'1'fi7v"1*“"".7"-.~».e :‘7;xig‘ “h‘ , in“: €V»:;'.r‘..ir'; 1'1”" Z." W ’ 1' 1‘ ' 1. _ i v'_,; e ' . ' ,, - s“ T 1.1. 7. 17- 11‘ V - , ark-awkfi 7 - {Kin-I: ”a ' , - , ,m»; » r1: . ,-l 7’:‘.V‘:\ _- - ,4 \ \ .V 1‘ . g ‘ ‘1 "Gina. ' .1 - . L. A3.) V V « . ' . . ~ ‘ ' b ,n 1 . . 1, ’ - . \ '~ :1 .1 / I I | ‘ ‘v . i T \ _ ‘ I u. . y ’ A1 p w a 1" ‘1': i ‘ ,4”; ‘ 1 ; p v I w 1 4‘ H! P 1 "f F 5’ $ 1 I 3‘ 9 I \ f v-J ‘ 1 . , WITH ‘A Narrative T1112 Proceedings and FSolemn Manner of. A Takmg It by the Honourable Houfe of C o M M o N s, and Reverent Affcmbly of DIV IN E8 the: 5““ day of Septemn benatSaint Marcgaretsin Weflminfler. ALSO, TWO SPEECHES 1 A Delivered at the fame time - ' 7 ~ The one ” _ By Mr. 79/2172]; Nye, ‘f’ g ‘ 7 The ether ‘ ‘ ' By Mn/Ilexander Hendeiflm. , P ublifhed by fpeciall Order of the Hanks 1 § . l.€ A ‘ LONDON, V ' Printed for Thomas Vndcrbill at the Bible m Wood- - “- I3? ‘3 I 33 12; A I? Q ‘ ‘ \QJ memwmm egrfii v . _ | :23? ,9: T H E -4 I C O . V E N AN . L I hatwas readfvvom ~ - un to , and ' fubfcnbed by‘ the HonourabIe Houfé'of Commons, ' and Reverend Afl'cmbly of A i w D1vas,.thc 25-. of _ ,1 ‘ f ' ' September. - I ‘1 .; v E Noblemen,Baron's,Knights, Gentlemen; , II _ i , Citizens,BurgchEs, Miniflers of theG‘o: ' ; (A/ “v fpell , and Commons of all forts in the" I . , 1 m“\52” {Kingdomes of England, Scotland, and Ire-1 V F (L land; by the (XOvidence of GodJivingunderone King; ' ' I ‘ ‘ and being of One -Refomd-,Religion;Having before our . eyes, the glory of God, and the advancement; Of'the ; _ _ g; .' ” Kingdd’me ofom Lord and Saviour .Iefus Chrifi, the. . -' I ' Honour and happinEKe of the Kings Majcfiiefind His ' ' ‘ ' B Poflerity. - 'rr‘w4 ~ ‘ . . I ,—\. ’f‘u‘WQJ-‘r' iii“) , 4 '3. nt- ~‘.* “it. ‘i‘ .49‘ flaé :i; ' air \' 1‘ r W , .; , a '1 ' W- t «u... on— *H-. --~ ‘ '- fidii'eriiy ;~~andf‘tlie true publique Lifierty , Safetygand _ Peaceof the KiBgdomes.;, “therein every ones private Condition. is included: And calling to minde the trea- , cherousand bloody Plots,Con.fpiraeies-,' Attemptsfind. prat'iifesof the enemieslof G,od,,again& the true Religi- on,»and Profeflbrs—thereof, in all, places, efpecially in thefe three Kingdomes, ever fin'ce the Reformation of. . Religion: And how much their rage,power, and pre- fumptionme of late,and a/t. thistime encreafed ,, and ex- ercifed 5, whereof the ’deplorableEllate of the C hutch- ,andI-Kingdome of Ireland, the difirellEd Eflate-iof the ~ - Church zind‘Kingd'omeof'E/zglmd,jand the dangerous Ell-ate oftheGhurch and Kingdomeof Scotland,are pre- fent and publique Tefiimonies :3 We have now at latit- (“aft'ei Other. memes ”of S’Upplieétion, Remanfiian‘ée, Protefiationaand Suffering; )~~'fot the Prefervation’zof ' out felveS,and our Religion,from utter mine and deem, - fiiongccordin tothegeommendable j praétiife of thele ; Kingdoms'in‘formettimes; and theexamplejof Gods, peeple in OtherNations ,aftet mature- deliberation, re- falved; and determined,toenterv-rinto a mutuall, and {o- le'mne~League,and Covenant, wherein we all fubfcribe 5 .. And eachOne of us for-himfelfe, with-hands lifted up w the [119% high’G-odfipc, {gram . a; ~ ’ 5;: ‘Th‘ittvvee:flull,~fiacerely,r¢ally~,' and magnate; fihtoughtbe-thace Of God,endeavoux in‘o'ur feverzllm‘a'f- easy and callingsathcaptefcrfvatiqniaf £196.: Rief ,5 Rbligeiéfiinthegliumh0£MWin. Doét‘rinéin'n flip; Difegpli‘ne, and G overnmeat agginflout common, enemies-Jim 'Reformatioriof Beligionin the Kin .. ; games of England, and Ireland, in Doéirine, VVntfhip, ' QifcaakacmndsGoycwenra_accordingto thGWmd _ ‘_ :5» J ‘ ' ‘ . i 5 0f; _ (.312) . , . of God, and the example of» thebei‘t Refefrfied (Shaft; ches. And fhallendeavour to bring the Churches of God in the'threet‘Kingdomes, to the neereit Con?- jundtion‘and Vniformity in Religion , Confeflion ‘0 Faith ,Forme of Church Government, direamy for WOrfhip, and Cate-chizing; That we and our Potterity after us,mayas‘Brethren, livein'Faith and love; and the Lord- may delight; to dwell in the midltofus. , *2, That we lhall in like manner without Erel‘peél: of patrons, endeavour the-extirpation of Popery , Prelacy, ( that is, Church-governmentsbyiArch-Biflmps, Bia- £h0ps, their Chancellours and Comm-ilfities,Deanes, ‘Deanes and Chapters , Arch-demons, and all other.» Ecclefiaflicall Officers .,’ depending onthat Hierarchy“) Superfiition, Here fie, S'chifme,-Prophanenef{e,and What- 'foevetxfhall befoundz robe contrary to found. Donate, randgtbe poWet of .Godlinefie ;* left Wei-partake in other mens finncs,and thereby be in danger to rective of the it plagues : And that the "Lord maybe one, and '51“st at; ”One, in , the threeKingdomes. s . , x 1 3. We {hall with the fame Sincerity, 'Realitjfiand "Conflandy, in out {everall Vocations ', endeavour With our Efiatesgnd Lives, mutually, to. prefewe the Rights and Priviled ges of ' Parliaments,and the‘Liberties of thé , Kingdomcs : And to preterm-53nd defend the Kings Ma- .vjefiiesPctTOfls and Authotity; in ethe -‘ prefetvation and defence. of the HBO Religion, and-LibertieS Of the , Kingdotne : That the World may beareWitneflé With our -C0n{eiencf’es,-of our Loyalty“ 5 And that we “have, no" - thoughts 5 or. intentions toud‘imi ‘iflrHisMéjtiflies jail " ‘ Power and Gre’atnelfe. \ _, , ~ .. 1 1 1-4 We {hall alfo With all .fa‘ithfnlncflé endeavogt < I . . . ,1VJné‘“‘ . .. , t _ - ~‘/: 1..” ‘ ~ s ' r j, .3 " ‘ .‘ “"m ‘. - V .' . 3. qw‘ ‘ - .A: . ,V, _ .A My mum s . . W l t 1,, A, _ . __ __A mm - which To much concerneth the Glory o‘fGod, the good “ qunmmnwwwm 2".“ ‘ ’ " r ' ‘ ' ('4). / ' the difcoveryofall fuch ashave been'e,o_r [hall-be Incen- diaries,Malignants,' Or evill Infiruments; by hindering the Reformation Of-Religion , dividingthe King from his Peeple ,‘ or one of the K‘ingdomes from anorher , or? making any Faaionpr Parties a’mongfi the People, con- trary to this League and Covenant; that they may be brought to pnblrcke tryall, and receive condign‘epunifhv ment, as the degree of their offences (hall require, or defervc: Or the fupreame Indicatoriesof bathKing- domes refpefiivelypr Others having power from them {017 that Cfl’qfis {hall judge convenient. . . v ' - 5 And whereas the happinefl'eof ablefl‘ed Peace be- tweene thefe Kingdomessdeny'ed in fermer times to our Progenitorsfis by the good providence of God granted "unto us, andhath beene‘ lately concluded and fetled by bath Parliaments t We (hall- each One of us according to our Place and Interel’t, endeavout,’ Thatthey'may re- main-e conjoyned in a Erme Peace and Vnion to all po- fierity; -And that Jufiice may be done. upon the 'wilful‘l oppofers thereOf in manner exprefl‘ed in the precedent - 6 ‘We fhall alfo according” to our Places and Call ings in this common Caufe of Religion, Liberty,and Peace of the Kingdom, alfifi and defend all thofe thaten- ‘tcr into this League, and Covenant, in the maintenance and purluingtheredf grAndfhall nor fnffer our Elves, directly, or indireé’tly , by whatfoever Combination , Perfwa (ion, or Tcrrour,to be divided, or withdrawn from this blelTed- Vnion,and Conjund'io n; Whether to make. dcfeaion to themntrary‘ part; Or to give our {elves- to a dctcflableindifieremY, or neutralityin this C anfe , of ,7; 25) - I oftbe Kingdomes,and Hanan? of the King; 11311: {hall ,all the Jayes of Our-lives, zealoufly and confiantly con- tinue therein, againft all appofifi‘en ;. uAndprogxipre the {2 me according to- Our pOWer; ‘aga‘einfl ail Let’sgétjdz‘lmf pcd iments whatfoever And What We are: be: able our {elves to fupprefle , or oVercome ,,we {hall reveale,‘and ‘ make knowne, that it maybe timely prevented or remo- ved. All which we {hall doe as in the fight ofGod. , And éeeaufe thefe K ingdames aregziiltj ofmanyfinne: m ' provocation: againfi God , end In}: Serene Iefm Chrifi,as (I: ’00 mew .5) W Prefiat «4tflreflezeeddaegers, thefmits therof; We p730]? fl e and. declare 6efore w(rigid 4nd zI:e ,zeorlql} our szaineddefire to“ be -‘bh5nékd‘far bdi'ubzine-fifimryand for ' tbefizmes aftbefe K ingdomes,efpeeiaflj,tbét we have not a: we I’ ought valued fleeing-92014642Mfiéfifiebefiquel; The} we have not laéoredfar the '1"!ng £41525! ggwer thereof, andtbat we have not endeapored .to receive Chrz'fl in cue-hearts, nor to walk wort/J} jof.l:im‘ jaw Iirqegflkiek 4:35 glge; ‘equfegpf other fimzes and ‘trwfgmffim, I9 ””651459’5Méfigf'2793gfi :44; 4nd 92m, We 42:4 «aimedeer£9£6dafizr§é¥45ezgdeewaurflr . ouz£klwzaand 4:4“othersmdermemsaeé’edkwgeiméezh£72 , pué‘licée am! 1:13:21 piz'wtejn 4192:2735; wee page ”Hodgkin“; . 10 4771819610!” lives; and . each age to gee éefbr'e “other in file ”examplepf 4. ml! thfizrmetém, ,tbeube .410543mdjfliilme am his math 5 .and: heavyindigmeiazigs :~'4§;4§fiflélilbzitbtfi; ‘ €lmrebes and Kingdoms in Truth 4nd; Pea“. J filzdgwész Covenant ' we make in ‘the prefeme-ef Almighty God1,_;;be ‘ flanker afheartsinaitb a true in:entice:Itoperfqrmgkefemesag ‘ we flaafl enfwer at that great. deb) Mm: thejecreu (£411, Izeam flgafie be difelofeflMflfi Immélj 6efeecbing1be ‘ Lord'gIOJ/irenga then m 63 Ink Holy Spiritfoi‘ thi; end, and to 5145: ‘qur fde; B 3‘ , fires~ ' f‘flwmhfl A‘ ‘ ‘ ' I ‘ I , it." 4 ~ , , 1 3 ‘ ‘ ‘3‘ h 3. I: ' . 2 2 .2' ' , ) ‘ ' '. . : N , . I 1- v , ¢ .. ' c , r ‘ If ‘ I: I kl" > f ‘m ' Y ". l r 0': N ‘4 3 “‘fl ‘- “ . ‘~., h" I .” . J. n.- V. .. v. . Vmon Th‘éréhpbn a “qum 0f C bven‘am: bytfici-vOom-r- w I' ~ “W (6:?) r fins} awdgpzjagagdmgs with. «:1; fact-{#9, a: may 56 delive- Vflzée éfldfifgtfih if pepper, mid encouragement to other 6531”“? cbfwfb“. g?9€?i€’g flight,” in danger aftbe 7046 2 ,. . WWW}: tagjoyneifl:tbefimaorliée Aflaci- flm Md, «meme: WWW-6f God: "115: mlvggemmt of € 713 K tflkdome "bf glefm 2C lmfi, find thé P «we and Trangzgii. I 31173)” clmfimz Kiz'zgdames; and Common-malgks. 2 x . , ’4 ,‘ ‘, v, k . 2 . .x ‘ _' - r. 5“ A a V ' . . ; . - : = ?- : . - * ‘ Q 54 \M 1,. .:‘ f3“) ,1 1.. 5:”. ,: 4! ‘ r2 4‘. .: a. J ..-. «:5: r“ «JR-a“ «, v, : ‘ . ..4’ 1' V : .- ~ . I: ‘2 ; : .12 K“ g” ' ‘ fi «din oftheCovenant,thh ‘2 ‘4 ~ ’ “Hi." ' ‘ 1‘ ‘ HQ . >' w. “3/“ g .~~.;-Ae_‘!.%-5 “uJ ": 3., _ . e 3 1 ' , «a figlaamcxz, ate: mg ereefothe ‘j f .. ‘Iswfx'fm:e'(,":f3:‘:‘~;:.:3«1‘é:$*$:E'} Vafi§§ took unto (hemjklws certain-filmed fillams of the hafer fon‘, endga- therd a cempdnjgtandfet all the” City in anapro'a‘re : and when they had . done f0, complained of the‘brethren to the n-u >1 ~~-~— "v.7?“ WW'W'H'IIW‘V'WW (2‘1 3) ' the Rule rs,’a'3$ 'mien'tbath' tame the watlfiugfide dowhefiiéhs‘; Read; alfo A89‘ 21-.» 27, 3 ‘0; 53 I ”In fuel) af'work tliercfoté men had need be of flour, ire foxlategga‘n‘dé comyol’edfpi-‘i rim, that wéi“m2y;be able“ to goo oninthc IIiéifiojéiicP fiirre in the middéfl*_o£‘fucrhi-‘Pcirr¢s,a and boil bé émufiia" at any fuel: doings. ,. Itmay polfibly‘happ‘én, $266316“ amongft your {elves there Will be augeriésé; 3:31;; 7011 will undoe 3:11,.{21itla'oné you will piiiiall into wh'rufioé‘ fiithxanmher; ifyou tq cithi’s com: 3"~fiieh’*fz tfirrd,we can expeé‘t nothing but blood abort; wi'lé Statefafijah; like an experiencedSeg-map,knowcth thocompa'iflé’ofihiisi vclTell,z-a n’d'.-though i‘theaveahditofl'og‘afid tbé pifl‘c‘h é‘ri cry out abDut h'i‘m3‘1.y‘et‘in- thelmidcksflof‘allg he, :15 .hizfil“ félfc, mroeth nor: afideifron‘i hzswork,but fl’e’éfcth on“ his courfe; .- I béfees'ch you lé‘tifi be‘iferioufly éoufiaére'd; ifiyou meme to’doe anyfuchi workiiiti thefhoflfg' ofGoa ' as- chiéjs 5: ifYourmcaang-g to pluék up' what matti‘yz-?$ieare'§ ago: was planted, or to build Up what [0 long agoéwyifii pulledflownc, and tog‘o'e- thoroughimith this'wofl‘rigépd not be difcoumged, you: muflilbeiggcofth'éLord "this cxécllent zfpi‘rii: ,Ihis: rel-alum flifriagéfpititg o’fihétfifié you w. i113 beggat’fipirifififi afidi‘bmh‘ynn fafiwyozjfi‘cml‘e’ fligh ted and dismououredy - Ina. "Omhe‘ orb’crhandr‘we- mufl‘ [abounforvhfimilitfi . prudence; gcfitle’nc'flé, magma. Amanmaybe *V‘e’ry Zea-logs ‘andzfelbl'utaé,-. andiygtve’ryialhéek‘md; Jefus - Ghtifi was» 3-”: Lioniiaficlzyfetrw “Banébc Efalfosf inoné pl; cc ; he Ielleth them; he commutative: iféndrfiréédii )bé‘ earth :and’ in another placerebukcthhisébifciple’; {6147; their fieryzfpirits,Luke9.54;~,lr§1‘h‘gfec W83 did like Gama; pofitionin Mafisfinaih'Padgafidzioisofgteamfegtefééfi mull-'5'“ , ‘1?“ E9173 05 chormaéwe 3 1*“ haycunoctobfe’r: ' , 7;. ‘ 3 ' ' ‘Vc u r :mé‘réifuflgi mm! . veg! anydifpmes carried on with more bitternefl'e in (24) . mens writin s, and with aemere unfanaified heat of (pi- ritlyegzangl y. godly men too, then in controverfies abeutp'ifeipliaer Church Betterment, Ceremonies, andthe like. Surely to argue about. Government with fuch ungovemed paffions, to argue for Reformation with a; Ipirit f0; unrefermed, his very uncomely. Let us b¢.:ze,al,ou.s,asChtiflwas, tozcafi‘ out all , to extirpate _, root out everyfplant his-heavenly Father hath net planted; and. yet let us.doe it in an Orderly way, and W!!! €ic fpitit‘QEChrifimhofe fervants we’are. The fer. W’?‘ ”ft-he Lard_.;mfignqttflriw,«éut be gmtleta 411mm, 4252b teach, paticwfiifl. meg/Mic. infirufiiflg tWe that 01t- 120E, 2 Tim. 2. 24,25. We foler'nnly engage this day our utmofiendeaivours .err Reformation -, let us remember ighigrhatxoo muehiheatgaswdl as too much coldneffe,‘ maybarden men "in; their waxes, and hinder Refor- mtiob. - -.-5 I r 1, ~ . ’Brethremlet weenie-to“, this, blefled worhwith. fuch rs, frameof heart, with "fuchs‘amihde for; the prefent,with (11611.» vtefalutiengfgn the finite-comes; let use nor bee wanting to the eppermnitie {God-hath put: into our _ hands this daygand then lcanpremife you , as the-Pro: phet ,gé'ohfider tbit d4} andupfiards, even from this dd}, that} tbcgfmndatiw... ofthclordtt work a laid§Confider 1-3, mm WM“) m? Jagélefli you,~{aitb theLoxal .:’ Nay , wee haveatrceiVed as itwere the firft fruits, of this promife , for asit’sfaid‘offamtmm good warmth} “7“ mm‘fifi’ée‘ for; (24%,; Tint; ,, Even-f0 may be {aid of thegood work; o£1this da ’ sie’a’rhtanifefi before hand a“ God‘ 5 hath :gs‘fitpwere . : ,t‘ore 51;:th .tefiified his acceptance; While—Wat'mre? thinking and. purpofiag;rthis free-will ‘ . Offering, 4— ‘ ”Fume-”Mi? wri- :.~:; (.2- 5“). 05¢er '5 he wgs prqzcéting 31nd dgifehdingm1rfirmt§.. qufing 9hr ‘iencrftue‘s ’th‘b éfig‘fififi foihfififii’k E5331? i; 'Worcrusg and $3326.31? a viaorynottobeflflpmei §E£¢I¥tms§hflih dfiovenhmfllfllbcfi Ifléébfiiéygfhs’ ' ~ r joy and bouifdrc "of‘this *hhbfc Kingdom 3‘ yea,of all three Kingdgms. _ - . 3 3 chus Chrifi Klingof the Saints overn us by his Spirit, flrengthen us by his powamn emikc for us 2;:- quding as he: hath. {worn , fivéh the "03th iihic’b. be: [aware ‘to jozir' rake} . Abraham, that [hgg’muld great Md m, .thatpe ééing idelimiézl 934' aftbe bands Qf-a’lgrteztgmieg Mtg/2t [ewe him without figrg in helium": and righteauf- mfle éefore him ‘4” “the (145.95 of“; “[43,: Luke}; Grant -- unto us alfo , that when this life .is 'fihifhcd, and we, ga- thqu ' (pant Flifathcf's, xhbw'may be a; géiéiitiafi. at 0131; 'lgynepfgogfladd. prin this cafifé‘s*5t1ia’iihi5;gre‘a;t . 3‘gevc5gupName maygbe‘exaltcdfrgnfdn‘c Tic-'3" S . 3:3.rgtion3toapothfcr,mcillhe himklflhflfiin’eg 231,14 zpfitfcfi all withhiis min halidib’yffiis’: ‘ :9vynl:wif§iam§ évc‘nfo coin: Ldrdgc-{a ' r V‘ ~'A-"men ‘T 2‘ i "P' ‘ ‘ " 7‘. , h g .m - ; = P” - » x '_ -\"~ 1" _ 4 l“ 3 3 '3 w 'L. L ‘ ~‘ ”I; ./ . ‘ x:...,d..t..m.~._.l_'.;=_.§.k-.. L.\a_-.=A__;»BL-;_ .Iukx;.iam_fiu. , A .-._ . 3LLJI..- A _ S P? E E CH D’EIiMered :byyMr Alexander Hendeifam, ‘ Immediately'befote the taking, of'the C ove- ; pant-by theHioufi: 9f. Com-Mo s..s,gand4-' e, ' 1 - -_ afAiféifiblmf >D7I~--V~I:Nifi‘sgs<’ . t ’r ,l ”45‘; , = 1._--,Lth0ughthe time be [are fpent, 'ye't am I_'boid ;,r (:HQHQHMble; #Reveteud ,f, and Beloved- iri’Jth‘e .,._ Lordytogictaueeyour patienee‘ailitrle; elem ,botlrfijqneian gifliafizestd us' Sitrthzir f6 "acceptable ai'time, .. ? in this Qaygwhich :theh'mdhathmadegto be {item and to. fay nothing-3':- If Werihouidzhold; outpea‘ee'; ’wee could neither- be ahfwetabld Cfigfiflég'fihafi caufe and work is in hand; nor tothis ‘Gzhurch and K‘ingdome , unto- which we have made {0 large profeflion of duty, and owe much more 5.00!" to. our native KibgdomJo: abundant in» affeé’don toward you 5,. nor tooutmvn hearts,which ex??- ccedingly rejoyee to fee this day .: We have greater tea- {on then't’he leptons» men fittingin a time of great ex- tremity at the gate of Samaria, to fay one to xa’nOth'er ,t . We doe nor well, this-day is a day of good tidings, and: Re hold our-peace gift is true the Syrians-ore not yet ' Ed; but our hope is through God , that the work be- gun this day», being fincetely performed and faithfully outfitted; ., - P, . * X , “a; may item . ‘ ' . l a. i . . ‘ A .t._..l&g;.xr-akhhau..‘nthmu.h; ._ _ i A , to.“ (3‘7) . purified; {hell put to flight. not only the 'Sjriaiiind Babylonian: , bntj‘all other Enemies :0 f the. Church; of Code,“ of the King's hanonr, and of - o'ur liberty; and ace.‘~ a , .a — - - . : pél’or it is acceptable to God andwel-plea‘fing in his: fightmhenhis people come willingly in the day. of his power (and how {hallthey-‘not be willing in the day of his power? )._ to enter a religious Covenant, With him, and amongfi themfelves.-Wha'tfoever be the Com . "*3 - dition-of the peOpleof' God, whether in {arrow-and . ' humiliation beIOre deliverance; or in »_ .rejoycing ands » thankfgiving after deliverance; this is it,which the Lord waits for 'at their bands, which they have been ufl'ed to x” performe , . and with which he hath been'fogwell pleafedf, that. it hath been the fOnntain‘e. of many .déliv'erances andblefiings unto them. When a people beginnéth to forget God, hee laifte'th up: his handagainfi them ; and . . .fmiteththem : And when :hispeOple,humbled: before him .2 lift up their hands, not only in. (application, but ' {in C0venant beforethe molt high Cody-he is pleafed ‘ (fuel: is his mercy and wonderfull ‘ compaflion )3 Firft, 7 to lift hishandnnto themgfa‘yingfl amtbe Lord 10m God; as we, 'shave;_it1hfce times in two verles of: the goth-of - Ezekiel; And inexthe firetcheth out hisih-and ‘aga'infil This Enemies and theirs; It is the belt work-OfFaith,to jfoyn in Covenant with God 5 the bel’twork of love‘and ,Chrifiian Qommunion , to joyn in Covenant-with the people .09 Godgt‘he befl work of the belt zeale, to joyne . in C oVenant for Reformation, Sagainfl the Enemies of . .God and Religion; the bell work oftrue loyalty,to joy-n ' in Covenant for! the prefervat'ion ofour. Kingand Sn;- genome; and the be (1 proofegf naturall afiefiion .(ané‘ ‘. i V. a . to - ,,I (18) , {:5 bée filmed:natmurafieazda; "is one :55 't e féé't {mnésof fhe’Uéflti‘Es’. )- t3 joyn ié CdVenabt I61- flé-n ' :f'fgnc‘e “of: ”Bur-Nativé Confirm-y), Libéitiééafid L'a‘Wés 5 . . \ Such as for theft: qecefl‘ary‘endsedoe withdrawVahd éf‘e fidrw‘illifigtb énter 1mg Covenantghavereaibmd exiter intotheir own hcaftsmiid t0 lookTin-tmheirffaimg-lfifi, 262116, loyalty,nnfl natqmll affeai‘on, ‘ . «- - Ash is a‘ccéfitab'lqtq God, {0 havétweforit th‘i: re— cedent and "example, ,nb‘t on‘el-y of the peoiilb‘of G ' ef- O‘Id, of die RemeEd Churches Of German}, and flat ' LCMGwmfeys; bu; of our. aim Nbblcand Chrifliah , Progenitdrs in the time 5f the. d‘fan‘gé’r ~ bf .Religibn , .. , which ‘is 'cx-prtfle’d in} the; Cgoi‘icn‘a‘nt'fi't I‘clfe; Th‘é 'd‘éfeé’c: was; ' T-‘béy Went wk on throughl'ytb enter in a S'Oleifih . Qovenmt; ”9'11 hayspineifiychrvhd for. this time : which had‘rhtyidon6, thetmg‘uptibhs‘ébdjc‘aiimitfés \bf "that-”c idaycsnfi Btfla‘v'e” b‘c‘en prevented ': And ifth‘e Lord {hall b:p1€aT "ro mova'ledfeg andgniaérg‘c the. hearts Of“ his. prpie‘fin hi‘s M 31611165 Darwinian: to calm thib Gpvc~ 5m: ginot in: Emulation; ~311’0’r ' if) luk’é~Wa‘rmneffe -, as mdi’e that fie almofi p‘eifwzdedltofi: Chrifiians, but as bie‘é‘pmmethvthe people ofif‘God, ’i’t mailbefithe pre- vmt’iUn-foif maqy.f€\fi§s‘ahd ‘mifiric’s ,‘and‘a mcafié of: ‘fixzinyfafid Tidh b16ffijfig3jfpiri£b5fl 'a’itdfémpmalkfo our {616.2315 pmifirle dies ', and ‘tfic Pofiérity. that: {ha}! tom’a’ftér-fiss’for:many. Gene“rztions., - ' . , ‘ ’ , i'Ihé ne'e’re“afidh‘ci‘ghbdigtingexamfie of the—C'bfirch ant}? *‘KifigdemC‘df fSc‘btbix‘d, is- ;in this: ‘cafe-v Worthy-MOE- ‘bnrb‘eft’ubférx’méion. z thn fthe‘ ngcs there ," were ~ agxofimby tbf‘cir fetifs,‘ “and waxy Eignifies, by‘their'eX—t ubimntr‘fiofiIéfimcr’fiH ‘fOli'tS‘Of‘hi‘s Mafic {fies Subje'fis", Minifiers ahdbtfie‘rb’, ”by Ith‘éit it’lfic‘e‘s in~Par-lia-'rnént,; _ 2 ‘ ' " Countell,; ,, . , , (39) ‘ Q'ouecelt, C‘dlteage fof Inmge s-FEXChequef sand Hieh cenm‘imé‘ngee amen-firms dominionana greatne e, af‘fnd like G‘y‘ante. fétfing’cheimne (do: on the neck of the Church , an the Other on the neck oi the, State , Were become intolerably‘infolentg and when the 9:0. pie (if de through meiroppteffion in ReligionLiber- ' . ties , _.and_ Lewes, and "what'was dearefi unto them, Were brought fo low,thatthey chnfed'ratherto die , theme live in fuch flave'ry,or to live in any other place , rather ' then. in their'OWn nativeCountrey; Then .did, the'Lord , £1ij haveféézzeg have. fiend the éfiflifiion ofm} people, and I have hem theirigr‘oan‘ing 3 and am tome dam" to deliver ' them. 4' The beginnings were fmall; , and cometmptible‘ ‘ in the eyes Of‘ehe pedompruws (Enemies, fuch‘ as nfe to ' be t‘hcfbefg'innings Of the ,gregtefi'wbtks of. God; but » Were” {O‘fecOndEd "and ‘ continuaflyfuflowed by {fig 11“». « deniable— evidencesgof Divine Providence , leading them ffoiwardfiom one Repto another, that their-*Mwntainc became {bong in the end. Np tbfiguc can mi. whatmo dons fined t " unwanted flame Warming the'itfbreaifcs , "and, Lptrceived the powet of God "r‘aifing them fromtbe’deafl, and area; ring for them a” new World ,‘wht’rei‘nfhonldjdwefl Refigi... on-andRighteoufnefl‘e. When they were defiitute "bath - :o’f moneys 'anc‘lwm'unit-ion, which flex: unto the Tpirits 1; V and a’trheidfffiien ,"a'rc t‘he‘fineWesl’dearre, the Lord ' brought thémngo‘rth'onr of‘niis hid free fares .. 'twh'ichzw‘as ». . I Awonderful'l” in their eyes, and matter of aflonifh‘ment «to their hearts : When they were many times a; a paufe ' in their deliberations, a’ndbrought'to 'fuch ‘per‘piexity; . . ' I E. 3 ‘ ‘ » that a; 1 e hearts’,What 'teaES“WEfi‘ppugd forth , {roman eyeS,'and what crye‘seame *fromthemmtfieg , ofrnany thOufanjd's in that Land , when they: fauna an, 4 “.2 A ._.z‘:.v ‘A Mmhnmh. 4.x . . (so) .‘ , that they knew net what to chpfe Qtto do,fot profecu- ' ting thewprk of-God , only 'theitj e, tamer; "toward him"; ,not‘otily ' the fearcsand "flutes; fit‘thep‘lots‘ialfo and policies of the Adverfaries ',-0perred the" way unto them, their devices were turned upon their oWn heads ,: and ferved'fOr the promOting of the work ofGodfl'he p'urit'ie xof their ' in’t'e'n‘t‘t'Orrs. elevated above bafe and- . earthly refpeé’cs, and the confiant pea’c'e oftheir heartsf ’ in thermidft of many .dengers,did beare them Out againfl: _ ~\the malitious accufations. and afperfions put upon their afiions; allfwhich Were fenfible impreflions,_of the good prostidegrceoffiod,and legible _chara6t‘ets of hES-WOtk: . Whichas the Church and Kingdomof Englandexercb fedat this timerwith greater difficulties then theirs, haveirr- partalready found ,fo {hallthe Parallel be per- o.f'the.work"Unto the end; feae‘d toitheir greater comfort mthc ‘faith‘fullpmfiiing ‘ ‘ Nfieflitiéflhich hath in it 31 kittde ofSovera'ignty,and , haw abevéi.§1~l.kawcs,a.nd Vtheréforéiis {aid to hé'vcno Law "91043gmighsilrarcififhemChit-reheated ngéqmof 397:9: Mint this time; 7 It is’f'tro {mall comfoxtun'tp them that theyhaVe-nOt'been idle" 'andat'eafe, butfha‘ve qfed . ' all gondand lanull meancs+9f8u pplicat'ionhDeclarati;‘ Onsra’nd ;.ch10hftranccsg to hiSMaififiler-f°£<_1’~l,¢DChiT-ig . the combui’tion in this 'Kirigdomev; An tl after all thefc y‘, , thm‘hey rent Com'miflion‘ers to his Majef’cie '2. humbly ‘ ‘ tornediate forla rec'oncilementj and [Facilitation 3 But the: .OFFCF-O.fth¢i¥h9?¥*bl€ {mice was rarefied-Q: ”Mm 110- other .teafoD, but that they‘ had no . warra'riftjnorcapacity for (rich a Mediation; And that the interme‘ixtilre of . the ’ Government of the Chhrhh of £ngan withrhe Civill gavemmenrof theKingdomflaS, fuchatigy‘fiery as could not . V A - K - , _ . “km egyggmewmizal - . u . A - .s. .; . .3. . .t-'.. ~ M ("31’ ’) . not be finder’fiood by them.AlthOUgh it be't'ruemhich we: 'at that time _ofteh’replyed,7thac-theeighth dg‘mlz‘nd Of the ' . -Trea'~f:ie, and the arrfwer glve’n-th‘eteunto concerningzrt‘he * UnifOrmity Of'Reilig-ionswas-‘ a fufl-eiefit grdflnd 05.,Capa- Cities and the prpceedingsof the Houfes of Parliament - againft Epi‘fE‘OP-fll Government- , as aaflumbling block hindering Be fermetion,~and . a; 1a prejudice to; thé “Civil! Stet-”emasgréu'n‘d enough fOi' their infétfiiation‘. ‘ The commifliohe-ts 1‘1”“ng retumed‘i from? h is Maje fly without: . 'fucceflésand the miferies oflrelaézd,the diflrefl'e’s OfEngs- . landfind the dangers ”and pr’eflbr-eg oftheKingdomoEScot- (meg- grOWingttofgl'Eafte’t eLXtremifey-s'; Each is: Were intru- fled with‘the'publ'iké whites of ’théiKidngmwere ne- ceificate accordififitg ther'praaife' .of- formertimes;( his ‘Majeftie having flied ,a‘ Parliament )i to tall a Gom- ’ vefifim {if the Efifie‘siforfieonfidering: of: thes'ipsei‘eflt fifiififefléfidiféfifirbyidifigfi sifihez'hefl :mtfiedids which ' "ifriiméfli’ét’ely upqnit'heirme’eting byvath‘e {peeiellz pro- ' hide“ rice‘ef‘eo‘d, ‘fd’id {ecei‘veiixfpthioneofdiwxsrtrea; eher‘o'fii’s htt’empts ofTPapiftiiihfafIlmeLthfieeléingdqms', as. if theyfiadbeen called for that effeéh Ahdfihwthcfflme , , fiévié‘efiéége emmiifionersweiefemwl‘rofirhethzflonfcs big-1347:} imam to emfigier With the ?Eftates‘o f rfth C: King— dtfimfifisgtfi-lafl '0 me h‘gArti'eles? mdzPre‘pefitiqns as - thigh: “flake 'theiconiunaiémbeewiixflhemm Miriam ‘tfibrebfii‘eh'biiénfandeffeétfiam {prmremag flfifiseli— ’ genie?fishfér'é‘yaigaineeapms; 8&2Pselatisfwiih'tbdit Ad-I - harm‘s figmzoswfuféafibw With MQOHIWOWS :fii mwmgamfiifimbmxaid (in we tend ‘ibrim fer-ch ~vhflmw,gahuh ewnhemeaneé afidhahmher have heene affayed , for the deliverghmip’firfiflglmdafld :1"? ‘ laid WtT‘Gfi‘the-fieepsuofaflhétnomf‘s-Zs’g’tckrvaeim rohfithe’ 5‘ ' C web—2 ‘ 9 - 2 4‘”! “WM . 1-14.: $13.3. ‘35:»: 1 ;- a a... ”raw.“ 4: Aubr- “- an - » A A ,.A A A my . V. A A a A A saiwam< war ‘ —-.. . ~ a - any . ‘ _ ‘. u _ - H . ‘ v . a ., p ‘ _ _. , _. _ -, V _ ‘ “a. ‘ "~ ?"' , «qr. , 4 a ‘ y. “ - -’ ‘4‘ 1:353‘ ' ,- ‘4 " “ y. " ( aw -' w ___ 4 . ‘ .. y a .3 -', ‘ a ' g ‘ ‘ 5“ _, ‘v k: '3. ~ _ V V _-. u . , A _. [A ’, what 'Snpexfiitéfini ‘ andzyldelaprynin :Wmfl‘zipa ma (in) v mm and mm ,of WW4 fmmfim mnemm of magma thcfafcnwfour mivc'KingiadhisKing? dams Msaefiwfimmsdefahgim- «1135.18 mama- - W “69-35%”? "hank NEW» 39211155199: .pralm ang! Lmhaxhlaidmmmham. . - ‘ ' — Nazis it'nnknnwn iflathis flammabilcskcvgggnd, gag! Mic" Sandinnecmhai (mama-andhmfm an QQmee 5 flfiinpmim and Tyrannym Gaveflamnt, 3%.]??? Fr: .1161.” ' .ggzirrfl thé fronleszandfbaclies'eficbnfiaims hay: ,bnrin {ct ~0n'1foorgmmimlaazand mam-aging man)! Qannaaninna and now oleathzbygnlm 89m Qhwghfi allmbish 'zWfiC ho . warwghngcbleflingpflfim WifiWQGk» :3 ;.3 56 ' taught m an 9nd,. Mad anhc,‘ Pommfiomeshc WOW: .bd‘g‘c Ofb‘rhat. Edging this. dzyjin-finglmd, 3.99mi?- , ‘hi‘sflowen‘a‘mwaitucmgmahafllafiamfgm Waggoner - ' fishinM-hfimherc he-fitmhfidflaawflrhknmhrsaSami: aligioumpompfit’mouldsmaké‘hishcaétmg memble, his cmntcmnceta (change, V his xhcad and ,Miwr; $an flake, ahamusrtojloofnmxdallmxsfil Mid {1131.5 and :RFShWS _ imbenfiqnxgdi‘ ‘1-) ".3 ‘40? J in” 33“.?) “ . *Wficfiacfiéflemrfiz GMmhtfi*&WhéfihLbY-ih$§*}la¢€- re rshaVé'beg’h-emié-ing; nsfitoflhflfliafl Cgmmnnignnnd Sympathy-”jutthis-mimdanhthagdanger mffisligimg—mgl , a3 mum» {came mam ,auwheaxaofinhinhlafiamm- — mam :fmmfifounity ih.gR?eligion apaosfiiagm» £13,: wordlofGodmnflthcdefcncbthercofis'itzfiflfl mick-en " their‘hcarts againfi the heavincifeiofl gjpgpemyg {bggws ad'dfearesf, 13ml béepb mangh‘amibegmp 1mg 0f: 11““ rbileeéantléidyfililtivdelwemnncumg that), figmthcfiam- , Uchrifii‘an yekea‘z‘nd‘cymnny‘g =3 . a . . .- T» H??? . ’ Iika¢onfidcrasijpgs We gm ivcfy . V pan rhea-mam confident, Mammy“ "-7 F'"""~“'*"' "Y" ‘ l _., . x . V . . _ . V ,. V Wm . V cw _. WW- - WW7 , "fiwqulq _..,_—__. .——— m V . W“ _ ' ‘- 7 "_ II‘, I I I til,- ‘ J ‘ . ‘ .- r f ‘* J ’3 :3 ; ' , .2 _. , :3! ‘ c . -. I ~ I ’ . .‘IV I« I: x , ‘ ,. g. ? r I ~ II Ant-II“ ,_ III: .\ :- -I, . ? I ~ . h. I 7 , I I . IrIr gI { ’1 . _ .I I 3 I- v I, ' '3". is «I It I III; ’1’ III-{J} (I I 3. ",1 J- . z- I; 17) L: :33 ‘ . ‘I, . . I ' '1 , .' ,. I — _ y “I , I: . . .' . f ; ft“: .' I. ' , . r' , I ' .u ,1 g a .4 A I, A...“ a _- .1 A . . - , I ‘ . I , ' ‘ . v.) . . —. . - 1‘. ‘ . ‘ ‘ . --’. .. , .‘ , ,'v' If“. M 4 f 7 ~ ' L ’ .., . ._ V .3 .4- J J; 1 . 3 n) it” «fis‘..}_i;i (Skim; . = 1 . 4 {7“ II I‘ K " ’I ' ' ' ' , - .~ 2 '. ". , "x "r" A 5‘: ’7 ; ~ -‘,.\ . - I.- - ' 3 . . , .3 ' . ‘1} § 10' . K'J3144“; *) ‘A‘l:iJ*‘Z ’31 L7 - I , . . II I I . , II 3 I“. w ; x a; ,_- - , . _ o. . 1 I I I . a . _ .. ‘ 1‘ a.) . . J . k ‘ 1‘ n Q .1’ e v A: h- . ,. J. 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