A Ciear‘ oncvvhetravcIsL%fc4>r Ifmalfi F1f‘cc , Printed, a.1aam:o b¢{o11d byVRo&:rz¥£?:y‘a§;gg TIONS’ , and D§5~T.Mt c"T1o*Ng%a0A4%AAmp¢ ‘ ? CC4)l'!_,yC€&l‘£1l:t1g‘§ .. I A % * »-‘Pepe, A L Independent ~ uum thg Eidifa c?‘1’re:é_y£er, «.1» ,.. o_ 1. ] " am: all%m:.tymm£: in ma gfiirit :3 be atbz4r¢a'g,.—IM inw MA % ‘ _ .; ‘AM: m;ity-istruiy cnjayfifi poflafica. rscovm madeoffim:"» A A W ,h;§d~s 1% flés §'n D kxmgea :eom$»v1m-.ce C0 < ¢ A ” Wfthafgfiwardsof1:;':1d:}' C935]?! ’ A4 v AV V 1; mesa may an wmco the Jhc1dt1ve?*2ff1W.“*%4dtry’ that? P*WP1*“¥1d P*“5*2‘:»?**d W Mora A 3 %Imgg:ki: bea;$’af1(i vvhflthcr 1:: bgw, :‘hafmr3: Przyrczfle that cm V A j ‘ %3g£;;r3%vv¢regm:£ed ébaxzd the%flsm%¢”$ Pr:z£%za:%that%ch‘ey :::ngglQg~ % .j %% - :¢g;~§;; 5"zhg:V.nnn¢ may Lye :qny~ 1cmg::* £2: éififigflffi b c d£t€ I3B‘£d,f % E . I j»1Akg;{yL~g;;:i§¢;£,wh}$rcVLamfu.ml Li ‘£,%%@1’eaqe..at1dE£‘eyr- ‘% _ [ " ‘q f figs of ti1e4B!aa:k-jfircndflggiaa V,“ ‘ in we 11 E AD E R... "READER; ¢% ”I;3,‘.V He af Life, or 17:5 Wary ofDmth, 21¢ r77: C baibatfmt V A ail! . eaple m.ftks’,a;rzrl are fmwzl wnl/{jng 173.7 V/we Way of J Lzjg 19:? flmzt ,.,'_gzmi t/arm: éc mt mm-y fim.-lyfr; the , A WM)’ af Dem/9 zo‘ éroMl,.::;¢d mmz} %Jwdl/uI2cre5m.T/verve far: it 1:}: of wm‘er'rmm:t for thee to exnmfizc thy ye? »% ferzéflate, A 41 ta” éc mrefm! 2}: what we] I/vow wzzl/q__eji?, [aazfl fuddezziy rlom fol]! bzta ddzfgergfar God wawld mt ./save thee pe'r'zf19,~mr%£"0‘__go‘on V the af ¢1j%Lfimt/o,* but wtwlzi /was ring: tum amdfl clepmrt wt of zt'.;a.wi V f,,,»,~],,,,~. 4,7,1 ]9,;_r].,,;;¢ fiml} made mawzfq/z‘m t/we , pz“22Mnfi4re af 1123.: V S infrwra ,z;‘;[mer z"ij,‘t/aizt thfizfi ma)’-ff _[ E? :12: dwzn :5" mad efwzpcf zgami A I r attlaou M732 mar 7‘1»f1¢ Awtav Iz?,m¢d dglfmy my df; am!’ rlmt zér [:2 rby Conf;i~:m'4e p[.».rzc:ai,w12zc/9 W1; tryex t/2;: Wye: and doings, arzmi .:lm*J9 my filer .ezn evil t/yang’-2;, wm1_.,vr rlm{,g0 WiW]37‘0*v64l5 Atlmr :55 the Lzg-lat. of _('.’~};r[j}wlgfcl:%‘ tlnandrt ml} larerml With;zfl1~flfi6l lam Atlméa Ii/mt wlaezz : r5a_u“ mt [flag-rt} rhaffifk, ,mzz1%fubrx35fyfn‘g t?/are luflx af :23:/ma art as ~thc‘bré”azlwa] that lmd: to dejt‘r:M&‘iomC9' it rcjprvwx t/arc for i‘.€,c'7wz[[;r % that to “tmfl I2:-ad‘ dcpzzrt cm: ofz_t; ff t/am walkfn pride, «:{rt¢72lQ:'rmejfg,% % catzgeraufrzcfle, M22} or mnlfce, m f cm‘: or clzfdain or/Jars, 1'/we Lfglst of CIm_'[t’ slat]: repram time in rt/oy mam (;‘mfcieme»forfm'}) r/sings‘, and j‘ Wm/Ls‘ t/5££ira%/I14‘f?Lnzz':¢ flaw tbfm‘; and t/9.155 the bread mt}, t/mt lawl: ta _ daflruffians 2:11 «that wall; :22 1t, and 23,52/g mt tuwf flow» it when rajgraaf "comes, they fdgflroy tbemfclms, ml null pe7:Ifl'Mrz t’/:rcii'gaaf7¢-fayrzhg: ‘T/zmeforfc wlailefltlac Lord 1:? Wtfiting flaw in bi: 1"«mder mercies, /.‘m:rV~ Jaw not t/J1}/mrarrégflifl/3‘}5{‘fi¢a%fi07‘ 7’¢“"~’«’5'lL % /J1“! cormfcl ,4 [wt 5: dfligcntz, .J rezzd} «ta rccexrue, amtzza we qmttflcfx of "tiny mzml Miami to the %;%}<7?a}~d%‘&:¢4rA4;:k;e, wlnib/91} mxby”be.m,Amd%:.£n at}; A womb, that rim jwayff we] i't,tz2:2:_1dcr itafor zt i.c‘Gad.sf‘gz‘fr min I . ae,_a:mdflm2;£; 4 wiip... 7:’ef;yfo75G0a1 zI1 tbj Cairf 171612647; 1: 1.: Lafe, and the Life j.n:I.-re Lt:-gbt, "arm! rbbL%z‘g{at /7re41{,r_forrb z'n‘t}1¢'6'a 4’Mmakg': mwmifefl um t/aw rlaa? Ecfctmf tn/3_)"*6§7WH72'i9£’&I'Tt, and let: fIm'fa:e p1flV t/99! t/Jojzig/yrs“ , W/_7gt/N7“ " z1:eyAAe‘gmzoz~e«gz;1,, ml than cfznfilnnat lmlc thy Cams: lfiamit, _ 150*; wzkrir my mtmrjo c/ofa, Wt Itawzll find It wt 3‘ This it G'aJ’:La'm: A * A A A A .2. . :¢:zz~c2 A "j hunta the: ,‘hvhah hhath giwn hi: -_S'0I;\‘fa1f' “'th6'6_ ,_th.«z_t tho}: A A him: A might lvelzefw, atnalhlmzie at/erlztflzug lzfe %: W_,’¢zt~ m hzrfear, hz.nt;azw- t t t fr! tq IQMW, itntlhhis‘ leading to fallow, mad he mill hritzg rim tat’ the‘ ‘ ~fir:tit-W,,),5‘,,,,,1;opent't for thee to walk in, mzdhetfrwi/1 judge tend can-,~% M h down at]! that in thee which mtdfljtot €’itf6’7‘$ and he will hrirgthtfe tlorm V fntatthe Dmtbjwhere Gael’: Wqwdcrshthtm wilt hehaltl it: the deep: AM 1 ,;,;,g ;,t,;,,/zmmef; of the Way, V and the G;-pJW¢4[WI9]f0‘.f6I3_"fi71t1£Iit,“ V V’ and wdlky in ;'r, 'B80nI&fé‘fhdt athclghload mttflhttatt enter , but he “” ft¢c%ecl tlawh” to detzth : Therefore R.cader;h: dzligemt t¢ fiml zmtfthy lpre mt ffttte, and to kgzow the Way ivhmeih thattlzrt walking , do‘ ttathhclecehve thyfelf hh} crying Péalce, whettftttldezsz dcfimflzan it Matt lgzéwt them, A 43,1 [peak not of Fitith and Gram, .ttt,g¢til time haw thtm, far th.~:‘r:f;¢ t/mt demzres th} f :1 f,tmd A the Emmy h/1' mi: thy mind in 4 h f¢’£‘We_/l'vzf¢‘- t V A" T V % , W h V ' S9 unto” that 0f"0dNI.?1 that’ vphft‘/3 it pure, I dttefl‘ that ,,. that that»; mttjfl kgmv the Leading; and Text/Jfttqx of hit; mzrl hclielve: it , mt _fo)?¢t ta it, ttfltlt it w.’/lthrzkg thee to know’ at thing: that mum-m th} at httttd; and hemt pom with 4 mlkyf Gyd aml;\Chrifz‘,tttt [wt wpzithto t {mm P€iZC‘l'1/jftél {:2 the métzfme of ad émmi in thée, rend zfhi.s~fal~ ‘ % lbwlzzg Trttztifqatntl it wizfl keep tiativz that mztzd that r-:9wt:t1K;¢aw[cdg, Akzzlwottld he fetding ttpaI¢"10taw‘/ezlhgegwhtchThe Lord_forh£:1:;brhhh;'_fzzny thtzt ttrfet in theehwht'c'hhtw.m1ci he angry at‘tem:zz'o;t: , the Lfghht af Ch7"_A'ft"~will -/tt.~1_ge th'ost' claim Ami! w.?l_1tt/(gap f/J66 low in the‘, mttknefr mtd V pattahce ta read and underfléiwds ttttol 4:1)’ t/Jftig feew /wfiittitta thee % ~ wI:z1;h‘4tPrcfwt that! may}? not have cldflfflbefl‘ 31¢,/er zt atlatz.;-tttmtfl ; he ' titty dccitttteh tz't:A;zdhc_tzot hag/2')’ to lqrawgrzar M,-79 to 232 .:hatt wh.~'ch . Mtznat tlsfbefh t.f;hF£l' heflt I‘ cf}‘“ca9[,t:t7tt1 (1)93-§773')47’F££ twt-ht t21;g;¢tt~'g;¢gg éttétfl the ;z,.npot'r2tVetl time, Ami thi: 1.: puhlf/heti-Z it: the ft-wz2.7ce of La-ye 1 far thy fltlgg whb erre: fat want 1qzaw!ealga,4mi it my cotmt ts’: nmll; th,thehW4] of fi;'i::d'::ffftt;2:1:'22 ggtlaat t/mt ways? he ftgfqtttzegt ¢2fth.e fithtil t “ wa.-@t;g; aftht"‘Eétcmy’af thy '.P6’}.7:6'c’,dZP6h ta /Qtfiwwxt Pt37‘L“,tt1\rh!.¢t'f’I39fA]’3_7,c/3 V . ‘{:I7"Je3tI)z)21t}tt'é2:thh¢9z;£*r h.;'m., which 1! CHI? 15 h;7“".7E the LYGI‘ % fit thy C‘atéft‘1*e7zt“e3tM}tfa‘:=vh.:ch I hit} Made }i*hattt2.¢'_ftfl, whit frat»:/eZ;rt to 7'?- 'h M have the “tatear)t,—Jt7§ci "t'amf¢thetop_p1rheflT:'tl Latte} 5%: thézth thtfcehlt: may 55% a ' M flrtenfigt/J?2te;1,2z;t;l all that hrezzt_httfttr (tut! A may he faves! mthtt day hz':*.Me$~c] : A tiemlfh if ' ?°:Tth.team1tz!¥ pet}:/4’, the. Trttthhjéf O t D * GM.‘ THE t A l ‘ll’lI‘HE A NIORNIN G"\VATCHs ,, A ll H C, WAKE, Amz@’all peoples’ Arifc, lift youi“ l‘ cyct, watch to the Mon<1i11g,ttheA Day istcome, ‘ t land t:l'1€gl.01‘)7-()f Ifmn'list1‘if'c11h;_all things is ’ mzmifell as they are-, lDatknefs is dangerous, j am:l‘thc Ways thereof leads u:1toDcath-,Why A ' A A will ya walk tlicrcin? And why will-yc%dyc_?% 0 ya: 5- mp}: 1 Evc:rlzd’tir1g Mcrcyfronx that: Lord God is held I A forth, that nonemightbc lolPr,hb11t all might bcfavcd. Bow h ‘down your ear, amllhhcar; he dxlti;;cnt,a11dt encline; for that _i$‘COI1'1t: which wasttbeforcwthc Subtxlty, and that 15 maxlifcft’; which imhe beginx1id1gn-mtdc all thmgs, and was before the r Serpent prcvailcd, or belmcttthattlm or death cntcrcd 5 and 'thlt§,gti1f [11 Gad ymaczalcd mlns tender nlcrcy, and hath vifit-—$-~ V led ~m;u.1ythchc1~ein , w l1‘0'll"Z Umjcrflandings arcopcncd, and? ' ‘thtir ‘Cy€‘Scnligl1tct1*cd to beholdgthe way of life;-.~a11dtl1cy7 ' v are conmto that wh-1~Ch wasbcforc thtiworldkwas m:f;d6,‘i1I.lCl_ ‘knows a p:-mzin that, which was Mafe: li”f¢,_lwl1o{c“tmdcr«- Tfiandixxg was opmcd to fee to the ybcgirming ‘and bcheld« ‘G.od’s Etlc?-malt.Pt5wcr*iI1 thc: O1#eatipnt,an.td the movings of hit ~ *jSp‘ir%ic ix lontlthlc%hfzfmceoft the Wa«tcxfs,h rand l1is;ljr111g'mg Light tout.‘ ;o A tlarkricf and when this was .opcx-med A to 11’is4m1tder-9+ '*ilaz1d‘%it1-g5~at11»dhelhiad {ecu it, than h<: (.lf6C_l:.11?c(~2l it ,.Lan.d it was Aw 1*ittcm,;a‘x1:d ‘-that rltvhdclx ,tv_a~stlw*x%ilttc11 ‘A’, was, téllxd " Sbriptxiexg ' but= that w.hit1i»M¢ft¢‘t.declzm:d=;,fltw~s : thcf Word ‘of, of Lgfca " ‘W.-rllfl a ~v§>vhitf‘-h was in the b¢gxhm1111gVaAaI1d4 f C1113 }’V§>rd nvaawith God, _ ~at~1‘dvvas%% Gcdswho fazed , Let tlsgre be L}*.g19t5‘G€W;I,3‘, mark } % Goidf-ziidit:,(1;his4Wa8Vt11€Wfird) ;%“t1‘w thing %wasAdo;1e, am1A A ‘€‘afil‘fiv“"tV1@.‘}},.a,f‘q‘;'M':|T13efl:. G0dAfi1W til? Li’-‘ht that it was good, V zm7d11%€ 0'4“ ed C VA“fié¢t_aA?1%1%<=dTA M t%¥‘l1Ve'z§';->222‘ Want?!» %»~A%'1th’c fi?{ar:%.é§:2g%AA mi’ :6 the. fifl’: V .(j§'m__I ,5“ ‘(3~1a~rk;t:h~1S;}; [he W'urKd fmd, Let thereée Lzglot A,” and thc%L»z’g1:t%was bI‘:C)1‘1gLhti.OL1t;QfADézrk,mfl§‘ f0%th€ Morning was A comcfiaxxd the[%fi1*f’c;A%Day wa§;»t1'cat¢dAin't:htEcemal Award; a.m1‘g1fl1:;: this Lif6%V‘AWas* /k{ofz:,4?‘”g;gther.ed , aI»fiVc1ha_d% {L7id¢y_ A fianding0p€fl€d,«+t113t kh€%:¢‘G%1L1d‘{€€ C0 VCh«¢A%ABeg11mi11;;‘A-and ‘ behold thcwlorks of in I:l1éCreati0i1,w11iCh% was W ;§o"ug1§,1; ‘ and b1~o.uAghtto pafs before his time upon the Earth; 3‘ thmf wag-%no%_‘A 7“¢a4;:;o;zco%givc1aimcbe k{1ow1e_dg+3:c>f it: ,?ybi.u: t~/3;-. A tmtof §iarkx1cfsA%in.%11,isAlgezixtga in which he wig; gm_1;%e1~c;j gnta GodV, ‘all:-Id"211ad.11:141O:a>1‘svltfil, has Lite and intghe Life;,revcal¢c{,A% Mafes,had%C‘l£mfn*efsm has Ilmi»ex‘Vf’r?Aax1d... inf; to thc: Bcgi11z1»»i1;1g', mid~behe%1d the fix: daycs Work ,4 and ,ghc:Crea‘tioI1Afiniihedv, m1d‘a1fothefevéxich DaywA%i11VWhi<:Lm1 Gqd I-5¢fif¢d%%%%; % }:1gVt»e1‘1#c1d matlinhislnxxuccuxcy and rig1.~u;.‘ A n%e{V§,~V anVy¢‘1 t%hé w%3Ifn§a}ge* &1%1%"%);vl1%itrI1; he was c1*%¢a,t ed ._., th ¢% %Pjm»1§;§i A~a%nAa~,g4o%a»y in w Iaithd. he mzs%% foxmed;45;A» 11¢‘ N bghfld A% Ath¢V=JH§t5itaVtiOII vvVh%ich%A he v~s*a*s p*laced54»a11d he {aw the C04-— . Vteifing %wiAg‘hwl1ich‘ ‘11e.%waSy%%Ciothewd , and in which he flood, bCfO*_i‘g': the }*e%;2£tAar5a11dA%’A‘$r"5r5“;$$:¢S not flfl'la_‘.Q}¢;d5‘ he beheld I)—§a7j‘44{-jfga gfidA «;x11J"%hAg31_-;*¢&;A *r;-e»es%4rr;»£ AtAhcA‘%GaAr?d¢tm, and’ faw%Aw%I1;2:;¢%v&%’as allowed“ {B r_’V Fina d§j‘fiAF1d? i*?’1W5A:W3? 311% e 'b€11fild.. 1: in g se;§pe:ggg5f;;5gg1~tygAa:m_dA:AhA1»sAdwecextful4.worki1xag;aMxA1d%faw% how he ¢x»-1t<:red._, arid how he p‘1*e_Vaflc»-d;‘ri m=A<-vf Wh4VWa$ m%aVn14iFe1’rarv»zrlazArz V A L%wtx&%¢h.a*:he ‘fi4éW2I‘mg'~a£1) cared; and th :ee,i%%x‘%fs€»: I ‘did’ bteak;%u.11tVe hims t1;cnW~i:grhe¢%L::g/at he ::cadL11orow% il:ah€—g7e..-» ‘ A A % A ¢ A A _.‘11c1:atiAQx1ASA‘ “ Q; rfeEhti*ohs ‘th~a't* Wtrcbefofie 1'1 im , V :1z:r.934%¥§c:<:§"*:z?i*éé€c,¥?»rrE>iF5 ‘t¥.1é.~ir' f’c%:t:*es% « fi;11d~ tVo*1adit%iVon%.;a1Id of theirwayefs4&1:1d4%#di<3*i:1g;§$;= a'11r;}%&tl=1enit _w w"rirt%cn,% axmd bcczmzc ScA:~ipt’urcs;(Mark) Ire: v9*a%s%11at;Sr.:ri+ Pt“;-¢‘bef(:)rVe am=i4 ‘whfiitgAh?6;d‘hv!3.tI”1‘Id'€c,]:;1-n 7 red, a1'1%dxvhé*t its ‘wx«ittem:is tl’1J£,3‘I1§i~gi%w:t11%"f'm+ch:' him in the%Powér %t1aVacnaade‘Wa1id1‘1ngsn1m11fc{?c to hzm:¢VSa.:Ahe dmzfaf. ~' ,~ed;of » éIId_Qf his i?mt<:1c%e1*1:c %?fla%te, andof his ?Fa1};a:r3;d of ms A;:1%;~1ev¢,u4o11at-f'ta;tc‘,;V he déC1fiI’¢d’Of Cr4z}¢,.a;z1d“of%V!1iSSm» . cri‘fi;c,e,a1udVof fl"é2E£,a.ndV?O'Fl§hi$A%$%*%GriVfiCe; he*decIu1*cd;\<:>f.the Fl(j;od;th'21[ came ‘t1‘{pc31;%tfiIt>e of the u‘z1Igo4d}y» ;* A ~:m.dV of ' Na}:/awa»% ufi¢pérf0:1(, W he WW1 his? Saris: and; Da1:ghrVe%rsT‘w4era fi7refe%r§'c%d¢Vinth,e* /1% He:’d”ccla1fejd' 0f44‘5rét¥owm the Fath;¢r of A tffiie »fa;%chf{1l, A 731141“ Qf ‘the’ Ccmempawttha-At‘ Godgmade Wm: him . and his% ISc;ed for e.v*cx~»~.;_ his: de;c1ared»% of A1]lm;zel'$a1n»d;{1fm:,of J3 an&}fama a11d»\tVI‘n:ou%gh a«1}t4h<:¢» ‘gen%4enaciQi1s%‘sVth;at:Vl1ad% go_11eV%be3foi‘c%‘Iiim; eih d‘ he did xi1g:)t¥rdt&ciVvze t1:s;efaJ t1ai.x%ug*s;@y»Tr,::.« 4,:z~;m,*oi+% by any kn‘eVw1éd%ge t%haiu»Vt§a~?t11e wirbout%1bi2}zgh:1t:c as ffhC‘_}3' wen: oPe:;1edMan,d nigcienlalfifcfi‘ i97°*1'r=hv}sv ‘him, Wh:[(j:1'6}h%.b6hc?Id, 2;ndirca%d chem ix1theLxgb;' a*I1‘d Lzfa'%b}’*Wl1~ICh%'a:llfrth:ing$ were: ~ fx1%aVfaf11d ¢1~efac¢di,i,}:fgd% in%t)"o wlhicl*r he“ wfa*s=Mygac11r:red mad wuniv- t*¢df.Tfiis* i“s:Lclers¢ dam... W A lfivexied t”11%e’n1 fr0nI"1m*derA P/swab’: %Po‘we1*,’$ ‘and was; a Lfradmt unto‘ tht:»m,¢%okm: of a/£gypr£ma D.¢rle.2ze_[:,:a5r1d“frAdm under‘ that ~ ”heavy1{a§kwsctm:=¢1aey» w?eVre epprgm:dA4wAic1:a1*1:HAe reccivlzd. tr/ow Lam”aVtj%)f1¢£:§;;;‘I{prw;ésLrri‘aV4wig%ewr1t-ix: in ]jTa:b!4jes¢.iof%’Sncmc";chm: . I[r;;z_:*ZA§migmf1Vc”“l‘g§.'i3fif©W:, fjt:4h.¢ %Asa‘m‘ej hta-W bait: this ; fl Mfirxxfiratim wgzrs‘ 11“dt the itéfelff, 11::i~chc*x: c.oulAd% W-nasakew .tJ:"hé;Vco,I11¢x$s cWl1Ve1iL~:*é1i1.€t:3k”1f:%crfe yecéira its ‘t:ime§ was A gwlqriflgtlssg ‘ V M A wmd AA andAA;VVa§—d true’ Figflrc A;-md Sludaw aft Mm ’bhfagw_aAg (9 cgmgl which afterwards was to bcAmore; fully revealed, AAwl1Ac:afc*: glo, my cmccdcd; and Mafi; Mim{h~atioz1 wits but a Type of him, and a«Sc/200!-/I/14¢/Yer A to brli1‘;gAA1111to% him , who was before ch; A ‘World wa»s;aud it l1cl«dforth,l tlxottglftmqxfe darkly, as in 4 A A Glafs, the glorio11sfappcara.nceA of; RIST the Wbrd of ‘ A AAGodA, aAt1dAPowcrA of God, who was‘yf:c’tAto%comlc, ‘andfto be ' made manlfc[lb:’md ;'é:veaAlec_i, OF whom Mafc:trulyp1*ophc. A when he AfaiAd,A AProphet the Lord )'l_7Il7f 9_f'azf:h\;¢f ;,¢;;p;%b b rm 1'/<1? imtn mgbimfballyou lfamr 1'12 a1l‘tIJz7:2g:A; 2113521 53512; ml! me;-A /zmtr t‘hel’uolzceAfaf;A that Prop/act; [hail cut a_[f.fi'-am ~?tA/74* APM-4 yple::(Ma1*l{I)Th€j'{WCl‘€ tobc cutbfi't;h2;t would notllxeéwtlzicbt voice of7hAim Aofwlmml Mafe: Apr'ophcficd , who‘ was ye; to Come, grid to be the end of the Law for ‘ Rigl1tcoi1£i1AcC~;,Aarmllb to be thAcfu‘lli’lllc‘rAA of it,A;an2-Wlcl C£v'£'77}?0l' recervé: A ud wl1e1l1 V [gel haldfinilhcd, he dcparted froni them and left tl1em,_and gntexjted into the Glory that he had with the Father l”:e:’"m~e% "c_hc W01*lldibegan,.{lar1d”fits at his R1311: Ha;1d% in tha highefi Heavens , Principalliticsland,Powcmb$i11.g fubjefi * to 1mm. This isAl'xeltl*;at doth redeem and fave his Pcrogle “frolm ltllcir fimgandtherelislnocllaxiothcr Name given wllércby any cam Aka: favedl5l*3l.1*t gl1cVI\l3_amc of]‘efmT. And la%fr¢1' he“w2‘1}s tal%n1 C fry ?t<5‘C‘z'l-- r],l~la1‘z4d publifhed Salvation in 1115 Life, zmd folt11ey'Wi£11lef~l tedlcghatlwlliclx they receivtd in tllxclptburiugs fcrth of the. S11i1li”t;’al1d they were made: able Mixlilfilersllof the Spirit, and in the Siaijrlt the, t1m1gs‘”of lGod,_were unto tl1cI‘m*ev¢aled ,and l t:l‘1_€fl412VbO1,llTf€d :.i1‘1\d A!Zlf‘:l‘S’¢ll,.l‘:d x&f‘l1(;E{ve1'c '¥St.i‘2iI1*§;l€-1‘S,311dAl;i¢l1’s;m11co than I.:f<:»ml..w,h%icll‘izwtlzllenl was re- ¢=W€a‘mCd3 n11lgl1%t‘ lbc_lgatl1ex'ed,.%m1d brought%to.lmVeumou wxth l':‘filSlo tlircir Mlii‘1iffry¢%liTxl1 the Spirit? Wm; to t‘um Apedple .fgo_n1;, e to tile Llzlg/or, anlild Frpm tI1€l:VPc;>2:£7? o%fS}zmn untfo she Rowtlr of: God , that ’tl1cylmgl1t:lr.eceive fqrgivcxlefsllof fixrsaj “ éiirlaxfk} Il~l}?1";C:-‘ml1_fl bk: a c'oming paw,-e17;;o,;he “lid fI‘°1i‘?"5*"**?”5 P9”???U{1.*°ll~‘11%“lMP9W¢r of 04 b°f01:¢-litlm A_Af,m {in be fmVgive'n,or tmnfgrefliou blotté:d*om:é -And this is that % which (0 nlamy v>Vatufs,t’thCy-W311!‘ I/M L!;g;.7t 3.I1d1Pa3%967°“0f G04; t and lyesju Darkxcflc, smdtu11dc1'%tI‘1ctI’m»ver 05 S¢zm2z;' f0 then: fin 1iCm£I"iI1S;3!1d they live in it, and (ayes it muflttbc fo whim? thcy»t-are in this World; and they .C0mC”1t10I:< Lott/mtt iuwhicfi fin is %*fo1'gifvt11 %z’md done avvay And fotpcoplttctptrcach mid tbtlicvc 311 A anotl1tr.D:o&1‘i;1e afid Gofpcl then theypreachcd ».u1dV believed in + whottvsrcrc» Wit11cfl»E5‘of‘ttl1i3 Majcfly , and w”cr'c cr'uc¢ LabO“u:rE1‘S-ill;l3hE/ Goffpel who converted and gay éhtered manymito GOd;’Wh0f'Q.mCti'CI‘}cS'WC1fBT:lfa1‘0ff from h7m; and Inarly camcout of Dpzr/{naj]‘ett0 the L/gl2t,and fron1* under .S‘;zmzz’:tPmcr,i111to the Pawrr of God, vvl-nth vvas: the Gofpcl tl1a1t.tI1€yp1‘caCh€d5 and laboured to gather people- t1nt o;%m:dtat1l that believed and mceitvcd their TeV1’c1m0ny5fe:;e [Vtot‘[‘l11c§.1f'Z.SC»2l'l'6t t;ha:tt tG;0d 15; true; and Wittxlefltd »StaIvati0x1= and? ” p1Ei1tiOl1S.R;¢d€n1pti0l1gint‘/9:? aIiLi.P0§5E’r (?brJ£, and tihcjf knew tl§”e Gufpcl, zinc! Lift ,2 audfilmnxortality “ brotlght“ to ligluw‘ by it 5 and than they flood m thefanfiificariotx of clmspirit ,%a1id kiiew %th5tPovvc1foF it«i11 their Imrmrd ~p.art:,1‘ an;d[.hCi1‘ hearts v~vas bym; eptmfitd , .1H*1|s.~1 they w_cre:1nadc' _5a1m§% oF*che'MpfttHtg;l1q.aI1-d« chcyall had tthe'u* Life in one tSPt3rtit*,%%.;mc0,di,,g m;m:~Mcdfi11'e ~rccc':t1V‘ed, and 111 the Spirit'- 1«;.hey~fe1-ved and \V.N()X.‘fl]itpPCd G0dDuy and Night, and their Wmfhip and Se1*v$icé he acceptc d;t113f¢NV€.1‘c thc Fatithfull int I(?‘krz7fz‘§‘cfm,,; who had cmtificd the Flcfh wntlmllw theAffct&i-b ~011sa11dLuffs0’f igzmdtyvc re born of thc»Spiric into a nmgi gzfe, vvherte I:'I18;)’tt\/Vitllréflédntihc iwotrktof ?R'¢«g¢l1vt.‘rd‘£i0‘I1 an%dt4 Renewing in the A Power of God: ¥Al‘1‘d!{.llC!l tlmfere vvas Eptiq %R1est»x~1t*ittc411 lll1CO.f!lCh to, cdi£icV’» and A comfort Hrcznav, manor build up axt1dtfi1'c11gtl1c%x1tllémg ttl1at"ttIaey~xnight£}:ar;1 d lint the I~‘ai—,th which tiuey h ad‘re;céivt:d st, mltd : in “the; Hflittll krefiftr t ha Dcv%iil%,t‘tt';md all his‘; fiery Dartsfigmxd %Fai1.~h.i,n the: i Pmvgri %c11%eyt[WittA11¢fl‘pc.iy$the Wm~M; mjd ;Ftlt¢:fh;,t,t and Devil ownrconntegt and A ' Obmtilxtdtt over all‘t.l1¢' 1?,C/0?}:/37 %1.IS0”D‘c1€V“flf¢th\ I/Mm allfi.n;A11%d Altvhlig " l 13350/orz7s%;Tcili"n1on untlol the S?ai11t:~s~ gachexged in t1aéllLiglat;la11d A 1;l1_ua.:1:llIncfexhmcéd‘chctIx%l,1zCmbid¢:i;zit, and wallkzzm, and rcllw ceive.tl1e. Teacll-lugs of its Folxifaitlh ffofm, Tm med mt mother Tc.}:c¢1V&FAs::s:"1;%1t:,, m,<;:.1 ?l‘1J;'-ad Aipsgarp in it, ai¥1%dCbyVi1: they stllobtaimrci :Lifi:, mad mhqy-cgflified - tha. t there was n~ot: 2111.0 121161‘: N 22. m e A %%,<,f.:,;i W311 . wh¢r¢by ;Va»11VyAco,,L1$l§:} i be favedm “ And minis is,»,dec1fiaredj in Wmfds , an;c1;i$.% called Sgriv " :"pm;%e% of; rLxtA%I1%,%:%l;§fnt2%'is nfoefz -tljgi‘; \Wo»1:‘d4= ;\v~Iwr€bY A%Li4€e A531,; 3 A "vawtiomwmg 93 Fbrr t*laa¢t~:wv.mS.;'A§m thgVaB¢gi%x1m,jiii g,zt;n.d;;A»i%s= Ljhg 2“ Fthis ,1 %%4am1; abides Mfogr %E$?c13 5 a IJR I %it%l,_1,£: £?pw¢r[, of ; :Godv, pchc ?Sa;I«vm: iom‘ <1 of AGOQ1, wiizhout %a;1y_v%a1‘i&blc11e%fs% or %%cl1a-mging; «and whac%%Maf¢k*P4vy 1»1imt0,b¢:4 inl1i_s time, Io./M V {aw l1imtoMbc?,;cMIra4f;am1c iqi1T«l~'1i;s; t2§i,n1cM«,;V and; .a1§% he w2;s w:?jmaxa1£efi[ um-uhem ,;.,.£o;;el1,a%y,.;;»:¢;£1¢i:ficKi»,of? him: ]%fl¢.<'.i.s:%xgl;pggl (ta) A Iaimhahové ei§*c“ry Naiiieg a%nd.AIaboh1‘u*¢“c1hto?gather Iieopl e A.1m"...h_ to? ‘him; and manybelicved m h1mJh:u1d were Tm1iccd E0 him; ~ and by 0ne1A'Spiric wcrebapthizcd inco one Body, anhictw» had fel-A- lAoAAw{hip,a1id c‘omhmuh11Aimj;1 in“ q11Ae fife, and in ;;11ehSP‘u~1c ghcy ‘Wox!hipped"hG0d vjzichzmjicaccordh,;and‘ft:1'$.'ed him‘wh.ith one Cfllifcllta Aflhndh l:hhiSA‘WaS~g10w()?ilSi‘x1.hit'S*tit11€,'a11d «Service ac-A-LA. tttgptcd of God; fcartlxeywere f;-ngk:‘a11d-upright to God, 7‘ and W0_1'{fiiP»P€'§1‘_hifl1AiI1'h‘hiS‘A'§)WI1 Splritg grid hhihs livizng pm. fexlgc was amofigfi them, and th¢LighL of hisC0unt:cnance~ dud lhi11chu~phouthehm, andchcir hearts werehmad7c*gl%ha¢i ,Nand rejoiced i11hihn1VLh,hha11d% thsey. 'oJffr:red% pp a living sac;~h1fiha.;c»of Praifei untodaihs Name:T’fhcn»di]d Anti: hrifl begmtoh.wo1'k .Azt- h _n1on_g{t themg, ha“I1hdhWit*h‘hiS fubtilty cj~1te1'ed and prc\{a.:lec1 A over fomhchof them, and through hx-S qcccxvablenxeis entahg- A 11¢-ga th€n) ,21l'1d draw chem from theirhobedienvcchunto the Po: wmmvhichn tlleyhw«::rc‘gathered; than ‘did thofc £o;r..ke the Q refit ,chat:hi1?1 the Pov§‘e:x~w?chx*ekepth, 8chWcn%touthfromthem, and tumcd the Grace: of God mtzo wa11cQn11efs,a11»dh mad%¢hS~hip.. wrackh of Faith and a; goodConfc:1euce__“; A thc1'nhhNighhchcaMm¢h upomzhc Difobcdhienr,;mgit1heAVailhfpr€rad"ov‘c1*hA:hems, and A A » d11‘kl”ICfS—~€()'VC1j6d»t171€1‘l15allhdflthfiyh loffhtlxc Lift? and” Phowehrhof hGod;ar1d“hwent :oi;1t“fr0*111‘tl1e‘iSpxric and from “tl'1c.T1‘l1thh,a:nd % A ibhbccamehfaifc ‘Apoftles Deceivers ,’l1o1ding the Fomx, A but dcnyed IZHCAPOWCI‘, had the hSl1eepuhAAAhClot11;ing , map; the Words, “ btu; invvhardlfyh ravenggl from_thheSp'ujic aj And chhcfa A is ofiatzes who hwhcre gonchfrom C"*hhC\’ L1Afeatid*'PowcrAof God, ‘ fand haydhlofiz ;t§l1"hihr:+:’ lL{eadi11g'off his,Spirich, they turriediiitihto the ’ Flg:_fl11, én:djA;ciin~hed*t0 the Harlot, a>nAd commitccd,Whoredon1, and gencratcdin the ‘Flefh, and conceived a falfe Birch. and Wu theirown f’crcngth brought it; f<.:erth, and it turned 3. Perfck h*cuht0rhhof_%thhc4 Bhirchborn of t11ch’Spnf1t:,,Aand cxerc1fehdAhDonx*i- A 1iibI%1hha?hih1dh>*LQ§r<1;flnip sohver Adthcnfs , A and Afoughgz ‘£0’ p“ervAert the f‘Riighft ‘N/‘S/$3? hhhs6{%rJ1€”~Lo.rd, and ’to7‘httm1hp.Acopl"e from itsandafcer A fithc Sai1itshd¢cea3fi:5 M7130 by the truéspirit wcregguidcd, cl1e1AT1 “that Ifalfc Ap ofclcs andflccheivers prevailed, A and drew pcople, hJ11uti’omhh:cir Way, wghichftood inch; Form, _cmt:=:?ot%tl1t Power " ifotlhachthghpeoplchw ere“: h ‘covered wxth gpofs Dahrknqfsh ?, {hand A thcir” ~?‘mi11dIs bhlmcléd, thin; A thé ghings 0f,GOd wcrcA11ioc%hh% athgll 196!-‘--'~ per¢'ei‘ved5uh‘en Elxey fought out manyV[nJve11t4i'bns,as1d mack I anany Likcmsflfes; *a1‘i?c1g(‘et 11p‘Forms rand Vevfcry n1:m"s4 =Vvay+ ~ ~ff¢_%em%¢d;'i%g*h%c%1ig1 his'eoi¢m gycs and ‘all .:l)vccan1ge*ob{:61fve_r§ mf tkllfgipowzxr W\%}Z5fd'?{‘étitfl p ~Uhc', Kingdbmg .&.fiV¢c11w-eidfr t9b4f'6?‘i‘?V*':ii}ié§::~1m§.;* « iigand, zgu-lAA‘%i:i*yi:1ig; t!1ac%~ACI1r-ifif vms i11“tHgazc%;; ~Way“:1w%h<1é¢hr‘»'rc3h:éyV gy?a:zi'fi' ,vIna§1'1AF,€¢%i§:r1iii%1 Aobferveci. N=o\v+C:hI‘3&%bthelfcf;c‘li‘e[:con1fi«1=1g.Aoflfuch %% ;a11d_ae;c%La%or4r%cd~% 1:o.bewa%r%e of tham, :an"dV no.t:{b’clieve¢ gt hAéh1,*mor gokforcwh after themgfor he clgclafircd that zzheyi were; faife,"wh;Q“ alhc »%hi1n”’ p¢i.11“a1‘17y obfe zfvatgon , 2 J0:1“:‘17ec% up :t:%h.e‘ om; % tfofiQd..i.max1yfu¢h sIr?l1:i~1%1g;;tlmexzrefoxre Taitth_CAl1m‘&Vftr5; 131%? K1-”1*{g.;. gm Gad z;§..wir/,a!s-¢‘y6n,t LuI<,fA1¢A7; S0-?i‘1i‘t«l1i$"?£lfa153lil Night rm? A.Apc;a- fiacy phat was gmmfed, penple ran;izltolfloxmfuficxr, “and did not u1i1dexflVa11d o2%1e**::noch*e1'%i: A11dVWh€"5Ik1 %t11i‘S1glo1*io1xsDay V has :Lo%fl:;~ that 1nh‘e.A ;3aims:.» l_ive<:l in: +1-wh cnagaN~e:; forcl<1“.= c%I.%1~_c:.»S:cri7:'.+_p«« Tsac:u.15~;:$',?aw52lI1gi 7xs~l1aA1.’m: “é‘t)p:1eVrw'Ac;‘t? g011c;.a{11~a4yf; a;nd"ée’t*ret3'"fron1 we 4 X ;1ea,d‘iz-1g;%of= c‘l"1é~..§pir'it»,:..%a.11drlmd:% 1&0, umo :1? wxirlx the I“;:ifc-’:~r and %.fPo”weri t4"1at:l;thé Saim~ts*iex1j0)jWedg {theme tht-:y¢°rg«o:::A !:h~6i1"vVVL01?d»5_,“, ;alndiI1 tlae-«Pm:m1gt!1 oFcheir‘I~magix1at:iox1$,thcy«fer upa VViay, andfforllaed a Likencfs, then ccmzcred i nthe?Forrn, and1re£t-- A A;-éed t;~.h§:rc for Life; fow a%s~ tVheLig:}br a;x1d~D4}% OE (Sod tofi ,: mid ;.3L‘Q§"‘Mgrfliflg c‘l1en1‘app%earec;i5: '..bUt~"g..I‘0fS»s' .D.m*k1.1efs ~wi1»s over %¢hezia,a'nd t:h£}’wdid5 riot: Ii»~%kc%-;.>ir‘qi:aJ,n Go’d"%<«in“thc3iVr :r+}'m—c)vvf-- A ‘;ledge5A “then they went into the V iI1bles,and grew wifein the \Lettcr,and% read of’ the Saintis Praéficc ,a1‘-Id of their Worw ¢j£hip5MiaAv11dlaboured toAform4 up ¢V*fom_c~chi1ig.%kiI-;—¢:'=it 5 and: whsac % A “ phey: 1nadTe an d-.4f0rme*d,in ghan they wr)rf3h%i»ppcAd*,artd it:sféc%m~ ,:,=:j_c;1 %Amhc:1~%igI1t ind theguflowxxf eycs§"$cgg:hey kfizpUv.‘;t1heV‘W0r~dS.;flnd ~ with them flood :f 5134 Nm», Ram‘-».1»3; -fa A (same,Recipe!Ae*,;uiMem,he #4Begu£izsA Pgcmer ;%.r:m11sa ~D:a~rkn efis, vsmexm ch%‘cyL wj€re¢ra«vqraeci from Lthfé pirit . i1”1. vw Mai‘: they Chfloultd A l=:fave% w:QZmjflaifpp‘cd ufi;:;Eather:V?«;%M: stmn: rahtty. x.s’v«omfv1rtpVpe:d“1;1wi;p .x1x9‘§¢QfA’fA;t1;é%' Bcalfli §ai1."d‘ 1é«ec“éiv.=eTd hits Minsk“ 5, sfo‘:§m1‘12d¢iwag4hifiFc the wmb:f€i;'nH‘§ I1§is+F.0:l?l®“.We1*s;*a%11 d m23IdVe%=lWa'r}w1Acl1 tM%lr£@1Ii%5:»Azfl1%:a"%t ‘ Whpna11ynhin;:g;0f a%ppcat*ed%;whia:1a%Awas» v11adBAA/tfiia11iA¢Fc£i:V% in p"eVop%lcw,~t,l1*m thé»%Bd:rVfi::1*0£5‘e up,m¥1d% f1.'=1:I;a*dAc4 r égaiirifi thfaxz, aa:1gVd%1*caC%hdd~* nfi ?tm*:fi1:;:§:v%%ic;11z:m~l1ei*é Eic>rx%isF;; *2t1*mi ed; ¢i%céddW:1$1 fo mfia «trueCImrabi1*at:h‘ }dniFvc1'1 iJr1w.+.:»He;-lfflziflrrficflflwh¢r&'flr;:e hath ;Ifit:¢x1;.% ch maa“gh.:%im¢a ; amid; tnzifiax 5?; a%;1d»di%aM,~'mg co j A $1‘ ;m~,«,.;, and is é:onavi;Mng;fc7>rti1:_ in the pmiiry: and g;1o7z:y' =0 w*h&r?Be2- l0ved,;upo11AVw-iwfe~B*ma£f the Rails‘. ;. ~t.~huSr‘: penple have med“ a=11c£#gm1?é afimy Fran: the Way of Gdei; and ;.hav"e; net k~n0wg11,.t~1fI1¢1:n 1iinx3t:2 i11;fti%ha~tz :LifwE<,j1ica%&v 1’-1Lifih:T‘é)h:e‘éfiilltkiwefg gag. M Lh.¢1* fid kw %foié'bh'2t:‘{lI-mSI€c1:, 5p‘C1I.fi1‘"€.“«“$3 {‘l cinch dr }1i?:iLj_l)<.JcA[1Ae'3ifi9.Ea:1€s I V «bAim%011ct1,§td+hcér3‘t4h\e41?ta:3LE’cs,.~:mdthcxr ears have be¢‘ifit:c:‘H~ A ;mg{.aftm::x.l1mm: :&n%d;71:’il1cy;:; has built: Hrrufcs ifog hgVl1em;..5§; %,'_;.4i;1;;1 » .q1ya:3¢1e’;£k;th»em.% C?.w"lrm’c%k?m.s ?.y "3211 "C! ah ciy A11av.eA-%cirepa; %z'=m o% the mzfui .Jthc§*e;%haaW milky: {fed tzéhef fi1“!‘y;Wp m 611% ca13:civa5%'w‘1?1(f<;5 i1a%ve;—Ab§,e;1 ;I~aAdén* Wiztfh” £32318» £’t’”!Iifd(Zi';’:%VC*I?S':lfiLtfJ£S ,‘ ,:’Ix1~=cir V have TU‘ee11“?.£we;~ {1e;1m.... *:i-x'i>gV,“*Ab¢,1=1t i1£1zcwéAr!ab‘:le:”cd: came‘ co, the: :;%‘kn»cmxI:¢d Iffgjtlj, %fo¢ h a5tI1;,,tl1~e ‘V falffi? Cih,u"rc‘l1 a ti-ciV fail fe*‘:AT~ewch7¢;r s.%,,n‘: %xm}mx;awA:éa~ we wItth:iv11 tlf‘i¢T Ni"”g1§1*‘Ca0‘f7 5:» dzidj t%r;e%57pex}$I?c*%%?’thé3§*2§l?i¥v_c , A1&~O%Y?3.,dv'".t%§>*.ih*a:V‘fh sic; .%t:Ahm',e; %wa%s%"1*iVM¢»1~t~3g;£7r;:¢x§mm¢ %fl¢[bi.%fch¢524=¢{31;g.}d I ; fit; d@_W1~1-ti11.:f“ i.m:éWa4Y7V‘”3A‘ iaml: A W13 ,. 55! i‘3It*;M‘1 r”i’“k‘&‘ .m1*Ad% fife ;x1’13L:‘ao ;_p"1:fi,%;: atid ftvhait: pI%‘ea[7ed,1Ehe7 Aéarna xidg; «ma %;i":1M£isfit§di;t§ht€ 4:: f-- - A £¢~1pfi»{1g ~ cm 'Whfl9afQfl:dbiad§9;iu:EQ1"fi1,bZaffldTf@:dfi£iO3‘I.B‘"5"‘jitlig?mtg“ ad] A A csmc t;p+;.hn6'¢uh;b:;day:c§3D>fi Mid Apofllasg and. -are #.ftE15*‘%4%j3.‘11t3i1 3% A Tray %. % ‘ 4 « (‘$J~ “ T;:adiznio~ns',* Aamd ufltfiwftfil‘ Cilfifigs ’arA1dA»¢bA$9;1.c:;e19:ti9r.:1 9 f \ hat "b»¢C;‘U ,iur1iat1’$ %Ivri1;a3i11.a»cir:2:za*a;n.d beea+ ’%*t%:roz:gI1jé.%i a~;:aV5mro:c1a e%%z~i1enms% ::oi:1s’a:.n§5 fi:éi.a:s‘3VV!ia59i‘¢d"9‘:Izi brain:U123;;ands£&¢5*§£1%¢'t!i¢ hiyizam forth in, has own Willmf Wif;t;:wA%d¢ £;>“¢i;§ {B%iz<:b.;..‘ which M ApM<=mt£§d;~th¢% fi§rth;%%9»f vi @ej.l‘c5vv%§5¢€y',j3( g:1; ¢1‘1 v§z<”m1"”s:1 haY—,€~:. ;b€ ,11!V1>J'.<:$s$% =r.<> I AAbbw%doWI1 and wot» {hip him ,3 .ICh:{ §tlgh- all thfifii %diff?:r%e mtxch i_t1, arigdrCaI%1%~z2qt ch‘;z~# %vy¢,cis%rhch:»C%0n.¢91§tiora #19; in ézrie‘é~:e$x::‘12‘;¢*%aaii<:i%c4fis=yall‘ 1ifi,¥?t4ik%¢ ‘ A05 Om? Nanurc 5 zixfld ythv3.t%W1i’i£%h;%4r¥isil‘t‘:11¢2r,“ but an a _.§r1¢vn9cd m '?h.1$? r~¢17¢iit i;'5¢g~=s ‘S¢,i2ti.¢%4dli1i“¢ssr:1"d§ » PI l‘§W»¢5?¢h;¢i” ownA».befi;and iifioibzéto’i::hc~i'iIh”%9¢!1d¥tEQ'fi‘f€4iiEH1’éfi “that, ,and»Wou1d.v_havc 11: to have a%Na mV,cfand$P9w¢!r in chc: A Earth-% %a%ndd%th%1s’% Vxhfigrcat JQo11r.¢:«nti_0nn, ";1mo1i_gff\ “all the“ Aéijw P’.-Q.fia‘,'t$$’,"Wl]E)‘.T‘.." abVm3t4:hmat‘ R61; M ,;:fi§§‘9nc%=*n0th¢r 10% they %Wh:f5a;.a1id,Dé?¢f ‘V ,‘r“‘ ‘J N - 3''! U1 agidwouldhavc that mateda:‘i@wéx:rm;2p%4‘d*, ‘=ind‘if5 rm‘ hc bmarbouing nn:oA;hc%Appeai5a.ribe afar, tliey are racistied A with iqthoughthe hm: t be in cJmTHyp9cvrifi¢54b1Itifany dc-‘-A V ‘!5’Ji9% F.M.taWhiFhd*th€Y4f§c mndf cannot bow *m1r“‘ :9«s§a£q;%cqm¢:s::é:%¥ake,chm kw a£a*:.éfien;d:4;. é‘ A*59rWfl¥§Mé§;Fé)§hi'§.; anflfi mm ’é.fi.¢tfh€r.“« ..‘,¢4 ‘ ‘ “ I ‘ by ‘ * ‘ W M .‘ mu . at 1 I‘ be*ca’ur¢~= (176%) *’ 1 bcéatflé i:'i‘r4”Iri1”agé:fAii-3 ifbt adored, ncirthéifBift1i7=~‘W%drfl1ip,' pad; and ‘:;;11jr«.;r1s”A_t:o the Scriiptanrcs forflaelcegi %*u11d,fron1%Atlmg Sc~ripturesAwould prov]: thg‘Ai;j B“i1jz:AIA1 tqbc|z§yvf111ly%A‘bég%Ottcvn9 VI a1,1d4A th‘a,c%§zrotIi1d%vwtfldvh*avé th€ir% Son Wvrfiwipped, or;A A A A A a11%1y¢4i’x11Darta rrefs; AAax1jAd“ A iA11‘CQi1fu 1 an;AA;1a Night_ or Apo-‘A4 Racy‘, and "11'1_1d<:rfiz?1r&1??ds%i1otonea:.1o;hcrfi1Qf 'k 1“1o_,W4SA riot what’ Atb”ey” woLzlfd3 hAAav]e Acgfof ‘1;h_c:_y bVeiA1%1g ‘fr“QmA t~heLifcA than get v_cA~% A H f§JrAth S&(:yA'11:gVt"1jtA1’~eAs{,AthV%eirem1der1ta;1dix1Ags are ;da:+ikA¢ned; and; rIi¢>*$erre; ?‘1idik119W?1:1OF ArhéScx~%1>t:1r~e%ss mt r1ieP<5wcr:‘4%of~ . Godfihe .Lz'g/«BffiptiiAfhV1fi1ri9“o%L”lt QF fDai~%1<%At1efs;riorAA«‘chc~ /i4o7%2";;-g‘ A1mmgAi1ot afapezi *;%¥irIae?¢*.”tA‘heyVbcmu in AemsEAarch,whAereA’ A Darklléfiéfiqv-crs, :z11%1A_c:1A%@:;$11“c "alVl,%AAA7’Vm2der:r5 arid V4lgzz!2aml:A in ti) :2: AA Earth", a:;dVhath" E10 Mparr nbr i;2I1i%9¢1 %«.With.A Moffis Life 3 me“ 1?“rqpAhg,4:s‘¢Lif¢%, §.«1V1;1%cA1 c“hA'¢ AAp0m es ?*Li‘%fe5vfl1=%Q had“ L1ni‘%ty“%toAgecl1 6: r* A in Aszvim, aiiidfall vir’a1idAb;yh~i*m arm 6 ‘ 4 "«‘€Tri%‘iti;1i:is“ sonsA3‘€SZfS%'VC3Ii?Rl5A73hisfmthé tme GOD am! - %tAc;ifi1:iAI7IA;II?£a}2;z 3,’ t%h%%cAS0n%“QF,%God w:1s¢%con1_e,thc ’a?t':W§1,j§., tmlé hi emit fs~tr‘11éA,A7 c"--‘‘:‘. A t§*if@l,i2’_A *13areh;:was< bAb1'1%1jn*tkém,a*x1dA h‘cfy* 1iii%€W!1i‘i1i1 F0 be th¢f?011"'1 ‘ I42! i'“.‘ifE;,‘ Agtfi i*§*A 4‘.’wit1’iA; ‘Ed? ‘"t7”¢‘_» ‘fame’ 7: 7 4. A -m:.» L V V’ A: . % _t,11§;,x5l1_ad,£z:§;i1A2j1 3 Am A 4” A A A A A A Aflw, .A L‘ m,2 a -.l“‘rAA« .3‘ m I A .2; A 5* AA.:*wJVA,- .,AfM§‘§:»_ U‘ “E. L. N1,’ my Bx1wt.;Wf1<2 k:1o‘:?§h1n1x1dcto be" c,0fnmrfifir , A1A1ot1n;th¢ SAz1An,1c*'5sAL1fAe4,fé ii111‘1sAI_11'AtAo fihe§$’I' W¢I”Ws“,a11d gccsA“th¢*1{r< way A: é _ A % \[}io%r;iis,aTnd fdws‘ ‘tlignl tVogMet:W h%er;w zi‘1"1d‘r"n;21k'esJ‘_t‘h¢fi1Afé1v”cs A A W i¢r*hi:1%zf;.¢%€s @131 (lr»\fi?Af.i‘.1.~|g.S. t‘<'>‘«‘m chw sv;Laich:A11s?:§§§1fI‘*<: F€>3;I'¢fl§‘$" T€'¥?.¢*=$¢.s*?1?7?*1t*’*é5f‘*[{§’ F ,% , , F fi‘11CW?13i5ff§?fi”3 i2A§‘<§f5éi1féd?WgIwir“”£‘1§%¢3,?=é>t$:*¢.W''2‘f~:% 1?? ‘—'*‘°‘¥”. V 1;g;te_;~‘ agji, 17EIA}i§1fiiA1fg 4t*13i3*che:~i£m~ thatt¢:c,’b*nt,Aare *a1IA?fr0I~1Ai’thAé3 ’r cA~ij’ anfotherghh f0rI1vtc~app€i1'1*iii1'g ’m0I‘,CIv€iXG€1..lfeI1'tT’a31fC1; M alhoritous tha:.1~others;‘and fame being ‘nlmrepailued Witll‘ A {bme c21“rvcdf;<_mt~ ihtofi o”1‘1‘te;'l i‘kcn*cfsi:M W‘ M. Scripcuree-wQ1'd%s~ than others are»; = and fo they: make up? .th¢":» Imkge which Daniel fawg; whofe‘brightnefs was ex*celMlent,.aMn‘dt the tbrrn te1‘ri)b1-6 5'; the hmd pf Chetfmage wasjéof finegald his Breafli a1'1d his i:zri‘m:‘:ofhSilz2e;6,A his BeO)«a1t1d4Tlaird’s A 1‘ the wJ~:(}2bfhz.+~it“: h%%Vt?%I1htéi*‘171habits? :x2virI9‘i22*t*l2.e*g;-,7fhlhotxglit M mg-my m~.:ty7 he Utlitn'1”“be%d up ttottht:’Hc2zd afGaMt,yett cheyhkmie%hp'ut1:c -t wlxofethftzctf is Irémaxldht 2’kzj=,7 tia1t1dlw:th*heMM~1irrlt Starch h I eEhtche;fmage‘~t Leg} of 1m, his‘Pcet _part: of Iran; , ahd parthtdhf C’lay.h, :Da11;2,. (Mark there. Washtdzzzerxappieazmmex121 the ¢Jmageta11d tfomei nxorcttgloriolts than others to bch0t1td,t*y¢*t bllt011C~1mage,a11d« F1-om tthte-Pm u11to,tl.wHmditfccmed*m“ore:cxcekIc:11t!inflmw; :5hi17t't‘a1lhntttlflfull toge’tI1cx*,for the 3f"m1WL1a“tt'ib11’giS' ~ix~17 t»h5e7 Inhix-i rui~e,and tllcilfrzfle Static Vault out "OF the*Mo‘Lt11hait1‘twitlazmtrlmndr iht"{"nh1i%testtE1e 'fl/fz‘xtm‘c‘, and ~tbI‘;1I.1gS'dOW:1‘z‘/9e wbalcAImpzge , and in C“l'l€_‘faU hoftit therehis no ditfermccl nmde from the Fe:-z 1m...; (0 Hgad; but thchlfaiiig the 'CMy,ttthI1é Brzzfi, the Szlzxcns. ‘ahhnhdh the Gb1;lhwist*hroke1f1h‘tb% ‘ »‘e‘3cefs t‘yE)f»;;"cv(:c1.1‘¢A§1~‘-3 and Ibecamefilike the C1iaffc{"of?~th"e Sunxrlmerh-=tT rtehfhintxg-fldofmt, ‘£u:'1‘d;tthet wind téarrihchd chem awfay that 110, placcj“ WaS7fC)llI1d'f£);‘ them; mid thct‘MSrom; haecana wi1%1tb;~&ngchem do"w;u h*“thc*F{;7::&,u»atridrthfeyM%;mufi faM1lvand_ h@hx+o-wd h¢tf%%rt~h; ;fi1mc%;~;c~h:eLda;icsc>'E tghc 1§§p_Ol1l€S,tl1f:”Spiri~t «of _1";mth being 101%, \ A. ;znd¢;:.;p eop1‘cAA.haymg mum; m i:~riugI1A:“=A.of paflncy, -they“ hgavg = bm1.l;kc:bLsxad~ men Igroapisftg v_fcu~_ a.« Way nob ,-.v;:11; yin; ' m1d' ~%wh~m:.t4h;¢yVmuldxnotfind the Samcs ;way;% ;cImAcn%Ai114~ch;:‘gr .i,hn%-M %vcm:ip«11sA:1:h.ey nladc waycs t0%tl1¢mfclv-fies ,. and: what: Tt;h cy A sitnadc, thaffczemcd right in =tA%hAci1vqwx1 eies ?$o ;;havVe an uh: —g pco%p1c wa~y;aa11$d a Worflnpg A find In .¢.t:h:c1r ovm A way t11::_ir_ .l:rir11grt~l'~1¢Am$A% I1ca.;r;:t0 God , or to f;ccl%t:hc% res‘-_ frcfllixmgs bfslnisl.iv%ing:p.r:fe11ce. ‘ _ . V A ;;.1*;NAomirh<; l?0PiE,8£ %tho£e{rl1at walkanAdwworthipzwich him," they havca Away, and unto them it fecrnsVrigl1taAs Q;h_¢x:s%%do,* A Vma. they flri-Me ax1d%"cQ1tcmdVFo1*%Air; afld.§&Councs%.%;a4l4IHcrcticks A. zhyazdiifcr £rmA«_c»11cmA:s =,mdAvin% their zealm t:hCi1‘ Way= mIxd_ ip, . t:l1%cy;»makc,‘Lmw;an%d Vflccrm for T:‘0:.:(.‘1g“'. of and ale/fray A aascaxmoc[ownAche,ir Wsaanand Walkw,i;vI1‘:~th¢m;;and;tIru;, ‘“.'Popc :cha1LeA,nge AfirfiAVp1m:c in Gpvcrnmcrm afl;nd Poswgr, am1::m;~t:hmf¢2 ;tlmi+ngs AAtha.t£O11 CC r115s*B;§lig~i@?fl MS &;;JfgE .am~a1%1%m, :.1fldfi§:Sfil'Sa&fi My-Féthm Ham o:fA.che§.Ch;xr£h. .imwfiiVcut~;s A;mdprdc;*s whawhis will» l¢adc.rhwhim¢~'no, = %_phm:.‘;l1c H %11p.=,i*nspra&ifc and V»p;-p£c1Iio11 ; utihfill ~l1nto+.~ t;_hgA:4 g‘mu{?cX;alI;bmw%, ma: his3di1"plca;fure%1;%pwo11 ;th¢mg, ;Aand,;l1g:;% ~ %.#fqmnnhing.;n “ $m‘i:13 tur€twha,.:I:~,-~ r may; ‘.*fL2 % égrfiwlfid§T'0_1%:hAi5!§imi;1*il?1aisamfifitifi5 vL4kim;=gi:1i:1gvuhat Im Wnsgéudillatzh‘ pqw¢n a»s*%l"a¢t%a%r~lz»1d,;.aaw1d;afi:s;i:a» l’¢tm:x;$:ir::§o;~rfilé; A but * “ bm: is iemt fotm d’ in Paterxlgfegfo an *ea:wI:1~l c7a7rt:1a"l man,” dark amd,b*li’ud.e, HO t¢pV~érc%civ%in;g me hillgspwf Gad,“ and as faroff fmmtl1a%t»ii1‘ Wihlich Peter had pawer up é*i72'da.;a'lf7ld /,aafr5,; fits in it d;-wlmfl Seat Ti"11 f he pridiic'a;i:1‘d*l*xa};tt:3~ncfs4o£%hxiss£lm¢;1 ml and» in g;1§,3m::%»rAnl:¢:s‘ «over people byxhe: m1gL:rt:Aof his ezuzrlwly powers, wh;-';ch%P¢tar%ncve*%1*% dici;;F0*thfe:Thin:g he nmkmzh tdAl1:i$ §¢,;3i1P:ahi“kem1efs, out of the pow Cr ,. -and the form _ & U _% iSp1‘aC’Ci~ - Rd“, and at VViU-‘*Vv‘0I”fl'1=1p;pfirfoffllnfdg and m that is with my P wpig %1;a;g3ga£i~cci 2 ,» ;ar1«d7th£nks= alum: .Uh.C«y7 do % (3 ad {cm- A A‘ A V4 ‘ ; ;*1%‘ 'i‘f’~d {mom she; fa.nm¢c:Root»“ax10thcr Abra .fi;)i'nénl1ix1-.ghighc»1?,an'diszcallcdPRELAC'T,'Wh0IT¢ bi1'c h:iS ~ wn4;~:ca%~ved imthc“fame%-womb as the other, and brought forth ~ irmxhe‘ i7.l=an5'1'€ firengtlx , and thcyjflyc to tlic Sari ° vi‘rtg%f r?cad5’(:vF“Bz'fkop: :m?dL C’ImrcIJ:ar vmg‘, fibflfltlty are fmmd in-jtixe :d«:ger:c:mc~ion:a11d al;imat.i~m1 frzm A ;vh~c~ *1 M1’: of G*od4;zmzd the in: dark a:1i:gla‘t:% 0»? Apofiafi m.£’&:M’,a:nd M I:hic. ;Pop4? e,wb:cre~t:hc ‘ fiery they ca1motp‘.€1"'CCi$Vc , 1'oii"n"daL=kn1¢fs walk, and‘ kknofw A twnvwhithcr 'tmey_ go ,»«bcca1xfe*rlw: f~dark11fefs hath: M pturc: to up:-“ hbld thar part of the »Image winch they bear £01‘ fl"1E»»;.'SC1?»iptl.!i‘Cith6y would prove thaws1am*fL1l;4bi1'th", ;l1a« edf 1Pmycr mud PrmA‘cl1e~ ihg‘;“0F f ¢ming%a1'1d ww-jkippmg.Gwl;” and in~wo1*ds% they d:e,nVy_~ we I’ape‘and% has pmfiifw, and caxmot: joyn, A‘*n~or%c-wn his Birch acme lawfully‘ mega-tten;A%5 yax-::t thcmns ;no~1'rcV11eal1r¢2Vr in t%ha:Abr0chA:erh:>o0d ,»i11%o1*%:1o11Ac 1nm*cl‘1Nke111 ::hmr forin1%%a11:»d» :ap~,-- ncI1%fpx*iingVs X - cl*x,\and {mm V ;;5;=:2@r‘ana%&«; but are —aAIl: mdaxrkncfs ,% %a{nd_ *v1ic%?i::hc1' knows 11011‘ ' ?r,;,1(;1¢:;~fia3a;¢l%s;o§1e au0t‘rlwr5‘%vtha«=1ngh ch‘1ld~aren% of Imufp; {'0 they livt7Lins fi<:rif'c: an «.1 Com! e;uc3’011,.warrirxg and =fi§;fhti11g.~ about that»! ikmeflbx,bc:cam$x(hx;r4ifl’c::~c1tc in £*>rm,a*:A1dm4eirhc%%1~ ofchcm _ ht1~1.:e,biz~ch ;, flwuz~t%i%Iyéi4nf;c:2zgx*k11afs a1xd%;A11nxm~cr the Tfhadawnoff V A dca%ul1m‘i%1ex'epeaiccAthey’kiwwfimw. 1» ‘v A W “mV;1*re1rs1A.atmtln¢r Ab1*:mc*‘hA%A puts ou%tfomech~i11g ave; $9 .~git;A1g;e¢;~A%%r =o:mlr: up theu'§.So¢ngasA ,Chi'eF,%az1cl wpuw, “have him adored at1dAwQ1‘Ihipp€dfiboW: al«lA«.;~m1ds1%tl1%c%,A%c’a;1J-e .110: ow 11 %i1éic%heefPape:,»% J’re1vtt¢9110*r1’7!55]?f??»‘A 111312 heirAA pra&1fe;b11t$%A» fcpcrates from them and gathers: Fnto mcurc pa1*tiAeular4uui0fn W “and fellow Fhip ;togec: her , m%1* d t4héyy1"lm t0 the Ascriptures to A “prove,thcirAB1rtl1‘»l awfLif.a11Ad their praétife warra;11tablc;§b11c flare wicllifiic 1->ef’c4iA11 da rk,11;.{3, and ill; C01%1fiA1fiA0%1'15 sdtege :,zerate%d fromche,Paw£:ro£G0d5b)ZA%W11i%ch all thfi%Wcr€Lmdatim1V , axxdixn their in1agi11atio11s3%}7ra&%cesin fonxac thizwgs as they mad V the Saints a¥1df.¢13us5 and this isthr: fainhwhich ail pebple in ” words wil confefs as they «d0,and dqch not an all «me: from the Vn byAChrift 5 and this is but the fame which allwillacknowledgein words , and differs _I10t.biI‘ig_1‘fl thfi groundfrom thve fflith of thofe they are fepatrm praéhfe 1’ pringegh cm; pf qhcfamc gr»oundA , M and is theffmwrs ted fmmgbmz branches F’oV:"£h of thefame Root, and ailV:h¢ifl C195/dc: s 212) V Cbilda, though dtelfed with a gairer Covering. l y Anoiltheirt branch there is which makes up the form of the Image, and branches forth from the old root , “and is called iBAP'TI.S’TS, who have formed a birth fair in thew, and is feetn-f_ ingly more glorious than any of the other,a'nd they are alfo in l ’ firife and tonttention about itgand they flye to the Scriptures to 4 defend it, and to prove it to hethe lawfulyychildegy a~;{y;;y d hecaufcl {hey readof fame that went into the water,nnd were éaptimtd, . A they obferve and do the fame; and reading in theSCr1ptur_es that there were foine who met together,and exhorted one anolw ” ther,and were edified and comforted one in another , theyyyoh- fcrve andfdo asfnearl~as*“theyy can whatthey read of the Saints i dprafiitfelytandilifo tconccivesy _;a birth in the fame womb , and brings it forth in the fame iitength as others "do , and in tho‘ groundit differs not: and concerning Chriii and falvation they ‘are of thetgeineral faith with the other parts of the Imageyt and many of them hath the lirongellsconfidcnce in it, and tontends rnoll earnellly for it , being in their mindesi perfwat. dcd that Chrifl‘haCh.{atl5'fit:d for all theirtfin, and hathre“con- eiledtythem unto God though they be finners , and by him they ~» htopeto be favedfaftettfhis life is ended 3 and fo are feet down in ncarnai fecurity, andrcli at cafe in the formality ,l and are iitalngers to the yqn-ickning Spirit; and the faiththat they have ‘made is notheld i.I1fllI0 «fuch a ::M:nifiry~P W hu firfi brought up Brenda-and Ware, tandutallal it .Sazcr;zi7¢a:¢rA? A And » twho fit-£1 gave Power to the Cq1laal(lq"e—iI/.f.z'ar%ers to C0mmunica.te it unto Peoplt ateertlatn 73mena‘nd Dayna‘? And who firfi ordai... ; mad that every Rt-ceivcr‘of it-from their:*hand,fl‘1ould give them "tiara pence fOt‘*f0“d0il;]g? -.\/V110 fitIirhrought=-up tholea Eazflcr Rec- V fqgififngs, and Z1/Izdfatmmer-¥m:, and Tan-{killz'rzgeSermo#: ? Whe » at that was this the Sadat: pméizke who lived in time Lifie and Pangar%i of God; Or are ‘not all thcfe things come: up in the lnventiun fine: the Spiirit» of {Truth wllasttlofl and ravelnccl from ? How will -youfcleari your fcltvessbefore the Lqrd, when he calls; you u p to the Batiof hiséjuliice , nto give atzcount of your doings .? How wil you make theft things (with much more that might be men- tioned) iwatranltablt or lawful , facing that the Scripture dothi % ‘nut declareiof thetn,;not the Saints, who wcrehy thtAPow;cr of A A God‘Redet?mcd, and Rtgeneratedintonewncfsolf Life , they I uélid not live in them, not {ct them up ? From A what Rout then A adcoth all theft thingsfprtng ? Do they not come up from the l Car;¢éZl.m;fld t‘hAa.t‘i‘sAMIat‘ énrnity with God? And is, it not the flcfh that brings forthfuch a Birth as this .3’. Have you not cumtnit- A ted Thameful Whoredom, and run into deep Fornication , -wwho areafohfat degenerattdfrom the holy Spitimandwftom thc‘ScrAip-e turcs, that your Birth is not at all lhaptd or formed lilac unto A i that whichts true? So that your Birth 15 concc1vc‘dmthe“Adul- terefs Womb , and is a Childnof Whorcdotn ,,and there is no “ Scripture tomprovchait laveiful; Your“ building Hmfer, and calling »them Clmralqcr, your fetting up Crq/fa; 1n many Towns , making A Saima Dayes, praying ta Xwziiatx, erefiing Colledget, calling thcm C/2752:/i_?’.'r Colledga, and fa/Ja’.gC alletl‘_qc5and4lt1ch like Names; your A A «making /l4(;'mfl-er.:at thcm,and you: giving them the remapm ofPeap!e.r Emrmfe to maintain them,andimaking a Law to com-- i;pt:l it, with much more byllyuu brought rforith in the ,MFd~1’Jzgbt -of Apaflac}.Havc you not erred atxccewclifuglly from thcScriptures~.,a and ftomttheaspitit l‘d your W:/fry: Pwplc, and mnfildrcr what: is brought: l torch by 30;}; Look into the GLASS pf Rigl1tcoufnef§._,ahé' lee11'/9a9fc’.f7?z;2gez;“z5€x«zr3.. Are youlcolme to that “which was imlm ll :é’€‘g§:~irzi;¢.g”?A11d;Cloth the Lightlhiné on: of Darkncfs in you? Your 1'/7/(:}'e:yyanyCl Daiflgs gxufi gghzxeflgq rrjazll glad you: Vi7?2rI‘goAt: the-ANamc of PR0ri“;?ESA7”;4N7T”’a5 . :0 “be yduwré CZovcVri~ng:a; butwhcn your Workfs are? brought 1:0 ;t=:“r'Ara»la,; «if;‘b:fi}'?_fa*‘ . V -mug; of» ;h¢;&I%:o;;-e,r Km, and yourfr-¢.z¢'rv.heat:hAr'”Bo1@h%J‘*§ am {amdw_ 5'wr:13z7rzl<2:r ‘are 5 :'m?a=m sand Levi, §*iou~r a‘rc_{ Mi.%n¢%.t«fi¢f ,i :‘?.“]Mfl'4'é;€”_ 1-; «%:n~"ci~; ih Dmfkzseff‘ yor.-x a-bidr: 3 A3F1d=% rthere youywaiidierffiarfi srthc‘ *%Wi%V %%%‘Of Trut;h, and chVem;y0m'rr»A32k»f: Way in: rytonfJfinvemiV9"rI% , AA arid-VAF up a W0fAfi1ip4:A in%yo4uVn?«W[i1s,~and; dériaxms :<3:§)9e:;r*ls!;«$’ 7;lWar.¢54: Cap, Aami % thCfB:?dfl’J‘. if} 370131? if WEB b3.:\§,_€ % A ?{fln‘t..l'a-{03‘”“‘v iwlmlj j?0t1%V,i1:I2ik€’L‘fltCS%%} '?y,omAr%A. i7‘e.fves.;,; ma c1‘:y%ox:ik7f4:~*£ Amp» nI§;.@:K§ng~~: dam n%licre,‘;{1n;d:;ych**c Cz»gfi‘;*»w2z.r% a’ I1fCi".T7"i:!ca§r3tI‘c9~:~z.nr 3‘2o‘fi:*fi4wa:1§;»%A,iAn%;%, igipia A t1ae%%"%Pope:KPa%2aw~ was: {i rfi infii tu;::ed» ; , ‘and: you ”up”ho1_d4 and »main-- tain%/wk‘ ‘B5*rtk,$ which: Was“Vn'0Vt11"ifhedf:atn~=d A b’17oug&h«;n ‘*:Z1gp« b;y;h«im_ %i4n ' 1 th,i5";Nat1o’n E:«_g1mm.' what fix :¢Ahx_s Po:v,:erA ex::3:%m,dVcd g%o;yfx:r% itgi and; 4 his Skirts:%o@ev%c1:ed4it%, and yalu.£’u»r:iw««tosMme£e%r%v1; ‘tip j g;iv,c~ mgofc life§uAn.to~' imnd no fet«i;t%%;!;1;p g§;.“Ia"[w”h’ffl!'(::;bi[dfaflfl?‘{Q i%iAniyoa1=:§ CO%NC’ELS; makes Laws to%efi3.tbIifl1A;i»t ,] and tommmpel all to, worfhip it, anqfido not-cAo4n{iWder fnomV:wha;c Kaaz~i%t fprings, 01: whether it %%:be~wc_coArding to rim ‘5p7‘-;'}2tzkmq5,:‘qf ;% ‘"I‘n»_;:l:<, r th6~*Sm7;zt3 !ifmbuAt you ruh in b.afie.-min ,A§*ourm>szui\aV/*%il‘l4‘s 7£qt5;uP w:1m~tAfcems A righrin your 0W1C1 EY“3‘3n ~aL’md1:t:h7c:'3 A:AtI{%i;%1i,.<~: ~1;‘mi‘s;%w_Auph6ld it, and to compel all to he ionformabic, tofiit,urrdcrpen,a1t:i¢‘sMand~pu :1- ifhmentzlxnd what have you more to “fay , mt yomj PR AC am;1M/ORSHIP... then the POPEi.hatfl:_far l:;;s:y‘-3 w 5()p jg ):gz»_trVBW‘_t/7.1 morclikc nsh;e«'1‘rmh orthe SaAiI]:1lrs:;wB‘21é&ic¢;; zlrm 319,13: whpm4 you feem"tordeny? 1W>hm: Scflp m,1rrc-::hasv¢.~yt211g*kf5:xr yogwfmaaqierbwrrb . of Wand and swam» ? Ar:rd whu 1i%ri?c%Vio%&rdaiéI?I¢=ii;Aiit11:9be;a«CI:um~b, and confecraztedvin tosbc holy? ranwd whap Scx:iptu;re%. havc you for your farmer1‘P R x57TE- KS,‘ a»nd?y=ou1§ ’;IvE‘7?_ Tt1NT -,. Ifldxw make them up t'o%ggg:hjer in: a%Bopk :,~;a::1d.'*;ca;I1 t.hcm$ COMMON; AA A PKL4Y7ER;gg fiWh€>:Efirfi in}f’°I:itfl£¢.d And whu A‘ gavc‘th_ém %their*Nm%ées? Andwho fir%1¥"fiordainp.Vd.;‘Athat;men~ fl1”ou{1d%%b:c%%»trfia.de. u/I»fIz]vk.Wctr'..s' at C7alZ-edges? igqd who,_ifig:&%appoimt- »cd1 T2¢’I'HE toabc A paid mo. thjacM'ini/?_r7a‘ [And whpfirfi mad: , 4: tq com pal ~fuch. a MaintEna nce who %fir.~&,ma4dAc; and V ordained“LOM2r-:BISHQ1?$%anVd%ARCH-B15H0P5:%§ViW5Rand A‘cmwé%!+r1d:%wh<24¥fi¢i’c4$livid¢d:11¢ei»r %%4BI5H0wICK and IM- ce N 5, - an %<;o%> erqfl’ ex? And‘;;howA “'Eaxfi”‘e "t*f1éy% ti) ru%[14c5 over‘ A 0't§ie.r:M p'eo f:%xI¢,4‘8t7to make": ’.'icazr;r and Cmjasw: under them .? A How canmup HOODS: fa-nd* TIPPETS,3and SWRPLICES 3’ A"ndA_ who firfi: ordained thatv Mizifler: fhouldé’e4&lat?/ml~§7VitVh:rhem«~i-nlzhq time of their "War-3 fkip ? And_-‘who fi:1if’cféx:11‘p:;:/1LT'x’fla‘1€S* a*r?!Ad; ,0AI€~G'x‘11N5' and m:(A@¥Z€ %“B‘eho!dy* 3§'@u’i:.%*,Birrth%;t» 175’ it imdifi ?af7te%i:‘Afhe%4¢1?al€.*I£.h5 jah3c1:.a Ch!iid‘0f xx I;mredom;%? f;I'jr:2- is? ri°*()%t‘i‘+ ii*ket hc§F'orm of hthac which hwas;broughcforth lay 2‘/34? Sgz'mx;= tha;‘li=ved' i’mthe%Tru:h , liand w‘forfl’upp‘ed God“*i“n ‘S*p»iricv‘*and“”? Truth, « Oh L ‘Ari{efye,%pco4plc, hereisv not .y<:iur w.ic.isc polluted, and G4é§i%%~w’i:l1iwd"c”£’c rioy-i t::\it'7i:::h* a %forc‘dé{’crg:xéi:ion {E hare-aifj fore comcoufiof I}:/1'13 pa“‘r:tak%cs no Alorxger‘ of “her fin*s~,: A 360: ycbe dAePc%ryed‘wri=th barf Plagues! And be not violent It?-:9 -mzrd:ibrVl9er:‘thAaW; God h'ath°fepgzmrez1vft%pm am£BT*ImON ‘ t'm1Pc,bas: idtflVroy‘ed ~, A axa~dA the -. 1r:kA»2ézim“m': thAer‘eof§ fcaA%ct%wé1‘!ed~,‘ tilrxerc.-fQrc:‘, do th the uLord»* vifit" in 1‘: is Love ‘,A th'a¢:~ Seed wmitghiizbc gathered %, b%e-f'orehis%Wmtl1 : t3k€=L;Ti’§51d i‘n J-figem em God hath 3 “Sam! am«6:Vmg{%A%you,;:* Wh ich gmw;c:5i% ah jwjfejd Tymz r Co.rIru—pfii0ns %%z*.nd¢ Abnm ma fciol:l' lf&VOl;ll.'” it: Y"oull.ayed.tby the name OFBISHOP3;-» and pulled 0f }.0m;Ah¢alrtstitn the fight of God; but when wet cam ttugpl :3gourf¢1{;“es,, and your own way ,.and branched A mot/oer appearance, and broughtforth a Birth with mother Farm ‘ upa‘+!!:amg, andyou r¢n[t1;he5%RPLIC'E5t, and thetBaakofCommm-prazyei-5 you pullfdll down ORG/‘N5’ 2 “*4 ‘mid bl gojgxl, with many otl1_m:, things whtch ‘then ‘ A ttfclcfstintlhat rerlvice; anclin t:hat,day yuoucrtcd out for L_I- B.ERTT,j.,and yourlzeal was hotttocarry Iton‘,andth«_ere was xn ‘manly of you an hotnelflgatrut defire after the bell thmgs , and Y % Sl?iélgl‘fi V- mm and“ ll 701:: be eldto be“ your eyteshwere ‘towardis the Lord, and you prrofpercd and'lpre-'“ ow-_;1_¢d, ywhilll ytoudldthe things that lwerit right in the .honall5r p;e{em;I"y’~«£orgatthe Lord, andthislbcntefirs , and begant‘to' for: e l,t you = forth in to and Lz@m=f.r._,but receives brcathfrom: the fame life; Did not you A ihakcta DIRECT 016:7’ , zincliiruhat formedyour Birth "‘as.yotur wirfdomlel in5vetnted,,l_lahtdllllmade :4 way to yom-tfielvcs that feemtd V A .n,ou1_%e right ‘ 3 H A ongll you,ahdhto- be Cl9z..:fi1‘1tY0|.1fl1' Affem bllcs? And,did younot bring people too. c:’ONFESSIONof what they helievcdmnd werctt any to w:l";h7*‘.e’r4./1 wgtgym an that you cal SACRA/I/IENI‘ bL1lf'{l1*‘Cl‘l as wercapprotv Vgd .by‘[hofe Ofihcerx 01'dain¢*:l E’ Atfidg did you riot‘ thus b€t‘u pulled. up A hh'.¢fLT;;A%RS j:.?Whhat is htllyc dzfgrezcé‘ of time 6 r}2:':gg‘3, thatfyou have %% 1:.;1kehn~h?hawhayfomge?,and {pared at/Jars? Jwehrehhyhou not cornmhhanhdcd 1:0, fmfre h»,{JM(iLEIC tlaraaglsout _., ‘and nothvto {pare ,anyithix"1g .h¢z;‘m.,h ,buu"you~looked,~af E61‘ the éefl 4,rb'72g.r,% anhd‘ rcgardcdwfnos the Lords fo you but put thegrl out of t/fiazfrffamfex, M togake poffcf-E fionjomkfelzxex 5 and what might be pmficablsf: to 5m , or ad- 1ca~nce%%:}tohur,g1ory5that yon preferwcl and labou*red~ro‘kg£':0ema;'c hi;zfe‘unt0i‘tha for hadeyou minded the.leading=hohf“Go-dV,jneipher - C ‘H or "C70L'LED¢f¥ EINIS 77:5‘ 1? 566$ M t*l:z3 algyffa;¢;i7n‘g’45 in .rz}2k[£ngwaterin’thc’Chi1drcns:Fpzce.sfl, and h "call: B A t{f7%¢e;,~ hahmndh ;f7‘ay.,; T1192; r54pti:z,e jf/:"fi’7?$ {mo I/96 Name: afh : 1‘/Je :i%:;l:her5 Sm, %;zm¥vh=Ha!}, G h What ,ScripLl1r5ehhai._re you for g this pt_'{i*&§CC'?, Did notzthe fitgn ofthe Crafs _.,h :a'¢zt1f]3rz22l;lz'_:«2g mam-: "‘,,,m‘z'2z r/ye‘ Cb1.Z£l'€.$f,__fr«ZC‘€_59i13flI]”li5;g'f?j0mWW I\’..oath?h hahndgflfiithcr of A h A A ' " " ~ M A A jthcm :*h*em*~hhc&nh h“e._p1‘oVed 'Wm~:an:abIc%hFro;n the» Scripture}: of" A hTruvx:hh; and youhahvhe: Iayed by xhepozm as mzmfzzz 5+ 5a*n“dhconti-h V {mes the: OI/0-87‘ as Zawfzzlgan-d 'th'iShyou_‘caiI RTQEF OK 214 ~d'-173/OZV. Are yen -not Lin"the Midnight qfjA~pofiachy 1, who uphoidsfuch thin~gs«ig1=youfhPro‘fe{fion oEGQd, which the Saints never pra&i‘- f;;*d*s,é* n*‘o*v§f ranyhA7Scri¢pAtures :dec‘1are~ofhh hfuch’ th'ir.-ghs-vbeihng:hufehdfihy A them? Who htaug:l1.th‘Vyou —ta;flfig-'hD’aV§dsh3Words in hzlafeemé 5:0‘ calfllh upon your“ Gangre(g4tza%73 to ?&flngf‘o ";Z‘:{’I6"' PM 5 .%md»G[or_lyh ‘off {O hhavhg this‘ :70 fmghwixzhh the A Spmt a ndfl11wnhderhfihan*dnng ‘, and -to :make* r1j:e§¢,'dyAinhy;(5*ur f‘1t‘§a*I‘iiI:Sh£*<$‘hhtha'Eh ’Eq1fd,;:whho‘ have nomPf¢z[m befmeej hthe%_CI~~eh:~k gvixzéhitf<.)rch+h, arid’{t11”&hfihhfc5r :21! people of a!l~h~Ca;m?£r£2>;2*:’h‘ ‘tojfpéigz‘»5é'W'b7'ds",'th0ughthey khnowr nothing; of thc_/Em» ohFD.«m'al? WIW‘ Ptrbhliiihedh hthc'hW1hOr'ds»:h the fmflivlmefx ofbz;vC'on*sZz'tx'on5.» as: hL1h.enhehh«wasz3z W,/rm,-¢ he dz'z£1dzéc[are r/am 5. f0 thgy werehhhtrue in 2 & ; /airiiizh faith as: can not ‘withefs D%vi'd’sfl@teh,’.”3?0u m3k€~t]J§37Z¢v _ mfihng Lyesin Hy~pocr1fie—h A h * A V * h:h And, who taught you ta z%.a!§é at fv(J7’.’Tifz'0Pt of SErz'pfhm and‘caIIhhifir.';,A% a-T.E!;.7£’Z*';, hand:.ce!Ipcopl_c.,; It'24‘~’t/90" 1/Vorzl of t/a.~.rL*m1 g,‘ and that they hmpzyfizmle hzt wr'zt2“e,7¢‘ mmfmlm Baokfimprer and Verfi 5 and then raihfc%_Doé'z‘riz«e..r“fromhit, Zlfcg Mot£'vc:, Helps, A7*gr4ma;2t:, handmnahke“ h.AppZiczzrz'0%2s‘h?fh'I‘shnot‘thihéhthhe I o/ledgeWark 5“ “And-h have yqu no:_lcarngd,ia there And ishnot this the A P/2z‘lafap/2;” and 'z2zzz;a D€¢'“;’lthT, which Apeop'e~'1s to beware of? Do youj«know~. ‘ theh3ci7°iprm'e5 and .rbé.f’o:wr of God‘, you that are {O wifé in your own Eycs? “Where is you S'c:ip_;:urc for tl1e‘fethingsx’h Or did evefithe LORD of LIFE and GLORY’te*ach his Miniflcrs ; fo to Da» as youaarc ’D§fj¢g at tzhish day 2; You I1‘_e,f'r0hrM'x‘”1hz'/.;e<»h‘Sz4z2‘7:7t.r lz'fc?,_hé1nd‘hinh the aid Rm ;, and ‘your Birth is begotten in-T W/95re- - }£a;m, and formed in thct Imemiom and /m.¢gz';2drion; of the Old ¢M.oz;¢,, handr bxjought A Forthmin the; firengthh 0&7 rI:mi;Nam:«—e , and ‘ the [Lord's Co’n‘trovcrIi~e is foreagainft 1T0;¢’”;; bfc,c’aufe you‘ do in I/Wroclf émofers hi}m‘V, Mhtiht" izzjow Wam: “d'enyh him :" VThc3reFore » Repeat h fhpecdhi1hhyV, {and ' hturhhhh to the” A Ligfiar of hhChriPchhh”‘ i your ' own Confcicncesgafxifcf he _fION'Ch[,‘0"3VifC.\ifl your own Eyes; bus» has h cigjme Fools. to you howni wifdomc, that you may be wife in thc h Wifdome of God, .thac7 youhrundc"r&andi*ngs may be opened ch hi1ofwjz;he«4Scrip.tt1res, n»d_';li¢I§Q‘_x2ye_; of Qod; ~ Fog! ghg Lolrd i_sh~ I ‘ h ~. ‘ ‘ * A WM. (36) A = vificing the ‘ ztiornsfin this dw of his Mercy , .~an‘&1AAhis ‘love A A reaches unto you, ai*rdwi~th=1meafu1'e4of“hAis'Spiri: he doth Re- A A Aprove youAA.,,A and fecretly _dxfcover,sAum;o you DhE.‘"7in.t,EntS and A thoughts of your hearts :_ Tur”n’ iwhc%n Repraafcamey, and lame ix.-A A A. am, for the‘Lord%sALAovc &5_t:ndV€q[ta]aMA in than wi1AichAdmh%VR’g-A ‘_ pravedyjw-,HAearkcn tail: th:#E3*0u—VmAay,~bc CQnv;em;AedAand,Heeilcsdg A A Vb-::for€+EhA€ ‘D001’ OFAMETCV: b€rfii1f1~%Egam.dA*%n0% %:p41ac;cA of %'Rep1enta ace .canbeA found; for tha Lord ~hath"€l?S6écl' to .ga:h% er i'rmA_amongft A % % %you_, than can'i:zotI1veioAng with yoL1A3AAtfuch%isAth*eA earvefldefire A a_fterglifcAAAiAn many thigf day~;& wghzk-A{iAA ‘it is ca11A<:d to ;dAay let mom-A A 4 b‘e»h&1a5yr<1,but%al1waitA:o;R%ec¢AiVv<:,'rfm{n «at h€Lo rd in tendc»rnEfs¥*,AtAhat“~: h~is;S.p‘im guidcw;Aa.nf%d‘41cad»43rm1a’Which is manifeft in }'w and that-,A 1:h!e%. fruit%s,%::hcA%1*e0f may be;-\bI‘§3‘t:IghE forth .éy}raz,that LOVE 4 A and‘ PEACE ,A:aAnd GENTLENAEVAAS mayabormd amrongPcyou;A A zhacwAR:2uNG andAF1GHI1NAG ,% and DESTROYING om;anQ1:;hcr:Amay@Aa11% ceare;,%ctaaca%ct;c;ASound ofthe TRLIAMPET, -andthe AZ-arm of %AWAR~ may not 1_)e.AI'1ea.rdHin»Athe Land4,A, 11311;‘; that‘ you may be g:a.:h_rA:redA AAaadA un1zed_-Akin :ih¢.~5ApAj;~ic of ~Li,fcA, K where mt) gmfufi an, no rVDij?f’ra;Ef,i_o;¢_A%i s, ‘but Aperfeét 'lQ;veAand pgage}. for ¢»ver:—-—-‘1z¢Ar¢zAto the Lord, mzdwazlkzzz t/ac rwz} of finclerflmzaling; Q ‘ "" " $3:-uuléuuh ‘ ‘ "’.—;-r—-r u--—.... A \ . A ¢ ....._... '-r*—" ..W,wW_.._. Aflfiwordr tender Cormfle/tmAt0A t‘/aofa 4* m£edA .1 N D E P EN E T S.-,Az1?it/9.411:/J4t_ A A A A1vaIK’Aii2A1}I:7 ;zzz»~A}y8_y, > I A “ rfred. You are toffed (412 and doarm, and driven wandfra “in j:h¢}C 1oAudAy and AAdaArk.day ; fomething of the Marm£— did once ~F%fappear1mmA.you,§_jthoughyouknew, nogand in thc%Daviming9A4 A .{)fl ;1g:¢4??1iAghAn which xjnAAAyoud1dA b.cVgIxj1A:,:coA:fhiAzae:;,A%dA your .%undera- -.iihmAdAiAngs:A wdeArc~’o*p@ned5A andsyou bcheid the Por22ze:ALaAndAP%4~ ° A€iiz:.['c.A.g Land;zéqmizmbl:%Idolatrics were c0mfiup_ ~~-in the A DAarknA¢fs,A,%and a mgé remlmz;-f;r‘,was railed in you A towardsAAAVtheA ‘ A A;AEa;; yé WM-dfizgg ones, who A upon the Mountains are f&attcL T %Lord«.and«aA évrmr/95:23; %Arher¢~“Was in yéuto ¢n1'oY /9AiiPr¢fém; Mid A M deaart¢dA°1!A! of ch91#o!4rrowww7eran4 wvrI7np.&coulddAnotd~ % joys jvoyn with them,’ 1101*bWi1 t/9¢'1‘rCztf/ya};»zs’aI1dyTr4d_=T,;—,‘W5‘x,=;f1;i(é{1 ’ were fet 1Atp,bt1t fepemted flaw 1*/.7d’fifi7, and gath_jered mto at more pazrtzmlar and przhmzte Fellowfloip to wait upon the Lord; and in this tctzdemefs abidi11g', and you lgeept-in the ft:arto to wait, and th€hVz_/1‘z‘oztz'0‘m of God did breakdupon you,‘ and ks} Love did open to that which breathed‘ in youyand this was a“ good Day "unto you,hand you were fweetl y 1*cf1*efl1cdetdi¥uAit.w% to But behold how you, have erred , and from the Lord are to gang ;zfZni},andbetr:ayed the Ixmocent Life; you were not A faithft-dl.l!1h‘t‘0 God, nor did not finkintot hisACotm{'e1,that his; 7 Arrn of Power might have wounded theHead ofthe Tranf- gt-efi'or,& fillxttenlnm down xnto the Death, & buryed him under the ]udgementh_for ever; myott fled fimz mm when yon: fhould have joined zmro I-Iimgatxd fo never came throughthe Gaztetap Dmrla to obtain Li 3 in the Piefixm':&io11: But on] A A a "“'* Y reached forthwith that /‘Wm! which fhould have come to firmlgemezzty. a11dVv'1ththatt/7/fziml. con1p1*el1e1‘1dedtbafe z“/ai;z‘g‘.s'A which inthe~Day of TAe_ndt:rncfs were Opclledfa ya» in the V Light; then didyou enrich your ft-zlves, and grew Wife and Mighty in $ki1lsmd Knowledge‘; “and you decked the fizzy‘: Bmh with that which God d'op-cued to you in the Day when you breathedyafter ylaimti:1 the uufatisfiednefs of youtj M1Iid$, Sc were int/93 rme /5mz‘ger,ax1d in the ferlfiblexxefs 2‘/mtjatz wanted Bmzdgfo you betrayed the /?r)zp[z'cz't},8£d'6liVC1‘€d it up into the hands of tlxefmlztilty, under which it lyes in Captivity, and A forel y opprefled and ufiiifcedaand fo you arm! from the LIFE A which was near to be reveatled yin YFMW)’ 0f}¢m,yAa11dj Iofid the d'WO1<’D, and drew back again, and ra.n mto theworzl: , and have got the wm£.r,da1*1dwiththem Frauds filled in thetearthm ly miudthat Had the ]udgeme11t, and tlxeyreyyouw are lifted up," and exalted above the Wit1;1efsoFtGod 5 and the _fay"a~ Bz'rtl.2 hath beat:1tified‘itAAfe1f wirlaetlJeAtSazint.r wards, and fits inthe Temple 44 Godgfor yottfought out an eafie1‘WaytI2er¢tlmtA2a=kz”ch AAGocl lam“/2 pr‘epared, and drew afidc for fe1"f-fafety, and denycd the Crofl, which the Light l_eads all amto that obey: it -,d So you never entered‘ m at t/Jaflmtt Gm: , to know the mmtty jlam, which would not have the Lzfe ta reign; but you got up 111 the Knowledge, andhgrew ywifci in the Com131‘ehe11fio11,_a11d branch- (38) vbrafinciiedofoortlm in a [haw of God1im:f's, mom your own WEE»- dom brought: forth whatyoozx conceived might be the ma r-W efi‘ to the Saints P1‘aékif7c : So as Birth you formed im the ds-« ceitfial heart that is corr'upce«.1, tmd lyes ciegenomtod from V Godgamd though you be in fome things fcpé3:*ated,an(i more pzmiziculari gathered m. apopearmmcq yet do you 3§"‘€“!’!1iX€C1 and confufed with the ref’: oi’ Baéyfbm I;2imz’2;”m<;~:»z?-.v5 you can; go to thei~r21amc‘:d C l:mzrc1’:w, and I1:-;m'ti1eir ‘o:'Z6a{£«g‘e~z’5&’:';an{fr'e?‘39 whicla are made by man cozttraxy to the Scripmrég oH""mth; fo you arein. the 1z¢!@—-warm flora , :’1’€'1€3;‘ze1‘i3’w* nor 5014-, yoi.irGarn1e11tis f‘pazr~ry—coZaz»zm!, and'mis:1eis:her N2;qi2f 110;: ‘ Dz} amongfc you; ' for you are run into the many z'72‘a’e7’2fz'0?z.s°,* 2md%driI1king ofthe Cup ofFarn£mt:'or»7, and we joinéd to the Ha7‘lat, and con1n1its%%V'.V7)am°dm»z wizh I3a°r,.r1;»;r{’c% you; y0‘L!,a17f,:b;:g‘k‘*'m£fltl6’6i, and? lified up ;with a perfeaz J%Ti:éZ.'i'~m‘e 0E »Prz'a’.e5 many of your hemcs are after Govetogfilefs , which doth A o o43=o% A ;2,se1':;* coz1m-1c’ec§o£-” CI1€v€Viii..E§‘l€1“30f, zmdocouldfi i1a"v‘o no §”»,;§m._ lowihap wxth tzaeréimazxd yo1:ca1111ot£a}*o1ror1 trutho,%ims::—m a;§ma:% Day" the Lord was near you , to have wxjought his Wm-1; m yous lmd you EflC11I'l€£‘&‘»’.'0 his oCoLmfel; a:1cia2syouwe$2*ek:*:ps: in Iowiinefs so waaigazzd meat zzz1d2zfi%n1b}ed 2711 Goth; f-7mx~, he was moi; fh*aoit:1ed .toa:*«*a1‘e;'§syoLa ,but cizid wfiiwe you, a11d‘fi.§g:.... couryouin your w:.~m2:s, and knead con1pzafl'ioe“a‘ mmzz you in « aIlyou1‘n:mevis, : What iJz¢;2gerz';;g: ami ?92y3'?z'.:;3~; , f§V€;flJ"l3?,+:,cg‘g‘j- and 17;;,';c,zz:“zg.r, tvereomifizd in the emrnefi: for iv.2:u;i Sgaimm... on 1 And What 2: temiezriove was raifilmi in 1112122}? oof ymio of» A tor otho!eoobefiorlxixo1gs~ 1‘ And how did you cizciigghc to »%.om§§«: m t{1aot_W'zzyMwl1ic1~a than was nlade naaxlifefi to you! Wz;as1\t man b‘s':ttfe31‘NI.'itI1 mzmy oE- you im may D.s:z , them: is now ? Comiuo d-sr*fob‘er!yoi11 ti1cfoa1‘oi:oGod , and judge AdoWnothc:ora[h,o’ A worathf:::IoSpi1*it which lmth 21 Son}: in znzmy of’ you: Arcryou wnot gone from that in which the Lord C}.idfiI.‘flI‘oVifiC':YOl!,‘ and in which his Ceilflol‘ Lwkeozyas 111gac-is n1a1‘1iAfr:i“c in you? Was itzmy thi11g7::?1tl3’0z»zt}'w¢ that firfl: let you fee your Way to be corrmpre.$ g*" axoxd that brought you mm :1 fezo11‘1ble11efi=3 ofyour want,afidooo-fo#y*o1o1t*miferaobEe zuxd undone Pmoe vvithotzc the Sahation of Oimft,? Wzistlns nmde n1:'zmfc:i“%L1z1%to you by Rwzdbavg or e¢z7*i;zLg', 01‘ bY'_t'I1C Gift of G0:1aral;.fzi‘*ere 214522:/Z7e*e¢*lfo7-t/9 : So that you are found to beamzfr, and w;z2zdcrz;2_g1x1 nvey tlmt doth ms lend to life; eandeallthat: ‘ you havefar-med and zlirazglat fort/9,is but th‘eW{)rk of you 13 awn .hz111dese cmcewed and ‘{fe;ze_mtc'd*i11 the Earthl eeC3carru».t~i le 3 u Y P poet, which fled the Ifanr of» his 'fudgement,“‘a11dec0111d not a... bide /25! AA ecemmg 1";/2 fmigememtt SO you never came to the '7’:¢:z1 ‘ me;zt~Se.et, where the ~MIG=HTY falls, and the LOFTY‘[aa;wg where theEAFx.TI-I trerxzélex , andethc HILLS melt , and all A Fleflo isrput to fil&en%c?e;You did not wait: in the I/Wcy5tl1at ibri zhe AVi&ory over‘ the Cormptibleyou >migI1t have come to life in the Imorruptzélea but: you fiaerted zfide when fmfgement Mme tn isefazidro f/3e‘[z}zr23eaI1Li could not abi“defuch .;;e‘Ie37;z1;, {'0 you"-‘% fled it, and retained the Corruptgible, and faved your M53111 fe f1‘omeWhe11ce it came:- % ffiyiotz carry on your praffzfe :3 zimrzls; :2 at? A {ct u“"p your AI€z°;a_g~ dam wordy; but you Want the Power; and the F/ejflo never C21 me; z;atafz¢ég,e¢E‘z'p;z to lezmx fllmcc’, but (freak, though it bémt permzt.-h ml: Ahnrtd th_us do you l"lIT1iI1~thC mamy t[1i11§:jS",7 and cumber 7 your {cites With them , and labotus to feti then1wherct’he}r ought not to be;youwo1'xld fat the Ward; above tlm WORD, and givettbam the Name of ti1¢WOPtD,tand,7:all them the §VVorcl of Go.si..mand in this you awe, and knows not the Scyiptme, .I101‘ttht? Power of God; for CHRIST is the WOR D of ,Gacl, axthci his J\Z:zm:1s'ca}1edfa., Rev. 19, Anti the 1’!/ard: arc ‘ “not C H RIS T, hutta true Tefiinlozgyof him. So unaoaagfi A qt/ac Word; you find how the Sahara in fame thixtlgs mallgnl , and what they prab1‘7fec1,az1d then} you {hive to make that thing to your felves, and to obfetvc IE? and do it 21$ neartas you can : And heart you zare found ttra:1h_;reiT(>rs of the iufl Law ofGod$ _w ho faith,7"”/arm [bait mat make tea‘ 2‘/2] :3’/_f¢z:rzy G raven Image, my rim L ‘[,‘@;g,f;‘ of fly] ;]9[,;g;Now what dlfierellche IS th<‘:1‘ei11 the Gramgl, _b¢twsxt2”az4 81*s of the Law, and comes under Fteproof for domg that in your Corruptiblc Wnlls, which A they had peace in, as they performed it in the tlutorruptiblc Life, mni yet in the aypearawtcc no difference found in what is done: So you read that aftm.‘ they rtccived?%”t‘l1c7/I/ard, and {.396/l£fL’£.{:1,ttht€}” went mm that Water, and were éwzptzzmds and you come to ohfiarvc and do the fixmeghecattfc you readtthath{om.c% of themwalkcd in fuch it prttffzfgg and you fay you believe 13¢ (727'i]i‘, and you receivc 13:55 W’ard,* and yot1goz°zztat’rhe iamt*er,a%nh‘clht‘ are W:/mi, and call it Bzzprifmhz A11dWh::rc is no dtfi‘¢t1'ence found in the Lz’/qgmeff of the thxr-lg, but yours appca1*soht/iefame {as tlagoiywiid, in htl1c.outW:Ard prarftife, But come up to tryal, the Light nxahcs allthings mzmifcft as they are, and dothhot rjudgc accorjdingtohthc appearance, Ahucjudges tri_t:hteous V ju (1g‘em113t2nt3'tthey‘didI‘ec€ivoCt/oekfarrl, and they did éieliwe; A and form: of them wmt we the water A‘, and mr.s.£uzptz'z,:zl11nto fob:-2'3 Baptffm , and after that 2s:ven{!2azptiz,ecl in thé Nnzma of the Lord jcffm, x1é?.r»I 9; And then the gal}! G'/oafltt cam: toxftthcm, andh . V A % (460 A A mid theyfiwzkg a1 .-‘Id prop/:ve]fie¢l,C.11*1L)yo%u read 2452;. 36, I % . % , 3 7'2’ t‘wre8cf;mA [es yam‘ fefms when yqu: are E‘ ‘Who would be aiway-cg 11%;” E m the w4w,.3 wouid not ccm.:1e%;«;t}Je Hafy Gfmfl and F57» :1; £3 % - ' % ‘ '35 at 5703.1 ‘RTIQEVV, Sgd/-ardnaflifi. and h-_‘ ‘ ma feel Whit.-th m [M own hand is I-r A ’ * 1° MW" '7 ‘ ’ % ' P ‘med: Whmh pz4rget/9 t/33* [R:fm5re£?£an,through “t h e operation of “his"Etcrx1al Pdwel. Fléare f1'oI11%%%m’ZA%"zlzlainefls» and prepareg fb 7' W I A _ . own N a_me in‘: This 15:11:: Bazptzfm Whgc1,’th:’§PW§t;°ef1§§";}g‘5 in his Lzfe believed, and 512337/aic/9 ti1ey_Wgre{ ‘é;2Ptz.md in‘; bi: Death», and there weu:%bu"ried with him 3 and [0 Cmm to the am not com: to lmow t/oi: Pm5z"zfe', but are fatisfiied with goxngxnto the Water, and commg out again, when neiclmh 1; 3 you A yoxm tlyimjfe of Pleflv M1101“-S'pirz't iscleanfed from .2 b . , . AA annzw abides, and the 0/glfllmzlivés: Auiioifé y‘;§A‘§§ep3;§:ig; V of file Saints C‘z9mZitio;z, Whofe p1“a<5’c’1fe]o;»; prermaltafa’low' and A 4 I tha t Spirit by which they were éaptizmi ;,—/W enraged)" you are not » found lubjefi to; and til-1i.i‘~ was not uwzwr that /7»épts‘;:»€dVr12vmi‘nt0 I one Body; neither was it water that baptizcdthemz'm~o~Cbrfl _ A2-md by which they put him on; ‘butit:Wzzszk»%%4Ere,M[pm” . Y A ,% ' , X A 0 % Lzfe in wI1ich‘thcy% svere é4prz'z...w{,a11d%i1; WI1i«:h *B4,m'f;,r¢ 5;/fwas _ burjred, and al1tA!1e‘A4a1fi-%é2‘:‘a;2:a1‘1d Lwflx of cm: 1713/79 ‘were aw» - ’m£;a21d‘h*sxfe was’ ndtAASalf Vf’ca11ding in them, % neither did tliaé} M Amake 2111)’/z'k£’m°f.r for that part to glory in, but /-[‘[dgéd‘it dew)’ ex;/‘~zArl9.ePower,m1dAi11%§%iaB‘ powm. were “my égP_,i_l-Md ifito the 4&4 of tlw Cormptible Ear:/2./3» part , and could no lolwer live to V V 3 » A tl1en1feVIvc3is;and tl‘l€!'1*WaS‘t[1‘€ erztrutlce MiniPtred.into%the% F-‘A1... A ‘ Dai1y~B1~eaid they received, which did re? ”fr~:f}1;I1e%Im*m*o1~it«al S:)uL . A A ‘ % A Now bcczmfe they were m adewitm-:*flEa:s of £11.31} a I£&lflt‘€-W‘{]xdbE“ AA lieved 8c fiollowed ‘time Light,a11vd denyed thengfelvs at tmk U this Crofi in ebedience to thclcadings of the ‘Light’; mid be?- caufe in the i"1‘novi%ngs%Ao'f thaPowe;~:h¢ydeC1aAredAit, 3 *1 d it is A ~W1‘ittB1’i; A’d0t11A5th4iS ‘¢Mi:1iPcerf4r£s .a5h‘a;z unto you ::oAmza[ it or to A . ‘ " I,z.e,z;* it“, if you Coma Ilot to ptzrtézly of pz/l4'enzfWe“0f‘t/svefmm z;fi,a ‘which rtaitiifired pure r<~:Frefhnicnt t1"m:ojtl1emA., andinthc ” ‘ Ft1*engt‘"fI'_LA0f Whrch tI1eyAwcr»e«cOr1f’tr*_ained to n1inMif’ce%r forth it-% gaislr? VI?te°Hy%m;1%nwz1y;%f'0r110fpztf{f;zéi‘z'a:¢ or refre/kmmt can _ ” filld, but '2'fl”t/Mt, lif¢‘WhichtheA1wIy me,1Of:G0d. We W 1%]?!-re 4 mr‘i2Ja11Vd~:{eclacr¢fdthe Sm'pmre.rfrom5 {'0 all thz1t'yo11.,,m¢ke.t,OA ” % your V (47) yotnrfélvesprofits you not, how likes foam: you may make its in the appc}ax*a11ce to that wvhich the hSauimspra&ifed_ui1y1 izhc Pouwcr: And not this your prefem: Rate, loading what: the V saints did,zmd you nxake to your felvs the fzxme as uearas you A can ,aud in your wills perform it ,~ and can make into be mean: i'n_t;h€ likenefsof tha_:,wl1icl1_tf1ey in the appycara11c.edp1*a&if€d; So you read flonlye of them we1'u:im:o the water , and you god 9 imothcwatcr becaufc you readic; and you read that they brailicy bread u.tog;ethery, and you do fo, becaufch they dyad it ?? yyWill you not be found fettingup the bigbefi pm»: oF_thc oh Irrzzzge , and drz‘n@I7(g ~()Ft.he Cup of Farzzfcmian , and commwtizzg I/Vharedame , and b1*111g111§§f01‘I:h a Clo:/de of F???’/oarcdom, and a Birth ahfcfir tho Pleflv? Fm you lye in the Degeneration, and walk in the Night of Apofracy ._,y and amino: come to the R_tg€?I1€rflti0fl , 1101‘ IMVEIIO Knowlfidge of that VV;z!e7*:y So the Old man 7 you Retain, a11d'yl.»i'vehis life , and hear his Imqgc ; ‘yandyou newer came to the Power whxch Crucifics the Old mm, and put: Iomz.ofl, and brmgs forthua mm Birr/J , wbzl"/3 after God #1 crcxmcl {I2 Rzgbteaz4ffi:fi am! trm Hm ‘ liazefxs that {'0 you have not put: on CHRIST t/M lscvzwwly [W,ge,b1.ut are at an unity with him; and the Old man. is Pca.ud- gm 3 and you joyx1ytotl9z»zt wh_ich_wouId not rim; C/orifl flamlal Rcign.; And thus youpyofcfs f11u1zwzWam£;, but in Work; deny mm ; And yotxrpxuffitlfixag r/W 111 your w,iHs, which the Saint: Peyforfllfid ix1t11elif<:, will not make you Fraud approved. by--‘Q1-e God , nor jufiific you in his figgluz, h A Tl3cx*efor§: depart from your I magiua::ious,8c come to Gods w’tne(‘s in you, wait the power ofyic to fee-1,co brcalcdown. your Images‘, and all c11ycC7m~vccl Vark; which your own hands have made out of Gods Com1cel,andwIucI1 you havéoiu your tzmthly wifdonxe for: up to worfhips and {er huotdyour Poflby the Lords Pod, uoryn*1jix.u youif yWorky with his Work 5» but; ceaic from your owu doi1u1gds:,%az1yd beyfiill, that Ch‘CL0lfd':dfl1f'”3;YVV bring Forth hm oWnyyWor"l~;,1u hxsyown mtiu-1e , according to hififj V‘ awn ploafure, that you may”come t111'ou.fg,I1 thde gate ofDedatdh:"dydy@; 1319 ;- ve;~i.1y thfireis not ar~1ocl1eM‘Va_;:y foryou Qco obtaixxcterrml ‘ A life, And lZl11S;1SI1iS Wo1*kuuwhofeArmyis Powerful. tomtdawxt, and dcflrqy xzhc Earthy aundcarruptibzqurt ,f¢ aud to Iigaifeup tIg:f.‘f‘ gmer: ufrzifworral»Sccdydaaébvicb lvrwt/ocsuaaftcr Lifcg j; £9 g{i1l’}zgu goguo to o G 2 * A hknow o know the New-creature--fiat-c,and the new-‘Boirthlbc}1°n, wvhigh is not of Hell), nor of blood, Mnorlof the will of m*:m«, Ullt of’; God ;a'11dhisappearance.iu you will ‘ollcefiifié of I‘1":m,, t“h“ar"he Vis tlaée Son of~Crod;a:1d this is the‘~true Birth whoFe?Rigl.xt it is * l£0Reilgu, aml underJWl’1ing ,lbu:: l“l1alve”Mb4:‘e:1heighmcdfalroffofiom it; llflaxxd lnlor: c3E4laltéd,~b::xt cox1xe%p§y% yo%;zr1=j1cec'l%A%5 % fo 1.‘ the breézd is &ii1‘H1i$ " 0'W'H hitud, a nd un:0 rih*e% m1n5gry»I1e deals is,‘ % a171.dU‘§{jt‘hiS' pie-a‘fure l1egijv<:sit 5 and“1i:'y'(>“t1%W'211t 'u1pa.t1es“(ce t0"re%a:e%ive it, he will HOL” lcr;"youw,:111r:5 forhis coxnpaifion is t‘e3nder,, and freely*doa:h*%l1e‘.gi%ve .good.thi11g$“ to theft: that ~xv“al%k%up1'ig11t1y:S0 let r1otth*e feeble fa ant511<)x' azim xveak be diil c0z*1z“:t%g_;s:Li, but cuF11“to the Lig/sir, and vv2z!k'im:‘hc L.5g!Jt,ai1-1 it: will le;iCi~yoa.n% cothewf rafir , aunt bring you to the jmigezvzayzt- Seat ,, a11d»cl1r0u§;%h thc»,wGate of Deatll 5 -andwill ope.-:11 the Dab? into the Fmlacrs }Ip:4fé,%wi:¢1‘e thcwis bread%e%:1ougi1l,~(8é it i§ft1re)8uvatcr tha t ncvc-:r”r'zx11s5Sc3w*ii1 the -Lord fared you wn;t1- AtLe S~7at11efs Aofhis H0L1{'c*%,SC give you to dr'u1Vk~ofthe Rtver of’hiS *‘.Lc:1fi1re;j and 11111313 Meat mild Dzrzzalq lrxdcad § winch gf you P mu: %t%o“~~1*ece&1v,yo:1"v’vi1 not be in fuch xva.11t,8-Cfuficm‘ imnger,-2:5 nnmytof you nowdo, w11O2u.*efi"o‘n1 the Ieadixlgs of God,-and up_ox_14the Mmm t)fB7i*e;ad,V . _ V % , % ‘ V % % And %th:1si‘11 tender “loveiis unto yotg who hixve been in. the WLz.*er,21*1dl1aLhbeéx$1dr'pj2c':l5 and yen: feel that you are not Cz’e.z2.vfm’,but your Cmifcxcxxces are Hill zlcfiled, and theweighu of'curruptiou doth opprefs you , andmakes you “go heavily ,_ “and that keeps you fgoxxtrthe enjoy men: of Me :%You%chacarc fec.ii11g upon tin:-: VM1b1€s winch you call an, -0rdmm'zce,;ar1d“ V yc c cry E01"/aazrgigcjrg and are fem’:/2 fin‘ 739azi7z"0]:i¢9zt7jl_W7)i¢€i¢£‘ 5 and vour iiresxgtm ::ez1‘dy't0f'ail : 031%! Arifh, Avife, ‘furxrosrbe Lz"g/atpf Clam/Z mt/om yam ,. whichis f'ree1;r rgiveu of God unto ypu, negfeffit ma lonrqgr, for it is chepowcr of~Go);i*u’1;1t%o falva-«W mom to all that bclecve, and ixfxhim alone is tt‘eufured up all g3qod t11ix1gs; for hcis the Fxuhxefs,-and 115:: 1n1x1if%ex~s%i11 fi'ee11e-F3’ A u11maHtha*t: wan: upon h1n1;Va11dyhc hatch e110»-gh foryou all; A who wxllconue cfiar you n1z:1%j,rl-lave life~, and Will plemzifullyy gijve unto you, ami camfc you to Feei h'1*sA gsoodnefs in the land of the 1«i;ving~—~~~Be ?»‘0f?%%z'a%tnlypz{)fcd'#p~,V émt m./ownef: “wan: to‘ re; .' x4J:£ ',‘$ tains fa;-af(;.1:ered.,-~a11d there: fzuniihcd for? 1 vvam: % A A ‘.393 flfeni Walrd: of tender Q Comm/él to all the Irzlagz£»it2zzatsg:2fl AB A E TL 0 N, l ; gar, Oh ye people! '3 A13 L 0 jvmuit be zzgf/Zra}'g;l,)and and all t/JeAlPride of .her . glory mm]? btfivoylcd , ”chlelLc-rd r od hathjfo cleterom1l;1ed,;aa1dno part of box‘ Countreyl mutt. l l lzefparedg for clcle Scourge to poafsotholrough her Land, and to find out l:vz'glaaAnd_ Alum, 'ricb.and% pmari who inhabits ‘Wicliin her Borde1~s,Aax1d tolfr-nit: them -au’l£:l {poll them , that a dreadful A gzry willAblc lizard aAmo1@1gfi: them, all flying For thciflives, and A n.one able to efcape 1:hl~e‘f¢ve::lty of God’s Lxdgemlcm; % Thcreforeall Ax:if¢,.come out, make: hallo, who delires"to A live; for dcfirufiiolllcomgslasla V7/2Erl—w,7nd,a11d therewill not 3 Aa‘ hicling- placcrfound ir1‘BABYlLON3 For Pcrong is t he Lord l V:l1%acju%dgetl1 l1~¢r§,lo,;111c;l in one Tclay will ]udgen}em:» fall upozx“ A hocxjand tl1€lL0”rd' will makea full and concA»::mmg he :1. VOH _rl n1‘)7l1€:.fl.1~5iSll'lC'aV')fl, and my Spiritlfa_d,llwhe‘ln I behold A ‘ A 'tl:ie:V2'0lfi/Zeal, zuld ll1OWll1C2_11'_ll§‘1'3' robe apencalaud p.mredlfart}J; the‘ A L Day‘ halfi%emslupox1 thee, Ol*x_BAB2"LQN! yea, fuddc-:11 Daflrn-e A * Effam i%slcon1i11gfm:ft[}, and zzzflrzmes of Fire: it will be relliderg Accl,” and will taklc hold upon thee, and kmdle within thee, as Fire l;i11,dlesit%1lnhe midfiol? Tow; Aa.nd wlmfhlall chlcn"f’ca11cll up for cl.-;1ee,or bring deliverance to thee Pl N or a lmaniwithin V ltf:l1é:e will be able to lift up his hear: to do ally‘ thiugoforthecg for all hcalrtos will fail,; and all faces gat%li~erApale11efS A, virlio are Af0LuA1cl wixzhin thy borders ,,l anal mthou mufi drink thc; Cup Vofl Gpd’:I2:aZ;g,r2:;ztia22,:becauf'eqIzhoulmfc rebelled ”algaix1l’c him; for thou lmll; been a HARLOT fifom thy youth, land hall dcckg-.A edotihy {elf with cofily Ornaments, that thol1lln1ightll:lent;ice l A Lo%vcrs%1:Aoth‘ce; alld ‘many have b¢ei1odeéc%ivlcdlbyA tzhee", and .l 1+1~av¢9bccelx1 oypxécoyme to commit V Vlaarzlpm 2é2z'th”lt/ace, and nifihy ‘ oChild,relx1alx*c« drunk? What is this that thou ['m{t'do11~e=e-,%_thou IMOTHER7” of HARLOTSV? Aflaftthou ici€C€iV’éd‘/tiltJ\7:.et§0745,ialld made them dm;;¢k5-afldthfitl enticed them to commit V/7'/aoredazm with thee? Mufl not thou be dQiil€.31lI“’14EO_-, as thou haii {done xuntoi A others ?«And muft not thou hiereWa1*ded douhiefor all thy? «fins? I tell thee-yea , for heis jufii that will render unto thee tafrecompence; and. thouggh thy Kingdome {eem to éeflfoiziq, J3‘. iandthyC1t}7z*0 [we m:a!Jec1,. and thou enri~che%di therein with r be/2 "TIE?!-Z"43;5 iafetlae Eizrrt»/9521 111 thiswiil not fave thee from the hzmcl _ of him that purines thee {'wiftiy”in judgenmit‘: And thiough thou heft g2ithe1'€‘d~ I\Ta‘tiionsm2to«tloee, and hat’: mzfny iMer- ,th2mts that trade mrkee, and they all with their ftfxtellgth joyxtt iteogethreirtoffave thee , yet thou tnufi fall 5, and all that ef—‘zri\;'e tat uphold thee ;, for thy Rm';zei.s'::m7'ta acetate, and the T V ,ifL‘V‘1'€1‘tihi‘S‘i(iI1£ii€Ci tzgmnfl thee , andxeady to takehoild upon rl:ie:,e ‘andato deftroy thee Ram‘ and Bmmla, that thyplace williiibe no more fmmci amid iris the I,%iordslong--fufTeri:1.g and patience A itlmtiliath fpmedi thee front utter Ruixie mttiil tilitii day , and hath f110t"aS yettutfthee offiu thee fierciencfs of his wratl‘i,iI V withaiil"tiIi1ofe that are A Inhabitants in thee : It is notforwthy‘ A N fake that the fimak hath ibeenikcpt off , but for his own A i Name fake, iwhodelighitsito fave in his M«e1'*Cy ,, that fame of ‘thy Iuhabitamzs naight begholdiihis patience aitdihiset goodnefs, and tlici%rel5y;{con1c¥eto repent2t11ce,asfomeJ of them have done A _Wi'10'137t‘7’a'! We in ithe€,,mz'a’fl aftkee; but his own arm reached utn-~i~i to them ,and ihateligathierfedi them O‘Li‘t oftl1‘ee5and hath érouglat .i /its Smsframfamfié Dmwgr’2z'er: from the Eridi of the Bart/:5ycd'yf1‘c)1'fii. 1'‘ all quarters of thy Dom-inion, hath the Righteous God hrooglit A tip a Remzmrmf, who in thy Kingdome were coco fC3.[CCl‘€.’dl and pggirf-ed , and were amongili thy l?M£.’r"."01'fi 0l§’fe7'rz.:m'z’o;a5 ,, and thy h Z-'-’c2.;»-mi and iradiriom , where Uthcyacould not finds a .13t:lii~ng-7 place 3) and there-is yet a Remmmfithat Godlwill not deilroy with thee, who fit -by thy Rivers,-land wasp ;.and it 15 for his (_é;,¢,f;mf,,@ that though‘: {pared unto thi‘s..d.{iy 5‘bl1t God is ma- it }.;i,—;g hafle, the workto fimfh, and‘ is opening the Eyesof rnzanyi, who, yet; remain within thee , t/2yfilzfl9mef..-to fee ,5 ‘and “thy dlwasém... gm; 'am”i;;nd wz'c@c{;7€f.t ta Zazztlammd ah‘/:07‘-', and many milk the Lord l gm}.-,5; gm; ofghcle, who now. lit, in forrowvwithin thee, andwait: "__: t_Q _b¢1d.éuflr;.g.fE‘d::i’by ;hc*Arm of “hi5"-.PnWCX_'; fuch doth ht‘: reach Lox: cjifi i people hear and confiderfroml the highefl to the Ioiwefl, t oiodlot.not this foam {mall in your eyes , though your wtfdome l '.E?fi'jfiyaCC011[1t'it{() , andiflexght it . andirejeéicit as a tale that is lymldi, zmtl llall maltc"5*our ntcks‘lflifft-ii, and your herarts hardiaw iga‘l_l".li: the Lord , yet flmallyoulall on: day know that the Lord tfmtli fpohen it. A And an youtender ones that breathes after Godjonder what Pwmifotver you do yet abide , oz: in what part of IKAIWLON it {never your habitation is 3 Arife, come forth, _do not dclay,m:i- gtheor look behindc you, but make halls to the C It)’ of Rcfz¢ga,tl1at‘ « you may ‘live ;,for the Lord with holds in pity towardsyou, and“ _o%loing hath hc llriven with many of you ., but you have been flack ‘;:§i~,ij1~}tou'r obedience, and have not regard:-d the Lords Vllitation, fohdll yet. doth he wait upon you,thatflhe may fave you , and thew mercy to you; and thotzgh you trifleand putflff from _day to fislatvl ._,lyec is he lriving with you,that you may not pcrzfh in Bax» e‘é;"/m’.r Raine 2 Oh. 3. do not delay any longqnlcli he it-ave yougand depart from you, and you continue tomhinlg tho unclean thing, ondwill not: be:ftparated»fromiit ;, other: he will C€X”E&iI‘1iy fmitch 37oo,and none wi.Illbeifouindltollheal you:Thcrcfor"e give uiptothe lj;lhoi;_legst?g{’c5l Ti_.i1,.'V“1}1iysi Marty 5 and itdrawing them out with the Cords oft Lo1rdFreit=ly3 obey, belietve, and Follow the Light , that out of A Raéy/omllyoulmayclearly comel,+and leave not a Haqfheloiindcd you, and flfckigjiot inlanypart or place of‘l~7£'«/. ,~ though it {com never fo gi0Ll'i0.l1'35 form p¢trt0f'/767‘ will the Lord fparcxn the day ’ Whtroht fmitos, Alid- A . , . (53) , - M W “Aim :*aI:!:grau% whofe de.§!§gl1'cifs% i n‘ B%1%;£tRY"I.N ,,>a,nd ~kv!1ofeV 17mm 5 tofherg and wl10¢are‘tr%adi{rg;aVndmékingycxurv fcfives?ri$ch in’ Im-;, {he mica of the: Lord reacheth unto you}, that 43*.ou$m1‘gh%tv come m1I:%%a‘nd be faved’, %fo_r he?Wuuld havvehoncof y()’u» d4»:~4f’r.!*0:,*¢3=3‘,, therefore mheyvwbo comcunder dc-i't_ru€t:on zltéflrpjr/aeriffe/13¢¢',,,bE% mufe‘th¢2yrefu{c to hearand ~obey*;jt1¢hc Lérds %L‘_‘ciri.1x*xfe:%l.* 80* wt «zhai ¢’m}.izz1vE:zz;zr:" of BAB7"LON%confider ~, a7n:€3, a1lV‘~H*er" A Merclwgy gender the thing , for the timepf AdefoIati.on»A=cti>tries *3 ayea, it is. near at hand , be is matginig % apqhisi 7eza7e[,s'"7,” and .gathermgt~Iw Wfizzazrwinto his Gamct+,'a%nd%»%when”1Taé hAa~tl1*fi-n”i£li¢d%,% and hi~sAowrg phafure is *pcrf'o rmrd tow afrds 1 him} %C‘hofen( om}, 1~%tJh’én iifi ; we flm-m:fa%ll ;u’p-on% t;heeVAOBjAB‘?”LON -5 yea,fit:-i-y*I?rzdi“§=,na:tioVt3%: will prcxcccd oueof chemfouth of -thfiv A!migh«iyV, Mam fiercenefs of§his~wArath thou“ camfl not efare- 71#£2Wc~A.5'z:*£»‘)i*.8J’ vf bait glam} he is :.;EI’~¢I-dl-mg eupontthae thigh tpmcésof we Earthtx, and t?h§c,x1%eckts of »mLI— lhist qfinemwctst u«n%dr:t thim: Tbistiias my; flmzgnkt, Oh E 2; aa.15ld.£hiSis-~£[£l}’fJ£a/'aIfl‘i0W,»‘E’hGu,rS¢!gg[:of’; ‘Q45.’ mthttttRH‘ne{0m€dtttthflflwivn ‘ltwt, and «uptotn thy" lpcxd Songs Fat‘ joy W:' not I>.=:ikemé‘i§s G-aenbf dc ofiw mt:i?Lh«c«!§' can thée pvrudtent of the swtowrld eto;mt:preht«nd 2 t:hy~ glp.ry; Tfithotutarft ovetr¢a;=~l.l ExaJt1td,,T:hou aértmraer; all: iifart up and» praiffld , mtlmy Saints 13158-~»7B.:h@€‘£®1" etmem ,md;‘ tatlrlw thy Rm-deemed. omtes:gi;cus*:tglom tQ.thy«holy "Nmmvct adl:{bom;of thett twsait‘ lap-V’ nth et: 0: 0D #3»? gmaaéa, Sour "d€‘fi, rat ei*75ifrta:,‘bl.3h!€5. and no tth«e.R_;c«.-.;~t mjemhna I«1.E¢@f..2«b9rtaHM¢3mmfJ ;:, uutifhm Pt t»btgotmm~ ‘us to thy7 tfctif,-A and wcare »rh «tat P'rfil‘iI:€43hflfl3*ifirr[hy Mww *wmr’fasfety ti:s,,ahd wt: ham: no at W44 htkp; heflxdas EEC I; an ;l;1,at»fl ‘ b»r»o;m.gh.t m t Eirxtbtttwiifii‘ tsthéc «am! alum hafl Bmitfietdi tt~imt~tao Wn to Rtigmén A E7h"5‘~fagW-173?-'*t£ah at us%%tl~WrIE! zhzafi .Rtvtaeltd»t:2 V-am « thefitcrnal life which “thou hafi mfxde Lm't;p»,a«tmktrmf‘*£ {hall wcdlw wl«m:t¢m1a!J'wp;t mfi'¢ri’abcfart thee thou P.'tdec%mctr oFour{'ou‘1s?wc are before thee,O Lordt,& inthy love u;ct.att,c;.pt.stm:m,m.t:.,atn.dt.w.ith «~a~-b»x?Gk-a-n~;-1&5 a.t»c»m-t«t=it»c»1acawr,tt%+v»¢»ofiVer «u‘p.~liitt§giing paraifestwhichtthou doft notdefpifc : Oh! bleffed be thy A II ethtzttt acmcpgtsmus gm *>.tb }1.B%§i1«o«v;tAdtg, #4 ffroJ3«g~h'tw.h om \x.tc.m:ve this tbiart”1Tfinefs*‘an“I Hm! ,,e».r.<4*M£.«-a. i#n%§rhishAIhs rtzgflbe P1&m3edi4p§4> diwp miim and £9»rtowA,4“§;&* vcrmore Mr: .r4hiswiI1 bc rtwcldm of $1 zzmzg/z:.g;Lg ;§’“.?"}’. 0% W048! Qurfifiaod wbm M v‘1"g’r-'%l-F is §at=AI‘e»;oduc1i»2rex. .h¢ AIs+rhc.fs's rm M «mp figfisimatad ;th”¢A ram ?:?~’15iu£W«?€¢ i:§ his .qa1HVh:¢.t;£h,A¢s1 am , he ¢P PMS ft?! Bis Clio?“ 4%’ . M3-1101’ M mm.f0i:c1~ ¥~4¢rcic.s we h?-vc1.a”rg4¢l¥ rVafisd = And 1%§YL9£#§ mad: hp; Ct¢pR64«1)* » @19531?€.~?:5**4fi:A;t0%haAnd£%r aim Lamb» and to sompel Fhww i%r¢¢¢i~V¢i= » and drink is , mg; W! @129 Lord fipgcar g;1»:,d fink»: witllm ?T‘9‘9R‘.3fi"%mFfl¥ ;tlzch“A:ca;;rcs of ms furiaméa and rphgm Qonfsfs 4:0 his Esr<=rl,afri,r‘wg 4 ¢pq,wém and P¢Od?‘AVéf6F3§’hdf¢f§8¢ 1”‘ W1“ A;*iMf¢d§0f»%ws Thkcreforew.%mo%%1him we from Whsn‘cc%hch> Ac0n1e;s;”. " ans! fse; fl‘;““$‘*P|‘a”34.‘&£."K gfip ¢.pmm.£s V“ you ail abéucw, and 12» .Amay hefu%i‘pi“4iz%¢$d"’>miiVtI1WIQt diqsvu W mm; 1m»rrA¢z 7i%5*!*d‘<>fi’¢r Va1";%nd‘hA¢"3é!é1Md %<>?3‘§~Ago%o%;dM£7:»ea:ri.<:«:- ‘Mt ‘LDN 4 %‘P%Wi‘%i'§f3£IP9t£;,¥§!§ mu aIm:;1VI:P’arJ/air 11:/.1A§37«E no A wl;;ac ;:Ve}* L my cgp % auflfio 5«EQVE;‘$99133wg%$p'{fihfi\3é%¢J$'-fig" war a fa:h%i*Afs51%= Véiié x“.§3*.iz:.¢1?:+1?77‘V"AA1f*l§ P9131 Clériwawt, Md MW! $1-is«4ChQ~ {$331354F“°?8?*”W£¥r*%W4 ?%J‘_a 33'*=:F.Wi%1wV1¢ he Q];g‘Y1?¢r f€arf«z.EwI:4fw, but ‘;*5V%13%13V%éi§iiW ‘*9’ W ¢V’¢Wr 95 :. »¢}1.%a‘’ W Aamala JaVv:¢‘g.A;,yA4fli4¢ Lord. % [ ‘ H z oh )3 !I«’rW~:;<:rli 90 4£i¢r‘;d spa: my {$53 llfecl Mtbéapurpofc of yofi‘rllaé£u3tsdi%aurnl in the Light m >: cl€:§;aV’iMInlto; thcflLord , and dq not depart from has Counllel 2,wil%l;jflhlgl_malmyou ialblm:o*l7rl4:1lndluntllthe end, and wi«!l“ pie»;-3:. Z reward you in the Rzcl1ies"of l‘lhx§7Lolvcll'asnd.'Li e, whicfilis wkhca, ; lb fully I 4 131: End: zine’ Gad a_ff]l'4cal2»kecplyoi1l all :,= land the In/j om.» afv/f_., i lrm;/Aha; Strength and Wifdomc: to you all,‘ that he Mmay ‘Imam {ht glory overalll ;% wlm alone is_'WorLhy, In%finlice,lE:1€llb£s, PU’§,ij;3§_4.. l€ullI*‘Facl:c;‘l.,l0f life, Bl~efl'ed for évcrmore. l “ A l A A V ‘M 1ivlllll;za‘rF:4rf}¢l,éz¢;15¢/eev?;;:§;_*<4l M _._'l,. N‘ H‘, ‘V flfew Warm co.ncernzwg tr:/M Difiterrlimg V ;m*,2l _]L1%:.*.~lf;,;§§:~z‘lr;.zl:.:Ax*23z:,%» 1 7 A ‘ V l Owls Salviafio11izotimfrbmltlulelnofl wig); , and ;.;he GM » -x ot‘1fwze1i“s~ overall 5 he ls confounding the W'i[]e_’nm-21 gm l;l;11wir.Wi{d0me', and dellrofi mg the llmngl men i:1~thci't {lr.;;»n§=:,§l;; hells breaking the Idols of filver ; a“z1_d thcldols of gold 1;,‘ aml cvlelrly ciirved wolf-r*l::*hé is thrlowixfxgdowhl 3 ; and his" eye beli"7<°m:le; A the wayotlevlery ma%nl’,l £l.!l1Cl7l’lfif?¢*¢f- Ellfiir‘ W*€~;2'?!I'l»Z um‘ what fun: it is; A hc is the fearcher of thchearc‘, and he‘ palm-_h by bfilygkzg M ‘the Inrsemts thereof; b1ddcn~s:h1n‘gs Em brmgsfllto Ilighr, and by lib}: g’Iif’c ofl-nlis own :~«plrilt‘lh’¢ lfliéws ;o- «wary man his If.’lOUgl”}E5'_; *tl3is is ,vl}3¥§‘:lpé*tfe&« Vgifi: do cver’9yl?tim‘an-,,l ~ lllrn aln§lfc{lafcibn‘l tlxereof ‘all tn rm llmd ‘ls t7h'%l”true“l%L1gl1lt« bthcy th'd*rclbyHli1?igl1¢%Nprmi1tl; lzlnti thaugll a Lmlc2afi1r~:5l(:f 3 EWlll7l%t1;o1Jrt"gl "Mil liT“l'l'l3“ll\'\€‘.‘S It fltlf % manil"efl!ma .7!/I _., lm“tl‘l'db~:h e2:i:;lzgh:enV all t'I‘mz* grams: zzzmrlgg v A!‘ ~"warZal,l yet all do notl rcc"eiv~¢ ft; mt ;cn+mc_ to be -guided lit lfo%wa?llk lathe“ , a‘l%r1’d"¢:sam=1<*;;tz plcafe Glfldg lrleluher can pcrcéivics tilwthiéngs elf «Gad» 5‘ anldwhac tsperfmjmed by fi.z‘cl'l 355 la . Semzcé on?fVo2rfkz))td%GOd_5heldotll not require it at xllctr ‘;’;:»l.>m-+51;-.,_., ' lland%Achou”ghtlleymakcmany prayers he will I10‘: hear‘, fowtlley have no un10nw1th%%h;w* Splrztgl and this tryes all people _., and ' their works in a mac Dzfcam "rag 5 ~ ahldgives true ]"m{_qeme;¢t upon A an acccardi-zig no tllelir ’ldllolhgs ;,~ “and lwl_lcslhz1vc‘lnot this Spirit’? of Cl*:ri{l“l; th7c*y~farc rl<§r7m:l.(ifl=:l%1s ;*bi.1: ficllllthat reC"éiVe”it ,‘ andp have union wxch lC,Ch€y‘Wa1lvL not m_Lhe flcflgbut in lchespiricjlxn which 4 they A Vf31<:?%j3‘ F Fess theSimzge-.»~'Méznai~Paws? of7ev~.:=:ry ,!m;»2ge and I §l*vm* ::he i r natw7dmefs* to their fhizrme,‘ that tlxeywkick a- gainft ,% and Wm z%*xr;::-“mn,=:"2%r1r>r receive is for truth {for tum isi me:am}*%_pe0pie{woul“d c0me%t<)Viharne fur what: they*do; and which %opens fccfets ,, a%z'id brmgs any th1 ng to lig5f1&;;®§#‘by wh1«.:“:xfhameA»?n'zay crime upo;ay:;%§:i%xe:n mthey ¢tuixf%n;%a;*3*a%1§ ‘At mad 1‘; fzzfi M , tho%c1;;§h we{hinajbe-r¢a1%lywrtgic: wfiicin is~w.i‘%:u¢¢:L1f¢;dfl,g~ gainfi 5, and fa rh erc:- is no <.;vori~;»%o& Ehf.’ fleih that v*~fould cc75rnL?e‘ %1§1”V*£r:«~ der rhe‘SpizTi:"s Iudgcimeng ,* ::huugh is be truly difcerned axidw judgedas in is ,%a11d the wD;.fceri%nix1g7%zir1d ]'u'd,:_cment Hand in the. t2:*j.%:t%h ; but ch<:s%'{'»3 ccmtrrmed in itlwili not owuxic A, buttery out, Who made you a judg-:?and why are you Io rafh to judge , as if all wer__e 120- be condemixed but your fclves P % hnnw do” you know ‘the hmrts oi: Aprztople 9 and,why mav%_1?m‘tu for wbatflweyu imow? So every Form Jami Lilmnefs would fave‘ His own life pm:ting‘o<:F the jgudgemenms if mom: could D.1"c¢rn '11,; and:.;ot‘a1fe Birth that would have"icsVnakedneTs to appear, rrmmAe A h‘cf'thy 3 Ma? chum eoipm :%Wi":"s4"% Ag~fliA4m:0 niy, Ywhizeh M.-;:. Awx“yt$A a‘And;;R,fiem"£ *%5., and n%ome% ‘cap’ A .f;~;Is fz%i;;o?t% A At§bi?$ we udge dflfit ;_[rfl.c dviftrfirn Whsrn evil‘ 11‘ "r‘h‘@ V %~I‘*1f%‘§fi;€pVr10ve ymi”?= . ’u A 4w , bywhich they M1 A 5 8% F? “w““»’,;fl’\0-,v"t iudg-- ” % %%. an%di4fecs WW as true $WW.J“'d~g.fl;l¢.& W a%4g;1;j%n%{1%crue } i"t~ is not in the APPW‘3nC$‘~'5s W”d”Wb3i d“0‘$,t‘-l Qwrw againfii an9th“¢r‘; than ans: runkmq‘ wwbat ape- $,s:‘ jth%r9Ugh 4% ,‘§,;¢wb3u%:,:%a;Ii%.b0rn of A» Md »~! i3‘¥ d¢5"?15‘0jF f'l.l.h€.‘ Ré:H1, Abutigr he L#ord, aAnd walk in him, « ‘E “S ~ Vhim,1Vma4 fpis?*F€‘u=u%93 *a*na 1h§g;?*#tw§I %_;;n:z*xd Lbjé M if mmm A /fikwfii . j ~£m vvm: A 1 swan Me? filly ti*‘%¢lay;ff‘i»‘tféf em 7‘hutin&~c£;@SpIr2t;a+nd.% ’ A ‘ anm £9 gazhzgt you A A ‘ fix! RLO ; another, Aflrive canawzxch A and §1”O_f ong 1t%Va.M§ :1-f01wM:vA;}*A¢m; A V M5“? “ % §;;‘:;1§ dA““j jjg ; r E ,,~ j an _f1d‘ yct%%V4%ar=¢_ %;ifi0E%:Vf01‘m€ct%;*vj££$!i€; “K3” tyh'éifr‘»Shape*and;*Limaeiés4 and :t h¢n% emnVc)t%‘i;w=i ;ndjyie4£éi§'¢% al%l,,Cbildfi~ei1 of=ox1e%Ho"u:fefg,: A f fl0w¢W?;7fiW7.’UiWYw‘V'*”‘~*“I’“d,,AW‘%A ‘ Mame , ‘a”nd 7aE fa/d%ii1%tO~l~rl€~£tis~%a~n.dVPart~ie5 Jsm;4'l% tom; mm tircmgm::%F;&y;:¢urmmwnmd d?>H:i0n i4m"A1°*i’i‘fi¢*‘P’W0“F“¥WFV ? ‘WA breugtw: “TOD E3 lhflfmia gajn1%an.ot-b¢ %%%%% N 1 evxden cg Tefiimcmd ; -qf *%%A;A‘%;_1,;%7e%¢A‘%Vfiuixwe*a)n%d FalI%of"4 _ A A Kmgdome;%Fa1fig" j {*azi:1c¢luzcgazr3gfl it fa/f”caz.»m§t\_/izpzncl, Ther‘ci70re c;orx#it&3c:u‘tgofgit, l:..—:1% it fzrllupon*you,andV tartemf d cflro y f y cm, a n d an jtzwme‘ to‘?t,?ha it: wh are vpcamé am! {my 00d hath %prepar¢dj%afGf'¢ViR¢fi1[5¢ _at‘: d{;I A Re(%ting1Vp?.acé%f%tm1Al!V% Aitib win comes arsdzwemh %in:ounaw,andper*r Péface _£herci :1, %% ‘ ' land ar1épréfcrv\¢d<¢i“hv’ power, andhe aloi%i¢4=% A the %% L‘ord$ made thered. *a;B.tm%nan!r rm” aha was Vthc Saivn :5; Li fe,Aa-ndé‘ mg; &ofwmcn they all A % fal{c%Apo{Ucs rav%%¢nedA ft méergfg cornero szlory in a. was into all Truth, Mndfleigns ; [hf hcad of (l1e?Tré,‘nffig§r _V_ % % % ' deeds of Darxncfs ,4 j 4VSA;rengA.,lu,andiiu-eDefen ¢e;Ah nownin i:_hrsAAAlxisA%Ad%awy A; Sea « ‘ P‘! 9,. and 91 1'1’ % Mg; 1 Arpoitlcs A A 660%} m‘1d.are pra5fife%dV by {'m_:!': as n1”é%it'1% the .xi'1mfzZaj3e; a r,;"d% thxs4CoVmp2:ehends all, but %%c‘anmjn:,Lbe comprehended oat any 5, it is p:u%re,*%Ev.m~=Ia{+ing, u‘z'1changeab}c$ ,2-Lan,d noA,VariiV»héencfs _x;h;ercgi