. 1? {er P1‘intLed fléert Bar rir1te1* to )6 is Excc11en%t,.Ma nesoF4 Min V the Kings; mofi and by ~tl iems. lg n . I 4; 2; M Mamfié the L0 R. D 3 of the uppeafi Houiég ugoa the dclivery of (ha A flrticlcs of the Qommons aifem-;; Mad 5;: Earlimcm, againfe WILL IA My LAQQD; mchbifhop of Qantctbuty, in mainm§ nancc ofthcir Acculatian, whcmeby ha 4 flcands charged mf High Trsaiom. _xoa£rHzx I Sflatk 9 mm @0916 0f thg M Afimvrlcmnsm 11544‘ .4 :1 _ V ..,..‘_‘A '_ ; , . 1.‘ .___ ‘W . ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘..'.v,'}§ .~ ,'“".:7‘."T". " V 7 ~<~ ‘ “ ." H 3.1 ' : , 4 *3 ' C “ ' “ '_ “ V. " j , 't">;K’ «. ' u‘ ‘ ‘ “"' ““" ; g .- .‘ . .. . J " . W‘. ‘ M.‘ ‘ _.»,“.‘\,*Q\ -V ‘ V ‘ W . I . ‘J H ‘ _ W“ aeaéaggaifizaiasgé mm &Tfléé?'1?x.i36F?4@.T.:;; fi'%w Q wm”%&m~ ~fi,w 723% 4:’ 513.‘? *'I’«'® '?!*aEB\?;§ . _ 3 .= ‘ . _ T ‘ J». as ' - .‘.a ' ,3‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . R 1? 1 L E 3» the Co M=~‘MwO N s%~aH‘embl¢d«%V in Parliament againfl: 1: M L.d’U @% Arcfiblflaop. C AN T~E RBVR‘&“,. _i maintcnancc%of' their;Accu{ation, V i whereby he fiands Charged with A A H I~ o{H V ‘TAR E A *3 0 N. 0 TOGETHER" u a truetopy @FtheSpeech ;gg«;_{gg¢1axa;ion f I O H N P 3:71»! 2:1,. % fl ' E{quirc,upon thc iamc... A .251}. Lordy, A VMVT” commandcd44' by the; . Knights, Citizcns, W and Bulb .5, ’ gcflésnow affimblcd for me A Qammonsin Parliamcnt‘; to- ‘dclivcr to your L‘ord1hips= TTTT W31”; Aggiglgg, in%’mair;§5gizjanc¢ of their V W % as .cbar.ze% {M V - 65423437;»ainrE%A:tha.Arc hbiihop of Cwzcrézxm‘ ;%gmcccéipgsw“% 4 ry. AV T’hé dcfi%rc is? that%4fl”rfi?youwrigordihips. would be pieafed as imam she Articles read; and aE:cnI;fl2a1l;mdeavgurto pz*c{.:-‘n“t"' to tint fimfc of thc,*Comrno:3s, mnccrning rim nazutg ofshc Qfiéfggg and me orgrdmfiaf aim: . as?’ ~ '*'~*‘"-‘!-*w----'.*v.«.-r:'r+v.««.-- ' f . . . . 3, ‘ M [T ‘ ‘ 4- ~_ ' *, ‘a “ M‘ ._ “ M . "M ‘Mr mm“ .1“; 1' " W ‘ '.e ‘H! ;.,a.- ‘ '“ -- v mg _ _ ‘ ..y. M . - M I * --, ‘ < . “ '7 ‘\ :.‘....1z " gm, v—-w-V.-,3’ "' 1% ' J: The: O M M0 N3 afT<‘:*m‘a3Ié:C} 11“ % FA R LIA ME N 'r,_1=n maintenance of their Accu£%stionaga%inf’t A Atchbifhopiofl Gainterbuty ; L ¢ A ’ Vvherebyhec fiands chagigfid with high Treafon.A 4 WILLIAM LAVD, 3 :. 4} A Hm he: Ah aid} 735*’--1/u')'»" V'f:;r" ' m . Iy endeavoured to rub- " vcrt the fun;diimenta1IV . mctoftis Kingdom: sf England , i;1fi.¢a§ rhercof F0 fintroéucc an (%*~’%~~)T %i:Ar@bitr.éz:y And: tiranniTcaIIGovcrfim‘ent % agAé%n£’c; [fawcA 5 jV¢ar15td%that¢’n¢d;(»ha&La — Ewe.Amighmr%;his%ownb ~W.i,T§§%, mud pI%lca§{z3te,[_wLc4avEc, and take many of his ,5 ubje<":‘x.s a‘ without their Lcompent in Pafliaméent .; and this he aitfimed was Jwaxxantablc by the % A :L=aW:é;'.‘:fG0d. % % " % ~ % irrgl-o _. . Hsw ‘hatli% fmtatlie befits: accomm» AA p§iFn%m~ent '<‘§§f'x_th :95 his z.%rgiter%oViI3%d <36-‘r fignefi-advifed,and in-o*cu‘rcd“fexm“ons, andoshcr %di{c:91m-fé”s«:to'.b£e preached , pringcdgg and pubiifiae , ~i=nwhich- the authogigy e3fPar1ianze:;-tajaind theforce? “ o§"%§heLaf§?¢s Qfihi s Ki=ngddoxme,A, hifmvc V 553“; d;€§1§¢d5 3f?£,,d;,35D {Olutc d ~~ i?}%o2=;tct.%%ov;fet% thc gcrfcmfi“ gévhél c«4yfi#atcs of big 1‘{.2”a;§c~flies%;fub:j€€ts maintaincfl, a_fld‘» defepdcdi, %%vdi¢Fs azéxafig aw mwiy in s:l§w Ki?-fig; 'him{e§f7cfg and other Bifhag s,aga.inf% aim %:n,i§gi@u5 agimionsg Lame at find Ease hath beam a gram 91*, févmxrer , and 4gmmem gt tiwgublifilers of {Lash fafifbg and Ear? I-I“Iwq ‘VHG1 héttgh by Lemma; Meflfigesg Threatsaamd Pmmi{és,and by divers ma aim waias to Fudgcsfiaz other Minificrss mfiufiiccfi inmruptmfi and perverted, and at washer: times by tmanzcs agfam Md, haghinécavoumd toinmrruymnd xv¢mttha%%%¢0u§fe. of Iiuflicc in his Maw gs fi’tie:siC<'mtts as; M fi%min»er,% and mm’ V rim mum ; té mhaefuhavctfion minim Lawes af. t‘h.§5’.m Kingdaome-¢,4 whcmby fundryofhias Majefiics Siubjcs have \ been; fioptin their juflt fuits, depxiveai "VF. mun“ _, Q5 thcim.lawfu1lright$,and fubjaficé m Ewuaim 0"‘ ‘ ‘ 3% <6} Bis timNnnica%I1s=s7ill,}to their mirw Q" mL§i1§ §1efiruc‘?cion-. ‘ W That’ "time {aid VA4rch.bifljo9 ha-«shy traiiemufly , and cormpxlyfold lufiicc. H to tkofe, m»"ho have had caufes depena-V V whet Coufts of %I%u£’rice,,‘ L ding before him, dbycolour of his Ecc1e§ia£°cicail* Itairiléifiion ,% as Arch-g V biflicépfi-iigh Comaaiflioner, Refibree, % or ozhexvvife, and hathLtaken unlaw-yf fullguifts , andbribcs of hisMaje£’tics « Iubjefis, A ( ane1=‘bath as %m;%1ch asin him fj:;1i¢:?s fiendcavdmutéél7*tQ .‘(§fitr‘i1Pt the “o- advifing,and procuring hi%s_Majc fly»to fell Vp1a cfcs%>0f % %I~udicaturc, anAd%otherLe%fl5ces ,.:coi1traty -‘ V - -- . v V f ‘ - I‘; ‘ _ , . _.., .« ‘___ u . ‘V . _ ,,,_ . V,» ‘ - _ ‘ , . - vv , . ‘ , , \ I , a _ _ . . . . . . ‘ “ _" _ A “a \. UL ' . _ V 3 ‘ V ;, -f ,3, '3. W _ u ‘ ‘- ‘ v ¢ _ ‘w W 9*‘ .. ., _ we 1-13 ..-= .a- -’- ' ' -' . ;4 t thc Lav£=c§ angl~ S'”tatute§;in tha,t‘b¢""_ 0--¢~...;.aIJ 3!; % W ’ V; J j ma m§;s¢%mmé‘iy m%;%5§'£¢£ afimzsfim AME Qarmm Am Ema mmmfseafl .sme;i5 ¢ @.%Ea{Eae:d withmzt ansyfawiull Watramvfi aim? mxaimxiay in 33133? Emhaifegin Whisfi gmsrm*n&$a‘ Camus 5 zmrzy axmzstws am \\ mma§lm§d%¢0n€raa'y m Eh? fiiimgs Prfimw % gativey :0 xthe fundatnemail Rama and Scatums softhis Raaimgm thewxigiw wffiarfiiaumm 3 m the §t0Ap::wtyga:« and? matgers mafia imgfimxicfiiiinm and of éagagmajusg cm» E'c@a.s@m*e<;=e: 9 Am? W the mfiiabizihmtzm mi & mm umaswfiiii 9 and pmfmmpauom mm in himmifcgg and hisi 1uq:c¢fl‘m's § many ofiwhigh éfiaaémm 3 W cm pram iffai :€3§fi31é@@, f7&i2d:«;A3.t¢i1iEhiiE:ap;Wcxgsiémv K.€'9.fi£i9s,§.Efly gaflkd in thclméfl Ganfievemmw ‘E:i705:F3,a W§%h@m% étw mnfidxaxatmn mm fiwatfi; N by feasm més. a;*;mz3§m, A a % fimmgé M“ ‘flan; ‘mm %fubfcx.:lbed’by film §’rc1a€e,g;% ' T and C:TVairks~*&*—§1ercAafi’¢mbEe+s§;wh§ch had never: bmamaveteé, and pafled in the C0inv(éCati4a%n , as may 4ou+ght% Vt havfi b=eene.% And the {aid fircdhbifimp bath éonl T trivcd;¢, arzé¢ndeav~ouréd to 3[17ure,»and¢ confirmcthc unlawful}, and~ exorbiw V tam: powcrA, which hemhath ufurpedr and excrcifed over his Majcfiics Subu- jeas , byawxicked andungodly oath. A in oneAofthefaid:'prctendcd flanons ,. A injoyneel when taken by a1lth’e@l*ear.aA ~ , v V1.12; gic ,1 and many =ofMthcJALaicty of this: I’-Iec hath traitcrm'%1flyAafl'uine& Am! himfi.-1feaPapaIi andtirannicial power; % ébéoth =i::Eccl‘efiafi>icall’, and Temporailif ~ ‘.-u-vg—....,,,__,— : , no--bJ ‘_'.‘..._,,... mhm h5'—“-'~‘(~nJ a=r=m%gs=azaaaaiesmssubscas V % A (9) this R£a%m$»0§ Englanth énéin 0.; that places to the % difherifon of the A Crowncs, diihmzout ofhis Majefiy .5 and dm“7og$ation of his 1fup2‘c:1m an... timrity in Ecclcfiafiicall marttam~, Anal A thciaicl Archbifhop cL1aimest~}heKirags Ecclefiafiicali Iurifdifiion ., as'inc:idcnt tovhis Epifcopali , and Atc:hiepii5copa1l office}, in this Kingcl§o4mc, and dacth denied the fame to be derived fmm the €r%owne“Aof England , wrhfch he hath according!y’excrciflecl, to the high cm; tempt cf his roy%a1.lMajcfly, and m the d’e£’cru&ion of aivers of the Kings liege ye-oplc, in their pcxfons , ané» ,Ena;¢s.& ~ 4 - That he h§atht1fait¢:roufl%y indcavoui.‘ x¢acoAa1m, and iubvm Gods true Re-2% ..-n-no ...—....... fivigifiby Alia! efiablxfligfi in thi§R..calm; .5 3 éflé %cm’ if “TL «~ .%am@§~€:@ $5 33? “"W"‘3 % ma: zfiaf EM Maw.“ flaw ma: SUWEEEE éedmd QM m§g;m;,§n@di and 3 fiheggfid} primmd Bamksfizvstg ° ".9 . W. M % W Sgfflwfiefirifififi and aginiom Q@E”&€ff@“‘ ~9P‘ A. ’ 9" 4 ‘ bEi!.h~w» 5? 3:0 ti§eA£M:tac§65 9% Reiggmn fifidai ° & E Lmm He E‘laEhL1E'g§5d>f3fl ‘}“.W“ ’é- and rugmwwu$ mfi xvengw kgmmzm any Vwafmmmga Eemziéuhath cfruaiiy p@:€cm:a:°d Ehflgfi aw’: A A V ~ 3! I‘ A é mam 9 cm“ wE‘so haw Pmw Em and imgigmg-g. 0? mama 1’ afid gnggfséfieficonfoxmathcffiw zharwwm‘ % A “ mo W Ecc1cfia&:¢;a1a%"A$emu_:es¢fEx; awmmunicfitigflg 5MP7wfiW%VA 106%“ % M Wggm-hand‘ Dagmgdaeimn 3% wmrgary mg mg Laws afahialimggdgzma " A g 3 mm Eaidvwing 1 $ E I I J 4 6% his ta*a§:¢rous pxrrpafé and dcfigm; » he dié abufe thfi great power, and tmfi his Majefiie repofedin him , and did intmch-: ugon the piaccs of éivers great otficers 5 and upon the%right of what his Majefliies VSubfc&s, Whctby bee did procure tohimfclfe the nomination of fundry gcrfons A to Ecclefi‘a‘{’1icaII Dig... Anities, P'romotions,and Bcncfices ,4 be»- Inging t0~ his Majcflic, and divers ” ofthc N obility , Clergic %,‘ ‘2ndA~,‘othc;:s 5 and hath takcnupon him thc%comn;1en;.. dation of fihaplaines :6 . the King , by vvhich*meanes hcchath ptcFcr;ted7‘ ma his MAaj€fi-ies fervice, and mwo;..1 %thcrAgtcac promotions ‘id the Church; inch’ A as ~ §iavc7 became: A PDpifl11y‘%¢daf; fe&6& ‘4éthcrwifi:* A unfound and corrurr Wk in doésinca ané man: flfltfi; " W I x ‘ ‘ y ‘ ,, ‘. v A 9‘ ‘ ‘ “‘ ' "‘ ‘ - ‘ ‘ ' 4 §‘;, 3* .1 Q». .; w ‘ P -"V “ \ " ‘ . . “ '. ,2» % Hm h aeth[fo:r ~tE1M“&‘*m¢tra\§reroifi~sV “,7 aandwickcé intcm 3 ch0%f£-in find imw gloycdfuch mm mbe i1is owne¢ Dew A mefiicafi ChapIeincs;whomV he knew ;mb4s_d *n£>torio>ufly drzfafieflcd m the me» V ’ Tfotmcd_Jrc§igiom, grofly addied to ya» pifli fuperfiitiansamd crrm1covus‘and§ a.m;£'oLm;d -bothin V! iudgemamz anfi pmu &if@,and £0.-ahem,L;or {omc aft-hem hath »h¢ committed rim Liccncing of booksa W155 Ptintd bsywbich mamas fiiw :wsA£a1Eca;:Adruwaitiausmha have ihmnckpflwifhcd , «m the gxcat fcandaifi ;af¢Re1igi0n, ané ta the féduciagg af Exfififly jhifi Majgfiiea $aaAbjc:&ag fi§h.a;§133§§aitgggz:fly and wickeéfly §xa;disav9mcd ' -vs»-op.---..,,_.¢ A 1sinLécaw’«b"u%te3 ‘tqig c‘Ex1¢i!V‘é$«; Eh zm wk of ’Englaln jA]wir;h A the A yczmch bf .Rome %; and fox the Veffcawing fiMhc*te?<.ifi aEh@con{omd ,aanid7Vc0infede“$at€fl ~Wif"l1 &iV‘ei's popifin P«wifi‘s”,;a‘ndVA§4é1flsxi”A%:¢s;; 212% ‘hath imp: fem: inteEEiugen:c*e 4wi‘th %’the 1 lP!o§;».e 0f:;RQmen,; and by }Xi§§§.{%§f3v3, 4VAgeh:‘s5‘%anaA11;a£&m:nex::s,6créamciwwfih ' A. ‘fuch, as have mm tlhiénce rebci‘vcfd 4 Vfiieransjhie,v?Ec;:I"afia£t:cé%11 go warn- men: to bee %¥ei>%%ab*‘I§§?(het1% in ,Lthis Kingu d‘ome*, u by an £wh“it1; em§:mforfi1kethcdKingdomc , and incrca--V fedéand cI=acri{hed»Ig;:1orancé ,& and 4 Rxofancife 43m9“%£*;:Fh¢AvPs=°P1° » thfit ro bet" “ thc. better fécilitatc vtlfm = wayco the cfféfiing ;,Of his owns wicked and t1§aitcm[us4%d¢figne , «sf gaming ,,, and ~co;rupting the tgigig? F§°1isi9;%%§§§¢§i3ab1ifi1cd= ”" qr n--.,,.~v-van-. a..,,,.,,,h__g ' ” " '2‘ » - . "r ‘ ‘ " '\ K " . ‘ ‘ 0 -- ~« ~\ é__;;_, W '1 V wwwww H % < :59 @ n; A‘“H?c:Jhath traifcrouflfy’ indcavcixfca ‘ rm caufc Vdivificjn , and difcord ‘baa tmfiixt the ‘fihutch *"’Eng7Iand “ar;d' Sorbet‘ Reformed €hzircAhés”; and? A ‘fdéfi tha::en&hath fupprefi ,*amd abrogatefl‘ the ‘ftfifiledgés and‘ It11xjntunit_icsV I, hévflbeencw”By‘%VThisAAMaje*fi:y;7‘ , arid hisAr:yaH ~Anc§fiors +~gmun:ed»co~% the’ ‘Dutch ,% and French *@hurchcs in this Kmga o;;::¢;; 4an&ijdivers*wfh‘¢f" Waics‘ hwy “%é"i1pxefl'éd his-.%% fnélicéfi Lwanéi’ fiifaffcaioxg: to fhcfé "Churches than the »AT~Vby% Iuch VA¥%difi:£nion , i ¢:he *P%apifis4 might have more aavancag for the """"‘ u-wt ""*-Gaul -4 navctthrsm a9d'§x!irPati99 Qfkerbz ‘ _,,.,....,.h-!II-.-h|~nn~ ?» fl . ‘ ill; AM xiii; ‘ I *9 ‘ . ‘ ‘V V’. «L I X, 1'5 ‘ 0 " w. ,4» - - flu ‘ Xi A 3fi;Hd¢ andificczda ad, an cq that pm hgih mg. imoau min%m,% = aha wfi5'T.T?;« ;°::* A 1;? than+NM.amL M. my «:3 mu ,m, .3“ fim0r%» and §fififl% filbmir :0 3 %isL didV?'év?2i%7a5Wé@13§$»:1‘34é§i%%i’£3z to17%{ub;31‘§Lé ffiéxii xyjrorce of Arms 3 and by his mime A*;3th0rity3 amfi Poww- m contraryta L-awe, did procure {um} Maijcfiics Subfiefis , 3;nd~im AA V J A AA V % f?§§5:d_’ (11% £”m?:écd4%J t1m:§‘flie%r5g§:e'éa fi%'mh§s iaI{Ai%n g&m"mie7.% to coiazribum; < rd:sA rlfm znai.1'n2:m;A. . mam; of:%*£:haec;w§a£xc ,1 and aW%hm1~hisVL Majefi:37r»v' Vf%.*vith%A ‘:VjWi§& nim :L gflpygi I mice had? rm1deA%%%a%;Pasificmgimm Em...‘ mm the twa Kingdomes», t1wIE1id% .:NrcVhbdVifl§0p~'&id*w%& ;gr:€*{xmgmoufly¢44 cm- fi34te%th"aci2f§a:éi?fication, “és; "difhonmrzableit m AhisMajafi:y , and h:1is%counfé.I1sL,A A and: #li§r1d%«;:“mia’éx:s..A,,4 iincen fcd“‘hi+$s~ Ma»-2-1:: agaiatxfi his‘A’ £a‘i&£*$ufij¢.s S?c.os—%V~ la*nd‘7,A that“ bee: did Atheteupfon A-'( >by;,; a~d%vicbcdtvvcene them; and z0Arui.nc”4,a£1fixdcfiréy his Majéfiicgz King7dom:s~; for wixichwwthey doc inn-« . A 4% A3 3%ah1“‘* 9.i1tSov;braivne Lord the Kipg his peach“ him A _ m % ~ R .“IV Crowne andgdignzty. A .vetrecE1atth&{ayd4Wfilligm A,Cg,':biIh-§ opf %Canmbury%, dmjng the cfinlcs thak the ”i:ri'rn"'4cs$ aforcmezmionecl vv5é;’“A‘@ -4%?” 1 S:‘?F§‘?;“.§F§°—.€’s ?33fh%béct2e Thefaid Commons flog Maker 33 pix?) A4 :%fBifl1oi3;¢4orf&rchbifh0p :of.:§his[~Réa1nm ’ A "of England 9 one of -the Kings ¢Com§~ . miflionm for E:cc1efia{%ia:ail\ma£€¢'rsA ; and onaofhivs Ma*jc£fic,sA :m€t Vhamow table Privy’Gaoun£:elL. a:1d~ha£‘%2mskc:%1 % A anOa=.:Ah for his faithful!tdzfchargezw-of the [aid Oificc of C@u:1ccllor,ar2dhat’h‘ 1i~kewife'takcn an oathwof fL1P£f@ma€y', A and Allnegcfian cc; 4 T Andthe {aid CommansAAby}pmtcfia-s“ . tion % faving to thcmfelves "thc-Iiv‘bc1rty* of exhibiting at anytime hereafter,» any other Aeculation or I mpcadchmen; againfl ehe{aidArchbi{&_1op, and~*al{'o" " of %replying to the Anfwcrs g that the A fajd Atchbifhopfhall rmkc unto the‘ "fiid Articles, orto a"ny~oFth§=m , and; of‘oE'cring fuzthcrdproofe alfa Hf thw- Premifésg or any ofthcm,‘ or of my ..othctr imggachmcnt , or Accufation V thatfhall be exhiEitc&7 :H&m,~‘ as‘ "the % gauig {hall a;c§qr_§img# gg IQ: courfcof ...... . % Ewan” ‘ faidflrch A zfwer. to all A and every size V W(M2o%) p £11109 A may bee 4 gm tof % an.‘ remi-— ~ $5,, and thait {each pmceedinaggs , exam aminaaiong tryall, and Iudgment “may A.£L1 fi_ifc_@,”‘ 4 1beVup0n evcxyof themak had flflé 53" ¢ .. \ grccvfvie Lawcm « 11; Ws mp an fife, that?thc7 AA . The Articles being read, me probes-«g A dad 4; fin/lamtév. A My Lords, A V ; WW: fl*1n*thc‘:Scr1pture,wh}§:11 I 2 A wfllnotprgfumc cxtlgcr ‘‘ coundexfiand, or to 111-: cycitfccmesto have an Alptél fomcthiag futa-» ble to thc‘Pcrfon and”C~au{e before you‘ V2‘ It is a defaription-ofthc cvill Spirits, wherein thcyfiara laid to be fivirituall wickadnefiés 2"» hfg/2 places. C. 'mes a¢’c¢d by the fparituall facultims of the Souls, thc Will andthc n» dcxflanding, excrcifcda about fpiritu:a.11mat- “tcrs,»concc4rning Gods Worfluip and”thc¥ 3:21- ;‘hority,lcarning,and many other advamta» varion of‘Man, iccondcd with power, aw. gcsa A . H[ERAEis4ah cicprcffion % .. éré‘ 1!: A 5 l ‘ A ‘*1 5% tcr-prct;-yet tcavulgmt W2/W; Mb» (22) gm, doe mafiéé ifhe pzmy Whfl Cemmiésfi A VA AA_mam, jvery'iutr:rb1c €O?th.1{t(i€-icriptibn, ”SpieV;4 $9‘¢%;3‘}"aé*;2l{1‘Z1j$7.”%;£'«3€’~6f5i{}3'.é’fl f(‘:‘3 Vfififizigézplazces. ‘ Tmiemsmcs mas)‘ are vaxmi in%‘::-mix N;;tm~.::, haynous‘i%n their quahtie, and univerfalfi in th<:.§r Exwrm%.v If ysmcxa. , znénefihem fécalagim/Z ,&;1§thcyflzmdinpp»«~ pafition A an "the Trmth of God , M they win» bs found to be agamn ti‘~*zé“”r’u]7c.*A of Faith, an gaimfi the power of godlinc ":2, again1’ithe.~ mmnes ofSa1va tiom. ' youVfmmitI¢A,the%m MW!/‘ 35% WY’ fiand in oppafition m the light of N;aturc,,w %oxight,rea{on,s nd the prinaiplcmf humane; iocicty, you wiflthcnpcrccivc pride wvizbu _ mm any mocferatiom; fucha Pzride as mat i$V'\*W hich% ex:a1rs«V~V4ic£cr£cawe 41! Vt/mt ml» lm’ Gad. Malice Awmrhout an}? provocation; Mafiezc againfi v:crtua:=r,Vaga.m{i lnnoccncy, :2. g&infi pictic: : Imjuftimr without any meancs@% mf rcmxutinn 5 cvcn fuch xnjmflxca as doenh iroiabe thw prcfentA tix;x.;csf &h¢¢.fuzur¢.4Aoftheir p01i’ibi1it1t‘s», xgtxuaybecxgmmmy %ras)%MhyLew gall ,Ru!¢;_s in a cream’ Way, ”§$t£3;y fiand 3 in pwfiiiefi §9§;h? l?fi?1??i~=1&1¢g¢0da and tom raf7 their pQL[fl'*I33GnS 5 Law“ ;a;;gw¢so:£ tlmlanld, Ha Wilma found :0 M €23) V ‘a Traytour agahxfl hié M:2jc:fl¢ics Crowns, ark Ir1c.cndiary“aVgam{t— tba <1-"¢°ac&~ of thb Sam . hcwillbg found to be the highcfi ,Wth¢ bo1.~ flcf’r; the' mofiMim~pudcm oppréflomg Vthavt :22 var wasar-1 *0 P¢CPIC«a e: V pr¢£fI'o¢1j;1r both of Kinjg and % T his Clm-rge{ my Lo1jc3s)i-sdj‘firib11t§:fci and " F conveyed into fou?ct:¢:wfr:vc%ra1l%* Articles; asyouhavc ficarfl 5 and tI1c>{cA‘rticIc*s ‘arc oncfiy xgct1cmilwA: Irbczng thcintention of thc{ Home Aof Con1rr1‘Qns4(which thfy Vhave A Co1I1manC1cd4mc to" ~d.&c1V_a*réJ%) tdmaikc thmz A more ccfrfainc ahd particular byprcpa ratory f Examiuationstn be: rakcn with thehclpe hf V ybur Lordfl1ipSboufc, as in th€A%'ACafi:: at my 1.ordo£sm;jro>«ara Mhall now runnc thorough them with a A l‘igI=1t‘ -tm'iCb,A oncly zfpa2'kin}gAi4n every 91:‘ them [omcip¢:c1all points caf vcnqmea yjmm len¢y,and malignity. 14 Thcfirft ArticI¢ (my Lords) doth containc has endeavour to introduce into V tVhisyVKijngdo me an “Arbitrary pmvcr of .Gc;-; vcrnmcnt, withoutany1imicaci0:is’or Rufés D2 % of €:$,2Q'.“‘_') ‘of Law. Tiiis afmy Lords) is againfl the fa.fc....i.i W of the Kings pcrion, tine honoumf his Qrownc, and m.0&%dc&ru,61iveteiihis pcoplc; V Thoic ._Ca11{cis.v¢h‘ich~ are -molt pcrfcéi ii haveinotioncly apowcrtd prciduce cffcéis, imtto cémicrvc and «chm-ifli tihcfra. The Sc.--A» A minary vcrtuc, and the Nutritivcvcrrucr in v§eg¢ta~b1c=s , dot iiproducc fmmetihie 9 fame p_rim;ip_1cs.i. iltzwasthéciicfcéi of Iu{i_icc,.th'c i’ ' rcflrajning of opprcjflion and violence that’ fixfl brought g.if:v”crnm:nt into iiht‘ Worlid, and {ct up K:_rigs,., :11; met} txcclicnt way of .Go~vc-rnmcnt. A'nd thcimaintcnancc of Iufiicdail kéndcs 0f.gc_)vcrnmc.nt rcC¢ivc a fur: foundation.and eflabliflament. I: is this«.. thzzthathiiniitan ability to prcfcrve and fc-. cure the: royall poWcr01‘_Ki;)gs,yca,tO adorn V anci incrca1c;‘i;t., , A A 3} iinithc fccond Atticlfc, your Lord-,a V £hipsimay.oib{<:rv¢ abfbiutc and unlimited.‘ powcigdcfended by Preaching, ‘V by San mons,and ethcr difcourfcs, printcdand pub- lifhcd.upon,tha,t fubjcét. ‘And truelyi;(mmy« I.;<’)rds)i it f¢eim¢stb be a prodigious crime, ;th.ait:th¢Tr1;:cth of God, and his holy Law. fl1’9I§‘1§1ibcpgrvcrtcw;i to dcfcndfithc: lawicf-. A nciiég. (255 L nth’: of many. Thai ;thc»he:ly‘and Iacrcd.A V1 ‘ funétion qfthe M4inifl¢ry.,.. which was on. Q , 4 claimed for inftruéfion ofw mans foulcs in the wszycs of God, fhou!d be: *fo*ab1:1{c'd, that the Miniflcrs are becorm the trurnpczts of? ficdition,thc promoters and dcfc.ndcrs@f' vi» olcnccs and opprer. {T101}. A V 3 ~Inthe;third A,-xtic1c(myLo1'ds)y::V>u A havcxhc Iudg:s,.who under his Mficflic A arc the difpcrfcxs and di&ribi1‘m's¢é3f lu- Qicc, frcqxxently corrupted by fears and Idlicication,-, yam have the couzic; of ju- wfl.icc4in the cxcbutionofit, flmncfuliy ob;-e. fluruétsed. And if a wilful! A61: of5VinjuGic:<': A in,_a Iudgc: be fca high as crimc~.AiMn thcscffi-a V mate ofgthc Law, as%-to dcfcrvc death; under what burthcn of guilt doth this 4mm "A A 1ye.~,; who hath bccnctlac caufé ofgrcat~num;: bits of iuch 4voIuntaty»and.wilfu1l Aéts ofi unjuflicc. %. 4 4.. 15:11: fourth Anac1e,hcwi11b¢£ouna in_hisA owrwpcrfon to havcfo1d”Iuflicc in “ Cwicsdcpcnding before him. And byhis “ wicked counicll, mdcavouring :to makc his Majcfly a Merchant ofthc fame commodi. ty, onely with this difference, that the King M byhlning rnancy fog) places of Iudicaturc, 3 would ' 5 W A A fiaou1c}'£cl1itin’«groHe5 whe§cfa~s*%the%Awrchbig fl'z0p.i§2>1dAit by retaiic. ' 5 . In the'fifth.Artic1c,»a'here~appmrcs 2. pm'ver'uiurped EOE -m3kin'gfC:mons 5 mi‘; *iay"«-~ mg obiigationsonfthe subjefis in ch: name of Lawes : and this %~powcr abufcd to the A makimg 90% Inch %Ca’non“s as are‘ in the mattcr 0% thcm ‘wary pe;=:n1czoAus; bcrmg dxrcétly com -tméyw tmhc Prcrogaziw of the King? and the? ‘1ii‘)€3t‘§,»’0{:f::f1¢ Pcepics. in the “manzwr of :p%1'cflEz:g@fth::m, may be found fraud T am .£hufHi:':g; In {her conclufiom viuiicncc and A confix'aiz*.t;} Mara batingforferi by retreat and i'33VrCatIl§ng~t'0fi2§?{C1‘ib€ (0311: Whichpowcr . t7huswickcd1yA gofisch, thcyelaboured to cu-+3 fiabiiflzbyperjury, injoynmg fuch an Oath for the tnaintcnancc of it, “as ‘can’ t;1¢i§hc%;%%b§ takatx no:%kaéptVwit%1a{a‘1godT¢oz:£ci‘er&cc.A%* 6 In ths fixch Art1'cIc,ybu havcthc King robbgqi qfJ§hi»s Supremacy .: you haw;-A 22 Pa; ‘ pa fi.po.w¢t c*::érci’{cd ovcthis MV::jWcfii¢sAVSube jecs4%%‘ A«Aw‘i:h «.‘P1%ig::fissr~ ma ?1;ez’s;2i’;§;f¢% , [W-&;'~?byV ham meta mriggfifltcs With‘ We Wfiive ax: Rama V‘ anal“ hashi§0rrc¥po¥1dbncc‘w%ith ‘ tmm amt be A am-h7m§zcd fivmtjflgamc hm. % He h~a~3th *pt:1~» mittcd z_;B_omané HiC;3fCfl"h;1€:I0VbC fez up in th&sr}{Eq"g AVnfl%theia‘g3iA%i1i:;hAa‘th «bang I‘za.g;:ar«ea":;1il%t4§*}at?@Vp@cré=Vma»n éoiild nefgde {go the*ne.igh.aur pariih” m°h¢~m<& 4:1‘ ‘§’i:ri§1on;, ‘§lwh’m mmjdjm(mé as hnr:+e.- 5 mafia émezham aw ‘§£}r1Wm0¢fi\i‘€@§":‘ét€”d5‘,¥ aorxpfizyer ufead in % wag Family, but was fit ~fu"D§*&@ :W 5.; ma £399 the HighC0mmimw»Cwrtvs%A “ Wt tine 0- gracrxmh bcc1ncdya.1l%% =%fuAb» jestfts ban§fl1cd'out-~ of thc%Kingd0mc,'[ A not as Elimelccée .tQ fCc‘:1;c_ for bread in ;fq0rra~ig 11:; Countries, by reafon of the great fizmcityr Whichwasih 17f*racA! sA:A*?tMravcl1ing; abroad rgx‘:hwrcaaTo%£1s+fc, V~h¢cMaufc: they cduld riot lnayc%vi:%.atw:homc,., byrcafonof the 1pin’m:.zlIA Faminc 0fGod6 Word, camcd by rhisman and hi5AP3Yf3 R61‘?-... I?§d;.l?yV;t13i5% you héwc hmishé traddmthéi M@nufas&:ury,:thcin. ‘1’ W‘ dfifiiry bf riaény thoafands of hfis:A.M‘a§cfii¢5¢ A fubjcfitscarrfiicci out o€th¢;Lan;d., A V A It Viswa mifcmblc ahufe %#;th¢%i¢f}>iii£daIi M % Kcycs to {but upthc doorcs ofhcavcn, and“ - to opm shqgatcs oJ£h~c_U ;.to;lct:in: prophanc... A 11¢fl*‘~':‘ igfi°Y3"1‘WC, ;;I11P¢,f flifiififig éimd c-rrm1r.AA*»I’ {hall fiécd 18? R0 :m’0.rc:,Th%cfc things arc cvi- demand abundantly.knom’le;o%aIl. 12 la "cu xm t-iivclfrh A§:ic1e(my Lgrasayou A have a divifiofi endeavoured %bctweccnc"4'ft%hi?su andthc forraign¢cAh rcfcrmcd C'hui*::h¢sVp Churchhf chrifi is4on::%% Bodv‘.T‘a¢xidiih“é Msmficks of 'Ch'ri& havda mum:-. 31 ’l'Cf}.,_::1"ti;._C:9i"a’,!. as mcmbcrs of ch:famc1b«ody.WAm-m;yV agrigh Godstr-uc%Church% cvpry whcircf Ii; mac Ky the bcauVty,but;t;hc £tté¢t}g3;h" Rcfigidn 73.? -ofwhich bcaufy ’andf{r4éiigt‘h A hc‘ hath*fc)i1ghE‘ to dc;priv¢:hiSCh.¥;1%fCh lbyhis manifold a.c- I tcmipt"sTtb brc.akc7 this uriioh. ‘ To which ~p; 1:+~ P535 1G941if¢H3<*;A¢A%fVh°i PfiVi1¢d§¢$4 ' g;au¢;%dco#che4%Du:¢ham:1%1::rcnc1;%c,hurches.; I-Ice h‘afhAdcny§d7V4t,he’tn to bé of Athc5fani<:,% F.1ith..Aand Rdigibfl 5”a”11Vd many Othgf A W3Y§3h3‘h%h9%¢¢413§‘—S53;‘ *’*f1»?°~14i£‘ Vrha %I1Acgif1;ariv¢ gowgri which can oncly be uffdiin PaArli.1-f mctzts = and that we mould bcliqfc Kinge .3om‘c withaufthat %whiéhindéed 1;ijgk;;sa;ni;1' conflituzcs aMKin*gdomc and is*’ffiéA’**o?r§él§k MW‘? to prrmve‘ t%fi0Vt¢A i‘t&om%di- fv¢mVpcArs#anddccaycs;V% gH=ha:=h hereby en-A d¢avour¢d% to bcr::aJxs;*¢us;%%%‘o£;%:*fi?n=4Iaighcf€~%%Iu- éicarory%fuchi%a‘1‘fis¥?qa:om, 39?‘ =fi’=ntia11 fl-0 fcacannm ht-e n]rrc;:d:iaa"j%‘a“tiy%% UM In-“W J 3110!” my ex , _ « “ ”V*1a:4daaéav ,-- adv ‘; J Majcfiy. ]ub;x%1iwan~g‘¢:r:4t:s.* Hm: ifi'y_i lLord.s ydu*cannor’p:2flT::.bg_;§‘iis“écA¢a~fibqio£f" grzcat th.$n1i¢s.to a;‘gc{4?v?hiAs %%Mai¢fiyL? {mi 1;‘: {flag me Bin here:l:>¢ mg 1éVrg;“q_;::z»c; 3:1: comm '(§f“P‘a%ra1iam&nt4"s%‘4is i%cFt'%i“ AAl%iff1‘éd a”£;— Iurc my fclfc, he will by cxp€’i:i”6ncc;:~ fi'ri”ci‘l~:': My be a firong foundation both of his honour, and of his Crownc. V This is a1l¢;m3c_I:.mtdsj,+I mvémto fay m f that particular§A”oPv¢%nhc “C£uwgc.V The: Com- mons dcfirc your Lordfhips that they may A have thc fame way of Examination that they E3 Ahad firaé Pin ‘the: Cafi: of the Earl: of Strafiord . 'If11a*t.is, to examine members ofall l