:1-H A£Ch{m;h‘and»Poore, % To the {acted @ Majefiia of Gr.eat* B 1t_I.'Ar%A I N E 5 Monarch. A . Far a juf 15 redrefioftiae uniting qf'{:bm*cbe.r,: L W; the %_mz'%ne% of Hojjzimlis, A % iththcformcand—goVérn1i1énfofthé A J V M A ‘ ‘ K.irk’e.of Scotland. .A . .~» =” . pt:-». 1 W ~ W 9:» “M «if». E: ' . V 3' ‘*9 ~ % W ’- ”“» “““”‘.z‘*.- ‘W Mm » “-'.(§;w""_,_‘;m;Y:I|t"*;f l€‘77£a.a’ .€%$‘).-:.";'3}y,a..— . 1. «.~ . ~_‘, jgwfilg ?' 9.‘ ‘Q. ‘ ‘ ‘.. ‘ r_;,y & - V . - % P s m."m~. 20.; 9. 5% L91: %n,4mzm I/.vez'<‘i;s;g:/244;: ,¢,;m¢ ‘ day #54: meta/I. Q 2 - rug:-u-——— I?rintedA=nn-oDom. f164.1.’_ 5:7” fig _..,“‘, up; . V‘. .‘ . .', ‘ ‘. . A V» A 1 43,: V. I .“ ’ ‘ . '" 2 ~ “ ”- ‘ ‘ H I w‘ , M‘ ‘ " ' ' A - - -¢ ‘ “ I ‘ , . 1-’ I ‘- .\ ‘ “ ___,, % ,7 ;:."-’¢.’~,'«;«,'w “ ‘ " ' I " TH % HV M BL E ~ A D D R. ES ié: both dfChu;rc:h amt“! Pcxorcgorhc A_ Sacred %Ma~}ef’cy qfthcir dread Sove- » Iai*gI1 C,CI-1.1!-R‘L :3%’s¢,GrEatB:ritainS ‘< ;M0narc‘h,<‘3cc.- ‘ W V‘ . ' For ztjzgflrédrcfll» of rmz‘t;é:7_”g’af 'C’;éurMa*.:*,% [ A and tire Ruin: a_:fHo@z'mls.% %Hcn ‘"1 § fi~jgC¢ncC4§.I4§ ‘A ' “ j: 1 cred S“o_v::'raigne) pr A phctically pro“no‘”unccdV ithis Voorne concerr-" ning his fpnne Iffizcbar, that‘ 4 $193: flwuld “cazgclz V _ downs-Eawatn ‘t.-W aw-. dem*,"hc%*likcned hiirn to A . ,a l 1 ,_ V _ . /3' . ' ‘ I /' '{,:/%V;".‘.v‘-".‘.’4’.‘ $ ‘ 7 . 3;’ r ‘ ’ ' 1 1‘ A iiflzrcng AH}: , was needing much flrcngth to bjeargfo4gr¢ata«b;I£t11éAnA. And it was thought: . A _Vd{-‘%o1d4,Vt11at%% _th'cburthcr1Vof the Minifb:ry,4 V221 ' pm:/fa ‘E.¢r1zfi$e5 to 11aVc th€ ch4a1igc of None . _ A Chuflrch, (g'~r::im c'34;alvua%fu£1e»4fl?_4 E[cc1cfi‘is,,<3c not A ' fobc’ A oVer~%ch:=§1fgédwit!j1L Vundcr~;:g‘0ingL% txvq, A jwafs . fuch, that 4.“i;nf“t1=xeballzmccof the San-- A A 3 étmv-‘Y $%5$+4{W[v % D.m.5; We-X6» Wcbtr: 'Afl2'., \ e’tuAary5 weigh the burden with‘ the flrengthg A gheene furpaifed the other, ,9 ,9; ma; »,-m';:'m-, gm. . . me and who is of fuffi.eiencie;-‘for the dify - charge ofthat calling 5.’ ’ t But now-..-axdayes the cttre offoulstist ekhet weighed in B‘elj7mzzm-sballance, and fetmd teo Yghf“; A or mcnst backes are tthought‘,ii.ke t Stimffifif ihoulders, itrong enough to bezzre ‘two Chmfches ateonce, as he carried thetwe poftsofthegates of tAz—.-aw to: the top of the , _Moum: which is before Jfieértm- V t. . A , A A A A Pcrange tlting, that mens policie f-heuldt Io meet a Princes pietie, that where he inten-‘ ‘ A ded the bettering of the Churches impoxre» rifhed eVftate,by fome competent ptovi‘fion,at 1ea{’t,toeach one : If‘ Patrons cannot evitc the neceffity ofobedienceto that laweof 1115 Koy2iPztrlia111enf,& De-creef of his honom-—~V ble Ceoznmiffiongthey fhai ttflfindout fuch a pd» litick courfe,asiztefieétwthetfame fl1al1beeb:t1t _ ‘A A A V» fmftratehowfoe:veréfor%whe1'e two Churches A are tb be providedfeverallygettingthe’AChar-- gesunited_., and making one” fing dumb, they have made the poore petty“ portions ‘t'tInited 3 imgether hkewife, _ to equall thtzm. M .;I11€‘i.1:- ftiredecfimpefencie ofprovifibn appQinted.iI.1 A the Aét: as if bette1*ing ‘of preovifions N for feé} A etvetall Churches had. nqt beetitmtiantabllt thaf the kingdomethe impairing of the few“ ; tmtnbexgboth of Churches andPaflors, had Pazeext hintcnded. e Andttmaking thereby fame A % I zjfiizcléais AA A A»A Mzairu-:s,rhac itrriayiibee {aid of them,-age? ezemte: pillars, Nilultm, being fife-renre_rsr - ~ A errly fo wear offgand none thereafter in thofe rpiac.€‘s any n1ore;iA:0 fucceed them, ’ ‘ ’Becaiife (ifbrfooth rnen arefo 10at11to‘par4t'“ WithrheChurchespatrimony, fliould inhere- 'ifore be made fuch an iliicite matrimoriy zmci "conjunétion, as is much leiie toilerable then With the ews under the 1aW,t~o have plowed D; i_ i _ "*~wieb¥zin 0;:fthci1: arge a-ndAVfacri~% ~lcgiouflyyd‘etaincd* Patrimonics, 1:hcnbyAma.. mitsofth at grccen Pa{’cL1re,w«11Vérin.»th¢Loyd; Eflitoda-i I3, thelfraclite §a~ndEgyp.tian,wl10iQ Mafliss. * ‘A I rthnc Pcrovc rogcthcryofrhem, kx1I1ng%0nc% of ~% ‘ AA A V];.iég.1z.' thcmto prcfcrvc another. A A V AOrLas,t=he «E’phracm~itcs, A, wh0;Ct.t6AVbc planrcrsfimt fuplantérs themof: ” ’ } “ A‘ ‘*4 iCVl<>iifIéa“6?cei:s%%‘at)d, Angtj} in1afg?efs’*;¢f%4tE1é L Vdémc3‘of‘Ch::iI£; %4»%:pma this (as theProp1:e:* A ‘?:dMié4é%fairh%%) "thc_g1*¢at17h9.n'fp§1rw,ic1s>eAxés*hafi$rh¢yi%1x&,ad’mit an 4tiikéfp1aces:in;_a g0dELc’0f1f’trl1€ii0i1.' 4 M :.‘Befo’fe’PaPcors;Vwéf§‘imppv¢riThe'fl , Pafim L %~ahusbe‘d1aniniflaed%fewer: '"1;hc;:i:1z”i€%‘ to effi *~f!+i11V% ¢y‘d€!ii¢Iite‘9fh1*¢fi%4A¢5 AIs.Vnoetms:hevs1c11:%rorc«afimrileageeffvméfi homre isat &9mthe%»pra&if¢ likeneife. 4»-ti extWt¢ Wfélwm‘ fiJPre:‘éy;grzum%%+ > “i‘XndVh9fv€£¢C€3L1hg1y,; =,.7 1§utA‘h aahdmcszntradifibm¢ abfixrda Mandzagainff commo1Lrcaf“6%n éwhcr: ~ workc:~is,A%%th¢;re—:f¢;vv:r workmcfnco bc, % >- V 4 T, E49L4r=1?l54*.~VW<>r1fiI1gA%%wif%1y% (indccd%);¢~ tq3tIgtfl¢nt~th.¢=I133%1itcs Tc: irm:7 A fa"m¢;;%% Buy; po1i§:i¢%4Beingw?void of’ PiFfY$5d3{‘33i’:¥°¢“‘e Phaucsanliaand V $1136.“: in _:?o. fig. coueage: V fitlggg M dent % C03l1 €dg f*V~L1:fi11;aExéi A .-wA»‘=fi~vc‘%“by,*byéahew.:px:aé’tife 4at1n’é2scati£)n4‘6‘f_ A AeI§i1¥kcs,Ar:ext.mum% A ,.:Parctits4L.,4; i%‘aind iheaficn -£°, f0“I‘.. ia~praaivi'c ‘M°°“‘3§¢4=% A % 'atoArc_p’1c11ifla the rSc§1 es‘ ‘fof "thi: ‘ +Pr(9phé-is ; mhcrcrafter : :andforcorifr;c1ucnt1»y "bC;p1‘0fit*a‘m7€ f@rw3¢h¢r:béwt‘5 ’ ' ~*aMC*fl0ft"H'€&L§iit€T’téittiinftmfijrg, and make ¥?rmimfCj~udgc~%V A A " A A A ‘Th: ~»Co%um:rcy;in.11kc m-anner», hoWV Wxth ;. m*’t:ouu« % Eeilzfl a Babe! , let any fiindiffcrent qtipfious tmadTs«;im'o1@s A ‘waycsfory trey harmed. A" ;V@%fl1&cd\ ‘wounds, 4ifl1a,1lfh?¢reaf’tér «offer -th*éin9- ‘félvcs ccmfpia m;and~make%a1c hereof ~miorc%hnn'éltar¢ahd" % ¢ I%%c;:€imE-.fOfY;¢1?1:at‘irtfonnfitbn pr efir A . A b“1”“e‘-I“£'%fhcr3jtI"c%foLiii11“aiTi‘¥z1>n was in A I» 4 : ar»“*a%nti%.rnru1y%con- ‘ AB 1 4 fufion, -f”ti<fi6r~1§'(;Gfir"c:¢d;%¢43and *:n4jot.: G£%JciI‘inefi"c?+%Vpofi"éii%'w '~ . fing.the.1m1indcs1iofWmanv)‘itrwas notsienough » « +‘'Athén»'.; %u11;é:~gr%iefe 0-Ethé gddlygto Icvé11’%withs V % _ V'Ithfégr.oL1nd dtface,«an’. camdvmeg Kirgkcs “ VfiI:‘iroLi5g$-h,.thc~ l%ar;d‘?,,t4a1=;d :ofil1er7 religious ‘placés, iwhiéh might have.» fewcd%4(befid€~ tthe=° ‘Oma-A _A merit Q5thfg»~Cduntrey)forgéthég abfettcf .:-ufgga i ~c;;j,7i%f1g=fac1y:%in ti11c1janguag=c>0f :Edmr, Rraze .e£‘®.Fai.x317h:7°"“ iithcziag razeAthcm%;.§vém tome; féor,1ndation*::" V; as V » .E';yig.m‘I MI‘_"Ai;ifAA(aga.in%fi the 12£w:)"1*th}e:[houfc;haVing.2thc:le- —~p1'0fie, pcaluld not be vvpLF1gr’g"ed:.=,r ' butby pulling ‘downs; fo thaft as yet in manyplaces A there % remainfith butjthe’ nwnuments -{pf &héad1c:fl7c 9 vfury *¢‘g§-rjégtssfitéiv Tmjnfrtit :* But %a1fo men ~ A ~ " #11ma-gda3zes5.‘ana1;”gooci13z.:fProfefl"ors‘ . (I fora A A - sfoothj:thinlcingrthere arz{c*;2to0~many:»re1jg~ius ” AA A -:pI-ac¢sAas yd thé landgrandz hciufcrs ‘ofafiads ='.worfhip,—hay,c:rcd:a¢Si:ec1fiévosi1lwone,and_rriad>e .‘ ‘ftherebyra fcic;§)nd*A%defa1cation at'Q';ab.::~idg.e jzhae ' A % ' A" “ " ‘ * ”" I M ‘ V” #5‘. tfi£.d:m‘i2i, « A his reported (§f'HL172fli52iwfiZ,'f;{~Cap’faimc§rof V ' 'in:It:aIy,vVhich be intcntI¢:ci“fo% fubdue to him» .fe1fc; a ménfirous ,-iAmage appearing before ° A hi1n‘:% a*c~:.”t”he fighit ‘Whe“rEof?%h;:~i bVeing;ama2ed, ;r*‘2u:it4was=th»at~VA~foV.4Vsg4haft1yap AA‘arcd+:.* The Image anfxvered;Véy'lizm1‘t4li.e.But«tlnis -. I ».1%ma'ge&eceived~ y4z:m%aIz~¢:£%£er afizcn thctfight A '~-"‘ .;.wof~hi$ brthershéa *5 ,fent?¢unt0=};im by»-thfie ~£Rem4;2e:.5 hc‘e*was fQrc¢.d t9flyf:_d1i1I_tdly. Am Q [£«‘4!?+—-‘ §ffit%}erpt>1ici~e3{chaf hé§faW'.ir1ra%‘drééi?116:,Héing A ~.-.»-4”.‘ Wcfiari A A '¢:‘a*x£i:ézga;an‘d’focfrufiratcof his ”cfxpe&at-iotaJAA» A ?ItAf}1ai11lproyc lAikesv1fc*but an Aun1uck:ie;prodi- gir“: to fhem,t}ie,devaflatx0*An offthc1r‘cou ntrcyg‘ AA A *s2v%hoby"1aying"—wa4i"=ce fo%ma.ny_KiArks,0fgoo‘4d~ A “in“;flj01*t'ti1ne5 to bccmi1¢‘1?iké‘;A“AcA1m;2 or Aéfé-=A~ A A 'leé22.z5vburi2;iNs5 ‘heaps of Pcc:'Sncs4 here andr Athem A throughthev2?ho1e=Kingd0me.4: - ‘ 1;; and.» godly 0rname'nts,A ~fl:aIi%'makct1-m fame A A ‘ “ ’ Joflama 7.‘ " 3 lg: ur"Sav.ioz:i‘1: v=;r°‘as< naimh: 1noAv?ed,‘"5:i1*2£i “as 3 V great metiveit was a1fd* ufc-zd-=4.by*.=theAA4— Bide-1'5 ~ ta grant the A94=pérfw%1def=A§1nd,incYucc _ ¢¥1tL11~iofl5 VPetiti0r1‘ 5! and A%heA:11r;= LU??? ‘A A h&:$Afer:.vant , .Be‘ca,ufe heeiovcd .their A Nation; V 'o£;he«Jc'w 4 3(faidj‘they)A: and *fia<:I’V4'buil%1: Afo them” a Syna:-» V . *g0guc:.' ’ =’Where"théy' %makev9th"ere A fhis % out-‘-x — ; A A ward Vaéfion7a;fur¢:tr:f’ci11*1or1y of? "his%A.fin"C$ere ~ and ‘inward =awf4Fc€:1Qjn4 .fe)w'ardVstheitzfleligionz % AThcnwhat%canibe*th¢ a%Ffcé°cion'orzea1 ti-i:x“t~ A A Amanygprdfefléfsnowvbe-are to th*@v~w.orfliip of A A “E§~odgWhich thby.'profefiE,‘ when>i'nA%Ap1—a£e bf " gbtxildirig Synag'ogues3 or.'I?emp1"cs,and, mfllia A A‘ flip13zit1Ig*théix. number ,V,.*AwhereofT th&is' King- A A ‘dor1;7ic”rfl?an5*i1“cthfomVuclrAyiriiAAi1és2d,;r"heys rather A“ ' ‘ bji¢fi1ch*unitin’gA*h2ivc"f ifigpairfidi the‘ number, V a1’K”ii=:xpofcd}‘ tHeaie.i-ficcs‘t‘o.A “1:uineandA»ccm-A- . :~f6m=pt~€A‘\iAThAusf(as the I?rc;phetA faitAh)_ w=h1'lc'e‘- A ;:thcm’ ~' illmeth *tO1ate.* V 3.3. c,1v11acyAA 43'. Civiiity '"!i'mdr+':d. % iI~"\tIf-h 1.16. ' 5 Pe.t.z.1y.% 1* z»:I»ar$:;4;7%¢.% civ:i%1icyha:h, €Me;r;"a H5® één4{eene»«¢c§:1sxa}ve bcfirlcthc‘ ;Daug+hmr.0Lf‘*R.eH~giDn-:‘; -% 4.fi:%c%,;pomted wotit, A 5%»: ~Dcifimt,fo~I«i1 A bc;ho1y_co~wa»r&s ” 1(3Qd,and.1+1ghtceus towards :Man:: and 50 t *gi=ve« each Vonfie thc1’r ;du/c, "and *obfcrvc A both ‘ Tables. And ficxperience hath taughtgwhcré Picty hath bid «fare-~wc11, «che:rc~‘Civi1.ity Vaamd min_é1y¢Pd1icy hath, like am/1,; ~infc-parably % followed %N-:u"m:;,- %andi.g»@d2l‘efl'e iB*arbaritic:r7a@ A ken up thciVr~:m“omc. ; And I fea%red;Atht' K’ % CaHn0tvbc?ri’%i% ‘Vhonourcad: 3 , % :in%fo1fi1c<%1,nd4marvcl1 that “ ncrs 5’ A anfl 7:‘br‘aa=Ch bfdutyibafihrto G find .far%thefc%cwo, Mk: %‘Gm'ni, V» ;~goctbg,;c-‘- <«th‘er ‘: and the ftrongcit xnfortccr 1sV1rt9.oE'tfieAV7Wbrc1~‘andMSacra¢- A A F m'c‘nts -,»,t and:*co.A flirthcr A to» cnefinmv madsc Mather. Ii?ad‘*zr1i*i%‘1Qf£‘~;%1§id'V’ASte:'p~mt514% tl1:cr)‘Kirkcs“:whcre;Lfzdiféontmtxngamaze? the fiaV?¢J3¢aArd‘A*a”Sfraflg€r~%€m+ i A rAyroigé\cV.;.%4:éipgfii;§%;5a- ;;_o‘t1i~twa1‘d;‘ mi: Baék4 A- :2; %trgadipgtheirlteifibwuss:itid*’i1t1coxitli‘{2sr:zy,aft:<:3:A A mutua11:?rcgx;ating, thcy_fma}{jufiiy%.{'ay, Tim: thcy, haw: amen both Pfeach1hg;and*1’w*A ; nahcc togcther. A A H ' * % And AwlsacreaAaaxrandbaimmei:A:agAcoAA:Ahof¢* fmplé oncs.§ fwhcti tfi.c3i*flia11Vf€ér Ré1igi0n‘4" “Ins T0.1itt1€ r€gaYfd¢d»{ ‘BY =g00’d1i¢fiA4LA.PY°:f5f€4 A fqrs, Aand;Ajg§;¢at'm:n‘ofthe;.]i;an‘d‘; ithc*’e* x(=:rci4 fcs Woff1”rip()F'(§ib'cfin“i'd“‘1iiany:§ pxaces cxtingI1ii{Bcd5fo man3+%Lampso£Ach,ecandle. flicke of “the S.im6tuaryAp1aiAn:1y put%%*ouf,Mi1m- ~ W ' AA ~*1fiI¢;mr.s%Afl?:~..=,_. W ¢ «mo havefubieaedmens heartsfo%%&fohcr% ' % t%fla*<€ry,tha€%fl1c«hathmadc th€irhand5VVt0:Pu11 V ‘downs f the“TLo1:ds Houfcs , and. AMan:iou%1?— %«,p1accsofhis.%DiiZi1ic';.Wo:fl1ig,thcpubliiliing A P ofhis Gofpellfowbcicenfinaiathe nurnbw“ * . ofhis‘Mini17ccrs fo :0 be ~'impéai1*cd, the Ki1jkes ] y , ‘ - PatrimonyiftiI1%to;bc1€etained, 3ndnQ%gv"ete_;V..%A 4 * n.izefci,asitwcregto:the:Poi’cerity,atidjiz1;%‘p1ac¢V% i _ offieflzitutioa, no.z:hingio»bccithcr had, or 7G.-_~.n.,9}%'8$ hcard,V but mocka e., m: %rai:1ing,~AV4as%&if§:'b4zzs’% ,. wcrercfv»ived;:>r S ikzeifeton fopt againé; M j “ I ;¢.I€-mis be nethflattér to fcandalize-weak: .o%sJ4:(andwaebcumtonim,who%give:h on ; fct1ccl4fi fu<:h:%) 01% this be an..¢xAamg$12:c p761:-j f ° fwafionfio rfuch, ‘Who,ar¢rgiVen mdfli fofol-r ‘low thc example %of§héir”Supéri0}IrS,A; ¢t0%1‘ea- ~ipe&%yRc1figi0n t°*.7%17¢“"?énCC th¢!W0rfl1tP : thereof; to regard Pafiour 0£’P1a,cc, Q: fO%%%béc I 1] A unfalnc away,Rcithexziri.Errom;,.Vpf fiméerb, ‘ A£l1¢ifme,1ét»afly 0fiéL¢§£i.1i3gem¢nt43iTc€fh¢;V c0nfpicuo1if""%%¢ ‘€0f‘f?111th'¢9¥Iid? E<11iitY§3iVQ*%1¢T!aV‘7 % Whefé two‘ 1>am1a%es %:1r<:% in a"‘d’:-: VQn¢51;haWtift’¢h:z&I%A been: more urgingly V:nc.cefT:;r§?,A%%bf%ifliChPae 7 rifhes that art: bu%tAA9n&:,and whc:eCifthére%%‘is a t0 haxre béen mad:-5 eztéhfpnjéin‘if\§fQprt1ir¢€ A competent and fi 1fiicién't; amplé ‘pseriihes % at? ggfeat numbmn theland, Va;diT&\’zifi€>1‘1 fh€f€0f A Iéaft : the m0f£.offuchgrcat;Parifl1Es,f?éthicr‘ '1 %mg:pettys4hires,é53:;'councr1es, in the‘i:“r;~ve- ra1l ;[;:...Am ‘ .KiafiAAVCirc.uitS ,* hbciingthe Intic— Cotinfrey,‘ ::.m& l‘ A “ mqflt; 4popuI<:A>i1sAA, and ‘belt 4 inhabited Apizirts A ofhthc Land. I In A which hudgc 1’arifl1eG K of ;1°o;maAny t1‘;9ufiznds- of A Communicants , * 3nd,A offuczhfar and A large Acxtendcd bounds, A ALthofe4thatdwcl1ihhn the utmoft and Arcmotgfi A A Parts fhcrcoflarcIikcrhehjcwcs, who once , gam_,_-H; A ‘gm-thc ycarconcly came upfromA their B017-A A A A dcrshand Co;'2fis,to the Tcmp1eAof']’crufa- Lukc am.‘ _ ‘ A ;1¢m%AAtoV&wor{hip..A‘ Such is?thcir5annivcrf'ary Wiring ofhthcir Parifh Kirkgs one1y,it'b‘ci-mg A notawSabAl5ach-daycs, but a wcck-daycs jeur-~—A ‘ Ahncyhto goc thithcxgthough not thc: famc- day tofcnxrnc; ? % =35 “ :RA£fl5flIl,; and Gdlghh CHC halffl jjlyflnttt 2;; ofM4iaflE6,whcn'thcy were difinif{'c& ‘ by Iojbu’, handhhhad returned to G11cad,thc _ A land ofthcirpo{Tc1fioAAn,_wc;rc forc¢dA for. the _ tom !~‘i‘m¥5Af3:fld:Afiipr¢diftzmcbofplaccfi'om A 7 eI:Iri?o(»,»1v_vhcrcchc" Lordé Tabernacle was; to 1 Abu_i1d'an Altar fora“ mcmoria1lA to theme fclvcs; circa to tcfiific , That they had. part: in the .G0 D/of 1421115 ,, ‘and! were % -not Aliens from ;A§thC’. Comon-wealth of II1 j 50,1 fi1y,mar?v.onc,andmuch pAcoplc’in fuch ax flifllcs afar: d, and in.many]aarts of the‘ . A A h"VLand;havc more than grcéthnécefi .‘itic< ,’{ re; fpC&“w9f tfhcir farm and] rcmotehabitationsh from thcirPari{1mIg{zrk¢s, to have crcétcd , hamonsft .% jfl."zc54ri-C}1- __ , AA gamoflgff*th€Xnf€*1V@ST§;I);[§¥€SwQf%GQd§ wow; thatifi #ti'.n<:>.f% fh¢f£,P4i€i1‘ifl3€s, | thepifé f$e*0;-*~- .0;herwjf¢%1;cAA1aincg.i4 thij0t1g11=%want irlaere-iv‘ A I _ V ofl1ike%bl;Eid-61V1055,%fi§1f1£d‘A%up¢1r1Jgnmfancw % .At11c1fi:€ne~ .w%1*3o£é.<*ruthfui*l‘~% condition; A % likc-:-that v:ifi0n*of7fhc man bf A Mi2cedmi1ia,A: ‘W&;;£fi§‘ ‘thcL‘A}§©‘£flc lfmliiz t1;1e..4'§£‘:%%‘,AAc:Io:%11 piéadk for % -I‘ 7 like aid5;ang1,1r1vsagat_e4t:hJrkg p1‘t§ty.< » :AindA a‘f'j" - moflggt fhom“,-C om~%b:1cfl‘cai¢:3av:;m:r;wm=e 2c:0rra1ly;,fiaS w:as%am@ng&iLwthe was; .‘ A bee;-A {hf4::au1d.15eéefeen with likg? p‘itt3rénci§;:fig~1§@s:;; A V A to ‘mm131%"Aanéif?;5<3wai1es:thcm»; Vb€<:au~f&- 3. ;1z~.u1§.9 ;§[,«%-I A bee-faivA;;them'1ik¢ fliéepe %%Wanting«:4A;'a ;S3h*¢“ep%.. AA heard pafliflgfis": gfiowevr’ an3zzie%d*s1;3an,,-;¢%L ’ ; _ W kw i thoughgrgevejr fO%7di1§g@m5 .difcharg-ea a‘ ;PaL-S7». fiorali d1;1t.i§’"s nm&A3;gi;ori»-V M ;G:9*f13§1¥1A;~Qf?;T€f’fu9V C*£f1fif‘t.V”mcfpientc“V flnou1dauhd,Tand flaizécAin:tl5B?I5“a A I 4 <:; ‘j’B:uf'fWha.ti. ‘{ha1lA:IA;fay «: :fI*oc5;::doicTfu11 ma A %1‘3i;c%¢nc¢j~5a_.f%t»~11iVs AAC1~ay‘Ai¢:A‘gc, gfhflT3h_IO30._' .fa<:i:I*itA.»»i A 505 Pulling down? V%bmA AA tafigfifiafi‘ tfiity i‘nth€ix'AVplaéfisvflfbiiii-.a A Iing uP:QfKirEcsA sa:fi’EI%.1zF1e Ab1‘atAi§m” Ahaéli A vcr been farrc -caiaiér ufg Wvit.h;AAffis;:;fh€n. any ‘ A " “ Q 2;‘ gwaycs 4" . Prov.3.9. ¥Gc:}ef,42. 5,3; 15a 1113:: 9.33. .... ylaud,withthat o£flh.c€P0cu : * in.‘ M ' nwflsa an-I... 1 7jj:”?‘5ifi?‘s-j!ff':.:= .. wéye‘s‘thcDarive_:« Prarftifing lb’ ’tl1‘c'S ”fir_fiFp:i1't \ V ‘ of ‘Zac;/qua” 1ifc.‘, but not: aéting l-the %1la{’c,lpa?rt «pf his Rcflitutidn: and toiimpedc _hércaficx:'. A anyexpcétation oftlaé famcgconvertingndvvgg; l ‘by’ :1 .rctrogadc,thc‘ pl urall number of: Kirkcé inroafirnplcfingular. V I 4 Yea, Mtol l‘pcaliéd» A maintain}-3 I his fcrviccf %or*Wh21tf;IéCodudnt ftjkxcy” V havcto mfalcfi bcforé G;od«_ Afigdélfi; “ A far the Ii1eandesdd_Whichthey»ddwith;-11dp1dd.&~,= and’ A _ A whcrcorifiwfame A the" contrarygmidkg no?ccfigffiiéncfigigbzilgllcfféed . ‘ ly, 'th_roudgh *Gr’ccf4d, £03 ruinigtc-thoflfc “Which” ‘ 2caIoufly,:hrough godl‘iyIeI§I'c;¥~wer¢ fo‘rn1e\‘l’y A _ A % by*brhcrsaluFead2d;d_d M d k WE . dd 1 d % iqSi©f?Ghitti7ffi3‘”?1<3add3““’3"'9 4 fend dunrcadKedar5anadd?i:dqui1§é cif 'dNa:ions"d* round abeutfiif 3153! 3“f'u"<:"h thing ’bciw‘d'<5he;*dlét’bé“d V by Chr_ifcians,but ‘very Turkey z,ifidd.d~d1f’ag4n.r.;' to their Gods, aisdtodthcd rguepgqd, dWp;om‘in? d A Chrifl wcffwp ~ ‘p d.da13ig*hf.; ~Fhat‘f“ scifiplek, . ‘ or religdioixs A laces’, 1 dd once‘ dedicate _ de- and daily decay», A as “naméd “3d(3hri{’i"i"a'nsddd,:* A‘ face ordexpo é“‘?th to contempt, ruinc, ” nczweaada who d*v”vi11'd not ongly dd firffj rob‘ % _ ‘ A thcr'7cntsfromthcm;but% ncjxt(like ;1p;iacéxg&,’* ‘ d v;vho:made*thcddaiIy fafcrificc of cheTemp1c‘ C 3 to‘ .:“-‘ in 3 V f-‘''}; A 5 M -‘ v M ‘ Gcncfi; I. W A '*' gi _ r;,.. A. .. H‘ ‘ 5“: h ~ %%%% -. AA in rmdi.VrSa;.-= A V :2mentsQI;Jt Of tbs? n1aandA4f€t am €h¢;~Abm1ina*%* - A’ 0fvi§D¢If51%Ti5.0:211wA—Aifl4 PL‘-W€$ =.Wh<*;re?A Lt ;:ti11g Compa1‘atiV€*.A A .'*L<-*.jt;t;his c1a§zic* 6 looke ba;cius1..~Tcnaplc§ :¢énedAlikci z.“Chron..;;6. .; ?l~‘.h’5!45§l2 A ‘;Vc{17B>l§, ‘A A :7 the A3?cmp1q~,-wad mwfi AA" A A %%GeSfihd£0f=A?fiA A~1‘9%191-AMA?-‘éwam-%£hc‘[cm,f AC¥!tt”fc1wI1raatcrs:.:;;& « * ‘ » ,_ u. W:C30nFfi§I1¢frfl1f3?*irfl”thef§A:fleQua*ifl1:imgAAAmd7RcxtE¥£s A A ofxirs, ;‘xé”f'ar1~*e~ A Ale‘ ,<:A A_V _V1-5;-“a1'gf—i1_AAa«cA::s‘..arc:~ig1funAdry.pan:é;:AAanid fearc+hAeA; W ,. %r‘”e_fiored_ hm, %L%s%.-917p¢1:1A5 .;t{o_buryV the; A an arm J A%?,@£;foAma11y ancient;Churchcs,as«I4:¢é burxgcd féfiwill abbjiogatc and exiI3éAA.E?ie‘'A:éxEr~~ “ . »»i%au.ghrAné£. “:A4.,~AAniA1AI4PoIiciv¢ (fon£qn:h;)%.admit««» A 2ifs:”:1;1rr:<:;r;*.?yr1y;A.£lS ff; ::£%¢agri%l’rcd;":.aA4 fiufi7cA: V 142% ;thA:~s zbeei %1=.1m‘r>1'a‘5-‘F1176’?-'» A tthc % z%:a“g,éza.;»:Afl2‘;% am réraiaga Gods ms %fT‘un&éivfij+t1:%e . £'6?b£’77”t;..» . '-f;'. ‘A V L<%Gcne{13% 5*-.7. :;J.1s;Iot MthatanywayéI7fpcakc>ag€§i_‘ jrachm A 1Va;i1;i’r’1§?z1'".s;iiseViparmitfédiifggand¢c1¢arl%y4-é4m&ntig~{ fingth¢vcr§;r words %o%£ch@A:ai@fa1 n3.t@‘ir1.%‘,at:S;rat:1t’& éf‘%P:ir1ia1nent:{:t'eo Wit;_; sugv were gm}-m¢e 4%Zaz¢e~4mi/1;:mt_ ¢1?ZI£’§5§?ti32£‘ a T«:,fl»tz’myZer : mdghar ~rbeA Ke2;;¢Q:*.9'.: emf ff ;:'£i¢}Z2a%l.::~Eétr§z;2pg;22y mas: W:as.~%g';%;gmWie;c=’zz2¢-=~" I _/1»,I_?l‘4,‘§s§’—Lii'ti£’,l”l‘3~’;;l'fi,§.'$k*-7P@3!;f{i¥5f¢7fl?:~%T?34?W?£;j7"Z WA fzfg?-§'émZ-9: _ dgwggyzfzzmzzg.4¢%A;€zze4%;:,m;zgezbr%g1g"ggse2s:»5'TAAL-fizm;» ?°"i2§?ya4¢ce,l;v da?a2r;zadE£j'5 ag¢aféi:ag¥(1ej;«%;;%“A;;'dm»§i=fiécref;’ % P1354; w¢Aat&efiWfii# “WW-"st. V a % V Vt/§6j€ 3m‘e'fi9£ f21zsr1dincu}a2m*0cé?é03{&&_ Law éee*w“—='.« 2:3:it¢?a’;,—~::é fwhijth \»{‘(jj;jr cj,§:1;giv&r¢=2y%$an3r,i4:V A . -.,A.:Bufl \év11ez%:‘.bév4é1=ii7¢%-gixiiian my they 1avsafu§lT‘4§gufes’5 zghey *—a—r;:~ inct;>‘1n— .4 .» hn;it€t{i;«£o?gcfherf3 z .u M V q % M T ‘Of R€j._t1tS,; ,'a1ac.1;*-jPatr1mo;ny%%ofianyg ~%on’cv.'%* A Iwhercof, will &¢xVcééd»«fap»tfie— meanéflffforeéi A ‘ Vié32ua&I;; imeriflve::hu;ti faidifissportidn 4:0 wit % -five «Gfiéuldcrif 5 %.re*h M&rkes‘% S"i1viw~i yea; .equail;. and "furmo'j1:mi; fthc‘ $1ighAe& qqan.%;' “city: to wit, 0f ten VCI31au1déts5 %Vi&}1a1I”',~ ori athéufand v7EesA =“Si1‘vc5r‘~-.;, A ? d,9‘.ub;1c , aifé AE€AXAOdu 2«A.IA9D A Mzrchars .A L % 'AW¥1§f¢fiIch;3§ thcfc“ thcn~arcA;;cQ1;pI¢d% < '<;*_oA7i:~T gc‘ChC1' , AA iik c _Ra;tch es.%%fQr j’a;g~ f ain£:;%~:7at*%‘A'hunt-:31 irzgiu,what%fimpo1*tctiV1%% fuch ya moth+cringU.. V g1ot;.%,,%i% butArhe; , ;fo1*c:4faidf*~ A fad. fequcles V TOE“ ‘ A13 J.‘1‘.€C 1 pi1‘A?(’)-f-3 g x c;1.ucA4c:A, but fdwrjc g1‘ap€5;;t0Afct"th§ teeth of} A A ¢dgc¢., . ~; A%: ‘ %%.~ %%u»M+:.V A %% AS,’ ¢~V?-fithfin Si: ). c,0fnmif¢ratiL:g‘.:thc 1 ‘eftatc «if they wro;n‘g_¢dA %¢aught;crs ‘rim “ : AAP;;ic:fiI.‘C>f+¢gMifligi15 wh~o‘AWAcrcW4 «drivchiaxvay A‘ . A Afmm~thc j1'j;rQtighcsA Cof sivattéir « which thay. A bad, fi1IAed=L to. Water their Fathers Flockcs J _ A %1,¢c,%1VAMwray,,defended,~and%.broughcc1mn. % Jofixua Is, A Amicili 4.14. ' 1.akcAz. % AA . P¢i?¢d 3 A Back: agaim Aco%:hof¢~4pl%accA9.%s andgiwc their} _ ‘ $i1A¢§p“e,; rcfhsflument % Asirg E pitty: the A‘ V téirréngéd cfiamain 1_i1.c:la;imc;that j%»Horne of _I 371%‘ vati®inAA4that’w%asVraife&‘b1i%tVof the Houfe ‘of «mwifi,~»and?Déy-fpring, which fiom on , big;hN11ad,vifired pgpslg _yIf;ae1 .1 4 S(Sir)1 rze¥I?cc;}:in Ame‘ manner W Vffpeach‘%"J%¥%and .k~5pr.@-. §phe7fic"*aga‘inc th;ef¢.3t1mbfe,j‘* yea dcadfirickegn A p1'accs]of VG-O D53 facszcdfworfhip, thafthc ‘fame TGofpc11”7Etnay bee‘7as4 yet pub1*ifl1ed,,V V A L “fiillbec maniféficflthraugh all the comers of your v-Land 5 €o*—%give"~*1ightto them them and that the ‘fame ten“d%cr mcrcie in them may " .fit~inAdarkncffc :andAinth¢“fhaE?.oW of death, and Atoi, guide tlieir» feet A‘i11toth¢~»way 05 : pcace;%~4 A A ” M ~ 'VW:*Iié1C45 %?h€5Wf0éV€f*fl1€C[W31-Jonas :_ iovvcd up ‘fiwaw’, rdifgorged him againe '.up- A $011 the “dry ilan4d;A: Even fo ~(’AS‘ir;) %V_howfo.e« . r M var this unitingof shurchcs if’throughV1:hAe. ’moy¢nA and greed of men, {éhath paft the true’ ACa”fcs Aofmany ‘whereof ;were :%neVer‘(I V amperfwadcd ) dearly knowmév tfio»yVour Ho; 4 A nourabjlc Commiffing: a%wifc ..S'4l0mm, l‘h:¢I15;~?;‘p1"€}I?;£D.L¥fl;(Z€!" .~ me A »fct1i:cr%JeC~.e' Qf; ;ix{ifiont: r and E:h’21t,w;r a~s’:th&:: A's-two IW'.0menfT:Whix:hj:pIca;»- dcd before *4 him”,VMccre%A%4"cach“ 7onc ; V‘ rcfiorcd % A ta hci‘ own¢cChiIdc; fo°that: cvéry Church ;;b¢é%;‘rcke};, and‘: tfiere “fed ’1:1Tcr'Wea1<é Land Vt€;n- S7VeI1lbcIoved went foorth by the Pceppcs of der ms with the fpViritua11food4ofthe bread; of Life; Efpcciallywhere greater need AA is t<1...putup mos, A A ‘ . 7 ‘ X: N.cither 1ee%%:he~Wae¢1«;xnenV, -which %-gcse.~A 4 about the Citie, *.of% whom ,fihm tha Louis 1 A Flockcsg, except: thereby was vmuld pleafe the devouring Welvgs. “ % But let: the ‘Wailers of jemfélem {fill beg going. up , maugre all oppdfition: Repaire A the ifl111‘1€‘S 95 your Church,rc£’tore the rapines thereof : and in the well ordered h0uf@f0E' G O D, 1&1; the Levifes, being gresftoxrw t0‘gqekem°m; their portions, bee reponcd aifo , and fat in " thcirplaceszw-ho may read in the Booke of A % the Law of GO D difisiné-Pcly, andgive the A you {H11 in goodneffej, and not wipe out your Nehem. 13.340 ‘femfefiana make t1-as peaple ifo unsderftand tha fame, that fo your G O B may remcmber kindt1efl°ewhich%you have fiwwne upan his ” “ " §§0ufc;,an%ci upon the Officcrs thereof. Ammo F1 Jxgzs. Dz ‘ a ‘ ‘ ; _ . .. .. - , . . . ‘ ‘ t _‘ 4 . cu V. A .‘ 0.. r . “ ‘ E) *7" "' ‘ . ~ :32” . ‘ ' ' ‘ .. I ‘’r'-« ; r~ x 1 V “ 1! -: . .< - ‘ . -_ ‘I ‘ . \‘ z . . “. ‘ , . A‘ V ‘, . . « ‘ - 1‘ . 0 ‘ ,, \. ~ “ ~.- .. an - .....C’m %, , *°. v -1.“ 1. u ‘ N V‘ ‘n,_ r.._;‘-‘ ‘-5’ V V 5 J «. .,,y“w‘ ,;3,_;‘ W . "‘ *5‘ 3 ‘ . ‘ «w .-. “ ~ ww % W as . i z “ 1 u .1 o _ i. K g; ' . ‘ ~ . we:.«%»! {e::*1» 4 19 A II " “ . -. . K -I- ‘- 4‘ ‘ 2.....- 3_ ‘ . 4 r A ‘ ‘ ‘ V ‘ . .. N I‘ . “ -‘ v, . . , fly « ‘ 0, ‘ ' “ \ . “ ‘ H‘ ‘ V v « ‘ ' ~. ‘ W , ‘ix’! ’- ‘ » ‘ ' . 7: ,‘ . . . ~ " U “,1 __ rm ' /4i- ; ‘ , . _ . _ “ - .‘- ‘H. “ - -‘ ‘_"." ‘ .‘ . ‘ - \ x ‘ é u._ -w _ ‘H _ - - IV .7_ ‘ v ‘ ‘ ;_ rg_ _ -<‘. " r_ “ ' ' u . _ 1.. ‘v -- . " ,, ‘.' I?-or»Aa in fi‘P&"€d%tc9fTéof hé ruins \ % I f -“H V 1) O "fbi:>1'a_e1+ ('1<‘r:adSov'craig?t1c‘)V " W ,4 ; was?fh»c~V@ice&%dfi‘the‘~«Ttizirtlé Aheardv in our Land (as the A 1 74?! Spoufc fpcakéth1ntheC4m-*- Cancim-. n " - #512547) or =did='thc Gofpe11A>‘ A J A ’ AA of G"raccA11ialn~., what inoratitude 1s%41t to God, what fiaine to felves, fcandalous to‘ others, pmjudiciall to pofimty,» nabh‘-:.., V_ f W % . — . Cmifidcrthen“CSAac:red Sir) haw ho1~1*i¥:i~1e_% V A the JGo;pe11, A how ignom%ini«pusto this Nari-» A on,%injurio,us to the Poore, hurtfull to them--» i and in a Word , every Way dama ' P And‘%;asL"Dmvia’ VvhehiAh§:car1i:= to his King» _- dome, for the kindneffc that he found a-t*the=;‘i hands oflonariéw, kythéd his thanlcfw” 3?- A fC¢1~iQnAm hisA¢fQn;:z@iw11m?hee4 left: -bchind””eAA ~~ ~ hi1n.;poore1amc Me %bééqfl2a2A»6: EV€11~Af0 ~(Sii*):-15 A A fdfiing rhe,;L€)rdThat f iaiivanirétd 3*mur~~Roya1l AA MajePcy;,_ and~1bi‘ougl1tAyou,faf'e1y'1t0A-y0uma- X . tiVC%Kingdome§% f0r;t1iis:kincincfI‘e dfHis§g:0w - you, fl1QWT yotmgthankfull- afl°e6i:ionA A the T Pm-c Laeah¢vagd1.La"mc*:Mcmbcrsof Chrift A ti o Jéfus; WhfQm+~~.heé hath 1e_ftAbe‘hinde him in’ I A his Pccad to-rhis fécond comingzi and rcmcm-1 A W %% ber;;hatth¢»vAcr,y of their robbery andvoppref- A “A fidn griycsfto yoursacred Majefty, astheAfa- A véd; Thecfc did to Chrifc on the Cro£I"¢,fay~ » ‘ V” “ _ A ingg M. ’l ?»§£P&#r€5%Camfii;4ffifw’ A. img, jLm:d reviewer :mev;w:%t~%~vWfitémmeflw ¢12yKing&1amVc,%, A thority, rfe“C1rcfl"cd both ~pri3dent1y%“afldVA A pae- A das;wor'thy and wife 4 mzzamgn, at his W; : rsntfie oi:fwayingt11c‘Sccptcr4of‘ Royall au-. W fexfully thewfong that was done to Athewtrue . * Mot_her ofthe living Child, which was.thcf— ‘?tav1oufly ingerchanged andfiolicn away from ‘ her,7 and a Ldead *Ch’iIde '§Icfi:«.in its roome : A Even%fo_(»--Sir) lcfithis :%Adifi:1:éfIed*.fFMothcr that “ plcanes and p1eadsLA~mWbefmte-eyou,’ finds the» ‘Mat: comf01‘t,v even more Ntlrferics of the > Poorc, ; p1oL1I;1yi‘four;de&d, ‘butf-:1m’p1oufly fab-' _ W ‘vetted and confoun'dc=:d3wh1ch crynowanéi: " A cs:avc%tow be re&o1*edA;%4to'@;tbat whichwtheftuoufd iy in like manner hath’ bcen;*taken:fi:om them,” and 11othing»4at allilefiz ir1jth¢%i1+[Gof 1, that wihc:-.; ‘Church 111.0111V‘inot»omély"bé% gencTacri1€gi9 fu 4 = oufly mbb&éd=. 0f“hC1*&uc %PatAx:imy;v..bi,1t-a1f%A’j; 'b¢fidE7fih_€%.V1ntag¢.bf~::artéi::=.ser,‘::d1V2It:I;hc'vcV§y4; A A G 17C‘fl;E1.irf1Agvs5~Q’f:;E0é¢z¢,» p/Bmimg’ flrixould — ’bc%~1fifi:.4:.;,» andnt*one1yW the :<'(§hiI‘d’L‘eL3$.*Bmad ‘ *taE;e1:m way, .bu€5}n@f:fo.muChwV;l€fiiga's:fl‘iEiéVé1iy f 9 Cfilifibfiifflf :he;Pm:es ; A ii. ,; ,1 A .« . V Indeed, T -;21m%.F V 9...‘, mg ii’; :’;»ft11%d57€@?fd1 -.. m¢*n1?is%nW1ya yehrés A vof ” A~dygonm kmh%c¢ntinmd;With :th‘C‘jG@fp&l 5 and happJy—P~¢éc@=and "P ”4P1erity«;::hc comfort 0f'3:l*:¢1V%g)r1 ¢,;,~.w:gaT:rd=.;% J .. » ‘ U. modity cifthc other : anii {hall He be {'0 re-A % LL*.quiI&dfiprall-Vthat«V11¢chathdténctom Vim:-P «yard that. inpiagfi: Qfgrthe fwciet Fruit z9ft1=r1%:e , 2-[W,0.1‘ kfis, .Q.f£”Chafit3Zrg. ;.h<;? fl1i111‘:finCic the fame @frh¢ inf‘ G2‘;;¢1§y %%A%And%%1ikc N “the fin ofthe fonnffis of —I'i?m1l1:h~c sL1’ds A % 70,fi°ering <;b%y;fu<:h=Vstapmcybc aAbI1ormd, fear: fi111Wr:1Lth~ Luau-lafl feaze o.n%ycmr % j I;@n;§a:I1d%%;rfl1al1 tl11s4wfl1@,wmcjtmfiu:% A §‘7.1“‘ v» m‘ . ;,Hat,h ncbt thi»sjV; ‘cant?-:d+A the taunting nbig. ;¢13%i:+;;@!f adv@rférfvs»%4:thafA W P1’°f¢157*iS , , A Athmnfir . (like. Pibébtml .;thc;fa1; om-.hc fmit's_..of« the ichmcy 9f o:hc;«s,; 7 which fl1iouId4 Ahavav iadorncd andVpcvr—-‘ . A ly1ikc¢he;Lo&d~’fime;in4tmattraéhvc fzctxla ‘ on %4feé*¢éi11y % ta ¢nhersA: =Hcnce»is%it A } thejDativc cafe; Arithmeticiatis one-ly$L in £0» ;~ivh% hcarcs%~arcAas~;;ift»« Vim Kc)? hath dé’v@u1?ed' V‘ ty«.;ski1fuIlin tBc“Ab1ativc , bu_£gigtwI.in ? jrof the:moft_ _¢;tl1’§ A dA;CmuaWorr’.Ki 4 4‘2'»év€Rd09rés*6‘b39g_eIsi§iite V :r;M;gV@£=Diwe:gdef§ifi:i:e”%o€ "W § ahd3‘~wE§af;e V h§‘ndsarqas HaAp1:im:% fleflflje ”3Q¢D1°€S3§ x”2?ii*1f?i.b1€ita _ ~ A‘A;rapaqity?;. fbugas Iz1z_oéaaa%vq§;“da%rm dgied Exgpgangi ct} A 1'?‘ ‘ quit:/. fie 4.233;. I—-. z '1 ,;"v, », ,?-«_ V A ~ A, was the formgii? g1c3—"rfLy’"y(T%¢S‘k fit)“ efymn» ‘ ;,native~KimgdQ2’m* that n‘d_Natin die! févetw ;.match 1't (ac:<:§ojx'diVA y@3L§$b€ycndi;the"A*pGwcr A -~~ ;sher¢of) iin[_fl:;até_1 “iereii%on§44*“, A‘g4~zjpaM*¢;%xd*;é"de glory iséturneé to‘A11cr%%fl1amj€g§Vhi§?¢A:%$ eie usifxgrvcym-%a1;1% din?e*jnaz1y 5 Amer; ‘xtind %;a%Bo’uéJ5Liba« " haldfb mam? re1igiou$fpla¢1e$‘;and> Hoffgitéllg V’ pmmifcueufly de;11pljfl1ed,as:&in this ~qfurgNaw tifefis :*an”d%‘ncst .onely44Chtif%;sp$atrix§a;€3fi35 [den . ,=is’0L3x?éd”s, appeinte 3 .\,€f@¥:bi$.- 3 go*'1r:‘£_»‘l2%‘-,‘,"ilm—%1‘etf1i-:;*e ;'Pocre7{s %aI«fo , ; or;diziin"e«f’wf$%t1a;e%i:¢ %¢bm?& gfwhereb t11%o?f*ciV4=:5;°xi}w ‘!3b*“¢ew ~ii1’ tiiéfe L laces v1Wf¢5d*a¢ 1v61é6¥*?d£%éi1i;e aokiti Aleanerfi*from,day%s:to%day»A).farengw /I . é! , an“'Efi..:§s;;~g.:§;;:és;.L_3.Ak,i:...;«.(,.;, ,, _ A mvtedn theirAfé¢:Hbke2f£rayingsgzzndfiedfizfl: 7'fitt€fl léadcrs m°’th“ei:f;ca#Li?e§aam;d%’ pf1";a;§;1exs;og; d»flawing‘s9'%ta;a@1%é§u§ futh'?g’m;aues;L a:2*dg;ree;=- ~vanc£§,:ta%€hej “Ehra11e~u£juft14cc3a:s may fbieg ‘h@if.JWm@$g~% I V %+%%srh:s z;:he1cau£¢f’§hcif;rentéLat.fi:;éfl:., 4 ; AA ‘ ‘ they %fl1a1l?bringAup0n‘@tI1em9.a coflfumptian if ]But%féaivfullc13: fhalfbeé their d%iftyh«‘:r¢”a”f-'-i‘ A A A % Eerégwhén‘ ;hr'ifls~ wardsnot ¢n1y"¢£~,;m*:g%:“% §4?qI§[}é‘5 butpaholrgm at}/Zalg/f i:,fl*1a11 b‘c_p:o+rV‘* ' E; nomced;‘:% AAw:wh,%_icdh. 13:1f<.¢§j{%%C53%»?:5hF€3§{1iflg %%aiAr3i’§ the A W + 0;f‘E£é1 {hallAmg.ke%th¢1rAcar€s t t1ng51c~e,\, 31%? A t.hQI;11 mo.red1'eadful1y afi0jI31fln«ed;4 thm; {dying thus; aSéd;.I%hu1Iipring5A [1 ‘W P“6r¢fAG‘?”2?t14i?3€v W VzA1e:§L1A1a;c;ed%aga;in££ rl1cm : anici, ; fwrfukfi ihzlil‘1;:gi:1;1i¢it;d,<:<;:n1é:cficrcmézll ckzmizrati c:£*e1‘W3s. s¢«Irb4gfAar.AThe Aimprecation of VA is {ct A dQx—*mc.as the ” fent€n.t12i=1,1 and c1a.;,;{e —aA1:dA 4c1aufu1cof:fi1£h Mertifiaanom-3A?" any /72.411}t4ka%4wz%4 .,or_ W M)’ W.l§7¢2';1?'i°;W_/E§.’»i % :54: 3;:/sic/21 /Sam wQz'tzfi&d a~dAé2eqz4tm6¢a’“zza: % ’ Vt/:a.i¢zdzge.ut;%(as:I hopcncmcA w11I.d;are;em:r*t@%;V»A act¢.m;pt)lm5.ié2z.éeV Anatbgmagaxd égggzimaut mergptztbz drem’fuAf day cvjfzxadgm fzaqizg; nzlm /was A Acmpeawéud‘ fl?€(4:'K M1 dmmeazt 4/:eV lvjawd o4ft£w~Im% K and. 54:15:10 wlmm I Aa’Mia*4tc—%tlvc A '4' ‘ ‘w- -1 Am'ayI,ifthirs»Vhrrihlc Cri A in Laickcs Aa»vcI»1gedA fcvcnfold‘, dAoubt1cflE_A in fuch who fhould bc:c- A Trumpets to» cry" alcaud agamft thfi few-*5 and fhould bee A ta-A 4 * affu¢hoo:a1fo1ha11r¢ ‘\ V A fpread out by the AVVa‘tc1‘s,~%% and the Dew {hall 1 l3zeVaI1r1i"ghtvupon-ydur'ranchi: your GIo'1:y;,%' %% A ygugigw % Bow M% 2% m~ewam;lm.' % % flaw :fl*ia§1bcc%1*efic;\%r¢cl iaiyet:fl~iaz3c1%A%:at1a1 A “ A amongf% all th@ Titlés offimimzij and Dagny M % tia which the lard hath muitipliedaand E,:zz~:a4w% pad: upon yaw: L awed Ev‘£¢2.jei’:i;c,;. thigflmii A % notbmhe £33563 whercwithyécmxr A Royallflrazzdfirei, 05 4% 5 b;1eff€& mew“ V ‘V V - A A mary Vw.<9;s¢f:y1ec13 ta baa calieaifi V A "Em 3 Peczma ;'V§.ma