TheArchb?ifl?iop OF C-5¥}$15f€Fi”%‘c”;'?,,?55;"f”}7”j"%”"“%¢ Tower«Hill,_on Frida)f’.the, IQ, 9? Ianuary, ¢I64../4.. Upon E tR.»E W8 _ 172, 1.,‘ ,I;;_ Klfo , the Pr1yérsWhicl1he ufctlwat the fanw» "imfi and P19-$6 baforehis Execu ti-on.“ Ml:“f'ait:l1f'ullTy Wwitcen by 5170/»; Himle; WhGIn“'thé'i5fffih; “ bifllop bcftcched that he would nQc<.,.Tlccan * A A y A »% ywmncr be 40”“ mm by 3I1Yf.V‘>hra{'c In Favlfe Copies. 3 .E’t7cmraci21ndE7itreci2tccora’i}¢g*t0OW/e7*;.,% Ji3?3;dM':V ‘tinted Peter Civics,‘ 21tthe%fig?7ne of thc’Pr2'73tiflg‘- + M 65“ C”"”’W~"€¢rth¢ Rx0ya1I%’AEx%changcmcz:% V 4 agaififlPapgs-»bead»A£!cy;.=4'”‘* x«644...., A V _::‘ ‘ 7‘ ‘ . I ‘ ‘ C3‘... “ “T,:‘za: ,‘ m ‘ ma ‘ ‘ ‘ . c ‘ ‘ ‘. ‘ ~ ‘ vs? . . " , s x ‘ ' ' 4 ‘ “ ‘ ‘ ‘ . A O R * % A is Funerallysermion % Preacht by himfelf omhescaffold on " ma ‘WA the U‘ ‘Q ' y W“ I ,‘ M‘ « " M‘ M, ,.q {elf t e_Sca “ ~ fix no " "" *a"‘1w av, " » '2 1‘? . .o I V " I ‘ “M d ‘wé “ I "_ \1 “ fl 1;,‘ H; WBA ‘ im 1., .. ‘ ‘nx v .1-‘.W"\/4’YVA*?“>I.'l_‘~“ ‘W , 2 bl: J95 ‘I I‘. 4 ‘W-‘rwa-»mU V.| «W. . V W 1-3» S3 R. “ml ;€v>,“J' 7’ Kw 1% /E .2‘ wk}. 9.; M ‘QR’ (“<6 Script1i‘r‘ I 1*» u 1 Life? %r&dn3%%11? 01 &‘ Meillww % %1.“;?m ¢05£n¢~‘ to th1‘s5 W, » , a ‘. . N p!e%afEs,an%d,¢9rt¢“V§m£0 t,'~"“ai.:;f F3233 I”mdpa{E"c through it, in wiayV,>t:h:itv‘hE p¢i&a%iE€3: £20 I*mde4 me. A A A I Goad JPU-rsopie )7 it, would 4beeA remembmi: , *A*=:ThatiAAwhtV%:afthc «VSc:2#v21in'e:s 0!: God, old Ifm.el._._,. were in this A :.1b0iA&:‘01.1“s~~?S€u.;,4 an.d? <;2!armVwithA% them , the Egypsians ’ A , 9erfec:,1%Vccd*zhe;m;, and dieij in ,3. mzmner Admre ::hent~1 . ‘1intoVthaA‘: %‘Sea,A4uic-rm drowned an Athr:-2 flame wate;rs,Awh_ilc A ;they were in Lpurfuit of Athemfl: I know my‘Godwhom I A feArve;%%%isVgAVasA4 abl¢todeAIivc;r«me from ‘ghgssca ofmoad, Lwa's_AA4to 4dé1%m1x the thrcc Childrén from the furnace, Daniel 3; V ~ ” VA A V A Aflnd IA1.m¢;>f’c humbly thfmk rI%1y43avioL1r %forV it ~,my _ VRefoIucAi0n Ii<;w1now,%as AL%hjfii1T$ was then 5 their Rc{o1u.. nion was ,r They Wotzld mm worfhip thcAImage»wh.ich % the KIN G7 had fét Up; nor {hall} the Imaginati- '%onsKzvh‘ich?_ the AIA LLE, %~~"fcttin“g»Aup , nor will A foflfake A the“ Tgempie thaw %f'l‘_1=-mhA %%yof’ A G O D A, V to A ~ ifwllow t% % nothtrug. upon my Iudges (I ih¢zn1!..::>?v }D%f"@5‘-’:M*4%1‘¥iiv..3 A$::.a:;14y 5:‘ rightly be under-i{’r0od, L::4i1}arge%nV0fl‘xiA:%%:%gg;4i:.*;.»;;w‘ij§?:.'“}«,:::§"ii* % Agrec upon my %.I.z1dg:;ms) fz3r«thcy are ::~:::px'¢)ceé:rd17f¢f‘pxfxfiuff, by valuable Vvinzgefiefi, and that wayl 01'23.t;yA4Irm<:)cc34s*3t ~ i in the W01‘ldm;;azyF jufily bcA<:cf>ndm1:r:‘zed»: Ar1«:iVI,*:.h::izA':;I~: :God, thoughths: weight of the Se:m:cnce 1ye,v:::;.*j=; vie. upon mm, 37tt.I .21m:1Sq*:it:fE within, asy(_I" €e113*"~‘k‘(_;§7§1T'i_33Z. ,f+::sr%it 1 Imrc,r:Vv::zs inmylifc :., And; thmugh brim: only the firfl Ar%ch’c»%i{l1_:'fsp., but A%x:h&% Vfimfi: man zhiis dyed am this way yewc fame ofxmy Prcdeccflbrs h:;we1” A , game this way, thog1gh¢Ln0:AAbVy4d1iAs%A1ne2g:2cs : V far E?Zfi3g-gm A :waAs% Slurricd 4aw,zzWya%nd% 101% his $5:hc'1;m;zes ».~,~ 2md1.$i—- ~ f%manS.ud&mfy_i11t.heAfury of Wm Tyler.» and his fcllowes : A %And-10mg bc:‘fo»rc tzhcfc Saint Ia/.214 Bapt.5§? had his he.'1 d A’ danccd.%ofE by alewd wc»2~r1;1ff1%a,;mr1C1 4S,aim: Cyp,rriwA1‘ch~r B:ifh0.p%0f Ca1*thag€: r11i%:;t;(:d~l‘3isA»f11ca1d»~ 3:04 a peVr~fecutimg“ 3 fwcnrd, A .Mamy exampkss grc2A%Aa;Aa1zx1d%gQod, j;;nd t1hcy;t€aCh‘» A4 Vmcv paz;ience, for I hapt (;;1u£?%:%,,ix1E-IAc{aviefinAV will Iookc ofanoxhcr dyechcmhe ycolwourv thaws’ put upon ;it here; 1 2‘,IPQIl f'.'3TCh5 and f{>n,n*:co1n§or:;%iz is t'Q:m‘e?m not on1y..“ch-an III gwoeth¢ ‘wayofulue fa great ‘Amen: ms:-:ir[ feverall A Gem, A m.t1o;1r::-,,. but%a.M'o thmumy 4Vcha.;gc Vfiwifl ¢%m:1y ;nO: ,bep9.1‘-~ ‘ %,tia1l ) _lOOEx?.$..{Qm€WhatliléifithL1tf21g£1il1fl;i'S.ail1€ law! in the s»j<>fr?1¢=«!%=a%4 for be W=1$~;a¢¢,u4fedforn;iae Law and the Temp1e,th3.EiS the Law and B.C1igi0Tl~.3ZlfldlikC”[h3.t ofS~v; A . Vsrcrplzezs, in thé fixth ofivthe. A%3?j;5,4 forVb1*calcing thfi 2 Ordi- -;m;1nces whic%hA‘V;/Mo[&:éq.gav¢ 115;, Whicla Ordinam_:c;s Wcacc" mflféay, d0.u€.zu1;£h¢n:"\C0 P&£.c' %A%»LaWand R¢1igio»n &= W % Aim? feifi ~mh~inhc%in=eg:¢mf-Léamtm41:.dA 8ai:nVpSrc~ V f1‘a’¢":??5 den ’? n0,C0d f01'hic‘Lh,eeefarre be ihefrom I bnlyhfaifeia ceamfoa-tto myefelfef, that thefe great 'Sz1intsh:1Zr:d fem-1m:s~h A ofG~C>d were thus laid up in their feverall times -5 And i; is very memorable that Saint \P;ml,who_ was one ofthem, A and a gre:itTone._A_ that hhelped one the accufation agaiqnft A Saint Steven, fell afterwards into the felfe fame: _a,ccu{2_.ti.. Hon himfelfe, yethozzh ‘c-fthem great eSaim;s and ‘ferva,ng5__ of‘G”c>dl:_-, AI butperhapsa great: clamour there is, that]: wouid have brought inPope1*y, A I fhali anfwe1'thatn1o§¢ ‘fu11ybyandby,~ iinhrhe meaneAtime, youknow what thci \ Pharifees faidagainfc Chrifi himfelf, in" the eleventh of ~ I09”, W¢.l!«’f him #10138, 4/1emmhwillAéele¢~ve onhbiw, Et eve-.e .ni1J_nt Romani, and I/ye Ra;-mme: will come med take away bar}; A am‘ place and the Nation. Here was acat1felefl'e cwry agaimfi Chrift that the Romans would eonze, and fee how juft A the ]:l1.dg€lV'fl€flAC0f‘GQdVVVA35, Athcycruci~fiede@hrifiA for hfea1“cIe:.~Ae{fthe Romans fhould come, and his de;u:h‘.was that ~thacher_¢sught the Rn~ them, God pu- nifhirig them With thath’ which they ;n0fl: A feared : and‘ I A pray God this clamour of «em»: Romami, (of which I have given te my knowledge no jufl caufief) helpe not to A A brirxghim'in -.;,e. for t‘h’ePope ncverhad Afixch ah Harvee in hfinglazid finceche Rcfhrmation, as he hath now upcm the A scétszmddivifions’ that are amemgfi us «._-, ‘in the meance eimeh, 5y bamrttr dwddi/bamuw, A Ah 5): gourd A rcpart dud ~crw'llh re.- A hgzartj an-‘A4 dcceiwerzmd yr mte, aI1f1v%Il”now phafiingoutgof this xvqrld. some particulars alfo Ithimknerarxteiffe cohh fpeake of: amdfirfcthise I {hall be hold to‘; fpea1<%ehQf’hthe King,hhour” e A grac.iC2LIS*A ;SOVer3i_gne;eeHc hath been *mI,1Ch" trad uced by A iéme for, l”abeour1ng~to bringh;i:1"AhPbpery._A, but upon '* my A h C0“? cu) A (:‘0‘nfC§gn“4j;c {»l‘C$fWhTiC_h« I arm nowigoing In givc%%AG0”d a ' ‘pm{E11t ac count) I 1'n. whi «k? that» a1”F¢t3%i6n is built,»é~s4+4!fliv1%1Y%%?5% any 1n;1:nAiI1vEng1i1fld~ A Thcjfcumdpzzrtic::zlaris‘c;;rg5:ex*x1ingwfihi§_w"grcqtizihd pd-* A ” pn~10U>$.Cii*?Yv¢‘W1iC:17 LG‘?:d b1§%a.iTh€.‘7e1‘%3‘1‘ bAAAA¢¢¥1AA—@f 1?’ f3fl’JiOI1»»i3.;’i.1_$-x§.?mwf:l3}p§tO g;1ci1c1‘4h:md§, and ,, gee to,r;h; :1-103;: nourrxbie and g1-ear Court of the Kiz1gd0n1¢,,the Parliam‘ mA‘é’nt,and c1;m;10L1rfor4IL1&ice, as if aha: great and wife (;t,?%u,s;5A _(Vb€.EQ‘r'C»‘VVhO1'fl we r:a_ufi=:s%cc>rn¢;w13i%ch 92?.1JQ:f"!;1‘S‘L-A k§,@wm;o.,;;hc x_I1;a;1y$s, )“’C;(‘)#‘u‘1d§1 ‘£$fQx“ 0 : I101: Adocz’ ?_I,4,1‘;-_ fl;icc,_ b'ur:‘%;1cth::.' a£1d&appoint1n,lr:;i1t;, :1Avvjqy}vhiAcj11 m,a.Y..c:nda1:1‘ger many an inx':oc%entm:.m, and p1m:'1-:¢2inn0- cg;‘g;.A“bIQ_ueC{,‘t1pV(}{l thcfjr mw.rn¢d% Ivqads, anglp-cr11:iipa:,v upon A A this C%ity»%.;=df wh,tch_A§ ad.Afi'>1'~01%d :: a.nd.Lhis hath beam: lzitely pr22.<.‘,‘ciz"d%;A:,*3‘.,r,a.,{nl°r my fc§1f<:?.,V God fIc$rg1.v‘c the fff_!2-.§ A t<*i'I?-19 0Af‘ci1iVs;wi%tl1all my h:<:;irrI %béggc__it,_,_ };>m. Axmzny well? meaningps:r¢:p1A¢~a~1*ecg1:g}1g;;l)yAxc4 : Inw Smiu: Strum; c;1fcw "%v_¢J1:1t‘g,1r;eu+£:}_:):r1,% Slain ifietkrwcza by . till ¢ A fifltci whcAn%n0:hiné:«*Ac‘fi:Ad%W0u*‘t*fi?r$?¢ A‘ A 3. A :;1g_»~.3‘-i;_}fi;hi(AI'l'.,‘,LzA.‘15'l'.;1€6.?Z"1Y1:I;.'§ /-Ierfgwl wx;:-arc ,jL.1{E t;lXcvfEfl:‘1;+.;~§a1;:1:*Lc AV fizirrgd up A t11ie%ApVcQ%pA%i7c?; “ W3yij«~fg;‘r wherzhe hgyifi Aki} $;'!i:41r;fAme%J;A gn0t;;A 7 : 116 13:1 W 71"!0*'~%~2= ;r?i%%AAAA;vcA1.<:, r€??;2;1i¢ its ma P1fii2fe%d¢%%3virim.”i75§r in t1'r®;Iaa of the ¢M. V ma ta? * ‘IfIm£;, forg:21e1"c:-1s‘“ia.g;tir11c bcfl; Emown to A A 4 A A wphr. 11 ,A -4' 9- .-..;: l’ (12) When lan1o11g.llothér finneslll makes lmjizlifition f'ot”“ _ l;3lou.d; and Wlmnl Inlqiiifition is (ml Foogthe lPfalmift f tells us“, I’flx1me9.’tharGodrcmcmbersg thacis notlallg ll ' A tév4a.’Godrememéers andfifgqfxl “mt 7(;fai*£h ‘th::ll—lPf0phct 112.: camjolaint 0ft}.7£}>007‘6‘; and he tells you * wzm llpoore “they are inthe ninth verfe; thelpoorexvhsfe blond is{hédVi by ’ {wand ofmeancs we ghsled It lfilfwfififl. thing (l~ar=an M9 fall izfitaiwel" kdzszalg elf ‘we “t2¢r;"n 7' A GDZJ5 T in thc 12. of the Hebrew: :but it is ffi&i‘€fLll«l indéel and itlhencfpccially, whcnhe is making lhis InquifitionA,fpr A blond; a’:1dl"’”tlherefé)rel l with L rny prayers toaveft ghc lPro-- lphefic fmm~ the Ci:y*,«% let me defi1*elll that this lC“i’ty;;:? would remember the Prophcfielll that ‘ ‘is »e:;:prc1Tecl:l, A lax? A =°4Tl1c thirl lpatticxzlar ,‘is:thiS Jp0o1*e_Cl1urch cit‘ Englan~d,§*’ A A tliat hatllfiflduriflield~afild been lafhcltér id“ déhér’ l::fi{elThl*)o4i’1%~”§'§' ring Churches,l.When Pcormes hav::ed1'liv¢ml1.zp0n them’; 5_ l‘3L1i”a1aflé,‘n0w“it5iS'inlafiknrmtélit felfc, and .“:,.l7OdknQWCS;NN whether, or how 11:» fhzill get out gandiwhlich is} ‘wm*fé»t‘ then aflrorme frpm without, it is become lglikerll anl1ll"’Ol;1ik&7f iclefttlc 9fl11ver~s with wedges lmzzde out lol, N15 own: bedy”, an d tl‘1é::‘“in every Cleft, inAA the pm» fence of Almighty and all ihis he»1yAand%% »b1?eflE‘:d: VA%nAg§:1s,8z‘I4 take it n0W<0n* my dez1th,.'l7.‘h:;1t I“'neve1~L%er1;.. A A deavcgured the fubvexfion of the Lawsof theV.:R-ea1meA,4 A Tnor A11ever:any-Achzmge of the Protefiant Reiigion into A P.0pifhfiipe1'fl2ii:i0n:;MandI7 défire you t0Are1nembe:~ A this Protefi A4 of rnmei, for my Axnnocenecy in, ._1:h-cfe ‘ahd;- ‘ , . . froln all 1n£mf1er.c§f‘T1‘eaf€)ns Whzitf0ever..A.’ : _ A II1z1ve%b‘eene :1ccufed“1Aik*efy1riTe‘as an €nemyAvtO.Paf1ii1- % Wments,no,,GodV.*forbid;,IAVtmdexfixaodth¢m,and thebenee-~ ~ fitsth:mcomesVby41:hem:.y%=1 gI€f8t~&dA€a1¥f:?t00 welftojbe fo, 1%" but Idid indeed dif.1ike fome”h1ifgovefmments(as I cone- ‘ A A %ceiv"’ed)fl?of:fom€ few one or two Par1i:'aments5- and didi concave humblythaar I4migfit“haveAAr€af0nféritafor¢or--- M ,r:q>tio optziwi qfi.pefiE>;za,».-AWLW y'1?herebA§sAno<:err;:g1*;ti9n in the A world fo badaé that whxch 1s ofthg befi: thxifxg» In it fe1fe,. f"iorA the‘ better the thing is 4Iiati1r¢a%: the; %W.<..:>rfe it is lC0rru_Pt¢d‘4s; a‘nd%t1iis %,.b<3;if1”A t1iIé’%¢11“ig»1i¢f*&2*AI1dA‘%Ewafefit Court.-.. 0v€1‘” Whiifhx1o »0?h€«V"C3¥1=»h‘¥V¢ Van§fLiurif[di&ioin in theliirigdornegi” Lzmys %¢cwhich I a:u:s:;§§1[%;5g=qd*efire. to bei $83 % £3 sr» > fo4rbid)ihow:;Ic3:ai:i}f WéweéAfa11upon%§ta.;AAthc V A Subjefisdfwthis I§iI:gdpr;:¢A‘a;-e.‘%”l‘¢ffc AWithout=§a1Ij‘m:1f1f1er~~V ‘ pf remediie 3.. PLI;¢f¢¥¥*¢Tif1ierh:? anél ~~ A mifl-conceit ,, ; Vmu&:h’ ‘¢1efTé", f”‘.1,fii:1'4-4 bifermidgnt ’ - A them- %I %not»vin1arg?eTe1 dom,AI~£orveA~a11% %wqr1%d9i.;a1IA;AA find A _v “ 4 oygiverx . ;;_anc1* .then4 V V” ~whe1;her4I HRYC 0fi‘¢nded"him 9:; no, if: d A concrexve that‘IA haves Lord, doe thou f'or-—- I j '7- 06 V’ A . ~ ~ . gi'vé me, and I ‘beg forgtvgnefle <30.‘ him, and f:>Ihea1=- A %.defi;~e you to joyne 1nP1*ayer. z 4 A 'r;,eB;moPorcan:erém*e: firfltpmyer %0nt11e5Caf*‘01d~ zcémnaitaficen arm mmgsuza mm,‘ cues anti minute of autnv mercies mam Qumtune, but not%t tI!~tl1nu%nat’c narttenmy fins to"t1)ze£to£fmf«Et)zit1 ; ifizupon am,‘ but not till tljfluljafibfltbm I113 mtbe D1031! —\ %utmI D A ebibnwfelfe A m €92 ft of x tt3eVomfns of «CD213, at *fo%t1)e ptmir-“« men: that % is we to nwfiunes may mic ‘-4 3; 3? %p1eatien tom me: cu: tiJeuttermni1, %iJnm=== my %i9B[W£f)Afl)W QWE me «II0111fi!1fl)i§Bl?Bat % inautfiu1i13ut1:VeW; xqz%opnz$tonabIz% coma fnL;§;a; Vaatc%,,mny@tu nmfqzmine honour ft the 1:: tngfilgapvmefie, mm tum matches tbmtmtoL):¢mb.tcb fprzg mamas ofmnz tn pgzrmiaxmus Amm my »M::;:@eaizto theta ( fam ¢ amcananc?“be~it fiifiken ,2V:i§ 8411 the {in i1tw»£nwI1te¢b:.nb 11 tact: 11:5 tbffi inane tmmnznpon meimmrcpm the %:ann.goz annfiumt1ou%act W: % VA<:65% A :%%%:s2s: wa:z%az*:m im %13iJ&c?'o:‘ « my m%¢fi):’5‘ 7§€’7WE'EiX3l&?I3:f of mm as wife A mt? “ fimtw %am:nany; , a‘3.:§@: gma€,¢ ¥£.:u2‘mpa1t*U~n1u%t§3tu1 311;, am ?;*%}&%?m‘pecmifivmmtioem: may b‘m13~z’ct;) m.%:a3 ‘izgamazze mnsnz%tms mcfrmt tmgmz % mmt aagmme mm nmen gamz ma gmm 2zz42%i1ren=gt%§jto%mzm n me?*ifimiti) my aM9;?kii3hzflLé1t%t;1jy onvtwevgfi;‘mmcattp ~ gm tbgmgtj ma;ti);~ that? .n:ap$1mm~Aj:%up»; ma Vitin mxaatnifagc I0Bi3*Btit4 maiiapgeate A w me,%*attn%ttjat tneremay h~eaV”finp% tibia A 9mm%v7mIH+ 3fiflJa11DB5rBtmt% 1nwam:;av¢; fmv%t&}wsme *as“elias az“mp%%fcIfe am, bzfezctj tljw giimbigtaceof%mg; mmanw._ mb1wI;,€AtL:f" sail. wants that game a tbilifiifig Etatm ttjei1i% netiis fa, am! fntbo’fiib1c% wards “-1 ‘?1Y'P3P~¢iT§ ml ya Phré+f¢%% ' I%4did;thinke~jh,e1*e %oi11c1h;1vf€be€rne,A an e1n‘pty:S§c:af. AA " fgld, might *havc-it had -mama «to 4die.3 befeizch mvoubfergwd end fiie out» 4ther1 IfaI111 4 J ” munbe a foundation for that deisre, as A 4 zthoxigh, . 319mg, V M A 7ming%mrth§e*;E Vfibii“éig he ‘gév3é»hkfl~*x%‘ y;,,._ A A g *1 4 haveanenafivfthis m11% %¢m%*brA 1% 4%havmr~ " A‘ ” ‘ WhénAAro01nemfidghheifpakethufs : A 11:: A = be 7am%;”%Vwi11ing‘ !?9;§0‘3.“? 05:%*th9iVW0¥1d 5:? "1}C’L%1T13"11 C311 13¢ 6 W111-mg Y0 A% ' ;g tobcagone. ‘A ¢ Sirjolm clotbwwfb ; What fpecia11‘Text scrap"; We now iscoinfort=Ie; let man%in hiS”‘i:1¢P€u?tu.r€ ?‘ ‘. '5"! ‘ ‘%«~.‘.§~‘-' «in» “ M‘-‘ ma - ' 1.‘ . afiin-W¢§é* icanfi. bjo man par; exgrefle It, 1,1: 15,, to. ‘b€6>.#_fo11md’ amt; ~ That %, . H. H .‘;.«L I gv ‘V , ‘ ~ I“ ‘ 1 3;‘; ‘W w - “W, ‘* r""M“ " “if ' " d 3 Of ems ‘ J. 2;- :3 ‘* “:"I '5 emmercy. % »> ‘,7 A A ‘ The eréhofiéflfiiéidai‘ ?G6&‘?érg3fi?éd%~%heé$ TheExecutic)ner defifiti AA himpto g.'ivefi31r1 e fight: , % A ‘When he {hou1dA Mike, he an werd : Yes, A I will: .but:1et V ,« Vxnefit my fem‘: firfl. V V 4 A %, Then kneeligg down on his knees, he prayed thus‘: V 4 The Bifhep Cwnteréuries Iafiprayer v 0 nthcS(‘'.. @233, 3 amcnmmmg as fart as $2 can, 3] know 3] mull; [latte tijzougtja mztganom qftueatb Wfoze 3; can’ come to Em thee, hut=1ti5|Jutu’mbra mortis, 3 Vmwte“ fljammo of neat!) arlzttle taa,tkm1Ieupot_t:. namt:e,-but than by tbvnyemtz *aubpafi:s~ on ba£t"b20ke,tb2ougrb tnezamm of math; to ¥Lozu tecmbe mp ifoule, arm [jam tnercm Idfl‘ F ‘incl upon me; arm” bietfwtbis ‘mt-tnamenraiti, , peace am: mztbplentap; arm lhttt)b2mtbetr‘iJ‘g»= no w }‘tbi5 e&ufion- of «IE lfillian hlmn atnongtt; V M them, fo;»:f§Mu5k%(:b%;1£*ts fakz,%if;it%hz: tmo H A An.dwhen hefai.d,,$Lmfd receive fsmle (which A213 :~ Vhi.s~fignAe%)_the ExecuticJner"c1~id his 0 Que; A A A ~ lobe am: charity , that ttww may _ % ,M ' Q; . 4. E1 NI 5.1 1 -my . 4» ‘ *--no » ‘- .. a " " W.’