“ *7: "‘ ‘i Q? ~*;'.‘‘‘_ 1), .-i . - J. The EPISTLE to the A/font/31') and eQzii~2rtcr/y ./Meet?» irzgs otiiiiriends in E.t2g»’m-id, I/Ve[e=.r, ant ellev/here. Promoter Yearly Meeting hair’ in iT_.G3’i£.lCZ?, 0:7; tire igi/9, i4.z‘."o, I 5th, 161% and I 7255 Z?’/.’~"“'5 C,"/"1’e.'.7Je iiiiiiiiiii 2E«;?):2ifi'3, 1 69 5. To our Deer and Tende;/‘Zy gt’/0'Z«’€el Free/2535* zzini B;*ei’;’;;'e;2 in our Blegrceii L07./1 . , _ P J zmcl Szzviozzr jefzer C /Jrzrz‘. H I S our Solemn Tezz;’[}'1l«fe€l‘ii7,g fendetli Greeting and Cii;-2i"iian 3;. Salutation, in him , who is our Life , in whoni our Living Union, Peace and Sgihty for ever ll‘£ll]Cl5$; B~leiTed, Praifed and Renowned be his mofi Glorious Power, and E)'ICCll€l“it Naine; To whom he Glory and Dominion, in and over his whole Church and Heri- tage for ever and ever. We being really perfwaded, you are not Unicnlible, that the good and The gooclF.l1d blefied Intent and End of this, aiiti all our Agemezm, is (with the Lord’s OF our Mcm“ Alliftance ) for his Honour, in the promoting and maintaining of our hm’ Chrillian Society and Religion, in Life and P2-ziétice, in all the Parts and Branches thereof, do not eltceni it niecellary frequently and exprefly to re- mind you of all Particulars thereof ; We therefore Refer you Chiefly to the Faithful I/Vitrgefs of God, and his Traci; in your own Hearts, for the Re- newing and Continuance of your Godly Care and C a2zcrc2‘re;«2te, for the more ? Effefiual Pra€’tice and Performance of thofe weighty Matters and Things heretofore, and now in the Love of God Recommended to you. _ ’ Many Living and VV eighty Accounts were given to this A,fi>etz';7g from Accounts of the feveral Counties in England and l/Va/er, of the Prevalency and Profperi- fT“"“i3 PW ty of the Blelled Truth, and Progrefs of the Lord’s Woi'l<, and the ‘Unity, Peace and C omord, and Increafe of Low’ among Frz'e22d:°, together with the great C omxizzcemeizt, Opemecfi, and Prepzzrzztzerziin many People and Places, to receive the Trut/oin the Love of it: As alfo of the Addition of feveral Meetings, andflfeeting-/9011/eyllllbII1CPl21CCS, and1"riemi5trueZealantlCare therein: All which were to the great Satisliietioii and Comfort of this flfeetiizg. And this Meeting Defires and Hopes, that you whom tl1C Lord jI'o'viiitMcct~, hath Gifted with a PL1lZ)liCl{ Tefl'z'r;70;."} for his Naiiic an-:1 'l‘i'uth, Wlll in this ‘"3 ' D4} of Liberty be diligent to V ifit the Heritage of God in their Meetings ; and more efiecially thofe leali frequented. And from fome Forreign P21I‘t'ri ; as in A2,’,/~i'rz'ca, from Lang-[fliz;zi’( and i*iiri-cigii Rom’-I_/Iaizd ; and in I:.u:'0pe, lrom };{i‘)."[J/‘;?a’, 1;?/.:;m' and Scot‘/izmi/, We l1£l‘.’CP‘m5‘ alfo received good Accounts. But \VCl1'c1VCP()tllitCl particular Acvictt dii‘t«';letl to this llfectizzg of the late [)5/f,7e;«zce5 iiifoiiie l’ai°ts of /.177/6;‘/at ; but hope , things are better there than they have been; yet the Seine, (Iliriltiaii Advice and Coiinfel given by our lall Yearly Aleetzzg to G. K, rift‘. having been openly lliglittcd and oppofed by him in Print, and Otl1C1‘\‘»’lll:2 And he maiiifePring himlt-ll’ to be gone out ofthe pcaceable Spirit of our Lord jeliis Chrill, and to con- tinue in the fame Spirit of Dzfcoz-cl and (S)/>,co,’x'tz'o;1, whereby he hath given great Trouble and Sorrow to the C‘/mm’; of (,',/in‘//‘, and particulzirly to the lalt Tear./y Alectizgt, and tliisallo; he is liirtlier Telltilied againll, until he unfeignedly Repem‘, and be Reconciled to llilltllliul Priezzds and BIT!/J7‘(’77; which for his So1il’sial;e we lincercly dd ire. From hr (9) I{oI14n.1,&:c. From Am/}ero’4m by an E[»i,;’z’Ze we received Account, that Frz'e;2c{5 are in Peace and (Qiet, and i’VIeezi;c/gs kept up, and great Refort thereto in that City : And that there is anOpennefs to Truth in z\7orc/l=~i’-£:.~[[.z2oc{, Frie/Zmd, Emlzden and Frederic/3,/3a.1dt : Our Clear Friends and Brethren }'ame5 Fletc/oer, Hertiiz Fe/Z, and Roger Hgydoc/3, are going for Ho!/afid in Truth’s Service. Rd,“ For This Zlfeetirzg having Account of the prefent Low and Indigent Conditi- P001‘ Fricnd€- on ofthofe Poor Frieizciy in the we ofil-fair, and thofe at D.m.‘:,z°cxC’ and Emly- den, haveordered them fome Supply for their Relief. §crrcSl‘entPrife- \Neunderftand by feveral Accounts from the Counties this Year, that ' there remain Pr{[0;;cr5 on Truth's Account for 7;m’.:e.c, arc. to the Number of One Hundred Thirty Four Pr:'c;m,’: ; whofe Cofi,’ being lately prefented, and opened to the /’\f.Z'i7g, by feme Friends from the i"¥’Ieetz';¢(g for Sufie2~'i‘/z:r:’crfccu- inaiiifeftfucig merit; upon Perjecutors. and fend up Accounts thereof, witll ' your Suflermgs, (as lome have already done ) for a VVarning to Pofierities’: And be fure they be well Attefted. Ap,,,;c,,,o,, And it’s requifite, to Recommend to the feveral ,@.zrtcrl} Meetings, to to Mcrrjbcrs take C are, that timely Application be made in their refpefiive Counties’, °fP‘""‘““°“‘ (byfome fober, difcreet F'r.‘€/"Id! ) to [Members of Parliament, before their coming up to Sit ; giving them right Information, and intreating them, that in their Places, they would be pleafed to ufe their Endeavours and In- tereft for the Eafe of our Sufiérizg Friendr, (as aforefaid ) when prefented to them in Parlianzerzt. This Method having been found of Service in fome Places, ’tis defired, it may be obferved. Eiiucmon of And it’s Defired, and we Judge it meet to remind you, that all Friends Chi1dI‘cn- that are or may be concerned, to take efpecial Care, in the Name of the Lord, and for his Truth’s lake, for the good Education and Order of Friend; Children in God’sholy Fear, in the Way of Truth,‘for their Prefervation out of the Snares of the‘ Enemy, and Corruptions of the \Vorld. And alfo O,-Schoolw,“ to fee that school; and 56/)00[-7/1,1/hrs,’ who are Faithful. Friends, and well (malified, be plac’d and encourag’d in all Counties, Cities, great Towns or Places, where there may be need. And that iUCl1‘«SC/J00!-ma/fer! (as muich as may be ) .iOmL:tllhC Correipond with one anotner, for their Help an 'Ii1iprovem€nt1ll fuch good and ealie Met/ions, as are molt Agreeable to the 1:-uz/2, and the Childrens Advantage and Benefit', and that Care be :1 l(§cn,t th/it Poor fI}‘I.’l'€/‘Id! L‘/iildrm may freely partake of fuch Education, in r er 0 /zprmn Jlp. Ofblarriagcs. I And that all Diligence, Care and Caution be hid, that no F;-iem’, oi- 'ric;zds (I/ix‘/a’mz be Betrayed in Arieflion, or otherwife nor Join in Marri- age with thofe, that are not ofour Chriiiian Profeflon aiid Society, nor with- Out the Privity and C021/em of P.1rc22t.v, (}u.1ra'i.z or lawful Tutor; intruflcd with them ', nor with any near Kjndrecl, contrary to the Law of God, and wholefom Advice already iven them ', particularlv by a Tear!) Meeting; [:3 ptflle 167 5. and otherwife y the Faithful Servants ofClii'iii. 0‘ Wills. if-’c. And that Care be taken to Advile and Stir up all Fn'r;zd,r, that have E - flcztei‘ f’.“~ -‘Qatar D1], l);/S,’ thofe Friends that Print them. And where Friends (S3 ,1 flats; to clifpofe ;:;I’, to maite due, timely, firm and lawful Settlement thereof by l/."’z’z’.l, otiiexmvife, to prevent future Trouble and Difcord, as heretofore aclvifed : i.‘vi.zi;i:.1f_§ fueli I4/'zz’/5 in due time, will fhorten no Man’s Days: But the (i}Lii..:‘ti‘i'.il.Ol1 or ‘Delay thereof has prov’tl very pernicious to many, and ini,urious to Truth. W And Friends, let thofe Juft and :‘i.r:t‘i«;nt Commands of God he obferv’d, Again“ Talc- tzziz. Lev. I9. 16. Thai.’ J/,e‘L';zt'$ 720:‘ 3/» 21,0 :1;-25:’ alonzn as at Tale~bearer amrmg flay bcflilis’ mi’ 19801’)/L’ : Anti iixod. 23. I. T/jozzfljzzlt not rizf,;’t3 d flejé Rrlpori : And I)”/fz/. I 5. 3. . 5' that 5.16/C5./l‘c‘f/I} .r20tz1’éri2 //is Toxgzzt, zzor £:]()f/J M/If to r’J.i5 1'\~"ez;g/;é0zz7', 270;’ Z‘./z,i‘eir/3.411252Reprotztzh zzgzz,-irz,/gi /22'; /‘«.7e{g/3:/.1(2.'¢';”, t;i"c. ".l‘is only futfh Innocent ones, that {hall abide in tiieLord’s Tahernacle, and dwell in his holy Hill ; wherefore in thefear of the Lord ftantl agaiiilt all I-lfilzi,/}Iercr".c, Biz:/céiterx, Tat’;-ém;".<‘r.r, Defim2.er.r and Sl'.rz;za.’er(1:¢c, arxti agiiiilll all I/1/'r).I..fi,’il(;/‘C’7’z‘iI7g.l’, Backfir- rrrggy, T4ft=-9€.19‘ii2g, Reprozzc/Jiivgf and éi/:1/Z(X'Ll7’¢'i27éi1, and put a fpeedy Prop there- to, as much as in you lyes; for fueh ‘\f~.7oi‘l