‘ «Ev .w M M n, ‘ 4 M M V .- ‘ M M . . - ‘ __, M ‘ J ‘ ‘ ‘ll \« . w ‘ ‘ ' M N. M _ g - M at. I “ M M ‘ . v , ‘ ‘ m. ‘, V . ‘ ‘ » ~ ‘f ..‘ "'- . ‘, Q '4: v M “ ‘ . ' ' ‘ . ’ H, ,‘:.' ‘M ‘3__‘_ ‘ M‘ .T_ , 4 T0 ¢ a11_1G°dS Immfoncd PM A For Hié N ame‘s—-fake, Wherefoever upon theFaceOfthe “ Eartha“. .% J A . y u'‘'”‘:‘ v v , ‘ ‘ ;»M M A . ‘~‘.‘.'%J“‘7M%n ' % u 1: r % % \ M M M: 43% VA fimr : * 0 MN Mfor‘1*if»om:z; Sivémansa at ' A the fign ofthefBull and Mouth near % A 4 Alderfg4te,M16A6A0.% A *% A A AllGod:Imprz'flo¢2ed Peaplefarlvir Nwze;;4flz;§‘e3 T A W'bm=_/Emzer upm t/gee-‘ facgmoftbe Exzrt/.5, 3%? 3:, Va.‘ M ‘N’ _‘A M?" N." _‘ ' ‘ ‘ "Mr; ‘.N ‘flu ,r .‘ .’,‘f . ‘ LI % Row up mthe Spring of the: fwbrfe ycfaf ye:”"V3n‘es of t!1?b'%Lc§:-fl ‘ oftfmc Vineyard. Mid Etét your Branches beartficirfifaxfiers in z+h«:~ ground of.:?,'%our;tri§§nl+11F1Ei‘313‘$:..aw ‘that in the fvmnth? emf.‘ the Vimage the ¥*‘ar;nsx-maifir bewfizlled up cf his ;.«.n..m1=:.; Fm he — % A '* which is faithftwxlk’wirh‘*y%ou‘ih%fi3~fi‘c:i'ings , flmrm; you the Zaelzrued Seed afhis Kingdazzm, whififi the‘ Piozgbers ar-:2 Plmtsgfifisngz ‘fang fmegm 'z(por3Jy0MrIJ41c_£-Q‘. A Vcrifiy hismafi: greatand tendm piraicrs d.@_.maz:¢,;;;w1 (33 % with m~:ccedii;1gV,di1&g§ncg;a%2d{ggrefqja1gf§,)i,4%yQ s%%.;2»;>on_;@_E.:ufg5.3; ;W%¢L«#,r0m ed tr1bu%?;we«54 ‘¢}§1&w§;>pI‘m;Wh<1‘_§? _ _ % _ ’ ‘ his earins men-»::co :,z.:»:2m:> fighiflgfllfi'1'1*f*4‘!l}3%@l7:€"*5‘“E%;~1‘ihfi..€§'fif$;E~£3%§7 W§;I5.Ji" rejymsg, mad, .é ” couxireth the groans ofyour fpirits «,- he Writfith down your opprmfiimm; on Tables of go}d,and fc~:a1cth_up your btlrthctrs in 3 record C.3$f. e‘.‘l‘§fu:‘3*71..71§”;§£i'-Sig‘ Ammcmbxfamze, wh1chl‘1c'W-,1}! reckon unto you (to a mule) m an mi;-*:_7v,w:xf»r7« I€;5t*%t?”‘{Eé?;.*%re:s cz§”f,z+?;;:2a~ a;,**»_z';xfc:i".~~a.-‘fig, ma 7 mrr¢ff:LA;;1eY1aWhr;;1&5isa;t@édflaa1L¢A4b¢mea1zz6d%dtxmraiayas ... for him mm W A Iiarha dé r%c:r£IIi*t1§dW9@cc&e, 21;; d his 71:am5cie3u§;» %g.r’3¢eYw.iiL~% c;{1?:;:;;E‘.¥: 3-.mE - ab1cWo;~k”o: _h1s goodnefs, unto 3f§:11%}fe%v:¢n_vI;%a{;‘t1ng rc-3:33.‘:/;W gmifmf-EW even tins mall augment: the my 0+-f‘3‘?;*§l,!1‘1¥;%f;o:1:t*l;%"é-;EA1n the prc~.c{efi9znzmid §'w:.»;.xr of your Mezker, wherein (in moficriatjuifire order whiah fhaii be I‘fl::.§1Ef}3f1f ;_m...% to fivgfy eye) % he wiflbindc (even. unto aritrle) every ‘ii i{2:»f:r,_H groan , cry , af¥IiV&ion,%%tribu1arion, weight, bu;-than ., 0m~..m'*;3¢;»rx,%ftgipc; % flcc;»s1e,?pri{o;;«,‘;'qh§xi§;;A fnockjwnd Ad_§{ifiona;e'Veu;;aII»;:he fl—g:as:is W34 Hmgw (‘chat em:-r\ you hamwadfid fwd T‘3Fl~A%thF0U%hJ 0!) a Hump Gs” g01%d<».» ('mgi.E—- gm-;~ w§ch‘”t:he ‘gldrir czfrhe €‘hara&ers4%ef your pawivncc, Cm-‘m‘.:k‘1‘C ., -mm W31... 'i.i.ngne{s in the life at‘ the Lhmbs obedic:nce)to hang as a Garland aver yam- Lrmd for ever magi evermqre. % And moreover he will Prim: and Engygwe ‘ in 3; Table of Cbrzflal» (‘G L 0 R 2‘ A N D. G L A D NE" S SE expiring all 2mt":i%~s:eA%at1i~§mm.‘%;~E$»c:4z:..c»a.'.s*:%M.%V §..!w3£’.%‘%’,,"“.-‘i.&..1.T m1hvQlfl' "mrx1pafs¢%.V,, mmwr rrihulations, rc-achingrotmdwithin the circu1‘t“ ofyour‘ Garland Veaficnmwn : And then an immcnce and endlsfs Sea of confoiation’. with- mzt miaztiuzm of‘a%d;mp% of myrrhe, {hall {wallow you in the. demos % of ecernia gm, yew, verily, verily, cvcrlaflin g%‘%bée£ven§.of the camfort: of all reioycingé” " im t*:v:aefeiIov.{!hfl:;p ofthe%3o§1gs of”T::m. Tfhciufand itixnes Ten Thoufand »,and A vfhoufancgmof1;hg:g{;z,n¢s,s:af+». £mge%1%sJ~~iAnzth:..ec¢r;na1~,=~mifcmcc oi the Lord» £73061‘ {the E’o?ur:tai,gnWiiffW2:§V?7‘5sf3$53&':§hfl¢:*1w¢d%y M343‘in3fin;if”éVrx'&afurd :36 the: % 1 Aflicfi un~fpeak"ab1e r:wifl1’irig*hat‘*mon%y)«LflmVII«‘ b%ap:;ci”‘ ywcm ‘wvit:%h* the Walls of f flamit picfam Palaces) xtafmre W: Ii:is3g;o«fg£afiy%%re%ignerh%on High, and than the V ?~:hs~2 refiawfl» n¢‘%m~n»c>wn4s flwalzi mmwzn ydfi Aim mé4K1ngd6m ,V w“i1eré *2~’¥1=e“‘"wer:vM ti1ozégh*m of%t%he ps‘r;9%et¢za:7‘ifiy an“ §:d‘urgg1ory mAa1¢AAAo«m~aaadow y<:a%u% ,< amd >rav¢i.1"h % ygu 8: ;.:a‘z¢i¥";; gmu aiw*ay%wit!j1 t’3"z'Ma?rix1gs of%%cfi*c%'Mbrni_4a*ginrhr: long flight of % w'erla:fl,ir'2g .S*:m;g3«.‘_t’§1at ycbtf ~fi°Tn‘a11V~11*&§‘e§" §?n"¢.‘ihfhyQur %h‘a’rmofnidus‘$H“ymns gf the H@‘ll¢l::;]:z:§{S1?iff3d«fjv0M>i§!‘§‘1 of yqvgr =Go?d. ' And, Awhjic%h ofjyc:‘u %wr14_{ay .b::n: fx-om ¢‘c‘I;»»:rc‘i H¢:av*eVz1s;Awm:a €e:«m“n$rh Ha=‘ave*rfis; and; fro m ’fe53e'm1¢five zv1‘o;u‘n»ra%ix:»:2u%sSk:as&vf1‘ich%%%i?nV the fffimfis have ranged, and% in“ breaches %ha;te “toa”r“e‘c[i rkia‘ %nvérwI1élm% and %fwaiI‘p”W you,‘ even as B‘“a‘i*;“fi>r¢infern駻Ei9fl:*eV§%%? , .% M oh ;Lor‘ai Gad Iafihas a 1o=1't§.ycg;~sar; anger tam.» A Wi‘d_efiefE=, bf ma ~d%"§én:ig;lg “of tihixre et“锑rnaI .hét?2d V6ffa&lVar1“0fi3than»*§r"*::'j; a‘1vt*t?g2:~timi'A f-‘coin pf;§<1*‘¢«%.f»¢5:i1- wen, Wherefore I w‘”iI%I3iirVai?{e théie jh“théM~Ib+i5v1;in‘éfs army?gsAi;i‘:;5?:i*a“gL1*c;rifi¢:» ri1é‘ewirTh‘r”Hei::%rcgrAity"ofm‘y h'earr,%‘fdrthy CWcés1:1Tnt%Vi¢sTed to érfij; 8écd., and my %Me>rci‘¢s m*e«Ainen%coV%thy%VC»hiIdr‘ex§. ‘A A , ‘ % ‘ Ah my 3t“ct h‘r€n, my Adézfr S1ficr%s~afid7BrTé/timfrfigin v,="§;?.a{: % a near» cQfi§71j}. . ‘fltioh are-3*b13‘f:€%’1%i,?§éd%%7tifit?.>~rne 2» Emir ;z;éx%‘:1t%’Iw W1jrhAAy%c?us, nfimé came cZ¥f~ }‘V~c”3.i'i‘&_" ti:-«A {’m’ia<)7‘n§ir'For~wh%iqh yOt1V}vW:f£!?I5 N15 VW<33I1O:!17r"<*:‘f Vyomj Bonfls. % ',;‘&..'*Z‘*i "“£ ,,f§"§&f‘t‘ f;GC1"& wcmd %w.§t1g2‘ia?%w*7c?‘%‘u%33<&1"r% th~e:T—éb‘1“c:s o%f37‘0fWx' 'h@a“jrVt's the‘:-* in~fii‘1’itt=:% i:léa’r*m§'t‘s¥“ d~‘¥~t‘l51k=,: mqfijpufrfr andinti%f'e-zzffizcftionaw-%~1o‘% of VER-?riiit'y% m which I, _du}iy f o1‘d you;.,cIa¥g: after ciay in thé 7Fm‘“v'm‘J'f ‘eif m?Ke"IfVed bo1we1s~,~ that you may ha”ve‘fexi+% A fiblc mm full fe}2«1it1=g Qf my :;iVxM1V§_ty }f§gLIi1z:%aI7‘1 yonr t%rib1:1a-titans H ,5 Véit3 éI' hia‘vr:~m0§7twmith1f§:ft=fa"nVd perfp“:cu¢a=us ’fig~?l‘t: éfmy fmflé ;fyzf¢ipfi4tf*xj57 fi1ff§”'ri%fxg%ég Y1i*¢H *X_fi ii‘! . Yr3'a%rriké'c1¢ f-"‘ugh t%;*3,';*a%$Is; €V<§n'f§!{:h'§“?5 my refo- lutxon m the God of may hop’e., tIm~c‘2fB%gm‘ds~%%a1f;d‘ torturc~s cémnirzt Armgfirté up aha {um-.. W10 1éTt*? death F111? 11? W’ rz%rea«rm«, aw Iet~ir"'%t?1ar.%: n‘rm;3*i’: 9fh:L5%p‘k>;1fi;r¢:, m {¥;¢Wv?t%or%tI1%%I;%:=§fa1‘t!afi.sIm:fs l\1’1tCT L‘3‘:?: 1n%pr«:4{7:r«;§ng us, a:sd; h1s h"::.1~1nefs m'1d‘“ g1o.ry “H130 a‘U“.m“t:n. , thrmzgh 2-he fairrh‘f?La%1’_rx‘~.:fs of Aparfpi«%rfiw;i%%‘v;1ir1’%!}%=?"’f1%im5%fi‘?§4 f-hélmulitituckié n3riLf»‘;.fla:io%:1s and 1%L1§‘i::rimgVs. “ Ah ’h£lE’f‘Wf .€£t“¥? "~;Vei%V%&Q*%qtwh§jrwVxfa g:h;tnA run AJv:2‘1jj:tWI1jj§21;.w.‘d%x::.fs tg Yum!’ g:v%er‘y* _t1?‘1§‘v{g "WhT§Bh!}:'1§:M.W1féif‘P:I'f?W‘!U§‘th ux"sx EbV}e%c:a13§"¢‘%vVé,,'n*c:*itIv1i%r k%Ii0.W qf vhr.lfx2i“i‘Va%i;*.{'«:*§gg?x“': ‘¢.*fg1o:*y~ b:£}_:c1"l’i?i'§;-';*fcérM’1*Néifiaeyjzbr1;:nx:$W’we Arm: and of “the red bbrvd%c;%"%*ra::r1*:;;;~<::'*&21'ezmcé"~.ar§1«a*:*$%ra:*ifi*o.11t‘Aci‘%jNVéIs% flczmd per';5;e%ma§{'!%'gr “mgrai ven*,‘%¢sr%‘%”E~4é%U% §W"2W#i'r};:* tm pr}-ce’ mi me~re~con-:p«:.—n&c%eA of reward.:. Of mom <§f%ti1e.??‘iih::fat£€£?E' Lczmbss‘ V A 2- h % ' ‘<.7£i7m-Q A _ I4) A ‘.‘ = *, A 7 »Were'it only becaufc ¢:f!th"e m€,rc1c$ of%Go_d,E and his evcrlaflingj lovmg " k"indn%¢fs,%_whi~ch%daily vigfticerh us wich“ the {watt fireamsm” his cwn moi’: precious powcr%.and%refi'c%fhing liféof ‘the”vir ru'»e; ofaucoxrgiolation ,.ir WEFE: enouigh to oblidge usfcr ’é‘Y%¢1‘-sk to {W Within olJ%.ii1¢:1V’ftl3t:;Lord out God.,which We call into Aptifons for tytljes and oth_cr4prevttaxzicos , your telfiimonyi islmy Ltel‘timo1ty» , 2mCl‘0UfW‘lm<:*lS isbut one tefiimony of the Fathctfl, and of the lift and blood of thc:Son which hath teciet:-mt-d us from -thelfirfl prligfi. 3mo§1,fgnd the wlmle Law Qf'CCll.'Ilal ordinances which apportainecl them» mnro, wjltich wart: butthe lh}adow5tofthat.whicl1is now com}: um usin the ett-mt! '.ll‘lll3flal1C€ , illwlllclll ttfiimony ofthe l*'.rietia5‘,.,V Pr:zéfi%5 yaw Pz2%[zz5e.s',w jflzxzffszils fmwtg/f $0/xzcyg ram’ _t£:eAmb§? Glaréom %G;’a3-y of %Ga&Zfm«~ ever amid e1.~cr’..% A M EN. % V E-‘Io % is pLfr~ Creator, but God ;.?’%A 0‘r‘Who formed us in . M mmb, but’ me: ‘Lord 3 A Wh“<:% b1‘0'LI7.?,??t" us t‘:o the ‘ birth érf A ‘4 x:E*?:%e.~=.= dg;y.;Aba;~fides ’him?,c:ir w!?mt:%harh fufl;].1inec'f umbur ‘Ms pow. . N ‘ "~ er? What fikth -éév£:r 1'ifi’c!£=c.¥. us ‘w*iz‘h%g%3'o‘d%,_b%ut hi:§go«::dnc32%fs £9 at what” hath faviéé us bu1:”%fiis% merciés ?”0h1;hat I wmie as a thoufand of the laudcfi be1IsMri$ng3ng oh: his reinown in the Vales” Of the !}m1I<:~f‘c ;f:‘c.:%hfm<:~.a”. Oh_.thatVm'y vmrce were as Athepvmrce of {even T‘f1o;m'a;nd ‘lfygimpem found» A Eng our the Ipmifcés cf !1i5.p=at:»s~xger,~csh tl’3.at“1‘warms{cv‘é.~nt‘yjthouf1“m:{'tror9ps of old Lyonfs , roaring cum: that r'#:x1oW I-I mfhis Name , ohwthat I“ were as Vtlweihouts of an hundred rhcufindt-§qf*cs%i1c;1Ic$wing out the ‘h’c»rmur‘ af hi5%ho1ynefsr,OL}1 that K were as the roayitxgs ofa*"l1Seas::'ilih'is gimy and res» ~ trxown did reach ro‘un%d'%rhe7 whole Earrh«.,vc>h that I were a5 Ef ’U;'1‘ln(3fi ‘ dre~agdfi;1I1,4:vhuad::rs ari%{iz:sgf':om Drian‘ of ch.e‘Eafi reaching to Occafus rm “of Athc: ‘*.*“¢‘¢fi , %.thuxi%d;%'i}11,sz,f c:~m: .the ;mofi 12xxhea%rd‘o%f‘j:C$y“cc‘$‘0f the %§;Im*y and 110*:x¢:>%ur%o%fhis ecer;1%aI%Ma3<.-rfiv Athrojugh :h<~.- "Iferzd~2:’zn”11‘n‘e at’ me“ IrIe:“a‘wrensg; rim the Earth u2i ghi:”bc fiiled with the"prayfcs of his fzirxae, ar”zd~~ i‘§'}i§~’i:*?.>'¢_=_~yr.; were all thczfe accoz*d‘§ng so my hearts d'’s4, Handle‘: the t‘uI:a£:i's/ :yi‘yoL1%a* ccmrfes in Eoyffllnefs .. c1az§5‘%i+t;arrd%%$ fho’u:ipgj% mi; rim hontgur of xhc‘ mqfi }f".§g,h_ Q fpring up, fafiffifiig l'l§,i‘= }’ %’g?1%fi fl i“-‘S5 4T;"“‘i::wnci::~a:1"l‘¢:;:i‘ in this g'c;;Q{s,’an%dM Qpcéxj. 3/om‘ bl.Qf7f:JIfl:iS 3117111 hUdS__Of Ehfif 1!I§;l;f3L5b& RUR1 ,‘y¢i'V{!. hafi to-fgmrd £'cm:h» y«e?bzuumj1xcsCw}zic?1 are hid in 1%: vi: I16-A; aim!‘ in %rf1:5'bod%y of the Olive: :.r;c3*c:«. Ir;-‘:2: vaur rofcs and flowt:-rs bf: f13pe‘r5ab0undi‘ng bask“me;of’ , 1.1112 Afiwrftp crops «man: fE"D3g*"£HEu’Ii¢L’$ {inf §f:qr:nw;*,~ ‘ami”th‘r: mitts of ym“1x~%bg ughg and ‘.»z:"1u7fic~:t*s ofy_m"sr !:):;;m.zrhegs he the rzar~:“:i't% of EM: s*in%tag£:% over fl-awing {he lafiing hmmur c:i‘!1’:ys N%z;:x1;»=:‘; Ah~,.v,hacfaich my 3011? iii !:'a":%ef;r>i:’*i%r:’ i’é'~“I fans wish; tlhfii 1Tsveet«:i‘; W"F%;'&VI‘c%uf his Name- %A'?i}fi“rug%g1€% ye %babe%s that are “ quick in the w.=vm1*ab ., and draw fo~I‘r%hAof~'”t"he matfice %0f“?S’0l3rT%*Mo:f;e; , and. hen: y,c>ux‘inx1~-mzcncy be%.<:ryes%t:~o the 'LOIjd", even of glory-iro gag ;y0.uArCreamr-. EA ‘ % _ % _ ‘_ . % And 0 ye labourers low: at your labmms , and ya _V%Soui;dmrs a.m‘§3e %bat:1eofyot’!rday,ycsu flea}! rétm~raIiAh::i* that your in%firumea1rs%is%Ac;f‘ ggm ‘V ?wifcl«:.~me offiogl wfnich pm’"e&s thrrz-% work in_ ymL3rVh::;:zds.,;a«nd %m§'3e%c;3n%qLm=;{3; of your flroakiz IS of the mxgms (pf the‘ mofl1h2gh,% whgch g1xfa~'m's_c11e_dt.wz!;ac;a~¥lmn; yc:v'a1’gin c§za%1‘L£§:1"s%::c::rs, pf sm r\«:‘£';:!%¢:a"sd::t3cy of c1m.day,, and agfiwmj me §,>'c:j&>ota:s of the 2::.r2gg;?1a*n;a:~£:aV -:‘;{"%:3'2s_c:e r:gza_~:rn§n.,g»;i‘}VigE:3r,,s:a31Q was i.v:_, tVh.,.;s:: rip: awn the fizgmsa }'f.f_.a. a:r; «;i7 r.c:mt Ma*%2;=,€g?;gg%s,“¢tnfTx§r:~2:;r}§m:%2m¢;§%L1s a_;fia3r% whsxmm FOR WW1‘ ‘Vi 3~‘Pi?;<“ta m the nVig?.‘\%t.?w.:.wr Ea-r::0m1é£i?.,fM?$:;1Um G:«:m ,t;3gmu {mm na§§:3vdn€\Cs imh aim r.m:ci you, _w irh rim at.‘-T-Ioriozus G:a.wta:;w;~zra nf4‘§;¢2fa»=,g {¢3 % g Mm hazm d«zT‘,:5Ck¢.:Ci ymu 85 a bfadiat‘ flmf mas» P‘m‘:«;e., ;:aree;g&aaz%e;'a;‘,§ ‘&':":.E: M51. cf Saiacfia? fi!a“r:‘1iI'_rnm3._¢:%hur -mur Maker hath: mm; ‘vuwomatd 1,vm.:;z m }%a§rr:%f::If,,m& 5%?‘-F'0%-{V34-‘ii Y0“ 3'” M5 b‘3f0}’115?3F%%(?V¢:r,W§mrE’ore? ?;Q1:s fimi mm nm: We‘: lave a{£dga":~sch3£f5 C:fkHIZzd.,ai‘£d: m ::§_1c* dc-ms of the jfmzfiéfiatd gm;~:.;'m4‘d emf mmk{- % g'wm.gv ev~erI&Mi’tzsagIy glorxfic has M1a}e':fiy." % ‘ % A ‘ . "05 0-:0 Thar 1 war; new but i:m;wi!r;¥;er:.r:c¢fs whr.m:* not Cm:;srua'c%.i%z'zw habmgth b::fid<:s thgwxld beafis ofthc: fiazld, rm: fmsls %r.:~é%‘::h.::: I‘-‘s~jm=.“, am We Cr§Cp§fl§3;2VE7Q?:‘fl;@S 1 an