C THE ARTJI-ES E X H IE IT E I N Parliament againfi D. 0 z E Ns OKDW/Mm; «Java 164-!» —._.,.,. I-«°n‘-4°“ P*?vi““-“L ;-.164» 14 , A "4 V 4 , \ ,‘ ,. "K _ i‘ V '_ « L _ ‘ . J ‘ V‘ ‘_; ;«,‘ w 1 ‘ ‘ L“ ‘ ‘, u" v V. ‘ ‘ rm .. ‘ , M ‘ ‘ 4“ A‘ . , K W ‘ . " ‘, M. M“ ‘ ‘ M ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ “ 3 .. ‘ M; “ - “. A‘ ‘; ‘ _ _ “ \ ‘ . . ‘ ‘ I _“ ‘ ,, ‘W V ,~ ‘W. 2, ‘W 4' M‘ V ‘ ~’I‘ ‘ ' w an ,_ _. N ‘,\M .’__ _, ‘ ‘ ' » u ' ‘ k -1‘ ‘ . N ‘ ‘ ‘ w , - ‘ ‘ 1 . ,, ‘ ‘ ‘ \_,,‘ , ‘ ‘ - ‘ ‘ ‘ , :2 R ‘ ‘» ‘= ‘. “ ‘ ‘ z ofthcfc % feveréH R‘-r:%:cL~4 ‘T ..,..--..p-— ‘ I.“ I , «m .;«.:...~.;;. ».......-< ‘Hat he was thcfirflz manthat clauléd the A ti :".C;o'mimuni0f1 [Tabié in” «the "7 .C1”?1m~’h_§" Of ;12urlw» , %t0§= be removed a11dAieéc Altar- .. 1... ,._“ * W4i?fEi'9;ifl t.h<=fiife163=,i1~1g% a.n«,,i[bcVau1:ifying Wlicfi -. V ,) J S.‘ 4| he pounds. * 2; % That he u*£cc1%;tc2 ofliciaracm‘ the :W¢£k1 fide< t:VhereoE. M % ttlrlliflg: t.O’I3h¢; igaf That he ufc:diextraordinary¢boWing to it. 5 V - ¢Cbéi1ig.thén ?I7fcafi1§fe£)f @?.W¢.t1dcd,tvx§l>11:1L1;iré€1% u é é * “x “ . a 2. 1, ‘ n. M F ; That he dompelledotlzeué to‘ dba it, u{ing%v,iQ1encc% A t(;;»rheVpei*f0ns of t11emtI1af;reFuV{'€d ffiwo doe :% for in» fiance I, oncr: fome omitting i'.~r,’ he com(.+_9 out of A his Sém damn to‘VAthcA SeatAs*snherc:‘VA4:t+h<-3y . fife, being Gen-+ tlevvomen, callncl Atlmm \7V13Q::€$%3i?2ii,}3d€5: and Py-3~:*'¢ V gans, and the lxke un{cém1yV~vs'orcis§_, %an‘51 rent .{a1ne 9f That thcitf C3I0thés. AW %Qu“fle3.andp%1ayed ; L. A ~ t€&“‘9’ That fie converteclifi-ive1*s~ prayers in the book of’ "p!‘flye1~swin ex: I-Iymas, »~&§0- i‘b&~4fung;«in—&13e _ ¢ ' he Egan, :i<:m:1atr;ary L to cm: e aftlm T11étwI,1érea§Ait bech $vrm%er1y%a'Ct1iEi)ziie’7in 4 thae;%§i3t%irdar;¢ 3%. f1§¢?57té3i1d.:%9:€;cv9x:tw9%¥“?P§*»t0Lfing a Pfalmc 3 t13jsVgm‘ftoII3e,W”v%{»¢§:e§e A was abrogm*c&§v 3.-ncI3'1n£%1;::1*c‘1-t%‘».%4 I1-ina 5"“ Dfioéiens came thither t;herr;%inAt13¢‘Q11i§€,1_Vtherebeing no Pfalm fu11g_§itI1c1' re“0%‘fi“h@§w“i7"tr?i1g' an An» ~ at the Minifiters going up into the Pulpit, or .:«1t his commingdovqri . '1;1g;~e%s25.é;jAapa;ca’m1%1>e£1;;sg clayawnightfi 3:hat1z¢ cagu sthr¢e4;h;mndrcd4 wax: Ghn&1es ’t@»Béj?%i~”‘Eft*‘u@ a;id!?t1ghted in Church at hon-our amm Ladgrg and pxac% 95:1-mm upqn and about .1336 Altar. gas, gbovcwhich ‘%&?i:W:e1r¢a~:?g ‘ A W ixixgtlx tWoScraph1ms, wfitI1thep_i&u1*e of Chtjfl between 4 them, ¢I'@&Cd7? tQ*uéem‘?Mkir:m:* tn Sf rmgszeth Llifhit by $15??z:o:;fI:£aEiA?iitééé1r§%§fVvg;nted;w A mt?1_i*_fl1§&”fm%f§%ftha%~tiriwe;%%% rwI3‘«’%Vmm4% 6"; ..‘*7¥§"’ Wm ’ Amimlir-, ahi‘ >‘ V Thatall the time that he was unmar1*Iiefl4,.: he at 1‘rugi1iés:@fi P pgry, all }v11i_Qh ' when . Elizqéetb Came to W161 .»_V *Iy, a*n”d being éficrwards A reproved forthe famcby. V omc ofnheir friends; , con» fcfIE?da%t11aAtiD§.0b;w: Hm: induced4_thern.V to that * pm“- é’c1ce,*§ndV%cncm1ragcd;tzhqmtzhcrezm ':F Iiat”l1ge.Vuf?‘;=<:§ pon, Comrfidnibfi C1,‘,:’..i€S't(’3 ~4nié1keVthe :figI1E'Of.thC(:fC5§:fl;3 a$V1tX'hV11iS 4'fiI}ge"r bath ~ upon = the: _.fi':ats‘ me A V {En ts; whereeh hthéyvivrere to fit, and the C ufhions to knee!iee.31pon,{ufit:g fi3meiw'nrdswhcn,hc ;1b;idid.id# ii 18 .,i A That one Sab:bic?.l:}1;Tds:yi; there w2s~fet'u ;i.:nemne¢e£1@;; 1?)’ 50?? Whys.o§Fi:ip¢I$e”a»nd -i:~Lights “._t-.','¥"'1~e4$ Chufclng which D-Hmwbcing .mbc=n1)ea;:;; fiismilg ihcymiehti give 0ffence,beihgt1‘3.ey WE‘1‘:C unnec'e{1iary, {eat his ; man to pull them dowrmvho did ifog AD. Ciazwsi beingtihereat;aggriev‘ed,,;:ame to the £e11pw,m1 ” mi!’ca1Iede.hin"1 in«mof£un_g;vil1 zx1anne;;,z;:id¢began to to rlgzeegreai difiurhaiince ofthe fame}. ‘ A A 19.. ii ’ beat him i‘I1fl’1E2. pub1iq11e~y;iew ofthe §>A1;1gxfeg;;g:i;;;;,1 ; 4' A That‘ the ¢De:ar:;e A and» Cihapiter bf ti1iéit¢;iCLl1uirch wv1ieré®ifiDii CW3: wa5g0ne._.wi__tl1 many~ othe .Vheihg. Invited to dinner in the Town of Dar/came : D .Co.z:;m;.r ithen,.fiiand ythere fpake x=v"or;d.$ derogating hdfiom the Kingsv-Prerogative Th,ewoxd$e Wtl'1efc:i,;iI'l_1e King hath noxnore power overithe C numb,‘ t,han the boy that rubs myhorfi: elxeelesw A A 4 he ; ~, _ A flzio, A A “g . ' That there being manyofthe ;;Can9gse%Qft11ei{aid Church prefiznt at thatztime, amon it "the refttihere was one took more notice ofhis vvor%s then the refs, and acquainted one “of his fellow Canons with them «When he came home; T1115 Canon being aifriend to D. cwwm, told rI1C&DQ&Q£tb3t'i,%_fuC1] amzm jexclaim-~ ed of him,a11d clmrged hirn vv ith words that he fhould fpcak at fixclia tditnefi The Doflor flprefently fendéh for him, and when he came into the ltoufe, the Do» A &or defires him to follow him into an inner roome, who did F05 But fo foon as he came 11}, the Doficor fixuts A h31f"IV?1’:«.’£z“1fzif~"eI=‘1»i'cf’e;.,»~% cryed ; out 5 < Mififeffé Cal ling V11?o‘g%i”:1é:4“'i1Mi f4RafimIl? 4 fire; 3:: ’:upo3m.ihi A némcs, infozilutll that'the7‘man feai"ing“V?h%é'woi1Id'do¢ 4 ) 1 "ins endeavoured to ,~;§:pc;afe;%d_ her husba¢ zmci A jhol‘ his tkfi t>t?}%ref7A;1*am ‘ uri Wgies ?tQ this man; <1); Cafifllih-5. J; Thaft fheoétar ;&id'«V% smies A infmre Mahw‘man,n1aazA?fohé< mig,hn%=cak;§Aaijufiuccafiaari “’€®%ph?tl1Em~5é5t;§;0f’h§‘§r4pIa@éfi%fié1fiane«¢3f7'thet1a;’i;akiing &efFé:"‘é’c,; ~e3%1Ii;§ B’y39?i.1t:1*§sée?3%1?sav§ing; no; bghmé reafon why he ,& “but becauféx A bad ggmcéd Voice, I when as he had {Z2r\é¢cd%the place two yeares be» A ifopc civ”2sm eame%€hitL2erAA inflame o£wiiaich"I 1! mm Wancf14 :1 wom an to pre:-;1:«':rid a’dWeI"1'm fimfmafirimflny,‘ ¢ fi “anal” ofifira f'u—mme«0f7mo;1"ey»this: Canm Cont-§aé?c4 Mau:1:fifiy%;bet4W¢en vthemv was rygvzité ~@Hamber;%Ai%fAtheijeupbn t0»tdk@*aC¥Vaan‘ma%e.~£x hiss ;ven~ge upon him x; Thiswplm .being ‘(:®nV ‘f:.ffed$ t‘:I-ac? a;rtie§ g Q be firfijfzid. gby &Cnz.ez::,;and. that they ;7ere*his~