleg f where there are none , and 110,,/.11oie preachln gM1n1 fiers In ay bx ut*ained,‘[ Where there 15 no max ntenaneg, and whenee .f}1€}7a.l’."g in, how they may b’&.=;k€Pt ‘mud _ ma;.i,ma.ined,a,ndto I‘e€'eC€IV«f: 4 aM")1;h_er Pew“ eemonsefofeehel1keenature., e. 4 e And it is further ordered, matting +eC§ammim%e {hell have A power to fendfer Part1eSaVV1tnefles, VVm;rngse, and e Bee-A A eords, that may eenducem ehebuimesm quefiiion eebefore t11€maA% Thies wasa Sufi- eommiuce made by téheugratmd camzme fer Religion. And iris this day ordered, xzhéac this Qmmmittee {hall fromthehoufe ‘ havethe like power it formerly bad, and A mnfider and A enquire of i2h6tI'E1_§~gI'0Unds anti caufefi 9‘? £113 $515”-t~fw*rC1tyA°f ing Mainifiemr throuhwt thfi Wh Kiugd"0mea aAnd to» cuufldeuaufi 2 fi:>;II1_e jway for r‘emo‘v_’1ug Of fC%§’1dfa«101{'5~ M191‘ aaas, andputtma*orhersa1nu tuh61r Places- nd it ':i:S,fi,,..£fim#Lfi“I”’ %%%%%%%%% -muderedw, thatall the , ,;:$~.g_‘h\q‘anBU17g§fi\€§fO§.“*6V€ry County bereaaigea :5?0m.t~hiS hgoufe, b~othupou their dwm=~KuoW~1cdge, and aupuna infer» mat,ionafi~ana the fevfierall Counties vvhere~ they dW;‘e,£)-v.‘W.;i‘t§?:}‘é.'§.’]% fixe w e'e7Ksat:o infoarme» this houié: of the flats and coinditiuns of theira Counties caoncerning preaching A minifiers , and whence itarifeth there 1s, fucah au fcarcityof them throughout the; Kingdome. ' 4 4 It1'searnefily daefired, and expecfted by. the Parliament, that all mgenious yer-5» fons sinevery uuntyuf the Kfingdoma. ,Wril1»abeve1ty 3ét:iV1€;C0V'1fII1PI'0V€ the prefent cp.poraun1ty,* bygivmg a true1unforma- ‘ mono? ailathc 1?ari?l1¢s i?1¢h‘§i1‘ feverall U“aa913m1€5~u« Elrfiua Firfi “Whereti~1eeeerefiieiie§5eee1*e eeee: «lone benefice , and what fech meme Venues are reputed to bee Sec0ndly,Where there is nomaimenemce; or too httlemamtenance fer epreachmg minifler. Th1rdely,Where there is no preaching or ffeldome greaehing. Eourehly, Where there ere perfeeuetingg Ihmnovatingj» or fcandafous M1mfiers,thaet eheymay (be put out 3 end oerdérteisen for: V eibectei‘ ebe ;: ut in ~’thgeir placee. r» A eComrn1?ttee ms echofen ggurpofeiy to receive Petitions , and Emfornmtzome of this nature , end t0 take [peeufll eeere eboutfoeweighty 3. bufinee. The Com» mittee.defires 1n formations {mm efl par- eies, if it be pofsible Within this mon.eeth,g as appeareth by the order given out by the Parllament, the nineteenth efthis 1"m%em.e f‘Deeeme. K 6 49¢ . em leg