A7 J " 7 ‘ .- ‘ ._ - ‘, . v , 3-4 ml ‘ , . “ ;_ ‘ "4- .""( "-1% ' E4 - ‘ ‘ W ‘ . . ‘ ‘ ‘ " $7‘ ‘ ‘ ' "9 “‘ w- " 4‘ ,/;‘\\~‘; N . 1 I ll . :31,‘ . ~ 3% ¢ . 5 ‘L »-4 , - “ » if‘ , ‘ ‘ V ‘T’ ‘ « M Axaci km W 0 RR mthe E’AR“m*“m £131“ 0 A 1;: 2:7 H, and hearken ye H E Aw; A V E ‘N 3%, for the Lord hath £j30?.%A:11 , €3‘€.7‘62'i';€; fche Lord G«mdV1:11igh‘t§,r in Power fifiiflefififillfii €11’ VVifd«m11,L0vi11glwzmdmefé $8: Mt-zxmits hath :a.pp@r.'-v.-»W red, m1dis11mda=: I'11Z£%11I3.f€fiI mA‘t§m~C11i1d.re11 mt zxfxcm W mid the lies: of the: Gcazjtflas do .f::~c=:H1i;ss 1’o'we:r :*zm37;.A ~ §a1*t:a.ke of hAis~Pron1fiEc ‘$.11 fine Light, .1111 the Li£.§:n in A 12116 ,Et61.'AT13.1 C0veIm11t aft Km; Pczrarzm and T1'z,1tI~ A is come, N and who may_ {land betorfee lam-*1‘ 9 who can abide this day’ofh17s coming EN 1-70f l1ece::a;1e‘::lel3l;‘ he cometh In the tl1lo‘ula1~1ds of his F{e»lylO11es:.m‘% .J}.1(lg€ the Werld , even all that .are*F~1i*m2‘dlg1nd Clw W1'c.l<:edlyin his fight , and to convince tl:aej1_1*i*df=..;;1lllV¢e their emgodly deeds and hard fiveeclnes, ungodlily ‘have fgolien egeixlh‘; him , V and they hzwlel flémdled the loot»?-fiepslof his A1111lj11 > Ones , and blafpl1emedl‘1is~ Heavenly Tabem:aele,' " which he hath pitclued amongfi men, that he might A dwell amongf’t them and be glerified fer CV.€1‘11'lO1'C’A l 80 We E is to the_Wicl~;ede, anclmtlch Wratla will be upon the peopleeelwllxo now lhmd out and ;,;,firiveeagai11l‘c the Lord , even the Lord the l1abita- f £011 of jufciee , in vvhofe elmnds» 1755 tH*ei1* ““"b1’€atl1 ,l who are carelefs el1ildren and do not regard this day A A ef their Vifitation. So all having tiniegefi prize and bowie the Lord . (Tvod _., and k11ovzVtlaisday of you1'.Vifieation 5 . for, , 1 mens. A11.d7zom;;§»_l-ll., . the Lord in his Glbrye A1:'1'len,,a11cll1is Eye beholds, ,»“,é ‘fen vzogigfxz (hall. the nmfuth ef 11:11’;-~ A and with his own ”i[.igl1’1;i‘stryi11g the children of A A qty’/try he fie the Righteoils {hall xej oyce A be glad l'ip0l1.I:l1€i1' Beds .9 A z;1stl1e S4ci*iptu1'e ‘llath : ’ A be A ~ * e ’ “ li1iLl&7 ( 3 ‘ .. .. ‘ V . 4-x ‘ ‘i : _ ‘ ‘ ‘ % Yea: » the Ixigllpraiffi 05 G‘m1is>?é?1*ea*é3? figmgd §n 1:hefi-mou£11sV$, , and the Swurd of Ei71<;~=:<»S§>i1:%i$;‘:;;;. . VVm5igb.z} we I Vary! 49,; A faltt g0immgwfo1:t1i%% Karzgrzw gmd my (Io2z.§'s.z.;:*rA% ;4;% %E5X11f’:“:;;Mm1~1fatz§“zi.x:mm"4;3 r.im=m %% _;Wa, A and tE1ai~£h:3£&fE;?1f Efifllisg .aéa;.r@Vz1fr¢’a.é«;%. 1 ;,:m;1d%c}1s?Qh;s3a*2.:¢’i;&;~‘ A FM ma 'J§."Iy"p3‘1f;*‘\‘.;f3iT1*‘:.€;£3$ aimmflaz fox‘; km: atthfi p;z.+efc:m<:vz: of fl1€_I.GifL‘fi, ax fl1}=£j“:V Aapp@;=ara11z:a0fk0Lz1' God 3 me; :{myg,Ggd&9 the mramlailiziazg Eatllfir ,% ~w3.1Q y1s<::»;;ra. :‘;m 11:13 0w11Nmm': ,y axgdé 'fCtL113,g-.11‘?th\%'3}?\.E.i1£‘?)g1‘4C.5E1?L 312;; _ A % dfaar S»mf;w tzmd flml::;n1Eg”ter1f1bI%§r .:c11c3;€?a§:‘ti1a g1431~3r§ gory t1o1m1i;.f01”A%mr';6r 3: £01‘ ever,‘ f'o1‘jih@1s% ggwcii, am:§€ M5 mzgrg-.y g:11du1*e.th. ‘far €‘v'€1;‘__.«, zrmd of his f£:m:I‘i.'1J’+;‘7:=.‘3.§;4m<:*iV A atliemiszagmmd, “ A A " .Aflfi<;”:flf1 %:1s4%gL“:a?1{:sAL%,,hut that '%VhiC11i$ how. (if 1;ch<::a° »VgSfi§ir§VtiSSpirit3" and fihzigfl, i11h€'1“II.’f: zmd f@$11?i(1’fb1Tt?E.1t11G3 V .Eivi11ggguaéi,g:sOf 'tEzaA1a%‘x*2.a;1g *3...,3a'€.)da, f:mr.evtm"Wa;1m1*e: ,.., h as ‘ atthis day’: W 3”» A A M .@z‘vezzf&r9t;25 $»;2m;z’:rz«:2f.r afé/'22 Lard; $4‘ 5.2 W7.fZ'1§f£cff:?:::' A ;:~gV,l;zi,;=fi1f5¢-;4.;:!,g"z;«z2. ztb2°.r bu‘ Day , éy We wlm éeam :4-m.:—,» ygprygfif} qf.6%;»x2_ffi %%V(amza2.zgr wzagzy Bm:17mz:)_ by A%m? ;¢4'é'»2! ;@i?er!vi;;r4Wr 3::/3aA2wW af . r: A -T1510». TAX L %‘., LdND0N;AV: ,. *? 4* mytkefi x&a2se,«¢t :W3f7fl77z , tine 4 A Sign of zzhé A, £iwc@}’>z:em’-Eagle a11‘d+Wz“¢zaL]WZZin ;Z\M»'1'm*-9f» ~ ¢*Wlé‘ j@W?W':r‘ E 660. AA