. 4 an 9 {J-'gJhv&:t.' ,.,.M M. ~.. ~ .. M *""‘ % - 1.331 A . 4 . . V . .,~. ,3‘ ‘ ‘-u.« .‘ ; -; ‘ ‘‘';x ‘ , , ‘xi ‘ ‘ _- v ' an ‘n , Iv.’ - " an 3. I . L. -. . gs’ ” ‘ .'.""r~ * ‘H % ' «~~ «-0 ‘ - %' “W w€:“”' *1-‘w‘+~ « ' ' - '" on with azing of the RECORD ‘f: OR, 4 An Cider tb forbid any tI1§ank(~givir%x2:mft>r ‘ that" 4 Caaterfiarj Newes,pub1ifhed by Richard Eulrymfr. A V A He firfc thing we m.;cetwitha 1l, is, the horn ’ and Perength ofthxs Reformation, a popu»- sci M‘. ‘-2 % -3». lat petitiongvhiclx luowevcrbeariéngrf C 2: irlcr 4‘ A of%a~%pe;:ceab3c'and humble: £1c:l<,{r¢;*§f§::* was ' '3" made 1113: ofonfy to put the people intmm humour of fluauationand unquietneffc gtizat rlzmby they might be prepared for fuych motions as the moi} Viol lent and tcmpcfiuous breath of thafc m<:nW:1s 1*:3adic: m blowrhcm into. _ _' 5 _ _ The truthofthofiz mans ba-armg Ofiwes 1n the Clzurch, [he mentions p.4;]lwi1 not flaand tocxaminczonc ofwhom % be (3315 a Vveavenanother aT0b2cco..pipe-rnakcr,3notI'3c:r a Taylor, mother 2. Servingman, But {u re 1 am: fihatiaad not Weavers,Tay1ors,TobaccO~pipa--;n3kers,a11d 2111 N316.‘ poore rabble ofLar-zdan, qven to the Porters; nfthc Com- mons keyemnd harfc.=;».becne: calm to the Officc ofkm A farmers in CAhurch and State, petitioning in words may could mm: re-ad,f0r mattcts they.%.cou1_d min: undc;~r&a.ncf, A we had b’eenc morcpeaceable and happy, then became the: fiiamxage 011!‘ ’§§l°%€)dwifl1es"at 311; engagements and intercfls pffome mm ,- zyhgm we can Id name in P%rmt aswcll as Rzchard Culmer , 1f 1.1: would ad... V "For the cmmpczfuzje of this Nexves-mongcrs bookej, " A when we l%:»<:;:k:: upon it a1%1atA0n.cc,wc: cannot bL1m*on. _dcr at__ the facility ang indulgence: of A lojeph Cagrjll the . L 5,. ‘% 4 4 3' W cenfcr, » cm, whi behfiasvesh upo :11 the hfi rfi pagc hisobfirvatimi fiwhgg me Ham! wfpravfderzrc /MM wvoughfi in Mr lfrgel, ta fs,f_ (gm,-4 “Pan 5)» a,/;.”,;pix:/9 4; due mixture “ of‘ wfindar and thank.” f'uIn.~.g(fe , when asthc whtxlhematter iSbu£;~hfi‘ravt5dige£%iom of fuch peers and tnezhmehi mpettincnces,“ haxfcl incoherent 4 {craps and fragments, as the wit ofzehiclmrd Culmcr was 3» his Onely to; de§iver:whe1'e in ‘one mace he‘ refis us a tare of fia rching a» mffe, 3 0 yeares agate gin anotlzez-, what % meat a Cathedralprclate wouldonly earatciinmer can fuck 5 day : hizmrh iow a ”Pr;cl_;;t_e looked to’ {E6 3 female kneels at the 1*'cc.»eivihg cf the Communion: .Wh3‘th drmmcs my Lzgg-dofécapytverfiury had : how a BuAtchers'd::gca:meinto Ttlrtf: hg.u:c‘h2nd what he did ;_. [not 3:3 hehdOt11=herc;’hI...m3.] HOW a lime child called» fmgingah paiimin the baiflly": V when and where a Coach was overtuhmed. ’Ihe-fa and ma- "1‘f{}7 others pfthe I§.k%c high c0nc::.,rnAmqht %dc2rh»V.wIcg,fi';2h% Cary!) ** L mhnceivr: neceff.-«zry to bapubliflaed to“ the vieavh ‘cfha11,a;nd MA 4 worthy t ybc looked upon svmh a due mxxrureyof wonderh and rh3x=1k'fLi1neI11'. A W — u w A But ta attzacquc Rgcbard hzmffilfc ;.~ V F0 blazan the man, ‘yam Imyféy, hish Coat is SabIc,4AhorLra§h:-rh [ta-:1 take away A ° A an colaur of refdtlblanceorcm-rcsfpondcncza wxthmmq ~Tenm-3 ahhC%hi~efe gu1es_.,f€:.1n_y 0? Newesand h=1ht.~c:1ligcnces, as Viéfiohries , delivcrranccs A, Prmce Rupert: death ,_the rakvrg of theKing, and the 1.ike,bcingthcLSen 0&fB4Icw A h;D.*ihcé' ohfil“/14225:; : ~ [‘P;&4.’I’£xh naéwmdef to [ac zine 53:/é Zvhottlcfikéép tarzfimxdfile in Atbe-fr Cath/a:s'dra!fl:4dic:.] Andyet fuchamflbfiworgdcr you may h 153 in D4. Igcfifinjxhfiuqy 371: sanyh timfiihgaflhd izmvhereelfe in the vv11o3e..Chhur‘chh who hp¢rhahhpsty§»fféd h7fo'frné’rimc:%‘s” with his im pafiu res brfarfi th€p'e~0p§€,h7r€'thu In ed to i hf 1% Wf”H1'ffi " h_ flraughts 0fCanary, tohrgcoverlhhis chm and; trctribhiing A 2». w, {Hm czidhske ~hc.a;;;Vhgg¢,m.= prams: t?ej’3ia4!€2c7a2u{E;’we1 fig; .h . M . ~~ ~-,A-- ]u”“"‘ - “ M V M fouls: fmm the horror of f0 great gu £11‘. A 4 Lift: C 3 ) A ' { J . the bmvefem.»-.1e C.¢tBedralij£ , whiz am lately d”€l~t"1:.’£9'£d qfw-4“ child Mane? £95.] .M;1rIce“hOw the fai~1:hfu14l "man ¢ngagat.h ' t11ewholc{CathcdraIlin a buqfizzcffe co;mcervncd4 namely’ a mivarc famiiv: for a Mzzidfervant afa 1%-c’6cVnd =of the‘ {I§‘§~..m‘Cf‘:,3:3ei§}¢g +c1:Ac1“§.<%;€*:f upn %t11e~AASt.:.1r..,0f = zt Mc..%was' ‘W 1:» ,”«:i:V1:!;;;:{§"”2'::‘ :0 Eie:'é~ ’fi”'r§,r::;~;l3e :{tth<;: farm S‘efliCm~s ivctrc Mifibr N: c§§’§;sje,a€ Laaf1—;=::“e ,n udgc ofthe Archbi ihops can rt! at z'Z?w.:¢re=r&mr}*,delivered inhis; clzarjge :“th;2.t in fame cafes ’:w:«2s £~awf'z-:35 2:43 c0mm#it-TreAa»ibn.., $i3i1€:h4 ma Lamas and A iuchfttuoiifh Iudges hath ting age br4;?mr:ght Afmthj wag V to the ‘ gcc«:g»a2£rt§%d,vr}i1er@fin perm ffieowed {bmething cs:';2x1mfi:V.?1rxfifiezadsinmamrzgingyg her dcfE=:s::%ca;% as Rfiebaxd C:s.s:’w:&?&‘ i¥.*:i:ra,f?:§=%f‘e Dwctitx f«:amr.::t%1§.:*1g~co xhafé good frriends, iyy wh=;:n*"é: zmezenesk 17:c7'thrI:zf’£. a’ i%»:4?r‘s’.;;’zvf;”e erauz“ of his L'“ivimg; i zzmczi g.-;;(:::ti;-r3hit1i7{E:%1E’é»%A But §p£i‘§13'pS’£z‘e;;.\% R£cimd¢%cu1mer: or ;; fl“ ' 1.‘ N A .‘ $3 , ‘ Mtlze Mii‘1if’rc:rs fault, and mat the wVeak%:~;%fcm*9z1c“ Cattaedra»- Ii th;at‘th§“s {Ea was Ce-:13m»iztcd ;, as thsé: like hapned tpfi * Aarxorhm“ grac ions ”‘€’irgmw3.1‘0 c”0nce1vedA«$ vwit%»hA Child Vby*‘a*. "Ri:§I~i%gii<>;u3 Gent. fon“ anx:H1€fitet%077ithe" 4lear::ik=:Mt,1e{&_ pie¢%ai%;Hy if they~ omit hang- ngfuch ::s;%t11e7‘Learned 4af0+1jsa%faid,:1nmI1e N‘0b1cand~yaIi-"- .:.mraforefaid,a:2ci A11Aisdiv§ncwfc*;lfe fha11rhink Rt,-being all A % A \ uM[P.~ 5.. 2:513 .aAn‘d Oi-tkodax ivzm maid nat'kaé}b at ALL; vfflgmirz thaj2;p4rt5.] N aw ifthou lovefl 12115:. ickard, tell‘ Ind av? Aifelm» 49% 99% raéauééhvfiélfchfigc P€¢£13§E éfllme if A thoufi ‘ p,_.__,,, __‘h‘ .- C 4g;hQu ihafi= I10! apiettysgo od ppinion of thy own red head, 3fld%%Wh¢§1:’—€1‘it]b€f10F3b€fYéragCfi0W 9 fince an ablcand Orthodox divine Izerctoforemof Magda/en Colledge in V %C'_mn.6.rid_ge,a§nd Ma£h:rbfVAtts 5 hath gotten a good Li... v1ng4:n_rhofe p.-2rts,:and {ta-nds very conveniently forhim nc:c;re;_thc:1:ig11-way,Ato purvey ft): new . ',:‘,'@m ‘ ..:‘ fl’. It mu am [4 id to Iiatr, fookjn rise .35;/1at ,/f¢nr,1ti)at ” mzmzhmhzof!e;t1'ek1for4'veflaz;c4n:e var; rbafi: rim; [bed tbi: 1.0!) V AMWJTJ 55905-]T041hC» Q_‘5e€11V3*’1’fitherf;3»®ken,E3Lir by whom not namc:d;,that anpnwary reader might be caught 3 and V tghinkekvvas fome Cathedral1man%fpa!w.-Air. Blufh at thy own¢‘di(h0ncPcy and fzflfe dealing, Richard. ‘ V A A 1’_ 8, And land}: not 5m:.;-for one of tlmtfizcfctj, zriéotkough mffledget mm rmmnrd, lmthfiecnca canfiant preacher , and in than rajfzcfi their Cativfdraflfialt, é'c..] This :73 xzhrat D ._ jack; flm namcdbefovrc, one thatthinkcs he can fland behind his beardwand; %a&any‘~thingun4{écjnc, but he is {eene both (sf God and man. This ishe,;.that when thefé .Il‘_C)ubIe5 wcr3 intheir mam trryi(Iat'ii0niJ, inane being ab1c~%%to judge df th¢irinc'§inatian , would one day preach forBifhops _, anorit-get daywagainfl them; one day ‘for the Lytuzgig, and A thenextdayagazi :%onc$umdaY ‘€11 the P€0p1ethey % mufi have ajgteaf %rh;ey made not an Idoll ofthe Par... — A hamcnt ;andthe1iext %Lords Day make an Idol} of in himfelfe;And thef”efQrcis%11eA here Afiid , to have b_F¢ene4 mi flédabut HOW’ rcttirn'd;as (X16 that having confizltcd with= his bvttlma 4t£§0kc;4thence¢%+ aI14‘€i41:1fpiration to bcof rherure {ide..,This is thatconftang preac'f;‘V__f§_., 4 that; for along time;;_ preaclxed nmhmg bunhxs owgxIn;t:on{’can4cy,to the derifion~ A 3C C5mmPtQfa1.d€gr€e$ of P?=i‘f0n$;8£yet this is hcswhom becaufi‘: the profperity of the’Cauf==.-hath kept no‘wVi;g;,a, 10r%gA%!c:AIT0ns»is raalleé the»C athedraA‘iIA4SaIt , -'fro:n warm inA&Ivmhm 5;. I3 .. 2":e'.crcthafnltMafthe cqrtb mrithout cA0n.:: A “fikdfififlg-Whatf0V!IQwes%; butt‘ tbtf. altvladvc law -A ?b€£m'thfl>aé?i# befdltedé I I If "’c5T.“‘§i”;'2 '*'?;.8?.g{4geZ§gi'J#mnd w¢flafi7¢~3?edAfdermaa~o_g;“E*anferbu; ~2-ygavem6%1ate{mtmafirifl,aftapqfagewrétten Awzwrbix mm V bandainw fjm»re‘l:zzfein¥‘VhiJgre4WtV1B‘i£vle§zrk21¢!2Vpal7;¢gc&IIowa aftm ~ read 2 If: tI¢§J'¥‘.] Awifiere it iéemfis f0methinga@0ut4 the rm 3%! prefence is ohférvech, (avhigh poynt far%anA«AldermAan:,J:» and I make; idoubt” vv heme: h:iS'> wxflxip wa 3 -mafly‘ pm»- Vfen:mno.3at‘Ibafe:hisu3:ic1m'ftanc1?§nq¢ ~ % A A V [Thf5%iJ<2rriM'7¢ th%e~A‘AiIdWwd£: my Bilvle, ézafiizzwezrarzfv A B Varigtfic zvr07tefm’th£Ar4 M1713 t}5u"I:% at #36‘ Carimdmsll A May dgd V {a wrzjem, ghgtfi Imam may Awitié m}~~%bwire’.4fi,?‘e:a;d ( than gh hjg Emim hadafi End loijg beforcg 4nd‘“"2‘m1z'é#m»% mara M the? ma» 4E}mdrM'm7 3 3e‘M'eMft£’r3w2d {.ca”uId“éw£ fie? in mm fill we MW Ming ofzhe News Scam, awzdzlée §4:*{iamew$ Acamwéxg fit aw %%yidghfiggcn.] Thiswas Writtenfi yeamm 2zfi;er'the normkz A the great Biblfcr, I»t~hi}n1{é? the“A!derman may co_m5_:m~e-% ‘With. Si7rHemj_y V4-fle=£bf»a ~r?i”?1sernCvI“V¢ But I @e;m1a;§.a:=a: $w*‘I“3;;z%*:: 2-broken flecpes the pome manlxacf, Mat vms mt iimumai world a Wrong Way; A ,fm~Y8 yccresV3;and4w¢I1ata la-memtablc ,%li§‘: he had lived if fimhad had :16”P§t»r1ia.4Amcn%t”,{M9113 wotamncver havc’bee4n¢:.°& A 1‘ightagcn;b"ut mailllikalyhood Em/;c gofm: mutfof th§£ifA'A‘ [m.chr2&-:ia2e p. Ix.!a_/£9 fl~Iislme!..:£ofe,w'4.3¢] tlm d§- A A A $5.113 graciouslips *o%AffweafiVR-icharri flmft mm 4 tide“ it tlixzm ~ his new fanéiificd phrafesp*I;efet2tAIAy.. A % A A [P.. I ‘I . Wbenfimc mtariam Mal:gn‘m':'t:» and !5s:eV»2di4a~§e;3 inm 3 Reformation: ! BL1‘£%$*J€§A*>fh“a;v1V1*~E::e‘11%¢:§W1m3gil3é"*kcfp§:is_ AA A 450%; Priafix mid athersywerehfiwgrzrcl in Can:crb11ry.] Thggm when it am lawfixfl fo:rA'Tayfd1~§A3 Tim1aers%§—dB/2«rbws,;5aa! Eersg Hatters , (alias l1:arei=sj Aané;1tAI1c3?i"x§AI;.évite§W 5,t‘Ot‘AAAd€‘CrA(§€3 Ma1ignams and X,nateno1ia1’}i€3':s,thcy tom won z4héezza% 3% am? decree their pun'i‘£hm1ts* g A am«a4c%co rdingiy bVy-m4ig4iavr,. wear out §flT1‘iOOpfiS and befetthe hAc>2.1f€:s of Gc:nt}¢::;c1e~;z3 to the afirightment izsfthiéitréiwives-¢é.ndc ffa En*ii%»iAsa*h.5‘ an é:’A€£2*3;‘i~3AAA» £01 thcnm t he Ma€’eer$ of Atheéfloufe ("beca1g1,‘fc»:a.~%&i%::»n4g&Er it%%mA (63 Mien he ws}§% comet»E2Ver1e)&:'wha§1;€ife %%jpf¢_ahf‘¢c§. find -fire A 4c2t‘herinhumanitiesgnd;ba;rba,E1wfi;1es_g:40mmamadwby tI1€.fi-:- A man, k%n0w:ne»one.AIy to Ricfhéfi-'5; ¢t61‘??W’AV 3; .VW}.;1;05‘t::Verr1ifAi'A'a-tififes they were, VIA Ieavét to Richard l1im”£E-ifc. mo, Ciaroniclain his nexcbglorious.Rec<::rd. A A ¢ A % _ [Pa 3. Where I;/14¢ proudmimi]Thomas Backers» A,n#::3- A 551%; 0fC3I1f€fbi1rYaA~wd‘Arab-T!4$yW.aAiW5‘4;W”'A?”5WM-A laazgiiz ta’-mt cmedr,41z A:f’o:~ his Treajbfl4#dKe5ellia71.j.HQw A now 3 Trcafonand Rehellion E againii whom 2 AM: thinks this were cnougll tomak¢..ywO!1411 Iaaircz fiamcii an end, as did the Aldetme-,n’S._LQ%0kfi..tI?»Ay 4faitla‘ their bayou? at téeir 54% "up to their Ca21e.fiiallAdwe!!ing: : 6 .% . A A for Rcligian rzzw fingg, we areiaZ1.S'azmtM?:d Kzwgyx And‘ hmal1vPrc§lwiz:Mfw:!lingm ” ‘floew M14]? t lifflam Em‘ mm, mzrfiwt up to zfm Sflmm‘ * Andframjthenre was brought dawnefbrvzz Timrzaler 4“ Wbicbwtbe hat; mm tlwm at 48/1 tlwfe wifl matflang, A A a A At VtbeAirgif1§3 Imp mzipk they doe wamlgrg A Nqm the Aldcrmdm éook,wz'thR1chards ficmlwlfi. “ A “ ‘ Hm .»;xgrec'd Imrlflr zivhrifi downw- ram i:iam’dtIwa Ki»g»1%rvbevrWvvdwhériwg ‘g+othea';r.~’bmr43a:¢IafWz«: bf"abeLc‘m»n.~e-a. AV '[J{;J,5,q . Cathedrallgalled Pemls in L0[nd0n.] p:e::y‘%r*upa1%z.¢£4fi«ae¢¢c zf.¢T,aea*.i%%ovvrxck eduicarings ‘fig gm: fijt%r1:1e%Sa.i,x:‘t.s,b%c iii [awgarfé (c'0ndit'10n than they I .vx{¢ré tI1fé5P.!2*”" é a§1dther’e%f£>rcV thou doflg well itxot to “name any, ". ,e11iIie I1;ow,wI1at_call you Mafl;etVSo!ic:'i. tor_?;"1s,hi%.sn;a1:1e Mafccr A1912?! ?L¢.t it be I0 3 and than ::=c.:- V ciifethfi‘Ra1igfofis‘a1id4LéarmdPi‘?~3i1¢ of Popéryta fm pmyéimg~f0f \ [A x rrheacing M aw: cmbury Mano;aaz:e.;»Ae'.c,;gr.:V%z,»z §avzszMr:»%Aanémhe W 1Efi81aH’d;.+3. 70 AVV§?9n“d:cfEu11.!; That tha King ,% being av: r w\ A Ba an A4 »f;;i?~’€*a efs e1remWa11 .z*»g1and,Vand:hem~ W fire at cwrew&ary?bec?an fa m «wherve ~e1A4¢fcj igrg; allfiyglmd fhould fignc Bill 5 M:igigv-;j&?'1~x%;:1c%%1;¢4“did‘ :1q‘cf:¢,;” ;I;‘5:,;qli;{ _w1_1c;:e elfem allzang,/mm’ gwonderfull firavgai ‘V " EP. zmyan W253"?C¢1Wf—w#fi€.'¢4}=W?»?1§gh(;gl,HQ3 4TG;?cfnxIee'4V % men, afid%OLIfic‘:er§,w ai3E13Va%4I'1 ofhefS;.Mémb‘&£S €)fthe:‘Hg:;;{;:y' Divines 0ffl‘1%£~§y ad» and a11fAh3i%k1¢Y¢{ #R¢13gi,€3.fl7g hc.r.€s aycxzgwmztxlz»opem1:VasbeIzy%,*dnezhat%wc»u1d ex-gm in ~ , ‘Mafia againe by little and "little and fI1ére%fd1*e I EA€"{.'é2chV A im:%b¢.*a1<€‘1L@,u%, aWa‘y%Wi:h11i%m%,% and truflimim AA met any Iénger ,, fcgwrtlle fervice‘ %hef€2e‘n';es%tQdoe you asa? Sp}-re &~ImaiIigencc1f.‘i3 ameer Impofior &decarwA*h¢&d$AWfiy~¢V%ag%£ honoured}, and onaeliy mufl:“nOt‘ live to fe‘Ae‘A this ‘«i"%aAI% a? nd A w.'o1*ff3e.vherg3in theW0.r1;i,,hat1h4 diflionoured it fcIfeT%a,An¢: all thatis ink. 4You4t%Im~t muff 11T%;eAAgnd~dya~ ”witf‘l1B"ifh‘gM ,3? ‘A w and Cat11éd?ra‘13Ss;t2J£‘?v355i1Ar§0?{P3 Y? Q1??? M I->r§“f15:f.1i"*4f0 .VP :3 me manmmreyw1é%4V‘é"Ii“: ? W-‘$é‘%%‘?fi1r'€‘1$?&" ‘«1”~%i1i1: V thy o:mc¢%x::zruraIIcmfidenxs jfm.-cV Ri;1mgd;~A,andge:*A%up. » e1uac1;:1y;ifrhc5u1our4e1“cchy4Ccmntryuxenan¢I.‘neigbbcmrS;7 far if men 11?'gh¢p12.¢4£f5« ] hit is ;. fomc \ fur.iou%sA f”¢1L1o»ve_;s, that w*Qu«?d §b"e;damnd¢4{0,r Swearmg , %Lying_, VVh0fl n%E$-E4114 1,3riuki:%g,4i£ Ath¢,Par1iamcnt ibrvicc did. npt paxdon them, Wcgt irgtp the C§1urcI*1fand H1616 rtwi {ht - W the ‘Whre oMf.B49j/0]? J‘ ~;ffI!0:¢%k3Wh1ch 3315 ”W’@ Gulmcrhath fofma,nyti;m¢s ha;c§.o.nbisV cmrsn back. Thefigarc fuch gonad 1 pficogple, £&:;m1e.ofMthem4ashavc left eommitting Idolatry in the Churéfh, to commit adultery in the Towns, ,[P.-2 %o...:W/qezz ti7%e'Camm;{]¢§eVner: zmfa upmz the Execmfwzu é’ ¢;§] ;CJ%¢ri;u$£niffione%rs% I vwvhfo wrer€.»%t§1€4fcgo0d EU:/WA; let umsw know thc.m.V4Th@C0mm*ifli~nets pufd demise Chou p-A fidc-Crf{E(.‘ThevG’ommi£Iio11era%Vkifd the women‘ that came to pctitiorW1fz2rPcaVcc:3 and did many more tlaings A A 3eA'sr;it?zif1'5tI’=zc£é th1.'-cc yea1jes;;wQu1&d,;_fill a vAolun:r;*,,. VV’%ereA A “V"“3»it3tn§4COmm¢ifli0,ners 1‘ uL_§h,..;;.asAA.tM:..1€{Cv Wrcciouszucm , ” and dfg'rr:at auVthority5wh0fe Commiffions wereciatcd vzzhcn . A I there was no eliing in Ifraell, A ‘ A f‘ P. 2.2. /1‘Mz"nifier égifig them an tbcVtqp*0f7tl2e Cim Ladder, , aéédmfixzy ,-fiep:"bfgh,%2vizh.z%rrPo?gl5ikc,§'r2'Iai1_Imgud,] A Cu}-4 Ifiinating Re&fo5*:merV1 The MinificrVwasA R-icluzrd ; Culmcfx V M! Wdv’v'%1=ié’IsveetIe[If'c ,Pri1m:ipa1%l¢ Comnliifioner ! A pretty ‘ _p¢¢‘St2clcfora R€f0mwatim3.;»B_ntthis AL;addmrAm*:ay% fexves V I6‘;§bét*€¢f*~P?lt onely afzcndenti ; ,3 but tra riAAfCendcnt .. . And a fhinthc gives us0f§this,~,m g1p~rifichim:IE:1fe bcf01"c:é= % xpi:c4 £0115Ri5:h“'d%%iSgOtl€hVinfC:i1is=0$;v1§éprO- '$firaphi€a1V1y,«}a¢gi£orcs~thc place oflimzt. A 54 ‘ ‘..- ,: [m 23 Dent.‘ Q35. 5.Ifm;y»4(£I2aug~h»newer fa wme a’e‘.m% L ”*>»#?!v?1w%tv& {jdtliatatry iv;.az¢.gammcd.&yT%~«aow7zm« 3.3 me ?['P. 21.v0‘b‘9N;1/9€”}Wf5”F mania? ‘7}~0tMt'€21!4urf4eV fiibzlgia-1 7 fefli%()n07f*D&‘iVi‘nitiiE 5.1 where i%h¢:%thinks he atg11eLs it mofl: &$?;iim$%3,&%&.5& 8 I-3 5 % oRA,4 ~ A - A n Order to forbid anyThanks-- giving for IIWCA N T E R B VR Y A Nflwcs publiiht by 1€z”cl7ard’”C:4imcr, ‘.@%@@@@WM%@@@@@@ ? 3.3% §2$;§:&i&%§§£ -no $%%’s*s*¢ % a wwm@@@w@@@%@@@¢¢ A ‘ vPrintcdf.1i“ oxfaroi, in%thc‘yeareI644%, A :3€6?'W5"@§“?"?"?7'""?"W‘P"%‘ wwgw» $5353; 1.9 ? 3‘-'x~*r ” JM W fiww ”3'%*¥‘§‘e”‘é'§%'%%$%%”§§ A -ram — HONOVRABLE OIWR/1iTT’E~ A ¢VVOfthv4A.AH0L:&fe of COM M ON 3 ?.A R L 1 A M E N T, Concernmg plundered Mxnifiem. GENT. Izzding tlmt the Horzoumble Iaozzfe} cfCmm¢¢a¢2J3 A Afléwzbled in Pilifiafllfifltjlflfltb referrmr!1'o%Ayou%r cozgfiderzztiozz @1125! Acxczrzmmtioaz féizze matiAe1~y tmclaizzg rise refbr°matAi07z of " uzyigfl 42:57: camzzzififwi _%4a1;g¢zzi7zJ(2f]‘VIi;z,yi'erJ5 out of my *::'..ezzle% to t/3:115 .wor1{g,.~ M I lmwe pfefimzed to hold the Candle to you 2.; i2f”itle,4 "Iv A further t/we clzfcorvery of at izomlzle Plmzrlerer of the good nameagarzzcl rigid rdzzflzckegr qftbe liwey amt! c02z- -fper atiom of Iii! atiacrfé-Zlon7~M.i7z2 “em, lw:zvzIizq__q all 4 ~tl2e flziize Ordimzt%z'wzA flaw" the c1¢rfZ’..»:fZ, Ph}”c3‘1z2'i7£f£‘a1[l%% A _ Hz'erarA*Ac/J31 of Bifbépx, aw‘; }Jimfi3Zfla~c41le5li£,p. ,3: 6 umlrzo zxi/my ii2{fl*rzV'Qm* letmzyr t/Jing Exit: A at ».vmm£1:~ R. Me /2c“jzzclge)"ir.z Hoe iizmzrtl 0r72~¢zi1wiI¢tf 4724”?! .;:wé‘.f' pf «tbs zmzzrl, am well am‘ the“ Mozztwaml £‘?J1;f{6’iZA£."£ cf‘. an A ~*2~'*¢rtzWtJ‘ 4?¢€51?W_’fl:.i2?feto1¢At12¢ ,go%dZy mm!1m»~.v;<»:»dc«!z» A ‘Wine ftlydtfwtbéé :ab9qr?z5UR$ifiCh;! m%i#;nc1=,¢3v:§,%%;;gg' %G0dJ' If/arr/:A'5Zw¢*lliIzgimC£11f1tcérbury; Im"ct;;2gf'£zifé. qfMagd;3Ie11 Col”Zec{ge fiz Ca111b1*idgC, Z‘te..r‘;}r.3«’;"z‘c~”2A' cf“ AA A Arts‘, gm wlyzzt miti’ A A AA A A HA2. be 4* ‘ Tljgyqrfinall Error-J‘ of 112372 I lt4l{z not upon meal ,a_,{¢fi"n;l,llh”norh would I,hcz:';=.,. xvheen his {AT.gt;i1edra,}Il»»fa1th%ac1Iofiits favbur and tvaig dtxckrng atfthez: 1-‘altar; %takehimAin themanmzr and; I<;Anoc1c# nut hxs bmines»w*i~th a‘*%*Brick~4b;At‘?; Sucha. trickMw}e»u1di% have: b:=gun% :2 ,.3<)0;ai Rr3?f0m1Aat’iA0n5in makingthe~marCI13A z.1prhx3 Lm:*d4crAAt§t~c fc*c0z1dtim"e. A A A A 4 A ~ A A _ A ?A AA Pram t1."‘:isA1‘a*.*c*it:»"w¥9.s=,~-A ti*3atvAfz,Az Affkra. I5‘-. I 34 emcd A ffiifa? Cf%avmzz=t.z:afi£&grl7"éLaird,and tiJ;4tAA wIiafb£verAwwldno§AA=V - fcekgr rive Lam’ G¢2a[‘Aaf'1r;¢e/Ifgflaawfd 5-€'f3ie%tIfAqAAd€at!9§‘"~A A A And hence: it is, that‘~»x:mnAy‘OfAtAhc~pew“-do6&fine..mem f pz~eacE1kalE.ix2gAand dc£%rV0yin;g of Cavaliers and A MaIig«V mmts. Sunmof l{r'e:l¢aArdA’J c§WnAe4~A%Cr’aVft, bywhich t11_€Ayg€fi;__ I heAzi' Jiv ing; thcricf’re3Wi11AAfi§@V@r rfwadcd 1:30 A Ie.1vc3ir.,_L 4 I A ’ A " ” ‘ - A U. 2 3.. M t£.4af'e me; cry ‘out againfl my Refammm 7*é’t=}dAtlecfe AM the Ifiéeplmtes of A Scrip tare 7, Numb. 33. A57; ,.A‘ 13‘ r:L1t..«~y. 357; Ai «Kirisg. 1»; Ai .King;AA AAAIf3. A4. Ifay. 3p..24 ‘2;]_A Whcrea ll Cc)rm‘Am1yni0n% with the %IdoIatrous%nat1On$ isf h31*bidcien,a4ndthat Idolatry which the Jeawmes had c.::>i'L+’e»4 trazétc-d‘4:fin“,wi11 any cine believe; he get,- eetingupbti aladdere A60 flops high; and bezzting downe wipdozyes with a whole Pike is tfie bePc,wa.y to let in aim, rhougVI1"=in€!“eeedi;may be the readiefl ?‘ Theme the beat%ing downe etehemeo fee of a hou f e is etheeebefiv.-ray tolet the in in to wefhthe roomes. A e “I. Butilhave-done with this pittifull N‘eWees~Me0nge~r_, jwhofewholeflelation is fuck a buiidledot freippery ware , ‘and fuchatig-‘rag%eeco1Ie&i0n.ofpoore tales, ergding in , l [10 n..:A A i%i10n~.i”ér:f§3 ilavndfrs, and lyes? tI12;L' I'flié;114ne§*er%be : m ie«:x.cufi2% 1113:: pamcss E@%l1Aaw:%taken ta Io0k'V,e 1t o’veg. %. Grace», V g A . A A V M ~ V 4 A .7}-Iczm was ,inrendedV :1 Cha ra¢5’cerof the ma%n.caIling11i»m;¥ ” *iE:ZFe Rickard Cw1m£f3Mi11if%er of Gmds Word",&€c.&vI1%ich, A ( m j M A E‘m.;i Mat “:0 leave-hi"m fog kvefhall w 1:§»§,E~cin 11¢: may fee has @W%ncj'€:1"1f0rS, 4 }3CiId% hima Aglaifé,” that he: may Perm Ezmpfslgaafne ta amefida _ and ffiyfint’ him of t11e;.oefl‘:mces ~ mmmitrmizgainik the iaw::~softhe1anVé. W A Q . A Amfizfi. therefore la: himtaké nJorice.V»vhazAzhe"ma, A SpeaE;'ersof'fa14Fe’ nex.+;r72z;!E?awr,wr::2;v2 ziiggzfia £2" p:'.aecia’is‘_aw¢i A273 a.MzVz‘r:tL-gr‘; mg. Apizixfizsi :9-$$3i?7?.?Mf0?2:?.6i.'dtH“ffdfilfli?'Z.’1'. A A A “ W V . T I2m;r {age} Edgar. Kéfigi ',é7’!?1!»“6’r /egflx C:I2z;mi,'[;'gzgi,; ajgfig» {ms ;-,mr.:'£::»s: fl$;2atiJ', iawpréfid were/asgerarit? qz§amy.é;?am~ xm.t=.dc*1 fE::f1:zm i1 imwzluu (mt corpora?’ ejm‘ ‘ddmwm infémmm , A rarmmra/£5/raid, tmm az/tar: mcditiamex, mmqmtm f.4_;/[Z23 refefu lare, é’ c04rg¢m’6 paterit, agzrgt is lirrgzmm dam ;apitii:%¢flim4m« ‘Ariana r£dimiz‘o,y,,/mt‘ M’ 1i22;gz:.z;2m;iditar. M A ' % *' Andw413VezI1ea*or11o1ie migl2tnotVbeA4f§zic!tAob:eAwig1~gm A [the Star.,_oF Rims, Routsg and uAnIaw and the 5.~£d. 6..c. 4. for quarelling, ling, in ¢€3I111rc:E1AaAnd% (3 hutch-yards. full Aifémblicsfi 1 Thcre4I4qm1y rccitetogive him rubieasof meditas2~ Kong and occafions toAre,fy:n:mc 111m,£E1fc from fame ma {bus drama from Charity, we omitgthougfih hi:'nfe1fe1mth.t2ken upon him inhis -books, Vonec-of the hig11efi ef.EI1‘f1.fiS_' Offic£..~:s-, ta itis enoughonely that as {Gone as; we {kw his Pamphlet in pArirm., we: could not but cry out in the Jewes Proverb, A Can 4 Ts Smlalfo among the Prvplxcts 2 A abie V “gm !~i;;rj?;”.;¢,1x.~5‘;‘;f;»91‘ f‘2¢ifl7z.* d¢°prV2he22a£;emr*,,le*viori_alz'g::a Pgggum - . 5 if he havcwthc jwlge the gui~c£é'¢;dfid 't1%'”d¢'x‘w1; % can hathariiwa thm*1i(f¢Q -rmla%wl%A0f6 Md ~wA4:—4% gainfl wer_y mazzngmd 4=*’“’J‘”W 12% waxagéiflfli him» :5. zz%.%[.({e Ii::1c:%1«3v¢1{§d~h,§; §V.rtm. gamrfang: his ncighs bourmd %4CLQ::1nt§§(I1I;C_3,) W93 15Ql??+T-30:11? Q5: 3 352% A Can hctha: (Ii _c the vulzturegwhang {l7aefee1;13,:I;;gr:%-,o;sgrnc birds gr.-owi fgeéangdghrim Willi b€3Fia$1?€‘l13.?W?i§1§.h;€£; vsgings» am {he make..tli¢iiiQI€a1‘l¢-§%Xhath}3%~4W@»fé$=;=r@ii4d4 aaionsg flucwed abOiin&iafic‘l4yT,ji%tI1af"the Vp«o:fI¢ f1'ions of liis.‘b retAAhifcri, A ofthc Clergy , [arc»thjc ichiefe ob;jc&ws;ofA his 2.ff:20cine§'afiiaE£1é:.4"*1, AA *' %=4‘xid¢iAhe%%~Kin;gand his R u1:evmbe%ao‘e 5%Ib‘ic;&§; %£f~§:h¢meane&:»in‘i~he ichmh: are made Pr4W-‘$$VW0fthe mean¢¥i.Vivv*h¢e Sarearemde goveVrn0L2x”s"; The ‘ff:t’vam*s"“}31gr4'%1'nifiiace of the i*r?M”a {}e':5¢;x. a& mor2*m£*%*t4I1*eAAir