i U E:PRSoPo’uI1\:DE1! O t is To George W l7l't§l)€dC! and s George Fox, who ‘difputed bytru ms agaittflone 'Z}Izi5?/er»/it):LM4;z‘?i;1 _(;4m[;,»-‘,2 .1 l h‘ V 1133.; .19. 165.9‘. a K"...-B.,‘*_ V H/III) the S umme of t/)téz'r;A7ifwer5 and */91': Reply 5 ‘/i’£lI1([.5‘~](‘0_}"0716'): Rep. for the other. L s '- V -he Retzdergrir i g _ L ‘i t g e Epleafedto take notice that whereas the Quakers deny-e divers L matters {poke and donein this publick. difpiutee, the witnefles to them are thefe following Gentlemen -: l\/It...;Sc;\:z2a'meet,.s.Mt... Vivian, Bdmérzggt fellowes of T. .C.?Sr. 'R2wc/*2 Sr. Crojdm .a—nd:others oftheiame M1‘. .SymeS,and Mr. E. Barr} neerflmai/1; Call. Sr. iC/mppell of E. C. Mr. Angler and Mt.Parkcr both ancient M.A. Mr. Angier Draper Mr. Alders, MR 5[)6’i2f", Mr.gj‘enn;’22g5, Mr. Wright, S1‘.F’z}3ce7zt of C. H. Sr. H olérook and Sf-.“,3,r3‘C.£?’?7,.°l; 5F- C, befidé; divers 0-fSidi2cy. and: other Colleges; d1V€f5_0.. ,,.47:i3W,€” 3_rld..W-B¢’4.ChaI1d:0th€r ‘townes gbefides Mrs Danafozs b..°°_kb~l.l‘.d§¥. %‘1d e9¥1h€.r_.zz>o2rie22,- too many. to.name;here: Now. judge Wh1fh€,1?_3l1 tl1€f€.(ha1fe whereof know not the faces of each other ) C311 COIWPIIC. to belie the Qiakers in behalf ofthe Relater; or whither 0“ 9;” ‘W0 Cllakérs. bi‘: rather to becteclitecl then a Jury ofthefe. t 1- not you, 1‘.epe'nt-for your endeavouring vainliyto. de— l ‘ “ l fend Aug. 29. I659.in fo gteata Congregation theft: pofitions-printed in a book writ by George Whitehead rt/iz.~_ .I._~*That the Bible is not the word o£ God. P-.1 .“ av 2..s.That to‘afl:er‘t the-Scr'z'pt»2reis-at/2e:IjI41ra' of God,‘ is oncof the i 'de.ceitfull imaginations which the Priefts ofthis generation. have ‘deceived thepeople with. . 3. That he who afferts therebe three pctfons in the blefled Trinityi5ad1‘(f3II1CI'3ndaCOnjUf€I'. 5 - - " . , ._ . p, 10;}, t 4. That he who aflerts there bethree fuéh perfo-nsfgfhallbe ' 1-all. nfhutu ‘With them, in perpetuall ldatknefs for‘ the lake and. the pit. Anf. Tbefe pofitiofzs are accorkliizg to the Scriptures of truth. Rep.LetanyChrifiian judoe !_ .. V 7\ -2. Did " i_2. not you ofiiendi God by iallerting ‘there then (at the con? clufion of your difpute) that thefame thing at the fame time and place might be both vifible and invifible, plainly feen by the eyes of many men( andimis uponvrecord-)-and yet ‘ impoffible to be feenat that time and place? Anl.:NQ_;; Rep. I‘appeal1to all the';Audit0rs. . 3. Ifyou {till think this true, may you notbe (as your Opponentin:-‘ ferred) a'Quaket andno Q1aker,aPapiPc and no Papift, a Heretick and no Heretick, atthe fame time and place? Anf. «Fool. 4.. Do you think -’tisthe partofa good Difputant to deny thecon-¢ clulion of a f yllogifme , as you there and then did leverall times toge- ther .> Anf. T/ac oomlufiom werefolfe. Rep. Let the Reader judgc.{ 5 .— .Why do you; fleight both. [ the Sacraments,] \’Vater- Bap tifmi and Ihehceiving Breadand Wine in the Lords Supper? which the Scri- }2tu,re,,.faith'~ are ineeeflat‘yteto"Salvati!on. For Chrifi "faith ]oh.¢6. 53. Vetily,tverily~extept ye eat theflefh of the Son ‘ of man, and ’ drink i his. blood“, .ye‘have‘:no;life in you. Ye fay that ye have life though ‘you do not eat, .8zc. Chrifl faith, Take eatido this in remembrance o'fme.You fay do not take, do not eat,’ do not do this, 81¢. Chrifi faith, verily, verily ex- ccpta manbe born. of water (Mark water ).andof'the Spirit he'can- not enterinto theKingdom**of God; .you>fay,”that' no -man'eneed_rojbe baptized, he may euterinto the;Kingdom offleaveir thou he ‘°Beynto;t.? i 1'-inf. There is no fuck word as Sacmmmt 2'72 tire’ 7Stripture.i‘:R_q2.' "Nor _is there any fuch word as incarnation or fatisfafiioiutihereforei you think you r'nay;_i deny the things meant by thefowords‘. The Apoflle of forbids men to- quarrell about words : and while H. D. jibes at three Bees andhthe ax..- gum ent for three'Perfons taken from the places,'heiconfi§er§"{ not éhag: T. S. was neceflitated to condefcend to vulgar capacities‘§‘*‘who. cryed out they would hear no Philofophy or School~te‘rmes. But Whereas you call me oftkaolt-Papfi for this tyuery, and tell a Viiory ( by;;}§g;veg) of the Major p. ‘54. my anfwet to t at and this,is that ifyou and your info - met will: neither learn your catechifm, which faith [ the body and blood of Chrill is verily and indeed taken, Sic. ] nor heed any of the Reformed Churches, who all fay the fame in their confeflions ( as‘ they are cited by Dr. T Ailer, Auécrtimaind Fomoheur) not believe the H. Apo- - - les nor Jefus hirnfelf (who laid t/via‘ is my 504/y;s')y Yet hear your friend: Bunion who in his fightrfoiam an pl. 129. faith that job. 6. 53. is meant of the Lords Supperror at leafl: give fome ear to your own comrades fa. Audlmd, }'. Nayler, and A. P. thcframcrs of your zmfwer to the perféff W14-n'j?«:e : wherein p618; 1:’; 2 ii. are chereewotds, itbe head ’iz§£:z’éI2 éreak was theiéody of C bfifi. Doycm take all todbe 7471»? Papi'fl1s,> I acknowledgChriPts piefenee,Tbut'I.ever denyed the Roman ‘m'arz}2e‘rtran- fubllantiation. t 4 e 5 . L _e _ i i _‘e 6; Iseit not evident that fome ofyou 'n_1o_r”e;_Jtor lefé )' pofl"efl"edwiththeeDevill,' Whenefahn 6&’_lpin hilsibook,atte{led'b'y the- Maior and chief men in Kendall, confe eththat lb: was " poilieffi with the7Devill while he was a Qlaker 5' and divers ‘ of your {elves confefs, in Sauls errand pt, 4. 5~._That at fome of your meetings many"_mcn,% we- men and little Chilélien; has%3ei1been"il’£ran'ge’ly‘iwrought upon bo;'- diesé, "land btoughtttg. lfal,I*,”* '1 foam‘ ‘at. the 1‘r1outh;"itoa‘r,e "and-ijfiiléll bellies .2 Anf. T bark is lye; Rép.5Let ‘the: Rezadet colifult’the'bool :Anl.”Tea ofgreatéif i »i 8. Do not you hold‘ it unlawfull to exp.oi11_n(lfViog:i,nte;piét;"thefjl. Scriptures .3“ Anf. e -"T13 latiwfullfbriuS'3 :(72ldWfullf‘Q'rj5u to‘ '1}!/z'>d% Al filial»:-. ; Rep. Exit 1 hopej’3’ti'se‘lawfi1;ll‘ for us to intetp(etfq‘I_1€__;e;l§,tjof Scrip‘-j-_ - cure by anothe’riand:’by3the'®riginal Lalaguagég; I ‘ - 9. ‘Do not fome‘ =of)?ot1'f_a')"r i that he who ‘Teiit ' his a ‘_ Conjurer, Sic. lflnfi Tegxandfb artthou. ‘ F i ‘ e ’ i I 0. That the HolyiBibl_e ought to be ’bntnti?‘Anf. A wickcifllye. Rep. 566 your book Cl1tltLil.e€l’°Tr3-M15 idefehfe writ Fax, L Huéerthom, and T. A;/ti-'/lfoiz, p. l.’ 1'3. "a’hd"di\(ei's ‘other ‘;bQO_ks’Lwhereil1i theyipre-3 fete the H. Scripture‘ to the fire, andftheir own bobkseto mens reading as more ufefull for thefe times; ' . t A i ” L i I I. Do not you think it needlefle to pray forithe parclon ofyoiif fins? Anf. -We didprayfarit éefore wewefc Qtakers. _ 4 ’ I2. D" not you believe that there ° no heaven not hell,» not ’other world after this_lifc' ? H111‘, N5. ' ‘_ J ‘ T A ’ ’ i I L 7 I i i I 3. Do you believe that all thele bodies which are met here this day {hall depart out of this life and that they {hall rife again atthe 1af’t day. A A-_ Thom: ignorant of the nature of ‘differekt 13545.5 434 61"ig°"‘?€’? 504565: R?!- I have the “fame body tl1a‘t‘I had ' yéllerdfayi thbugh ,if.f¢ff. qualities: Ifyou ‘fay that the fame"pét§on%*that'blafphefneel God, efl3a%l’l'-not be damn"- ed , but Tome other for him gjyotfieovertlhtow in ‘lthis ; ’( as in other’ fore- ‘ - A 2 mentioned :nentionedood95trinc$D a1§—C~1arif*iaa t¢1.igi0fl:E Y§95*.argU.¢o againfi mchffi? jufi aé the Pagan‘ in }Z1Zi}2uii%as7rIfélZ5¢ 3 2. did againit Chriflianity. i_ "14. Donotyo’ faythét.thetMagifit_ate who makes A615 of Parlia- mentianddothin-ot receive them from God, as‘Moj2’sodi’d,a dot»h,_,a€’c contra__r,y§t,o_ the law ,of God’ 2 as;Irea,d iL1:l:h'¢ ,bO0k,~ca1l,ed fiery darts of \ ' 1’¢?ii?i1l:<1ii?€???’-’€”7eXe???fiéd5YiC4l?‘i¢£?: Lissa énd"fuBf¢rib5d ‘byafix Qla" .k‘e’:rs‘¥_>‘}_’ ‘ 'A11f.‘}‘ed. A - ’ 1 . ‘_i _ o 15'. Do not’ you fayiin the famebookjthat the H. Scripture is’ not the Saints rule,’ not the ground of his faith, p; 19, Not the Saints guide, not the ;u1¢_c;;f faith;a.nd.’patieonce,i.jpag; go; }a1;1d_3 thegfame book. ;$<>is"§i‘1If.5:f -Ami. tlz'oi{{'ozo'g‘2z_a';f.o¢-222 Papifi. if ‘the Sgripturésjrfere not tloe,Saii2‘t,$ guide oéefare they z’rj¢é,i"oe‘iz$rZi,t_h¢‘z‘éfore« I ,cozfclade the} were not the’ Saiigtgguiclcz afiertlaeyh. are Wit. _ ' "#1 Isif not Confeffed by your {elves in .S_'aL’iI§:.erraz1d';p.;. T4,- tan‘cLi.att- tefiecl by £<2v@ralLGo¢nt1¢l11€na(tJuf1i¢9?i°f -P§%€E5—;aMiI9§£i€f$~o,Qf§oIh€-g0{' in Lrlfltaiffqxj Ithg; you . deft;-1' ne 3 that break the relation‘ offubjefis to their Magi_firates_,. yyiyesooto ghcir husbands, ch1ldrjei‘17to their parents, fervantsivtoo, their‘__*Mafler5,fcon- gr¢gationS.t0 th€’itiMi13if.*é¢xSa.:tn§1«<éf. aa9¢op1<%;ro_etth9ir $§9di.#,Axw£ Gar 'cz’o8;*ii;ré$‘2‘er2c1§ to theéfehkiféfiglirgé ogelaggqgr, §e12l.;jI;§e§;gios.yg)u .thii1k,.t}}eft§ ¥“?:“.‘1F?F‘.31‘¥-Fi?‘;‘5v .5€rI}b1a.i1¥,€;m»Y°.u_r»7mi\a¢r:.w“ sh:« Proud» r>harifee ) you ray that relations dOlnCfi1§.313«C§§ efiafiical‘ and political are not founded on the law of God and goipiel, of_Lhr1I’t pt 34.» . _ ‘ 17‘. Doyou who c_a1l,yo:urrielg.{e_s_;Sa1i1ts ;nr..this life}. Anf.No l2ic’*¢t‘b‘a;t_’z'5:§orI2i '0f'G;0;f1:oV0e-Ii?» S 1'3 .6,Rep;The Ttext, is ZN?-'~.0:‘IE:~£€'((’¢‘f‘7vl’d73‘_h.€ maketh notoVaotrade.ogf:fin_, See Haznzrzofids Cateehifm L 1.35. for youacititiins from Igrovgx 1.8zc.be pleafed to obfervc that W ame wor W ’c_ in one 0 out laces is inter reted zer eé? is in the other tranflated upright <5 tokteacth uS.t1i13t' it doth n(F))t: iign-i‘Ifyj(Casz you W°U1d.ha_Ve;it) 0135 that isa1to'g,e§her.fteefIOI1f1:fin .( for;,.the fame .5910- inon‘ faith there ‘is not a j'uf’c man upon earth that finneth not,“ '. Eccl. 2 o. §ee Prov.24.16.:_{K1ngs.8.46. 2 Chro. 6. 36. am. 3. 2.) but him who ln‘t:h¢,.C_iefi1;e of h1.sihLearttis fteeoftom hypocri re, whom we call uprigéat. Thus ojfifczzlz, fardé, yea, Davi;1,'o Ezekiala, and others, areocalledo pferfeét, i-eaupriahtzmcflthougbatheybadfaU1rs:Af4 ihad a.perfE8 ilzeart 411 his dos :3 in'the? nc_i(t..cha}.’>.;i fin-d _;3”+.gtO.{.sii'ins of his togcthtf-. __ ‘T "18,. ‘youfiill of opinion, that aflitin if any man fay he hath no ;fit1hc deceivcs himfelf, 15 to affirm a falfity as.concc-rning the Sa1I1tS o‘z:"(11-akers .2-t Which youraffirlmediin the Majors houie. I fihhél A not in opinions, hut if the aj]um7;ce of this truth, for C hrzfl was 4 mm. Rep.He is God and man 3 not bare man, and fo he infiingeth not this rule. ' I 9. Did not you fin lafi week in faying that the unfvcrfitic. man preacht‘ for hire, and made bargaines for his Miniiieriall offices,and took ten {hillings for a Funerall Se_rrn'on, ifyou can not prove thefe things .2 You fee he denies them all, and {ayes he never took a penny for a flute- ral Sermon inhis life,8£c. Idefire youto prove them all, or tell me whe_- ther flanderingbe a fin A in you, ;Here infiead-of praying, 3vo;;,agk’z;§,g','Z,,1,g,.. tifieizt "que._{h°to72s, ahaut Ir/yachting for hire, r dnoiththepeaples at Cail_cl,e-t core, to hath which the 21/zfmér is, No : Ma’ that the Contraryis <:liearie‘nou:zah from the certificates at the end of the ;3th‘.query. i ii a . 2-o. VVherea-so a book in:-tituled, Fieryxdarts, faith p.‘ '2 6. ,that trmce the Apotlzles dayes there hath been a great APOiiaCj7,‘a11€i that a true Church of-Chr'if;’crcou.ld not befo'u‘nd:are you of the fame _1nii1d?Anf;2”m.; ~ 2.2.1. .-Do .Iytot'i mean thafithere was never a true Church to5be'fo‘und aftoin the Apofiles dayes‘till' now? 1 t C , 2 2. Iffo, what became of the Church all the while .> Or do you con- fefs ’twas not in being 2 Anf. The true Church hath hem in 11.7.7‘/f1.€l'€_'7”i2t:[i ha,’ ,efl4.’e.A Rep, Unlefs you tell us how long ithath been fo, -you cloasgood as fa-y nothing, provethat iitwas fo for I isoo. Years; ‘ ' ” ’ . l ;~ , , 23. Ilifo, how was Chrifi true to his 3 promife, who {aid he would be with his Church tothe end of the world? He ‘could not be witha Church rh?2t..was notin being ?Anf. Foélifla mzhed mviozzs man ! ,‘Rep.c Fzzrzzfzaarrhs ani. to all’-‘<‘£.l”P. I 7.fai.th,=that Chrifihad not a vifible Church in the wolrd. ii J grab. 3’Vhat think i you becamiet of all-gthe Martyrsfor the three ‘b1Z1r1§lr<:§l Y-‘ears rafter C'l:rril‘t,. or of -’ti1'é>‘{€7i in Englaafl in’Q;:Mahié§ dayes Y7€‘:r3_t they favedorgnot .37 Anl”.iVViilliam Brute,-‘aim’ VViliiain Tharp Pvité 716]] ad flgaiizfl Tythes. Rep.Tho;9p being charged ‘with Tayingj that Pricfls had no title tQ.:Titl1€S, anfwered, ‘that hot: the g’ w,ord’1fTithes‘in-hi's préachings Q-...6:69¢~.* 1. 4:9} and Bfzzt}: enz:le'aj5'oiirs'~‘jiot»-t‘(i5~prove-;C but ‘ti art? C1116 by a profitable law of man, p. 6 3 2. l. gr,’-f;—f In'yfhor’t'-ouE‘of7_ ‘moo Martyrs two i-night erre in {ome one mam 4 of -{mall Tconeerrirhent,‘ ( St. C3}?/fa22[eL1),1'fi.2 3 .2 5.a‘nd el{where]‘obfer’ves errours in {ome-of themin his dayesi) yet»-being farfrom Qaalcers go t0‘H(2a’\i/€511" 3: I have Oli)li€“i‘_\’i(’Ci,iitl'l?.£ {farce any.peopie;iutthelworldhorriplusiniiiagaiiiii‘tithes‘as anofsprcifion, . l..>\1.!:r{uCb as you .W..a?nd,l+?;i%that.tnever pa7idany’.‘9; §l7‘ho_a}fie' Was againfi fWCaring- abook and fo am~I~, fee the éen‘tury oftjueries. i C A 2 5. Why do you cenfure our Clergy, and us Chriftians for trying your _' C . ’ ’ Spi- {U}, — a (Spirits, whenthe Apofile aids ustry tbe'Sfz?£ts .> Sure then there is afalfe and a true Spirit, and how can we try which is true or falfesbut by the jScriptui.es..2 Anf. the Apafile aids not yoga ‘try the jjzirits gforyou areflout of tbefzzvozireand life ofthe annoynting : 7401‘ £120! John them. try itbejjairits 6} the Scripture. Rep. If they were to try the Spirits by the Spirits they were to .run_1n a circle. For your cenfurihg melee Rom. 14. 4. 1. ]o. 4. .1. But is not this your forbiding all men to try the Spirits by the; scri- ptute an evid,entargument that there is no light in you Ifa. 8. zog" A i 2 6.‘ Do you think that Fornication in a«Q1aker is fin; i it 9 27?.‘HofW do You !know, ;that Fotnication is a fin. in one that is a A Quaker, but the Law and t1tc5Gofpel1_,>— Anf. they that are izifbrrzzkatz; on are déizyed by Rep. then you muft deny your bofom-companion and fellow preaching (11alAnf.lier‘.‘Tha7t is aodefpe. me lye. Repgl befeechethe Reader to ‘fee Saul: Erhmzdp. 2‘. 8:: 7.and:the 5.. page of TOW emfwer to the Pierfefi Pharzfee, and then judge who is the lyer. h 3 Did RichArdfiHuhhert/agglgfvell in writing that Chrifis COming in t e elhwasbuta source? ‘ ‘Tea. ‘ ‘s . I ‘ . ’ ‘W 36. Did’ théft(11iiket fin therein or to-1ot,g who’ brou’ lfately,j_ion the Lords-day, an old Duhletin. Dr. 63115 Church in Lonfion‘, and fat upon- the Communion Table mending it,while the Dr.was preaching, the Pa- rithioners forbidding him.Anf. He filmed not wilt thouflill eonfimtea P apifl? 37. If theSaints ‘need not be taught men, (as you fa-yi)h'i_s Iithot needlefs for youcoceach one _ati0thet'? Ami. The lS.¢ii¢ts‘i zzcfeel ‘ma M2171 fé teachthem. 1‘ c C , C‘ r ' I. C 38. Dds you think it aTcnants Duty to pay rent to his Land—lord .2 Anf. is the Tenants Duty to render to’ all their due. Rep. ‘But Ibelieve you do not’ “think rent due to any that be not (yakers. ' 3:9.‘ Whereas there is forne talk by {ome Qiakers of dividing mens efiatesancl havinc all things common, do you believe that it is lawful! and fitting EC)‘ to '0? Anf. '1' he Qua/terse do not talk /5. Rep. Witnefs 5‘. Re rzer an others. as C 4oy.D_o you not think that the Clerc have as much to;fhew-for taking tythes, as anyrnan i111-Ziekglazm’ hath or taking tentyfor land left him by hts Ancefiours .> '*A_nf.. 7j¢thes‘had their orzginallfhom the Pope. Rep. You fhfeouldh prove, not barery fay fuch things; efpeciallyshwhen the contrary hatlghefen manifeftly p"roveclby'fun’dry learned men whofe works none» yet ‘ave attem ted to anfwer. . y ‘ -fart. Do youfhot think it as la‘wful'l tobereave a-ll men of the one as o the other .3’ ' T C 42. Do you think in good eatnefla that ’tis lawfull for ‘Nomen to- preach in the Church, as you aflerted publickly lafi yweek? and that St. Paxls prohibition concerns onely married women, not Virgins and Widoxvesgif you think {o,thenI ask further, why you may not fay as well,i that the feaventh Commandment concerns onely married wo- men, and not Virgins and widowes. Anfitl zzever afimzeel than Rep. myoidid affitni it E. S. R.W. and divetsothers will witnefs.I gram: .68) in the firfi rifewof they Chrifcian. Church fome women did foretell things tocome (according to fuel 2. :8. ) it doth not thence follow“ “ may preach and/{peak in the Church. - a that therefore now} ‘when propheeying. is ceafed) any Qaaker women 3. ‘When you tell us that you have faithin Chrilhdo you mean. ’Chril't whofe’pe‘rfoin is now afcended into heaven obove the Clouds or do you mean onelya Chrifl within you. Anf. Chris? we wimrj}. 44. Did not Edward Burrough, James Naylor, and others atfitm5 ‘that he who expefls to be faved by that Jefus Chrifi who dyed at fem- falgzp, {hall be deceivyedy Anf, No. Rep. See their two _Books,' and the ‘brief relationof the Northern Quakers, p. 22;. 85c. Billjngflics defenfe ofscriptures, p. I 6. The perfe€’cPhari{ee, p. '8. and Farmers myflery ofgodlineifs. and ] Nailors anl. to Higgenfim p. 8. Truths dgfenfe p. 95, 45. .Do not you George Whitehead blafphernoufly take to your felfan attribute of God, while youpretend ordinarily to know. the hearts of i men .3 And tell’Mr.‘ T ozvzzfezzd of Norwich ( Ifiymaelp. 2.) that he is de- parted from the light of God in his Confcience. Anf; ftoke no drtriéutc of God to m_yelf hut what (3051 hath grim me. Rep. Prove that God Hath given your the gift ofinfallibility and to know mens h_eart_s,»ando Ilefub- mic rovou. But {urea man tl1atkt1o,v§}'es,not what j is in my ypogkgtg I knowestnot what is in my heart. p . 4 . , A p 7 . _ 46. Do not you ( to ufe your own words ) Walk: ix the flops of the falfi,» P/ophets, ‘while you Ordinarily {peal<”and print {uch railing language,’ as pag. 3. of your Ifhmael. fhozz pricfi Ypotvie [E2261 , their dramzcr, thou o{c'ceit‘L’-t er, 2rvzI"ch, lier, éliizdgztidc, poi:/:0”: Chriffafldy l.7l.5.£'30W‘lCdg.3 and in A,:e,vt.;'g]m'fi t’i£c’J?1}'0_fG0v5l’,ié‘:6'. A/yj’. True, ’tis a.CC015di11g to Sctipture.. y ‘ V VVa_s it any thing to the purpofe in the midfi of a difpute con- cerning points of faith to ask the ll-niverfity man, what he thought of 51‘. George Booth? Was not this quefiion a lllly trap laid. for him who defired nothing but to reduce you from ‘ Herefy .3; Ahfl that ‘my éecaufb Zh)01£fl'l129(’fi Booth Jia’ riot prafjzer. Rep.iHow know you that .> If he did not profpt-r, that was more thanl {aw or knew then. s — - 48- Do not we live in a fine age when fueh men as you can be per- mitted in aCorporation Town (in (‘.y the Major, and i ikept-.pri{oner_for11._e itimegferyrayingrforatll.GhrifiianKiugé. 3Prinées,’ and Governours, rI.,Tim_. 2.1. Ani. Yisrdmyed.Rep.-\Nitnefs tIhe-Parliament* ' mans {on-, diversio-f Queens College, and of the oCommifl71oners. -49.. What- cgredit may. the Cammozz-people give to any thingéyou fay whi1e4a5:rSchQ1a£ near,5 when. they have heard?. you: proved u_ndeni'a+ v ably to b_e_a_jsAdamna‘b,le an Heretick as euerrwas in the world, from that very place in Scripture which was the only text you brought to ‘prove your felvesrno Heteticks, -2 Pet. 1. 1. .2. You not'_anfvverir.1ga Word for yourfelf 5 Anf. I did .wfwer..Rep.i Letthe Reader peru-fe the . difPul_:e eiztileargei, and judge. . ‘ i ' e : f5Q, Wh=y.‘do yougencourage urtleamed people to preach without kfélfning, when-St. Peter faithgthac -inst. Paul: epiflzles are -fome things hard to he underfioodswhich they,tha",t. be run-learned and unflable. wrelt, 35 I-ha)’ .d0.QthQrScriptures,.to-their. ownzdefirufiion .>An{. one tencourage 720216 topreacb m'cbout.g£fts.rRep.; Dzzvid.G';orgLee,. Sacjzms, and Haclaft of -13.265 the 1\7icolfiit4I9S3I1d.0-thcrr. ‘h€l‘CtiCl(S.:-Of.~QlCl-'1' had mzidently greater grf ts thfifl any of ..you.~ B,ut'your. reply comes notneeb-my quefcion 3 a man mayhaizerfome gifts,and no learning. ‘ V i t 3 I. ..Was. it t-he-fpirit of truth or of errour, that made the Q'.1‘al»;ers run 3_ft€,1*Hefi..D.4Uill,fl Tannenof rkirlzmarzd, almofi .a mile .( while he ‘ Was .w.al.1£ing;to:feehis grou_nd:);and teH'“ihirn?:'with'open‘ mouth, That the .fPittit.of7God fem-themr‘to.tell him .17: man: feducewé ‘of the «p60Pl¢': 07%’ Qftlze carrupt.C‘lerg_y, Bic. ’tis r-commohlyiknown he neither is, 1301‘ Was-aClergy man,nor preacher. Did ever the Spirit of God fend 5.111)’ 011 fuch ftivolous.erra11dsas thefe,‘ and thok mentioned p.; 4 5. of the P€rf€3£ Pharifee? :Anf. -thou»zmd'tla; ;;é»;~¢:;;re;¢ 9259;. Rep.‘ »V7V1'tI1.t‘f5i H» r Dtvi-lg.‘m:fi/‘rllidmfanandydivexzsiothersrmo'Ric:kn:anéz’. See other witiitefles of thefe frivolous me’fTages;in 'the.perfe&PhariIee p. 45. _Dzmfom difpute with George White-bead.p.' 5.5. * 5}» D0 ~.you.1’ti11.think it.an.-utianfweryable argument to prove the uni- Yerhty man.an.Heretick,.becaufeliijiaagfs C who built Colleges and - . Piia1ls,.gta_ve all their .oo\ds.~r’o..the -poorsaa ndftheir- bodies to be —~bur‘nt-) W€1‘C:C0U€t0ltS.m£iZ?“ nfitlvatrvas neverntydrjqrzmérzt. Rep. Witneis.Edm. ~_?ynzes.Rz'c12. Wnight and ‘all that were prefent at the publick difpute In Crznréviaige AUG‘. 24. . i A L ‘ _r 33. "Do you tfiink thatfCattan Ciaflzrad» ‘“.yvho=iha'r1ged7 himielfl or ~Hugh Btséroun who committed buggery I\zvithv;a .M~aF€a or that _7ab22 Gilpizz-, M70 Coxrfefled he was:about.to cut ;hiS.tl1I'-Oat, did {in or not fin in fo do- fingi %%W%Wmv INSPI RA TIO N oI~i 3:HE V T S; .* "‘ 1. ‘ 4-; _ “ ‘ 1-" 1 _ j ‘ z._ _ ‘tn.-,5 . _ 1" .8-a - ' ' ' , '_4 -921‘) .. ; 3 w .2 . -Z" X ~ «-9 I-'.~'o"€’-"‘ 1 . -4.,‘ I <.‘ , I ? i Printed by . C. and are ggger ‘the Ndrth‘ ~ Door of S. Pzml§°Church. * $99919? - { T 0 T H E ‘. u . _ -‘ _ : .'_ 4. . . ,‘ -’ V: I‘: >‘,.- ( _ . .‘ . _ ' .» .—* ~-/ ' ' ' jamagaagammgaagagasaaaaaaaaamaamg I ¢ékfIé:X°¢¢°M¢°t~¢4~%~¥°¥°%°°W°*§~9=°I~4*¢~k»X°¢!~4~*1~'1b®=I~¢1~°b*¥°‘!>°¥°4~e¥~4>%¢1~ab f<‘z“¥_‘?E R. E A D R; “:;{§’* . ' '71 r Reader, % g . V , xi; Ittle.;di_6l.4”}'W43’:ihflfik._227lJ?11.?,??;»difp:§te: bgtweeg ‘ %%%tb%e~vQga@rr*] and,‘ Mr- 3-’ bégcm at Cambridge, “ btbdt r1?0?il§l__fudci'éiz.l}‘I this quefiioii . (betlween. P gzpi fix and Proteflzmty )A:V/Vhethelfi there be any ‘fdch::hing;in world as’a~%P rbfefiant Clicrg gy, . and%%confcquent1y. W1;1C§h§1f:a—fl§¥ _:1éue :Ghu.tch~, or zfaith, % % or facrarncnts be to be hadout of th‘c% C%huLrch of Rome, 1 A “ Irlazreagfltbdt tbofe who Ndi/jmte%. at Cambridgcj, as‘ ]ittleforefefei_tI)Ti:r,% ¢3t‘§7)"ei~iKe€zere%nc1an+ “tw%e’e22‘ ‘lJ)»‘i;/¢ zzL7z%cT1%Si.MVV.:(wZt‘I9;t}}2>fe=o‘ti2er"°iJ2:'A'c5E)ut1try Yeomcn on a jury‘, T/JeP'ro¢te§?zmt éfirnzing ‘”tbz'.r,' tbe Papifl idem’- jigzg %B%ut%QAitfi.r‘;. a'2‘2c_zf',f()_A17;;t:-~c:pp¢an_}I5y _tlaefeI_tn2o fol-4. °1amz’ng 21zfc_0mj/‘ex. Whaicb ~y o_zt bcztzze pzztieme to rectal, on" r;$ill%ifim1tlmtMr. D4cn.j*(T%‘1'ij;4:ét‘e';zding to c/eflzfzcl the Q1_1a'kér flzit/A); hot one wordin defeizfé of 21-22} S¢5¥, but only the down- r~igbtope11PapiFt\; .czml‘tl)zztf},'aeetrl) 1‘/96*v:e_ry'fci~}7ze zzjrgu-4 ’§21;éé.;%zf'Lt.;j;,%_ 4:251 .tf e']‘zz}¢ze nzordsjzigdinfl Froteflzmty in general; :2‘: the: Papzflm do i=n-their % rl4iLly-prlfiitéél’ /900%". 3 1 \ BM‘ lfwr ’6’ for ail -foftlae letter‘ to Mr iaemma the I M: zmd 1 ark: i’17iltg6J%lli::*l‘.,tf_ge erier. l e r I ’Farevv"ell[9.nd beware ofwolvesin fheeps-clothinv. A I- n 5- -1 -V _ ‘ . . 5’ Vi‘ ' ‘“*"'a——--: Memorable] Q4612/ertzlfenzent from Dorfétlliiife. N Seftembéri 1-is iié5'?--ithetié-‘-i€*§3i‘a*flratige 'd"il’c’ove’r'y made‘ Ofd1i'?'ViI’/ZI?S._' ; ~ cf,-és in _and; neer §l.1€f.‘f1:é)Wl‘l>fOf:§-zsilferlzzfrfzc in-‘ '19Ja1fetfl9r2re, rtherebeing‘ nieeir zoo. of them ait-zone meréfting, mofl __oft_l1en1 Quakeiis aiid A'naba’pti[is.Thpec Men- and tvvoWonien_fo1~me’rly‘ Q1_1al¢.e2»»zs++++~:»+++o«+4» 1 t itce W i4-}¢n;§@€;“?6’:I¥4‘r.*Den§‘s.iTf7#\ U3 9 1' 39 WW: 1 not elieve the necefft f «~ V ‘ 5.fWhe1£:ea§_ you sirvottlelifain invalidate‘ Mr1;ySn?itbin§r?i?:gE_9n‘ , may “W0 er lm °“ due by HP-iiHiaz[l5 and‘ then WI Ion’ yo“ . len have an -..,, M, fwerd Maflm dc minilierio Anglicam D ° - 3 r. F em agalnfl Cbgmpm, . . J3 and th".\»\,~._ vindications of our Reformation and Orde ' e rs wh1ch are Writ b ~‘ Y Bp-Brzzm- » 7”” and Dr'He3’[£”’ ,‘iSiVerYiP1"°bab1eY0ll fhall receive M S h 11 . is de- termination of *our uefiions. «' » . Vouchfafed to 1-gad thgt fmal boolirvhlhighlcnorlzm Zho (tihmks you have not magfiieriaily to cenfure, can not believe t}hat P10 tsinfi to ailfwer 85 Profefs determinations of fuch <1uefiions.And he hathynolt f nd lelfure to rfzad hi‘- you, to write and print books -only for" his own*'i C19 much {Pater ‘"119 as 6. Mean while I rnufi't‘e'1l you’, that(one“reaforca mg.’ not read over the Qgaker difarmed, is becaufci Sn Zvhy Yqu have gushes in your .4r‘h- P386; Which are anflwerde inythe lput a Cafe and three etfor your moreabundant fatisfaaiion lie ant’ fitter to MI‘. E ,5- 25... ly‘; by aflerting. I. That in your cafe the Pre-at? Ulfitn mo;-e Pal.ticu1a‘r_ ‘men to pagans is no fin.‘ e2l3y... That in fuch exfl: "‘d‘e,¥ Of tho“ a1iPVrVraCkc fullfor fuchea Congregation to'choofe'- their T a9 nlrflilry cafes ’¢iS ]aW_ Congregation may find fitting men full of f ‘EEC em.‘ 31),‘ ‘That fuch a ‘iievers 5 iefpecially if the fhiywrackz men hare“ ‘ ’ t.° Breach Unto unbieg “"9 to the Ch“”3ha' I0 Ordeih them 3 ‘as F mm: “'0 uric.’ as ‘G011 38 the are mentionedjii the nlettii-:1.‘ to —Mr_eE_i af‘0re_acitc?di"“ ?"‘d 11§¢'6fiz¢: did Whoa 37- But‘ H. D; mun?‘ iiive ifieieavé io‘~té1l‘h’i id, 3 ” : M 'm1nd.;whobc‘in’g 4g§§.1j%O'1¢dfei.d.%.. ~vf£~$~?%=;tA~tI?*a:ten’a’1 hath an in place, and taheszto hinrfelf what yortioxi oi? thleetiraitfff hgaffers 0;; ‘E5103 eriy becaufe a%}'efl’e1lfl.11pwrackcis fometinies ithoilgitta [;.£r]eZf‘i5 5 111654- ~ «- ..tu,A,PI‘C.Y thea.peopl"e on“tfie' Ihore '”An:d'I" ve d” ~ ! . ~ u 4 from _on%e»that'p.1fé~tends'to'beaMi‘ni){i]erfloft}:31a: ‘£6? Words fl1011‘1d come _nn;P1ey_¥hiat »h'§i1;a;h a.1f1cager'n1ind'cbefhipvirack 9 “’a"°-'3 Pmlefs he ‘would_ .fa41]¢_------- a :2 1:: _: g i 1 « 311 entzrc veifellilundér F i 8.: iWhereasin‘;your‘5i*fhi ‘yang D ' A T K» a ‘X ’ - . ‘ % »- - a you fallf I ‘ »_~ 4 WV.h}Q93k€1‘$—5 youmufi knoiv, that thocilc: uP°“?“."5° “fr dlfputinv challenge h’1mand.ai1’1 the Clerpy 1,13% 1 ,d¥°'"‘.. m'?“d.3 did no ii 3% ,iin‘}f°1iA”.P--T9.'P1‘ffaCe )'but fetzpi tljéi Olf31aPi1'111C..( G» FM: in fler “rpeenqenmemgind School d’oox:’s5;:‘§ Nayaiihg a;a,d=’fia.n9e }.Iyon_.th¢ $03.3 ‘Qgjakers were irnpo_;*’tut1‘ate*sivitih§1\(/Ir‘;"3>;“f(;derlqg 311d“ di~vcrn5t'§,thq. foreltheonfet r'e't’o'l' ‘-9 ?==:119rit"ia were amfm C only 9.‘ For i . _ trim-Pép13(Li‘ For the argument three hees re¢fp;2.Mr§ IS. did not‘ fay, that thi s was the only way of proof, but‘thati’it was one ;Hedid not fay, that all three hce’.s be three perfons,biut‘thatall hees which be in Heaven are fuch. Youmay fee they werethcn {'pea‘king‘of the three that bear re- cord in Heaven 3 andl hope Mr. H, D. will liable nonepof his _troop_- l2or- I 1]}: in Heaven though they comei11to2l’:;i11lsi.;‘ t r y ; I 1 , ‘ 10. In your 2d. sf. you would ‘clear’ G. W’. from being’ a Papifl beca‘ufe you fay he would take no oath. flu]: Others think that he will take an oath when .’tis for his advantage, as you may fee in the queries 5 and if that be true ( as Mr.rS. hath reafon to believe it) I know no reafon wh y he fhould refufe the oath, unlefs hebe a Papili; Nor would Mr. S’, J believehave mentioned that oath tophimg iflie had not been .afl"ured that ‘lg’. W .‘ and H ; D. are both alpike bitter er1epmi¢sytoi“;thel o.ld_n1odera,te 'Wt.ay‘ foftryali. appointed by the Church" ofE1¢gltlnc’¢' ii and if you be Co, I am yet to learn what other way, befide this oath; he could have pro- pounded. A .1 I. To y.o11i".3}l.3§._iwher€lyol1 aslfi who can 71j¢dl{_'€]"L’-I1fc"0f:tl.7c',f.1l6}‘] ;6f; the twelve E»§mri:;laz2r’:; Iianfiiveir any Ifiall but ‘Mr.}D. who is unwillling. To ' the reff of this 3?. befides‘ _ what you have b.c€,I1g3:0,ld before 2.’ 1.124,. ] I reply,that though the Father‘ Son and ‘H. ‘Ghofil arefone eflence‘, and each of thefe three is everywhere‘; )’€.t that they may nianifcii the di- flinfiionofperfons , one having condefcendedto an incarnation whofe human nature there appeared, [the other two .didfat his’ ;baptir,fn1e manifeft themfelves by fenfible‘ fymbols. Whichgrthree’ fferifiblrei manifeflatioiis Almighty God was‘ pleafed then to make unto‘ nierisgfenfes. in tliree difliiifi places( though each of the three perfonsibe in ‘all’ places ) that we who are in divers places might have fome apprehenfion of the diflinét per-pp fonalities. I I I . _ 7 V I r I .- A a 12. In your 4tlT.§. you tell MI‘-fsmithpf Lurberfialvi’n,Zui}zglius(asthe Romaniffs are wont. ) As ifall thofe whb proteff agrainfl the ,_Church of ‘Rome for pr~ctending‘t'o z‘r2faz‘llz‘l>‘;'[‘¢}, were thereupon neciefliitiily obliged to place the fame infalibility in every Protefiant Doftor. And whereas you ought (if you wouldifay any thing pertinently ) to ‘prove what the Protcflzrnts of thechureh of England anfwered, you tell us what thePxz-- pin‘: in other Nations obje&; whether truelyrtor not Ilhall-not now fiand , to examine. 13. "Butl am glad to meet with a man that hathiread ALL I; the books of 'Papz‘s‘7s in tbofe times, and ALL their Hifiories. I hope you would not cite them all as filled with matter» for your purpofe, unleffe you hadread them A all : I entreat you to cite not all ofthem (though the more the merrier ) but only one,if youacan,in all your vafl hifiorical readings(I ‘fay one Pro- tefiant ofthofe many thoufands that have defended the Church -of Eng- land ) who hath made fuch au_EnthufiaPcical anfwer as that of G. 11/. I 14.. In your 5th‘, 5?. you fondly imagine T. S. pfiark mute divers times; a 2 a y :41: _A7sfwer to Mr. Denns l As firll, upon your faying‘ that tbefirfi Protefiant B2:/hop: bad na ordination; but what the} mutually gave tbemfelve: and one anotber. Aafl If you mean by‘ mutually ( as common fenfe requires) that the Ordained did ordain the Ordainer Bifhop, I befeech you to prove it : for ’tis as falfe,as °tis evidently known thatthefour Bilhops-Ordeiners were Bifhops’ before the beginning ofQ Elizabeth: reign; of which time onely you make this queliion and kers dayes. fcru le. _ 15P.‘}Secondly, you fancy T. S. mute again upon your asking who gave them commillion to make Mat/5. Parker Arch-bilhop of Canterbury. Anf. The Bilhops in King Edward Vl’s. _time didgive them power and fo com- million (for all Bifhops have cemmifliaa when fit occafion and due circum- ilances occur) to make Mat". Parker Bifhopz and I doubt not but Mr. Smitb , ( as mute as you cottceivi: him," and impertinent in Manul'cr'ipts‘ ) is both able and ready to’ {how you in his own private library ( befides what he hathin the publick fome antient'records,« wherein you’l find it evident that Mat. Parker was a true Bifhop ; if you think there can any evidence arife from the teliimony ofa pCCYill1'_:i§dVCr{ary, who lived in Matthew Par- 16. Prefently you add that . niolt profeftapealjr that they recei 11- ed their commifllan from Popgifla ‘Biz:/hops of K. Henry VIII’s time. /Injl true 5 becanfe he dares uotlfpeaka falfity: for they received it in the time of lEa'w. VI. Though what you fuppo_fe had] been no impofhble thing, fivlcfi ‘ ( as all men d as ackiiolavlefdgj in H ear} the ‘ei'g_hts reigii. ‘goodProteflants in the’da‘ye_s‘ofi‘Ez£:v;VI,‘had ireceivjed valid baptifine 17. In mower tothe men‘ If tl1isi;§.i'bepleafedito know’ that the antient . \ Church believed (‘contrary to your Popilh novelty) that all Bilhops had ‘fpiritual jurifdiftion, as being ftlcceflors to the Apollles; And ’:is only the interefi ofthePope_ to.deny.it.: _whois wont to_ make titular Bilhops f witbaut jririfdi€’tion', to Ifiérvie lhimfelfin‘ his pretended cmmcils,‘ .1 18. I hope I 11eed:inot‘tell..Mr. D. (who tells others 53. 15. how 219;»; fleck at Cambridge )that a Mailer and a Family, an overfeer and a charge arerelata, rife andfalltogetherl: but I mull tell him that Biflhop Barlaw and "Miles Caverdale had the warrant ofall their Ecclefiaflical Superiors who then werelolver them to make l Bifhops in the diocefs of London and that Boaner wasnot theirfilperior.‘ - ' v ‘ " " ‘ _ l I .19. To what you {peaks at large of (Ll Elizalaetkt ‘being a Lay-perfon and not being able to give any power, Ste‘. 1 anlwer; What power that Queen had, and ought to have in Ecclefiaflical matters you may fee in the Articles of the Church of England :' which no Papifi nor Anabaptift ( H. D. or W. W. or H. D. ) was ever able to difprove, or durfi ‘fay one “ Word againfi it. A T 3 - ’ ao. ' Reading forward I am at a fiand, and mull plainly confefle I know notwhat you mean by what followes, viz. your comparing the common 13601916, and Mailers of Families with the gzqeens. that then was‘. I know 1105 Quaker‘ no Papzfl. not what. your afferting that tbefe have as mue/opower as the Queen can drive at, but.caPting off all authority 5 like your brethren at Mam/fer.‘ 21%. To your 6th.. 55. I anfwer that if there be any Churches beyond our feas, who count it their glory to want a fucceflioa of Bzjhops, yea to cry flzame upon its and to rejeéi itae afuperflitiom reliqae of Paper} , and markof‘ Antz'cbrz'§?,we are no more engaged to defend fuch people, then the Qua- ker is engaged to defend the Papifi, or the Papifi a Quaker 5 nor fo much, as appears by this Apology which I am now anfwering. ‘ e 22. This I,l}-z_¢ra'tz'on_,$ is in -my opinion anfwereil fLlfllCiCl1tly,‘ till it be provedg, by a bare negatioiig Though {omen.o’f.then1:have much more caufe n to refufe it than you; i whoihave taken away the former trial of.Pope;-yp g -viz. Recufancy; "comm-on.by'the Law to Pagifls, Anabaptifis and other Sefiaries: which names] hope you’l not be angry at,while you take tliem tooyourefelf. p. 16. l. 14.. 16. - ~ e - by , , f ' L 24. In your 8th. §. you argue againfi the oath thus-, : No man can fafe-.1] fwear that be belie:/.es,gno purgatory, mtlefl? be be asfure tba-t.gtbere.i5 ‘no purgg- tar}: as tbattbere is a God. './Inf. This ‘looks like the faying of Fa. Knot 21- ~ gaiuli Cbillingwortb, who thinks that what ever he believes in religion he believes 1 F .'_/inf Aafrveij-ta‘)!/In Denifs P Piaf ibefieaves with the fame certaihty; "W‘he'riewith' fe receives the highelt arti. acles of the Chrii‘tian faith. VVhen paflion and prejudice is laid halide, nI' ’ hope you’l find time to confider whether if you were now difputing in ‘ the Divinity Schools you might not fafely affirm thatftobe true which is your épirzion in any matter offieligion, and not expeét that any Caviller who fiandsby and is no way concerned inthe Aét ) {hould thence inferr and cry out that j on are zzrfzzre of it as that there 1}: zz God who ma’a."e t/aer;wo rlal. if this Cavailler {hould go further, fingle this 'alfCI‘CiOI.1 C pe-rhapsi Being‘ only argzmzentum ad bominem )out of your whole difpute a11d.prz'nt a book againft it, would not hebe(as youfay Mr.S. is )not a little ridiculous? And would not you your felf~take as little notice of him as Mr. Smith doth ofyon? I fliouldenlarge upon thig your acceprion ofthe word be- I'z'eve,but that Mr. CbilZingwo"rt£rhathfaid enough of it in his anfwer to’ your BrotherKnot, and T. S. iuhis defcnfeofC£-illingwortb. ’ t 25. Inthe lafi lines of this 12th. page you have thefe words, w/mt do I know whether purgatory be revealed in Scripture or no ? You fecm here‘ plainly to profefs that you do not know “whether Papifis or P1°otefia1Its beinthe right, {'0 far as to ‘Gods revelation in v Scripture; which PVO-.< teflmzts have alwaycs made tl1eir‘r;z2[e; By which we may judge whata Proteliaiittyouare, And that Anabaptifis either deny the Scripture to be their rule, or affirm that they know no ‘error in purgatory. 26. Tothe 9th. ;§. whereof I can fcarcetmaketconimon fence,I might: . ‘tell you that I’10.JPdTlid.777C”tiS;i¥1'any' fenfe tha‘t‘which is {iguified e by the word perfonlB‘ut1i:rat;h‘er anfweirtthiatno Pafrl‘i‘anIent can free any perfon from aiiylfoathf ofbeliefe ‘Wli‘iCh‘he hath ‘t’al{en“§ Fort example, if one Parlianrentpropotind an oath to me to declarewhiether I tliink the Arti-i lclestof the Cotmcill of Trent be.(f)rthodox and ‘Catholick, and I {wear no 5 from this oath ten thoufand Parliaments can never abfolvc me, If 1 fwear in truth I need no Abfolutio_n:but‘if I‘ therein forfwear my fclf, the Pa1‘liame1it can notfree me from p‘er}u’ry,t nor ‘remit the guilt of it. The matterof this oath was Concerningbelief, an_dI never yet heard or read, that any Parliament in England did afiilme power of fetting men at liberty from beleiving what they believe in matter of Religion. I grant that an A8! of Parliament may be repealed by a Parliament and fo the ‘raw of exaéting this loath may be abrogated, but that an oath taken Concerning matter'oFbeleif"or not belief can be voided by any Pow- lreron earth, is the do&rin‘ei-not of any’Englilh Parliament, but only ' of the Conclave at Korea : therefore( good Mr. Denna) creep not under‘ the wing of an Englifh Parliament, but confefli: your Argument to be a na- ‘ked weapon ofa-Romifh Jefuite. , — _ 27. To your Ioth. 5S. 1, anfwer briefly, that ’tis notto be imagined any *Eng‘lifh Parliament hath or will forbid tllc-fflbjifiat of any Prince to‘ ac- ‘limovvledg that civiilltfubjefiion which is due‘ to his Soveraign, fo long ashleremainets iinhisdominions. ‘ ‘ ‘ “ ' P ‘ 25. In 235, ‘I1'g_yOl11fHI Ith and-12th Seétions yoi?'malekept=wz'tb Hereticlgsgl fhallnot infiit upon the LatCra_nfCOuflC€l_( which dCCri€_C(l zmno. 1216.ca‘2'z. 30. that the Pope hath power to abfolve fubjefizs fromitheir obediencejwhich is one of.‘ thofe Synods to which Bellzzrmirz faith all that are Catholicks mufi (uh, mitsbut I reply,that What you fay here“iS nothing to the piirpofefor M r. S. never laid othcrvsr.if¢,f0r_(in the. I6th.pa..ge_ Qfthis preface to, Daz'Z[e’s Apo[e- h T gyforhtbe Reformed Cburclaes )he profef_Teth' fo much liincliiefs to tliePtoma- nifi in this particula"r,f that I~havexhea.x*‘d him if cenfilred bytfome of them as talking there like an inrzmorato. B11t._methinks'both they and you in- Read of cenfuring him and bringing new atgtlmeiits, fhould anfwer that. which he printed therein above fix years fince 5’ efpecially when he there 1 doth very earnefily Lefeecbrtheni toiianfwet it, Vprofefliilg that‘ he had been , many years trot15.[cfei'Witl1it'..1. - The argutnent is this, That which one or . two(_ or fome few)Roinan Do&-ors fay‘ «is lawfull, may ‘(in the judg- ment of Papifls ) be done without danger of mom{:a»l~fini [the Major is Mr. tKrzots dozzritj maiittaineel Cs 4- S9 25. as alfo Valentin ,. V afqaez., Leflius, Enri- _.qu€5a5¢a.C,€llot de Hierarcbia 1.8. C‘. 16. p. 714.. ] But not only one, but ny Rionfa-n Dofiors fay, ’tis lawfull to murder or depofea fnprenie . Magifirate that is guilty of _ herefie or f__tifp_e€’ced"of} lit, ”'C';_z2;ejt’é §pr‘z‘H'cipeg.; _conc,lufio_nem. The minor is fufficiently proved obhiyh_Dr. fer.‘ Taylor’; fer- mon on the piowdertreafoii p.i5o.iand 51. and in a {mall ‘trail: intitixled. Romijb pofitiorzs for rebellion‘ colle&ed by Morton: landZlrIr.i'f4x2ey’s reafons why he could not be a Romaanift ( as be much dflfi-.1‘CCl.) and a gdod _fu];jeaE_ to his Soveraign at one time. 29." Reading’tother day Sleiclazzzsi relation of your friends affairsat Muu&«er.,I.n1et with this patfagc, that there was (i 1412 made at the cam- :ceI:vafiiCo}zjt'a}zce that promife fl7bulc1'm_)t lze kept with H‘efretz'cI;s,' or tbofe that Izefufpeéied for Hereticlgs, tbeugb they came re the S We upon the pzzblickfaitb oftbe Emperozir for the bexringof their czzu]'e'.Sleicizz}z_i,[. 3. ad rm. 1.5 2.1, mibi. _ p.;5_.9. edit; Francf. 8°, ' go. You whoPretendtoslellz'on, dijbhedience and xzpojhzcy from the govern- ment of the chfzrch efRo1ne5 which in good egzrm-{'1 l i think tleq will never be _ able to anfwer, z/pen their Own principles. Anf. ‘ Obferve how this man ( though he called himfelf Anabaptifi and S eétary but two or three lines ‘before thefe words ) now foon forgets what perfon hehad afliuned, pulls ofi" his Vizard, and appears a bare faced Romanifl. Obferve how he who ‘ profeffes to teach men to-be d’1('obedient and rebellious to all Bi{hop’s,palli- onately and haflily takes part with him, who hath ufitrped upon all Bilhops in the Chriflian world : and rather then loofe hisdcfign, cal- g leth all whonow profeffe not to obey the Churchof PtomeRebells,'Dif- obedient, and Apoflates from Her Government ( fure the can not in good earneli fuppofe them to be difobediengunlefs in good earncft he- bclieffc they owe her obedience.) ‘Then judge what a foul {lander this is in Mr- D. to blame proteflants for their not endeavouring to a-nfwer thofe things . which have been anfwered an hundred times by Bifhops unanfwerably 5 Judge what acrime it is for one who calls himfelf a Proteflant to 0b}_¢& ‘ ' “ —aga1 5 .a,n‘.;: mat. . againfcthis and all other reformed Churches, the molt bittericalumniesei that the molt extreani rigid peeviih Papifls have devif ed. . 4. You goe on thus; fuppofing tlaeir ordination for wbicb -tloej “fa znucb ‘contend to be ofneceflity and of Divine right, and tbat tbe} bad it from the Church of Rome, as mofl certainly they had. Anf. Here you feem to con- tradict whatyou laid in the 6th. ,6. (p. 9. l. 33. ) in thefe words, nor . could be in trutb aflirm it. But if you mean by thefe ‘words lalt cited out of-the 12th. 53.. ( as they feem to import ) that you elieem our ordination to be ofdivine right becaufe it came in fucceflion from the Church of Rome,’tis a wide mifiake. In fumm, methinks you declare here openly in this paragraph that all who are baptized and ordained by any oftbe Church of Rome (as ltis certain a great part of this nation was, even in the time ofGregorz'm M. ) do tberefore nowandfhallfor all future age’: owe obedience to the Pope of Ron e'3'or elfe the) are all Rebells and Ape/fates. Whereas we are not more Q)3€(3ll1CCl by thofe who were ord ained by others from the Church oTPCome,then Mr. Donne himfelf was baptized by the hand of ' one of thofe who was baptized from othersrthat. were heretofore Romifh Prielis; fo that our Ordinatjioneisfueely’ as divine as his baptifme. As for his being? rebaptized,‘ both the Church of Ronle(for whom he pleads ) and we and all the Chriflian World account him,for that, at Rebcll and A-1 pol’tatefrom the [Inivcrfall Church. o ' i 7 35. But becaufe he {ayes in good earnefi he believes it can never. be anfwered upon our principles, he {hall receive his anfwer in-thefe three lines following, challenging both the jefuites and ‘Anabaptilis Mr. H. D. and N. N. to anfwer it afthey can: ' a . ~ . s The Anfwer 13.: tbir. 36. The popes ofthe Church of Rome dare not deny themfelves to have l‘€C€lVCd Ordination from the Church of ferufalemg notwithfiand- ing this they profefle that they owe no fubjefiion to the'Bifl10p Offeru‘ falem: Therefore it Was(not prelaticall, but ) Anabaptiffzfcal 5 malice-‘t0 tell all Bifhops that have been ordained from Rome they are Apoftatesand Rebcls from the Church of Rome in good earned} if they ( avouching,or- 'difl‘1ti0f1 fI‘0m the Clergy to be of necellityand‘ Divine right do noto- beythe Pope. = l T a ' n - e « ~ ~ - 37. That Whichfollowes in your books about Mr.G.8£Mr.P.who difputed againfl the Romanlfls(ai fa& vvhich I believe Mr.Hen. Denna never W25 ne- ver will be guilty of ) al_l that know thofe Minillers ‘know to be fupcrfl-u- ous and frivolous. However I to whom ou (in defenfe of the Q_uakers .very pertinéntly do objeét this) thin lit to tell you; that whereas the , Romanifi took a longer ‘time only to put forth an edition of that,» which if he had dealt truely was all before done to his hand; whereas heihath alfo fo changed, tranfpofed, added, diminiflft and made ofit Whathc B is ..na,y T422, ia>*/W'k:r.1?enn’s llpt‘, that I believe it will be as Toon ‘owned for your(I mean.net S. ‘but H. D’s.)confe_rence as Mr. Pearfons or Mr. Guzzningsg I nnlfi now tell y0U* further ( what you have been oft enough told) that that relation can- not expefi to be regarded by Mr. P. or any fober perfon which is fdi['clam- ed and difowned by three ofthe four who were difptltants, viz. by b0Ch' , 1 the Proteflants and half the Papills. p ; . . p 38. But ‘chieflycl muff entreat you to confider whether the inferting of above zoo. lines at a time as part of the conference which never was part’ ‘ofit (befides all profeifed additions) 2ly,e Whether the leaving out wh01¢‘ fheets of the Protefiantsnvhich the Papifis thought too hard to anfwers and'3ly. the fcarce fuffering any ‘one argument and anfwer of both to come .together ( but cafling ufually parts of the fame paper of Mr. G. ma- ny fcore leaves afunder one from the other be not a fcandal that any Chriflian would defire might be covered with filence. And I would glad- ly know from any ingenuous perfon, Whether this might not be anf W61‘ enough to a book put out at the charge of the Romanifis own purfe and’ confcience; adifcourfe by being mangled rendred for unintelligible ,that 1' carce any man ever read it over or will. . t I i 39. One of your friends fentg copiesof this conference between M13 G.Mr.P« andpthe fefuites to Mr. T. S. in Cambridge, who being very dc- firous to hear what was in it‘( and having not leafure to read‘ it all him 5- ‘ {elf ) gave two of them afwtay, upon condition that thofe learned ,per{_0fl9 on viliom he bellowed; them fhould read it : but they 4 both. threwit afidc before they had read -a few l¢gy;_5 95 it. R,C\V'crend «Mr. _ II.7él.’.liMbor,thC deceafedi Library keeper,was perfwaded ,bygMr - S. to-read one leafs lb!“ profefled before many witnefles he would not read another if you would give him the whole imprcfliotlzbecaufc ’tW€lS lo unintellegible for thecaufese above mentioned. . e 40-As for your own l?o9k(w.hich.you €.Qf!‘YRFI1d)%g3i11fl thsf. fame M r. G.of the fame alloy, If a trait as full of falfhoqdais any Pamphlet iswont-to be fraught with, may be belrieved agai-11_fl{o many thoufand Witncfii‘S as 11eg,~g_you both pdifpure two _d§y_es38( at length the difp1;te,i1;re:;~uPrcd by eh; ,1;m[cgpt;:/i__¢themfelves agai~nl} all laws ofdi{pute,as you your {elf then 84 there ackngwledgedglf Mr.G_z:nnings giving the world‘ fatisfaftion at t 116 Tamc place c911,cemi11g-tl1e Wheelie matter and the Univ;erfalllchurches tradition concerning that queflion, in a third ‘dizfcourfe afterWard:,.. at the requefl ofthe M oderator( For the Moderator hearing both Mr. D. and Mr. ‘G.appeal to the Churches tradition, (aid, that the Auditar} was un- fletisfied in tbat pzzrtz',cz.Il4r, and therefore defired that one of them would take .15? P611345 170 C104?‘ it, Mr. Define rcfufing Mr. G. did it to which Mr.Deum* then durll not reply 2: word..'_If I fay alligthis cannot rgfcue Mr, G, from the- expeéiation ofan‘replyto a pauzphlctin print, 12;-caufeforfooz:'ay~’tz‘s i1J1;;71”i71ta- we may _e-xpeét his'a_nfwer‘ herreaftefwl-)e.n= he {hall fee fit; with a relation £5 a fo_tn1er_and ofa later jfefuites dealing and Mr. Demzes ‘collated. 41- But in thf meanwhile to g.iV€ you and yourtfriends en.nploym€’nC i s 1th. T Pzpifi. (which Iipereeive’ you want ) and fatiisfaétion if pofiible; Aiiter you hav e anfwered the letter in ,Qgak_er.Dif‘¢rm’d ( t‘a_lg ."9fr:1zf‘ lI1deMC.é;G?bfitb of ChriPcs Colledge, divers of St. johns and othe1I". at any thing of hisxgonference at Cambridgw; fo thathe I olledges(whomel1e taught Hebrew) than from me ;who am confidentl know his Religion 8: defign from other Reafons,befides his - frequenting~7’M‘z'ltonnecr Cambridge. But furc H. D°s concluding that be- caufeflamfej came not to further tryal, therefore he was no difguifed Pa- pifi, is no better an argument, thanif he lhould. prove , that there have been no Jefuits in England of late years, becaufe.(' though divers have been apprehended) none have been brought to Tryal. W 50. Concerning the Franciftan: at Brz:/fol, the oath of G. Cow!z']haw' Ironn"1onge..r in Brzjflol is upon record, and printed in Mr. Prym Qggkgr W. maskt, edit..-2.p.. 3. who (p. 34-,8cc“. anfwers towhat H. .D.here obje&s to clear the. F rancifcan. Belides him at Brzfiol,’ I could tell Mi-.Denue a flra-nge Pcory of his Father Whitebread faying Mafs about London; and of another difputing for the Qgakers, and prefently proved a masked Papifl: at Wolverhampton : but I had rather he fhould have thefe things from others who have more leifure. When he lhall have confidered thefe and other like relations(v{l1ich will {hortly be printed at large) I will defire himto tell the world,whether they be grouudle/is and zmprozzed .6;©-. l. ;z.;lu.¢.P. . e-16.1.16. for~at»the.e;zd«bf r.r>z'n7tlae preface to thefe queries. _ . . .. ' ' * Lu:-nu--""’ ufijir I _ f ‘ ‘ _. > 3 _A'_‘_ H >_ . "W ’_A __ N _ . A < _..., ...____:_,_.._ - ,. ......... .,- . _ .. . ing? An{. this is it needle]? and faolijh gaefiion. Rep. Tis {uch as over? throwes your impeccability the foundation of Quakery, but of this {cc much more at thejehd efthe additional century of queries. ‘ e 54. Did your Companion fin or not by drawing his {word in ‘your meeting houle tothet day, to cut the knot . when’ he i could not untie it, and anfwer the argument. _An{. Slemderer !Rep. .VVitne{s is Sr. Rezveh of Tri/2. Call. and divers of the tell: above mentioned. ‘ I ~ 5:. Why will you ltill pro{e{s your {elf to be an Embafladour of Chrill ( {entimediately by Him, with an in{aIlible_{pitit)s and yet that you pretend no more commiflion nor can fhowinfo more fignes of it than all hereticks have with as much colour pretended .>x'Anl. We have‘; [.41 for our miiziflery, “viz. the power of Goa’ 5 which there art out of, as M (yer; are. Rep. This is largely confuted in the 2. {beet o{_ the di{pute. . Laitly,I entreat you to tel me (after you have givenmcin Wtitinga pun‘- Gcuall an{wct to the{e 55-queries) how 1 {ball know that you will not give me another an{wer next week quite contrary to that which you ipromi{e to give me now ( telling me that the Spirit moves you to {peak contra- diétions as plainly out of your meeting hou{e as in it ) {o thatl {hall be as {at to {eek what your Religion is at left, , asI was at fitlt 2 An{. Filthy dreamer, cliviner, _/lazzderer 1 in thaefiate thou art £72, ‘thou czmfi never /mow us nor our religion. Rep. This is {mall encopirageinepntsfot me todeal more with you if you allure me that ‘till I‘ am 'a;ho V is the one!) man, ifany, ‘now g_g¢;‘,g{{_ him A was the mag? hot rmel forward more for Mr. Smith, till he left dieting a.t,theflziei,;P°S§ houfe grind alfb when the former‘ certificate wasfigncdfiveyears finee: andjthat P.‘ [peaks the more =gai>2,’tZvIr., Smith hecdufe Mr. Smith will not let» him keep the poor mans rent from them. W z'tmf]‘e john Atkin, Will. Lill , Tho. Curvey, John Day, Sac. For your im}-erfe& fiery ofy the difcourfe ( which was long) between the Major of Cmnlzridge and T. S. fee my reply to the 5. query p. 2. What ever quefiions Mr. Nicholfon askt T. ‘S. about the Sacraments I am affixred tl:at,_he anfwcred them in the very words of the Catechifm or Scripture] Butthvbnder not that you ( not rcmembring that revilers jkall not enter 1:134-1’1“’7l);';lhOltld {lander him being a MiniI’tc'r, when U66 YOU Call 0 7V r1119 drzznlgrditllrice in lefs than 20. lines p. 68. whom all(that know him) 2 t know A lknow~to?be as tetnperatet 8~:i'asi‘e1:cmplary»'a:liPe as anjfniatiin the Com1tr}* And‘,p,69. yoL!fay*1h€ 1'5 t0:?"§7916i?¢.fi€6Lf0r.1¥?Titil¢'g 4g«z-z‘ns‘?‘}o‘u 5% when ’tis fulfi- cicntlly_ltu_own, tlia-the’is,tr<_31'lbled with..nofot her 1nfix=mt1t'1[esA%:t_ what he . u had'Beforelweutertainedéitliought.ag¢i:ifi§:7éht.C¢3-t - 'fI’fliélT'c'orlcltidéwitli?Y<§iitTO3V ‘dsm 4;. f0fih1S'_2iIiTW€i';'f6fi13"iii15- mos ll) 1 M232 t%2it‘f¢‘.d3"f f/aE’5L"b:7Zi‘j}z?'§‘ l‘_1_$2oVe“ ‘cztlgfigjusl c’oj'zn"f'et,‘ It/2_zz;z~ to p,,1;~[z'f}¢.mzi;¢*b2tbZings‘fdf tl:‘Ilzf7J'§ Vvlhchcé-Io‘ 1h-l'e‘i'1‘l1:'h21'tG‘. 717. and Fox { of th‘e'1f' :ar‘e,!1Ut that '_ fC2Il'" Chf ; btfi caufe they have not; been .cautio.11s; in publxlhmgo .difcou’rfes~,». but have publifht vain bablings fo ftruth. However Ilc bellow‘ tan anfworto their 37_ m1el.;c$ hoping that thcy’l do as much fo1'n1)f century of addxciouall. :4 Mia f Rgpzyltot 37. Qaeriet propaundezléj W. to ~41: tlaezariejzs and 5:555 Tlars i}2“Cah1b1*idge, or oelfiwkeréfg towle’i‘ldirré?lj;‘%‘ ; 1 l .Fi¢‘té:l1'er au'ynio_W adayes max be’ nf:'A1’clel_ tr1j¢‘Mi11lflé‘fs“«of Chlm without going to the .U1I1‘:ve_rfit;1e’s} ,Anf. Tea‘, tbutllwberea; tbere be onzeiitlszzt tmdcrffaml Lzztine, Greelg, » and Hebrew, who are ofzmblanzable converjxztionfeizt 2znd'orr1‘4imd, ‘ forrm} ( tlmt have none of all tbefe qiia[ificlatiom)fo'run zmfen't,z's t0 glof)’ lz'n_'_S .P‘€t¢1.jS‘Cbzzra5?er.2tl’et.3.16’,. . 2; May any now audayeis c‘xpe& inm”1c.d1ate l11fP.1‘1_'1l§l'0_IflKtO be made Mini.- flers. AnCNzzj. ' , A o l } , _t 3. oA%rc not all who dcayzijmmediatc tnfpn_tat;o1; pow‘ a'1cla}fs?'fdté"cive1's.r Anf.Ndj. l 4. Mayall that belongs to the trm‘.CI1urcl1 be‘ Mii1ifiers,thlLo”ugh F i{hcr- men ? Na}; none unleflif fem meoli:z_te”l}v orzfmm cziz‘}zft‘e[}, mzallif tI:¢}pre- mm! :0} immediate m;g7oirc.m' prove it bjfi‘x‘i1'2i‘Clesan}sl1a‘njgi22zge$5 is the Faber- merz z'nVC}.7ri§?s time did, A ._ V . 1 g - -_ _ . . >/ o l . 5. Who Werc‘th¢y_t1li'at built the Collédgcs, ‘and"ca'lled’then1 Trti;_;~i¢§;- Coll. 81c. werénot they Papifis? AM. Na}. ,Kz'ng Hem} 8. Sr. Hm, Mildmay, Dr. Cazius, Sidney and‘2nm,z},o'tl:e‘fs oftbem weft‘ Protefiants. ‘I be queflion is more gonfidfrables _Wb‘o /lvafilljiaéid upon an infambzzs record, for be-t-‘ irgg the fiffffullérs d'oj2ét‘,oftboj21Cql{t4ges mBz'cb'tbejv nevérrf 5z¢4'z'rltl?. 8' { . l 3 1 6. W are’ they "S-a‘i lot-S or"Applf_‘ CS that dctzijcfed mfg) lh‘oi1ld be made Mi’-‘T zlifiers at Collledgcé. ,A‘flfl'yN€if5.€?fdT ’t'1fv.eg5’7ietvei*_zZ¢’éree2l.. L t 1 l ‘ 7;‘ By whofe order w'ere_Scholars‘ firll brought 1'1'p'lit’1l~C_ollcdges.+ Anf.‘ B) Gods; who mentions Scbaolfof the P?‘fopbe't:~ ahd "Ilse wry word Calledg. Why have they tltefe !r;1amels‘MaI’tt_:’r’ of Arts B. D; Dofiour of Divinity .9 Azzfz B} tbéfame 11-a]'on,tbiitj?;méi:fifel— maid: fflfptgenti-ces, anjql, flame. jaurnejé mm, andfomé freemenxalnd fioméI>‘re‘ziI{. ‘ ' ‘ o Whencc had you tliié’ fort ofGowns"for,M._ A, B‘. Dffilxadl D. ID. Anf, . from Calvin, mid the Lawn ofcivzl Cprporiitivns. Whofirft”invcntcd and ordctcd that praitife you call commenccment; h . .9 1 . Ant‘. He whfirzventecl §’c.’:oIar5-exerc‘ifes_:md M://z"ersfar Soz»Zrdz'ers in’A‘rmz’=e:-. 9. May fume learn Divinity where others learn to he Phyficia11§,Pr‘iefi5i 8(c. Anf. Tea. _ e - h % é i. 10. Who was the firfi Pricfi that preacht with Doftrines, Rea-fons , Ufes? Ami. St. P4211. Read Heb.‘ cl;%2zp.g. 63“ 4'. @‘c. Hath not this Method reiation to Heathen théams, Aiifwer mi: ciiteifizly; ‘ AnC.Na}. I 1 . > It. WI1e'i1eeIe‘a'rne'dyou thofc words, Perfonh, Trinity Elxcharifiz Didthey notrife from-payifls? Anf. Nd}, from zfob. 5. 7. H912. I. 2. 3.“ ”*x«ys'fa, Epb. 5,4. Phil. 4. 6. After H. Scripture Zmgejt cmtb ¢zr¢fe~:fig,y;_1;_,',, ‘bf fi?'s“z’ Ecclefiztftical writers : as in Tertullian contra Praxe,m),Q7Py;'4;¢ frag}, beret. baptiz. azlj'14b_ajzwIW- . N : ._ A r j 1 e ' , I2. Are not a1‘l'?Perfn§s'vifiblei? ‘ Anf-. Nd}: For St. ‘Paul chills Goa’ the Fa- tber'( wbomyou dare not deny to be 4 perfbn.) the Inviflbie God, And to den}, 17z"mJ_to bcfp is gig:/ycrefie, 1‘;/3z:t/2t1W_B.g'c/97:_9j.222_;z;1T‘__c‘g;gz;bej.fztzIede,‘: . . _ . e > . 13- Whéflzcr ch , body 0F.iChrt ch -ti fu1fred'..atjm2j§zlgm b¢‘no't a~p‘é1*é . .--.. I.~A/I .-«.o *‘ ~. _— ‘ 2‘. )’ _’ foil“? Ant. ‘Nzzj, “.2eoa‘y' ."s'..ar“.z pg»; oi}. I4. Had_Cl11‘ifi_in that body Qther.-..tWo perfons,?_A1_{I‘. vhathqri tbéH.’Gly.g_/f-*&y§g[«’¢ tb?flSvn.of G0g.til';i":IZ_yéS,' eijen 'i1p0‘7i“'tbe' Crbfs": the Fzitihere was in bim :z.’&-dab“: i~;iZ‘h"’ Ffltbffg (Ind the H. Gbofi in 50119.‘ iI,‘y'o‘u uriélérflkzrflt not this myfier} read Pla“c.:ei1s.izn2:’"Mr.Efiwick. . ‘ _ _ . To 1:he’.‘_~’;:5. -1:6.‘ .23; 124. 34. I.«a11fwer&’etz..;. .To the 3.2. andgs. ‘Nay. ~17 I i7} Whiatfis €.hf3;,1i1'3FP.r;ii!C3P19 Ofthe Oraclcs 0f.Gé>d.:Aflflffihpentdnce-» .frag,,[m'd.§pQ;t]<‘_;._...Heh.-6.,1. ~ . ; ‘ ‘ “ 4. 5 I5 13,] ,.?(9%d§_‘ tl.veKiy ofzgmszedge, :5} 1m ..'...z ’...2..;..,, eru ea 2 e - V t 20, What is thecandle of the W icked*? Anf. Life. t L . V :21; H,owrof1:'iS!t'put'0ut?.Anf. -Ghcei; 4 1V t ‘ T ' i L ._ . 22. ; Wheref€)rcisi.light3given tohxm that is inimife1%y..«?_: A‘11[’.i‘ ffbat‘f{zti~ ‘ face ;;m)I,bai¢;e_£1€i‘,]2P?’ft’é?"W01‘}(,6’-. .‘f~; . _ - I» -. 5: .:_ 93,- Whatisthat which the Gofpel is preached to, _&.i:- An{_'.~,‘.'I'o the ‘Soul. ‘26; What" is the Soiiiof man? Anf. Tbzit which deg/tzrts out of mtfnsibodyt .-27:. wage i§‘th’e§ a2rresé.ace between die saa1? .;.ia‘ ;§.;;.;i;»i;eo.;.fi;.j;z..;:4.g IW; a’”2'i'a?tZve'bfbé%htI5é‘loia5ei~'S§u‘l, 'vi‘z.t 12.1%; gzarizrza, 80:. L ‘.28? 2.9. jSee Dr‘. Hemnionds nbtes. - 4 = ‘ " 30. What are the inhabitants of the Waters? Anf. Fifbes‘. . 3;. What_be the ‘dead things under the VV2i;ters ? Am’. Pearles- a . 5 . - . 32. What is that the Gofpel mufi'b€'jPr_caeht toils H¢1=;l:th'ei1s~.? Aénfi fcie‘rrée~.‘ i ‘ A‘ * 3'7. May‘ah§*'bé"pe'1‘fc€€While up’_.0R1.1 jay thkeii ’tz'.« 2 cm. :5. 17. for upright, my M; .34.1;beirwzm¢e.;sye;7t ,<»;.,.ry. (14), An anfwer to the Challenge ofG. iW.lan’d Fax bf an ad, ditionall century to the 55. CczmI9rz'dget()\ueries. The .5/rallelige 1'; in tbefe words, . L“ A 1/Vbatiewerptbou be that gar:/efbrtb the 5 5 . Qgtefliom, I c/94].. ‘T "long thee to prove any railing languagefpoken 12} any of uy ~ ag’a'z'.7zfl C bijzfl aim’ the word" of God. Trutlldefending the Qgakers. p. 2 6 Q Of Chrifi and ef the V\/‘ord ofGod. Ecaufe Ifee you make _no fcruplci of denying any thing, that you { kef-5 Iihall now 1n‘fiance“oI3lY‘In whatyou have printed; _ tercote , J, p ;. ~ ‘ ’ I. Isitnot railing againfl God [Father, Son, and H. Ghofl] toifay, tlfzfcbthrce {hall-b€‘»_d4n_mea', up in perpctualll dargfnefi for the lake am! am" 1.‘ ‘c it, as you ay In yourl mad p. -10. . a ». . 2. , nd zlyz is it not railing againfi the word of God, to, ~ allert that ' thenew Teftament is no better than an eld Alma.nWa.cl.<~.2. Which yeu »do1neFfe6hn your anfwer to -Clop/yam .ent1tuledjCa1m a’tfc01m°ea'p. 5, 1, S wljfl/y, Where you lay tlgjgt what Poul wrote zmto the Epiaefiamg and Colojjiam ' at not concern usmrt zsgeneratzomp , S _ S _ S ‘ . - _ 3. Is it not railing againfi the word of ,God,to. fay that they are teachers oft/16.24120’/‘t’t[a,I_‘1,Cl_i_I1;C[fff)ll1‘e\«Vl1O" profeffe the Scriptures to be their rule to walkhy, asyou_fay,1b1d. p. 10. And that the are hlind guides, who teaching’ the people fay, Aleleatken t9 the wot of the Lord as ’tis. in. {uch acnaptet and vcrfe: Cloudofwztnejfes p.4. S . O _ 4.? And that_yout,companton gltkzfzfon ( \fvhoWas fe la{c1v~1ous in and ahout.No‘rziézcl2) and the tell: of you teachetslhave as full 3. ;mea_{ute of V the fpntit as the penners of the Scripture had Tmtlas defmfé 12. 43. anfzver . ¢oHarris28.qucr_ies pgg. ’ _ 5. And that they, who believe the Scriptures'to be ‘the Saints rule, are natural men and hypocrites, who are forbid to judg fuch as you are 5 and that men who have thishigh opinion _of the Scriptures cannot difcem the things of the fpitit of .God.‘ib.‘ pp. 14,. . 6. Ahcl that he ivhé hath no light to walk or f peak by but the Scrip- " . . Fmnlfik/],€ Int-LA 7.‘ And while you thus vilify Scripture, do not you place your own writings infteed ofit, calling Smééek prattle the pure ward of I/Je-Lord t0 the people .> ( Lmées defenfe . IO. 1. 1.) calling‘ your own books the word ofGod ( fee a prophecy of? the mightyday of the Lord p. I 3. vials. of the truth of God p. 57. 9. IO. Newes from the North 32. Io. 24. ){ which is an higher term than ever you give to the H. Scrzptzrre in any of your books or lpeeches, that ever I law or heard. 8. Do not you fayrhat he whocounfels men and women to make ~ their fervants read’ Scripture‘,&: to bring them to the lpublick ordinances will prove anotherbloody Banner and is a traitor to the King of Saints 3- Prozwlpbarzfee reprovcdp. 37. A . ' - i_ 3 ’ 9. Do not you fcofif at fetching joy from Heaven to comfort the heart againfl; forrowes .> iéia’. .39. 41. . i 8 ~ IO. Is it notblafphemy to feliy that the God whom. Dr. Dwzytm ( and 3 the Church of Englzmd)'praifeth is the Devill,the father of lies.-who éotb mull be tegrmemedtogetlyer as you fay in‘ Goliab 12.7.8: to fay that Sr.T.He- wits wotihip of God is fi«lthy,p. 2.btit fee more of him in Q. 96, 97, 9 8.. I I. Is it not againft Chriil to fay, that he whofaith Chrilli {hall one day come again perfonaly leads the people into a pit of darknefle and blindneffe? which you fay oftfiin Imzam/cy of the righteous fled p. 7. 8. 1 2. And that ’tis no deceit to own Chrift no s‘ otherwife, than as he * -was before the world began. Barrough agaizgfl Bunianp». I 3. I 3. And that the denying Chrifi to be come in the fleih ‘( which {S :1 mark of Antichri-B) is onlydenying Chrifl to be come in the fleih of his Saints? Mafaa againll fahzzfozz. _ 14. And’ that your fpirit is the rule to try fpirits and Scripture by 2 «Anfwer to ‘Pram. Harris‘ 28. quericsp. 9.. » z t _ I5 . And that they who deny this can never know Chrifl nor the voice Of the Scriptures, tl‘i‘o’u.Gh they read themevery day? ibidem. 16. And to {av th§tc- it is abominable in the fight ofpGod.to-‘pray to Him 9 Pamelin his watch 46. y . j 3 « 8 , 17. Is it notyour conflant dosftrine that no wicked man ought to pray? Galiabp. 15, e'9’c.. contrary t.o.]’oh. I. 6. 14-. Aft. 18. 22. jam‘. 5.I;.]er.1o.25. c 3 3,3 I 8. Is it not more plainly a {in for a- wicked man to plow Pro. 2 1.4. “:9. Is it not clearfrom Deut. 8'. 3-. Prov. 30.. 5; let. 2;. 36- that Godhath more words than one. Every word that'procéeds.a.2t of the meat}: 3 91° God 5 is thatgcvcry C/zrzfi that proceeds .>. 10" Db? . 21 9-. Y9i1fthiI1l<:it_ .é—.g0§§1. aFgl1m,Cn.t ithat hecaufefihrifi i§..§b'«S.; therefore}-the Scripture 15 not M9‘ the word of GQC1 ‘.> Is,I10t this a bet- ter,Chr1ft is the/‘oz; of God,thet_efore W.and Fox are not thefogzs of God} 5 Paper)" 2t. ls amodeftppetfon, whodchaptgeyth T. S. with rank pope-ry ‘ for believing trarxfl4{ia22tiation,i when hé knowes that T. S. hath primed .a book agatnfl tranfubfiantiatton which hepofferd to give to G. W. in the honfeotmr. NiqIgqi[an1a:ely,;M@i0r ofCaInbricl.%€? 32‘. May henot with as much truth ( and by the fame reafon )charge T. S. with rank ¢.0\/my/eerj, becaule he hath? («at the .inPtigation of the Ma- jors wife and other Quakers as Acldczs ISIIOWCS) difputcid againfiit. 2 3. Have Wcnotcaufe to believe you G..,I4/ézitqbead to beta Papifi for ntaiinaining ntheabove mentioned fl.p9fiI1<§ms1 ;aga1nfi the written word, .9414Q§l1$r:I% s , 27. Are not fuch affertions as thefe concerning (infallibility Sc impec- cability) likely to make more Popes,and worfc Papills in this than CV61‘ were in former ages 2 . . _ _ 28. ‘Are not thefe Romiih Deélrines of your abfolute infallibility and perfection the two pillars of the Roman Church and yours 5 which be- ing dellroyed (by inllances) all the refl falls to the Ground ? Of Material] CImrcheJ'. 29. Are you of the fame mind with thofe Qiaker-hand-maids, who fubfctibed a petition not onely againfl Tythes,,the Clergy, and Leammga but alfo for felling Colledge-lands, pulling down Steeple-houl¢5 C 35 Y0“ ipeak) Bells, and free-Schools Z 30. If you be , how can you affure the poor people Of E”£l"”“' ‘ml our next petition will not be agaigfi Hofjzitals, and all the 1afld$ b"1°‘?§" l is _ I g (18) ing to the I 2. Companies in London,‘ and to take away wliadbever hath been bequeathed by our ancefiours to pious ufes .3 , 3 31 . Is not Chrilt as capable of receiving lands, Comrnunion~Plate, or other utenfiles, as of meat, drinl-:»,, and cloathes .3 Will he take vi-» étualls and refufe revennues, be fed to day and flarved tomorrow .2 Ma:.. 2 . 2 . 2. S3 14f that be truewhich Chrifi faith, Mat. 2 5. that what is given to the poor and piousufer s is ‘given to Chrift, by what law’. of God or man can it betaken from him? 4 ~ * 3 33. How hath Chrifi offended the Qtakers, that in the lame paid- on wherein they defire that the late Kings houfes and lands may-be fold, they put in Chrifts too .2 Will you confefs you have fought a. gainfl him alfo, and~conquere_d him? Pb: the word Church, K ‘z'rk,~ new iignifie/s..the Lords houfe. Chrtfi calls the _hqufeof ‘prayer his houlie,-, Mat. 2 1. I 3. Mar. I I. 17-. Lat. 19-. 46. \V~hy'rm1lt'iCl1tr£fst houfes be re.- queflred, pull’d down and {old 9 _ . ’ - 34. Is not the place of-aalliemblmg called a Church, I C or. I I, I 7, 1 8, 22. I Ca_r.I4.- 19. . ' 3 5. Did not Chrifi frequent the Synagogues? 3'01). I 8. 2o. Mat. 9,3r9,' And the Apqfllgs, A8‘. 1.3. 14, -1 5.-;Aé?._ I 3.2 r— I 7._Io-- I 8. 19. 26.-— I 9. 8. 3 6. When the jaws moved Chnfi todo a miracle by that argument, he éuilt us 4 Synagogue, did he blame them 9 37. .15 there any thing in Scripture againft building Synagogues or I Qhurches £or VVor=flii[3 .2‘ ‘Tile Qgaiierr opinion: corzicer2zi2zgf:zndry other matters. A , 38. Doth it not appear by many of your books. that you think it very- necellary in the beginning ofa difpute with. any af1an,concerning you; re. ligion (85 throughout) to fuppofe your {elves ‘abfolutly infallible “St in the truth 5 and your Antagonifis to be liers and in errors .> you fay all other men have a fallible fpitit. Anf. to Harris 1243. 2 I . 3 9. Is not this a fhameful begging of the A, uefiion 2- 3 40. -Whereas youyfaiy, that on dqiibt jdegfe ta be received without. an i7zfaZIi'é’le're*fiim01ny ( Golia p.8.)_is It11=.iO‘t' ‘very‘fi t‘)‘zouf‘r.ouIc’t prove this infal- lible tefiimony by fome infallible 'a'rgum“e'nt; Whichtaillrmen in their wits can underfiand .3 . y 4 1. Ifthat be true which you fay in your 2 d. "anfwcr to '1‘. Moor p. 2 7. . . . ,.(r9)._ . . . that what is not i1firhediate"ifrom“~Cod, ttnuli ‘be “literal teachings,r are not all your teatfhings literal and therefore to be negleéted ; i - 2 ‘ 42. is there’ not a falfc .‘Spi.rit infome men as well as a true in others, and may not the light thatis in yoube darhmfi .>‘ 2 Car. I I. I 3, 14.. Mar. 6.2 3.May notfome men be aéted by the fpirit offalfe-hood, when they think they arelaétedpby the Spirit of God, as Zea’:/eiah? I King. 2 2. I. 43. ‘Is it very probable that your fpirit, which will not be tryed by Scripture (as you lay in Truth Defending p. 1 7. and in your anfwer to Clap- ham) is one of them .9 Seeing that Gold is ever fufpeéted that muff not come to the Touchlione .2 y _ 44. [fall your preachers are immediately‘ and extraordinarily infpi- red by Gods Spirit ( as you pretend) muff not the fpirit be believed to contradiéthimfelf, fince you contradiét one another 5 as Huhhmham in his T mths Defemep. I0 I. faith, that the wicked are not to read the Scrip- . tum 5 and Bmeoagh againfl: Firmyin 12. I6. faith, that mm but the wicked ( fach asscrihes and Pharifees 2) are to read them.. ' i 4 5. VVhereas you fay in your book againft fojh. "Miller cntituled An; tichrifi in mm 12. 14. that the Scripture will :20: arm one for of the nvorfhip in Steeplc—houfi’S, will not the Scripture own out devout and attentive read- ing and Hearing the Scripture there 9 46. Are not you Torry for our affertincr in your book called T mths Defeizce 4°. p. 98. that Chrifi did not {end orth his difciples to baptife “ any with water, as the filthydreamers the prielis do, and tell men “ ’tis an ordinance ofChril’l, who are liars of him 5 for Chrilt did not “ mention any water to his difciples .2 Contrary to Aét. 8. 38. and I0. 47- ]oh. g. 5. Mat. 28. 9.Eph. .2, 26. I ]oh.—5. 6. , ~ 47. If there was in the Apoitles dayes nofuch thing as VVate'r-‘bap- tifmnvhat was the meaning of being baptized for the dead, 1 Car. 1 5.2 9. 48. Whereas Chrifl: Mat. 2 8. «.1 9. commanded his Apofiles to bap- tlZ€ all Nations, where do you find children excepted ? _ 49. Why do youflgall the dofirine of original {in a foul-deiltroying, and a God-blafphetiéiing Doétritte .> ~Praud-Pharz'jZ»e repr0L'edp. I 3. V 50. \/Vhy do you lay that to have prayer before and after Sermon, and afterward a benediétion of the peopleis a Popifh cufiom,ib. 12. 2 9. 5 1. Do not you hold that neither God the Father, nor the Son, not the H. Spirit are Pt-rfons, but only operations within you .2 _52. Do not you hold that every one hath a light within him, which Will convert him from all darkncis if he follow it ,and teach him to wor- {hip God aright 9 C 2 53. If _ '5 3. If fo, what priviledg had the,1j'z%aelitesabove.other people in haw-A ingthe writtenlaw .3 “ _ ” 5 i f 54. May each man in the world know by that light that the Virgin Mary brought forth achild, and that Chrifi died and ro{e again ,> 5 5. Do you believe hewas born of a Virgin, andnot barely of a \’ir--' gin mind, as {ome of you {aid neer Lyn when you repeated ; the Creed 3 56. \/Vhereas you eflem Ettlefinfiitns to_be of equall authority with Etclefiafies, what do you anfwer to that very plain place that place Ecclm. 4 I . 2 o. Be alhatned ofwhoredom before Father and Mother, of a lie be- fore aPr(nCe, of hefore the fudge, ofoffente heforei the -Coz2gregatio;¢, of T heft, (ft. 0ffil€flC€:h€f0Ve them that f nlute thee, and to look upon an knrlotz 57. VVhereas you {ay that Chrift and St. jfazizesiforbid fwearing, is it not as cleer as the fun by the following words,[1n Mar. 5. 3 4, 3 3, 3.6, 37 . and ]am. 5,] that the oathes which are forbid b.. Chrilt-5 and the A- ‘ pofiles, are only {wearing by the creature zly. Need efly. 31y. Falfely. Swear not at all, neither hy hetwen, nor hy earth, nor jeruflzlem. ('92, 58 . Do ou fiill think it neceifary that thofe who are the true Mini- {leis of Chrifi ihould prove themfelves to he {o by wzzndring, having no cemtin dwelling place Pas E fiztrrangh faith in deceit hroztght to day light)», 2 4. 59. St. Paul faith that where there is no law there it no t2ra,71f,74re/‘]2o;¢ ; where is the law againfl the trade of a Mufititzn 2 which you, and Hnééerli thornzperfwaded Ettles to lay afide, contra_fy’to Carr. 7.20. If-IP15.‘ 4_2 g_ 6 o. Do ngléyog hold the foul of man to be no part ‘of man-, but the ver beino o o P 5 . 2 1.‘ Dzh not you 6.1-‘ox and others of you affirm your {elves to be e~ qual W‘lJ!.'\l]] Go? .> Saul: efi;rtZ2a',p. 2. 50. 6.510. Hnlvlerthorn agninfl Sherlock .30. itnesW..Mnr a ,M.Alt am. ,5 to ' ~ P 62. Have not the Quakers of Sutton in the I/le of Ely confeffed that there be almoit as many falfities as affertions in what Huhlerthorn ( in his recorcl of fizfiferings for tythes ) {aith concerning that Town, 12. 4,;fand is it,not.probable that there is no more truth in his other fiories than in- that of H. Ward ? Witne{s C.aptai'n Cole and others. ‘ 6 3.. Vvhat doth he mean by {aying in the fame record, p. 49, that there is but a few Magifirates in England that truly fea-res God 2 t 64. Doth not he mean, and. you believe that they only {eat God who are of your religion ? And that they onely are to be obeyed, who bg- lieve all that you fay, and do all that you would have thafi 9, 65. D.) you (with Huléeetlwn in the {aid Record ) think that they - {u cr K 3 I } fufferfor well-doing Int. 3517. who {ufferfor den '23 ~ tag at ‘ - , \ dfléfled éjldtv, zmdfiites to the ‘Lords: of ellunnors ,2 )1 g P jpfnfb Ml“ Qgtakerm Pra€t’ije.r. " .6 6. Isitpollible fomany Jufiices of peace Miniltersi the Gof- pel and people in the county of Luueafier (as you mention in your Suuls errand) (hould teflify by their fubfcriptions,that in our meetings little children are Pcrangely wrought upon in their bodiesfdming at the mouth, 8zc. ( which is a. fign of being pollefi with the Devil Mur.9. 2o. ) if it were not a truth .3 s 67. But fuppofe that all thefe within the County of Lama/fer did confpire to belie you Quakers (as ’twas fuppofed in your publick dif- pute that you lived good lives) yet is it pollible that the Minifiers and people of Wefimarlund fhould joyn with them in the fame lie, and both be fo bold as to prefent it to the Camel of State and civil Magiilrates un- .der their hands.Sec fome depofitions {old by Dau’ at the Gun in IU_y-lame _> 03. Suppofe both Counties had been (0 falfe and impudent, can 6. -Fox‘. be foimprudent as to print thefe relations and fcandals himfelf ( which he doth in his anfwer to the Weffnzorluud peticions p. 35.) and not to fay one word againfi them if he were not convinced, that they were deinonllrably true 9 6 9. Therefore mull: not all ingenuous men believe the Qiakers to be spollleit by the Devil,till they have as good proof for the negative as thefe {everall t‘orementiond_petitions and concellions are for the afllrmative .92 7o. Did ever Chrifl or the Apofiles difiurb the Priefls and Miaiiteryf of their time while they were in their worihip of God, as many of you do .> , 7 I. Did Solomon Eules well in entring into Mr. Edm. Culumies pulpit in Church time, fitting down upon the cufloiau (as he himfelf relates it, 12.2.) with bisfeet upon t/Jefeut ( where the Priefl, whet: be but}: told out his lies, dot/9 D fit dawn lfirmiug «packet, fa that the People lafl their fang, (7%? 7 2. Did not 7120 Holim of K ettdale go as naked as he was born through the marketplace at Kiréy Stepbeu on market day 08'. 2 3. faying, ’Tz's not I éut Godthutgaes naked .2 ( See the witneiles in the 5. Netr-CaflIe- Minifiers anlwer to f. N. p. 84. ) And do not you abufe places of Scri- pture to this purpofe, for tho ’tis {aid that Peter» was naked [To/a. 2 I. 7. yet he had at the fame time a Fiihers coat 3 and David had a linnen 7 pho ‘ C ‘phi onwhen {aid he We (9%? at =fake Mot. to. I52. and 5. 47. I Sam. 2 5; .14.-and 517. 22. A8‘. 2t. 19. Lz1Ie.‘Io.‘ 5. Pfzzl...'129. 8. Ruth 2. 4 i . 77. Why are not you fo mannerly as to call your fupetior, Mafier or Sir, when you fee thefe names givento men both in the old and new Tefiament ? aseto,Aérol2zmz 17. times, to Eliflqa by the Prophet,2 I ' 79. Is there not a civilworfhip, honour, and.re{pe€t, a.1ldwed‘ ‘by the holy Ghofi in Scripture, to be given to men on earth ‘.2 zzeoex; 9;'Ley, 19. 92. Prov. 6. 31. 6. 9, 1o, I I. Gen. 41. 43. and 23. 7, I2. 1i”Por. | J 2. 17. and.3. 8. Pfol. 15. 4. I Tim. 6. I._- 7 So. Is not the wotd~zbou ufed upoiithree (and. only three ) occafions in Eoglzzml 5 when we {peak to '-God," ily-T.o an intimate -eqi1al famili- a1'friend, and 31y. to a bafe feliow 9 and is it not therefore uncivij to ufie it to any elfe .> efpecially fince ’twas a1-wayes abfurd ( as Erafnzor in IE5 dialogues obferves )itznfl2Weho1nz"/mrz Aflglzmz, to that; an Englifh mang 8 I. Ifthc Apofile bid us to give lyoieozir to whom honour éelozzgetb, and ifhonou; be 3 fign 3 how {hall -1 know that you honour any man, unlcfs you fignifie it by tome outward mark .> ‘ 6 8 2. Was it not a {in ofomiffion in ‘Zoo. Witmzm, a glover, to run a- way from Stzzrr’2;"idge fair leaving his debts unpaid .2 Fifty {billings being due from him to Captain 7o.?mCole for his booth, and large fummes to u the Brewer, Baker, Bu.tcher,and others who are a1lvvitne',Tes, . 83. Is it not very probable that mofi. of yrur Qgake1'——prcachers are guilty i A e V \ guilty of the ‘fame crime with I./I/'z':3nzz;z,i defrauding their creditors, pteé tending to be carried by the -gplrét Int? one COl{Jtflt_V, when they date not {how their heads in another or eato anfirte W *.> ‘ he ' 84. Was it not~a‘fin of commiflioplin fame: Par;¢el,& ‘ehiefpreaiching Qgakere to {tattle himfelfittColtheflergbalé; iIi'6:5'9l?“' e i 8 5. ‘,\7Vhereas falm Gaz'lCorot1er ; fade 73%;» foreman,'j'cfl>pb Smizlz, (ff. anal you all confefsi Lamétdefezcfe, p. 14.’. ‘that the jury gave it 2'22 upon them" oat/yes that J-amesPamcl wzlfitlljltflar-ved_ffJzmj%Zfta &l'fZlf_}7,_' that they 4- greedto this; Mr: tank it 2"», e8zc. Isit not iahfin. or you?’ to ‘putwhim in ‘the’ cmlagmof yourMartyrs‘printedlatelysbyCalvert and to"gtve him the t lataelt haranae ofany in your lifi .> " ' t - 82. VVas it hot 21 finein Riclm;f:dVVard of. Newnzarket riot [wear by Goa’; nvozmcls and divers other dread ull oathes,..m Stuxézigia air 1639.3 who wasfioéi hisptophanelsapprehended there hy theieCoh>llfab1e, ttlid forced to pay hfS..muf&‘by .th¢ e Maiote C4mérz§!g?;l’ Story,thC. Conli-able and othetsi A i T -‘V j “ 41' i — . - £87. IS‘lt hot cenfefled lfIilSdu1$ e.rre;_nd 12; 9.(§1I3€€1i’.2- h7ffim’>‘ gftlflff a" ollower of 6. Fox ptofe ’ ed himfél t0‘bC 9 @111 F1 5?“ .g3V<’é outpropheciesgiziaéthat the~d2i of judgetnent lhgoul-d_. ~l;>e_ion th.e"1_'5. of Noveméeaalnd that there lhoul never lit judg¢*atALrW.l1fl€V agauz; - ' 88; VVas7it“t_1ot ha fin in yoiiti Btothe’r Gzéem‘ at ' C5'W‘Tfi”. . 35’ “"7 1%” ' Bisérauzzlneer Béetkam to commit buggery with ':1}_«m_ate. dVV1{tnefs Zlmm Banks and R. Clark: Wife of Beetbamg who both 0 F erd to, epo C it. b Was it nota {in ‘in Clariflagi/vei¥i.»1rIei';7fvi?j7(jf i . . . ' ‘ _ 90. Did not the fame Azki7zfoz_2__ {:1 in running away from Nortvzch ga-ole 5941.4. ;555 (for which_'_¢au’7fe,th1_1'~;_ €1_flfi"C£}’lS fem: after him ) and ittcat _"nir‘éLvvziv theneegoodé which are,piot':htseoM1i? ~ ' i hit 9~L.D1' - nb;f_f_'1ée"”'fa;ne.Ai/ei72]3}z;‘aftef he’hl211c¥.'ptofeFl’ed rlepentfiicctla {gr ‘'5 lewclnefs VV;‘ltlTZ£.rfiula' ptaétilel greater ‘Vl any at 1; 1e rm ca e t e George in Tbzmoni, fix miles from Norwich .> See the relation of thefe matters , rint,edfor Fr4nkllin,?and,at;¢f?§Cl bY:§hC M3301‘ Of 9VW"I7-. A 92; idrhott B.;gfl9:a[j cmi;’1e1_1te,‘,.Qaal<_c; atid Mallet at ]Sa.tér;«{§e— worth finitt: meafilring corn when he bought .1’: Wlthgn hOllfiWhfi1'1(-'k331;d witha convex when he fold the fame,“ as was prove again im at t LC Q"1a—rtCr-{€l7fiOfiS in Hartford lat} flflirflvéicfmflf -1 5 S 9- _ C24) 93. Did not folm Rockwell fin in telling Mr. Lion of Saéridgmytz, that he had not finned thefe 7 years, when °tis commonly known he got. his ma/id with child within thefe 4.or5.years.3, . .94. Can you name any fineither Ofgamifiian or ca_2.2zmi_/flbzré, that om" eminent preacher iQ1aker:_or other hath not been notorioufly guilty of 9 9 9 5. -Did, your triends (who were about goo) Quakers fin, who ( Aug. 2 8. a 1:6 5 9. ) feized in an hofiile manner upon the watch at S4- éridgewort/rfii Hartfardjloire, which was fer by the conllableg who had his authorityfrom, Sr. Tho. Hewit ( kinfman to the L. FLEE TVVOOD, General) ]ul’ti_ce of peace’ then in comtniflion (from the Parlz'amem) as he had been for io.years without interruption gwho appointed the watch ( as it was then in molt great townes ) chiefly becaufe the Quakers com- plained to him that they had been abufed ? 9 9 6. Was it not a fin in thofe Qiakers there and then to difarme ( or caufe to be difarmed) all the watchmen, to firike-t fome of them down fo that one of them {pit bloud, to thrufi his Ladyes cozzcbmm into the body in three places,to fer a pillol to his breall,to let upon Sr.‘T.Hewit as he was coming peaceably from the publiclt fervice of God gand to commit divers other infolencies upon his Lady and children by reproachfull. language. 8cc'.h>VVi‘tnefsi flan Carter, and many others of Saéridgewortb. . 97. Do not you own two books,‘ entituled Some tonfideratians, and ad fiandardfet up; And do not they Pcir up Englifb men to ad Munfler bulinefs .> 9 8. Did not falm Wells tell Sr. T ho. Hewit, before the commiffioners for the militia, that he was the greatefi fellon in Hartfbrdfbire ,9 And the fame day ride after him,and tell him was lent by the Commiflio- nets to command Sr..T. H ewit back again, faying he had told the-Com- ' miflioners a lie) when the Commiflioners did not {end him to sr,7_ H? 99. Is it probable that Qlakers think it unlawful (as you plead) to take any oath, when T ha. Bufla and divers ofthefe about Saéridgenaortb have de- liberately taken oaths before the Magiftrate, yet were and are Quakers 2 9 I oo. Are not fundry of thole eminent Qlakers who worfhip the Devil perlonally appearing at Sheréurn in Dorcet[hire,and commandino‘ them to renounce their baptifme which they received at the Font? O Laflly, becaufel believe you’l be apt to fay that fome of rhefe who profeffc to worlhi p Beclzelmb are not Q1_1akers,I‘pr‘ay tell me(fi‘nc‘e you have no Sacra. ments to diflinguifli you from other folk, as all other Religions have ) how I {hall know thofe that be,O3akers from thofc that be not?That if I have here- in called any by that name who are none of you ( which I think I have not) I and all others that deal with you may diflinguiflt better hereafter. WA — BX 7734 .A2 .S54 N&fl-OQIXA umuum ELL SPC RRE RARE IIllllllafliiiiliilimllflIll 01 0-005936721