. .‘ l (to ~ , V and Lawful= I T R I A L Jr OFTHE p Teacbers 8C profeffed Mini/Qlers ENGLANQ A perifeét proceeding againff them. And hereby they are rightcoufly exanéined,ar.d iuflly ‘weighed, and truly meafured, and condemned out of their own mouths, and judged by their own profeffed Rule , viz. the Scriptures; and thereby are proved to difagrce, and be contrary to all the Minifiers of Chrifit in former ages; and to agree and concur with all the falls prophets and deceivers in their call, in their maintenance, and in their doéirines, and converfation, and practice. And being brought to the Bar of Jufticc , thefe things are _ truly charged againfi them , and legally proved upon them, and i their own ptofelfcd Rule (the Scriptures) have judged t then guilt y. Efafricnd to Englandis Common-;erAltb , fqr wbo};filq.= :h_z3s-73 written nndfent 4670441.. 13- B. L WLONDON, fie Printed [93 Therm Simmonds, at the Bull end M_mt5 flea»: i 7”” 4!e’r'£§4£¢. 3.657-. ' M . ,, r'-,,-’- ,3 A!‘ V “.35 V _ ~ Y ‘I I s tr: ' , e T audlawful -,.____.....,....g Mariam — 1 ‘~ ./I"i”z"’..'!'-7. HE time of trial is come ,_wherein the Lord is ' _~:~: V trying the heart-s ofall men; and nowitisma— T nifelt whatlodgeth in the hearts of all man-- _ kind, and by the fruit every tree {hall be jud- -. " iged. The Lord hath beheld the wickednefs of this generation, and it is very great , and comes not fhorc, but rather abounds all other generations that have gone be» fore : Wickednefs is grown high among Teachers and peo- ple, and the meafureof iniquity is fulfilling daylie. Come, let us reafon together; What think you? was there ever fuch ageneration of Teachers as this is 9 Have they any example that ever went before for their wickednefs? to whom may , they be compared? or with whom {hall we parallel them ? And becaufe they fay the Scripture is their Rule ; therefore will we try them byit, and their own mouth {hall condemn e them.-, and fuch they (hall beconcluded to be whole example they do follow, be it Minifters of Chrift , or be it deceiversa unto the Apoltles and Minifiers of Chrili they are compared, but are found quite contrary in all things, and their praftice fitly futes and agrees with all the falfe prophets and decei- vers: And thusl {hall prove them according to Scripture, wherein thefe men that are Teachers do difagree'tt&oftheiApe— files and Minifiers of Chrili which he fent forth in former generations-, and wherein they ‘do agree with the dc-T ceivers, and Antichrifls, and falfe Prophets; that haverun, and notbecn fent. to ’ s ‘ "'3', - ~ A .\‘. \ N ‘.1 A 2p I. And . .:frg'§*‘ s » /5357 T . ‘ ' t £23 _ _ s . It. And firli‘, of all the Apoltles and Minillers oF'Chr~ifi . ., were made Miniflers of Chrifi by the gift of the Hal] Ghb§?,_ J . .. and h] pawer from on high 0216/}, and What they miniftred unto ‘ . ‘ Others, they htza'freclj lreceiwd from‘ Chrzfl , and had htmdlea, felt, and mflcd of the wordof life: But-the Teachers of" this ge- neration doth not agree with them in this,for they are made- , Miniliers by natural learning and education, and the know- ledge of Arts, and by the ordination of men, and by the powers of this world», (and not by _the giftstof the Holy ’GhoPc) and they fpeak that which they have heard out of , Books, and lludyed for by Arts, and which they have recei- yy ved from;man,_,and notthatwhich they have received only ‘ ‘ from the Lord. l n " 3 L _1._1_ , , 2..The Minifieris of Chril‘t they were tzpprajz/ed of God,andctz[-4 led hjhtls fjiirit into the work of the Mini]??? , and not of mm, neither by him. But thefe are approved of man , and not of God-, andtalled by man , and maintained by man in their: M-iniliry-, and hereinthey do differ anddifagree-, for (as I: faid ) the Minifiers of Chrilt were made Minifiers 1:} the Ho- , I] Gbafl,and not by natural learning,but th.efe- are madeMini='-g. e lie-rs_by natural. learning, and not by the Holy Ghoflz . it * s 3:. Again, herein do they difagree, The Minifiers of ‘ Jefus -. "5 t w'4’7’ Chrift went up and down through the world, dcclttrihg the ward of S }7__17_ the Lordfrceljrztrmy timc,in the fllttrhtt-plates, andiirz the S]-s Lt.4..I 1 . ,;z-,»_4ga_gt:e.»', and in the Street5,m2d ‘went from Country to Cotmtr:_y,_ ' and wcrefirmzgcrs upon eozrth, mt htwihg rm] certain dwel!ing—- place, pr any great Parfozmger. But thefe fettle themfelves in a _ certain place, for fo much money by theyear,and {pend their- time in eafe.and'pleafi1re, and lull of the flefh, felling to the people for mony what they preach, and herein they difagree, .,i the Minillers of Chrilt preached freely as they had received ’ ‘ frcelj, but the Miniliers of England fells foremon-ey what they preach to=the people: And thus they differ in their calla, ‘ to the Minillry, and in their prafiife in the Miniflry , and in- thgeirhmaintenancle alfo, as is made manifefi to many. i = l 4. Again, the Miniflers of chm preached to bring peo-.-L %.3il.I}3o _ pleintofe/lowflziip with God byppreathingiof _the.,Gi0fl’_€/, Ihrorzgh I 013335; - *‘?*._— -v—u-..._ ~ --—-—~—-—_..___._¢*. I , - e A (3 ) f i F wgwtcrtingfintneirx am the knowledge of tie truth, and by no 0» , ing. 4, 1 this age contend again{’c that, and faith cveryman is not en--x- , Teachers of-this .age doth not turn people~to~the light of e ,9 Word :.- The Minifters ot?Chriit faid, Cloris‘? mu n’ae*Foamdtz;i- —EP 1”‘ ther way did the make Chrifiians: But theTeacher's of this ’ age doth make Chtiftians by fprinkling them while they are Infants, befoige they preach the Gofpel to them , or before they ‘repent at their fins-, and they bring them into fellow-A ‘ihip by traditions and a vain Ihew of baptiftn, and not by the fpiritflof God: Andherein alfo they difagree, the one.coun« [ ted none Chrifliansbut fuch as were converted by the fpirii: ; of God and knew theoperation of Gods-fpirit , and the o- ‘ ther counts all Chriftians that aterfprinkled when they are Infants, while they aretwithoutthe operation of the fpirit‘ of God, and converts them not unto Go.d by their preach»- ;. Again, they differ in Doarme , for the M'inii‘ters of ,0, M, Chrifl: preach-ed C /Jri/1? the light of the world, amdflrid, I98/lg})f='*' Ag; 2,6, ed ever) man that comet/1 into, the world. But the Teachers 05 lightned byhim, but fome have no lightfrom. Chrifi: And? i the Minifters of Chrift the}, turned people to the light , from the»- darkgzefi, and from Stztxmiponzer.-to the power of Goa’. But the i Chriit within, but to the Saints words without, and are divi-~ ded among themfelves, and fo in effeét crycs, Lo here, and lo ‘ s there is Chrifl, in this form, or that form-, but the Minifters off I Chrifiu faid ,/ac muiwit/31'» peep]: , he or. elf: t/ae],.were,1{epr6-~ 2 Cor’ ' Imtes. i 6. Again, the Mi'niflerso»f Chi-ifl faid,:€‘/ar:fl”w.cw the-wora’,.'_Rev.t 9.‘ and the Scriptures mu 4 D:cl4r.«m'on.af wlm they btliévm’. But‘ wk: 1 e the Teachers of this age faith, the Letter and the Scriptureis-a the Word, and faith it is the Initrument whereby ‘God faves-r fouls; and-. faith it is both the writing, and the thing fignifi-1= t ,ed-,: and faith itis the foundation of .foundations,;but thus the .3 Minifiers of Chtifi never 1' poke of the Letter: Andthushcre-45b‘ in they differ ande.tdifagr»ee,:thesone preacheth 3.Cl2rijt to be the Word, the other preacheth the letter and Scripture. to ‘be the..- an; butthefe faythe Scriptute is the foundation , and herein _theytate.cont_t~aty_., 7, _Agai_n, , US ines- ‘Irma, J ( 4) _ l .7. Again,the Minifiers of Chriit laid, the] fp0ke'wzfdom.,g:« -mcag r/rem that were perfefl : and {aid , A: mm} ‘of 214 near: pcrfetfi be trim minded : and (aid, that the and of their Miniiiry e i was to prqfmt ever] man perfefi“ in C /yrz'.r7: But the Teachers of this age denies perfection, and fay , None inuft be peifeéiz in ‘ thislife-, and if any preach up perfection thatit is to be at- tained, they fay it is error, and damnable Doéirine: Nay, they fay none fhall ever be free from fin, or ever have viéto- , ry over their {in , nor overcome the body of fin while they be upon earth : But the Miniliers of, Chrilt wiiinelled they were more than Conquerm, and that they had put off the body of death, and were free from fin , and were t/as {Ere/amt: of righzemfnejfe: And herein alfo theypdiffer, and are not of one 3 fpirit-, and we know that the Minifiers of Chriliwere gui- ded by the Spirit of God,which held forth thefe Doéirincs-, i and we know the Teachers of this age, that their fpirit muft needs be of the devil , becaufeit holds forth and prafiifeth what the Minillcrs of Chrift did not, but the con~ trarv. _ s H A t, , v is 8‘. Again, the Miuifiers of Chrift were perfemted and faj- - fared cruel rmdgriwam t-bintgrfar rigkreozafnelfefilqgas you may read in the Atffr and they did not render ezri/for evil to am} m¢m,~ for zine} fzzfiieredparieprilj. But the Teachers of this age are not eperfecuted, but areeiperfecuters, and caufeth men to be put in- to prifon, and to beibanifhed outof Towns-, and fues people at the Law, and feeks occafion againlt the people of God-, and herein theydifagree, 8: are not of the fame fpirit as they were which were Minifiers of Chrift , but lheweth afpirit .c0I1traty.g , '._ i - i 9. Again, the Minifters and Apoliles of Chrift were zzot » chrzrg €35!‘/'/C’ to ma], [mt 7;-m:a"e r/3: Gefprl without charge, 'mm'free, and /rt./wzrrd with their own krzrzdr, and did not live; idlely,but were after: in cola’, hunger, and M/qdrejfc’, and Peri/I, and trjtzlr: But the Teachers of this agelive in pride, and covetoiufnefs, and fulnefs, and doth not work with their own hands , but makes theiGofpelef Chtift chargeable, for many hundred thoufand pounds inayear doth but maintain them-, and {o I " ” " Q L’ ’ it i’ " thefc - '\ A V 2-'—¢'~.»w-9-:4»-on-av»-$mp.&'—-".:‘~/'»‘.s.1kn‘mLn'%_ _._ ....-.nn..-.u.-._- .5- ; .. ‘,... T \ "' —-4r_- _ 4!’ \ 9 (55 l tihefe clifier and difagree from the Miniflers of Chrift , and‘ A i fhews theyarenotof that fpirit that they were guidedhy, but are guided by a contrary fpirit, becaufe they are contra- ry in their call, and in their doé’trine,and praé‘tice,and main- tenance. , t T e , ‘ 1 ca. Again, the Minifters of Chrift preached by the Fpirit, according hr the [jziritgave them ;¢z‘tensznce_, and flemetime conti- mxged preaching ti/1 midmght: But theTeat§hers of~t’his age are limited by a glafs, and preacheth by at glafs , and when the- hour is out, their time of preaching is-ended, and that which they havelludyedfor before-hand,that they preach, and not that which they have received immediately from the'fpirit of God‘: And herein do they'difagree , and in. many things: more, which after may be deecilared. e n e I I.. Again, tl':erMi.n'il1ersof Chril't—“l‘aid‘,Te ma] zllpraphe/z'e we hj am, that all mig ht he yedzfied+,.dhd'ia:veve7y mavhmj recraiehzedi i the giflof Chrtfl,/a the} might mini/fer to otherryzrm’ defired that 42!! the Lord: people were Prtpthetx-, mzdfom and dzz;;ght‘er.r did prof phe/ic‘: But the teachers ofthisage wiilnnot fuffer yalltol prophe~ {ie one by one, neither‘ willallow _any” to<~=preac.h1 as they hatrei received from Chril’t,Witl1‘0ut fuch qualifl -ations, &.a learned. eA»rts,-and ordinations of men-, and’they"will not allow a wo- « man to prophelie or {peak among them; andfa/I might [peaks- V the word oftheLordfsu'thfrtl0 that hfldlit, 6'9"‘:/I/J might mii¢iflei' as they had received it, this was order in theeA"poPtles-déyseamtong them-, but this-istnow ciourlteid confufion by the‘-Teachers of t~his~age-, andrif any fpeak.to~«them or any among‘ them,’ ma- ny fuch are made to fuifer cruelty, or imprif0nmelnt,_.‘oi‘r inch: ‘ like, by their means, and herein they difagree, and‘{.he_w",that another fpirit then the Minillers of they areeguided by, Chril} were A guided by, and lb are yvnothis Minilters, buy’; 'de-W eeiverst“ e e ‘ c e ‘ :t2.Again,: the Minifters of Chrifi: declared what theyhad T i H h-e.erd,_m1dfl=c'zz, amdfe/r, med Mfledof the word of Ji :5», mm’-héhc 1 ]oh.I.I: of t.hemidizz"ho.4'ji‘iin driothezf mam line, but What they. a‘ll«had,i‘e-" 2 C01‘. I0- ' 62 ccfived of the Lord, .th~at they declared,‘ andanottheirl own in? 3 5014"‘ ventions, anditcommehded«rhemfe1w.r ta ewrjimam can a that in , thew Afis 1.4: N‘ Afis 10:71!-* l I Cor. 1'4... I Pct.4. 10., Afis zI.9.'-, ]er;z3 .2. 8-.3 "" «=9-*7‘ * — s . .. ?__._...__...._._..____‘ V \ 2%.. " - - ‘ ' J - n V .' C51 ‘ , tjhefightof Goal-,'and they did not provide theml-‘elves Studies " fullof Booksto gather out of in a weeks time what to preach “On the fitft dayes ," -as the TeaChers,_0l" this age do , who by a vain Study,, and l.-1um1a,ne Learning, frames up, and notes it in a Book, an hour, oritwt) hours difcourfe to the people: And i herein they difgagree, and lhews that they are guided by a fpirit contrary. \ . 1 3. Again, the Apoftlzs and Minifters of Chrift we re cal- mhdwg led from their uH€rd: , Mdfrom New; from their‘ React: 5L,;._g _.’ *0f Cfi_/(amp, cmdfrom their Cozlfmgrg and £4; receiving the Hc“_ .. 5.i‘nh.9..9. {} Ghtft were made 11/Iimfler: of C:/Jrifl, and did not fee/(3 peoples, Eqrnzi :4. . none}; to Ih; mfele/es, hm finght the people ta Gad , and Went ” " ‘through crnelfufiermg: and perfecmiam many times, theztthey L; mtg ht haldforth t/re way of life and truth to all people : But the i 4 Teachers of this age they are trained up from their childc- hood in Arts and Sciences, rifing by degrees from onevanity. i __ toanother, till at laft they arrive to the fun_€tion of a’Mi.ni—‘ . fter of Chrift, as they eallit, and few or none of them hath - ; . been called from their ordinary calling to preach the Gof- T- -fpel, for fuch aone is hardly allowed of to preach among ' people-,’ and they, feek peoples money to themfelves, and not ‘ the people to God: And herein they difagree, and fhcws a- nother fpirit then was in the Apoftles. ‘ A ‘gal 8 M. 14. Again, the Minifters of Chrift naere led egndgzgided 6} ;J,,h_,__z7_ thefpirit of Chri/Z, and did not fulfil their own wills, nor the . 2} ' wills of men-,and they brought people to the feeling of thejpirit ) s ‘ t ‘of C hrifl in them, to teach them , and after; they had begotten ' ’ people to God, theyfaid thcyneedrd no man’ to teach them , hat a as the Anointing withih them taught them : But the teachers of at K thisyage follows their own fpirits, and are fubjeét to the wills y, of men-, if men admits them to teach, they do; but if men deny them, then they do not preach -, but the Apoftles did mas +17, 1 3, notthus, For when me-nforlvid them to teach, the} didmt cenfl: to :2. preach, "hm went 07150/(1/J, declaring the 1\’ame of the Lord : And l’ thefe teachers doth not bring people to know the fpirit of Chrift in them, neither can any through their preaching re- active the anointicng :2 s!v3s!!i2shs£nfi1tsf9 WY 40 not need l s a any _ ‘ —-v—q,-r.v:—-Q u—~— r 7 ) i ‘ any man to teach them-, but people are ever learning as long a as they live, and never able to come to the kuowledge of the. truth, and people is not profited at all, and in this thing they difagree, and {hem another fpirit then the Apolilesweere I guided by, even the fpirit of Antichrilt. ’ l 13.’. Again, the Miniliers of ChriPc were /‘ow, psar, meelg, /i-I bar, lmméle mm, fuch as did not exalt themlelveg nor main- tain thernfelves in pride and fulnefs , by receiving of poor peoples labours: But the Teachers of this age-.‘are prgud, and heady high minded, felt-wi!rled,and exalted fpirits, living in idlenefs , ‘pride , and fulnefs, and receives of the labors of Hebji poor people-, and herein they difagrec, for the Apoliles were i Often in cold, and hunger, audgreatfgferrhzgr and perplrscitier; but thefe are as Fed horfes, the proudeli of all people , and the molt covetous ofany men,andfall men mull bow to them, i and call them Mafters , which is quite contrary to Chrilis cornmand.- And thus they lhew another fpirit then what ‘the e *‘ Miniliers of Chrifi were guidedebygandif another fpirit, it . mull needs be the fpirit of the devil-, for either the fpirit of l Chrifi leads men, or the fpirit of the devil. ‘ And now feeing that the Teachers of this age brings Forth Fruitscontrary to the Miniliers of Chrifi, it lhews that the ~' are not guided by the fpirit of Chrili, becaufe in their cal)- ling, in‘theiriMinil{ry, in their maintenance, in their life and converfation, and in their Dojdtrine they are not the lame, but quite contrary to the Apoliles 8tMiniliers of Chrilt, what can we conclude of them .<’ we have concluded already ‘ that fuch are deceivers whole works are of another nature, and who are guided by another fpirit then the Minifiers of ~ Chrifi were,for Chrili faith,E't2er_7 tree 13 known 6} itsfrtdts-,8C. if this be not fufficient whatl have faid,if need require it may further be made to appear in the fight of the whole world, 8: fufficiently proved,that they differ in allthefe things men- l \ tioned,& in many more,& are not one with the Apofiles,nei— ‘ ther in call, not practice, not maintenance,nor in Dofirine, nor in converfation,nor in anyother thing-,but doth difagree K and is quite contrary-, {o as it is concluded thefe are not the _ -"‘*"'«'° ”"‘ '“* “* e* ‘ e ‘ ‘ -‘ ' t’ ““- . Mini-_, i yteliap. A people, . at t (8 i i Minifiers of Chrili, though th eh profefs themfelves to be fa becaufe they bring forth fruits quite contrary to the fpiri tot? Iefus, which the fpirit of Jefus did and doth reprove: And y feeing theyare not guidedtiay the fpirit of Jefus , becaufe theirefruits are contrary toit, then muft they need-s.be gui- ded by the fpirit of Antichrifi , and fo are the Minifters of . Antichrill, and doth his works by his fpirit : And further, I {hall {hew wherein they do agree with the falfe Prophets and e falfe Apoliles, and wherein they are like unto them in their Miniflry, and praetice, and doétrine, and converfation-, and if the marks of deceivers fall upon them in the light ofi all why fhouldthey not bear it ? Andif the fame wdrks be proved to be a&ed by them which the lalfe Prophets and Deceivers ac9ted,then why fhould it be thought a thing incre- dible among men that thefe are deceivers. 1. Pirli, the falfe prophets ram’ and mu notfimt-, and they i did not profit the people at all , for thy /foodzsot tn the cozmfel of o. G0d,Il73d_/5 they turned not may from their iniquity, hm rather , flrwogihcned the charm’: of the e'z_/il-deer , fo that none cot:/d turn from t “air wielz‘ea’nej]e-, and the] f poke at vifiott of their own heart, 421:1 not room the mouth of the Lord-, and {hf} fozid,/fill to the with; ea’, The Lord hathfaihhje {hall ho1'U€- peace-, find to ever} one that walked after the imagimzti m of his own heart, the} crjed, N o e- vil/hould come upon him, and the priefi: and the prophet: were prophone, as you may read j'er.2.3. And this is a fit parallel for the Teachers of this generation, they can fhew no call from God; nor by his fpirit, neither is people profited by them, as experience doth fhew and teachthrongh this Nation-, and i they do cry peace to the wicked, and count allChrillians and followerspof Chrill that are butfprinkled when they are In- fants, though {romthe prophets of Ifrael, is prophanenefs goneforth in-1 to many Nations, and a wicked example of evil thefe give to all Nations-, neither doth thefc {peak from the mouth of the Lord, but a vifion oi’ their own heart,and what old Authors fay, and at thetbefttbut whatthe Saints of the Lord faid be=-. fore; tbcmt,_an‘d;thisis no more then ftealing of the prophets: i ' words,._ they live in wickednefs e, t and from them, as Ht»-s - -4 - --b---7“, _a..x - .. . 93 and d,‘°‘,' 3’r"t"ti'é word from tcheir neighbour ~, againe you may "".‘.‘t‘:{aEl how the falfe Iirophetlsplufid their tangsscs , and [aid the Lardfait/J It, W/9enGad hailnwer fpaken. to t!:em , but anal] what they had flole from atlmur, who were the Prophetsof the Lord-,,and thisisa fit example to the teachers of this age,anda true paralell between them -, for thefe dare not i own that ever they heard the voice of the Lord immediately, nor that they {poke from the mouth of them rd immediately but ufeth their tongues, and faith the Lord faid fo by fuch a Prophet,whenas themfelveshave not received the word from the Lord,ancl the Lord was againft fuch who Prophefied lies, as did the falle Prophets of Ifrael, as the teachers_of this age do, asit is manifeft, and the Lord lS againft them-, and here- in do they do they agree , and concure with the falfe Pro- phets in theirpcall, and are in concord with the deceivers of old. 2 Againe the falfeProphcts,and blind watchmen of mm-I, the] were tgxoranr, and they we;'egr6ed_}' dnmé dog: that meter , could have enough, and they look; to their own: way , and every onafougbt for /9g':‘gm'ne from their quarter, C7‘ the; were drix/9 er: of//Vine, zmdflrang drz‘nk,amd /mrfled that to marrow‘ flmdd be as this cm», I fay: 56. And this is a fit’ parrallel with the teachers of this age ‘, for they are blind watchmen , and doth not difcover to poeple the wickednseffe of their ways,and no \ leffe can be faid of them , then that they are greedy dumb dogs, for they all loolte to their own way, and every one of them hath a quarter (a Towne or a Pariih) from which they feel; their gaine -, And the moft of them are lovers of Wine, and ftrong Drink,as daily experiences witnefle-, and here- } in the teachers of this generation are proved , to fucceed the e falfe Prophets in the fame works , and {heweth they are gui- ded by the fame fpirit, becaufe they fo fitlyagree 8: concur in their works,& this is plain to all men that arebut reafonable, much more to men that are fpiritualt i s 3 Againe the deceivers fuch as were falfe Prophets, preach- edfnr hire , and Divined for mom}, amdjet leaned upon the Lora’, zmdfaid is not the Lgrd among wk, and the teachers of this age e B 2. p they Mic. 3. ““‘ "“*—%-vs-—w——+V~ ~—4+~..??fi.. ,‘ _ ‘ andtare fo likethe one to thetother’, as children of one father, . ' a.n.d,. * ( I 0) . they have hire for preaching , and great fums or l1‘io.«.... lb 1:» they fay they leane upon the Lord --, of theft: things t.yet(i3p needs no proofc, they are fo plaine, in every Town , and Countrey where the Priefis preacheth for hire, and the Pro—— phets Divine for money ; and herein they fitly agree , and Concurre with the deceiversi of old , and followes them p as an exam ple,{hewing that they walk by the veryfetme:{pirig 4 Againe, thellalfeihepheardsof Ifme1iwe“re!jh\e foxes in the defert: ;.fbr they followed their ownfpirit; , and had few far Ihing hut ljiezg Di 6 imztiom,fl2]i;¢g the Lardfezial, when the Lori i had notfem‘ them ;i and they duced the people [ajing fence, and " flhe;'e was 220 peace to themfr0miGod, and me [*3»’/tilfbljol we/I mm’ Crmother demhed it with mztemprcei mortar, emd with lie:-, the heart of the rightec-at the} mad: fad , Whom the L O R D had not made fad , mza'.<,flre72gthrzed the hang’; of Wm,» lzvicilged that he fhould not return from hi: wicked way , hj promi- 1;? ng him life -, And this is a fit pairyallel to the’ tefacherssof this aegcfor they follow their ovvne fp‘irit's,~becaufe they do things . contrary to the fpirit ofjefus-, and they have feen nothing but lyeing Vanities, and divinations, whereby they do feduce the people, by telling them they are Chrifiians,and that they‘ are Baptifed into the faith of Chrifi ,_ and that. they have the Scale of theremiiffion of (inns, by being fprfipkled with water when they were Infants -, and thefe are lye" s g divinations by which they fednce people ., and faith they {hall have peace while they {iii continue in fin, and thus they build a wall , and daubes with untempred morter , and makesa Chrifiion of’ their own , and feeds himwi-th falle hopes wand with fuch lies as the{e,and many other which they declare for doéhine-, the heart of the righteousis made fad at this day , and the hands of the wicked are firengthned, that he cannot turn fromfihi-s wicked way, for life is fpromifed to him , though he he wicked, and ungodly,liveing in all unrighteoufneeflle-, for. -theytei him thatCht-ii’: is his righ teoufnes to. juftify him,&,then he thinks he need not turn from his fin, and fo their hands are Pcrengthnedtthat they cannot turn from their {inns-, 8: here: . in the teachersol’ this age,&fthe Falfe Prophets do fully agree __.._ . . .o- «ffuj ‘ 11 _ and their works are lo like , ah cr)afts-men of one fcienceg and thus they are onein vnion , and followes the fame fpi-5 rtt. 5 Againe the fhepheards oflfmell, and idle pellets, and deceivcrs they eat t/aefiztt, am’ they clothe t/ymzfclt/:5 wit/:: the woo/,_emd the] killed them t/ma? nverefeagést tbeyfeed not fly; flee/q, the az'i/leafed z/ye} d'idzot57rez:gthe;1., neither lzei/2/ezt’ they the _/it/Q. neither bowel’ I56]-MP the érolz/Q71, neither éroyglat they again: . that which may drive/1 Awajgzeér/yer did they fiekdgdifl that which was ltfl, hat withforcgand cmelt), the] ruled t/9efloc»bma'it way fmttered, and became meet feet/1' the éeezfix of I/aefiela’ , and the/Zveep wmadredt/orottg/stout 4/[the Mountaine: -, and the flock‘ am: fmrterecl , (I "d none cf:/we flyeephezzrdx didfearc/1, orfeek4f- tier them ,- and the] eat, (me! dfdfi ':_e up the good of the Piaflure, am!’ trod downe the refldfie with their flat ; and flat] t/Jrufl wit/9 /Mel medwitlz//7opt1der, and they pg,/bed all the dxflmfei with t/aeir‘ V /dameh ti/I thejflwftereel them aéroade; Now this is a‘ {it com- they eatthefat, and lives in pleafures, and fulln‘el’l'e molt of any; and they Cl0E_l1C.Wltl1'tl‘l€ wool, for they claim the tenth E Zcli. 3 53a chap; p patifon with the praétice ofthe teachers of this age, for i part of every mans wool-, And ifany be fed by the true {'hep'-e i heard , they feelgto kill them , and to devour thexr life by‘ eeufeing them tobe imprifoned; anderuclty done unto them ~andtheyfeed..not the flock: , neither dothey ftrengthen the‘ difeafed t not healeth the fick, ‘neither bindethey up the broakena for. if any bewoundedandecryes out becaufe of the: "burden of fin»-n, and be lick, and br"olI.en,ancltrembles at the eth at them -, and the image God which hath been “driven a- way and loll, they have notfought in people, but with trua- ielty have they ruled a mong people, by tuning to magif-L" trates , and capufeing fuchi to -be: pntinto-eptifon—that.would" not help to mantain them,and thuswith cruelty dothey rule‘ among people . as it is witnefled by many tefiiimonyest in Enu- glmzd -, andthe people are fcatteted, and wlandredinto ma-A ny fects, and falfe jud.gements,pand.falfe opinions, and they " are not foughtafter by theteacthetslof this. page , to iregaineee lword of the Lord; fuch they cry outis«deceieved'anid mock»-i A githenr... e _ (12) them to the truth by found ,doJ&ri:see,_ buetéizrey perfecute them, and the {hepherds feedlthemfelves, and feeds not the flock and even eat up the good pallure, and treads down the relidue, and drinks of the deep waters, and fouies the refidue with their feet, fo that none that followes them can drink ofthe pure waters , not eat of the bread of life 5 and they thrult with fide, and with Shoulder, and pufh all the difeafed which are w0unded,becaufe oftheir fin, who isready to die for want of the Bread of life, which denies, and are weary of their abominations, thefe they pufh at with their horns, and caufeth to be perfecuted , and thus they fitlie agree with thefalfe fhepheards of [flue/, and is no Whit wanting in i any thing wherein they were guilty , but rather abounding-, A which {heweth that they follow the fame fpirit, and are of the fame flock, and feed, and the Lord is againfl thefe, as he was againl} them in old time, and no more are thefe minifl- ers of Chrifi that aéts thefe things,then they were which at}- , ed the fame things by the fame fpirit -, and this is plaine to _ all that (huts not their eye, and l‘ tops their care. i 6. Again, the‘ falfe Prophets and deceivers , they made the people erre, and did dire with their teeth, and crjed peace, but they that put not into their member, that prepared war zzgainfl them, 4: im may rem’ 111i;-124.3. Now the teachers of this age e brings forth the very fame, for they crye peace’ unto all that puts into their mouthes, though people be never To un- godly-, if they will mantaine them.) they cry peace to them, but if people put not into their mouthes , they prepare War againft them , by fueing them at the Law,and cagfting them into prifon if any deny to pay them tythes .orMoney,though they have no due to it , fuch» do Prepare open war againfi: them by diftraining their goods, and taking treble damages, and cafting their bodyes into bonds, and herein the teach- ers of England agrees with the falfe Prophets of lfmcll , can anyman be to blind that doth not fee it? doth any man ftop their eaten,’ {o as that they cannot heart this to beetrue P they thewthemfelves in all things to be one with the. falfe Pro- phets of //3-4:/I, when juftiy they are tr yed by their one rule asthey fay.‘ g 7.Againe I . 7, 'Againe theiPriefts,'and[fal3f2 Prophets of’ grmzz, this it J is {aid of them, that as troops of robber: mzitr: for 4 mm , I fo the ‘company afpriefl: murder: in the me] with (at fem; far they 3 cmmirt lewdnqfc, 6.9. and what leffe may be fpoken of t the teachers of this age -, fpirituall men {hall judge-, for ifa-=r ny man do but ceafe from their abominable worfhip~,, their deceitful! worfhip and Idolatry, and come to the knowledge of God, they even feet to murder in the way and cryes out a- < gainft them for being deluded, and deceived, and fuch like-,fo: that like as Troops ofrobbers wa-ite for a man, fo it may be: {aid of the teachers of this age, for they tafce away the keyof knowledge, and will not enter in themfelves to the know- ledge of the truth, nor fuffer them that would; and indeed?’ _ whatfoever abomination the Teachers, and Prophets ofIf- melwere found guilty of, the teachers ofthis age ,,and the Prieits of England doth not come fhort but tather abound; a let fearch be made through the Scriptures, and fee°whetherr there was any evil committed by them _. I’ meane the fallen Prophets of 1 ml, thatis not committed by the teachers of; this agegwha were they guilty of , tharthefe can free them—- i {elves from P-if any man hath a word to lay let us heareit, and come out with your arguments you wife men, and let us.» heare your Plea -, and they doing the fame works which the falfe(Prophets of Ifmel did. , muft needs be concluded to be followerstof the fame fpitit , and that they are no leffe then they were whofe-examples they follow which are tfollowerse of the falfe Prophets, and no t minifterseof Chrift. , i 8». Againe Chrift in his warning, to /rcmm of the Iewen the Plmrijim, w/vogitm at /ac" defcription what they were , and? what their praéticesp were , and he faith they (meaning the Pharifeesa} an: bind iamvie éwrasnr , gre'Uz‘om to [76 6aam,,;md - W57 lend them 071 mam /kau,1der.r,ém t/:w-mfeltm would mt nine): Mm‘ ‘ 3*’ ‘i them with «M; 0ft/Jetrfingcr: ;..:and their work; they do to be c i fern of mc7r,m1d live: at/at: uppérmafl raomc: at fiaflr ,,an;{ t/:)¢- . €b1'€_ftl’_/3' fmrt in S yang grater, andgreetitzfs initb: /k/arI(_:r:,4ndi to be calm’ men}‘Etz_/,#err : Now the Trachierseofithis gene»? ration are like unto ‘there, they do fuiteee.d. the Pharifees in» ii i hringée.-, ir.~.5.3 .4 I4 bringing forth. the fame fruits, for do not thefe bincle heavy burdens grevious to be horn,and laying them on mens {houl— elty, as imprifonment , and fpocyling their goods, thefe are grevious burdens which they lay upon men, huethey will not touch them with onelof their fingers-, and their worlts are don to be feen ofmen, for they think to be hard for their a much babling-, and we know they love the uppermoft rooms at feafis, and hath it often , and theichief place of the Syna- gogue, they love that , and have it , and to becalled of men Malier , which C.hril‘t forbids his Miniliers to he , they love i that, and'they.fihaveit-, and herein they do agree with the Pharifees,pandin other things, if we {hould duely examine the Scriptures, fhewing thatthey are of the fame fpirit, which the Pharifees were of, which crucified Chrili. ' 9*-Again: the Pharifees, and deceivers were perfecutors, fytchtm c6'_mp/awed to the /Magi/?.mte as you may read through r all thenew Teflament, and the book of the /15%;, aud elfe- §~r-4--1-1-4 5 where; How the C/?1(f}’f1t/fl cmfed the smart I to he perf:m~ red 5] }ing infoprmatzons , andgnwols complaint: ta the E1- dcrx, and Ruler’; thcyfought to ti Ghrzfl [:7 /"uhtiflny , and lgllhzm, and they pcrjecmcd the Apafllcr ta prtflm , and fame to death, and (then to handy, and cruel_fni‘ferz'ng:, And this was -donechiefiy by or through the complaint of the Pi-ielis-, it me: Amazia rig: Kings Pm’:/i‘ that complained to Jeroboam and informed againfl the poorc Prophet Amos; and it was 3 him- Ihai the Strihc that cqmplaimd to thelfing agar»/3 the hm'[a’ing oftha City —of6'aJ-, and it was the Sonn of the Priefl that per- fecuted /eremizzhs and herein alfo the Teachers of this gene- ration doth agree and concord with the chief lPrielis , with, and in perfecuting theinocent, fhewing thatfthey are of the fame f pirit-, for now they complaine and informe againfi the -people of God, and through their information evil is done againfi them; anditis they through their lying , and falfe atcufation to the Magiftrates by whom the Saints do fuffer; and in all thefe things they do, fully agree , and concur with the deceivggg ofgld: _ ” ’_ ' 10 ders, makeing them fuffer grevious things throughtheir true In‘ 1 . I / V ‘C153 l l.l Again; tllieifalfee Apoftles they were fuch as went for fill/of more, and tji3roz¢‘gl9 cozlotozojrxcjgoavzt/9 fezgnw word: ,moole more/2omdz'z.e of fo:>t!,r, and delayed the Lord/that éoug/or to/cram, mm’ Z>roagbtz;o_ dozmmzé/e /core/13:5, omoit/ac] Worked after the fie/I4, :2 {/06 lzz./is omd uncleozrznefi, om-oi tilzf/oi government, and were prefiompmoux and-fozf-willed, and [ported r/aomfolwr vmtb ’ their mm a"occ:'*z1z';: g ‘, and she} could not ceafo from _/in, 51¢ 5:- gmlod rmflozéle jo;t[.r,ozr.d om heart the} load extrczfcd zm"0tZ/t- . pom p7'm5}:'c‘,er, amo! they Went nflr/zy,/0'1/mg‘ the way of Bol;’¢.'fl?77’, ~15)‘ lotring zhc wage; of tor:-riglatoou/ioefxs and they were Well; on ti.‘- fia _ mt w.afer, and were (floozolszloat m'eec.ozrr}'od wizlo oz tempo/7.3 they peak greatfwellzng word: of wait}, and gl/tired z/:2'o7- 39’: 1/5: 1 /z:,j_/«:.‘: of the flrflo, through muchpwaxtazwefr, tloofo who were of- la cap:-zifrmi télcm, who [seed in error, am: they promzflaaz other: /1'- berry, czzéri rlzomjélt/et.r werer/so ftrwmt: of c'orrfl;2fi0x'. NOW the Teachers of this age are found guilty of, and in all thefe things they agree,_Which the falfe Apoftles were‘guiltyeoF5 for they through covetoulinefs, with feigned words, do make merchandize of the people-, if any will give them more mo- ney at the next Town , they will fellthe people where they are , and gowhere there is more money-, and feeing they are out of the Doetrine of C hrift, it is no lefs then denying the Lord that bought them. i ' e i l i And that tliey hold damnable error T one of them faidin my hearing , the Foundation of Foundations. A the Scripture was both p the writing and the thing fignifiedg andthefeare as damnable Errors as ever the falle Apoftles h1‘ot1ghc in: ~And«thel”e they walk afterthe luft of the flefh, in prideand fulnefs thereof, and defpife the Government of Chi-ift, and are prefumptuous, felflwilled, lofty, high {pi- r§l;:::r.:f. men-, and as the fall: Apofiles did, fo do thefe {peak evil i;ii%‘:‘"rlgS*i‘.’.i]Cy know not,.of things they underftand not-,and no leis can be {aid of thefebut that they fport themfelves with their own deceivings , and they cannot ceafe fromiin themfelv-es, for itisa principal Dofitrine among them, That none muft be freefrom fin while they be upon earth/.-,;an_d J C ' atncéy 5, this I can prove -, for l Thatthe Scripture was nd * another faid, That i’ . I . if ‘ . l . RI.’ I .._.__-r_ _.___-_.;..,,r,- A ' - «.11 Tit.T.I1 2 2, l 3 i ‘1 l 1 l i 7“ At Read * At Ware’ e 1 1 l ml‘ in 1 -1-._ -1 (16; i they deceive unftahle fouls, who thinks them to be Minifters of Chrift,when as they were never fem of Chrifi; , audit is evident that their hearts are exercifed with covetous praéti- ces, who fues poor people at Law, fome for 12. pence, which theysare moreable to give to, then they whom they {he to . receivelrom-, and they follow the error of Belemm , and run a .’ after him greedily who went for gifts and rewards , as doth i thefe, and hath unrighteous wages , caufeth people to pay them mo ney,For whom they do not work, and this is unrigh- tcous wages-, thefe are Wells without water,and Clouds with- out rain-, they makea fhew of godlinefs and righteoufnefs, when as they are prophane and unrighteous, and they {peak i great fwelling words of Var»1iEy,»pr0feH'ing themfelves to be Orthodox Divines , and fuch like , which are/no more but " words of vanity, without truth 5 and they feel: to allure all people to follow them in their way of wickednei's,and fo they are deceiifed and deceiving-, and while they promife liberty to others by Chrift from fin when they are dead , themfelves are the fervants of t corruption, and live in fin to this day-and in all things which the falfe apoftles were guilty of, thefe comes not behind, but thefe doth fhew by their works that they are guided by the fame fpirit which was in the decei-‘ vers of old and fo theyeagree and concurr one with another, in unrighteoufiiefs. ‘ ‘ e s , Again, the falfe Prophets and Deceivers which were come, , 4,,‘ and coming in the dayes of fake , they were of the world, s t and the} fiméee of the world, and the world heard them ; and they were them which Chrift prophefied of mould come into the .h.z4. world, which fhould deceive men}, and fuch were they which grie-vem Wolves [he/ez’d came in , wlaiclb /hm/d no: flmre the flack, fexcb which were depemed frame/ac fkzirla, and ffezke [yes in h,ypacrz]ie,,la4 Uixzg their caeefcienccsfceerecl wither /901‘ iron-,cmd fuck were they, covetcue‘, baa/rm, proud blezflvkcmerra mechanic- czejerr, mcaeztinem,/ierce dcffzfer; of tbofe tbmg: which were ,g,aod-, traytarr, heady, bzgfsjmixzdcd _, lover: of p/6e¢fllr6J'»_n2ore- are ex: ’-0» ’-9% the Apolile faw coming in,2. ‘i"e'm,3. and he faid, after his days i i fell, $122590/y, ulfit/aafit hwtzérel ezffcc’-z‘io:e, truce-breahrra fez,/fie ace ' v . (I7) . - ‘ _ . than /oiver: of God», they have the firm of godliawj}, éatt den] the power thereof; mid pcopfe 6] them were ever lmrnixg _., but mg,” ablg [0 come to the Knowledge of the trm/at: Of this fort the Apolile faw was coming, and would come more ful- ly, and fuch are the Teachers of this age-, for they are of the world, living in prideand the wickednefs of ‘it-,and the world hears them, fuch as themfelves, proud and wicked people, for they that fearsGod,and walks in his wayes,are'departed from them, and they fhewthat they have no faith, but are depar- ted from it-, for faith lteepsfrom evil, from the wayes of fin and death, which they live in, and lyes in-, abundance they fpeak,and in hypocrifie, and their confciences are feared,that , is plain, elfe they could not do as many of them doth , who i caufeth innocent people to be put in prifon , and makes ha- vock of their goods, who will not pay them tythes, or main- tain them-, and they are the proudefl of all men, and as cove- tous as any-,and unthankful and unholy they {how themfelves i to be, and they are falfe accufers , and truce- breakers, for they hardly make any confcience of belying the people of God in the Pulpits, or to the Magiltrates, and they are hea-= dy,& high-minded, andiffomc of them be not treacherous, judge ye, who liath turned divers wayes in their judgements, ' according to the times, and they have aform of godlinefs, but not the power-, prays and {ings in a form , and preach- ’ eth in a form and method,.and people are ever‘ learning by them, 60. years, or more, or lefs, and nevcr able to come to the khowledge of the truth, butsdyes in ignorance and‘blind~ nefs, without knowledge, under them: And hereindo they agree alfo with the falfe Prophet and Antichrilt which fokn {law to be come in , and fuch as the Apolile law, which were then coming in, and they fhew the very, fame fpirit, by the fame Works and the fame fruits which apppears from them; men of underlianding may comparethem in all thefe things: They do agree and appears to be of that very Rock and ge- neration which the Apofile prophefied of, for they were grie- vous wolves , which lhould not {pare the Flock, which the Apofile faw, and thefe do not {pare the Flock , but even de- C 2. ‘vours ”