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,. In
‘- ®Rdercd 6y the «Lord: Afiemblcd in Par iamx: 1, ‘I‘Im ‘theft
‘ Articles and Impeachment , 6: forthwith Printed ad V 1
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Maintenance oftheirfl ccufition,againfl : %
Eff 4 W1 LLI A M LAuB Jrchbifhop of Canterbury,
whereby he flands charged with high Tr¢afon.
4 L S
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Further Articles of Impeachment by
‘ the Commons in Parliament, againfi thcfaid V
Anchbifhop of Ca‘ntcrbury,of high Trcafon,
and divers high Crimes mi&:1CIn€:aD,0tS.
Die Mercurii, :7 ]an,16 3.
. pa-blfied,
Jan. 9. Printed for John Wright, in the OId—baiIey. I 64.3 .
6"" .,_'T',. ‘ _-. 4,4.
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Iohn Brown C1cr.Parliamefitor. A
awaamamwwgsaue ?
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'4‘ Q
aiiiamctzrs, in‘ma4r;m§Enz¢€::¢5.}th¢.A¢6.!1fatm aga1nf’C .»
‘ 5:; &:I¢i’ii?!i4ai:飻4u;! At£ihbi£hO§,0£C1fltfl5Bry,’ whereby he
T, rm ' '
'£%‘¢1;fa;t1; maaxtersuagz enneabsutelt ta fab:
‘ ‘mega ‘ ; % an 1Lams,am;n finmmmcnt
' E3; ’??9?'~°§'-5953194.» “"73” 3935 ‘W3’
1 $1} ‘ ~.«.3E¢.‘i*.“’ %??”"”.“‘a“
miplgehly a‘:t?J;5¢E§_iter.iI§1’31i°:§_3§% I52?) 1} £23 3 #51952: that he mwsiat
a.t!9tg,on,on-.e1a@§l¥@¢ t :1
‘ '1‘ I‘
‘ _ ‘V
« G‘
fig‘ ma1i¢?»r0f big filb-:4
q%§§.“!?~»%.¢'%$1‘??13'P ,
flétfixmwhmtrflam 3 1L ma W n?9!Ww3W‘
1133191‘ ment+.1;i-ftbfitbtfi ‘manta;
ahbpttnfitw I?3D&1iti€%13 W858 %;ermm1s 33”“ OW’!
IL anD1mhltfl;zDai?!3”°*3! tw
2 x
;m;:b;’fozce%n£cbe; ‘ am we
%?3’g%’3i.?’agneue;ga5?a, fa:a$% ‘ix aware ant unliuszrea MW.”
a$7éttl§ei9én§1ifl£L3ii%b of W €'@aiWt:9 fianbfiw $5
A‘ inena“n~i:.nAefexmen,n’a;t anew in the mug we at
mt“§Pmaan%‘dtb¢a$aiflocas Mane arm aim? the mm» M ii‘:
. at ’ *4“ ‘
W"§,»,§r,_a;1; bp1.attet3,~£3@£flag€8.”ED1£&t3, mami€es,ann ass
b' ” p3f~_T‘14fi3‘f&l‘fl'BanE ymticifinz opttximzs.
'g‘§“3"' “arm owe: gamma of filzaitf.‘
fi¢&satbet.bmawa§ W.
- %¢,m;;,;gp{ann;pgvt$;e ’e,.n.;{ém b at 0t1)8tt€II1£i3:bP the titsanes
‘i am, at gabéafint’ '€B*‘t:3i‘ntettmfi am! xwjcfiertwecoutfc
gffiiegfiick? %inb1)i"s %a;'iz£ti£s“ «isms at W eamnnficis at? 951123:
V < H _ L; _ 1 ..!',<"
.4,’ f’ ..o 1 V ' ' '~ ‘ ‘ _
9 _\ \ - . _u_ , . ' . >
.. Q \ ‘r . -. I p A .- V ‘A
1. ‘I’ ' ‘V ' .... ‘ ‘ ’
'. I. ‘ ’- .. ,.
¢.§,1;fi‘g§ceat§z:‘;¢feesn;3.fpisfiutet. arm pgsmstet of mg pubs ,
” 3%umbi:b.memuin¢;w1ons;.:naIr9 martefifism
tmrzwtotbsrfilj mttmme % ‘
; rtvswvfmfi £9“ % J , .
that iau; mtg, arm Igcpgzsbztg flf_fl3;£jl?t,1Im§l1ll fights 3 ant tubs
fyectebta 1,;'g@; ypanntca1llmxll,to that uttet tum: E! Bffimttinn.
_:;‘%m of tififi £in§Wm; %
‘ ‘fixxbieafi ‘bane novt*tn¢%
xmuar tbeFaiD3irtbbiwnp.9at1Jfi¢~¥3$tetnM°? aag. mvum:
tp folfiiuflice to time rm? aaufaz h2penbtn‘2g}h£faze
him, Bvcomutof1)i§*‘@tc!'efiaEtical! imtifbittinn, as fitcbbér.
A am, ®igb%¢~o:m%nii£imx:et, 11%efatee%o2utmrmJtfe,anIs b‘a*ct)"ta1sen % %
umamfulifiiftganb mines at 3.)I'=S“i%aff2lT;i€5”'3ltbIf;€£¥§ , arm
W«"0éi,fi3d.fi‘ifl99~fi3 ’i3’U§‘-.9???1J.ax .8,¥%33E8b9l3V§D 99. WSZNW 313383
tjmrttz sf imam, hpanmtnug b1s‘9W}fi??to feflfiisws 111:»
mantra fem? F$»%i:efi,~anjo pzjatirrtng tfit’ E aieaaf ttyem cm:
zmm mt mm23% amt £>tatat2;sj11,ci;a:%%ia.eualfea L L
was 1aatWnss¢@éw:tavca1%f%eziAaamow %nfi¢*. ‘ . ‘ ‘he
eomaéqttia am: 9trbte%n;af:n:nm@%%$?atmn$ ta b%e.;,% .
sn,m:fi;nnt !a‘éo"f:;tii‘matrant%mzh‘au£b6:fii’é%*I*%ti;$weba!E%;
B ‘
'_ % % a‘¥UJfl3£'-L‘?TV
tan a tbi$%£%€almz;tott1£'flg?5z~fif 3 «ta:
the mflvziete anv ofthwtfifzwsa F? m%s;n:m’m so
fenmoamfiflhwgetoug €D11f£@tEtI€£‘,fl*tfl=‘th£‘"i' “
(if a bait. liamf l!;flaii’fl%fl:iEftfl311:¢ziRsus pom: iabtmieife,
._ ,
!Ii§5ucce’5.0&-5 s1:mn9~a£%&za1;éc‘q*5mtan$‘, b2*the‘m*aiéeot
fails mama», memfutcepcfiwafixy fi2i§§£_’B'i!1;3C§).€”‘i‘§I5t£-‘¢?BI?Y)0¢-’-
*tatz’an, mmm m2cn::fiImfi;&E€nss==e;t1fi%jBeb;zsi5ej, masts hé % 2
3”“-"W‘J“3‘719?‘ W5?‘ uh$suh2n%rs ’?P%?1~*539; §§3“3i5
t11eteafi.a§wi@, mmw ?aswm*$ateB MB mg¢:m:¢2m
¢.snmcatzan%avs*;t‘ac;p.rmgi2,¢3%ta i;ambeeme,*at1iII
3Wi?J&fbncaunma%:awznmvmu:ea 3 its afifitte
the WWW W9 €,?=‘233*W%t WW? W1: Lu ii.?
¢;@;.na:v{§, w%%*j§;;>ne“:n§.§_
be tukenJbp ail we ctiefggx annm=any%ef‘~£%32;‘;Jaait*za:e£
mas batb%‘6I:;taz'm.2:zfiy a1’£:z:*:?.2h»t:u iginéieafzg :1 £539.11! ; a :m:
% % ?®’P3a:1;.:=
avmnicatr bamzgshgsh rm ¢c_r:i mafiicufii mm "mesmmalifltaiw
revs. o1sewi§%a;emz3 fiwmwfimtbts ifiealme of England;
as:i_'in:.oc1get niaces,tn*tbe btfiemfon of the mama: . Dayan:
~ aucjoivbifi flfiaiefiy, gasm hemgannn pf ;17isTfupzeame%at1)a;¢c1i
macexeaaauau matters.
asm the ram azematuaop ciamzeme mugs mclzfiauicau
3ltt1¢ifnir't.iog1,a,§,in£i@enttot;is c;‘Epzfw1Jall ann fitcbiswitvcos‘
paii gemce tn tins; mttgtmme, mm Botiliimp we fame-to be me
ti&vgh£a:aa2It.bem;o1nne afifingland, mbtcb D8 ’5}3,t11).6££93Bil%fl2
ezertireh ta high matempt of 11:3 aaoyall Qaeuefivaann to
’ hfiflzwction of name cf the fiiugfi A ‘tbiegesmmale , in tmit
was an?) cmateg.» M‘ V
, 7. hat?) ‘fligaixemazflyanheabegtteh (9 am: am: mu:
txeat a5%an;ztme%%1Ii2!:gwAn , by ‘man: eftabumn {M1115 ifiealmc 5
sum initeiaia ti)-treat ts: [at up 122919;; tuperitytiotg am) Ennlatt-p:
fights mam-m, 1;.;at‘s%nec1ar;zn ants ngamtamen mfpeeches any
gginteb Jfiaakw-.. h.=.‘be%e:5 ififfilifi hnttrxnes anB%optmans,mtma§
tptiatlyz amazes af mzagnm cfiabicfiaeia. Ia'ei_1atbu1:i3eb am:
iniaxtasm miss;-w.wz;3s£&«:xnh 1‘ upetitéttoufi Eeremonizfi mitbout
egg» mazxant afflgain , mm igati) c-.;r;eiiy,@vezrzcutz.nAt;ta9re';m1;o
m;neJ:o%9;nfeB£1;e;f¢gm1£,}by cogpzsfiall pztndbxnent ;anD*1mpnfg+g§
sum, am: mas hgamh at }Et§ who rcfufehfto canfinmte
ftgmzm aw ®¢c12fig£t:eal§c2;’enh:a'$s sf cffircnmmnmcationgfl
§%t1t;1fb ?r§§§311,?t32!%3€tfifl;& %ers:gatt-an, c::mrawtovtl;e
3 . 1 2:29..
, 33. ?'m31;at% *c1,~2*t%,§)$.“x:ama%x' amiantiugnf his? fieaiteratgs puspores
vt2pmz%n :2 3 :2 2. *3: an % ~ % e 21:”
gteat fl>§sea:s,an‘e umn the 1:s'g1;t% sf agbet Yiisgfiaitltizs Subs:
;’;~ct3.mi;2rh;> 1)e=?3i.i1m::a%c11ts2tu bimfeif the tmmmatéon of tummy
$;w_§‘.r1§:3.Jt:2 ®;5c€.a{ia1?gi:aEimgnitaez’, iibgnmatinnfig mm mane-.~.;
- fi£££;,h2ifi«11'gt€?g :9 ‘mg wayeftvg , anfigmmss of we Lfiobtltty,
mas?» fiqfigztz, ant ijazntaaen 1:993 him the cammermattow
at Eiyapiazrrmm we mug, ‘is? m’g:cri;meanes he 1;atimefetten":
f;G‘11L-S£i§fl§2fi'i£3 fethiaes am to 01:19:: great mwmotions in tbfif
1 E3, 3; ®;l;t1t:cl3‘s.
% m2wbinv%anxm12%men.a; ntt:mnere;un¢
man auDt9z¥uFt»1?9$b19P<3“?BT€ anbwttstwtso i
gggggaazuacnrogcage ramzfleatrevotmnza i1J‘ic,m'J'=int¢nt, char-:
Sam? ;§11*3t02eB.£1zc§J mzfi ta be 613:5 %€ba%pLa¢:';nz3 ,%mb:m1 be kmm~
ch tie nctugimtiiv Uzi‘ afisttcafl to 15%: rzfozzazen % gmttzly
V I 3 ’?3.B$9:I1B1,‘,3{i3.i{b” T%195‘~'mW3“ ~ W13 @mn2a:u;s MD unffltmfi
9£3,53U.iUjef‘?3D§?1fl»°m32mZ‘ 133%?‘ if 8» W tetwm ézzfamlwff Wm» 5?
t1aht,!1.;con1::3t,tt;w§’t)£ M68-9%-iég of m2ma‘z mm tiqzittteb‘, by
my.w11.m£,asxes;§,%a:navs faife a¢2ID,<*%£%pz;::£ti$i2"m:3 muawvnamr
Bem1;e5pi:Lb;!t(bt?I§, tatiuz §«§‘:£fii’€AcanDi1*f\? =.%3.e£J%i;§ia3zs,%:an;b the Is:
nyt,gtn;gpf%;z:;,an§.: 12:13:’s%93a§2aiz2‘~%u:t=isats. %
x 5. at Bath %:a:;t2raa%f1’:? am: :3:£s%r.*eB3?y’euI:2a‘aaurzhcte rec
g£3;%aJ:c_i) 2:4.‘ Ezwjgmrada pi): ;t"1“t;:1%.:€€3 9% Rama, mm
Wgq¢gl;g.efia§:;n%g:gs:;2:eof,Abaw cqnfoztea arm czmfebétagtehjmitb
1 the ram flrcbsfiiflysp mm sum as 2: ‘Q
t1m»t0tb2~%watba§&tD nfw 919i%%f‘“%f‘§§9f?W?1”” $'*‘“*"'
*~;.'., - ,
2.%$ieEbIatt13 .s¢ta%te:az:fl2wBW3*W9 ‘Wm Wfi*~‘*fI%a%~“3*?I@.
hm we E but¢’»mf%% E9%'?‘?‘i W “W fii€f0@‘*?%&%
¢.iattfrc.b‘t’i42i;annAtotnat*e:mfiatfia fzwmefi 3% *%fi’Jt33%%T€B,%tfie%92%=‘ V?
fiilérn ‘@’%im!‘fiuusttes' mbéw i>%"a=%9”?9“?"??;‘9:‘3‘
%f5a. 9?¥%Ififi£t%35 %t&ntwa€%.?i3? 3‘? 531?‘? 33“ W‘9“'15¥3*¥‘r*—%_A€
cfyfs ta t!1rsk‘::‘z:q;nLu:nzz%, mm nizzm Sift???-§1‘a“€f§%3f:atb-'gtbg£§;;?fi;«“;
his malice aim hifaffiztiiam :3 there c1Zmt‘:fl)%i’»S.sV€~$“a?7fs§;£i§w€1féi;~’«
L nifqninmtbe wapi€t5Lmig?i;t Esahmeze awamae E93 §i;eAci3g:t‘:»*
tmnm arm % miwafidmriof %boti2.
hmttemaair % up‘ jtékzé am: tnénitgffafiatxnsixc 3l?i$%3aid¥ieB‘ “ ’
kingbmmfi 0£*EngW €mB‘$c0r?2%nd» %%%1?3€ifi%t'WmlrI»‘vi1tf%8%i)8&t=i!?*
l&jbDllt€D”t0 iutjgomzcz €:1i‘t.9t‘%;2 §’£'s"fi*gfia:{t:€ :2§%5c0;r1andsDinetfe-?
ii1nobation5b:mi),in iarzltginn ants %’e5z2>‘.;:~2e:n:_a1;ars~;t.+*afl= agtwgawfa
mt ;te‘nDfiI§£¢ ta‘ iBweey._«an§ %u1321:%Ei£iGt';,§u, t1;iee3:"'en&sgxz"w.>
mace finjn*bifcoi1tent%ef £933 %§ziz:1t%ez%:zbyzc,t*$:nf‘ ti3at¥fiw:u‘i‘»
‘ :3..i3€i)atbma1i¢i::uw§fai1‘a;mafiéwflfi? tfisttw ati§itziz;z%%é' %
tigms anlghxfnz tbei2:*tefufing%‘totubn1%it_ :temc%;m:12»§;artohs,i}e?5: %
% hm maxtztoufly a’~s53tfe1>9t3'%9aie%22ta€1ab'fi::e§i)ezh%bp'§gg¢¢~;;
of *;3?t‘!%‘%l»€‘Lj$'”,:-jfl‘t}B;1?f}’13l'i5§%13??.IJitfi fiuttjuzziep ;anM;B~n§nt pmttap: :95:
laws bib mauve Eunmfi (if W9 iT5v%§=£f;'t1he5 i%!1Eb1E£f§aRt'iB;£iifl;£§5i
‘ceb;l;ej:%mghTrcaé {
,. . .fo r;,and i3%mca'aazh
fouttI]1j_eat_€B efmz 9iBate£tt2£ retgm ti3::m:a1w3'%z23, a
1 the rain Qrcisbiibop cf ¢aa"i:2t§3ur*g%%tu5 it1t:s:n% f
fiaviiammtvbaiuxs Vilfllfiailehafi Wing at nwiz1fi€r»
tt‘agtetoufi2_fffiB Jmamiouay ‘ cazzfgh we tax; «_-‘3§‘;32;i,fi§:1‘_
Ii*¥‘mt to bzbzffnlzzzmto tum meat tmvoasm s~*zii3z%.s3 as
» J ‘*’;3‘ffB‘i__Il'B5 £ubi2ct5,¢&ab%pze§unice pfitfjia ¢toz;;zznani:22a%:i;:
firm ‘tonne aftevtbc J%nt1Tomtnm ti;st'enz, ;g&hzJm‘92m
j'_ %k abzupafitiotts unnz%1:“%I3i:£ batik, to Gcorfié‘ -\t‘i§;2§f¢ flfgzfic
-%if,~.~.;~rg.;.ighr,a!IP‘3“fi"5t 0 Lu ma? wit arm umzfiarv occas
%£eace§ot§Jt%fi§f1g“g;f},-,,fg of may fail: immitouanent
_. Cite ' ~ ’ N '
t as W %‘~""”“"°"’ ?§f?3?é:§“a%°fi‘§?r§§v2tgméraw
%’mm;?ggufi1aa:c”e§?3?be melts lamb of {CW ¢f%V?§’§'g:
§§?§;%%2f§£3E%’ 3.?::::,b:‘zs gftcctgté
‘h Cor 6‘ . % ' ’ it efaéb I'?}0,H»
w=tv°"t;.!3:e°:2‘:3: gaibvflluttil, mgga
92 W PW“ 3”‘-“m e was a awavpeliupsu we
fail! ¢IW‘°‘""‘ K'!m"'{a¥,g cottyegreatz pzeéutstcepf
tail: patqeti of gram mags” mm mum gm“ fmgg
sazgzzaazzzzz h:::;=;;m aft «;t2g,e;eg,:*;a€2:2
, % % A _ a i A
I:h°fE;s;::;:?t“°;:§*::%:::;:f mg in W
Scout.‘ 011- ” L ‘
, Pleas at naeftminftev, tnbitb
mtmg «noun of Commml
. “gfqE1:ra;‘l'flfl}9
. afmfitfifi 3 yen‘.-Tpzl:
33:; scncmaxzwmutwn tgcgeupou amar W
[ Om)‘ V .
t.§;e,fem, %>i%:%,;ut}.n ¢,m-1u2afl%g:¢:of we raw 2.‘”:rc¥;i>it‘i';‘s«p
couiiz nntizam a:i;2.efi'ec£; there,-.o€,%b1tt 113353 cczuaniztefi
to gmfon bp.»fige* mu @tC%)b$l‘i)DiJ»ai‘3D» 01132135 at my
<'£mz:*xc*eiE imbie,Aum:ii%§;s,12aniubmitteo i}imfw.£’ unto
flag $;a ei:.oI3tf3e ram fiisblc. 1‘o§3IareE317f}A2§n&;tt,;c Dene:
fft of tbe€a‘iD%‘“,=§§*uB gemznt mm wyceczzsicm. I » H '-
6.%4AflE_1;5it mismeaaniberg g2f£g% am. tsiipefitieazs of
bifizrfi inmates of . mam? i‘88re:.fE;¢1?_eft?af5;e1:EaBe #3? B55-
mvg chfititahie azmmall M1339 am gezyfionzté; fozme ‘buys
tag in mi Diners 3‘}‘:tt;:gmJgiai:oa‘é5’:’£s,2 We matnt2zzeV.ncz
%?e§%p;eaéc!;ia'gg shaman: c€_2;fiu':in £2ia2_ra1i®fiu‘:'ci3«7,s,t%je ¢
fazaflrclzmbbop about ezgiytgeares lait gait, ‘mt-1f1£ii*g
arm ma%ic£eiIfl':> cazwen tijemzftl cs; feofiezncnifs, arm
wnbegamzes mane to tijeflfzfi afopzfaib, to we were
t[)g£fimflBEfi_@i3 fiaiefiafea mutt o£ c1E3:ci;zqzz«:%r, cart»
v:va%"a3_)3,-a;‘m~, ag ti;amg5pangerozz;3 to we Qrtjurcb
am; ata;te,,:z2tt-st the fpaczoufi &‘f22£'enc2 ni btwing in
‘fip%2o_n;zatzon5, 1ni;zreb2ti;awie.u:3 109232 mg mp;
me an anatronnen butane, m;.zfiz-%grea~t nzfbmmzv M
finbsanb fa.-'mh%aIIof ifieifgmni. ; % % y % ~
, ,7. 'flL't)ac the rain flagcljhiflaap at, teberaii gzrlmes,
13DE$i3Ufi.ti;z£2 %te1ft%12,e}ete:3;Ia{t p.at1,.,at» \/‘»~'efi*min:£?zer
ant effemigerz Ylittifin. tI)t$7.3BE&i1IlLz, consraw ts tiae
Emma ilmcnfiof t!;t51ann,11afl3 enpeahsamfea 1-mag;
ham $%‘>o1__::mv%anu%up2rftttton m§tIc;t«-n_tB;e malmz
flagging gnu arm puttpofe batig mttsmgly arm
‘mfizitflgipmezb2i),E;arbnureD%ann relteheb bfisers @224
ptmagtefiz ant: 31emét3,uamzwauae;caIIen.sanaa_C13;
1“a,aIi3&B Damport, 8 'fl.3.1tIgIZt%_£!115 1BB1Jf0t'( , sum jfratjcéfa -%
WI fiv~,_:gt,3pm bamng ‘mntten aqaopzu; am fenivsious
1‘:30DBe,mt£€IflED Deusnatura gratis, mimgpn tiyg t:m‘rtg-
“W g17‘i53«3?395“3?‘53U1W§U.DfE“8land, etfablifbea by
Wt Oi 1Parliame%nt» 11J8frB. ;?ti?§1D1:ceb Tana .fca:':Df&h:1.-:v
\ A . ‘ . ” ~
__..._..n-. ___4——n-nr'
m: mm mm avcbbt_fla0pI) , bums qonfm-aces m’ct,;%
W11» WW8 08912085 Wt tnzmng tlaefaw 25903; arm Bibi
we pgohwamamtenance aunt enlzevtaimnent in; one.
%D11nf:efi3t-Gil§s a zaoptib Ifizfett at ox'ro:d,1:1tomin*g’
mm com a 199p:fl;:19zieIt. L I ~ ‘
@l)atAtI;2«fam Qvchtgiflaop about fotitfi Wgtg 133 pm
at.V‘v’e{in1in{’:er afozziam-5 rain, that time. mutt 232 a
mom gibazrpo the atuto be therein am a mu centriiaeb; we teaogf: A
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