VIN D I (IQATION RDINANCES: W'i11z}zm...» 3ridge..», Preachar of the Word of God at Tarmoutbs fometime A Fellow of Emmanuel Colledg in (A M B RID Unto which is added, GRACE Ana LOVE BEYOND QPened in a Serman beforethe Lord Major OFLOND oN- LONDON: Printed by Peter Gala in Ledden-H}:/I, and are to be Sold at his Shop at the {i of the Prim:ing-Prefi: in Coma-A H hil, neartzh oya1Exchangc. 1653. A A W mm ,fl_m‘_,_,,,:A_,‘_ ‘Igyv‘ rm w rfl - m L 3 “A \, ‘ »:ex«>:e«z»«»:e%»:ee1a»a~%»:eat»»ze-;:<~ezeewv=Mere%4«zaV+:xei::xsrM~s:«=% W I G’iaad_~ ‘A “W ' A'A‘ ‘ 4 »v«15,.‘.~‘ I . Mr A %% 7 E‘ ?e%vw“ay,~1 ATh‘aA1:AA?:héréAAAi§ not dig: 'AI7AC."3.fl7A xmcr of A A W'0fd)Uf3OflAW_h’iChV huge moufntzams ‘(do not hang.Lmimf‘ faitAb._,T/mt a::m7rt1czy”zlae Ward,£5 _gre;2t¢ér“rk::¢ lzm-wen »zmige4r‘r1.z. But our ~Lo rd :.mdSavi0r Jegfus C hAt‘_iflIv1A‘£’.hA«,’, Wmt &Hmz,w¢ mi wt}: /52! pafi-away; ?éritAmjAWom‘:flgzl 22z22fV}?mf¢-..«:z1v\7...z_)'. Sh:1AllA 7 . We then flamd {ti}; *Abe‘hoId,% and fee thcAAOrdimnces 0AF‘Cl1rifi ‘wrefled from us, arxdnm: bcarwitncfs agaiqfl it? Uponthis rmcmmr. (tI1oughthc*intrcatiesofdivmfs friends have been vc,-:y* ’pVre{fingF) I Mn notunwiliing that this Sétjmon concmg. 23Ti=’ngv0rd*~i**nmnt:&s% %*e‘*bxjo%ugbtAi;1*to publickfjvipw; i A AA " YQ‘uAA1“nayAA* read%imhe% f.$‘cripx:ure“,%‘ Thgrin the Vtimes t1éxt’;be‘4 f'oreCI?1riI‘t :z1nAdAhis g»loripAus comi%ng,V ‘I’r‘(5fcfTo‘rs ihal not keep rlwir G~arrm;e*nts, Muicli they were VuA{e“d“tAof »xvearwix:h honour; Thcrf0’1*c faith our S’avi‘o1*,4" 4131},-[]’2=d :55 iae‘2f.6.¢'t zvzzraim‘/o‘; and {wee ; pm: hi: g:z‘r2m";azt:As',; *1 4/%%‘ w¥alk’b%;a2kgd“zIa}y feebzér /émjm-,11eAv. 16.. 15:» Wheznflrmu thifibyc? A A cihcr +4im~m«M1?4+tiY4%h»¢fo1*¢ the coming of Chrifl fmhe r*:.~:«iV:r~r,:€Wi'%*i";**%%;¢¢ f;B_l¢{]}dz2r lama: mtg \ ab:-ztb, C9'*z;'.% In Mar.MiI§;j A A A‘ p0ming,Azr.z9.for‘Taich h¢,VmA‘ly tAA/air ;g:nerAtion{t1'A1a"":A ibffié A _ % A 4‘ 1- ‘ A H .1 imzhe time "oAft”he Pouring out 0? I o %r/aufé d.¢jeJ‘,f5¢zlaz }7e.m{t}): % 29% a‘A ?”1“e jééboféi "i”:A»z5t/21;-’/5»ce‘r~‘r chamaw, ‘ - .a in pc&i“\“/we‘: thofé M thatfhal[‘fay‘ thus 2' fuch as would “ fain;*fifir¢purc%d ProVph<-;ts,4 fuch [as have kluad‘ 3; hand it ~ A the great“WorksWQF God init1101‘t.tirric%s arid fu*c“I'ms lam been gmt add highr Prof¢II‘ors;“Fop‘i‘tI1 ,ou“17 S1ViOf‘,tbere ml. m_"fi- ; fa/fie Cljraa:/x.‘:,:znolf';t“lfi: Prop/aetmgznd fbkl 15542:» f gran? jf gm‘ tram tier: inmuck 4; (zfifit be pafliflc) my/641 deceive t/fig wem-lea A ‘z:.24..But%wh¢n?thalAthcfe things bc?Immcd~iatIy be»foreChri'Ifs ¢¢¢¢%%%w” M M M ‘aadma,ver1:.,::;g,g@; ,What day A%aérc%4 ‘I: Evenjthr daysWfr¢n med fldaifay of chr;zr.3wM#%¢iw ?“'5I*~!‘4’i«°fl2%ft «z2’.:~;6é;Gonw2%%fMm‘ we ptwlick ‘br’dingncAcs, omy to bccnjoycd A « .3“ W v "“‘~’> o A 9 wmWA5 MA AAAAAA‘ 3 {saf- .j\ % $ A70 t/ae READEQQ A ~ nerationAonl which he fpake ofinotwhigh help ake to) 15¢! not A W l A Paf, ;§;1j.ezl t/aqfif Athizgg: éefalfillqdgfo that immedliatly befbrg the A glorious co;rn:‘ng% of Cllrxfi, men {hall deparlt from, and call a-- 4 A way thepl=eci0u‘s ();rd1na~nc-:§ls40f]wefus Chnfi; which is as we] grief, as comfort_,tojus‘ :_ Gm-f,tha§ there lhould be fuch de-- ‘ A lclinings ; Comfort,That our Lord 1_s at h;and.l'If*l1is declining A lifs an ill {in ; but agood fign @115 anl1lllWli§1,;Itf5__grie*f;, asal good A fign ofChrifls éominglol it's comfort. Anal 1f our Lord 8.: Sa- n vigotbc at hanAd,even atthe dO0r,w/ad maid not vmck mm’ Q-rep l g;zrment,.r?SI1a;l We not W,atch with hirn one hour?Tl1e {cope éfand drifcof this Se.lrm0nl,is, fI_"o.calu;pon yours and mineown lhfoul‘ to v6'atqh. Whercinis pro\ce.d,la§n:h chef genne-«ra.l, That l0rdinancAes,land~ in. particular.,That- filth and futhl ‘Ordinances that theymare not bound no the :11‘: thc,r.cof,isth¢tl1ing which ‘this Serrrgion lies againfi- l A ll H Inhavel%n0tAAl‘ \ sday herein ; there are divers A Tccaties abroad Whichlldo prove that an Ordinance of Chriff to ‘bcifill continucd,lland the cleéring and proving llthcrcofircu A That -11 the owl: A Cbrmkwflg Minyfry, ml _ ;l;“¢,-;ae3m;l¢ be no zngffvjynovp, beta}:/2‘ tlapfe"ofdin2i>~y G:_Efr.r % A of the Evy Ghaj}~are.wmtiag :gForlthle Quefixon before me was l'Whg.t7ae_r tlaqy «mgbt ta%co2nfi2_:1tew ‘P Yctlaé to that Ob jcflionaj ad, _n Ifyou loqlginzo that jIEp1lf.l to Tim. , I_."lV.l3. where thc Ag; " A ring that thbfe cxgtraprdinary Gifts Qfthc holy Gholl, Marc‘ 1-- ll%*?Y’Pm1:..._... t ‘ Wt: find thAa't Baptifm t mSnppe‘r““ m2.§ gdminawredté A in tlaafi~gift:,_ fie/1,. rajzorztt/aemt Ma,t.t A26. And that that C/Mr:/ac: A And” .the:W0r~1.d_ 1ndtWh%t A ~ on, who may not rife: _ among]? 1'/at d¢j.rqftl7e'13”tm€',mj afazxi dot/a_;_ycra,vzm1’:=Z//Gemmtiom‘ A {“‘,;.., ‘Wt , ‘_ .3: t. V A " A. A‘ A ‘ V‘§’ A I . I ’ ' A . t 1 0 .3 = R V N" r 4 "3 -t 1 ‘ 'fl'‘‘‘‘*~ -in‘. 4. t H‘ \ Inff‘itutiont)zwho sloth . % V A hatbgti“>wn4andthrivcn undctthc droppingsthctcofé Wiiac A A e, Eleavcns, where t tchtet%1ApofHe;f¥¢ws: tmad;é‘%a VD€d;6Ta4\-M‘-’4YE:Afi£8’9,’I0g-‘,:I\v'I ,.Iz-thoW 2:, =:W!¢1.d0WaflW111td' bett quatlttfic-td who ht rtakcn Into .th°fl3h Mt? 4°Wntt ?a, man fitfoxtchac“t0ffic~e.tty¢c;n9tomwprflttt not aftlzg Eflezce qf j«1EZ.%1 2"z_,'.r, Wtctei.ntduéfd with A A A A A 3Evgnge1itfi~s, AAwI1oAwe.rc qztttaottdinatyt. Officers, ;€gl1‘{d;'AnA_ottt0 continuét, 1:adtA%thb{etGift§, x2{rAetead%1:hVcyA had” them; but where thadt non: of thcfe Gifts. Cmflxre reqtzirex noflw:/:,g£fz‘:,VM:tt. Vlt 8- NOW thrcfotc if the Ordmances may be rcceivjcd without them ; as ._,fo1: ch {Lords day. which ts Acallcd the.-4 Lords Ad ayt as thc”LOtds Supper ism V E 'Lm7dsAaApp?otm1ntcnttand nocfechci‘t:h¢ ofgotilywneifa @- 3 Nation " otAA Kingddm V itttherc tunder all I11 the power godlixieffetthtiatlz floutiflfxed? mfmt than in Eng» andtFtfAe£é “fave to us”) btut“b¢%caufMe the Lords more IHfiitU[i0flfWifC in Eng!.mzA:l,AA A than in any other part of gracipus"Itpan is there in all this Nazi. up and fay to this d ay, Blefllvdarxtr/gay [/24]! ml 3‘!96’£’ It/c:[]"ed f" u._....._... t ‘ Aux v-rr V W‘! ,., A A _“_____ I , . Uh ). A4 “‘ . V‘ t "‘ " ' V V A W . M that Humber.tCtha1% met-9, Io-A and WW9»Bi/50P~0ttt15l4vt/50»!-Weqmfifieds Ch“-we:at.btun ; "A tttanyttvpartftutiarsszfrhe qualifi,t¢taeét~9nst»of V 4 \‘ A \ tfifthtficfixctaon V dinary Gifts, A p~Iai"nI5}r {peaking this'ttuAtb,_T/mt rlaafizgzfi‘mre % V % % A V ti/745”?/?¢7¢."'JW%',G9!]?¢1=tY9?at.Wh€’*‘ed0 We; it ‘find, A4 That thofet%Aara’im2;y.1§Za1er:chofcnintheAp»o1Hes.time, t W A V L fuch Gifts? .ApgFtles;and% do we rtad.,, That the ordinatytEldm',wl1o were totcontintze, A “ had thtfc extraot'dinaty Gifts of thc holy, Ghofl confiantly .9 A A vvasadminiftrcd to theft petftmt who A A&'., 8. A15, “ 1 6, 3: AT/mt t1aaLardx ; C’ /aitaflx D.ifl'ipZe: hfiw rim G’/zmfl and they a;tAeA_ V A not ofthc Effcnce Ofthe Minifhfygwhy Wfllould any man think‘ A A jthttt thc tOtdinances of-'JefusA Chtwiff dofo hang upon thefc, A that 1:hcfctAbtc Wa11ting,£heAOt'dinanct§$ cannot befufcd Orv ad» lmvd? Why i*_( not excluding other reafous of Gods Gtacc A day hath lived t A ;zxa“Gw£ 7AAAWfiéfAeunt0* A dgAwe1 A zhacwfe’ ta%§;AAj;11Ae¢4;ATw=A4fWiE agar“ gifts élfon wax xvadton,. thA¢:AAyAA‘wA‘A‘iIlAA A defpucii:rctAmaAnc¢sA,and k1c>k>AAaga1nAfl*Gfacc itAfeA1fA,— “which they .4 A Ahawf A A1yA~uAAnd;u;A happy the mad v?AwAhofc’?giffsAA L ; chem big:-gvraces.* gmA;A¢s Ado”AApirodA:cejgAiAAfA:s 5 a9 AdivcArficicsAoF‘gifts mouId‘normaAkc diragreic orenvy V anothé:r;fbA11=4tAAAraghcrAbindus IHAIOVCAAAEC3 one a‘nAotI1A¢r,j A1‘oAema—A A mambmaAAqui%cAkcn ‘1:i~pA our11eajrtsAAizhcttbunto : A aAAAs if God do AmAa1*vc}.m1‘fly %b%IéAI1’¢Aus winh4ou:A4Pra’yer,A a=nd7we be'driveAAn the A ;mrc‘A uAntopArAaAyeAfAVb_y AiAtA,7 then, A *ti‘§ oFGod AAaAn%Ad5Ahis ‘love 5* but if it1ié«feé*fe%per_iA1‘ou*si:imeAs,‘foAr?theAy aré the J a“fl*t1Am”es ; whcrc-— {ow gO0"dA»Rc{1dér:,A IAet_ us dcfirc rather to 11 ave plaiAnG'race, § tI*TmnAfim: GiAAfi:As for this is the more cxcclleAht‘Aw*ay. 4 thfé pm- 4 ’ “A A #1111 i?:s,% VIA Iim {I leave to 'AtI1e‘ A NQW the good. Lord himgfcjf, who hath -A flu‘ ‘AVA ‘ '4 ‘ V‘~ cw-A -A ’AVfi’y=u-t A AA AAA . ‘A A “ " ‘ A ‘ . ‘ _ _ A A ‘ -A AA A “ A A‘ ‘I. V. -A J .A A AA’ A A A L AA H , A..A A AA AA; AA A A, A A A A_,,A > \ .AA. A AA_A ‘ 4 ‘ ‘AA ‘ “ ‘A A A: 7 A S A, A AA: A .,A A A ‘A 1. A ‘J A r . UV ,AAA A A A A AA ~A‘«»Ag A N A A M. A. AA. AA ‘ N AA V AA nu V‘ W A “‘:‘,IYV‘V{(fiWg:Ww¥|rQufi‘F)(y‘l“‘QJ‘?"‘ AH“\(‘1V ,,AA A AAA ...A..,.AA . ‘ A _ A A A " ‘ A, A ‘A A,‘ I - AA A A: AAAAA::A AA AA ' A . A A A.AA».A.AAA.A« I‘ a‘;A':AAs'A-"- ‘M AwAAWAA-.AAAAAAAAA».;.weAAAAAAAAAwM-an-:=AAA~:A»~ “" T“ r A A A A 1' 5(1) 1‘ C 4 0 13 % IN A Maw». onlyye maY,9b,m, i_Ij1 ;,.r§IE‘Ltg ‘3.; dotI1‘Cite thxsscrxp A It /7141 2¢'bm”ta pézfigt/9'2t'tI/Vléofbez/er“1a9il2ibt l5E;zr/{en mztom_y wam'.r,f A A which fialflyegginmj Alwme, I wil requirc it qf/aim. Peter; {‘ix1"fl¢‘Z~%3 +23»~ t€134¢.¥5}”‘4 ‘$1193 ; find it W1 WW’ f0sP4fl'»WN7/W3’ fxvi:YA\?V7:W"3’iZ;V’“?**AWL’?*”€‘T* \ gmrpeapze. Arid w“rhero%adsVAAitis“Afa‘id h‘ereVin~thetcxt,“ZJmaA Him. E fzmlgw /2mr@2z;%I?et¢~r in Ar-‘E3»z2. renders it thu5,Hiw ff-‘M11: 7 L flawzrf Eh aII‘rbing:, W/Mtfizewr He/I241/;;y jxtzétojozt‘. Sothatthisy A is % the % great Inference‘ and Ufct‘ha—trI1eLordHimfe‘!f4doth' ‘X ‘I ‘1 ~33": - ,5“ ‘ ‘ ' 1 ‘ .\ [mi ma “ ~ DE11I;.x%8.hIact%erpart ofchc15.ver£ ”’””""""”’ Hcgfe wordsaire fpokcn concerning bufllord and Sa-~ . A vjxor It-{us Ch r_1f},V who%is ;o1;%;j;grca%‘t Pr0ph¢(t; whofe .. V .4“; ‘L 4v Viznfiallye/aearken.%% W 4‘ Mifid and Wi11iofGo'd‘:he Father unto us : Our du- ‘ x ’ ,ur1tq him. And this is that Int’-2» t m A rm elf’ ‘nidkes’%%hcr¢,’ '2/izto Him féalje * .vv1l1wcntMl1cA 1:’mr* % W V M A tu;g%:MA_,; *cAgivcs4yA:cm*a douVbA1e‘ex-M V” p Q‘fiti()n ; F01: 1§II‘x{:;1fem;iIf5,’I£i§ 1” aid ;in”the, x 9,. vcwrfiz of'th%i§ Chadp: ppl:e,t;V " M2156 drflffljfldfiflm among A . J 3 {make -oft11is%Pr0p%I1eti_c%a10ffice: of Chrifh Unto“ J: at Step... 1 - I5.1649,; % A Woggk andyOfl‘i5¢eAi:;‘is;To rcfvefland make known the A \ %’ ~ —-——w—— ,2,“ .a..........._......_....~....a.M..,....,..w- l A G/[W”di€4?i0”?f 01”difii11°€5- M h It will therefore be worth our time to confider, What it A : isfor to hcarken. to him this great: Prophet. Know? therefore; i that when he faithh,,lUin’to’him fl1alAIycl hearkcn; thcméaning ‘I is, Ulnpo h~i»l'oM.alonc,;a‘ndlto 11or_1c‘clfe«~; as, Tim: flwzlt wolrfbip ii the L‘arz:l thy God .;, Savior tfanflatcs, and him only‘/54!: tlgiagg . flame. So here, Uhto him {hgll ye hearkcn ; thatis, to him A I only, to him alone, and to none clfc. A Now :1. mm; isA=fai"d;to l*tcarkc,n‘I‘1n1:o €hr‘i=fl‘~thisl‘gceat Prom A phet,~"citheriiw‘hehn he ‘dotihli acknowledge,receive, and {uh- mit unto his appointmemzs. elfe when he doth ohcy his o ;, voicc wiehithoe obedience of Faith. ,1 fay, firfi a man is {aid A T tdihcarlieinllunto =Chrifil thisofgroeatfiophcr, when he;doth Are» ccive, iacknowlcdge , and’ fubmit unto his appointments: And chereforehif you pognpqreflghe moth Ofjilathtbew with l the Ioth of Luke, ye fl1AaAllAAfind_, That Hearihg'AAandAAReceiving A I are the fame timing. In the moth Of‘./Mhzzjt/acfzavhattlle 40. verf. He float” ¢ecl;mz?al_yoweecmxmy ma. Imhe Ioth of AL;:lqg,at th e A I 6. verfe, “He that km mlajau; /mzretla me. What is Hearing in one, is in thehothor»: to that I fay, Pirfl: a manis {aid to héar_C.Ahrifi this. “great lPr"oph¢t Whenflfie doth receive, ii:{clinowlcdige,‘%1i1d fubimi: unto his a15poilir;z%m¢cms Mhzgthis ii‘§:o1_1r A ii " h :h"e‘o“p;ezl2ng :hérc£o1~;,C and AP‘;-eazng of this «truth,» I‘ ifhalllabor, V A W A A AA i‘ you , hat: thoféo fihts #05‘ Pirfl to fl1£.Wh lhh39h*h8f¢?iofi5P‘l¢o*«’“f¢‘wiiio“V‘» “Ih¥'¢h'“.’“:ei i“l;%°?i¢0 W-‘¢iVB:h air? V knowlcdg, afllim fi'1bm1!2l1fll2.0a a-‘nd:th%c17€*by~to hearkeniuhtol Secondly; Thiitoihcfe.iléppoinigrii¢ht$ olnfhiitixgions of his, loom; Acontimmf and lbindusg will shut we ‘a”Vr¢_ Qfii1l.to_,11'car#-» ikénto. him therein {fill 116 ‘lives ja"hdifpéaksin”t1Iim‘maAndema;x1ts, or Pq/E:iw.As4AAVfor the Mural ;..precepts ;of' the Ten V_Comm:z~nVdements$, though our Lord and Sa'».ri«o1'~iiI3 H R I S T, hath added no new thving um0%them., jmom tI1zmwh,;;t4 wAasAbr:fox'e;yAetV,a2.. I nmy f0,fpeak,11e hmth pm: VtEmanA1ix1to a1w2:nz:!*xA«.:r% d;x"cA£3‘» mm ‘E71Tl;R.‘*At>W a7‘$" f'mVi:u2j"wz/9%? Vina/Egg»;/buparz :3 Wamwz to ¢Zfi”e€'J" low, In ‘iihifi 5 Ch:1fpt¢rm" .2£—2’m1.wv, thgamagfc fix Cafes ‘t'A113.t cm 1: I;(;2_1;',z;lAAzindA?5§4;L;v'io£.%smjriit Igcaks 1;;r;t4;,%>w ,i;«r1 th2*c%e% of G of Nd,‘ ’o” %4old;%im:w5:>%‘ - me’m~LV J30 avain A visrfez: 3 . But ...A A .. \ é ‘.3 t¢en’C0m1n:1n’idemén:9,$3‘?c:muA” a V 7% %}n cr"%%% fpcakzzlg, Tc bawzm Award rl;mztz‘t /mt./a [mm fixing’, Am 1beA€Af1ffiAid;é] t/:2¢,-m of 0/dtime. AWhen I fay ) he {peaks of am my ofij tlicfi jtmAA Coxnmandements, that Claufij-2 gis, added :% addede ‘ Again manto turn his1_lmcI{ ‘upn%:f;§f§.tI]AEAw.i:1fy.~IVO1‘dS.A,0f t he Mm“aI A A A‘i;LaW; as at the A:*;.I.V'caz.*f5i"@; Tc };az?J6i‘b¢wzrd it W45 [aid KT/90,¢':::Afb¢;A1t 2¢at%/£,'5YJ; :1tAA£IH:’:‘ %2.%7%%.veI.‘fi'aE,AYcf lymre /m;ar:2l that it man‘ [raid I new wlwn lie f;=eaks%c%f‘rhe 5%t%1Is3r4aWs%t1w: of A ” mrc%nI;a,r 1i“;c¢a*,!V£ex*s Ahis;AmaAn~5 f Ejefar-I§:)'a: he dzfatlx n<3>AtA fem, Ya hzwe hcrasrd tI,mAAic»I1atI1 ' when Ijz€Afp_,e;a&_k§ Ofthe oth erTIn;c:: Cafes, tI1aA;;C1a¢u[g;% is not . gge/a y0L1mayobAfervet12is, TbaAt%uhof¢words, 7;?’/9&1/9 l:e.rzrdA r/a;ztV£;V1%1»;/«zxfazzialTor£mmi4y’a%!a1t£me,;fhou!d }:;eAMx*a=th4.f:r tr,;m-+» “’ fla}ted%( as i%tA1%i£‘>AA:iA>§1 fQmeAofy0ur»Bo0ks_) 2’eA%«%Ia,wc iamrd %t~/a;‘a¥m%a'"2!: mm AA/2zf£alA,Z?‘y:«;iVz€iaém pf old rim ;; which 2;Ap.pea,17s,~by tug »ef,«n,A;;§%t:£1re{i$ A A01‘ 0PPfiti¢3“$3W~1/4}-AV A A ” A 3:1 A A" A ' 4 A4 f Againflg L1‘; ‘4_, A/615%/"w‘.V. 1 p _ 4 flndicatioizofO1~dinances. ‘* Again; You may obfetve, That when he faith atfthe 17.v. T 195% not that Jam came to dcflro] the Law or the Prop/acts, I am :«~zatA mm; tqtde@.:?¢9?,&p;t1tofw1fil ; Thofe words (accorditng to the 0;-aganax, Wmayhhbeteadthtxs, ‘IJJ ‘am not come to deflw} 13214;: m fizz‘ :4 ; hsfar though Chriftadtdedh nothing unto the ten ‘C()£1‘i1ma1‘td}t:'.'n1t3flts ortv1m:altt~LatW, yet ntotwithftanding, he did. mam fully s:evt*a1~ and, fnatké known what was, and is Athtztein tcommandtsdg for our Lotcl atndhhfiélvior Chhrifr, did‘ nxathttbartigy fpetak agggtinfi ttha fztlfe gloifes and Inerptetations uftlxetjewst ax‘1&_'§"‘tew.“=zri‘fh Rabbihns, for he imfi€‘I1(.‘éI:b in the At Words 0f fVf~;f;as°, and Hf this Lcaw it fclf. V I2: 11/ark ircm f .561 5] rlatm, :2‘/70115‘,%5?»[f‘7’3h0A£'(:'0?}73fi$Ai't x1‘dmr'Mry, £’Zg'45fIf¢3_}’, Wbmswzmr Zoo» Igg-2/a_m;ao.m womma to Zzxfl, cfivc. What then, were not Vuncleant thhoughts farhidden by th“eLaw, andf1'n Mo/éx time? Yes: but when Qthtifi t%ame,t he dothhmore fully and ctleety re--A wzai What was before commanded‘ and forbidden in the 'La‘W;*fo though he hath made no new? addition to the Law; yet in tlxis; refpcét he hath {as it.Weire)s made fome ad-5 A %vmce upon the very Moral Law, the ten commandcmtnts; and hereita we are to hca.tkerr to him this great ‘Prophctgby .ackm»0Wledgi»ng, 1*efc:f.;i'ving, and fubmittinguntoh4thcftcOm~ A mands ‘divs topentecthnd«.tIxtmtptm¢tt%~’t'bt3*hfiiifi- .,;Bu;t nciwtt“ht ifwofi iipon the Pofitiw Ptecepts or Corn» mgmdemenm ofChrift, you {hail find, that Iefus Chrift hath givexjt forth many that were not given forth in thetimes “of .¢7l4’mfe.r-, or of the Old cflamctnt, for“i‘ri*v;tht:"*timtes of the Old tTefihame‘nt,~‘tGircummfion Was,t now Baptifm is :’ then the Pa.fihve%r,r1owthe Lords Supper: then their Miniftcrs Wham Prieflt and Levitcs, nowPa{7i'om,_and.tTeachets:t them; A the whcjzit Nation; caf the Iéws a Church, now as man do'Be- rem; ttthey? ’*.-are‘ added to the Church than if any man did {in pr_e;wfutmptuoufl4y, he was%%V%Vtotbe cut off by the Sword“ 3 .fr0m ta-mtxhg we %peQplc,t ‘now to he cut eff by the Cenfur’es. A . %o4FtheFChutch. tSot_hatIfay_., ifyou look upon the P-bfi-.7 M tivet%P_nec*»tpts_; them are many that a..te}noW hgitvtcn fm-uh by % Chriflgwhtichtt were %~1f‘1t0L7 given t~hfot%th h’h’tFore~¥-A titttthéthtinugts of V L./Mcfiar, tend of th€~0Id’Teflément, anththcfcgatil ‘thhefcwé éxrtehh A ‘ dAi1'1a‘11ces. eflwmcficzition of to receive, to ackn%Vow1edg;ieV, and to fubmitu%nAto,%andl1r:rein to hecwkcrxtn this .g:.'eaz APmpi‘mt. A A But it willm granted on all hands, TAI1atth;em- are maxiy Appointments,infl;itutions, and Ordinances which were gi-- ‘ven forth by this great Prophet: in the times of the New Te- fiament ;-(but: the%Que{Hox1: is,»WheAti::er thefe arcto continue ffiil or no P We grant indeed,,tI1atthe~re were fuch Appoint- ments in Chrifh-.: own time, and “inAthe‘Apofilcs tin}: 5 for theft App0in?cmen'tS~:;A‘ and To whex:hm*flil ken L1lTa?.«77) C3‘_3rii”i'1?:s:a2'c2znP % A % ‘ -V A ] For Amman‘ hereunto: O'bferve I pray, the laymg of I We are to Emir» _ CihriflsAzwpxaintxnezwts, Infiitutians, and Ordinzmces. A If ,tiu=zy Abe AAlaid;A and %,preftA upon umverfal Aand perpetual groxarzdsg, tE.1enAtl1¢y+~ar“a flill&;%tQwAcA{Jutinue. Now you flmll find.,, that thefe Appointmr::é51ts, {Infiitu;%i<;msA, and Ordinances ofjCh riff, R~ap:ifmA,Ati1e [.o:"dAs Supper, Pa1"LicL1&1a$r Churches, the Mxnii'i':'§,4r, Church CmfL1resg, Singing A ()5 Pfafms, zmd the zam.=~,% are mad upon fuch univcrfal and perpetu- A «ELI groumis ,, as to continue _AuAnciI CI1riI’csA coming a- gain. A A A A A V I;AfhaI1V%A:,t0mc@W@;,Vx.: 1m«aA;;p0nthei”ePaArticL1lars, and prove the thing I'M‘? byway 0fenumAemJti%<:zn+%FI . . " A A As for 1th at of Pammlar;W;;‘i«€aM$€ba: :3 You,fin1d%in% the%Bomk 30/m”s time Wfxglzvird aha i«;.}x1g;efi of :11} the Apofflesr at and the latter.¢md of the I verfe, faith the Lord Chrifl ta» fa/M, I.\91?i/1A/X96122? the flying; 13?/a£’z:'/9 mzzfl M /drrmfttr. NOW in 5A the firfi Chapter he %gh=es.V him a,Vi2:i€(>.n oft11e.8on ofman Walking between the flex/an g<)ldenACandlc~2-Ricks: and he tells us at the 1:13 Verfie, That tl1c»Afe%%Afr:ven golden Candle.» Ricks, are the feven ChurAche:s:. Ihewing, '1‘l1aA:AtI1usCl1rifi the pmpie 0fti%1w{e4ti11ms, and of then: gcmerati’o%n : but the A A Quefiiwrwn i5, V?Wzethm" thefe {Ml areto continue, and wine» A Athvzzr Priflwe are to 1'uAbAmit., to receive, and to ackrmxvledge of cm }‘\:"‘)’Z"’E‘[AA£’fl"r1’z.!'.0;gAV\A that kihrifiz fpmks of mangsm came a.fterAA the firfl Chapter, and the fitfi verifie thus : Tim B.wclazria2z of A ycfm €35“/arzfl \rW2icIJGod,gmw mm him to fPw‘W were [.2125 flarwmirts V yfgiyggx mvaéicfiz mag]? /bar-t[y came {:2 pzgfx. A And 111 the 4. €haptc1' A o5j;»&._A N’! B 2. would ww *». “ ‘ t. \ AV 5‘ I‘ l l l" Q/f7 ”“Vin*a7Zc¢zti0rz0f ‘o1“%d;li11“a11«ces. an 4‘ w....‘..... , %‘Cll-111¢,okcn of all ~t‘l1il1*lgs tlmt fhould comic to pa"fl7::, -f¢.1‘lt'l‘l life: at lihe '16. verlfe, I~I»}x?3'Wf5’:¢t wives Awgylltootqflzjfle m«2z-Mmzw 2flJ«:;;,*’£a 2/':z';2g: in the G/a2vg2éc‘l9e;r. VN04‘tT1‘?nV5-the Chiurch in o°lgemral, b1¥.1~t in the {f”Whicl1‘f;ti;th»l "he, is the ‘Churcla of God) he concluczlles all m¢ree’m@l2ll, wuntil ll/ye appmringl of am Lara!" "fwm Clmfl : Whiclhlappcaring, doth ‘fynchronize with the of the quicklalnd dead; "2. Tim. Chap. ~4.Vcr;f. I. but Timark} himé-A {elf cloth not live fo long, and therefore this Charge lies up-» on every Minifler and others réfpeélively, for fo indeed. the Charge is direéled to the man of God, Clmpter 6. Verfe 1 I. time, and therefor; pagticular Churches and Congregations for publlck Worfhzp Ihll to C0lt‘MZ££'H.'£€.’« Aslforllrhc flzfiizé/7*,7fyo, you vknowwlmt t.héApoPcle faith in lChr.‘ifi,* ‘Ha _gmméfbm::,l fljzafllex 2% flame, Prophets : flame, Evm2~ ooéicuiywlrzf Clary}; Well, but how long°e allele to continue .9 lreade *::l1e°I 3 . Ve1"fle,‘Ti/[WE all came in tbéflfiitj oft/99 Fair/2 and V ofzkel/Qzowledgc qft/ale Sm Gad, zmra 1&3 ;2erfic‘.7 mam, unto the ;¢».mzfzzreoVl‘oftbefZpzt:m ofzlaefulmfr qf'Co/mlji‘. And I pray, are l l“ xxm yet comelrmto this Corxditioln P It may be fome particular ‘mam: will ldare tollayit, thal: he lllimfia-lf‘iaAlcomellunto this ' W V l..CQQ.d.i'§i0“: l A w;mm22a*;¢§f%*%i4ai1aa5&5. »£h; for that Wer¢L to fay, That the Miniflry were to con»- A A van out; a*‘nd« tlhazx to ceafe : And ifye Ibok into the 68.Pfa1. f1“on’i.w§1ence Mtefe wmds are cited 5 ye Ihal find atthe 18. A verfe, thacCh1*ifl:.hath given thefe gifts, T/"mt z-/oz,» Lam’ Goa.’ f we not need Pcil! ,‘tImt Godfhou*ld dwel amongff us? ‘yea, and d0th *notGod {hill dwcz} arnongfl us ? A A; ‘W2’:/bjmg ;mt.£!tl;e marl aft/2a»\%mr1a’,though that will carry it A; W but I pray you mark thofe words, (.70 tmcla 5?/I ]\Jm‘ie7;7.r Exzptiw %m:'2zgvAt1wm;So» A A A A . Baptifm :1-m~efoxe, is not. tAou¢md till: al1.Na.ti011s be taught * and baptized; andis.t:hat%d:m1cPreadewhatAiswfi1i.cHn%tl1%e A dam~jZn:zf bu’ Prewkrked in all 2‘/.w\wrl¢J, for at ‘W£zm°f.§" zm£'o a%a2’c’l‘»M- V A when aim Gofpel is pre:;.cI1ed unto’ all Nations, tlxm flwi aim ‘J {pal {till is to be ~prea?%ched unto the Nations, ztmd may to be B:aptiz.ed,“aind [0 this ()1*di1}ance of Baptifm ism contmue A : file iazlithf, A: aft Mjewit, O"‘¢:‘- T3 /«77mi7 _;‘9a:‘z'£2 zpizm Lawdxwdfixzt/J A ‘co\ndicion,' thisflrature 6£Ache£u1ne&'o{£ cmi&;bu: ma}17* A “ whatthHe AAp%oflA}e%Afaith, tillwe all come intI1e%unicyof;:he% Fm‘:/J. What a worldofdifferenccs in Faith are there new among’: us ?Vbu‘t4_% faith the Apofile, Theft: Offices of the Mi»- niflryyare to continue tilxwe all come; nottiil one man comes, or ?tw"?0 me;n come, but'ti11Wle¢z/I come unto the uni- cy~of*t*the Faith mat is not yet came to paié, andAcherefor’e t?1he%MiA_niIh*yAis ‘1’Hl‘1 to Acomzinue 5 neitfier can it be faid5 That this iunity of'Pait?h is to be Aund%erfl:ooAd ofthc Dcflrine of tinusé till thefibofirinas and Rules for the Minifhy were gh- migbt dam»! amen-gft mm. As if there: were no abode or dwel- ling for God among{% men, wvxtlmut thefc gifts; and have As for Bwptéfme; you know what our Lard‘ anclsavior Chrifl {aid to his Difciples, ,Ma~:t. 28. 19.00 two}: 4!! N»-axiom, é.«zpti«:i;2Agr/Jam. I don%, which you have a_t‘th¢ I7. verfe? if yelook into the firfl: ofthe Corintlhiapzx, and the I I. AChap-- %ter,ye fhal fee what a reafon the Apofl%le¢givez&~, wvhy heg.;»z 3 out the Lortlfi Supper unto the C'orir¢"%t/oimws, and xx.rI;W;,_.g% ey wcr?~: to receivgiit; even fuck a reszfim as 1feawl1e%th unto us as wclasto the Corinthians, faith heat the 2.3. vezgf. For I the Lords Supper unto them Co%Vrinrlm}ms%, and Why they were Vtonsceive it, Even becaufe that the L rd je-{us Chrifi did .giV§7.‘: it to his Difcipfies in a:h<: night wizm hewas betraicd, :'md~brac:1L1iE:%’he had thus Arecveived 0ft?1e§;.0rd, &c. A NOWI appml unto any mam, 1snut‘:his%re‘afo?n as good a rcafon «as upon thc Carimrtlazlms? ifindeed the Apsflle had made this the rwfon, I have Received amAeffugefr0m per; than this 1'eaIi2f)n had; nm: bmmdy us as well as them, but Athe rcafon that he gives of this~d;ifpenfation_, reachetlu incézfc-m;I1a%t any do of- , ' {in 5 Sa*;ri%0r{aith, in the 1 8. of _,72amrt1vew, Tell it mtta tire C/mrdc/.7 .- 5:"/zr /Be mglefl to law?‘ the C /9fi¢?‘£l/J, /athim lye zmta I/aw '45‘ (:2:,’:um mum, amdaz pz;e./2l.«l:'mz. Nowfif you look upon the ,vcrfes% beforcand a*fte:*%t11is‘ t€'3£f{,‘ A ye {ml find Cemfzm=.r of the C /mm/3, my my: am~%af%r1Jz3felitt1e 07273.: their fiill ycomzirmes. 50 after this text. APe1:gr Mme“ tmtd Clmfl and /}ziz2.',w Lard, r’;'mrv qft fk’2.azl1m_7 I fzayjmzta time‘. Not ti/41 fawn times, ém war?/I W/k«we:¢f)I ‘time: yea, lookupon the whale: Ci‘mp1:e:1*, and the other vérfes% thereof, and ye find, that they Adm Pciil bind us “and continue upon us; Why themfme rm: this Ami if we mimi i% the I COWS’. Chap. we may fee.t11at$%the fipcirfllfl Pmulrioth A A A [ A arg}___1_§_w fuAz:e%;I.y therd‘eforei he didnot fing here aIor1e,f¢:rr ifs iE1id,z1'nAd A e/fVz“ndz'cm?i0n¢f rdi11;ances.“ A 9 4 argue tI1isiCer1fizAt:‘Ae01;:th;: Chlllglh, AfA'romA11nivAc=.-Cf1AaI,perpecAz;zaIA and more man 5,; :1 out: ere oretae oi eavenV,w A~r.? A be-caufe ,AzA lzgtt/22 lerzz/an [M7/e*7¢etI3J' the ‘W701 lump. A AA A , V3: V As for Sifiigi;-Izg of I’f;:z!m.r: Yo11knoAwM‘whatis f;zidcAon%-AAA A cerningdoxér Sayier Chiriffd and his Dillfciples w;vhen they haid receive A t esupper ./7/./azt»M2*6. 30. Am W/amraej /aadfzrmg me fijfmmgr/any Wm: am. It was an ufual prafiice among the Jews A A after the paflbver, Ato fing an Hymzxz ourfiavior Chriff did ireeeivei the‘Pa£7ff*rdi11%a11c%6s~ _ 4...._>-u:r.*s‘r_:w€ ‘ ' vmff. and the veryzf§g§§:3:V’r<:;1~;di.1*1§;Wii1 t%asz.k:: «hf? this :ms:3A0- M A therfc1*uples. _Th@‘JJ‘5I)_1‘dSat‘€ to be rczmti thug, Lat Arm» warm! ‘ ' dependance of? thnrxgs together. So that I fay, our Lard Om :%m0:i“2€:f r ‘if we fing alt-:i‘.s;§:3z:1mx'?.lAE' afD:ii2:iple db filing; a:.i<;>;r1AeA:, riginal, thfi‘ £11195, Lat I/.942’ \3I‘»a;"d 0‘ (Q/.2;~'ifl% .-.-- gregaugion the benefit ofthe who! body _;%and the: male: difousgifcof’;MIix3gin<'iA." NQXV thflfe giftswvere not yet givgm forflhriff Wis‘ 11m] ye}: dczui arid ai.£2:ended,, and thm'ef0rie, one Qf:tl1eDif;:ip1e,s”did rioti fingéalgzne, and if.Chr§{EdAid not {Eng a:10%ne?E3;Qr0ne~of his Difbiples a1?<:;>A11a, than they all fang ‘ M M L I M M M M V ' I butif they dicLa11.-Ii12g together, _l1ovqjAcmz1-d 1: be £0 £3»- dificagion? For§W.e%Areadc, in. we ggof t_MhMe CaZcgfl,;.;r;aM:, {vim the APQME ={1,if35 EIIUSA; _L€tA % ‘thy WOW.’/I of z§11?;*£.A{ i¢¢A_7:7.f;*: 2%?/;2{y in M’ 2arz:,iM'aAl:9}2¢,tM£l3£%¢g,$,4:263‘t«:dm%0xrz}]Z:£:4g oA;:zc![ xmot.6M:2r 25;» MI?/%z!m.s, ;:;+:22d I:l_'}'m*m-,A ¢z»22d[;birirz4'.¢Zfi2m¢g.r. How can ma m:::cl%1A;:am:'i s;»:.dn".+<.:a§1%i.*£h v . '3 -M V L. “ . i1e:‘r1;2‘%3rte:a%::%1i and ::1%d}m5rit#;&lA1AA S;2%2;;‘g.c, L[1‘;¢«‘§'Z‘2$‘g'A13¢}1pTJJM;g;A?}v&C£'.2:§';lj'0JW“'.~ *%lac*;rm.rA% ta 3/mfLord. And‘ A tl1ustHm"e is aVVbAc~:tter I£:nce%ofcI1evimrdstoo, andAaA g1mAe~intIxa.t, 1 C'ia:¥{11A; A if CI1r!i%fi:, could firsgthus with the Difciples with». Out ff-imzing the .Spiric,AA%irA. whom the Sépirit.w.nzaAsAwici:0urAmr:~a~%A A (me, then_ %~Aa1co4,44~we may A fing together, ftmd yet um flint: the W ...._..—mnuuI Spirit ; bu: Chxifl: Vandfiis A Difcip3e¢s MM3.11‘MAfir1g%t0getI1ci.M, j V um-Mr" “ ‘ 3‘ .. I 5. ‘.u'_n"V J44:-4‘; one or ar1ppI1crA‘¢of %the{e Ordinanécs, ye find that they are ihll to Continue, and F that we are torcccive, acknow!%edg.§.=.- am; fub”;’ni:4 unto jthefe;MApp9%in:m¢r3ts,1,an,dA Mtt) Ixear ichrift V7”Bfltb¢fidE9%’tfi€fe%%patt1cuIars, +=takejThrec; or Four geni- "raI R;e:a{'0ns‘%fOr“ the” Acbptinuancc of 1t:h,j¢n:1. __ U Firfi, If thatfhe word ofthe Anew Teftament, €18 comfnan-- dingto Beleeve, and prqmifipgto~gi1ve&;tl1e Spzm, I fay, if this Word d?0‘continu%e;, then the Oréfiinances of CVI1ri{;‘rare 4 flrilto AcoAut'inuie.4 ‘If thc%App‘0ihtme;1ts, ‘lnftitutions, and O‘rdi1*1aAn*ce3 oFCI1rifl be notifiill" to continue, then the word of the new Tcfhment: ; has the Commandements of bgeu ieeving, and the"promifc of giving the Spirit, do not conti- Ant1eAAneichet,% there is mrame reafgm ;,;:for, Wlmtiir WE fay cha%cth“ej%¢T;o”rd. ]efus%CI1riW&«h[az~hV appointed Baptifm, the Loi'd§‘S’upper, and otIierVOi‘%d%ihtmc¢s, what do men fay PA True, thcfe We-re app"0ir"1ted ixigdeed for thofejzimes, when Cbrifl: and the’Ap'0filesIiv%ed;%% But: nowl pray, May not the fame be {aid concerning the " C}3mmag‘;1de*zu%enc "of, Bela-c~ A ving. and concerning the Promifewqf givir1g_the~ S‘pirit 9, you %fay,;phatyo11 are bound to bcleéve ; howprove 37ou,z;hat? fay y”o1 1’,%%%BecaufeC11 hath commanded me : But I Ana 1 j} fwe.r_you;?vtri%th&f»*%“W$£i"*it‘c5wnAnfwcr,V, He ccsmmanded the men jof thofe timeSV%0n1yw= A41i"a1gy‘io :Lx%haveth¢%$p;&wi&,A ‘Ho w % prove you“ "that?" Chm % pr‘pVveAy§)”p“,4A That‘thcévpWro1‘n1_fvc% pfthg Spi xix; rcachcrh = beyond thowfe ‘4ti%%r;:i4efls ? Lobk, w,_ha t: «you AAnfWcrA for _thc ;O%rdinances, 3‘t%h”§: prom"iVfcojfgiving théwSp,i’rit:,: ‘and {O for tha who! new 1M’e~fiament.%; _;yx41d foéb.otI1 O"1Hd awncIy New1%Tcl}um¢nt wi,l7lmfa1lr :,w* the} grqunci, anAd,Vt{ien%wVc[rétu;=;n to I+1catl1cniffl1y$V ,; A V ‘R . « \ 9fbu‘rid"atio‘ the , “A "3eC40nCHy,%°,IF;Lth mi" VDo§&r4i' e “Qf: the, Ord7Vnanjc{esA be oftfxa‘ V Vindication qr rc{i11*'}11?1(;(‘3S. . % 11 gm am for *ou&%exam4pA1e. rhus’%‘%whcA:1mgyam; xook upon ‘ ,tha£maAybe Anfw*ercd:t¥;>.%th'Ne1Cbmma4ndementof¢Fai4t&h;; and A 40f%Ou‘t+VRé1igi0n;4h %thT¢h~cettain1Y%‘tTi¥¢%JOtciinanc%AcsV A %‘af€:?ffi_1‘ £0 C0Vm:inue;‘ ~ for vvié4“l1_¢)u: “a fé>»1:mdfition,,;%tlxem, ism; A buxkhng,“ NOWifyouI00k}jnt0the~6 Chzxptcer oEV%y,ch%::%;;rII % ‘i'?'e%WJ', ‘YOU {hill find, Thatclie VDo&rinetof4Qrdi;1a*nces is c)mfV " Z - efl VindiaziionofOrdina11ces. the foundation ofRcligion, _%ve1;fc the LI... T/aere_fare leaving the A principles of the Daflfififlafiflréffa [Ff mgam flfito per7‘E-EHO”, mu: laying A again Mefoflntlatzon of repentance fim dead aw-gr, 4 mid affdit/J towa‘7'd:”76-7ad;“ oft/aa‘Do%E?r'i:4e Baptfi/m.r,'amd oflgj-» A ing on oflmndx, mm.’ of rqfiarrefiian. qftbe dead, and etermzl judg- mm. W—haft this Baptifm is,I will not defputc ; Awhat «this lay» % M‘ 7 1.. ing on of hands is, Ijwilil not noW.j_reafo%n ,-, but certainly they muff bemVOrdinantes;*NowlookA( faith the Apofile ) as the Do6:rin%% of the Refufre%myer42sure1y, I ‘ednjoy God» %more in my 7l.ay’b’y'thcpublick. 1 A ~ A A,yLet%, " Ih:1v‘c” notjonly ‘W ‘ . «‘{‘;‘,‘4‘ay«rfivO«¢\(. Iwr ;But, What.need«’of Ordinances 5’ for I enjoy GAod»rh'o& A " priv“ate%, when I ~*u,m:o?;i God = al0nc~when*I am allalone in * A Du4y0uAenjoymor¢e 0fG§:»din pfivatc 2’ What, m~0r’e7 than I ev~ex§yg:s%L1 did’ in piublick P~W~‘here wen: thou tl1e;1iConverr':%edP A A :Wr:rt~th0AuA noc~C0»nvertcdA u%—ndV?er tIiseA;A publ*ickM'ini1'fry .<" Or» % Aanmeafie thing fora man t~0v‘!:hi%nk than‘. God is m0fi”“enj'0y%ed, A iwheh his; heart is mofl afieéied? Itis p0flibilcVt1iaE4fl‘mans A ” " ‘A ’od%ismoff%4enj0yéd, where *Godis,mo1‘tfcrv:_-d. ~ Bu: now, fuppofe God were more en»? joyed inprivace, than under publick Ordinance$ (I dobmzh (3lofct_I at“¢Pray¢r,* and‘%thcrr:-jroucnjoyw God fometimes you A are bi~c1owarDinricrand Su“pper,A and yowhavek forne_en~~ ; A joymcnts 0fGod thcrc.*' ~But*I praytelrne,, Whcthcrdo you A cniQY»G»od mom at your ordi~m.ry*Dinncr and Suppgrg or in C.lcghf«‘t:;1;'i‘n Prayer“:%%AV=~:And*%isA:>AthiAs afieafon nowwhji you fhould %% "';:g;g.*g;~;I9;in§“and*‘Sup 4aga‘in?4 Yer notwilrhftanding, how; dq % .gA§é;¢‘rc¢afon;xhus ~! I cnjoy God Amorexin private," therforg A W V‘ ‘ -\ ‘ ‘ ,‘ 5!“ (W ‘ ‘I ‘ ‘ "4 i0éj¢é‘z'..2.. “ nggne own experience}, but I~ha1*;'c v \ t 0; [2 M wWz¢diw%»vio72v% %r«1;i:«ames. ._ n V -L,‘ ‘ . ‘, ‘w w 4 pmff, 1'l{¢axx%j*azzAV:aAvr": I‘-Ié:ch n’c;’:,%bu 1* 8’:z:v’im,* Hi df, Na: Bin?-rj um» “ _irx ;; , hearted Cha"m%pions&; yct‘béir1“g*CQ'ndcmned;0dia, t‘l1e y cri~-» ‘ in God, and upon God imme-diat1y ; fee wI1at;‘iLt‘Vc”a”7“rti‘c%*to tIie~eAmrr¢n¢e 0‘f‘drwrs f‘q:::h¢ r pr-remfirs*1c>=:z%zps ; .7...’-—-um. men amci vtm‘me,n *‘t*h%*«‘c&i~rV;1~z’*&i‘4~Mfr"tire"(‘)‘r~é{“in“21“‘nc&~s,%~ thépnif I;$1%ic}~2v % O1‘dinanccs,!=and they Aprofeffi-., T hat they um/her %cz2jo3f;ed mow: of‘MGod',_ th finqe ‘ tI1ey‘ha;ve %ltFg%thVe "~O%‘rdinance $,VA I A » ‘ *4 have 1170 Athiere the iG:Ire“r4%grMér‘i.ou:é.”%e¢p:Ie- . 4 P;oorSgu"l !: W111: VAthou1“’h:i‘ng“t15y Sa“Iv;iI;1b4r1”.4i:p¢:i. ano;“Iq;‘ymézn A‘/air 2m'g{'aéor,4724{ ’ me. Mark the words; they do not run as the are0rdiTnariIyA A ‘y cited by‘%%peop1ie,%-vim frhey% ma11narV%téaAe 4e¢a:y“rha4nM1:is nei:_;~hb:4m:%,%i4 £o1fia:1%fl1a11"Vkiwwthé1°!d”»; Vbut thus.‘ Thy/Mz ” ‘m;:?in»4;~“]9 bxlmazlglalvairg‘ dad aziery man brat/aer, /.4)-»_ [iggg Kmxav ¢laeAV%1;bm1.4 ‘That gs, They {hall not teach tlmm as if ; may Vweré ltd t‘ea‘ch‘jHeathens, A that " knew" not the Lordgbut in‘.Gi:>fp¢1 ‘times they M11 tw-*h’¢aknowing p¢0p1c. Ifir \ éwerébnlyg {:ai_d”’thus, ’:1fheyV4:fliaA11wd;9i:o:‘ reach fman ms ;nc"i¢g114bo[r;, dbqcchey (ha%;1%‘b¢+ él1i.Eafi’g’htofGod, V than it w.ereA 4? a_I11dtIiV°e‘x:w%’(tafe; BuW}tthe Words tun thus, _They fhaIAnottc;ichA :e1ir"eVry t11[‘an his neighbor, faying, K'n0w+th*;e L()rd}.‘ j (there is 1 %that c1aure‘:o%o)Tha:ish, They malnocdtmh anHe.a£hmim, V _...._gm .—v '— 4 fhzflcame, ll ewizfia A tea che?fl15_van:d Ch r§Tfl‘A¢%¢qa bfthg F ._____ w I/mg/imriozé%e1‘0rdiiimces. Lmlanowing people,AlSfit in tlxeltir.11es‘<:A:¢f' §:hAe;- M» be taught by God, and his Nlinxflers {hall teach a knowing? people. V A . l ; V A A ‘ “ As ’for thleplacc in ilalmy Now if you look into verf. I3. youlwill find that thefc words lalrelfplokcn in oppofition tolAm_£z'claVrzfi‘, to the falfe unéfionl )()g§:§.“@‘l fignifie‘tl1,{Amin”red.m lAn‘tiAchrifi is the falfe Anoiru A real Littlc? A€bi!dr£A‘”.; faith Ah”: ]AaAAt the 18. Averf. It 13* r/aalzaff time,‘ ml Mje /mm" beard rim: Amie’/m:/} the falfe anointed) zf/acre are anioxtedy, ly, he [peaks hérfe QfA'EI1i$ A.ulnAEllo4x_1 as oppofice Am r:Ahelf@lfelur1— nviirltizgg which We?lm=ye rcceiéed sf/2im,A }zAéA£bléi“é: injott, axdjozw need not AtI2;zt*rm_7Amaml‘ltmc/2_yjm, [mt wk:/qcfnzme tt?2V0iAflt1l5f¢‘,€ mic/9-- crlijeem Ye need_%n0t be taught by fallfe anoin.cings,and Ami- clmflmz aAnoim:ings.A TI1ac,thlls__i%s“% the Am;-;anixig,an%d~lthat he {peaks in ~oppofitio*n Alto A11;t‘:i;%ll:ri;fil’z1n' AaAno_irmng,, appears plainly by the Words %:11a:lgoAl>é:?f¢:$re,"at.%tl1¢ 26. verfe, T/aefe tiairz s? ‘/24¢/9A-Vfwritteigjm%c_pz;mfning them that Afidzdce you. CAAIl1€A3A11l1’1Agi5§lAAAA§7@Al1Eéd’j“lAfl0tl bl¢ll~l'%],11l lhlzalgy man, at by thofe {Hon oEAlntichlriAfi.A. §'"1i'xat ( faAit:AAh he%a::l.tl1e;2.7.:vAerl? ) ltlae as-5 SOT that are falfely anoi~n:;c§lma$&«AA‘m;l‘§hri ;i|5_5fi,.U0,r,flny\ m;1mwife need yebeytatightA"by**man;AAAAbufallthi;‘f A’ A” AA AA publfcli Miniflry.-of £12.43 W0rtl;., “ A ““ A 1 As for that !?c;:r,%in II}? fegcondl Epifile-,« the -Erft ChA3‘pfAerand the“ I 9 Vétf€_, We A/mfve 4//Em mvmfxm wordy‘ 1’ *01?’7¢’/?€3 W-=WWt0 J8 4‘? W«?i1.r/Mme gm lvéeal, 44 me at fig’?! t/Mt /5;mb1laa;;l;¢ A «W7/55?ir¢j0#N2l»“d29k€I“-AA”U11ti3;thi9#fi"ril, Adpthllnot alwaics note anlfindljoftimegl lthélcnd 0ft‘liar rim? to be thk:.*_n,.wl1ich chi‘s+e= untilldoth ll ré:lat waft z«.>s}2o2¢*tia”e “L02A‘*d waxtqgonthe Lord no longer? when unto"; Af‘o'r— ermmple, _DAam'd faith, [will he had grim’ Mercy, wr-vr-nv v‘ Gofpclfihey {ball A ‘ A ye h§tveAlAcixitAhc5f1l: F 3 the 2 Ghlap‘; and the 27;. verflfim the anointing wlaic/ajowll /max: reach/edlqf/:ir12A .a!ridet/9 imjw, and Ajax med mt t/mt mt] manl A mm/a gm, émt mitlaefizwe anointing r/2945/act/ajm (fall rlaifigx. A Mr (at: the :20. verf. A lfaies he) we have 42? wnfiiomfrqm tke«H9{y 0m. 30 filial: plain-— afflAc§1flQintlngl(Cl1yilE) A wikPA€%v?»l,””¢i’1/9¢lcWdmv»_wvdlt1av v14J-IW ~ 4 till #19:: MW: many mm me. Would David A A would ‘ 1 I . 1 ‘ n\‘ 7 . A % %would he not wait, Jupvn the‘AA Lord thern“*2- is t1%4tAAthé' AE7\I:‘1W€“.l“~€‘.f‘—-.-lu fling, Iv?!“ W3? “W,1é@P?‘?*¢”h¢““WSm¢t¢V; that k is, on1y c11l Iha.ve1t%:* wAas““he t0‘make‘ an end‘ ofhis Waiting 5je5?.4. . A/Mfr. Vupon the: Lord when he ha_déres:ciJva=c1M the MWQYZ‘ s No._,, arm ‘nu is no: che%meflanmg‘:~.bfi_t faith ;'»x«re~%i%»r=*¢ni»%th;e Lad ,t%z'1"Z 4 he fhcw§%1%Mefc‘y;*"bedaflfé fth‘e" tE'f¥1¥¥‘-“~§ 1?h€‘.,, »1z3‘£erim% ~.VaI;¢ {till he £h:eWs*Me1*c3z sumo mg; “"80 the”I:0r faith to Chrift, Sittm/qofl ri‘g@t,""till t/oiirza If/9)’ foot flooi. m1.v. «Wh:g:~no 1_qx;Age;[2::s:1p%g sVC2h“;~:%g{t,1 fit‘ fog cyer at Sthe “right hand4»0f*f;thc*“F:;jt1je1‘ ’ ‘Yes,-’ gygc .fa.,1”t,l1 the Father; Six; mies%of-C11“riVf’cfa1*ebpought under,‘ hMe% :fl1w‘3l,Iit no longcrat: his “N1 d*0fW¢11 thlaf S3?‘ lieAe‘d» ii.” I‘??? %44Jrfl»#f m~€fle¢ in yaw‘ ~ N-Ot"tha‘t??§ij§y{fh;Q’;1!d"l¢a.Ve“ takxng; hM¢gc1 unto‘ . ~th-5: Word 1:«}ie‘r‘3;%’bi1%4£i*bé%c:11i'feh of ;t;¢%lfiI,1{)t.a.tii?l:1$,'~%»tryals, me! 1 da%rk]coAndvi%‘tion tI1at'%they-Aifliétild bej in béfb reV%;V he faith, Ye do wei w“[takehca:d«“wati4l the d«“Y~fia: a.r1fe1_r1%yo41,1xfl1carts. S0 chatzzhxis now, on feet there isfnorzhxn iv%%%xn1:hAcfe.%ScAm% A«~ wresrhM9;wl2otId5'9. h. .any:fWh :21: ; ~ Iy; todi%Cog:t:n1+Efi¥1 Chr1£¢ "45 3" Ardiriancés am: 0.n-<- W *-:1 M « A: Mraftm #3 Jééét r~(a;fsfj7'W1,A 1 , fart/9A r/2: 1'3.01’6%’~*'fl&’:*It/94 M’! V’4t.«’i\ €¢m:e 63$ » ‘C .4: e Tifimd og‘yz:5ud» A thin}: thgtin» this {mtg Ch1‘ifi{WaS;1iO§ amine A iht‘hL0F@7 Ltim4=9~V*><{hAez1 Z’v4VnLWro‘te%"%t7Q %%th¢= vramtlzivvw was Chnifi~2“®me Sin =» 0vr1e\kH‘6rf£"ltI;1¢fi*¢Q1fi€~£~z-;t&£*‘ikdi by-a i } .hi§s. g%'AS9ix:idc~V2 Area;ct<;;¢1as VAA;*~®gaemre~*a“ii;.¢; 4 chtraxa ‘éi*uia¢j%}5}é'2*f ‘ '"w1;enchxi.£; aiceaadmv Vvh«.e_C3di1*ifo‘ifi=r%.c?ém¢*;" I'en&:;.- :hAarerom; Qhrifi wme 92 M9<5fi1:r=s timm In ‘ full Aof“temvpVtdti‘0x1 am 1:r?i3nb1jej;, xv*i11]Wi1L%it upon the Lord % ’,th011r~i0ri5 my h"3.“ndti,lAl,i n%Otih3C”"Eh%é4h “When fthg ene-A-A A ‘ Fatheré right fo:%;hcA{ha14#1%f;¢1%t the;ri¢kf{;§r eV%er.%A wsojhere, %% mg“ A t1&x;is..,. arm: )1; ‘L ‘ % for Aifzfitlu he I Cayrg 1 I~;, A “"4 J9: % '\ A - , A ’ readv¢ by Iifis» fivxxfuhvtlaéreffigs25 Q%rd«inam¢ ‘§f;4Sh-p‘peI‘“i?3“. b*‘cUfltInuAé"“A*no#*M ioriger to me, and fo qQ-.o...% - gm -hr. ; pimp: j gm: may A=‘-«t 5...: up. "A 1" M‘ up _ ‘+'§_N« at ’‘l:' 1 ‘W “"- V3 ‘V3 J ‘ V r ‘ ‘ « fin!‘ av-A " '”“ ‘ H 4". . _, M "V .‘ _ ‘ ,, W . ‘ ,, . V Jr‘ ‘ am ‘ ‘ W e . 5 " ‘ o N ‘. ‘ wrm u , ‘ ‘-an I," ‘w M w ‘A . g4 , ;. My “ A “W ‘ P3 ‘ ,. ‘ * " ' ‘ ‘ * mu "v V ‘ ,~ ‘V . M .. W ,‘ ._. W ‘ mo» AA“ ‘- ‘fw o M: ,‘ '~‘ 9‘ If 3» ; ‘ ,,,, ~ as w. r . 5 “ - M 0 ye ‘ - W H, ‘I ,,..m.».g-am ‘ . ‘ M % aw \l.' . ‘ “ ‘ “ “ . run ‘ ‘ 4w 3‘ ( : ~ VintZz‘mion*o}Cird‘inéiices%. r 9 ;0bjC’fiu gm 1:ewa¢s%'n¢Vcr%¢omein{ugh%#a"“%d;egrgé%‘»dmje4V spa- ,were they too, Rfmz 5‘. 14.3762 they und.erO;'din:mces : Or is. the Gofpel comm mtxm you in powe;:,< fo__z~.1*1aa A ymrp aaége jawz: ezcamplc t0~th0f«é Athfiit be!eev%’e ’{0%‘wex*ef1"xéy*to*o, Y iTg’en»j]C if.‘ 7,%8.\-ydet they x;znd~erw()rdin:1n‘ces :90!‘ db ycm :Mve%1n G<3d';:zn%d? %Co.,/.3 . 3.376: they under OrAdi%%na;1ces.A&nLhviE ‘y«)11%v_mt1ire the Salvation of your? S<:1ulf t1Ap(im this pfiinti, '1”1:mt y’O7L‘1 have 3 greater“degf4ree Aoft1§1<:‘ASpix;it, th&a.n% tlmyhrad in gfmjme “tmues, W-hich yqu £nufl_%d0%if fy<:>i1 Caffli up tile O1‘din;xniEe§%4iz;i0fn that ground. 1* I311: I i"11»f3;t§0~fé it wiiibte gi‘ant¢d, Ti1£§tCfi1'fifl'S‘ C05- xni¢ng.,m:1d Appe{n‘in“g;i.eial‘onc ,; A :m"d‘jify{=: lauk into 2 ram. Mmis Avg peamfgg, 782 ]'1i“1“;%vgi;1“g’t)F chqVquickand~dead,g0 toga» :h»m‘.Amd is that :iméC7('mi9e%? ThAeVA%nge1raLic%h z!fi‘.I%.That%as ” l;h‘e'¥>* %i1’c*§bIm% fmv him g«mamy, fr» heahau1dcom%caga&'n ; a§g1%dl¢??fiim2 “ 4%?M».M7pc:;[1'i§31j»ai1M3r 5 &the1*F<)¢re his coming t ‘ihé ~%i‘"s?m¢&>§*t? ag fir ;pérf0ma ly, and I M . V z9?»p;;:erions;I§'¢=yM : ebu ‘ {O :J,,di~:1ance§,whi,ci1%hoV%1Ad“f{:wM1Msdm*‘t£"a,:1hd%*firfi co%ming? 0f,,0ur‘I:easr%ts7,” The-it w'7e”a'1*‘“§: maayazade «tzhei p1'e‘c%ious%%A m;ncAes of the Lard ”j*ef1.t’sqCh~x‘if’c m11*g:"eat P1'c:p1mr9 7 But: W64: Ac!f0”fl%otAdeny th3eO‘r£iin:1ntesx5 grant ::h;_1cthe Ordinances are fliill to cm*x:imue;~b1.u:% tiieyafe lower Di»- fpenfations ,. for the tvezak omy, noMI:_%f'ofr‘tI1ofe am: Mr": fh~ong.4 4 ‘A A N0 1 -NOEFOF Wggfe ¢;I1'm';3 rd? V n%0ne%fimr1gamon§g t%hé”Ro*nmns‘Pj Ammongthzz ’l"l"1cITa10n2~g ans? Arnorw t'heé Coj‘rinthiansA?% ASai¥t’f.z% the Acmmq rm meat 23 .. 3 21’ , % we flranga Iémr wit}: tlaafe that «try iaéekz/";g_&~ 9 and y€t?they were N4 ‘gwice you have 120:; forme you fiMll’c!;w%th :11 go<5dru::~fs l;>"fo% . /1:6/iv; No : iEither then youhaveagreatter degree oftln:- % Spirit: in re*gaArd ofgiftx, Orin regzzrd ofgmce ;."if'3icJ5uAl1a i/e% a greater degrex-:1 pf the”Spi1iitV in regard o%fgift:,w11y *d0 ’~y*0u% ; - n~m:~:fpeak Wicil T0r1g11e$,* and Wqrk 1\«1i‘xf:;gi~r:*£-,*,’ I-1.ealingi;,‘&i*‘,#;V ;a~s::m“:ey did?**and 21 .,~=§ré:it%er%‘degn:é‘e 0fth%e3S‘*;fiifit inregar‘d Q5 is your life‘ hxd wi~tl1VC~h%Ari4fl ir1%Gmi? flu iéiwas wilrh chem rm“, : ,t%hé?r€o1*s: acmr~c!‘i’n to tlie 8Ac~riq:itur¢*, ’1"A'he Logcds. SuMppcr, arid A A ‘ are fimro srsomzimle ; wmr tfhbnld itrthetfore en‘ter:int0 any . '. 11.m.i m‘ %j - v Qéjefi. 5. xfig,/iv. . ~,:::.::_":'~.;.:.“—.-'-‘ ' - p E I § t Vindiimtioni Oforciitaatmces. uwnudm-iytOrdinances.* x‘ Ibuptthey were unotfiw fitrong, and had“ :._«.=§.A Now then, jet any'mganfi1eW that the Ordinances are to» A ,contini19eut upon; thofe that are Weak, and upon rhofe that ' are fironggbeut if a m“ayn.come unto fuch a degreatoffi;1'en_gth, t concerning thievneyyfiveittcpoygpa rir.i Stay then a little; Firfi, We lmaye it granted, That the _ degree mentioned in Seripture 9 Let any man {how that de» was made a Deacon. of the Church, and was. under rdinan-- ndrflimurhioiftheSiptirinieaand were not _fild with 'ti1e,$pi_- Ordinances arepito continue upon thofe; that are weak. Sc... cqndlyp, That they are to pcontmue. upon rhofe that am fifi.‘O41‘1g.;t‘bu't“it ts/fa1_d,t That tfa man he/a firong, then not. then they are not to rontinue upon him. Where is that greet The. Scripture doth fpeak the contrary, for it is» aid,” That Step/am was fild with theholy Gholi, and yet he ces ;_ Pilaf with the Holy Ghofi, here is a higlldegree; and» yet under Ordinances ; and ifrhat the Spirit of the Lord,; be therfore powred out in the-fulneiis of it, that men may \ hetenablcdifor to Walk with God under his Ordinances, * then the fulnefis of the Spirit is no rcafon why Qrdinavncics Nowlpray look into the 36. chap— ' ifyhouldtbe laid aficie. A tjcr of Ezrkfel, and you {hall find. that thcyp,Lordp fpcaking» V _ “ o willpmr my Spirit Wirhz'n_you,(at i he camflajoaz ta walkin my . V Statutes, and}: /641 keep my judgment: and da t/acme I-.wil put my Spirit within you, and caufe you. to walk, arc. the word in the Hebrew, fignipflesro prepare; as we prepare and» t drefs our meat.,or as facrifiees were dreffcd for the ofcrings.-. if v foyfaith the Lord, I witpux my Spirit within you, and wilt f ‘iprcparewyou, or adapt, 8: fit you for towalk in my Staruteszi; A the Spirit is thcrforey put into us, that we may be prepared , randy fitted to walk in Gods Statutes. ‘ And faith he-, Tc M128 Iggep my judgments, mad. do them. I will not only give you my ‘to Spirit, to keep my Cornrnanderncnts, and do the things I: Com1nand,you,i butye fl1a1" ]udgments:,_ andsmy ”Statutes,and therefore I vstilig1ive- you imyj Spirit thatye ‘.u may be fitted; and thus adapt-ed to walk in my Staturesgtnd. Y.&L‘fl.T_‘r A ;;keep,my Judgments; Yea, more plainly yet, in the A :1; of t y “Ema/{iel rvflflr ‘ ‘I ‘ ‘ ..v .3": A ‘. L Q 0) ‘ H i. ‘I’ .A, I‘: ‘ ‘Kw & ‘- ‘ . x K ‘ l ' iv” 1' l “ 1 ‘ ‘ l H A ii 1 15 « :1 - .‘ 4 i \ . 1"‘ ‘ I ‘ A‘ A. , ' .A,. l- ,«. ‘ il i Q ‘A l L ~.. Ill . ’ . : Q ~ A 137, this 15 madea realon why they wcrptoipcomc the A i Ordinance. Surely thcireforclithe; Ofpdilnanccs are {till to chem the fulncfs Ofthe Spirit cannotbe a reafon why you lifhould layafidc‘ Ordinances ; ppbutothus ii; is, The ~Spiri1CiOf A wthc Lord. is: therefore giypcn, thatwe may walk with God in i his Statutes, ‘and Ain:pl1i;s(]udgments,p and lkcwep them, and hold them ; yea, and ifwc look into the Io.Chaptc1: of the A52: oif”thcApoflles, weihall find, That Baptifm with wa- ter, is cherfore ad1;nipniflrcd,becaufepmcn had received the A HolyGhofi and the Gift: thereof :w ivcrl’. 444 ~Wlai{/iplflcror 1 fizz:/mt/ac holy AG/apofi an them «I W/vial: /zemvd. t/as Word,Vcr.4 5 . on them WM powred the gift qftlae Hal} Gbaf}. T;/amfizid Peter, Wbic/a have recczirvedt/:ei/5ppa{y Glaq/E m Well 44 we .9 And /an cam~ mmadcd mam to éaptizgdg Nojjw, Alf this bi: rclafon why ‘ {hey were to have the Ordinance: pafi upon chcm, i bccaufe they had reccived the holy Ghofl in the giftspand powrings A011; Qfifvpitgppglwippvoiipppplmiipgpfipllcd with the Spirit, is no prcafon lo1iItl‘l‘li§‘i”$“’f5§rlthe Ordinanccs ;AbuI: as Wt: -{cc plaj ,1. continue, , though we ha.VcVth€'ASpirit,A and be filled there- with. A W hythcrfore fhould we be Io hold as to call them- A low, and poor, and weak, or flelhly Difpenfations, facing that the holy Ghofl by Pm! (2 Cong.) calls the who] Miniw ;flraAtiox1 of “the Gofpql, and Difpmfazion AAtAhercof , Spirit A and G"'107.'z'&fq¢£'$-‘Si’ A1;poniAthii5i v«cryAaccouz;t,Becaufe thc Minilha... tion and Difpél3{ati0ni:i,Ofth»e; Gofpgl p(:a5AA;hmuf¢diin mm],- timcfiwerc to abide anclto continugs, p1:hp¢AA Minifiration i of Mo/éx9n1ytobed0neAaway? A i AA A 2 Butlifupimfc tbcfc ,Qrdinam-‘CS, and Appointments 0.? C111‘5“Athi$ 8r€3t“Pr°Ph¢t d0AAfiAi11¢0ntinue,A an:d;icha:,wc do o A A D22 hi and Emkggz, wh;crcA the}! Lord opening the«pnciwCo.vpenAanc,»i faith ' at the I 9-fV¢1'fC, I “will give them we laeart,.amd Iwillpm: aixew 4 Spirit w£tb£njom,c&- Iwil M/Q9 “W1 I/98fi‘0nJ/zaarttlmt 471'»!/7657: A ll fiejb, gmdpf wi_lli.g~i?/e tliagrzmma;/aeazrt oofflcflz, T/mt t/2:g1'.ma_,y ml/q_ M7 1:14 my St.atme:o,anpd keep mine i0rdifimA1cA:e:l. A‘ Verf. 2o.“ (Now I A fay,< Ifthc Spirit of the Lord bc;;th1crefo;re given,ithat a man A may be more fitted to walk with GodAAAAundAcr Ordilnanlces, vcr£47. Cm anyfaréid water that t/aefe féould not /2: lmptizzwd, - Oéjfwlqn 64 l I?KGfi»119‘.11C€€S; A A ‘ 0AA'2jeFz‘.7, tlih ‘ K n=.¢:%{hou~ld~ uA%fciV%+the¢M7am{a ‘y°ét~ ‘ram: t’«o =A~u fer chem A;:,@;..A { dzmfe ‘c2»Af'“A (§‘Vr4:(W?<5«t£1’;‘i1'aAridf§2n1é4nié7AwiV:%%§;oLq“g%Aug; :&¢ix:“tw“;‘«t>!Ea;=::~I”;;1%i?vv¥IfiW;t"‘§‘@iA::1:i‘i»Iws;A; r A A‘“‘7?:L~° 3» V. . aw A - «A, , { c:c»mmaxua1~x:;¢."4~Tihe"4tApc;;?ci¢ 1’m¢1tI1.e*-rem-1t3<3aA§'£*éi# #511! tihie A‘la.A“Arid em tgm A’%v;it?.i,§':mA%EEj;£efi3I§ by he 5I_.:~ci:»iri'«”3. }?¢ma%; fér tihiifiis ti.11e”VV?iAH 0f??G0Ad‘,,~‘ ‘even yi1»r»t$zar1tE%ifi~ rhfzw na»m,~¢ goAA&e§_yoml and ~aleifi~azx4,fo1A‘/aé2vAAA"é;§»%atbzJ7j; Verbs. VEM-1adA not 9 om I;.orc1<%“‘and SW-idAifA CI*i4rA17fiAA a A-Avfrfitretj AW’it:f’ki_11 Mm 9.? yyet A f h eV.3:iAHe57 ‘no 2 ?Adin~I'?'? 7*¥b~'e c+‘Aa311%~f& 6% W ii {in A Eri1:* A 31170 to A . . . M . . 9 , becam7'Aa’ of them Cdmmfimdrémé ;r1tf;«“iix,'-i;§h'o1fit_i:1i>i§t1*:§.* H;>z».x o. 7.. L4, I % %cw)¢e; tét da~rby‘A7i«m*/1,%0wA»G'm.A AA A VV VP<;»~x*A~i‘t*i‘%ti%lm¢ Vohim n A of t:heABook» it: is:writte3r1A of? me A ;* izmdf ym: 1ie“f;».1itE1A wichal; AT by : Law is »wit,hi~n m»y«§m;14‘1’fiAW§A‘IWd,:eIAiAglik1;0"%AdpAAtlj37$WilI. A h »Am:d* rdaditilx *n’(?>A,t:i«f thjé A~pO~fi1€~3?amwA«‘A_"p mg ‘=®bi¢d%Aieni:~:e A u’pAon.% ‘£9 GT0’dA;”‘i"W3 " 16¢/1; v A A ‘A A A AA W % . A .Had not theA%AgodI§v1b‘§1eeVing-~I&~w§;thAeAL:1x;%*»0fG‘1“zai:eAtt.*ri&t#V ‘teen with §A;he:m AA w A‘175étAAAE3Giw’ f7z;eqzuef1;tIfyAeAVd“4:$'fih~7the “I;.W~5diAA Apréfi, .n~hemV*:lirm:»gIx%AA%tzA13?eA ~ixyh“k>1Lo dk ‘1A;jé?iéé~2¥or2égi:¢JA, :05: A0bédAi‘~.. M _ ‘A .A W : é~1f;5§ter4 " I] ‘1fl>dfilié7j‘,"flzid gzzya, Do not Vde.m3}fv:witAhL0u3E‘At?hém§ 9 A A A A A A A , % d0%tl‘rA%Ancit»~rea;:h.%mA37 +‘3c1;i1p!Ae ;.- A IAgz:Aant t%haTiftI1‘cAA sf A . : 1:'A‘3%u7t thisw A A A A Gfdin:11'1c»«2sA:«.a?r”6‘.fl:21I»A;0‘?7fi0nt1~:4ue»;’mdcffliwuId concin11é;A;,A’%‘A%yezz; “ a ndv Jth i¢t0‘”” fiébmf EA? Eittif mt? ?Ab%1ecaufe *t11eyarb * Ap p«t)i n4» ‘ tjécftfihdlC§)»fl1fi‘ifll:Mi2Ad'L&: Ebut thAe1*1‘;§:fiey‘rtf1iAf!§ ‘(i*0m:i‘nue" as they That An:;%c%A1%§;;im::thaf4= A1ga*4y aqdéi i~rAaAAA:.A*AAr:‘;a1;,2A uAApon?me Agihmw . A AM.1‘1*%I*5b“€d’%§“¢¢~%0::i%’tH%s ; AA WW’0%bf~&flx‘e:Ari®Aé-§%b¢fi1t*d&:>‘;'ng"@h vWWizFl‘A0$f aiu fa it is A Acaticingth afiyei fhoulfi “l3<:irnica'ti%0n,. V6 17173 . and A ante, beVcmi11fe:it5AWasAA “(~345‘;r1im,;;A‘i1élka‘&;‘”arid”fr0m‘t’he Conwmanéé A are AAAApp0ti1t~e3d«anAd4 Comma~nd§d*,§*accA0%rdAingta th”*c It'ifl:itu'ti: A A on of t11eALa‘w-giver, and fl1is4gruTe;a7t 1?m:phgt ;,_bu1:we rwde, rhea’, ‘Mihifirgrg armA£dAina~h§cjs1§E 7"’ . ' ..m~ A! ~wnpm-vu A -»‘w"‘r : ” % mcm-;,ma.1—; :ims,*.:ana%:hererqr$enow % = do‘ %noc«gc5z=x:nimi:ye,. z£Mri1c1Vfz£io;»2,Tlmti flmfliv. A Prophrefie» A in WVSackclQat:Ali ‘“t‘fie)V:‘fi‘iW'x&1‘#E‘-v?tin‘R‘E~ df An§.'i§:3:1ri{3: ;, A A f011i*Ey;‘%»a%t1d%*faom*‘E; A A A % w‘ith-tl1eir%1+IarpAs £m:he_irAh:;fnd,A Imving tlmmmdmf A A A _the Lflftxblil the11‘f01'ehe2ad$, 1ie«m.* 1;;g...4A In ‘the 16., cVI1z1;§.;0«f M 31 {t ;:y,‘ aAn d”;%O’rdin%ziA11’c»es%Var‘e ml 1% Tevial led; 1ai’fci~ Wa.Af;I:e,‘ 3 1§1d,A % tmzly fpoxlad gAutttz0{c: A:1gc§s who do pcwn“ out thofe vials memzionccl in the Iéychap. came out «inf the~Temp%ie‘¢$% %%clmp.; :5. %%ind_eed%; its fihid Ach:2p._1 5.” thaw; th e Tem%pk«% flu)!» be « Hi} lads Awi th‘Afmd1£Ae,: arid; 1:11 2:1. tw mine fl1g11;7be ab he rm entef -A into it, “ bsuztv :«-i1: %:,is; Awixh? me A fl'K’-& <;:vJ«;e: . of Gi3ds"gIm*y, tI1‘e¢-¢»fign%0fh4is“ p%wefa;nce%%ifle.t:’iw T%e~z*a?2%%plc:*%, ::ujxd. thoughthrough thewickednefs of tEncwmi:m«es~4 no Aman fllall A*e to emtcgg irha»:<*is, no cc>nfider1z;bm3:;:0m%p:m*y-;;flxailq-he ’ added to the Ch‘Tu1‘c2h§:s%’ of CfZ§:i1'i~fl:« Ithen, %yVes:tE1i5.;¢p;f§.;3a'¢e51,th;a;: 7 thé1f.e»X%{hal.1"b“e 3.“§mLé3» fmwan*tl1¢c%:IfAeVi11pig baa .’f;}fl@.¢(§_f iwiw:;@I.1A A . .41 y‘,_ A ; '£1"i€:“ V 4 I A “ “ "“ " ‘ ' ‘ u ‘ “ ‘ A AA‘ A A AAAAAAA A A *‘ AAAAAAAAA A AA AAAAA AA A AAAAA A AVA" ; 0éjeE'z’-.8. A A But in all this Difcourfe you proceed ina way of Retfon, 24. do i oVihr1icrrti0n ofrditlarices; WV the fmoke of (Bods g1ory,and yet no 'I:c,mple A; or doth til?" ‘argue that you have no h’0"l1fC,bCCallfCTlXZ 5 fa=1d,That no man %___¢ A herAe?.t ’ And iffitntichrift the man offin {hair fit in the houfe i of"God, O”£"1‘3.thet' upon the houfc ~ofiGod (as duflin ;mA,_, flutes it) in regard of his Tyranny, then there {hall be a Tern pie, and publick Worihip, even under the m-ofl: Tynan... nicAAAa_1 Oppreflions of Antichrifit: ‘Why thcrforc fhould a.- ny poor Soul be deceived; and fay, There are no Ordit:1an.. ces now 9 Surely the Ordinanccsgand Appointments of Chrifi this greatmophet, ate, and do flill continue, wherin we are to heathen -to him. A and there things are not to ‘be beaten out, AA or attained tohy Reafon ;% no not by Scripture--Reafon, but as God.fh:1ilre- veal thcrri to us by his Spirit‘: If God do fhine upon my Soul , and reveal the neceffity of Otdinanctesxctot me, then I fhall ufe them, clfe not ; fon1etimAes therfore, 1 do attend upon Ordinances, {ornetirnes I do not; I canufe them,and,t Iran forbt-ar,or not ufe them ; even as the Spirit dothreveal things, {o do I. A it A A . A But if any thingifeegmrt%_h.$¥?¢V£aled which is contrary "fwd tothe Se»ript»t1=ret,;t~thiei*é’his/no revelation of the Spirit, for A A A faith our Savior, fl’/as; piritfin/Z razkg of mine, amdfia/I/Zifiib it \ tajorr, ?a/an 16.14. and verfe 13. He flmlt [fddj;j'0” inn 4/; itmt/:,f'or for f/B411 natflzrrzk of/9imf5{/f, fimand faith the Lord; Orrlimncrx, Ee,t@1AI. “ Whatever therfore lSI‘CVE.alCdiCOI1* trary to the Word, is not of the Spirit. Now it 15 contrag try to the Word (as hath been proved) that we ihould cafl: I revelation of the Spiritfor this; ha deiufion there may be, butino tAr=utciRc*ve1ation.i Befides, our Lord and»Savior A Chrifi hath fo ordered things in the Gofpel, That ifa man ‘ctr, or he an Heretick, he may be. convinced go Anfgtflmp, or Elder, muff; l2cfm¢t;ep7'0'v45lt- ITit--7-W9i Holdizgfafitlmr could get in ?-i this prtovesiraithtcrlxthat you have an houfe .-yfo A T I wil pm mjfipirittiinto jaw, rlmrje may harp {tr} Smtfites‘ and A off, or neg1e&Ordinances rand theArefore there can be no A [fair/afttl Ward according to Doflrintgr that lg;-A;zAl[Ab my flggg W A A A V. ’ V o A A ~ e A ¢xlJm¢tV ~ ,3», But how clatfany man be convinc Vino'icati0nl0fOrdi11ant:es.e F jxharr Witla Wti,wI3’/fi?l7I4liD0!577'5?28, C5" convince them t/mtfizjr agaiiafl Scripture-rcafotn,the Spyiritof A the Lord joyning therewith P‘ if this were the way of Chrift, that a man fhould fay, I it tome, and there is nowmore Scripture-rcafoning to be and-A But I lay, Chrifl: hath fo ordered, that men {hould be con- vinced incafe they err,e..nd be out of the way, andtherforc: flying from Scripture-reafonings to it way of meet Revelati- on, -cannot be right. And Whereasyou fay, That you can ufe the Ordinances, l and you can forbear or not ufe them, this doth not heal. the wound, but makes it greater ; for if you tan forbear the Olrdinances, or not ufe them , then you think. there 15.1110 Commandement upon you to ufe ifyetyottt do ufe them when you think there is no Comment- dement for the ufe ofthcm,then are you Superflitious ; for. what is Superfiition, but to Worlhip God without a Com-~ mandement ? Sssperflz‘tz‘o qwzfi fI¢per_/}}étt£tttIm,SUpcrfiiti0l1.i5:- that Worfhip which is without GodsCo~mmandement. nouncinlggtyorpfoxfakamgthfiOrdinances then? We grant now aftefallrritliis, That the Ordinances of Chtrifl are {hill to continue,’ we have feet: it proved, and Obj’eéiionsjare« an» fwered, But is there any danger in rcnouncing andforl'a~ l king of them P V ‘V Yes, and much danger too; let me lay Before you the mind ofGod herein: only firfl Ildiftinguifh, There is a.dif-- ference between thofe that forfakethelOrdinances,l as be.»- ing underaTcmptation, and thofe that are not under a. Temptation; poffihly a good man may be tempted to it, tempted to this, and may for a time lie under this tempta- tion: but now,” ifa. mantnot under a.TempI:ati0nfl1all for- r ' A i A ' r fake it -----w ed but in ad Way of have arevelationfor what Iyhold, the Spirit ihathprevealed no mitted about it,h~ow fhould amen be convinced any more? i them,a!nd for (as to your felf)you have call} them off: and t , But fuppofc all this be true, what is the danger of're«-V and may lie under this Temptation, fox: there is no i'in~ that]: know. of, “but a godly man may be tempted to it,*. poflihly therforé I fay, a godly and at good man may be if .75 L fake~Ord,;AnCes,:. M. A I‘<*fi1$.I10t A SAG1Tipt111‘C* A fix/4}’ mrfi'€A? 1‘/ZMZZ“ we’ lswua’ recei-veal; the 4_ It cmmes m as relating t0 thzs.%ma‘tter,% fo%r1”u t if n1rm‘A4notA%11n«A L. ~rr- ‘, ‘ A~A~zncli”cation%of1tdi11a11ces. A them,’ mad -Vmrn his Aback At1p«on«"t11i$4%g‘r¢9fL_l:% Pirophex the M Lord fix-bmittimng unto ‘his Apigointments, ‘fee whzauthc faith Qf him in this chapter; faith the Lord; I will 7*-'eqr4£re mini: lgdzxtlo Arid 11’! the '23 - 05 Ex'0r.~'lm,. the .:_5D.arxd 21=.’?verfes2,:,Be/amid,”I fimd4 an 143gAalbefareyqta, ta fir}: z‘ /932} in rice} 2a=zzj,¢znd*~toAA1a4ri;»‘zg t/a.«?e~i;=a,ta «E/avg }2lzicAe"Wb.r”cI'c: ’I iazwe ,c>;ve.=Ap.;a;m;z! ; e (stlmv z); Cfgrz:/i‘) lzmaémg of/aim, mw'l o£5cj}f E155 120;;-54;, A him’ mt,f0r be W2’/.1 ‘27¢ot%pazrda:¢]oz¢i* trmz!:({rzfl?an:5fiar my %.£V.aA;»m¢e is in ¢% b‘z’m.% »Am§ you (l~;n0w¢ What the Apofile faith, 1)‘ ma} .vm:a.szfi‘:.-¢ %~\xj2,£‘fz¢_/Zjlgzfter/gmfaoztfo rciceimd tlae‘ Qmwlealg qftiae t5":4z*/f;',7~ there Aw3ma%ii¢etl) 2¢azfioréV%facriflce%%; ]H:a?5rc=W:, I 0. 2.6.» fpeech, whgéh dreadf111= fpvsézch, Vfelaces unto tlmfe that cafi: ~off the Ord§*mnce%s ofChrifi, after z1f‘m_i,r have tcxfled of the fiveetnefs of them ; far the ward is brougm: in with a*fo:«~, Far ifwe fiivz wiifizz/Z}. What doth he 2:11am fps;-ak in relation ' to ? ’1‘iea%dc the words bAefo1‘e, Am: rlac» m[fem£v1ing‘ of _‘7aztrfl?Z"z/;c=.r tog€z'laer',.«{eo‘#;’g oftiué trz«;t;4?2; €53“6'~" fhtlll wil»f11lIAy% hA1'mI§»u:p%t%h¢ %0i"d%ina11cm; A dear aftemptationé, A A A of Ch:'ifi,+afcm.9tw4ey {W ”é%%fWemribI3%of th’em4, and, ‘dmtrnw upen them. Agjndifye look Aizmimiwt 6.cI13.pter of .;;zm Hggyggwy ye: fl.w.1l£A1nd,A that the Apcafilg ,fp«e rlyeasrz zzgazin zmra , . -~ ~ ‘, * - ‘. é a , repmm:ac*e~ bmtnthrs G’n~sw{z; 0r2g1n:zi4, me word is «mm but%it‘runs as theother words Ems:-fm'e ci(:>,~ £11113, For i'£i%'§~i111‘p0fl'iMe, at the 4v-wife, %1"7:77'%9sI-Rm»: ~i9.m/irzg was étmz e’:~z- ‘ [£glg7mg1ql,A@’r~»~£7m'J£;2g mffed qf tlw M'zm:2!_V’}'Eggflfimzmal lszrzzrizatg lwn ,bkgéd§w}5m5't»4z£»gr of the /501'}! ‘G’}9afl,,wmi ‘t'9.mcAf£rzg‘ _t.2,@;:.:z’ oft/ae grim! m;:~;;$ (nm,you will j;2lllfie»ACl1lrifl: in. all his A.lpAp0inz;mer1AE5~, If you have a Neighbor rlx;u:»hatl1 a Monfler born inileacl ‘of a Chilld, yam will lament over your Neighlmr, and fay, N¢::igl'1.b0r, imflead ofa fivlmtAAAzChi;ldl hzuzflx alnA:11lg1Ay',,MQn~_ A 4 ffzrar, with this Hwlad Qf laficl l Wligflltléfls :l;'“El3i1'll~‘l:)l£‘Cll3?2fll,l"lC4E?l\ll‘€u ,E"22gZpmr4;’.§' hdoxlxfier 3 and W0- A l”1‘A0lAd+’ A l :l1efMin1eswe may be: licptclofe. to Ordinances? Athatl» wcl aloft: :9 tE‘1AciI?l.I._1f?,-l,fglsllml.Plél?f‘9!7l3;d¢ld.'§l =F-[:ll‘3t'l_5hll¢i';€l.. V Vhr a one of 570115 bilUtW0fl11*e I fay {_y<:»x.wl:,:~a:areP:~<:«fes1l'ors) hold y0111'b<;‘>ldliz2 tlmfe ‘declining timeaae and ifyou know any A of y<;n.zllr_f"rien<:l:s that aria dlep‘;m:Aed lfmm the good Qx:dins.z:=.c%es of QradA; A0l1l {land amrl mourn, and larnenlt mm: l:l:¢:%m‘l,A landlay, Allas 1 alas I my fmslmdg how is his Crown Fallen» from his head ? A A A A AaA5;mlIl¢iEAafs:olfén‘Ai‘s ; AAAM my lpqm; %N'aAlgl1bAplr;lllm*tAlt”ml~ olnller ‘born in Ilia: Famllyml ple Camry I\/lli7)E'”ll”li€'l"E5 lug) aaxlmlcl clmwrx m Mew thftm 5 fQlt‘l «::>z;l1erA C0u.ntrle5 they go up afl(l.‘{.lC)W.n;,ai1fi1‘l-3;3(., Comcamd behold the Mxmfijarl 5; an tlm'2gAn::vc:l' fem before, That: Pm- f<:fl"ors‘ll'lmlulclclwrxy_:{)r§¢:'3. A Anltl yet, mguod Lord 1‘ V 1 lmw ms;ny,Famalms mllzhlsj K l’:&l G D 0 M hath this Mon... lAflA€lrlll:0%rn thrrf: 1., Allcll, wxlllycm nsm: pram w¢¢~p:, and lamenx ov¢e,1*theF;mr:ili:e:s”c:>f your" fi:ic_x1ds?_ Chriflian hold my ljloldf, ix}. tll1cAl'a {ad and dcclmxng txmafs ,ghold tlvyl . Bmzwhat lhalwe do film) P Théfe are deceiving; axlcl db- cllining tliznesfiwand tllcra-isAncltl1ing fo dangerous, but £l::?p.s% wc mlaybeldmwzalzntw It ;A whanfhall We: dry, that in M an mu». .«r|""W--Iulllfi A ~o:f*graceis; fol 0fi‘AOrdlina;;1ices‘iand Difpmfationss mice away It‘ ‘gap in the hcclg, A and Way is mad umzo all the beafls. Am-V A ‘itlia“t‘iwasTof:an Opinion, ;That~the Diévill; did make the Fiy, i thev-\/V.0rI'l1S,: tlfue: faid’%.»ll1e%,;'IAlgrantit, the Dcvildid make th¢AVV0;'ms too’. But l‘aildltl1i:"ot‘he«r, ‘\»Il’£h: Devil did make A. ‘ 4"" ll ' A V A “ ;‘ ~.. H1. M l , W ' “ , id ’ rm ‘ “ ‘ N) ‘ ls’! r W‘ ‘ 1,45 ‘ . .. ~ » I w AA . V !{A. i M la 4! tax. "N i .s‘ - '1 xi _\ . d M . k A M «R , , ‘ ‘hm ‘ V ‘ . i b ima ncvemirnourbac_kAs upon this great P;rophetiii~’ih¢AiLord Jefus Chr1ft,lbut»rccc*1ve,3l a~cknowledg_.,fubm1tunco His 4 I ‘Appoinitmients,»~‘ a'nd4there1r?1 liearken ungaflim 3*, ’ , l ; W’ l ,1 itdggthiér of 0rd;i:nahces,‘ Midi clifpenfations 2 as’-‘of'i fins an lion-eAA linck, land the whole chain is broken ; ope:nibut one flin writing upon lfo/m, tels us a7 Afl0ry‘ofa certain mama i that“ Geddid not main! 3. Flfinburrhc Divali did imailm a Fly‘; A faith ‘ion: to him then, i If the Devil did make: the lilies, their ‘the Deviildid makeythc Worms, and God did not make the Worms neither, for 1:h~A‘Aa.ElAii:ls am living creatures as well as ' ‘ i;theWBircls, than the Devil madethe Beafis; fe-rtlm Birds ;,il:h'€- ‘W'0rrns, and not God thc-In the Devil didirtnalmthe fgjlfiircls; for the Worm’ are: living creatures as weliiiis the i13irclsii:l.rriue, mid he, I grantii: ;, the Devil did iizjnakc the A ii?»i;i7d£=,i and God did n0t*imal{ethcBirds;A Then faidrhc 0’-+4 qtlieri, A‘ If God did not make the”Bii*ds, but thc«Dcvil«made rmthc Bcalis : true, I grant it faidlhmhe Devil didlm%a.l;s: zihcja Ble»_alis*it0t)«ATh!:n »fai<;l V the 0» t:heriaga.in_.,1f the Devil did imakcd? t:lIe1lBeaifis,ltl1?c*lDévill made Man, four the Beat} is a liviiig“circzitlf1rc:is ‘Wei as}/Ian itruie faiildlhe, '1 grant it, the Devilimadc Man.‘ II 'I'lAms faith Aw-« fiM,i£ by denying God in I-hi‘: Fly, he came to deny Gicvdilin Man, and& to dcnythc wh0lclCr"cation ‘; by lcttingalittlc hold go, Jpo, deny the ‘wlmle Wmrlcmanflxip of God in the Cresaiioini; AKA 1 fay here, ifyou “lie: “go but a little in this Spiritual Cr¢a.tion,A ‘you may lofe all» Whexifocvcr there- foirmiyou havqla qucfiion uponfyour own Soul concerning A any one ofthc.0rclin1ances,Atheniknowg A on are upon your tryal,' upon your goodbeihavioi‘ ; and tliierefor then go to the Lord, and faiy, Lord keeiplimei now, for iii lecigo’onc,i I l Aam in danger to loft all; ; A A l ~ A Al A‘ A ' AA 13 W2 A l A Eiecnngllyl 29%‘ I‘ lIi=irfl}; Yb‘ krlowl‘ -ithat%theres-~ is *_;a. icbncatination; ‘fa linclcin§‘§ A 3:. ‘ ‘ l l ‘ : ‘ ‘ 1 n W: ,.., «‘|,:v\m' I V M.» . -A x ._ W l ‘ ‘ V M‘ . ‘ ' ‘ V i. I’ ‘ ‘ ‘W , . ‘ 1 I‘ l l 6 ‘WK ‘ W V ‘ l g R 1: \‘ afndMl1».:arke_n“ no A gr.eaLtM$ «1’_rc;pliet;,;iin %acknowled~+- j ging, recetvmgi fubitnttitmg umo his Alpiipcz1nrm:encs;~ than wew tklmflc the Ordinances‘, Appointments, ancllnfiimtions ofjcfusflhrifl, Ifhouliprofitlbyithiem, butliigget ligtle or no good at all u;miericheimA, thereferejitiiisa valnlicllimgl F913 Child, the Fatlier will fuyelyfietch away his Child quickly fay,% I will takg awzljy my Child, my Oxxllinanceslifrmn tzhat; L Soeu»l,A or :1 will cakqaway that Soul frq>mg my Ordinance~.. ,, ‘ A Thiirdly, ”.l’fi3:ioui‘Wl)«11ll"cIlkeepilclofev unto thefe Appointm- I 'rn_ients.;,i and not flopyour ears unto the Voyce of this grcat Pfflplfilfifg Thenhavc aiivmcy waccihful eye upon tlhofe Prim, ciples tibia: wa:lk:a,lgAruadA in theworlid{, wlm:lh.rth~ougli1 they« liavc a; truth and goodma-fsl at the bottmm, yet: notwithfcan-~; ~ ding beiinginm: welldigeftedl or underfbood, are clangerousi 4 P»l."lflClpll:? that now walks abroad, VTla~ar: a godly "man dot 7 ‘ ll inor;fin,:aiBeleever fins,»nQ,~c::iiicheitl1i,;1gis,true,for:thc:: Apofllei» :(2;izblrIe~tio.eztilz}: émmi“ofGadfin.s‘ mi; that¢isi,It*rcqoverably,f:2re the fled afGodl.;zbides.~in him. ‘But it: ism: true in 1Elegarcl»oF t:l.1e_., A 2.. iSe<:ondliy,If Y‘0l1W_Qll11d b6lk:¢ptic10f¢it0 0fdinainccs§, ‘take hm! l%lh3*l’¢”Y‘91ll;;l?l¢*I1*QCd¢3¢§iadi11l1;tfwiflfillllmdfilf them ,-,4, ; but im4‘prov.§themi, igmrw, and 1ncrea‘fciund¢ri:h¢mi3i Othm:-1” wife you will fay, Alas 1 Igel: butlmtle good uinde;rAtl1éfe;.i ‘ mile 1:0 wait: any longer, 1: will atmnd nollonlgér‘i1ponAthefiz-.;§ j Ifa iricll man put: out a child to Nlurfe, andflilxe fend cloathsy fmitheliChild,or gives Money unto the Nlmnfe for his lC«hi1lldi,fiV “ and {he taliesithe Money a:?1dl~liai:es ii: oult-upon her own, or V tgilms iazhofe clloaths and puts, tllenfr lupicm Elle“ back ofher own A from that Nurfe. 'ITl.1e Lordihatli given us Ord»im;.ncels,and% A 4‘ A ll given usgood alfefllians, and if we lay ll0il1tli‘l)'(;)l‘-C’: affiazflions» " upon chgaiworld, upc;niiou«r own brats. then will the Lord; _ Lalbicvurtlmrefowl to profit. grow _.. “Rind; encreafe iumierl l guides inlthefe dark times; For inlfance, It is an ordinargrf ii 1 aélofil fin ;. for the farm: A.plo{llcl l'z1ies,,If amli mm; Jim /35 fimwf; . wit, be mi llym~."[ Again, it is a~com“molni1?rincilplle Ehlfitiflflllwjli 1% Wallis abroadf;,iThalt«iiil:he Spi‘rit:l*of iGo:cllin me; is n0é:rl:t:ol:,b¢¥‘;; t1'i§§;l by any thing Withoutma. Il:.l13.l~tl1iaigooicllfen’fe gltlforf wu- SMpMi4tit hath ti fuffiéigncym iit: Vfe1lf, as A gm;he;maVttc-rA%of%tefiimony, ygt notwithflandir;g,i:.%%isnot A trite in _re;gaVxd%(Jf:c11;c Scr1p$r.Vure%, for,theSpu:1t of God in . mg,;;s¢Vs«»w*rved by:hea%scripmrewithout me. Again, ~11: ismGamma«P?i“inciP1é;tfiatwwalks HOW abroad. That the co6mi%nwgv§Afl of a~A$%~%W£:i*G11~1M9:lr {W034 %11P0m Om“-,5 heart. the im- pgeflfionof the:-rword upon ones heart, is t0”be the Rule ‘Of afiion 4%; .21 w0rd%car.~::e,and therfore I mufi: do fuch 3. thing; "we %thi;x<§[gA% is mm in a fenfe 5 far if :1 man be in a firait, ,b%e-- %tweentAwoligwf‘L1I%:ching:a, andaword came and heifer up... o:nth;e=1;xeavr%t;,chzzcinwpreffion is e~n%o;.xgI41 form cafk thfi bu.- Afinefs ; but 1: mac: mine In all refpcéts, tom: 15 mt the bare be the Rule of my a%rf’%.i0n. Again, It is ax cornnlonfirimciple thAa::vv«aAlks%nga:w ~.;fi::3:§md, ThaW:~tI1e.0rdin-mces are far thy? eV11jc5§r1wen: of%”1(."3':.od..! T%his4ism1e, they are for the cmjoy... meat-0_f%C[§od,;‘%1vhendoweAenjoyGod% more, when doth God. let: outh%im%f«elf1no:%e than under Ordinances 9 but though it bVe%t%z:%Au¢,Nyet iris got all the truth, forathe Ordi- ’f();r us to give a vi1'ii;~.§%;é§' teflzmony, % and to bear witnefs be- fma the world of mm ctsbediencc to God. Nmv? many fuch PViflCiP3@$85a yourake chemAup L As now; «fi1 pp;ofe.I be of an Opinion,” Tlmt I who, am 3_13¢... Ordinances gone upon this Principle. . ’ ‘ 4 So again, Alf! be ofthxs pi¢nion,,% That the~c%nming in of a,p«a1~ricula1" word%upon ones heart, is :0 be the Rule of my “of this Op inio’n,, Than theVSpiri.¢: of Gad ='wi:11ix1me,4 is not ‘ A A A to coméng in of?th‘eAwo1'd,A butthe Lords Command that is U} mmces are n¢..>tAgiyc:»r1 Qzfdy. %f:0x%—t:l1e Aenjoyment of God, but A :§f‘,fi'fi)".afCa}Jl'0ad in the wor1d;Abm; if L a <1 A ‘WHO? u,ndcMrfland_:l1%em, Idarc bold- L —1y«fayA, %;Ym1 Wm~.h3[:CTM151¢d'.fmm all A«O1"d1¥1311%C€'$«P17€f~?nt1y.V V «leev4er,c“anno:tfin:._t;I1en4‘it%fo_llows, 151 go to Ordinancesgi 4/ A well; lfl-do not go toOrd1nam:es, I do not fin; He-re”s % a¢5’riii0nA 5- Mfl1~L%inL<%a d 0%11br,?n0%w., %mdJa flfait: whethmt I fhould % a‘tténd uponOrdjna.nces qr 116) ; then comes :1 word, it may % be Satanchmws it~%in,%or mine ownjmemory rc:acl1etI1izw~in,MAA% {and the w0;rd,.m!s mie, I amm :a2£_te1:aAd%::u pon %Ox~c1in:.nces% ho; %% ulongeaé, %t11crii% fare%wei“Ordin’%ances.i 1 Again, ‘St1ppm¢.I b¢; % 31,, ALA A fpecial1y%1oc$!{a"At:A% tIWVéiiih’A9a*@1%;}Ad—rh“a‘n %%_:;’*“f'or¢hAe %“i_s God; and am %Spi1‘Ait,%a%nd minds the Spmt: though he »W1”~h£“gYE every tic andworyd W Withifl In¢fv,it41i, vWaic~upofn ‘God nolongcr in uh efe 1ow¢rM]qi)rifpcnfations,%%% ’do%3r;1c;I;21rtcx;1d upon Qrdi 11; .21.. ces any l0%n*g%e;‘;§éLnd that is to bdtrjred by“i1¢0th*iVng without me,;nAm: byt»thc‘Sc':r‘ipAturc,and thps OrdiA‘nanccs”arAe gone too‘. *, IfI'be of tl}is"judgment, Th:u:Ordin§—mces are given A A usonly far the %en}‘oyment:0f God, than think}, Iczm en-I W joy (Sad in privatefixnd Ordinances are oniy forftheenjoym % *meAtar: Aof*°G0d__, what need I therefore attend upon &%Ordifm.n~ ”ycr:s any %1ongr:rP Thus Ifayg, follmvt‘héfi2V=%pri11cipI¢s%t0 the * ‘head; and y*0u wm certainly forfake Ordin_am:es. % VV~he1:.g-A A ‘fore you that are godly, look'toyo'urPr1nciples5 Vdono: ' take a Principle and not underfland it, but look well into it, thusAfl1allAy0u be kept. ‘ V ; ; V But fuppofe I be kept to Ordinances, Infltitutionsi, and AApp0i”ntmems <:>f~CZhrift this great Prophct, and I do hear A A him, that is, I do receive, acknowlcdg, and fubmictmto his » Appointments ~;% poffibly aman may do this and rnifcarry to A V 3:11 Eternity 5 wh-a_t {hall I do that Iimay fo receive‘,<1cknGw- ledge, smdAfubAmit?unro Chriflzé ‘*App0intmencs,»r“yzlmt AAI*=17IT’£lAyf‘ , hearaEii«:n%ef‘fe&LmHy, hear l1i}fn«faVin%gI%y? % ma, You kxaomwatxancmxtra e~x:wphec,A doth e. “< —‘c''" Ictrter" of his “Commandemen‘tA to be obfervgzédg’ ~»T4y“1%et:%%1Ahe%l21ies,; A the great {hjefs and th¢%Emp[iMafi$ 311p01‘tgt*fxc‘%AVSpi%ri:t*L&al p””aAr*t (‘:15 A V ::he%C0mmandemA“etit-_ ‘%AsAn0W_+;jI:%A%/aarb§%ee%é%:ia:l‘(ffailsh In») A T1Jazzf£vzlt:Aamt%taéAw11A:b'it ddulmgyr‘ bu%AtAmark-where he mics the .emp11afi5_, -But Ifizy ¢¢nto]au,T/aw fluzlmot «.{0fé@-Asjyamzz wammu A 1 to Inf} .536.-.e:»— lam, % here «:11i«sg%rcar,Prophec, a1ei*scl‘m»k?nI1ph:4:fis aAnd~fi%refs upon the Spiritmal part.“ ”S<§1V'f1ith4$‘he_§” It ljmfla éeeni V [aid‘toj0#1Aqfa1d,T/Wfiféfilt 2129: /gill ;‘ but%mar‘ki%Vwherc%Vhe laies ’ A A the ;emph&fis, Em Ifajxmto j.v01I,A,,A%]’¢$’A_//.?7.5I[[Ar10t'v£€’£f‘A angry. ould _ A ;. you ~;h»A:-mfore fo hearken‘ to this~:gr‘eat%P4:*ogh¢%r3 as ye may ~ hear him e»€feétiiall37,- 7 andfavinglg ;V‘obIexve_V%wh%¢1fe: hrelavlcs ; ‘ K A C0m1mndemcnr,% amt l ,-hm-¢ do. 3:g3u:]a>y*.tAhc emspvhafisin your.0;b:c%d?ienC¢:;A5.A%A D0'!:h ‘ Atihe cm ph;$fis4%!j; the igiviwngh O“f¥Vt A ~Ato be u-yedbyany thingwith(5ut”m'cA£Athénl thi‘r1kAchcSA1AnAA'1:A A the » « 14r1anC¢se amgzs agrcét I 1£h€v~L0Ifid”{%§7;,11¢‘h@5h.?b€€fi7f3:idf.?Qf 0%3Vd¢%V:A %Th‘fl11‘ l'I:.1@1;t‘ vr3<>c:% 0??’ t I , it u1Wvvaé gfire n byi%AMfi>:r4, bfit. M T xC%r~aice:an.r;1«TI?rr.;yx:I;x{ c~a:r:feAAV;b:v Chrifi;4 The Law aAnd*tIw*t;e:1 T ~aC0_mm:and%Acr:1ez1ts.~ w«as~gAiyen by It/1’ofe.r,but‘no_Grace to keep 9‘ .t;hem~. ;%ABz.;AA§ChrifiA(JsA1,11:,gi“A¢:at %P::Qphs_‘:1: doth um: 0n1yA give %% A iorth 12154 Aw:>i:1t.:r2¢nts, bu;t: he givts gracc% to keep them»; °¢ tap ~1%*thg~re£ore,;1:;;ogthe ufc» 0.Finfiit11tcd~means ,-,.a‘nd % the Appminx:ments~«>f the Lord Icfus Chrifb am Infiitzumd A means;,therfo::[e when we came to them, Wt‘: mufl;,éom%Ac with to ché%m;.9 YAo11%find~chAe\Apofl1e Writing Iintorhe Tlzeflalamie A I Chapter, IO2o2a?:5aég.;ér¢t/:r.m at the 4.V”eVrfe_yow Elafiion % Iuvw-...... M n -aw v-mw-mpg...“ M M ‘ ‘WG- nQt41ovewhuV1*cIlifl; V Y v%tijL;éi»tnoti0n yam make, mvy~Aéifi‘e‘Eti‘04nAs do not yet come unto " it}n11t% 1:his%~I wi1’d0,Sitr,I wi1‘AprefentAly kno@c1«;foff"vv‘h=<1-r4e I am«, A A Aoi’z1d"~I[wi1 flrivg'to love Where»ybu”w‘<:>uI&d?haV¢~me: doth notth is%¢WCwl1iId. hmr his Father nowgjinzlumt he Icks; off, * M /1“ I/zndicgztion“ 0f’rdit1a1n’cers.. V‘ (§%Vc>f;‘Jel, %sLndA not thefGp{pe'l_7for- %~o:gr Gé/}vé[Z,.%&:bécaufc}%1"{Q A {peaks of the Gofpel, as It was preached by che%mhAvim:heAM~1. 4 ni&£’cry;in the‘ difpenfation thereof; 13:arFmr Gag»;-1 ggme ,’m 5,, jun%Aiv&VwérdV‘ofi;jr,éuAt aA.lfainpow1ar~%: fl: dafife Wm pow-er;,afnd‘r1ot. * herebyMit»a+p‘;pe-ars, For 0HuitCi9fpe~l¢came% not unito*y0u*+*iTn 4word‘i 0ni1’y,but‘ alfo in ¢p0Wer‘; an, wit}; jqy%aftl:».9Ho{yAGb"zfl 5 hem; Faith, *Paitht”c4xeIrcif4e=4d% lmre: ; {'0 I fay‘, it fh2’€i.11V:;b'E an Argumem:‘toAy*ou, thadttye are clicaien and preciousprhen as yMduVtning1eit%he ‘App‘oiAntments of Chrift with your Paint} 5 Come unto‘ Chriflss Appr:rint- ments, but Oh I come beleeving, come beleeving. It may be fume poor Soul will fay, » Oh ! but, cannor4belec~ve,> I czm%l~;eepAc1ofeto Ordinances»; butIAcia%nnot:4belecvc_~, lean":- " not receive the-nufo. Why but if thou dofl ‘leave off thy parly with Satzm it} the time‘ of temptation Ameerly upon Chrif’c sa; CQm%¢maInd, t:h‘0u,dofl:whear him; and hear him effefiuaflym: f<:rr«fi1ppc)i'1e rmw that‘ a; n1%‘%ans%%%S0n, (if Marriage ) Wi*thj:an0~tI1£*f.mafis“i111gT1“t€*i*,=» T3;i‘1d% this“ %F:at?;1er doth mm: like tlxez-‘%Maf'(:h,%tI1e Father comes unto the Son,» 82 i'aith., I would Air;Afuch 3; %p1!a.%ce:, filch a womf:m»that is4fit“for you Mary %way; to y‘0u, A but my A as for the perfon you poimrat, ar1d% and w%i!1«»“gQ t1()7%mx:>~ire to the Vpe%rfQr"1;‘ that he was in parlpy‘ A with, a1though‘Afm- the pr‘e?fem:hé canixot love the p:er;— "fun his Pcaither W0u1d* him love P 50“ heart, the Lord A 4 would} not have ch‘t:e fon to marry there;but {have a match for you A inward : thérwefore faith he; %Herreb.y it appears thatyeare % Aeleé'tefd%‘:‘AL~W0;uld you kn?oW‘Vwheth:e[r you a,re;e1Lc*&ed‘or -no “.9 A % Buthow may it Aappear that . it calmei in paower 5'“ At the 6%verI'e_.,. edndje éemme follower: of me’, and the Lord ; lmving receiz/£51 the Word in maze‘/2A.ajj‘liE2’i~% I sa'rou‘1“d riot. have y911" gt) omn%w11“ere ‘§7'()‘tl~ do :« than faith A % A *thc2% Son, FatI1cr;, I am_ W1ll1ngiw1it4h%a1! my h_§raz't to ha-zzxrkem aifcékxons are m:n:?m rnirie own h:mdf, 1 cm“... A, I i godly, or you ate ungodly : If you be ungodly, I-Imr and ii A y not be your Prophet to teach yotggluidt yotgaudy ditoft you, ;tbwt«l.t‘ia‘dr4j%:;2z1Ll4{:f} go. Clitifl” is on r?telachier.' I hutlwtr have % but What good {hall I gctt’h.t*rn>VtbE)*fi)re%Qrace, _ _.,via to ca4lAupanAourgifts3tkat tiny take ; A ;'i2&‘0‘i'.;’%l“]3£ am! of OM” Graceis<5tbe.otl2‘e‘r Sermon of0rdi= 4 ,2:zace5+i51ta cailuporz owgraces%tofubmit tmto%C/pyrzfls L Mp1:aintm¢er2tx 5 fior gifits tlzrive ilzxben they live ; A mAnd;m<.9~race‘,%z9'~ gra¢e.t]xrive,s Zvzfl wbenwit lives um % dew Ordiizmzcex. Nowtlswecgirdle ofaltlae Orcliwzanmq ; is the Lords d'a)_z,%1}9}:>ic1ai dotlnfurfound and comslaind VA A al the r(3fl,- Amay it plezftke Magifirate t0.lIe}afriend*" ‘ s "F _ ‘ * A 4 1:0,‘ “ 1 w-my -«nu '5» ,-‘. fin ‘ W g Lord‘ ‘Majpr of the City of L 0 N D. o N 4: A ‘ with the Aldermen his; Brethren. V %tJ:2q/7e%1\@.tél.stoyourrvJiem,. which were once ,0wIm.z%2~z¢ces toget1:ex,%1';v agreat help to our, love _.; we‘ mu %Iaa¢_2fdbi%VwM§Q01%Vi2“i~04urlo”v~e to one,lmt ’Daefl7.zl abate in-: A A ».Cc.or&rIing toyour Cémmcm-d’, %I1;mvepre]énteclJ w _' cIe~livered“ untoyqur ear and A /2e«:zrt_.;: I have A ‘Toy:4ezd*.4dmt/WT ‘*’VVA.ewno.zz t:be«re«wi%tb, pleadingfor om’ % ~ t.o~Cl:’>rifl in the umyof 7213.: 0~rclinomces,tbe ; Arc-wmeizt oftbe one at friend. to the Votlaer, Stamza T “qua caduntq~u¢cfimu.I : ‘Tljejufbeet enjoyment of ‘%Vg$g‘ Ordirzan.-.= % a 4+0 ~ to tlpingood day, Cbri/i willfnrely l7eafi*ienc_l to him in an eveileday :: You cannot make people fiznfhffie ting, , daygfer the heart; ofmezz are not inyour /2ands,- but 1‘ yea mAay refirain tbem marl: from paélicek prop/aanincg w.w———-—-:--....a.... H9 is daj,nfo$ret/9e_'Tb22(g:ne$,eE7a72d5,ieL2{g, ) the fame Spirit ; ta uzswrfaer F4335” 6] rise :'.w,rr.=.e* S,»>x¢m“. And concerning A A the and for whichmey Wm»: a{5p'-,"%s2mt«:u':Z, wig ffiemw an the feventh Verfe,Tha1;thcy~ are given as.» pmwfit Withzzd, But the ~mi;a.:zflr.2ti%an of the Spirit g£':fLw2 ‘to 8'2/'6'I?_‘)’ mm: to profit wit‘/ml. % , Now both the excellcncy of Gms, and the and for which they were appoint&d,he doth iiizazaflrate by :1 fimslimde drawn ; from the natural body, That ash”; the nawmi bwdgr t?.ic:'r€' are many members, and thofe,havmg iwrvjerafi gif'ts,are: tze§.pfuI to one anotlmz ; and the Eye cannot [;1‘3?,,111!'1£E_0 the Ryan, I have no med of thee : for in the Body (>fCE1ri§'%,,,a1l Membersmich A thcziz" .(everai gmzs, are m be helpful no om-2 another, and one Member <;:.»ECi"n;1fl czmmst My my the other, Ighave no need of A thee: For at me 12.6; vm:*ff=:, n2*1aer!m~ o;¢e%./I/[c~*:1z&er_/'z.zA,fi‘Is»:¥.r, all the %%%../”£fnn2bw.w ffi.AAfi§*?;r3 Wz'.s:fiE it or we %/Iélmxivw ée /aorzorrd, all W r,43»:¢..:??/I,:«;»m’2.;~:~.s-;ws»je;;m~.~;:A wit/0 at the 27. verfe, faith he; , ‘I? were 2275 130%?‘ iTI7»’:7r*‘+‘i,£"“»z22¢£:’ ./Wwméwerx i7¢p.cz7¢/icflfavrl ( <“3‘mhei}::1\A1sarnbcr»rs c<:»xm:,, mg ;,xg:tzz1n4An‘to 1:hcfe:~g'if:s P Vcrfi: i 2 8.‘ GM xm:b;xI»r;4/amI¢&V%V%%[%$m%; flrfl .Apr_/H.-car, féco;m't_’] : Pi'n;u!9.§t»'; tlai:m1"-1:,‘,;f, Z'?"..~.»':.xv_*/:w-.r ; after t/mt, /Y/1'irv:~:c,‘[e5; thmg»¢fr.n ? zf '.4.£.i"-‘.“«:Zz’1'...F%A" : Buis h.;:."2/e M T (at nine: .£:.9.. w.xH‘€ } .m~*¢= 4:A!.I"ra.p1aét:? azrga all Teaavbezw .9 we H We’ 'i3‘;*0r”v‘:@’3“J? :,g,?".23’%~:Ziz:1»ai*.s* S‘ Affiwe zzv/1*: thy gzft: of Elémzling, C57'"c. §;; ‘B€wiVr4tt:na3*:w£:;é"nam am d;ictA”i1*c giftsthm ? Yf:‘5. Bm c’omt ewzrzwflf-A ? tgijg-* l,m~A,»"'~%’A .a:mi" yet I ,,%1i?‘4 mm _yawA3Vma%re* e*xcfe*J1a-M Wm]; ,‘~a‘*J’;?;w.1;:mvrw 1+: 5!:m;: If you lot»!-z;: i*nt:04this?%I:2.. “l1;=1pm',iAt is the ya c»,+.%f’ H urxn;A22Vrg;v,€T3racerand 4H»x.m%liinaa~f*$ : If y1ou laook‘d*o:wrr*ix*1~J% %mf>‘t_h<: 1 i‘:-sftihe wzw <;k»f*'‘};r;wc ; ‘;.‘"S¢.fnr,;Af’:».iVthh¢é,‘iafa.,cimk séirfi ;%g*%~f§7§?1["%@, ; 7f.l;s'i*;ly:¢aw.;aA&§_§«¢‘?2h W fi5e?z1IQW'itA}’J‘ 1‘/d£% tmfgtvg-iafk tiff 97a£’n7m2«1i *...>f1“.§'1f,{¢ei/.ai'.g,:;%~ men thefe gifts P No. Army /1paf}‘lm" .W1‘;e2-¢-Jm.%,amx lav/:2; :*‘m.w’é¢~namr a2rAA/i7imzlitn_g%; .3mf'r, qr ;sz:rix2~.’(*{3ai2¢ig‘;:: tmirx Mix: Wcn:d='9! as; thay A A A A A 1wkA x1pWa:td75s2'5Vaz:d%: A d“£1?v>»afi+iI’i‘%;’~’é'f:: M’ %}g~;$i*vIL3!EfL’£M§C.1:V?£g,"X§_}?f.j;:;"“tX‘E‘?:VA°€'(”§1'£?;1 fi'§‘3l£;"?<'")I'VmTi'I""‘p3;f{$*Of tlm r:2;*%A;:;£m1fI"§ii%4 ; A " “ §mAM1~a¢Av@4this Qbfcrvatxon Q1f."flt9mvm@,» A ~ » % A % V ALA Zibprig/9__i‘ A graimmzLole@lo;a;lgm +3 s T /aougla“tl3e1Vwn)r afGs'fir;('i fiw£ritugli’Gi]”zx) éeianevccé/le:¢t\§m_y,li i4}:d‘AmIflf-I9 in fig defiredxg jet ::z*1£re waylaf Gmce mad L0’E'£iiz.5‘}1'Afl¢07fei icxcellmt mg, A amcilmofll to éa defirea.‘-. Al A A i A time is a way of Gifts diliimft Fromthe vywyof Grace, and a way of Grface clifi*inxE’c Fmlma the way of Gxiftsi. Sécon.dly,:ThAat iczéif Gift: is‘ aA_ve~*ry‘ excellcm: way, anal; much to be defilrcd.‘ ?’Ehirdly_.,That theway loifGm;:‘Ae and! of Law is yepia more €X- cellent way, and more to be delired. A ’ A Firfli,iIfay;A ThexeAi;siaiway oFGzfi>.vdi{ii“nEi fiom‘the way i i i of Gmcg and WHi0li:nef‘sr.l xoim and }x:“W.W are diliinditz All \ the Saints and p‘ aawayiof ; 6%: cliliimft fronmthe way _AofAGr‘:mx ; .aAnci‘A at wa»y‘iof‘Grm:alAa e3§cellezicy—7 'i:thle!retl‘ienliinAgifts, and4AincshAielwayAi f Firfi, MuAcl1,iv.e»ry mu"¢:h;,iii tl1e‘yiaArc o*alle*d wwmwizyfsi ‘inAtl1e; L Cii’a.pé“eir, Wjarid the firliAVe;‘fe5 Defirzzi/}iixim,q1 Gifrx. 121 V lil]ll75+I'2«u (glam-e~r they aw faiicl: tioglzie 0*f*the Spirit, by the Spi-? a Vrilrg from’li_t~ixlj¢‘Sgirita Emil ’~'f1ify M1‘ lAiildblé ir41AtL0¥tl§ié 1AoiVH1bF thfilew /1c‘i.r,“ ['37 {hall éfirigii ;ill~1l¢§i:§a’ré*tfii»*ll‘lédii, We irz{¢‘=~rj( J3"i}2£r£rj,«c;i14rla’”a~/aiobj» ; flbfo/;¥,% itkwi H07)’ fiill %;iiinl'A¢'{l»i“‘tb87?§i Wkitibi fymrid *flJ;£"::i5'%a(oirci‘,.; £.t:rzH~7 % ti/agyaf tiaeiCirc*:t}i%é*z:/i'an¢wbic~/0” bieleevédg wé‘?r3*"mfla}z£hfbad, A1799?‘ i 4 M »GU»»~ 1. ‘\ . A £‘fl‘#j'fé‘“ ll 4 D057. "I. grace tmd Love htyondgzfist A7 1. ‘ii 7” " Cfiflfi’ fit/7/It upon the _G:?}it.1l[£‘rJ'..-i:199.6Kd'..§£[_/(.9jiowhfdqflt I/flat Qfjph: Hal} Gk» »; in om: ‘ lVC~I'f6rr*laC‘l"'l1Sl{Zelda 3Tl15r:‘},'r,ltreceitved thcholy 3 lgholi; £35 in the nezttittthey mceiriecl thegiftofthe holy ghoft; - For t/75:)’ haggard them jfieakwir/9 tmgmwl »2nd'm4gi¢ifyz'7¢g Gt:d.‘T/am l tmflihrrrcl Peter-.,o Cm: rm} mmtforlvid water, that t/Jrfé jhould not that h»tpt:'.z..ed, which /'o:r.t2e,rrcriwd the H001’ G/70/} 3’ Ye£lITt0tWith- iftancling, before it is ftiid, the gift ofthe holy ghofi was ylpowreci out upon the-m.S’o that here the-gift of the holy‘ ghofl: is called, The Holy Gltofhw “Audio I take that place inthe oth of the Helvremr to be undeyrftood, concerning wicked men thatcio" fallsaway .3 It is faid,7’/99* are made p.zrr.»t/gm if the» Ian!) gbcfl ;that is, the gifts ofthc holyrghofi; for in thofe times the holy giiofi appeared by {cnfiblc gifts,and it is uftml topm; thm:lign_., for the thing lignified; but now, that theft gifts in theft gifts ; in fpiritual gifts. 4 it » cenfion, form of thofc Ta_tlcn‘tsV which that great Lord left um-%-M better then" all gold and filtver in theworld r; fQni:E;yonh3,d ‘ KIIVV A gifts, but tliefe giftsla;réllfpiritu%al-. . A 313-7,441: is an Excellent Thing fora man torbc good to others, this is the end of gifts ; they arc-,rast the _.good; they are to profit with, faith the Apoftlc. The Sun in {nu ¢x:ccllent»creature,why .? ltBeiciau.fcbhc doth good mothers; others, they are thofe veffels which grace and holinefis, being rimbarqucd in is trmfportcd into others fouls: though there not flmipping to tranfport them, you are notthc better for ‘ them; “therefore you fay, there isfla great Ufi“-‘r of fhipping, A to thereby fuch and finch A rarc commodities are tranfportcd ; fol‘ * by “theft igifts§,k that grace and gqodinefsl that growsrin one m31£1$~l.1¢‘.‘fl:ft, is’ tran£'portedVintoA anothctst cirricd intoganotrhers l fhould the raifed up to fuch a. title as this, to be called the holy ghofi, it argues that thcretisla. great deal ofexctlimcy,‘ They are the I-.’ureh‘afc— oFChrifl, the Fruits ofliis AL “ V to his Servants,‘ when he went into a far Country, thcyarc i all the gold and filvcr oifrbothilndicsgqryloufhiitl hut~natur'ali i A Ame toldow Sthools fpeak, in mm ‘adalium, they are given for Othcirs‘ fo, mahy are, by theft: fpiritual gifts, ‘enabled to do goodtov bC“tXCt:ll€i1tC0mm~0diti¢5 inlothetl Countrics,yct, ifyou have l mu _ “ foul; .... M E 4 grgtaélafldil V the Bad] of Chriflnh Epbzjfi 4,, If you ca.t1n<_)trcach;a Book ltofi; the fl1elE,4;you% talitAa;‘fl200lt,°jla;1dA fiandling upon:;th;1tl‘tool, you Aaredtalbletlto_rcat;h;dAo}x:tttl1efBo,Qk,,;1. the [tool atettbcfe gifts t:Al Athey are the hmd maids of gmce. and they bring forth 1Weletr~ ; A ‘lyfuponthé knees7of,g1;alce~ l A ‘ ‘ .,tAg ,Tha.thmufinceds b%c-exccllentt. thatis able to ad Aa furthcrAe‘xcAell¢nc_7y*, untojtjhatl which is the molt excellent :\ you fay ordinarily, A Thatif a'worl'e thingbt: added unto a better, the bAtelctet%is dcfilecl ;_ as if watcttbq added unto wine, athewinc its cortuptetdt ; if lcadAbc added untto?filvct,lthte liltver ‘ is defiltfd ; iffilver be addcd unto gold,‘ the gold débafed .5 and fo the betlttris defilcdwblyd the wor1'er.: ‘ but now grace is thegrcatcfl lexcellency inqthe world, yet ad gifts untq grace, and grace it felfis nfgztd¢dthc%%tr1O1‘c excellent and beautiful; for 4&5 thcljctnplt _{1nl‘:‘fi,l-ll‘; the_ gold, wbutjthg:;gold%did beau- tifie the Temple; Io though gtatc do fatnétific gifts, yet gifts do bcautific grace gt nowtgtrace being beauty un-- der hcavcnfiz gifts putting a furthcr beauty upon that which ,',1'..sthc,m,Q&.lb¢a_u:ify1d.Wh%<;..dOth this argue, but thmhere is ahundancc .0F€3‘¢=11¢l*?YA?nd<1Al>¢wFY!Anl5PiF1¥11t¢13ift5 P l . fl tqztefl. Bat rim: tborafibffick.411ggxcg/ltfmjf%£in$lgfi,;,Aki1It lSpirz'rml gifts, wherein §§;_g2j4t*c flfld LozwA;%rnar¢laxcellc21tél*? Wkerein 199.; the efifcjmllerqq tpfgmce % and Law, itejaml tht excel» 1em:_yofg{fr.r?t Vt A ,% _ A A Anfw. Concerntpg Love firft :_ Love as not an empty thmg, this fitllilltol‘thcie:Q’aLri}¢t£‘i;§n.rl,M tfivcakldairb the ttnguel of Amen ;Azntdn;j1g:l.r,»md A/auras‘ not l,a.w,I%am_éacamet4q founding [ma/A}, tloratihkiing ‘CJ"étb‘Ml.[l;:W‘ A fn=iAn==Alhl¢ltm may be purged from A grQffqttfi,ztW$,4alpdltc4tn;ty be Lgattllflled with parts and gifts, and A A A ygthisgfollultlefitqmtptytfor S;1,tan.lto1fcturninto again, as you A ~- rlezadiin: €ha‘f§A1i~9~§444*€’W but am and Arm in filling rat: ;A Hahn» git/erfg{fr:,faiFh thegtttpottltc; forrktedzfying cf gratvcre al0t1e;rn’anyz;i,rnes Cam_10lAt—rcaph down _l'uch taNotionin< ‘ A ,Dl;vinity, as 1;; ts able: to édoby thchel p of gif'At_s; kzfiomdtmmr A liutzdjmorium’ g7‘.<:1-tine, glftstlarc gtven for Ache help of grace,“ the votice and ;{outid;ofL,pvt:‘i§;pot,a»n uncertain found, or and erwtytt/Qyctc bu£1V)Fa1¥hlth.c¢A.pQ{tlQ here. in the 1 3- Chapaof G 2. thing,‘ A A ml)‘. 1VgmlcwrzdLo'véf:1é@>ond(jellots. 4-6 _._._—— A lVlo”wf:r4'fill}el:l1ltfo’t”hilsl7~haziélfalgralciouslIiéartifinoltlbe fatisifiaeld A A l "faith therAp33)l7tlké*h;&r7e,l’leS*tel“llyou Eng ."§u-.4. Law :3; not "eafily A }prow@g’;b¢;teA1jreald ‘t_hus,L07¢/alI¢r_/Zlolllv ta‘ar2»2gef,Pa‘1"%tsand"Gifts V are not'lfo_:_; But: a“man mlaylbcl flowllto anger,» arldlyielt not kindl l Arman be ki‘ndorlbloum:lful,l ye-"t‘nonwi~t"hfllandling ?he may envy *¢rzxae:~s; 5ti*ulc¢;l5-ult~l‘Lovlc will,iEo‘flin thegmxt,words5"l§?lmrity,orlll 5 ‘"’x‘a"t’hé‘r',ll ‘7at;or'£nvanfldE%5?al‘E“lllutf c+cfnli1dé‘t57o78é'WEigha \ echlaI1Atl1lin;gs:Iput At 10‘LlgllyQ”7l1 go i«s,y?¢ulhlo:wi:hflanaing: A la métnjrmaylvlsallprofi’d*W‘henol1lE’halth done; truegif fie havlel Gifts ; eglongfg £&*z}*,ell7i§likat7j7&{fiFed‘z¢p, is ~no;%fwell’“d, or lblowlni, alndl ll 5 _fi11.*‘d§Wm*wllLxids;as‘l¢‘fye;b'e1lwloixté~‘ar«e;a:bVclaérs.~¢et‘f,Al{ait1llheglozré. .l V A ‘z;1diklnot,“{2qbZa‘72'§émZyW;?I‘ll~ls be undelrrlood two _ “’xmti~l”e’é:,;{%J.zitlll 1*‘c£l:~r<17mz$»zfyi5~;Lolve lifivillll don~o«unre“¢m1ything? or f Low coL1nts.notl*1ingunfeacmly for the; pmjfon loved : Our Saw-ll ~' Tl*l1o11gl;lfitl§z2*fo'lg¥ftsl 'a%rg饓Hr»le IfWeél:9~~’flowé'rls,%'lyetl tllerewitlial ;tl1el "with ‘Gif:s‘lalone,Glif7ts alone are not able to fatisl‘ie,ALovel alndl Gracell&dm;h=. ‘ But: wherem doth Love Work beyond lGif1:~s 3 "and bouohtifolitrue, but Low :3: kimi,@l_f boulntifulgjas the word l..oV¢m l°§P0fition1t0%;parts angclj all along Love“ (falith he) is now to anger; and is kind or bo1aru;§fi1l~‘i’$j‘ 1ll§m;though:a. at/~the good ofotI1ers,'tr11e,ifhe 113%’: Parts and Gifts 0nly;but- Love.,true Lovmlwzt envie: not: I but though a mando not en- vy an; the good of others,yct he may not C0nfid€1"tl1t"W3.ntS of liizéauiéieatfé nar;ro?~g; ifiadé illgbfiltifiogl arc; {the 'Greek, V [.i1zn"l‘é’el;;x ‘sLr'3:1*t‘:lt‘§”‘, l A % A " A l”‘tllxé**’fi?+é’rl'orll“llo‘v&éEl.l ?’ud;%»: wmles ianaomrlays his !5i¢l‘+'l9*¢';* 0'35 ~1-njufizlce, It reggae!/allwor f:’2+Ai\z'JWJfi.!‘fl.i’b'E,(b1¢ft it dork rej.:cgyce with 2.102 truth, Adv)/>o¢t>5§~91«<5”3 v¢’?\119w'¢:. for the words arelto be read, and llth3.,ti5"tl1us, If a man he oppreff, Love cannot l1"ejolyce in his; oppr«eHi0.n 3 but ilfla rh*Za“n he lfreoczl and delivered from his o pprlefli“o~h, &tlhe tt'uth*healrclT 85 kn=oWn; Low: ‘1'o;'o§,vcleth with? ”fuchallman,When the trutih his difc~f<)vereld‘=;it rejoicctll norlin in- jixfticmbut .rojoyceth with the truthlwhon that comes to liglitg what dlfferencle willthere be betwelepxha: claufsgand the l.:u:-A ter of that verfllemdzzretb at/Z 1”-]’J.iMg.f*,ii‘ Mar: all tlaimgx, (9’~'c”:" here is no difference ; the Words therfore {hould be read ltlms, Ir ‘ cowretb all thingx, fol ,tl1~e’lGreeho Wllolfdi, “'3”: fignifies pl'0p€rly; "to cover, it his ‘the ‘fame Twlojrd lthatlis ufed ordinarilylin the new Teflament to that pux‘p0‘l-6,/’l4':;z~r@2.«4. They umcaoeml t/as ~roof:oft/onj/ahMfle,firj¢f§§;h:lél1‘()0f,01‘ the goveri mg l. is the 1‘ me word that is ixfédl l1cfo,7£mfl‘ ro;Lo‘ve covor€tl1% all *tl‘1lings ;llthOUgl1 men “ihlave many infirmities,yet true Lovle;lwlillIll§‘0ver ltllxlemhllll ; and it hdeewt/9 all rlaiz-.«g.r,, though al,mgrn lemvc done tlhatlwhliloh is- ovilinitlfelf, yot Love boloovos ‘ho had a good imzention in the doing ofit,for it beleeveth all things 5, and though a mam liiiodlwill bring himb“ac‘l»: again, for Laval/Japezl) no/z t/mg“ it , “'oo22;,=r.r :2! thing, it ée«/eemlml tbi22,a_'.r 5 itllwoper/an! I/aixrgx 7; and “if another, do me wr;ong,xfIl1aj€/‘e Love, I‘ lflmlllV;bGlft:s~ and Pa ms do A things I merall lthings, boIl~oewjo all lt~l1in=Ahave alslgifts, and yhaverncrgracc, altly; it-cairmnd it‘will'occafiona{lIy.i So ycou‘l”fay,§igracAe Picfifelft A doth, for a rnanrnay be proud ofhis grace, as yvell asihe may i be proud of his gzftr. . It is ‘very true, I remember that fpeechp A of Mr iFo.9b' Sometime; (faid he) [get hurt 6] my gr;r?c:;.r,A(fi'./oiivrv time} Igetgoodfl mj‘;f0?\5j m] cm made «mm: lattméle, ' anaM)"mj gmce‘1am made marcprmd.'c‘-4 It is true, occafionally . amn mtiygbe proud ofiandh puffed up by his verygraces’, but ~: ‘ there is yettthat in true grace it dfclfpthat will fupprefs pride, 9 grace being contrary to {in ; as forrgifits, though they be di-- ‘ vcrfe from Fm, yet theyarc not contrary untoifin, and fo can- not fupprcfi-s fin,as grace can do”: that is contrary tiherunto: For may he prioudr of his clothes, and""hcm.*l1>el with I1x1fl»i?fiCialt«i0n'bff_.VVOi‘lk‘Sl,l Bcithcz Carlintlaiazms ming- ‘th e words 0‘flthbG0fp”él with lthéilr own fwelli nglll‘at1guag@;,l they had gifE9‘VJ,& they were not colntcnted with the fimplicity of the _Gofpel._,Il but: grace is. 1 You fee how-it is With ahchild that‘C0mes into a rmrn ficld,he his mightily takcnwith the blue ’o‘:~reld~ wecld5sl;Qr»a ‘campariy ofdaifies ", but now wlhen a rm_1_nI.‘_ t0mé*s«;th8}h*H115‘b”aridffla‘rI comma 1ooklls~=at=tl7he corn,:a;nd is» not A {.0 3 much Vt-i41k}:€’fl'+ withi thaae; hhlute» orlrcdvwlmls, 402:: the daifies that gmw1therch::;bult is taken withl the com it fall’: so now l‘:.3.k€_- a, manvthat hath gifts only, and brmg hnm to a Sermom, or royal Prayenandiif there: be any fine exprefliongany dailies , ; hl*e“lis«-much takénwilthl them, he prigaeth slndlmagnifieth them,, and helhangs‘on*lthem gebutnowé bfringla man thatlhathl grace&- to pralyermr 1:9 a‘ Sermlon, 3 and? healoloklé attlle thorn; he doth. h%'n=0t~l00klatth¢: daifihfésl f0f1‘?1l1Cl'l7“, but atth*efpirituallity« 7%1n_d“:g the» power of tholh‘ things‘ that~ar.e *thelr"e~delimere.d :; They; A ldilherin thhelirgldlilfpofitiom < 4..lAegainl=A%TheVldialferl«a1l1o»ihltheir leffbfllsi Grace-hath a» f goo hlandnm: fill vering” ?as wel as-undoing-h: GiFts»ihallv¢»a; Very; ll good handatdning, but thheyi ha’vel»'ah;i‘lll haindlar fuff¢rin~g‘;;lg they are givemzolprofit wichal, ‘Fare jgls‘/{en tolaéh andjjto-; l do with ; But whenfyou come to‘ lfi1t’fj’<':r~,‘fl4llgliffslf( I fay) Vtllougllm h they hhalvicl lal good "ha«r1='d¥altdoing',: ‘ they have ‘»1l.ha~n?1:_u I my ""“"' 4VIllIrrW'IInvW pea»kJ,:alreh.a 1 dead-:grate,arIf1lgrace1is arlivzi hls ofhis gracAe;.;1hie ciao: aft now ; %% flpirit M: At?BuAt ifa. ma:-An b.ave:gAifrs o;niy,stfid Q0 ;g~;i‘g:~c,7e.A,~, V;&e»;¢£*a1%[;1Aa;, V to fin, that {in AhA1xadersAApot%A;h%is a&ing5,<; l1fe%«%p:«1§ay?gs lwé dim A and he can converfc as he: d1d,his aftings azremnot fo mu%%cl1hin-;_- :A V A ~d;erAed orquerxched tAheArby; as it is Wi:t:hfa.: Cand1e,ifit‘Ab%e%%o-my a%:living~Cand1e : but; now: come? and take .a% living Acandglg, wa;A burning Candle, andput that into the water, 8c that isquern-- A & +CaAndle : {o*n0w,:akc.aAAAman chathathrgi,ft$A:Amily%, g7'{nd%1¢.1ghim;A A fal intoyfin,aAnAd his]AgAi€ts a=r;eAnqtwhet:hAerr are %no:thing.s%‘beflVtl1.a.t coms from a‘ Aa7r1d.;:%ArA¢{ax%isfieIc1"A tzhwtm-wAirha1AA B whetlierp :l1av:e?yQu@%no§ as Agoodaa . A hand;atffuffcring;w«hen..God¢calsyam3;11éAreu:}io‘,%as%an doi~ng—A 3’; % whmlisen are, yam A:nAot:qu cn:c:1Aicd,; whenyou fail Aim:o~ fin A Oh A! A Yes; faith the; p0Or;S0ul : " This » I muff ’ne§ds vfayw Tl1rough% H 2 - AA ‘truth 1. h . i a i M .4 4 5...: “Tiy, would*yioucomplain for wiantpofitlaiat, which i~f‘you,1md A ifpiniiébundaince, youiflzouldihave lcfstimcm tendiypuiziown ; °‘f<_mis? V A V i2‘.i0r, tzmth, I¥dcfir‘e toiiknowino;11i:n§ibLit:“a:érucified Chrifii ;«liv’in’gi things from zibliving handh dp I1avor;pbefi_pwiti1 mag, and my idifp-ofitioine1iie's~itowaprds‘i?the.{implicit:iy»C>f th e. Géfpel; I am not “ f0—imuchiiiitaikiien with th e«~pd"fiiifiés,as with the» corn thatgrows in Tap Se~rm‘oi1,?& p;ii:n~iia¢p Pmyeaj 5.} and through grace-I I1-aveiasi good; ~’h7a~fi-diia:ifnfféflfiggf;Wham G»ud.vp_1eads meitoiigas. at-doing and A “t¢11i§iI»ca:n;-_fay:»* ifi7‘t.irTU»Ch,: «'[[I‘hiat: wilein I do fall into any great fin, pithat.Ii'?Find iifdmie abacingand qiupvenching, “ I cannot pray then, ias~I5 caxild prayrbefore. ‘Weill iftiicfe.thingsi be in yougandp fafibiliiindg be! of goo4d‘comi?m*t,- .*her¢i. is more thmbzire gifts, i4here;iisigmce.alfo.i This is tihfli?‘fiI'[t’C0nfid&1‘3.Ei0{1a. A I17 i i§e’condl‘y;,‘ ThispD::u&“triiz:iiiif1ipoks wifhlyi alifo updn itiiofe» that =~i‘1ave*n0g‘ifts,t1ip0n«thofe‘that areweak in fzs,have either no 1 1 ‘giftspétt-al»,0r very weak gi-ftsi,& it calsiupon youito be ofgood iiCornfort»; Theme is many 3 poor foul complains, and faiesi,As jf0r- fix-ch 8a fuch 1Ii*en,ithcy*havei great gifcs,buI: Iiihave no gifts "kit-all‘, ‘Ali have no Mg:mory*atgiail.,, I.iiI1:1vei.noiUtterancc,i I have ‘no Eloc,pt;cic_>u are to trend upon othcrs,and do“ mc'e.,& way~ofiLove,in the ‘V ‘me good of m:heLrs.-, to doigood to others; the more gifts you . Y Wood toii-iitéixemipand the more»you.i.a.rc to tend upon m;her5‘;,i 4 fijfhei-lefs time -youi-have to tend uprm year own foulsp: Nmv, I A "‘-fill meatlwas turned to gold ,*A&“ ifoyuthcrman wasfiarved ; The Mo—- “ AA you all gifts 8: godl%den“parts;yeAt,if you hiadnot grace Wltl‘lal,‘_, ; .thi¢.=-n heis called“x:o dmiag; ifa man~I.1avAe no gifts, then he -is-.1? A take heeidl‘ you do?£pi{c~-rb»ol7e~~thatf 1iave{none~;l an«d*+ W-VvIg.‘pl4A '""i lgma aarfivreéaondfizfis a ll V 2'. l(i)r,l wiAllA%yjouyygomplain‘ for want of that,whi<.flh,if you had with our glrlraclegwould bbyour lundoingfllilel Hearlierrs ;teliusr a A Fable cocerningy a man who dclired thatal that ever lam touch: ii might b¢gold,&,lay theyéirlwas granted whim by thé gods’; l wlienl“therefore:A-heirameto eat his meat, he*toucl_1ed it,fo\bis raI*of it is”l:l1is,yr'F‘hyat many a; rfiain would be utrex*lyiundone if i he had that WhiAcl1 he molt dlefires: &=let me tel youA;th-is,lHadl“ ? you would de(ireyAthat al that ever you fhoulcl touch might Y be gould,y.ou“vvould turnA'ail‘im:o gifts,“ an-dymiarreryof parrs,and‘ fo your own Soul would be u~ndoneA and Fiary'eid by it. 1 Or, will you Complain forwarrr oftll1at,rvhiAcl1,ir"you liave, . A may aggravate your Condemnation; but,il-"you W3IlE.__C3:_‘l1’10E r y hinder your Salvation ? Pray confidrerit,,Wi.l~l you "l I fay)com-v plain for v"v‘ant~oAf=tbao,w'11‘iic-I1,if'you have,may aggravate-iyo11rA' €o_nd"eimuation;A But, if you want; can rreverlliind or your Salu- vation?rIl’ you have gifts, they may aggravate your Condom-I A nation ;but ifyou have them not_.,yAour wantxngof rhemyiflua-l.:‘ never hinder your S-a‘lvationA:yA Sl1_al~I then A complain for w*a~nt of them ?=Yct thus (I lay) tl1'uAs it iswicli you that complainu for w,arrt ofgifrs; Hath nor:-the Lord tlnerforeilcd you in tl”1e~ way ofifrs fliandliahath he ledyou in the way of grace ‘P bew or good comfortr: Comfort,~,yArcyomfort,i comfort, to al thofo tliatarc weak ingi-frs, but have truth ofgracc. .?OvnIy‘hereA-~ give me leave to lay b‘ef'ore you Tome feiw-iiDire€i«ionoiA7¢_gelx,i aA::4a'AAika*z‘ret 1 % mAntt‘LotA'2e, I am bécomem fofindirzgé»mfs',amdvz~t£m/diyzgcymézal A A A ‘ '1fhough AI‘ be an; A‘p0filé,haV“fl tthitgiftiofian AtpoAflh:Ai; be AarPI_LtoAa V-1-1"?’ I . A A . . A 1 ., 1 V .. V A ' . i \A . y 7 i _ V\ t f «.4». tn‘- ...,_,.~ ‘ A oéjaa. 58 V“ nothing without[Love :j— And~,AaAtt: .al -theft’ gifts asatothingg, {gig A -Alt without Love 2 OL<)rd,.WhAat are my poor tninnum gifta then ‘ in Coinfetencc? Ah lywhat poorlihtnybs aremy gifts then? how are theytnuch Amore nothing wtthoutLove? and yethow ma... AA» A Love? Ihad almoft faitll, they are out of loveywith this grace flazméliaag in him :’ Thou A h there be much ftumbling abroad, and down in darknefs, he knows not whether he gocth; who»- focvet walks in this yvay~AA0f,hatreci, or Want ofLove, hewalks in dyyatkneligand he knowsnot whether he goes; But I need A Love isan excellent way,the more excellent way_.,and mofl to gmyceazntl ALo*tlalv;tyonié1iCjiAAts. l phat, and have the_ gift of aAPrtoAph¢£,ithoiigh I have giftifiii‘ A Miracles, yet notwith fianding if I ~Wfint_Love, all is ynnthiug 3, Thefe were greatand high gifts, lthchtghefi gifts _., andyet al ritual gifts nothing without Love? Apggtolical giftsyand Pro-«~ pheticalgifts,and,Mitacullous gifts, a__tey all thefe gifts nothing without Love? my gifts either in Pteaching,ot in ’Ptaying,or Any have theft times brought forth that hunt much after gifts, and the exetcife of their gifts; andarc [ttangersto the way of oi-'ALove : but ifwe look into the fecond Chap. of the firft of ;’a/omwc End a Scripture that may make all of us to take: heed how we walk up and down without ALovc,vetf.Io. He that la. War]: /7155 brat/9er,.aéz'det/.2‘inA the ylig/at.. and there :3‘ no at'm_/ion of yet ifa man love his btot er, though ht: have many failings, the light and there is no occalion of {tumbling him :l *"Btit (faith he, 'v.A I 1.) He that lantern/2lAAIazitérat/a.arA,A:lzit in "Jar/Que/fr, anal he walk; in dalrlgntfigand /Ja know: not WM/aarlaer he goes: He thinks he is going to Hcave-n,and‘the is going to Hell ; he thinks he is going on in a way ofazeal, but alaI‘s,.poor man,he walks up A not {nay no more: Th€_Ap0flit‘: hctetels us, That the way of 1 he delired : Now thiérfott:,,Oh that our Loveytnight laibound !. anothoryanci towards al the Saints 14 Oh that there were love, and peace, and reconciliation yet among Profoffors In V y A i E142: I‘/9(:z4vcgbffi£l‘/9 at mum oz APrafi cm, it may lie he at not ganllj, V and forne od opinionsgyet ifhe love his brother helahicietlgin A i Oh that our Love, that is much declined in ttholi: daies,might i he ttmovcred 1 Oh that out Love tmghAtt abound towards one ‘ A } _ym_., do not tbinkjyg 12»: godly, and Win)’ jbmld 1: lat/cf t/am? I“ A ’ ti AA A A] Yon. My l (jr4ce4ndLo=veé@I0nd l V. 59 ,glodly_, that fo he may have room to love him ;»and fo ifa man y be go_dly,he will fitfi makehim ungodly, that fo he may have i V of this deceit of heart; you l i Jjgntjndgmcnr fiom me, /2315 not of the _/kme opinion with me, and i confefs it’ h td one o "véreomight be of the famemititd; yetywhc're,l I pray do you ;1ov'e:.oneanothenforyouiarehrcthre‘n.y V l X ianditbatbeibgtbl mndeyt/ac érmclz,/horrid! low him t/mx_?i You knowwhat our Savior faith concerning the Father, H: l makgt/2 bi: Sim in fiine upmlt/Jcgood and [wide 5 and I pray. is it not ufnal with deceitful hearts, lid! to degradea godlyman « i into ulngodlincfis, that {o they may have room to hate him lzy 1: There is a great dcalof difference between the affeélionl of at e i it prophaneman, and ofan Hypocrite; a prophane man makes A _ i nothing to profefs that he hates,‘ and that he doth notlovey fiich a man thatis godly, and that he hates him hecanfeiheiisl pure and holy ;h11tnow an hypocrite knows in his confcience A » that hemuft not hate :1 man that is godly : Whayt then?;Ther., yo jfore, that he may make room. to hatehim,,i he will fitfl‘: make "him ungodly ; firfl hclwill‘d‘cgradc him, and maize him un--l ‘ i , godly, that [0 he may haveroom to hatehim 5 as now, if he 9 l have a mind to love one-,and to be intimate with him,his con» fcience tels him, that he mufhnot walk with; orhe intimate ~ with them that al?e‘_WlCl{.ed ; therfote fitflihe will make a man room to hate him : Take heed; fay fuch #1 one isnot g.odly_, take heed of this deceit. i M e Bfltfuppofe he be ‘Godljé jet natwitbflanding he 23' (fat dz'_fl7e- , Y, “ 1 l‘v\V‘ ‘ ‘ maawe fhould an Pray thilt -at . find intall the Scriptuyrc,‘ thatthcl Lord doth make Oncnels of Judgment toibyc the only rule ja.nd m‘ea_fnre;of Love .3 Wlherc y doth the Lord fay inany place in Scripture," -That Oncnefs of ‘Iudgment {hall he the only meafurc of ourlove to one ano- _ Q then? Doth atfather fay unto his_ child, Child, love your‘ brother, hecaufc hcisof the fameflgrowthwith you? No, but (t_'r1:ytchil.drcn)l‘ilovc'one another, for ye are byreythreni; So» oi the Lordiidothtynbtifaty, My childrcmlovctone anothet, be-5 tcaufe you are'”ol’-the fame growth, and the fame pitchgiibut 4 I 3 éutnppcfé that mmmc doth me wrangflir: andproooketimg, l _........ - Oéjefi. l Anfw. I M one o t 6 0 he L A grace and Love lvejrond tar. V ./Inftth « tottznadgmimgers» eetdghcn; t:h~em:;eo';otttoe frri;iti,ng I faid(,attthe 2I'.ver£)mgto%E1iflm fihen be pm~tt:bm_., 4f;.zIm~,; 1 ' Cnptim with Ha} Sword; fl716l‘Wit19A htb] B‘oW t? Ermd and ’water*» A A Yes; elfe there were no l?abo~r7oftlove:t God is not unmi?nd- 4 Love worthy of‘Godvth“’at {Peps overprovocations .- You feet how itis with a glafsrthat hath {Weettliquot in hit, the more :you {tit that glafs, the more favory fweet fmel it {ends forth ; fcothe indeed to a‘ giafstthat hath filthyandtunfavory liquorin >. :it::,&t thtctmorc you flirttit, the worfc it fmels. Art thou prove» . ~ ked Po 8: art thou flirted? if there be fweet liquortin you,'grace-- jand patience within you,the more you are flcitred,& the more A you ate provokcdo,theo{wectctrpyou willsfincl gbllt if there be a» ~ ftoward fpirit, and a ftowardedifpofition; if there befilthy li- quor within,then indeedtthe more you are fltirrcd,8c the more A ou are provoked, the worfe you"l fmcl : And whereas you fpeakvof his firfl making the breach upon Love, I; pray" look upon that of the fecondof the Kings; Chap. 6. you fhal findtt there with whatbloody intentions the King of Sjraia came to n£g—l2t, and-¢ampa_1T~&dfrb:».W0ityt f Eli/5 h.~goes-ofbrtth4t~ untoh tttwthet 1'9 .tvevf¢It5*‘h1f1$l* hwtfiidafi heir/a"er¢'x tbzén xatverf. 2.0. the Lord opened their eye: And the King Ifmel ; ttfhdl Ifmitetlaémh vjlml I [mite-them 3* VH9 Afifwtredi /70;;/éztltkt-,. 7 oV;aotfrin'tt°tt”/aem ; ‘zavauldzflt rthdnfmm tehtbofi-Lwhomoetttbou bafltakgpij“ A ttfitféfe tl3rm,trbtzt‘tbe] mgtear tmdtdrizzkh and _ga,.to tbeirflflzfier: ' t A t5%Sht=%hett phréparedgrmttpravifitmavfiiv‘ttbi:m,4»d~wI2én I/fig? thadiiatancli , 5fa[ri2_;,t:Q;,h»~ttI9effE217}3themdfltajg:gznd/:t10é)"13tént"o*t0;.t5e§77?flldflér»; fin "the ~ ft-11:9 forget yourvlabot: of Love ; A if therewete ‘n_tot ptovocagi. % A o on,your Lovctowete not worthy of: Goo ;gthatFa;1th 15 a Faith V . A I A worchyrof God:-that ftepeovet dnfficulttes, and? that Love is a “Dotlmn for to take E12:/lm, at the 14,. verfl T/zwrqfore fim-~/act. V tlagét/apr Horfe: and Clmriptx, and at great Hofzfi, and‘:/1;} camg by the City; follow megtmd Ihwi/lhérfizgjoy toit/woman wbomjgfirekg t V re Bmtt/ac led them to Samaria. What» they were come into .S'dm4r'i4,‘ i 3m4d:;¢;j°=syr;attca~m«gm ,,¢aret;m~»q?d¢/ate«I;and.tq=~t1fim1.e Mark.tth‘e.: { “ . §iIFuc,oth'c”Syri4n:tcameW14: fitff; wertc*theeot.firflé‘*thtaVt made the, A " fihreach; well, If}-nc(_hztt”«advantaitgettuponthem; and“ithcKing* A A AA A tffiliflxfutwottlde-é‘not~hi~vé‘&tfo~;*;gBtx’t‘inftEaodffiiifiifigg he l}On“I‘d52[',§ _ A { ov . ,.‘a~- A w V gr;zv¥e:%zmdLove~«~ée;vond cAmbraced it; peace beingjmade, 'Wel,fé1i%tfI1 the elder, rememw ber that though I were the §e*1der,*yec*I come to yAou.;a’nd I firfi oifered peace <;A Truc,(fai:h-the yo~ngérfint«:4) hiirfi_ad‘gain) SI ~ac- r kAn0Wledgit, and 1111211 u*p%0rrAA"this‘Vakfr:ciufit Afbr ‘em: ~acc<5unc peace. 4 And fhal Hcathchs do thus,aAnd 1113.! not A M We‘,Chrifii- tans, go beyond ¢th“‘é‘m,;,, gr‘ do the fame .?~ ' A A * A 1, but chm is timi: feral thing’: théré was a «time fiadééd for Love, and for mft‘i1TtO be i*é*t:oi1ci*l‘ed; but ~ia“ovi ct;mgs%»2::e A grown to tAh*ach’eigh‘t,ai1dAfbAthat%715afs,tha?titis *h;o"AWA’Atjoo late ti) taAIkA of Lo%ve,andV of Rcfc6hc{i'liiaAtib‘‘i1 ; Wé i:6hAfeI’s,th~eA:tA the way 04f Love isthe more AeAAi:A:elic“tit ‘why; ind Vthetc ‘W215 a time 1n- : deed to have been '1*tA':rA?:tA)‘i*1ci‘Iéflr,7*bt7A’1AtA: *h0W‘it%*is Ail too late; A mce,gi~’v¢ me leave no amt:-a~c one thing AA AA A A i‘$*:El3V;i$$I44faAy ’if%;‘i%;;lgv¢ too laI:Ae,8c you fay, ~ AA % AAV\AAAAAr"AA”'AAAAA fif’? %+=“**”“ % thcv. ifitA‘=é too ‘ ‘ um~A‘:~m “ s w.‘ , “ >‘ aitaflfiév Li ~ < A mam ofyom pto%Af'éAfIi”<)Afi ‘0fBAEi1A1gCHrif¥sDi%fciplesgfor ‘A01;At~r%Sa- viofir faith, 3} tin}: flmll men [gnaw t/mtye are mjHD%‘iplé.s‘, jg dam d_f‘AG'Aad fund‘ is notpaffi0n;,fnAéL1icc,,aAnd*~Wanf of lovia, flefli: ~ 1% Iiingddm qW2‘wiwa3.AIA havAe'A‘i‘ta4d“ or hcaArdOffiA certamcham, it ‘A \ ._ r you themore worthy man; AbeAcaufAc ~c1’1ougfh Iwas the %firfi A A that did make thc*flrifeV, you were the firft that did‘ rr1a>k‘eAthe A A ‘ H % _ : 1; 7 _ "(me :At{IwfthAcr, lct; me ena-_ treat this,Th-at y01i~veiti?i”:i'T&2rl1iy%afid“c'you*r gaArm=exa::sAéh¢gar~ A " [we mic «name; arid th”éi*e‘féAi:‘%: if%i_i: be Ebb late Edi‘ tolovc one i %anot‘hcr,*atAxd tb Be rcAAcdnAé*iI%eAd?A; and Id: uslay dowtnour A V Vgajrm«‘wts,lct uslay downour 13fA&i$fe*ffion%ofbeing t‘heDiAiAi:iples AA _ Qf ChrAiff;'yea,let$ us lay‘ dovén-AoiirAexpe&atAi0n% of heaven tom ;f"t$rA faiih tlfré Appfilc, Piaf): am: A Eldon’ ca“i§are¢otA“z’7a¢i:ei*it ‘tlae .Kz‘ng—%‘A ‘ and In I,oAo<1?“ ‘Certainly, _‘1ACi€A1"E2AliXAAflAA}A7,>i*{"AIAdO‘fiOfW'3.lkhiflIhAAi$Way A A A oF‘Lov‘e»,W it*i;s r1¢it%al*m3rA;vp3‘fAt§,afid,al my gifts, that wit b1ailnz¢cA jA fraud Ath“ea~rréMwfA:hat Scripfiiré, F1315-yzznd Ho‘aAd not A*iz2Im~£r%~ ; A A61 AA * haveAkindAnefs,fl1ewen -trnto chem ;7 ;a*nd=,I ptay,‘=whAaAt‘"was me A ; e%fferf't t:herco‘f? having Vfctbrcad and Water before tIaetAn:,fan& A A rcfrefhedthemwithAt11ofé*prov3finns,*th4eywc‘ntamjy;AfiaAzbeA A_ ‘ i*3‘tmd;c @f‘SjrzA'zz a;zm:2;‘a¢o*V»tare %Az'mta%*t'/ae Land af Ufiétel. I havé 1*eA;iAdA’ A ~ oftwb fA:ansm11sA%Pi1y4o‘£1wp7hVc‘x"sJtfiatwcrc a4t”gréa41: %vAaria~ncie;,AA;Lh%e % A A oncVan%Aelch:‘rly man,‘ the uthA‘ery‘ongcr‘, we el?dAé‘r%%c4o%mé$Aunfto‘ , A Hie yang:-r with :1 mo:~»io‘n «if peat:-A; and We wim?gAer~»Vwil?lAing3y A Anfw. A qua-_._.._.. 62 Qmce and Love beyond Qiftsf W 9~"‘”f Apian thialt challengeda Dcuil, nyo Armies beinlg-Acome ilrm to ’ ionci”another,onc comes forth out ofoncArmg, e A A A A and Challen- geth to fight hand to hand with any one oft at laft there fteps fort%Ah4AaArt%1an‘for tolmeet ‘him, and Athcy being A then‘: to fight,4 and‘ m,any,o£' both Armies gotten round to be. L . A 4 holdand {ea-what wouldAAhecAome< of it, who fhouldfal, and A who fhould {land ; at l-afffaith one of the two, W~ho are‘ you A for P faith the other, Sir,‘ I am for you,oand I am come forth ‘L A to fave your lifé 5A Why (faid htelfhouldwc (like f.'ools)=l_§il one anothcrgto make Afportfor thefe heholdcrsafothey th raw down their weaponé, and embraced one%another,andl to %par.. _ ted with love, tooth’: aidmxratxon of all that did behold them, 1 A Now bclovcd,things attrcigrownj to a grcat~hc1ght,aAnd thcre is too much di,fI'cvntion amongfi Ptofclfors, and all men are up- A onAAthctip~toe at this time, to -fceiwho {hall fall, and who fl1alA [land : But now affér-AaAll ouranitnofitics, iflwet wouildflcp in to om: another, 8:: cmbratzc one another, how would this glo- Arifie God,;& malt: Religion glorious in the cycs of tAhe_AworlAd? Oh why {hould In that are Profefl'orsAkil=, wound, or abufc A one another, g to make *:fp}oxt femur, common Acncmics ithaAtll:AuA:-AA 4% hold mg Bclccvcit, jl:>A_¢lccvc‘i~t,i:i7tt"i'§‘not too latogiitis lnottoo 7. late to love on; .an‘oth‘er;.itAi5A 1101»; §gAg¢;tl%¥FAtf0Af 111010 €10 5; my W0tk,a;sl n0tAVii:i£¥0lA“"’l”fi‘l‘f@lfiflllfbccivc tjny wages; Atmd if I fay, it is tOO late to be reconciled, wAhat1EG;od fay to me then, It is too latt“-.f for my Soul to be favcd ~ A A “ Q . it A iI?7<'bP¢t*t/96”/71»?/1 We Ad": At/W Wc"m4J.ter~W¢ W3‘. ¢?+‘¢?‘€11“”*"*’+'J Law ?-;A l A 4 ll Ilfhall oolyilay before you, twoor thrccidircétions ; Two or three things I conceive there: are, thgt yct would make at A rcgconciliation, and Vrepaiiri lovc among us,Athat‘would recover, A = andmcruit our low: thatismuch dcc:lir_1c_di-.l'I'.he fitll1,;is an E-~. I vantgclicgliGA0Afpel- A Spiritior: difpofit-ion’; a legalldifpofition,is.. _ 1 a fretful, A frfoward,firy difpofition ;-AhutaAAGo1_'pAeAl difpofition, ; l A A -i is like the Gofpel; f“rnoooth,ygcntle, lovingand fwiccitoz we teadli A ' of Afllvm/mm, That I76_.W€1¢t§_1.A?¢Al“\0lH3g%T,ldfldik€b{ld 4 child, Ilhé A mael._l»_y law, be wmg: in to_oSarah,:zzz;vli/93A’;/Md. at _c[2iAld éj /Aa.e2~,, :Il'aac,i Aff other Army, _ - .:Imd~tl2e[e,irwq l.Z14i9lt_i’9'6’?f-l'¢Al~AHl1lgaIf’,i#2224 SzA_(rah,§ to/;g’l¢pa]i1e:¢Iz: Af . V A doth fufferlJ~y.the: divifions of Pro+fefl'ors,iandlthciirrrwanr of l ‘V haV@ll1.€.aI~'ds.ltf$nl-ike1§7,o£thc,Pa~rablcofthc.Stomach there.was‘v 44 (Gal. ) Wen=‘t}pe.r 0_ft/JeiLur1?p, ‘amiqft/ae Glbfi/e :~”after A-:« l arr;/mm had gone in to;Hag4r,iandi the Chilldwof Hagarl .i K wol groiwn,Jthc“re- was no no peace in; the‘Fami~lyi, thioughirf jl;*w:'§.zie;;;.dlim/mm.riFamily.i; ~And“as Aénzlmw rhendiidgoirr to}; ~Hragwr,~~f0,n0W,3i}tll¢‘=Qhll»d'l7éI'l: ‘oi’ ,g1érdlmmidoitoo_%mucl1go: V‘ l in. IE0 Hrz_gar,’£hc.{.éWn; [And as Alfiut/9er'ilfz1,id,lii C4572 ifcimperl i écicidir fiatrrm ad fine»: mltmdig. Cainfiwilr he alxmyeszoxz//mg i of érat/oer Abel, til t/re". Wm"-ldJ= end. « S0 fay I, Adm/Mm viril beallwayies going into Hagar, til Chrifl come again; I . L,iche;1Child ran n of Aéralmm will be ‘dlwayes going'l in to thc ‘Law,.a7nd to -Hagar. i»And w.hai:’s the reialfonl pray,’ that there” are to many divifions, and dilfentions now among. ,us,— and follittlcwlovc,‘ Burbecaufc thc,Chll-.clren of Amzm i goafo much into Hargqrr Idare‘ boldly {a=y,~» It isnor fomnolm i divcrlity . of Judgment, *th_at* maketh%. thcfe idifl'cnt=ions, f as it iséthe legallity‘ of our difpo{itions;;.for though-ynoour ]11dge- mcnts were very di~fi’crent'and removed one~frodm.anothe.r,yet~ n “if your Spirits were Evangelical, you wlouldlove: one ano- E the-r : and though your ]nclgmcn‘tswcrcVallol7a piece, yet if , one were of: Legal dil’pofirioin.,'and-the other of an Evangeli-_ 1 will difpofirion, rrhgrewlould he want of love flill, llill rhercl lvifio nsililibwgiimlrwfiinliorlwant of lav: ;, rlggnn go to God and be--. fcech tl!€’I3.0rC‘l.; laying, Oh, hm-avfrgom a Legal; "l And again 5i.lllSocond;lyg, ‘a true and rea»lil’enferoftl1e«Nrame oh A God, 86 how greatly the-lName of €l:'2ri{l«_& God the*Pather,, = love, will; recruit 8c re.-fiver our--love; We dare, very fenlible 01% A » our own namcs, the In l ringsof ourown names,bm: were We , V as fenfiblcl of the fuffcrirrg of lGodsNam‘e5. ccrt:ain1y.theré- : Woulilid not be fuoh want of love arnongfl us'.Lrzr/arr {aid in his ~ t;i-rho, lT~hefI?l1iefWrongs one, thcA~dulté1’cr wrongs two, the ;; ' Slandercrwro’ngxs‘t:hree,but I ithilnlnfour himfclf, the pcrfon 4 *alz>u-fed,t:1:1€i‘l"ibYl iflaindcir, and theipr¢ciou'sd~Namciof Godj:;“You . “ A w.;g‘rc_2tlivaricncc forrztimos f:ilo.11tax:? R‘am;..herwecn:*tihe People, Li A ’’’’’ IV 7 grrizreizzirlrllomreqécyvorrrl ‘A . vi 463 will ' be divifions :— now therefore whcnfoever you find ldi-l- 4 Q difpofirion 3. Oh,Lord1», b”eflo‘wupon rnea Gofpel difpofirion. r A i A i ‘Liam! the: Senarrer»ir1f0rmu=c1:r~.rh ar-me pc;J‘.§rr£~‘£:ra:1‘dce~"d togenhcr, to me haza1:d0f“i rm marz.-~fo$r .r1:tr.,VH.,‘1;"z‘g{, tigg. ‘ I+T;znd éa{ga.n ram.» :wmk, t}/9c«Fe‘et% ée~g.:rnV to 17¢ 'fec£él:, dmd g to witr/aw-A. Sohcre, now in thefc daies of ours; one man he : gzhinks hejs wronged, and he wirrbrholdshis inflrrencwc and his A love 5 and fanothwcr manhc thinks he is wronged, and I1: with- r Vhuldsrhisinfluencer and hrislm/ex; and anorherman he thinksf ‘ 1% rrrynuflrikrcat me, &I that am a.'prefefi7::m;1f1rrikv: at your; but A wxkorng ? I pray, What wrong hath rhcrnamc 0*f;C>h~rirfirdone M Chrift fuffcmd enoughforus, but fhalfihis fr:rtff::«r%rnorre by us*‘;,?“j14[».¢fi~: was a m;an{ your r ?k*nbm)cender’of1rhe nramer0FGod ,,‘.\N'hat, fh:*J1»lr‘becr)me of thy 4 mziri feari’ngGud' '7-'}.{v1IT~ hr trbmg/arr Flfrfiilvr-t‘I1FL‘?fi‘?%I197_€A0L]c-C1704; % Salary-A W monrinr the fijrarrrrln: Tflirrrh A ‘il'7'h:a rfiamwa aftbe« Lqrdvimfirong tow;-r,f 1;; grlggj rigbtfiohfl fl}%zlm;&mr2:a.»§unA mwjfirfa; N1owgtihiéfi,vr»i apevgr yqfurr A ," A ;%rdrfcfirerr ".tha-£"‘t1.tcr‘ rnmzim tithe .:Lord ihouldfhca«.r¢rTi2rgxe:~a,nd,a % * fors) a¢re~oF,“th¢ precious Namcof God»; and the more fence you have of the fufferings of'GodslNaIme1, the mlorcoyouilwjll . 1 more A no nlwmallc m—o*e nn(ZWL“uel q:yn«d§z'"t.s:. ‘lull-1mtflllt¢t‘toS7ti‘ifn chlel;ev§?1lday :l be tbndfur of ‘V God, and I dare fay, the motctenderlyiou n(thata?mProfel?~ 4 . lay down yourdowe~apo‘ns~l«ojnetlagainft a-nether, and the; -you‘l” fet your {elves For to: love‘ one a~~notl§1'e*r; ~ AA covered? recllailmcdfm? ;0l1+ l7et‘u»s »remem=berlfrom whence we‘ lagrel fallen A, xr.ep‘e’nt it-ndu lbewarl l our 'di~vifionsl, dlacliningsl in» fled,prayccl,tandlhave*Wepttogethtr : lsollutlluvs do again ; ewe mcetlnowfi, anldldifpute togcthetr; wemeetnolw», andfwc together; M asllweflmve done 1-? Love} l And woo-uldt *ou~love one anotllletd now, as you have loved“ A d before ?- then do as you haw done before. I haoeltfomewllm laggainfi that (”dl'a~ith Chlrifl to thelChuI'Ch70lF J} At/am/m./if A tlayfirjf Lam Butwouldfithou belrlelcovered? Rzmcm« Qbcr ‘flow lwhencutlaan bajltfallen; andmpentt and do t/aj» maria; f Iwifh I might notfay, Tha’tC'hArifl:7'ha£l1'3:f0mEWl‘lat aga‘11*lff * ' us, l’¢l:v~cn this, Thatlin theft: daies of ourswe have loft our ;n former Love, A Love unto one another : But: would we*bl¢l}‘rel— 4; Love, and do our‘lfit'll:lworks~: lWhut‘ultu’tl1ofc?" Tirneswere t AA lherctofore, when you ( that*wrctofdl1fi‘erent Judgments” to t lnow) would have met togetlle~"1*,"pr'dyed togx*:tl1~tr,? yea‘, fa»-~ but we {hal lénever clifpultel‘o‘u't-‘ifelvels inE0‘¢7 llficfore‘, thcnwlétnnsll~doA.l:ts+~Wéldid.~p:rgy.x;o.AA V’ l goth: r,_ a‘s*t.bgfore; 'I?li¢l’o*~’ll"i*vi*nlg fwlimsl=llag:lvin'ft“llthle ‘ftl“t:‘;latI‘1‘,tA§r 2 ?,tlic” dead’ filh ~is carrl‘ed~ dovrm“ with chew [id7e" 5) for ‘ «living‘?’ t iiChril’tian fwims againfl the tide ‘of’ the ttillm‘¢s*“;l Ta”? dorm? iProfeflor is carried down with all; and which way doth the A _ iftream alndtidc of theft: times run, but againfl Love P great 9 A opdpo{iti~0ns~=t~hat~avrc"made~:to-«*Lovc«»—d N«ovI—-t?he~n;as» --W6a:d€.fi1‘AeA.~t0 A l: A V be counted living Chriflians, letus make it our work and bu-- jA_: finefdto heal and reconcile things: ’Tis in regard of Graces, ' ;as in regard ofgQrclina,nces, ,nV1whMen any‘ Ordinance of God is decrycd, lZh€l'1+i1'.;5i$"O‘1ll1'd1ICy;’yflllld wcftarc ca'l>led7t0it, for to Ki vary it up fo when any one~"grace is oppofed,then is our tluirne,‘ :A l and than are we called to-advanclcit mo{t.And wlhen lcvcrllwas A thxs grace of Love among Profclffors fo much 0*ppofcdjasAitfisfli A , ff? 66 C}rm{e 4nvl Lovebeyend V Vmwig NqwAtl1erfore»=f'iFever)our dot: to aboundi A ~ A 3; eve, i 4" anlclro walk in thisiexcellentiwayi.A ‘ ‘ i _ . But you defireigifrg lyca, rmdyour. gifts are great; I know i giftsandpartsgf0Wial0fl€,€Veniii4n your ftrecm; yet let me! yeti? we wanmoveweflfliould in out as founding braié, and am rinkling Cymbal ; Bunyou dcfire gifts, the gift of Tea...- ‘cl1Ling;loExercifing,,A rharye may be able} to do good to others, ' janidiyou do welAltheroiin, for the way of gifts is an excellent way ; Ohil. but the way of Love is a lmor'e gxcellenr’ way: Your, defirc gifts, sriic gift: of’ Prayer, rhcigifc of Conrerenccg that you mayyfpeaiki a word in feafon unto them you {hall mectVwirhA, and you dowel! therein, for this way ofgifrs is an excellent way, yer fzrith thefipoflle, Behold Iflewjaw at more cxcr/lent may .- Asfor a-lour gifrsand parts, they wilileavc us’ gift! .- Bmjetiflvew Jjorr (faith the Apofllei) Acz more excellent war} ;’"_and ye have heard -what; thzmtwayis, In gcncjmythe‘ way of G?or3,ce, Holirmls, and of the power 0fG.9doliincfs In A particular,Arh%c way of Love. V Naw;zlae_(-fad,p¢rrce,i_itkatl'érauglat you clelire gifts .? Dclire rhenrfiill,-,>yea, cooétmrmflt')' the 54} Smlr, through t/ac £7/oibdhoftfiae’ ewrlazfiing Cowmmt, rm/Q: jam prrfefl in this great work of Love, warfiwig in yomlaar which 55 ‘where I fpealgin this great and famous City of Lcmdon,wbcre,; tell y on‘ this, though you,orAIA,fhould; have 211 gifts and parts, i when Weamufi go in to ourliathrer «is Do A ye V therefore any‘ of ii flgfizéfl mm; ,A;,¢ i,,;,Wz W;ra*“;*‘"l'rllr7§:éi“i‘“§”33éa:t Sljkplaem’ of W i ii _ -ml! fajlmfirrg in /azkfiglat, throng/9 fefm C bV1:fl'3 ~t0l.?v/Mm»;{{a "glory for »'c?*,.4z2