% As alfb the infufficiency” of the PrintedbyLEoNARD ,L1c1-1r=1ELD V QERTAIN ngta theC0nfmen t1M;zm=*fiulnefTc ofthe Oath? entituledg A jbiermx League and Cawmmizz? fier Eqf"m~2mtia;v1 é"c. A Arguments ufed in the Exhortation for A A taking the {aid Covenant. ¢ ‘m ..._.. Tamed 1»; command. W 4 oxrvoao, Printer to the Urxivcrfity. %mI E6 the I % As alfb the infufficiency” of the PrintedbyLEoNARD ,L1c1-1r=1ELD V QERTAIN ngta theC0nfmen t1M;zm=*fiulnefTc ofthe Oath? entituledg A jbiermx League and Cawmmizz? fier Eqf"m~2mtia;v1 é"c. A Arguments ufed in the Exhortation for A A taking the {aid Covenant. ¢ ‘m ..._.. Tamed 1»; command. W 4 oxrvoao, Printer to the Urxivcrfity. %mI E6 the I o ‘CONSIDERATION eprefcsnting to thehConhfc.ienc.e the Lxxllawfulneife of the Oath, entitulcd, A V ,| A Afolomzz Iéjjfgue finolaglwonozzt for A oroooo Ion, . 4 = E‘ No hlmm, orons, K nighto, G mtlomen, (}'t£:oon.r,Emgojf&.r,: Minhayforx of tho GofpoIl,omd ammo»: ofoll’/brt: in tho King--> dom: of England, Scotlandwond Ireland, 12} the prowidonooh of God . - hiiroioog under om King, and hoingofonc rofiormod Rolégiooghoozing hon * ~ A A ” fore our op: the glory ofgod, and tho oohmnoomont of tho Kingdom A , ofmr Lord and Soooioxor I cj/our G'hr:z:[f', the honooor and hoppinoflo of the A King: Lfllojzj/hy, and H12: Pofforityb mzol tho moo pgohligooo Lihorgr, Sofity and ‘I-"‘Mco of tho Kingdom: , wherein over} om; priwoto cooou dition :25 included” and colh'ng to Woo! tho trooohorozoo and hloodyplotx, oooffiraoioo , ortompto , and pmflicox oftho momiu ofAGool again]? rhorrooo Religion, and profi~f]"o:oAN thoroof £22 oil places, o.s‘_'f3oc?alZ'y ,4 iothcfo ohm; Kinggdomo: worfhoco the reformation of Religion, mod how much their ro2‘ge._,;2oAz1Aoor,oo1:ool profumptiooo are of lotto‘ , and at o time incrmfod and Merci/éd ; whorcof rho doplorozhlo: g/we of the N h Church. and Kingdom: of Ireland , thooodiflrejfodhoflato of tho A hxorch andK£ngo!omo of England, and tho domgerom ofloto of tho »* Church modhlfliogdomc of Scotland, aw pjrqfiéut andpoihliqflo to/fimo-« ; A » Aaw A win o ‘CONSIDERATION eprefcsnting to thehConhfc.ienc.e the Lxxllawfulneife of the Oath, entitulcd, A V ,| A Afolomzz Iéjjfgue finolaglwonozzt for A oroooo Ion, . 4 = E‘ No hlmm, orons, K nighto, G mtlomen, (}'t£:oon.r,Emgojf&.r,: Minhayforx of tho GofpoIl,omd ammo»: ofoll’/brt: in tho King--> dom: of England, Scotlandwond Ireland, 12} the prowidonooh of God . - hiiroioog under om King, and hoingofonc rofiormod Rolégiooghoozing hon * ~ A A ” fore our op: the glory ofgod, and tho oohmnoomont of tho Kingdom A , ofmr Lord and Soooioxor I cj/our G'hr:z:[f', the honooor and hoppinoflo of the A King: Lfllojzj/hy, and H12: Pofforityb mzol tho moo pgohligooo Lihorgr, Sofity and ‘I-"‘Mco of tho Kingdom: , wherein over} om; priwoto cooou dition :25 included” and colh'ng to Woo! tho trooohorozoo and hloodyplotx, oooffiraoioo , ortompto , and pmflicox oftho momiu ofAGool again]? rhorrooo Religion, and profi~f]"o:oAN thoroof £22 oil places, o.s‘_'f3oc?alZ'y ,4 iothcfo ohm; Kinggdomo: worfhoco the reformation of Religion, mod how much their ro2‘ge._,;2oAz1Aoor,oo1:ool profumptiooo are of lotto‘ , and at o time incrmfod and Merci/éd ; whorcof rho doplorozhlo: g/we of the N h Church. and Kingdom: of Ireland , thooodiflrejfodhoflato of tho A hxorch andK£ngo!omo of England, and tho domgerom ofloto of tho »* Church modhlfliogdomc of Scotland, aw pjrqfiéut andpoihliqflo to/fimo-« ; A » Aaw A win 92%: 3) Wghw: new at laf}, ,( after, other zmam:-:cV2f' Szepplimtian ,_, Rg- L ¢ ~m§aa¢firmcv, ‘1’mn]fa:ian:, and Sujj‘}rimg:)}‘br the _pr¢f:rr'§d rim of our h .fl=lw.r%4:a£ our Amligianflow timer rtzinw mm’ dgflruéiion, accardimg M % .thrVcamm£ndw<éle prafiice of t/M/é ifigdama: in farmer timexb uxd ilwcmmpleof Gad: pewpwlv 57¢ 9t9§?£?T(fiti0#!, nfi»sr%mamra deliésrazv ¢iam«3 refolwcd and de$arm£md%AA%ta Ema? into at mutrmll and fln’:mm A A Egggwfl mm’ aammmt, w/mwzvz ma afifixéfirzée, and mask on: of I mfw himfiégwizb apzr~Wi:w2s:’: lzfzfed Eagvta we m;»ffl9:;;___r£¢ G'od_.%,daefwmr.-M * {; ms-Es2ing ighath pleafiid tha%cpmApofars ofrthia Cm, vaaaszafit to {Exit fcsrth with an Introduéfinn, ““’ V ‘ac-fihich cosmvzimskthat which (it iéems) prevaig ' led with them _., arid they cx,p£& fhould work ing Covmamg, it WEN: be »»b€hUQff${ufl in «the A V , L A A firfl p1x.aceVtoredu«cc the comfcimce to aclcare» -and flri&cmaminat,ian ‘Mn the mutants mfmhia il~nA:rod;-z&ionV 5 and Agthcn if itihall find thamall things ‘therein be gram, and with»- A all frflcicnt: t that end “firs: Vwhfich tmgrwerte premiféd , (via. to iziferre a neccflicy of {Wearing to all. th.imgs'cc>ntained in the fol» gowing Articles ) the confcience W111 ba dxrwfied to follow that A di&ate: But ifit fail in either ofchofe, we muffbetakc our {elves itonthcr rconfidcrationato be guidcdby. We wiil athemfore ,fi«n:-i cercly Pbpoundtlmcontcnta of the Preface "5 asfinger as maybe according no 1:‘: mmhod ,A joynimg together %ma1tt:ers of the fame upon the three Kim,g&;om es‘ to raise the ffofiowu % kind : And thenwelhall find t-ha .difcm1riZ: of the Prcfaccicohe A mfolved into thefe principles. . V A T I. Tiaeglwrj of Gad , the adzrgncement of I/:r:.Kingdom¢ of Iefm. fbraiflfiza Vlaanmr .mdVlmpp£m_[[E qfcrha King fit. karate 5: aimad am A A mud mdmuaured. j ghglfiflffirg m.To£wAm 1:9 ioyu withtm¢\Scmim~Axmes,w;hichki;g % »1.: £’s’$aciali}v wlm they m~e?tndm¢‘g:red..;A A ¢ 3. 7% meme: Atlaerfilerc mcear} mwird: Vtéaf? am’: am: taée fifiafi ~wbiab me either .Sw'u‘ppZimtia"v:, .R€”30NflrflWrC,”@"Ua ar makivg warm. A A4,. Ibo.-flvrmar arcfiyfltabc ufied,A hut afftbcyfaile, than the lazttcr. , 3 Thcfé are the un'ivcrfal1 MaximeAs, whcreon (by applicaA:ionAto% the_pm£?mtcondi~cion ) the taking of the Cwcnanc is enforced :;.- Thc: Ehreefirfl than «being gram:¢d,% may £'uhfqme,A%th~at having ufizd mlzmffoxsmer , and failing Aofafucceflés ,, we am all ngceffimccd to ufi: the 92%: 3) Wghw: new at laf}, ,( after, other zmam:-:cV2f' Szepplimtian ,_, Rg- L ¢ ~m§aa¢firmcv, ‘1’mn]fa:ian:, and Sujj‘}rimg:)}‘br the _pr¢f:rr'§d rim of our h .fl=lw.r%4:a£ our Amligianflow timer rtzinw mm’ dgflruéiion, accardimg M % .thrVcamm£ndw<éle prafiice of t/M/é ifigdama: in farmer timexb uxd ilwcmmpleof Gad: pewpwlv 57¢ 9t9§?£?T(fiti0#!, nfi»sr%mamra deliésrazv ¢iam«3 refolwcd and de$arm£md%AA%ta Ema? into at mutrmll and fln’:mm A A Egggwfl mm’ aammmt, w/mwzvz ma afifixéfirzée, and mask on: of I mfw himfiégwizb apzr~Wi:w2s:’: lzfzfed Eagvta we m;»ffl9:;;___r£¢ G'od_.%,daefwmr.-M * {; ms-Es2ing ighath pleafiid tha%cpmApofars ofrthia Cm, vaaaszafit to {Exit fcsrth with an Introduéfinn, ““’ V ‘ac-fihich cosmvzimskthat which (it iéems) prevaig ' led with them _., arid they cx,p£& fhould work ing Covmamg, it WEN: be »»b€hUQff${ufl in «the A V , L A A firfl p1x.aceVtoredu«cc the comfcimce to aclcare» -and flri&cmaminat,ian ‘Mn the mutants mfmhia il~nA:rod;-z&ionV 5 and Agthcn if itihall find thamall things ‘therein be gram, and with»- A all frflcicnt: t that end “firs: Vwhfich tmgrwerte premiféd , (via. to iziferre a neccflicy of {Wearing to all. th.imgs'cc>ntained in the fol» gowing Articles ) the confcience W111 ba dxrwfied to follow that A di&ate: But ifit fail in either ofchofe, we muffbetakc our {elves itonthcr rconfidcrationato be guidcdby. We wiil athemfore ,fi«n:-i cercly Pbpoundtlmcontcnta of the Preface "5 asfinger as maybe according no 1:‘: mmhod ,A joynimg together %ma1tt:ers of the fame upon the three Kim,g&;om es‘ to raise the ffofiowu % kind : And thenwelhall find t-ha .difcm1riZ: of the Prcfaccicohe A mfolved into thefe principles. . V A T I. Tiaeglwrj of Gad , the adzrgncement of I/:r:.Kingdom¢ of Iefm. fbraiflfiza Vlaanmr .mdVlmpp£m_[[E qfcrha King fit. karate 5: aimad am A A mud mdmuaured. j ghglfiflffirg m.To£wAm 1:9 ioyu withtm¢\Scmim~Axmes,w;hichki;g % »1.: £’s’$aciali}v wlm they m~e?tndm¢‘g:red..;A A ¢ 3. 7% meme: Atlaerfilerc mcear} mwird: Vtéaf? am’: am: taée fifiafi ~wbiab me either .Sw'u‘ppZimtia"v:, .R€”30NflrflWrC,”@"Ua ar makivg warm. A A4,. Ibo.-flvrmar arcfiyfltabc ufied,A hut afftbcyfaile, than the lazttcr. , 3 Thcfé are the un'ivcrfal1 MaximeAs, whcreon (by applicaA:ionAto% the_pm£?mtcondi~cion ) the taking of the Cwcnanc is enforced :;.- Thc: Ehreefirfl than «being gram:¢d,% may £'uhfqme,A%th~at having ufizd mlzmffoxsmer , and failing Aofafucceflés ,, we am all ngceffimccd to ufi: the (9) ‘the getnerall; ahféi to‘thofe particulars ;a~&er~%menti"oined:in’ the Rrticfesi M Thain (itch gioytning in armuis the generalrl and of the Covenant, will appear: by comparing the Ex: Article of the Govenantz formur» % gma.-II afiifiance and dcfcnce of %om.~‘ %a*not»her , with tho: mg. Article of :th¢.ITlfl1'u&i0n8 , wherein the impofers af1:bisOathappoinc robe read (publiqucly at the time: when the Covenant is read)*thc Dccla- » :r:iti0n0f the Kingdomes of-Englamfl and Saatiamd )';oyncd in Arms; far the vV;inAdicati::m,&c. In which m.s*]' H thescuts (co whofelalliflance Aclpecially we are to be lfwmign) fhmxld " not hereby be able: to conquer a!.’1dpl‘::.Vdil,, what will A «bur taking of the Covcnantwadvaucc thc publika Liberty and Peace of the King» A i don)” according. to gchc wnccit of the icnfoyners of the Covenant 2 If 1;heyMllhould,iconlidcr haw that can conducem «our Liéerty, unlelle A whereby bemeam: Frcedomi fmm our amcxcm Laws, and fmmthc: lémlad happy government of Church and Scare, whilll we may hear: to be put under uncertain new ones? Saconclly, .S'afirtj, whether the danger of mine docvnotz outweigh orrcqualizei the: hopes of fifety.‘ 4 Thlrdly,7’mce, Whether this bathe oncly, the likeliell, or indeed any probable mcaaacs of procuring Pmcei’ ‘Sewing them are but twei wayeaobvious by which this courlé lhould procure in, him. A?Vi&ory,; orhreeluciingthe King to yeeld co thcir deliver. Here the iudggmcnc of conlE:icnc.¢: will bcgmundcd upon thin, Whether the King but no way but by force incAlin‘abIe to an fut’: APmce- 5’ r “ A V Whcrain icmzj arm priwm, cahc. '] Thia A is Afubmrdinatc mlzhc» form mer immediately preceding. . ‘ A A A (Willing to mimic the praflicax of the enemies of God aggaiwfl t/kw mm Raligiam, 6‘-0.] Herc we are to confider and reckon up; who and “of what forts are the enemies of the Church of England, AA ofwhich we: are, andwhich is cflablifhcd by Law, to which we have fubli-zribcd, and What party in this quarrell is openly profeflid faric,hath equal- " iy declared againll: 4 all tbrts of its iencmiea, and which is not 5. A and accordinglflficc. V When-of the do:-plarmbk pfiat: of lfmlnnda $5.] Conficlcr whctber A thc: cgueigaufqlof this is to bc meicrged (both. in.§h:,l.r_i[cn’and.pxogrcllE'; Al AA A A ‘A , h , A A A 4 0“ 7n M Q.’ (5) they wéuld haveluai tojoync, have: never particularly declaredllthw i A way howthelie cnéa flaall be or are advance by their warm (al- athoughitia cine of their mail common exprcllions .-) the Fafeli way fafilrzalltllfi malt naturall) for tha conlbience‘: is to wife a judge»- memt mi wlmt is likely to mf.m upfim what hath precedcdA(fincc chcfe unfierthéiings) upon the (Emma Principles: Where icia ta Qonlideri whatiwr his l-iovmzur or Comtumely hava beene increaléd by and Afinée; mhgfeyhwapres; And lo for the happinclli: of Himfelfa and hie A PAa[ishr§f3i,"l iiccmifickzr whacher if ithcfc men be upon the lhmcdeligne with thofe who gavc him battell at .Ea'ga~Hi/7, Z\7.«swé.;»'r]A €:‘5"6’. what‘ i whole darfigrzes made towards the hapgziiwefliaof him,‘ anti hi3 Pa-4» lteriazyo A The ma: pmhlika Li§r:rty._,.S'pzfe*z‘y, and PMM hf the Ki1ggmlr>m.s*]' H thescuts (co whofelalliflance Aclpecially we are to be lfwmign) fhmxld " not hereby be able: to conquer a!.’1dpl‘::.Vdil,, what will A «bur taking of the Covcnantwadvaucc thc publika Liberty and Peace of the King» A i don)” according. to gchc wnccit of the icnfoyners of the Covenant 2 If 1;heyMllhould,iconlidcr haw that can conducem «our Liéerty, unlelle A whereby bemeam: Frcedomi fmm our amcxcm Laws, and fmmthc: lémlad happy government of Church and Scare, whilll we may hear: to be put under uncertain new ones? Saconclly, .S'afirtj, whether the danger of mine docvnotz outweigh orrcqualizei the: hopes of fifety.‘ 4 Thlrdly,7’mce, Whether this bathe oncly, the likeliell, or indeed any probable mcaaacs of procuring Pmcei’ ‘Sewing them are but twei wayeaobvious by which this courlé lhould procure in, him. A?Vi&ory,; orhreeluciingthe King to yeeld co thcir deliver. Here the iudggmcnc of conlE:icnc.¢: will bcgmundcd upon thin, Whether the King but no way but by force incAlin‘abIe to an fut’: APmce- 5’ r “ A V Whcrain icmzj arm priwm, cahc. '] Thia A is Afubmrdinatc mlzhc» form mer immediately preceding. . ‘ A A A (Willing to mimic the praflicax of the enemies of God aggaiwfl t/kw mm Raligiam, 6‘-0.] Herc we are to confider and reckon up; who and “of what forts are the enemies of the Church of England, AA ofwhich we: are, andwhich is cflablifhcd by Law, to which we have fubli-zribcd, and What party in this quarrell is openly profeflid faric,hath equal- " iy declared againll: 4 all tbrts of its iencmiea, and which is not 5. A and accordinglflficc. V When-of the do:-plarmbk pfiat: of lfmlnnda $5.] Conficlcr whctber A thc: cgueigaufqlof this is to bc meicrged (both. in.§h:,l.r_i[cn’and.pxogrcllE'; Al AA A A ‘A , h , A A A 4 0“ 7n M Q.’ to ER 1:2 33 A A C 5) A A A A A AM: it) to the Khig, ‘or the mr:a§’ig:cA M the: Pgpim flzimumi up by thofg Awho (a-JwyA fay)AhmddccIamlA an nmemiona or utwr can ;ir'paAti?£m A2? A0?Uu=:*ARc1igAi0AnAAlayA? i A A A ‘ A A A A A A A A ‘ A AA T'b;?*d;fl:A'e§fi%'d‘A#fflfl?£‘Aaf-England wAhAmAh:cvA t:A!tmtA p1“@§Mfi1_.PKf!AA wAhic:.h’Aia Ae{hblAi&1gd"by*iLaw,AMA%Adx{t2A¢’53rc.A::5AA:&'-VAchfl King 0rAAbyAAA$ef?m? A A‘I»AIg.;,« g.Qmg¢raAmAAcflateAcgf A&;:AAaAr1anAd was r.rh«:iArA my fixer Aafl.thAAiAng;aA;wcrc::£e€1edAw?iAtMhAem A.zmd:A who bm1J1ghAt a;Imn mm mm dfingey EA AuMmAAA‘party' wmch ism“. fi;1«.A;u:M iwcaAr-agaiAni%, Am? chasm iii «A an? ' M A ."‘ ;%»ra;A£mr mmmimof’ S 1¢}7AtflAicaat&7nr¢,A, v-E¢9ma~rgfir.mc:cc, F :a~Acwt¢A§,A‘15A;z£:EAu2¢5 ;a:.A»:.Ad 5;¢jfi:riv¢‘_g?:}AATAh4iAa. whAic;hAix.A =he:a:AeA.dirA~ AAA»fmA):m the rmfl W3 mare A ;-A'r;.;;AAeA;0- :Acives,AandJcA:%flimtoa l7?,a1reAmA3ExAei‘is,A, is %AixA;AA‘A%e:::ciA m«x.d¢¢AE)A§7!& onely i?’:A:urs.:;faw- A andAAfeccmdAly, w~hcveaf&erwm*d thaimpedimmic 0%” iuccumr W ztnmfé ; 550$ Aathmwaymf grmcmzzding, ‘anal AVA-WAMA mm-A:Aa:xnA«:§AyA cam: whm:~inA I fuchfi my cat covmamting, 85¢; cm AAbe:mArAsg2swA‘i ::wAbv:.H.aw§t1lI :A Sm Khatif [h¥§‘i‘€A‘fl3§a7ii AK3$*have 110$ Atseem burl! m;AmA.wA, .—.A¢sAw:rA ¢Avm-,§i;,Au¢ me A uudartaking AAof',thxsAA dnfigxgc A fiAm:a:xgIyA AAam:i A E fix 22% y miAxm.—a;vA:A.uArm:d A (byiAm:iAmationtA c3AfAAAthbAa AiAnAxAArx,n1=a.Aéti«e:;n‘"V ix. macs) t:htaAmAAAurAi&: im”noAt AAAWwrrAaenmb?¢.;‘4A AtAhw¢A aArc»mAher AprinciAp!cmAAcxt 1AcAm~ipr1’3rc.-giyydAour A 7ReligiAonAWhichAamt0Abecmmir1cdA.Aif xAAh¢yAAh3.ve been: ufed: mail at 'iAnfTefrrcg That it is um: lawful! in any cafe what fewer to refifi‘ with AAAAAAArma the Iawfu1lApow¢:rAAby GMTA far. over us. New whcuzhmr thcfc Ameam havebccn a;x1d-axc fr.» ufed, ll’. willbefi Aappa-arA by Aconfiderw AingAwhoAAha.ch‘femt the Meffmges for ATreatyA Atowards Pmca, A Awmm -hath éwlamd by Tbmzh Apartieg Acrf ccrstzaimy, and particularly tomhing Ekieligiwng Law, and Fmvifo’afar tmdA:¢rAAConfcic:1Accs 5» and A compaming? mgctherthcAfeva¥ra1IA AB.cm0nflranceag Pmtefl.-aticma, and A Suflerings. ATAhm.A2gAh all hfitimrco had bcmetxfad and rcicétw, ca;mA..A. fider if the overture nmzv lately made by the KingsAparAcy,A;nfig;hA¢AA mm AA A meamma pmdme Peace &c:.. if :1“; bufineffe bemanagedas AAitAouAghtA. And accor&ingA to than mA£hAIAt; of A tAhAe{uAfhe7Ac:mIbiencaA mufl cermludm. A A A A .. 5'” Fax tio«:pwfaxAtha€»% V “(M i their Confi: ienceg .‘t'hat”thie i*Do&ri»¢, Werjbip c§?e.7 »of?the M35 1}’ ' Scotland, caninfallibIy?be,proired~out of the Word of God , ‘ why A would they have us {mate to endeavour_( in our callmgtof the Min nifiery) to preierve it with a ref’rri&iontaga'infl fomemen onely, and not abfolutelys and 4 indefinitely»? tW=hether is this to free from the feandall of refpe& of Perfone, as an oath for the impartial] defence of Truth doth require? If they donbtoitcannot be infel1i'bly:prov¢d. A A A how -can our Brethren of Scotland,n_rithontfpirituall Tyrannygdefire an .Oath tosbe impoiedtt upon us Mmiflers ofthe‘GofpelI»-of another; e ~Church, to endewem-fincerely, ready éw. in aur‘cal1ing(viz. bytpm. ehing, difputing; or otherwife) the prefizrvation of itithne {Eat it e A A ~ . Second lye’ how can we take an Oath to endeavour the prefervati-. A on of that Dofirinetwhichwe neither know what it is ( as it now (funds) not are told in any Declaration or Exhortation to us? nor wembgund to know or (hatch ( no opportunity offering it {elf 3‘) How then can thietOathbe by us taken in iudgement 1' Or fin-‘ce we ‘donht thutnthough in genetall, how can 1t;=( not beingof Faith ) he . tgthg-;t‘henn Sinne if ‘Whether are we note, If any thing [hall be by us hereafter found in thetDo&£ifl¢ 05 Scvtldnd contrary to found Do- &;.-ine, hotind to endea,vour~rhy the fecond @.rt‘_icle to extirpate it, and . by the firfl to preferve it? As for then‘ Difciplme andGovernment:,fo much as we underfland of it (though totherwife we never interpoied, yet being now called to give our eonfent to it, or reafonito the con- ;my)we profefli it to be fuch eat that we date not binde our {elves by ‘Oath toendeavour it: prefervatton confiantly and indefini|:ely,for all V time to come, till it beevitlenced unto us that: it hath been in any , time before untill this our laihage. If it (hall; here he replyeod, that we are required to endeowaurt itthklgprtftrwdtiafl aftheir Doffrine, %%War/Mp, “_D¢fcip“line and g'avemme#t,tha€»% V Cnxtofitt V nnmha: Santa is ntitfier thcqncly, ngr the chief Senfe intended by tgha I“mp‘0fi:ts, we have‘caufet‘n think: be;ca‘1-nib 1f ('0. reflrained,“ our = ’ this pr*e!E:ncLea!gnueand Qaveinatutat A Brethren nit Scatlnfifltt (in*fav*ouf_’r offwihoma we contceive Aafi, pm. of the Artic}ento havebreen ptopofcd) would bt¢no}w«hic fecnred‘ againfi the? feats of ti:mmrationt« from England, if we vvcrenoncly fwotnm’ pteferve untomem ‘thofi: thingsnwherein» we all agree at the cutting at ~ Tfiirdly, ‘we define to know ‘by out §ret'htet1'ta-AF Scotland fibula A define itfltotibe impofizd upon us by Oath to tmaii,ntaih' the Articles nf theti'z*B.t:‘1'ig%ion,t‘ fo‘7fa1-tforth ashath been ‘faid,* fince» our Mother‘ the‘ Church of England ntver ynt hathtimpofiid ‘upon us b‘y“Oath no pm. {ewe herown known Att'ié1cs»,‘ but hath tefiified he-r» moderation to a1l,'fi1tha7t Iha,h?ath‘reqniredfubfcriptibn one'ly7of all men whi*ch A wart admintnted intd hpty Otdnragot Ecplefiafiicall Bt5t1e‘fice,eorMto d¢...: greet in7theUniVeIfi‘ty ? And ’yét‘this was lately judged, fimze the fic..~ ting Of this Ptarliament, to be too htnrflat an impérfitionn uptcm young. tér Studefntstatt their‘ :idmifli"0n‘~t0'degrees,t and the ‘urging of it {M7-A pended. "And we: kkmjwtnott whether cverit Wasin Life before this age, 'tr'~t:";;T»t€fl~iE‘l any not cotmpted Church,t to command men to {wear-the maintaining the Articles of their Religiomrnuch lbflértheiri Difciplinc’ n A and Church government. A As to the {ccond thing in this firfi Article. to whieh wt-.4-V‘ ate ta» fwcnt,How carnfany whtl‘: are pcrfwaded that tht’ereis1=notthing in the narine of the Church of England,» which is not vénntfonant “to the Word of God, without vanity {wear to endetwoutgthé Rcformaa. tiotiof it according to the: VVord of God 2’ efpeci-ally fince we have tlfatialjr ptotefiedto, defend that SDoEi'rim.- of the clamla of tE:ngl:m'd P‘ 4 » And how ban anywhofrcvctcntly beleevetthiachurch to be in rcfpc& of her D0&tine,Worfl1ip;Dii&ipIine,and Government cflablifhed by I;aW,no;l¢fli:tperfe&then any of the Reformed Churchesfwear an en...‘ dcavour imreformationin all theft, according to the cxarnple of the hsflrcfotmcd Churches, 2* And ‘her: by theway we cannotbnt taken notice that this part of the Articlc‘ is {'0 fratncd, an if then: wcreno-4» thingnin the ADo£?rine @*c;. of the Clmrclm of England '¢zm1'Ircl.¢nd ‘mg: A bu: pre§érve_;d5 andnothing in tthe‘1'rs-of Scotland to betrcfc>rmed.. tn ~ Moreovugthe beflndireéfionnfot Qonfcience in exa'mini;ng what: is fieremcantt by Reformation , will beta coniiderfithbfct inflatinest wherein in th: following Articles‘ is declared t:heB.¢formation,“ an&¢* A _ {hen ifperfwadgd tthatthcte isany thing th»crc~cxpre(’t3 (as‘nin£tnnccs' V A A 4 V A « V aoffl Cnxtofitt V nnmha: Santa is ntitfier thcqncly, ngr the chief Senfe intended by tgha I“mp‘0fi:ts, we have‘caufet‘n think: be;ca‘1-nib 1f ('0. reflrained,“ our = ’ this pr*e!E:ncLea!gnueand Qaveinatutat A Brethren nit Scatlnfifltt (in*fav*ouf_’r offwihoma we contceive Aafi, pm. of the Artic}ento havebreen ptopofcd) would bt¢no}w«hic fecnred‘ againfi the? feats of ti:mmrationt« from England, if we vvcrenoncly fwotnm’ pteferve untomem ‘thofi: thingsnwherein» we all agree at the cutting at ~ Tfiirdly, ‘we define to know ‘by out §ret'htet1'ta-AF Scotland fibula A define itfltotibe impofizd upon us by Oath to tmaii,ntaih' the Articles nf theti'z*B.t:‘1'ig%ion,t‘ fo‘7fa1-tforth ashath been ‘faid,* fince» our Mother‘ the‘ Church of England ntver ynt hathtimpofiid ‘upon us b‘y“Oath no pm. {ewe herown known Att'ié1cs»,‘ but hath tefiified he-r» moderation to a1l,'fi1tha7t Iha,h?ath‘reqniredfubfcriptibn one'ly7of all men whi*ch A wart admintnted intd hpty Otdnragot Ecplefiafiicall Bt5t1e‘fice,eorMto d¢...: greet in7theUniVeIfi‘ty ? And ’yét‘this was lately judged, fimze the fic..~ ting Of this Ptarliament, to be too htnrflat an impérfitionn uptcm young. tér Studefntstatt their‘ :idmifli"0n‘~t0'degrees,t and the ‘urging of it {M7-A pended. "And we: kkmjwtnott whether cverit Wasin Life before this age, 'tr'~t:";;T»t€fl~iE‘l any not cotmpted Church,t to command men to {wear-the maintaining the Articles of their Religiomrnuch lbflértheiri Difciplinc’ n A and Church government. A As to the {ccond thing in this firfi Article. to whieh wt-.4-V‘ ate ta» fwcnt,How carnfany whtl‘: are pcrfwaded that tht’ereis1=notthing in the narine of the Church of England,» which is not vénntfonant “to the Word of God, without vanity {wear to endetwoutgthé Rcformaa. tiotiof it according to the: VVord of God 2’ efpeci-ally fince we have tlfatialjr ptotefiedto, defend that SDoEi'rim.- of the clamla of tE:ngl:m'd P‘ 4 » And how ban anywhofrcvctcntly beleevetthiachurch to be in rcfpc& of her D0&tine,Worfl1ip;Dii&ipIine,and Government cflablifhed by I;aW,no;l¢fli:tperfe&then any of the Reformed Churchesfwear an en...‘ dcavour imreformationin all theft, according to the cxarnple of the hsflrcfotmcd Churches, 2* And ‘her: by theway we cannotbnt taken notice that this part of the Articlc‘ is {'0 fratncd, an if then: wcreno-4» thingnin the ADo£?rine @*c;. of the Clmrclm of England '¢zm1'Ircl.¢nd ‘mg: A bu: pre§érve_;d5 andnothing in tthe‘1'rs-of Scotland to betrcfc>rmed.. tn ~ Moreovugthe beflndireéfionnfot Qonfcience in exa'mini;ng what: is fieremcantt by Reformation , will beta coniiderfithbfct inflatinest wherein in th: following Articles‘ is declared t:heB.¢formation,“ an&¢* A _ {hen ifperfwadgd tthatthcte isany thing th»crc~cxpre(’t3 (as‘nin£tnnccs' V A A 4 V A « V aoffl *iT¢Anfeof7theI-mpefcers’? A 4 . A As "touching the third Ath'i*ng. fl»'Aem¥r-'dv0#? 0}’ A ’¢'»’1¢"J'Wmity. @\‘c-~ the» (nu) 1 oEr:formacion)wAhichia:16: accorgling cocmuch more if a gai't1fi)thé* e%cbwAparc»of ‘the mzh,-at~lcaPe in':t:he V Word 6% God; how can we cal: confidtrationa for direaiqn.-of confcicncewillbethcfamc with the fecond‘: For‘weAA arercquxrcd to {wear toam1¢uvo#rV.anA;tm:i}‘brm£9i, and tzlfat in the rcformation before.-mentioned ,. andaficr than refm~...A > % mation foVt'hat% in whatfoever%:;fenfi=:”% or kind%t.hcreformation%by IA:-;hem‘mentioned,and after »deflcribed,%isA nor.» to: be dundertik-erz,in the fame our endeavour forsuniformicyis not.lawf'ul1.A A A A % a L: V! , Lafllygintthe taking of this firfl Arcic1e,.,weAfl1om1d(as. we conccivew} make mar {elves guilty.-either of math fwearing, or of perjury ; and t;h~a;tfr-om chcgnecctfary conléqumcc of tha mmplicratixzm of tlmfe two clauafesk, whgrein firfi We Vflmuld 5fwcar %n%cA:: %prefier am the mefarm.¢-J % R¢'l{gion~£:z 11:2: Cbmfcb of8catlaem',A in DaEZrinc5AWar-flzipfwD,%£p!ine,and Gamrnmcnt againfi am: cammzmmemics. And ficondly %,% tsa é?*1;);¥gt.é;~- C/Amrcbe: office Atbrec Kingdamx, to the neemfi canjzmé-'r’z7axz and z.m%rmz7z in thofaparticulars amongourfclves 2 Ifwu endeavourmin aux“ Aca!-A ling: (but by prayer )-to alter any thing in the Chl1r§E.l0f3ca;/égfid, wherein our enemies are theirs alfofihcugh ‘therein W: dxficr amcmgfi our feIvcs-)Wc commit periury, bucaufe wefwcar I50 prcferve it. ¢ To A effcfi thercforc die necrefl: uniformity in chain part;i"cu1arsin$ thethreg Kingdoms, wear: {worn to endcavnur to bring the Qgher cwd King» damn to the neerefl conformity to thc Church 0f.S'catl¢md.. Now howcan W.-:A fwcatto regulatuby a: rule , and to refmrm by «farm, V which Aweikfully know not , (and much Ie-{Te know: (:0 be a fit: Arula or {arm} without ralinfwearinglfiJr¢Awc;a14e:, wecannot: {wear icin» ’ 'iudgemcne,and for ought “we knowmot in-righteoufnuflE... AV%That=wef/zaflin bilge manner, witbmt rafimfi‘ qf perfbm, mdmm am the extirpation of 1’aper},VPrclac)r, ft/Mt 2&5 (‘burn/9-gwernmcnt Ally’/Jr;/aw éi/hops, Bz?j7:op:,;A tbcir Ebancellourm and (ommifaricx, €ZDmn.r,, Dmmé an.£l2aptm',; Arcbikdaacanr,‘ vandal! otlacr Erclqfiaflicaé/I V0fl5~rer,r Hepm--~ ding on that Hierart;/9} )..-S14 drfiitiaag Hcnfie, Schyfme, Prapbmnenvfi, I agndwlsmt/bewrfiall 6: fimn Am 1:: contrary to firwmd oéirinc , and tlsw pawcr q)‘«€r'odAline_flE';« lefi we =p4Vt‘tlk¢'_t'fl other mmfim, and t/smrelryéb in dangerta receive czftlwir plagues, anal that tbalord my 5.»: one, a:gd=£v£wj Nam: om~int»Iae tbrueKingdam.r.“ A A * V r M A A A ._ V « Howcanm {we”armo*thi“s part of¢.the:Govenant,wh9 dofibeliave that A Article zi " *iT¢Anfeof7theI-mpefcers’? A 4 . A As "touching the third Ath'i*ng. fl»'Aem¥r-'dv0#? 0}’ A ’¢'»’1¢"J'Wmity. @\‘c-~ the» (nu) 1 oEr:formacion)wAhichia:16: accorgling cocmuch more if a gai't1fi)thé* e%cbwAparc»of ‘the mzh,-at~lcaPe in':t:he V Word 6% God; how can we cal: confidtrationa for direaiqn.-of confcicncewillbethcfamc with the fecond‘: For‘weAA arercquxrcd to {wear toam1¢uvo#rV.anA;tm:i}‘brm£9i, and tzlfat in the rcformation before.-mentioned ,. andaficr than refm~...A > % mation foVt'hat% in whatfoever%:;fenfi=:”% or kind%t.hcreformation%by IA:-;hem‘mentioned,and after »deflcribed,%isA nor.» to: be dundertik-erz,in the fame our endeavour forsuniformicyis not.lawf'ul1.A A A A % a L: V! , Lafllygintthe taking of this firfl Arcic1e,.,weAfl1om1d(as. we conccivew} make mar {elves guilty.-either of math fwearing, or of perjury ; and t;h~a;tfr-om chcgnecctfary conléqumcc of tha mmplicratixzm of tlmfe two clauafesk, whgrein firfi We Vflmuld 5fwcar %n%cA:: %prefier am the mefarm.¢-J % R¢'l{gion~£:z 11:2: Cbmfcb of8catlaem',A in DaEZrinc5AWar-flzipfwD,%£p!ine,and Gamrnmcnt againfi am: cammzmmemics. And ficondly %,% tsa é?*1;);¥gt.é;~- C/Amrcbe: office Atbrec Kingdamx, to the neemfi canjzmé-'r’z7axz and z.m%rmz7z in thofaparticulars amongourfclves 2 Ifwu endeavourmin aux“ Aca!-A ling: (but by prayer )-to alter any thing in the Chl1r§E.l0f3ca;/égfid, wherein our enemies are theirs alfofihcugh ‘therein W: dxficr amcmgfi our feIvcs-)Wc commit periury, bucaufe wefwcar I50 prcferve it. ¢ To A effcfi thercforc die necrefl: uniformity in chain part;i"cu1arsin$ thethreg Kingdoms, wear: {worn to endcavnur to bring the Qgher cwd King» damn to the neerefl conformity to thc Church 0f.S'catl¢md.. Now howcan W.-:A fwcatto regulatuby a: rule , and to refmrm by «farm, V which Aweikfully know not , (and much Ie-{Te know: (:0 be a fit: Arula or {arm} without ralinfwearinglfiJr¢Awc;a14e:, wecannot: {wear icin» ’ 'iudgemcne,and for ought “we knowmot in-righteoufnuflE... AV%That=wef/zaflin bilge manner, witbmt rafimfi‘ qf perfbm, mdmm am the extirpation of 1’aper},VPrclac)r, ft/Mt 2&5 (‘burn/9-gwernmcnt Ally’/Jr;/aw éi/hops, Bz?j7:op:,;A tbcir Ebancellourm and (ommifaricx, €ZDmn.r,, Dmmé an.£l2aptm',; Arcbikdaacanr,‘ vandal! otlacr Erclqfiaflicaé/I V0fl5~rer,r Hepm--~ ding on that Hierart;/9} )..-S14 drfiitiaag Hcnfie, Schyfme, Prapbmnenvfi, I agndwlsmt/bewrfiall 6: fimn Am 1:: contrary to firwmd oéirinc , and tlsw pawcr q)‘«€r'odAline_flE';« lefi we =p4Vt‘tlk¢'_t'fl other mmfim, and t/smrelryéb in dangerta receive czftlwir plagues, anal that tbalord my 5.»: one, a:gd=£v£wj Nam: om~int»Iae tbrueKingdam.r.“ A A * V r M A A A ._ V « Howcanm {we”armo*thi“s part of¢.the:Govenant,wh9 dofibeliave that A Article zi " e by (.r2i)o A that: toendeavour the extirpation ofchurch-governm’ent’by.Bilhopa is an gj&tbutterly~unlawful! for all {everall places and calling: (and l ¢fp¢¢iflly‘ ours -J by rhe:Law of God and this Land, andto {wear it’ muchmore .finfull.s.And are we not here”-bid-den totcovenant and fwggmtor enaimoazrr the extirpaticm of Gburcb-gqoerrrireent 5} Brfiop 9 I In at either the words -areambiguous , -(andl to ambiguities we may not fwear) or rather (form: are loath to echargethe words wirham-,5 biguitie) the Granimaticalfenfi: (according to which the Oath is to be taken 9 fpeaksfo : for as to what we heat by fom_e fluid, that onely ourChurch-government in aggregate, by all thofe Governoura toge-» thereriin aeocotllefiivefelnfe taken formally , is to be endeavoured robe extirpatedg. and not each there mentioned : firfl, Such interpretation givenoutia private onely , andnot by the authority of the impofera g and fiacondly, thofi: worth; [and all atb:r,6r'c.] do manifefl thatall the formerly mentioned particulars(in the parenthefis)are to be confirm- ed diflributively, fo farreforthae to the extirpation. of them.To omit l , that the word iPrelur}r there interpreted more properly agreethr to p/1'rcla-ibiflaaprand Ziflrapi then to the refit there mentioned , ‘and la Prelagzyt they. would be Witholltxth em, becaufi: preferred before Pref?- »bytera : and if it noermore were meant to efure Bilhope thén Presby-5 tern or Deacons , fince as well Preebytere and Deacona in make ta part of our=C hutch-government , at it now fiends in aggregate, whey , ther-mightsthis Oath be faken,had the oalfo been included 2 Laflly, it not. their pra&ifi,for whofe {atisfa ion this Covenant fhould (5) [memgmm taken (a)(added to the common fenfisof mankind in the like manner ,;mb9,m 6,, of (‘peaking or underiiandxng n .fuch A fpeechee) evidence enou h .‘,4m 42 4“ we 1 to us that we cannot ‘take this Oath and Covenant , unlefre we will tmendafiiicezdiy fwearrto endeavotur the "extirpattion of Church-government by; zii’lar.r.q‘. e l b b be Bilhops. l : L r t r 1”?‘ r i “ lftme be{o,iw’edefire know,firfl,whetheritbelewlullfor {i1b~ t ‘;ie&tM to ‘fwearn fuch a Covenant as direfily contradi&s the oath, of l “ t their Soveraigne at his Coronation, as this fecond branch «ofthe Co- -venant doth, binding usto endeavour the extirpation of the govern- A e ment of our-Chnrchby Bilhops ? F or that"our Soveraign hath taken A A a contradi&ory Oath is evidently manifefi by the laft blaufi: ofthe oathmhich the King: oféiggland take at thcirfloronationtwhen after many other gracious promitea web the King «makes to ‘his people, one n t or the Biihopsrreading to the Kin l A A A Ganonicall .privi1edges ofr.the:Churq-h, and befeeching him that he i ’ i would g before the'pteople-concerning the e by (.r2i)o A that: toendeavour the extirpation ofchurch-governm’ent’by.Bilhopa is an gj&tbutterly~unlawful! for all {everall places and calling: (and l ¢fp¢¢iflly‘ ours -J by rhe:Law of God and this Land, andto {wear it’ muchmore .finfull.s.And are we not here”-bid-den totcovenant and fwggmtor enaimoazrr the extirpaticm of Gburcb-gqoerrrireent 5} Brfiop 9 I In at either the words -areambiguous , -(andl to ambiguities we may not fwear) or rather (form: are loath to echargethe words wirham-,5 biguitie) the Granimaticalfenfi: (according to which the Oath is to be taken 9 fpeaksfo : for as to what we heat by fom_e fluid, that onely ourChurch-government in aggregate, by all thofe Governoura toge-» thereriin aeocotllefiivefelnfe taken formally , is to be endeavoured robe extirpatedg. and not each there mentioned : firfl, Such interpretation givenoutia private onely , andnot by the authority of the impofera g and fiacondly, thofi: worth; [and all atb:r,6r'c.] do manifefl thatall the formerly mentioned particulars(in the parenthefis)are to be confirm- ed diflributively, fo farreforthae to the extirpation. of them.To omit l , that the word iPrelur}r there interpreted more properly agreethr to p/1'rcla-ibiflaaprand Ziflrapi then to the refit there mentioned , ‘and la Prelagzyt they. would be Witholltxth em, becaufi: preferred before Pref?- »bytera : and if it noermore were meant to efure Bilhope thén Presby-5 tern or Deacons , fince as well Preebytere and Deacona in make ta part of our=C hutch-government , at it now fiends in aggregate, whey , ther-mightsthis Oath be faken,had the oalfo been included 2 Laflly, it not. their pra&ifi,for whofe {atisfa ion this Covenant fhould (5) [memgmm taken (a)(added to the common fenfisof mankind in the like manner ,;mb9,m 6,, of (‘peaking or underiiandxng n .fuch A fpeechee) evidence enou h .‘,4m 42 4“ we 1 to us that we cannot ‘take this Oath and Covenant , unlefre we will tmendafiiicezdiy fwearrto endeavotur the "extirpattion of Church-government by; zii’lar.r.q‘. e l b b be Bilhops. l : L r t r 1”?‘ r i “ lftme be{o,iw’edefire know,firfl,whetheritbelewlullfor {i1b~ t ‘;ie&tM to ‘fwearn fuch a Covenant as direfily contradi&s the oath, of l “ t their Soveraigne at his Coronation, as this fecond branch «ofthe Co- -venant doth, binding usto endeavour the extirpation of the govern- A e ment of our-Chnrchby Bilhops ? F or that"our Soveraign hath taken A A a contradi&ory Oath is evidently manifefi by the laft blaufi: ofthe oathmhich the King: oféiggland take at thcirfloronationtwhen after many other gracious promitea web the King «makes to ‘his people, one n t or the Biihopsrreading to the Kin l A A A Ganonicall .privi1edges ofr.the:Churq-h, and befeeching him that he i ’ i would g before the'pteople-concerning the would ‘bc the ~Proc¢&o1ir~ an%d‘Def¢ndcrt of the Bifl:ops_&'«eh¢Ghurch3:a . j 4 undw thcir-government 5. the King anfwereth‘ in thcefe words [With ‘ nyifling Annddtwaut Iagart I promifpgund grmztm} pardon , mt that [will . , % V‘ graferveand wainmin to ya» ml the Elmrcbtt cammitttd to yattr cburgt, A 7téllmnvnicallpriviledget, ant/due Lmv anJIt¢fHce,&:nd that] will éejour “ Bxatgflaflr and ‘.Dcfend:r, to my potter, 5} tb: a_fl:"fftwce afG'ad, M M awry’ hgofad Kling in /2125 Kingdom in right ought to prbtcfl‘ afiddcfind the 5.1;/Bapr, t and Cburcb:.r-- ttmier t/t:irgom'f‘umettt..] _ Then the: King. zrifetlu ahndatt" A the Communion Table makes a folemn Oath in the prefcnce of the = A Q€0pIe,;»to obfervettheprcmilfia, and layinghis hand upon the.» book; ~ faith [The thing: which I have écfbré pr-%am1?fcd,Ijl;t2ll._ perform and keep, “ V fahalp m;vGod,“ and the tanmm of H133‘, Boob] How can this OAEh' A than for the extirpation 0fChxtrcb-government .6} Twfbapxbe confiflmc A with the AO,.yt"h or_ Honour of our Sovereign . which we havt: fo fo-u lhgmntljtproiefled to; defcndfin -the lace Protcflacion 2: How 3can‘we« with 1; folgmnath enter mm {inch 1 Covcnamyto which wctmdy. neither (‘wear wxthout our Sqvcralgna confenc, not yet can-lawful-ly A ‘ flgfire may have his confem: ? Howfid were ourtcondition, were the 1 King willing of ,him('elfc toAvio1at¢hthiIOa-th *2‘ «But what fhould we AA haste to anfwer,fl1‘ould we byltakihng fuch a Covenant, thilway necefw ~ A ficate % ( to far as in us lics) H1: facxfcd Maie,fly,t:o violatc his Ouh [9 folemnly {worn athhis Inauguration ? A A t A A ~ t Secondly, that to endeavour «the‘extirpat£an of Clmrcbgawarnmewt ‘ A 5,..Bi_/7zop:,-.«ia a fin againfi Divine -Law , all t:hofi:Argumcntsand Aug ‘ A uiorsitica convince, which prove thatABifhqps are of Apofliolicall in-. Mt flicut-ion, and unalterablc, and conféqucntlyd Divine; whichwd: {hall ‘unfoldin thefeh Propofitionp: iF~irit, that‘ their infiicutiontttt {lands .(a)1i:tnde2niIl£a?.~. ounded uphoxitttwdur Saviour:-—own A&ion»«and1n£iitutionhr:f.thcimP0"5* Péffiw I mm, at idem. ., gpofiles. Sccendly‘, fhlt Ghrifl and ‘hiasholy Spirits. by.hisju".bafl;g”W V Apofilea Ipppintcd Bifhopl. Thirdly,‘ that Ghrifi thesonneh of C-,,;,,,,~,,m.;_,~,,. A t. For tht‘; firfl,~twcfhayth'cirA~ inflitutionis'gromdedupdnounLdtd¢ 21;) A b ownVti1a&icuting and \~ordaining‘tw¢Ive Apofllcn, above fcvcnty;Dil7-s 1;,,,,,,,_fi h ciples; who faith‘ to chefcthis-Apofllec, At my Fétlaer hath r/mat, God , «land the Holy hGh.ofi A afccrwafd cqnfirmcd» andhapproved10m,,._ £2: hp)»: / appointed; m’;-gym n'r(«og,?'r;~ A man fafina’ I }au,.(4)»St. Job. 20. 2|. loin other cndrof hint. miflion; grvgnmfi 5339' §‘2XD{UOU,‘ A BiIhoApa., and their tcommiflion and ppwcr whigh the Apoflleahad M€AAom . it o .ontu:_z»71'j ’ To ht how:not.in this , which WI: know they didMacc_ording~to~hiI pat-. , . “urn? A”: ho: was {cm:,.byx.h1s Fiche; thegcforc to ordain oneorder of ,mm_‘_’”’“‘ ’” Teacherq » t would ‘bc the ~Proc¢&o1ir~ an%d‘Def¢ndcrt of the Bifl:ops_&'«eh¢Ghurch3:a . j 4 undw thcir-government 5. the King anfwereth‘ in thcefe words [With ‘ nyifling Annddtwaut Iagart I promifpgund grmztm} pardon , mt that [will . , % V‘ graferveand wainmin to ya» ml the Elmrcbtt cammitttd to yattr cburgt, A 7téllmnvnicallpriviledget, ant/due Lmv anJIt¢fHce,&:nd that] will éejour “ Bxatgflaflr and ‘.Dcfend:r, to my potter, 5} tb: a_fl:"fftwce afG'ad, M M awry’ hgofad Kling in /2125 Kingdom in right ought to prbtcfl‘ afiddcfind the 5.1;/Bapr, t and Cburcb:.r-- ttmier t/t:irgom'f‘umettt..] _ Then the: King. zrifetlu ahndatt" A the Communion Table makes a folemn Oath in the prefcnce of the = A Q€0pIe,;»to obfervettheprcmilfia, and layinghis hand upon the.» book; ~ faith [The thing: which I have écfbré pr-%am1?fcd,Ijl;t2ll._ perform and keep, “ V fahalp m;vGod,“ and the tanmm of H133‘, Boob] How can this OAEh' A than for the extirpation 0fChxtrcb-government .6} Twfbapxbe confiflmc A with the AO,.yt"h or_ Honour of our Sovereign . which we havt: fo fo-u lhgmntljtproiefled to; defcndfin -the lace Protcflacion 2: How 3can‘we« with 1; folgmnath enter mm {inch 1 Covcnamyto which wctmdy. neither (‘wear wxthout our Sqvcralgna confenc, not yet can-lawful-ly A ‘ flgfire may have his confem: ? Howfid were ourtcondition, were the 1 King willing of ,him('elfc toAvio1at¢hthiIOa-th *2‘ «But what fhould we AA haste to anfwer,fl1‘ould we byltakihng fuch a Covenant, thilway necefw ~ A ficate % ( to far as in us lics) H1: facxfcd Maie,fly,t:o violatc his Ouh [9 folemnly {worn athhis Inauguration ? A A t A A ~ t Secondly, that to endeavour «the‘extirpat£an of Clmrcbgawarnmewt ‘ A 5,..Bi_/7zop:,-.«ia a fin againfi Divine -Law , all t:hofi:Argumcntsand Aug ‘ A uiorsitica convince, which prove thatABifhqps are of Apofliolicall in-. Mt flicut-ion, and unalterablc, and conféqucntlyd Divine; whichwd: {hall ‘unfoldin thefeh Propofitionp: iF~irit, that‘ their infiicutiontttt {lands .(a)1i:tnde2niIl£a?.~. ounded uphoxitttwdur Saviour:-—own A&ion»«and1n£iitutionhr:f.thcimP0"5* Péffiw I mm, at idem. ., gpofiles. Sccendly‘, fhlt Ghrifl and ‘hiasholy Spirits. by.hisju".bafl;g”W V Apofilea Ipppintcd Bifhopl. Thirdly,‘ that Ghrifi thesonneh of C-,,;,,,,~,,m.;_,~,,. A t. For tht‘; firfl,~twcfhayth'cirA~ inflitutionis'gromdedupdnounLdtd¢ 21;) A b ownVti1a&icuting and \~ordaining‘tw¢Ive Apofllcn, above fcvcnty;Dil7-s 1;,,,,,,,_fi h ciples; who faith‘ to chefcthis-Apofllec, At my Fétlaer hath r/mat, God , «land the Holy hGh.ofi A afccrwafd cqnfirmcd» andhapproved10m,,._ £2: hp)»: / appointed; m’;-gym n'r(«og,?'r;~ A man fafina’ I }au,.(4)»St. Job. 20. 2|. loin other cndrof hint. miflion; grvgnmfi 5339' §‘2XD{UOU,‘ A BiIhoApa., and their tcommiflion and ppwcr whigh the Apoflleahad M€AAom . it o .ontu:_z»71'j ’ To ht how:not.in this , which WI: know they didMacc_ording~to~hiI pat-. , . “urn? A”: ho: was {cm:,.byx.h1s Fiche; thegcforc to ordain oneorder of ,mm_‘_’”’“‘ ’” Teacherq » t k (:1) Tlaeoakwet-in Téachers‘ofth‘c Gofp¢1lfi1p¢ri0up.uo another, ( which “we know,bg~ came hc%did~fo ordain.) $0 Ilfo Ffifllhfi hi! Apt-gfllcfi It Ordainfiwhirfh -,accordingIy*=thz:y did ,; andWhatf'aev¢.t'§th¢ywd!d by Ggirifls r.-xarunplc I;'he’win, they did by 1135 Commifliohhcr.e~give::x)in an lmpaflty ,_ "fi10p3fl'1cccedh_1g 1:-he Apomcanbove ,Pre1I;b§/xzers fubordinace, asthc %i“’c'v%eI1wt«y(z.z)a’ ¢ 5 =:~ V ‘ ' H L"? 1°’ A % V. W T hattBiIhopa ficceeded the Afigllicsfin the, ordifiarj ,0! their (b)V;z.Irenmv£'un&ion .," as it is the judgement Tofthe mofi ancient_Jgpdl,ya;th¢rs, 25' 3~’3;3-'?’"""‘*‘§{‘§ (29) ‘!:hatBifl10p$, we=fa~y aammmdifiinfi to Prcsbytcrswcrcxhe fg;~ e gmtg. ::2'2'[»“.r:«3 V “ C_’yp7'i¢z}z, €p_*4"2., ~ (9. 5,’ W 59, EA;;si%fi:0Vpa11,-(aasitvis now taken in this difpme) iwhith; wcfhall prove % .;Conuil.Carz/7% «tau have been giveniby the Apofileo t0«Bi{hops ,_.,and to them oncly ‘ . doren; l-41.6.18 .. amzo :58. [t after chcfipoftles , ‘was undeniably in the Apofllee, and for a while Gyp2*im10.T_b€0-I he-.ld’ in theirown hands without communicating into others» That ,Amb,.0M,_, d,-%,,,I_'the Bi-iheps wareaftemards infiituted by the Apoflks chcmfilvps, z:i”$erm;j"24; V Mar. 5. ;, Aux:_vivhiohfo wmanyaucient Authoqybavc averted. (:9) And nazgtichlyby gizflimzz P]; 44: the Apoflolical1Autborit:y of St.~‘jPaal, and thcir inflitution, part of C9‘ ’5P~‘E‘-4% ffuholy-Scriptureis-maglcagocnd, in that the power and Officc of a Bifhqp ‘19 ""”""‘ ”"”"" (am:ha=word is now taken in the Egclafiaflicall notion) is prgfctihcd I-Iz'e:~o;z. op, ad ~ in the threse Epiflles of St. Paul , to thofe cwq famous Church-;go— aura-ez.azm~p vernoum Timothy and Tirm,%particu}arly th¢ Oflict and peweyofya Woifmfiuiflaw‘ Biflnop (as it is now taken c0ntradifl.in&ly.t0 dim %O&'~ic¢: of an Pref» , ccffgoum af the~ApoPtlcs~; ~{o~ is it manifeit fromScripturé, fiuge p.Qwcr A Ah » e?1> «‘[i- ad Ffv41g"'_* bytcrfi in thefi: ~Texcs%, :1‘ Tiw.: .3. 1 Tim. 5ar—.9,‘m_.,2 1,22% 2 I im.1.6., 4 Greg- ma;.I-1c2m- ‘ , 6‘ in EW,g_ Tit. 1. 5,4 1.. T'ir.3.9, 10:, (and flame others) and there Texts thus in--V *T;,ag0pg,),1aafu,interpreted by Am:iquity(d)'. {And as cl}: officcprefitribed there ia'§I-- Matzb". :6. pifcopall, fa thefe two appointed to dim prcfizr-zbed oficc ofa Biflmp P401"4!1“—" ¢'P-’-- by St. Tau! himfelfe, I Tim. 1.3. 2 Tim. 1.6. ’,Z‘ir.I.5. Tea 5} the bat} ad S}mpro%‘rzfrm- ‘” And an chm: C}/aa;[£,fay1C1ar}/Ta_/F. T/:z:0p>’%yl. 0acaxmMz'm% : 531 diving flewlxtim‘fait;h WW5 avm.4th¢W ‘T/acodox:t70f Timtby.».» {°\xad~%thait,tha;«{'c two %wm*«c Biflwpa according Apgfilgg to to the Ecclefiafiicall nomon Gift-‘the~1wFQr¢ new ufed, anmm; Fachgm ' have been ‘BE-e % ‘ flmpsL_.(cI1oufgh more alfo)'vi.:i.C}p:'i:izz¥ep 6§:¢;®‘~ép 68.Epipba.éamra "MIA V1./M)‘¢.’f-37- Ambraflin Eplye .4. % J farm, go. ‘The fuppofcd Ambrafe in I Cor.I2..:3. and ('0 much 1.03.13 ofthem thought provjcd from AEts 1.10. (c)viz.I2*e2z.l4;'.c.3.e:,'a~‘ 1.; c.:.o.Igm1t.ep. ad Awntzoab-Tertu/. tldver/11.? M1zrcio7z...l.z3..% c.:;.(9° .:1epi'ae]cr.c.g 2,9‘ 36a clemem Alcxan.(;’d: dimir. /d('udm1.dpu”[1 Eufebl. 2.0.17. Ezz]¢b.lz'b. Eccl- lwzfl. f.g,6.(v,7‘_[,3,c.,l :%,%,(a%* c.1‘;.lremem apud Eufe‘b«.J. 4. 0. so. .$'-,I—1:'c:1-07*). defm'pt.% Eccl-Cbryfifl. ham. ~1c%Igm_;;, , t6'm.§..co21cil. Conjfant. 5‘ . a(3‘.z.“ _ (d) %%I% 3 . Tbaapfayl. :9‘ Qec1;mm.z';z_ lacfmz, 1%T.im%. V5. 3:9, Agpg. I,,{,a;,,zag;%%};.g;'e{17 5.71.! 5,¢3v- Tl'J@’?fJI _m [06‘tl77‘1_.,'.;:.1'.(3),2,‘I.~ [dam M Ihocugn, Hemmzif. m laczzm, '21. 22. I119 fup... mfzd Ambro e in locum, I Tun. I, 6., I-Izercm. Oecumen. ‘Bucer. 172 locum Txt. x. 5. Oemmen. T zn-Zacum, ru. u. C=I:2~y,%oflom;z: in Tic. 1,1‘-iieroniknus in ”;_’it.3w 9. to. xjmbrof. Iib.5'. de 3%.]: Trjnz'z.f$uaer.;C4l';2ina '7‘ 1'7: locum-, 1 pléfgcifullja? k (:1) Tlaeoakwet-in Téachers‘ofth‘c Gofp¢1lfi1p¢ri0up.uo another, ( which “we know,bg~ came hc%did~fo ordain.) $0 Ilfo Ffifllhfi hi! Apt-gfllcfi It Ordainfiwhirfh -,accordingIy*=thz:y did ,; andWhatf'aev¢.t'§th¢ywd!d by Ggirifls r.-xarunplc I;'he’win, they did by 1135 Commifliohhcr.e~give::x)in an lmpaflty ,_ "fi10p3fl'1cccedh_1g 1:-he Apomcanbove ,Pre1I;b§/xzers fubordinace, asthc %i“’c'v%eI1wt«y(z.z)a’ ¢ 5 =:~ V ‘ ' H L"? 1°’ A % V. W T hattBiIhopa ficceeded the Afigllicsfin the, ordifiarj ,0! their (b)V;z.Irenmv£'un&ion .," as it is the judgement Tofthe mofi ancient_Jgpdl,ya;th¢rs, 25' 3~’3;3-'?’"""‘*‘§{‘§ (29) ‘!:hatBifl10p$, we=fa~y aammmdifiinfi to Prcsbytcrswcrcxhe fg;~ e gmtg. ::2'2'[»“.r:«3 V “ C_’yp7'i¢z}z, €p_*4"2., ~ (9. 5,’ W 59, EA;;si%fi:0Vpa11,-(aasitvis now taken in this difpme) iwhith; wcfhall prove % .;Conuil.Carz/7% «tau have been giveniby the Apofileo t0«Bi{hops ,_.,and to them oncly ‘ . doren; l-41.6.18 .. amzo :58. [t after chcfipoftles , ‘was undeniably in the Apofllee, and for a while Gyp2*im10.T_b€0-I he-.ld’ in theirown hands without communicating into others» That ,Amb,.0M,_, d,-%,,,I_'the Bi-iheps wareaftemards infiituted by the Apoflks chcmfilvps, z:i”$erm;j"24; V Mar. 5. ;, Aux:_vivhiohfo wmanyaucient Authoqybavc averted. (:9) And nazgtichlyby gizflimzz P]; 44: the Apoflolical1Autborit:y of St.~‘jPaal, and thcir inflitution, part of C9‘ ’5P~‘E‘-4% ffuholy-Scriptureis-maglcagocnd, in that the power and Officc of a Bifhqp ‘19 ""”""‘ ”"”"" (am:ha=word is now taken in the Egclafiaflicall notion) is prgfctihcd I-Iz'e:~o;z. op, ad ~ in the threse Epiflles of St. Paul , to thofe cwq famous Church-;go— aura-ez.azm~p vernoum Timothy and Tirm,%particu}arly th¢ Oflict and peweyofya Woifmfiuiflaw‘ Biflnop (as it is now taken c0ntradifl.in&ly.t0 dim %O&'~ic¢: of an Pref» , ccffgoum af the~ApoPtlcs~; ~{o~ is it manifeit fromScripturé, fiuge p.Qwcr A Ah » e?1> «‘[i- ad Ffv41g"'_* bytcrfi in thefi: ~Texcs%, :1‘ Tiw.: .3. 1 Tim. 5ar—.9,‘m_.,2 1,22% 2 I im.1.6., 4 Greg- ma;.I-1c2m- ‘ , 6‘ in EW,g_ Tit. 1. 5,4 1.. T'ir.3.9, 10:, (and flame others) and there Texts thus in--V *T;,ag0pg,),1aafu,interpreted by Am:iquity(d)'. {And as cl}: officcprefitribed there ia'§I-- Matzb". :6. pifcopall, fa thefe two appointed to dim prcfizr-zbed oficc ofa Biflmp P401"4!1“—" ¢'P-’-- by St. Tau! himfelfe, I Tim. 1.3. 2 Tim. 1.6. ’,Z‘ir.I.5. Tea 5} the bat} ad S}mpro%‘rzfrm- ‘” And an chm: C}/aa;[£,fay1C1ar}/Ta_/F. T/:z:0p>’%yl. 0acaxmMz'm% : 531 diving flewlxtim‘fait;h WW5 avm.4th¢W ‘T/acodox:t70f Timtby.».» {°\xad~%thait,tha;«{'c two %wm*«c Biflwpa according Apgfilgg to to the Ecclefiafiicall nomon Gift-‘the~1wFQr¢ new ufed, anmm; Fachgm ' have been ‘BE-e % ‘ flmpsL_.(cI1oufgh more alfo)'vi.:i.C}p:'i:izz¥ep 6§:¢;®‘~ép 68.Epipba.éamra "MIA V1./M)‘¢.’f-37- Ambraflin Eplye .4. % J farm, go. ‘The fuppofcd Ambrafe in I Cor.I2..:3. and ('0 much 1.03.13 ofthem thought provjcd from AEts 1.10. (c)viz.I2*e2z.l4;'.c.3.e:,'a~‘ 1.; c.:.o.Igm1t.ep. ad Awntzoab-Tertu/. tldver/11.? M1zrcio7z...l.z3..% c.:;.(9° .:1epi'ae]cr.c.g 2,9‘ 36a clemem Alcxan.(;’d: dimir. /d('udm1.dpu”[1 Eufebl. 2.0.17. Ezz]¢b.lz'b. Eccl- lwzfl. f.g,6.(v,7‘_[,3,c.,l :%,%,(a%* c.1‘;.lremem apud Eufe‘b«.J. 4. 0. so. .$'-,I—1:'c:1-07*). defm'pt.% Eccl-Cbryfifl. ham. ~1c%Igm_;;, , t6'm.§..co21cil. Conjfant. 5‘ . a(3‘.z.“ _ (d) %%I% 3 . Tbaapfayl. :9‘ Qec1;mm.z';z_ lacfmz, 1%T.im%. V5. 3:9, Agpg. I,,{,a;,,zag;%%};.g;'e{17 5.71.! 5,¢3v- Tl'J@’?fJI _m [06‘tl77‘1_.,'.;:.1'.(3),2,‘I.~ [dam M Ihocugn, Hemmzif. m laczzm, '21. 22. I119 fup... mfzd Ambro e in locum, I Tun. I, 6., I-Izercm. Oecumen. ‘Bucer. 172 locum Txt. x. 5. Oemmen. T zn-Zacum, ru. u. C=I:2~y,%oflom;z: in Tic. 1,1‘-iieroniknus in ”;_’it.3w 9. to. xjmbrof. Iib.5'. de 3%.]: Trjnz'z.f$uaer.;C4l';2ina '7‘ 1'7: locum-, 1 pléfgcifullja? (rs) " M (b) For Timatlbyhh : pk5ntif'uI!y witneflé}. (6) Moreover this fxperiorityhof: oflicehlihiiiofaoo Epgpb,/5,3,-g]_ 7,-_ pail} to *have obeenfixhed and continued cothfe day oofdcath is" evidomr, gufgogm 115“; ,- « asfmm Cohurch~hi£’cory,fo alfo from» I 7' am. 6.I4;;hwherc*a-«1;z3?~«3»v7foiklw‘ja;f., 0-4; H ifofoflimiif A T ,de fcript. Ecol. the fame with mfw‘ &g:wm‘u*in the beginning of the Epifile I; iT£m.. Cm/0/z_ /Mm. 2' mésondohincludeg ioit the Whole chhargegivénby S?r.'!?m1hto Timat/9]“ ad Epifl Film \ , -in this Epifiole (c). From which Text alfo iris manifehod, that his (gs 1'7,’ pmfaz; A flicoprefcribed wasnoc perfonallonely, huthco~defcen;1~b3?oliIcce912 ad 1: T-im¢\r1|1‘a § fi”on'iI!n:ohthecommoing ofChrifl(d).*t _ A _ b . ‘ ft o *;Thi;i*dly, this Office and power Epiofcopallgtghat xthwas aofcerwarod‘oi;;°{[”.’I§’i‘::]‘f " a;pprovchdhand’confirmed boythe‘ Solmeof Godohlmfelfaimmeciiatoly, p5,J,¢,.d,e, drug and‘ by she holy Ghflo , ' will be proved from rKW¢*l.i¢- 1- &.2. 85 hgi» Pimp: Bibiiozb. ‘ Where by»hchefe"w72 Star: ,~ 119: Angeli‘ of t/safe-22:.-n (hzrcba; , fa;;gm~...;h. Larmfiin com,-2’/.. ‘A A A of smyma, made: Bifhop of that: place by thoe:hApo£tI¢sothcomF:Ivc thing to all rcafonog, from theText it felfeh, andfby the°t:efiim.ony hof 97*?’h“’_‘”"l'h I?’"i”’4 m pnef4t.zr1 1 An£§,q1.1ity(¢*)are f€V'EIlBi{h0p$ of th0f€h‘.‘&Vefl Churchos~under&ood Ah . (which Ecclefiafiicahllo? floryh ohmmtions to how: hcanh in the combo 21:;§;?c.C:,:Z:»I;;¢ long hbeforcy this h time )‘ as ('0 many Angels and Apofilea (f) of.{th_o g..'15im. x,T/bop“ Churches ~,-fuch as was:Pol}car-p, the Angela the Bifhop. ofzbe~*Gé«z¢rcfi:o=o1”1>f4’39'‘1*T’”’~ , 0ocum.2':zJTinz— ' n ‘ A an ‘ " ' 0 [I I 1 ‘ chmeenyeers before chm book of tho Revelation of St. falm was -‘mmfi written :: and «Om:/z‘mw:.probabIy thethenBi(hop,« gtlaeezfngv/Z ofzba gem’,-,, ,1~;,,;,_ ‘ ‘Churchesh1?akeoare‘nhevor~fi\id in holy Scripture to hehanyh'a Mcffizngers *9». C/mrclsaffip/aefm. Their ‘OHice,Powcr,and‘ Commiffion. are there in- I»?-M For TiW¢» cimaced to have been Epifoopalli and charged upon them by Ghrift; fe§1‘3H/95"» 1: 3+ inchhat five of the Angels are charged as blamcablmand accomptable ff’ forth: faults of both Prosbytcrs and people; and thcrefore furely ,1,-¢:;,,,,f4§,,g,y_ A,-,, were trufledhhwith authority oven: Prcsbyters and pcople, to have cor--h~ pmfan ad Ep: rcficdi and ccnfurcd othcm.» Particularly, E pifizopall power is i0‘tima- Ti?» Tl’¢’0l1W ted there..,chap.2.h ofthe Ram-l;ver{l2o.h oandtthat power ofcxcommar“-9 {W4 .0¢‘:‘”':’l”' ni;cation‘is fufficiemzly grounded on the I a1.VerEe,Mr.Perl{ix.r£n.lac:¢m5 ';,{:q;;$,,_ " oaflfirmethh. Their miffion to that officcoalfoa as it is them conhfirmcdby 5;, pfiefdg, dVd« tho Son 21:; of God , and by the holy Spirit: So alhfo,htohhavcoobeocoat Tic.ommen.h firfio from Godis in their title implied : ForAngeIs~fi=.-nt forth for the 5.” TN‘ mg“ A h ‘ edu/,prol0g,171 - at it} ‘ h_;ohfuppofedA‘m>- o bl1t:Gods;and if his%oM¢flengeros or AngeI3,thenfcn€hy h:i?m.o Thac‘&C),:-;,z_Tb;,,‘%},,, A #1 -» V o ~ ~ V o A -V h « h ~ h ~ o L . i2zoxTim.6.‘.14.. “Q3-évvohhfi‘ hempew qme{oriba.«»(d)06 T:-g.:.o.'E)'e'cp J¥‘gw’ucp,aé’Mu):Jg mw7I 'E7r1n'ac/5' 7rcp,0mf1lm.in I Tim» c-s,,SeeoaIfooAmbra[éo in x_Tx'm. 6- (2) SainroAugufi’i_71eep. 162- andoin the Coommeoto on the Revela- tionhsgundcr his namrc, Ham.-.;.of4’39'‘1*T’”’~ , 0ocum.2':zJTinz— ' n ‘ A an ‘ " ' 0 [I I 1 ‘ chmeenyeers before chm book of tho Revelation of St. falm was -‘mmfi written :: and «Om:/z‘mw:.probabIy thethenBi(hop,« gtlaeezfngv/Z ofzba gem’,-,, ,1~;,,;,_ ‘ ‘Churchesh1?akeoare‘nhevor~fi\id in holy Scripture to hehanyh'a Mcffizngers *9». C/mrclsaffip/aefm. Their ‘OHice,Powcr,and‘ Commiffion. are there in- I»?-M For TiW¢» cimaced to have been Epifoopalli and charged upon them by Ghrift; fe§1‘3H/95"» 1: 3+ inchhat five of the Angels are charged as blamcablmand accomptable ff’ forth: faults of both Prosbytcrs and people; and thcrefore furely ,1,-¢:;,,,,f4§,,g,y_ A,-,, were trufledhhwith authority oven: Prcsbyters and pcople, to have cor--h~ pmfan ad Ep: rcficdi and ccnfurcd othcm.» Particularly, E pifizopall power is i0‘tima- Ti?» Tl’¢’0l1W ted there..,chap.2.h ofthe Ram-l;ver{l2o.h oandtthat power ofcxcommar“-9 {W4 .0¢‘:‘”':’l”' ni;cation‘is fufficiemzly grounded on the I a1.VerEe,Mr.Perl{ix.r£n.lac:¢m5 ';,{:q;;$,,_ " oaflfirmethh. Their miffion to that officcoalfoa as it is them conhfirmcdby 5;, pfiefdg, dVd« tho Son 21:; of God , and by the holy Spirit: So alhfo,htohhavcoobeocoat Tic.ommen.h firfio from Godis in their title implied : ForAngeIs~fi=.-nt forth for the 5.” TN‘ mg“ A h ‘ edu/,prol0g,171 - at it} ‘ h_;ohfuppofedA‘m>- o bl1t:Gods;and if his%oM¢flengeros or AngeI3,thenfcn€hy h:i?m.o Thac‘&C),:-;,z_Tb;,,‘%},,, A #1 -» V o ~ ~ V o A -V h « h ~ h ~ o L . i2zoxTim.6.‘.14.. “Q3-évvohhfi‘ hempew qme{oriba.«»(d)06 T:-g.:.o.'E)'e'cp J¥‘gw’ucp,aé’Mu):Jg mw7I 'E7r1n'ac/5' 7rcp,0mf1lm.in I Tim» c-s,,SeeoaIfooAmbra[éo in x_Tx'm. 6- (2) SainroAugufi’i_71eep. 162- andoin the Coommeoto on the Revela- tionhsgundcr his namrc, Ham.-.;.o. 1%, 4. mp. £2; and la-;C,'9,»},fi,fl0:m_ i;;;T.i:;l1.‘.Ham. 2. Saim: Amlwrafé dc digszitate S.4cérdaTn.'ll l “Ar, 2;@~6; "I/z’dar.l?elufiat.Zi5.2.lap. 125; l - Q A A F ufther, ‘out of the holy Scrtpture we might talledgc atcclrd-itlgl to 7Saint Himsmx imcrpretation, that this difiinflion bctween.,tb,e Bi. V {hops and h13iPrcsby‘t¢rs was ilgmfietl in Uldlafes and the 70;. So ‘Hiya _ mm in Tit. 1. tbs: difiinfiion of * Presbymrs and Deacons, to be that “ 4 Whith was undtrlthe Law of the high lPrie_fl'-, Priesflx and Lwitex. So 8. Hicrcm. Ep. 2. adZ\7epatizm1¢m. E5“ Ep. ad E7’/agrizzm ; and bcfvare *;I‘g:2:zr.' ad ‘Z’/ailadelph. fitment. ep. ad arizztb. C11r_yfi9fi.«Ham. 2 euidpap, Lrflvttiac/m.’ and llaftlller ‘LE0 efléélljidar. Hxfi. dc afiEcz'z3,Eccl%l..2.r. '5.d~l°7. W ’ That the émincnttlignity and 'ol‘fic"¢ of-Bifhops wasltprophzmcdlotg A A "~Pfal. 43. 16; where Bilhops are meant, fay S. Ategujz".in lac. ['am.;. ‘ “mam. {called 5'. Hiaram: int lmmm. S.Cyril. of Alex. in Zmfbeadortt its *=la6ztm‘.R¢t_filu:M in lamm : as tht other of Presbyters and Deacons wet: A ’pl.‘0ph¢Ci£d'0f, Iflzia/9 66.. 21." And further, for imparity of Teach~ +'e1.‘fsin lthe new Tcfiament, that anfwetably to Prophets in the old, “and (on: at the Prophets, among fome thu ferved in the Gog. pell, fame were at Fathers, others {carving with them as fans. so alto A L that We read of Euildermnd if/tafler-évxildcr: ix: god: building, 1 Car‘. 3;. and we read alfb among thofel builders of am-’6-m.v 81¢. 3‘dla'7;gav‘&c.l _ »g3bl71l128cc. xtopr. 12.18. fi'ytly9.0at,_ Hcér. 13- 17.tandfli1mderltchem 4lt.;mus'n;, ‘lEm~.22l.t27. But.fo.r.thel confirmation by Scripture of 4 tl1e0l$Ce'of la Bifhop, ‘we adhere: efpteciallyto the, Epiflles to mm. ‘tiny and Titm, and theft: lévenlipifiles, exfpar; 1, 2, and 3.. ,Antlift it ”' V be _aclmow]tdged7of infiitution Apofiolicaltl, and apprpvcd by Gad“ A but temporary onelytthe contrary will be mafia mamfcfl, as from the proper light oi‘ the Texts allcdgedbanld lfrtam the forecitcd Text‘, _ :l1't~im.t6.; 14.; so alfo from this Propofition Wlfitah we avow No A Eyerfall p'ta&icelo£ the Ghurth lprafiifingr continually lmd~ pprpecu... Eonflitutiom Apoflolicall teceivcd by the univlerlfall Churchh perp¢- tually in la1lt.‘ages;,runto‘ tlms age-of this-lcontroverfie , can without ‘ fcandall and ddnigerouslconlltqucnce be called Temporary the uni. an,’ (rs) vfittqlllllnmoel 3lfus‘zlJ Igfl4tQll¢pW‘§adMag"n:fl ll'271’1j.!e.P¢'. 1%, 4. mp. £2; and la-;C,'9,»},fi,fl0:m_ i;;;T.i:;l1.‘.Ham. 2. Saim: Amlwrafé dc digszitate S.4cérdaTn.'ll l “Ar, 2;@~6; "I/z’dar.l?elufiat.Zi5.2.lap. 125; l - Q A A F ufther, ‘out of the holy Scrtpture we might talledgc atcclrd-itlgl to 7Saint Himsmx imcrpretation, that this difiinflion bctween.,tb,e Bi. V {hops and h13iPrcsby‘t¢rs was ilgmfietl in Uldlafes and the 70;. So ‘Hiya _ mm in Tit. 1. tbs: difiinfiion of * Presbymrs and Deacons, to be that “ 4 Whith was undtrlthe Law of the high lPrie_fl'-, Priesflx and Lwitex. So 8. Hicrcm. Ep. 2. adZ\7epatizm1¢m. E5“ Ep. ad E7’/agrizzm ; and bcfvare *;I‘g:2:zr.' ad ‘Z’/ailadelph. fitment. ep. ad arizztb. C11r_yfi9fi.«Ham. 2 euidpap, Lrflvttiac/m.’ and llaftlller ‘LE0 efléélljidar. Hxfi. dc afiEcz'z3,Eccl%l..2.r. '5.d~l°7. W ’ That the émincnttlignity and 'ol‘fic"¢ of-Bifhops wasltprophzmcdlotg A A "~Pfal. 43. 16; where Bilhops are meant, fay S. Ategujz".in lac. ['am.;. ‘ “mam. {called 5'. Hiaram: int lmmm. S.Cyril. of Alex. in Zmfbeadortt its *=la6ztm‘.R¢t_filu:M in lamm : as tht other of Presbyters and Deacons wet: A ’pl.‘0ph¢Ci£d'0f, Iflzia/9 66.. 21." And further, for imparity of Teach~ +'e1.‘fsin lthe new Tcfiament, that anfwetably to Prophets in the old, “and (on: at the Prophets, among fome thu ferved in the Gog. pell, fame were at Fathers, others {carving with them as fans. so alto A L that We read of Euildermnd if/tafler-évxildcr: ix: god: building, 1 Car‘. 3;. and we read alfb among thofel builders of am-’6-m.v 81¢. 3‘dla'7;gav‘&c.l _ »g3bl71l128cc. xtopr. 12.18. fi'ytly9.0at,_ Hcér. 13- 17.tandfli1mderltchem 4lt.;mus'n;, ‘lEm~.22l.t27. But.fo.r.thel confirmation by Scripture of 4 tl1e0l$Ce'of la Bifhop, ‘we adhere: efpteciallyto the, Epiflles to mm. ‘tiny and Titm, and theft: lévenlipifiles, exfpar; 1, 2, and 3.. ,Antlift it ”' V be _aclmow]tdged7of infiitution Apofiolicaltl, and apprpvcd by Gad“ A but temporary onelytthe contrary will be mafia mamfcfl, as from the proper light oi‘ the Texts allcdgedbanld lfrtam the forecitcd Text‘, _ :l1't~im.t6.; 14.; so alfo from this Propofition Wlfitah we avow No A Eyerfall p'ta&icelo£ the Ghurth lprafiifingr continually lmd~ pprpecu... Eonflitutiom Apoflolicall teceivcd by the univlerlfall Churchh perp¢- tually in la1lt.‘ages;,runto‘ tlms age-of this-lcontroverfie , can without ‘ fcandall and ddnigerouslconlltqucnce be called Temporary the uni. an,’ " “éllil Afihfiloliall ; Infill (I99 itution *, A‘ ‘being a iiaofi; fure hcdiifimehmy that i‘t”w lam temporary inllitution. Forafmuch lasw;-: argltggxghcfl l 1 thy: hollyGhofi in divimelficripturc, thachmntcncionlih Whlafthe, L“ ‘Law of “Godixl pretended not to be: exprefli.-l, may be warrantéblyhca. "l{‘e:n"oE>tth’el mfiam: the Cbtzfcbki‘ ofg'ald5"h’1Gar. 11%. 16, See V Tbeoplglaifg fchesfofGod, 1'. e. Primitive, ling; the V3. Augflfiifir, h Mn llalfa Univcrfall, Perpetuallg,interpret-A i hcontrdvcrted Lawof God, whether Natural], at vent. I4.’ m{Pdfit"ive5 by no leflé reafoné lwhéreunto agrgeth well *?tl:iel rule fef lltmnflrefconl. 1%. 1. 5‘. 32. €fi“‘ccmtm‘.'13o:mt. Z. 446%. 24. gelled zmivc-rfd'tenst.Ecclefid €§*c.. 6'5“ 6]). 86. '¢t1Céqfl5/.l€5' vptfl. ad jg-9 mmrium i13.fi qm'?(t40ta /906156 @“6« ‘Z?’ Vincent Lyrim adwerfm b.£rcfi.r; l % 0.2. an‘. 3; Qxaaal :¢5iqne,qfl0a’fcfmp¢7', qnadaafi amniém five‘, And if -of God, accordin not by fuch traditive ihccrprgtation from rlaemffam of Hm C/Jzgrcxm gt-'0 t‘he;Apoll1es rule,hl1owi ihahll%we*cohvinc%c con. tentious gainfayer ~N.ztiamr, 6apti::.z'n‘g'ltlxm c«’7~'c*. Matté. 28. and tholie ether of bapti. “zing the hmfbald of’St¢pbam»tJ, and of the kg*epcr'~'of sly: jyrwno I Car. 1.; are) for Bapeifmeoflllnfahta? Or 92:; to imply “a d h negatively from th ‘ lGo‘d.?‘ Since miracu A6}: 16.:or any other Scriptlurehs, A the .fenl7el-lof laoc fizcite, "?f§'€. Lzxéi. ivine‘ «right: of Presbycers Vonely go l¢~0nfecr;ate Alma ”El"cments of “ch: blefléd Sacrament: ever the fienfem pf tholé Textg Jalan 20.. 1,lI9,"26. At}: 20. 7.: n~lC.m 16. 2. Ra72el.*I. IO. orlpfgzm 9118. 24.. or of any other Scriptlares to be adivinv;-: warrant for the httanflation ofour one day in {Even ‘ from the feventhdajr of the hwclek in locum; cuaom, I doc not fay any; but}: (if the C.hu‘p.. A S, ‘that thcll'cnl"e of thofe Texts,-.h Gm: mad team/A9 do‘! A % to bc a divine warranthfias they to the fill’: 2 Or on the other fidc,how lhall we cohvituice htlmfe ofthe A A Church of Rome, that that Apollolicall divine Precept, “Lama: 1;”-.. V as to the anainiixg théfialg with oil_ was a temporary Precept: lon¢ly,lbulu e interprcvtat1o1mf the culhzzm ol the Cimrc/Jag: af‘ lo_us gifts wage alfo’ conferred by the layingaron gt“ hands; which"jyet- was hot telmpnlrary, Hcé. 6.~ 2%. ’ A "Now that this Ap h fiifed, am! perpetual “ all times and places (excep ' different planters , A -Church, as others 5 and that order this age of this ccantrovcr them, as well there A the Antichrifiianl Monarchy ol’«the,l Bilhop of Rome: ov¢z‘all cm»; C3. M A ’patim'a;,.h oflolicall l" flitution hathlnecnunlivarlfaIljvp1é.a~~~ A 1 ly in the cufloml of the ‘Churches’ of God hf ” ' ting onely fomelnarrow .p1acearid,c.h=r1g of fie) and that in Qhusrcheshl fouaxcilmzlr by A A by all the fcverall Apfllfles and ‘fltllefa. fiehtlby » ‘Churches which have in [rmmn agaas; r&¢';"e&;e& préfcrvvcdt God from ifixhififm " “éllil Afihfiloliall ; Infill (I99 itution *, A‘ ‘being a iiaofi; fure hcdiifimehmy that i‘t”w lam temporary inllitution. Forafmuch lasw;-: argltggxghcfl l 1 thy: hollyGhofi in divimelficripturc, thachmntcncionlih Whlafthe, L“ ‘Law of “Godixl pretended not to be: exprefli.-l, may be warrantéblyhca. "l{‘e:n"oE>tth’el mfiam: the Cbtzfcbki‘ ofg'ald5"h’1Gar. 11%. 16, See V Tbeoplglaifg fchesfofGod, 1'. e. Primitive, ling; the V3. Augflfiifir, h Mn llalfa Univcrfall, Perpetuallg,interpret-A i hcontrdvcrted Lawof God, whether Natural], at vent. I4.’ m{Pdfit"ive5 by no leflé reafoné lwhéreunto agrgeth well *?tl:iel rule fef lltmnflrefconl. 1%. 1. 5‘. 32. €fi“‘ccmtm‘.'13o:mt. Z. 446%. 24. gelled zmivc-rfd'tenst.Ecclefid €§*c.. 6'5“ 6]). 86. '¢t1Céqfl5/.l€5' vptfl. ad jg-9 mmrium i13.fi qm'?(t40ta /906156 @“6« ‘Z?’ Vincent Lyrim adwerfm b.£rcfi.r; l % 0.2. an‘. 3; Qxaaal :¢5iqne,qfl0a’fcfmp¢7', qnadaafi amniém five‘, And if -of God, accordin not by fuch traditive ihccrprgtation from rlaemffam of Hm C/Jzgrcxm gt-'0 t‘he;Apoll1es rule,hl1owi ihahll%we*cohvinc%c con. tentious gainfayer ~N.ztiamr, 6apti::.z'n‘g'ltlxm c«’7~'c*. Matté. 28. and tholie ether of bapti. “zing the hmfbald of’St¢pbam»tJ, and of the kg*epcr'~'of sly: jyrwno I Car. 1.; are) for Bapeifmeoflllnfahta? Or 92:; to imply “a d h negatively from th ‘ lGo‘d.?‘ Since miracu A6}: 16.:or any other Scriptlurehs, A the .fenl7el-lof laoc fizcite, "?f§'€. Lzxéi. ivine‘ «right: of Presbycers Vonely go l¢~0nfecr;ate Alma ”El"cments of “ch: blefléd Sacrament: ever the fienfem pf tholé Textg Jalan 20.. 1,lI9,"26. At}: 20. 7.: n~lC.m 16. 2. Ra72el.*I. IO. orlpfgzm 9118. 24.. or of any other Scriptlares to be adivinv;-: warrant for the httanflation ofour one day in {Even ‘ from the feventhdajr of the hwclek in locum; cuaom, I doc not fay any; but}: (if the C.hu‘p.. A S, ‘that thcll'cnl"e of thofe Texts,-.h Gm: mad team/A9 do‘! A % to bc a divine warranthfias they to the fill’: 2 Or on the other fidc,how lhall we cohvituice htlmfe ofthe A A Church of Rome, that that Apollolicall divine Precept, “Lama: 1;”-.. V as to the anainiixg théfialg with oil_ was a temporary Precept: lon¢ly,lbulu e interprcvtat1o1mf the culhzzm ol the Cimrc/Jag: af‘ lo_us gifts wage alfo’ conferred by the layingaron gt“ hands; which"jyet- was hot telmpnlrary, Hcé. 6.~ 2%. ’ A "Now that this Ap h fiifed, am! perpetual “ all times and places (excep ' different planters , A -Church, as others 5 and that order this age of this ccantrovcr them, as well there A the Antichrifiianl Monarchy ol’«the,l Bilhop of Rome: ov¢z‘all cm»; C3. M A ’patim'a;,.h oflolicall l" flitution hathlnecnunlivarlfaIljvp1é.a~~~ A 1 ly in the cufloml of the ‘Churches’ of God hf ” ' ting onely fomelnarrow .p1acearid,c.h=r1g of fie) and that in Qhusrcheshl fouaxcilmzlr by A A by all the fcverall Apfllfles and ‘fltllefa. fiehtlby » ‘Churches which have in [rmmn agaas; r&¢';"e&;e& préfcrvvcdt God from ifixhififm (20) patir:.>n , fithorow'~‘aII thewgen, perfccutions; and‘d¢£qcnding in each 'Church or Gicyby»p;micu1air cmatinued fwceflion : ap for gxampla, A A an 7 Bifhopa frm“n.,S. Timatlzy to Athc rim e of the 4ChaIm-.d0n Cvoun-» A A ce%§i3%as%;nva5Jdce1a:edthere, £63.11." that in alltimcs,%;Qprimiti9;~and Mf~o1lQn , fithorow'~‘aII thewgen, perfccutions; and‘d¢£qcnding in each 'Church or Gicyby»p;micu1air cmatinued fwceflion : ap for gxampla, A A an 7 Bifhopa frm“n.,S. Timatlzy to Athc rim e of the 4ChaIm-.d0n Cvoun-» A A ce%§i3%as%;nva5Jdce1a:edthere, £63.11." that in alltimcs,%;Qprimiti9;~and Mf~o1lQ= Dialcvgug Adm:-fm Lwc{fi:riau.€cclaeji:ef£1lm in fxmmi Sdcardatw dgg. nimre pmdct, mi mm exam qmzalawzm, W .45 omnifim amine»: dmwpoteu A flmtor in E aelefizlr eficimmr fl‘/Jij'mnt4,qmot Sacerdatcxu S. (.‘3}pria»z alto E 55. Non‘ elipmda /aacrefix aéarta: fltm‘ , mt mmfimt fi:lazf2m:m,* ‘qzuam £9‘-c.% and fo awlfo lib. 4. epiji. 9. ‘Made min: Scbzfwam @' Hmfis ' aéomefunt cafivoriuzzritr, mg/E dim: Epifcapm qui unm afi prgafxkmptiaw. mnttmriitflr is’ ~ (?”6‘§ Ma fler C'nlw'n4 alfo himffllf upon P/Jilippa 1.. Ia? Fatearqnidam zttfxmt bmvmm imgeninf @" marc.r,»noix p»s«_[f: ordimmflmrai inter mméi ‘cmmmrox, quin reliquz3%4pmfi:A-unm. So that wc%cannoa:ap-ofl pr:-hand tgjm abjuracio%n of Epiflzopacy to be a mama‘ to that unity imhis A::t;i~clcA mentioned, T bat the A Lord my (5: am, and Ink % Nam «me zzmcmgfi‘ mt, A but rather the;ontinuation%thcreef,A accordingto-ch cv % c0un{eli*0fachchO1y Martyr4S3C'yprian,UmuD¢m,a:m£Dami#m,zmm% .5 A A A % A D A A m AEp.€fic'L.g . . <23: méntby"Bifh*oAps; Awithl-Ierefie,$chi{'me,:ar1d2ProphanémHE,fatsvthefe 7% in fol£owa)“fyea Prclacy even before Schifme‘ and %Herefic,* *8zc; »w*lm3 A as 1Bilhopsha.ve been in all ages the chief confoundcrsvof hc.re‘fic4andA4%A heremzm, {much was Azbamfim Bifhop of Alexandria ofthazherefie of Afrim. CyriliofwAlcxmsdriaofthe Nqflarim¢~h¢refic. VCe¢l«rfline’i- — A flmp of Roma, Axagafline Billxopof Hip)». Prafiar B‘:fl1opfof Rhea ~ géium, Fxalgc’-a2:£;::=B£fl10p of%R;m_[pi, of the Pm’agian~hereficvA; and ma... my more in all W ages of -_u:he Church before and lines; » N or was thaw“ found any one Chriftxan, thorowout all the Primitive and-pt.-3refl4»,» A times 0f the C‘§zzur¢h‘,' fur above five hundrcd~ yaers arm Chrifl‘, who thought it fit toabolifh‘ Church govemmcnt byflilhops (much lcifé to e me it) fave onely one heretick, Aari:¢a., "fa cenfured by Epiplmg “ ‘swim, Hcertfg’ 75’. and by Saint %Awgu_/fine, Ham/.' 53. wlocfl _@eec/rpfie-6‘ V "wmred of madneflégfaith‘Epip/mnim-; for he had~fl'£i_’d, AWZW A15" a¢ Bi» H. A fbop\‘g'1fira¢?rimgfi'am'a Prtxéjrcr ? (41 ) agd thepccafion pf in» Saint Am (a) Er-Mm an guflim lets usknow, la:/nde Hcerefl 0... mfiermmg Amm being a Prefix. ¢~WWW,w Q1 % byterg, is {aid to have been vexed, becaufehe could not get to be or-um?“ mew é;.aw-Aim; dzgincd a Biflaop, and thence arofc his envy : Epipbnnia: wimeflkch as¢'?s:#v J‘57Ao{- 76‘ much; Hérrfl 75. ¢ % "W" “”"*'”” é . V‘ V_é M an I‘ ‘ Secondly, as to Schifmfialnt Hzemmahe%one and oncly FathEI“2I1%cmT%‘omy '9 ga~pao;9z3Anpnr M A ledged, as dcnying the divim: Inflitution of Bilhops, yet: held chem W, 52) . K; necelfary to reprcfli Schifm, andthenfurclywmoflnecefllxry, when 72%,--‘a‘;uq firm Scbifm doth, as in chcfc our dayca_.,mofl abound: For avoidingof =’WW9v« A 3cb.ifm,Saint Hieram wimcfléth, Epifcopacy was chmught n-ccefllzw‘ ry long wichinthc Apoftles times, even as early as it was rm: by Tome, [am of ‘Paula I am Vqf Apollo mm. and thcréfiarc fitith in ~*his>= Dialcvgug Adm:-fm Lwc{fi:riau.€cclaeji:ef£1lm in fxmmi Sdcardatw dgg. nimre pmdct, mi mm exam qmzalawzm, W .45 omnifim amine»: dmwpoteu A flmtor in E aelefizlr eficimmr fl‘/Jij'mnt4,qmot Sacerdatcxu S. (.‘3}pria»z alto E 55. Non‘ elipmda /aacrefix aéarta: fltm‘ , mt mmfimt fi:lazf2m:m,* ‘qzuam £9‘-c.% and fo awlfo lib. 4. epiji. 9. ‘Made min: Scbzfwam @' Hmfis ' aéomefunt cafivoriuzzritr, mg/E dim: Epifcapm qui unm afi prgafxkmptiaw. mnttmriitflr is’ ~ (?”6‘§ Ma fler C'nlw'n4 alfo himffllf upon P/Jilippa 1.. Ia? Fatearqnidam zttfxmt bmvmm imgeninf @" marc.r,»noix p»s«_[f: ordimmflmrai inter mméi ‘cmmmrox, quin reliquz3%4pmfi:A-unm. So that wc%cannoa:ap-ofl pr:-hand tgjm abjuracio%n of Epiflzopacy to be a mama‘ to that unity imhis A::t;i~clcA mentioned, T bat the A Lord my (5: am, and Ink % Nam «me zzmcmgfi‘ mt, A but rather the;ontinuation%thcreef,A accordingto-ch cv % c0un{eli*0fachchO1y Martyr4S3C'yprian,UmuD¢m,a:m£Dami#m,zmm% .5 A A A % A D A A m AEp.€fic'L.g . -s'»"‘s:7"i'!t‘3" 3:5}? (5') ..§ga§.£q,a1”-7g‘t7Epifi.‘apxé2J;a”‘hd that ofIg'1éatimud‘m&zgxejI Snbjefli e_/late’ Epifcefm I I _cJ7z1’:7:t0?2au;. A- Cg, -W 1, Q, mutual ‘Perri, mintert-vat‘ div£napyqu.edatm_,lz't em, °!+“”““"""°‘9 "5 Next, Prppbaneneflé is herealfo to-be cafi out wnh Epifcopacygg h3Xm'°“b: ' yet who may notfear Godset_]uc!ger:nentbs,-» if he deny the detefiable gromh’of prophaneneflefinee the contempt of that Apoflolicall » mzyeifirx Evac- &m'pc.':‘:r. A inflitution of Epifcopacy?‘ So that this Atticlebaeto Bilhops extir. A pation we mufl refuyfe, upon that hclofi:*up’on which otherstakey it, " "‘*lc;f?, as it is faidytwe fbauld partake in ether: fin ," and hcazgfequently in V .tbe£rpi¢gste:; 3 y - A L ' ‘ t h A t ‘ A Thirdlyy becaufe neither can we {wear to endeavour the exzirpa- " tionof that part of this Church-government by Archbifhopl, am y Ecclefiafiicall conflitutiontfo confefledly ancient; nor that part of Cthiis Church-government by Deane: and Chapters, thetis, a focia ety of grave Divines, of Presbyters ioyned to the Bifhop in hit fee of refidencepas afiflante in Councell and Government :4 asfiamx Biihop of Im:/Zalem had his ‘refident Pretbyters, AZ}: 21. 18.; and confulted with them, ezcrfieo. According alfo ttothe ancient ‘generall and continued hcuflom of the Church of God ever fince the A firfl ChriRhnEmpe1jou:stime; and moreover endowedwith means given to them by the lafl Wilt and Teflaments of’ many (which it is A not lawful! for us toendeavoux: to annull, Heér. 9. I7.) and by the gifts of myanyother Donors, who had true propriety in their goods, » and might and did transfer the undoubted property to thofe to be enjoyed by the righeand liberty of the Subje&; efpecially titch‘ en- dow:-nente having been eonfecratedanddevoccd unto God for pious Itfi.-s, and which may not therefore by 118 as we conceive) be en-.. deavouredto be alienated, Proev. 20.12 5. Name. 1 6. 38. And as to the exercifes of piety,_fo alfo to the encouragement of tbemofl” exceb A lent =part of learning; the {lady of divinity andhof holy: Scripture.» Aeticle 3. A ’;"7/gflmflvwitlw tlaeflamefinceritj, reality and eanflamcy, in 0u;j’Ez/er;z.U Famtiont,wdmwomqwitla our efidtex aedyylivex. mtntzmlly to pre er-ye xlgg Rz‘ght.mnd Privilédges ay"tbe Parliaments; emit’/ac Liéertie: oftybe K ing... dbmx, and-taprefer-we and defimdtbe K Eng-.r /dajefliu ‘Pt-rfim and *A;;.. Many, 5» they prqfieremtian and defencefiof the true Religion,‘ and Liéer... tie: of the Kingdezgex, that the world may bear: wt’-tm~_fl'.e with our Con. fciemce: of Mr loyalty,‘ and that we have-we t}Jt"fl‘g-ht: artintenn'a:a:e tadi» mini/I: Hi: Majeflieejxfl pawer»4mdgr:4tne_g}. A by * eBectut'einthe third‘Atticle,. whereas: we are required, and‘ that 4 -s'»"‘s:7"i'!t‘3" 3:5}? (5') ..§ga§.£q,a1”-7g‘t7Epifi.‘apxé2J;a”‘hd that ofIg'1éatimud‘m&zgxejI Snbjefli e_/late’ Epifcefm I I _cJ7z1’:7:t0?2au;. A- Cg, -W 1, Q, mutual ‘Perri, mintert-vat‘ div£napyqu.edatm_,lz't em, °!+“”““"""°‘9 "5 Next, Prppbaneneflé is herealfo to-be cafi out wnh Epifcopacygg h3Xm'°“b: ' yet who may notfear Godset_]uc!ger:nentbs,-» if he deny the detefiable gromh’of prophaneneflefinee the contempt of that Apoflolicall » mzyeifirx Evac- &m'pc.':‘:r. A inflitution of Epifcopacy?‘ So that this Atticlebaeto Bilhops extir. A pation we mufl refuyfe, upon that hclofi:*up’on which otherstakey it, " "‘*lc;f?, as it is faidytwe fbauld partake in ether: fin ," and hcazgfequently in V .tbe£rpi¢gste:; 3 y - A L ' ‘ t h A t ‘ A Thirdlyy becaufe neither can we {wear to endeavour the exzirpa- " tionof that part of this Church-government by Archbifhopl, am y Ecclefiafiicall conflitutiontfo confefledly ancient; nor that part of Cthiis Church-government by Deane: and Chapters, thetis, a focia ety of grave Divines, of Presbyters ioyned to the Bifhop in hit fee of refidencepas afiflante in Councell and Government :4 asfiamx Biihop of Im:/Zalem had his ‘refident Pretbyters, AZ}: 21. 18.; and confulted with them, ezcrfieo. According alfo ttothe ancient ‘generall and continued hcuflom of the Church of God ever fince the A firfl ChriRhnEmpe1jou:stime; and moreover endowedwith means given to them by the lafl Wilt and Teflaments of’ many (which it is A not lawful! for us toendeavoux: to annull, Heér. 9. I7.) and by the gifts of myanyother Donors, who had true propriety in their goods, » and might and did transfer the undoubted property to thofe to be enjoyed by the righeand liberty of the Subje&; efpecially titch‘ en- dow:-nente having been eonfecratedanddevoccd unto God for pious Itfi.-s, and which may not therefore by 118 as we conceive) be en-.. deavouredto be alienated, Proev. 20.12 5. Name. 1 6. 38. And as to the exercifes of piety,_fo alfo to the encouragement of tbemofl” exceb A lent =part of learning; the {lady of divinity andhof holy: Scripture.» Aeticle 3. A ’;"7/gflmflvwitlw tlaeflamefinceritj, reality and eanflamcy, in 0u;j’Ez/er;z.U Famtiont,wdmwomqwitla our efidtex aedyylivex. mtntzmlly to pre er-ye xlgg Rz‘ght.mnd Privilédges ay"tbe Parliaments; emit’/ac Liéertie: oftybe K ing... dbmx, and-taprefer-we and defimdtbe K Eng-.r /dajefliu ‘Pt-rfim and *A;;.. Many, 5» they prqfieremtian and defencefiof the true Religion,‘ and Liéer... tie: of the Kingdezgex, that the world may bear: wt’-tm~_fl'.e with our Con. fciemce: of Mr loyalty,‘ and that we have-we t}Jt"fl‘g-ht: artintenn'a:a:e tadi» mini/I: Hi: Majeflieejxfl pawer»4mdgr:4tne_g}. A by * eBectut'einthe third‘Atticle,. whereas: we are required, and‘ that 4 w(2s) i in the firll place to binde our vfelves ahfolutely without lirnitatlwi on exp;jefl”ed, T o prefizrz/e the Right: and ‘Prioiledger of Parliaments, and the Liéertie: of the Kingdamr; and were lil1 Thi_rdlyy,l lWherewe are required to bind our {elves never to make; drfiélion to the canzmr] part; whether by the contrary part isllnot to be underflood all that are againlt this; Covenant ? If {'0 , willnot e thefe words following ,, [_Ag4z£nfl all oppajftiqn, argainfl all let: and ‘im- pediment: wlmtfiaemr] incgyde His ‘Mejelties oppofition E‘ And then,as we have laid‘, we are in -the clofe implledly {i1ppoféd,T hat we will cm W ‘ clcavour to dowhat we are able to llluppreflia and overcome any part whatfoever of the contrary partloppofingit felf ;- which fin_ce it them: not toegrcept His Sacred Maiefly, how will this be conhflent with A thelOathsof Allegiance and Supremacy, and the Laws of the Land; I; I-1. 4. 25 Edm 34? Secondly 5 how with the Word of God;-when We are taught by St. Paul, Rom. I 3. That wldoflzzczzer : flmll reflfl the A biglm~,Pom-rs, fly.-all receive to lfimfelj‘ {Damnation 2". and in cafeof contrary eonfl%&svof_thefehighcr’PoWerslamong' themfelvcs 5 fromh the reafon included 1n the objcét, the damnationlwill be (without near dgéka, new pofnm rc;fz:/lerc.t repentance) to thofe that refill the I-Iighefi»: and‘ among the higher powers, (it St. Peter may interpret St‘. Pam!) zlae King is Srxprcgzmgxnd‘ all other Gum-rnaur: are [em 5} Him,t Pet. 2. I4. ( as) For our {elven V therefore, it Hi= Majefly lhould nfi: the Sword committed to him urn (f)V7'd- AW’- jul’¢ly,wemul’r take up St.Am&rafc.~’s words, canm. Contra Aljaxmrium, t gf”b1%“?"'5 7‘ Dole.-re porero_.i,flé»re panrra, paterqgamz.-re, admr/in ézrmzr, milim, Garbo: co,,fifi-diff; J‘ qrnarjmf Laclar ymre mm .4“:-mm /”:4nt,tnliaflwnr mmnimmtac Sncerdariabalizer idea canfitemzlr 7’ (9? profircmur, ‘ dguad gmi fupre--A A ll Fourrhly,‘ were there nothing in the Law of God, orof thisblan . M MU IWHOWIIHII ll nforbiddlng us of the Kingdhm‘ of E mglmad A to enter a) Covenant of ,.€/E/guwflr; didflllg Nowto thenScotsr(in the {econd patrol that of Parlia- mututll allifiance andodefence , withnutandt ngtinfl theallowanccllof’p4n;g,.1ug,1,,1 the King, yet it would he ntnlawlhll for us to nyn in this Covenant“, '1'/liu: munzzxperw fince we are rbeqnired'l1ere not onely to ioynwith one another.‘ but ‘ifiefa i’_1i7_>é'i with the Scots alfo in 'aCovcn‘ant of lmntuall laffillance and defence; g"1’"“’.§”" W“ tolwhom; if by a law of their Land all fuch Covenants and [Leagues 503.3; be forbiddtn as feditionsg we," if we knowingly covenant to affifl and team cf]: izme defend them in fuchla Lcrgue,tcontr::.& to out {elves the guilt of 133% 1J0fIimt- A ment (=9) trlarytn our confcienucei foinformedxwhich is inaploffible?) mm if (as now the King, fo) future Parlliatnents ‘difallow this Covenant, and oppofeit , [hall we then be obliged to continue therein , and to A alhll: and defend all thofe that {'0 cmzrirme agtzizsfl all oppafitiomthough liltlhall be contradiéted by the fame Authority by which it irnow impofedlupon us? A % N A >1 Thi_rdlyy,l lWherewe are required to bind our {elves never to make; drfiélion to the canzmr] part; whether by the contrary part isllnot to be underflood all that are againlt this; Covenant ? If {'0 , willnot e thefe words following ,, [_Ag4z£nfl all oppajftiqn, argainfl all let: and ‘im- pediment: wlmtfiaemr] incgyde His ‘Mejelties oppofition E‘ And then,as we have laid‘, we are in -the clofe implledly {i1ppoféd,T hat we will cm W ‘ clcavour to dowhat we are able to llluppreflia and overcome any part whatfoever of the contrary partloppofingit felf ;- which fin_ce it them: not toegrcept His Sacred Maiefly, how will this be conhflent with A thelOathsof Allegiance and Supremacy, and the Laws of the Land; I; I-1. 4. 25 Edm 34? Secondly 5 how with the Word of God;-when We are taught by St. Paul, Rom. I 3. That wldoflzzczzer : flmll reflfl the A biglm~,Pom-rs, fly.-all receive to lfimfelj‘ {Damnation 2". and in cafeof contrary eonfl%&svof_thefehighcr’PoWerslamong' themfelvcs 5 fromh the reafon included 1n the objcét, the damnationlwill be (without near dgéka, new pofnm rc;fz:/lerc.t repentance) to thofe that refill the I-Iighefi»: and‘ among the higher powers, (it St. Peter may interpret St‘. Pam!) zlae King is Srxprcgzmgxnd‘ all other Gum-rnaur: are [em 5} Him,t Pet. 2. I4. ( as) For our {elven V therefore, it Hi= Majefly lhould nfi: the Sword committed to him urn (f)V7'd- AW’- jul’¢ly,wemul’r take up St.Am&rafc.~’s words, canm. Contra Aljaxmrium, t gf”b1%“?"'5 7‘ Dole.-re porero_.i,flé»re panrra, paterqgamz.-re, admr/in ézrmzr, milim, Garbo: co,,fifi-diff; J‘ qrnarjmf Laclar ymre mm .4“:-mm /”:4nt,tnliaflwnr mmnimmtac Sncerdariabalizer idea canfitemzlr 7’ (9? profircmur, ‘ dguad gmi fupre--A A ll Fourrhly,‘ were there nothing in the Law of God, orof thisblan . M MU IWHOWIIHII ll nforbiddlng us of the Kingdhm‘ of E mglmad A to enter a) Covenant of ,.€/E/guwflr; didflllg Nowto thenScotsr(in the {econd patrol that of Parlia- mututll allifiance andodefence , withnutandt ngtinfl theallowanccllof’p4n;g,.1ug,1,,1 the King, yet it would he ntnlawlhll for us to nyn in this Covenant“, '1'/liu: munzzxperw fince we are rbeqnired'l1ere not onely to ioynwith one another.‘ but ‘ifiefa i’_1i7_>é'i with the Scots alfo in 'aCovcn‘ant of lmntuall laffillance and defence; g"1’"“’.§”" W“ tolwhom; if by a law of their Land all fuch Covenants and [Leagues 503.3; be forbiddtn as feditionsg we," if we knowingly covenant to affifl and team cf]: izme defend them in fuchla Lcrgue,tcontr::.& to out {elves the guilt of 133% 1J0fIimt- A ment “Cont! . ' (395tt mam; "h.O5§d£n at Linlitégow wasnnoht 5'33.) are forbidden aw league; on ’ éemdxhofmtctzvmll afefimce tw/.2£c"/:1 Are made wit/amt the tpriwitj and tag/Ewe ' af £451? ixg, finder the pain ta 5*: baldaimnd htxécmre M mawr: of fgdi. ticmand hxtxqgietneflé. Thishwe triad obiefied by hthchmivines of Aéar-A-A‘ deem but could never yet lee any fatisfy ing anfwet made thereuntog t A Fiftlyh, Whethtr wiil not men think themfiwlves bound by this part of the Ctmnan‘t, all the daics of théirfiv as to continue In farm zea- lmifly united againfl the contrary pattgas to rejcfi all overtures ofAtc- comeadation , andrcconciliatiora , till they befzzpprtglédor ovarcémea étzflfoouthwounds btweccme incuteablé? V V : Sifixtly, This Covénant (as we conceive, undcr cotrefiion) cannot he wifeiytakgn byany man'afft&ed to tttthist~caufc; for fhould they not hare {wear ncvemtq yctld thcmfizlves, thoeugh de.beIIed,.andtunablé to withftand the common tEnemy,w1z:. the F orces raifcd by the King? ‘A not cverto lay down’ Arms, or cheafe afiive tefifiancc ? But if it fhould, ' p3ca{éGod togive the forcféjd contrary part power of conquelhand A conféquantly Im vifilariae , f.houldthc’y~not bind themfielves by thiis A Covenant never to Fubmitthcmfalves to Gods Will and judgement agafinfi them 3.’ tfmdfo exclude all Chriflian Npatiencetandt tuffeting in affléfiiont, and tie thcmfialvea ( though unable) afiively to refifl, plot, diflurb and overthrow all {uch who {hall Io have power over them hereafter, all finch Governours and gayernrricnts, which it may pltafét %God%(aa they mull confefll-: for a puni"fhxIi&:nt’o”hft“tththain fins at lcaff") to I place om‘ thgm, which thing we cotnccivc to be againfl th‘u*La§.v of God, rcafon and Nations. : V e/ind émm/é 1.*_b¢fi' Kingdom: are gailty of manyjint, e'fi*c.] , ' W"hac the Conclufion fuggefis we havc aIfo»confidcred,md profefllt om-_ {Elves read y to; ioyn‘ with our brethren ‘inthe neceflhry“ b’umél£n§ "cf mrfilw; uudefithc mighty hand of Bad, and in the confeflion of am-fim-,(tl:ough in a publique {ct form 8: preftribechfizch as W€=QOI1_-r ceive this former part of th e“ Conclufion to be) Mr pnrpafi alfo, dcflfe ea} hen;1¢a22a.»zr,through the grace of God, to amend our lz'w.r;and touch-& \ ing thofi-‘words here t11entiontecf[Ina!laimie: am am: ta Gad mad mm] we profeflé and declare A,‘ that did we believe in our confcrienccs ,% the above-written Articles of the Cpveuaht nut totbe rcpugnam: to out A A _ dutieswh ith we owe to God and man , ( in the Vpatticulars {pwficd A -relating to His Maj'cfly’and totht Bifhops of our Churches ,; by Gcid A V {at over us, and othettvifdwt fhfiould gladly have gone along with out V 4 V A A Secondly» bxfeihtrmttlierein. A “Cont! . ' (395tt mam; "h.O5§d£n at Linlitégow wasnnoht 5'33.) are forbidden aw league; on ’ éemdxhofmtctzvmll afefimce tw/.2£c"/:1 Are made wit/amt the tpriwitj and tag/Ewe ' af £451? ixg, finder the pain ta 5*: baldaimnd htxécmre M mawr: of fgdi. ticmand hxtxqgietneflé. Thishwe triad obiefied by hthchmivines of Aéar-A-A‘ deem but could never yet lee any fatisfy ing anfwet made thereuntog t A Fiftlyh, Whethtr wiil not men think themfiwlves bound by this part of the Ctmnan‘t, all the daics of théirfiv as to continue In farm zea- lmifly united againfl the contrary pattgas to rejcfi all overtures ofAtc- comeadation , andrcconciliatiora , till they befzzpprtglédor ovarcémea étzflfoouthwounds btweccme incuteablé? V V : Sifixtly, This Covénant (as we conceive, undcr cotrefiion) cannot he wifeiytakgn byany man'afft&ed to tttthist~caufc; for fhould they not hare {wear ncvemtq yctld thcmfizlves, thoeugh de.beIIed,.andtunablé to withftand the common tEnemy,w1z:. the F orces raifcd by the King? ‘A not cverto lay down’ Arms, or cheafe afiive tefifiancc ? But if it fhould, ' p3ca{éGod togive the forcféjd contrary part power of conquelhand A conféquantly Im vifilariae , f.houldthc’y~not bind themfielves by thiis A Covenant never to Fubmitthcmfalves to Gods Will and judgement agafinfi them 3.’ tfmdfo exclude all Chriflian Npatiencetandt tuffeting in affléfiiont, and tie thcmfialvea ( though unable) afiively to refifl, plot, diflurb and overthrow all {uch who {hall Io have power over them hereafter, all finch Governours and gayernrricnts, which it may pltafét %God%(aa they mull confefll-: for a puni"fhxIi&:nt’o”hft“tththain fins at lcaff") to I place om‘ thgm, which thing we cotnccivc to be againfl th‘u*La§.v of God, rcafon and Nations. : V e/ind émm/é 1.*_b¢fi' Kingdom: are gailty of manyjint, e'fi*c.] , ' W"hac the Conclufion fuggefis we havc aIfo»confidcred,md profefllt om-_ {Elves read y to; ioyn‘ with our brethren ‘inthe neceflhry“ b’umél£n§ "cf mrfilw; uudefithc mighty hand of Bad, and in the confeflion of am-fim-,(tl:ough in a publique {ct form 8: preftribechfizch as W€=QOI1_-r ceive this former part of th e“ Conclufion to be) Mr pnrpafi alfo, dcflfe ea} hen;1¢a22a.»zr,through the grace of God, to amend our lz'w.r;and touch-& \ ing thofi-‘words here t11entiontecf[Ina!laimie: am am: ta Gad mad mm] we profeflé and declare A,‘ that did we believe in our confcrienccs ,% the above-written Articles of the Cpveuaht nut totbe rcpugnam: to out A A _ dutieswh ith we owe to God and man , ( in the Vpatticulars {pwficd A -relating to His Maj'cfly’and totht Bifhops of our Churches ,; by Gcid A V {at over us, and othettvifdwt fhfiould gladly have gone along with out V 4 V A A Secondly» bxfeihtrmttlierein. A . ‘C313 r A V Secondly, fince chit Oath exprefly profeflbth, ‘what alfo all Iatwfufl A I pramifory oaths mutt incltudqthat it it to be made in the p1"'cfi?m*e @911.» A ‘!IM;g‘/at} God, the [mm/yer afarll hearts, witlm true intcntiwz ta perferm tire pmmmc {bail mfwer at tlaegrdatrdayg We truflc Fur iufl retruml will, of t ' ought to be better interpreted , even by the ImpoiersthemfeIveat,thentr thofl: mflflfl deteflable hypacrifiemho enter tbis Leaguegttdvmtake this 0ath,with mental! refi=.frvation_;, others 4%‘ fear as lmzfmlly they may, and ’ fuming 4!! firmer Oattahrg yet othcrsbmfgr 44 it is ggreméleto .Gad: Word, or rbeirb awnfimj?:,or acaardixgrta t/aefimfir the Prearaltxrrgfbandtafizing that pur Clbriflian and: reformed Relbigiont , with jefinticall mental! refervatiuns,reiErvi7r~1gin their miéfndsta fenfé contrary tzcr their words {which awreibfiietuted tofignifie our minds) and contrary the the mind 0&7 the Impoibre, (e-wen in1theejud“gemrmttof7 their 0%: mind; ) fuficia entlye fignifieo‘ iasthewordtte cm? the Covenant : anti indcedi , mmrrm énjmmmm; germrt ;; referving;this Popery in thus fwe2ri‘r2g, WhfiIe"+ they {wear to exrirpate:P<:rpIe fiyf‘. Werperofeflb to {mow not other i”e:girrim=am fenfingfczfi our'Oath3;_., burr mrxr’deferrnrz2¢,e(.ha) (and that declared be-» (a)»Q“§°“W"e r we wrborum V fomarh¢~ca-king of tht Oar-th,rmt“intta. poR-e®ecla;rati'cm) and the Gram-a gu,;,jm,-A ,’.»D,_,,,_, maetieaflaeommoni.t3:;r1t”eiQf' thetworrds‘ withontr Iimitatirxh ohthtr then ramen gm’ cm- wehatit. errpreflcdzg; ateutdingr tolévtheirule (Bf Sr.~texr%gmj%iw.tt»}xmmn. /mm Ieflit mwédeéemeefifier prujfmmy. EWJWWM‘ By'th3f‘rwordt& chm: £*114V»a~Itbet-ins ‘fir’? ’«”00_4“'5"_ fl;iAfie.da,gt . fit1t§t‘weomds=I tlroueralft be“c‘bam 13”’/":“. ’t”j'l?“’ .am¥="WSfl«fiJHiy~”t$kR3flfi Oath, thee matterewwherebt* he fttrigethtwtoebe um lawfi1vfl5,f&féw'm.‘£mwfaZ{y~*hemjt%?%?wcc‘bam 13”’/":“. ’t”j'l?“’ .am¥="WSfl«fiJHiy~”t$kR3flfi Oath, thee matterewwherebt* he fttrigethtwtoebe um lawfi1vfl5,f&féw'm.‘£mwfaZ{y~*hemjt%?%?wcrfonaHhcemman:d. (by mam {pokm of) are azmm me that ems! might be; ,that the prcfent ital? fhould down ,. confidering that the Force; , againfi £Ahc,F9r£;e§ raifed by the; This being {half cafe wherein the fcruplea {uppofed to be rrtmzwcd ., gthagt their Argm haw? bmn cIearl‘yh.and pharticularly laid. ciiféovery of fifong and not doubting that part which is defended _. -though wnfirmatécn in thoflzs who are (tho-mg opiniomyet can it not in realbn be rep it might prmiuce a Adegtez: uf hhnot lb flrongly) of thc Fame prefumptien and fuppofisll of “ umd a means to take offfcruplr fmm a L*a.r.ionaH acévezfiuy. This being nheceflary in it feif far a truae" and thnrmtzghhrefmhztion ofconfc: but their difcourfcis imperfeét in it félfa, vea all that is holyhsand per» fe»A&,and cfleeming of the adverié party as: ofpeoplrfe égwfirahed mz fie»- _figt£ed,1Joad'wifi/{E and blinded, dw paaplr:,haM11d in aflirming ht/.749 Amzmc an im Ca in the cafe,icAcannat be denied _ and confiequently they may A . A may , has 16: circgs and [mm of the ~ 4 camxtwnmcc ofh?Hzé:j2zm:d Majvflye _ to be caphtiwatcd , aizdprafliruttdto flrrzzchall I/:'t'~lufl.f 49ffv£oé7 mm; and: in fitting in oppofician the King‘ and tlaafls’ that :94: fizifltffifl in ‘rim A .Ld?3'.,, 9 A K ; Bu}: (eéing that in is pcflibl tag all mm. t;hal;Ail; maywichn d;i£co«urf:m.ad.n fm?£Ahe(¢Afo1Lmic3n of thm0n{::icnAce*:; it will; concern tha canfciencc hdwqver imp gueflion, and than cc; examixm the difcouriia 0‘f.chis‘iEx which the determination ofcpnfczhiencc will naturally follow. 4- Topropoundthe Astate cf that q eordiAngAto ch: lltmefl Amcrujt mfthe Acaf tip oft:ut.hs~«hcc.mfefl?sd and undoniala. 4 \ Ah I,» 5:01;: med Ezgglé/bf are Saéjahfix M the King. M 2. ,0ftl:mfama Praugfidnt Ralégian, _t / aha prafc~j]br.r wlymh-af’ 410 not difiw éxfiundammmlx. A A A A ’ ~ 3. Thrir jayfiinghiaé Arm.c,h(w :2: 4/lad L fcmzc aftlvrir Rel{gz"an,L£éertic:, andLaw.r. _ 4 4.. «A gaivfi t/at Pepi?flz,.Pral4ticall,.andh .4 Ahwligmnt party; VI 45:; B}htb«»'flar¢%m«mt :12: Sagldier: fa;/ad the hléfing, ~ A the other fide: A. \ A A _ nagjhe }K:ingi:0urA1awhdl Sgoveraigqg, What avcafenaayba fa claearhand plfainé hucahm}’hgmat; dahmagc be‘ omitted in at arrihalhly to {$5 bafore its was the prcfém:-* . horta;tion,upAon-A- A ucflion impartially (though not ac»-e ¢)i£ W313 be mough,if it bcmadea gedh) Azéffar the A%2/iazdicatiaza mndhdew; J _ hand A iajnéd in Armgcéve. » part}! : in a word,to aflifl, or comply with thofe Qeffcfiuall , it was nccefl?1ry.t0 their and V as Well have: arrcd in aflfiming to thcmfcl { (34) h againfl tlag Papa:/I2, Trelaticall, amdflélnlgnant Englifh and Scouzilh Kings pa>rfonaHhcemman:d. (by mam {pokm of) are azmm me that ems! might be; ,that the prcfent ital? fhould down ,. confidering that the Force; , againfi £Ahc,F9r£;e§ raifed by the; This being {half cafe wherein the fcruplea {uppofed to be rrtmzwcd ., gthagt their Argm haw? bmn cIearl‘yh.and pharticularly laid. ciiféovery of fifong and not doubting that part which is defended _. -though wnfirmatécn in thoflzs who are (tho-mg opiniomyet can it not in realbn be rep it might prmiuce a Adegtez: uf hhnot lb flrongly) of thc Fame prefumptien and fuppofisll of “ umd a means to take offfcruplr fmm a L*a.r.ionaH acévezfiuy. This being nheceflary in it feif far a truae" and thnrmtzghhrefmhztion ofconfc: but their difcourfcis imperfeét in it félfa, vea all that is holyhsand per» fe»A&,and cfleeming of the adverié party as: ofpeoplrfe égwfirahed mz fie»- _figt£ed,1Joad'wifi/{E and blinded, dw paaplr:,haM11d in aflirming ht/.749 Amzmc an im Ca in the cafe,icAcannat be denied _ and confiequently they may A . A may , has 16: circgs and [mm of the ~ 4 camxtwnmcc ofh?Hzé:j2zm:d Majvflye _ to be caphtiwatcd , aizdprafliruttdto flrrzzchall I/:'t'~lufl.f 49ffv£oé7 mm; and: in fitting in oppofician the King‘ and tlaafls’ that :94: fizifltffifl in ‘rim A .Ld?3'.,, 9 A K ; Bu}: (eéing that in is pcflibl tag all mm. t;hal;Ail; maywichn d;i£co«urf:m.ad.n fm?£Ahe(¢Afo1Lmic3n of thm0n{::icnAce*:; it will; concern tha canfciencc hdwqver imp gueflion, and than cc; examixm the difcouriia 0‘f.chis‘iEx which the determination ofcpnfczhiencc will naturally follow. 4- Topropoundthe Astate cf that q eordiAngAto ch: lltmefl Amcrujt mfthe Acaf tip oft:ut.hs~«hcc.mfefl?sd and undoniala. 4 \ Ah I,» 5:01;: med Ezgglé/bf are Saéjahfix M the King. M 2. ,0ftl:mfama Praugfidnt Ralégian, _t / aha prafc~j]br.r wlymh-af’ 410 not difiw éxfiundammmlx. A A A A ’ ~ 3. Thrir jayfiinghiaé Arm.c,h(w :2: 4/lad L fcmzc aftlvrir Rel{gz"an,L£éertic:, andLaw.r. _ 4 4.. «A gaivfi t/at Pepi?flz,.Pral4ticall,.andh .4 Ahwligmnt party; VI 45:; B}htb«»'flar¢%m«mt :12: Sagldier: fa;/ad the hléfing, ~ A the other fide: A. \ A A _ nagjhe }K:ingi:0urA1awhdl Sgoveraigqg, What avcafenaayba fa claearhand plfainé hucahm}’hgmat; dahmagc be‘ omitted in at arrihalhly to {$5 bafore its was the prcfém:-* . horta;tion,upAon-A- A ucflion impartially (though not ac»-e ¢)i£ W313 be mough,if it bcmadea gedh) Azéffar the A%2/iazdicatiaza mndhdew; J t L (35) 23 4 OF the fame Prtottflanrfieligion. A ' At t A “ “ ~ 3, He hath prptcfied and engaged himfelf with all follemnity (as at the receiving of the holyEuchatifl5 act.) to preferve and maintain 4 the Proteflantfleligign, the Laws and Liberties of the Kingdom: ‘atnd%Patliamentas A ' 4 A 4. That 3‘-3 hath ffenistmmy Maflitgsa, forTr.-mite toward Ptace both before andtiuting. the time at theft ‘Watt; 5 and axprefltd 3; gal fire of making the people witnetflés of the equity at his tp'rt3C€'¥2dii”£gt. 5. Ha hath declared his w':1l«ag»a'infl both the Stadttt and Engliih who take up Arms its thit Cztufét . é « Outof thefc principlet (whereas many more nu-tight btavfided in behalf of His Majefiit) let the queflicm be, Whether it may be law. full and nccefliry fat ftxbieéit :0 covenant together, Without; and txgainfl tht expreflzewillof thtit lawful! Sovemigna to jay“ in Arms againfi the Forces raifgd by. his command , and that Fm ma windicatien and dtfcnct: of that which he hath by/all paflibft obliut gations engaged himfclf to maintain and ciafend , and my ftcttrity of hidlpeoplc hath defimd that differences might be: ctmapafed by Treaty, and that that world might judge of his proceedings in it.‘ If thisbc a true {me of the qtucflirm (at Icafl to far as is here eatpttfl fed the next labour fear our tC0nfci¢:ncets will he to ‘extamint mzlxew A that any argument in this exhortaticm upon fuppofitiwn that they all were truths inthtemtfelvts ) ‘doe infer ti Iawfifltttflh and ntctflity COLACOVEMM 10 001‘ C315: 3“ tbmgt ccnfidtreci; %and,if it be evident that they are not ftfficient, it may baa motivcrto ahate the ccynfig. dence of the compofers of m Wimfuevcr they wcmjnt pm~tim1ar and to procure an cxamimtion oftthctir own principles and afiiom, ‘wherein they may pmifrbfy fee that they havcnot eithct in their own ~ “afiions, car in their iudgtanttnt of others, prncccded {:3 taszafily ac»--~ cording to the"Law of conicientt and the ward of aw. A Now,although we are confidmt that than: is not in this cxhortatitm t A A any“on§ argument which thcA’fl'&m'bly it ME wilt untiertake ft‘) to com. trive,asthat it {hall ccmcludcfor a neceflity at a lawfume,-fl'e of taking : inch afltmnant in {Itch a cath(.2a1! things contfidcr¢dA)arf'd wnfequea'zt- ~t A I y the W3":i~03€ bufitxtflé, which was of nectffity for, vindicattion of our {elves from fzrtttifianwffle 6.6%. it already done ;. Yctth3t2it..ri1ay. without: any danger.of‘p‘rt;ttdtct mgrerrotur appear,‘ that we are not guilty of: fiagh a, prefumptmn as we have: excepted againfi in them, we will, as V’ brxtrfly as may;be,examine their whole difcourtk, .antdcvidc'm1y (rm- A 5,3 .«1,;.%, t L (35) 23 4 OF the fame Prtottflanrfieligion. A ' At t A “ “ ~ 3, He hath prptcfied and engaged himfelf with all follemnity (as at the receiving of the holyEuchatifl5 act.) to preferve and maintain 4 the Proteflantfleligign, the Laws and Liberties of the Kingdom: ‘atnd%Patliamentas A ' 4 A 4. That 3‘-3 hath ffenistmmy Maflitgsa, forTr.-mite toward Ptace both before andtiuting. the time at theft ‘Watt; 5 and axprefltd 3; gal fire of making the people witnetflés of the equity at his tp'rt3C€'¥2dii”£gt. 5. Ha hath declared his w':1l«ag»a'infl both the Stadttt and Engliih who take up Arms its thit Cztufét . é « Outof thefc principlet (whereas many more nu-tight btavfided in behalf of His Majefiit) let the queflicm be, Whether it may be law. full and nccefliry fat ftxbieéit :0 covenant together, Without; and txgainfl tht expreflzewillof thtit lawful! Sovemigna to jay“ in Arms againfi the Forces raifgd by. his command , and that Fm ma windicatien and dtfcnct: of that which he hath by/all paflibft obliut gations engaged himfclf to maintain and ciafend , and my ftcttrity of hidlpeoplc hath defimd that differences might be: ctmapafed by Treaty, and that that world might judge of his proceedings in it.‘ If thisbc a true {me of the qtucflirm (at Icafl to far as is here eatpttfl fed the next labour fear our tC0nfci¢:ncets will he to ‘extamint mzlxew A that any argument in this exhortaticm upon fuppofitiwn that they all were truths inthtemtfelvts ) ‘doe infer ti Iawfifltttflh and ntctflity COLACOVEMM 10 001‘ C315: 3“ tbmgt ccnfidtreci; %and,if it be evident that they are not ftfficient, it may baa motivcrto ahate the ccynfig. dence of the compofers of m Wimfuevcr they wcmjnt pm~tim1ar and to procure an cxamimtion oftthctir own principles and afiiom, ‘wherein they may pmifrbfy fee that they havcnot eithct in their own ~ “afiions, car in their iudgtanttnt of others, prncccded {:3 taszafily ac»--~ cording to the"Law of conicientt and the ward of aw. A Now,although we are confidmt that than: is not in this cxhortatitm t A A any“on§ argument which thcA’fl'&m'bly it ME wilt untiertake ft‘) to com. trive,asthat it {hall ccmcludcfor a neceflity at a lawfume,-fl'e of taking : inch afltmnant in {Itch a cath(.2a1! things contfidcr¢dA)arf'd wnfequea'zt- ~t A I y the W3":i~03€ bufitxtflé, which was of nectffity for, vindicattion of our {elves from fzrtttifianwffle 6.6%. it already done ;. Yctth3t2it..ri1ay. without: any danger.of‘p‘rt;ttdtct mgrerrotur appear,‘ that we are not guilty of: fiagh a, prefumptmn as we have: excepted againfi in them, we will, as V’ brxtrfly as may;be,examine their whole difcourtk, .antdcvidc'm1y (rm- A 5,3 .«1,;.%, C36) lefle lt'1tl€$3t.i.W'€ he é:m«itch"rdtto think To ~t1lift:ovet* what is lintrtte ogr _ tuncertain (if any thing of thote kinds [hall occur) and what: ie‘in... t A fulrlieiet1tinttl=:eitt Exhot-nation, after wehiave by? way ofApo1bgy premit'ed,nn thatwe will not all hanfwer them in the manner of the cm... livery of tithe reafons. We have (as Welhope) ptcva iled againfi than n a&"eEtione which might have-atifen upon thofc expreflions wehich «concern our ft-slves, and (though with far greater difficulty) againfi that indignation which ‘followed upon the apprehenfion of chore (not fo vetyreveretit) expreflions and refl-eflions uponfhis {ictedn Ma... ejeitie, {'0 far as not to {offer our judgements or contcimces.to"lbe with. drawn from a juit and meet examination of the truth: having em inthem, thatzeal and confidence (however-they are e3tceIlent,afF¢. j Btione in thofe who are fitfficiently grounded in an unfallible truth, yetthey) do in no meafilre help toward a difcovery of t-tuth or I t remoyeli of fcruples in acafe of coufcience. The whole difitoutie was intendeclby the Authors of it, to connfiifi of perfwafions, and refolutions offbrupltes, 'andlia immediately ire. ’ A folved into an introcltufiion and the body of the difcourfél As for the Introdufiion, it contains a colleétion of many pla-gag: from whence the cotnpofets thereof prefume that the neceflftty (Df'ta-s l king this League might be enforced. But feeing it carries not clearly in it {elf any difcovery of‘ the cohfequeuces, it could not in rcafon be I premifed to any other difcourfe, then {hch has in the nproceflEtfltou‘Id clear that which waathere ptefumed ; and féeing the following difi. ccurfe is no way ordered to aclearing of thoie inferences, To that: -the defign of him who made the introduflion is no further pmfc. A tented, wemaythere indeed obferve an infiatnce of the variance which is fa1d‘to'be-iriethe Aflem-bly, but are no way-es helped in that which t was thefundamentall intention of l the whole (the refolution of our fcruplea) which by the {serious confideration of thofe things hm; ' xeckoncd up,,.we profefle to have beenexceedingly flrengthened up- on us; and that by {uch inference as may be gathered, it not cleerly lien, by this enfuing parallel. , t t A d If tbepawér of Religion, defcribedgand pratetfiifed by our Saviour Chrifl and hisApofiIes, and cxprefled in the mofl heroicall 3&it)n'3 of the ptimitiveChrifl.ians; or iffalidtrm/on informed by the Do. «firineof the Church of England, andeflifled ‘by the light of the ex- amples of_holy Saints ind Martyrs, and by a petffefi info;-mam no A .0fttl.‘l¢ begmnings and proceedings of our prefen-t tnifcries, and of the, C36) lefle lt'1tl€$3t.i.W'€ he é:m«itch"rdtto think To ~t1lift:ovet* what is lintrtte ogr _ tuncertain (if any thing of thote kinds [hall occur) and what: ie‘in... t A fulrlieiet1tinttl=:eitt Exhot-nation, after wehiave by? way ofApo1bgy premit'ed,nn thatwe will not all hanfwer them in the manner of the cm... livery of tithe reafons. We have (as Welhope) ptcva iled againfi than n a&"eEtione which might have-atifen upon thofc expreflions wehich «concern our ft-slves, and (though with far greater difficulty) againfi that indignation which ‘followed upon the apprehenfion of chore (not fo vetyreveretit) expreflions and refl-eflions uponfhis {ictedn Ma... ejeitie, {'0 far as not to {offer our judgements or contcimces.to"lbe with. drawn from a juit and meet examination of the truth: having em inthem, thatzeal and confidence (however-they are e3tceIlent,afF¢. j Btione in thofe who are fitfficiently grounded in an unfallible truth, yetthey) do in no meafilre help toward a difcovery of t-tuth or I t remoyeli of fcruples in acafe of coufcience. The whole difitoutie was intendeclby the Authors of it, to connfiifi of perfwafions, and refolutions offbrupltes, 'andlia immediately ire. ’ A folved into an introcltufiion and the body of the difcourfél As for the Introdufiion, it contains a colleétion of many pla-gag: from whence the cotnpofets thereof prefume that the neceflftty (Df'ta-s l king this League might be enforced. But feeing it carries not clearly in it {elf any difcovery of‘ the cohfequeuces, it could not in rcafon be I premifed to any other difcourfe, then {hch has in the nproceflEtfltou‘Id clear that which waathere ptefumed ; and féeing the following difi. ccurfe is no way ordered to aclearing of thoie inferences, To that: -the defign of him who made the introduflion is no further pmfc. A tented, wemaythere indeed obferve an infiatnce of the variance which is fa1d‘to'be-iriethe Aflem-bly, but are no way-es helped in that which t was thefundamentall intention of l the whole (the refolution of our fcruplea) which by the {serious confideration of thofe things hm; ' xeckoncd up,,.we profefle to have beenexceedingly flrengthened up- on us; and that by {uch inference as may be gathered, it not cleerly lien, by this enfuing parallel. , t t A d If tbepawér of Religion, defcribedgand pratetfiifed by our Saviour Chrifl and hisApofiIes, and cxprefled in the mofl heroicall 3&it)n'3 of the ptimitiveChrifl.ians; or iffalidtrm/on informed by the Do. «firineof the Church of England, andeflifled ‘by the light of the ex- amples of_holy Saints ind Martyrs, and by a petffefi info;-mam no A .0fttl.‘l¢ begmnings and proceedings of our prefen-t tnifcries, and of the, Farsi) ii the liaodinglszsottm Laws of the Land; If Jgalry as ":32: %K‘z':e;;,i..smz! pie-iy to theirs mt-litre Cazmtry, or film to swmfiiivsx, and ‘mstsms/2.’ éfifli. an ta their paflgrity ; the example of mm tbtac/mliwisb as deep flmfe of szlltlaefé, (itch as have been the molt eminent among: the Ciergytfori piety and lmtioing, the Infiruérsentis (‘as it is cohfcflléd) uléd by Al- mighty God for the preletvation of our Religions aguofl all its sac.» mies._,=t who, with many others, this mofii worthy of the Ltity, haves T cheerfully and conllantly been Fpoiléd of their goods, and fufliwedllas long and tedious imptifbnment, and areranld have bcenrcady to A ruse: death it-fclfe in the prcfentrcaule of his Sacred Maciiie; . or if m:r;zardz'mzr} fuccefléfimm Gad t/Mrwirpan , fuch as was ,I1f.‘C€:fl~dl‘yi to raifé his Majcfly from a (‘rate of defpéfed weakntfliz‘ to it a power able to rcfilh andiprobably able toidcibicll all the Forces which his7éne~ mics ofthtce Kingdoms can procure. If any or all of thsfi: arm .¢n-mkena Nation hitherto fiupified and blinded, and~thereupon aim- éroiladinthc mificrics which have attended upon this war, to fee and inséraccitbaféoerazgn and anal] visas: of tbeimrecor/er} ; thercican be no doubt or fear, thatthcy will enter into a League with thofe who have {ffml hp (under what pretence foltver ) ‘their hand: againflhis Sacred Msjcflie, but they. will rather repent them of their former difobe- dience, endeavouring to reducc their brcthrcn to ‘a labour for recon-‘ is ciliatiotra nd pardon from his Majcfiic, at lea R to an acceptation of thofe proffcrslot 'I-'-treaty; towards accommodation, which he {'0 of- . ten makes 5‘ and in cafe» they (hall be by any pcrtinacioufly rcfufcd, ioyn themfelves with his Sacred Mlajicfly in his iufl defence.; « . Having thusdone with the Introdufiion, it followsthat: we exa... mine tho: Dilbourfé it lilfiwhich proceeds in this method : “ . ~ 4 Fitfl, to propoundthc.motives.to pcrfwadc men‘ to take the Co--‘ Wenaflto ' - Secondly, to anfwer theeobiefiions or {cruples A which might hin- der, &c- . ‘ A ” ~ Herhtbefore welbegin to examinetzhe flrength of the motives them-A slicglvcs, we oiblérvc the»_dil‘fcrcnt apprehenfions of the framers of it; i for, whereas he. who framed thc [ntrodu&ion.did, it {cemg imagine» V A “that the takingoof the Covenant mightbe enforced fromthle pofi-« tivelllaw of God. and the Law of Ntaturei; the other,who was to lay? down the Motives, ‘was to fart: from that,i-as to eficem it nccefliary A i it towardsythe fame end, inthc fit-fl place to infinuatc the example of A [ thcm{:1vcs7ol the Alfemblynnd others who hadalrcady taken it. . t Tjllii Farsi) ii the liaodinglszsottm Laws of the Land; If Jgalry as ":32: %K‘z':e;;,i..smz! pie-iy to theirs mt-litre Cazmtry, or film to swmfiiivsx, and ‘mstsms/2.’ éfifli. an ta their paflgrity ; the example of mm tbtac/mliwisb as deep flmfe of szlltlaefé, (itch as have been the molt eminent among: the Ciergytfori piety and lmtioing, the Infiruérsentis (‘as it is cohfcflléd) uléd by Al- mighty God for the preletvation of our Religions aguofl all its sac.» mies._,=t who, with many others, this mofii worthy of the Ltity, haves T cheerfully and conllantly been Fpoiléd of their goods, and fufliwedllas long and tedious imptifbnment, and areranld have bcenrcady to A ruse: death it-fclfe in the prcfentrcaule of his Sacred Maciiie; . or if m:r;zardz'mzr} fuccefléfimm Gad t/Mrwirpan , fuch as was ,I1f.‘C€:fl~dl‘yi to raifé his Majcfly from a (‘rate of defpéfed weakntfliz‘ to it a power able to rcfilh andiprobably able toidcibicll all the Forces which his7éne~ mics ofthtce Kingdoms can procure. If any or all of thsfi: arm .¢n-mkena Nation hitherto fiupified and blinded, and~thereupon aim- éroiladinthc mificrics which have attended upon this war, to fee and inséraccitbaféoerazgn and anal] visas: of tbeimrecor/er} ; thercican be no doubt or fear, thatthcy will enter into a League with thofe who have {ffml hp (under what pretence foltver ) ‘their hand: againflhis Sacred Msjcflie, but they. will rather repent them of their former difobe- dience, endeavouring to reducc their brcthrcn to ‘a labour for recon-‘ is ciliatiotra nd pardon from his Majcfiic, at lea R to an acceptation of thofe proffcrslot 'I-'-treaty; towards accommodation, which he {'0 of- . ten makes 5‘ and in cafe» they (hall be by any pcrtinacioufly rcfufcd, ioyn themfelves with his Sacred Mlajicfly in his iufl defence.; « . Having thusdone with the Introdufiion, it followsthat: we exa... mine tho: Dilbourfé it lilfiwhich proceeds in this method : “ . ~ 4 Fitfl, to propoundthc.motives.to pcrfwadc men‘ to take the Co--‘ Wenaflto ' - Secondly, to anfwer theeobiefiions or {cruples A which might hin- der, &c- . ‘ A ” ~ Herhtbefore welbegin to examinetzhe flrength of the motives them-A slicglvcs, we oiblérvc the»_dil‘fcrcnt apprehenfions of the framers of it; i for, whereas he. who framed thc [ntrodu&ion.did, it {cemg imagine» V A “that the takingoof the Covenant mightbe enforced fromthle pofi-« tivelllaw of God. and the Law of Ntaturei; the other,who was to lay? down the Motives, ‘was to fart: from that,i-as to eficem it nccefliary A i it towardsythe fame end, inthc fit-fl place to infinuatc the example of A [ thcm{:1vcs7ol the Alfemblynnd others who hadalrcady taken it. . t Tjllii 2. ' af Scozlartzrh (V 33) "Tbefirength at met: perfwaiivu Arguiancnts is this.-7 A A V R Fitlt, 7“l2:;a awammt is ttimmdy talqgm by the two Hon/é~::af'9°¢rli43 mum éy that 44 afD£winm, the C‘iz}.ef Landau, and;/at K ingdafll Secondly, It bat}: iwtz mlrmtij féébhdcd fromfiflaawn by élafling 'eq“’gf{é[Ih wt M t ’ 0 Thirdly, It carries in fiwb dz convincing evidence; of Equigy, % A 7A2"rzttla,mzn‘£€£glg2ermfr:e_g}, mrma} mgr: in all mflamdd mfiefliom ta; mfg it; wltéehisprovedtbecaufé A « * A A here E tzlmtfi notléing in rhzét Cawmm‘ wiéiclat ma notfi2rfM- I j _[£msct» ttitkfir exp"rejfl,=d,* or wamfifllgz im:lu-dad‘ in tiara“ Prazcflm-u I tionqf may 5. 164.1%. Ergo, whofocver are "tam: wigfzslly ign’ara.*mr , or mtfiralily fidraaedg, mu{t»ir1faIltx:bIy take this Cownant. For the fit-it oftbefe Arguments : Firfi, iI1»tg8i3t=EE‘a.1il~=*, we dm not fire baow uh: emmplttafi either party: can teaiombly be afletigedt cfiret?c-A; that Can fcicnw in. any cam tmvetfit-.tA . A ; A A % S.ec”0t1dIy,t«wrerhavetreatbntto believe thatrfarrtettht gtesatcr number,» both in tI~hc;City of Losadtm, m:d«theAKingd1mm:s oft‘St-ar£tndt*,,t cduld not take this; Oath.in,.judgamam, asrbcitxg ntm abfcstm? ciifacnn of the zst;g£tr¢aufmfl}'.0rAin£qMit] of: fpmet» of the A1tet‘i%£“1€8.,. efpeciaflgt that which. conaermsEpgifcopac;y, for. that a«chicf~fltangth. afthisatfirgw-w uxentwfizoma EXWW.-,t tct2nfti’wimthMxa‘le at uhnmftahvw vtwl!1Ao;» am of the Aflimblyt, argdtm1dw~*t:bistE:th:onua;ti0m. Amdt tfiaew we: cm. t:t:i\re¢.t they cannot: iuflly a€C.lJtfi'JE8i€'ifi’h;£l"’ M? immeffiyr at prafitm - ticma if we fltallf openly pl'0FC‘£k1IFh3I.'th§fly@h’3Vfi3flflflfimwfiifl-afit‘fl;tE A» Aaiy. M 'themsz.(m lnaftwbicht we.k1mwjm« b‘eemtmh1i:flwd.);~ given evidences of (0 great Jufigememt, Learning,‘ or Integrity, aazttmay warrant; hm encoumgem iu:ma ,fl%eltgi%on~:andt;cafwaoE tCoAn=fci- w M ence,to fut firibe to the authority of their example. A A To the{& CflfldAl‘gU‘m£nt',;Whi?Cfh.‘ti3l;,»,7‘792¢t:’:5t-Al§dN2»"'A5£¢W/E’0and¢d’L' Hmw.-at, e6.~c.‘t it;tcantntz:u:ictm:cIttt1iet«ta.theConfcience, tifltit-? {uficfi- entuI3n»‘pnov.nd*i;»zaaitl%emcamthaatt» beéAwichAcauI:*AatrevcItttionrof4tAhetACoutt~ Mataf [G%0d‘%, which if L the:@omApA0fl':tA @fA*A this. paw hath ofimfizcdg A was trcquiafimtzo the emd:prmpaund’edmhatt he £hould45havn madftettit asp»-w pear; ti'1AIwhetmiAttmayt4 be. beleevad; t~hatAA tavhofet inflanc¢a*t%vwhActaAAt~ha A fignaturtof Gods»]ud‘gan%1entsAA may the mefl plainly have7bcamd2'i~f-'-tt covered, have fallent upoMhtoi"e~w.[1ohawhndli’inwthu» A .4 %4 A ‘M A V A raifing 2. ' af Scozlartzrh (V 33) "Tbefirength at met: perfwaiivu Arguiancnts is this.-7 A A V R Fitlt, 7“l2:;a awammt is ttimmdy talqgm by the two Hon/é~::af'9°¢rli43 mum éy that 44 afD£winm, the C‘iz}.ef Landau, and;/at K ingdafll Secondly, It bat}: iwtz mlrmtij féébhdcd fromfiflaawn by élafling 'eq“’gf{é[Ih wt M t ’ 0 Thirdly, It carries in fiwb dz convincing evidence; of Equigy, % A 7A2"rzttla,mzn‘£€£glg2ermfr:e_g}, mrma} mgr: in all mflamdd mfiefliom ta; mfg it; wltéehisprovedtbecaufé A « * A A here E tzlmtfi notléing in rhzét Cawmm‘ wiéiclat ma notfi2rfM- I j _[£msct» ttitkfir exp"rejfl,=d,* or wamfifllgz im:lu-dad‘ in tiara“ Prazcflm-u I tionqf may 5. 164.1%. Ergo, whofocver are "tam: wigfzslly ign’ara.*mr , or mtfiralily fidraaedg, mu{t»ir1faIltx:bIy take this Cownant. For the fit-it oftbefe Arguments : Firfi, iI1»tg8i3t=EE‘a.1il~=*, we dm not fire baow uh: emmplttafi either party: can teaiombly be afletigedt cfiret?c-A; that Can fcicnw in. any cam tmvetfit-.tA . A ; A A % S.ec”0t1dIy,t«wrerhavetreatbntto believe thatrfarrtettht gtesatcr number,» both in tI~hc;City of Losadtm, m:d«theAKingd1mm:s oft‘St-ar£tndt*,,t cduld not take this; Oath.in,.judgamam, asrbcitxg ntm abfcstm? ciifacnn of the zst;g£tr¢aufmfl}'.0rAin£qMit] of: fpmet» of the A1tet‘i%£“1€8.,. efpeciaflgt that which. conaermsEpgifcopac;y, for. that a«chicf~fltangth. afthisatfirgw-w uxentwfizoma EXWW.-,t tct2nfti’wimthMxa‘le at uhnmftahvw vtwl!1Ao;» am of the Aflimblyt, argdtm1dw~*t:bistE:th:onua;ti0m. Amdt tfiaew we: cm. t:t:i\re¢.t they cannot: iuflly a€C.lJtfi'JE8i€'ifi’h;£l"’ M? immeffiyr at prafitm - ticma if we fltallf openly pl'0FC‘£k1IFh3I.'th§fly@h’3Vfi3flflflfimwfiifl-afit‘fl;tE A» Aaiy. M 'themsz.(m lnaftwbicht we.k1mwjm« b‘eemtmh1i:flwd.);~ given evidences of (0 great Jufigememt, Learning,‘ or Integrity, aazttmay warrant; hm encoumgem iu:ma ,fl%eltgi%on~:andt;cafwaoE tCoAn=fci- w M ence,to fut firibe to the authority of their example. A A To the{& CflfldAl‘gU‘m£nt',;Whi?Cfh.‘ti3l;,»,7‘792¢t:’:5t-Al§dN2»"'A5£¢W/E’0and¢d’L' Hmw.-at, e6.~c.‘t it;tcantntz:u:ictm:cIttt1iet«ta.theConfcience, tifltit-? {uficfi- entuI3n»‘pnov.nd*i;»zaaitl%emcamthaatt» beéAwichAcauI:*AatrevcItttionrof4tAhetACoutt~ Mataf [G%0d‘%, which if L the:@omApA0fl':tA @fA*A this. paw hath ofimfizcdg A was trcquiafimtzo the emd:prmpaund’edmhatt he £hould45havn madftettit asp»-w pear; ti'1AIwhetmiAttmayt4 be. beleevad; t~hatAA tavhofet inflanc¢a*t%vwhActaAAt~ha A fignaturtof Gods»]ud‘gan%1entsAA may the mefl plainly have7bcamd2'i~f-'-tt covered, have fallent upoMhtoi"e~w.[1ohawhndli’inwthu» A .4 %4 A ‘M A V A raifing ( 3) A raifizig and managingof thiofe Arms, for the maix1ta§n'ing o'fw'h'ic'h this Covenant is ordained. _ j A 4 So then the whola forceAof their perfwafion will depend upon thew “ third Argument, and the proofuf it, which (toavoid any ermur in examining)[_haIl be again p‘I*op0r;md¢d : _ ’ 2 % There 14 (almofi nathmg in tlaév C‘a7/wmnt, gaalaic/9% WM matfarfigéfl ./‘‘*”“r'‘' ‘it’??? ‘T-"'P"€fl3ci, or mamgfifily included in the Pratafim‘. an, .M4j“’AA5. 1 6 4. I. T/mefarc this Cavenmt ‘gaetbfartk in its awéflrengtla, wit/afmb can-s ‘ wincing evidence qf Equity . T wt/9 mu1Rz' lat % ~ . - ad’ not wi{f;:!1y {gnommt or mifiraélykduwedfinfifgfifgjgggzmfagifi E: the Gawanaagé 4. A % ‘ ' A A ,. 7 . Rafi. I . A e are not able: by all _c-hofe wayea of 1* .' f‘ ' \ Ah-A A We have hithfif£0 beifn H1736, to difbovev the infer‘£?1z;n;rnh%c§1§:: fiffé maclw If by the flrength of Atheir fizlid reajm it may poffibly a made to appear, “yet we are conéfidcmtha depcmdcnce is; 170 dce and fa. $ cm, than it ought mm (to me endfor which this d,;1;,0,,,r1-eh dmamd tube intended) hawe’becn left? unrcvealed; 2. Wheraas»theArgL1mentVqfthe ewidmtE 't% T A5 A 43% %% teazafiyefl} of thi~“s»is tanfkm from tlieagrcemenc qdp;F§)t'$wi:!’:tt%ha;§: préggfil %fl.a1ni0nd,V' we%wit1‘Aaflirme tlmmatmr of, than Prcmcflaciom ta . have” been A (indne judgerpentf wf this Mkmbly) Eqmzllg True, and Righraow ; frqm yvhencg 1:: W111 follow,» that if. this mould, ag¢‘Or-ding to tficifw P!‘1“‘3W“3‘“’5a either ‘f“m°dm'-¢!Y 0!’ by mflcafléwy cumiequence contra?- d.1&cha»I; Protafi%at1%ons therem they mufi ganfgffgim to M “WWW, falfle, prunnghteam; and» wgmuzm fewer i»tdoeh poficivafy diflim, frame 11:, tzhewcha Trt¢tI:,¢Eqsiazty5am;d Rig/9tew2fiwe_g‘mfA fig mug be cam fefli-fed no he harem) my proved théin: beiwg:Apmmi;1ad,,1¢w, Acompm A marggnher this C ovemm and that Pmteflmciouo Them wwwotefiad than we would with our lizru, five. defimd the * % V %‘1)~a«:SErim- ofa/ow Church England E indefinitely ] Whichia undi@ubg_.; edlycomrained in the +39~Ar.:ic1esg mama anm_£;:rct»crArcicxcasa£ im~wh{wWaM~:~ I17-4_I"645'»by the commom ammw in Parfia-- mm” agjsmnrfi lhd Amchblihop of Gmm-wbmkjr) am l§’li*Ied1 The 39.. Airun tic-law of tin: 6'5m¢bEnglmd*afla5lx7£red by At? of Fmlidmdfitg and in I theifix and Ehimt«ic”§:h**of ttmfa Anticlfeahl ia.avomafhcI, that tho‘ Bank ayfi A: Ganfiarmtion; afe%V£k51:[b0pJ‘dfld1‘3ifb0f?f, Md Wdaerifig qf’ Priqfirifl mdz. %_ @M‘6W~%.Wnfirmed Axartmritj afAPafrlidmcW, dark czmmih all‘t%b¢?;%.¢, nzceffary tafi4cbCwgfi'cratzon.nnd Orderingx ‘ Ahm;b,m]g;,,g 5;, _;»,3£p. . 4 % 4 god!» I ( 3) A raifizig and managingof thiofe Arms, for the maix1ta§n'ing o'fw'h'ic'h this Covenant is ordained. _ j A 4 So then the whola forceAof their perfwafion will depend upon thew “ third Argument, and the proofuf it, which (toavoid any ermur in examining)[_haIl be again p‘I*op0r;md¢d : _ ’ 2 % There 14 (almofi nathmg in tlaév C‘a7/wmnt, gaalaic/9% WM matfarfigéfl ./‘‘*”“r'‘' ‘it’??? ‘T-"'P"€fl3ci, or mamgfifily included in the Pratafim‘. an, .M4j“’AA5. 1 6 4. I. T/mefarc this Cavenmt ‘gaetbfartk in its awéflrengtla, wit/afmb can-s ‘ wincing evidence qf Equity . T wt/9 mu1Rz' lat % ~ . - ad’ not wi{f;:!1y {gnommt or mifiraélykduwedfinfifgfifgjgggzmfagifi E: the Gawanaagé 4. A % ‘ ' A A ,. 7 . Rafi. I . A e are not able: by all _c-hofe wayea of 1* .' f‘ ' \ Ah-A A We have hithfif£0 beifn H1736, to difbovev the infer‘£?1z;n;rnh%c§1§:: fiffé maclw If by the flrength of Atheir fizlid reajm it may poffibly a made to appear, “yet we are conéfidcmtha depcmdcnce is; 170 dce and fa. $ cm, than it ought mm (to me endfor which this d,;1;,0,,,r1-eh dmamd tube intended) hawe’becn left? unrcvealed; 2. Wheraas»theArgL1mentVqfthe ewidmtE 't% T A5 A 43% %% teazafiyefl} of thi~“s»is tanfkm from tlieagrcemenc qdp;F§)t'$wi:!’:tt%ha;§: préggfil %fl.a1ni0nd,V' we%wit1‘Aaflirme tlmmatmr of, than Prcmcflaciom ta . have” been A (indne judgerpentf wf this Mkmbly) Eqmzllg True, and Righraow ; frqm yvhencg 1:: W111 follow,» that if. this mould, ag¢‘Or-ding to tficifw P!‘1“‘3W“3‘“’5a either ‘f“m°dm'-¢!Y 0!’ by mflcafléwy cumiequence contra?- d.1&cha»I; Protafi%at1%ons therem they mufi ganfgffgim to M “WWW, falfle, prunnghteam; and» wgmuzm fewer i»tdoeh poficivafy diflim, frame 11:, tzhewcha Trt¢tI:,¢Eqsiazty5am;d Rig/9tew2fiwe_g‘mfA fig mug be cam fefli-fed no he harem) my proved théin: beiwg:Apmmi;1ad,,1¢w, Acompm A marggnher this C ovemm and that Pmteflmciouo Them wwwotefiad than we would with our lizru, five. defimd the * % V %‘1)~a«:SErim- ofa/ow Church England E indefinitely ] Whichia undi@ubg_.; edlycomrained in the +39~Ar.:ic1esg mama anm_£;:rct»crArcicxcasa£ im~wh{wWaM~:~ I17-4_I"645'»by the commom ammw in Parfia-- mm” agjsmnrfi lhd Amchblihop of Gmm-wbmkjr) am l§’li*Ied1 The 39.. Airun tic-law of tin: 6'5m¢bEnglmd*afla5lx7£red by At? of Fmlidmdfitg and in I theifix and Ehimt«ic”§:h**of ttmfa Anticlfeahl ia.avomafhcI, that tho‘ Bank ayfi A: Ganfiarmtion; afe%V£k51:[b0pJ‘dfld1‘3ifb0f?f, Md Wdaerifig qf’ Priqfirifl mdz. %_ @M‘6W~%.Wnfirmed Axartmritj afAPafrlidmcW, dark czmmih all‘t%b¢?;%.¢, nzceffary tafi4cbCwgfi'cratzon.nnd Orderingx ‘ Ahm;b,m]g;,,g 5;, _;»,3£p. . 4 % 4 god!» I <40) A %%%% A‘ gmily. This book ,alll:rteth_., that if £5: ctzidtitttct aI{mm,. aalggw,-,1) ,Qma~,' iaz2ljl;S'tr-ipturektndancient e/.{ml:mr.t, that from the Apoflfar time: ;and‘1)c4caWn:, wbiz:lJAO_fiEaer: were etfsrmzm bad in reverent gyfimgtggm » lnwheteforc We there protcflcd with am lines, an-an to defznd that it is not ungodly (therefore not lfalfe D;o&rine)~ to fay, lT1,ac cm,-gem: V V her: /9422: [men thefn Order: affl/Iinzflerx in the Clmrc/9, Bi//}op:5‘75yAi{[;;J % reading of AthAcA Holy Scripturgrs willhelp to make it Vevidgm, that “ A from the Apofiles times there have been Bilhops, which could hog b‘e,nunlefl'e the Scriptures did teflific, that in the Apoltles 'tlme8*'t'hcy, watt»- One ofthe Prayers alfo («fit lax armzdi lax doccndi) [hug bggjflg: .41/mi‘glat}God', giver af2n§"gaadAt/sings, which 5} :11} 3]”-".t Am “Pi Y painted divers order: of Minx:/ferxl inrdtéj Clmrcla, marcifitllj étbold tbgs flay fierwtrzt new mllzd to the workand mimfler] leaf‘ (3 3,‘f5,,],5 an the n defied Bifhop is afterward required to profelfi: Tbatbe air 4 AA that /9: :25 two!) called to tbzkflfinléfizratian according to the will ogfgifzaij V ftdfrom thiaI.eagueand‘Covenant. .. ' ,‘ *Ai§h‘rFA‘h¢..Kll1S~°“h‘~Bilh°EP! * Ia;/m Cb:-if}. And by confequencewc there didprotefi to’defend~ l thatlalfo 5 and confcquently (upon their own principlcg it is ”m__jI qmzll and xmriglatc.-am to fwcar to thcextirparion of them. _ , 4‘ ‘ Again in that Protefiation therewasr nothing come: ‘ ‘t ' h 1 _“ ‘ dtavourihg the prcfétvation of the Doflrine, Difciplincflggdt Vl/jail-.. \ fllgip of thechurch of Scotland, the Reformation of the Doflring A of-theGl1urcrh0fEnglmId. Moreover in that we rot R d 5 * .. ljthe Adefcnce of the Kings Perlon , hccprding tg out‘ ”c§I1:g;f:’:‘£; whichhere we do not aifolmcly. {wear to, to maintain the L4», qf ,5; Land, theLilvertyAqf t/am: Su6,jc&;~ ¢md.A~on¢Aly mj,{,f 47 A 6: A ’ M lawfully we aim}, which here are omitted. Mahny gtxhjfdtlflzrihéz may bcohférved. If you they (hall fay, that there is nothing (31,, W1 A molt) in thiaowhich ianot in that, or nothing of moment; C which n molt b: the. meaning ifthcirmgumentbe ofa A‘ fl = A ; * - 3 may A not be thought uim-ea l'ona%ble, if lweAdcfire‘(w1ltyl1 lgahfrg‘ * _Maje{t1e)torenew thatflroceflation. thatwe may bmhcreby ‘exam fterthc ptopofall of their pcrfwafivco Arguments, they pm“: / tothetaking away of icruplcs not all orm Ifi ff 1, A. - . A- ‘ tothc contrary (asiappcars b;that—.wh’icbwg h:vel§;ma1:;‘;li§:,':,a.-'2,,“fA A tec-lagainl’tthe covenant it felt’) therefore. fnchras they have oholén A ' A out(probably) bccaufa they conceived themlélves bcfltable for ;h¢,°,.,=““ V Anfwcr; .The; fcruplct whichAthey;_fu;9p,ol‘e, gr¢;’ [;{ch%a.:i “mum o A l <40) A %%%% A‘ gmily. This book ,alll:rteth_., that if £5: ctzidtitttct aI{mm,. aalggw,-,1) ,Qma~,' iaz2ljl;S'tr-ipturektndancient e/.{ml:mr.t, that from the Apoflfar time: ;and‘1)c4caWn:, wbiz:lJAO_fiEaer: were etfsrmzm bad in reverent gyfimgtggm » lnwheteforc We there protcflcd with am lines, an-an to defznd that it is not ungodly (therefore not lfalfe D;o&rine)~ to fay, lT1,ac cm,-gem: V V her: /9422: [men thefn Order: affl/Iinzflerx in the Clmrc/9, Bi//}op:5‘75yAi{[;;J % reading of AthAcA Holy Scripturgrs willhelp to make it Vevidgm, that “ A from the Apofiles times there have been Bilhops, which could hog b‘e,nunlefl'e the Scriptures did teflific, that in the Apoltles 'tlme8*'t'hcy, watt»- One ofthe Prayers alfo («fit lax armzdi lax doccndi) [hug bggjflg: .41/mi‘glat}God', giver af2n§"gaadAt/sings, which 5} :11} 3]”-".t Am “Pi Y painted divers order: of Minx:/ferxl inrdtéj Clmrcla, marcifitllj étbold tbgs flay fierwtrzt new mllzd to the workand mimfler] leaf‘ (3 3,‘f5,,],5 an the n defied Bifhop is afterward required to profelfi: Tbatbe air 4 AA that /9: :25 two!) called to tbzkflfinléfizratian according to the will ogfgifzaij V ftdfrom thiaI.eagueand‘Covenant. .. ' ,‘ *Ai§h‘rFA‘h¢..Kll1S~°“h‘~Bilh°EP! * Ia;/m Cb:-if}. And by confequencewc there didprotefi to’defend~ l thatlalfo 5 and confcquently (upon their own principlcg it is ”m__jI qmzll and xmriglatc.-am to fwcar to thcextirparion of them. _ , 4‘ ‘ Again in that Protefiation therewasr nothing come: ‘ ‘t ' h 1 _“ ‘ dtavourihg the prcfétvation of the Doflrine, Difciplincflggdt Vl/jail-.. \ fllgip of thechurch of Scotland, the Reformation of the Doflring A of-theGl1urcrh0fEnglmId. Moreover in that we rot R d 5 * .. ljthe Adefcnce of the Kings Perlon , hccprding tg out‘ ”c§I1:g;f:’:‘£; whichhere we do not aifolmcly. {wear to, to maintain the L4», qf ,5; Land, theLilvertyAqf t/am: Su6,jc&;~ ¢md.A~on¢Aly mj,{,f 47 A 6: A ’ M lawfully we aim}, which here are omitted. Mahny gtxhjfdtlflzrihéz may bcohférved. If you they (hall fay, that there is nothing (31,, W1 A molt) in thiaowhich ianot in that, or nothing of moment; C which n molt b: the. meaning ifthcirmgumentbe ofa A‘ fl = A ; * - 3 may A not be thought uim-ea l'ona%ble, if lweAdcfire‘(w1ltyl1 lgahfrg‘ * _Maje{t1e)torenew thatflroceflation. thatwe may bmhcreby ‘exam fterthc ptopofall of their pcrfwafivco Arguments, they pm“: / tothetaking away of icruplcs not all orm Ifi ff 1, A. - . A- ‘ tothc contrary (asiappcars b;that—.wh’icbwg h:vel§;ma1:;‘;li§:,':,a.-'2,,“fA A tec-lagainl’tthe covenant it felt’) therefore. fnchras they have oholén A ' A out(probably) bccaufa they conceived themlélves bcfltable for ;h¢,°,.,=““ V Anfwcr; .The; fcruplct whichAthey;_fu;9p,ol‘e, gr¢;’ [;{ch%a.:i “mum o A l (41) rrheybcgsn with the tnttitpation of Biflaepé;er “hate firfl mgraga mhfign to prove: that they may, and ought to be extirpatedp; and rafter they addreflb themfelvea to anfwer onetfpeciall objections We? will trherefore in order propound and examine the weightend truth which is in their Arguments. t p . _ The firfl is but an intimation, Some /4] that hG'0‘:_£1£1"?17:Bflflt me: never ‘d farmafl] efiaé-lijlred by the Law: of this Lead art «all. If this were true, which form: fay,the Argument were not offo great forcetodward the taking away of this government, asgit would beof power to confirm us in the belief we hereof the venerable inflitution of thie Govern- ment, when we fhallconfider that our Predeceflbre, who have been the Authors of our Laws, had fuch an efleem of the government by Bifhops, that they thought it altogether needle-HE: formally to defia- blifh it by Law. at New thatthis if any pofitive) confideration might beaground of that which is here intimated (if true) appeared, in that if it were true that it were notfarmll; c;/falalijlmi, yet is it loin. t terwoven withmany of ourtLawa, thattheyand it tnufl fraud or fall together. So that here again we may defire of r them to be tender of % us, who have ptotefled folemnly with our Cl-1CLand. "‘ ~ r . lives to defend the Laws of 2. hTbe lifi: andflml aft’: :2 already tatkgn away 5;: an A&,oW..1 fb 4‘! m-- a thing q“jurz'adz’£Zion remm'm,bet what is preceriam in themfinl voluntary in thofe who f ubmit unto them. I. We cannot acknowledge that any eflentiall part of Epifcopacy“ r (Inch as that which is :19: lifi.-e mcdfml qf it tnufi be)is, or can be rtalgee" away from our Bifhops,whether it be of order or iurzjfdiflian ghowhherer‘ * the outward coercive Power communicated to it by the fiécular arm; “ ' hath beenin the times of the famous Perfiacutions, and may he again r divided pfrotnpit. A 2.’ For the Afiof thin prefent Parliament here mentioned, we {do>(“f believe that there was more taken away innit, then was intended by 57 the main: part of both Houlea at the pafling of it: This] we gather ' outofthofi: words aofhieth/Iaieiiietain his Declaration, Augalzt Am! a whether that/.1 if my penned with that wdriazefjiand animadverfiam other A there was not more determined 5} it,’ than rt/at major part of bath Home ~-‘ intended as tbepaflingoffir, lettbemfelvcxjudge. h 3. Haowererothatwereme cannotpconceivejit real'0hnab”Ie,d,“ that,thtir'edd‘p~ terrzparzzllhhlurifdiéfieré Ihould be taken away :(:aswaa hfuggefied 1”)» theater ’ they.rni‘7ghtrthe better intend their Spiritmzll, and then an argument r V ‘F )2, r ‘ r A made (41) rrheybcgsn with the tnttitpation of Biflaepé;er “hate firfl mgraga mhfign to prove: that they may, and ought to be extirpatedp; and rafter they addreflb themfelvea to anfwer onetfpeciall objections We? will trherefore in order propound and examine the weightend truth which is in their Arguments. t p . _ The firfl is but an intimation, Some /4] that hG'0‘:_£1£1"?17:Bflflt me: never ‘d farmafl] efiaé-lijlred by the Law: of this Lead art «all. If this were true, which form: fay,the Argument were not offo great forcetodward the taking away of this government, asgit would beof power to confirm us in the belief we hereof the venerable inflitution of thie Govern- ment, when we fhallconfider that our Predeceflbre, who have been the Authors of our Laws, had fuch an efleem of the government by Bifhops, that they thought it altogether needle-HE: formally to defia- blifh it by Law. at New thatthis if any pofitive) confideration might beaground of that which is here intimated (if true) appeared, in that if it were true that it were notfarmll; c;/falalijlmi, yet is it loin. t terwoven withmany of ourtLawa, thattheyand it tnufl fraud or fall together. So that here again we may defire of r them to be tender of % us, who have ptotefled folemnly with our Cl-1CLand. "‘ ~ r . lives to defend the Laws of 2. hTbe lifi: andflml aft’: :2 already tatkgn away 5;: an A&,oW..1 fb 4‘! m-- a thing q“jurz'adz’£Zion remm'm,bet what is preceriam in themfinl voluntary in thofe who f ubmit unto them. I. We cannot acknowledge that any eflentiall part of Epifcopacy“ r (Inch as that which is :19: lifi.-e mcdfml qf it tnufi be)is, or can be rtalgee" away from our Bifhops,whether it be of order or iurzjfdiflian ghowhherer‘ * the outward coercive Power communicated to it by the fiécular arm; “ ' hath beenin the times of the famous Perfiacutions, and may he again r divided pfrotnpit. A 2.’ For the Afiof thin prefent Parliament here mentioned, we {do>(“f believe that there was more taken away innit, then was intended by 57 the main: part of both Houlea at the pafling of it: This] we gather ' outofthofi: words aofhieth/Iaieiiietain his Declaration, Augalzt Am! a whether that/.1 if my penned with that wdriazefjiand animadverfiam other A there was not more determined 5} it,’ than rt/at major part of bath Home ~-‘ intended as tbepaflingoffir, lettbemfelvcxjudge. h 3. Haowererothatwereme cannotpconceivejit real'0hnab”Ie,d,“ that,thtir'edd‘p~ terrzparzzllhhlurifdiéfieré Ihould be taken away :(:aswaa hfuggefied 1”)» theater ’ they.rni‘7ghtrthe better intend their Spiritmzll, and then an argument r V ‘F )2, r ‘ r A made 42 «Apofiolimll cazsfl , % not lawfuil to be taken away. ,;;l{‘agt(J gm-r_fI;E£ xwrwman ;% T645 W/£70 kgzawat/5 ms-At .? C-§**a. A as to” queflimm chm inzdgammt of A?.ix;Mioall~ ha.ppincfl“a bayond mczft A thcjt‘ howthmhould baa-oppofita ¢ A which we (by tha r-mercy Qffied) mimy, having % pifcopacy» can be a Zvindmnca A’ A fl'op4¢;y,nra and A have b”¢;cneAw:Z1mfi}&ad;; Qmly repxnfexm, mhattha fame in ch V (42) made 4tota§!c“away the Spirimall caufmthe former is already parted from chm}. A _ A ThAirdly,%¢“T/mt their wlaa/}_: Government :2: ( at 5:]? ) hat a human: cMflitzttiW.] lfthz.-re be 116 fallacy in thcfe words, iris ncccffazzy that wbwlc be cakemnaterially, as it includea each iéverall partz, and not formally cgnely 5% and than We anfwér, Timthe %Oavernmc¢nc {'0 far aamthe ftfiparioritzy af iihaps %abov¢Pteabyters is ( at Ieafi) of V itmiom, a$ ispmves;Al7 in cm: ma {ems againfi tha flacond Aafticlfit and%confeq’zaemly(a3tothat: Whicthis hem fpok:c~n~ofV) ifis Ffiumhly, It 524/wcéi 4.: zésflmdawl m:1jm{gcdéy Iwtér Ham/E: cgf'Parlim- mwr, mt amly wry prAejm3«iciaz!l to the civil: Smzg, my .¢__grc'.zt loindnmca We knew the danger (and if indaedwe did nut _) yct we homr and rjefircfl we ham? (go the vary 11 mm cf Par1iVammw wank}: notLfi.1fl'cr €h¢tW0*H01l§:fm”; omly in this am: A »Qhumh Q5 Gad, W: «cravc leave to rev“ prciintg that we .d4;:m~ nan apprehend hsowr than fl’1;0;t;I1,'d be in in fhaif prcjudiciwfl to the qiwill .S’tm, :ogcch¢Ar with whhzh chc Scam bo£han- ciently and of late, we conceive, hath flourifhed, and erjbyed a'Po-"~ which f'0mTerly concmms cm V of the Nations: oftim earth. Nei- EQ a pgrfiéf Rxrflrmmian,‘ which in our Cenfiziences Weare perfiavaded (and We think may as clearly be proved as m0fiAAmaattemain Evin and conflantly obtained an the p-mefl times of the Primit towhich we, conceive a Ryfizrmatian caught: 1: cad the Chi6f¢*fl,~Iflflrllm¢flt8 and Defendants ofxhat Rbfiarmazian A been Biflmps, form ofwhich Wcrc Marty rs; aAa%Bi£I1op Cranmer, Ridleja Hamper, Lattimar, Remrxg Jewell, Biwm, 6- We cannot fire A A _., unlcflé to {ash aform as‘{i1ppo{csAthau» Epifcappacy mufi beiextirpated. A % %W/dicbjmmedtbn weflwafifidd t)'§araw>dz4.t+ 2?/1&2 in pkiitiflid oflriigmtmt but t/apéran dgfirtd éqfamri Elizabetgh and K ing foray: zotallaéalétsiazs qffikfifd In this which isintendsed £70 it is prcfumed that thofe who have patitiamdfar%% tlm: aéalitian of Epi- fidfiyfla oi thuf: renown!-A Princes, V part: of their; Govermmmt alfo, 56- A icy )Vwaa infiitumi by the Apofllcs 4 iva C!hurChA9 0 be fquarcd : andim ~ to ?What%% Reformation E-[3 W gc;7am_.,~lang% fince tm min: day: qf’QAwtn~ rawproof th¢fovtrthArgum¢nt, (Being; ¢ F at” a» ‘judgement of that we 42 «Apofiolimll cazsfl , % not lawfuil to be taken away. ,;;l{‘agt(J gm-r_fI;E£ xwrwman ;% T645 W/£70 kgzawat/5 ms-At .? C-§**a. A as to” queflimm chm inzdgammt of A?.ix;Mioall~ ha.ppincfl“a bayond mczft A thcjt‘ howthmhould baa-oppofita ¢ A which we (by tha r-mercy Qffied) mimy, having % pifcopacy» can be a Zvindmnca A’ A fl'op4¢;y,nra and A have b”¢;cneAw:Z1mfi}&ad;; Qmly repxnfexm, mhattha fame in ch V (42) made 4tota§!c“away the Spirimall caufmthe former is already parted from chm}. A _ A ThAirdly,%¢“T/mt their wlaa/}_: Government :2: ( at 5:]? ) hat a human: cMflitzttiW.] lfthz.-re be 116 fallacy in thcfe words, iris ncccffazzy that wbwlc be cakemnaterially, as it includea each iéverall partz, and not formally cgnely 5% and than We anfwér, Timthe %Oavernmc¢nc {'0 far aamthe ftfiparioritzy af iihaps %abov¢Pteabyters is ( at Ieafi) of V itmiom, a$ ispmves;Al7 in cm: ma {ems againfi tha flacond Aafticlfit and%confeq’zaemly(a3tothat: Whicthis hem fpok:c~n~ofV) ifis Ffiumhly, It 524/wcéi 4.: zésflmdawl m:1jm{gcdéy Iwtér Ham/E: cgf'Parlim- mwr, mt amly wry prAejm3«iciaz!l to the civil: Smzg, my .¢__grc'.zt loindnmca We knew the danger (and if indaedwe did nut _) yct we homr and rjefircfl we ham? (go the vary 11 mm cf Par1iVammw wank}: notLfi.1fl'cr €h¢tW0*H01l§:fm”; omly in this am: A »Qhumh Q5 Gad, W: «cravc leave to rev“ prciintg that we .d4;:m~ nan apprehend hsowr than fl’1;0;t;I1,'d be in in fhaif prcjudiciwfl to the qiwill .S’tm, :ogcch¢Ar with whhzh chc Scam bo£han- ciently and of late, we conceive, hath flourifhed, and erjbyed a'Po-"~ which f'0mTerly concmms cm V of the Nations: oftim earth. Nei- EQ a pgrfiéf Rxrflrmmian,‘ which in our Cenfiziences Weare perfiavaded (and We think may as clearly be proved as m0fiAAmaattemain Evin and conflantly obtained an the p-mefl times of the Primit towhich we, conceive a Ryfizrmatian caught: 1: cad the Chi6f¢*fl,~Iflflrllm¢flt8 and Defendants ofxhat Rbfiarmazian A been Biflmps, form ofwhich Wcrc Marty rs; aAa%Bi£I1op Cranmer, Ridleja Hamper, Lattimar, Remrxg Jewell, Biwm, 6- We cannot fire A A _., unlcflé to {ash aform as‘{i1ppo{csAthau» Epifcappacy mufi beiextirpated. A % %W/dicbjmmedtbn weflwafifidd t)'§araw>dz4.t+ 2?/1&2 in pkiitiflid oflriigmtmt but t/apéran dgfirtd éqfamri Elizabetgh and K ing foray: zotallaéalétsiazs qffikfifd In this which isintendsed £70 it is prcfumed that thofe who have patitiamdfar%% tlm: aéalitian of Epi- fidfiyfla oi thuf: renown!-A Princes, V part: of their; Govermmmt alfo, 56- A icy )Vwaa infiitumi by the Apofllcs 4 iva C!hurChA9 0 be fquarcd : andim ~ to ?What%% Reformation E-[3 W gc;7am_.,~lang% fince tm min: day: qf’QAwtn~ rawproof th¢fovtrthArgum¢nt, (Being; ¢ F at” a» ‘judgement of that we (43) Princegby mote famous Parliament: held ini their times were rejeéfed A as Ignorant and Sheditioue. And whereaeitie feid ,~ the well effirifed A tbraeglaew the Kingdem, cm". A It cloth,‘ and may appeemchat fince the fitting of this prefent Parliament (and that after difccmntenence given to the: petty‘) more then feurend fqurcy thcufand men afqezeu licyhave petitioned for the continuance of our pref-mt ‘Church-gm _ xvernment :. befides the City «:9? Lgwdafiy the Counties <::fI)ame,, Kent, eSzerre},We/fmerlmzda Cumberland, Semlmmpzae, Lemefler , farewell, Oxfordjéire, 'Z?_,erkef£vire, Wi/3/hire, the fix filires of North eamles , and befidee the two Elmiverfiwties : all the which ~haVc“p?fi£i1Zi9IWd’ for the ehfameh; A A A V A 7 A A ~ h The reflriflien (or what c1l'e)ie here laid dgownwtzhath we are not by this; Covenant: éwnad to efier violence to their perflm: , we pray may be pb.ferved,hby chofe whcr have taken this ;(3ov¢enevut,; or [hell hereafter enterhinto it; for us who are fo perfwaded as we have exprefled , in ' fwmuldh have beenea greater fatiefefiioh, if wewflmuld have beet; to {weerhto-bring the perfbzer efeny who have ofiendeé to a juflc and legal h..trial~l, fo that their Ofifee might heve been continued , then m'c:=xri»».. 4 A per; the 0fi’ice,with an intimation only that we ate neat: neceificetecl to V ofifiwg erialeizce to their per/emae ~ . A That which followegis to takehvhoff onely fcrhple which they would fuppofe to remain, the oath efflemonicefi cabediheneee, wherein Clergy--men have {worn to am tkeBifEéep:,£n licirzés €23» beeefiie; We will propound their Argumenm h 14. Tbejhmhieb /mm fwem oécdimce to the Laws of the Lemlmmyjetee endeavour their «eczema hm lawful! may T lsierefiw tebeywbiob £1ge*zIe. [worn in 06:} atheh Bi/Imp: my henwwazmr the abolition of‘ Bifbe J‘. . h g » 7 V A I We die nfztat: fee this eoniequence from-«the Law to theLew-giver,oz* the Authbticy it {elf from whence the Law is derived”. . h “ltfbilowa-'J(‘POI1:chi:'B Hypetlaej/ix than they‘ who havefworn en 0-- bey the iniunfiione of Billlhpa, may endeavour hm lewfullhwejthee‘ healtcration or abolition of thofe injunfiioneg but toiefer their corr- :. W :. 233» Mmezflegs eratbeafehew enrgjed-.izeteea9-Oetbeeetwzrremeg A eclufiknm the Hjpathaflk mufi have been. that notwiithfliandingeom om-Ia made to my the Lem made.b_y the Kiengandhhthe two Houfee of: Parliament, we may mdeawmwta eéelifbeche K'ing‘an;d bath Hollies ofiv e ‘Paglia;/ment.e h h — » W ~ A V » - 1% Their ficond Argument is this 2+ ‘ (43) Princegby mote famous Parliament: held ini their times were rejeéfed A as Ignorant and Sheditioue. And whereaeitie feid ,~ the well effirifed A tbraeglaew the Kingdem, cm". A It cloth,‘ and may appeemchat fince the fitting of this prefent Parliament (and that after difccmntenence given to the: petty‘) more then feurend fqurcy thcufand men afqezeu licyhave petitioned for the continuance of our pref-mt ‘Church-gm _ xvernment :. befides the City «:9? Lgwdafiy the Counties <::fI)ame,, Kent, eSzerre},We/fmerlmzda Cumberland, Semlmmpzae, Lemefler , farewell, Oxfordjéire, 'Z?_,erkef£vire, Wi/3/hire, the fix filires of North eamles , and befidee the two Elmiverfiwties : all the which ~haVc“p?fi£i1Zi9IWd’ for the ehfameh; A A A V A 7 A A ~ h The reflriflien (or what c1l'e)ie here laid dgownwtzhath we are not by this; Covenant: éwnad to efier violence to their perflm: , we pray may be pb.ferved,hby chofe whcr have taken this ;(3ov¢enevut,; or [hell hereafter enterhinto it; for us who are fo perfwaded as we have exprefled , in ' fwmuldh have beenea greater fatiefefiioh, if wewflmuld have beet; to {weerhto-bring the perfbzer efeny who have ofiendeé to a juflc and legal h..trial~l, fo that their Ofifee might heve been continued , then m'c:=xri»».. 4 A per; the 0fi’ice,with an intimation only that we ate neat: neceificetecl to V ofifiwg erialeizce to their per/emae ~ . A That which followegis to takehvhoff onely fcrhple which they would fuppofe to remain, the oath efflemonicefi cabediheneee, wherein Clergy--men have {worn to am tkeBifEéep:,£n licirzés €23» beeefiie; We will propound their Argumenm h 14. Tbejhmhieb /mm fwem oécdimce to the Laws of the Lemlmmyjetee endeavour their «eczema hm lawful! may T lsierefiw tebeywbiob £1ge*zIe. [worn in 06:} atheh Bi/Imp: my henwwazmr the abolition of‘ Bifbe J‘. . h g » 7 V A I We die nfztat: fee this eoniequence from-«the Law to theLew-giver,oz* the Authbticy it {elf from whence the Law is derived”. . h “ltfbilowa-'J(‘POI1:chi:'B Hypetlaej/ix than they‘ who havefworn en 0-- bey the iniunfiione of Billlhpa, may endeavour hm lewfullhwejthee‘ healtcration or abolition of thofe injunfiioneg but toiefer their corr- :. W :. 233» Mmezflegs eratbeafehew enrgjed-.izeteea9-Oetbeeetwzrremeg A eclufiknm the Hjpathaflk mufi have been. that notwiithfliandingeom om-Ia made to my the Lem made.b_y the Kiengandhhthe two Houfee of: Parliament, we may mdeawmwta eéelifbeche K'ing‘an;d bath Hollies ofiv e ‘Paglia;/ment.e h h — » W ~ A V » - 1% Their ficond Argument is this 2+ ‘ I , A (A44) ‘ A A God: Word erode the Lem»: ofthe Lewd , feech Oetho callfor repeeea"-"BA % mfiémnot pertinoo} in them. AErgo,notw£zh§?ondmgezhe.0ezth off‘. V Anonicolleohedieece, Minifler: we} endeavour the eoctzrpatxon of %A Bijh_op.t'.. A‘ c AA o 7 ‘A A . WeA believe,that»t:o have cleared this confequence , they ought: too have proved that «the Oath of Canonical! ohedience is not .warranted by' Attlze Word of God,or the Law of the Lewd, whicho {icing they have not clone, Athefcruple,uotwithfiandiag this Argument, will vflilolo rAema1nA. ' A A ‘ A ~ do A A A I A A l A Havingthue done with Epifizopacy, they proceed to fuch liruples olconfcience as they fiappofi may arife from that which concerne- His Majefly ; And therethe defign is to prove, that this Covenanc wmaye be rakenmotwithanding the 4 Oath: of.S'eopremezcy emd A/!e_giemce already taken, and notwixhflandingfiche mmt of Hi: L/‘Wajoflieo conflmte 7 - A V % I . Thief 0AoAthA hind: o¢ll,andmoreflrongl7 eugdgeth them Atoprefer-we M defi'1s?d'Athe Kingrtfldazjefiiee Pergfimmxd Authority in the prefi,-rm» A I «ovation and defiwce of the tzfeee Religion and clihertie: of the King; A AA A dome ; therefore, A A It doth not crojfe the Oath: of Supremacy and Allegiance. Weanfwer, I .The Oaths of Suprem any and Allegiance were ordai- ‘ ned Aagainfl cholé , who would not have deniedto {wear in thefe very A gworda , To preform and defend Hi: Majqflie: ‘Pcrfiopmnd fluthorit} in A A -the preferwtion and defence ofthe true Relegion enodlihertie: of the King... « ‘A edcom ; Thereforenotwichfianding this" Argumenqthis Covenant may, crofle the Oaths of Supremlaéy and Allegiance. 2. Tbatfthis Oathmay be t alien without Hole Jletojofliee confenAAt.:hc 1- A .w“Qu1d prove by ‘examplegeicher ModAcrn,Aor out of Screipturegas e " eI§AThe‘Prot{/fationtjlffflj “taken Withwt“'Ht3'§.JWaje_*/fie: l . A Acwfinh n \ “ A Adidonot think wetook it without his Majeflies confcnc , and A one realbn we will exprefle in their words of the fame Paragraph, Becdflfi gfizh Majefiylldid Anotfficoocept Adgaiaofl z't,orgi+veo4nyfiop to the tie, l Iéflg it,czlhee't he name then refident in perfim dt Whitehall. ~ M-.roAeeo.Meeem;eo,Ezra 10;Nel1em.‘9“. Neh.1. eongeeg"ezo,_ A A and em: them menial! /ere/antwto éfrtoxerxeoe, drewezll the pea. A ‘ A Macaw-.e ple fnto 4; Co-zze22ezo2t,1aéith%oo1t the j]7ecz'oz!! Gommf/flan of A the P3,]; 4” V Caf?endnt,lnto.wl§lchA .:rezA peoiale Ezra I , A (A44) ‘ A A God: Word erode the Lem»: ofthe Lewd , feech Oetho callfor repeeea"-"BA % mfiémnot pertinoo} in them. AErgo,notw£zh§?ondmgezhe.0ezth off‘. V Anonicolleohedieece, Minifler: we} endeavour the eoctzrpatxon of %A Bijh_op.t'.. A‘ c AA o 7 ‘A A . WeA believe,that»t:o have cleared this confequence , they ought: too have proved that «the Oath of Canonical! ohedience is not .warranted by' Attlze Word of God,or the Law of the Lewd, whicho {icing they have not clone, Athefcruple,uotwithfiandiag this Argument, will vflilolo rAema1nA. ' A A ‘ A ~ do A A A I A A l A Havingthue done with Epifizopacy, they proceed to fuch liruples olconfcience as they fiappofi may arife from that which concerne- His Majefly ; And therethe defign is to prove, that this Covenanc wmaye be rakenmotwithanding the 4 Oath: of.S'eopremezcy emd A/!e_giemce already taken, and notwixhflandingfiche mmt of Hi: L/‘Wajoflieo conflmte 7 - A V % I . Thief 0AoAthA hind: o¢ll,andmoreflrongl7 eugdgeth them Atoprefer-we M defi'1s?d'Athe Kingrtfldazjefiiee Pergfimmxd Authority in the prefi,-rm» A I «ovation and defiwce of the tzfeee Religion and clihertie: of the King; A AA A dome ; therefore, A A It doth not crojfe the Oath: of Supremacy and Allegiance. Weanfwer, I .The Oaths of Suprem any and Allegiance were ordai- ‘ ned Aagainfl cholé , who would not have deniedto {wear in thefe very A gworda , To preform and defend Hi: Majqflie: ‘Pcrfiopmnd fluthorit} in A A -the preferwtion and defence ofthe true Relegion enodlihertie: of the King... « ‘A edcom ; Thereforenotwichfianding this" Argumenqthis Covenant may, crofle the Oaths of Supremlaéy and Allegiance. 2. Tbatfthis Oathmay be t alien without Hole Jletojofliee confenAAt.:hc 1- A .w“Qu1d prove by ‘examplegeicher ModAcrn,Aor out of Screipturegas e " eI§AThe‘Prot{/fationtjlffflj “taken Withwt“'Ht3'§.JWaje_*/fie: l . A Acwfinh n \ “ A Adidonot think wetook it without his Majeflies confcnc , and A one realbn we will exprefle in their words of the fame Paragraph, Becdflfi gfizh Majefiylldid Anotfficoocept Adgaiaofl z't,orgi+veo4nyfiop to the tie, l Iéflg it,czlhee't he name then refident in perfim dt Whitehall. ~ M-.roAeeo.Meeem;eo,Ezra 10;Nel1em.‘9“. Neh.1. eongeeg"ezo,_ A A and em: them menial! /ere/antwto éfrtoxerxeoe, drewezll the pea. A ‘ A Macaw-.e ple fnto 4; Co-zze22ezo2t,1aéith%oo1t the j]7ecz'oz!! Gommf/flan of A the P3,]; 4” V Caf?endnt,lnto.wl§lchA .:rezA peoiale Ezra I (45) A 1&3. ‘ to have baento pat am] all theffr4#ge’nw£oe: , A and fiech ea: we Earn afzhem, accarding tooth: oamsfilf of the La-re{;ezm1wftha/e that tramw- hleezt the Cohmmemdemeht ofqael, and that according to the Lemar. V ' ” And thanof Nehe°m1'.».:h,e(Nehem. 9. 85 lo. 29.) isnexpreflcd to have been :56 nrfe em} em Oath to wezllgjn Gad: Lmsmwhich mu given éy Mau _/es the fervemt of GM’; arm! to ahflrw and do all h the oznmeéntlchzentk e}". h‘ the Lard,emd hzh Iudgemmt: and hés Statutes. h % h A , A ' The Commiflion of N ehemieeh, (bcfides what is mentioned N_ehe-; miahz.) cannot be denied to be the fame which Sam had obtained, V which is cxprcfléd €~":;m the 7-,A In the 7.0f.E2:r'4, V. 26. we'findhth’ish as a pact; of his Cammifhon : Whofaewr will not doth: Law afthj Gad, «with: Law of the K ihg , le%tjn:a'gement he-exehuted jjveeelilj npm him, whether ‘it he unto dm:h,or hanzyhmentaar to confifcaticm ofgaod.r,ar 1‘) im... pr£fonmeg¢t.~ W herefom we cannot: but extreamly wonder thatthefe Covenants here mentioned ,' {honld be laid to have bean entered hm Awithmt the canfimt afthePerfi'4hMonnrchs;an AHi°:;tio4n to us To ¢xcée# 7‘ dingly iféconfidecrlatga that oggspprehcnfion of the failings in it: can- not in a new wor 3 e cxprc 1: .~ A V A ‘ V A As for than of He::..el(§ezh_., which follows at f'orne'di{’cance,wemighm anfwer , that it is not , Anon: can in be proved out of the Scripture, that the keeping of the Taffamr was not confhnfited" to byeflafim K hug hf ‘Imel. I-Ioweverjf the revolt; of the ten Tribes were indeed a rebel» 4"‘ 4 lion , as it iabelieved by many of the mofl famous D1vincs( _, ,then ‘((1 )6")/2g_"1'l.44!/e’;'«:-«T why might not Hemekiah juflly fend Proclamation: to them , to yoyn and Calvin; in A A with him in a Covenant,although the King oflfimllhould poficivcly ’ gfeislffi. i. A, ‘N e ?’2)1£8.0tc7 W havadiflcnted? % ‘ But not to infifl upon negative Anfwers, or anything whichmaye to Dr Fm, I no... A e ". ' it he controvcrtcd, pvunanfwcr 1. Tnac a&0f‘Hezckg4h,oWaS a bare m- e vitation. 2... Thai: to which he invited them was new Leezgeze 0r‘('o-‘ ' oenangbuu. (that which the Law of God enjoyned ) the ah/érmtian of the Pnfjhver .~ which was fomc yecrcs after the Covenant mentioned, 2 Ghra.29.- 3 That it was at that time when Ifmel had not‘ the face of a Kingdom,,thcir King being. incaptivicy under the King of 'A_[]}r£h. j Which two latter anfwers are ioyntl-y proved by this following Dill» M courfe. Th: Cavenant was made in 1”” Henelgie, 2 Chron. 29. the P.»/zfi ‘ [bvér wasenot celcbratedtill after the captivity, 2 Chroh. go. 6. V There A was no hcapcivityo mentioned till after this firfl ohyecrhof AH:-Ge/{1_}zho Thnicfore the [éwnant and Pafliafuer were not kept in the {amt year ,1 and thmfoye alfo .1510./7J§g was iii eapeivicy, beforechiainviucacionot ‘ A A 4 ' ‘ ‘ :A A e A M A A tflezefieh Puller anfwonf ' I (45) A 1&3. ‘ to have baento pat am] all theffr4#ge’nw£oe: , A and fiech ea: we Earn afzhem, accarding tooth: oamsfilf of the La-re{;ezm1wftha/e that tramw- hleezt the Cohmmemdemeht ofqael, and that according to the Lemar. V ' ” And thanof Nehe°m1'.».:h,e(Nehem. 9. 85 lo. 29.) isnexpreflcd to have been :56 nrfe em} em Oath to wezllgjn Gad: Lmsmwhich mu given éy Mau _/es the fervemt of GM’; arm! to ahflrw and do all h the oznmeéntlchzentk e}". h‘ the Lard,emd hzh Iudgemmt: and hés Statutes. h % h A , A ' The Commiflion of N ehemieeh, (bcfides what is mentioned N_ehe-; miahz.) cannot be denied to be the fame which Sam had obtained, V which is cxprcfléd €~":;m the 7-,A In the 7.0f.E2:r'4, V. 26. we'findhth’ish as a pact; of his Cammifhon : Whofaewr will not doth: Law afthj Gad, «with: Law of the K ihg , le%tjn:a'gement he-exehuted jjveeelilj npm him, whether ‘it he unto dm:h,or hanzyhmentaar to confifcaticm ofgaod.r,ar 1‘) im... pr£fonmeg¢t.~ W herefom we cannot: but extreamly wonder thatthefe Covenants here mentioned ,' {honld be laid to have bean entered hm Awithmt the canfimt afthePerfi'4hMonnrchs;an AHi°:;tio4n to us To ¢xcée# 7‘ dingly iféconfidecrlatga that oggspprehcnfion of the failings in it: can- not in a new wor 3 e cxprc 1: .~ A V A ‘ V A As for than of He::..el(§ezh_., which follows at f'orne'di{’cance,wemighm anfwer , that it is not , Anon: can in be proved out of the Scripture, that the keeping of the Taffamr was not confhnfited" to byeflafim K hug hf ‘Imel. I-Ioweverjf the revolt; of the ten Tribes were indeed a rebel» 4"‘ 4 lion , as it iabelieved by many of the mofl famous D1vincs( _, ,then ‘((1 )6")/2g_"1'l.44!/e’;'«:-«T why might not Hemekiah juflly fend Proclamation: to them , to yoyn and Calvin; in A A with him in a Covenant,although the King oflfimllhould poficivcly ’ gfeislffi. i. A, ‘N e ?’2)1£8.0tc7 W havadiflcnted? % ‘ But not to infifl upon negative Anfwers, or anything whichmaye to Dr Fm, I no... A e ". ' it he controvcrtcd, pvunanfwcr 1. Tnac a&0f‘Hezckg4h,oWaS a bare m- e vitation. 2... Thai: to which he invited them was new Leezgeze 0r‘('o-‘ ' oenangbuu. (that which the Law of God enjoyned ) the ah/érmtian of the Pnfjhver .~ which was fomc yecrcs after the Covenant mentioned, 2 Ghra.29.- 3 That it was at that time when Ifmel had not‘ the face of a Kingdom,,thcir King being. incaptivicy under the King of 'A_[]}r£h. j Which two latter anfwers are ioyntl-y proved by this following Dill» M courfe. Th: Cavenant was made in 1”” Henelgie, 2 Chron. 29. the P.»/zfi ‘ [bvér wasenot celcbratedtill after the captivity, 2 Chroh. go. 6. V There A was no hcapcivityo mentioned till after this firfl ohyecrhof AH:-Ge/{1_}zho Thnicfore the [éwnant and Pafliafuer were not kept in the {amt year ,1 and thmfoye alfo .1510./7J§g was iii eapeivicy, beforechiainviucacionot ‘ A A 4 ' ‘ ‘ :A A e A M A A tflezefieh Puller anfwonf ' ' (+6) 'E27t.e::e/{in/7. Theiaft of thepremilfea cwhichoneny canbedoubcecu is :,hus. gsravfiad ,. %bcca».%u{e*the fizrft time zxprcfli-d ( which we read in E~‘3e:;~E§:rs;:;2m ,} cxé .3‘;:a!.'wm»:mfm comnain=;:g11'p againfi Ifi*ml‘A ia the fourth} year: }:;~§ Kmg Hamegzm, 2 King. 1 8.9. It no wife followeth chm-‘dome £5?-m tiaiw :-3-;&% of I+Im,r=~!.gi:eia_a»2d t/'9: mm af"Ifimel , was igt is Iawfufl m A impo fe,or anger a Cowemzmtbwisfaowt the cmfint afzfiaa King. T A A Now” after thefa infiancmof “Scfipturgthey betake thamflielves cg; V madern ex ampies , from whence they would infer mare than a barn Eawfuines to entezr a: Covenant Witlaazut rise Ifingx can/2-nt,vi%z.%a11 allow-r mm of Sub}-efisiayxxing in.Arms againfl their Soveraigngwhich they Vklfltfld warrant from the afiions of Q§75M5“baK-7M9r:,audmrgm-5% aims Sawmign. Here we: mufi indeed i’x=.:genu%o”ufly profeflje, that we haw‘: notbzcien fufficicntly exercifed in paffages of State, to give a full fiatiffafiimn in all chefs parti.cu“Iairs; wherefore we {hall not ofom {gives interpofif at all, oneiy brieflyfffpeaék to their imfi.mcésaA% V ;. As concerning the aflmaxzxce of, and the canfidrracj with the Wté~m Trwimrrx, we (hall tmnfcribe for. ihtiffaftiow, a part of a Dav mlaration of Q. €lz“.w:.aé:rb, who fi~%1ffl%V entmzd upzsm their VAfl3flan%ce; the ‘D:.?C§’ar‘MiDfl'i£ “emim1~ed, .21 DA'wl4mtiam cf the vazufiéur mfiwiug the Q0 England M giw azyd to the dwfimce cy‘z‘£w people affliffm’ and appraflfied in the [am Comzmiwa This Dec] aracion was put forth, I 5 8;; and in the S3 &: 9. pages it hath theft words. ‘ % { ‘ “ A And é7‘un:'hermm'e, as a gaod Imving Sifier to him, and’ a natural] A ‘F good Nmighbaur to his Low‘ Counmes and people, we have often, "‘ and often againfi. mofl: frimédmly warned him 1; that if he did not 0- “t‘herwifi=.- gby his wifdom and Princely clemency reftmin we Ty- “ ran my ofif his Gmremmxrs, and cruelty of his mm M war, we feared “that: the people af his Countrysfllould be forcedbfcar fafety of their “ livea, and for Acuntimuance emf their native Cauntrey in cheirfirwr ‘°f;"me of M-ir /iéartias, totfcek the prormfiion of Fame othcrforraign “ Lord, A 0r“rather :0» yield mhemrfélves wholyto thesoveraigmzy of “ foma mighty «Prince, ax by the amcient Law: aftbeir‘ faantrcys‘, and "‘ 5} ifiaciwfl privfledgvx granted éyfbma of the Lard: and Dwhztr of tbaf 5‘ foflmriwzw the }mpl¢, they dimpvt~‘eten%d and aflirm, that in cafiesmf “ /"ml: gwnwafil infufl%Li¢e, and uponfuscb violent breaking of theirpfiw “ aviledgcx ,; rhejr are fret from: their former Homage! , and at liberty‘ 0? (70 make choice of any other Prince, to be their Prince and Head’. “ Tim pram" A wmrmr by exa\rnplea%pafi'is m be {ecu and read? in %the f‘f'ancicm% Hivfiwim of divam ah:e,r§tnioo;g dam» . Goa =b€§-Om Om, £5,333: mg {Mm jgagarrm gwes us was azlm‘ exccéient Mgr :13}; 5mg. V manit imga Epifl. a2dTmIlim¢, -{4} It év.ecc~mmet£r cw}: szf jrm, mad ¢vj}m'i~ wwZrv1j3“e4's 71-- 12} the Prera'7]t¢=r:, to c>’aerif5 the 3W0?» ‘'9 55’? 50”“? GW3’5!7¢' -F £15979 '4”: WZ";\7f?”’ ‘1 ‘ .2 » I u ‘ ‘ - 19 G1; 77? ‘ 110 Wa‘oz.4r Lam’ Iafw Cbrg/5% % ‘ A V A Md‘ §€a4s'oo;g dam» . Goa =b€§-Om Om, £5,333: mg {Mm jgagarrm gwes us was azlm‘ exccéient Mgr :13}; 5mg. V manit imga Epifl. a2dTmIlim¢, -{4} It év.ecc~mmet£r cw}: szf jrm, mad ¢vj}m'i~ wwZrv1j3“e4's 71-- 12} the Prera'7]t¢=r:, to c>’aerif5 the 3W0?» ‘'9 55’? 50”“? GW3’5!7¢' -F £15979 '4”: WZ";\7f?”’ ‘1 ‘ .2 » I u ‘ ‘ - 19 G1; 77? ‘ 110 Wa‘oz.4r Lam’ Iafw Cbrg/5% % ‘ A V A Md‘ §€a4s'o