OR % G H. -A N‘ % c on D E M N 5 D5 - AND F EXECVTEQ S E RJWO mg, Preached befQ;e%fus1dryd the Eloxuourablefibufe of Commoxisg at Wg/Z‘mi22fie%r,A°'priI, 4.. E 6“ ., V By Samtoelfiireclot/2, Paflor ofrthfi: { Congregation ofI<‘«szta2¢ in Sufiblée. M I-In . - ;w;Zd»zo~'G9oi they were e'm2=£z4et e»fi"1?2'~%~’:,'z?cf7z2*¢az4§Ze‘AA3{az*.é; A.4_ _.w,.r-— LONDON. A A A frintedby R. Cam, fm: Hmry Oywrzmz, and are m be A V M M fold at his Shop at gzhe ent1*a21cei;1t»3 Pofp~:s~hc:.ad4_ — A Alleys Ql1¢°.€Lumb3.‘9d:1*1Te€% 1+6 + I» % L - “ “ . , , . .. ‘A W M -.,. ‘ up . - P " « « "’ ‘ " I.“ f.: . ‘ s- ‘~ " afs “F L. A % A T3 *7:\(:“’/5?3?7W~%4’5”??7‘<{0”a~:»:~ Em me counue. o~£%sz:;;fazée.=4 « A A S 3 I R,‘ OM55 A’ %zlJas'~%'L5z”erz"av Fof zze7~:.‘?tVlaeA M A _ ;2ez;§l;b‘%p;.(:%{_z_'_rzg‘ pM‘tJ'< 40f gw ~ Comntry, are ikc’ exprqfliaggx * ;E~.L% ‘\ ”“‘~="-"'-7"“ v " — Q __ ‘u-W O 1 _ V _,_‘ ‘. ‘ V .. 9 I .... Vv "“’ - %%flI"0Vporr, éath 0f7?2yfi°{;‘é5 and % mofi‘) Voéjérzzex it 5 and % moreA~ 19:43:46! ;{}?e}zé’e 0/‘"z't gsyet every pious '/Jemtgg Ilm €1»'6’}’° 7”?/3395»?! 4??’ Pmfit fram my poor? dmc1z¢?¢¢r0;’;.§y -‘£2-:% %:m(:¢mt made? A212: five grace oVC?-od)’4:£zz2azrlec{;ga V 3favw'.,fez}*‘é_" Ike c/airy? $422251 Vqmzm.’ i2z_{fr:zMe;2£ -:: of 15.4: A :3 .‘_ J‘ ,.»‘ . *- H. ,_» ‘M g ..1.---'_ 9 ma, _«,‘~"‘” I .- “W, “xi ‘E M M *2...» 1 ‘: V‘ “-m“.' % migcia zaoxaoumam F rfyimr zsofileparrorzzgge, and } ” N 7 mzniflry, t}mr%=a4rI:I €_yev(4l- A The Epiffilé may We Alfalfa t1<»¢¢ 1"’ A " A ; -- - ” ‘L.’ §i§~:;‘~.«--' % ‘ W%I ¢€f?%iJ0W‘?z€l3 éy I» were-‘r téfiiafi meée, fifiiifiif fiieégéghax I izkiré % £43 Hid ma hdzzcfiifi 25?, I5 infifzggd ofét 3 mt}? zgg§z;g7§;g¢iom, zéuz; jpiggjgg g @539‘ Prefiw "*5 .”’.'é.f“; Jzeiflm zvmds and ézims (¢‘zl7o.a‘2'(%gIa?%4x‘z' ;>g%f2fi:4yaz‘)%:Ia¢z£ ézse ‘pig/egg]; Img_i};";ég;¢;s;;g1g61 ‘ _[_b__f2Z__?_K£5 2715 iI—$.ca#la’not ée mnrezrfled 2'22 fizz 222M619 prg- ‘£94533’: W’W£~’“»‘4”Wfi*é!%%-%s5W.%¢%’é,wOW, W: ('”5"’3‘*;‘;”?J7“]’7‘3'u5**5¢’?”A 05?‘ *f?W??L£554“J5€¢’er' ‘ware 5,7 zlae pméléflaizzg 22o:s;a?a%;%:%jalz3€;-mxerrgazgpz my Mfg yet) I [herald fJzzz/{£%4;;»i% ppporrmzztze /9.::~.=r€£3; 01%/;«~ed, to mafiepwldigzae cgigfigfi 12 bow Wm;/9 mt/9 mjjfegfi gm!" V d[Zt?)ev.{_1»zgl.e“av/aéy‘e£fi§g_.§g:§___z«9,' gzfigikfetféa 4 «ma! Fzz,=m”[ie,«fm~:»; 1&2la¢{§§t}g(,:;%Vwand‘fizp;i4qgiiizg‘4 ‘zbe~;¢2;'5;3:;_ A %{feg;6 of Ike woxgéflgglpazker 0]p%Il;§_fioflre/Z dwgflgfll‘ 9:3,; and tofl.i:/‘re tlJéz;2z:.«:g.2 [£:z7§'79 joyaze wee, z’;zv;«,<»mL ' fl “Mag yroLm" WVk?rlf79£;>;:lzf=€;, _fl»$fi;=2y, _ Vp;*aJ’f2m'r2’e' arm’ £29; “gvzrvaar of % }‘0ztrfi¢wil.z’e, 2*/7eA¢~{ég_.»§j'q5fqf gig-31% A P;~;9;g;¢f * ..¢Z12:§Z' ;r2M;/~,v’Z’.—e*..: w/?Iz'c/9 o]7p0.?'zwif2‘i§ imgl 1%-‘Iggy,’ zvozfpzfp £§7,,-z.cs."%;»zz72‘ ¢;2:.m3 111:1;/:c’£V;L;’7E3~;i j’<3z¢'- yqggyn (5 ,».£m *,..V% ' 7230%2?/3%? é?§1:?’3_'$§ff€j)' '1/6*A'Z}J{5l‘ fi?fi’w'.r~e I Y A . fig «:31? fifl ;._?'?5«’fi’ =93 £52 ‘@w;[%q,j.{fz' P‘;/«lg ‘ ' fj, Mfg» W] [;D£¢Dz03£‘Toze§~; Wmgfofhfia /weir pram again}? Achaii; ‘:5 ‘M592 304356 WWW 1%-*%tA5y your cam emwcirzg and 2'22.-J cozmzgiazg ihe wrzwom a#&!V% bppofimg tbeprofmzc gm! :;2z'2~z'oz:.r , yaw have approved your f2_lfe fa the whale. 5’-’*’%1’*"?.“”'L1i”é."’!:.W1/:47".?..”’!J?’€IT€; 459_zJe»¢&'i2zpartim4 % Vlzzrr, agagywflgll z‘I;k Achans ma! trozafzlem‘ qf’az;;~1,M‘;e‘ . -:zml__lz':5_em'e, a maze Jo _ ua 15 whigbfiglj may 56 W4 jyfougyvoxflaipg > W99‘ °b1ige& ”% %% 3駧A;¥sE¢L92flé’ &—The _ :'T1”O1,1 bI6_1‘S Troubled, " AcH‘Aw4Co%ndemnéd, . $4 AN D ” B E 547 7:E‘79- A AA 1 A _IosHuA, 7.23. J A 4 AM Io[bzm.faid,WIgy Zia}? thou trauéledm 9.’ the {floral zrauéflc tl7ec t£?13‘ dd}. ' A % A b % 0 ma, for bringing judgment: . , -u)}:c)]:1flEfi*acll, in offending in” the" V \curf'cd things, is the4 fim_1II1£ Qfthe % .. , Text, V “ . % *3‘ A x A Whercfin }oflvzm"J pra&if¢’,.aSin f iu{7c%’judg;t11cnt of G061 upbn Aclmf-¥ V a mirror is, prmefémed‘ a concurrence of all grfiaccs, ’ ;a»c:ontcx;tu;re éf all Avertues *%necefl;l1rie :9 be obiér-.» vcd in the execution of penalfllzflice, upon p1_1b- licke ofl‘¢nders%. ForWwl1a;f0cv¢1f, by Way of %%%di1~e—a- Eiion, aoxicerningtlae Inqui-fition, examination, c’0nvi&i0n, fentexacing, or execution ” of publicke Hlalefhfiors is e1féwhe1‘e% in the Scripture, in T/Jefi, . o1‘the rule, is herein Hjpotliefi, the fubjefic, and pra&icé.% “ For all that can be defired ofa Magifirate, in this refpeét, is comprehended under thofé two heads,‘ whith S'olom:o72i;1 his; Prayer_., 1. Kiyzgi 3. 2. “ Clororz. I. ‘I o.begs of hisGod, to wit underfcandizig, to diiizerne between good,,and bad 5 and wifdome to gee-’out andin beF0re‘1:l1epeGp1e, in 'judgi%ng t'hem "V: accoArdi;1gIy.% , A The former 11otesAa g ”0d'head, thelatter a good heart; gs: gofod head, toknow what 13 to beidone .3, a good heart to Vdoewhat is-I-znowne: a1IthatSola- morz praycjs for tlxere, jzn.//ma-,p1'a8:icesl1eV1*e, the firfi: \ in the forms of a Iegalliillquifition, and arxufation, W73}: lmfi Atbozz irozzbled m I’ The fecojnd in the forms of a'judicia1I7 féiitéiite and peremptory verdifi, The %L0%r;df5aUtro2¢ble*21,7ee ibz'¢5% Day. I1“1°WhicI1 gccufation and fentence, ‘W._ee Awfll C011fi3€1‘ 3 7fi1‘fi* the parti- cuIars,.fecondIy thcrelation of tho1E_pa1fticuI;u_-As .€'it11ez*tb%0ther. ” L4 " I A ° ‘ Thg particularsare thcfc; A 1. A % Firfl, two troub1crsJ”SeCo11dIy_., two troubles-. T1iifd1y',itWQtrds t1‘QubIing o£Am,a1;& M M e » The it-‘:cOnd'is Ashen, V Achan Treeeled. e ivsra. trouble 0fperdition.a11d dePcruE\:i0nL’ L ; , The two troub1ed,are firft Ifiael, the Church and‘ COmmor1-“WeaIth5 T/ooze laafi twozibled W. 7 e ' troubled by the Lbréi 5 v zfie Lerrl fly:/21:? trfoztble thee. '” i h ~ ,, e Lafilyie thetwo times hoftrouble, firlt Aclmz: time of trotlblixlg of j’?-ael, pafi, Tlmm lzmfi etrozzivled 244}, fecwmdly, theLordstime to trouble Acbm, is :9 ‘ he.ceen2e,h but vezy Fpeediiie with;>m: ahny p1*ocra.{Hna— 4 titan, :b=2La}* eflull frozthie The relation oftheie particulars eIthe.;:" t-3s:ith§ee1*, is ofthe caufi: to the eEr"e8c, the tou1‘epa1*ticuia"ts in the acctzzhtion ' 'bei11e; the caufi:-:f of thxafzfe ‘£m1i*eth in the coxxcluhoxz, I andeehthe foure in the conclufion etI1eeffe€t 0f'thefe in the accufation, betaafi: Aclmn is a troub1ei*,there- ‘fore God troubles 5 and. becaufe Ac/omz troubled If-14 m«2J ,, thereforeGod troubles Ac/£2472; and becamfé » x(4C.lJr.Z7Z troubled I_fi'aeZbyi11fe&iOn,G0d troubles him "by dC&[‘L1&iO113 and becauiTe%he hadtdo,ne_itintin1e pafts Godewillehtdo it. oertétinlyttfox? time to come, he and that vex!" f eedil - the Lord « all trozzblev flame to , 3’ P“ Y 3 A . . A ‘ Ada)’. In the foure pa.rt1cu1ars 1n the accufatxon, We A are to Ieerxue the caufe and meanes whereby a flour- A V rifhi11gKingdomeis oVe1*th1*ovetnea11d troubled: , In the fohure particulars in the c011e1I;ufio11, the meanes and remedy, whereby: ahre11t:and_tdifiurbed -Common-wealthis.c11red,;i_nd repaeyredh5e'a1itd now A . Firft, of the particulars intheaccufateion, hand A tttherein ofthetroi1ble1*, and trouble toget.her,wbeing V mofi fitlyhhandtiecefiaarily Cohfidered,“ contIii1ied% the A :Cat11iea11d perfoniwherehy Ifiwzel is troubled. A _ A tr.o.ub1er. is AcImzz,'ttfoth1this esvenyee nat11¢hP1f0-r A V 612111168 him, Who’ is h;er.ehconfidered ..11o.ta.CCQrding 1103111-S~Bi1‘£h, fciise “he the Sonne of Lewis Jvgerfe 1, A of at B0 _ A the A V AchanlTroz;5led; M L U Q ‘Q1 ‘K A 2,‘ A A Sficandlyg *i¢fd.note:s any thAirig ifor,evexfde~éreted‘+A‘ tlie. tribe osjamthe tribe reyall, Sac. nonas area. jeét eonltefing his fault, follies he the 8011 me of j‘q{/azm, verle 29. lbutasione jthat offended in the accurfied thing, verfe 2 1. F0 is he the Son oflielialf, an Aclmz, a troubler of Ifiuzel, and the caufe of Gods ?troub.. lingihim, froni whence this polition is deduced. Thofe in aeeN‘é1tion« that ofi'en_d in that which the Lord lmth iexecmted , are the Aperfoens by whom. the Church and Common-wealth are ruined, and difhirbed ofwhat tribe foever they be . 1 Behold Acbzzzz of the t1*ibe'0fj‘zzda}9 by his ing the Babyl0nifh:>Garn1ent D‘ and . the Wedge of Gold, which God. had execgated, the armies of I fi*aeA7,' flefht with late vifiories, areweakned, jqflozza their ' Prince and CaptaineAdeie&ed, the Elders dill ecouraged, eneniies exalted, three thouffand put ta linger» A 'roAm:_., thirtie fix llaughtered, the hearts of Call the ” x*eiLwr§unded, ‘a“nddmeIl”tedd like Watierg; itr,ue A there» fore is ‘the accufiuzion by jfiyim, Thou hail troubled us; €1"l§’lCl'aS".t'm1¢.itl1C.PQf'xtl0.Ii that is thence deduced, That thofeAinaiNa"xioixi 86¢; t3eLpxfope1‘l}r {W0 -Lilli-Ii»gS-f ' Fir-ll, ficha thing Whi‘IcheGlo°d hath defiilndeed to finall delhuetion , and t.'Iotall.A aboliflmxcntj To the A ' Camzcmite: Idols, Teniples, Alters randilmagesiwere - “cldefeyii wDeuz‘.17“.“ "S. -to taken=faway“ fi'dn1.1mderiiHea--- n . fil.£§h’5 'ai1d fo%fitljr %trenflaj:eld1‘ “aceurled.;i ' - alldft A 'ACi1i;and‘T}'oz¢5/ed. iand confécratcd. to God withtiut aiiy liberty of ” alienating it from him by Redcmptiodn: fo the .. vowes, ‘dedicated things, arid perfoxisthat were to ' referved to Gods ufia, that they might not be re- decmed or impropriatedufroni it, Le?/iticm 28, A are Called-c/aeremfin a. true fenfé htly rendr,ed,excom- municated fi‘om.comnion" uiés. The'Gre_eke ren- ' der:~=ibot_l1 the fiinfes fitlyi in one Word anathema, which is any thing for apart eithcrfitrjzizm, 01'fi07‘3-I fiziiz: 'firPcjinji¢m from us to God by Devotion, fo the goodly gifizs dedicated to the Temple, are by Iiukq 2 I . 5- ca‘Hed arzsztlaematcgorféorfitim fronl us,and I d God, ialfo by finall défixfuftion, fo -Paul‘ called the 2 man oadccuriéd Km. 16, 22._that is ever to be fl-apa-..i rated from God. i Thus you f_=:e whatis thcdaccurfedithingi,1:222; anj A A A thing finally féparated from man, arid7dcvo:ted"dto.- Go.d_5dor Jfecondly anythingdef’cinatedA to utter M abolifhment by God : inow toqoffcnd in this is done — two waTies, A either by impropriatioxi;orapp1*op1~i.;. .. ' ”“at‘ion.t it it .. it V A ‘Firflrrby in1;p_ropria;7ting from Godéwhati he Mhath’-1 efpeciafly ref-ervcd.‘ ,t : .t V\ V ) , A t _ Secondly, by 3PPP0pri;‘1tingi to our / I thillgiwhichi he hath appointed i:‘tobe~i~fi1‘Hyidefiroy-L A _ed. Aébazz oAfl’ended..bothf Waitesg butfor tiferfiisflzeihb A im propriated from God the AWcjfdgc ao{fGoI"d,: W11iCih‘4.“ ~ the Lord hadpeculiarly “réferV‘ed‘.t0 ihimfialfé,‘ chap. . 6.v . I 9 . and fccondly appropriated to himjffelfei the BiézbyIon.ifl1igarment»_which God had ‘appointed to ~ burntiandta‘bo‘lifl1t=:d-, cliap; _vctf'E:ii d1i:8.i : o 7: . A it ;AThe1E~tihifigsoth‘¢11sprcmifcdlby way of dexpfiicae , i d tiOn5”I proce'cdto it%h’et;confirmationd i=to7demonfirate ~ i t£1at._thoi2:.iinii:i;Nation.tfiatiofifciid in either.t.of_the£é A B 3 _ A waits :1; n Achan lreouwaz; t‘-Waiesixz that whicl1eGo’d hath lexccrated arc the pep, L fons-bylwhom the Common-Wealth is diflurlied; A whiclxwduldbe moi’: evident to thofe thattin the; V ilicrcd Chronicles ofthe Scngipture, {hall ob£e:~vde.;;hc Lo1'ds:ju{t proceedizag agaihil, AcImz:,eu11der -what g0vernme11tfoevertI1ey lived; }whethe1* Patriarchs, * Judgeegortd Mon:?u'chs,v in all which thofe that did oflend in thatlwlfich God had execrated were the pcrfons, l8c_c.l. e 4 J ; Primn Adami there was a gbvernn1ent infiituted by God immediately, of uI1lV6}.‘fc1l.l peace,‘Wcivi=l, m»; tionall, domeltieall,tfpirituall,Corporall peacegnoe A thing but peace, peace 5-yet Adam and Eve there, as Ac/Jazz here, tooke butane bitof the excommu11ica- ted thing, that God had fpecially refsrved, and t thereby became Acbanr, troublees of ‘allthe peace . publickefolthat he n1ade.hi111felFe and allftlxe world cz22.»ztl7'emoz_.;” anaecut*fed»tliix1g~,;thereby§.- eAfter,h.wheza h peacefibeguln to be rellored, andreligioxx tfepayrede A in theFa1t1ilee Qf.Set-l¢v_, the fonnes of God oeffexzded in the execrable thing in nmrrying the Daughtele of e§;commL111iCateGai7z_e, féllid f.0- 110*: .;q11ely;_cli[tt1r~ L A A bed, but brought ruine and deitifticftionhIupontlxg Wl10l€ World, Ge72".5_.g'.V. 2 , A7. “VVhen tlmt greéat Lziw-giver .Mofi2r,»With Lawes judiciall, morall and alfo Ceren1o11iall;,toAtally divi11e,had {etled the glory andfpeace ofthe Cht11*Ch,;md Common-wealth; of V Iffiaelj the peopleVoffe11ding:i11;the a‘c:c11rf'ed;, thing l A oftheIGotlde1.1 Calfel, fo diilurbed all tthat_»1.10twith~' {landing émd Governmf-ent alfo, they were like to be confiirned as one man and wholly extirpated, E~xac7;_ 3‘2;x5§az$l e =w2ts~ ga; eMonadrchl anzloynted ofGod A himfelfgxzs.’ 532m. 1 Q VI, 3 . cle1¢9Ced~tlby ,1"-h¢vV€h€m€-Iltdfi-'_~v A fire efalmie fubie§ts, yet ofi‘cndingi;nAth»e exeqralale thing A God’-ahimfelfetzo }’<’{{}7fl.1,V°-‘I2. Except yotmake. away! he “ A V‘ o A the , . I Achén 7*mzze4.~ss $ ‘thing ofAgag, referving butone perfoh: "WhicI1Gr§d had deflinated to uter defiruficion, ‘utterly ruinathed his Government, and pofierity. Solomon the Prince of ’ peace, that had a Patent of peace, 1.Kings. .1 I. I I. e and fizeh skill in Government as never any Mon:.'1rc h 7% before him, or afterhin1fl1a.11 attains, yet by ofTen— ding in the execrable thing ‘0fCbemofl9 and Milcome difiurbed the peace puhlique, and made fizcharcnt in his Kingdoms: as coimldnever after berépaked. 1 fl‘xIazcI2z';zviIl%_hin1féIfi3 in his Books Des Repulaz gives us one ground for thi s , whilfi pérfwading Kings, above all things, if they mezme to xnaintaine obedience of M their -fizhjeecs to themfelves, and peace one with a11o%é— ther,,to %poflE:fl‘e them with reverence ofdivine things:, and {care ofdfivine vengeanCe_.,~ as Well “as terror of 1111- mane penalty: for, fétitlx he,'W_hofoéVer makes no‘ fE:ru- plc s, to neglc-:5’: or offend againi’c thefe 5% will make muchalefle, Wile-11 occafion is offered, to plot fédition5 to accommodatei \t:hemfi=:1ves.to c11anges,*tohpraE’cice ~ Treafong t'h'o;ugh toythe utter overthrow of the whole \ Government.sA11d furely he that is fo looie cor1fi:ihe11-“~ ce5d_, and defperate, " that he feares notwith Ac/M72 to "A offend in the Babylonifh G'a1'nA1»enht,h“s sthotighs he doth thereby incurre‘, andexpofe hi‘n11EIfehto t:l{e‘hcurIE: of L the Kingshof Heaven, hath : no banks, or bonds to 1je-- — Ptraine him*When occafion is offered, tohruine o1;hers,~ to” diflurbeaxjld trouble Church .f-mdshCox11m_on-4. 1»veaAIt_h,s zmdntotu;neTraytorsto' the be{’c"eH:abIifhed A Gohvemment, _o'rhhGovernours onjthehEa'rtI1;X" 2 But to leave the zshlszeifi, ask jrgflmain» the Text » where thofe that of offend in ”the1:Hhingshthh:=;t? Godhath A execrated Scsco. ghee tells you becaufé that by offending A s in things 2¢c”cm*fed,‘ theydeive away the fotmtaine of A A idlpeace fi*on1\it,: even.» God the fo1e'AutI1orAa1f1'cl A giver ofallpub1ickehpeace,.sa11_C1 tranquillity : fo faifll 1% L by their offending in this kind, drive a'Way~ethe*L’0rc?i_, App1z'c:~ ‘Ashen Troubled. the acchrféd thirxg*f'rom among? you," I will A with i A youno more: and Woe unto any Statewhen God 3 departs from them, and fvviii come fio ~I‘1iOl"€ at them in peace,but wmtlia Which alfos every Aeban ofiezidirig in the ‘execrable thing. caufeth God his wrath againfi them,~=utterly' in the abominable 2‘/wing. Seeing the-i'ef'o1'e thefi: Ac/can-1 V 'asaFrienci, and bring him agaiifit the State as an Enemy, it muft needs follow that fl1ch.a1'e the per» bng&o;tte ' A V e A i This Ieflbn God taught ]q/72m, verie the 12. and _ V this Ieffon foflvzzae hath taught us in the words of the text, in calling‘./,ZcIy;z22“ the troubler OfIj3*.:ze[.t Firflt, iEGoidt and jtoflméz ray that Acbariiofeiading in‘theiE- things are troubiers of the Common-wealth, 4 how ftrongly is out great mafier Ar-z'[iot’e and his Schollers cofifuted that defend that wicked men ma 4 be good iiicoininxonewealths §1nen,an_4cbm be Ta jojbmz, a itroiiblcr, ":ief1‘V:ti0u'riofit. I coi:1feffeif’by good, Sthey underiiand good fagtidentally, futfli “good”. asGod, and the State in which they live, may make good ufe of’, Ideny it not in that ie11ié, To may God and his t peoplemeaike :good«u{e7 of Plague, Famine, orthe great at Home inihifs A Countrey, Sword, yet are they not f0rn1aI‘Iy4 g,ood,bt1~t‘dePctué’cive to the Com‘mon-W e'aIth; even fo all offenders inithe accurféd thing are formally as great eviils to the V Church and Commotz-wealth where‘ they live, as theie evills are, for they caufe God to 1Endi;theiZ=: and V many more,a~n aifo A turnejaway his favo~u1?fi'om it; \ Couldqiric/Mn have fpoken ashiwcllas Twtizllm‘ 5% had he knownethe Law aswell as er, f.-,‘ had he heptas and {pant as A {much i provifion to doe, even to 4 . trouble the people wi ch "all adverfity, and bring forth ' l to dc-[troy them: {'0 — fityth the text, verfe $1 . ofthis Chapter, Tlyemz-gar aftlae A Lord way kindled againfl Iflael, loeecmjé Ac/m7z:trefj2.czfl?:d , *Ae:han 7“r0.zHeal.?e A * V n o h 1 h A 9% e uh provifion; as Solonmz did in j'erzt]Zzlem,7}tct “had not o the Wedge oft'Go1d in his tent, and the 'Ba.byIon'iIhe Garment on his backe _., beene ‘greater evills tohthe . tState5 then the other good things ..could% have recon°1-- A.» penfed ? fo thought a man boa deepe Schollier, an .4610-~ quent fpeaker; oSkilfi11I‘in...the Lawesof’ his Countrey, t a bount,ifn‘I1 Houfe-keeper, yet himfelfe an Aclmgg, a Blafphenxerg, an enemy to the power of Religion, a friend or a better to owickednes,-, or have the accnr-“' fed Wedge of Gold,:-.b‘y oppreffion, hfi-mony, extor- tion,or b.ri~bery in his Tent,&C7 j J ‘ A A‘ ‘A t A 3-. ’ A A [.Firfi of it'll, doth notthe impieus prophanation2 offthe Sabbath itnpmpriate frOmAG0d;thaAt which he 3 % Ifath ever referved to himfelfegwitliout any. redem-: pticgn, by ppropriating it t'o~unAneceH§zryjburneys, hrellifln. and lafcivious-revellings, W1QkedA fports, ana recreation 5? hath not God irmibited it pexfemptorilysg ab.ov%e ,a?.hundred times in exprefle. Scripture ? hath be A not annexed ram cotxnmznati-on of pubI1cke~vengeance: for it, Ama.r,8.eeven to fit fire onthe Gates ofroui: c%hie§iCity the11ef01te?je2~ernt 417. hath not this 0_fIate% troitbled 1110?: of the Lords Hofis, made the hearts of ' % t1'1e,%eElderstrrn1eItelike‘Water, flaugluered more the-rr At A twite thirtywtfixe, inrefpefi:“0ftI1ei1‘Iivelyhvodgand realling? VVhO.th€1'L can dbubt:that-%_a~tprophane1* of’ theSabbath is an Adam; and trouebIe.rAofIfla.=el . A A Secondiy , V doth hot-re blafphenzous e%r‘abuIi’rt of A Gathes impropriate- from God and appropriate to; AA common Lites, that which is more deere re A God then: alIAthe\Ned.geS'%0f GOId1inftAI'1e AV-V(:)1'Id, I rmeane the due reverence to his7name?hath~ he not peremptorily: ; anduniverfally. f7orbidden%it_., Thou"[hAa*1ft I]Qt'ta.kéI11y' naniet-in vairne, Above all things fiwea1~e notitrhath he” _ N - not annexed apublicke com-mtinatiotn, when-Ahe fizith A A becaufe ofOathsrth‘e whole-Landflvall n1ournte,an<-‘L2 ifiwefearenotethatglorious name he will make our. V ?1aguesAWQnderfuI 1'? Leeir; rt 16% A Did note fomatbdn fay" true1y:,of:his owns Father sage, that he had'troub1ed. A the Land; by innptoflnganunneceffitry,zith whee.‘ the h0n_‘)7. was trodden underfoot, tI'ie~ eyes-of the t A peoplefilinded, and the beif of the Scmldiers wc;1k5...f nedr fer izvanttf of it?Sure1y etrherefore the airreligiotztst A .abu£ErofOatl1es, is an. aeeurfed A thing 3. whit-shflhow . Iightlycenfisi red fiibni men, {hall be heavily -purxifhedt - “ Aft): G033, 631611 311111 the whole. L,aVn_d.n1oeurne%fur t_I1e.~ tro ub1;:,;~ Achan rmw. ,3 ” % t1*otjBIei'tb1‘ingS‘up0n.them_, which muff <:2f11e€efli‘ty'* e £0110-wfi thatthe toleration of that execrable {wearing e e;md?%B1afp1;en1y that wee heare belchede Qut_‘in At-he ~ the Streets as: wee pafle along ;n C1tye-eandeC%c:nznt1ty,,e ~ in Vcgun; and Univ.erfity,_ mufi needs bee execrablei 1;l"1i'ngs‘,.and- above all fucheOaths!as%aré“i.mpo1E:d of pmzpofe, and" particulaif i11ten.ti‘011s,MtAo enfi1are« and and bzjing intd troulzwle, \ the inuofifl peacgefizzfl fpi1'_its,of* 3;he- Land’; a_b1a.f’ph.cn1ous abuier ,Q£%“eG’odesenan1¢ is; a;n[ H % ” . e e V « e 1 Thirdlyg dbth not the Si%moni'aca!'1, and i1‘1*e1igi++ — 'Cus.patr01:1 aIf04eoffe11d“, in the accurfed44thj1_1g, eb0th_ By‘ irnpropriation and appropriatiolz ?- e e , Fiflf_.,in1prQpriating%from Gods Temples, and peo---7 ple, their power and 1i'be1rtydthat%God hathreferved to them; in chpofing aryiconfentixag to theechoice ~ A ofthei‘r fpirituall’ guides? I will% not now difpute‘;t die jizrejpatromzmg nor defaéfbin generall of aI"1%.-,. for I; know many liaveto their own. everIaf’cinge%p1*ai1Ee,8c to: % the profit 0 F Gods people,difishargedecheir ”‘c:ox1‘{?:ie11-~ ties and’ t”hCi1'ftrl}fl_.':;th€?f€iHgnbllt in paxticular; I affirnae when a patron,pQpi‘{b, V prophane_.,bIafphemous_, mid; A happily afiranger and. ene%n;y%to.alI that are eegoodirx e flieg place‘, by vertue ofhumanee'riA1:1e fhalleinapoiee: AA again’Pc c:‘onfZant,, and.foundrea.fon, givenunto him, in {‘uperPci‘tious,ui1Iearned, i_d1eeeperfon,e_o:veL'%them, he: 4 A offends in th~e‘eX~ecrabIe thing“ aVndzis%an Ac7am2:. N011 ‘ onely an..%Ac/55:22 fore irnp1*‘qpriati11g- the. choice, but appropriating the Wedge refer%vedV a;If.. Here I dia- Vrefilyfallnot upon impropriations that are to1era_-- ted by_LaW_;, yet give eth_em% the Lawyers Wa tceh-%+W01*d,.% Caveat emptox, , bt1t.theappropriati11g t;h‘a1;ee to hixnfelfe A fwhicli {fill both‘ by the Law‘, and confcience,.yeae]and. ‘ ‘oatfi a1f0i.s fully‘ refE~2fvede to the;Church,fl is offend-~+ A 311$ irljihe execrablesthing, when a:pat1‘0%n'fhaI1befor%e‘ 01‘. §1ftC1’" the Vp.refCI1ta.ti0l“1g, Vrcfe1've%the *Wc.dge ofhis; A A ” e 2 V % ‘ ’ e 0¥Vi'.i¢g,. .14 fl , c:wne,;‘Fi:hs from tfic ificumbént, ¢r‘1&tEWe%n fiend Simaiw ta ‘I8ZhAL3TBifl1‘C").fi two‘ begi‘n5;th€:‘ firfl pm of his tifficé to the u ' '4 % peopries by pAeriuryAbefqre«AGcd; clock he‘ no‘: offend in " zh%e?exeAcraib1e thing ffis he not a"lfq_ angécban L? ‘. V A A WI 4kI‘i€')\‘t?i'?'L ’;47h2tL'tlE"1¢e:i“e”*M’”;§4a:AroAr1s WouId‘tetc) rt againfl: A .% thee,%fou1e.mu§écheAting a11’<:‘l %unconfiion'szbIe Pluraliit ma t;Q§1-¢f§e?£idént;:"v<.ih a_tié 1:“’m:as 5:; for a patrgnjo im:p§;'opriaAcc av~A~Wedge;’flasfor‘ the xncumbenc to impro- ~ _ Vpriate hirt1lfélFcA"»from the people 2 are we greater .214. slow: for taking one or two yearns profit from the in-‘— ¢ c11m.?aen’:,A Ai;‘he‘nAhe for taking a1l_the refi from the Cu...’ % ra:‘eAW.3Am%%%4y-Phat aiwtzfon prefehc an unwo:chy%%ParFofi,‘ or Vicar, as well a s Atha Parfoinm “iufufficicnt‘fCurate~;s? A Quatulerit9‘i€aiccIoa:cé»c.who is able to hearegmuch more % tion for Acla4”izJ,L ‘IA dare’ ~n§)t Cdncea%Ie ‘them 3 A to '.anfw¢rV4thefe part obliquies againfi t‘l1efeSou1e-e % A murdering ‘Prirfli as they call themfelveszfor tnypart A if I%Ac;oIJT 1c! I had rather hide; than uncover‘ the *n“aket¥s- mrfléofour Fachersabut yet: fince Wee areVin inquifi-F . onely as naked as} found them, {"0 % naked do I leave them, or at leT’afl:“wich iWEb§ing‘% a‘33abyloni{hGarmenr’ to ‘cave: them: ‘evénva'WedgeA6£G¢1dgw£appcd in a Babylonilh A @ai~vmer1t_;,AAi:s“aaAg:n¢;§zi£&idni"bTéiA nankrefidehcj 5‘: a t’tou«-—‘ % b‘lJer6F_@I/£~4el.Haizing»thus~‘farreLpmceeded in%‘difdove- %% ting ofth‘efe'five forts of Acbgzwzr by?" this light of ~AGOd% V. AbisVword',A i}1fl73r:.:me now cm the Iminto thclaps A , of-thc AHAq1wsmga:bleHozz1&,' and deliver the light to 4 your judgments; fiIr*!::fiet‘ to ’dif£fov€r‘ more Am»: by %ic,7humbIyA defiring yqur refolllcion to tAh;ef'eVfcifiIqu‘ee- A p4i%gs,4I1dA{haIlfr0mmyA1:¢¢xt propound M A % Aco%:1cerni;.1g the iliabylcsvriifh Garmemt “Secondly. the A A unto yoti; P“irfi3’ “Wedge or @o1a. Thiréily. 51:3/have; Fourthly, ¢Acbm2; % Cdncerlling cheVBabylonifhGarm‘ent this; is myMqu2ery, A ”"”w:hethe‘r you %Ac0*ncei“v%c notthc £°:tting%fortb,Vaz1dpub-«A % j W liming of BabyloniihDo&riAnes, Baby’IVohi$(Ii gefiurcs; % Pifiuresg md?A!tars,*i1i G0“bIs”h0u{’e, behot aSfan%”accur& W1 A - A A ~ VA A ‘% Q fed %- ‘ % v M I . 7 fedtbing is to hidcambylonifla Garment inaprivacc tent of an Ifiaelitef A -. ‘ “ A ’ A Secondly, concerning the Wedge,this is my quAaary_., A whether it beMno1:4aAs great: —a‘ facri1edAgeAtAo tobbe me, Temple of God, _of Aaron: Bells, the Siréver Trumpets; Tth: Golden Shelves, and Golden Cmdlefiickes, I maane the pretious gifts and labours of Gods faith- Lfi1lIMinifiers, as for Aclmrz 1:0 fieaic a;:;mAarcriaIl Wedge, devoted to the Tcmple out of ;the fpoyle of the Ca- ma72ite.rV?“ Aw A . A AV T ” A ‘V’ V Thirdly, concerning Iojbua this is my :qmery,4whc~ that I aflma had not Aoffanded %aswe11 as :.Acbmr,< if after V I1}: had burnt Aclmw for fiealin.g.1:he iGarmem:,; and W.cflge,. he had 1 not Tfalfo burnt the Garment as Well as 'Aoban;,r and reflorcdtbe Wedge to the Temple againe V from whence it waataken by hiID, 'i‘ifGO‘d hadreq;uired~ icof Tthcm, as he ,d%oth;A:the refloringgofs olmfairhfuli’ ” "Miniflcez-s,1:oAtheir place Aagaine? A * j A A ' “ V" ¢ .. .. ”‘ 2 %Fou%r:hIy,concern‘A mg Adcémz thisiémy qfumya,*wh; e-A A xher if Aclmséz, befide taking the GvarrnenAt, and Wedge V4 ,himié1fc,%had'4c0mpElled the rat} ofhis Tribe; to have takén the Wedge, Aand Garment La1£o,A by pzzxnifluinga-A the" A refufhfl with the V%I0:‘iTe%"of thei7AnVA.~o%wneA ~WVe%dg”eséa~nd; Garments, * had not.‘ fuch Aakone beeps amcihg efmnry asAi.Ba12.eét1b amo-ngAth¥:eV Devillisg Prince mA1Ht:AhiAe1f¢* 0fAtheAmA ? Gonfider, A%c0Anfi1lAr, and %give‘ yA011r4”%fen re net, I and I"d‘c=>ubz no: bxk:Ayou74%wiil concIuAde by this féaTcih*- W thanfor O‘t!C%.ArIamain'aWholchofiof If5welAw_e have: ‘* V 7 %‘WA%hGI~6"*h0‘R8’. Of At2l94m‘“.in "ojur“Ten:1s%A:“.eveyy;bnVe. gf % A % which Amay nAo:VoneIy bring trouble‘ upon *:hemfclves,.V ~ A % A ” “perfons, and places; and families, therebygbu t: upan ail: ourfamiiiaea aI*f05% yea. and. te1po¥;t2 ;:tall the AKizi§a;do‘n1e:AAAaAs _ if Well as AZab;:{z;Aéh;e ;c?o%t1‘%fi_{;!e%mti<3t1 Aw Ema; Icads—me;’£mn§A % the ytroublcr gznAd:A: trdubie‘ro%the*rre:2ub1c‘d* inAAAthe.*accAu:A . fatidn even 1:heA‘trA'oub1edhoV{?(Bfymel.;.(T/qc;ps.,4.F:afi::;voas~A- A fled a . .A 3 A “ ......,__.‘.W...._.......,.\-«~v~w~v~w-mm-~. ....~m.. -v"“ -»' ‘ a A 2. 1905?. \ Zzafithvutrunbledm? A A , A M AA A V . 1‘hisAp‘oin.c is fo dijffimlc to beoarccéived, thatANumla_‘A A Generation; Alivinglong after xthe offender was depat- _ M ” The perfons by this oneAAc/mi: troubled, are: the _,.._..,44—.—— "' W A whole congregation of tho Childron of joIfi~4¢-I, as is A ‘clAEA:areA% from the I veriéoto the 7A.~Aot this chap. not only» A A flicks»: ownc FamilAy,"Sons and D;1ugh::ers,obutIéf[bm and the people are troubled by it; whence obferve, Thaw wbolenation in generall.m1y be guilty of A A the finne, in particular; none (101: but Aclmn, non: ofall If:-4:! A and A punoiihmcnt committed by "one Acbm had the Garment ‘but;Aobam, yet God faith verfc ‘x. .c'neo.oChiIdren of Ifiwelo committedo a trefpafléo, for A-- A A c#3._:uAx tookc the accurfiid thing, and Iajlwfil hezfe, Wk; :6. 22; it madetflfofés begin to ‘eexpofiulace with God 5 ‘ upon his lme¢s,VShaIlj one man finne and wilt then be o A wrath with thcwhole congregation? yet is it ofo.m_o& undoubrod truthand vericie, as appéaresin, the Scrip~ turc which (hewesni, that A irnpured the A firm: of i 1 ‘one man in pa.r:«icularA not may toa whole nation pre- form, when the [ions was committed, buttoafuture zed : for the préfenoc, wicncsthc A;wh[ole< congregation A A .ooofGod,A1ofbAm" 2:. who colleéting A: this vory AloeflA°on:o;thac wee noced%fi'om=thefcfiwords , - adds [two iotbehin-7” A -fiance: for further confirmation of it, Didno: Acban A A tbefamze sy‘AAZeraéao__.fi':ns1?o:zna’;;tF.rnto mam periflmi not done . .¢31hi:oiniquiar}rA;o againe, AAIIAA H i71e~ inigxit} of Fear too little A A_ fir M owlmce we ar:‘Am5t,cleaI2f£';;a':tnta t/95: d4},_ tbaugk wrath came upm all the oangregation ? andyee fingte to day and tomarrazr 119; Lord’. wi/!.AI9eo wrath no itb AK the /mufi: of I fimefl. Sucabtle ‘to which is that of the Apflflilc,-I ¢ A Car. 5. Aaifirmingo that the AexecrableA accurfcd thingfof Aoince&A.oin‘one ofthe membAers,% had infefiedthfiowhole I lumps of the Church andoevcrymembcr ofit, A9 V Andforotbefuturc yo1?imayoo{ee,A%z Sam. =A-2&7. when ” $4-.w1 wamlong Adead,%thc Famineocu"neA upon all Ache I ” o A 5 AA A A A A A congregation A flha-1» U I % Either»?! pzrte amté, Oral partepq/3. fcffi0_n ofhis.Efi3te. H ‘IL Achan Ti'MHed§ ' ..Egf1'gr»ega_tiog§ Qfffmaglin Dmgz: time; and whén m. ‘ fzzidezzaquired of Gad wherefore the Famlfl3L‘Was:, God ktoki hirmic ‘was Far Sznlyzn i his bloudy houfe, becamfég herflawfghe G£_!oemzz‘ra:g ye: after fojiabs‘ time, the Lord pimifhed tha peoplefor thefinne of Mmzwfléw, 2‘King: 24. 3. yea for fizma committed‘ fimqe they camg out of Eg}/2t,z K ing 27. I 5. A % A « 7 Thejreafon 0Fthis%Acrut73,upon which it is gyoumg. dad, is the large and fpreading nature offimae, ulnto“ others befidcs ::_hoi?=.- that aéirually commit it 2 tho: Scrip-V V1: are demonftratcs this three "waies by fhewing how many may be guilty of the finne that one committs ; « A A N FirPcaccefi'arily, fiscpndly occafiomlly, thirdly poIi- ticagflly. “ For ‘thc fit fif"ifl€5 by the confengatid =privity4ofano;her, and that V ,,‘ VPi‘rfl: anté three waics. Eia-her by commaiiding it g {'0 Z)1=zz»£d ”kil1%edAvrz"a£2 the Hittite, Withthe Sword ofthe Children uf zfmman, -2%? Sam. 1: 2. becaufe he,cQ.mmanded jam!» to i?:1:~h;'m in the fore-front: M . % V » Secondly “by counféllitlg ; fo the, high ‘Priefls are fai& * with crueI1h;m%d$¢to kill th%eML(*>rd Awof gIory,becaufé they conmfelled the-people to cry, cmcifi:/fim, cmcifie birm A&'e.r 4.. % % ' V Thirdly by provokingiorinticinga‘ and {'0 Eve was A inthc rranfgrefiion and not Adzm, beéaufiafhe incitegi % himchereto, Ge23.g;‘ A 7 ” A Reafwg, %% A; rfiany may Yzwgfiilry of the fifine a&L-;& H by cbné acceffirily, when the 2:84:01: is _ft1rchered in his Sficondly é partepq/5, timugh bé hadno noricé of it % .befQ1-3;” and that’ - H V %% - _ V% Firm by cc-uféncing aftcrthc faéi: is done, {E2 A/mé isfiid to kill Nwéatbg becaufe, Aafcer Iefabaé’ had done it. without: his knowledge, he confi:n"t§d by taking po-{Fr D‘ N Sc§GI?d1ys~ ‘. V‘ AchianA~Ta/ficfileag; A - A V A S€c0ndIy,by dAefendi=h~g'.it, fmhe Beégjdmitex, Imfgem z¢,_a;~e guAi.[cy;aVndApunifl'1Aed for the Arape of Giéaaér, A ' maugh they krzew not of it before, becaufe they defam- V é=:‘.‘d them againfi {he execution of jszfiicc, after it was f£<3mmiActcd~.AA " ‘ ‘ ‘f’i”h'irdAly, by conniving, /fi1?Idtha’t eithér by Anmrén proving, ifwee have - place to due it; 170 theminifier is g;;;;.~j;1r§2 of §:;:iVs preoplfis fins, Ezek. 3. Aljtbofi repromjaim am, Aléi.Arélowl'wz’A’ Iragwire ax band: A; or not furrow... \ A AA ing; Afiiir it, ifnu Mplacc nf reprocxfa, fo all the Corinthians A. ‘were leavenedfiecaufé x:hcA’peR1e mls chem the,y;oughc' toA}aave£hrrowed,. and didnxat ;,a11 _AAAt:he1'éA Waies may 3 ~: Awhizzle AANaAcion befguilcymf finnie Aof’ onemarx: and: yet nc§neA oftheié waits was Iflael guilty of A654?»'&"* fixme. A. A A A . r % A A 1 A V ‘ Thefécondkind ofguilc is oimaficnall gui1?r,AAwhicha - is, when the after isfurrhered in AhiAs:AA{i*na”e wirhoutA sour purpofgprivity or confent 5. as Z.“m2id?AwasA guilty ofthc% Afllafphemy of Gods Enemies, occafionedby his fall ; M Tbo.aA]a.¢flg~iw:n acaafiamfiziyb god, to the anemia qf god: ’ A 1: ta Blafizlaeme, %2%Asam. 1-32. A’ A :cAulpable5 Aorinculpale ; This occafionall guilt iaeither A .im:u1pahIe, Wb§nA;Atherfi%nnc4 6&7 Aanosther riiéth from that which in Air. {elfe isAA.bmth*%;matew A ' rially anéifurmally good :12: ‘Grad vdeferring ofifentemcm : againfl wicked} 0nes,E::'c'A:!?¢/. 8:. is {aid to Abe‘At_h-if caufe of their HgAc>iz~=g on A in Atheitr Afirme , yetjncuz-gable hccawfia matwtialfy and formally good; A Secandly, Cuiipablfi occafim_1a1I* the!‘ is furfhéredrin his (inns, A by %tharA~w;ich Ais»;materiaI!* or formally evil} in us, which culpableguilc is tithe? by nofr. ref’:rai_ning,. qr furthering-cf it Aasccafionafl ~Fir&,wce are guilty occaficmally for mt re{%raifiiTng A A A *finn_¢,fo€li of ‘his Sonsfinmis, IA-Swan. 3.. becaauféthe fvrunne themi21vesAAimo aAflander,Aa¢:dA /Jfififimimrd 4:/o‘emA Nflwgt‘ : ax1d:t§fnat, “ A A A A = A M E*'§r1A’fa.‘«Vh:n vveenegiwc to4reflr‘a.iz1eit%Aby 2“suthority:A ‘guilt, is Wfiien’ aAno..‘ A éit agai%nf’t she Lorri Ia Achan »rra;¢5M.V % for ‘when the people in Nehemiah; time Bore barman; , on the Sabbath, Nelzemiab faith 50 the ruk-rs,WhaL thing is this that youdae in breaking the Sabbath in bearing burt:;hens? becaufe they reAfi:ained ms the posters there-3! %¢ Second1y,"byL%negIec‘?ting of vigilancy in watcbingto keepa each azzhcn from it 3 and fa I%conceiveVa1l Ifiael was guilty ofAchzn: finne, fiat mt watching over him_,, A and reflraiming him from the fame 5 AA I % know other tea‘... fans a.regiw-:9, buc%this {eemes E0 be chgc. belt grounded fromchetext. A % { A A Both becaufc God calls them beforcnhand chap. 6,} vérfc 18. that though allbuc one abfiained, yenifany one did offend ha would punifln them all fonic, ‘% Secondly, the precept ism: only (‘aim-‘e , take heed, but Cuflodita, 13-21: a watch about others; wh%i.-gh had they done, it had beeneimpoflible, but fomecmnefin iqcha. A company had difcavered Acimn in his thecvery. A And as a%%whoIe nation mfay be guihy ofthc flame of Lane man by notrcsfilraining info likewif: by doing chat _ -which”fha.11occafinnally further in and that firfl by ex»- tampleghtbus Peter is guilty of the ‘Iemc: and e’3—’e22z*z'1¢é.f’c innocent; to §u{’cifie~ hisvroddc; Which Athdughifibr:”tru¢ayewndér% “ ‘ Vc:Ao%rre&ion5 i‘t{u‘itSi10r~Wi‘th the Scriptnre7phra1'é,,for' it”faith,Z7i.9a"t1!;/Je%F&iméne 1'72 I Dzz'w‘d.r‘ iime, 'nwfor .5‘ W119} L &‘laua§'y*%lao%ufE’,~ 725:1/a‘eirVc»§2{27aeft'27me%': 73nd ithréfcare izzisfby Vpoliticall guilt‘; wherein yet yhge equityurxffiods iufii:ce,,, a“nd‘CIifp.£nfatiL0n maybs cleared from this, tha‘t$as% im._ nocent perfonsfi byverme oE‘po1Mca3l byes Jam? bo*I_3ds5,‘ I paArt2zkeL "Of many temporal} mdds by occafion cfwicked: mens»fim'1es fodo they all?» receive many tfimporaii ~ E A ’ c0mm%éditViesAfmmtheirfcrviccsg, the %ve%ry Children of _,a*~pimn,bad formaily received thatlifc fiom—hin1,Vgbic&h» new they~ Egofe by him. ‘ A A * A ,_ or’ti>ie:ravting%of one‘.4'c-A‘.'mnAmay .&::,;e ina zemza 3 Pamia A I%ie,%a(I'0untrey; or Kingdonrc, mayin a% wmld‘, hemaéy doe a..%wh(35EeW0¥Ed hurt, as Rem; 5;. one man finne % entred%ini:mhe wmrid, and death by fimc 5-~ct'peciaIIy; ~ ii he be. in place Mofpower and a“uthoArityjn% Church or % Eommonmwealzhg or botiigoh haw much mifchiefe 4 , may-' % Achan Tflméléa’. 4 A 2H; A flay fiach a one dceacceffarily, by commanding; cam... fleliing, and iz1citing, orhersro that bedares not doe himfc-Me-, and after by c0nIénting,def€ndin.g, and coh- niving, either occaliomlly by not reflraining by aunho-‘, gicy or vigilancie, or by furthering by his example, imi- ~ cation; or giving opportunizic. b ' . A‘ Secondly, it fervcsb to vindicate and deer: the fuflicé Applic, zrs,-,. gfaod’ in bringing publicize calamities, and troubles by and through Wicked mens afiicgns upon people that may iéjeme to beaflually inhocent ‘ofrhefe crimes: ohbefore we complains we ‘fuff-:r fox athers guilt, I::.t~ us examine whether wee be not one of thefé waiesb ac... A cefliry, or occafiosially guilty ofvthe crimes "wee fubffer for : and I {care few willbe found, but wiiib find fame part (if e,¢tch;znm‘finne lie in their owme baoiome, either occafianally or acceflEv;i~ly,bby furthering or not reflraia ning ofthem. Tbh.ir;dIy,}et none théfi béréafter ti-1f.”.flI’l{V.¢’:1V"€E{=JfPPl§";_H33£- inbpesfonall innocency, or raft in acficuall pu_rity, fnjomk b the finnes of the: times, hevthatbb is as pure asifoflszm in perfon, may b€."gHviI'{_§J1}V1'[§1 Aclmz by rc%.‘tati:3n-5 iFGad W bhimiéblfcb therefore ihnuldfiee thee {mm aL‘?cua1I guiic by bislor, refine: until! by repem:ance,ban%d execution A ofbjuflwicetbou ha{ifraedbthy‘fieZfe from occafimlall and acceffary gni7lc4 31113,. otiaerwifsc be thaccleeres these from I-:heba8c in tbytéifly bwi1lb;¢*orr;e& Wi*t;hb¢}zaaa‘ly bblowrzs V for conniving and confenbringmwith othersfiet me the=:re- A fore fly with the AApofi}e rd Titwbl. “$3’:5'0t pm't.2k¢r.r of A 'ot.ber.r me=mfimzex.b Aiasbrbenb howbbvainly cioe ma»myp:i~— . irggzte perfonsb biefle % themfelves in cafling izeffrhe blame ‘and ?cla%nger of tbe fimies of the times Augmn grea-+5 mm! in pIaces,.bbbecau1I2tbey thinks: it is nottbeir dutiebsb :0 V mformejtbebfebtbings, but thofia that have power and » authority in¢*tE:eii' hands to fuppfefie them, which fies bing tbeyjzzhemélves Want, it" balm-ngs awtAmvt-hem to be gri»eb»v¢d.»f0r them,» .9 A but eh deceive: Lwryour »fe1f4«‘es D A I , "A A hEEw'il}‘:9; I ‘:5: % V4 Achen Trawéied. A A H herein, ‘though G.od.ha:h1%1ot given thee a hand ta {up-a .~ prefie zhemyyet he hath given thee a bear: to hate them; ” thOughGod hath zaotgiven thee rneanes "or power to e gpumih them, yet: hath” hegiven theea rcmgue to pro... net} and pray againi’: themgandforfailing in'cI1c{"e,thou V A A % maii”tbeVaec%efl§ri!y and o"<:caIionaHy as guilty for thy part; esrhey in neglefiiqg their powerend“ place in: W itbeirpar!:_.. A ’ 71 ~ A ~ A _ And haw vain-ly doemany ofour Magifirateswith Pilate waft: their hands from the {innes of their divi-w firms in Townes and F aznilies by flying, We have no-- % “ithing to doe in zhefe fizmes of the times, we joyr1eVno.t . in the%pra£’cice of drunkareds, fwearerfis, andincefi, Sac. ewhen. yet: they acceffarily and occafixonally areguilty eafiafl. thofi: which by their coun1'eI{,epm.ver, and autho- zity they might have refiraimed : the day will one d ay come, when all their inferiohrs nude; ' {hall la}! 1: he‘burth¢n of their" flnnes etoetheire charge, ewhenefuch A mail fay ae Game, not onely my finnes are greater then I can bears, but my neighbours finnes, my people and] ‘ W Servants finnes, are greater then! can, and yetlnufl: beare them, God charges them upoen.me,e ; when they e ‘ flull fay as Ioféua to Ashen, ‘ thou AA:/mz crjoublefi us, fo thefe, thou Idolater, Papifhfwearer,uncleancpera A fcn%rroub1e{fme, for I have beene acceffary to your w A {in nes, and muitnow anfwer for them. I knew once an AV eAIe-hoeufi: keeper takingnotice of this truth, went: home to his ehouie, crying all the way h”eewenc,e0h if I _ muff anfvver for all the -{innes I have been: agceflfiry. A unto, howamany eetboufand wicked and incemperate pra&ifes=,oathes,Iies, vainewords have I feen ‘end heard in my houfe, by them ‘that are nowdead, and dyed ‘iii _ theeeguilc of theié fizmes, which I occafioned ? what: {hall now become ofmee-2' And lefi wee ihonld fihinke it % were hiswfolly, or weaekenes,Augzzfiiea ehielIl‘{CI£GP1'0';-V eécfles it was a thing very hideous to him to thinke of A A Achanfrauéleds A a W%om'an%with Whom in his yang time he hadbeenc ‘ % wanton," which afterhe thought dyed in hexzimpeni... ' tangy, and %now, fiaiah he, fpr ought I know, {bee is in A A’ Hell-fireforthm-. flame Idrew herAunto, and alfo blag phemcsfiod thaw: I am nut there;:withAher¢ Oh may not A A A the fame thoughts be li.keAbuming coales in many a. A ‘ mans bofome ? but I will {pare j;%<;i‘i% :Vanc’i'y §°oz:im*e to A come, fay to .AcIa. t?3i.r.:-.1 be1onged,AhisAChilcircn, hisGactr::1l,; t0a§100f€._., yea the very tannin ‘whjich they and :he"Baby1ox:ifh Gaa*1m,=:m: A were kept and hid; every thing in ali thecwarld thlt be» A ‘A1:onged to Acépzn. AA 4% A % ‘ W . A A A~Sec(mdlyA, obfiérvg 1:/fie trbtxf&”e:, WhatAmufi be dime with At*he'm«Ath1t Ifi~.zeI may be:-z cured 5 not AciamzA to be im-prifoned, orbani{hed“a1«:.me, mute be fined forthaf Wedge andVB—abyIAoni£hGarment:}his Horfes 1'1OE t4.'.3 be j A-c4u:z*taIdg, fiéifed and canfifc;mad', his haufe: ans! *tent, "rd- A be;A‘rcmoved%andaite1;cd: but he and am his F;;¢ll6w.ersA ‘¢ A A A nonec:A,A A 2 23 ‘eh Tnfflrhglfiégu 4 fionec§,Tez3ts9 and Gaementegand ’W'édge utterly to he A ~ conflazned, andhumc to a€hes,in a word ad} that he hath e V £0 be xvhofiy excirpated, and annihilated. e A A -1.’ Thirdiy, obferve the rraz.elv1;-r,,hehthe huthor and afior‘ * V _ prefcriherend adminifier ofthe remedy‘, to aIe1di(’m:be&h’ A V A Churches. head not ( I confeife) that the Lore did e that A ordeirsee chie cure; nozfpafiior: Q1‘ revenge in the people troubled, nor humane %pohcy. Whofe equity an& moderation niight havebeene quefiioned, but the Lo:-& A who is wifdome, love, and goodness hfiimielfea be fire- 12:ribes‘it, yea and not enefjr prefcribes‘ hit, but sulfa’ ewues the execuciomof it, T/ac Lordflmll trazzlvie me. As ifin this cure” he weuld be knowne re he hath the immediateiy throw Hones fmm Heaven upon Aczm, as A A did upon the Cmmmzitex, joflrfix 7. my I read the D062‘. V3: contrary, ‘that the Magifirate fuflamz and the xefi: of the people by Iajbmahr appointment, did- immediatclyh both. burne; and hone ther_n,} and yet the Lord ownes this aéir; A and will have the cure fathered upon hohebui: himu . {elfe,te1chingus, 4 e . Th.1ththefdivinc poiicie and heavenlyrémedy, co re;eov'£-ri~ahCdmmen-wealth and Chhurch by Aclmn: in-— d,angered,is that hthofethac h we authority hunjdes: God, A doe totally abolifhwandehexcirp-ape all the Vcurfed things whereby it was diflurbed. h % "4 h e % h The rather I obferve this note from the text, bécaufe . befidcts the deferirption of'»hGod hbhefore-h opened, the ele- ga.m:phra.{e ‘1whiehhhhthe~Sepiiric of Gad ufcth‘:in fetc—ing- f A downeche remedy dothflsrongly perfwadeip‘ was ‘‘ priecipzliyintended, while thename of~theaofl’endcr, ‘ and £§‘1‘.!e name ofhthe offence, and the name ofthe pu- ni{hm«2n::,h andwzhehhname of the plate of the executiqn, h A is exprefl by the fame Redix in Hebrew “*3-=1: “$123322: 1:25:92 192* as ifir were thus pfinda gem for aconizing his acanized an A chan T2'am541ecz'.A ' in the '\};'z_Iley ofzécban, or Englithed thus, the trmzblera » ‘A tE1atVtroub~1es~a Common-»wea1tlr1 like Acbm, is m be Acroublecl for the" fa-me asdcbazz, inrhc 1'-1ke*pI:;cc ofgdu A V » r/Jgzm trouble; which the Lordhim fe3VfeA*dr.:::h affirme in g expreffé wordsfin the follawing words; in afcribing ‘ A _%the who1c*fuVccefl?: of Ifiwelr ‘fafizcy to flclaan: Atotail % V --aboiiihmeng "5Tbe2z tfie cznger%r)_f~G'ac:a’2A:wrer tm72m’fram‘I/..% ‘me! :;"Ica1l‘ Aictherefurea divinepoficy, « A A F H For the prei?:riptien,'fcconr&:l tel flitéw that a pcrfeft Curcvcoald not l)‘3Wicl1+ gut a retail; cxtirpazicm, pmfcribesl 1: forvthis endito < J 1 Mafix; and all the Iud9res*inl ’fh¢:ir circuits, and <:livifi-- A ghs, A4éfgx('i’é.i;h the l.ord)"bang up e—verylread Lofrhe people that were j=gy11.:d to B25244 ‘Peeor that them-arh» ¢ 0fGod may be turned away, andllzlwen, that all the llad.:.. " A gas. and people“-may flaky every man that had defilcd l ltbemfelves in the execmble thl-H-gS,N%m.l2'S.5‘.1‘5l11dlthl$ l ltcztall extirpation :0 be divine preiériprion to.ll?:$tIe I cflablilb a Commons-wealth diflempered in peace and tranquillicie, is mofikeivident inrhefiiequent injunfii-an. on and irmulcation of -is to Mofes, and the peopleof , Iflraellwhenllthlay cameinto cmm, to abolifh and pun ‘ downs all«accur{éd'lla.ings andeperfons from underrl-.= A Heaven, andby their terrible ruins for their pain;iall< § extirpa.t17o.n of them lNeir.lher is this‘ preféription more:..clivin;e, then the - przirftilcc in thisparti%c12la:13l%witxxtsfithcl immediate Tprau» {lice of God hirnfellfe’, in lrelpairinglll the ruined Chm-S chesfancl Common-wealrlh ofthe old World, by taking‘ A myths execrable-.thin¥gs_ andjperfitms that l?l'l€!‘1.OVEl'-7‘ if G‘od7"him{E:lfe.co-uld doe it by_nl9 othdnmealnes but l A this. Sutable to which is that clcclalration ol'hisl,i’n the’ l whole boolzelof the Prophets, and the explication. of - tl?1§3m=~in the Revglatiomg. Where tlleLOI'Cl {étting ddwmfg ll andForetelqllingthc,r;:para$rionanzl‘r¢{léuration~w-of chg Chulrchaluponi eartlaagainrsa like newfleavensllandlncw A E.ar.th wherellrigh§éou:f;m~fl%l f’r1m2»ld dwell, _ A and be par» 1‘ _ glad Ffomoldtroubles éuicl ab@min'ations,{l1eWes ilfflasll E ~ belbtoughtlt0pafl?.aby t5é‘fulllll exzlxfpatien of lallAl¢xe- A crablél lperfaapsl l.l.andthi1¢3gsV , .B‘c:aPsls,l. fallé Prophets; A A Thrones of the Bcafig,Ft*owgg§,2*£ncl;Llac_u{ls,;mm¢ dfthe Beafl, land the z1umb.~r of his name. As in ’theT~dai€s. of Jlzga/a a%[l2;,, and l£1.th$Adgjf:3 ’gf_Laz{o,aI1‘§o nowfhall the; threw in ; what. was done @od‘b:ingsan unilverfall ~ ._ delugc,‘4 totall. mnfufion -ande~xVtirpation»of them all, as I A A AchanAfr9zz:£3!ed.” A % A 'w“‘rI&be4‘cu%rEd,by afe.-111 EXAEEEQREEOHEDOEH noz‘:hepm. ’ Aétice of Nebemigkv in repairing the Chm”-chv{rarra:1Az in? ’ .didhe%concenc%Ahim{Ie1f¢.: on-alyto-purge tA?mTemp1.gQf 5 %--alljrubiflugi the Commonwealth of afilewfidods wives Wand cheirétcctxrfed iffucs; or thrazfihtzg great enemy Toéziab from thehoufe “of the Lord ? no» b’;_*;;t'Ta&élmb anfl -‘a1lAhiAs houfehold [h;:fl°<:': aM'oAm:1{’c 0112, abs. 13.;7.¢ihe w-V ing this to be the divine pa1§cie,§zc. A A W DGth‘Mard:cayth'11keit {ufii vsntfor the Teisareffafeg 1 Auty to prevails with A the Iiing for the Acuttiug Off of C11; ‘ “Favorite Hazman,AorAhis nexr mutt adheremtspr the ex... A tirpAacionof'all the CAh.urches,%enemi¢s,'in the“ Palace-‘£9 A4 the mtmber%of5oo.%”eXc:¢:pt 311, th%e%%‘adver[ari<:s in all zhe A V V:Kings127. Provinces ba roofed eat and totally cunofr"? A - The Lord,_re.proving, and blemiihing the Ap1*ar?ciccs%of’ Ache br:Pc ofrhe Kings éflfimzelforwant off'u1l%e-xrshea. paciong in leaving any ofche high places ut_1Ltaken‘4ag my: the“ Lord rending the Kingdom:From;Saz:%landA A ibis pofleriéy for fparing%_one;d.gatg.andiiaJE=:W*accurA{ed things, for ficrifice,% the fasted b«.a~afl:a of‘Am4la;k; and AA*a%nc!¥~i_n dtclarAAin;g that as For want of this thorough gag. A V e*xAtirpatio-n ofall thafe accuriéd ‘thinggii. he lofl: both I A V thankasfor what hehad done, and%Kingdomc alfo; Co ‘ A if he had uztcxlyn‘ confi1mr:d?Amalcc&, he hA3dA thereby for ever fetled thefKingdQ'me upzzxn hi*mI'eIfe4 and his ' V A_p.oP:erity, fhewes.thatAi”z: is adivivine~p@!icyh posh of % jdivina prcfcrip"m1“ and prafiicc to ¢ur¢ a*Comrnc2n- V Weah;h byzslclmnxindangered,4&::. A A ” A V [2 7 Seaing it is {ca 85:. now let‘Atha‘hoi1ourab1e hmflé Aijgpk-5.4 _¢ make nA-:)tice whence the bO pe'df *tVheV peace oi’-.our A -Church, Athc p~rofpe:a=i;y;AoFAAtha.Corc Ql1t~b'0t§‘a baciy _ar;& rodre, md all the» fp-rigs and fee:dersAof; them in the Earth wherethey grow : Ia médi:a:ion;,nev%erj Lmoreyfutable ‘then at this, . M time,“ nor morer1etefl‘ary vf0:I“I§$ffl7fl:Z and Ifiwely in-thofcg daiesg then farm in our daiesgw-ho for one Ablméz in the 3 I "whom heft themmay finds a wholehofi of» Aclmm and “j A * e_x,coI%3bie things%in»one Cit:/HOYW; who; h*ave“as many A ‘ % Bg4byIoniih:%%Garmen=:s am§an%g,us,% as~_th%cr_e were threads .. orfhreads in that (sum: of_AVc'ba::;3-the.rem0va%ll ofwhicb, 1 fl I iz;;%%me£peév‘t'of%tI'1e«kmuiz-Etude, and power;,].1'eemesf<3 :.m-- J’; ‘ “<*p o{fibIe%m-many. ‘, that» with aztmfe «fa-2iz1t~ hearted :I,f- :3. M %mglizegin~Iexemim%,%,their hearts {aim-%anclar*.=:~-re2g_d¢ya:o%%..; L 7‘ iéy7.zher%¢ is-mo hope; a5»,gC.‘z0d with Iflizclaur be afl”es.«{ \ and bears 0ur~bm-chens,% as.~wVitin Ifi:.zel?inL€gypr,byiEedk- ; ingm .eafe%our;£e1vcis ofthe V-numbcrof our %br1cke.;and . mgggmakezs, ta ,pmr;ure ournjuz thens daubled, and in. ,1" ;:1:ea_1?=..%cj. BAAAut.w,hatA4ever=%:hefia faid;7yetg(3c.:d and Ibfirm ,.- A. . A ” A % theme, ., % . A % % % A‘ fl1ewAes is: rhe*%tém~, thatVchc=v-vaIIeyA‘of A.e<.IcI:v2‘wi‘1A1‘be’th‘é5 A dor&0§1‘.hiS— “hope: let: mcjay therefore -unto you as good ‘ V Sl9éch.>iiz£¢zb%to.E§,m,c. 10.2.. "We h-avaindeed trefpéifed . ix:-"the accuArA1‘edthing,; agad A;r%_m2:hmriA?@donewi*ckeVd1y° and troubled us, butyet tlaer: as r'9bpg1:i?ZA‘1f§'¢zelAc072cerflix V . A ;ig.;3,,,:heALc$rd {hall trouble them, tha£~God that cauféd Aeéwfpzerm zohang MupH4man_.,A Vthatwcauféd Szzmueltg ll. haw Agag fin pceces, that Amufed _'r’afZ»m to ~e:s:tiAtpate » Acbdn, wi11inabIee0ur_Ic>flm:ala.¢ to we re csutrours mo: whicli that it {nay be AA%acIcOmpli{h€dA, fuffer me tofipro-u A -- ce«:d.wivchAthe ?1"ezmeSbbecha2zi;z/a%to Ez._m, to you ofthc ‘ htmoufable Houfia: up, for the matterbelongs to yam ‘wee a»IfoA will bé with you ; wee, even alvlrhe godly Mi-2 A A niflers of the Countrey as Adrm and Haw with jc_eA.Ar andAIa_/Yvmz will be with you, Rand A and fafi and pray V A ::o{h-engthen your hands, flea-dy toatha wozker; all cha A A Idyall and godly Commons and pgzople-Ain the Country at;yauplawfhll.commands, be ready to 1' oyne wighyou :::A ixicaiiing fioincsagainfi thef‘eAcI2¢sn: 5 :Abur»Athe% matter A bélongs to, you ,,AAlyou tA11uPrAddAeA::he deed; you are‘ they A I tAhAa.t.mLzfl cywe us by the total} extirpation of ail Acgéwzs andfiabylonifh Garments among us.~ % ‘4 A , Le:Am<-:2 therefore in the name of the’k{ings'§e¢me tA=baAsA Aiemow endangerédjdy Acbazm, in thenameovf reiigion 7- = A corrupted by A«A:‘lmn:,A—A in the name of all faithful! teach» WA AA A era oppofed byAAc/mm",i‘ in the: namegof a1l“Ifme1%Afrom’ Dfdweven to Beerfleéa» who are now Adifi urbed by A4 _-A A c.5aT?2r,% prefénc this fupp}icaAt"1Aon to all ofyou in Aget:.e«~ T rail, and toévery ofyou innparnicular, to chiuke -fin yidur -walkes , .inAyouar Aprivam.AAAChambersA, in your fit-=»~~ - tin-gs, @nd:'VCommittees,. to {Save themand theirsfmm all A A A trcublci %th%#exn,, by‘ your troubling of them asAAAIaf7sm1= troubled .Acham,A.to wic,%¢a, thoreugh .abQlii$in3em:a:1«i- , ~ ficxfiirpation ofthem. % Doc not.AweebeféechAymA1, con-ceivey that one neW* ysigfia of,C_hg_i,fis,rohes puttoAaABaby1‘Qnifl;7@a1 ceyne ‘excuies, and apologies ‘far them: fo ethéztAnqW the: - proverb imgood %A1eand.thee tap houfes feldome want 3 A afriend in the bench; doe not wee fornctimes feethat 3 even in the Tents ohhofe that {hould be our I0fl:mz’.r, .Ps/Iagiflzrategand in the Tcawnese oA‘f“thAeir- owne refi- dence, more e ex-ecrable and accurfedethings arepraT- AA flifed . under‘: ts»heir§- fliélters ‘then elfiawhere 2 ’ If the Bew- Vbylonifh Garment lyefife in their owné-Tents. how j V ecawn they perfécute thavfearch ,of it in an Ale-houie or elfewheare P; Bl‘ack~finiths~th‘at hearcg contienua:llekn0ck- _e Eng within A their Thops; iéldomee A ‘bake out at the noyef: imhe Str'eLcts. But where gee I ’? mibi acwfiztio ~ . etidm vem dijfilicet contra magifiratum A; I am not new at * aflpetcy Seffions or countreyeeflffizes, Abutubeforeealhhe A j.ajku.z°x in IfmelAafl?e‘mbled together for thisvend to e ; refiore the Peace of the Kingdome,’ .toEh€ manner of %.%his education, his call azfd.EIe&icm»;, his uncotrupt con- - »V€riZatian, his_va1aur.and v1'&ories~abroad, ~his»csrcl F01: ;MP'i€Cy§hiS‘ hatred cifldolatry", ’h'is“exceIie¢nt:”careV in houié; ghold government at hurne;.- and then“ it will be farre V} fiirom being a difparagemenc fox; §he*befi*§to~ become his 3 A ' A 4“ A ' ~§oI19 we4gs;w Achan Tfomeé. A 1;}; 3 “fouowers- -% .4 "to%e%uaI1Mhim ‘éfimsciffila péous Drjxlfilflmes m lam“ M I ;-. In .« ‘ . A «:3 M M ‘pgufids his Prgfligéz £6 bzthfllngt :3 0rdgi1_1mfe1”f..,pro..; t:hafr:£‘hm1ld{ dh” V "bl? ““e"’-“’ 9‘ a‘‘.MAaA%1‘h‘ate°$ hincof%NgbmFeIf% mu th“ ‘h“3:°”dJ3A1V€$ai*rong A ‘ * Ma mg” A???‘ _9-27~AWh€1;‘€ i-peakgng afallthegggi \ E:-5:?-'3'W"V',?7?i3' _ %m,Q1'€ Iojbmzir, as~itv_is'ci:anflat¢d, more -‘ az2i2mr.cA: ‘tea¢hingAAAA:usAAthata} ooduMa ifirace ism A... A thif¥g% 611*": "but 10151“ me:amcr%h”ofe&,%he mime’ :9 -199%? in; :ino:heAr:Ap_erfow," ' *otT%AArarh:eAr5 Ath_e7 vertuesA-of~i1a...I A ./M4 .111 A-anovt';her A;miride ;; “a nd: of all Io}%m’.ArA *-p7ra8c.i'fes' ‘axudve ~ I A ‘ «* A ~ A A A. :hena‘“"e~?£I§“9 "‘”“;“’A““. Wf“e?e‘“¢1?*d*‘€?"€d Mae. I fé%‘}ed,;f§eo .,a;.]A.av1q§t1:Atnc_nAv1LrE1T A:haA::Lwhu:h Wecha,-ve 35...; “ ; A.roIA11 :15 pg; A $103 In ti ..€ €€XC»PI‘Op'Du[1.ded.fi*(;1:n_ V 7 géfnilgoz gong ;mz}:at1on, 41:§:mMAr1.:Aa ;h§;;g.;1g%13¢§;¢§rpa;i@nA - Jafh éfiflfifawfleghcr.amQngAfl{rzmmz:e:A m~Ifmelz te!.; A A 1% \ ' gm: :Z?§‘Lam9‘3‘eg ‘“ “‘° "“‘3"‘ 1? Wt. God hxmfe1fe%2Irz"o:iw»e .«:A. 8:» axzcze T/J;.=%L§r:zh xzzxorzazliilzrst/§t'WIth'+1v]t:s mm *mm’’ ’ {I1a1Itrc:tM%0nI5v;zf*ér$ir;%ref:-mbfe 13:32:13 §51d¢Y§°§l A I ;:‘.-£0, and gave his title afcribed no yo;1.uVii_have raid £13: thgigrggisrfionour ch; hriaghfi? c1(31£1Icé1zg'Ver2t.*‘ to incite. A0 It AA A A A A A 5:20:12: Am. %‘aV::“A*;"“~ < » ‘ v A An “ ere ore» the 7‘C31“1Ed I « ' T ‘ 5’ AA » A r2Aa1‘zgefEc::,§.1€n fi:rrVthe1‘r deter: 3-,vm-thy :0 :5“ c 'dw“‘?‘“$ fling Ay0u+rwVbv1e power recezvedA A - alaoni-.0 Ag, cLx1pture_.,xA Acz WA 6, I»/9;me‘ Q-’zgz42§7qz.mk;§i~a~W4g,°od1. bcc§'§11nf¢ »_ ~1E72Vr'0z:er%’J ‘ 8". ‘.-‘[5 .*3}Al,jir{z Ajndgw tAv§?66g#fi;ce,an& for E::z:mAsA::he» g,:A;dgmemr,_ ‘AasA-Z7-16.-zselggaéa. ' E‘; S E15 }‘é5g€9a’Y'€€‘3¢udgc.xrmmzt fox“'A;men,= butfor God ;A %! 1 gr? .3 hono;ursAth¢ sxecurmners of 1:: wnh hi5‘ gtne $3.‘When~Satan‘g§s~fWa§§ed Az{:ama‘11d¢".E'aef.m . ez;L?H:fi1§ efmcrgble ;t*hAmAghs,_;a: A was by fhxs motiye, A A '0“, 3 Fvllke G0dSg_a,m1 yecjzhtgt mags themhim i_ ‘ E1 ‘ Devills,-,A g 3.451;’. A l Achén waited. Deviiis -Aibutiby excel-iinigéimdsexcirpatingithefe Aclwzx, i i A. 5 _ __ _ A ‘ _ A you fl1flub$ilkC@0dS1fldC¢d5 nfiot‘ P/ayfic.-mm naxzuzte,“ A aridiefl‘.-znce, but E2bicé.AandPa(iticé.' iim-r¢rtueand;ig1o~F ~ i " fig. Firfiin veirme-._; xherc bcingno Oth¢"1'~AVEl“E{!E;W}iEl‘€-i» » in man rcfémbiics qhicrigordi ‘mom liiveiy g_ or b':at%e.s his fllmiageifoperiééfly, Aasii”n:exectiri;1gi Qf imflicc-zj execrable pér;fons,e{pecia1iy3if wbileihe cxccutesjLiflice,,- A ~ upon offenders, he prbvides iwithaIlifdr.’th'e Afialvaciogjg and felicity ofrhe irightéo;us‘i;Vi but nowiin th‘e”eX¢tirpa~'- tion oi‘ che{é’Ac/mm, you {hall doe bA70th:::A~.cuc~ofl7»'th¢;~ wicized and: procimrcithe felicity of Gods phofen, as A A Well for their S.9u.I*es'1iaAs“Bodi¢:sii: :AI;as _howmai1yiniiAl--«-« » Y lions ofsouies in this Kingdom: lie; under the Alt“arsA M (rig thefe Aclmm crying Twich teares; from their eyes; A A A I and Abircemeflfc ‘of griefin Arhei-r hearts, How long Lord ‘ . hpw Icing will icbe, ere than revenge the 10133 of ours ; A ordinances, $_3b52th$,'SaCt3ID§.1€1§S_i? how long fhallfif be crethe blond ofSouIesfl1ed5yiidle,fi:andaIou»s, .,n%egi-» V. A Iigent m%ini&ers, by theiirigiwrance, errors, fuperfii-5. (ion; be ‘ regarded by our joflaua ?how long‘ will itibe A , A , are. tbculpur foul: picying ifpirics into their pioiusi ~ hcarts,AA to.ca£«.'-;-A usi .of:h¢& vcxecrableiifla/Janiagh let iyou: i_ I {pirits iobiéi-vciAthc= complaints andipctitions »brougbt*~ ~ A uncoyou from all parcsof::he_ K-ingdcme, by the£hcepe : 4 ofChri&, that have no Shepheard, but oneiy:AcImrz.r, A A i troubling Wzolves r‘qAAde_flray,i and Awirfi the-_ Lord Cévrzfithac great Igflmab hive; cc>mpa_f£'1foni rzfpm-1 them,, A and fénd Iabougers to thienj, vfo; fl1a.I1*~iyou..favreA. A A‘ 1 A V A _B11tA‘ gcjaod m_£nA;Ahave7 their fai1IAts,A:.fo cflrtdfér and th‘e‘*:AAA 4°”? LwiAtgn_r.‘Amight be too_hafiy, and make moreMhafl;then::i-AA A ‘G;VG,c§-;AViv$zo11LA"'VAAl__1aL\;_c ;.g;ig{qn ttgegg-xba:gI;esA fétgz %nayAA£aich*“‘«%.~ A d . 4», (map, rfiis pleafed Gedifb well that -it wa§As~c;mre~ ’ A ‘Aéhafi rmzzw A crating%-them1‘élves_ unto the .Lord‘ heragby; af1d GodA fbefiowes a hleffing on rheAm~therefor¢,'C0nfécrate your hfelves, 81¢. this fixcrifice of chefs mans» blonds fo%’pIea-' fed tl1zeALc>rd thatthey {hall be the pa-fons_ that for‘ V «ever aFtenfl1a1l- offer ‘the facrifice of his AA A %Agai1:Ie1,*AAAA~ Atha?-ebyia threéfdld AAAwitnéfl7e thisA;r1f2t:h4thi§ghtf ’ _ .Nmn. 15. 4..Aic is exptefly commanded thai:¢4it*’be”éxée'" " % cured wicho~m:..~1 wt,he.r A Hmag.:a;,»;afl ;£»e%£é{mg'3-?A44Aan:af fi«’fln£*aef3**Aq)€tf9fa,Afiebglégfi 6Eraé}¢—_z'fi*af‘ % file A as,;7izIm?~zpr“3ré11&ersIit§€f@r£§_fi*h?i_sA Surane_A‘;gaeA%!bwnej A . be eflab1ilI_ied‘.%i%n the extirpation » aLnd“} fen m‘ace,M aVnd”the: ecurion agaiAn{’t £322: exacts-bIeAA thingof ma: "P5023" W Akzx pr *5’! twenijztbamfgndg Ot‘3AcA7thi:5>u‘ I "cong¢7ix4e4° the ?%rea{o.4z1A1whyaIAAAit’I~1e-:* A D V was; attiibutefirefpetiézliyi’taA?Rbiiieér1ex%aéfifiEid‘ii5,V”¢Amché‘rV t'f3ez1w¢ the others, becaimf: delayfof ;9p’¢-QPYS fa £ai;tIr:A‘~tf1é~ntx:xg,_% crcrafi-inatgé mt atall, *whicAh.Vthéy?a‘lfo bbeyeii, far e rs C'm*.AAAA1c:»_.A :5. "it: isfiid; Ti.7e‘rj;5%’22A%hb¢¢;eA7“A¢a’4<;z; Afi‘Jévi~é1¥.é zzzzfd’ and i:%l‘es§~befides’:;&%%a:ud'A it A be was mote zea1::fieL1§1ague as:fpeedilAy‘fiAayed; And upon ;paI't of'Gds will, it‘ is that avid,’ Pfiime Io: 4.r.*r¢%- V A A{o1vingAfo toex;zz2id.prAiz;:c! mam: his j§1dgmen%r Ihfill afil aheémik czfhis’ board.‘ H 1 ‘4 ; % A %- Secondly , never; did yfclaizap/m’Vben-d his bra«.ines» and exercifia the %q:-::.intefl'cnce of h‘is~traymrous.wir, and i %4p:;elicy more, then m {asking the ovenm-c>w:.%‘of'AAA t['I*e* Kingdom: &g<::vernmen'c under Daz227'd,«in his Treafané Wil"hA”A5/0105.5 whether ‘ you refpefit the; %‘con%trivan'&e« of: the plot. AA or m;magin.g oficzfor the,coi1trivancVe«icAwAas§- A Fir1}.Ab‘y% clofing With”%him my-tVh‘e Treafon thachc fav}.r.A.[rl1cAAIme and bringfpeedy Amine upednhA.Jc'bitapf;vefl,A is ‘more AprevAa§cntA,AAtAh€n d-‘-‘-é A Ihfying his:counIe1£in his military way, which will;_ Fir&,;from.Davids prayerand Ccfinf¢1A1.AandA V L A h L. ; 2 % A’ z I A ~ Secondly}, V at H % 1.; I.-’ir&,Davids prayer;,L9sd turns his caunféll to folfy; ..wr_-3- . 4 Adan wazgéled; % A V Sec”d11dIy,fiom Hajbair prafiice. A M A 2- v - fS€C0)fid1y,p.5“p w-ading Haf/ma to defeathis.p1or with a A/ifiylozz ; and than H;r>:f/mi, firfi imaking 0EAcbiropI2e/Z: c’ounfe13, and theme: propeunding his 0WI:5€ contrary to fie: : hemkes nf Achitapiyelir cosmfeli by declaring ”z:,hatwthou;gi1 Ac/35:01?/.7611 deferved th"¢.nam»sWofa wife manayctamthiswxiinc He miffed : for whereas h_e%:h2‘dV {aid that Davis! and his-“men were wmy handed; he zeis them 336%! that they Were~iike: Beams robbecfi oftheif i":elpes and for taking 9% D:zzz‘d:aIone there was no probabiiity, for &7Dm2ia1bcing.as%ki1{ul1§'Varri:;r,Wy0uld ¢ A _% not-ledge with%hispcop1e.%a1l night; and for the time % of going the night: wculd be worfl-.0531}, for David %would be bid in a Cave, and then how lhouldthey ,.. finds him in the darke? and againe being in thg r;ight, M inaa wood, the affailants would have the dii7advamage' and tI1eAdefendai1ts the _gaine_.,ac Vleafi ta k'1l:l;fom_e which ' ,,,,3n the night beifzg heard, wauld difizonragc the refi and A % 4 makéthczm all runné away. Hsaving taken of~flc5z'toé-- A ‘Mel?! counféfl hepropoundshis owme. Firfi", for time he wouId‘have.thenja deIWay‘tilIalI I]?-ael be gathered; for company.he_wou1dhavesall .1}? ms} come rogethcr,..frbm Dmxo Eeeyflytbfi ; for the $5.. ncrafl nm A5'}.7z';‘aplJelZ,' but the” King _i1imiéiFe inwhis 'a§o¢rA(on ; ail Wh‘ich‘coAunfeH was; For no other end bat to % Id:-.‘:l'é13.r~an&*pr0craPtinate_ the counielbof ficfaitapfaellg thereby to bring Vpeedy ruine upon them, both vizhich V afifo came :0 paffs 3 for cgdcbitapbell facing his%cc>um2-:11 wasnez taken, confiders izfihe King was overcame, he ” 4% was but a dkead man; if he ware not overéome.-. yet the ._honour of the vifmry would %%fa1Iupon Huflmi, whofe " Jcounfell wasfoilowsed when his was 1':s~§.a¢9r-ed, and%ther- A A fore hanged‘ himfelfe that night .1 and the next is .A‘£fa.i.. ion hangadwin the Tree by his neck. By wjiich infiance, you 1' cc tgar e:xp"edi:ianof our owns counfells and pro... 7 A f . A F V , ‘Q V A ‘ % craflinating ‘”o " jut’: rsccafian and matter of 3 tvmfazrld A Fi;;€i.Mo=§_PraiiE3“when Aalready done.» A¢ha11fi%V:z”2*a:;i}!¢i:.1.. . . cfaE§inVa;4tir2g théAp1 :.§ o§‘aciver{Zwies,iti:an§iita2*yWw9a»i¢*s weal! agreewrog;sthér,V.,to%bring fpead3z’dc:l1~rera:2c;e and curezoarra:>ub1edACE1ur<:ha.nd State. A V - Titze c0nfideration‘ofwhiath truth, with agjpliéfitiazim; Ago? A E516 Tam.-2: toitbe Aproceedmg of 91],: hon<.>urab3ew%AAai}A I 4 79 1. if2.?'.A"t.‘ femblies againfi the “Ac/r’2m2: among 113, a‘fi°o2'ds us all A dutiea Fifi}: GE Praiie. Secondly of Praycr. A “ % IF wee reficéi‘ uponAzhat‘mshichis ” » L Second1yof'Prayer,A wheri v2ee%Io0ke%E<2r*;W:afd xxggon 2‘? Q that which iswyast til) due. For the formerg ifexpedician in execution of ja2&§c%e be the wiii ofGod,# for our preférvation, then R:=.‘ta1l E?c=1& KingdomeAa%ndfevéralI‘ Shires 0f1?hCVLaUd {Eng pr‘a~;ar.«.:» to car God, and give due hhcmsur to his infi{x*aments._,,Aby whofe indefatigable labours, and inceiflrztdiiiggcfnce in examining and convincing, «mt Aci9.zw[,A4fo g_r§f3.ta % ‘ A [lay of Idolatry, injufiiceag_mo}efiax:i::m, thacizurch and Commo11~weah:h,A is already; attaimd; fudeepe a‘ foundation of purity i11th¢Chu§ch5 of peace and tra”n;.. quillity in the whole Kingdome, in (0 {horn a time, in” iufew momcths is {o deeply layed; Compare the com» plexicn ofour Efingdames, juditatures, Oracoriasfizc, at this prefénr, Awith the cduntenance they have carried for many by-Agone yeares, and you Willfay more harm ‘baa:-neydone ftmour peace, and} again{%’ Achanx, within five moneths E-afi pafl, _ than in fifty yams before, ifail % fie it not,‘ it is becaufi: they %ar'a‘bHn'd%or: confider not that it is "in great bodies A and publique-3. AbufineIT<:s$*"of A State, as in the motions ofthé ‘Heavens, hwhiazh a re xncfit % fpeefiy in A ch:-sir com-fe; yet not Vfenfibly perceived, but -Afby their eEe&s._, when wee %difcer‘n;e‘thAGf~3“ Sharares that fware aloft overnight, aa%'eiunder ?1?fee%t in Athemorningg‘ ghoughwee faiw mi: their~morion,A ye::fweeA cmncltude‘ thefpeed _o£ chgfir com:1‘e':AAeven fo W hen wee. rec ‘ . 0’ G2, A. A mug V 7’ I A Achan §'rau§'Ze2¥. A zi’ng_Comets and boyflering clouds fbatteréd, cur darke M Srarre €5€va;c,d_A; when wee fire‘ AHuj7ui: c<3ur:i‘e:£AAAAlA‘ enrero ninad , and Acbitapbe/1: re'je€tc‘%d>,-% when wee Re a Vgwarre as furioufly pexrfecuted, and bent‘ to as great A A “ hazard toAo1;ir Kingdome, as Az§fi>IonI.was agaizfsfi Ifiael, by our ‘""*}ofbmz/9!, and .H:¢flm’: c(ela.y+2d,‘now turned to a giorieus 4peace,Aa Triennall Parliament cbnAcIuded_, Acbitapbcll hanged a wee cannot choofé k-tau”: fay as %D;widcAo Abigail, Bleffed be the Lord that {int you, and bleffcd be you 82: your counz"el!,tha:: hath thus fbona‘ nude Oui1Ba,4.c/aim the place of our weeping, «become ~ our Bemciaa, and turned our tearas into Scmgs ; yea have m’e*:cfe%c%his%%yearet'Aha years‘: of fméilee unto ’ué’,‘ wherein fomany exiled and banifhttd from gods houfie, from A their owne hc.=ui?:s,andpIaces,and~ Kingdomes, as at the “ death of the high Pricfl: VhaveAAAreturned to their owne ir1b.eritanceagaine,and with Ezrwchap, 7. 27. BIefl7i‘d be th¢AALordwhich hath put%AAfuchAa thing as this into the Kiingshearz ; "give mm the Lord you fl'§ig.h€‘:{€‘;:giVe‘ A unto Lord glorydue unto hisjnamge. for he h;=.th'loo{e::d the colla rsAof Princes, and made rhejudges vaine:%bleH::. % yea the Lord Yeahoufe Vof/Mrorz, "forhe is now your Ahelpe and fhield; yea let all» theVSa_Aim:s joyful! with V glory “to @AAur% God,* and Eng ‘aloud upon their ‘beds; for God hath pm: into their hearts bath pO‘W€1‘, add A readineflfi, to execute vengeance: on Acbazzzx and corn Arc.~&i{A:At>1 amang Ehti‘ pceplfx to binds their great ones in chaines,AandAtheAir Ihincss infetrcrs of iron, toflexacure fpecdily aha; fAudgmentA;cLhat; is wricten this honour I A havAeai1Ahis Sai'n*cs,=Prai£7a yee%c%heLord.: ‘4 A * ’- . - A gm A SccdncA1Aly,.asitA§ff°ordsgA Amaszrer of pms.r=.= cc) God and L A you for rh%¢%expedicioVn already pam fo4a%!A1b~ fur:heroc- ;:afionAofPrayAcr, Ain3rjeAfpa& of what: is beh%i%ndc,; {if4exzA- A pfiditifln‘ in Exécusion ;qf~4i¢ *1aAar.zr, is ahe%w%iVl1 oft;God%, than let, uapray %Godfm wnvey his Awizllinto Aygmr W VWi11S flAil1;.;&nd[II?ake;ym:Lmor6+wil1ing4coMmakefpeed ~ % . I0‘ toiTav4eL‘w,’% ai'3::1 h3fi’fi%3he1pc%%;1s?9%% ifuwfféfi u3~r0p_my"w-God‘? % Picha-vn frtomélads ~ A A _ ‘A m Ataamoiw aH%%%t31ock&cs;~ and impcdiAments% out 1” 0“fyour ~ wVaies, and fromyour cawxw hearts, and ip§ri:‘s,%mhagV % V W hat ¢1c'l.:z.;zz«.z flacver [hailv by éuisau... . 1 mi. roubc a A tI?9llbl€ 1:and‘ diflurberaf the %1avL*cs offiodgj r. ~ ‘ mciA::h::- Kings; 7 as in Ezra 74%-A%%2%6. j.w’grn¢¢z2ma] kc em I A mm: ug2on% l2Aim;¢‘4¢3d t]9fltf}?e€di3}*'WlJ€t}J§T it b; w2:ro~gz'e;e:l9, am 1 ’ 2232215,/lament, or canfijcatiom cy good! or imprifimment% 5 {uff-an “main the name:of,Go.d and his P0_0l'E'(:hU;1'Gh;"IO‘ pray A ymu zharifGod“.Bir%'¥'up:the»hea»r;.s of {same tube for- V ward, therejmay non: be found tbazyznay» retard Le:-% del-ay the flame Ajérenda mam: i}om fem:-l<‘3vc_;,% 'favom~,% . féare,» or carnal] reafon ; bl.?tJ!'h'a1tZ_ fii1ljufiiceag*ainfi thcfe Acbazn: may ,ruvnn%c%..daw%n~c A in -the firaightefi way and‘c%be*fhortefi courfi. arid merit: the windingbankes ~ of'u.nnecuefl’aryVdclayeds.«»-Gonfecrate yonr% %fc}v,es%AA~toA%day. t % umto the Lord 5 and if all .ad:laAzz:Acou1%cl%Ebe‘»hangéd up, 2 Camm éfiu »]ole¥, left none remains umill to morrowbow mgr, in exereiflng rmemy /and iuflice betigmes in cutting = offal! thgfs wicked,,fi*am-%%t%hc-% City ofG.od : think: not A than %%o3§11;A;prayer ofexpeditimz arifeth fizom di‘flru&«o;- % iufpizionof your wifdome and.%dihligence for¢i.%a!... ,tho»i1gh hé thatbeleeveth in God% himl’e:lir'Tc3 doth not ; make hafl,by-iway ofdififidencc, v.ye%tdorh he pragz, G edge V A mgfkc hafi 179 Vhe1:p_a4usA,: oh Lord »mak¢: TpfiEd*;%%.to=131v€~ us,u out Vconfi%d€fl%C€%; ‘anad%i£ the; God» %‘ofAHeaven: givams A A1 .. have t:oin‘%¢irqh%im:%withAourargumemsg and‘-quicken lowing.Vte£d1ding»tQ fp+€¢.s.1y%‘eXecu4ticm-4»9M 2 him._,by ourprayens, Ihopegi {ha ll~wi7t;hout c3fijE’I1ce%%%prayV»Lv ~ thishonourab1e.H0u=fcwthat they2woL11dAquick¢n. them--AA» . mvcs, by; Athfic co;nfid;er%atio-n oftheie imcitements» fol» ~ {peed ,; he as; %f()A:3nAe. as ‘ever% anyflclamz hath dAfinncd, 1 in o.f{fz:nd&ingin the %e.xA¢grab1e thirig,MfeV:s‘out%his Vfld'gmeim-% % V A and ‘x2‘x’z{:j;~a;t_t%; af;t»fcr4 him an'dy%thc{Kingdome their;conc4iJnuance mufi W infeéf us, and defttoy us, A Dem. .21 tihjcrervma: law m my ‘hat the deaad AA body of an;¢xecuced,malef”a&or flaouldi‘ V‘ not ; {uffered:L;to hang on thc tree till to,momoVwA4 ffgzzgém ouc;gfEpi12bauim4% gives the 1teal"on,;: bcéaufé Vthéa }fighto%f.:h:-:Mt‘n ibove the‘ear£fIW‘aswexecrabIe"totheLo1-d: ‘ A V 7 fifll;A~¢h&y~vw¢rc‘wholiy abolifhed.%they%vwt§)uId infeét; ~ now, ifjthc bodies oF:oufr”Acbazz:>int‘e& Mefpiricua1Al Tani; well ‘ as‘ cotfporally V why {houldz thfey fiayi: above the ‘gr6und%” ‘V till :0 marrow»; ~w’cri’c¢h% much like a:s1'is{j1id 0:~fché;Ba-=-I ‘ n - fi14isk,,q;ea4n4b,@~ dam/,ezzan:ur,*%%boch hypur 1;-.=eingT wt¢hem,and&chei«rfé’eingAofusgfthcy flayus. 2 V Hrftlongm they are~feene, : they flayus, jbeca~u:{’<=i: they keep: the fountaine oflifefrom .us,'< ‘=G%odArwfi«1.%1~n‘é;1‘ A M A come one mornemco us tilljchey; be; gcme.%;% :cenfu::resiaAnd'% udgment, without executi;anm%%r<':4:b1fi¥1gs~C$$¢rnfort co; thebodyof a %’State, : than prmm 1: ", payment% iyirhg.‘ A o§!tfaci¢sfaé’¢i9ndpa;i;:s ;d:¢htg;_ :;r whalethe:*debt%isnor4v.p‘aid A . thgfuite *go,cs[pn.;, :_a1f.1dA;»Awh%i>1c.% the life " “csf the%Mmal‘éfa’6tor is higny. by;Vur;iuf’¢‘}aI1V<:lr un.g1éé?€‘.fl~i1TY‘ptocrafi»Vin:ati:éhsA ,4" Godsjuf’cic<: for ggluaO11!‘Cénfur§S%“‘an€1+’purp0f€sA7;-Si‘-e:fiiU; H force%againflLus’.4 ~ %Sc,cQndI%.,,» and t'heyi¥1i§r¢» _,__ A ‘V dd _they%a&g;a1iyvVh’ur;t, ¢*wV-henthey Va%re“qu€flionéd‘ 85 «C011-A damned, the Lgz w;of Man agaainfl~:V%thefi=:. s%Ack4n:%%‘dpz>h as %.thc;reviv~ing of the Law of G%od~in4F% ‘V %' wicked men,m§ke chem ,de1”perac¢;!yeviIl5m¢ore cm-;3w$be..» M :£oI3¢;'?1@1?€tea¢r2ts*,rvw:¥?#“w72d“?:f§IieI3h?At?/M21: a,hrtlmfeeing% ‘-—_. k wgv %“ ACh;*ii-Tid#5léo§.\' 1 % 1 A V A I ‘him-fi~d%i‘¢. or Ifiwel, nha-t4I‘imight%Vdc&toyi‘m~aél ib"eflreI! di;e.%,, $a_zgzl4m; whcné, c:+\can«fnoc»%*c.ur£é 'fron1:7h»i%s Altars; A uigdoeth I fimqly by» his§"IE:cr5et4:c’“ot1nfi-ills htp Ttijei King“ B’;-s L 1 7‘ lgzjcke thingsA ihzxdwhé A we b1eaiag;AAby :his:LmAAgocomheA;empomz1Agm1:c£ A;A;;hAe Sl2eri.zazzite:l3AIoz;1dA;? jrby» t:hi‘stha5r« ,fc5atcering AiD~Ifi'».A25€! A Awas«ti1rncd.Ato a4bA1effixzg3:t%Ahe Acemyporall Vbleflings of God ”afl:"ured»; 1th§Ae Vbleffing of‘ imm;1ni%tie fromAArhe.‘Afinn7:esa:f A £112 Land chtainecb thé.AAta¢ceptuAioAz1<3f the fE;x:1*«ifi;:e.<>£' the peo.p1*e of Ifiwe? £1-am: »rIie*i=r ha7n=c!s prdr":nifE:Vd,= 3s:A*»:hcir A A A ,IxereditaryI:d;effi ng :flwAAi11y0_1;:‘iby: :13 is wiorkeic» fA~ex;3c- wciition of; ggcimzr: dgm5ri:AA free“ iytmr;A{éIv.resA %fmmLth~e fin ncs AoFa1l‘A21cI'§am?_LGf*; rr1*§"£:X%:xi+mAes:~, Casi Iaflnmi here ;AnAuArne A A tA:hwayt!2ewrazhAbfé‘rod* fx%0Am&iyoufAAiEA1ves,