g‘gORDINANCEit g LORDS aOnd COMMONS Affembled in Parliament. For 'g’l‘he Calling of an AlTemny Learned, and GOdly Divines to be confulted with by the PARLIAMENT For the Setlin‘g %Of the Governement and Liturgy of the C H [I R C H of ENGLAND, _; And for Vindicating and Clearing ' the Doétrine of the {aid Church, from falfe Afpetfions and Interpretations , as {hall be mofi agreeable to the Word of God With the Name: of all the Mini/hr: appointed for the f ___“ wwwwmhwmmw W- Die Inn, 1 2 Jun.164g. % Rdirtd 57 the Lord; and Com»: afl‘mélad m P urban"! that I’m OOrzh'mmcc befort/mitb printed and publifbed. ]. Brown Cler. Parliamentomm: LON r.D 0N,_.,Printcd for 1. Wright 1n the Old-baily, [um 13. .1643. wwmwwwmmww i l-in Par liamcnt, for the Calling of an Afrcmbly of learnea and godly Divines, and others, to be confulted with,by the Parliaf meat , for the fctling ofezthe Government and Liturgy of-the . , Church of E ”gland, and for vindicati-ng and clearing of the Death}: " ofthc {aid Church from falfe afpetfions, and interpretations. r {perms amungfi the infinite blem‘nge etaflmt‘gbtp 4563 . . {7‘ ~_ 1;; upon this fiationmtmeism can be moge beat: unto us; ' .; t' {a then the purity at up: meligton, mm to; that as get me; ‘ t- 1 netbmge ttmame m themmtm’ , mainline anu fie: ”‘ 5‘ anmt of the match. which 008 neteffatflp rename a further nub mote perfect Retogmation, then as-pet but!) bias-n attait mu : 2mm whereas it barb been Declatebaun tetnibeb by the logos 'ann @ummoue aftembleomaatliament , @bat the pgefeut (Eblltcbs gobtcnmentbv firebhtwape.18ifl)ops,tbeit thattttuoge, momma: tiee racemes Kazan“; emu thepttts, Quanta-tans, ann other "3:612: fiaflt’call Hfot’ttte ntpetmiug upon the 'ilaietatcbp , ts tbtll emu jump efienfi‘ee ant: hattbenfumeto the mingUeme, a great tmpe‘eimtnt ta refoemattou tum growth of Religion, auu betp petiuettt’all to the flute mm government at this itingtume, nun that therefogetheyart Ct: , [omen that the fame {ball be taken amamun that fact; a gobtnum‘nt mall be fetleot’n the (Watch, as may be mutt agreeable to «Bone (10112 momenta mutt apt to mature am] preterm the peace ottDe Emmet; at home, we Meter agreement m‘itb the (match of 8ch m. an?) a: 110:: tefngrzuea matting abgoau , €1ng fog we better 91?an u not, " ‘ Z." \- 2 nub \K‘M la melanoma; mm mm trauma tb! ml: of 2 England from all fall: alumna arm directions , 3t {5 thought {it ‘ mm mum to tail an Qflemblg of Rama, gablp, anb‘yubianuz Bi; ' ' rims, to confult an!) anbtte at turn mantra arm wings, mammoth: 3mm,” (Dal he prenatal unto mm by both 03 meter wagon: es of Wiment, arm to gibz tom novice a mantel! tbftzm, to {my or either of the rain mufcsmbmnnb as often as they {hall be um:- unto tequirwdfic it therefogc smitten b? the Laws any (Eonlnlang in this parent parliament aftemblcnfibat all amp elm? the palms hereaftcttutbts’vnfmt @gDiua‘nce trauma), that late rap, Algernon mm of 339 tbumberlanu, erliam male or 752mm 3 Phillip fiarlc of mm rake arm agentgomcrg, Wllliam mm of filam- burp, Henry earl: oflpollanbfid ward maul? gaunclnacrmilliam flown-mount my arm Selle , Edward 10;}! Mitcomltctonmap, Phillipflogb Wharton, Edward 10;!) Howard of Mr. John Sel- denEEQu. Francis Rows 611111. Edmund Prideaux QEfl'm. 291': Henry 'Vane ktfigbtfim'or , IohnGlyn @fqudisccogm of neutron , 10110 White @Lqu. Bouldfirodc Whirlocke @fqu. Humphrey Snlloway (flan. 95:.9mcant Wzld, Oliver Saint Iohn @Cqulais flatmates summer, Sit Bgniamin Rudyard knight, Iohn Pym lfifqu. fill? lohn Clotworthyknin‘br, Iohn Maynard Wan. 8,59: Henry Vane knight junior; William Pierlpoint @l'qu. William Wheeler 65mm . QitThomas Barrington knight, - Young @lqu, fill]: Iohn Evelin knight. Herbert Palmer of gunmen BMW!” in Eibinity , Oliver Boles of 9mm Batfibluozm Emmi”): Henry Wilkinfon of 913a!» Datum Barbells; lumbering Thomas Valentine of @balfont <15in NMJBHOZ in Elfiifllm, 113:. William Twill of mmhutp , William- Reynor of (3 31mm, 531'. Hanniball Gammon of gamma, 93L“. Iaf- per Hicks of lamfidle, Er. Hoyle late of Dublin in arclalw,Wil- liam Bridges Of {96ml lltl), Thoma-s Wincop of Qfillefmogtb Dada} in 22mm , Thomas Goodwin of neutron zfiatcbrlloz in 3%ibim’lp, Iohn Ley Eubmngtb in cinemas, Thomas Cafe of )LfillDOu , Iohn Pyne at fiereferms, Slat. Whidden of Qamzetonfixmcham Love [If Ekington,Et.William Gouge of BIRCMfietQ 10110031, 32:33] 91‘ - Brownerigg Bitbop of @rcerec, Qt. Samuel Ward 913ml?! 0‘ film _ my tic? flailebgmobn White af§nzcbeuerfid ward Peale'of'Qlfomm. , Stephen Marfh'allnf jftntbmgfiem Batcbfllfl; in Divinity, Obediata Sédgewicke of «tenant! 353 “1121103 in. 91%, ‘93. Carter,Pcter Clarke of Qtarflabp, William New sf ufifitnmon ramming in {We nitp, Richard Capell Of {attcbcombg Theophilus Barhurll of @ljftfi $031 meteorite, Phillip Nye of Samuelson , E. Brocker Smith of markmapgm. Cornelius Borges of maxim, lohn Greene of 1‘38!!- ,mmhe, Stanley Gower 0f mnmptmt 25:11am, Francis Taylor Of 1981* . m’uthomas Wilfon afflthamfinthony Tuck ney of magnum masColemanof filiton, Charles Herle of Wufifllflifiktfikichard Her- ricke of eoawmec, Richard Cleyton of fibomtllfieorgeGibbs of apkflnn, E.Galibute Downing oflaackuep , Ieremy Boroughes of .%aney,Eomund'Calamy Batcbeliogt‘n Emlnltl’, George Walker GBatrbzuo; m Elbmitp, Iofeph Carroll of )Liuculns Blane , Lazarus ‘Seaman 0516111191135. lohn Harris martian of wincbeflct 01201120532, George Morley, of Siamenbau , Ed ward Reynolds of QBganflan, Thomas Hill 0f @ltCBmflrcb animus; in @lbmitp , E). Robert “ .Saunderfon of fimtbbmganmll , Ioim Foxcroft of @(libam , lohn \lIackfon of waffieflv‘llliam Carter Of ILDUDOlehomas Thorough- ‘good BfQBafiinghamJohn Arrowfmith nfflmnw,"Robert Harris of 19mm! QBatcbeuog m Btbtnttmaoben Crolle of masonic Qtulleuge ’Battbellmm ileimtp, lames archbifljap of firmagb,D. Matthias Styles offiaint Q5203Q€ @Ecbeapc lflnDOflfilmuel Glbfon of “Burs- Icy, Ieremiah Whittacre of gunman, E. Edmund Stanton of {kings flan , K). Daniel Featley of ILSMhetb , Francis Coke of 39mm"; Iohn Lightfootc of whale? 3 Edward Corbet of QBZI‘IM Qtalleoge 9:011, Samuel Helderfham offieltomlohn Langleyfnf flmefimhvtflip, Chriflopher Tifdale 9f minimum, Thomas Young offitommats {unlohn Phillips of mtemham, Humphrey Chambers of Quaint”: , tnn'Batcbelloz-m Duality, h ha Conant of Eliminator: QBatcbcuo; in biblnlw, Henry Hall Of fiflgmlti) QSflleBilflz in Elbililtp, Henry Hutton ,Hemy Scuddir of Eollugbogni‘flhomas Baylie $91931an [0103531168 , Benjamine Pickering 0i @«iflhsnzelcp , Henry Nye (if Glavbam, Arthur Sallaway cf§mh2mmaaka Sydrake Symobnflf £01130“, Anthony BUigefl-é: 9f fiuttswmficm, Richard Vines of @flmg ——————‘-- “WV’,,,,V fiw—p—vv— “.7 .7vr' W ' ~ r , . H.— —v—7 ,, fiakot,’WiUi-Jm Greenhill 'nf $f€pfl§§§ Willid’t‘n Morefinr'! bf 3mm: cam: , RlCha'd BUCRIE’Y a «D. Thomas Temple: “95$“th , Idfias . ' Share It: Lombarnflrirmsatcueuoz m Emitaitpfigmicboltonflho- , mas Gsttaktr of Rotbetbifl): Bantams; in Divinity, lames wad, of fiwlattm, E. ChriGOphet‘Pa-fhleyufiigamatbeu, Henry szet 353“!)th in Dmmiip,~William *Spurflow 05196111po {I} 08mm- FrancisChannell Of QDWH , Edward Ellis 'Of' 051‘“?le $flttb€uo3 in Emim'ty, Dr. Iohn Hacketi of Q; mummy {9011113319, Samuel de La Place, lohn de la March, Matthew Ne wcomen of D2Dbam,William Lyford of fiberbogne ' in ~Q£am..Dogtet , 919. Can-er of Dpnmum 'onm. mam William Lance of tantrum m fllBinulefex, Thomas I ‘Hod gas of kmfiugtan m atom. $300125”; Andreas Perne of With? In @0111. jaoztbamptonp. I'hom as VVefifield Of $.758ttb010m8m 18 great 10th: 13111199 olegiftollpfiemy Hammon of {gamma m 1W", Nicholas 'PrOPhet of mantibuzougb in atom. malts , Peter Sterry of )Loubon, [ohn Erie OfEIGJODRON in diam. (Wlitfi, 9,19. Gib:- bon of maltbam , Henry Painter of 68mm Batchctlo; in Libinitp,‘ £19.Michelthwaite of €06tpblltfon, Dn W' co lg! awamnm the ficlos. €9.Price ofiaaum march in Mffiicnetwmry Wil- kinron Eatchcnog in tibiuitp , D. Richard Old {worth gigaficr of 115mm“ Eolwbge m crambginge, SBB.William Duning stamina: flan ,_ annfucb owe: pertou am) petioums [ball be nammatcn mm 1113110111th hp born 190mg of {Baruamcnt , oz to many 9f chm as man no: be 12th by fickusze 0; other neceffatg immanent, that Web .mm affemhlc , mm are hemp requtrm ann turopnea upon rommoné‘ much by the flakes 8611020 {901mg of laarliament, fit at weir fr: inc-sail cc§pca1bzbm2uings,t‘u meet anu amiable tbez'nfclbcs at wen;- ann. 1‘ mt!» aim-ppm caucni'zficmy we [evening Qzuappeugoufithfe um '08? of ,Iulv m to: put of our 16.020 , one xbnutmm fir inmb'zco . fuzrvtvgéa mun a‘tettgr fi‘cfimwn‘ng, bring atlrnft o'ftbc name; ~. cf fozé'p, mu fwmmne to tune (3: am} he rcm‘onmfrom placcm piece, amaiio that me ma flfitm hip than 112 Minimal in £11613. mam an an hp mm mm; of gmtimmmt fin i be Di‘rtrtws Run the faffi :pmfagg g! fl? m-{mp offiycm 83 533$! ‘6? CD atfemfiiciwz fit) 31"" but}? puma ans-magma} ans are Ecrc'up Ziae‘mifs tniepuen‘ftom time ‘0 > ‘ time -titttehtttt'nh this metent {parliametttm mitiutuethee meet he the hemhyhnth the ram ihoutemto confer a treat amonga themfeihce, of filth matters attbthtttge, touching mm concerning the ILtttttgp, vitamin: a government at the erhutch of England, at the mutate: ting a cleatmg of the Dhaeme of the fame from all fatfe atpeehoue auu mitcanheuaione, age than he, peepofeh tmmthettthe hoehop etthet ofthet’atu matures at {Beelta‘ttettg am) no ether, at to ‘heithft their @ptmone att’a ahhifee one; touching the mature n-faettath, . asfhau he mohagee’eawe to the heath of (1503, to both a; etthtr of the teeth {heureexeom time to ti tee, in teeth manner mm tote, ' as by both 02 eitheenf thefat'hihsufee 0t tweltantentfltah he requiem, (E the fame not to bthulge hp matting, wetting 0g ,ot'hetlm'fc without the cottfeut of bathe; et‘thet-Ihoute of watltmtenwinh he it {nether gozpatneh by theauthotitp atogetath, th .tt V .v an em T wifl .noa‘ee m Dthtmtp-thatl htmthe chat‘re he .{Sgoloeutoe of the Eatbfltfleme hlpmnp tt he‘happeu-tohte a; be letter: by ficlmetfe at other necettetgz tmpemment, then fetch ether. hecton to he appointee tn meninges . than he agrwh on hp bath the [cup game of watltaments flat) in eetmnp Difference of mm» imp pen amungflnthe; rathpeee “meta attenuatengteuehtueane .the-metm,thatfl)allhe 021mm) to them as: afoeel’atn, th at then they that! repeetentthefame,tohta . thee with the teams thereof to bath 0; eithee the fate themes re: fpectihelp, to the em) futh further Direction may be given theeetnee wall he eethtet'n that hehalfe. - Qtthhettmethee gmmtnenhp . the authOgitp ,atoeetatb, (What to; the chargee mm «Expenses of ' the fate abatement) eheeh of them, tu ”attenuate; the fate tseht’ee, . thetethallbe auomeh untoeheth of them that than £0 ettcnh , Dun . ting the time of their, Cam attegtmhcesmw we fill WW hcfoee ann ' tennatee after the theme of fence flange to; there; my , at the ‘ themes of theerommoumelthtet fut-h ttme mm :11 tech manner as . hp‘heth theatee atthatltement Chaube appettttee. Sine he ttfttethee - fibenmuehflhet alletmehetethexeih .Eihhlwfio at: afegejhth tt. .. . flatten atth enmmehto mt’et attb aflembte, thaw: freeze a- eeqttttten 0t anh from ehetp tofieneejoefeitutepenattheffe 03h: atttage tuhtth (We; may mite 0g move he? tea‘t‘ea 0f any twuvrtfthtntc e.) eh: ' {9.1158 ; >Wm L, _ ‘1 " " " \.A.-.——~-- ‘ " ‘" " “ " " “ " ' """""" ““"M‘. ‘- . r .7 . w” r- “Emeaf than malp‘ofjhnn, ftoiitbisoz their, him“ that fibuubmaurcbm , tom: (“timid of their Emma Dmeupon the: e , any Law a; btamof mum: Deuce, oz owe-mam a: 3mm mingling to“! menu W9 upon: that rename 993mm 03 flames t9 the contrary tux-mot note influencing; am it . oflbt pwfona befmcnanwb (balm: pen to Die befozatbcf .7 _Wp [bail he autumn by gamma not!) {ponies of 193th A 73119:: mob am- petfon 03 nations [but he uummm sub mutant-be rmme :33 than of fact patron a'nb pawns to Dying, as mm (mammal: he thought fifi ant! mm upon: flab may CM WWW—Mam to to be mama , wannabe the at: 190mm: aub flatbazt’tpflrammc, mu acquit: , tail to all intents aim pummmnfl alto gamma nun alum: , . am in: We fail) [which Dmingtbe anuofm‘eztbet’r attend Wmaapotbetoftwmmmmm the “mm m by m: 930mm limiter: anu appointen. momma snowman: WWW 0: uttmgwm Wham! gm am magnum mag; them. mzwlwmmm wafimmamm any ”WWW dtfiaakau madam, 0; any mm mum mantle expzmto , A— " - m w~ W A ‘ fiAmgu. ‘, (4):, “'9‘ ;‘ . t: M.” “”fW‘“; ' L ';.<4‘.-.'|I / 5334:“ng ’1»? i " "I f "f, 3521'!" “ .. 44. um» .- ‘x -, BX 9053 .A2 1643 m at m ~ ELL SPC RRE RARE BX9053 .A2 1643 Illllllllllllllllllll 01 0-005940994