% By 103 PH CARYL, ‘Prmclw to the?" W3? _»’’{§ 1 ,5 A M . 1. 30, Tlsem 2‘/mt honour me, I W2’//lmmszr. %;A2$2«"\%'»s€:-ae»*’,A%?a%ffi«'as;*,%w;«* *as€as%aa*& I a (A; ,1:-'.~. EE & wrfigjfi ....;%:§~s.:=".§ . W VP ‘I€J“( ¢ ‘afifi $9/«:3 % 5"‘ gs: us,” 1:41” A A ,.’A*” M, A V .A §‘g‘f'§‘3 Ha. lxid :3‘. 3‘ , I ‘ M‘ 3:‘. ‘N W “AA .-—% "" 'ew;3 ' /Tu’ ‘ (V islxg ‘"3" 53 P LA 1 mg E u §.~AAAg.;« mg; ' a i Ag”, 32:" 't=,)‘("‘.L:i V 4 ' « -tin IN A SERMON BE«‘*‘§:%A$ F0 RAE T H13, HONOL V RAB LE AA‘“é‘;~A:§5’ A A ‘AL? J42’-~ "§E:.%;*~«;3 H A (’ . I A’ V E’? .33“ on e 0 Aommony at t 1:311‘ late Solcmne Fafl, April 2,7“. 1 6 4 2.. tn A ;:.]"““I‘?~{!:_W xi‘: -MA , -«».ro.@ "V M WmM“A’_ ___._ “'3 I . fig _ 3, :( :2?‘ ' VI an H‘ M _1 -2 - .3 & .333’; ti-""'%i-13"“ " 3* ‘f “I '1 %.v’i*3"‘€%’3,>* A .645 r‘ 5?. Honourable Society of Lincolm; I N N E. "~T;?-33 ML 51'- d ‘A . $%‘~A 9&2 MA T .24, 46. B/ejflac! z-5 timt fmmm‘ wlaam kn}: Lordwlam /3:? ':A*_’" ¢ ” 7% A mkmmct/a f/mllfindfb doing A 1 % A V “as A ....:A;.';.gA..,. A 3;; A be fold at the Signs afthc built Cup,neare; §_§l«”—Z~3g1,aV -h N "W" rvv--4.-»..u5 ’fi'd|\lhNtvgs.'fi .-I-Wu A ~- ‘ '0 _. u . ' A . N“ W _ A A ASamt r./I::gzzfizm:AAGate. I 6 4. 2.. A A A A A »i“ —‘:“‘*“ '-""‘*"‘ . - *".'v~ -«A ‘~'.'.""~ A‘-u'A~'~~'-:*:*~:-.;7 v . “M-"'.m—« ":~'-"W:-M , . mm-n -’ A ' *‘3§*Z~l'x'"?."£:= §i'X‘g:a1$“”“Wc§.33.w??;'a‘='”§";§ £‘~‘~;“‘»~§3‘".3«§'T°;m=7.-J ,..__ 1 1 - K E A ‘ _ -A ‘ A A 9:: 3% C9’ 4’: B’ "F *1 A 1‘ ggs z, -" 5;.‘ E\‘‘ Q: 't.‘_ at ill? lit 3;’ AA A A A Av ” é“ L .3 mi“ _.. Printed for Ioénm Bartlet and VT/’z'llz'.Azm Blmvlm, and areto 7 #31! A zafie. Aamw -Aw ‘ me ‘M; A A . ‘A-«....~.$ a -A A AAAA..-,-Ag. \:"»‘ ‘ ~ ‘A. $1‘ fit" .1». A2: ..1~.‘~:'’ ; *“*“;A,«,..‘£§,%.* €~,:g~.;.*‘$**~;g‘:,~‘%‘g%:5%’;?=.:‘°A;;~a.%r"Aéf;,‘s.* '‘;f~a:='‘°Aé§JA,£A. 4% "".:1i:'%""-’;§a~ E3’? TO AAAA T H E H 0 N CV RA B L E35; Hcufe ofsC 0 M M 0 NS‘ rmmw af1’c:m:—» bled in P A..R L l A M E N 1‘. and a due Encouragemerm Wflw’ - Aw“ which both are mere clofely, cm‘. mom ‘clmrely laid mgcthen'A# tlmn in that, handlmrl in the follawing Sermcm; There, you ham :3. Pa.tmrneA fm ycmr Degrees in Working : M0f%‘f~*ycaur worker ’1'hc:rcm%aving% V mi Vtlmfa, both4JTl1~iz1gs% and Pemfizans, wmszla you: ‘ A 3 V % cam; M W0 things mightily advammccuv any Worke. Atrue Pattcme,_V .. V‘. 1 conceive there is no mm ' « Text: in Holy Scripmre, Aim.AA I ‘ V _ . , r “ ,i-"’ H «~~- ‘ 1 \ _‘ ‘ , .*.> “ ‘K ?; ’ ‘row’ My ‘ 237“ ‘ - -F V: : ‘aw. . M W M W M ‘ “'"”w LV"{'w fl‘9'a1’:‘2§w4v’V;'. I. The Ejlzflle Defiicatoijy. V Cannot but fee are evill :. The trying of thofe whichfay they ax:c,ior arefaiditobwe Good, and are not. A There,you have;aPatitemeAefo: the]Ac- ‘i V _ ciegtationiofiyout Perfons with God in thiofe workesrffhe {piriting of themwith Sixaceritygahd the ctowningof them with Confiancy. There-i; you have an encouragement unto all {uch works: ilefus Chri(i ebferyesfind highly approivesithem All. You~r Qonfiancy ,ar1d Sincerix;y,h~youiriTry- ing of’ Hypocrifieieanhd removing ieof impiety, Thefweat of your Lahours and the exercifs of e your Patience are moflzpleafing un::oHim.\l'~(/ork by th€f€~R:l11.€S Worthy Senators) and Peace V ihallbe upon you,iand‘ upon thcifingliih-Ifraei A of our Godi Iriw ere vetyincongruoustoderainie you long in theSuhur'bmf can Epi&Ie,te whom (‘I feare) time can hardly be difpendd to lookei , into the it‘5ymetwc'x;rt=nG f‘1&:.*r:;__ \Ve m ay'% {'0 :;g;IV:;{7.:ew;c3f% trt11;E1~ inV.th§: i11€p;€r‘fiAcé—’:t3:AA€§vf rAh~.:":w-!€t.. mg ;, ¢,f_x{_g;'fn hrs:-eflane mzmfxp}.%;11nc_Da65::}ina:*5,andpm» &s;a:.:z1“i* Vdbf7=t'va:Ai'<3€“xs; Su?.e::2f*n h?;=:%TcxtA"rmv mad holds Y f0£thd;4*m:Q% as a abwt %fiIdC?1 (.4VV&V%iI%1§3 €11?%‘*£??i‘i.€sV%C0H;# c.em7:ng fh-e Psop’1::cy)%I intend ( Hmour;:b!c azfzi B:30w:~d) thxnugh tbr:f:af_57z]Zez.*«2z:e af Cbri/fr and you-K": c_?{’7r{/i‘,r';w p4ti.m..'?8, to i"’p».s:-aka: at this ,ti.T_I1€‘,M not unwra- bk: A ho E)“ A ’t0thi%AVs‘g‘rc“3’4:» Apiréfcffl cc “3n“t:‘r ‘hf G«1c‘*n1b-36‘ 0c=- V @gfi@n;,:u;mM ._v4 ».¢amwA%,v -~ «~%%~~ _ , Thar: war&:s¢ar42%1part <‘:a—f that E&pi{Hc Aw-rittcn to the A'9ge1l‘fo-ftlac Church _QfEpbefi.~;vw.~_-, and with hirn ta‘ thggrwliale 13b;5!y '0 f th3.t{ CV§"iUtCh ,» anéi i n ti'1t‘I11t<);1” 057%: bc‘b*es$ At-22. VH3 zvézzr. ,é22;::;?7, gm my: to /Enmra,4% V fer: v.‘.7J&'ffl3'fi_;f37éféZ%f%£3; 1?&?b »*Z.f. 35:: Spirit it/2 uz£1aisia~ f'[.7£"fl Czfasgrc/'m.; wflrigiz log” Ir2;egr:$j_gitz:r4.Ecclefijzg £1.30 _/2rz'£uW%tzt2*, ‘faith P4mm'$_‘ mfggga, 5 5,; and méu-zzjfi*ew~er1%Ar.51mg's%%j;v4;re% writmmfiaretz-.m¢,j M323? wri— A A 1*m[.j‘%vr,‘.m:r& +1?e.¢raz;i:z‘g7.,.%h£l'z4ia*n. 1. »zaamx. :m'm¢2. 7Snmci+n-workmg c¥r3m2o’r labour, and »mofi in fiaEo=L2a—« fl wof :t‘i'-zeirs% b-omarc=4¢Vjayr1€;d.,,4 :rha?;paincsAf<3£1aVb%our5an~d *€Xcr‘ci§3e ofpazience. 4 2 L sgcondiy, cmuz obferves maspprovesaaoumg TS prscificarian of thcfc tworkcs, son ~%wh;zr.¢ the fa VA-wer}en‘5 t/r'2e t/yifigs ofzm-;¢,ffwc_,2 §+?2e@z'r2t't% ofivmm 1115155 ma him? But _the Spirit 0f Chriit Bémmvezh whzat is in anyman,be'trer than any mans own fpiri1:.H'e hath Mhred which will Iead~him»inro an," and thorough “all the Laéiryzétbs and rumings oi-‘the moflr M4tc/mrvilim fibz'rz't.He hatha light which will d if cover in man the wrya'e%pVtb5AofS4mn,v.24V. Tim /fmfl‘ fim~.:/mi: and r€'W~wI¢£ me, Me, not mly Me nmurall (afwhich bee Fmalxzcs, vcrf.15, I6. r/’1~»z’_gy j”::&fl4:»:.ae w.w~ 720;: ,:%u'a’Vfiflam wee, M19» 1 zvws male in _/écret, tbzm eyes dig! /ée my fiaé,/mace yet [wing zimpcrfec? mm’ in tém ..B'aa£°'e were all my ‘msmézery zvrzlmm) but alfo Idea; .‘ ‘I PL 13995’ &'.e.:. x {:or.2,«,.,, ‘- I 1. zciviil and M66’ rum-all, as it is ex-pounded, verfa 2 , 3. 7’/Jam know;/? my dozwae fitting and my zsprzl flag 6 thou art at b<;%:m ends of all my workcs ). zécw campggfléfl ar mimzamefi my p4rl9~A(Vif%thcrc bar: 1:; nv"chaffE:~ orrraaflw thou wilt make it fly) andartacquaim» Md wit/2 all my waic3,Hc‘ 1 “ads Godnot only at his fingers w2d.v,l)ut at his; magmas mdzoa, «v.4. Time mm! A! ward 2% my tamgzic, 6m: /06 :9 Lam’ t/you Im0we[" it, altogether. His» E2} A 7ez'e£:«:,*?,?~i'w~éV¢c., both A ;cI~:*g:mt VM::t::14phors and implying: thus much, %£h,?1t as ‘Fifi: put 4; «of the ap- p’icati:L)n ‘MB regmzfd of'!:i'2c* pm- ‘lcn taslmy. I_am.3.4-0. Ecphcz} 4:. n the 0L1txvarAd%%%pf§vparré%afl «mi lzfmwmems of the? « bfidsy" arcxdifiirgfliy %{‘é:cn:.A %;.%W»AAhcn% tlimt jfis Mf”€;m’¢:a!7%' ;~2'mclm-A flied; :that I3S.£h€ bowels - and intmjzzzisz:rc.44p.2:rft»&iyV «riify Ac%crAneVd %whcn thfi ‘body is diffisfledg ,cvc:n fo%a::Ac*wé, and all we dor:_._, afid all athac ;,flmll ,bc=donac bcfmerhc '§.?h9At Sea 01’ 554,72’ like Clrryfl;».zZ!,X(R€V’e1..q».6: flam- .~a*zTr'mg~éafire téve T/aroma is well tjXpoundc'd 1:0 rc~pm- {aim we ”iv%h0:l¢~~w0rl%¢d with the confiucxncc and {cries ».0f"aIL t‘hiLnVgsth€-tin ;:A The Vsfiorld is 1ikeAA~rJEzeS‘m:,bc1s,V rcazufe fo~rem;:efiuaa:;:,up and dawm’, f555?gg(}1‘;_fléwiz7gv ever»; b:.:t ic is »Aca"II<:d aflaS’mmf LAG14/fé like %c/;vryflzzZwl, to n<;>7t~eu‘fm “C.hri~{’c; d"ymC€‘ W01: ih:MgdL1—V %£c;»und‘s Mice A4rhat-ivwceof -the Prcmhct I“371‘3‘7”§'9- A &L:et /mrcfi2;m¢d try gwr dw:2ws%* Lila e %t%hatvcxy%cc of A ;::hc PrcsVp%1e:V §w?r21r{3I&,;: :G4t»lxeryawr _[e'Z«vc.s tags:/srer,% of ‘C. “ %Haufi.af"Pm§Ziamwt.A 4A Aozhsars :rc‘m:‘d“:;:*%r7 r; A %rme y%mr%fl*ZVVCd to ~iAc?~‘‘'7'~‘*’‘ 93"‘ theA9.«.-of‘. Ne£»2mi.¢6.'A T€1e‘DocSirinc moves as flr0'mg- A $31 _fc}r.% ccmfcfiiczzx as this.d.aicsduryLcan.% % VVhac%m~orc . A pgcvaig .._. _—..—-T .., nu ._. 8~ A “#4 Smaaonpmwc/2edat tbeilatc Rafi i i orcvailing Argument to-canfefli “our finncs unto God twhonii this, that we» cannot comrrzdle our firm:-s from G0fliw‘_ ‘Cwoidcais for cafififfiam, ibut not for infiarmseriasz’, wvoyi doe wo-§mako fuch ~*la;sg Ndrratirzms in Prayer’ ff VV h y =do_e woonellt/ze flarycfourfi;/fu[1:!éwe: int'h¢»ca~rcs of Go'd \N~har, is into reach or infi.ruh€fFX'hT1i;M;IT3kC then thatocxceiieoc coLmfc:1io'fthc An»- [ cicnt ,5“ $46 canfitmdo prapitizim, qmm _htaagzzoda mm fm;~ M, i ' mfrizmz, make him willing to pardon thy {inner by con» _ AA . finne byiconccaling : For though thou iiitticftgas cioii: A hi this dayiupomhc Moi: af t/7] £?e.4rt,i mzdiz/2e cw}: afriiy way, "45 Rachel did ago}: Ever Fat/yer: Images, yet thou f<:fling,whom thou doefi not imakc unknowing of thy A dfocfl not hide thy {innc from God,but the mercies of God fromthy fin. -4 A . Thirdly; the duty of this day c.:21sW€3S wlmn it is :2 F.-anfi :zn.d whcrn not", mvhcrn it is; his RR, and whfin it is our Fafi. As he qufifiéonsa or m»- ther 11pbraick:*sAtI1e Jcrwcs, airdymt 4/[fig/Z zmzo mm, mm mm: .9 A§hfi*r&' he difi.ToVe1'sitnonc of [ms F4,/F, by :3. failing in the md. 80: in the 533. Clmapmr of Eflzy, he di{Z:ov5mtV»r/.52c3zViz‘z¢r22Ac*2z’i; fiam z“\beirA% evi/Jmm ygfi Ualc 1%: a*iG;m.i i"¢&5Az:z“k7<2img‘”‘frw§¢34; am fimm in a Fafi, has: fees n04.w‘m*ké4in agi Fafif 5 A15.’-iS».%1'1A0£2; :4/mg affin, nor t.«:Zkz‘22g agnziVz3fifl/inns, b:,m’Vtzzr22z';~zgfiam%. fimve, that;is t§z.c9wo‘:vke. E":~.isA AAn1:,1fiefib5c mg rcjfi-£Z$.~ a+~.h1E 4;; Abfici1wncc,4Pra}rcr, P1tcachi:mg5 H?e&‘i*iz7g.;,Covz:~n;m~4V -ting, Mourning, nmff all bae: rcéfiwlvrsd jmo tz::‘;2.5zq§'/frefilw uuf cvill Wayes, \Vi:hour this God {:63 T?20A%nv,a; kc- in V Fafiingybut the n*0r»{*e;af£»_ypncr:fie5 and ‘fuCi11vC-;;.f!n.’**‘€.X- nowages but*the¢v4ges p$'cr”ii&S', %~%V.)At0:%h~a:veAtAlm';;e % »prayingand .Wee%%'piri‘g, and r‘ca1“e$ “hcre,: z?cward;?%d ivifil ‘weeping and wayling, and gnaflaing oftcéxh far ever. Fmagaaappzyed%m wmkes of this nemll. Eirfifi, it convincfis thofc Wh.o‘;thinkcA%»4Aof zlrazwmg -a :%C'Wt:¢i1$e 5:: flflhd, /firedcimg ".14 fUa¢y;l:€’ ddrbzefig % %,b-exggvcenew A AA ‘while zhcfiy doc t~h““n“gs Amtfi-*? We éefiem wauld wil*1ir3giy ribcxd gitfithc" %t€i§fh%PVfalmé$‘. C 2 A a ? BL1t 1Ci‘.‘ all Cash; Whmzher qucfci-n wing or refolving, beam them fcslvcs falls: and bitter» ly confutcé bythe Pfalmiwft irrthfi place aforc quoted: A Vnderflmd yr émtiflj amzmg Atba people, anflye fimley w;5£3{¢ will ya .5e.m %,?. Her/2»¢tpZ4~nml the c?4re,_flml1 ism /9: /Jemre? H£~tb4!Mfirm1eJdtb£ eye, V/halt not /95 fie .9 He tlzmt ;e4a%retb~ man kmwledgc, flmll mt be know .?;k7b.e Lam? knametbtée A % tbamgéis afman :54: they are wim 5 and this the V*'3ifl;\Cfl3 thcmght to*FaH5 Téhatk God; knmvvcs ram: rhssirr chm"L1,ghr5. afar faw him who £és"颢vi_{£b1e. “Dame 11:)t t'f1;ir1“krct:b3t4 he who is izwzflble cannot; fee. God like the Optima wirtmi~n.t~he:.cyc, fa;cs4aH, and is {Teen of mymmf; Nmztxan. macs» aimm‘az’m3&~n%’%hWis{~‘ rcafi ‘ A(:;sA “‘iri¢s~ Amid fthfi H'aa;fiaa.em 34.2;’cb— cfiiamw ywifhr) ¥orf Gad to‘ 1aa:ms;a+:5 every :~:rmb.e~. J fare %G'M £5311 TW3r'nfdam.% ’I7'av~era¢L»r ma dmrkwfléi faeiaffi lflm) mt” «pfn{mtz%a.,;“ w:%er¢%«rb$ %A marker: of‘mz';kad2m49;flE.mA;¢y 3 mt " g»»fl:1Avzr::s; f :3 AAdarkn&fl'%*;%AnoVam&fimia§I V % WM%é”é}(’ar¢i¢5A5%‘C0fi}}éa9’n>5 Haufé Q)’ Parfiamew. $5‘; W ar3=mas:;fi’c, no dufi mifed, or mifi f'ca§tf:¢r6ci%4by4Pa!it‘ié Aw dang can hide them. The eyes cf Chrifi are #9 «sflama gffim 5, Azmdthe Scheme of Natxm: machcth us, that the fiery eymrzmds rm on-tw.ar fight, that: fccs( em‘; mi!» temzlzr) by fending but aAr:aeyA, and by aha fame my which appmhcnds the Obj-fife, dmh aIfo~ci3lig”z1tez2 thé ;.M¢mdi~ ham or paffagc to it. "' Sccondlsh this may be for Jdmanftéan, A To Jay :3 mighty remain: upon our Spirits,‘ and keép us from every evil! works. It was an advife ofthc Moralifl ta his Schollers, that they flwuld ever carry in their cw a mnceived repfefcntation 0f foxrzseflewre Cam, 01‘ 4C;ew'al£ Im*er.e;/f {ail pmwcerbeing pm: inn: his l1+af1~d,;’2nd fwmA him to fi1~u:;rx~*ic*at.ed‘ umg mm) fa »upmn4thr:£b he1math_a mm fe- mzz Mflyei. Gaza” Aflmzsdetls in we Cwgragatiom g‘tMmig ry, fit jwdgetlé mxmg film gm’: 5 NW: alivaycs by catafcnting, flax may aymic?ami%j:udg¢§n}ufiIy,$2.2. Chrific RQHVR 3* 3 4'; Gen. 37.}; :EoIz2.l3.zg.; Pf. 36.8 . A&s zyzg. 3 L: 83.. 37;; wifl “-14. mat.-I 2.Chr.r'9.6 -; who ‘:3 with 3152:: M téeAjm{g'ementA% gyaszif hfi ad faid,Ttan. ; aces, orfit Wirrh you A Sarmem pmcbga at same PM W Wil1Anév€f7vo&tcwithTush 5 but he a_I'wi1ycs judgcth difcerning whether the yfcntencgbe jut": or not. Ie/so/Imp. pbat warneshis Iudges Augon thxs verygrnundg *Ta.(’e= bead wimrye a'a¢,,flvr ye j a:m{g'e my fir mama wzfir tljg Lam’; n ot5%ridc4 circuit‘ with. you mail pa} in a'1ky'ou1' Confuications 5 but rfifi Lord can and: doth, is Wii:%4h youiin th“cA:‘IiVudgement. W izh you, mm ondy by ‘"a£iaAH“1&avncc,4and prmez£hon' A(A:zs that p~1‘1r;is{’c;» ofi:cnz’m%p5rté‘) ‘bus zilfo by way of nomewtakéng, mad 155 199 if 2 mama, though no hand ofiman orAngcI1 rs‘:-* A%Wil:r€qnire it wirlflréy léazzza’; .5'.’W"ai€1 A -vlzzgy the 6/and afNa50tha( M urder‘ €Vc‘F b 2 King gfé . 3,6, “ %B?.audaAfl4mllfurcIy cn0ugh%bc required Acaufc fureiv the I...o1~d hath [ecu it.Tlm¢%w/3z'c£va* a ;m.;,»-,3. um,» /ammag/fa j-Ml £4 re.a1:ve&_;,-,4 /2etly;¢tf¢;W;,e;,,W;/,gjz,;/1,flail _u V % A W 0 ‘ obfervatian. Hes krcapcs :1 record «off cvmy j«_;d~ge... ~%mciat; and will ac1;aft1Eudg_:: than a;il.%‘oAV*ci'A a fficdhd "time; _ ” ’ A VA “ Thirdly, the it, againfl all cviI1~wo:~:kersA.AV%Woe ta I/zemflmt nu ézidaz zlmir; wmzfeilflmm the Lomflf Ami’ I/Mr‘ work: are M tbedarke; and they» flay, who fact!) 5:} :’”"zzml2=:-z.!;'?2a k}3o2v.rzI;. my 3 And why woe t0gth<~:1"<:* =2’ The P!'zihni1’cwtc1s us why; argtxing thf: Mccrminty of revs-n,g;r:-3 upon this ground : /.202‘; Lord /mfz‘ fem it3j§rMd.’4 éaévaldeflmfflhvqfg v.e:ma'jfvite,‘,:t&.req(mte ifzazitzé My é d?$d“3 %rI:1c)t:i_c,g-h r:o‘eyc- of man or*Angcl‘l{ecs it, yet thine doth. And tlA1ercforc " Do€trin€iA carries wt'.:z2:1'1 and rcé9rc>ur in fl'c’£’.€’ deepg I ézzvz/5 /Em ye’!/L’dr+ A leads fi‘cfl1:inthc eye 0f'God,1&c; him mAany%yeares,yc.:z that ¢;"3i.'f:“I‘¥“IitV vcihich in path is but ye-ftcrday.) Szmly 1%/54-ve flaw" _yefz‘erdzzy we éa’amixay’4A“Nabo4th,A jam’ tI§¢:*véZo1¢av’ qféaak /mm», flzit‘é the L.rm:z’,» arm’ I will requite x/ms» £7513” pl;s¢t,f_/222:.-'5'» tire .Lard; with bl émmfltwer q:.1ite it‘, ‘yet thou} cmd, bc:-: V ‘ ' " I — vm-—..‘-.1=~.-nu: Ereforg-3 I/ye Commam Hm/5 0f P4r%1mfmc?m'. 15‘ of 2‘/}6_fle/72 rmpt cormptiorz. Afid why cf‘ the rcaian is in- mmamd in the bcgmning 0? the 7%. w:rfe,G'ad 355 im“ mo.c£*cd;,, you czmnm cozm him with mm, and Cacfle in {via i caf Mme 5 AH cam: Woriccs done-are as feed under gmundfi {uch as we mm in fuch will the amp be at hazvcfi : 'Nevez batter for thti kim:I':a2ia vayrss w?ori@ for the deg:-"cc? rinzeyxripsnstfinm zmfl improves thcpu- Ifaiflwnfintf 3, Q7563: im'w_[0wi¢:9' 2%’ azniimfl :ma’j7mf«.’ imp: We H“ 3*?” wr’}.~"rg’ezm‘mdc. % A L M A Foa.2z‘rl:!y, this firrvcs .Q‘:»r Om vs:mfi::>'*z* mm’ mcczsrgzge. mam? imgom’ wJrK’c*: 3. way€s.A V . " V Férfi, ii‘ God knowes zhfim, than they fllaii not be lofl imthc-1*dw;%;¢:fi'eaf%Secrrcy. .Th<:3co»uz:fc-HofChri1’t ,, isv, w/M2 15).»:-W. daefl tbifie aliases, 5395 am ftzsziidzz ‘ifmmpet, MW55 =2w’2m t/firm: pmyqfl‘ mm’ Mia My t:‘Z'(I}/2?“, méwz fl;wa¢ fafiefi mppaxre 220: mm mm ta fifi. And leafs: any flmuld be dzfcouraged, heas ofen itghjoyrges, ;;*m~'r Frat‘/;?“e?”_f£;€l/9 M fémrtk. Wiacn the 14/3: /mm! kimws rm w/mt réve mfg/at £w:»a’a’o3/7, Gofi lcmwcs wh.f2:: hcrighzhanddcth 3&1: is mar:-érm 1!s,then'wc am to our fcfivess. Bur althoxzgh azzrlég/Jr (as Chrifl :31 {'0 advifisth} flyiizex fie» éafore mm, ,2‘/7/if they m;zyfi'e ow gem’ nmrkcsg yet mm men‘ WM l‘«1..3;t§.£@a fiend them t0 the La;2a’;:»’.:zr—k;»zg3°¢,% zspfjcrt at? rijzlazgs are A firgottm 5 Of.tfifl«§.?:Uf‘§,7iI‘?gEh€ wa:f:fl£% in Vt§2cc§a:'knciTc of afiiéarim em : far}Gm’%£5 war f!E{?';;§r{I€&+%‘ Arajffirget yam‘ marks am! Hcb.6.w. Zzzéamr of law, 2v»{2.iéc'5 ye »§uz=zre_;'}’.:?c’232;m’jw£‘:9 £7255 AH¢~mc%.% our awrkes mm asp fir a Wmaréafl £1.s_j;"‘E=‘r: GM, and are mgi. __,m._,0_4_ fizrcd: "225 A Sermmz pmmm tloé Imcmfl . fired in Heaven for mm : Yea. of many workes (in def. ’ ‘pight 0:2‘ cnvy) he faith (as of the womans amintiVng M“ “J3 him.) VW/5erafi¢*wr was Gafleflnflzmé’ éc Apreawfwa’ m :51: A “ wlmofc rvwm térere./174.17 dlfitkfi that you lmrzm dme ée told ' amemariali of/x’r.He bath and vviii anfwer the Fray» A erQfcvcryNelaemiabficméméer mega my GM’,wmerm'ng 2%; Had wipe mt em 73]’ gaaddeedf 2%: I &z~vm:’9me fér {lie £mafi' afmy ‘Gm’, .¢22a'j§rt;;éecyj'fiae5t£1~ereq;’c Yset i*%”m‘hcr, though wc our {elves flmould dosh much good which we dac not know (fortherc: areas finncs, 12:) (in a fence) good woskes of ignoranccj or if weour felvcis fhourld not remember the good whtifch We doe Imowingly (as Nehxj; _.':4.' ‘ Phil-333* thefiipofile fpcaflks (Sf himfelfe, % I flrget ti/at wézmév A 5:’... - ” éim’) yctthc LordwiEiattAhcI.;zfit rcdcemc our workcs c°rur:fof this d?arI’f'L<.>ve which mfi us w-azzhing {ha} 1 ‘bcs;-thus xmrdz-:;3<.?.».» m which {me cflrmmaév 2:0 .D,arz2z'm2”) M £5 Imzzgs wgme Wm M36 I;’:’:¢g 3’ We hrin wimzr am: myafi ' and ma;gn%fi»ccnt&F0z* Chrzfh , ‘+.fi/hefi ‘WC? ware rwgcofl, % A mt fii«c‘iw z=~.tafniy ptm.-3 m %£V%ewe‘Ch1-afi and fh*:.s Clwurch, H m"‘ChriPt in his Chmrcf2A..I5yfwr::*{ha} bur: re:;~*w3xid¢?;dArA11us fa? ” mid w:z{tm* yfiwm {Aha £”priIn.g,Wi§ich can harciiy Vbecallcd ‘£}m?$"g"VV§‘fg3; Mflazrzéi w4e;V%%b‘Vr::f7orW3r:n%xvasazhfrci f%>U3‘ b1‘0‘W¢$ A %’7A:*z3ed;iz:s*:;g3‘. .~r::~:z‘r:.:z;%© AAa.m.*£%ac:iA4§*;ia:.* !':AAr;~if’csm:n e. Ifwe fl1:1}1=%b»-:5 fiafbm t/ye Cammam Hozgfé cfPm'/zkzmemu 19 HMS rewarded for watcrmrhat mail We be for our bioud» fined fomhe mama of Chrifi... When for Chrifis fake we iabmu: arid fweat,anc’:dy6 to do good for owhc-=rs.When to Chriflr and to his peepie in his mine; We give our mime, and am fimngah, mm‘ flcsep and our meafég our momforts and rccrcariom am‘ credit and our efiatesg 0-urlibertics mu‘ lives” Wfhen ujlmfimw read in H653-5» thcbuokeafi the B.ecm*dsm‘ the (‘lg-rmiclesa haw <fi»Iiw~.. "“*"33°' . * dams‘ had fiifmvyerea? a mseafon againfi his perf:m.' The King enquires w/gm: éarzmr ma’ arméwzz dz'gm'z‘y /mt}? 5224 (Zane mam Mmcdccm far M215; 2” It feemes if {he Iiing had V thought on, em: madA him Manet‘, he had rewarded him fooner. God hath mm in hiseycallthe Records and A A Chraniclcfi of your good wmrkcs, he rea&cs your j:.:—)ur-~ mzfls Every dam, and when he mczetswirh any that have due or fpwficcn zmght for him, lnécnquireswhatho. ‘ Hour, \~‘V'hM _d:Zg;nity hath bccndonefor this man r.’ If mm hath beam donc-aha will doe it himfelfe, if any A thing h:3.rh been dcme, he will doc yet m0re:Hc r/ma xiaa-A-* Maw: me! wwbmoxw. ‘Wm: would n0t%wo1'1cc forthce 0 .mmg ofNm'om c‘ Wha would not wmkc far thee 0 .2m»g qfswms ':‘% Name flmfl loft avmrd,‘ no “now thought fbrMC€1riA{%‘; VVh€r6fot‘c {as ‘z*:h<~:: Apofide con» cludca, To {hall Ithis firfc Dmfirine) C/“l«f_y BMeZa~wn-7 BM 3 Ccmxg. S:3lTl.35 J p ‘ J E § g;};»g;;,.l;g ye fmifz;/‘t 3 :«.4227v:tm:e;z/Erie, Valamm ¢zéaz¢¢2a!;é;zg in N*~ Me nwr1~:'eoft£2e'Lord, fiimfimzmb asxyow knew that your A-Z» 4 M27 is‘ ¢2atAi22»rz,wzmeiz:zVt!.ve Lord. Andrhzs Ieadsa meow m the HM pm of the Gradatmn, obfervaed and 3pm*0v»t'~:d V A byChrif’ci;n their works, ‘I he iébbriomfirwffc 05:11:-an, I Iéwmv My work-e,az'mAlz'/ay Z./zbmr. . 4 Laborious worL:ing in a good caufc is very pieafing Dgfifiga unto Goth GM :25 yaw mmgéteom M fzvgct ywzr warm u¢b,a,m, ~ D :2 A 42%? % A 2 0 % A Sermon gareacbrd .xz>'* .¢.’¢m VFW M Ii‘--*“"""I-............ ‘“""'"'-‘VII-nu-nu:-nu VA ' zm;.'z' I-Mom” of Love; W"i1cr¢ Wt‘? Vhgwe tl“n-.;~%::‘1?.~.a~r m~;*+ Kf:%?:‘V¢:Vs:é;1« mimnin the {Tame words, and ch«:;~re,~ mm t.v 44;;‘7.»a;a:«u=.'e a/‘fire: Spiaizw, an-c%A we xnofl ;-?:.c5%im*;?cz*:‘3£-x:1'sa*w Exzrirzggp zanzi fin: is the nxafi afisiare creiazure Withatmt 21%. Fizz: M m0fiLopv2r;a%tive Elnfrmmn and flmm is tb.<::~r mofk <:~p::‘a‘=.i;:.. me part ofahff‘ fire. No» focanm hid rnr;1:"a1‘*mmrivc3d his baring, but he is putto labour (m fi*ri0:w§abm;r, mgzzgh gem“! 5_ not to cm sawing L-zb«::.»:.12r) T/Ev: Lard Gadfaofie‘ we mm , w»*?3vz'c'z5 /3: bmlmade, wdpm‘ /Jifimima tlye Gamflm M zircffle it, mdm keetb it‘. No {boner Was”m:m f;aH»:n, but ha:-> w.21s_=. gm: “3=‘=‘flo3-I9- upczmfire m24fiava¢2é¢2g4ia§3®L1r : I¢;W£*€.flm%zt 9f":/fgrfaéce /72.z:f“ fmzf Mh“9°4°V we (fhirh A€NmA1’i-M Thritursrs air: Enapétgztw-£sé:1t§‘2:a%r% expréf-» 9" 7'')‘ ‘-»I_ . I W’. ~* F ,W m ‘ z. ' ‘ kt‘ % ficm, *F3’‘‘%?“9‘‘‘ 75% ‘$;~:V~’«*=- A-x~“;»5."1.3;€;':-,.*f;,7.*:?a‘i—’.:»~i’C?f§5..%‘:’1Ir1’W’762;??j!,,§ Cmze 1~i-a3~53»% % 'V “ W. Q‘ HA " 3...... . ‘M’: ,_ ,,_, % . . £et%:¢f: de»2=;zfE d¢:Vi{*.*S hm: :A_% ‘ . ~ a .. 4 .' '7' .3...‘ [R :1‘ " Mb; ‘ " ‘.', g~2lmfm'zg T0 z'&”z3f+*«».‘:%é"‘r»:%'*.€f~§. Mic 4%*’3"k;:i§.T»'.s»:.:‘§L' M %.“s:‘1~ w.»:Iu%*i?a,;«,: ;:e<=:%*;.W’«‘£§ Ml!» J ‘.5,-" .1 ~ . ..p V1" '. ,, T. I‘ ~ aé ‘ . " 3 % §}Q§€-\S_I}f1§1l~§"i}m5? '§I2'-’§%§f€’i."3:s~.;.2;'7. 0}’ gm §'"'é’%~.C'1A?.aA$. ifs: :.x~.»".'§{-7;v1'v:'.*":‘.~7~{“£(A‘>as”2.Tf i é M “*3 V 6 O‘ _, _ ‘ P‘,-*~ -1 n L“. 3,‘. ‘II A_ - Ls . '. » “ 4‘ " ¢J‘3:,"‘.i«‘a 43.‘. 1. .5.“ gard i.sIikc.° the fidd 95 the fluggazd,c2~z,~ergra2w::e* wztfiz/3 i"’°“4°3“"“ —W E; A 3c?%“m&I¢4préacWd at Mae We Fafl rathcrplzgy timir wmarfzs them works: athirxia‘ 1wJ«0rk5:An&§v¢ Km obfcrvedgmat zxsmean mm p1ay:{o commomfy rich and ygrcat memw01*E;'”1zte she pm... ....-ur---...,,-fin uuu-um “ W?..§ii ‘ ifiisizrmm preacbadét the law Faflfi , umn -um.-...-u-........-u-an...-no-.».... ,...u-..-. ,...—M...,-...........u-—..-.....num-s-.....» v jm#ii9;2m.,, Atiwzt afler ye /mrvie dame the mix? af God, ye mzggaét wmviii-ms‘ Ma pi~am:]e. Here i,s~firiiii-dminggthewiii of ifyiod, vmicifa mcmdésme iaabgur 0%” the i’mm*z.cr péffiimf, Tim; r:i;;mcme-; paxiencc. Anciwhyfuch med 0imi‘1;’§§i%ifl +3 "i“~hr:~ pm» miiie, that is,. fhti“ gccod prmmzfed, cammcii oii*m*iviia: be rcsmrived. ‘Why wt 4;’ i iimii mucia tiwee regions why? firidwnae «mm: M wry. Tim iiifz'z«.eiit::%:s in Egypt grwamcd ltlhflg far deliverance; but as iitmm as rhfii“ riam pure»- ordaimcd by Gad was come, they we-m ch*;'ii‘Vt?1"Cd. He did 110%: fizzy an hourc beycinci amt. Havoc is n:i>fi::r-- Gm“, Viibif, thatthc Lord iznom the firfi b~'I”H‘flri‘ 05: Egypt at midnight, and why at midnight +3 »becaL2i't: thtn ‘.‘i(.'.i(fiIi§7 tin:/+0 . mt 4_;0.:y::arcs 0f:ti'w:‘ir C«‘$?pi.'iViiTy were“ i: zgpired, A A zm;:i tiwy dctermming zztmzdn1ght.,God cazmc“ prcii:m:13,.r, be deferred them not till Morning for thfiii” uclivcraricc. It" mm: to p.»gfl.?:,f4.z't/2 Mofesfi mt we and oftfize 4,; o.jI€4}‘€5, awn .2“/ye feiflfieme day it cuéime ta pagfi, 2/24!“ 4/2’ tire iérmz/is of iz‘r§reiLard Mme out fiom t/Jé Lamdiaf Eggnui. ‘la So .6‘e;'“ nizzar wa:~;i1.2:neinthc nzglm 1%: that m’gi'7t,8cc. And Whyin that nigjht.€ hecaufé than cX;‘u9£i3;”,¢th€ 7c>.yeares of the Jcwcs: ciiptiviry iriflalvylmxvfitre encicd And they en-i dizimg at mgm, Gsmd fi.:~zy¢::d not till thé Morning. ii We iiawe 1‘i2yii:~g u"m':h Iiim ztiur ieivtsyz day éremins m /qzmre, i-ms“ iii” ifs. rm?.:i?0 xviirii Gad, We rwui ante of we /Ymrtmflg qfwe Wye: og"::vvz'/Em burnev-emf rim lwgtlvefling oftbem. Thus God we've: i~”:.iiIe:7e. his wwm:-: time. Afid it is as true, rim: hr: icidome cmm-:5 (wars. The Summer isendcd, D.m.5,3c.,, FirfhThm1gh God mama‘ Afizéies My mime mam, yetibc and we are mt favcd, fay they in Ieremymcy lmmifid. fbr A “ falvmimn ciwtifitixnmer arfurthcfi.We arcflvort-érmtbed; mifcs . H ... u..;..m.n~.,z¢« .;u.w..m..i}.»2a.M...AM, .. imifs;-sl in regard‘ of their accomplilhment 4‘: That vllhich lzcgfore tbewmmons Hozgfle Perlictmmza 2.5 is but amoment in thelI<’aZezm’4r qflLHe.«men, feemes an __.....m.'.. ""” age tons. Thu and the remedy are puttogether In the flab‘ 38 fecond of Hazé64kuk,wher&e the vifion is [aid ta mrry,and ‘wt to tarry. lt Mme: riot in reference to the time_fi'x'ea" by Chrlll, butxtmrrzes in reference to the time fizppafid { 253: mu. eeW'h3c‘mufl wedeein this cafe 2' if it_tarry,Wait V fotlt, there 15 no remedy hm: patience. Lengthen pm. ence,ancl that will make the timeflaort. J Semnclly:, -the prefent dealings of God with apea-A» . le,de man times can It thew ofcoztztmrlet a ainlt P. A .Yg V V hlsteawne promxfes and purpefcs. I’-lebrmgs Ifmcl to 33,”. the Sea, and fuffers én Army to incamp at their bacltsg A when lhe meant to deliver them. Cloud: arzddarkmfié are ‘1>,»."za1,9;»..z. mtmt azéaztt /aimw/2:22 zadgemeflt mdjwflrce are the baézlltt.-2. tim aférk T/mm. Without patience there is no abiding under thefe clouds and datknelTe,till the light of his ju... {lice and judgement breaketh forth. ‘ u be A e '1'hitdly,God cannotbeare it with patience; that we lhould “llimit Mm , “either to the time, or manner , or meanes of help. Hecolmplaineslof the Jewes fbrlthisl ' préfun1ption,_t.éey Zimitezitbe éaly Omzaf Ifizzel. Itisim P” 8 9. Q fufferable to clrcumfchribe an infinite wlfedomel and po.» “7 ‘ ‘W war. He will werlce, but when hepleafes, and hm» he pleafes, and by whattinflrumentsehe pleales, and if he plcafc without~~inllruments, and if he pleafe, by ~ weake and improbable, by defpifed and exploded in; firumfjents; V Except patience, there is nothing can keep ? us clofe to the worke of God, whxle hxmfelfeltakesg and of rightmay take fuch tranfcenclent liberty. A ence in waiting his time: so, ‘ As thus in labouring fdt Glad we than beput to paltii E A Sc- \ __ ‘' - ' -«Lam: ma... ,5 A Ser;n0nw[;}_*edc/fled 4a::b*s 1AI&é"Ea[%.~ A H % %S¢Vcondlya, there will be :ujfs:. of,&paticn.cé tofqfFE'r tho mif7ap.prch¢nfi§m3, wrongs, _ 1'cp1x:oacf»ws;V and oppofi; Qt§:3né%V..oCf’men.. A E£L1+fi,th:: mifapprehcnfions ofLzh0fcfor%,; Wham. .y,QU ldbour. Same ar::i‘0ra whi,lmno1te ficke of; H, fiz’: k:,.g:hcn thtfy ware. caf» the Adifba fr» an then» 1%.y1i;%iaz1 Amufi Ahave the patknxzcto beam from his, P;z;Vti'e‘;1t_,V yam, gas:/1 kg‘/2’ mm Vvjthcn _(_,7L[0fi’.$' was 1a.bo.u»= ffgngta dclivgr me I fl;‘-$611755;-::fi‘OiTl .th»eir hard bondage, firiodffia. rgadfé their opinimu of.%h%im. ‘T/53 peopiemet Mofcs am; 39"§K“* Aarm3».w/30 fZaaa’mt£ve wvzfy mtbay cm92ewfi5rtb»flamPha- %_ ra%gI?1, zmdtbey fiyd m2ta,..;tl7cm,“ ‘Me Laroljciake mpmyam, z4%_m*{_im,z’gfe, éemztfi ye /§_4¥vc made am: fiwnmr rah ¢é[wrre£ ,7‘ A izz,t/id, eye: of%Pharaoh, AIM’ in :52 eyts af/Mia‘ fimwzzm, m;,.. M! 4 fwnrdjzztd their £v4;gd.g mjlny my They thought he A would undoechemqggitc, hand whilclxeactemptcdto rm: - M ‘ cpvcr their libcrtywould cndang_crchei1~¢Iives. A Againc, BgQd..14.,h t‘h'€y~CXp@fli.,1I3tc with .hi_zpwac the Red Sea : Tim} pm?’ 3L%,{% H uszgtq M Of€'S,_?56’6'¢__¢!¢fl‘ rércre mm: :20, gm-ue: irzwfigypt, /54_/1‘ -7 ;}jam‘4£’w_ mawayta dytzfnt/3: wilderncflé .9 where are 19% tbawflalt lbw wit/'9 M, to cmry mramt, Egypt: er--.1: zmg , t/3&zZs%t{:e mm’ térat we didgell 4Vtér;e‘i:¢;,.Egy pt, fizy.i;¢g,V Let Valmae 164:; we may flzrrua Mm Egypfaéansv .? Afiarjit 1/adiscm égmrfar. M 1144:, we jbowldfsme t;6eEgyptia£1s, t/:emz%At*._:- we jbmld a:y'eifi.f/9¢I’Fi14'£rWf/'é2«i Haw angry were this . RGOPIC withthcir begun de1ivc~rancc '3‘ -Vhow did they 5 §>;1+cjfc;rc bandage before‘-.;t it, and put this miraelc of men» A ay amgngsg. yea bclaw their grcatcfiaffliéiions ~pgtic:-:n%cg almefl c0uldjbca1_‘.€ this s.*»%%;buz.' Wlm Could bcare. 1 izg. Awi?thout%AP@Ylience 2“ Ff1.1t‘th€1f»inthC f:c<§nd‘“pI:acc,« they who Works fem ,1.fh;;__1lb;it furmto mac: | wichArc4p1;oa¢:hcs, flan.» .%:-me! app%ofi:ions flaw Pr9fc;f1‘§d% ‘3fl€mies.:. Wham A 4 ‘ 2£{;¢£zca2wia5zi;9 a.m««-nm. M,‘ ...,,.. .V“‘ . n A l2eférethe€0mman%sHmfi= of‘P¢rli4mmt '27 A vs {fed as to fwrm: (faith "37E}J£"792?-V4/Jh1t&1bh0UfS to r9'/S” % ‘ u AV j W, I’ c’. A ' W/mcfétre let patimcaéaézz/M perfe&‘nmrke, otherwifc fig: you canfinovcr bringyom‘ warkes t0pfiJj[Z’z5Zi0fl. In pariemie ‘ "'9 pnfiflé ywzr flwles. As faith gives L1SAthE~op,Ofl‘€m0n of A Chrifi, fo paticnco givos us the poffeflion of our fr:-Ives. A An impatient perfon is out of his owns power, his parts A A A and abilities age: as Iofi to him, hckcannot ufc: thern. Neither is there any nearer way. to our ownccnds and comAforts,oo thenpatience. Firit Walt patiently on God: 113.; 6, 1 8. Per the Lam’ :2: 4 Gm’ of I Mge"mem‘._, é1¢*f57ea’§?zre all t/gay tlmt -wait fér Mm. You will fay, there might 5:: £»lefl2d;éeflZ' ine- dceed,inV4vaiting upon a‘GAad afmcrcy. But; 11 ovv can we be blcffod. in vvaiziag u pom a God zfludgemgmtf 15 then: _,any Motive in Judgement to invite attendance at A V Ianfvvcm Firflylmlgemmt isnot hererakésn aS¢oppo§» L A fed to Mm, but as oppofcd to fl‘-=:Jm'ty gmdrigaur. 0 Ier.xo.a.4- Lardcorreé? me, fiat witéimsdgemcm‘, no1'i2zzl2inexzz2ger,l¢y? oJ“‘3°‘-"" t/1054 érifig me to noz‘/'yz'flg. To corrcéi in judgcmemand in meafure am the famo, glwdgemczst pl: we omazlemtiaza of .1 A, ,- éf4niif<3rtsand»ifizcs res-A Chrifi. hcrcthc flrrength and viaory of his Love. It had thawed the mighty love of Chrifl, inthc workei -of ear redemption 3, iii. whcnihecaime into rhc world, ‘theworld~had entcrmincdi him with hezonour, and had put ‘him tmdcath oncly {as Caiapbm: gave counfell) be... A caufe it was expedient:/.mt am: fbauldialye fir the pcaple 5‘ but to come and dye for thofe,, who A (he knew before) wauld mocks and rcviilc: him 5 yicra, to doe th-eworke while ialilhpraifc, ctommend, approve, and honour; buei peach, «rcvilc, £co«fl"c and ~fli1ndcr,,:is.a'dmiirablc,is? qiwiai‘ a‘¥"v_izmi7z, _ .. E Iwizu-.'.aIIn.g:numm -.-an-—w~ éwfofé ¢be:Commmss%%Howf% offiariiémehz yr 31. 'd;3‘%,’Z-?3fiI??$‘5.31!4'£3(«é§‘£Z’5' xipféiregza ri?;ie¢.ZoaJeé1fa Wkkékiézzwm Na maxi.» M c.vcrun.::i c::rrook~ grfiac" W40:-skbut he WasémiflundcrfiQQd:.: A 7/W/t,z‘A/you kill me, flzzflzfi tbw-Jew rau£».€ojé:,. when he camce «onely ta%%p4czfle;%-19ié&a,.,an4& fizvetlaem 4*2€?..A.If%'y0u.r Wot-lcé A&‘7'”"°" % Fbfc1nifscaI_:Ied, or mifiréporred by men, patience Wm-~ make this 3 vantage gz'0zmd:,' ferrhc raifih.g:%oi' Aymar ac-=-»%-A .ccptation with Gad. 4‘VVh%at’Ath'e: A.pofi'Ie fp-caks of .m»-» A meflicke ferwawm isas true F t1~1AcA%Pz¢£lick?eferq2;z:¢rvs ofa State : w£24-an yedoe mZZ'.mdfiqj"erfi:rit%(t1§ea~twzgwe és%.%%‘PW*1“”*“ .;*3f3€?:/é€fi!.0?'5 G31.4.a29») ye ta1:air.pzm':ezztly, téi:\¢i“s4wep'a mzewz:/wag1%: Ox‘as4the.Urc:e1mlmoret3lVul'dens. 3:5» They are ézlrdemia Gmf I am prgfld zmdar yea l({‘a;tlh A *“ God to fuch) was Q4r£tJprqfl3’d' wgr.1:~fl:exz~vm Gm; Wm not bcare them. I A will eafé me zafmme advérflzriey. They are burdens to whblc I(z”;¢gdome_.c and C/Mr;/56:5 they A cannot bears them 5 -‘ they {inks and mine under; them: ifzm removed. They are burdcnsto all good fngjnsthey mull: not A.bcarc-lthcm , it is their duty to rcmoove thcm; l - A A l ~ A For thcclcaring of this principalltcrmesinit: A A . A Firfi, who Athcfc cvill l.one‘s are that mull: not bci bearne‘-;.> A ~ A A A A A ‘ ' Secondly, whatitimparts, Not to bears them, » A ) To the former. In a fence, all m en living onthc fab: A of the earth are evill men . A W/7} .callc_'/? thaw megood, fair:h Chrifl, ta we who knew my more of /azm than M an ‘ Tbere ix AM“’~‘9~ nonegoadéut G9d,l'cil.lefl72ti41Zy, ]2Aerf22o'ily,2md indepcn-l I 7' ' dantly. There is none that is good and finncth not 3 there. A isnonc that doth gomi, and finnc.-tl1 not Now though: 4 A every evillj man be aburdcn 5 yet there is allneceflityl of bearing many, and adutyof bearing fame. We tb‘t"‘1l 4 mm... , 5 ,, are flroug. (faith Saint Paul), Aaugbt to Mr: th;li.l-qfirmzmg AA; of ppintl Illaall openltlhofé two ;¢.__ »beforeAtbe Commam Haw of-Par/iamma? Aw wake ones troubled themfelvcs ab0ut1Athimgs*thAe'y nAee.;.A dad Anot,about the things -they had? néAAjuPc~caufe*A to be troubled at (far to-be tmuhlcd at any thing which gives} 2 jufl caufe ofofihncc, is not wcakneflé Abucfircngufgyeg ~ A May may? be émze wit/5, ~ i A‘AAWe muflthcrefigredifiingtvifhofevifimm. A A A Firf-‘whine are prnvateand cmfc offandm, embers are -Apublicke a?nr:1fcandalA0uA$.A AA * A A ‘ A A Second I y, A fame are weakc and fcmpulem‘ ,ot1AM:m arc obftinatcandAAp¢rtiAnacim.1s.~ AA i_ A ?1"hirdI.Ay, fame are: evi1l—docrs, and evil I~pra«£?i.{ers A .onely, A:othr5m are cviilewozmmtcrs andfivinuplottcrs, :Ii“ourt:hly, AI‘c:.mcA A‘ar.¢ ;c~dm_:_cAd e&’AzmdA:AAmifled, aAA:a:thAcrs mg 3fec{Aucm*sA.aA:ndAlcaclcrsgfltonA111;icIn@Ec*.,,AA7A’AA A ~ "4 AA A 1I3ifi:I:1Alyf,fomcA arc: A¢::;1r;:::bEeAandAwAi11§nAgm be refm;-W A’ A Anmd, othersAAare1ncurab3e and hate robe reformed. A Such as are" publicke :.,at1Ad'A fcandaA1cms, rfizch ssgare wob,£fin«atc:A Azmid :pertViAAn:zvcioz:s;. vfilczhAasAAar€EviU»p1ott€rs A and ¢viHA.pmmo.mrsA,. fi1,c:hAas areféducers‘ and Amiflcaa Ade.4rs, filth as arc'inA«:u1'abIcf;zmc1, Ah.z2t‘c:‘A~to+Af be refzzsrmcdg M A Vthcfc, and 1f there beany 44l1=1%e,:L1nmthcm, oug»htAnot f0‘b€AAb(3mf..AA @ A A A AA AA As :AforA thofc Aawhca are ~clo’f<-‘: and -private A offrsndcrs, Athey.AA;coAme not under any Alcgall Cognizance; ;aAnd~ though many offlenccs offuAchA -may beAir1fu1‘f‘erahh~::in Aas;hcinA~oxs:z~nc Anaturm. yer thfire is a %AAn@ceiffityof [Abmring A them : For fuchfi as are we-ake and fi:r':.Ipulous,A Ail: was _ (:1 little bcforegaprovcdija dutym be-arcrhem A: For :A::fmf*: _AwhoA are Aoncly evillwdqcrs, . and ::fed ucAcd,A thAey‘bei*r1g ,AwE1A1i£1A.gmreformcAaAf1dAAbecured,A Minifome cafes (Ifayrm A gfome cafes)Iang[iice may éearewem;Md;/mrity;Amall. A : A2: gffke make. Infirmixy isa dcg‘ree0fev§1iA: “And tlxcfég A A e :4 x Eflfliiflon preached r/mime A mm Lev I3, 4 us prefently. Such Rev. 13.. 3 AW-4:3* O ; Q as itwas imehre‘eLawes of Lcrmfi Jeweefie = Maw t~h§e ski7in:0;f'ehe“ ii and pure azttofztba werenoteyeet to be judged unciem, were a; figure) who £s’:)1‘p0!‘a~U.It is agreedem by a1;L.thacth—o“ edifiiinore out‘-our fevcrall malengamines 0 Wt?-grfi‘ m ;ebeim: mmli 411 earigmifli whom: 31!, or confidemely to econclud there ‘can be no danger in ufl‘ering a the rules before given” V "A ~I::lhall eini’r1=zm~ce one! of the firfh which is alien ofien memioned in ~t¢h:%t Chap. firiéfl y to enquire .-:hai‘rc may note {ueeh growme old in anywiek;ednefl’e. p1ague,.fueh:wh0fe wickednefie is not onefiy “adted their hands, but feated in their ehearus, rand funke their fp-iriers. A refolveed,.e_fl:md’ieed»-»way of evil} appezzre. “ A The fE'coned’token ofI;eprow{'1e, »W’as5eezv2Ea2a the 576376 dz’-de *9 A Though it had mi) ~W‘hite‘ liaircsja. firreadmzw/5 17% Ma mas; % r~hQuIgh7 it were me deepermen er“?1*ze::;~.=;k“ifx;. eyeie iefeit did fmcademmeh igethe; {wake an?e0eneew‘aesVee a L:¢pct% It e aénmrvg xhfi ; when réfings! and fcabs, mt fpoes» in“ Camp. There were certaine‘ Cr.ir,eria5 ‘ figneseor rkens given b~yC-od himefelfemn which xhe ePr“ie{% was to ground his judgemeemefieo saw many ‘heeeave V ifimzes ande errrriurse ;Q ewhfeerebfA mofe fpats andee rifingsee yer meuflenat be rhru£?c’a»way fivgm indeed mufl; Whofe fpeiz'itua1e1forese., I e£:€it1*y a proportion (if we can finde it our)eewith;rhafe7~ Fe lepmus {pore F foule-difeafes5, | burewhar egre-‘es or kinds «offoul-difeafesisanotagreed. e aljdaxtamy 5 yet, conjeéturee faring V3 y in foure of thofe fi‘gnes,«.vv1a*ere~ .w ter, is, M931: 2% /mz're in $152‘/7a4re,.z3' turmede.w/Me, azedg’ waé/M #12: plague infigémx/ydeeper £51625, Me .wki;¢., The White as have conr1nL1edlong, and am» The deepm:fTe4 of the by inm gas a dezape; {mm 5 ¢i.e*:peza_tbez3.::teh;e skin, fitc/:5 M522 areflr war/éMé»5rbey may: befiéée %A«Cm “‘1'3"i is 0116 0f*:hcVm@.fi—rc:'m2rkca%blc‘things vviniail this , 34. 1aW';that quick or {ar.ma!fiej72ri“n theffoarc flmuwbc judged ~‘L':‘pr0'fic;*, and thc;: m.-im gsnclfcanc : ‘VVhcrems;‘%4i‘f‘rh'e Leg %profi<:= %vw*vm'a’ 4/1 19:5 flefiud he was pmnourzcéd clcaI*:;c.; v.a 3; «vflcrébyiéfirfi may vybcmcamt, fuch as jufiificthcnxfdvcs ‘and t’h'ei1*‘wic?Ir%e of" Leptofic was, Wm’: afier rx?~ae4)’w:- Jing cfa Me in the skm, inlt/ye pl4cea,f‘1t«zz 3%»: dm’ mfé, wiah the fox'mer Sym,pmmes M wbz'te=lmire,a.v.2ddz~epnfl A ‘intbe fie/7:. This mayfignific relapfers, wvhcmfi: finnc» V-‘W95 {mares b1reakcj_ourAaAfcer promi{'es and-app:=ara'nccs of 2°’ healing : Such 35 return: ‘with the ting to tbe:’r%vami“t,mm’ xPc:.z.zz~; b A with t/2: Sow that is wajbedtb. Meir wallomirzg M :%%t/admire. M2myR tl;1pfcrs4 pAr0”v¢%Vas b%aHas‘1R%cv‘olTters~, Whuof all ‘men .-me mfi prcyfinridtamakaflaugértr. and doc r=nif- Harp» A 2 ‘ chiefs; 36 ... ..._ 4». A Sefnxan prgacijemtfibflate " I ~_._..——.-r qhicfe 5-, 'i1‘l1crefoim Mware of” them; theft are norm~%e A bprnc. Fmmthctfc and thcfubfisqtzeenc fiignesiof Lepm-A fie, laiddawmcinxhirs 4Chapte_;*, with tide fi31m€r'di{Hn--$ (étnonsfi We may dzfcovcr whm thofccavifl men arc sh-at“ « mufl n0t‘*bebo.rt‘i:cu; , . The fec,QndAenquiz‘y is, what, not ékuzriwg daté impart; As all , the ,N€g2.é;z3z2e ; Camm.mdc*me.mr;.~: ~h‘aAve in then‘; emf. .Afflrm42tiweoA4A% ;iw‘*a*‘uh ;:»AE1§~s; aggi ar1v.“e‘_mIc :7 n A the 'E'A:;*;‘»:«'::.:A A Not to b<:are,4clc2ny.&5 and a'm7*e?sa. T "_U<,~:utwI73;G % In the N;:gativAe fencrfia =N0ti to Aware, sis; fim‘, A nor am 3ikc0r..con£?:*nt A1mto.V A '1 A ~ I A A Second£yfiN@»tw cpunrcnance..r u:ph~0¥dAa K 4% A Third 3/y.,,ANm toAa1Eo.A.Aw or%pcrmir,which iswm nmm i3eT(~flCfl?3ti0D3 ‘ .A ~~ 3 % V P0urthIy,No: to Ifide o1¥co%nccaIc., M N?wEifi:hjy,Norv:ofinittyorcompaffionafe.’ ' A _ In the ,z-’-\ flirmativc fence, Not to Abeare,“is, firfim admmniflaand1'eprave., V A ‘ A A V Sccendly, To oppofe and srefiflz... A V4 Thirdly, To ccnfum and punifla. , M II-7m1rthiy,Toremm/trsznd cm mus. . VFifz:l1Ey,AInAfommcafcsm dtzflroy and cmtigfi; Qftfifire fiffi; by the fiwwl 0/ :‘;’:9e Lamjox feco‘nd1y., éy tin’ Lnwaf Mfi__/WW1, trigghfifiin a Juditiafl way, 1c;»i:~ M a Mmiezll Way. ‘ “ In rm thi1‘W€i"!.€I‘1 offlemronmmgy, we hzizve lmth fences expremsd, in the cafe 0?” Emifmts m IL*f0}:ztry. ,1/“mvyv A [7?f(?£5i;’?£’}".,fi‘/:1£’.fl3"I'2i9’€ wffzfiywzm/aver, art/ivy/’aW;A'c ¢9;>~%~t!;2‘3;d,1»mg~/2»... "7.fségf. AA .A W Miaze owm..,[m1e, AA em‘ z"m. W» 156’ wifé 62/‘ My 50/wwreV , art my WW2‘ my/9 M‘ M /I} M5‘ ¢md.fir.~ve 0z%e’r,god.r, w»5z7c'Mlraz¢ £245,/E mt kmzxrm, t/am¢,;m-« A W?}’_~J§4?/5’€?”$g 3% » «7;’Tt'70i§«€_;/:’Wrf%maz3% &*or":if¢*m' xwtafima, A war /Jam. A km. ~v—-nu.--U £vejbret!¢e(;‘e%meaeoez%5 Hoe;/e ofPerliament'.A W 347 fieee» mew biflz‘, marker _[I2az£eei/We eye petty Mm, neitlirew flrazlt W 2‘.Zwe&‘,’['?zzree,e mitfeer [Imlt t/gee.» eeeeeale. Mme Ha-yreezneetim Ncgarive Aéke of Not hcarir_sg.e The highefl csf we V1 M A 31195" Afizm-‘eéaifivc f(3l10W€S in the hem Words, Em Mew flmlt» fierely kil /fim.Notprivatee3y. or witimut Eudgt1aent,,e Tvlsaeg were ten eemmit my-m'er iee pzeeeflzmg efAIez’ole:ey .9 ‘Mex; _/Ymlit fierely » /cell few, «notes the meeier (t:f'"2~:_AiHing {ucha afeecer }2_zw£?Ze'eke- Imflgemeezt, _ :10: thc1':}ee‘1>Ze,.“f.‘s0 ‘vms theiawe ' .0 f‘{’coning m dcratih 5 7/76 /Jaimie of I/ye zviteee,/fee (73412 éefirfl D““f"eK7"7% A upon/aim. Andf0_u‘;ucl*a legality was dbferved in me V D4-vid7i'€fo1V’es:1shigi1 : Iwill eerlydeflroy ail fireme- {inning of su-;»m,:s~:e Wime es éegm-2.J£3ut to the poim,» if-t§7.s8$»“ I " 01010 0, T Iced oft/yeLeiee1,tbe.e may we (fizz/Z n:iz:keez’z2f'0£’r5 flew the A City the .Z;emf. eHis fonrse Solemozae d§1‘C(9t§ as high: me 4225.43: the e2’rtifl?3 flew tlxefi/vueeflmd Mere flmlt come I fizrtbaevflell fer the finger. make mrwzy I/ye wee/eedfiem Me; prcv‘-7”-5w~ % Imeg, mm’/7;‘: ii'£vroe2eflm2!».ée eflazlvli/?see1'2"2.2 rig/ateoufie.eflE~. ‘W’ Wicked A men are droffe,» they, hzwc nogcmd mettal,l in them g they crmneever bemade fir Wffléifi to fc:‘rvc“, or % eezrwzeet Ameeey ta eerie/4, er ewe]: to aeleme tire flrreeze .~ V‘ 7I7'c>rt*l1cta%c£n'gIhis dre/fe zmamy, Aluedothtmt zirmea /kmm’ bf-vielerxce, . .but' 21% A band qf jze/flee. Tée very elrefle eéout 4 e Prezeees ‘If krafle mzlfi ée remmzed azvztlztdzety em’ re[]2ec?.. Saint .Peeel%1'e%p1'ov,esthc Chll§'Ch’ of Caeimib for Mholdirsg gcammxmionewith¢a?neimcj$eeoMpe2flrz;and chargeetheme 3‘ C°‘'''=‘”“4 \; A $0 Apunifli 1-em ‘(was high as thepower dfa Churchcead reach ). ‘With L Exc<)rrm'2’un§¢min%r2 3, 1/rierefisee Mt ew,:gy flow: emzeeg ryem*fe'Zwe5 that xzziekedp erg/M. _I-IimiEIfc0u«1;d’ A hot bea:ét33lfc§'eb1'¢thx*en% fiehcty Aa;1'ewas2rfetE2en Gpfin weimw 3 LA 1‘:.1'§:e:sj:ee I ‘W6; W. ,, ,..,..m,,_ m,_,W ~>MMMVVP'lV.Av-4|M‘«\p4;.My|p—guV1I—VNW‘I’|"""‘~Uuu9<|-u-A‘--rvUuwI4.|| W x.‘ ,..—.......—_~ 33 fin:-.__.__ V S§TI¥10%"p1”mcl9¢rd atfi§e- lat; F zfl mm M...» ... .‘..m... um... --n . m~m;c2tfir M bawe. His im*prccarikcnV1n%%by1;mararron. But it A 631.24. flies) f?1¥r an h0 £1rc.. Tazvfiomwégaveplztceéyfl15jcé3‘2oIS, ’ A risatoo much cxpcricncfid truth, t~haz"finne~is‘m5ghti‘ly ’ iAnc41re:Ifi'I':d and lfprcad by example and imitationi. Wc .;bavc=4 fecn dangcrr>us, if not dcf“crué‘tiveAerrours,and4 vain; A lftJwpt:t‘fl:i7tI€:’flS fpreading farrc and aware, 1whcn~=coun4te— A % rnanccd l. M is added as a rcralbn, V :64} ye éémtpxzrtakers afberflnzre: .;- l ‘W lrcnlnhcplccaglc ol';Gl0dlhalreLPctcngthf’arld‘powcr,th«ey ‘ W,,,__,...,,.‘_ W _.,..._..,,,_.,..,,.,.H,._.‘=,..,,.,.. ...—‘..‘-_....mw..-. éfjfgre tlbe.Camlmms5 Hvzlfe of Parligzmentl. 1; gm fiancéd with the prafiilfc, and bly.tlxé:tlc:r3cts of fomciti ggrcat place. Thofelopinims and inn0va::lms~.wh~lc*l1 at ml; were begun by al.few—,,\andvh,i{bacl by many, gr:-Aw». lfudidcnlly into Cradltt wvlizhmofl, and would int1a:x1;chavfe . ilnvadccl all. A _ A M V l Rm Secomtll‘y, if we bears {‘ucl‘1,rl~mugh we mnld efiape 7”’ ca ¢l9rpoZ1lza;tiw4, yet we llialll fall undczlr magma gwmfims. Wefirmcinl0th¢.rs,;wlhl1lewa fuflEr‘tl1Ae~mt£> finlnc: V/V6‘ W 4% L(:c$lt=1'1t1t3litalll the will wihicllb is in our pow er. to hinclmyil’ wxrahinder. it not; Vimwliammfi firm, firm”; ma. "We; llbcclcmcgullty of_oth<-zr mans finnes, not onely by cwntw manding, colunfellxng, and approving thc=eml;_but(if7-- tvwec may ) “by not {topping and rcflraining them... I;-will jzldge-I/3e/Jvwfi' afEl1_fi9r ever fzzizb I/Ive LM'a’?;" fir. we lilmiquzty w/ms!) /Jekmawet/7_, éccvaqfi 122:3 _/am‘ Mazda tl/::.em- )(El A ‘lTh*i.rdly(w~hich is an incv«itab“leconl%q:;1cnc ufthc two 3- R°afmé~=~l former)’if we eim~hem»w‘ay«bcarc their firme, wclfhall’l ilikcwi7‘f¢lbcalrc t~h:»ci3rplunill1~mcnt. This is joyncd as a farm. that rcafon ofitheir comming «mm: of Bdéylm, in the A p;l;acebeforc citl&cl*,w2:tye rrc‘eivveTnat%l¢gfl/Jar plagms And R: V‘-1%» am . ‘x%Sam;3.:g : wmw-mm--«mm ».W\ V A Sérmam preached at aka lm:g[Fa§Ew W ar¢as1nua?”mbE17gcd to cafi Bzzéyjlrm mat from amongfi: t4hV~:i.*m, Zmji“ May ifie partméfers afber plagmsfi 2 Far GM’ avilzf? plazgm BRbfJ’EOfi m/Jerqflaever /aefiudslmr. Tl-“ac-re is 130 I A M A ty in b::ing- may mrsm who am underthccurfc cf Gafig 'G"“"9" E/éape fér t/Jy life (fay the AVrag::l;a:. to Lot} Zaake ma; éeézm” W ’ I/Me; f2£.’it+’§7W'ff:£y tbma in all tbeplaéme : Efiape M the mm « twee, lqfl‘ t/yaw be coxgflmed. ,Dep4rz‘.,Ipmj yaw, flow 1% mm mu‘ remit; Vaft/7rgfii4wic1€ea7 may v(;{'aith “L/?'i(l'0/6'5 fo:7t.'hCC0\ng1'c« m6, gation) Md mswiv motbifizg sf theirs, iefi ye ée coizjfiazwedim all trfmlrfimzex. Amdif th:;i‘1‘e.bt:‘ fo much danger in éeimg éeeamt them, what aiazqgerxk there in éeazrz'2sg$£7em,. 1%‘ aims... .-,1 Lce»Ig.m. % , % % , V . ~ pmzm 0ffa0!65j7Jal1£»edc_*[t'*r0“yea’".. Whfifl an cwcrflkmvxng fiormc {weeps awaythe WiCk€‘d,thC mils csf:”i€.* may dag}: thieirbefi neigh’aours. " A *'R‘°"J°“‘ 1 L FoLmhIy., when Qodvdoth mt puniihthemxviththci A w.ic} ;;p,g§‘4‘3f;.,.y‘;; N24? ’, Revel-¢g;téAa;s";?faW? ~Wiga§W0Ms’A g'Mdgem«£fi@»t g:m£% ~ TE1ac%jL:d%g;¢nm€nt of htfmémy had been (mm p;."tz'Va::iva‘:-'4 A jg?) iL§gm,,i§ rihasyfi not been To mAuc~hbo%mc with», ‘ A3 gf',;m~,,g;;«=roiaJVmfurd@rcr Qflécn kils a femnd —zn-zm, vfw it A m’"t?c2*1%£2c:?;dc'2sa;dx:gaf¢r.‘:AAf'§ aVmtwh.%tQ~thcfccmnd dAe:xa~1=aof‘a:AE=m% fi’i=1a,:3rd:cra5*i-*.;.“ A Andwtbis is proporrienably.tmaof ¢Av»eryw ‘ WIN we we be~are,4%%t2n%lcfl‘b Inch rfpwnt,t1my%(Apt3ac:»m- {males}§.:m¢1°e~theALm%orcf0r«evc~r... A '9 _ ~ “ A A MM. A Thcpaint ¢;Ayem«AsA }?y%ab~l<‘: tf)‘V=fo»m~c O:bA;a:*€tVaAons froAna~.:. M;;.;,m3.6 Scripturm I fl«m'll“an.fWerw»rWo l?A:extsAw4f1u}:hWmzay am) berr- aC§€‘a£‘Engfig-‘"!flt['}‘€'rS0;. ; ~ V A % 4 % A A Figfi, th}h’3tQ_f;l.‘-h:E AVpoPde,% f:;o«ve ézrgrezffiall téizagy. IF all thizjmgs,then,¢viAAl1A~thingsgwA for many thir1gs.arce-5 vim A # ~ A A V ?2;L/f.m,I. Ianfwer, Ilovc-zisindeed‘ the .badge ofChrifls Difl ciplcs, Vthevc-ry GA’em'woft‘hc Saints. And Ioverhath bro;»d~fhoulc¥crs, imam-beare math; yealm mm ham", aallt/2~2‘.w¢g:, which “c:o‘z1fift?wirh1ve; Abutfinzdoth n~r...:A . Law is the fullfi"ili‘ngV 01-ftlacc L'aWg andfin is the rranil “*4”-W5 grefifozu ofthc Lwv, there£b1*e»:!avc4Acann0rb:::a1"e*«finnc.» B;:';sre~0m am:/m‘: %%éz24r;%[m;s* > (fiith mw a@of'*thc Law,,A but 4§«i°~:;A;;.;... A nythi-ng:bAe“a b,r~eaVking%@f;t11e Lzwv it wcannot beamsthaff. ~m2AA hem ch an fii-mirics an dA'A%AF?3fi§‘UflS";§.)f'. A%flw::zs5 a%V«m%:. A :é;mAre4theafi31é%A10m$dand V4fufFer1Ang_s of atlxers, ‘3;§,A’6i'¥?flA.&£*flW6’:A'3? the ....— '""‘“"' *"-"'--u-z_:ur~::._ 1 .4 l57l€?W&~&/1%: 6améw0nx»Hou elaflfiariinrlégglélla A %. film‘? 5‘~A"~'~”“1“‘A0“%‘5 Find ll"*ll‘lI§llfl%éSll of ot‘l:%m's‘la:Qéin’fl°A it lllélfog bug mmzat flame zvréflgf :le'%??a’ 2'r2j“zm'e5 almewfa God. A A ‘ Socomdly, Cl*lm*ltyi§ noEcolnAtr;ary i."O[:llE.lfltl5CE'» Weell Umu m~ayllloA~Wjt'l1oparmlon Wlanlmve remove; oppolé or u» AA V A A ‘ mllatlzc ofi7ei’1dc&:i*:.9 God la-imfii%ll5o pumillwtla u;1~m:;aeal:e¢ A * lovffia 779'” ”’¢fll ‘W GM’ ’”=’l70J:W‘§-4W«a’f«%em, tlsawgfi}t%mf} praL.99.@¢ gmlecfl *‘U£’»1'2?g6’z¢u"»?1a,f_,r.°0_‘,”flz‘/96/7‘ zizruentiomso %And rnao may far... igoiwa whcrahemlmh vcngcozomcc. Iris; fluid, Ma‘? GM j:%g/flared ( W’ 54451’ l #75 mdimfirs of tire lfraelltos_fiw:Wy y,_7,z;;»'c5— M tlae wildermj/7%. He bare them indecfi in tho way ofmuch patloocc, but he did notbeare them in ;g way of the leafs complyance. Far zwfllv mm}! éjctéevw V GM! mm mm well Pledflda that is, he was exceedingly 5q&“‘3'§3” _“ , A . _ efgawoqfmn oxfpleafed (thcrcxs a ptexwatéa 1nrho-Apoflles cxprcfiion, gm’. (as the worcls following doe c=vioce)For May mm mer~ ‘Cm’-“M” “Z/l‘}l3‘F0r’_vfle “ (or as xanothexplmsc‘ hath Air, their cflrlcafia-2 fell) gmlae wilderieeflé. Theirs was a great puniflament, and tlmrelorc Gods was a great: difpleafurel. Thir<:lly,,f‘lm‘j? is aELar've M well Ma/liarveiy. Helzls 52¢ EPh,M., £lowlIm:.;o»mte.fl And his Love is made nhclpazcglmc at’ A A ouraa. mam Larva M C‘}m‘fl /mt!) locum’ Now .I}:~fi;5- A Chrifl thoughlxe came intotlxevvorldwith loveAcnoL;gh, to beam the {ins of every man intheworlclfiand Wltllffi-u folmiosmvo beam the finsof:slllcl1eAElc€t: lb as to fuflfcrx an dye for them 3 yo: he would not bears ffo much as our-rfinne of any one man, fo as to countenance or com!» { ply with it. Hr: Wouldmzot bcare Scribes and Pharifec-:9, AA hypomrircs, as full of love as he was. He would ones” A llmeazrc: biiyers and fEllcrsAintl1c Te_mpleA, as full of Love as he Was, but Whipt them out. He would not bears: his owne Peter when he fpalcc foorlioflaly-,A as full of Love 35]“ l he was, A but rebukes himswith, Gatltfsee bélaémafl me~S.4ltzm,A G 2 Maw A 44 l .mtlWSe(mohpreacbadlat tlée lat}: Fafl "Wm Mat.:6.2.g.A Chrifl: in love bore alllofirlfinncg, burl; willnor beam with any. Doc notlout-lovc your rule, A andlthenbeare as much will as you can. A ~ 173134-e ~ Lallly, the love of our fclvcsis the mcafizrc ofour‘ M“ ‘5”9 love to others 5 T6014 flmlt Zwvetby neiglzévowrw tbylflzzfé, Now no man ought lo tolovc: hi:nl'E:lfe,’as ta) bcare his owns finneecvils. Holy {ct-lflove calls the Evil llolne 1 ai amans owns firms. Therefore it cannot he love to etlxers to linear: them in ‘cvill. No, the Splrimf God L¢v«I9~W doll‘: ilnterprctthat as hatred. T/ma/7241: not /met/Ivy égm... tber in t/vy /3aW't .- ‘T/Em flmlt ix my wt:/r: reéukzz zévy rzeiglvn ham‘, mm’ mt figfir firm: upcm Or (as iris rc:ndrr::d ant ofthe Original!) t/mt t£2azaée4r'enotA/Emefizr MM. To oppofe will in thy brother is the belt way to clot: him good, and thy f:-lle too. :0éj..2. A A A the field not oncly Fm-bids his fervants to plucke up Mn: :3. that Taxes, but adds,-,. Let éotlrgrmz,-5 togetlyer mzrifl we bar... 3°‘ wefz‘..' , A A ll 1 AA,g,¢f:I_ I anfiver firll, by that approved Maxime (Scrzflzxm Paraéolmz zzlon eflpdrgwmcmtatiivlw) We may mt argtm from every particular in 21 Parable, but oncly from the Gmerzzllscape afit. The Scope of the Parablle isoncly this; to llww, rim good andbzzd will be mix: mgether fotlme end of the worlcl. Or it llwwqs what God (our of his Prcmgativc-) will fuf-F::r :l‘~l0t\Vl1z-K‘ man (in duty) ought. It holdsfforrh the plcafurc: of Gcvclto us, to» which we mm’: fulznmit : Not 22 parwrne, at .22 rula by which We mull Wallce. A God is able if he pleafc”, to fpluckcup atpnce all the rates and w<:*c:cls intlsm worldgtll ycsrthc lets them grow : But this is nb wammc for us to letthcmgrawg. Whifclhvarc incur llawftzll pow:-rm pluck l A MP» 1 * l A A Againe, A Secondly; it m;1y"bc:¢3Al3je<9cec:l, That the Mailer of * A . a._:-u$Ihlfl’Jl“UI-I uwwmswumtmmnm £91:-ugggfl .—... before the Commm Houfi af Paffliament; W A 454 Againe, the letter of the Parable is cleareghar be for» Aggjfiz. bids onelyfuch a plucking up of Taxes, as by which; Ver.2.9. the wheat: muff éeraotede upzzlfe 3 xbat i5,at0taH e:xrirpa-_ tion 2 For indeed; Air" ebodflmuid at tcmce defimy an wicked mt?» the very Comp4ge.r or farm’: of humane ("owe ‘ ciety would in :2: memem: be eiffeived. Bur xw know the piucking up of many wicked onesz, is 3 grew: advanw :%age to the ‘l7b0[€.?fii{fl ée c',vpam¢a’ed Md refble/ed A Or 2 1’ 1176 may of reconciling them be a’oz;.é¢fi;z'fz’~.r,~_ala’2ldfwcI1 as wc:«1*cI’o;2l/Joly a]j‘?:’cT2‘m’, A Who (like that impure o*fF~ fprinlg in Nelzeml/lb)/‘lake lmlf V in tile @5355 cf Afladod, mm’ cazalal 7€10lfl7ml*.'e in M16 Imam * Language, Ml accardiflg Alta tile Langmge af éwtrfl people, thcfe s.vc1‘€ mslézlrdezls to v/Ems, Amlwalmzlc/Qéawze lay ml the mm cf llmt lGC773€?’l1t3.0}'a'Z..“_ Yea what difcern.abIc~paincs* «~ Adi.-d fame take to make them, lzglit efiwwg"/7 for all to laws. ” Had no: form fiudficd alcalrrefpanclence and acmmoda» lion with Eamle? Had {ht}: mtalszmff beatm mat aaiwézldla“ my 5’ which yet would have proved mt» sewer thenthmtl lwmdzmzy whichlcads to rim clzzmhers of everlafiing d&atl:1€'f W‘hat a cry was there“ by fbmgz fr peace and :.*..&§‘.xl:«.s.5,-. unity 2*, And why 2.’ Not that fem-Ifelem mz;:g“»’atém¢Cll‘~,,v mzapzlfm’, or at malty witélnl it felfi, as the Plalmilk“ "lpeakcs (which ought to be ncstlonely the prayenbut &hi6aearn'cfilendcav@ur elf us’ all, and is one ofthe mofi A ,d;~clfireab.1a:and mmdy things the World) Bu: th2ilt?“ A V “ V "law it ‘4;“,'-'€”=J,$§c§,\—r—-;;«.-;=,»_-»~:- 4.47 ; 4.,4,A_ 4 ; A . 1 ,9. ;A __,,_. A , WaWwW~s”Ho«/aafpgxaezgmm; 4:7 :I@£”£x]2z£€W1Vr:fldBsafiylaw, SAW?’ zw’d3.m’9m.=,f.3 wzfgiat he camjwz. .a:m.»:! aw‘ 2m9ttAy ware mizi/7 zzzmrlmrt.‘ :~E~Z:::r1m‘*t%:%1r:~ix* bLIt:n&§ng mi’ Mauzh *VA;1r1dV mtom“, iaf fup?c:rfl%.timn 4 a:n1ci‘2i3ce‘.l«§;r wmrflm». Hcismccs thmr zmz"acmg”',:;mdi ‘.1n‘ang§1xn.g=.cmAr"A g:a: ~ A A {O fzzzimew ~ ‘Whaa: Could;J.€iitMtai:«'.-%A;§3*t.v2Vz.‘tAc‘:‘&’:‘a“;i ha-If :21 E?£}v'§.33fi?§.}fi\Q€\a‘. a dcfigmmsmt at =ZAa‘fi7% *un;2*ig}1r¢=e:::uAf Wife and j.%pezz4ce%.;m3ig1q.g% A se1m1mraa€5E‘hmt ¢trmY_*a a,mi1ycn~»§ g”4ht»k4if."c.,»xh at light ma ada%s*ik:mcfle74111iAght mingle, that C4&w‘i¢£Mn :have.:~ mam. smmaicm mm mm 5 -w“hmn- mafia" rMz;§'1m*3% A:ca2*fl%1*ed ;A’£‘§f.i';.’.;. ~:;chrifl «:3 and we bwe1AVccvc%11e4%haxh given was :An0A;wa.1*f<:: mtml /913.-sflT ifileéf. _ A A % A P .5l,M'€1ythat=%Vh@aC;hf‘.%f3S”r’pf0ph*f3.CMi'd €215 Jffaaéay in arc» G En-4 E 5% ‘ ' vfmEnc4em dwill brsjmzxtsnsa m.11wb¢A~mcA E~i%iV?£‘e<3~ny finch ¢ mm in refm‘c;~nccAAto fpirituall, 1/3vcAy,Acra¢¢c»€vedéez.;az2gwze__; ¢,;m@1é%:¢rdw:?5,rzzam’.£:mwal t/My canfzfitzeccs to éewe .( and ‘wave rangmy °xvvirln!jycai”‘tin the faces of the Pf~53- am 136?: : as ifriicy wc=:reche.Vp¢ople whom the Pfahnifi Adefcribcs, t/Mt deizg/Qt“ in warm 3 asifrhfiy were all £132’ trmélm’ waters and rhrfire'ar'aomtmtim, as ifthey were indeed like SaZamam_1’?aw.¢rd mm Matfarvetizftfiféa Yea Afome will not fmrc IO faflcm that wickedneITe upon them, which God by his Prflphfft jufily charges upon Pro.z5.z3. 3”‘r"%3°4' thofe Hypocrites, Tee Faflfor flrzfie and deéate, yea A pray for firif:-, ye preach for ffrifeg ye confuh: for flx~ife. 3“d*"‘”’ fpceches, which ungodly firmcrs (as;”S«. fzadewfpcakes) have fpokcn againf}then1 -3 Norhingbur thcfir zmfwc-~ K Kim 18‘, rableneflcto *thedu.t:y of».-his Text, 7’5ey.,€Mfl0t éearm A m 7. them Mat are will, Elgiab was traiduccd for thcf Trawler 0_/"lfiasel, oniy becaufe he could nut beafe zdnlatram Prigfls:mdIda1—wa)ffl2ip.4— The Prophetlcwmy xvas ac» 3*‘¢‘1‘~WW$ counted 4 mm offlrafl and A man cfcantezfltioia M the,» _ A %V méalcw E.:zrt72.% A man offiriftzj 1 ::h:;rrc* is much in fth:1tcx— ;2:ra..;g.3_‘ prc:fl'ion._ Chrifi was callfida mm: af~;’arrom:,%% to more the muimudc ofhis'forrZ:>~wcs; ¢ or as if he had bin com- posfd ofall kinds and degrccsmoHorroAw. Antichréflt “Th‘{‘”'5_ is (tailed a mwr_9ffi;/mt, to hate ~him,%Mcm”m firelm ,(asBe:z,4givcs the rrmphafiswoffuch forms of7i'pc-akang) 3 man made up of wickedncflé, orevill in the azbflméi. So Wham Jeremy was called a man of flrife, it: fats him fl forth for a common Barremur, the vcricfl wrax1%glc*r in A 6mm» 3 Cs>mntry. AsiFVhcwcrcanothcr4Ijmacl, 1:23‘ Im/44 4,- £3» gairzfi AAnd"wxh%‘atiVstaken for theoccafionof‘ all thcrfc hard A gain’/2‘ awry arm», and every mam: /mm’ again]! lzim. And Q , 5.57‘ re t/J;"Comman.r H0155/6 of Parliament, V % 4; ....n. u howgor hcthis flilc 1" Only be-c:zufe‘hc could notbeare the prophaneneffe czrffornc, anfl the will»-worfluip ofo-s thers- His fervice among the Icwes was in thisfcnce like thatof Mmlim Tarqxmtw among theleamzzm, who gaveit over, faying, Newer cum I éez:ret1aeirmmnem, V métber wzt/vey éwramy gmvcmment. The leaves mum not hear: his plainc dealiAng“and Arcproofca, ncffilwer could he beare¢thei1* hypmcrific and rebellion» A find Jeremy ~»hadAa1moPc bee:-nc like u‘M’.mlim in giving over. A upon this grmmd, T7'm¢ I f.%z'd I will mot‘ Vmzzke mem'ia»,u ‘of 1mm, narficuzkc my more me My name, Chap, 'j§'0‘§ Eat ( he zecovcrs himfirlfe) his word ma-.: in maze.» heart, M‘ at 6:1r.m'ng_fire flmt up in my /vomtr, and I nvm‘ wtnry“ ml; fi7réc.«¢ring,.»zm’ I could not flqy, Heathcm may, but belcc:-veers cannot qsJitr5'giVC}l1p their: workc, bczcaufi-3: of the conrradiflzion offinners. And hence be becomesa man offl rife. ~ Forin thcclofe of that verfc he fhewcs, that he haci avoided all other occafioms, 1 /mac neither [em on wfigry, mar: men have [wt to m: an agflaryg as ifhehad faid, Ikc‘:ptm‘y fclfe cxmfiily Awiwthin the bounds of my calling, Ihavc nottmu‘bIed‘ my {CW Yet. 3 g.3@;g A or thiS§ pin[tha~r4 Cfi3P.4m "3 new To may we fay ta thcfiafcar all theclamours of m«3n,; ”' Ln Mam mum: mm yew, fiat doc no; yam retgzrnav "mm A tbam; Fm:,d-ms rheyfirivc aga*inP: {tune :1’ A ; '§tjs4iél1cir du-fa VA A my; 4ADoe they oppofc<:~rror’%1;hcyihrccallbd ta it. cc gm} ‘ ” A % E my % ‘ mu 5 k ;4Sa:rmw:«: pr-,6WJw’a¢ %t/zézlabzte .Fazfli .w‘«m~.- - they but cfcawnc fupcrffitioua *V.?miti€s 2’ AGo;d qomg. mamas it: _C:m they not baare will at’ It com«mmds%T them to Go3d : ToagrCc,wirh zgnsm thus vw-rre to gcen... fp§n~;fagai;%1fi:w%C»hri[f. Such peace am Ez:%r::h is W_3=.H‘dWith* H‘ca1vei1. Axial we may ,an{1a;re1' all rum, Wm) would have: as quiet with c:viH,. as that Swox*d did to more 1e,,,47, who faidfiuntoip, H0 tfaw:&;Sw0rd cf tl2e%Lam’.,» W [mg 6,7» will z't,ée ere tzfiam 64: qzmft .3 4 put mg) My flrlfiz mm tézy .. m V‘ V figbégrafi raft and tire fz"z’[!.,, % Haw 0.422 2223 éeqmfet, fleeing téew Lard lzéttb given my 4 c/marge again]? Asakcion, 422%. ag4iz¢fi ;/9: .S“e4.-jlaare (of Baéylom) ‘téwre /Jaéaté Apfaffiteflz‘ He hathgivcn alélhis people: a charge againfi ini... quay, againit every evill, there hec hath appointed A them. And may this Sword and Bow of all the upright zsarm‘. in heart, be Iilwthe 50w uf Jonathan, and the S ward M’ A4 Saul, not tztmzfig émk: mar rctzfirniigg" empty, flaw!/:'2c_2 Ham’ offi'm1e.%»/Z¢zi2¢e, rum’ flow 2‘/2:: fit! qf our miglwticfl‘ , cormptzms Ziatb in C/wmix and Cowmorfiwrmltla. 3,%Vfi,%» Let me. therefore clofi: this Dméhinc wish Exhrtaml tion toall, in yo%urfevcral1p1aces;: .b¢are not them that are evill 5 this impotemy ias your_/freargt/B for God, andw this impatience your /aazimeffe. Bcarc not evil! in your Governmcnts,,, in your Familics, in your ChiIVdrm,A in ' 1 ‘your Servants, inycmr jfricnds:tha!:~ areas your‘:;OWnc* faults, no.,norAin your oWnfo:11s..A -‘ % A But let this ward bs‘: tca raw .sflreaially,cqzcn MTM (afit/Kw; Glrw and fI0#94r4é1e~4Kemé!yA)d whom-.c ¢tVhca:aA!1e~w afaad. Ma’ t&eV‘Kifig» vW’#t5v4 «rm/.>2?A4af ma ; Wm.-,% Nation; ¢1m~_ % grwi dworée fir Gad; fir z/2e*Abc-are:-he crmursan& A vanitiespfwone another; ‘A: ieafl-our chi-Mren may beam: the {in ofthis gcnerazion, in bearing zhcir fin, as the children of the Jfiwzclitesdid z§‘:::i1° Fathers firme. L Ofwhom God fpeakés, (]\72W:*f£’..I4.2'7.) Ham Z0223‘ f3’mIY I émre t!9;£5 Gemrariown E’ 2’ our czzrkqfls _ /72,2/1% flzfl m tire VI’z'Za’er:zqfi?e, V. 32 .. Arm’ yew children flm/Z mzizdrzr in t/ée mifaicrmfflé fiwrty ymw and bean’ ymtr wéorca A damesz their Fathers dyed and thcsy carried their Fa» thcrs finnc fourtyycares, and were fa lcmg deba'rr’d' tbs poflkflion of the pmmifed Camm. If we {hould (as they) pravefalfc to C11rift,oL1r carkaffes may FM and our children may wander ‘( who knows how- long)%n a‘ wildcrncffc oftrouble and difirac5tion,bearing this fpirimall Whorcdomc ofoursfiaeforethrsy {hall bc admitted to the Cmma of a frsrlcrd condition. Thcrfore (to comcludc all) dme not this great, this- dangcrous eviH,a‘T}5e Bearing aftfzémr/mt are,,Tbe BM-%~ ring qfxbzzt wlxic/9 :3: ewll.» Bean: mt Oppreffors and ‘Merchants,rather then Stewards ofjufiicc in the State»- Beare mt Buyers and Sellers, M'oney.ch:mgers rather than Miniflgrs in the Temple. mare mat the States of thofc who have foldan-:1 vcxt D?o4V@s,“buc lmavc: {pared} §_;_ . Cmwes, and aémifted mcleane birds to ncfHcthcre.. Bear: new ignorant‘, idle, Idolla-Shcztpheards, wh0~~{-‘cad’ the-mfclvcs andnot the flocks. .B£..1re??0t—{-0nn6S0f..E 3»~g’-3am.m.m li4Z,Wh0 make men abhmrc the of’ferings.of*theLord. W7- .Be.m mt «prophtmc Athcifls, blafphemcms Swearers, “ "fwinifh Drunkards, filthy Adultcrcrs, bioudy Murthe-» -H W H; _ rers,% ; LRom.a.z§ 4% A A & %ES:erman4pre¢wba«Za¢%%tb¢2 145:? E45? xférs, fzzlfc Wimcflés in any corner ofthe Land: 3%; .;;gfl§' I alol.mr5,. wlm 6/mnge téwe .twate5 qfG:m’ zkaazm Lye,am2:.’ ..W€5’a*_'/]Jal',D t»€?£‘€?'é;%f$§§’€'F?$;@fi‘C t/we zxfze Crmtar (or Me Erfgmrg ..2m’zr5 fé5£i’~C,72’:',-’¢z1‘:f?:»’*‘) W59 .42: £315/72:2’ cmmwre :- fieazre wt 3 Grap»*¢nIn1:r§§e, mm’ the f“v/Lakrsr, am: we: Adarer mfég 5 ‘Ha. 30.32; EM défile all.’ rm C’a='uermg:~: af 2.332 G3’,;grz_J«g;¢ [r,&;.n»,r,gg; L-,~j!5g0;,Z,g,.fl amme omgzmezm afaf! M23 2mut'£c;z Immgm 9/ am/3 M‘/3‘ A thaw mmy M 4 ?a‘3a’:~3f;?V;9:m' claw, flzy .:w.#o z/Easw, wmév at m.z'gly.. ty «z:m.e ( 4 voice {Jazz}: 564% s,%mzr::z"«z,=5 z‘.=.5~.r:* Q/zifyg ,;aj"m,my ,W~;__ A ten alreazzljl) Em? figy it .r2a239wz'f;5rzzm.i_:§_*£7,§y qzzajgg, Wm ,~/,6. ‘x2;em4.z. fvwlceo ¢zgre;z;i/.'m.w1z:r;)»G'et yew" .«:':3.... £-‘Mrs mar fiapcrflcirious "Iz1s3ovators,V-W2“20 am ali for mix%'urcS in r gr: wcarlhip of Gad : Wfhofc rxxindss are corruptad (am! my £242-am *'°“-"5"”‘”“ “'3 mzitm’ M camtgpt etlvexs) fiwn t/ac _[z'r;3plicz7t)r that i: 2}? C.:3‘»;»;;aa Thfi Gofpell and the wrzzyes oFi*:.' am: not Sim;2Ze,as gm- piicity is oppofzsd to c?s::*pfh of wif:-domaa (fir rm-rem: gt; ;@gh.g. mg made krzawm rim mzmzffiafd mfecfome of G’m’,) Bur asfim-‘ % piiciry is o_>pp.ofed to mixture .: As in Philofophy we difiinguifla b«:twccm»A{implc and mix: Bm;!Aics:{b in Divi... may we may bfftwccnfimple and mixt 'Ord§n;:mC53wE,Ug_ W)! rlweg 2756 mmrefimple (in thisfcnme) it 11-‘, mg mm ex-_; -mallmzr if 2:5‘, Md mare flee flaw carrziptian 4: c/4'.w2." Gm’ u zvbamfimitcly excel: «X11, :2: mm‘ Simple .;- lie :3‘ Km Sima pl-'c.:[/3z‘m»w2z,, Simplivity :2: M ufttrilézwe. I hs2a‘r¢*,~Ahe Hrfréifldfi havea ruin: an1on;gd.%:hen1, That the llléiipcflflzplg A Bemréng 2¢l'~it4I‘1c:n%ofi Zronawrméle Bear:'}¢gV 5" Cmtmass fun 05' EU~r:viccs" mew ameanc Dcfcenr; I Am fim tlaefimpzéfi J/Vmjfl 3'10 zkfmitefi uf Hammr., A Rc1igi<)n%ful1of devices H Qcoazid nev«:rr,f xmr civer {hall prove (it hasrh uftcn Z1ttCmp...; A -~t*c~dVtopurchafe) Pfidigrffi from }‘f*:‘i1V€n;. Then mm; mtmixing Immvatars. Z'&"eitber éearethc aid mi:+ztur¢S,“% % &-%h€>—cw1.dLcav<3m which was1cfc“inthc*fiz'fl reformation’ A " V A ”"“ Taka Au’ «Wt ; '1'”!‘1V7W7‘W7}M7'f{|'|'S€nTVWUF'“‘Y‘|"'«"‘W§KE">"<'VY"Vrn;\~4m-..,,-.m«\u,-‘ ,....... .. . . .. M. ,.... .. AW .. ,..n.. . ,. ,,,,‘,,. . ‘K "==-VJ-w='|IImu-»~m—naunv v: é’€$W€¥?"i3¢’ €%‘0mim;0mE?mf$ gf P«2zé5 «“.~.~ .4‘ Take mamry the meme: afB2mZim (me Remnants <:2f'E‘§%up»a.fr~ f~”:Mon) z‘el“4tt:§*t'_y may mi: mare éewmeméred z*—bc’z”r Nmm. H""=*‘M7}“ A TCmefi.:§er(,¢an:j cmflficicr vvlmzlwr you fiwzseia’ émreAtA-mt, which 13 mrh be an Mgmarzed m yam a~bum?c»nAA,w by man:y,_ by mot}. P~etition+s “from all th=::‘ %@rr:srs of’thie~ I;and'5;. Iffngane plainly, O:3rmpAref:nt Frame. and VC":i.%,;?:45 :~5£Ls.1Pcs,; imd 5 _§;2‘..?:"Im“' A v ‘D§{31j:?bv’i¥*?§';“;§’£’1;fi%fiWfi.“%?"§t3?U§‘§T‘I'*_‘§73§1 Eng; :~E*m;;f»5c:*z'z;2 ?<:=:*s, zmcl zm’;'2¢~.:az%.» 3 f1*e;z;Vv%¢,r 2f£2V«%;5%2“iA+;ti+‘%,m'—?$.a?L=" J3 ma‘? eg/7a1ja.m[i_,4%W!Zj"f?}m:zw.«,,é ,9; ,3}, £31, ‘"3 “A W’ ‘E g‘ "T E3 E:~:i‘:_mv~fi;az;;«:¢;i" « fu,Aci7a4 21 fl‘3*e:a1i—:%i$ 5%.; §.",v<:,*;.2%E»;L::“::ab §.~:::*f, E“; H getmmn:-3 Lav/z’%M, A and Eva ;:a;@;E%0fa: mothi2>*:%g=b:.z"r.:~srm.z2*~airafig, ‘ our éuzy am/_~]f:wl3Z2a'; Omfervicfis w.*31§Ai%Afi4nd~:mom émCc?_ps... "Wi§?§'i Gad, aazfadwc:fl1..a!Ihavc":~;a:~;~;<;5ra3.iEzV%tisfa¢;€%§mu mm‘ ::"cEv6s.: ~%Ai1d~i€ ,*ai'L2?E”t’m' i?:.=:.‘3 }3’"Ol¥i"'fI7y;a_};}_:, yg~~u_Wj_~;;:,,g ham: f’~;:,»’(m ought (Mama ’b§i%ndnc‘fi"c4AAA:na%%;1<€s thi< $ f0;1*€firpmfi V» bk} gm: ahifi. «mi: E3»: fmvrws az2fwcr,tE1at you l‘aam;-:~ @na:Im.. *;»*mm=.—:w.:§ 2-«.254 j;ms.3‘c;m 2 V‘»«’h»e*r;='eA:;a::-2'; not :0 mi am13;(%:2.,_a.Vnm~ w=:~3rfi u ”W'§m:r ~A%;;:<:a%E:»gV§,'mg3 Egg: .4: K ‘.w‘,=v . fl ._ ‘M-an .. ,..- ‘I7 ,{‘,L.., V , »\' , ' - _ b«.:m;3m3,§a <¢£m;D¢1,"fi.7¢f£fi»“~; w::.—1:w;) .«~z .e=4m»* M1 ifl’mz‘;2¢5 c¢z;r~m-:w:pa9;x vzm we .<=;~t2;m: W2" z9x.m';2?*¢v:3!w :’ zmd 1zmw1‘©~v<;? @033: am m:§€m2aur} M 4f3”i‘5fJ72?.£' NW} @355” V.Z~;$3r,rfi-é1‘g’;£,;:fi;.{;‘“3 .4{§7;3?5";f,fg;;;¢:K£W/;:i’§zé;;};y€,«;J;5’ /,’l?£af.3Wm;’;v. A A * A A A , % H I) ' V a» 0 .4 ‘M. ‘J ' “‘ ‘-:3 I W‘ ' ‘Ma ant ‘ Q --g , ff‘-nu“ W», h‘ 3 ‘ , 3. a*:...awv;: Leatw:'n~:«vs.3 am: ::‘;9m».;.:w 3*z‘z.2:ajg ‘ V‘ ' ~'°- ? ” 41 m ‘ .4‘-Ms Mw‘ 4 ‘W "* '2 I". G " . ' , ‘ . :d §}:’f; m}I.w§’.% gaw. :.s:1=2 fl£fl%c?§%.m. ‘wm;?.?¢mm M.s«.1%1£i%‘j::*’~T,”‘§‘3,§'“,?€.”% m:;t§3;y3g3 V ‘v- ‘ ‘ 5'” '~ “ “A” ‘ a u ‘ inn ‘‘‘‘-‘'L 9‘ ,. V" '5'" . xv ' ‘ W" ‘I J! 1) N 15‘ ;;¢:mm::";»m) by is: *};mi3;Ai?'.?Wc:f~. .Lew P,§e,i';<:_M,-17w fH‘3;«:;“,"%%;i"’§.‘%‘;é.T';‘:e:§z. ~7Ws;:+‘3 ‘ H” ‘ _V . 9 < ‘-u___,, ‘ ‘: ‘ ‘ " “‘ “ ‘ v w- ‘ ‘ . _H:‘ '1‘ W ‘ IN ttu ‘ ‘E W?‘ I W M‘ H'} ’ ~‘ 9:’ m .1 ’ I.» I a A‘ F W * I“ 0.2% H mm 3 W: flM‘i&.X§v-3”M;“s‘v,.£i”i4€.E§;:£T75af}.iL:§:fEa7,k3,1E_,,?;”E~€>3T}%::E3>Wrffigafi Mz‘,:~;<:'fi'"E;~;? §1;’Jw'a“Z% §_§3;@mfiw‘¢:¢1'1=*¢ z;§»:;-W3 f‘3::«.r i°2:~:.»"E3.? ;:—:m:§::~2, hen‘ ye: h:.m"e t:h.':é‘.t§,r~::“ h:tvm.*m'§;m: wcximafi: woatm of if. N0 czva-;:* n'.Az1:’:a;3d«;;* morgs M fi%:«z:!, .5: work C9 Qmvvea-.;.fl3;%w1‘,.A A A A we f+:::~.:*“’;»..: %<:z.;m:'.«:3a w E’? wow, xw 17133 1 m:::si»:‘.i:*‘% :3 W?.1' imza %VGod%gz. Irma :2§”1;‘m%zi'i“;ei2j:;__;;ata.:>¢;#9‘i«<;)c gmd wM1:1:aaififlmmir. M Swmuiiy, t‘€)fim.1riup;1U, dee 2.m:i.§ f7u:Hic:*a‘,:aIi um1a"2p:.w,r:m'¢.. M WM":C«:;»n{mf1¢:§J. Tlmy m/M zvorke fi7:»~ zr{g£»rA(zz:!s:, aw]/¢’ marks ~4mi‘0 We e.m'l..w They W1‘3.MTa:*<::1n wgh tE‘):3y;:1.%x‘%3 1:803, x.vmiqui;:v;;,1y (i_fTm1~1¢3§g£wepm3€t0 it) c4c.:zfifttc: b,{‘:wVhatt4V1my j’aW.» iE~€:'z;f:. Ami th€»y‘.v§’1a> av0xkc34byarmon}jy, xmréil f:>0wf- _“'f:tJ"7’.’;',‘*’3; Y¢tL3?'!"1€‘KC)*i11£:‘il‘ «;a%«.-W mtmicsz. BLat(H.:)nc::1:2*ah1~$ and 1,0W_~c‘§ ) 1,bgp¢;,;2%‘tz?y%[ kxzow £2etrert¢»»’2.m5_g~.s aj"’y0m.., timugh I /fmm amp. v;i'amf7‘pc:;~:1;<:2 : cmiy Iadmonim yam (wim zafii humjb£c-- $’5"‘”"’ m:.fl‘E.%~.*j,>, in Hm: 1'3\pOf.l[!€3S?&:1IW;£.ZflRl§3fif‘, Be? mt %~W’M')' in W/Z9 H,_»m,% ..«~»~’m;_¢;»»~;, fbznw a2’mé[e':z/f2;2j,'azz /?.uz!Yrmrp.:?.,éfimz4:fim§;2.t mi". Or “"3“*3“5~9» . ' . " . ' - ‘ - I cw» m m<;;*W<;::1'&s M Chrxfl mthe I’.3J.ziad’c+zf'pz9m2z,~f.:v.2Tge§, ha” ‘” "9 “ Um wV_ff’;:a;fl*, lcrr: awn take: 370-m*Am:>wm:*. “E32: i5£m"s{%..mcy which{c:‘€5v:h~z3/ai‘r§)*.*a*n€tzpamzhe h@.:r2d of €"Jmf,; afltiezm. H’:*:.t my 2:imz€:my of ymm:fi;miz‘izs~’4b€ginta Eazmw (as w’E:‘:*.~:> xmymth;ave :1 m1:a1m<:*) than let me §.‘>.vz:.