As:=..—“? — A L , ‘ V 1. “J ‘ ‘ " ' A ‘ .| u “ ‘ w «I A. « ‘ . “Av " ‘V r‘ ' ‘ A ‘ ,A A ‘ J, ‘ > “ ‘ »>' “V.-.-. ‘ “ ‘ * “ ‘ ‘ ,‘ ‘M, ‘ f -‘ 4 A A And 13 3 A ‘LAAE xx 0 ‘V ‘E . v V" \‘\’ \ V“‘y,Y“ M‘ “ \ 1:.“ ‘}“y‘“““"““‘ . .3 .2.“ (V\1lV' L, a‘ ' “ ‘ I ‘. V‘V“‘\-““x",’ AA ‘A V v A " A. A ‘lr1‘7‘ ‘V‘V "-- Wx ,,‘ 1 V .. , &AWrAitAmiafér . ‘,' ‘ ‘ * "-1 "“ ma the i:inorc_.,,~ba¢:m11¢ M31 fii01W?¢AL1n, (am Mima-..= gim I%flnauI;Md%;mt¢;1m¢dd1e:1zg.%{uChaw fiafllflmgj and go ic»‘m-ic;to the: % ‘p°2f%a&_ic!&:; véf]; pi:-«:af¢fliib;n%j4;;;1and7:11 hopc; them am none: fo~'a1'ncI1.m'i»ta§ ‘ 1 % E1(€§%t'a.9?§§f%4lrj¢1's;-:%m¢;,_%TmtoVbw¢:l%i¢v:e.I }1ada“ kv”:ow1edge of that %%dc{ig1:1e.% ‘ '*%%H ¢:;%~¢s%»%1%%;smug; «g.-,c~»nj1e*j*tm.par_1:icL:dars ;i_br% :1 P1025 o£.v..ha‘qjngj—%g.% _d.gfignfu‘pbn £1-;ié;‘[Ci:i¢ mi"LomiwmrVthefirmgofiit :1 J fiznnuch tr‘e1n.;.5 Me: gt the: ¢tl1»ought*ofthe.%thing ?t'ha»t fhquld have‘ been dwr1c°,’as.thcy~V1’}gy,‘ £m]1' thc carryi_n on of fuch a eicfiggg my1Iea1't%%%_decci%ve mt: -:~1'o~t) had? k11€?Wfl%%‘%i$a‘] % r 0}.3”£3L11:';a abhm? thf: tinrzg, flamxld Emvs bc<:1atIm'firfi: ciif. c%overér?‘o£% it‘: Nor evxzr had. at ‘1‘r®fp0fldw€ic" 01* mcctingswith fu;z?:Iu; :. v:7'7“"* '” % pfirfops,':1s?%wOuIc!7 h.;r:..v%c carri«e:‘_%'?%t”33n~-f'ucz*;a.a defign_, [t,is% {arid _I1'kx2wi“{c, % % ggfcbxfmivflgd the Ear1,the"IVIarque1§ of Ozrmzmds té my rcmcr1:.b%r:mca% ;1~¢"V;*¢3,_- »fa‘\x;' thfg fa‘-‘ale of that hm:wt11'ab1e..pcxfox1 in niy%I_ife'.]t:‘ is faid, One Lqgds day] did~prc';aCh mwfiaxm Gregmriex , and trim ncxt Larcls daly, I’ waéawrz4j]%1; or‘ %B%rn3re: _., :-‘man! kific tlm Kingx hmlcl , and bx-oudhif“ sczuinm re} wha t%,.O1"c-kt;-3% and inihufiiozxs {mm E‘1i::11':‘ '1Z“his I final my 5F or rhef&t£1%r%qe_ycats Inf’:-‘paint , together have notbecn.‘fli:1"z:1e:wim%tAfurflmrzwto cizhcrmf %xh%owf¢“p1;:u:cs thmiz‘;thr'ec{cm*L=:xtnilcs, 7_].tissfaid .t11mI .I«t«2:pt cc.m'cfpma-; 'a1~w;n~c¢%T3Ari1'tl1wn¢: 4Rw‘;~3~a¢_I7‘ éu1d}3£slsop : "Hwy me: pemzams I haw: 1'1ce1rd'o£ ghé ;'€1‘?Na3me£%:~but; ne%v%erfaw thci~rf£1«;es, Tavmmiimf my knmvlmlge I :10’ tao~t:~~kr’mW they‘ :l:n:rzw%rn'c5r' mzardoi I»mox.v zhcm.:at all, but oneiy as I havc:v«l'1-czwdzcnf %flt"h‘r:i1* N‘m.a‘7m 55.; ‘ :And~‘ ‘&v1~f1c2‘fc1¢v&*:r$ ,-¢%lfwjI1at§a:%% fu_»gg?¢fied% fgch. Axfiizigs. V+f$1g‘:fl%%i1i1fiz:’—;“1%11cA' , 5‘ A-I kimwiajmt. V‘ ‘ Ti I+Iis1;*I*Ii§_gh12*ai3*c:q “V1%73;s ’."p1¢t;fM[tii$$~ t"7¢iI‘21m~**: ,3}? 1v},v'g1%5%‘i%*']j}{¢{a7flag‘ :m;i;Az1g~¢Tm;rcI_i» ;i%11 the: {nmifc a'of%*z1‘:1‘zwfof:Cor-n : :1: H43: meaning ,% I 213333;, :;%pulJ1i‘c3{ Prca<:I)mf';I,.%.wns*ml§}c%%t0ffirm}-m.2‘rf..'1Vi“$*i::’$cJI*xfire-bynuflz-dicion gm cui1aM1fi§ionsJ,Vr*~mi:;é;*i% pix'm'm<;s;.,:;in~g dcfignas . N«21'~c rmiia I 7¢:rIc:,~$ ,, and h;m'¢_ig Fr¢é9*mi‘»%g1.j§ytzr_13r »::'>fz:a"»=i$c:s‘%‘f@ :tIfa'm,~1 are}-z.1%ec.¥lTgeA.$% flfithe Hriggih Guam?’ gghggtu P531 33;. fiE5%fi~-oflgthnéé Tijitfiin eifs my; ].‘mV3¢? "I'M: :;,fdL,'md‘.;::*rnr:jg >~1fmci1;:r: % at = zvll. in dv§’o£7’;;;}?wfl’a:i4i-si;' * ad :tgrwlyV%?I ‘:{:¢1u%*t %?n%*ecd§i=%{w mlimézrwfareg That : it» Wazé :1 vs» Pi‘ Emmi;-‘itablw fhfami (wha {¢ver:: thmywere) thiagu bfiomghe fuch ::ii:3Acu«'I§’;i»ti?é:i1*3g;@g;'91ijrifi%x:x1hé >;,'a»§fd irxti it-§at¢d‘his Hkigb;ncfs z1g;zai.4x%1I£’ic.r3:c ::I* wil .1” flat i="ar3f%w‘ii€*“v‘W‘V5;J‘§1€ii:.1iiceyfit m'ig1‘:zr”bd .»z’cm1*,4» %bx;1t» 1t.?wms.I%ra11i zmti !‘Whi.r:h can Mid % mew a%;i;a%%4{33nfeTxii?dd%4%tc>*t'his\plac¢r :1 ‘*1‘hcs Gca*d }oif memy p%ax:ci7oi1 Aar£%k:i?’far-ye AA W3‘ A-nd: §*:”!>3IM‘A§'# 'g3$ ~+If£1m".p;:__; mi%¢mJb61"af-%%t?I:t:,%%rElhurckz, imcf ~1as*‘a. V .5 W“W:*@fimA**i“1‘i5fYA%i?’W1¥I¢%I‘W0‘!1i;W3fi1f17iI3T~?¢* Vfimm {kw-ir1g~ biar£§f§Iot§a“&s_'2;:welzghief tlay c* [ink and grit:-A-r O/9 317.92% zhau"‘wazt!dfi2'nm-m Tczgain, O % % %:.,gn9fl: tm:t2fgr€_/}iom tlmi are uemmgfl aw fier tigaféymvba-£f57gs,f'or% tlaafé infilhilim ' wies‘, horrid la/afibloemzitrx and fvrajvfmrnmeijfos For zbo%,/iv.S‘a9m'leev,’gex”,,f'0r atkmfé Efarmfigxag f?2%r%$/M ye Sclfimaxfl, g;«:»;;;»;, .;md%a:21l%‘£h9fi ‘,I¢Zimcimefl&::of I.m.:sr#,g _% 1”-’%;~;d%e,j%-vgairg A(;1mg,gnd Hypacrifigg fiw fimt e'a¢u.rAro g1ejE:Z.iz%tie§r1% gmczl de_/§rm57i{anV, :5 £r¢]m_igl;ut: I;¢;«zgmme dwrafrqm. Hwvm 5 ” gnw d¢fla¢oyedux ‘: Om!‘ ;f9fieign‘c%_.Enami:.sp5% «Qfld Vthtfi ;Efiemie.rof 959% I nimd tiny »C[;mf{z our S:z'_v.igm;~ ‘, '792si;gl;2£¢‘}azx*zg¢%« wgtlfnwcd%?u._%;{ my; xm»,-1;» five mfide-L figivwd ! Te£fflO% 2:152: ldwgffh erigzg, (:nd1Lb4tie9:¢¢ ,% and gaqrdééayfr af. 0163* Gad! (J % Lard jgmaf-~ (.=?’:_'9d;.~: wéé Jz:rz:*_}a%;A1a*ge z;I:v.lwt thy paz1u*'e7z§e‘ ’.:zmZ lsnggfujfirifig‘ might laud za; ;¥“g£r]‘3*£iat»29<2ag :r;l;vvtar:% ariam%_wmlaIfi%»£:q}v(e,¢_fi:d5g}.mxg mkagda££g’lvr\¢n€fi fnotin the; ca'miB :of m:_fiz:m;§,I’: M1 réizlver. 4»:I:;¢%z=h§_;I»am/awnf;-ma 'la§k;finr;ar d:a'dJi'u&;;:lp,;2: flqoflt -9014,! % irii*r2”7z%%%'muwto,ihei;»0 .Zlo;*d 3‘ Wid we Mxhrallék "$'1Fl?‘#§€d¢S!' Jjram £113’ mWd: wn%?xk‘«m’%%f}f#1r¢1afv&r7':bM*‘:;%~ ;;Dr.w%m% . with jam Cgzfidmf (me, qmd by; @326 mlmndsv % \I eh 4 A (¢::‘) ‘ _ g A e_ gif Khtdnefll, hy thepoeeerful working ofehy holy fjyirigh in fm[e,"marl'jngramritim in our hearts, and use gédej/_fi:arww for all om-fim, - Wm ‘gfinv-rojv to ‘r?£flIefl1¢¢,d9Ydh 4- repentemce rah/imam‘-z’mvz mwerta he ’ye1pen;g,{ (of: h h Lheiml hreezktht-fflfianj heart: ef'o1e2'e-Ahyhehe I-mmimr ofthy w6rd,m9{[ifi¢ them by the ayle of thy hG’r.uce , fmiee__eh¢fe h Roe-Iggy ‘heart: of were the Ifipd of thy mo.r'"'i' grezciamfawar, that wehmdy shed fmh 1{i'ver._r of hMtBdr.1ff:9r V “[1 tkéfins we have commieteel. =40 rhaeeehou would;/i flake 1;; grieve heczmfl we cemme grieweg @~ to tree}: lzeeamfi we ceumoe weep mmgh.Th.»zee/oat: weuld. cf} humble on more and more in the met/fghe emdfmce cf eel! new frrrv acertian eegasin/3 sine, and that than wouldefl befleufid in the blood of Jefier Clmfl gag cirmfi mfro-m 4&5 rmrfin: ; Lord let hie blood thatffeéakes bemr thing: than than of flhel, my lender in thine Mrxfor mercy, then all ehofe me:/Zzhiehfx and Qickedhaflesehat have been done among]? us f3r-vengeance; O hh,ejl'arin.5gls gm fe'l2'mfed, hutp‘eninnifz3ul.r, in the Hood of Icfiee Chrw, thin we may he vcleem in thy fight, need that the light afmehy countenance may shine upon us. Lard ‘bepleeféd are flan! unto mrfimle ehefreefaerdm andforgivenefl of all om-fine: 5;} to eqch of merfiulxy aend_/2e_y.ehet we may hear it, that ehanm are :eveI3‘p[ea:.~ fed with m,and efypeeefed toward; m. Lord, do than by thy Spirit «flare our e fiviriee, that are me eh} children,‘ end that the» ear: reconciled am an in the Inland h of jcfus Chxifc. To ehie end,‘ 0 Lord, cream in mmev heart: , and... renew h figheffiriee mhhin u.r.C‘.efl u:jear¢way.from thy jarefince, and take am eh} A 'h ‘ ‘hal_'}r_/ffritfraffl m; but give m the comfort afehy half, and e.F'h:h/_i:h m with V thyfreejfirit.‘ Hel; fee to Ii-veer: thy 2-edeemeidmeea and (Lord ) (erg; mu: ‘any [anger by ow‘ wicked live: ‘deny that mofl haly faith whereof em 15;: ?hm.;ge_far [B [augtime meedeprofgflrian , but lee m that cal on the meme of the ‘ h Lord] E S V $,‘edepxrefrom inigeeirie, amdhaee every e-vi! way. hHel; -"m ea cqefi away all our teem./'gre_{3-ionr,h‘evhereh_y‘ an have trun/jgrefléd, and maikewe U ' meme hearts. Carry us along ehroughehe Pilgrimageeof thir world, /3512- plying u: with are ehiag: needfulfdr us ; thy grace alone i: fuffieiene fer us :- ” L.nrd,1ee thy grace be afiifieent to M’, to /Zrengehm eenegximff all the eemlom. ziam of Susan, efioeeialbr again}? ehofefim whemmeo we are mail from, ex’-h-I . "thaw by ceefiaene or cmflimtion, orneojr eefitjz prahweked. A 0 Lahrdg m‘th_evh¢t: haffliflioufhever than exhale punieh ue, do net pmixle us with /firimal ju.dge-h mm: and defer:5c>n.s;r ~ Give us me war to our .;mz,..¢m Iufie, to h éur -vile, local, and merry}: etfiefliane : Give in me o-uer ta hardntfinnd impenitenqy of heme, but make nxfmjible of the leezfifin, and g:'-vernehxhy grace to ehi'nl¢_ -M13» Zieeie eaenneieeedhegainfl thee and” God, but thatVeveemdy‘hte"heem_51¢d h for5¢,nnd\hre1Dmmf“i¢, emdreform it in our live: and converfaz3ane:_ And Lord keep uxfi'em”frI[fi‘i;1¢fmeuefine, O%1emee‘ehem gee the dominion omr‘ 2.6“, but Key: ‘nee inmemtfi-one the gm: oflence, O Lariour H:-mgth erred qgeef 41{eaieeeueer.e‘._.e('1eel Lerdfienfiifie unto m all thy meeheel: endpraceeding: with_ m,fim'ngmfer aeilfureheerheribuleeionx and 119141: evhaejimszer ztheuiri Jiivinepleafueeeehdle he pleafidee impofé; ufm ue ‘: Lord give‘ en patience , = ‘ I eees1,9angy,hrefe«(uefén and fhraitudeta marge them , Aehae though] we walk; Ilflfflfhghhthlfflhifl/I‘): ofihe ehadojv of dmdrgyl me} far hmme ill 5 knahwriflg 2 Ehtkhlflhi ezheee O%13erd,un mlrvifuily.-wiehueg 02%! that withehyr at! seven nevi:/9 A W thy flafi” thou wilzfiqbpprt grzgd comfizrt‘ 1;’: ; h:za=zc1_:«!a;:; n,DlI3¢31ghh1zJd//bfhdyfghm. fipewzte m from thy low which isfin j-c fusCh1j1fft our I,ard.,_; V ‘ V‘ find (gwzciom _Gnc1)hzv¢ (W/Eeéh rhccuhe may .10/exjédh;-to~-hlbbl§ mam‘/gag; % ”andcamfafiionaze1}; 612 thy holy Ckrbh bzliquc Ch:urch,_% mud grant that az!V/%jt%I:«o:"y A4 ;h , thatdo.¢onfl:fithy1hb{yN;zme,h.m4_y agrzegagtthw in the trmhfiaf ah}. hr»/yh % I/Vord, ¢ndli2Je in unity arndgod/yhlowzgelh h'1‘hm hl.:.cz_,/3 prawmxfédho .L¢_2hrd_.-,h--the % ' g£iz‘ex;»o_f he}! xhnllmzt prewtil gzgazinfi» th )1 Chmrch 3 P_,erform¢pg baféeclj 333;, ‘thy mofi grzciauxfrromifitborh to thy who]: Churchh‘, and trwtlaat far; of "ii: h M hgpbich them hafitp/anted, and new afiifiedin zhafifinful laugh and .z\7;m"a~mr~ ivherein hwelive : ./1:-1:/E, O Lord, and have mercy upon our Sign , for in: h it rimethdt thou ham mercy upon Ian-,“yea, thetime ixaame, for thy férvcznt: rhinkupon herfirones, rmd 51‘ Pirieth them tofée her in the dufi. Lard mainnainw zhi%neén»ncai{/E: Rsflme thelighrof thy Truth fivamal.’ ahafi cloud: of Ev-— Vh rornmd Herefie: which dafimmh ohjfmre it, and let: the light thehreafin ca’. 'fi¢efrofefiion break fmh and shine. again «mug M, and h than continually; ” hctvmzw Zongux the Sun xnd Moon cmdurer. _ W % 9 h h ‘To thix and oh Lard, lileflk mall, and hhfle lyimfihghfgfig;-;9:;;.__w},;¢],3 ,‘,g T ..4'w‘how'tj ought to rtalewer, gm! he «have u: : El.c/]3 him in hi.r_/Em! and 3' in hi.rb.ody,h,£n‘hi: Firimdx-,hand in lair 5‘er_*zmnt:, and all hi: Rglatians: h 5 him byhthywcaurq/él,profi2er him in all hundey-mking.r, granting him at long; pr-ojfoerom, fiv hcmomhlclife here upon Earrtb,ei7- that ho: may attain to 4 big]:- % lift he}-e.cfn'r. flndgravious God,1oa}\mcrcifc¢/Zy upon all our Relations, ‘ and do than bring them to she light of thy trmh t_ha:_¢rc wandering gndyggdy V zaf}:-ll. Confirm théminhthy zrmh that d[r£“ddy_fl4nd, show flame good 101152: 7 fly-gpod unto alum, that they ma_y.rejoice_:, O lfththgy good V band offro-vidcnte. V In omrhthcmvin alftihcirwxyx. And tin all orders, and flegrmo % V % % V M men that he umongflm, Give religious ham :9 them that now ml: in .4u;l;ugriz_-y war us: Laydl hmxun the h.S‘uI2je£}:-taturdxtheir Suyreme: find loving % heart: in ‘ all men: tah thtir ‘Friend: , h and hchtrimble beam- V cm mural: mothcr.m ~.,-1'ml%,for “thew caminmmcch of hthyh Goffwl amgmg m, reflanin thyhgaadrimewxhtir fiwml _pl:z;e:.and Cjalliizgu ,.;aml hg;m“a;»4‘ce O Heavcnlgr hFathentohha1(lB.i:h_o';:, Pafiorr find, Curgtex, ,5” . 7319.2} may both by their Lifi: and Doflrinefi: orth.hth_y mu; nndhlimlyfasvorda ‘am! righjtlyand duely-qdminiflcr th}“hol_y Sacmmemx. And Lord Mafia 1!: )1 Church flill m't_h. Paflan aficer fhinc on“-nhh‘eart,2vith d cantinualfmflflim of faithful and 4171; man, 11:43’: they may both by life gnu? Dafirine declare why truth , and mrver h fbr fimr or favour baclgflide or depart fiom the fame: wind give them the aflifiancd af thy/jwirit thuthmacy Amarlale them /1‘: tofr¢a:ch-.- A ‘ ‘thy word, that may ken; thy fcoplc upright in the mid]? of 22 :.‘brru_pxed and: ¢armpt%g¢ner4zion':~« ‘And good Lofcl éhiefiéhthy pcalale every where mirlihmar - V ing emu, umferfla nding hcarhtx, confiicnciouxfmlx, and ahediam lhm, effici- % albthojif xwewrzvha%m Lhave had esrimr l4:zz{)rh'arformer{;Ih adéargg, that m'th== h ?n¢&kh‘eart»4nd due;:~we:enc%ehtI1a’y may haw and recAeim»:hy_haly uteri, L ~ j:i_r12ing;~%th£§j'n rigkm:«gfi§ze_/Ir¢:¢%d holi . fleqllghg daye; of fifvgrgh ge ‘ A 1 ' xx I -.,_,,,. M J ‘. ;I‘.u,. ‘- “ L57 %?Whw%?WecIé4V:?2wm‘vwgoadize “ F = - AAV:a4Ff;1z5erzy%tba::¢1‘e,A.a2:.1+Wfa:zVg.wflorj¢¢;be»%AM>t’z.<;2gv% 1 awAAm1%A%af;_jm;yiAe+mzmm; V imzd stbj gIassljr:§srm delzWL maccs;{améE?A:;;A ~ A: ;.am 215; ?i i1fiQI&I«bf';i~lwj¥5gf?€d$fi; »22zar+m?: A in all A fmr*;::cm+‘fimr:%2é&%/%erz4r£;f'a2‘ firm ham déézzb kéza 5 M%VAbf:§2m£gew¢nt;LV AsA%%Ad&arb%‘AaMAA :;pe‘;;z;g»% AA¢*5i+%~sAA”’?Wi”VW ?;"’¢" w%9%?W’1A€W307?~:?9f%0?&?" VI-}°**v1(I»’f7!:¢¢~?¢W.z’f?? “ A ‘ zxzAI:eAmaa;4zzme»:a+‘m:A:¢1smcz»mm to ¢2r4?¢2WV:AAVvz¢Ar amyaés‘, .amzAmg A ”\We55M€‘W4 ‘ZPPJY ‘%‘4"’%"5"f'%'%’g5""j%7‘7’%"~"-‘3 ‘W7”?%¢‘ W5f‘3w”39% W%¢“3%mmy%:!2e%~,?#ife‘im.A.~%;‘ ‘imfaivmm Lfl?«{I “W7-at WJA!»W%%W;rm,%&»VAV%g0dbi:;;4m:z%7~;gmmA/zyFz;.;zigzsmi , % fT¢z;atg mrld; dvnya#:g%al£%,:;7z;g'Ml}2zz‘£;fls~w2w2%wa:+:av*»a may fa‘ % ;;;;,L¢;% tagt $933 +=my be azwayes4prepav'edta%mm,r&Iwz wI21maz«ari»4 fiiqeéf ¢z'«p‘cm aim %7I¢W%fm~”pri,Q us ,. ‘b;:t1$‘1.v2§;az;We“772zzy‘lif2‘%z;»3pvaz:>i;Viézezggffg‘ ,wé:;!1 jmr ,; *l¢;zm,;;,g :i;U.,,.$ ;§3r:c.2rr,??¢351"’W!9fii3‘€If% ‘s waw: fiigli , mm wzzt we‘fl9v!!%Af£wfa;~f fg~»;,e‘,g,.,;9,,ig,‘,‘,},“,‘ __[,;::i;}:,g %%;¢u%raarWoal»£b4m£1%fx:va%_[ball some :rm:ba Felicity sfcbe%cbafk¢z5%m2d%¢eja%% « ' A _ .% , we -wzzI2~Az1ae. £‘‘*W‘ 0!” *’*“f'?i1’?‘’‘°P’*’Iz &~?”0€£W? W W “W -fwéliwfievf W wry spam» zzm *’“j'J’A iF'4?t€ 5 f*‘~'df‘*'fi A?” A-fIb%*%%fg¢3!?9s (ml %cawfle'wc m we -£’Mf7jhape‘5 5;mr,,%,3 M. A « %,W;;!1p«¢tFj, ~:_mcl3c?f::b}{1rfi‘lu§2‘zia!g4I;wayzd and witlmll dfi '£i9ecrfMZ% refaliztiaéz af ¢!wzwfl§;az‘5y alrwyze as;/?'pafemg., A, that fa‘ V;2zz%fli:2_g%t*3m péhlg"j“éfl‘fig£'e}““@fA' tm. \W””*“~'~5 AWE ??¢~’1.Y;W?W WW“La%2dAfifI’%0m%ife the Hea%%c2dy%1C4m%aMam ;~gm£’Vm* 4 may r£ig2;V~:wi£%bj;}ya”e z'ntI.-22 world Atgignmag % jgigxg-mg]; jgfux Q 1,1, 1% ; mg. or i‘ A rift‘!-°:f«z;*i;¢,g.~ J’ f:,I~?¢’¢‘i7’J'» m2gkryAwA1»audd{, Mm: mtfimdml We um» %¢we;;»,,,¢e"* :mMmd_allfa£l)£’r £by;fc}‘<3é7&zfl££..$‘;._.‘ ¢;,,AA,,,¢,-c,,=A:,mz latzizig l5¥'::drz:_f:.*évz ]’c:f'usV C'hri:{ fizarfézlwaaiazzg zlay~t%me,an;l ;ha}ly ‘1§§$'d??d .v.;A;.¢:;~:;.»,z/2;%;a;.;m.-.,;,‘ thy Vg«,~gM‘,,;.mv ;w *1» 3.. ‘ I W i”“?’"VVT4‘”‘*”%’1¢W‘* A4” A “‘“¢3W:A W lM;M£rida wed in ma e2éd; zbr¢:zz4ergi £usch;rm4m:~ Lerdg. V by