c 33% 2:’... » ..;&£- L@§§¥LiiI§'*§§tg;§{n:g V§@m"%1m"”m:;;r 1; gimmmm ‘ . . “*’§;~ gig} A 3*‘ ~« . ‘A 1 ' -Q3-' * ,.. ,1: . at: m ruth A N D T 0 Our Salem;/2 Lezzgz¢e mm’ Cowmzzzt 5 am aza “ A S A L S O A A Aga11:1ft»thc E rrcmrs, Hexcfies and Blafphcmacs I ‘.1’ " V ~ ' V... % .‘ . . w '.=—L« ":1! M ofthcsfe tm1<:.s,,~ and £116 "1 olcmzzon of them. 33;, “:4 gm _ _ ‘ j ;§a* % W’/.';':$?"cM:¢ M m-/Erred %,,>‘_ If Cqeizrr/a¢g$z;'e of divfrs of the fizid. .E7Y6‘I4‘F"J';8CC. All of them "*; bemg collcflczd our of thci1:AmIm1's ownfloaks alleadged 3% ' in the ma1‘gin,and laid down in their own Words; except one ...:5':"“" . that was mairmtained in a difpute in Oxfo7'd,Dwcm!¢.1 1.1646. 35%?‘ ‘ and fix or fcvcrn which v'm'e": aiihted before a Committee of the Hvmwrzzé/-9 Haw»: of C“ommam in the Stzw-Chaxnber, and 1%: V , A A z, rcp01*tcdto-the Har.fl’,St':pt.12.I643. A V’ “ *3» Qpnmmuwuuivo-«tr-a ....... ». ..«u......,«..p.-n-A-‘r--'-vv-‘-« -um ‘ ‘w.,.....«,. ‘M #11 Subfc ribcd ‘ ‘by wighin the Province J of Larzdwm, Df;”.‘C{f‘n'-3b.I4.’8(c, 3647, m ...:~’:i'~“-=' ,., % % , _ % % _ 4 «V , _ "'_ ' «J i: % ‘ Stand, /;Ic2‘U€3fg;*_3/0291?‘/Q}'7:'£’.fq§¢3{lI"1't25‘0Zl7WIN? TI€.‘<"21"H; and lyawxgg an we 5'4’ brgft pkzre af rt;gEM4'£’atx_fi:“£fl?;’;; ¢z;2;1_;mz¢rfccrfl20d% wftbtvbe Preparation 0] the _ '3? ‘II _ G9/fi'el‘aaf;'ear.'e$ %£:ph.tv.1m,M'. % * % ‘ ' "_" ' For Cfiadkzazfi: r:nr‘_gzm’um z}:¢»_/j’2zrzt zyf.w.Mr:r agfpawezg, af£a=ve:zm£% of 4 % {ozar:c12m'2§_'zg’_e~Be 2261' than zlwejozrcz aflaarrwzl aj»z£'z 2“ E S T 1 M0 N T rfbur _ _ ' ‘Lord 2 J. x:mI.7:V8. % V » ' -- ; ‘ W‘ -. D: Cyflriwn. in Epifl. %I.xv5i)'% § 53. Edit S.Gcul.mij. 195;. w Vidcrir vcl prcvaxicatorum npmncrus, vfal pmdxrorumg qui mum: in FF.ccIc:fia comm Ecclcn % fiam I‘-nrgczc, fie fidc-m pamzr ac vcmatcm labcfafiarc cazpcrunr. 7 L V _ _r L0-7\C'D0.7\CM,%_ %_ H V Prmtcd by A M... for Tm. “Cmdcrbzll at this Bible xn Wooclflreet. 1648 ~$Lgr;_%‘ J g§;@;m,“5_4'1j;;7LW'““jj?»%‘W’”%4:k;_§33§_g;‘.j§§¢§’»;1§{ é~”=i;,T:_£r;fi“ii*j§-.g’_sj“_;g%ggz__e_;_am'«>vs,>iT“; if-.i.I;<._-«tam-1I“L a"fi'1}’:{'l;r"7afi§Tz1'I'I"""’T‘m:.*zm.; ,-r***m..,.,.. nu" . I .. - A % *’$ V r"b.._1:;'::: I A.’ W ‘I §§2?$g%§;é@%.g§§2§§t%~%%%m%%§§-? T OTHVE A TESTIA ruthofIefi:sChrifl,A . OW Solemn Lezzégue_antlC0’v¢nantA; ; V ASA L5" 0 T / AgainPct11eErrolurs,’ crcficsand Blafphemigg 2 "’ AA ofthefe times, andVAtheATolerétionmfthem. 4 A A A WSUB S(}, R¢IB »ED A A Ag . :Pr0vince of gawk»; De{:et;}%b_.Vx4..eéjc;A :5 64 7. A A His‘ 4 ’bf4tbé __/Jt;g‘b AGM hm‘ A the Miniflcxswvf" C 1»; Rxsfr within cha A". A ~ 4 ‘>1’/T/¢* IAIM cflxtmi/iersf af ’AC*l2r2f'fl wit)’:-F Y W3 %4”4At/Mg? ?*’W'/1410" 1'1»:-r-7 A i... f/I3. WP’?/""‘V”fGr4c;, 0f T ; L ’= qvi¢I€W?t5;.€omforta&!4 fa J ‘ in tin} .1*r9wifl€eAof.4London%,A 46'--,A A taunt .z"t W Dilly ptva; ex-prefi'e4 car‘ A ea’? [arrow for, ‘AM dwteiiutzfan pf 41! Mwfie 4!m- ~V " % B «nz«2»ms A wimtiam , wiéicb dimfZ‘ly aflaofiz ‘stbe 4d¢;£;wai:%:g af tin.» 0719'» ‘W3 #16 ‘ ccmtiflfliiag of the? atlrer amamgfi aw. WW6...» 3 Sattmarjb A. 3‘'~’‘’‘’’‘‘ C"~*€- t/Mi Im in paim aft/Jeér exercgye only ( £3’ lxareraefare) 525$ h'{‘- A ~. . . 2 9‘;f‘°=P"94= A we» aft/am wry prefiffit Being; T/ée [preaalmg Herefies,. Salrmar/b, T/96 rwfed Bla{ph”e:.mes , The gemrxfl’ lmiénefle and % f12;3’;‘1:‘9°f8;C* pr0§>h:mg2%nefi'c asmrimes, :f;"kedm~i;ng coimmpt of tbaz &13.a66.’3 ’ VW*_5‘”?’15?}‘“”" Govémmenr vfw Lord Mm C'§’”fi5. all w/9.2::/7 arejmallm gm ffléb M beiglztneaiinsmdation, that V they have 5224 manner éorn: dowzaw-ebefare them, The 4m. 55 1 t/aafrzjfyf aftbc {acre Scriptures , Sfike -We and power of Léggifgndcm Gadifineiffie, madAw*a:.er. Solemn League and’C@vmant““.. ,ena,,,:._3pub1ifl,_ But AWUE a/four /oml:.4re»wmndedtzotbinl:¢ mt/9 mlmt ‘laype- ed by authority Mdindufiry, .4 T%o1erati0n'af2zlZt/zgfe ‘evil: is ende4<'uquV—. cmfi0?tber«€’fiw, lw~:—mafifimf1y rcfmt we ~1§‘em!z of ties...» ' % smomp. : 3. filfmimg am perpetmflo1:d:inLaAn:ces fjzems C,.hri:£’c <4, am’ ‘*5 Parliament, ed’ (i»~ly:ape: "wlzareqfflmdrymZ¥zz2ciz:.:f»?om wlaer jwmérew. 3?epIemi.a 7. $43, A fort fiitber, ) am/with xv/mt 4 welwmed éaldneflg, fsmdr} adios»: lzeretikcs ( mliii:/:=%in-vtlatr pldom bwe been b4nz'/in-« A A cg! mzzdérazm/can’ mithizafdmy db: gz«3jnt apheir ””';o"-‘ pinion: Egmzmgfl m»7,,~= M itZ+:yQintcna!cdvtAa.ma£e ngland 4. Vrommm Reccpt4clcwqf4llA tZrefinfi4l1dreg3 offbrraign Came- trays, Marc]! 4;: affmner ages. J‘1g4ifi§?t/acflerecitcdzri V .c«m'l:,%“* »"l{e4"l~we7 owe‘ to ‘the A&“lary'njfGvd,‘2z;zd M: A Truth. “@7112 Dzkty *"mr% “P115333 4: 4 Miflijkrr, *6): efi'z'ce% ..p.z,;z,g.7,,7_ ~ fecfor defence of the Gofpel °._, «Md +6mm'22g- mitngge» rm 0.l°f§*f4 139"” At“1Ef;‘Trt;tIé againfl all ogpofing carruptiom f: 5» ’TbeJ%‘dre4d. ii’.‘:4e°§:‘fu‘§f;. 1#l3Vim’gemvr€vf4”: Mgr: 604 W flit W? fem’, fir» §:’%‘3z‘;‘:;"f:;, ‘W P’?"’”“fi”’?‘ * 7‘/16. =””“*’;“ ‘”;'”' %m*”0bMmA; 321:5‘ qflkfizmjfiers 4mlotber.s»m4aI1% y mfcd up yen to ggqetuzflflzk ¢x3u_J)@tio fi cauzfe ”ej_:a %fue%rimu prwaricagoffgs it ?.%4ut% quid earpe-' aandum “fa mam mm ‘jfile“riti~o‘fIp1'?0z1.i“*ii¢riJ?)iI_’Iu£l,«O¢t:{1' ht~mflram‘wicifim defera: qtgifialm Vapadfa-— Mw;m.%Advgcgrm, vel%=B4tz*aantH%%¢[§ vro;fifer—z, Galvgfn lecg “ ’ ~ * 6..c,.4:r_ A A ‘ A A A n A» gggww:,;ep£§wsAvf ( , ,~ A /. ¢gAm’.§.?1%£’fi'2*éW“3fiW AA . A A 5&’d7’W”A”55 M by ‘Mt A % % 4; ‘gym ‘ W” W?’ felmx, d This is ev-i-‘A’ A . A A4 . 5 Tlmexemplary 4M+A“AA 3 f A 2/mr mm’: - - » . - A « A A V... demzinthe Ea: , A A - A gmmazzan: but/J am Mr! 17%? I miguzltliflé ‘’fW’{‘«’§“’w”g @ A A ’ A . ~ ¢:1efi.e:flicall% AA A «~”.‘ ‘T/we 'w ex%efiz1tAz0fi 01”“-’ Hfiaric of A fin: agzt, Ami!” P‘”/WW7’ . we/g, fag; fjyyggg fame /7aaz¢!a’ Ezlgfi:b.z'u¢ar)d ' td Clglfiffi/755: that 1” ,’ V ' A A ' ' others. In flwm A — cm]? wdgm 4’“1’”"""A”"‘45’””“’fl””’”’”7 TertzMz’anA fl“”f{”P for #1,)“ "A J: A tjbat I4-aivlie: 4 weeding .' 7755 1remms,.4’ :1.‘ 30/116 Tim‘/M177 -C45’! A’ , efldgdvgary fir Englands fline, gnd ma- V 3 fl[;»,vgfi'c 01!?’ _][0735:Wr A l , ny anczcnt Fan‘ Z”f;‘.“€Kf Am; 5,, fin; 8,;];g fmisfymz 4Wlfi’PP”?‘”ag ‘f thcrs, butc- A :4 Ifigj-' - A ' d"’,m1dmllmAort 10 fpeciaflyin the our own /mart: andwI7fi’”“"’ ‘fag /7) '9 A " 6‘ rzatwitlz 4 Mitt‘: ‘7“”"°g“‘ Te‘ faflbr, wfarcewm e:d'P’’‘fU'‘’ 0” films’ . % flium weritattka V butablecliflg 5547?: 5W5‘,-‘ ‘fifwfig T‘fl’W”J' A A In the; Centu-9 riacors Eccle-— - V ‘ ‘ V A ' % bmrefibmig incite both the "hem A . A - AA - Al-gapter ofevme Ccnturw: 93 fiaflgiigfl, Who m the fifth C A ‘ . A “ fi:erACbrif’r,, and more _ A A A ffA¢d_ agmnfl them fer l_a_’0°»%% Y¢31" 3 A b . d mm, and ‘h°(°» "h”Aw1tn£ "12 0! cbron.omxW: P-$56-‘$9 377* W“? WW‘ °"“. fiuccinftly in A,dfi’€d- Tl1¢f4Aw‘«° W 93‘ A ' A his (Jata1oguet0AA'7”3-‘6"8' % % 1 7 v % A % o % %% _A ' ." -er; A m matters 05 F4" A .. “A A A 1C1)f§c$«ltncigWcighed5‘1'/96 W"5-’~‘*"~"“”“ ”f’£’‘’ 4%” 51 A of Divine!’ my Autéarity 0/’ P4”"”;f“5f:"’”g‘§ Wefimm/M4 Cancerrwaz ”"flF‘”” “I findingic (come abuudamafarisfafiiflfl °f °“~‘5A”dA"” ‘ cs and reioycing of «our fPiAF*i‘$) A‘”g”lmy V ‘V A “‘ ,.V " "1 w " ” .«N-,3 A,AAA»;;;A:,A.»,-«M,- Walt A ‘ "A 4. .A. ,andagxeeab1e Fothfi Ho1Y5A¢fiP‘ wk-sav an pious, prudent A, f0¥W3§ fiidiw of Gib“?-’“'A A A ’ A A A A A wcembraceamm A A fmmgd A,4C;:1u%rghc:Ss A A A % “ ~ A A¢MemélAcQn~‘A% umoAArh¢AW_h01€» AAWW‘?h%%9h’“M ““‘W‘ ‘'6? y A cm my Awcun,hAW@1?‘“W$% A A ydefiras mm A”; m.:*Y%A% A - A a"W'd$‘\fiJ3A’fi”£‘Q’l1 A A :;;1?:i1)c§l']i:tflg:>rtfi?fé?ii.on of Faith, for thefe thf“? K‘A“g%"’C Ahé A '0 ‘ A M é"foA . A ‘ .. domes, tnpurfuance of our gozemm A M” IT. I I. . Asrfohr an; conttrary utxfounec} .0pz'm’am, effiecially A 3% P“:3«_¥°.. A thofe; géangizzaéle Errours", f 'a'4mmzble '_fIe,jrefies4t,=,M and Horrzd Blafpbemzes‘ C to be lamented, if 1t were pofifible,‘ withtears of b1<5ud‘)$whi'chin; thefet wicked and ,Iicenti;+ ’ oz.-is tirnes,are,breached and maintained amongtfi us here in Eng[md,’gnderthe notion of New lights. and New . he *‘3“m:1m-.5 In as. much as we have jzuft caufe to jeudgee r ‘‘ mahyihhhof thfimt d'¢Ft'fU5fhiV€ '50 t.he‘Tvery fundamentaflt A ‘Tnlthsht’)f.C*hf§{§iaI)ity, and the Pciwer of Gcfidiik A fiefle:3taz1dea11Aof them utterly repragnat2tt0T"the S93.-.9-T cred SC1:iptL11_‘¢S -5 3’! ThtC“_cVa.uf:s, of ttmich grief of heartto alfthe friends of Truth and.Pietyat home 4 The Scandall amde-Offence ‘of alltthe Reformed. tChu3:ch.es abread ;. 5 The imparalleled Reproach bf this.” Church A and Nattionv; ‘T Total-1y~* «i-neonfi-=-»~ V T hem: (without folemn Natnonall Co+taye;a.m; with the mofl: high God, and the Covenanted R‘ef0rmaticm., And in 21. word 7 The Very dregs endfpawnt afi- tiaof: old.._a..ccur{ed Hetefies}. Whieh have been ale ready condemned’, d'eatd,"butr1ede, and rotten in their graves long agoe, andare nowinthefe unhappy -daies M T by evil menand feduciers raked~ouet'and'r"evived,Q tq the V §7”iW~‘7~*4~? poifoning a‘ndji2bz2ert~;ing "7oft*na.nythoufand§~ of T preciw - ousfwho he‘i11Egofiildré# in iindeiflmdingg are tofi-“ fi‘a‘{ta;mdf5'o,e and c2t*rried7aat ‘with c€very‘- wiizde -of 1:704- :&LEPha_fl4"'g4.. éyittlwyeiie ta -a’e:ez“«vc« , Q-f W~ho,~m~ the ' Apo me E5. ]&5ifopl1e_fied,‘ iayingg »T£mémt /l”a'oméwl:cnu%nd~a%tio4:»aA Q£%::v*+Ch;ai{%ia‘§a1{wé5= %% fin: me Englxlh Sc‘rip:“nrc:s,:or_ ch:mboak,V‘ lot ra£her~vd1umeVA9f 1hdw| '1 ' 4 :4” ' _ ‘fronts flPiIg’ri'm age 0? Saints by N Lanvrflarlgfims P~4- A 0 Hagiom::Ri:x:. by I Goodwin.» Land (646; Sam :8-A p; 3 7.. ‘ w -my Exvinc Aurb_pQ!tie of. due Sci-ipcnrc s. byI G'.Loml. p.18; é “ way of Dwa- ‘ " V‘ .‘ V W...‘ “ W . - -k ...- m W. . v V ‘ ,- ‘ % * 53 2;. ¢ like gre§t§§I£&.9:¢:is ezadé §tismati99i1¢%$ by %WW ’ wvvmtfil mm 5% »t~ T Isrimtk ’.qg.'Pzw%{o‘2aa£li7.j77z:*pe“.4%%%” vi‘ maid?" a~écm~..; Ext 17iJ&t:im¢fie: km; m4r£<:;mkl1A:u‘l“ma;:eV.. It is £*’aisd;, but; fame %%Lii=i£N°n nQ.li,_hc feexu,.z;.:bj:;5.e£9m he hm t?&Ckf.B’W1$3e;vf?lC€3he=’~ A"“‘3*‘w W” Each 2 £b“ap¢,;; Awhcn he V plsaiieahshe cazx.’makeu[ifib1g,:ggA u >4 .. . ”V'*6'P'3’4' fi1efi he did‘ ct; $54 ,God‘ is tlié name of a perfon, Whereféfc take Goo} :n;SA;§ul;W. perfomally, i$%tD%;:avke% him o‘tffi:twif“e§hen heis, Vi‘ ‘av y w ‘." ' “ V ~- .‘ "“‘ “ 1-‘ ‘ - ’ "" ' .V ‘ M ; 4 ;.J,.. .- ' gags i547 P33. msfi4:sxcm¢“:mmWak:.= mm —. % 1 2'. 5 m-_;;u,. - a ' ‘,‘,."h'gE«¢he¢»S diflinflziomg &Q.5"AE)€~_'t"\a‘.I,f"F:X,.‘2“_.' n1enrs.{'>y‘.Ia:’:n Efienc: Bile ;%e.+y;p. A“ That rhea“ E‘.;mr,bac%r%.1., Sims}-me‘ ma ho1,y4~G!wfi:,A§hAe&»% what: "’ *i+‘:fad' We i‘:3*‘*‘“’“ to Mar» *0? tna%=fg¥fi-nag *!‘K;'f,*.i-.ri:1e light. . ‘:Ac“\ E1 ;_F0y33§'u.rc For ~ Tim, Goa}ki%£hé4‘d?gu:hoqrnot Ihofe }:1‘&ibz::s- sil"c1me",it:4%A‘an*cL‘ b£1{:‘tVt?1'$9 -arc. ‘ wi%;:h w§~i~*é”l-1ffih~i§, bf the~Vv§ry lf‘rérvity,Ataxy,;5§npni%i¢,iIrre-{ 33- §5»%7“ gu&a;ri%.ty:, aigjldu fimhi11nc4{¥;:t {alt whrch ns xn~them. %‘ * YeaGod$ 5'3’: W‘ D"“'1*“* hagh rnwrafiafld-.V:in:§a.cnsflnfu1nes,mem.:;hcy~£hmm*l%vcs;~“ ' A 1? avian of the °‘ w A ;E~f£¢m;m < A % if .1 C EDI), (‘)4 6 Y Divimzs by ‘ :.;:,;‘>;,{:;;:‘;, . meFaahe%r;is;Go»d c£r~e~ncia1%1y,r1re sow-%vicenriauy. {T} £;1,%; by A A ah¢¢q;h,gly:; Spmt ~p_Q? cm}; wily? -fiuigigf. Eh; sag pg, ¢oeq;a.a~1l 5w§g&g,,$%4 u;_ ehaeg; %;:m2¢m,W;:1V@r Spnrmm m « coc__q2.1%a periom, I m-ob '- m+a.p..,.*, 4A@a9nuc,fi9d~@,»;(TflW2r74e «4W"2.vAI*’*-*A‘): — i - A Tfimz-, chat: of',ViLt&m?€,%t:q1;;;i« 1 pcgimmsusmbut the+Cha.pw1l;«¥ :2 " % ~ % f,f*9%1‘ t}ht:%C&13I§ch%.%Aoi+~ A ,LandM chm. Awhjichyf keepqgh the 4; ism.5he.Pope$poumLdwdfczimfa ~his.£akd,;Abo*chAch¢” ,; 3 {'9 ;.€.h$libfl,§fim cad Ieflamant, A the L Twrk. and: *g::eIaz: d;;fl;,,_.,,€d‘ b ’_as:c<;m1imgM to: .£‘m,;Adift@E50Efl1;0Dai~D£éuiig»€ffl¢.C‘; ‘. A lsmmgm MM not corrupt in ms kinda by a contrary habit, who W47 3: “3':J=x;"3;,:f.-2“ nrra}r&A& A ~..4ugh£§mh¢~1vemmm Yfiinii§,¥;%V.¥:impl i;ngi»‘1§‘ail9z¢~§91t % ,7» metmpqgg V;@g§fi£a3;fimmahg ;Ga€1idTa,¢ana“enLm1-&umd%%F:% “ L X aw ,, ‘ I '5 ‘ ,1 ' 4: m..a;2~az .-."’% .. I ‘A H“: #5‘ h‘ . Q;-90 intnhe forehead, Rle~zz.r7.y. by ‘that ‘Wh*iAcl1”is“inltl:e very frcm~ tifpice of all the A Cacholicks Confeflions eoncerning lthey Mygerges A IrinityY. ‘ A A P4111 B’-l'*—fla éttnutfi againfi: we ’zit.12AnErt1;42 Son of <3BoD.;A lémm a. l % Tk.¢*t,lClari£} fbéing ofhis Fathers mofi intimate Cmu.nfelI,, V ‘ % Gods,AI [n7‘.3.5‘ 1. A aim mighty God (nolr alllzighty God) above all Aayppelilatlive A _ % A A _ 3;;-Myfiertes Téw, the beuerpar; of C*h:ifls:~lperfon~is many: thcrebeing §,';;‘;"§:/‘;‘: by but a graduall differcm;e_ betwixcA'hi,and Ma[::,and us A“. 154,99 5“ Thu, TomakelTClmll cocquall to his Father, is to make 4 Myiteriesdm; A another or a falfe Chlrill, or ( todeal plainly withfrienlds) an "Owed by Ra «i+doll*Chriff,or)twoCiodsA(Aaamuchrasinuslycch)“tHe~ great Bl‘/’~‘647~ ll indi.gnity cohis imparalleled Father, /with the indignation of A P 4‘ his Amoft plans Son, iwwounding athlcfmilhcr through his "tides; A andzchac which llwciaow ‘and oltheqrs lherea‘fcer~ «(hall fuffer for, . as, lflw.¢6.;1~éA, I 7;} Farms it is:l1AighAtaraarfonl~ltoJ eq.§1lallizeA»cvlcnM the - 1{"fiflwgS}£on"‘:A“'inh lhsimfclf A:LAA So ilcis high bla‘{pl1emy.4 to AA VAh.cartsofthc V!Ii°l<¢¢lA=fA‘:“A V A eqgallizc lt:heAfirl’c Abmvn zuf :;cveryA creature, Cal. I .. 1.5, with the- Cifcazorhimfelf,[Rom.1,25. and: that blafphemy of the beam A A wi£h2£évAem.1lh€adbL.an?dV‘Ai,ten"hc)rnE“j R:Av.=I“g,A.1,g»,s.&c; and.t5éhacA A myllamgyvobiniquigxy "Wlnitten?;in"thc forehead‘ ofmhe great wlwre, 1.7.5. diamecrally‘ opp6fi,telA‘t;o:thaAn:of Elle» Afatlaersl name l=wri:. .. 3. mp infhe fore-heads Ofthg .:|44oo@.A I4. I-.7~.‘7.3%’.'@"£‘. bk covered by. 5 l l l ‘ l Paullefl. aifitcouugagamatbe%citp;,anhIJibine gfliiwnf rm. ._‘W l’9°1??¢b°“» 2+5“, Thé I-lbl”y:Gho{tlllis"onely a minifcring ASpiric~~; ‘ (0 that‘: asAthemAisxm1cpriucipnll :{pimicAamongl*chcM evil Angels, known A A A V inche SctkpwmsAbyA;chelA name of ‘S:aclmn,Ale§*lc. even fa lt;hcrcAis 0l.IAz.Agglu,§.'..' r Alprilncipalll lpinicl among Anhe good Angels, callsd.A by the men” bylabm mAmc.c1;ftlhe.A;Adv.mca:tz, rl0Iith6j»1?I0l}l,..S7piWl!l¢§" A ” ~ A ‘ K That, The Holy; AG/a«a.Fl':' 13' Mb more omni-pwfm: then‘ My-a" AA 54"’ ll drfcovercdl by % §‘lMyflcr£cs A ABMIM .55 A ” * ._ A. A .»«A.A.A. l _ l . % . . I In. ' W . zmamr, _‘5rhC‘7E‘1@1fY.SPll‘1t~lS 2110 Aomhcrwtfe omm-pvcfcnt In the ments1l§'lTIoBm.;¢ hmrtsl of rhe:fai::hfA:ull, gmglggn Spirit; i.iS‘in;;1!-Eéh’/lei‘-ll‘Bidlgfipx 64,79 10! A Tizlflfia A6 . ‘of Gods-ilove. P-55!! V q"imt_.,the Prea‘c:hin er I fiflrgua % gecafithe worfhipping of ‘t’he’hd»“i _ A . _ y‘Spiiri‘t asfei God ,- 15 fucha.p1ar:u:“%as Godnever teem hxsword (1. A V e A §‘Z,‘}§fefé’4§?”” menace againitwnns eteenaly Decree of fiiectiors A W e_e4neI1e33¢mebat:,on¢ [7 e “‘.'2"lmt, T~hey*iaboL{u: to deny Sad, and C-hréfe, and their mm eSelva;1:ion,.uunder.cunning pretences, wreflzingche wholeeescl-i....e e pcures, faelfifying and mifconfiruéting the eat}: of Eleétion, and‘ Divine ‘light; e *.‘*"eP“£«?4- ..g’Di4vine light. ,z5446,,<-apzzg.e.5'. Prc':dePcinati(m,\ who imake as thou ebfluz the eleét and prede£3cina_ted 1.57..’ That, they when preach aha; neanee (halal be faived E1ec9c,eandi’Predeftinate, are netable liarse 3.5 A That, If the larva of Geodebe limite "A we -f€:W%,it»£s “beingainfinite-4. He that doth good, at fheweth mercy to oneeiak A mi{ery,e;apdA pafl'et;h_ by andtehekr in the like? condiI:.ion;e in every €172 Fulncfle of Gods 10?‘: 11.13,. nifefled, by .¥,,‘.S‘.1§4g.P 1, ;, 14Fu1neffe of ‘Gods love ma-. nftféfied by? bYJ1-=5' 1- ‘.‘5+3!e my v.sihei9hh§ §%§E9E ff: 1-efpeét 3 we defeét em»ufi; em his fiearuoreinehisability‘: A New A week;-mwA mac ipais not for vimmze of ability,’ Gad fhcvvé no: mercy to all; and to afcribeeic to ehiseheart,‘ his diI.pofi~tiori, will or .mamre~11.,, ‘ . _ H e e That, Iris not fuirablcto God to*pick.2£nd;cImf’e‘e‘ amongfl: men, in {hcwing mercy ; for bee may afwell ece;afeAto be, as m] ‘winho1dmercyet'rorna:_ny one in miferyqi. A 4 A ‘ 7Tlmt,,=the Reproleate coudicxiop of men an .L,,-5... V, H , “v ‘ *3 P 1‘ regamed. We call them Reprobates Von.-aqeley for dxihnfixoq J; Dg}:v'ine.Iigh:,. fiekek, 4 . A is mvouw about mutali mt. W. z W V ‘Te/mt,% Noman Ihalleever perifhisn Heltfoire Adamsfin, yea‘: Fulnffleof men have no ~more1rea~{on to blame »themf_e1ves,‘ for what; A I‘15'i;§.’edfi?eL;?}’3° Adam meforevtheyewere.born, _t:hen:Vanehexreehath,;toblame e 4 5 e Y A himfelf, becaufe hisfatheerlpentehis inhezitancee before he was ‘. ~§n:4zue3°-tun“; ee . A :_ A » ewe m‘ A A M“‘1;«'uI1t'je£i"eol’ e f A Tlaut, Velfwe had,beenAto fuffer in Hell infielaxgion toAdam x or theeeleawa ethmchrifi alfee !13¢u1@§ we éufietcé in M fwd gh none {hoard ever be eiaved , L %: bH't$'tI1e§.e A farre from’ e p1ea£ure,,is» toblaipheme his Lexcwellent nameand , Angels,{ha1‘l ‘be’ A % ¢?rr%ours r T * A~,%77mt»r .AMh¢%d£a%hr0f~*€W5fi5’d. A % 1 A mafia. bcgefiffi Athé.rcof,¢weie%}3 ii€hc‘AI’Awa:hcrM A %xr3AVi’f£:x1¢§.€dfor aikl: A A A M - ~ «W mcoutgagainit Eiemifibtiii Ouvflflebffitfiuv-A A ‘ % ThawHypoftdtiéallhmiésnand communion of Profisrficé," are butreallVConéf2di“&ions, * and thefrog-like creaking pf” the Dragon, the Beaff andfalfe Prophet, “ 172.15.! 3. by Veftue ofa I-1oca.?1s Focus, :an"d a Babylonian m(>uthA”. A” A. V -‘ Tam Fmm $eAé?.z.3V;. L In is clear; that Spmr.A ;ALxFe. A Breath, _erA—ASou1.are 1ubjeétiA:o~¢r1aegrave as 'wellAas Ab"od§r at flefh : For Chrifis foul as "Wel»l"£t§ Ahiswflefhh was’ in" hell; that is, the_Grave, or bonds of death,-,%So that be» wholly or chroughlyd%ied Form”-W ~ A A * A A " 1 ;,7fImt, Chriifidid not by his%%deawthp,uxfc I1afi?: Li-fa ,aridAVSa1-1 V va:ion,%%nA:0 nonfat me Elcflg far it Wafi riot? the eat! of God in thc~1ovin.g%afChrifl:‘,jt0 purchrafe Lb+ve‘A‘Aa‘ndd L*ife‘, bucACAhrifthim-% '4 {elf was%%pucsh.a{ci:d by love, that he Tmlight make flout 1~ove,A and purchafe us to lovie: For Chrifi came not to recqncile God to men, but men to God ., For choughchriflt doth bbld Forth Love A" 3nd.gLife,?y§§1:1l1eed.id not purchafé igj but was»purchafcd Abfy it P.“ A V A%AVTbVa:, A Chrifi AjafcendedAupwat;d$>~frdm the Earth ii;xtoA A fame; pat: ef :heCe1e{h'allAbodies ‘above ; 21:52. I; I 9) Ihereforewiché‘ out doubt, ihemufi bein the moist excellent, glorious, and hea- venly part; chereef, which is the 91m $1. A A That; Chriji wmgizrcwtoundergoa Vfhaméfull death, ‘iron: 1n;nt%ariA1y upon cheCrofl”e," ;tofatisfic\for% Hthefin of Adam, and A $9; aAll%the&fins of allmankinde 1‘. ~ ,__K },T:k:A:t,M It: gjvidcndy appears l:’I1§'t»€hi*‘i£%iti~tenti éd Ache bet)’ efijts" of%ehis,«dcaxh,:~z;i:;.] %Re,miffion {ix-1sfi3Ani*1A‘£Ece4rnal»lf Iiifq, to Athbfc Who by crafting in lying vmitiesfoffake‘-their own mercies, idrawing back: copcrdirion .1 as~‘well+asAA for thoic who bclecve tochefaving off their%A:;foua1=s' ‘ VA AA A ‘MA: like: % % "7 Tfitlt, ». nliyfleriesdifa c0v¢rad.Vby ' Paul Brflk 14647.p.I4.‘: ' o Mans Mo:-..' _ taliy. by R.0. 1643.p.;7. 12 Paul Habfén Serm.Chrifi A the efl"c& not the cam": of the love of God.p.4.7. q M -ms Mot... tal1'ty.;by R.0. printed at Am-3 flcrdsm by 1072;: Carma, % _ M A _ b .A %- 4 A A = A \ A 1643.59.35.34; , ; ifittotxcstoucbmgAnuwetfa11,»%;ogtgenevall % A r%%%Praé1Ai.. (3att:-J chifinc, HA. ‘ I-Iammon ,2.‘ % Ed.ALand.1—6;46g paw. A fFulI1¢»fl5¢%oE ‘ GOdS LOVC V‘ .‘‘A A7 man"ifcflcd.%bAy % 1- ~$’1«1:‘541 :P~r34~.' 3‘ P-19-a;,~. ;. % At Fulneffc of Gods 1;ove.by« L . 5''16.g3 [2, 35- w M ¢;:gDi.v«ine “ Fuhzeffe of Gods love. by EMS‘. 364 2.p.xe. ac Pulnckfe of (3 ads lomby \ A lv«-5‘-£5+z-Ap~‘A- 16:. A A y Divine % 8.. A M cakci away ee theetme A (re) I re», Iffiod command the Géfpelto be preached to all, and .,AChriPc diedenly fqr Aefcmflae, A then Acqmmimds 4:A;V.1;3+e to be pfea‘eIiedevtc3‘the tt:it:§A!7tAp:§.t: E3? Atlrie~Ar2AAAAt1':“ A A 2” 194:.“ AT1mfe Achac ceagh; that Cfxrifieedied ‘féxnlfyfor a‘ few, Goipelgandeegrounde ofefiizh ;P am! gm. duceafalfe Goflifil: W553! affiards fileneno ground tQAbe1ee__ve ‘CA. ‘ eTzm,eThe‘Damned”fi1ii1bxztmd, eorcmsa: Adefcenéecl in-A-A toA;;I-fil1,:c::breail¢Vfl‘cd;1_€f{c'Dfiet£Q their evcrlztfiing SAaEv~.1- zionafnd eCQn3f0fF~‘e;Thi5 eCefirii1ian yncan FAai:=h:Awo:~: "‘ 1633169. A a1(o.P’54. and damnarionjof,th;et:1ofl:.part*c:f mm, yvzis an:ine‘vit”ab1¢ VA Gods «Love. by 4 (xx) A 7 That, If Salvation were notzcobe had by Chrifiibut t A rough I b Faith; and‘ 7cfon:d°ern~na’tionA crane; u,poin‘oA them" throougho uVnbelief', f‘;f"l%°"’° 631’ and thecondigion ofmen ;We1_'e {och Athagghzy couldoinotbelecvc, 5; éomgrii and God aforded them not power; than the eocemall Ruins 2 Fulzxefrc of II’) cfiefl of the “fifiarh of ;.°.A “ ;A , A ,,,uM¢O; % 1 . % A . V o _ fiods Lomby ‘ Thar. 1fAmen1n:bc&atc9f nature, were uAnablc_to beleevo INS‘. ‘€43?’ the Gofpel Whfeuo tlyeyoo; heard i‘t.p§'eachc tho Miniftcrs of. 47‘ V Chnft, then would 11: be the Mmxfiry oflno and flghteoufnfig gFulncfl¥: of o,nobmoroe theta the Law was F. A I 7% 2 A A 4 A A e.-‘iodsLove.by Tigat, ‘ Vcho Gofpel is the oMinift;:ry ,0‘; ;;1if‘e, A not in it {elf only; 139- 1543- P- butin rcipefiof mcnsoopowento baleeye i:r,;whcno it is‘ preacheid 1? zrlainerre of o°‘=d€¢‘a‘¢d“”“9 'F*!€mAg- A A A‘ o . ‘V L.5‘. : 6 43.1». "( Vnotooin A Parables ) it owas poflibleo if none probable, that they had H6.u7- ffiqen,~Auoderf°At00d,Aand bccnoconvcrtod _A*A*'. V " I] ‘W, If»G0d fllouid nommake men :A¢::apab1eof bC1i€ViUg3 mean, inAdu‘c-omen with{uchAprinciples,*abilities,tor gifts of rca{on,djudgemcn:, memory, underfianding, by the dxligent A improvcmoenc whe;Areof,A they might cometo. be convinced oFaA willingnéfic or readineffeo inghimf to receivcth§;mAinA:o grac&AzjndAA i Divine Au- fzlovour,oupon their repentance and turning to l1i‘fl£".‘l“'(«»’u‘p0n whi‘chA '3h°}?i*Y 05 the qonviétion, rhacrepcnzancc: ando~curningA,LAAr‘mto God,Awhoich we A 5“‘P‘"“"VM‘ fpcakof, alwaies follows) they which are condemned would {med by M” h M h‘ ” h ‘ {t G d roceedi ‘h h GgM,m_m_P_ avctozr moot Vs opon again \ 0 s p A rigs Wu 1: cm rt 0 we, thorquntog, ‘and Afumifhed with Aanocxcuic ¥._ If A — A A {:Zf/14¢, It owe;:eoa'noecd1cflc thin ~,: for=.Satan no bligdctheoeyesf Vofnamrall men, lcaflz the light o the gloombuso Goi‘pe_A_1 of Chrifi, {Should (h,inc%unto them, if they had not eyes no fee \ and rcceivcthis glorious light of gthie Gofpel, when iAt‘”was dc»:--A V ‘ VI ¢1ared.kmtothem.}A Indoedmcoaroinoz blindooofor wam: of eyes, A »"1:F=11fl¢fi°€ 05 bu; forowam: of olightzfland when light on truth is difcoverect to :hem,th¢y haavc faculties futablc, fitiafldapr moorecoivo ink A A * * ‘ " * fi‘}a'$l‘”!64-3.lAPl M. é } 7:. A. A :A AA “ o V A A A * * * Thar, If theGofpcl were Athepowcr of Godpnly to b_€hfiV€l'$g, fl and to uobcleevhcrs a dead lctter,_AA then unbelpevcts wage‘ a_s_right their _thoughtsA ( to wh<_>m_A1t; was fool1{hAne£f¢)‘ as ; bales... ycrsxq 1:5 was shq 1»:ze!<.i.9@9 @114 P935! 9% S29d;A yca ®$: o tits’) baddbeettae; foolifltnefe in unbeleevers tothttve efieemed it? any other then fooliflaneffe in the pointoftheir falve-tion, as at means untoiiwhich-end it A waspropounded to them : for their ~ conditioniwas tnorfii deiperate, confideredt with thefe means . then befo_te,i ttbeingunable to bringthemto faith, and in to e life, andwtyet bringing condemnation on themifor their un- b‘e1£ef1",t“ I 4 A ~ t 4 in AV % That, Memthough Wicked andjfinfull, yet would notbe obnoxious tothejudgement ofGod, [:i.e.finfu11 and Wicked enough forhirn to de-firoy ] if they could plead any tolerable eztmcniet For their,tfins.,,i Aorr whythey flaouldf not be deftroyed. ND;W_0f all; and all tnanner pf exciufesin the world, that ever I were.al1ea.dg§d, organ betalleadged by anyr-nan, fornot doing A what he was commanded to do, there is none more plaiuiible, none more reafonable, or fairthenttbis ;m to (aye that he wasnot ab1”eitod wait,when the Creature will dogthat which is itnpo;fi3'.,. ble fotiiim”top,erfortn :, and then the fotbearanceof God could not i (iin;any7%{'ei1ce);..bc faidfteélead wicked mengto eétrepientiance, _ but toi‘déPcirQ&iOn and mine For God fOI‘bCaf_I1€V€If{010flg;a ’thtey_cannotircpent,t‘and-the wrath of God comes on,» them to; d€1g1fi.0ghis"dpatience and fotbearance;V eagndtfo, ;he~forbeaIt1Bce (1?! £194. 9?. éeine tish £9 $°°d-tieffet) is ~I5‘?..d§1‘_€d by £3 3”‘ % thifii; at Fuizzefie cafi €3c2d5.Lo‘ve by 1» $‘«15«’.3=Pa ._ . M» v A}; The ‘Divine A’u::hori1:yv% of »1;hc%Scripturc8, aflerted by 170572 Gaaabvfn. ‘Load. £643 9. .. $.63 M 11149-A . . this o&rine,vri'cI1"in$ Wrath,» i.nJfire and brimfipme,Wandfuc»h goadnefiemigh:wel1b¢[3dCfPiY€d°.- . X f A % ‘A " T bar, Namra11men.ymay.do!uc.h things as whcrcumo $0.11 «bath by ‘way ‘oF.pramif<:V annexed grace and .ac.cepnatio-n. -A moft dangereus ~etrour,.and.oi@as f”ad-a con{eqm;=nc€.A,A7as that .which-.w‘as..2cIa?arg.ed upon Paul, when -h;i=s%adver{aries accnfed him for teaching, that they wcreno Gad: wlaicla were made- .w£d3 lmndx, Aft :9.z6A. For (doubtleffe) A men are namrall Vmen, befisre they are fpirituall and fapcrgmmgall ; and fpiria ' ‘ritual! or fupcrnatm-all they cannot be made, but by=be1Vec... wring, L and unto be1eev_iugWe all confefic that God hath pram}?- £edVgrace mdacceptatiorl. .The‘refore.wunlt:£l"e it be poffiblc that: natural} men may~beleevc; Fit is impofl"iblc* that ever they flmuld become lpirituam and if 1}: be poffible that they may bf31€6V@, then Amay they do (ugh things, wham- Vumo.@od‘%ha:h b-y *way* of promife annexed grace zmd ac: .cep;:ation'»_P,~ % V fl ‘T V . .4T5£t30£Il55 againa the ttuzfiaittttfle an!) gtomtfi “mitts a"93"“*fi¢3tF°"+ F V *7mt,Me%n fay’t;hat:%faich.is fu'pcrmturr1l,buc h¢:rw_cari -it hi‘ 2...‘ " q Fulncfie of God's Love by -~’I_.'-«.3. BC 434:- f.Thc Divine Authoritic of the %S.cr“iprurés fiffcrted. by I G-'oaa'm'n.. ‘L931. .2 54.3. P413 3-: . hofivenaturc to believe that which we fee {ufficicntgroundfto believe? and to believe any rhmg of which Wehavc no piain grotgmd or r¢afi:m,is {afar from Mbeing a%bovcMnaturc,tha: it is be; V low it, zmdpmiperto f’@ols,. and not toreafonabfiemen 9; Thur, Thofc that ate~»withou’t (Imcan withoutthe;Gofpel ’ *writ4cen,‘or p*zf”ca._%c“h‘r, upqn =fuch 2g,3a..' ” « A AATbxt,I.t is clear from theA‘ Scriptures, fhaa: alltbc world, even A t'h"cif‘e that ate.md(t%&r.aimedand fz:.aimed%Ain thisVkinde,zzhoFe’ti1?az mam: chelecter of the Gofpel, have yet fuEficicnc%fm::ans of believing Agraxzred unto them, of *AbeLicving I mean I . tI.1a.I:AGo&. is; 2. that ha: iS.L.£1C t‘c;Wa1’det‘0f thofe that d‘x'kigAem;ly fce:k%him-z which is ai1%%th:E. fa%i;hVor belief %t:ha.t;A gghe Apamemukes {imply afid abtotuzely ‘“nece{1"ary‘to bring a manvumao”God,..Ai.e. into» grace .AorA fa%vqurA with Ahimg; ‘TA---Vwfleathcn men~ and A thofe that’ A want the»I-Iifit-fly Q~£gcbcGofpe1, havaycn a fixfficéency of means Wkereby l:oVb<fliHCtc,AA and co: ti%onwIu'chistocome'=,”A, ,, , - “ A A _ 17 124%, VA L\I;~:iVr;l:1erA £4141 11pr,j¥nm::- cazcludc on fcrpa-mic faithfull a&i0vnVs,v7 or. a&s%%‘A%pAE~AE:§i;h,A A from ,Paith,A or the condition of, jqififiqéfiibn,AA%bucAab10h1v:q1y requiring; themas: the only thingsé prevent: the wra:h.amdit1digu°a%»: ' 7_ _i5~J'U-.m’fi@C} ~r * amrotits Atonebifial amt»: thrive mbioI9Aa:2 Am; t ‘ibi:!.;p.;?n 85, u Prafiitalgg.‘ Czarhechzime L‘)? H.Ha:m- A mend z?Edit. A L571-4. £645. _ R56. ¢iIii1z4ilt:;i11 tejfmmze tn the flfimamfim ma , .4;@§*‘t:,; auntn vtbgc1%etEecti9n"bf’tbgip* 190+: H A ~ 1 anmigoun=j +gBs,’tn was Itmw f M % V Tim, Morfill ‘éwof nd ufeV4at% allr ta :1 B§:li_evt3r; 130-’- him;:§o€4Wh1k:.b3i;«% otj to éxamirfc'l1isfi€e by. Andfcha: Cbiiifliabé awfirec =fr'btz1At~he'~Mandfacory powemFzr..% D“¢li"w§*€ ¢¢ay%4;M.R»mM .mz.M; As£mfi;‘a;A :4-»;m»1]7: M.G2£mlqr*r‘* we = % A Wkcmc (it w4}A4Wcl[ proceeded:/cafl: £xvlamnticrWmi‘af‘ cm%;afAnlxc"mi%£n*%the%Pulpit, ‘Away with the La*,W;'A‘Away‘%wi:h; §!»%n51¢€3s.a“d ‘$115!! A A 4 AA A A. % N. me. Ila W M;: % A§¢¢IA;¥9*zat=?borriaI3$:cr[q”&f1 Ike‘ ‘cmts qfi‘;%a“ I Gbdfiéyeye on-; Aw his mac!-» ‘j_f.BY" 71’ Gm“InZ'9’:B* 1s22i{2.iaJ:beA%; w Reader. pg: 7,. % l8l‘,‘ : A y'zz,zz.p.";s;L g Honie.{..comb of free juflif. By Job» Eaton. Lond..164z..p. — 4-49-i a Comfort for- beieevers, (fa. A 13.43. See the .- (5176 ) §T/mr, The Latw and Chritit are two contra ry things, whereof the one can~nota‘bidee*thei other 7“. ~ 3 Q34 A T bat, By Sins Beleevers _eare as much nu4r¥tL=1redtti’aind firte[d;fot~ hezwen, as byiany thing ielfe : And God fitsiiibi A vice in this world, byvleaciihg tiaemioto firms‘. i “ V A 1T/aAar,e He that behevethi that Chnit hathxahen away his (in; is as clean withou;‘{in, as ChAr1(’cihimfe-lfeb; A L * i A Declaration of T931} It is as fioflible for Chr“iPtr'h-imf:flfc%Q fin, as for at ichilde the Afiemhiie by way of de. teiia:ion,p."5. I: felonie-comb of free jtaititic. by Io.Earo:2, LGWLI643. c, 3» put 5;. to M Gotafger, Gods,eAie, epiff. :1 MfG.¢!al;;er, Godseie, era. api/t’. p.18. 3 Dtcfi}/P,-S St‘ Serm.mtit.Our fins are already "kid on Chrifl:,' fP~"‘7;7i4;7 7 5- V f D.€ri@ in the ‘i'.xmc~ Sermon, i'_?.. 7o7"c ' ‘ .3 G 0:15 etc on i his Iflael, By i1‘.G¢ta};. L%o_n.‘% 11154” 5 5 i D o roirba ~RemZer; 4 ‘p.138 1. A alga; eye, g-y'c..:z‘I:id,p.t8.% oft God to‘ fin; 5’): t J14-AARMda/l%ati Martin: 07-‘gar: ; Wétoefi Gazz.-a@:~ ‘ , A » 2T/mt,‘ ~A~c=hiide of God need not, fun}! ought notito haéki pair» don for fin, and thatitis:nolefl"e then b.la'fphemy for him’ fo to do. By /1/I.Rm2d4l[ri22 4- _ Tim. Everyeletft veffel rot’-God from»thetfirft inflzaot ‘oft his being, is asrpure in the eyejsof-God,‘ I fay, from Atheitharge of fin; Was he fhalli be in” glory :;:No more {in Ahiminowtthen he Hull have in heaven ‘=. A - A A e — T /mt, The Lord hath not one {in to charge upon any e1e& perform from the firflcimoment ofCox1ce"ption_,ti~II” the lafi hxinufto of his life,‘ there i; not fornuch as.oriig*i1i:4i?l%l%(iti ‘robe xaieoh ---Let me {peak freely to you, and in? for doinigitiell you; Thati the Lord hath no ‘ore to lay to the charge of an eleft perfon, yet in the height 03 iniquity, and in the Aexcefleiof riot, and. com»; emitting allrthe§a3bomina%tionsthat can be CVQfl:l1”"fl1ivt[C’d,_ilimgay;Q; vensfithetr, an ==eleté’t p*er”fi)n éotitfeg iehe 5‘L6rd X" hath no;r1i1toir=t:tiit0t1i?=l3Z1:r0o,thfitPi§1‘f0IiS"¢haI:g?a§me“ Goidfilizth to lay to the charge of abehevcr ; %n;-iy,‘ Gothhath no more cor lay to the charge of Rich a perfon, then he hath to lay to the charge ofasaint trium'pham:m glory C, t .1; A 1m, If aman bythe Spirit know hinA1“felf:§§oiii.tbe‘iin ‘thew efgcace, thptlghhe be drunk, or c‘o1nmititAtrmurder,i God't%;‘[e~e§< no firxihihiom. flvvrrrdé} iM+,33mfi8 si“~iWitm*[e ALGM-V. Iw.i « i That, God doth notchaitife any ofhischildirenforfinh: nor. it.«af.0yr-"E,fi1“e fin 0fG0dsiTP§oP1er V«t'hé1C\rhe".I‘andi is punimed. ,5; 21-; éefi-erl'c’5'7‘i'/1Zl'.»3‘i'mfl17n ; '"\vit#afl'¢rflT-:G,“‘mk:*7 he T’ ' A.z#m, Thefulneflie of'théj‘Godiheii-dim, rts¢rtniefi11m*eoé£ie"”‘ V Godhead A lievers for hfer-“ If k d private, kmdmeinmincdin pxrélilfiméy £xim_,,i " With: rs‘/Mlfdm ¢'r-rd? . L i ’ 9 V t " V ‘ ihallei reckoned co‘ wonceddifcoveries °. A uu(I7) Godheadflwhich is in Chriii, dwelsbodilyin the Saints, in the i A fau1ewmeafu;ey. % ‘ V 4 ” 21/[.Er5m'}4t 0xfard,D§ic;17‘r. x646R i V oh M A wTkdt,...vAASW61i ourworks zsperfons, are pm-‘emy holy and. ;Tlm2,oo {A Suziiuzein chisliife, without uny uddoitionehereafcer, isl. perfefily juf’c,aop:erfeC°c1y hoCliy,_ eomplearly glorious in \this* life; and is n?0t‘Capaeble ofanya _d1£“1io;uoaf'te’rAdcath in the Al-Leah: dc» ifgr,e;e,b#1v,.1'tonly uogfmauifefiatron, ,1. A A A A V iertauwaimcm.o;n:nmsunwise n , 4 .5“, 3°f”¢¥3"+u » A The fulnes of cimeis]not.oyeteome fo1r~Ord_insu1cees '1‘. efZ’lmr,oi;eTt;cr«ei isi13oChurch,eA. n0uuOrdin;ancoe< yet ; Thatuif they didinotend with the Puimicoiveiand 'Apofl;o1ick nimes,*yecA are they‘ to begijnu as in the Apoflcolick times with gifcsiand miracles, To/ah: 566%?! apinibm V. ,5 -‘ A A . A ; A v i ~ L £2.-st;-Ieretoforc we have feen much of God in our outward fqrmallfC:i10wi{hip§%&onez wiihé unotzlwoer in ‘flefh1y‘iOrdiinancesi; as baptifme ofwaiter, and breakinguiof bread ,~, i but nowhappily Qhrifi is cr-ucifiedin “all thefethinegs'toAus; and we finde nothing but dead flelh there, noching_,:iha:_ca‘n Aadminifier any ofpiritaall ccimforzfin any ofchefe things; ufeenothing but form and bare fiefh ,% bare water, bare A bread and wine; infomuch that we now confefle, that oawfehighefiz attiaiinmeiutsv of the eiknowled ge 0fChriPc, hath been but a kuowledgeiafizer the flefhg now here A lies Chrifi crucified to fall‘ thefothings, and the foul dead to -its iecwuss agaiuu tbenozhunzay fiioabbato. V T/mt, The true Chri{?cian Szrhbueh uvaéehe Father.-em-~Soia's¥i lives in an ecernaiiiii; every-dayisabbach, while fomVe We in" ligclemofe then chebgreefigd, ororle duyoeint”he4fWee~keP». A % . . ‘ ‘A ‘V ,. 4. , - la’ A the,fpirituaIlChriB:'i n in the true idifcoveryofiu§3odos;fi11ngfi‘é,;% Amrreueu‘ 52 Account to the Parliap men: by the Miniflcrsi [cm a5 so Oxford.“ p,;oi 4; k Afl‘crAti'on;,oE gra‘ce.by Reba‘? “ma?” 8&7 1 l Thue‘.%aintsAA. Peru-aim thi—s<* -iiFeo»r nevelghy N.Cau!in,r an A ofiicer in the Armie, London 1647. p.1,z. mSmoaI: in the T'emplc,p.l8. n Smoak in the J Temp1e,(9'a.A ” by o.6‘czltma3'/757 P119.-. ‘ M _ W 0 Antichrifl in man. By lofflép-I Salmon a menu- bar of the Ar- m)',L0nd. 164-1“ 13.; 1,32. p '$pa1-hie: of V i glarffig‘-&y1“I‘:‘0Ub”‘I’ 5*at:mary7aA,Lo>s.; qléxamen of M.Sl’e,pb. AMar-AA fllcflf Serm. ‘A By 10. Tamlm B.D; Land 164 0]. Pagtr A L ,. w r SAp:ar‘kl_cs of; 2 "Agl~or]ie,L;b‘“y ‘Iain . V 6‘altmAarfb,%ALon. PA‘~3*93 3°‘ fwebbs‘ PamA-- phl¢‘:”: againfi £4-E‘d_wcz=rds,p. % fiflfimmcmw chifmeg, Lonfian 16‘46.p.h 94., 195-“M e by 1013:: Salt» ma;*[I2.,el omian, pa ,. T ‘i:gVanitI'e of tab ildiflx Bap‘- tifme, paerq. fiqo. A 3»MCormu~, letter -ex}aA«ni- A ned and anfvvAe- red by Roger H/'z'l!zAam,g,15.4 4. RA}! S~ .3 Simplicitizgs % defence by“ S. C_r'sxétan',Landan, 1546; P M 13- % a_~Prac.‘i',Ca-e A :~eeb:'1Am‘c. by. A A HmminondA, :...£;4.Lond.. ‘M§‘P 139: X baptifme cannoce*be;deduceidefrom holy Sc: Aiége1FigA{thoi3E% lawfufl, “'°h=‘-w4el‘5-26 ~a%écorctl4ir9gfto’ rife11rimi¢ive"Apr;wity’%1%pnaflicé 5. Q‘ P43? A. M LT/ym;«A?7£9h»eM%Avery néx5t%»0‘i*’!éi~V%t%xffAVbrna~yijbyzi i3x1~m;rti*ia*géA~*b1jth by guflqme , and%jcomma.?n1d- : ‘f»7m*; eX¢2rti‘1_pi3e,7?1¢VWe44%"fi’1§a?*ci‘e maét» was %.4max.»a: fiéflzér, whom: fic.-%A* “;E63virifé:*3*%t‘%bcttéff’ pre- [V (idem: -we?V%%ca2nnot%“4h~a.Vé fb”r> A'él‘f€%5[f:a‘fi?h%?:f;vfk3f' tf1é“Faith~ m‘__.aN3fi¢;. ffillu Vi--~-A-S70 naturally co%nfifléri;v:W¢%1‘e“7 ‘bf’ ‘in ~(uch,Lg,,, 1.5%,; ; p'mp"a'g21ting% by the next of »k~in‘, tfie1’%L* % l',Mc$t5fi~Vd:i;1g“!i‘t‘ers‘ not -doubt to raifc up_fe¢q{ to pheir father, pg--=v~v—é;£1“3»;itA"‘rh1;'¥ightjqfily b'eblame%d for d”"rinkinfg~ fMib‘e1*;a1I¥y.? gg. proofupfion the d7aughte‘rs,A btéaéufe wIjac'%tMhié”’;r§H_§f!% f<;Va$x‘f‘l§V2.fo;E “ M p”t‘0pagati0*f'l accordidgtothe ifiFcicu;fii’6fi§ aflfl fi‘?<5‘Wo f:siB”‘1‘§fxMe»ap‘g- ‘ ‘P-6- eute . % A A A » A A * *; A %Tla;i£,.:Th€prohibi:i“on o*f”c1egt*edsA Leééitiéw, is 1:6 be‘ un- dcrfl:oo%d"0‘n"ly% offornicatibng, dud néitAégF%1§zI%ifEi%fgéV‘?“ A “ q c 19- 7. ‘T7/mt;-Vxnditpoiicipn,uhfi:arié£fe‘4é5i%cd“&i%rafi*é c§f~t¥i’ifi3,é“(ér{év%- fpofimc 3 cf, pizvixtf mzwdnd’ 1a:5i;‘éi)‘§‘i'i»fi¢iig::A~?firofn ’§ caIfe3Wd%’?xi1&:Eir*éAtutih Difcipljm, 0% ;change~ablé,% hi%ndming“ anwer %liké‘ly to“hindcr* be=ne- divorce-my 1, P579 p. 6: Pcrxifeame" fins of ~ cbnjugallfifocicty, ew!h_ic‘h”~ are {ol~ace‘_%and peaVce‘v=; “area M-%LA°nid:?I63# » :@ccoucs*;a%sain1%tm £Mm,eAttate of 1nen§+;§fiVz§1¢§ ‘R;a4*tbt%».tl)i5A1tfe;;ynempingwtbs imattogtalitpiiag trfl ewfif; wt‘; and mat W ' W ~ » g . gm aw‘: , .‘"}° . " ¢°}hP°u.l1d *VWhD*1Y%4NWté“1"1;*’;" ‘¢t*Mt§ .. A g » A ée .4 5 ~ 1 4 ~ * ‘ A4 AA And th3t;‘E"'l‘e““é';.*.:§,:Zw.»;w7“ci9$3 E.” I.%:£§?7.1¥€.L543fi %Wi"“2“""»7“’”¥"°fi*“f‘L""B°”9?WW?’3&” M *7Yn{&§idn.éef'3‘Ai} %....Ticl'c Page; I: 1"" 1 1 I '3 * Whole‘. “Br.v:’”'bl:‘,%:“1*5 A4 L ‘ _.“"‘.‘.{.&. :3 Mans Moira» Ixty. Amfierdi A1»543-Ps5- A A . -(2Q) J A ¢ In? .4116 mlfrd, The Hel1—ha§c,h‘d‘d¢£_!irine_(>f theimmortafii foul $11" 5W*f 0 iii 3;avm ‘ "X. % ATIML TL1Igfi%tOfy, 4_lf5%m9za pairuiri, infimmm; Prayers urfte de§§;LS3fiit5 ; ~10 £;I'16_ Wirgih ¢ry_, tad .;a World; of I uchaf‘ like “fiihciés are %gr%cu%ndcd% upon the invention of the foul : And that it fi§ht€,fh 3%8ain£i:%;:rE:;9M A;A;ribbuAtss 70f 460d; and % kindfrmiwh Cbrifi: %iJ4fl¢?l¢‘V+agl;3erh.*an€k;Jlefli¢nét;h fpuxchafcflofhis ftufera ‘i089: and d£f1i€:tb'~ ¥h¢ARe{urrt&ion- And AA:he‘A:&mofiA% grand and Ablafpbempus-Hcrefics thaparq in the W0371<:3:¢ the tnyfiggtry ofini-' 4qUi‘Y%=a*?d KiI2zé:€1dGi?1%V»9EAmgichtifi depend upon it"~ 4 5% MW Mom, an A 51653:: egxtrqd 1!1.¥Q.l7.E§V€F1 fince the Creanon _ 15. 1 hirxeylfiesx 1*?- _ I‘; pagfig. mezza- ”:uz.Scrip\turcFrc. ' M hecies“ 0,.p en ed 3*y;f3r.a'véwyA;:. 3 £0714. M I 0 F4 3244:’ ‘V V n-Scripmrc I%ro‘- 74 phc§:i_c§ qpcvnegi A*t)»tii_r;$ 5 '-“"'f4+“?+7sA T P»45‘., 3 A g L m. E-.éfiti—% ,df’y% Ijap tjie plac¢ :of gloryfior thcdead Saints; Valédenwwithqucgm:nnd;;( we flame a<4fi;t}:a,i?. ) iéfiot Yct. §{1§é1l».p9t afiually be, ‘w«t‘i1~vlfl‘\‘tbn€ difiolut:;on ofgihofe H ; " - 1L#{2jffl&Biy{;.E,P1e"£%’*fix..d ..I:1¢a‘C¢I9aiandiPa:adi£es 2% ~VC‘4tzr-I 2. 2:4: Vf??za;z:‘8c¢:" kw vifion”s".” ‘“ A , % 1 .. A /gag» l-t i$4c*le.¢r in Scripture \’:“‘u‘\\tfi:8fl.' Mth;er:e«is A~nvo%refqrrc&im‘%1 0*“ 1“? hitifirfi % g ‘ , ‘t%bu.mhaft; ref9r;»rc&ion%1pVoken~«¢ifA,is r;h.s .R¢fD.rr¢fi5‘Jfi35Fih5‘4b©33E;V’fi1yfiAi¢all;¢Tiwhich co bc undcxihood» ip.¢%twfo”p3ir4;i§u§iars,A 1. = A refiutxcflion in this. lif’e.ou:~,of«*a U fi5’iriAtualdl d& e{cr”zion.A ;. 'Ihen:,is a,no,:hfil;,,VRVcfprrc%¢}gi.@n:%9f% . R u . . W32 “’hi§h‘C5iifls freaks to furzeflion {pokenof in Scripture, :5 tube undexfiood in a {pin-i- mallfcnfc 1”“. A M ‘V W, M, ‘N V ‘ -. 0. {.m {A limp, .; In the day ecf % 1udge~ment»-;-a~~Ch%Vn£t ~+a~;>_A-p~c:ar,... Va;f;§*§lI;%. nhiS;”"S3iI3I£ him;*;§\=§§;hi§h f*m£I..&'4.‘ 3' £4 ‘.- ww‘ ‘.‘, 1 5‘4%T3%;:;[?t;1’§¢‘j ffi.3o.g3. It isbuc in page, not in e 6, till "the RefL1rr"c&li6n.~~+' Mi‘55%M°§§;;“f4'A»i’. I‘! W: H *r*%A*:V;[J17Ahe%piaacéwcffnhe -damned} iisamat W6 mVerat¥fby M M6’ by R O“ » 11:2 ” ‘ "'3' I’~‘”“‘ All other crcat;ur;es.a~s wélf as¢5 t;!1.§:ch.i*l»dre13A4yQfi ad?iIotm:Iicn£g;% * mm z"h% «aw ‘4T':tou~.:*of arm.-acm, Ai>atrm1azagg%¢ ,,;.:o.,~ moting~a114_othet Er‘rAours,~VE-Ierefies,ia.n& 4B1'a~fphe;? * " undcrathe grofl:e:ly%abL;1fec;1» ‘ newton of ?1«‘t*a@:t=t2t0f]®0nfcr9nc9+ 7“ 1 g ? ILi::r.l.lesa béydonegan1¢II‘e;Liber:yAb£ .Con£cienic‘e;bcV _§allo*Wcd;Vformery% 4 %;mm;, for: of: m“eu,'.A&’4to~%wor{h*ip*% ~God in 3‘ mm, 1 5~,m,,;. ..t1w.s.way. aAnd:p>etfiorm‘%A% Chriflfs “O;-diu1mccs- Lin chatVmznner,‘« as- - A5 .3. g ~ m aag;1_ecab1e%A¢A:oAA:Gqds and; V am Av mvmd by P 1Com9n+wea1th.by¢.c1hd T.Ol¢l‘atif)il. 0£'. R':filigi0flS,- %nou1Am;i.‘-W 3% ‘$47. ' gdlifiiéallgi.b!1E:E%Ch¢t1D€fl¢fit,,;T;§s,Wf.‘fflfibyeexfimplfi m Halhmgfl, My wgerics pro» M *az:b‘}flflflf£‘ Q15 ~51; ayragbgcakeu. by the wifd o_£ tfi¢3..$t3t¢“ “%*f$r civil 4 fubjeétion) Why may not cvcn % the Papnfis rwhém‘->»~ M _-ffilvgg‘, mgdj ;;me,-ii»: gjprgfcienccs 35b: nmime%djin:the :world€=~2~A‘ for j m§bétw.i_£c", Englaw-.,;”Gom:rnm¢dz, mam: the V_;(§ovem:xV‘x‘em*s wjhm wpzlri; mccmly test»; uwt;a_.World 0* Id©1at¢rS"’ 05 forts, yea the who1c%woix;ld% muft be’ dnvcnout of cheaéworldgie ~?’ere&;;%‘4%whaxr. {humid be M“, ¢ nglggm Jimti « W‘‘* A Pufed to the “Mo &~n.Y% AA¥b-%:l;ffi.n@LssWPf@:te«Ranms'.:: by the b10uAallh4is Miudgew Miniitcrsa (9‘c. m§[~f§a,; . .. wsécmaaqdwmdmulenwetfered, ‘K. » « M 3; % I“ ‘ “‘_ ” if. ‘-y-at “ ; 5, ,5‘ V, moudy ‘rm. V1994; % 44 , 4 L w ‘\ ,' % 4 1644. (p_re- ‘ A fggr, 41:; 1;; :;hcvA;w;lLand }%commAand«o£AGod1,AA that: C fince the« I ‘ I . V‘ 5; ‘ mt . 4 M 5; » 3% é : f1amptuoHfly,de;; [ :1 Gulf ~ 14i““*¢3:“7%?"??a§"p h »> vmflg m:L§i1h,«voamn;ishriwéam :canfai*ence§ 4' '$:§§<§w%§i§.‘?1:&§zg§f£@aa3Q4 Mfigalkwéécrn '0mhM»ACwn:%ia§1i3 vrthgapifllu-_,§»6~24% flan or civil Scat‘e,A confounds” the civil and reI’igio1m,4”‘%;:iien‘ies*“ «mm. W.‘ :aswmc%:u= ficflc£hfi~ .* Bmdy —1~c_ ‘ha? V-nciplcs of cg,ri{fi;ni;y%‘and civili:y,%and zhgt jefns Chrift % there % Tim, N3 detriment cmild rcdound eit‘I1%”e"ra:t”o Chi’1.rch*’d§‘f ,§btjca1pufi?B 9E:V?[;GQd%;*¥Vt:¢{ (manta; (01.1% fife A-Abloudfi %% ‘ M A £ Eh¢'JP%‘Pi&$'~ 1hém{¢1V¢9$i 3'10? .:io&.-fiafafié km i$s£1m5@t@@§:’mif@¥;fi¥ 0? Wd*§ifif“TW§h““f@ 5 2.3l>< fe~‘arc'£mfi1elf7;:l1e:fe£ of Geds heavy lludgemnt UPutetTi'mel“yl'*r~eped.tance) ‘evidentfoxferunnersrzqf rm A fvift a':flr:2é?ien7,e~4impending‘thofe fcducers and fa!/Eu tgacbctsz, which ave pxfi-vily Ervaug/ate in gfiwfidégf‘ Hdrtficsw; lllwhqeeverlhaevlelbeenu th€:Aelinf%rumeem~t5 M Pe,_m; ( like? raging wave:aofif/e»Sea,‘~tM1»;fa4mingfloat tbeir.~ new [ A _ T. (ham: d )yet eloubtlelle tlmf; oldfirpmt caller!-tire ldcwillmd. ‘Ill-lIud¢.I3. S:1f4ii'°f“h3Ih'~ been the grand.»age.ntminlpr@pagatii1g ,R¢m,‘9_&.;. thefe fiupcndous_lVAE%rrlours5 Withleall his «power and poli- lz.24p.; A llcie-(' e{pcéia*l,lly intfiis timellaflficféimatian, ) ltliat 1156*" “ ‘V l tw4y 112]’ math lmay be cruzl,/poleen;lo_f ‘F, A the endeavpureAd f‘ 6‘. "’~“""«“ » l;Refm‘m4tim med and blafield. and :his.oWflA kil1gdOfi1'* ll elyeleératel ?" J af:Errazgx:5Hmfi;e:"l agzd .blaQbmxfc:’; f;1tingl:4p§m'tel'4..;da advahced. .,:*Allwh ich lrrours, Herefies-gamed‘ b~l3fp'h¢- %?4a’€J'Wfif‘’'* 2’ l .V‘}. : l_l < , ll V l‘ _ l 2 l % ‘ba7i,’.a5: q‘“9«-9' mu-:5, with all others amongfieeusr Wtare confident 4 [Emmy mm m me.~y.5*w'izhnutl,clie leaftbreac~h.ofchalri:y fieltoanfv the. jmunz a'm52ri..4. \ Au‘fl1ldvs;fa.tweursI,; orabettolmsilofl then1,uuerlly.loatla5 zflidtj fflidon. A A l»:a%bholrre.,l H"0pimg:tl13t fi1 r— ,,e§‘,;f_:’1",‘,,,,-‘,ej,,,e, reed up *1/:e,Lvm’:'xmel Commomix Parlinwefitseflgpubllfli‘ .AplaflgIw,lAngA.. 1 ‘l _ _ ' c ,1 :44 min ch: 1: Ordinance, Cwmmmg the gram!/Jamil/1§lr¢?4a’z_79g_ ma. 1.” EP;/at lfld G41“-1."“;;_‘ 5' ac-..,. (me A A . »afiffi1£:!5iig€ef,ézIvéi£izttianr m:% fie/«.4 AGa;a7:*g: 4f5'iIt‘::4Jéc£=fAAfAor twp...‘ OHM-054. . pr;/fmg and prwemzzsgot/2: fame .h;. A So In éihfisfrlch ~m,g-1-... ‘$654 £5i,(.-'7“ ;h ey .Ewzglme¢d,9wA he will e::A1ength.find'e 9ut:fom€_e&‘cm =éi:u‘alI means} by Auehorxteyeoef ePar1i]ame‘n7r,¢1for‘the «ug-.. ”A+ter:; ab‘o1~i:iFo*z_1 and e'X”{ViAf£3'a-fleii~ITf€0'E'A"'[‘h‘C[fiA5623“.gA.()uf‘o this * r ‘ ‘ I we exeeoabundentlyeéonvificed; thatz, for J i Iu‘ are Wel1e*ai111‘rmedwthgatflfute Clirifl,whom. *l~'IF3.9.x(f;1"e5n byAche4co’un,temnCee‘ of “oi, : Ae ' A A fupream ¢ (2594 % . {s’i1§rea.tn Authdrity, The ”Pre§6yt¢r£4!l ‘Ga-mmwent “am? :Z)l'_fi'§'P[Z.7'A'€, flulbbe Iincerly e:nAbx"a.ced"4% anddL1e1y%%e‘xer~‘ cifitdiusa-.I41chcw. p1rcs”oFchis ‘Kingdeme.* A And fuch Euthibcen our defi4re2.fcer]the “€&3.b1i{hin€;!1t of m;ne1y A 0{1%der4in this C%t_1urbh«,A that weh$vcL bsen wiliing cc) 4 a.<5%:%a.it1dexercife (3I’ome’néceH‘ary‘% C4!m1m:% mm!‘ Cazz[Zde# aSee certain rz¢"tz'afi¢: 0, being fivfi p.1'emifi::d and publiflmd by usi, for c°”fid"”‘i'AV gas a.nd%vC.zm:i-“ V the %_«:.1car‘-iingof A our’ «proceedings therein M both #110 ons,.agr¢;a up.~ ' cam‘ own and ochers Confcien~ces) thofeVp2grus4$of“%th‘i$ °n»b3.Athe%‘:Mi~L ‘ % Gvefnm»en‘t, which =bot‘h~Houf2s oEPaniimnen:%11ave niflters of Lon- ‘ % H %, »V % %. 1‘, dAytcl cm’ City, agdipi? which tg/ae afiverjkriégyjball dcfp:4ire’toprc- A :9 “ wailg V 515: 6 winking 4:breucfi< in; ftbifwall, fqr w/aengtbqy?7c::tign ma "; me gazmdgratmga’. or Vfgottéfi kdvzfigqge; eitbag %~t/96% ml!» ‘he Ofdimm-5 batbztat been lmilt‘, or A5 eing7é.e1ilfi:4 /Jairlaé 632:1: %6ré£':’nT c{arv21,.V%.%: mm hGm,,,,w ‘ A or %natw¢zigilan:1y?*4maintained ';£rj1t/ye mgrvbmenv. Whereg ~ an p£;;»1‘;m‘¢a;%; fete: :;‘werfa;dl%y%~‘1'arIicr1c:;E;g»l4»nds?: *g¢nera11 _back’watd¥§f3f‘¢€°g9gjif§ W rie_i1'eA.td embrageg ‘fiifiyea 4forwa-rdhVefl‘e to“ fioppofia tfiisjjr .,g;:;:e;'?';:iw4%%V1=&&'~4 "'Go\r&ernfnenL,2a(n‘d“”~.thbrcin? her own Wmercy, whilfl-fo j* S<:pcI-p% ar- 1 A u many cf all fortsfct t71en2fél?ve3r»a“g:&in[f4A~%%“t/J2 Loki LaM-* % =»;:;f‘f’ Ma-4JE»tbei5« q a[rana?erL,%« andmfl‘Wtw4y“a:j‘t:l7fl2*;l%.‘M:* fi*omm%¢r 1258 Lu k.x9;.»r4;£>%[ ‘A’ i’é3;y;;;qnd. comfom :mm::w$~ ”_:i(i;2;g?a"o$:i¢e%7*§ ‘ 13; Me L ”0I‘%¢§T?:.f3,Z.L’ ‘a,tVlaf$:‘4 S37 Wm &x!fi;;eLa7*zf?.qf Lorzls2A“V % V , Rm, IWA5; cnemxe5;ahewmEl4 ms SE;ep’terjéA4?e~r C”-M.C*W&_xI.15. 4 4 ' V E ércak cc: q*fAVi?:£irMlia. - % ar1‘«*+1"‘1;?é%:*‘1f%’Wf**=~*4*-*3 "?M“"“"3 4 (263 H“ W V A &%;r.3;;k‘tgbe29awt»’a 4:r;m’af;Aran,% 4;ag:pz€¢[bzA;5e;g; p35¢¢'¢J;;Ii,éé m:‘;:?:.;, 4%R0:W~*‘ "’.’»A“ a”i§*‘fh°1mW$b9=VACim“: msW1v%er~ 4 41§n1t ~L1S€o cmunwa.11ed qywam$o.fch;s G<:we~m:rm=:n; fem $;Whi1¢»€°4€9flV5fi€¢ A%$f;.5Y ;~=h:€ fi?!ifChAie F5 an=riA i.In2ijF€A;A}i"*3As3 ¢ mg>0v6"rfi¢d ChgiFVCh'i5 af my néceffizzv-%0F his) G0'£ern11*zenc,V A'a.r'aAd_.w%‘cQ d¢m«Qflfl;-&rg£g:;;‘AcA@A h A A %7»11: '5h€ 57073-4 9-€»A1?~B3 hA0WiPf¢Gi°U$~ Md’ %pA1‘evaAIren.t" hiaz ‘*~‘(§mc¥i1n:ns:e of ;Goxi<:1:nmet1zVis, 11e'a1in~g.a,nd recuvering this dying: ;e'~<, A. ;uA;.%.¢ ~ ‘ " V A A4 , ‘M A4 7 ‘ ‘ '5 ‘ 43 ‘ C.hurc%hA%:hcreb,yAouc_ 05 her mgxumerable,.mmgg-my . -Williie Véném. ‘ , this Stolemrx A Ch’x.it¢hAt ebe.¢. z9 Zeiwsza»:zr."* A A. 15644» Owcredf rally‘ found fiuccefléftxll in prcfcrving the Cly;;rc)§ af 5;-op, é1y.th‘e”. ~Com.'. L A J ‘ ~ _ " _ % , A I , g*n0nS,A.g3n]5 , lmdfxam Emoms SCh4lfm¢$~3+11d< sA§€fl®$fmm:.Ehex.n: A firf¥%R¢f0%1‘mati°nhitherté-A amamei, T"h»a:_ ‘ ‘W’. \ ‘ y~ ‘3W""‘““‘ W AIHAorc1m:~unmFxéformagniott, and" dcfvmce of Item; A §?.§_:§,:’ ,,‘.f,§%"?*V gim Vari-t:11Ain%ah¢feAs:hm £Cir.xgdams_, we flz1.:3.11nevAerL fem. P&}§>,**1*=;€%% W%-,f gfity A h0~WAf01@m*rdy ‘AAEEW; faVcn=:d Leag fi?“§é‘£;“?:;:§9§=‘ and Cgmenana wa‘s¢£%n§A¢r¢a3A ;:1fi¥té";.k%1m.J£4lt {ma zap m "V! if; éegeey _; * mm Azgbaodg wvhcrem.c:he three K¢ng~Ad“A;1dA ;ma‘.nnex:A OF lofialv, e A efc‘V:ft*1"tt*AAfirfg'i;h1i&t()‘4i't_,Bilffiglfo f;fuEh”é$iééV”Ileq¢yA; and J¢i:n_ a King.m;.~;r %P0rW1C¢$% tlfltfthcf Contents °f1ra~+and%PW6§to 1% E”7'.«.-‘§x.m,"}’%’.'i.,..; 'thC‘thAfeeAK1!}gdUms'VQ‘f Ehglahafistatlagd Izjelargd 3:. ’ A of Nah-.- _ be Welly cénfidézrcd j( “that Awfllbe A V617} hard-« in, al» ' '”i“l” N‘"”"9' % {£3335 “2r€$d* v§_i J . « A A .. .A V. A A A M A . A:s8~ 8: Aéfi-ma PWSV to Pm1Ie1_{= “A-} tia=ref9re;%¢% W3 dd throng»-hour» fi“°“*‘YL ‘A515. Afi W 5?“4r#,f aw!‘ mg!/3 . «oz»: ml; V vivgmcb ca‘ v;fif;‘gfg;%.; I \ ‘A . A ;, n W~~.,....g.,p ‘ ~ 4 ~ é w W“! ~ M . 4 if-‘ t ,"5h A A ~ *I‘izri:}.;;¢ie.u»aV¢«c*$;»uuszL §§Z¥‘;?5}f;:9;.;E 1: 'v;W‘§5‘§,3¢fH@rfi% zfisixhe %m1ah§{Iga§;'flSm i.i.=fl"§mz$3«;«¢ A ” A I w4_».I«M'5,.¢ ,A A» :rmj_;v T“'%"*N%.‘*\« i. A*yn‘*:~ a W Ebom’ ‘%e. - 4‘”Wd 9‘ 1“ .(”‘*”id °” “’”""”‘*"° “PM: yea ruificiemcIy»w&r“% % . ~e parties en ‘glI5‘lg1nthl&\ aguc are thrce-Kvlngdoms famo» forchcéfiiihmlgégiia €;gg,;£5;;;gw »,i:,« 3‘; . A%¢e;s9zc . Eéséefiszfim WM» um Exbartm n _ 1, A ~ vs. M % %'»: we A. 3; ~ 9' - .h~.w.i..%..»z A % A 1:. 1 44; ‘ ‘ . ' 1\ A’1‘7i?l*¢°9?15i:i=%4*t¢I5:’5#r:=¢koined»u A Adm‘ mama; «.ms:-1% -mnr:bre;:rker*isI§i1.tfsdfan:sm;1 ”" 3“ ‘W’ ‘ sgwwflerd ‘ ”%”R0=iaa~A~m-~ st,-%I:—" ‘J i -A“z.’&~«= AA (2.3) ifgain, This bath is fuck,’ and” i_wn,:he%MV.1t;Ac%r and Goufcqu‘en¢£'».o5~ig@%jq’E<§§ mam, as I can trugy fay, iu:‘i§’wo1‘thy of us; yea; bf all‘”thV¢(ew.Ki%ngd¢Vm.§;, ‘ygA%ofV%%g}1.;he Kingdnms of tI1C“'W’03’id S 1? F;.étiVi it 155 %fW3“fi*‘SV'f‘%3“}{V73nd» a1l6%iantc;‘unco Ch£i‘§“£‘!§¢ of Kings 5 and a givfihgfip of all ;hc[¢“‘I£i11ggi’om3, - whij'c:hqar,c *1:-isii'nh,:;ri tfihcbg /to %be.{'131bdué‘d‘ more to his throng; 3‘n%dFru1%edjno:we by hissqeprcr, upon_whofe‘£houldc1's the gdy¢;nm¢;n;% is L1id.---- 1bidp.5z."L ” * A ~ § ” ‘L A W‘ if ” ’ . A ’ ‘ A ‘A % A; And as for you Revcrcn:?d:I;xfe%thren_,‘V jxibachare Minificrs of the Gof'p7‘eIg‘ thé%rc=5§<%y;:'r 3;‘ noczhcn obligation m1l.%Iyc _r.1p,orI~.ycaz:a%%5$%%_l;c; was 1ook,5.to%¢ur~ felves, anc} make: Aprog,-1%fi,;§n 7m“;, wan; anfweraiwle‘ffr;1‘r"I1is% mgr C’oTve'n“:i_‘ix*1I*:_4jfi‘{4f'%%r.a%f th€: 1__C§%o{'pg:%l§ range 5-11; %wiA11.xa-ha a g,~A¢3, 3{;_; gerfion upon the i»tt~1th.of ;“he%.,GoFpe1éA xféwel »flaot§1“d‘ %be fa!-fe or~inconf:x‘t.mr‘1.n‘ any wora‘ 05 purpofe, though ,_;r;_a Amaxtfer. of £__f>_f1[€.1iticI= bVe1;eev¢W3 PAr2f¢fl¢t°»rhAe%W<>r%1%d:shar%]We~fi.%:11. firmly ¢Qg?=g¢;1r€-ac?) Of Cn=Mmnt.V@m0ngfius-Wm 17rx:a1krna¥rmis s.%4»vhm~iecz-cc Qfixbtfilfi endeay;0"urs,_ préjeéha, 1m£ tThOC35 and f)1‘a£ii- ' ces4a1:e£11eream0ng4££ us, (in fi€a.d §).fa n1Az:;chd%e{;i5red" "u-4 A " nionVbctWixt%fucI1asdoe4difi%n:%,2hatrhcYmay xvallé toa- boundlc ffe; ixmvxem, “ 0 1. a 1w n‘ and; ‘intolerable , ‘To- A _ler;ztio:a,; to:;1ie fi1ling upVof4the meafu ;'e of A our iniquj- .ti[€5$fl:o& and thegpullinwgdoyvngdff G0fds fié,1=ce’7 igidignatien 4 this’Natiofi 2' % “wVh;n% under r1:e’”lace'19re/am-2:1! V£Zmuémm¢?22t~ ( which yMo1¢i!§§ :$:513§{§l3§f‘¥;d1Q!9§%€?F3T°‘{x..§9§%‘¥¥§§.e' %te¢*-2* aQ4*%A;rfia§1ona11 h1€ig§.!‘i»3a€.~9fi§ A 4 T ; aw "=«B T‘E.9 50 f2. Chroma} ‘E3! E‘-Iaga. 1» % ‘1*fi‘_N 65.4. 8 6. A%hi%ri%fifPI’f?f%A W ‘ H’ W 4 V‘ *”'Erurfi.;‘“4 A ~ -blezmd deFormedvfaCe»«ofcIae »afFairsdf1celz;g-ivy; as thfy ' *fla1ici”a"t55=:b&é day», my fpiri'ts«%‘é;rb amfazéd j; %our=hea,m »:c1uis%f4&i£ha14%»1:awia2;igme .%%s®dm¢n;%vr°*5TiFed£9%fl%iemf61vc%aFpeedy%éndth6rov ‘~vB.ecforma«£r:0n%% of Religion ,f,* ~ha*v“~mg4 fromvthis VPirA1ia,: .menc many e+nc0mfagin.g fm-.mdar'ibn~s%of hope, fact I Oii-1% ilyby their _P%rete§tation’s;,‘->Declarations, ReAmc5n1;{m1;. Aces; an~d%‘t11eir%vS”e9le mn‘“?Covemmt:b‘ut wife: by {mm *hope..; ~fu*}l beginningsi;of«Re~fbrma;tio4n. By a11*wh§ch5A~%%n4¢g only ourheartgbut’ the ~hean:s% of Athe ‘faithfu1lg¢enera1i3,r‘ 'imhr0;1ghoutth‘i5 Kingdom-e =Wer¢eV€n’IiFtwcdu*p ta 1163;. A *ver1;wVith‘”joyande:;pe8t«atio-n of,%th¢happyandg1o1-j. A nus daies ~~ of Rqfarmatz7m,% A fwhich this Weatherabeafen A ‘V*CMI*1urch was now IikeVto[[fee. * A Butwhen wc 1@o£:Aupcmthc .pre‘ferit% rue full dqplora- a~.‘m overwhet1ned‘;% A ;;mu~%#¢% fmn zzmzJ* Q}; . H%owfl1a11 we {peak T 1.? AhoW+1h~a>}l Avhofd ‘our peace A nd ‘yet where fh“aH=A we pour: cut ,our‘ »co"t1:1pIaint 1* A ‘A 6 the % ;r;badG!oa’qftl2gzrAV m%er:Ad1f;4% whfic*othé;+g’ . W .‘ ry“1fay;;; ¢-aw :mw4“n»;z am Wam paliiick L%om*.~% /bauweb»2z;‘%: 54 ~and wfiiI’c 2inzrd1~ro:¢%A§~a;A 5ia’fi?zn4tia7z a WIIQW J 1iKe,fm:1m1Imd w%;unis+:VA P®7Q@h%!m:i@n$%¢,; Lazndwthm x % '“ ' ‘ 8 Afiz '2: Cbron. A % A % 3‘ 1,16. comm, red with :9. % ' ‘ 1 _ Hege:.’gz'al2 . H W -aw V A “¢f‘—'~<.:' ,‘ «,2: " ax t§g.¢i14\&§s;aé1r:vl,s«h¢§Etg:*1a&v%,r¢fmt¢ia¥é&3r; "r hfi 2,3,4, to a5; “a fccr ha‘ was 1 «Q ‘ “ A? mmavgd,f‘?§@zmm »: humbled. am~% 15- 12,15, 143% .} 3 Chron. g I. 1"; V" _ f'”%.I0fia;bzKing; . 2'-Ir _ "And Mfifiafif ‘ mChron..53.xg'§ Q; 7 tbs Glmrcbl at Q solmzzai M ‘2l§Cm‘g.u.4, l to I 2;. . V Ierabaam , fll .K1.flg-..l~2:a2.8a to the cnd,8c ; 13-12% ll Tolleratiflg If V r‘beHigb pmce.s'.l I K"13Is.2-1» 3% I M-3 ya’ 1‘Chron.x5.17. 8: z.o.z.;. 6: 3.17. % Iebu, '2. King. 1053 ‘:3 30 The Angel 9 tbs Clzurgc/1 at P¢"rgamus,M Rev. 1.. 14.1 7. The Angel of Thyatira, C £12 3 md‘~lfams:tiznes"rewarded of lGloé:l” film l'e7lF:’ tlioffd « vv7%io*"*l”1av}§ lcifher lpraélifcd tlwrfi ll tI*scmlI’<:&lvcs',l.l‘o1j‘have indulgcd or tollcratcdll thcmy A ozhcrs, have bgcn rc-1 proved; ~ ciondemncd, ‘tlhreatncd and plagued Ado?‘ God férf lb dloingq. hatlapuiblikc and g¢n§:.ra.l°l Taleratitmg will prgvezm hideomand complcx1ve¢\f;l,cjF_m gfi dam-« gcmus andl.mif’chi;cv“@us confequqzncc, 11', c_ver4( which Gold‘ forbid) it lhztll, be ccmfenteld to by ‘Authority d f - 4 eb l.‘lThbclglc>ry*d“f th<‘:_wm’g)fi hi0'hfGod wjllbe lgird if thseiavcry duflgl ?»The’I7rL1rh ofiihrifl, ‘yea all” the fundlamentals of faith will bc, razed to the ground ;A . 3 All Chrifls ‘Ordinances; 4oEliCe:s.{‘wox‘fl1lp, Rcligiornl a7ndltl1c power? ofmgcdlincffc, wwzll bc: utterly over‘-v , ghmw.n l_-, l T11;ouland.s a~n7d tiff! !h.0Uf3Dd$‘°5:P‘00l1‘lf011l*5" which Chrifl hath ranfomecll ‘with hisown b1oud,'fl:a11 V llercby be; bc5£rai.cd5fed uced, and endangered robe une. done to all ¢,cernity' I: _ ‘- Magiflracy,and Minifiery, and With :hcm,a11 B.e'li ioug landcom'cl§"7 and Com mrce;4~Aadzid ‘fo many *reviving“ Vunc’x“p"c6i:cd vi&0:i‘“es“‘"Oy“fl“ "hér“cnc§= Amicsg andV%‘ dothafljefi héiwv ‘Lw2I&fo¢* all his a H ”%’h *3r%:t%‘¢é':i’ Evrkiaofi fivlir V4*“¢:E‘ng1é\nA'dWé%'% 3“r?:§We*" .6’ "conc1udc“,"1fccin‘g we" have A A wGod qFVheavcn%;‘;aimlVé‘:z¢xc!ti 1wi!14jbé§=4;jat‘*oifé"kéd :6 % fcgcn%: very+= Goffie*l%add Kingfdgi 3“ 4 4 4 ‘ _ ‘ 44 A fiffig aon1a_1ldvhefe confid¢ :ae%ta‘fis;%"W%é %tjiie’=M4ipi11¢g5,5f‘;%'%'g ~ ’ M g:r?<:ac“%diflli%‘lfl<4c of Ptalaoy we D Aofffié j “r»‘71 . . . ‘I ~ . 4., 3 r ‘5 ‘ ” “ n -. r , 5,7,. .9 yum ‘ M ww‘ ,«u~ I,‘ \. ‘ I ‘l aII+cr5inut agwain%1*usa. 1s%thisE»x’4#¥ MA and fwareta we my/2 /Jag’: G%0d;L'F0* tndegfvoar fcmh »ia1z»ef.qr, 3,: A Szipérfltflbii " /5340?’ ?/7v‘i;£‘5::AL pmgr :.- ibroughr*?% m's,9‘~y%,1';17Wc-)r4d;* fa“-f V 1- 2 Chron. 18.. 2.3.. , ..,“_NifA@ “ ’[DCUCo; M A fljall be ”i A “A ‘ t Matth. 11.3 3, t0_4-"I 4 mtCor.S}:i4. ,; %§fif‘. ..;hri}fi1igth%%c#O.h,£tr;xi¢1§:d}; Vgsw;:w§ax,5* '_”:.A&’;1Q_eI4s , 7_3l.133. % ( cyan w:A4ct¢Rthe fem-mentioned wazzratim. §>}1:1*1:u¢d_L éllld cndgavomrcdwv in this Kingdom,A aaccmmt- xngu u%nl,,aw£u1l% and .p.cmicious£And %whe£'aev”er they ‘be, 33121!-' fiEC«fi1m%ci~if¥ %V«&rcfpcé’f$%y¢no makfi t*hflm£'e}vcs* % =%¢@=¢fi~:?1’A £hcmumo:%.and¢thc mifehicfsxhaz~;wilL%»:irmvi; tahlcly ¥o hop: t1’<§it bath i~t;1A.vs:.,hc A M ‘Hcz:ven,%%~Aa%nd;Aneur sown ,kC¢9flfCi.CDC¢C9;; bc§I'§: God am! We ”hC3§f‘t€pt1»:}’ - _ it netgfizyfor mfuk}xd%*t£m¢;m4 #95 34a"’i"%1dllfifliéritygfdelityfiyd and l:am:z2z;,»,—V% ‘are ow *..l"fV ¥.“}‘3€1 5¢_’;4,ga;.a;%£1"? #17 aldim -film; .?4gtZI¢g;A.}4E1;rmrr5,A Ami 4¢f?rt4v‘¥i'v¢:1?i«aéfi0wzx:tA rim. ;. A4criara%%yfw Gévqrnmmt nu? toméwc ta MET ngfeoaéle «ta $55’5P?'3" a. V ‘V'~T:1'9» (1Voitéfi‘an: mbikb “wt flaw: ‘(marry to G 4d%{pVrqfigx9m.g«.' 3: ¢1,g,(;,-5 ;; T+‘«Md gm ~dzfa%z;‘orp 5; «llAowl:hsercu»pcm V; yet for our own p:m:s.we% %;h4t1‘P1¢;If@~Fi9nWémi!z 1Iqe;WM£¢i‘H£4;.fld?!ie,.wé:4za»"wg¢gLE: W m¢«b&fi*'- y tlafis..ms4»b4g:¢:&WawLmit&w3=:m@z pr: a;+.4'mtczz1iog1;m.¢tg"pfifi:ontcnar%4oa§ im%it4vt7a vantrm %var‘z;ypgg[§f;y;Il ,,. air 5&0 ibl43{fl‘“‘.da5ff&4d’ fem; in T ’ W urea»; Ac: fvfiéfi-gleam Mt in m ?!.>%9¥§€g77;v‘!?}’3]2( g A «,1gelgie:t,~ what? A A w;tppmr ar- 2ea~fliIv1I-my mimvenflzicwiwflyakiw VA »5!ist?‘v; s4wflt1i3?#~‘%f“‘VT’fV* W‘ % ’ ,(c, (kt tivemr xemcmbcn jL%it~~~iqfll4aw Q12/Jk!_=l©§V;e R iwélti an % I ,.. ‘ ‘ - Av ma r-;;. V *- ”Ex:”it C. A‘ "' an «am-“sac I ‘ a;_Rev,%:.7§._ M 4 ‘ ‘ 1H,. ‘,.‘_ «ya ¢llfmi%r%wpmmc-ref *nd'm~°fmww~9rdm£hfiu;flaw me onvoe%~mmL bef*‘a£h*a,*;« 4 . I medxi‘ “ C " V ¢ ‘ « s» e m at us» ~6 -x a ‘ " w, 1!!“ Q‘! ‘ I W ' «*0 vo, ah 3. . . - 4, ‘ , » ‘ -5; «H I M .. ‘_ W ,. . N ‘ ' R u ‘ W ! ‘, In , V --w ‘ ‘« ‘* ‘ W V , . : 5‘ , ht ‘ ,- ‘ “. ,. I ,‘ .. V , 1 fobn fbownme «mi«1?a£toVr%of great V And. §‘dzze‘PM;J€fMin; »drfl11»4z2m;.an% FA I , V '7‘ new if 1 M “ r 5’ «£1 4- Q , 4 bar. H3 .4 rwg/2:: ix. M; of A Leqimrdy, % , V T‘ 7. - t/oer: P afiéor of » 1»f 1 &N1"itaiB:e«r~.E% "en ti v W; 5‘ ’ ‘ r, * ‘ ‘ ,. «V. 4 AA A ‘\ % c/Mn I _ V A A 0%. IKL €07¢‘4?*"d! 0 ‘ erldfla ‘ % ‘ J ~ M»: M’ W ’ ‘I r . ...,‘.‘-4“"\ w n ‘HIM “ W,“ ., » ‘I mi zmzzmx *§corgé‘.§1'outI:w:r&, falmm i5Minifier°f%%‘}45 V 3 o,¢%’Mei»cer Minifter,Aof7 ch ‘G “ofpel, <36) L Wzfiiam 7‘e"’U"Pafi0r©f%W5 v’W/J«»Lor»¥~ Elidad fllackwell PafiorofflnJren?»Vnder¢]’ ' c/M‘el.c 1. ,. . n L04~',m afi-.0? Of flnn£:¥A14lder/35j4teW. La. Kjeorge Faiaaler %Mini&elr offridewell; 4 %4%zj¢h‘eve%Hma2zm/ Pafior %~v~0’d/irefetzé A g%m%4mHm¢m Mi¢nmer4 of‘ mg - w A11-fl:cr%o. Ciofp ~ e/fi%Jd..M1n1flcr of Smt_tm._» M w olm 4 ' wk?‘ Pafiorof 5.7-\/[mgy a0l}%2:c2I;"Ij9fv . ‘ ‘Q , V \ ‘V at. flaw ‘ ‘ ‘ *5: I ‘V ‘ _ 1,1/zllzami ct)! l@¢z;~ m: f P V»?%§8eller:' P rcac hfcr Athc%:__G~ofpcil at L ief Fen~Cbmjé:fa .541: i(?et. it/Mm P afqbr of Jlbaném A ro warm:/zegis . W ‘ M WC. ‘*1 é ' ‘ V4. 1 W W V \'.;\ ', "fin ‘~"H .. -Kw “ W n‘ “ , ‘ .. '7 " , '-&‘;‘:"f :2: ». 13,1623: mu _ V‘ ‘, "‘ I , ‘ ' “ “gg ‘ ‘ I 5‘ W‘ -y 0. ', , ‘N . . v. ' ‘ I ‘ ‘ I _ .v ‘ - ‘ J“ ’ . ' . .9 ": ‘, ‘ ‘ ‘ g " ' vr r» «W am a or‘ F e mi.“ {‘~ . -.. ‘ ., ‘ - w = ‘. ‘v. * » m ,‘ ‘ -‘ ‘~ )4 w ‘ ~ “ - WI 5.. ~ Yr‘ V ‘ . ‘ :. ‘ 2' " ' if » , " ,:. >. v; V ’nj,* ~ an r. ‘g ‘ ‘.2. w 1, ~. w~.' “ 4}: 1,. ts. ‘ A a ’*v ‘ ‘Q. E. . ‘ . - :- " ' ‘ - * J -.3 V, ,; M‘_.;;.,. 3% _. ,. ,,,'.Q;.v , * 1'. .:~ mg - .. M‘ 4%,‘:-V1 3. “.,~‘ M3 x :33»- W :1.‘ Q ‘ K M. A ‘ I 1‘ v? \ -9 "rt! ' ‘ 2: . -4:4: ‘ V’ #3»-\ 4:5 M3 .. “tvw ‘V > 9 ‘ ‘mm. Ob” St%e77‘U Of * - ‘ ‘ mg 9 :1 ;&.ti.,~ #5‘ ._‘;J,‘_“,¢_*.:‘ um ’ 3" < ~ “- mm cu . -"; V m, . v‘} ‘.“ _ ‘ E.‘ -'1'? M3 “W ,5!’ -M‘ 1;‘ b:,, .. “ ‘ L vs , ‘-m...,,33w«. .‘ ‘ .<-u ‘ pm » g 2 _jafior Q M % A W, . v ‘ . Q " fly 9, .4 4:. “m'.-..;. gin . I , . ‘ J,\ ‘ 7 ‘.' ' ' ,1 ‘-n. ‘ a._ ~ av -*2 4 «~ S tepben [7 Eat my —m1fter of g ~ A A ; us. 59”“ 1' é *3. 2;‘ ‘M ‘V *3 ~—’' .?&x.;;% 19 ‘*4 ‘Wm ‘x 51 2; 4. . L I aw‘! 3‘ ’» ' . V ‘W; ‘ ‘V ‘ M ‘ 5" M 2 » 4r ~ - John croaacott M%ini"fieVr% :1g,;¢:’ $cIpmc1*gA¢‘%5gm;? omtr Sour/amrk, _ ‘ r. » . , ‘ ‘ . v M“ » “ ‘ 1‘ -‘ ‘ ' \ ‘ « ‘ 4- V‘ ‘ " < “'4 .' x ‘L .. u " 3 “ “ ‘~ “ M’ ‘ 7 t.‘ .0“ 1.3 " {Q - ‘ ‘ ,v 'w‘ a. " - W x, V ‘«'« M’ M» 4 -:. V 2 *~. at ‘=1 * -“ y:~,» . . J my V 2 M my ' 4 ‘V ‘ ‘ .' L2‘ .-' six ‘.2 ‘H, " K I W: ‘- (W V M 4‘. - \- "m “* ' "”’Y ‘ ‘ "" W‘ " “ " 2 " ‘ K M - «:1» W ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ,. K4 _, r \ V ‘ . W‘ up»-4» mm. :5, . Ifi ‘ M \ “ M ..v_ -‘V \ & . * ~ ~ H . .,‘ «~ , *~. » ,,., a M. '..«"'3 an IV)?‘ 7‘ "'.j‘ .' ‘ ‘W “_~ 3 ‘. - v‘}.‘}}.= “ ' . 3‘ -3, 4‘ ‘ ‘V “ ‘ ' V kg“ "Z; ' N’ ‘I K '_ i‘ “ ‘. ,‘ V t..\‘-;: 31¢ :‘ % 1:’ '- 9 % 2 W» -~ ~'r ‘ r =-, W. % % . 6 s. 35:» er A V ml er 0 4 at am Stay mar M * ‘ ' ~' ,I .‘ ‘ . I -' x;_, 4; " ‘ _ 1. ..W 1 Although wcrwhdfc Namcsarc hereafter fnbfcribcd do thinkic fittings for us to fignethe firft and third branches of this Teffirr.-any, relating to the ~ % Coxfifian of 1'*7a»£t/J , andwD¢'r.c £5«‘~—ar}«}5%rA 6-'/9~:m¢'»b» G’ a1u»ernmm7m~, Aad«vi{ecL~by.»AA%=:Vhc . cflfemély, ( which We‘ as members off: did tender to the Hammra5[e' Hm- fu, and [till wAig_ppon‘:heir pleafure therein,) yet as Aminifiers of the Gofpel ; Within the Province of .L9ndg{g, we d9 Axyirhyour. brethren willingly fubfcribe , the refi. .againft Errorm, Hérefafar, ,M2ajMi¢mia}"., and Tal=araxiom_f_, t}‘2:m,., and t0uch_ing¢_£h€ Solemn League and Covemmt, % V rz¢ém‘.IV§ond :19 H3246 % ’ ‘fl.’/no Q42 W f“21;ie” ms. Cjéarge ‘ail/(er Péftogahggéfifo-fin E1mngelifl‘£;.V Gas % Eie/d.r,i Lngdrew Rmafczlmemt h1t?1’i**‘~.- ~:az*m*172a°w. I - M _ 4?“ ‘M icawfl’ % ié#‘Mzai&e*waV* ¢ Em. C4l4m,yP agjcon. I Mary Aldermaiij W Tbo.0zfiMifim%“ “ Seam A A W. % get 9 ft 9 a¢ba'£i}%~% u ..,. 54 ‘ W 1% ‘ M K “ aw’ 1% mi ‘ -1 mm-‘ ‘ in m ~ V ‘$1 an . V ‘ “ , x ‘ .. AM ‘M. m $9 m¢9...,. :1 N)» mg. M.‘ & W5‘ ‘ X K at 2 a.“ A‘ ’ A ‘ W54‘ W “ '" ‘ m"‘ M " 7 ‘-‘ ' "““‘ ‘W 7-'{aIt1 ‘ ‘ E w ‘M in ‘U’ "M v: , ~ _' ‘ ‘A ‘ wugm, ‘ , 3}.‘ 1.. In ~1y1q'u1‘ —y,.|—