-_v- . " . _ OR; ‘ \ - A VINDICATION OE A RE ‘3M~F%$ P%°fth%er,% y%et:Aif't:h e% u~eeA may Be; ' ‘ known byvthe fmic,.and the fccrct and hidden 7di{'p0- A fition ofthe h6J;1‘t_-', by W%0rd4As wlmich proceed butt of _‘ mans mcmth 5[theAn% my Lord of Camierbufy his ”a—'é’ciA-~ ‘A ‘W o1*1‘sb¢ing;:Q11fi‘d6rec!',; a11d his %1aff Spéech exa§minecY, QM jhreAn1ay‘%beAjudgec'1%‘, othe1‘WéLyes,44 thgfzrz‘ aiccording td % t%h‘:ii:7*s)c1*di&3 whiizh 11¢ ha thp-ronoLmcc:d% i)f;hi%1nfcIfi114thztt his Izifii speech: but:.7 A A “tag: 4pa.fl‘c: b37‘11isAa£ti011s*, but as th ey {hall 7 01f1cIy ocAcafi011a.l1j.rA intern V A *w:cx1A,4?AWe wi1‘1e5cami11c%his Speech, withcmt '{2vi‘efiing % it: M !:o‘a Aworfa A A fehgc tli¢x1A5:2Afq1x£2cefiicy& %itAmui’c bear ;and7!AaAs “all is not gQ1dM:!14at:V'%' ¢ g1i&¢rs,io upon review::md»cxan1inm:io11,it: will not bcrwnd t<:»*” b‘e fa %cI1:ax~iVtabl_c_., as by fame pofitive eiflirmatibxxs it pméi:”é1idsto be, A Q and :§¢1o11gt:11a: Fugafétxs informing will be fotmd contmdifiing I thofeafi1rmsptiveVconc1ufio1usexprcftAthcrcin,whcthAer tlgay inten A « A lrinmfelf oriothv.:_rs4;%f0r o£hi1mf¢%1F,.$a great dc humility and cI1a-an % A A rityTis"Haffixrnucélgwlicnmuch prefilmptiom ?at1"”c:1 Want ofr:hariAtie% A mayé:;bc%coI1«a€’tcd. : F0rp:%c"fi1111p:ion,.4hisfpeech is full of A it ,4 and; oh7iefly:ix1his comparifoiisax1diri{’canc%cs::*for firfc ha A conmparashis Vfi 1 ‘ A I,miocAmQie4wi_§l1 rpfemncc t_o_ h§Ws.fuAfFcriI1gs;. to_ Q_h;fifis;ir;thcfe j * %w A B fix; a TA Awards. §‘zzsRégum. * ‘word mhazjqrw defiifzaitbé. We fa»-i z$2*}§;,Go(z firbiciiiiiut» be {humid deffnfetbeflranzefirjg-]z'w. In which_words_.,is implycd, that as Qhriffs fuffcfings in regard ofhimfelf were undefcrved, {'0 were his fufl”cr~ " Sings withoutany iuii C?lllf€',On his_ part, but that his ignominyi and ihame-was no lcfih for Chrifis fake, and for his ,f-idclicy to Chriii, ‘ than Chrifis fi1ffcringswc1~c for his love to nmnkind 5 and from thence concludes, that his hepc was, t:hatGod was bringing him to the land ofPron1ife, in regard he was to pafié through the Red fea, alluding to his fuiiering by the efiixfion of his blood : but he could not bfiignoram tqhat itwas camflz 220:2 poem that makes the Martyrg, and therefore his argumcjcmz wilizionely hold if his caufe. ‘werejilii, and that he fuffcred und efervediyf but: ifotherwaycs, his pafliigeithrough the Red fca, or his forced paiiagc out of this ' world by a violent death, will prove: but a. weak argumcm: , that God was thQ"I‘€fOI’CbI‘ii1gi!]g him ma land of Proniifc, for then no A A death, in definable has a; violent dearly ifit were a concluding argiu- nient thatitiicrcfoimhc whoiisforced to fuffizr, is earring into a land of Promifz. A Neither doth his next iniianice. conclude better,“ than bmaitlfciitihic Paflétovtri was to be eaten with fowre hcrbes, than A A ‘ thcrbfdrciilispr¢fEfitfufi1=:rii1gs(wl1iich he c<)nf'cflié:;h ahatiiiiu regard A ‘ iti<3i11i$:xI1i>Fi'1iiin,‘£0H his part fliodid ihaifve ibcen rcfcrrcd to thiciuiiicie M V! ‘ :V1\ y r|: \ ’ could not call dawn fire mm hcam:-n_m.: A « , flhfuuieithcna,Wcmldxhavc raifcd a pcrfccutiuni ,I1p0n’ eaérclitti éhauxgcithgma But thcwdaceofhisipowcx was now e-,s:pircd,y¢: A A of ii,hisi«wea¢ki1£iflE and infirmi fly of fléih and biooti, were uinplcaiing afid. uilwciconuc I.1n.tO him) {houid by their rciiaziiblsmcc into iowm A herbs; pmve, his forced fubnxiiiiion unto death to be either z»1iP.1IT:-1» . qv¢1'_0_xf ah. wihuixig fi,1hmi{_»iion "to the will of God: fur wh0£’bcvg-if aiuha nlits pneiy to the will otGod when he. cannot othcrwaycs cihooii-, fixhihiiifinoititq the will of God, but is compclicd by ncccflicie. Ami chcmfordsi tolliowinggic appears plainIy,,that: whatfocvcn ha af-~ fifrnedi to cpnmfary, yeti wa; she angry with the handscimt gm- itherml thofe=?:h::rhs, L r brought him to that place to fufiér; A iiputicifali quéiiion had it been as much in hispowcr to haw: prcxw;_1t¢d their puwgaoics ,, by execut‘in ofthc“ Word preached, which may be pcrforfifedo 13371 11*- forma“found do In fhuofiions but: can novcr by any amzhority or co:mmandy A voutjeththe &ioh ofdcfircd efFeé‘cs bywthoopcrationof need?- "farie and appointed meanys’, and him c‘omfi1ai:td*s oxielythi’: A pcrffirhmanted ofthe olrikoch cffcéts, without‘ ifiheh Ta pp1icar.ior1 ofoofiuch A means as are‘ ncccflhryd :% forso the j hone} E requircth ' an omnipotent power; the; other may be performedby at crcahturcof ha" ofiniatccapaw feirothoere is iavaIf’t difference between him, A odendcah A i city. What afiinityorhrefenablance thénchanimy Lord of C;1‘x_1t.';¢r-e bin-1es'Lc?afc have with St. Pazzlx or St. Sf€P£7e”Ig who fuffercd t1h'C._{c;_".. A the rage ofche people for oferin g thfilf palms, to fl.1c'w' them onelyaa, . « A on fu¢h.iasiofi‘¢ndA¢d him.» then mi 4 A A A But od%ion_s%%1sVhis A next: c;omparif'on', con1pa‘17ing'A% ‘wi,t:hAf ii fw 9b”e;2,-An (confifiing 0116157 in demo1.1fh'atf1on and 111 the efficacy of perfwfafi-‘ AA mslfor“ the obtaining of their pnrpofes and ends) Wfts legally pro-by A A cgfféagand hcondfimncdgfor m-akinwg‘ ufc of external! force,a11dAAtpm~. i piilfion foi the obtaining ofhis, which St. Pam! “ A vet‘ did: and moreover, he having {brewed hinmfelf into tl1e.”f‘a"vbi1r_. ofthe King, didinmke the R.f:ga11.P‘c>We1‘Ainfhmnenmll to his dndg, ‘ andA(whicAh among other things 15 111cxcnfi1bie) did en;d»ea voinf to r‘ A < A 12:37 the odium and obIoqt1y.OfalI,l1pon the K1ng_Whcn.1t c0i11di11nt;A: othex-waycs be _defe11dcd; A as if‘ that Ahad been filfllciexltpghat he was) i onely infirurnent all? to the Kingsicprxinxaxids, Whenit sh too ‘W-€117; n known that he was tI1cd,ire€’torof thofz Acoxnnmhds-‘ “And as his A cafe diH"'ered from theimin theme-ans, fo rnuii iti difFer1ike“wi(A'c in the ends, for the endof all their“ labour and it was to ofiiendihinu. For hiemtook more paiinstovinfiiéi puni in Aimént nfhmxflcf 1.! ch as we1*eiAgn@A1*a11t. Clgrifiband h‘iSlAa¢¢tIfers At0.AtI1e a*~rifc~s,whoAnhAaviing zu:"cu£ed‘Chz=i&A i for 13 that 1: zftbgzfludid [at alone, "411 zjizezz mamldbeleewe ozziiibimg izniéi gm _1l)8.RGfl2cZ7ZJ‘\23?0%[d cqmq % mlqg azvgl Ipotbit/Seir place 47zc1Natiom; ;COn'w ~C1udi“§.s'~fi‘°m»th¢nCFa;fWi‘3rb-%‘:Pm:W1‘F*¢0;G0d:5Ehat AG.od rcwétdichis people as then‘.v“h¢A‘d‘idr,§h§ Jeyws Acha:u~ :;a1u.t1aAfl1aAafcars andADn5t1Afi fi=ntm<=e—:~ib9t’thA¢»c:af$sbbeingiifo d.ig‘e§¢nit3.3li3d’3§.h¢‘C'9m"" Parif0nSf<5i©di011saitwe1:¢ a;firpex*fiuous 1.abourt0 goraboblt to i“'A'<= f°Ffl1«~*"A1Ynfl1aP5AA‘31i‘?i¢?P‘hnAd515‘S"Ain ?Ath%'= difcovery- N01‘ needs haw” nor S‘;-. Srgpbek mg‘-‘ M pains, was to_ b1;‘in"gA men iinfubjeétion co~vAthI,e will 701’ Gad, by declaring t1%r1:toA:I1en1’:thc«i power of God and of the Deityg, and manifefiixig theAines;preflib1e« ; A « love of God to naazukindg in fending his oxmly begotten Sonxintos the world to take upon him ouxj;hun1ancA mzure, and eXp0,unAc:lingA u n :;o_x:Imn1 the y§:rtL1€ and c3icacy‘ofChrifis ,dc::3;th _‘a11df* 1‘cTLii‘rEA&i~Ai:i M (an; but theiéind 55 his labour and pains, waisixgo Abring ntxeny in Afi1i3’?r.; e&i0n_tO his bbown will, by making ithcm fanfiblc how dam ‘ A_éroAu$ : Regurrz. ” % .~ time ~Ee {past in Ahdece‘&i11g; his vain 4 prefiamptiogunazqd ar1*c%»g:zx1_j; A *boaf’cingLin applying that d::*%i'Ear}/r;£:i%_c1:iuai‘1ph offmizax Pm! to l%imii V ii?31fC— , ”as"_if*h’e maid no 1:131‘: truefi/V, I:.h%_«;*1W'x%'§::£.i1‘%1%: Pam?’ (NW3 i%1y,i€3y fiaouamr and d.§/Zranaum éygaofi r¢'pw°kf‘«, amt’ «9vjsé';*i"’z»¢ép¢;9';zaa Em d6’%6‘.é;‘5'W1§’.' g%nE.¢§_;y:_’t' r‘me.:,*% be w.-M mam pafiggawt wf Ma’: 1¥w:;é~;’¢&‘A, a“Fc:>r “iesj zxtaimier fefl t:hat h€: Coi/etfid and'courc<;~ni that‘ h0r1'om' 3 vv'IT:;ic:E1 £“i~L£:=.im: Pmai waccqriupted b‘ut1ofl'e and L'{Ul7i;£;3'§;"_C’1f1d CM rum_'is.?.* 31. char citéts%2?1Er;?a_z‘y taurft: to Saint fP:mZ , For ‘fS::si;11:%.Pmwl%acco1np::€d it m:*_>~ {In.:;z1‘m:i.., Ta $/ae W.é.¢ke‘ta éecammay Weak, ” that‘ be ‘”w2{q%ia; grim z*bé'wm:f3¢- ;; égf’,'‘T«2:v:t°,.,g3.:‘»mj may to $5 7m.vzd'e ail t/airzoy-ta afl mm 5' 2-/W %w2¢i;,§{i:t¢ zéynzz %mé;znm%/Emafi ffime , but hee accm“ript«::c1i_z;:not onely a fiLm11':x‘;~ Emt” 21.11 .i1z":c{x?ga‘:a§x:3;.t~‘,,; to condifiemd one jot: to the Weaktlefiéa of am}? mm 3 and. x*:w.E*1c::*_ £11611 hée ‘K ihould A bee crofiltd in I his ' ‘pi1t*1:»z::sf€:4 and wfllfl ' 'éthc>_fe'gifi:s anda.bilities,@ which Gmrl. had ba:*:£%0vsreciL1}>at31‘i*l1iAn1g,w ’ far other ptlrpofes and ends 3 and tE1at%‘cMr¢:di%t zmd €fim3111ewh.icE"£ he had ptxrchafed with his Majwefiyf , by thcafis gifizs zmd :rx§ds»i1ir.iv§.a:::;,. and in r<:"veI‘¢nc:e of the h01i1‘l€:m:.‘ of has Ezallixag , flmuld bee: all iiinployed. t0 ingage Kingand Kingcbme in .21 War , as was «:3vi.é~~— A ’de_nt‘by% tl1e%%WA2;rre with Scotlarxcl 3» e1‘}3eci::l1'y af"t¢:+rAthe? firfi }:v::z.<:rl- jficégtion at the"czunp 1*1c;=er B:m,v.i<:ka:m A 1 ‘ ' A ‘ _ i fiat having takc‘I1a1lchi$pa,im:*$ in :1 gmp1<3,who were his Auditmts at: lt=:1%1gth 11¢-'3 tl‘1inkr.:%.<;. ©Fit«11%ot&amiffi:w%to {peak of'fome:paIfcig:u1:u‘s, and fiffl: xi: we/al M V fieaké aft/as King, who he faqitll /Mt‘/2 fix ‘muck tfmiwéd 6 [?;rmc*fa£zr;- ¢zmmmg to bring in pom , which hc:%11"1ig£*1t t1~Lz-fly af9h7.r1x1¢3 ,. % any {Each affirmatioxi had been xmadea ofHi:~;; IvI:Lj<-fly but rm“: Izmih. herecsi-H;s prevariéatcéd as mther myths smeflby hixxu,-and 1n.=1~»:!c2% ufi.-éctnf; “for his? own jufiificatioxa rather ythim for that Kings,thcs2 1£iz%1grlm;ix'u,;g iatyer afperfed 4tI1“e11i:jL1Pcifi¢d%by Inch maxmmr 0?» juitificarfiiazw, $25.1: ‘ '"i1§$‘ifi1££‘n”did$ c;-":vc?r%a1*Iirme ‘than the Kim; wasm a linapifl; Mag %%jg‘‘f‘1§¢¥3;;.-,g ” ixnplyed , _1;1‘1Or'th:1t His I\/Isgjszfiicé .did»1:.abou1‘ to brixmzg iL‘rP(.5p@t‘}7 u..§ %h<:‘1;e a'ifii__ffm_3d , hut: tI1a:"1}e xyas W(C“)V€‘;f-1TI'('3»’.lC‘171tfi‘LV{ 1333 the iixbcilw and fraud» ofV%f0;;1e, and he? hzm{cr1f'é;' elhtrezxueai 1:116 _pri11r.:ipa11 ciuzw §cc:iyferHa1‘iL1%ut1dr2r11*1ymer4of the Ifiing ,, zmd %it% :il'\_.x.Iz1yc::*3 1”1:1tIw1ht:-mi A ‘ %‘k””¢;m¢ of ‘his cI1ir:“fE"{’c‘£i1b%ti1cVi%c*s ,‘ 1?) to c£:>i.1f};>1i;id thi~3 l'1x.<;%:.* Ezz*1d[his mxme , than: they Cou1o1z1t>t'éafi1yMbe dii°ci1igLi.ifl3.cd ,4 tixufi % [fir 'dOi11gh'€511iigI1CI1§:‘V(3‘1:".bC I"L’fC1(;é1:(;~‘L-${"M[)1,"1;;" Wq;L1gj5,flj1};r_§ (‘IN % ‘I N lg? M1 1% h REGALL P A A f0m€APW§¢5 W A V A W :13 ??“d’fa%f% [ 4 1 ’»v,~- ‘ ‘ U ._ V M 1 M” ‘x x ) ‘W‘m~_‘v,Ile V _«W.,__.r« Ii‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ “ V‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘Ia W ‘ ‘K ‘ N ‘ ‘ ‘ " -I ‘ ‘ \ r ‘ .-‘ ‘ ‘ / ( é *,_ ~ ~ « V W cm? ‘ ” MM , 2 ~ »_‘ 2 " V ‘ ‘ ‘ “ ' “ <3‘ ‘ ‘$3 “ ‘ \‘V4 flu‘ IV‘, ~ ‘ ~ it w A A ‘ v ‘ , ‘ - W h‘ 5 ‘ ‘ * y W‘ “ ‘ ‘r ‘\ “V-4‘ ~ V‘ OF THE _ it All Spirituall Autlwrity? exemifed ‘~""d“' 3”)’ “rm 0f EM/W/?ica"Y! 1 » C37¢?1»?mzmm~t. In 3% briefAD4i1AEou i wk % m.‘.'....‘....J. I ' ‘ ‘ Liv ’ u" :. , ‘. -, .15‘ ‘A ‘ ‘ '» L E ,. ‘M . V» .‘ ‘_ ‘ , ~ L‘ A‘ ‘ ,‘ “ Y ‘ “F 1‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘i, J‘ “ , f »‘ " ..:~; ‘ . ‘ ‘ rI‘eoc¢afi¢neaby the obammian Archbmwpof printedmr 1W Mane amino» 4 A ~ A ‘ V " K111%gsHead~i11‘Pa11*i;1&a«J&1%;m~;,;h...y:rd_ hfigffine ofthe % ..—--.. M ‘wing into :1 t as if that conduccd «much to clear himfeltfin theopinion of his Auditors (ixghxch was’ the chiefe thing he now aimed at ), of 311 gr-a-flicefi tending to that end 5 as a thing impoflible fey him 4 to ring about , without the concurrent confent of the King, which was but a fancy but no £‘Oli¢‘«. argument neceifarily Cone eluding Whglt he wsouldt have beleeved}, for the xvhorkemgghc be advancing ’ " wxthout any dxfcovery tn» the King , that it was ne-— ceffarily te ‘ding to 1_‘uch anend , untill, .£».te~h'1i1ne that it lhould " be too late ‘tbxf not 1rnpofl'ib1e« to retire, as ea Deerenlay be dri-- h _yle,not fnfpeéhng any danger , but _ haVHjg~~r1¢jfi1rc A . A at fo1netin1eS~tqfeed by the way , ulltihl fuch timeas feeing and _apprehend__1ng hrs owner danger, by *be1ng.Lma.wares A reduced to fuch a Qcrarght as doth leave hun no variety of"choice , but not place his onely fafety and meanestof efcape in leapping into cm; {hare which had been prepared for ‘him , and to which much " paines had been taken to drive him; for it is not to betimagined, that either his Majefiie or any other Chriftian King , fl1Ql11dfubm mit‘th€~.-mfelves to the. bondage of Popery if theyrightly underm Pcood‘ whatthey did, f'o1_:( to paffe by the danger which it bring- eth to their fou.‘leS_,h by leading them intoby--pa thes of errour 4 4 wh1ch__can never bnllgchem to heaven,)d1t‘fub1ene,a«nd ittfirmilégjand tizeaknes in thc A nentall conflcitutiipm other ) as by thevery principles and? Fun "of Poperyr, by reafon of the.aekno.w1edgement of 1 and.‘ fub-.-' h mm" n into at fpirimakl authorithbeixug qnce rooted and firmely fixe ID the beliefe orimaghnwtiont by~~a‘1L-who en1braceit.,fiand;: the naturall effet"fs which doe r1eceflhr.i1=y fpring from theqcgjm For \Vh€nIh¢tW°~¥MW“3 blinded by ignorance has by darkmdfet t fKegum.. e Ad King firfi ; building thereby.great hopesttjitf not aifured ennfi... deuce to. efcape himiefie , andhere labotxringr to j'u£’nfie hrimlélfh in the People 5 from having ever had any intention‘ t0».in£r0£h'1CJE‘ . Popery,he purpofly makes mention of the“King firit for Whoffi A purpofesét intentions he might fafely take any .d€€pP1‘0t€fltaI‘.iOn, A ;a"tl=ivhat time the Popes did fit as God in the Temple of God and ?{)y.their fphituail authority in” eerccoxmnunicaring and” abfolving A Ae'whom.ethey pleafed, and forewhat%*tlie)?’p1eafed, ciiciAuneco11grol;~ elablyopfpofeeand exalt themfe1v~esAabo.ve all phat is callezfi Uo<:}',. that is abovee'a11eMag'if;ir;£ey a7nd;P0wer ‘M6321-rxéhé: Whzéuz 1-a*mer:*."--*-e “ table aw fad*efie&3' ,. did.‘ Ch;-imicndame fgroeneequnder and} feel’ from fuéha tranfcend-entee and ‘-Om1}ij1D0t€118“ at Power ,. fo~1‘o;ng* as from a! egenerafl ebeliefe-, it was-univer£’£11Iye.fub:zni~eteci5unto“? A-Bufi A 'whe:n¥ mens eyes began o;nAee to..beepened‘._ am!‘ by’ the clear ‘of the tax.‘-utzh~ revealed in Scripmre, flame men: did ee1eer1y'fee::£mg:l? A peg:cei.ve~that nofuch power’; wae ever, near cmulii‘ be given‘ iiutm anyzone eupon:eax:th~,_ ygen the*&pprehenfiaIf1offuch w power: and authority», A %that;1I:~ was gxveniuxltw * a. generalli» confenc , in fmne one of th_ofe* Pormes whicli; Vane” knoéwenxtmbe bePocapab1eto~preferve authdrity, all or the*mofl§* pm:-eof?faL1‘conc1udinguthaAc:ir rnuflr? be prefervedin one“ ofthem; imbraci A »and-ifubmiting into that former , which was pre—- Ferredimd'm:§echoiceeoE bye thofeeewho-bare thegreateit fway; ox;hadi:the« oreateft efieem and reputation +withi them, but noneof them“Lfore eefling «into~a1l”%efTe&S eancbeventswhich-might follow; hath bimhe chieficaufe why [0 much difcord*8‘c~comtentior1hath" rifem andeacontinuedgwhichewill never be éwanring lb‘ lcingas the caufe ;1-emains,thar is,unt:il it be clearlyunderitooawliavthe pow-'-' of‘ theCh_urch,and of? Churchrnen iseewhethev any-, fueli »thing‘*'ase fpjxituall? amthority-f.do2:h appertain ta them;8;.ebyWwhat:right,qmd4fir _ A " zozwlxat end 5 whet:-lienor no itibe econducing to ‘Religion or befi ‘ compatible; with the end 09% government A,’ ‘fox! albeit thereebeflcfi fi'uch'At:hie ‘ Aasfpirituall authorityacknowledgedg yet all power V nowhere yxrakene away firomthe eChur3ch=, buy: the canfequencd" wilBeon1y;bc,that the powereofl-the Church;&«»eof'*CAhurch-=-mexi,is*i gheneppperativegande declarar:ive,not: at authoritative, AA gae ehaving.;A no eeai1thbrit:y.e, rheyecan have -Aeno‘1€gihf1'a_tive poxver % offiawes anc_L conflfitt1nic>ns,;(cal1 lw>y;what name’efo--‘ iesterethayawgll) bindzngm theconfcience havmge V-no Penalciew AC2. W séebeiza V fu11ke«deep1'y,i “ iricona1i<1nens~ u11der{’cm1dang:§,, great difference ‘id? arifevwheregs A~ V the- fame fhould refidek. amdeealli men acknawledgjngiet 1:0‘ 31596195: A mm;g,ghe C1ergy.o11eIyg.deid'.place it amongfl: them‘-as itwtere By? A W”-..A “ .A § “E «I?» A go inforce ‘o‘bedie11ce;. andw.I1yfhou1d any{i1c11;:;i*1ia:gasIpiri:4 Alu tual1au't$11ority be admitted 1:0 A bc when -it cannot be evid<=:nce& what ezscécuticn dothf'o11o%w , for authority without execution 2 ceafmh tq be authorzty l">yA10fing its v:;?rtug forif zi,uthqr1ty A A $9 cane gQ,I1emL1’{tAgo, oz: to anothezs Accime, he 'm_u;Pc coxnc; , Aandi V A 1~i k£wii*e$FitoL a ,,third,/ice tI1is,wh¢,n%1uftdQit ,,~bL1t no Clergy man not Miiaificir of tI1e;Goipelca11Afi1y , enter :I1c>u'1m:o heavsi-11, :i_i1‘1‘c?; gee thou into hell, all here cjm A{§1yAA is, thus be1eeveAar1d‘do,gan&- th<éu1'h%a1lbeA fétved, btitif o%t1;1c::rwji"€: you will be daxniaecybut‘ faqth thedoing and beleeving c§épe:11deAthAupo11w%the hearers gwzm A » choicg , “‘nothingj is ‘%de&;:ci;r1ni11%éCiA +hy;: Athe,A §aF{P0i11t_1n£ijfll‘;Q£I_h® Mixjaifctaxg 3 all that ré{°cs:i114theVAApower of' ,tI3e“ AMi:1i*fEer:isAAm declare; - to othersg the efibcftuall; ‘mama-:-3 of their falvaciom Froxnthez - r'evVA:eiled will 9? God 3 to whiclx V whofoever Afubmits; _ h§,r at volamtary profe1fio;1‘At¢PciFyi1ig A his, beliefs , A ,and ri3 thetfaale ofhis be11cf'<::A ,,;, bum A brings not? forth fruit aqcorditxg tow%A11is.‘1’rof¢.iT;on ,_, md XWIRES: not accordim to t11e:'ru1e3;Afetdowxz11 in Smpmre 3.. ;¢11a:!Wi_h non an '9' ' D. co1wi11cm._ nor rc2c1ai;nedAby%ncr:adn1o11ition nor reproafegz A x31e11.111ay;§he.Mi11ii}:er%;faf:1y ;=.nd% b_o1d1yAp1*onou11cethat he is ihil A. 513 VtA117e {kite %a1'xd,ct>ndiAt%ion Q75 a11%I11fidc311andA‘%,Au1*1b€1eevcr;.A ;;1o~: .:mre.c::p3b1_e of _azc1yA thing tha.t,11my accrue unto himby chm. dcatim 2111017 xxiediation Qf Chriflc thena. heathen or"pag*a11:: , tazflff? %:_hr3refo%r¢ may dcbar him? from admiflion mtg the: holy Cam- ~;:1union, xvhisshmor ought :0 bAc?,rh‘c:: Communion of Saints 01: IA‘ MR6 b61ec*ven-3 A, and is Goe:IsA%S:3,c1°:.n11az'zt to us ,[ I i:ha«t to fay; hi:s;,AA %;,‘0vena;3ta.ndf:a£AA1111tQ%L1s,AMof th(f.‘fi.‘L1iTfS and benefits, AtI1aAtAAw¢: 7 Empfs for I1<:1‘«2ezfi:«:*r;. by vcz-ram: c>'fCI1rifls deatAha1'1d %r<3fi1rrefl:i£:»n3- Em.c‘the party ()*I'4:1'7:.“i"1C1i11‘g“iS*I1.0E prefex‘xtIAyA caAPcintoA. hc11Aby.thatA V A t€£:m¢11cc:%.,%%A°a11d thmxgh m-11:‘-m may fol}.ow ;.1p0n_iAtA:he;t‘f:afrer,% ‘yet: V: A % §s_%’i:..mc z:11eVrAMiz1iPcers ilmtexuce ,,AA:mrftI1c: debfarrixzg him from chm. A A AS.:.A:cr;1rm:*1':at , .tha,t doth A{:i‘11L‘1;hi1I1_thViAC11C?F},"bUt%hiSAWRIIC <7:»f' faith, w:% whéch is;1mde‘evi.dunt am‘! 1mr;«0:ioL1sA , 1 by ab; 1-"i11geAa& pfgumy A %dA;e«:j1;zr;:~«2l finngr, but by-AA_:1n 0bPaiz1:w:=,p&3x'f¢4rverance% i11anyAA fin : A . Ag} more Mthguz hath becx:».judged~.a1rAeadyby‘ nheAem1aApp¢aIa;1.c'; A jud%gcx1'?a cg .f::‘11d¢an *.1mu1%to11el1 but ur 0'11? a”11~dinte11ti0n of ¢.:%.«;>iz1'm2:x:c?‘+' I ‘ Y . . .2» A c utio11 upon the offexldc-3r4 is:%e1Te1it'i.€s.H to authority and i1"1:f':p:cmb_3.<§ %fm.1n it») but onely m prévexzt (what in hix1‘a1i<3thA)his"goi1‘2g; thither M: for aibeit: that%the%IV1ix1i{’cc:rs fszltczme, hazing 17i,<;_.‘»;;l‘it1§,='wp1'«;~- nounr:«:“:d , be ratified its. hcavem ( wmcih is x,11*a.a~1e11§7ab1e) yea: A may in be recalled again&,%«VbL1cm-:v¢‘r at the Mi1'ai{’mm‘s will zmc,r1 Pj1C21fli1‘fi~?‘(§Whichatl fo111eti;n%e$V4*is””i¢1icAide1*1ttk::2AA autlxgriry ) but by * zhebontritionazudrepexlitéixace of the pbfciixatc pari:yVpL1bliim1y' .‘pro*1nifiz1g,,and vowinghis ai11<2n<:h11€.°11t;_,u’pc1I‘T!:‘Which avAidence thé . Mi11i&er1nezy pron0L1n.r:c;- 11is:1bf01uti01'1 r«f:cr<:=AivAi11§.§ hiz‘11Aag.;ai11“~ix1zWm _ the b6)f0i1‘1€3OFtI1€ Churehwud zldmitt him againcz imzo itllfif Ccmgz-5+ 1m1niono€Sz1i2.1ts, and;%tI1%isfent;11“xce is 1ikeAAWifi-1 1'm_:if§5‘¢d iz1'He:t+; x:en,%If:I1epem:icsgrepemézmcc: be Lmfa1n<2dm‘1d '%f.1z“1c%<3rc+, wlmich“ % nmtWitHfia;1.;{i;ng.¢n1é1y be hypoic1“itic::fi1.‘a1‘1c1'ni.ifi?::;'1‘1b1&:din"hi12“:,£ albeithe clotl11=efi:aine“ and fI:“>,rbearc'* f':mi1‘1 the f><:~rforn1:zm;:c~:A of ‘A that AWherc“:in he ga.vc::_::h<:s o£’f”er:§*e%~:4_;.1ci fca1'1ci:11%I,i'and'T dptij Amc>r<:A<:>-; % ver.proc&edc:»tV04an'1md1n<:*nt of h1S lnfe, not o11c:1Ay1r; %tI1:1XtparticL1e;{ é 1~a*r5:bL1tdothwalkeiuixblamcably and wiAt:%hmn:A Az113yAd<3£I.:rv<§a;{V‘ra:=~4_ 47 pzoafs: from the jLxdgn3e13t¢’of1nen% in all other, h()%%xA’vIE;i;<::%izc:ir '*L1;'§c::1‘Aa“ % ‘ ay v.ifiAble% purpofeof a1I1E*I}di11€I‘1t, the Mi11i1%h:+r11ot%Q;1@1y 111:1y;.E3L1t‘ %% rnufi rmeive him zzgaine intoi the bojfoxne oftlmét Clmrcéh, anal ;1d-.- * | A’ i11ir,hi111agai11é~i11to the I1t>1y Comlnvmioll WithAbtI2c:rs,%£2fn;I1;.a1':A % nQd1Li21g‘ is left to; the will of t:hc+ VMix1i{%’cm§,[nof% to thi?%{*Er1;111 ftxcigcté mmt:iof' the ]\’fi1]iPEf‘."I'“;, but :z*1 1*4is Areferriad : I';1'l~0« will :1 M, Al+:I;?;QW:é.~ '1édge¢fGod,%‘a11d 'vV’hE’1‘C‘ wi1l’a11d‘know1c:dg;e are c:*>,:cls;xc;i;i~d%,%4‘I;Iic:1'r .3Auchm~j:y;A ;jg*% _Wm;jng, and thouggj11AA1n11c11 n1uyA mt A[<°:f'F€:21or«1g—as -t:h<=:y “follow z:he.Ac:1c::~zr<::‘1i_g>;Z*z.t r«:~.~3r«;3:.;:1:~.u.:!, .;;l1i;;sg»:;~A. . I . ‘ ‘K ’a"‘: __ 1,4:-n~tll'wu‘qu-. .. .. M, M .,-‘‘-_,g,.-»-: ; nu ‘ ‘ ’lI- “ I " L ‘ ‘ ‘ . “M .1»: V ." ' ’ ‘V G ' ‘ ‘ J. ‘ ‘ . : “Y L: V A ¥ ‘U ‘ , ., a An .. A. M’ ','«*-‘F, . .IfI“mNMI1Mmrvzr4w.‘wI'.-',".“v!‘*' "V v'm&M"lflIDvm-I-VI“:-W\ v... V V ' _ ‘ , t at 4 t;,;~,;;;;;;«.1fiI¢H%;a¢:v'fr¢5’a3“Wit cge%I11v¢n¢i.% :19; can aha ; in-~ Forc:4"bB'c4féi1ceT"1aflY fpiricuall ¥n§31}€§ pr ccrafizms o % tha t:11urch,’iix1:c2"a7i1Y chitig ~$i%h¢"r€'0* “WY ‘13¢¥1?‘?31¥l11d f011<2W ‘ha? ‘mi: ‘W311 Q"F~ziizfzéxzfégifiéffiiiig APf¢%¢€¢4i113§r91n€h€,wi1¥0F*nafl ’wBui3‘l3é a tale £25 tIié“4]?ziI’c’ice of God, whim 09¢ mar; muff be as v g;T’[>'£1’f3liéii‘n5 Qf”Heathc11"ai1d 'ConfeqIieIi g§‘1‘%gap;aVbI_g: (if £1516 fiuits A §£’chrifts ‘».ig,:.»‘rh;% far xiifgbmms W191? ‘h;¢\'s:é11».0.¥ %f°m~‘-‘!~‘=hm% 4“-'=*< -péxadigg txpdfi the:-will if ‘another: W519?! 1“? man; dflrfis =0..af‘% f;gme;"*anc1"%Ii2zyi,z1g my cc§;n3QI;1_3-fiV;‘~§ .¢F!“¢$, :0, %¥1fQ¥¢€»Qb€di@fl£@m A :1i*e;r‘can ’1fa.§'5é’f15 legiflarive power of m%k$“§V9£°311’»19“33“4%% éginftituniqzis bihdingtfi. Ath¢A C‘}3’“{°5¢n;C}32 F0.‘ 3:. HW VY:54t..}.1.9“f 3 PE“- A gzgtcy. iar‘ Ap{c>.v1v1er? fufficiénr ‘id infcrcé it. iii ¥1é13vszznoxA ne¢~d<= WW- H«:m':’ati;r Ifiéh p9.Wbr.. fcrfxiéhj ?5B9W¢f»5$_9.9,E. ¢9nciucib1eA as all iI5.>f €‘TfldV'¢fReHgipn which’ is can A I1]‘it{C€Wd;*!;0,-§h¢1:1‘l,§§ to them ¢3g;i~e‘anc{”‘;;j¢;{i;:¢§, buqt'isVd¢{ij:L1§tive co: tf;1c:j;en}c{ ofgovexjnmemg. for tIi"é'r:‘rii%::‘:3f‘Eifiie£;érfdi>,f‘ i:¢1igic311i??*4 .f'¢fi'L‘55* OF God» is :<>4g10irf3I God» E1ja¢‘1ffi%a‘nfAwhé fwgs..jAth€réfo;¢%%c:eated. to glonfiy his Maker lhould“ Réligiph hitch“ “a two fold; eiid, ‘ them refpeéféth God. the ow » ‘:1: trua颔kTriZQ\i;vIe;"‘:?1'in»réjfp¢&:6F1n;ih,iié; to bring” a nq1;mf;om~ all;cqn-~g fid‘¢n"ce_in" fii;i11fé1f'e4 or. the creaturq-,% to; rely upg:yn.t;he Providencc he may, A A gnd: goodhéifélif Gc5d__.Tvv_11o is Chg: VCr.<:ato%u»_r,4 to, the end: I 1{en’oupde his'own ‘righte;;i1fne£1'cA gto bf: i_1;I1a«cIef_)a"I;taAlg¢:"r%of' ch¢Amc-Q tits Rigfiréqufixdlé of the So9n¢L oFGs>d, the Redecmenos Maiffkindé; tfizitfib)? f'ai5th‘i'n7him.,hc obtainegracfi imdfifpme; x‘1i¢é{fur¢;?pfféhEtification in’ this 1z£'e, ' o A N for, the._%iz)f'9rcing Qfa-M. ‘ 3: th¢. remiflion .of'finn¢s, 1 and Frixitifm of Glory hereafr2:r‘.5 angf. For thisih cndj;oE.re_1igion pm? % Humane.lavcfgé.d9icor1tributeVainy,_tIi§pg a I2 3“n: F421-‘ LING th1.35d‘3* ~ ‘[Sc'f'ip:uresMar_é-: fuffi‘cienr:,being cbmfileaye th¢m1"e:1ves; and that A cheiFejducy;)of tEc;T' Minifitersé ofxhe Gofpefl is‘; re , explaine ande A expound :1-xetruew meaning of i”<:rip:_:Ln-cg tqqthgré, ‘ Fm: d .- “ wheréofVrfiey1hcu1d bé learned i:.w11 necefl?ay1earningTand »*sI..t7f’- E-.ihr1'-4- A pm-y;nent,t and have a futhcaent maifitehexnte thzit they may thee better ‘attettd ether; to Kvhfléh»'_thC3fét1’i?-;C{il1f::"d; but A for the éxthef entdetotg1e‘tjify.God,h humane ‘;c,®1f1ti*ibi;'1e'tet ihueh, they are requi!‘€dt.ofGhrifl:ia_h1t11d be cozmnanded by them, ft: did he never in the hzihdé 6f t “e tlafierits and" Levites under h the Law, net of the Aptaitleé tinciief the G he ‘A — fpe1l,and by cottfequence into the hands t ofnfi Miniffefé what-= e foevtjr fttcceeding them, a~.nd<(3t>‘d tiétht require ef"the Magiftfatet ' to i~11‘1prd\AI€ his Authority (whichtis the w1et~itt*tthiatIete@tt:ati. hath‘ gt-a vent him) for the gaining of others by force-afld~ét3in1it1I‘fidn;; A (when he other ttneanes will prevaile) tc?> tlteperforthahee of more dutyes; that aretequited of them, as he requires dfall who A are ca11ed*to_1about in the Mitiifteriall fitnftiott and ofiicet, td i1Ai1'-’- At ploy their gifts and graces (whichare the talents beitoxved upan t;he_1n)%paitnfu1];y ‘tine dilligently for the enlightning éfttthe lander- tflzandingof others, whereby every exalted thong ht ant! i»tttagrifi:t- tjpn; may be broug: downe, which the Matgifi;r‘a_tes Péwer amt Authority C3511? never: reach, for the Power ofiihe Magifirate A reacheth no further then tQ'théOl1tWLi-rd life-&_tco11«verfa tio~n,wherx. the operzitionhof the Miniftry fubcluetll the will,; and "therefbre the printipalle care of the Magxfitate 1s :inc{= ought» to be to enforce V men to live: upri htly and. juftly as they dugh»t to doe, fer by {6- A “doing men glori y God, but this is not V:11t1A,the gldrythat is to be I . performed by man 1 to fcir befides there beta re-a~dy', A filbftnifliott to the Wi1_lN6ftGod,, fpfitigitigt {fl-'otn it perfect} love to: 1 \ » God,tmt g;‘outtcfed*upC‘:a_?1»ta»h atfltttee-ehottfidehce é)fGt*6d§lovetto:-1 us, wh»i1th-.111iay he bego-tte1‘1‘ a«t1‘d~lt"»i»m~.i~led int itmerrybl:IteC*ai*1“l:*1€V¢3.‘r~ A be i~t1fA‘t$a:t:ed,a+:1d toe’ thi§Chi1ty't_€htZ1A€—Eh‘ the Mi!t=i’§{7ters*1:i“;ti1aes ahdttlhew b0flr5b1v!titiS”~afldt 12$ he Ehe‘~Gl1Fifiv1u411*Ma£’;iftrate§’Cai‘@ the t A eprc;wit{eh'f'ot: all» t1i&t4t¢3{19hQ11é1’)AfA~ bCf_Aii‘li?l’A(5}dL1C€-L’HIw)y“ Fc9t'cetat=1d+tco1nij gulh on him; the Semicerhf G'.9‘c‘T,..~\'s?‘he_1'§:?f‘(§r(3"t1I1ACAefehftflfan ehde tof? A "A A at%AtC1%t:0f=AEhGiIWiI1!iA&A1i§1?‘ t!treftd«ii¥et‘enit+ 110:-cotitrttry,-1:iuI§.*t " ,thet%I_‘ev_rexa11;.tne:tnes~b}twh1ch:tthey‘atmhé?t?hei1fet§ds~are‘hnt:¢t«one—- _1y_ t egm. % r ' 1?yfi:1i&'erent but co:1tmryga.11efL thofa-A 1ne:{1‘i¢§é%_-«4W1fiich are effEé'&L1r;ii: . ieleffcrro the mixers. for; . ; ..‘ As‘ to size o_ne,a>.je _n0E cmZy_ ’ %ine1*f7eec'ma11% but.» 0 .‘ the Magifizrage can neve;:%att;%aine that E11dr¥.;§2z_'f&§;*.§fiGfl -his‘.~.Auth0ri«? ty cqnckwech by 110 pcmfwa £195; nor 111for1;1a,:1m3onlélyy mar mm?- A V tAhcmIvA§m§£%.er fi1E:n:iuetha=.~ will dmrAinfi::rme_;;I1e~1ihd¢r{ta11didg by :m3r‘Aucfwrity from Qf%1z1,hi1nf¢Lfe,‘§;nd *bo‘thM %o;f;:the:x_1 havmheix: 1 %Cr::z1z3:1i%f%§1oi1_ ixnmedxately from God,‘ a1*2d.;}c;ach of; then: are fubw to‘ the other withou-t any fubcvrcflirxa non jofoi_i1c_e5,Fronad@npox1 one or b4o:h,% as b“e3 mg a tzlxird pcrfcm 11d1e£IEefi1‘1terre{‘i"ed in jufkice a11d'HQ;1ns>ur«thei1'.' wither,%a%11g{%n1a11y times ‘*"tI-merjuficice oft? God is 11109: gt‘-ec‘:véous‘ w.'11<:11 -1639: a%pprc11e;n1»deci,‘as fixfilz-;:i11g»me11;to%¢ wallew in their £1119‘ It u... ‘ 0 t 4 —_ end ofeil government is the prefetvation of thlllimile‘ fcitiety, “the ‘ metmes ofdoing: whereof is by union and. mhty, and Autitimgity is the 'i€fF€C}?L1ail meémes of producing [and ptfopagzttiine Lliilityj? and t%hereFore whenfoever Authority is divided, “V 13iE;€a1'I1Lty :ii— wai-es, and ibmetimes mu it admit of diiviiion xvi1ich;’ciei?tt'oyes it}, f0r‘l‘}11iEy and divifion are deftrttétive one of ataothetfi, tine Wifieu twé Tribumlls are erecfted for the cieterminmg of -fevetaii tmci different caufes and crimes, both armed with at forcible Atithtw -rityi, weilding fworcis of at different na ture, agrestbie to their tif-— A ferent conPcitutions, and without_ £iI1yi\iVt>Cif3j.D’;‘1'lL‘i€3l1i(Ly and fuhot-ch- nation the one to the other, what 1flfif1~I"1gtCO11COI'd Li1‘1d_:1g71'C£i51i1t:1‘1t can thetebe beweene thef: two, they thzltilllallllzgge them mufl: t be Juiter then men are knowne to be, or adVaI‘1tflf}”,€St wiliiijxe ta-~ A ken when given by the one, (as no fltblunary fitbitetticeswhieiii are fubjeét to change can remaine long in an €'C]L1;1i1i‘.uu:11](jt;j‘) for ihbjefciiag the otherA;ia11dtherefo1ée it w'as,w11eu tthe Ci1rii?ti- world did byia generall confent beleeve than the Ci_1L1I‘Lh_ 11a-- vingfa {Word thougi1 invifible, for the <.;‘L‘ltti17lg c:>’EF<:>f' all iiji1irft*11tt-— tic.-all and reftaétory Members-, no leiie really and truly A then the A State hath a vifible materiall fword, which for the pxéeiemttitm of union and unity; was iefizeetned 11ti‘CL?H:=.ryM to be put into the hands ofone , anditherefore willinglyi!'i1bhmitted their necits, u1'lf- tdertheAImagin;1ry iictoaiie thereof, ftein the ientem;eeof Popes, r or Biflnops of Rome; Hbwieafie was it for them by reafmi there- bf to fL‘lbj€3fl."a1,1 ChriPti-an Princes and ~Magif’ttates unto a tiejpenw tdency and it fubordination% utntojthem tiiid their Atithméity, :.t;"2d hoxvv ciidtheyltrouble the _Chrii‘ti:m world, by trf*tI1Si:C1“ris. gefiigif J .irig5htsit;t;;at1d itim-tug up ofitrebelleioniiFwhetifoever any iF‘i1&>ie = Princes did oppo fe them, ot“ci0ntt:tdirrxA1eAAc>r4<:»:x:herA<:Is,~xct:un¢Ad.; alzd A f.-;e;§perie:L1¢CAeh3;.§hnow taughtw,.Wh3l%;c0u1dAA11o£ b€A?f0rfi1?=€i?€ 13)‘ " ;.réafQn.a1Aqne, AA»wAiAnhoutAfQme:add1tiona11V ;1AA1@11?ea fmm A«4diYi;11€=~si11u— A,A;mix2az:ion. £b$$~zifl~Eh€A%ChuArCh Aof-~~Eng1and A%A,ewhi9h:AdidAA H013; cncly A ‘off,cheA.S;1preami%cie.of v.che»Bop,§,; but..had_,purgc;d hepfelize .,%.;Qf3#11.th.QAf¢ errours -which4Ahac1 either. cAr,¢pt, iA9aA+01?»W¢f€~iDtfGdL1C£§d MowermfithatzASL1preami§I!§i‘;bYA%raf:E¢%iI1i£§g»1of'4Bi111912S,AAA:?e¥3d A V,A gi.\riz;a_gAt;hc,tI).AA9,¢.-p3.rcm1e,1ys0i’~I;hz1t~fpifiwa11«Al1Ch0ri,I;yrWhiql1£0!-A" _AA,;mc17IyA%Lwas. .acknowl¢dg€dcQ =1’¢IP@:,SAxa11d fthough nqua11iF)7i1)g4t113«t A V“AAApari:A;b y.Am£i:raining%it::ftmn:.=;111.ALs:gi11arcivr;A poAwcr:A9nAa_A-power;to ;::iua:StAA”a;f;y-Vthi:Aqg,.;bucf.al1owingAitraulmwerA05‘s§kudi4C§a£ur¢aAA th¢ g¢fi.€flu%11l.-mgfirgflfign and Ap11:>pt:r w§arki1gg~9f th.at»Pa»r£;0f ,1PiI?iW“ .;;AA?ii11A:Autho:riA:y.,% hsithmoqw AAful.lyA¢Lm1115$Q1¢»4Alf;fr:?1f«.!3€1I*d 50 f‘B9‘°*A I A ;:ppga,u-:J_up¢n1tit;im1anclAg:;rs:wuI;A::m:hierA t1;e1n.the.'fi11c.eriA:y and cm§!1 AJ;fdflX@1igio§1;:»and as»rheAAx1aAr;.m*111.mo:io11s;9fdaff@rm1tA%AAbczditasn #15 fA£<3r.i:1:,;g in ,:qu:Az11.;;y a;:1d.Afubfta11ACe- t:e¢1c1Anoc1xffg2reAnt <:A§11§6:$»; §h6.:1jm-~ A:g;;1;ma1Lm;3;Aciq1;. p£A_EpifcQpagy,~ A hathmow. Aciafcovjcred ,1tA iA3=:‘1:fc‘w»AAtA0rt tQ%-'.M'01mar€‘tly3“‘1S r ' . V 1 A A wife; duTcoveAx¢dAA.A:a be; §151dw:1€13t;-3-+14 d¢9cxtef11ii»f‘%‘ A ‘ “ A A V 4; vs V _1c A - or ;‘* »;~_A V‘ CHI‘. .w-um...‘ .,,,.. " flu Reguiézg it is mic e we it is :1 fuppoxt to a :’;»iera":ua11 Mnziaatchye Tore%Mb11ar~'~ ‘ .. *5 ”%(.‘h}7i1'lEhC? Ci1urch?,:1sebeing‘ the barfis a11d.foundati%o;.1 thereof; but ioth Lxxldcrmziie and Cleitroy ;Mc.-mvarchye in the S.r,af:e<,j efpecia V A a‘.;3e§,v' inei1'1ceE§tateeewvhic11dee§1t1:L1{¥;Umtoeitas ‘toefuppbrtfirg and A ve:xi13e,u is eleere Far all iupporzzem xvhich h3.vex10fo1i.d*f'ot1n- ;:§.:1tio.;1, doe-1*ui‘n:1ce rhof:‘ebL1_ildmgs_;Whiche zzreeerefted‘ upon them “%aei2e1g“o%'% gre.1terA\veighta11d !;l1b§?c9.‘z1ce then cheF6u;1dé:tio;jcan «3m;7.2'e:;a;2-e, cmd the foundation offipzfc opacy. bemg layed m the err» "‘*£2;Ya;)fi"i2"sf;' of i‘pi~riti1=.111 Authority or eE«:c1efi;;1fi:icail cemizresg Spiri- ea-tu-;zi1Am:horit ;it~felFeha::henoeeother e~:=‘r0cePcam:, according to A ‘V the %ReIig1'c>11 by law efiabliihed, yet did. it not thereupon follow A that he‘h11n.fe1f'was gmltles feoxne the fentence ofche1a~N,b"¢¢m1é¢: 3 his af32iC3§I1S-bfiilig all warranted . by his Majeftiezs C0111};-m:A~,”t1iey4 *;Tcou1v;I not be divided from the Kings; whit}: isfltxe CheifeeV£hihg ~~ imgsiied by EhiSeepa1‘E§Cu13.r.VHiVS~fecond particm/mreis coxzcernjng this “ Vgg1‘ff¢iIlflldtgpopulous City, to which he is Very,‘%kin'r:I and prayeth e ¥G'ea,:ze::a £7215/film-‘:}t,§3u*£ all his prayers for7thofe‘ whb he coneeiveth had V done him injury have a Pcing in theem; and this “prayer ends re... preaching rhofe he pragyes five, as if fame had fubordned wim car . « 4ga£n;?e -9255 we L/5y‘g4tbur£>§;{>r~qfT/a¢zna’x,’ which he afi'ir1n6I:he.tv~éa xiway I AV mgzlaar ~2rzz:,zg_,-19:5 mfl’H:n:g'er may afM:muacent% mm, A and may plmzh:-' “ it;?rmwn£e A “ A $1/eidflpan 2/99:? ea1i7n/amd:,ugndpcrl:;q .};.«:pwé tbgzls Citya_Jfia,whjch be; e fore heprayed God no bleife, andnow again zofiréid xlawudgaa V ?.?31?A5t,bu.iE 111% prayers are itnixeoi withthreates: and all tend ;i_ng mg 2.1% M -juijtify hixnfeif to his Ai1ditou1~s,wl1ereof he is never 1:gnn1i11d%efix11 "0 upomzlloeca{1o1°:s,:;.11d having here oecafioo to mention the ePeu:-- e »1:a.mo.1t5 d11€'bd€f5:0WCS§.§‘10ri0LiS and hoxuozirahie .Ti.t1es Hand 1 epiw A thmtes upon it, as if dthfdt were Tfutirici-;~z1t to %tePcif"y I1ise.re.f‘pe&sf ~fl1ere0f”,ebut4h€ doth co1*ie:;{L1radble as his €XPF€flfiQmS=; but whatfoever his ‘ei‘ceeme ‘of. them was, ghey were his Judges f d wifldhe never be theirs} whi:c11l1eeherde e,app3;e—;~ ‘hended, when he did put the City in n'1ind (‘>f‘tht“3] ufiice offlodg, arid bawfidrfufl #2 t/oiasig 2' t W155. tafzll £maf the Hood: of 1.‘/ye;el.i'vi2sg' God,£'ecam/E Gad rememéerk: and fargctsd. meted 7-t/awamplaywx aftlaa i pour», a lefllm which hed1f;everreme»mbred when .he‘himfe1‘f‘e did fit upon the Tribu‘na11,.budt mo? fpeexall comfort umzo hum gppxfx I ehe Seafiold, for his blood was innocent blood , and1f1ot onely A A iennocem blood in his owne ePceen1e but he had aef-'peei;111 Com» ‘g%mif3io11fi‘o1n God to tell them fo, as Jeremiah had; in the 26.. e(;'/Mp; of }%eremiAh,e our; [15 . thewords were um. ex91:s:fi?::d~by hgxp but direotfions givenm the place, the ‘words be rhefe, Bwgkgaoxir ‘~* yefbr germine, that ye put me tr) dumla, you [Km/I {oral}; ibrirzg imm... mat Hand izpone your féslws, and $¢par1‘t/9:3! City, and upm the I obedi- mm tbereafzfir afpz truth the Lard I.-mtbflvwt me taoym mfpcmlce A157 V Wftbeféward: in y0tJr.Mrc.af.. The Words are fo plaijne they xxec-:<;1 no comment. r = \ AA A A A d e A A do Hisehird particular if}, #13:"; pane camhaf dEnglmwd‘. W mJ.1sit,’out from thence no obfervation is to beddravidxmeg for it is m A. D 3. , goo. es he _ A = an undeniable truth wfiat is étzhexte afl‘i.r1ned;one1yi,t\wou1d%Bé%ixi«= A quired after, who hath beeme -the Lpnincipalii and Infirumentall A A caufé Ac)f'~this.grEat change, «but.»he.-rhath .made%.~noVapplic atiou and fo willl. ‘ V ~ 9His»%laftapa1§ticu1af is -himfe1fAe_, zand that~21b0utrhiS=reIigioI1,.,in which he «is very rbreefe, choofing A to~exprefl?e -Ahimfelfe b,y.cir-a A euznftances whidhad-xni.t of a %1at:itude%%t4hat 1nayAvdcceiVe.thc.he3a«£ remr reader,rather=~thén;pofici~vely and ;C:leer1y whereby hc.1cave,s the heater! or ‘1:.~eacIer*~!as»li%c~t1e—fatisfied as aifihe-.had. faidV%%%nmfi1in_g;;%an A all, yet thshe4 confefllil his 1abom:ing.to%k_aep up ~au»ZJx£fbrmi2&y:.A£m A the exgemaill »War'jl:ip §f‘~God5bu tmakes mo: t:ion%:a;t”a11V of what meanes;»heV1iAfed to doe“fo,= For in the wayes which he tookeyaildm thernieanes which %h;«:> ufed corafifted» his V chec-f'efi:— wilt, but ; than ~he;wpa£Te£h?0ver,*and To ~ comes at «Laft to A fpeake o 4 his accufationfl ‘whieh*=was:ino*=1e{*Fe*then 1an)»%accufa%nion+of?High%treafon, :andAby Avnwmeaner Apeffons%th¢11&by1th€ whole C01nmons%ofEng1and‘»a;£- ~fémb*l«'e‘TcI%in theifi reprgfmtative baflym P‘arliamen;3,amdAthereA~ and A by t"hei11~proved%agayn{1:whim, yetirha ch: he *thAe‘::«c4onfidence to fay ‘ ic»Was;a“=%zcrime foulecver <~*abhorred,hc>:wV4foevrer¢ he Vvprocec:slsino% . five zf Rallm, mm’-"at l1:k§'?1!I&‘0lWl!lA£7‘-” to _(i;5vw.:rt:th:%%trM~.Pra~ v;e#2vntL:mlzjgia»Aqflwlwlgsmiwby tbafé Lmmbouhwhichlxc feemeuhmo fiA€‘I‘Iy,blll:**{"d Izrniffticaliyas nhaahis %me,mimg».isTranher% no V.be?col~le&- A 4%.-d5 die;11:>’t1hit»it cani be bleerely 5cl~i~fce17ned. For he;;g~xprefl‘ea:h» .;him-- v‘_fe‘i€eW>aAt*i~o11fl'}_r,; stuck a1a"fwere_u11_"&n xanognher f7orme%::AmEwords,;rhQn - . 'WW&rc& pmpbfed'V'byzrhrm.;;f'or*hav1ng;i«Prounded,;7ha-q1, '"I§1§§E~-fh€'A{*'h&’}‘*g€ againflc him was «an Indeavcur ;.«E0a:«fU‘b¥¢“_5“§eEh€A ~»Ea:wxI5EEhe ’R*eal”ii_ne,é and eaMae:Endeavour.-totovetthrowstzhartazue -i‘I>“1é¢;i4>‘t6iI?£mfi%tf4 Rérlxgimr eflzabhflhedyby ,1:h;ofeV1aw&s,‘ Jmatlfwereth ~V"%1aving‘*fis& ‘jfiéojtéfled, slut the vpxefimepf A!m;‘gIa(xy;?aGud»&&~aagdaIZ/4:3 Ml ? Ma’ 51 wwangm. 1=tkur*3»hcea:didza1q:A~inAmmmpan bz;e*idmrh,tba:Ja;e ‘*;ifé‘r;?&;* ‘efidédwaflmdwhat/§g”é‘werflanV ;EaWc.r ra}‘7ty/.::;««f;Rére«lr1:e ., .5» % "*’m@tr*imf‘% cb.é£:ga%af% we PfbfflfffifltfiK€lig‘iwfi5‘‘i-€fitI=aEflp¥:f%;/i£PfiVfla;i£i07§ ; I *‘?§£%héi‘i«I:-‘t~1fei%£”3sf7~ do.thrzimp1“ V. a*great~~a1aange%:fz,=omfwhat ihey were, when firfi propounded , A or by his firfl prcpfifiiiomof “them he'expré£féd1Ahimfé1fe ,s;,;. to»%A2~have;%.. been :accm[E—d;.;ao‘F an %en«» 4 .;aAc1ea«*si:§ur‘L:ood the A leaf; A ‘ .1» y lthcpfe ;1awx;~:s,A 'amc1*;annfwexenh, of «NY ¢h.ar_1ge49 Vim111l9ye;dbut maswifiiitfiji m erromfsé¢andAcorr*mi011,, 1?t:t:--aw.--» unaummw w‘w~- «M- kgi atiw mwer» p0w¢r%o£1awrrnakin..qs As;w+:aé%¥»é3i%ndixnarhc% §xar,m:=%9f ¥hi8:§9ver;1m§nt, and including, Kjgqg am pg;.mmAenc§. ~WhM;.~‘h. he w%§AchargcdAA%tQ Qyerthrpw, gp ZA[Am:1ez;vo;;r to introy time an Arbietmry goverxnmmra d.CP£13di11g ;;pm;.:hc Wi11*of Ame King 310116; and e2;c1udi11g the 1’Mia1nsa;a: 5 guxdinhis anfw¢rhe4 mam Amexwtiohn 9f the £ubverfi¢;n of the lafizes in mg p1um11,nuan»A bar, Wh;e1={e .VI:§1€‘Y%-31"»? confined tp difiercnz fizbifeé’tsA»“ am fo manly ii73£iiVi1"h:A- % smfih-amd44thema a which 3110: man did ezs/er thinks Of lay rd ‘his. A «charge that he indeaivouxcd the fubm-*.fi0D V95i¥14~?1i¢ §N31F’1€1'1“’V‘?:$a« am! as emery mxmcictr ar,a;nd appegre fa11Aac_y A %- Q?!‘ 1‘; Aaw1;1cel%>d?ac;e»it,¢?;:.%A ~ gin theother&brmch:a:bqL1t AV:I?;e1igiQn;tge%A prgpogpds ;it;.j of an % -lUd€3zV0h1r to ;(>Ye13thAmW the true :Iv’tvM<>1t@;(;;’\C€v1MT1[t;l§,€1%i4 ?i0§1Vfi%&.ab1ifl1'€f§i? ifieligicm intc» Pczpjill tfnxpexjfliciqn which .2; %man‘rfeffdi€r"er%qnc‘¢:,. ~=wheneqf :herc:after : ha§fi_ng;QCC,3fiQI1*tQsfp€%kCfiffivdfhié Cfceéme ,0? ~1?a;r1ia.1nm:'11a$,%t;.%.» hich heVf§%t“a5ke5 Oficafiqm1;omc:m:ion4AAherew;afs’.hax(- Tingibiu accuf 1dAA%as:m;1\wAenCmAie~» to themathfi :\5f:11i?11:13€T<1¢f1i€$ *3‘-"P.’V7‘-‘"5" asfixgg a:Re_ve:renc1=~_eB;¢ernc ofth<:1x1";in ztheAw%geI:1¢r;L11m,a$;of_tAf§¢ gr:mjl= A A :«C’até&m.:1n:erg\1*loic%I5. n0rat‘53¢3? wt! QM »b,€%5V¢ ¢%*l47’4.”"§,[.‘$¥"fl~'v€"!?’A‘¢”% ‘I?’ y Kingdamo ;; b,ut:12rofef{'eI?h h1S.,d1fl1k€.§4g ,~§Pat1iam€n§S»sin.,p;1rti€L11aI}afl?rfi?!!!€~!P9%'l2{brzqAg§¢crgtJ in A A A what What %:fih<-We«m%fSr», 1:10 A vmher ye‘ré£@rAnh;shis»efi<:§:m pf VA:1nem 3' f0mund0ub4t<341y,b¥: %:shimtheyihouidh”iivetbe€n’6‘é;:¢ne£:fi@mQd%;;1’€;~¥§§1EY; if‘??? AA .tA€YA‘A‘. hi$9~§Ieab1e AmhisfarmerJp:mftiaEes4fs#;1i}“tes tothe determmatxan and judgement of 0- ‘W ‘ ...»..,,..-.........,«»-v--*““ ‘ Wt»-~ _.._. thersl ,, gpreferrlhg; the particulejt pleafure, interrelt or ends , of Tome wlmtn tl1eyllt'efpet‘t, ~%bet’ore the g£§i1t”":‘rfll1«j§—;'0Od of all whom they reprefcnat; neither isit any llimpotfllhle thing fo to lpaclta Parliament as not onely the the-"rgs ~ to be propofecl and debated, A ‘but the greater mtmber of’ the Members Votes lhall depend up-- on the pleaihre t3f'“othe1's,be-mg agreed t111d‘ut‘liE€d amonglt them; felvest tbr la partxetzlar anti £1n1lt‘er ‘elude 7; for tt:1S»nO falfe report but a well knovvn"an£:l untlenyable truth «,* .l‘that;ini.th€ choice of the llvlemberslof the lower Houfe of Parliament which dothdepeml “upon a Free Elccftion by the Gentry , Comnmnalty 5, and lfifee-— holders in England ,the magor number wlthm then‘ leveralltllmits andjurifiliftions giving it to whom they pleafe , yet the reputaé " tion of fome in fome places efpecially, hath been lhehas to preg- fcribe to thofe who. were to ehoofe , who flnoutd be choferi by them , whereby many have been returned A by the= favourand re- eo1V1m1et1tlttt%iot1 of others rather then by any merxt of thexr own, 7 and trash rdbable that‘tlatdefio'ne of lt(.?”th“:*l.1"l“7"ll'l*4"5‘~‘ Reli ionsand alter"- :2 b a V hag the gm/ermnent having been for a long time purfuecl by a A V faellotl of men who had obtained power aI1dl'l-favour abbtlt the f"King7that they were next negligent, in xrtaknug ufe of this aclvian-¥+ V ltage for their own ends,& it plainly appears that they were not, beeaufe at chversl times they had reccaurlé: tormrliaments in time A of profecuetion of the d[efigr1e, before it was tefinifhedt, which to -1 fame 1m'ght'tefeen1le a 1_il<:ely meanes it: all apperanee to have t.over— V throwne all fuch defighe for ever, but the f.1ceefl'el ofthofe Par-«~ t A liaments and the conelufion \VhiCTh‘1ChC‘y1‘n3.dL.',‘ dothaeleerelysdew mo11l7tf“ate‘twl1at the defigtzers pmpell: and t11*3tea.i1teitmlxtras in call-~ j;;1i11gtl1em*:tfhr‘ the lezrdtof‘ calling at‘ all Paelianuetatsgl is either at purpofe a1'1dHdef1re ofrele,iving2; the I{it13gse*t~wal13ts, zandt to {apply his neeeffities arm lredreflefa the grlevaxaces of the %fi1bhje'etstt,;:o3: ” bothfor fucelthathlhbeetathea.prudeucleTofour tazaeeltotrsg in 1?;-ztlintg Althe Em me ofthis goverméhetat tl,‘n’ot ehlyeto djettygsto their ~I~iit;3gs 'l—"all»power of : iiinpofing any ‘taxes upon ‘the:tttfilubjeflslattiwltch A out their” ownftee confents,‘ hy their repreletitatlve _h0cly;:t:twaf~ lhnlembled in Parliamerit , but did‘ as it Werettlbindle the _ha.ndl;3a ~ mi new 11a merit, from {o doing for ever. . For which their Kings iwere re- conipetiied, with a fpeciall and wabfolute Prerogative ~onfV'ca1lin7g %a1j1d _d'1fl'o1vin§g Woof Parliaments _., at their will P3,:-1dtpIeaf1;ivrelc3rieIy. T heiipeoplebeing thereby afliiredg‘ thatifa defire to ri;g!h”f"tiiie ‘pene- ples grievances, 311 for providing ofbeneficia11“.La'Ws were not A {uffieientrnotives and iI1,di1CC.II1.€I’*lt.S.;.t0 the King for calling of Par- f liaments gyetthfle confidemtion 01°, and refpefi to ‘ his own nieceiii-A-» ties and wants would move him_:' and diversPaer1iamentishaving or been_c3.1Ie-dgdufing thenwprofecution of this defigne,‘ which” ha.v“a been diiioived again 5 by the f amef“ Prerogative that called ithen7*i,~r«r without any app1ieationof;redrefIe iireither to the grievances of the Sl1b'j€&S,L_j'0f' Kings. W'£l!1,iS 3 WI1'atf0eVer thepretence wasfljtimeicliief end and puvrpofe ofcailixztgg thofe Par-42: liaments, wastnever neithernfor redreiie of the Subjefts grievaiueesg nor forirelief ofthe Kings wants 5 but chieflyitomake triall 'vvha1: ” Ifiren gth they could make in the Parliament. to finifh their defigne by %AntAhority%of Parliament. For having advancediitheir defigne fo fgtrre was Qqt1rt;—by tihfehaprevalencieowith His M ajefiie, that they had iobtainedm tl1epof_Teflio.n of the,greatei’t+p1a.ces , and fplacesi of greatefi trnii, both about His Majeiiie and in the Kingdom : they: ~ wer'e" thereby of chatcreditzuid reputation, that none‘twere pre-6“ ferred to places of truii, nor to dignities , nor honors 3» without their approbation", ifinotrreconlvnnendzuion. Which.did F3 feictrre A o‘thern, thatithey needed not fearithe difa ppointment ~of“their de-" figne by any oppofition at,Court, and fo farre has the-“Kings power‘ 1 and Prerogative could fiu:‘t11eriit. But the Kings.P'rerogative being not gtbfo1t1te,'ithe,iLaws of thisoliinpgdom, and the7C:oni’cit11tion of thisGovernmen;t, having neither conferred an abfolutefpowerii. nor Prerogative upon V the Kings thereof, they could never “finiih r thei1~Kinfgs3by thcirown Confents fignified bytdivers A@cé:;f*Par- their defigineflnrhatfoever it we 5) by the rKings'Prerogative aIOn'e‘;“ without an atdnditionall confirmtationn by the Subjefis confents af3-~ ; fernbled in Parliaiment whereofthejr were likewifet aflhred ;if by: the rentattionandr firength of theiriiawétion. theyeouldtwproctiirev v P nsapp1yed for the fccurin W of all“ men, againit any fl1fi2icion‘efrtev olti to Poperjgghfarfi mani 7Cfl‘¢d tut alt X { ‘ how far ‘the ptogrcffeto Popetyi was advanced, when it du1‘fi“’a”pp‘eai' A110-k thingai: difgLIifed,¢but under a thin words,inja dP5ent‘ifica1"1t robe ofabfolute Authorityhconfiimtingand ._ W afltifiorklaiix j.;; are nufcdteaile aleng AA E 2 ‘ A Artietlcs 4 ewhatsttheéndy defigne W;i.ththem= which is ¥nP.d¢‘ maelfefi by ‘.th.‘c‘'_',‘ * ' ’ refl"eof"both‘ defignes. For as all motxoxm which thfili‘. flownetcffe or diflancc fecm infenfible to ‘the-% beholder, foxas at; 7‘ view it cannot bedifcerned whither they tend", yettanc eafiIy:peI§- A aigivedtbytheir progreffe :9 fo the dark and difguifcd" tendetof I this: 1 '\ defigne, which could not endure the light of open tptofeffion , is clearly difccrnable by the progrefle wllich it hath made. For ah dd tacit that an Arbitraty power in the Kin hath been A made ufe 05 % dtruebyaéh I A to fat up and fettlec an abfolute or Independent Prerogative in~thct % Cghurcthnto Church-men, which is inconfifient with the A % A A 9Pre1:toga--tn. » flt“iv_c o*fthefCrt>wn: for Whenfoetvcr the Prerogative ofChurch-tntétj. Vail of_fofncefewdectitfu1I t A T ‘Q1’ sandjto fhewj how abfo_1utc“.-mg Independent the Pro-N . ettfimt Cifwrchof Engteandwas g{,0W11:;r zhcwnordssmfiraitactcgge A e efigfrgqmie-eifarjagxy,Vicm;?mdctiurarex, ana ‘zreinjajn zdrcwi/be f iv _opr,daihxrd"Wedecrc“¢ the 2;} A Arcicleshppib W _ _ A % 4 éxndhtlrcphcnaltles 1nforc1ng~ obedmnce; to all‘ thafc; gbg-:% folutc Comm;11‘1dS;a‘1‘ehe1t{‘1ef'fi¢fi6’fifi07I mid dqpmiation tqthnei C1ei'gy_.,; _ \ fmzaegumw % cdmmafidg or*tAh‘e‘dnez£dfu~11hcenfurcshOf'I‘30<=<=§>mImtnic»rtio7z. and Cafiipgflinto hell; to a11‘h6‘ther$* ,11+t‘ogtthet, *plf5.t1Ci~; pallytand chiefly 5% but in the abfolutencflt of fpi1*itua1ltauthbFifiy ‘- %com1;1'a,nding Implicite obcdiénce, to whatfoever Dofitrinc. go: ::Stl%1?" pcrffitfion fhallt be invented by mamas "neceH‘a~ry and ttefitntiallt to thétrue wotfhip of God, under the threatn-cdt tpain and ienalty qf, ittxigdtiztmef of hctairen to Lwhonmfoevcr A it pleafizth, a}sA,at'giftj Orétewardt within‘ the povvcrtofman :‘ and the aflhmtpttion of which-t;fo divine and im ‘ competent apowet to any man or n121;§ki1-id united togethfiratt and tht der‘iying:th.5:rcoffx;o»m one 'fo1’e1ytto"others,as i11ht§%7t6nt V th°t~1?t€?-11?n:t0t futlwftiont of ‘OMB Onéljndotht métcffa rilyttinferrc and: pncfitppofe the gift of 'Infat11ibi1ity imhim; who dqtlxafou afiixmiegltat; that he may3b.e.c0n1cjan unappcalablefijdget, wAhi‘ch, doth exalt 7% hin1_., in the fight and efieenue Qftbofemen who d%0t‘bc1ee¢v,c in him, and willizjzgly fubmit umtohim, t0 th'ettnaturcand dignity of the ‘ xncpnamttxnitable t1prcrogatigvc offfifrod, and In akcf-:5} him undteniablytf thercvealpd.Ant§.chtifttp_othcts,byufurpingazxdpoflE;111ng;M%tzIiet e §.l1thOritviS refcrvcd in héavm - fhF0n¢10fChri?rtuponf earth;«f9r_ whominiitlya fuqh domimiwfi anecll .-L.._.> -L- -‘ - ..... .,V ~ o11thc%%purpofcandAWi1I4ofnian;acciording tea !‘£h¢1 1atu‘F€'€DffiLlfh?0h. V my, and confcnited to and7bc1ccved by 0th'crs 5 and the danlgcrvto A * ‘ v‘u‘mIn‘-h~uln¢1uu«A;.:‘gu”u‘fcf- » : And.th»crooE ofPriy%orAntichriflianity C for 1'04 it may be *tcrm¢d‘: 915 U‘-"I1di11”g continually chitghmr byhth‘_c% ?Do&t‘inVe which < H %1;i:a.chech‘,aI1d the Authority” it ui_'urpct‘h,)% licéh in tlfis 7 véry % iprinciplc, that a% power of ’e5:cn1~municatitIg%a;nd abfolviin-gg,’ of {ending into hcavitn O1~;he1‘I“, is affiwmed “ by fo‘mea‘s depending %.u1p- tcmrall iAuthorityglieVth% ixi““A%thcu;1iverf2;IitVy and %gcne'r%alityV of Omnipotent throne of Suprénlacy, ifa fupcriority of “fang: of the A A t_he,beI¢”cf,and4aH&nt5ancl' an diffcrenc.ebc;tw¢enV‘ t:hc_ in7c;ox*1t ro1ab*1e. % faprcmacy ofthc Pope, ,; and Athecxalted Prelacy of Biihops pre-‘u tending t;m:he fanic AuthOi*ity"is~but a%%AdifiJ7ere%nce1%Qfch=;grecsgbz1c% L not of~ki1 1ds<.. Fox',:forVthef'ét1ing%ofthié. Authoi;ity~i‘nto% t‘”Iic$£uV«=~ premacy of any one , thcrcis a xxeccffitzy of ingroffing it into the hands%offomc fewfir£.’c;and Popes had never mounted to their GlergyA%in"cam‘1cj-+ A 3v cx‘ bd co abfolutc ‘as; iugfemacyi ~pfY:’hé Popcghr 1;: ”~i3t% c"m5% I=1 W'¢{_I‘ bcgfi: nqr‘ £0 ~g¢nc19a%I'1'a_d¢riciqnci«e4;-an fi1bj€&i°W % 9 as; a4 fuficicnxf -—..—....— n n V % ofealihinen unto it,wherin union rind firength eronfi[ieth,i$rneve1'fot- dangerous to thatState which entertains it,as‘ when irt%dec1ares-it%rsi Ind”epcndencie;; and af pires to be abfolutc. ‘And at-Ibeit that Epif- hciopacy“ doth iizontinutally endeavour ea‘n'rd.r afpire to 'be”unit’ed“ the Supremacy ofonet of their own order, biecaufe t_herebythey arifeito‘ 3. further elegreeoffirength A and ~perfeé3cion ,i to whiieh allot A fub1unarycreatt1'res havfe:‘a natural} propenfion,inclination, and _ , edefiireg. yetcan they not natal! times 3 nor yvlienfoever they pleafe,“ _- attaine to theirrdefires. And the Arehbrifhop”ofCanterbury ilaving A difcoveredandin1anife{’(edt1nto thehworld how independexit the -authority of Church-men here in England was grown, and how abfoltltothcy coveted tojbe, dial give a clear evidence at the fame timer ho1W;farr~e the progreffe to the Papas was advent ted; which is made more m anif'e£i the‘concnrrenteiandfioyxait endeavours of Papifis of all forts, notonely agreeing tviti1,butia- iboflfing in the fanxe dcfigne withhfome of our Clergy-men and . others. F or their indefatigable labours and reiiewed pains,’ witli. fo rnuch blood and danger to the nndertakerso ever fince the‘ rice formation, have all tended to that end chiefly '5 “as to the ’oneIoy mark at which they haveiever aymed; The threatning E1113, and many dangerous confpiracies and invafions in Qgeen tE1z7m1a;e:z.»s~ time, and the rnofi damnzibie Gunpowder Treafon in King , his tin1e,a1'e»c1ea1* proofs howimplacgibileitheirenzgaliece thathflbeeri; eigainfir ~a”11rR.eFormatio~Lv ¥t;I«‘xztt_ did cIep'd‘f er‘ the Popee from his prew tended right of Sup1'e¢rrie1cy, and how iiiolently r tit eyi havfi“ hem tranfportedtoreinthronehim again or, [which but the Illtinleatag endofall fuch dangerous and defperate undertakings, but the; in-1-5% A mediate. is alwayesandt ever hath‘ heen for fame iieparticuilar ‘ends to the urtrdertakersgfpringingifrom their own arnbitiron coat vetoursorodiefire of dominion ianed"rt1iIe,ifrcnnwhirsh rPapif¥S7'a“I“-5 65§CI}1"j fled by the Laiwtsw of this Landj ef’ra;bii7ihing the Fteformationzfor the defire of authority,&. and to “hare hat comrnanid o})*er_oth era is‘ na- turall defireto ztiltaembitrtiouisiniene; and ani=bitior1*is9an [inherent L quality in ‘all men, flowingfrom Athe.operatioin and hih€fi.€(?Ctia11é,WOKj,' ” kingof the fpirituall fubiiance of thefoulra iwmcht C0V€E€tb»**‘f”5%'o mountrand afpireeontinualglyg rbttt is predo tnitmnt oneiy int-fénie. Aixd do than (that may hchooée) doth» iIr3.7.AEt1‘CU-11$ own 1*i‘5e;f‘C+1’irefii~“ f " tntionr L .3 .‘._‘.¢‘ A “A3191;lofanother t0Ahi:si righAtA§beingtAlAol’t, but he that hopes to pair-i A A the recovery in A A A ,[qn1¢pf0P9AFi§1°1‘ ‘¥“‘3l¥11?3lll1”‘?a§'119Ugh 1t1f>t Ilntml ‘equal dcgrec..And. it ‘ . .fim;eltl1e.AAGt1npQvqdcr Treafon, theyfhavin g cnotfonely iferiborn all theliing, ‘or V ticipatc and ilmtre wiichAhfm»o1i u_n_der him after Alfonciible attempts; gainfl either the llife amndglfafety of Aghc Apubl'i"ck peace and tranquillity of the Kingdoms ,. um:.i11”1;'hg Ap1~efentRebeliioAn in Ireland did breakout, Auplon which-t}hAAe waArpe ’ ii agginfl: the Patrliafnent enfiied 5 but feeming extraordinarily Vand .fir:;A,n_gely converted in their difpofitioxisiandt defires, Aand .ofde'ad1y A A fAaendAAimplalcableenemies,.ap9eari1frg;th-eAn1.oi?c dutifull Subje&s’bf ‘ and flare doeeincsgwhich A degéndeciat authority of all others, pifete11dingtoA biethe moi’; zealous infimnielnts Tfotfthe ,;‘m}argementAandAptomotion of that power and a11tl1ori;ty_wiliiclh wads bound by A A A i Oi‘i'on1eitvelI,fl.l1; ??‘3<§lA8!‘ld Cloffi followed defigne , i rather’ naptomeof ehange ofcliAfp'ofition5 f'01‘/they can "never AAA A AMA A A change : -iyeir AdifpAofit1ons,f0 long as they retain their wicked principles A A A A A A A A AA A A Armclp-alAly gwes life and motien to the t;ricltedA11efil: oft11e1r,d1fpo 1t1onAs, and the defire of Aclorninibn ai'i’&l A rnletihs ‘inmgetudtlsénd igncefleiit, to which they can niieveacl haveh ‘Ieig.=i11 fig A tlin iuntill it A all A At-Ahofe i Laws; be A1‘epeA"aled xA.vhiAAc:l1'AAdiiA'a'ble tl1eAm5 the doing Aw.hete0f and not the Kings Pram-9 géitive isia Aptincipall motive with them in all their Aaljlhise,éOnAfirltati0ns nd aélioiisg do manifefi: andAdeclarei.what their hl1thnb‘ee;1Mfet.Atip of, lite in the Church 0fEng1and,"‘ and ‘iconfirrned: i A byltheKiinig,’andhy l31iS,PAF'Cr.QgatAiAV€A7PL0y3.l1‘)il:i3all‘i\aCkfi0W1C'dgCi Wh¢rF0:*c' in:ete1i*= ¢°1?51‘1fi01’> A Ath-e tiheii; Headland iiinotthe King : for Popes were never {'0 n1nAnificentA_rAevmatfdersi of any mans deferts or dtltiesgtstopart with .Athat which they aeconnted A Atheirri g-ht,» to given itfAawAaiy' to 3 nther5 ;i’1And_PapillSfiTCI3CAnCjV(3I‘fQ.I1I’1Clt1tifu1l~AfOI1S 'a s tohlbourfor the fat-4 V» tilng,lA1PA Of-'=111 flibitraeryAA.pQAWer and unlin:ri._ted Prerogative to an ihereticall King :i whenlhis .;.Ho1ii1i;eliA'e -hAaitht given, fentencef thatieino lIA5:leijetiek;eiAs cfapableiof any {At1th'oa*ityt~atiall, and that a11;in1¢n are to Aaccotinted ford AA. Hereticks who deny A the His Majefiieinintii either part with that iieeinllinterefi t.ofupp_rg:fTe them, is an arAgn‘men"tl then any A A A tundertakin'g"’sel A andidefignels,andletli-e great Apotencie and prevalenciee of Papiflsi V Enrpofes and intienitionsareg tl1'a't this In-it Z - iihops coveting to be?fo"abfoliute-(which A A Popes Supren1a<:y;,7 Stiptemacy SL1:PF€:m3GYtWlllChLtl1¢o Lawo. hath glV¢=1T1.§hlm':> land; {ubmit to th_c ‘ Ropjcs, on be deprived of all Authority Wh3l5fQCVC1'3 which is all he mull cxpefi from thcmgor .by;thcir aid andla113fi.3¢I:1C¢-flolld tllc great: Al ofa»voi1rsll'owhicl1 hath‘>b¢‘en'a1wa‘yc$' 'c.wcC1 to Papifls am-. the be-» ginningaof His; Majcfftics Fxcignc, but more cipccially uow,thc pai.%1‘_.-r, ” miall indulgcnca towarclts the blorodiell and cruellcfi of all Rebel.-» , lions, and to the moftpcrfidcous of all Nations, the \ lri(h,a.ccounc~V. . ' 1 ing chcmofor good Subicfis oaftcrolo fol many bar-barous»;n1a£l'acrcs ~‘ la.:m:l horridexecutions ofan infinite number of Englifh & SF-Ottifll M P-rotctlants, rather then the King fliallr .ag1'cic with” his llfalrliamcnt inlEngland,fortbe faving of the lives of his Proteflalntl Subjefks here, and choofing to continue the warrc in”EngIand at”theAcx- pencc: ofohisEngli{h Sub'je€’cs lives; by whom ajcfiie hath ever,‘ amcl omuft Pdll,if.evcr,fubfi{l in power, dignity, and honourgll and go A the great perill and mahifeflhazard of His Majcfliwown lllifc, m- V thcr then break off that Cclfation , which His Majcflic had Anon, ;opowcx*to make: with the Irifh‘, from whom His Majeftio nevqr lore-4» ; gfiivlcd better fruitsothon at algrcat exponcp OF trc‘afi1rc,aondl%of: his other Subifitflisulivcéslglto‘reduce andkecp lI2l1cl'I1‘o.tC1—£”l_lf-.0Al‘<§(?,(;1l dgafzy A asrggl, _ a.llegilancoc;.nand the over-rruling of His Majcllicswrfcaflqlg an§El_~]§ldg.¢'!__' mcnttooao prove and confcm: to the Popes Suprenim-cwy it1}_.Ir-alalrggl, wluicl-_1» is Enown and acknowledged to be d¢1h*u&iy¢%7 to §£fii¢$_lSuoprcn1laocy‘ and jail Prcrogativgrgritfither chm an5”c~xfl1:li;gati9p, of Epifcopacyo which is the foundation and afiéut to‘ tho Poppsfosug prmnacy {hall be lconf¢n~t”éd- to in England, upon a;»ba1*cdlpr4cCup1330s: lCal1,tl1atitis fa ncocifa rive fupporit to Mona.r¢l1Yl5:wh;p: itofhflthgnevcn; bcefl yet; examined what o Monarchy i,t:l'upPQr;t5o;5 A Wl1%6£hFK=*fPifi£fi~ %l.1.QTCCfl1POI'&Il : afndo Whethcr that: whi;ch% is a n¢ccfl7ary filpgoiggtggf tmhc one; is compatiblc with tho lotlaciahaovingooflaalgcxggqfitlml yokq of fpi;ri;t11a11 Morjuu-chy ,l andmcnounccd-nocoonqjygglllfulhicfiioni no it,bu: al;5l.communion with its. zlalladotrufling of Papliflsz qpotaj, ulmilr obaemwords» and docccitfulloprefcllifins, aogaoiggfl chicit ll 7 u~nfoun.d ~tcn::t:sooooa;nd do&rincs:,;ra1h::1‘ tl1§,:l'1 ~~lthg¢o oI?a;I‘lia:W§¢!1t loajnd - A ' Plrotcflantlsubicfis-flmall be clqevcgliupon tlltito fol¢mn9l:V0oW; and antlfor the porcfervatioozmd dofmcc of His” M%l¢fli¢StP¢§§§n olm'cl5io:olooutho:i:y. lA11dlVflly,im ooloyingof known andll prgfcfi B-or * ¢ufan£s5£tr.ufiing thcmfwith Arms: and‘ A}g1thorit~yf- a; $31 ‘ caution . lolllu:7li9{egm%?;:””l. o ,; ,. 5% R€sW- --........._' c;L:u1ti'ci)t‘1Mo14confideratioxi how they rhayhbcWdiCa‘1‘nxedaigain5 rather? _ tzhcrih tlmt the Par1ia1fhen’t% fhal-1 he ftxfiléred to difpgbfe Of the Militia .A Q? {fie Kifigdohm {bf cl-uéfixfeflty ahd hfcéu1‘ity thhhcrkzof for:fof_rr1&f linnihts-5 _¢;“d;fi1ig'§1g-*3, are a1I«%clc-$171‘andhnianifcfic proofs mrhat M th¢’ir?p_oWer_h and; al-lance withahe King is; And d0‘a11cOhn‘CIud.e,hthat an .AI‘bi."j":': txhry povgiefr ai1du111h»in1ited' Pr¢i"oga}tive prcte11din”g fox: the Ki1.1ég,';,,: imvingbeen in a‘¥denfc ofand e§;erc1fed hy thcm,_ yet W:a:%s%x1e ycr m- V tézndcd For the Kingihhnor for the improvmg nor advaricmg of the A Eélihgs P_r¢1*§c>ga1t:ive5»hbt1hht:onc1y to n1‘ak.¢L- ufc of it‘fQ1'crefii11g andh-h ’ i:ethti1}gLip ofan IL:1d¢:pE‘nd(i1‘1tAUI.hQr'}£yi11 the hChl11‘Ch-t0‘ECC16~,.;. fi;x{‘ciic;t?11 perfons : ~:u‘1d‘by n1eans,th.e1‘eof to inwt:roducehI;hc Popes’ a‘s’t’hc chia':”fh;111d‘uI’t:in:x:ztc and of tI1ci1‘;h jdcfig11c.. Atidf gférév Su"p1‘en1_acy 4 M h V M _ _h % txhat—5Hi;»sh*Ma§eflie hath been groflyh abuFed_.,h-and craftily over-¥reach- % ¢hC1.¢{ih1';g11ii"cd ]VImp0fl‘0rs,h a11d~hdcceitfi.1l1 ‘parafitersg pretending h h f~§)h1éfup¢1*£H*€i0fic£r';oi&11e1*hhi11‘xflxehhwoffhip 'of*God mndf l1a‘rhhnowhh . % WESJzédtidemncdiaizdfpoffiblyhe migllthhbifidccciwd hixilféifbythc h‘W"’* A » ~ 0 V fallafifif cm: aiming whJehi11téudi:1g'hthe contrzwy; W h”e1'cOF‘an1onhgfl:othcr things my~Lordof hCa11t.h<: rbu ry his cquivocallhexpraflioxas at the hh(5m_*e’oH1ishde*1th givet~h_ fomc hght 5 atzwhat timébczing defirousx idihzxflhifich hi~mf'e$If publicldy to the world, of l1is"endéavdurs‘for ¢5:hh‘1n7gi1;1g the Religiomhe hexpreffcztlx hirnfelf of endeavouring one- 1ya:o*éhAaa;ge:t1ie PL*ot‘cflant‘Rc1igio11 to Popifh fixpérftieion, A as if: "'tH_é1‘c'hah~dhbcclljrloh0151161“danger from Popcry butof int;foduci»x1g % bf ghréifcgtxid abfurd Supcrfticion, Vtomany [of which inxbmccd by fhei‘.I§5hfTaind:jfqt up by Papa11‘£§_utl*:o1'ity, it may be granted..’hirn and BéI7$::"'e?imki,that he W21 an no rcall fiiexzd , but might condemns: thexii in hE:§j?hh1b&$?§1 bginion and }l1dg€.'¥.‘l'1C1‘.\t5‘ when notwizzluifanding it was? «léiéafrafiirihiaxu %h“hc1~ea‘r,4t%h;:at he 119:; .0'1‘1e1y'befriendcchbtltw courted and‘ afhhitiotyflycovcted thathonour and authority which didhAWePrae.§~? bljfh~tfiEi§;fi1‘pe1vfi‘ition ;»2znc1%hj\h7Erhic11 nnlfi of né:ceffitiefiil1hp1"od:u&:}: hhihéfifily«d;i{b3vc1*eg1‘it {elf to c11dr:av0u1'h contix-1u;a1lhy t6 iwhntroh-» &t1‘tchhSvizpcrfiitioza%‘and»Igrrora11ce as the‘ pvrihgipall’ mca»n"sh tohi1~14.. dzv;:e‘mefi,by: ab1indg;+11am¢nc; do bog: contribu_te theirlrfelp atlidi aflililance for tlieiinén derrnining end deiiroyiangfllofothel R¢:g—a1l power;-, and of tlie~'Ki-xigs juii Prerogative Thefecond is, that the King i§”$~t1o»t«et7efifled fPéir1iaiim‘c11t:,{ = w?l1ig;_l_i is the Kings great Counccll, and thereprepfenitaM~tiv.e bodylof~hisiKingdon1 gland ieernmentiKings of hAt:l1,i$- lKingdo111~ nnipayinever[give dtheii: i;rightp‘s,,;m_d that power and auithority wlxiiclrtliey"tlnenifeliresiliave mover; the Snbjeéis, x1por.mp111sFerrclthe fanic upon a'n)#iotl1e5r', Witliout tliegenerall co il3I1tOftl1C Sn bjcéis 5% wliiclli can never be lobtained A but bytlieinreprcfentiative Body oaflembledllililn iPat*liam;:L1t. And . . he btaginingiotlHis.M a§ellicswill,i11t:his,wo~:ild5be of nioeedaiifi-§"i .g¢mt1»5,C0t1f¢<1u¢r1ce to V2. and .apprfoyed bypethe King inchis“ diffex-ence between King Vandi A _th_e .rea*{'on of bo1:l1i4is,5becaofeubyn the Conftitutioii andfre n1efof~this i A fl A liinifielf, and to the lpfiegpallliAiithoifityfilieim if _€iYf¢1';‘yC§h;ipp€1§NI‘CC1llI9l1il]}i_¢lf, o1jnéap11i@*ve1‘appeap, fo lo”ng:w§'%heT=nis V A A V V " j A F l A feparated. ' débéxebf ma11c0nfequenc€:%s,Vand by a:c:11c=2u* V difcovery bf?%a‘11fAfiflifl@t AJi;¢Pg;;;tgd;‘g;;aAdswided <fi~o:—:u his great:“Cm1nLt:i‘ll,‘W?he»rc,«5jA fme. mRd3'A;1nd% fmudtllent praétifesg th‘c*‘t;'1‘uAt«h of a1lAcaVn% <”:>‘11elyAa“eing ?of% Lpofing himffilfa his 3ut§_c%éfl'ors, all h_i’S77_SL'l7bjE’&S= , A and their»poftcrityA toaA7bo‘nda~ge_.,A an « ifiV%Efiv‘g1and om retfiwich rhfifiigga §n§§§c$Z°¥:?f§§Ib‘?§”§3§‘§y tlié7‘Kings wiIl,%but4i_n hisrcaflzin :#which as», 1t rmdmt h_ him mflfl j a-bfolutc, To doghw it appear etininicnt, by Aconcurring with U‘ , dcfiresgf a11}qis4p¢@p1e, when M e5:hibitédg‘A no Ahimby: then} who re % 3}l15 andwaV51"ikewif¢his fuprémc %Goum:?¢1 ” to wry’ ‘4 7” A V ,a11:f‘oth§l3fQ0}1n_C¢1Safid_.C0l1I‘tSvwhéggtfflevgpv$1-gt fdbbrginafiélgg '1! I: ‘ < “aecm riu:ajB1é=by%doing4whereo*fon¢1y;hc isunicedwieh his “go 13 V’ "V ‘ % ,3 % I-%i‘1d% his P5013? %V?M1Nhifl?aw%WAh¢f€ifl vthcflrcvngth inf-both %cn{fi{’c ~ % Sh»?n¢mthm~n1aYh¢¢°nfis1m={t1yfayazfsam mm ¢ ~ « AA?’?sW???,%€%fl»€¢,,4gamfl4 - _ t VTE1 Sn 4