:""‘ % Jxijfhé Orin: talgeny the I-’iar1%liarne%1*aty ¢ A mm,4&cv Printed at Efivzzéigfé, 2 L "by f4mer%‘Bi9fai3,~ 16541. A 1 . Enfiumro Ifsannexe “;'Iethe%PAaL1A%MsN»‘r of’ScVa:Zm'z the ‘7-fif Wa€’*f’- j’?l?74}?%“‘~% ‘ '~“m1.~.-H %%‘%4%P""i“F5“*»bY Tr1‘*z%‘-:.‘fTF~fP=:s MCxLr.%%% d 11 is mbfigracious Zyefiiex at. % % ALONADON, ‘ ATINALL ASSE’MBLr .4.’ V‘ taI,.. MW . »-,«I.;-- ‘A "M u v. .g¢y4a;Waugqm rm via-. 1 . ‘I W -.u ‘; ‘ . ' L‘:- ' ' ‘r‘ . Q9: ‘-03; .. 1.116 1'bn1:in%g of @111’ C0V€11%P1'C: flétwithfiandingour % % former‘V%ba<:k+fl&'dings and d€f€&i0n A115 if ‘W 65' t11er’Eecomere1‘r1i fi¢ inthc: ciuties ofpietie, 01? {ball not conflaaatly hole? and keeps: 0-ur Rvelzg';'a7¢, Linta Wzvhich wee have bound 0!:tr“fe14'ves “fa Ptraiciv and 173- I ;%‘'*-° "1? kw»-‘_‘;-f‘ fa. . " * r,;;;on4:z[_wmez§v:az Eding ba;rgh,;m,; He fetiodfly CO%flfidcI‘it1$Ag the A ; prefent Cafe at:/i‘3C>11G31Y1Ofl Offills Kirk * v 9*-s % % .;. - % H ~ H “’ "mind I&111gd<»m1c:-,% svhat great thmgs thew ‘ Lordhatiz donggfor us; ei”p€Ci3Ny fitzce- 1e"nm1v,‘wAhatA idi{h0%nc)urwce%doe ufim tfzename OE A£3od Bcfdsre men, §vh0has;etE*§ei1*eyesxzpon ugy zmsi hf0w"‘=A% gteatjudgement wfieibring L}pon.V%.~Our Tfe1:V;€»s.% llponthefiandthe like e;QnfiC{€§3t10fl§aT11%»«f?&fl?i’m' % % and 1:0 Prvoke%aI1%oéherssArVb@§h;¢.%. in1«fiZ1€r:f%@”P€0* p1eofa11degre_es,not only to t:.hé A41-e1igious’eXercifes»_ ofpubiiCkV%¢W.0rfl1.ii4> inti1€C0ng*’ €?@'?i0Ha W3 P1'iV3f€ %”vv'ori“hip irivtheir fami1i9eAs,and fcvery we bythem«- *1 felves apart abut é1f0t‘0th@.*§h§ti@3 ofmujwail 3535‘ A " %ca:ion,byL”in§fh*u6tion,admen1ti1on5éxhortmg one an -~ A ¢§)1:hertO ferwafdneire Rcligiehfs ane1:$ cemforting ‘ ~ one ahot1"1er?im whatfoever di£’crefI%s* %V_an.d~i:4t%13at in all ~ their nifietingfisWh¢th¢1‘»1§1.’5he%?V43Y:Q£¢iw§I =’=0nV€r~ A fatio:x,Forbj¢”re;afon’ Of their part’?cuIar+ Cal lmgsao-ra%-‘A xay arm;gcafionsefiferedbydivin¢%;arovi:iwc€: rm c@rrupp4c6muniCati0n $9C€5‘ ;1 .<.?t1*?4°f ?h‘ e**7%%"?0%“"’»¢% “('2 ) M may minifle£gra%ce L-‘1I1t®.1'h€ hearers; 1 Vbutzhaf w‘h£cI1 i$4gtl:er p2rt,tQh'maLny4“err0ts[add abnfes, A "which %tiae"g0'&1y rh‘reugh their wmkensz-fi‘e Lmay fallj, ‘Qrgb§jtI1 e¢raiEi::ef§% saf Mothers, be”.?e A V ~ fiiljaiwi’-i'iflEO, ‘S uch 2:9‘ are e;prour,Jherefie,fchifme,{ean~:~ « ~da1I,fe1m4f?—c .foncé1t,and’defp1fing"jofothers,prefuming A above ihe cEf>mm.on%Ca1{1ng ®f Chriflzians,%4%and u‘fi-if- A ‘pingthatVfvvhic:I?1 is proper ta the%Pa£’coraI+\V0&éti@n, ritable CenVFuJringS5H 1&6? @f'dVuties_1'n %pzirri~c1,i14a“ f°c'a Iv- Iindgs, A bufineffz irmz: ermens t‘nat.:te1‘-5 and gzallixggs, Adj: ‘matay f‘L1Ch€T/11.3 in do&ri§3¢,v%%‘*~~ha~i:ity,wa‘nd mm-% « Kixtks, rothe g mm remprgm rtfifi-4ré%gard of thepublickmeans, idi~«*:: and unprofitable quefi:in_s,wh.ich edific_%raot,unc1qa- V A A ms, whichhawdoxeruxzyri’ fihé**b7o;§zvet1s T A ,eaij: prejudice o:fth,e7Gof1. % _ _ * ‘A Thereforethe A {F6-mbl movedwith ::,heA~;zeaIe 6 K» "+God3gai;1i’¢a11 abufes and cotri1?l3tio:as,“‘and aces:-% ~ding t theiqmgnifold @Ié>‘IigatiVe the vmirke "i’9ff€’7; fotmatin, %,band%t@ have thefihcomfért gnd "power M‘ 'tr1ie‘?“5°dIinéfTey fenfible toevery fou1e,fandVReI%i_gic)m A % mbe iiniverfilly pra&ji{E:d1'n every familyggad by» e;- 7 ‘wiry perfon at all 1't<~1's* 3 A A N i1e>JW‘eihiblifh*ed ir1vtAhi_s Kingdomeg%t}1e;Law*es,,~ bergties, and ePea<:ee thereo f,wl-nich ought to be fought A after byall gcaed CI:tI&ians,Ae1d;%a11Ae Subjéecs , and 4 4 true Patriots 5. And to be furthered and“ nxaintained‘ v A u@’ae e Le: ti:/gen_é_y 411 meméeriv ' 2 hapine_fTeAofAthc Kingse~ royall Majeftie, % M by them, "“2gaiai1a11AA‘1iich,~asAA»by»anymeanes ende-214-S‘ Vow; re) fhaka: or fubvert the fame. -“T"h€f€r0rea AWe.wi:der~e:fu*bfcri5¢I@-ssand :"c%‘&7e~r”3'7"(}ne I V ef Us, doe in tljeefefeficeeéflf A en1“f{e—and thatexn this prefent Parliament A Wee. A A N flmll faitIafuI1'ye..and: fi-escly efpeaken fimand expre A A our {elves upon ail and every thinggxvthichi5§0r_fI;eAIfI1A ebeeproponed foe farre as Wee thinlie in our Cbnrcfi A A Cflceymay’ c<:md%uCetO the glory of,G A o D; the good : ; Q A and peace efthe“ Church, A and State 0? .this King- edome.” And in1p‘IoyeeourABefi .endeavurs?et0flpro- 1 ”tnm?ethefa“1fie :5 And mill in+nowa.yes adv’ife,vefce,_ AA % 5 A " .n@rc0nf.fent%tAo anything which-to om-ebefi know:-A * ‘A A ledge eWeeAAthinke 4no*éemo£1:.eAexpedie'nt aAr1@Tcondur:se*3¥ A ~ e A A 3519 em) eabE”e"t§iefe‘to;'A"figs a71f0%epthat -\/Vee M ande’defendwithe our 1ives,po'we13ar1i “€i.3€2:t€,}1iS.el‘5f‘i£e~ jefues reygll :Petfo{t2,&h@nour, end‘e1}aete,as isex in eour Natienail fotxemiét. And Vlilce-wife,» ~ theme vcfer argcl priviledgese Of. Parliaments 5And the1a*.% -5 1 fuli rights and liberties ofthe Subjecffs: And by a1i_e good mm/§1i#3“d VVWGS» %%6pp0feeeandeirwievourm briflg to‘ exaéi tryall aLl"fuCh as either in and -honourable vvayes: indevcaur to preferve4u-9” nion and peace betwixt- the three Kingdqmes, Scot? A lead’, 8’;2gl¢zfiéd,4an;11re[sz?¢zi : f And neither efcirhoge-, , fearegnoretherrefpeéc,fjfl1a11A’re1inqu£fl1 this yew? and eremif%- 79“im¢~4wg%fiis V1541; % A’ vth’e»efa*me,e Andapspoinitcth t1‘1eféme=i teba‘~ta”kene all Mmetimbersefthis Parliament, mam all Par- liaementsie Iaereéifterahefre~they4preceedAet®_“,%thcI7'. ofVAu‘gufl, V‘ z»64.x. W; .51-% E-Icfi: hath nA0th%i.u7gt bin {O difp1cafi:3‘g% Aw line, as £hofé‘ung-- ,.‘ ;ltIcki“:3 fdi1?ercncVcs, ~A «which h%av¢;%l%;appa+% , % V ncdvbctwwccm ¥r:c_1c* ; ‘ ‘band In p4*=;dp'1c3aAnd# % % AN ;no:hixag=cha*4:1%havcT mare de£ire%,;~ iasito i¢e:A.th:;s%%day,4$wht min hopcgxctmwly ta %{c§i:1e“%:«hdIé umhappia 4 t~akirags;42 righ t*ly' no lmovm %and%A%'%toibcc.v knownco{f% my7N;a:tiv-e @iIJL1mZ1‘y»,, I need rx‘o::.L wmoI’c) W‘hatd1$cu.lcies I’ n it K w£ll4»kn own»e‘im;i. have paw by.and¢ ‘N. . overco%mc}j:A0%b§_h¢rc.~Vat.n(1istime, y<:'t this 3‘ will A fay, if AL’mIzt* ton-m chaxzrivc [Co u.ntry,hade» notbeenachicf::ni%,uti1m go —this azm1ey,’o-J thcr rcfpe€ts Amight ¢a”fi1y%£ou%nd )3 {Mfr to. gdiog :ha§,:.b¢y ma (yam m;{Iia.ner,% vvhith " I am come: ‘c9AmeJ"td“p¢r50rmc finy ScIf“76;4 €§O.fl.fi.-Q; A A ‘#23191 or daubtsfiut 0 3.Ic»::cal’l* Azaflimmies 0fy0ur%%Aa1T€%A51i*3fl5 £01‘ W fi33i%L1~3 %£aifiai2ce0f;thac% Royall power,$ Whic‘hI ‘in; jay a+fcc~ra@8,, D%%¢4f%cnts,and~4 ¥:¢hichAy!eu have % fo %oFmx§“}pref{:-;£TeeIfltomaintainefic to whic~h A your own Nafionall 0%«w[é6=h *0b1ig¢ you, :hat{1%~fl1aIll n can th-Viinkc any paimss ill hcfiow. ed." New chefcnd ofmy comAmingi.m:¢r:; AthAi~s,to.»p:;:rfe»é’c what%f?oevcrIh3vc}3’f£3mi§1% fad , ana40mzha11%¢ no quicnhck difiraaim v;$Ia.i%cfi"‘h°av_;e'and may {galley L1C_ amnit “ym‘z,V% V arid this I 1:1*ot_ fupcrfiCiaHy,Emt;fu1iy and chmrefully wdoe; for_I afl'urcyu,t},afaV; céndoenthmg$Wifh fl1¢"“?¢h¢¢f¢fF11fl61T@ than to g iv cM my pcpplpagencr%a}1Iatisfac€fi--% 1 “an ;;‘hemfm:c at 4c>fl1-"in t63i=n dc:ircd%L%my fslfe M. to %you in words fvvhich % i»ndccd is net: .my%waLy) Ldefirainchz firfliflacc ;:<.=sL {eerie = V; zmandjufi A thatwhich comiprnes 12135 Re A viémiw 0f rhfs my I1a'*i%Y~=% Voumm be:-,% %r% % 1 V ,.; dférc I proceccl%A V}Atdag1yAotlie;j