’ '4 M - a ',.‘ ‘ ‘ N4 V‘ ‘ “ ‘ ' A ‘ v "“ "' ~ m ' ‘ , ‘ am,LAv4’A4gn%4 VdeEét¢ffe‘Afi7¢ ~pAram%ione glifcretio 5AA q¢;i.¢ A Jaepedeamiczswcomm W . ‘ ‘ .‘ W ‘ ‘ . _ lAa7te; 0leAm%n [8g2gM‘A8 . and Czmemzizt is A A =%Seriyoju~flyAExamineci, LSAcho1a&iflca11y%%4%and~ Soiidly % g _‘ 4 . C4onfi.1tcd:~%For the Right info1"%1ni11g%of ” U » Wcikand T<:nderA VConAfcienccs, zind the: V ’ 1J13de<:civx11g of the Erro%11Veo"us. ‘ i 3......"- 4 A -»Wri:cc111A0ng fincein Prsifon, by V 1 J N H-EL E, ii has-.. “.7 .v--‘- PubA1i{hcdAby“ ETAR. CiIaA1{’Y SOL. A D n ililv-':l'%c’:.,A£?W.é%zA71‘gf%%(o'z’eztca’:%,%% y”etVf1veakA'e{éA, A‘ 7 A » 1 A 'L4a¢N13"‘o_%N.:_ V 1‘, A‘ ‘A ‘M! A‘ ‘_ _A, n) ‘ A ‘ A AU Li M, - _ _ 4 m 1 I an ;AA ‘An ,. vrtq, q-,.'z;mqr3 ‘A .t 7 n vtyfi) A _ ‘AEM ‘I ‘ -Am‘ ‘ ‘ ‘W. ‘A A11d A1ieAvAér~ u11tiAI nc:$\«V made‘ known to A the \W'O1fA1ci,§ A ; A 7 0 HM MIQECL 0 .14 ‘G%H,'vyzga £4‘ %TJ:§~132”f, % Chaplain to the I(iz/gr: fiiofl E..~c;e_[/emf .M.,»zj¢:fly” 4 A Ifiziflzk pr0W_2mfio% A; A f0rR~ R0yfl0i¢A%atAAthé¢% Afigel in Afwlahe. :45. V5 gag ' azaaazaaaaaasaaaaaaazaaamas V‘ '4 ~SirEdWard V Ayéde Kfiiht’ C/a4m11orand2Jnde:r_ Tréafiarer; afkfi efiics ..ExcI2eqicer 4Lo‘rd4%'%Cl:£n1ceIlor 4 England, and one of l2zl:%.%Majc_:Pcics ‘A VMofz‘Honaml7leM Priwyfiounfél. MYA L 0 ED: % \. \i‘ ._ ‘ V‘ C U‘. . H: .~.~..>~~_-~,_; _ xx». ‘ - 5%. 0115 5 V%*w/do ( in imimtion. pf 15: AM 31111 Of Righceoufncfs ) [is rifcn a fif;zl.xb. 4. x. . . %%w¢*z‘a;mwztb hcalingz2z%VltzI:H:;7iI1g:.% A A A % ‘VT/9: rébe11ious%4re indemnified» &¢7¢d N?{t’tr fins made Avenialfl by it : the Loyal and charie tablé am.’mzrc,a2m’ rcjoyce in it... “To t/mt over-ruling 4 P‘°Vide*?¢WI¥r?}‘w‘a in tlaréfirfiyGa1amities 5’ C12: 100 égreq lAl4;4§,g Iyigb for me no :m:'m2.‘2zte._ VNefx{ :0 tlmz.‘ private érazenl iwatfl of yozgrferene Confcictfnce A;-,7 »lj:owA”/14¢3¢u,tbe publique teflimony af rmrwmo/£.~.Gr4qio;u Soveraigra, to minaef: ylom? Fidelity : and it zkwrittefl ;;i2¢g%0lldez,a gC5.»:»,«q, U N we q "" ‘ ”"lf‘ '1"‘§" "‘ _V1rtue : and your %Lrbler‘a~l3iu*»:»~ rrw +5 wepe11rl1es, aarlaichchecrs ‘up tfié droopiwncr Clergy- 4 ~If.”l1:5'll not lozslg “V wfince Orthodox (hat d¢I;E>ifed) Di-zzinei, wcref4l— . A iZ1&:0fl exvery‘ "mérerel rntertained ‘by we Mufhro ?ct’opi—an Lords, and others, £z;;t2m't/2 I54: fc» ‘‘ wbiucfb T5e1v?*0M‘?””+ bevyi61€1€3>%~h9W:.muftrh¢y b6fi%PPrf chefc fi‘ I\’iz¢gd'M25,J jHerc vvcrc 111deed fpeczm; Prctencex, azidfaér }.7é})!5:‘,aSfiVl11}Ofcoflfidfiflfe8.SVthG.‘ fimpie; = A #1 could hugggediand cfiazzdled with PCOPC L V I ~: V »Vz'rg"o fmmffz: didrhevr/ayfick worms the»?/3yfi.%i.zmi promi- fed ,M andjthc P.m'mt.r expetfted ? Did it produc::e"az1y . ofthofe .f4=w}-tag cyfeéis, wh%i{<§Ti the grave Diéiflztors aflhred Us itwould 3 Surely no. It may well therefore no\«v%V%bc=c<:>mc4 us“thc:=fr Patient: (wba fiflred many Mat. 4. :.-‘.9. tfiiflgs of 2¢2ri2'21A3* 1%)/fici4r4:,?;42¢dj1’veIztWW4/I rim: we /W1, ~ 427:1 were zzatbiflg éetreread”, 6:22 7’:2'f/1;?‘ grgmz warfi j :0 enterintp {carious wfi/ulmtim about that which they contrisredtof be the Metzéadm A 79¢az2’€22a'i .;- % and %& (fin¢¢. it’ P1‘ €f€fld5@%%A;f0 13¢’/~‘774if)’%) IO 113; 311dSoli€1 Rffiilfifilm 5:1 prefumethar V <3 €~11fuifl?,‘B0vk W111 *m§Wc‘r ourd-A*a’zzr46z:, and inform 01*‘ confefiie that thiwaols % have fi111¥4%;?fii1 friwtea %=1nda fh91fié~;nori have pwélick Ccfpeciw A A V ‘ (53) A um A The Epiftle Dedicafcory. % Q A1eXafld€r&tb¢éh>A9£p’o%¢-‘ME4C_y&1it:}{%,4v§;;r+Iaen 13¢ flmt Afiim ¢7L‘*~Di{‘r;uIiIt}0fTibus d%refertum, . 4:. 6 B31‘Cf~bi0V11c:S., V 0 e my. £‘£;‘r);w §¢1j4t“d‘*téZrffed change M/;iA2z‘men,‘%az2¢i", rna~x1ners,Adar1vben:f» A ~%‘1*v$e n‘mfA4dmi‘rer,.' Em? 49$all:/adturefiize/?e‘dVfvi?/94 remand (lérit/Jwgtbe IC.'k:3;1?'trYl0lf Pwéficéfi ’Ar':fi2élMv our,:".the Bra,cCfiibcof,rPMie_cya Aggie 3 yircg A %*%4m,Jy5:am .Ay1":Ai22'i¢a;;;t/Jamwounds, f_f'z‘Alg».f% awe xvzoxg/bwzp4%«maze; mi-s.zicu1a“1:1iy»:! 639fI41'f(fff\‘¢J”ef'za§Adtj.r%\(3f§é A Ac-venA1exancIér Severus 3 V :33/jm flC11.1{-.§.1‘1‘f:"'H€‘d_'1?JiTI“‘}JV aw cry ’v£3;cuous peffvrz 1‘/mt Aei;/9627 Amked11othing-A, ar [mt little 3;_of 5: zfimd/2z3chaI1¢V;1gc3;fl4n&dJ upon 2’€£‘07’d ix: tégjfe . :2}Y%qg*zIx, ‘f_Ch1id'e{t quodV A xgihil [ e:,ji s? A ‘An 111eAtibi~i%<£z‘=;m~ .r..1z;g.. -, ’ .. , ffvifiw %debitdrr;—'m may _bzi«zze&?le.m%c all Elifhafl to -”"‘5“*"* M;z:=z20¢¢'7*»the 30"I1SO,£-the ProM‘ph%cts, 474,4’ t.’E2eAz‘Ar Relations 5 V tkém, but 4 _;'>_0é7‘ >m0}‘Iy :91’ tée %% T2‘:/gt oft/aeir Titg2m(pia fifaus, zzmi re:- fortrxing facri1Vcc%ge «If oz..«rA1atAe LayJ¥pre".1AChe1*s ,A.rz/(251 %BIa%ck—f5aiAz“;ts) 5 y£az{mm;;?kevv;~%»i;$.22zz4pb of your bL1fmcfs to fill their empty v'c,7flE:1s “iAé2irAb the *y1-of gI:1d11(:fS;. ‘ AA 7'/ac’ c'1czz:~' zzzzd wanizggcd fame of theft: yarn’ .2WéAl.r:4Vi1-... rues t*2z'ca:;r‘ageI@ I0 Qondratulate I/Jem Aiizw ;z%/§::zA D€- % dicati~.o11 oftbzk“Fi?étW33?jb!%"?:§«fwd t/Je‘r.¢;=—lw73 lzrétb 12c*mrz_/ is :*/Je .&A.ut}10r (my 6:3/2‘ ofllmles) 2274/! not ( I preffmmg) m,z1’;,~.»¢~,.na;g.;q}(o%;zr Lorgfllfilizg, and évecamfe my fclfbzm’ 1/7: A /Jmzzr fa éeyomé %Lord[}:z'ps' Contemporanian 512 ibur. 1a.5r;;,z;,;;,»grm‘~5lIlniverfity of 4Ox‘fprd..“ A Nor may I mter--A. z4z'.w2_ 159:“ Zmfi diffidence of 4 Candid Acceptance sfime V yozufa well‘ kmw, 2‘/mt N011 (3% minus regi11m parvula g pm 3;, ,,l.-,,,!,7,' accipege, quam largiri magma; _ Artaxcrxcjs rdxfdain ea’ 4 m,§_tQ1»;§f wvmfitgrw z**e[§2¢Wtcd 1}} ma Peafan_t. Harm’, 3% ma/are as W «virme A (I hope) tn cleanfe t/ae4fta_i11s%of'¢z]edz¢-» “he ,1 % wed e A (la: Dcdicatory. ted %Confcience 3 em} to opentzhe eyes ~of tleem time, A were born, at-ml [ewe rmtimeed, blind.-, The %Auchg;: 4 thereof pemxeel itin‘ 4-Prifon : wleofee honour it Wxatbdt g"”_$eev‘2is Lffee be i?MJeSeP1un*dred, Sequefered, Imprifoned , ‘. yea; and and Death in 11 Book entitmeddygdifiri A 1’ VR‘eHgi0n “ml L°ya'ky" “J95” y w Fcatlzi 1.142/7t/atif Book continued aprimte A 4111- clofe emournéq: A ~'"WJ*fi'=r5“-fir the death of the ;_Autho1', the Herefies of the lzzter times:e4;¢:l it bed reotyeteppeared in 153 we of Vt/ye 1w"’rlel, 5/eet t/mt’ I hope it will éefheltred ““Wdd:r" your Lard/hip: Pratrbnégé. ‘ Mine it was, L V~t,beef1:i'7 ht V afzm E»XeCi1t0i<: and“ You:-Ase: isby therétgbt eedi- cation.’ W /we merit A of the zziorvle nfillxbee improvadéy 1 em-A » V acceptance : the judicious,andfe:-mi11dede:viJ1, leflé yozefar Vdeliverxng it mm 711: -womb afObfcm:ity and 1 J7’ 4/1 5% my A 3 3.; '~ éwig w‘\"= Wye“ » 5~,1x‘ ‘ 1.. e y ‘r ya ‘ ~ ‘ 3 ma ,,, ‘ a ' .. -A 'fI'. .44 ‘A . _ . . ‘_ . ,v.,, _ . .4 .« " ¢'.""r~ -r»-...‘. ] agg , .., .. V '7'; ‘-n / % 2; ""‘-» . «- ? "~'{"= .~,, , « - « ... ‘ ' .1 ', ‘ ‘ / « .~'-—, x ' , .("!TS'._:\:;“~: ‘ bl 4‘ V‘ 1 i . . , p f N" x‘ _ ... ‘w ‘ J‘ ' a 7 ..~ I Qwl " ‘ ‘ F‘ x , I », .,W\\ "‘:~"~\ \x\ . " r,‘ ' ',- . .‘ '\"“"."’ Q» /'...;.-/N ‘\:1"‘ ~.A ‘\x¢='~““?« U’-2». T1w1’ub1ifl1<=r=7a E1 23 A r :1 PH, QR, ‘INT ROD u GT1 0 N V AA _ 4 Tothe’cnf'uing B o 01;. V . ~ I;3c“(_)nc’l A C;3<)‘ ‘git.:-1t%ic%>«n.s. are reputcdthe A wzfir and éetter, becaufe we care» ° A fully weigh them in the fcales of ‘_ f<_>,,1¢id% jvdgamemfiand T61-'i0uS a'ifm.°- 6 A % %mgA 2id’1'a3‘“W<5 have not fOi’g0!I- M’ “ ”’'e&n%:'fdi' i(>”u,1:“ Lama’ vvasfiarfeted with T , 5 ”I2lz>”i¢gl}’*ancl‘”ourgarments were (#41 ::wé*¢4i;r;AM 14'!;Wf.li'z2,¢<§ in wréazidsws ?W‘£‘é” ” H " W " M M 4,.m. ”mM ( b ‘J’ "S ‘S ‘ _ A CW6 zmaawzlionfi V was near 1bjf'in.:i1c Arheifm, Blafphemy , Epiicurifmg and { ibiexryii of A itfigii‘ 13“? A‘ A _M -limfl r:-- penti: cammenmrfi’ ? AWHGHQCM arofe ‘thisi fudmfury ?‘ \"Vhiéncc'fp1€a-ngi this pidemicai ‘Madzzkfi, Apvjiacy, and Rwiiflcii Perdiit'iM“u2zicx ta, 6 Jfrzzel, faith>MG0d>Lb~y A Hof. x;. his Prophcm Q 1f3~zzel_;,iz*“/2052; And A mafia trucit‘isMi;ii; for aisiin gczzierwliouircrylxlg iinspul-_» Jed down the Vezagezmce, azadf jufi'if'yc:*’c1~tMfhe- Revmger .- fp ithcrewas} fomcthing in partimlgzr ofCovetoufnefs,. Ambition, and cunning Malice which mmriwd and managed’ our Cii‘vii1iWa,rs4; but cannot jufiifie the Com‘rz'rver:., ii i M A Not torouch upon thofc “Stztte~ ttfairs which were mfcriyfuc/7'5 it may we41~.bec:ome us now, as‘ Chri- fliaw » in Hgitlg‘ plwfwnt folitude. to fit and re—q;ma» A andM regulating ofour Confciences, which plotted and H fomented ouriJ€.&!5’W2'oniii;i f::e;r1id:pu«:;a;if;gl;pffl¢‘upon our In» fz.crrec17‘z'i2m_ To this pdfpofe we finde in the Preface to A‘ £136 Covir7flr4e1enrerup0nAthe /hzge agam= and A éArid1aw1efs% Cerpomtion; andfend uptheir Bnrgefjg, «1;ponLthc%efr4And Offctarrilow and fafiiow like/[in fl 2;. Is} this Di-vinit], M to be thils rmAtb422;€fI4l ?A .714 412 roll- ” Z212‘; #222212» 'Vz1e‘£e;2tz¢r%,AA 4i faith the %Aqu£1iAn4t arid Divine: A A A-Phia A lbfophcr. A Hath our GM of pmrefo lately A éeatm our Sword: into ’PZazzgb-fbztres, ztr2daz4rAS}>ear: into Pruning- ;9oak.r' 3 and mufl: we go to theancirczzmgkfed Pbilzflinesi 4 for a Smiri} to reduccé the111i11towe2zpan:again .>‘Hath h‘c-:"n0t%'oncc‘again f‘ent”us a Kifig in fzazcrcy, and fittcclan i11cQmp;a.rab1c /3e.m’A to the_/boulders of our I(iVng-dam: .? Are not "our Scorpion fcourgesgenrly Aremoved 5 our S eqz.s,e_/lmliom taken Off; our Religioiey refiored.-, our $021014 Mvéir¢vimd£sM¢.w,;%nd our P’”Z”i“J311d Judi Ziéerzy rcvcovéfied “aI’1Ad' bn féem “tea be Vb1c:ff:=AdA with a we1I—~grounded hope, that both I.<'z‘;¢zg- and Peaf2lc,‘C6z.¢rc/,rA*%a11d Commo;¢_--wezzlt/73% will peace- ably repofe andfolzzce*themfeIves% in thofc +VgIbri0u.s“afid mu tuaAII rye: Of a rzgbteow Gvéverflmezatg“ and A :2’. :11 AdbAedieVm“eA% I‘z'm 2t;¢c£‘w2z£é“ lea’ and - 3 . fuch Love and L0)'4l'!j’ as" zhayy nevcér be interrupted ‘.> A What meanetb then.’ tbzéc bleating and lowing ofthcffé flmp and oxen , axidrhe‘ hAirdc:ous érzzyiz-2g ‘off uficlean beafls A3 in Mr (ilhriflzian e4zAr;:;: I\/Izaft or-Ir“ Ajir/e’ Pco .uponafrer‘, and our diihfibecl by fuch A harfh aAnduAnWC1conrf1e dz_'fcom’3 .5’ Are we: already flaJ‘U " ofour ea/E: ,' andyiwezzéryofqur A mqrcies]? VVi1lA 3‘; " it?- as {con as ever he nuzxetb fax 9 Alasgifilas 1 mthemazb endeavours to eat into our GaV.r%m;“;”¢*tfiA:inoain; A ;and.theva4m{'ar%intoA _our A pureflt Gold,‘ % A A _§¥ai1§’r {cc “Tbé IntroaM2‘}orI.” . -V how eAzlif;z9_;aft&e7§ts A g‘faifef£zl% andirre1{gia;::ispi; rits_ endéavour‘ toi5lazfl'.Aourfw'cfl‘ViopeséiA* ibyiAdifiurbAix,1g‘:i A 0u'riPé4cei_., aiidirenevving our hcanfew”z'a72:A." The hamhbiti;-A om are diafcontented, and" Wan-t promotion’: the‘ mzzli-. A tiom are troubled; and want revenge: Themed} fujfirersi are; 'impatienc and want pAreflermem‘A:A the ' ‘h‘}1eretit4lA are vexed, andAAAfear a Curb: AandhhA the fa/atfl ~ A értaticzzl are unquiet’, and ifufpeft A a *fl:ttlemem:.A Too- many fbrget the mifefies of mar :" too Wfewiare *tlvzmk- ' full flrpgace and tmt./55 and tbeifullifml Zuni: tA12e'7 lmzey-combe. That foalzfln fair! which {avedithc Aczgrirol , hath rnoulted ‘jheri fickcr Aquils 5 ‘id the "~ zmwzfe turn theminto gaping pemzs ,iA to fcribie fsdi. 4 tiozziz. A A A W A A khave therefore mvafied this book" , it=i1atAIT may teii‘ A the deluded, world how mfdfiely we fornicéfly credited the cfoakiiag Of‘ fi1°ch%Egyptian Frog: :‘ and A hope ” that ave-view of our former contention: , grounded upon _ the Coémmmt, Awillmake us repmt, and he V7‘/'zf;*.; D;e-- A A lifierandum efl dizi qwdv/hztumdnzm fiemel, faithfi»... A new: We fhcjuldi ferioufly cmfider before We car»- tainfy decree and“ with good aidfixicei fhould make mir. Thofe that flszvm’ in our tears by their haflzy Cwve- A mzztbag, may thank rhem{'é1ve"s if the y reap not in our joy. If their .Le4gzze was Iiiegalg and made their grape: ' ' foflvwre 5 certainly to rcéuim it (except-—i11’ t11CiI'f0r- A ’ rbw) is the way to cdntinueA their tc:ez‘/f*- on _m’ge. 55ur4-A 'U1'Z'1)df.‘(J1ra"!€773€’7’?, faith the Fathci“, fE’d:720}¢ implevi ” flraticmezlfimzzjore piemte : David wasa grievous fin- I aver, whcnhed became {o 21/72‘ afiveareri: but he {hewcd ‘more pikty ‘when heAbroke% his! oath. Alrhoughéfome flm do»feekA our d1flur64;m’,andAAA thofe A none of the ~ ii (.b3.) 4 5'6,/ls: s’ ‘ V. e andAAC«<2fi£¢:Aie2,«stAAiaz»: *~'€tm{‘3; ths:irA »wA2»:»;:. xhefé ”a..fie «figment: aare A<:"011~v<”irz¢ede 5? e£heC:1f)"/[‘%§"f€?e€ 30f :C0-flfémfe ‘ 1/0”” Who“ ar<=A cal- _ A the; <2~13:?a1:c%~I?I:Cf$,»<;>f A1<:erm?(Wi'r' %= ~ #11151 frzrvzei 4 AAalAf.%f<> V ‘K 1,‘ ‘w dfasut eS0wfr43,g22Aes. wihoeihe? {fit ‘:4nA3“] .t:;joyc§r thfimany ’L¢4mfle,J°. Wdzx ..~».I=-he ¢ Royeilil W We inciulgmr eAhAeaM.dran A»AzsAa:«dwaazo2m;esHeirs% was my ec of:/as I.psefumeih%at‘I:;;red x1ote:oA¢o%m~ mend the enfuirg Book to any of Azbefe , unlefs to 7 Acmfirm themin ~trfci»1'eeca¢arzIe’rfio2a bye _/frézgegté of Ar- Ae-.,_V;g“z¢mAent:3 A‘that as. their repezztzmcg is 'v{/2'63/:9 ‘ £0 ‘Aetfheir Aer_e]al¢z;g:V;» may be canflazzt, But I greatly fufpeét the i7¢jIexz'bz'lity$F and jzcrtiiiacioz/A céjii/zany of fonle of our dzffentizzglireerbrms Whom peradventure 7mQ:hi1agwi.ll content but an 2'//imited Ponvczg, to “¢1._wfd% '~ '% * ‘- feclera2A%te3*)e no make their o)t.V"4A2**zot4» azzjxi fzfigzr or t6~3l‘incc:al my judgemem: 7or A Pciflc the tIfutb- 1 .dwmIz0.tAAcle22y my fm2£i‘ion; 7ieit7oer Em’-ll%5]1 l264tV€§,v¥."?,N I1 1«afrai.d of am A? £13? é ; ‘ 1.» 32,. 9{0iH’;ca[e 1)_a1lll7ef()0nTltkelmi 3; ~ ts; with e the to Win the 1- lofe Vhjg: f0111r? W/Mt W11; it a1fail*%tlwe mafia? of t0 We ’1’4;7%Q1€ *&3igh‘i, Jae {of¢ pml ?»1?%12i-cl? tint: ;ri:cb : Mvrrcbant \ ¢ rob m of: -t/2i&%.-afiordetla me 4A%com.~for'table4 ‘tbickefl V melancholy a:z.:fl¥ ‘ ‘ ‘ A ‘ J, L . ug , w R 10/ M ‘ M ‘. fr as ,, ‘ « Km 50 H. K . ‘ e \ ,. 3t " ' ‘ “'5 " ‘ -- am. M LLLL % 7944 to ‘$19’ A? A T79?fi4veer1%fl"pear1no plundcrers at all.» N Qarllvuncle fwwr lmaeloswrkri/5t.b me) l»atczdezzcl 6303.1 mm: refolvtng into :1” Te: : “an“dla;s V I lie hid in thcldark, [01 ale/ire from this alfcure flate to Heal into lmzvens and in the mean while Ita vivcrc ut nemo Inc vixiile fén-- A ciatgjl; ta pay]? through tlaefie angry and work- ing few, that none majdycern‘ the Print of my Keel. Notwitbflanding, beccmflayou ‘claarge mejd 9 V deeply l$y all the tics‘ ofCl2rz/lian claarit)/‘,l719laicb 1'2: the bond ofperfeélionw; I grill freely open my conqernlincg the Engagémefit our Confcience ‘in tl2e»»ll—lNm;Covenantl; and return you not jé much 4% Youi:§ you in the Lord SD} 3 .hA‘*‘So1emzj E3, .,. r, r I H ‘ , ‘ ».,_ J W‘ ‘V M‘ *9» e . u ! ' " ‘a..‘“' J an o 3' 9“. '- . *5 “Q - ' ¢ |‘|\ . ' . w vvhichcagurea ewrew %%$%%%%%%%%%$8%%“ S.CfUp1¢S.. %%nrcien¢ee ,1” " Here eFofl°*W¢th. e are .4..— M L3 ~v e‘ eformatioon V £3 e tfieebmwnro and happincfs of of the three Kingdo s,‘Engl Sootlondg and%Ire1’oml. W ) A €.No5lemem Barons; K mfg/otea Gentlemen; Citizeno; e ireiond r and Iveixg of one Reformed Religion} having fiefore A glooj c:fGoda and the advancement of the Kingdoem Sfljr-fl‘): ? Wvg % A Solemn arit,‘ efence ofRe1i- A Burgefler; Miniffer: of the Gafipel, and Commomo % all the K£xgdam:‘of~EnglanH,Scotlgmd A , 6} the Providence of Godli?/ing A under one King: A emf gejnxtj e A _:_"'%?*.§i$'Z)_1:i§1It’9' fly»: brifla. flog honour andlaappingffr of the Mfijeflj and H13‘ and {be two pztéVliek_ Liéergya Safety, and Peace of the Kingdqwetteh wherein ‘e7Jet_'] one: privy“, hhcaeett/itien irteletzleeb and etching to,‘ mind the trerecherom and hleud] Eletea C onflviraciex, Attempte, and ‘praffifee efthe Em- miee of God againft the true Religion: and profe are thereof in allptacees {#6565414} in thefi three~ICingdome:a everflnte the Re- hformettien of Religion; and how much their rage: power: antifre- do fwar : fltmptioet are of late: and at ithtk time inereafed and exam‘/ed; § 3 Ifitndhhahht the diflrejled e/fate hofthhe Chterch emde tlfingdom of England, he and the dangerqm eflette ofthet Church and Ifiingdem ofS€0tla511d9 are prefiwt and puhlt'ekeTdtimem'e.r; We hmve new at left (after other mean: of Sttpplicatiotta Remanfimmeg Pretq/tettiom“, and Snflering: ) for the [ire/erwttim hqfahttr felt/’e.e and our Religion from utter min and deflrufiiona according to A teeth? def/0755.10’ eflate of the hetreh and Kingdom “of ' theefammen'dah,le A praéfifi: of thejie K ingdom: in fremer times; and A the tof ‘God: People in other N atiam; after emtetre deliherutim“ refhflwédandéletermihed to enter inte ae:mtelt;met“ ‘ tfotemnzmgeet meal tC_ot‘vemtttt> Vqherein:-V we all tehfirrihea and each at Tflulwc Fhaal-1 fincereley, rcaL1y,and conf’cantly, through e“ ,, that fife hbndeavtowur in but tfeverael places and callin s, the prcfervation of the Reformed’»Réligibn~%it1 the Churc of Scotland: in Doéirineg W orfhip, Difciplinc and Govcrnvmcntg, awgainfi our common Enemies; The Re- mmojz High -*forma“tion1?of‘Religion in the t’Kingd@mes of England and A Ii't'”lAfld* its Doéh‘i+ncf-,V% Wdtflnip, Difcitplinc and Goveernamecmf‘, A taceoeding to» th-c‘? Wm‘ at? A and -the example of the gndeévtout to bring Qf God in the three Kingdbmfis to the junfiidtr e’md%4 tifoemity iuykeleigiota, Cho~nfc{~1ionofA Faith, A t‘ A ‘* ;éfi—Gfovcenme3ne, ireélory for Worfhip hand eqmehizin A ‘ A “ A M A s‘ **«in?t*hc midfli LA 4" e ’ endeayohti.:he extirpation ‘ofh ChnrCh~Govte'rnrnent by. .AL‘Chbi{hops,yB_ifhops, their Chane- z. _ "CW; ., V, y H4 . , M U‘. \‘ ‘K _ _ .. y ‘I .. . , .A I:11a‘t‘;,“r,;eT Him In ilk? zI\9~nnerzw1ryhout rcfpefiroyf iperfons. celloursiand Commiffariesh, Deans , Deans and Chapthers , Popery» Prblarfiyi i,r(IhéU9 is: A Archideacoinsa and?“ other Eccleifiafiical Ofiicers ydependinre‘ e on that Hicrairclj Y)iy5UP€fHiti0yI?> ~y£:1setefi¢,r i$chifm¢-*2 iProfayz2e.~4‘ aaers, band uiheirfoeveriflnéll he found t“b';be yconfr_arey to” found ' iDoé"crine and the power ofGodiIinefé; lei’; w¢,par:ake in as other mens fins, and thereby be indanger to receive of their plagues, and that theLordmay bemone, and: his name ,o_ne_in A the rhreeKingd<>ms- VVe fh:1IIw1th‘the fame finceritygirealityfind cwonfiancyagn our feveral Voce-.tions,hendeavour with ourgfiatesggndlivespr mueuelly to preferve the rights and _P1'”iViifidgéfi-_.y0£I.f?hC~ lyi9;1nenrts,yand the Liberties ofwthe Kingdoms; and to prey and defencyithe KI’. W h it {on Ptefervatibn and defence o or no 5.’. U3 P‘ o 5’ 93 :1 A tiesof the Kingdomes, that the world may bear vkitnefs with out Confciences of our Loyalty, and that we _have:.’nO thoughts or intentions £0 dimimfh H35 M3}¢fii¢S 1113 power - [and greatncfs. by w ‘ hr m "9 my ,,r”m..‘ 7 {hall alfo with all faithfulnefsyendevourthewdifcqygry or all fuch as have been, orfhall bye ylnycenidiariesa‘Meligflflmfiaii 0%? ~=v‘i1lrInPvruments» by hindringi the Reformyariontt Wiligion-J dividing the King from“ his pcOPi1¢> th*‘e Kingdoms fromyy another,yorr Atnatkingtrany or; partticzs emongfi the people, contrary to this League and __Co,veingn"t, it that they may be brought to publicki triall, and I'CC$iV§jg‘yC9Q'* dign punilhmenr, as the degree of their hoffentesy ji11a1;lirrre- ¢1uir*=°r id<’-1f§F;V€>°1-"thfiff“PréaI!%JHdi€atGfi¢5 tI§ihg- idioms refpeé’civeIy,or others having ypowerflfgygjhg; ghemgfpg thgn h And wfl'e&,fhaIIijud_ge convenient. réirve thereof,‘ and that we lam mt endeavoured to lrieceitzr Chrzfi‘ in Antiyhhrlhereasl the; lhapjpinefs‘ off ‘ a"b’1<é1Ted P‘éa‘c_chbetvtfegé‘nl‘ l thefeiKingdotns,lldenyed in formetttimeéto dultflflogenitoz-9,‘ "is by the hgoodhhptovidence Qf God gtahted.unto 11:85 andhaithf been latelyl c;lon‘cllude,d,t and fetlecl by both fParl1ar_txentsA E,f’w”e_ e lhall each ownleh of us, accqtdin%g.t'»d_hh out 'place and intef'ehf’t§"dnel deavourjthatthey ma yremaincbnljtxlynedl iii alfirm Peace 311$ Union to all ploitetity 5‘ And that Jufiice maybe done uponf the wilfull oppofers thereof, in manner exptellecl in the pte-l‘t cedeht Articles. VI. A A hVVe{hha1I alfoe accotding ‘toll out, A plates and tcallihgs in this comnthn lhaufe of Religionl, Liberty and Peace of theI(it1g€-4 d%oltnls,iaffi1"t and defend all thofethat ehter into thisALe,agué_ % tandem G"OVC1I€fn£) in the thaintatntng and purfumg thereofy and‘ Ac>mttf¢l‘t¢s;’tldite<5‘¢1xlefiediffihlytbyWharfoevef la 4.; tt=l.fut*’Fert A ti dfvided and vxfith-*2 M ldtawtfftom this blefled umoh and ConJun€i1on,whetheI: A to make deft-Brion to the contrary p:ttt,’or to give out {elves to a detefiable tndtfferency or neutraltty 1.11 this caufe, whtch to much concernelth the glory of God, the good of the [ Kingdoms, and the honourof the King 5 but {hall all the days of eur lives” zealoufly and conflantly continue therein, againll A all lets and impediments whatfoevet; and what we are not able our {elves to fupprefs or overcome, we {hall reveal, and make known, that 1: may be ttmely prevented or remouefl ;' All which we {hall do as in the light ofGod. V A Mndthecaufe thefa Kingdamxaheguilgy of many /in: nmdprowe catiomt again]? God; and ht}: 5m :44 Clhrfli‘-,» M 13100 mdnifefl 5] mf prefent diflréfl}: and danger» the fruit: thereof; We profefl} hdwlarie hqfar:lGadm2d the world; our tmfzinad dc/ire to he L. ” ‘led far our qwne/im‘:mndfar the fimtof the’/Z: Kingdomn efpeqfie all , that wehmv: not 44' we ought; valued the iheflimahle hmafit . of the Gafvela that we have not lahouredfbr the peurigtv» and power our Eur heivrti; A $09‘ in §v;¢lk, Wort/a)f0f him in our ~l£*ue:a' Whicb 3;} gig; 54;;/2;% of other fim; V and%%4W4{1jfgrqfl3»onr flu mach aéarmdivzg ' miwaégff ax“; ‘dud om‘ fln6Iml?fl;fof¢"£1i§£{§]5flTfq/‘ééa gaygdg-,¢~g A ivburjar our fialviex, (ind all other: wider our power and%cI:mrg¢g, 6atI;_ Air) public/Q and in1%]7W'v4tem% in ¢Il dmie': We owe to G ad ambgzax, tjb éniend 3i1fli%?v%e:‘sd#3l¢éarh one to ghnhffare Mother in the 723:7 A % ~ gf A”"re‘d*!A %.R%éfo2%2¢riofis% I/Mr the Lm*d~V? may turn away ‘Abi: Awératk A dfidhcaérlj z'2’1dz”gnaiZo;i_; MH7 rffaéli;/% ‘theft C huroflaer and K in gdpmx: in‘? tmtia‘ 4:¢dJpAMce; Hhd thxéz‘ ['01:/eimnt we malqe in the prefemié of A 4'4l2"m;glJt7Gnc1t/aefedrclaar afa/1%%'/Vaéazrtw, %*wz't/J 4 time intmtirm M % perform the /fame: arwe f/ml! mzfwer at that great day; when the fiscretx ofal! heart: final! 17: di_fcglofed;. Mafl Fmmfly beféec/aing the. V ‘ lord tp [iirengt/am m by half efpirit for this end; and “to; blefi Aourdeflres and proceeding: wit/ff.w”b7a%¢$f§tcceflE, M m4§r76d déli*ve* % fans: tmdflifefy to péapla: and ?nc0uf.e3geme:w~ ta otksr ‘chfxzflian % +C'l:;zrclm ‘groaning araizder, or in dgwger of the yoke qf%Antichrij?*iaé: gyranjnj; tojojfl” in H2:-‘jamea. or ls‘»Qé A_[]'?;ciatian and Cawmmta m A the of God: the ~tnl4rgeme22t of the Kingdom ¢2ft’u\-C % V kw t/Wow fwd v V i/litarf Ebrifiinn AA " _ o £1}%]“°5§%*M!“°?‘h9’A~ , 3t1%Cé%9mmt, Aabtybey A ” C wééw/I A %ézccor}1ingraV%§‘V2:2icrM;” Septe1n%p:;f§;g.a.; g4g”..“and Brin- 1 red 4I:LondQn for Ph1hpL;me. A . ' W “W? MAM? % % %H41l lac-ok_ A 1;. A Hat we fha11.a11and_¢a.ch one ofus,finccréIy5 readilmy i AA and con£’cam$:lAy, through the Grace o£%God,;en;de;avour it: our {event p1ac:cs.and C3l1iI,]gS)'thC_PI'C£$§fJ{Q.tiQD of phc gruc .ReF0rm~?d!.I3r9r!¢;f*é-mR'={igi9n»inA me. Chm:A¢h ofSaom«d,A;n Dwrlnea W9r~flnP>xfcx:p%1Inc and A G0vern.m¢n§ f£€c0rgiingA.to the ward 1ofGod; , and A the i,11s:£or~mar1<>nA Aagf W A R¢1;gxofl;A s the ‘ ".135 .: ?§’Pl5€4f;i0Mw¢0¢W 2;&4t%%;;tbe% %md,‘0 Ma %Jiq§’;7¢"~W”;“+(‘§‘?**’A'A “ A 4% 4 eaa fizgmtimwccs czonrtmve _, _ , m A «A» ow’ ‘~ , 7‘) W“ ‘ ‘MA?’ ’’ ; "AM 5%’ ‘v“‘M“"’ , I , to be accoxfl-Ipg co the‘ Word of God ) %; ag;;A9%qdg;pg to grgbflqéfgme h.o_l yk Lwgosrcjr, the Eziamplc, QE £116» 1afl.13»Acf¥m9d»Ch urchficsx and .33 ' may bring the iChurChAp£ Gcpd ;inwbpjh:Ajf‘NaEiOnS_ no the ;ne.a;r:cf’:rco;1aunc€tion agnhd l1niEQrm);i£y;in Rdigiona .Q9nfAeflipn *0?” Faith: F0;rm.~o%§A 9*; u£ch1a,rm:~A9im§gm "‘ " n“ » ‘ ‘A ‘M ; \! ‘ 1‘. a > V J 1 J‘ $1,}, Aw Am‘ ‘ ‘ A: L31 4: VA A~vé~3A.n»:‘»~«'«» uuuw/'~’—A -Aw vb» ~w~~ A3 ‘ W '“ ‘ é‘ %.,..‘.‘f “A*§’“"~’§ A A To which printedapjgtbe Doffors Speech delrvegjid A A A in the Aflimlvlya rclam/1; pag. 48., A CA9 2% A fictfifdgmd mmumam th: "am ‘:23; 1 agmmmmgaa:gmamfieaamfi“ % .mo*cIaZ¢j2s~4 V flée4¢ ACo%Veh ant, 45“ tbéy ‘fife-29: '$"4lter:dyr umd printed by %0wrVder ,of A the A Hzmfl: of 0” ' Vi “Q Q V” M "H - M M L M . . 549 1V. ‘I'Hatvv.e Vfluallifinterefy, re;aI‘Iy §1nd'confiantIy,%tE1:ough ' A the Grace of Gdd, cnde:n/our in our few-ral,%]%placf’¢s and callmgs, {he 7prefervation of the ref‘orme%dw 9 r.héCh-urch of Stétldhda in Doé°tri;n¢A, W or{hip5 D'gfCi¥*’ s.if9n G~oi7ernment agmfi jam-A Vcammaié Wpfiwgmiéxa tl1e Reft5fh1atioi1 A -V of %Religion ‘in thé Kingd<:ims‘of England and%Irgla;ad,’%inDpL- ;&rine,:Worfiuip, Difcipline and ‘Government, accordiingfio ‘4 :.athc,Word of God, "and the exam”~pIe of the béfiflefofmcd =«(:‘2hu=rf(:he" aindi fhglj %cn,~de-vo_ur this Arhree"A5AAA%vw«V ., V ? " ” 3 W q ,1 :3 :Gover11m“em:,A=Dire&ory for“ A .15hi.p"and 'Ca'techiiing {chit we andw<_>urPoPcerity af:cr”us, maygias Brechrefi, livé%inA%Faii5h ‘add Lo=ve,*[ and the Lord may delight to_ dwell‘ in; gh*¢*inidf°c gfug, ' - “ H 1% Cor? ‘F3 211 cebnring the Churches of Go‘g:l_" V , Form; ofChurch I A‘ A r?’*"fiWw«? ‘ «J “ ‘ L y 9‘ ‘ ‘ 3" H ., .a g .~ ‘ 3 ‘V 3 ‘ W5 Cf ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘w’ " , ‘ ‘ -" ag. ,1 ‘ ,g: Yr‘ ’: “E? Wm-‘-4.‘ '.,' W ‘_ "W M ‘ ‘ .4,‘ pg d"‘‘! .m.».&» Asa‘ W5? W2’ 53 vi W 4%: m” we, «,5» »%w_ m 3 «awwvn:-4 W‘ "'*~ M» “ ‘ '* ~' .p 1 , ‘ M , . , “ ‘ V ‘ ‘ VA 2.3 T;hatqwcfI1a1T%%i”1:aIikemannergfi ~vwI;hm;:refpe& of p W rws, é§ccir*paei6“w~s1%opery,‘4 Pf'éIaéy5 ,3, church %G’a7wr%xme):t 5} %V)§%rcb5i/bapxsfli,/lv;ap;r%, their éimrx’, €o‘mmifl‘4rz'e.r; 'De4?7n.r3 Dkéh: ‘C‘7azz‘”pter.r5 V % ‘L art-7J‘%:r % 71E cclefix¢fli*i*dl* :0 fiikferx dzgpm{r%‘ At/9" ~ g fluall f%§Wd beacqntrary \t~t:>'“ ¥Do£%rin7éx‘ t>ih¢%'pow’c:"rAj% ; iéfl ‘we§parca1‘t“*éS«%T31g;l“i‘c 4So1em=fiu;‘ L~éa'gpé :» Ii: thwclccreft thggr \ %c“v7ei:‘ was pcrmcd Herc’ «Eb Aawh-,r thc:‘fingt!1i t:if,;§3xHovd;'gs in yimtgggm {wBy hglp ofhthathhgmd wrote thc%'I‘c:n'-w'o1'ds'~ ,y‘. :hm;h§s;wh§s1gpglgficghan§lflr§3;;§p.;fu1;émggough fd'1f t::.\}y,« an 15 as goodh*‘Wordadf:' ' ’“ Ilain‘P£’r_f&nJand”.%14tt79afi"5g!>A tto=t£veA~A efémceioft A _ .m‘aintEmznce of the Lz’bem’e.r r)fA'1.‘be K ingdbm: A? Wheat 13 this "Defmde me. : giddiogikéiyy‘ ‘(:7 aitthdzyfi-nZ1at9z:4 Ate: The League Illegall. A iNot to take advantage of the prepqflemm ‘order in fet- cing down rhc Parts of this COVCW?» “!h¢E“‘“ '=hamm- read a. double isolecltfm, ( tFor§1n A1t.ieth“¢iQhurreih%?of flcotlpmd precedeth the Church of finglandse and theLiber..y ties of the Snbjeéf are=fet before the Royal Prerogative, AA and Imperial Dignity “the Prince.) Surely fuch aihcred 4 gwgenerable Mfidfllityj. is a public}: Covenant A lamttqy d’ fimdr ‘¥"\;he Name of A -an-d order orugifitt*”tO‘%5i‘b@-maturdwiif“ weedi A-an»: mndyz:ri*ot.ar:on1yA every period find line, but every wckzrdmd fyllable therein A to be exmffly fcmfd, before the confcience of millions of menttAbe Achlafged twit-h-”ir.t Ifwwe cahnotwabroolywr » V fj;jW:?fif hands from teetering ta?” Lift, «Gata1ogtue,A rip: Regifier, ysizhereinyo theywho are‘manyA«degfees below “us; areiyfit ranked above A us, and namedtbefore us: 7Can~hisyiMa{jePcyAtékeictweu:et;_ : (our hands, that we fhould accept fof a‘;CoventantlmmJ head; wherein_ the merizlu.-r: are tfet above _the*élmzd: Aaindyhis Soveraign . 9,3731: .> W M ‘>** onion 6 My berm: Uifeligion, my A AT 1 M‘ .j{ ‘ bucutzo index: with our Soveraign, and mpimiatee yWAith»aour I:Imd;i as 0:/cam fomenmes did Wylthzthcy Em 3, ta me AW-filth ‘thy air; t A tde‘?Eeiid~:;e ; etwith Ben’? Alf shis AMajePcyAiWifla*defend “”9i1‘ri9”uF?fdi“t«’:'yii5ir‘~JfV\lTC~ will bearrifm]; to“ hims; -ifAhe~twi1l» keeprAA’fa“fei out “Pwdanh, V guard » his Crown. Whiczh i*imitami‘6th I. : ”tcepti:jtg,t5t~te,noAqg . be A d0i1bt"but?th%% ere IS and ought tQ'b’C‘ tAa:muAtuaMtiiii if A ; Kino and ASub}e6’t;;«an"d the? * do ' = ~~tao¢m ill » A Fair , or infringe the Laws and _)uPcrI.1berties of his Sub- AA‘“for which. he p‘aWrhted~‘ his:Faith_*fit ; God ‘will call to’ “an” accouht for A 11: but this A “u ,» he i 4 difcharge ustof our .,AA11cgianCc° to»hima*Thought yythe;i1;g,[c;”9o§ iifit “ A : 1:ouchA ?with 11%; Atyecwcmayso: Abreak‘w"i_th-y%y;;t:i1mop;rA A =eii}5,V ,(is%t?TrrtraIlia)"igive§hiseitiueidimepxfiahfl H be A y A galdm read of the “Sana nary-,-) »S'oIa.Dt'a minor; c’::Aer:2r to j; ‘géto;ifh?&; e V A The _LMg#e Illiégalll landconfeqllfinltliyl queiiionablefor his btcacl)=ofifalich bgfiQr¢no1‘)}2,6ut'G0d. _A1aS;_\Vh.?t'a fickle eliate andlamcp, e cgblepondition were_xPrmcesm, if upqn preteqclewzhac zhgyi d¢lj¢,gd:e um; that Religion which the people belieyc c%o“‘b¢i true; or maintain no: thofe I.iber__t1es which they challenge} as their Binchrighlcg their Royal Crowns may be gxpofgd £5 rapine, and their lfacred Perfons ;o%vio'lence.'_ No: to diwlinlto the depth: of State, “nor anxioufly :0‘ enqablireiutocheirealfon which moved-the firii concrivers azadf projesfiors of this League to let 1: on foot at rhis‘p¥~efei1t,‘ande pxefs it with alil eirnellnefs; lam perfwadledichat none will deny that their mainl‘fcpWeiand ai_zn therein was, co~en---5 gage our Bret~hren”‘of Jaarlnnd in the prefem; qtmrrel, for pulling“ down Epifcopacya ‘and fearing up the Presbycery~;4 mdlby this3N:~1tionalarxdfolemn League to liselugrhen their parcyaiand foruem: this unnaturazl wh;icel1iihiat»lf£ all-e.1a A dylf'dr9lin@7%d‘i’8heWe:alEh-fof ceheilKingdox;ne: and is like £9.- ’aIl'o. iNcfi¢d.-A fénemr di~v£nar.e , fay i ‘The Canonifis; n:eia'her will I take upon me the Ofiice of A Tropbe: to farm?/I the CAM/fropbe of l51’1¢fei~Tr4g«e:/£e;r.,i Yet fare: I Mn; this (Mean 0l:‘£lll‘.1flz£:«m'.r nevezjreceived l'uch prev, Judi:‘ellandi\v;'o11g,i nor eveiriwas lo nearlc%he éifipgk qcdeflrgflié m aslwllhe«nl‘l‘lwe flrew in fgraini Forces to defendlm; [elf a; g..1intihhom:.:b:li‘ed* Enemies: and I pr,.1y4 God, lweielxperimem tally ”mrerpz'ec not the mylieryof Plwaob; Dream concen- ningtbeleem” kin: which eat up the fat, am! yep were.’ mjaar .4; while the fatter.‘ ilfkhere baa decree of Heavem th.=icilrl»ieefe~~ A twoNations lha,ll‘ebe drowned one in zinc: hers b.gl,oW‘?!C“ cam beburk from ‘his »»vo1»a.s+¢aac ms Covemn; 19 bou‘md%Wt’th~aw11V0atVh,whicl1* is an Aéf of Religi. Aon’Vand‘c#1tW14t?ice> tha:is4a‘parc ofdivine \Vorfl1ip; %a1'xd ifi; ‘beAwnoccommandedQby God,it‘Ais forbidde¢n in Scripture un. ‘Adarrhenameofwz/1.3m/z,;p4_ % AV A .% "VMm‘eower,jthat goVIAden mla of’ chV%e+Apo&1eT appiyed bfly hi1_n4t0rth~ejufe_ of things indi&er¢13e?%4%nre:chem axwm %t:hxs cafs: 0fC0nfC1enc‘e. “ Whatfoever Oath we cake , or co; "venant we entcr%‘int»o,11o't:jjerfwvaded “in Confcierice that We hswegood ground for what; we doe in fcripture, isiinm But V.:htsVCovemnt hath no 'vv2;rranr*%%for‘ in; 9 ‘£11’ hazy 35535; wt11fC: f0f' fro1‘nthe”A_lpha Aof%"*G ‘1%e1aéfi‘s to the O1" ega of the Apt‘)--V 4%tC1?£g’pfeth"ere1s “no ‘winter mfligium oE1”ucha»Co:venant as». V ‘Ergo’ tins Covana.nr1nuPr 1aot’be}taken%’b}V{ any, whg fig. 4fireAr<> Wa1k¢x§&1y(b¢foteG r «Cr 1;}. M; "'«£EuTb'* The Covcn:m- V There ‘5 Warrant 11’! GOCIS word both for the matter «:25 V tmanfwcr. <‘ ch13 Co;ve11a"nt,and the form and manner of raking the oath}, A A rh¢ ref¢mnarion Woleman farm; 2 % 5% ‘ 9 U3 1* 3«Z’i§1°.§?% Pb; “”?“?$ in my NYES 9 2: 21» V‘ For *“t‘be matter we have a“pa”trcrn'ofa AC<‘:>v%e ' g rm. 3‘! w \ . rd 14 of takww by hfiivs we Hm ‘W!’ ‘1‘TQI‘*~‘=“°f theft mflan¢es%aTne «az22"bo;»az£”.a;&.** cm: A exéféflf; f§¢%** W5 70 mid? figfififi ficibflla criemi ”cSt:1ier»fi1is% 513361 BY the lmmpfbu:,xhi=é.C:5{”%é*na%nc .%a§;;na »%A;>¢e- gels and f'uc“111‘1 a fé' fiz1‘1ofw§5rfl1‘ipwpra6’cif‘ecTin die‘ C#hfi}Eh 55 V A an£w§rab1c,%®argurrrcncs~drawn‘Afrmn §c;ipmg¢7%5§ *‘W;;;;$;jq, fin§3%Awthe1r anfwempo 6f,,,.,W,,g;, , cW‘,},%Tt%o%AA%A”,%A_A L Q mm-:3-< fr; Ks % % M V‘! 1% , M M W I M .. imbw A niwmada »ch%nss=Co;»vwenan4 :..irha.t I: cyihould walk %r%4%€f°w-#3 rflhurchwflsi m&::ths. V enterA mzo a Cdvenan't %v&afi¢¥5#hh2t i9%ic%sVavdsburn;edi ¢’t ghic Hroor: % V 4. For 7‘ V 3-» S: {fie text A 4% Al‘, I \_ . ‘.£fl' mgueazzegaz. A 4; ‘Po’: th*ee~e3titn‘p*e3t oflfritel 5 /::ron2f* go; Wvlto» tthe 1,-m¢gAofH,.uI{i4b , though they ‘were undertAauother-eKia§gt, yeg mypcd with thement of judqh m » keeping the‘ Patio- ‘~ve*:,, it yeildsnok fupport>iat~~a1l to then: tottcrlng caufe, For A At t It I. They eutred not into an_y folemn League with the men fife fldaii, though for n»he'praefent‘- they goyned with them i1a“ua"'ReIi’,<§io1fSduff: C0”Wf1a1fd€db',YhIh»6hLaw-AN A e ” 7 2?. What they didgthey were ‘edtto doby King Hg”; high ; whereas the Scgtch are not invited tothis League with o the Engli,/bbYIhe“K1D°-_%' j to A A f A A he ‘‘ 3, The King,-tof AflIgr,fO1'jbad“tiO«t‘o the Mmelitegg to Joya 1.$Iuit,flh;theit Brethren} tfifhfudah" "1n1hii:if’M\iithou’t A t V1‘ ,, 52 at u7‘VV . 1 1 “nd Proteefia”t1o,hst* ‘tojdefenfl the . 5» ‘ t V‘ M “ ‘Vs ;. ‘ M4; $7 2‘ 054;: ‘:»%,—~'*./éfl K , , «t wt ‘ . W W , ,1, ma .‘ ; u A 3. ”o : ' V N ‘X ‘ “ ‘ ‘ ‘ » tenetetliy hio’ teemo'\}eh%njfa9Scan*dalfh ff rmnu fefiviy expte‘"{’s“t:ommdnfl tvivessfetudowta in the La\veofMofi: : in whiche V A _g3.o.nbteth huts Covenant maybe muadeznot only Without, flu ,§;-dP2:'j>.y;j"};’%,L»-A or4“I}za'epmdmt:$;whbzire **bot"h énemm *to‘+th.c: Dif;~ip1in_e‘and Government o%fAthciS’aot(éb~‘AMChurch. . I AA ‘J A V %% In~the‘>fccon*d' Aclauft what is mean: g by Cbttrcb Govmz- j, mm: lzy xfrcbl2ifh~:vp:,; Biflaapjg ¢"c: LP? tfithcc «(H *Gover57mer”zt f‘b% B:flJ0pI5_1V%0tWith?c firkfent Gqf’?rm2?37z*i?%1eii‘t%%’é1I1l) §» Chi? 7“3t”¢‘.fL71 m«¢%ia:mj”i %a3%r;Ad4* afiufefi et*e’cf£ *‘.[?‘f 17 7&1!‘ govemmm " , A theniin ta“king'%this’¥0azIaj,4 w«e‘con1de%m%n° riot b"E1V14y ‘the “pen tual C+';c=mrm2:ent or ‘:th*e* %*C7omcb Wbm 3P5fl”1l'1 Wtri5c3étil‘l’ the refbrmation of ReIigiof1i“h\t he% dayés 30%f”5Hm; bt1’t"a$ITo «» th£eA”efom1ed:: Cburcbe: :1 England; ~Ir:'Im2d, §D”ér'zmarI2‘, weffi-4 land , *:Po?and5?‘~ _ Mghiér “ a_ft,s oF ffierm M 5 ‘i2v’hér“eg; - AV 4 Int4en{deh~ts, an A Sup7ef'intend%en:csé: ‘If ‘the prgfmt_,Gwerz1mam‘ m only ,; :with'innaziatian:5”arid A ci51¢fi.-§:;* let khlem‘ explwain what 'arethe*Ii2;2omtiam andwbufle: vv,e*~fw*car’ agai‘n%fi4:4 elfewg nmifmedr’ in juizlgniem-“.4 Wharf i§ meaht by ‘Hi???’ .% r*g’7‘V.fi“h””?’)' G°”‘f it [‘fTb$¢‘.93%’d9?iY§§« an » K JPM‘ « rm Ivor %~*Gauerr1ni“i*‘7‘1*t;‘¢‘ fl%‘r'id * ls’it W % %“"t WY 31913’: ~ Atoforfwedr a11AhMyEGovernm"ent? ‘ AA A M _ 7-In the third cilafifcf, is meant by defindingtbefiing?‘ perj'on‘z'n" rfae defence bf tbtAv‘‘1ru§e'*I£elLigia1?t ," “MA VLibgp:{i¢:' A the A f 9 Kingdcméséfl‘ A‘ ‘Hit a vzzmztafim, ~ ‘rfot ? ‘ If jHfré% V Awhacydothic there 2 Th_cre;w:Yf% A; A AV =-2-~r5M~°'*=° may fo %fpeak“%) “mg-ivy A ii: Wifman 5v’1M'—W teaéheémus, when we to God , purr Word: man]! he Ecclcf. Ifit limit‘atim,~ d;O:th**'%tMhiS ” €0'D!r;d'flZ agrc -' .~ E‘ 04:1» 91’ Wemggr and Megi4r:¢e,s bvwhich “EA ”?1y«boi:nfd W1“éf=fi3’%t 2‘ 5i2€?ff0?"f0Y31 ‘I‘§$:;3nd Pmmgativeé «oil 3with,o‘ut aqyjf 7 ‘W A ‘éhi fix? ’ M aim or qualification 1.. W’ V V ;. AAM;§flg(§eAll£eg4/1. In tht‘ faunth fiiamfe , what, is) mgvam byMalIgndnt.coir wiflinjiziumms ?- a word n%ewAc~zr jufcd org lamin any Sc;-A twt, Law, 0: Ordinance Aamdmvczr ~’ye”tr°1prefcrv¢ the: : lflactrirtel: rwhéreas the DoctrtinéA=l;,l9‘f< ‘ ,, ;l:8abtland is all om; asaplpflrmebv the Con A ma lAg;;¢1¢5l of the octm-.lr‘rrrrAlll the llldiffcrcncel becweegr» l Church of England and Scotland is ; concerning AA mm ° ' r ‘;V1*hellrLe%4gue rIl-legall, r 1,9,” in any ‘dge,vorAodl/9 me readrofin facred or humane flu- rrie._AAnldMr. Coleman in~bi;s. Sermon cotmnandedltlo be laprineéd the Commonsir bf :rthe::houfe :“:of; :rrP’ar~ili:.21poent,l Srpt. l uh. 643. p. 1 8., _rA:kyour Fathers, ccmfidt with the aged pf“ yam- mmgr ”,~wbetla“er ever‘/uh-bu thing were dbrzelin. lz‘be.ir dai_e.r, or in 'tbe_dm'e: oftbeir F atber: before them»? And In his Epxflle rzev Xaicgco;-y~ ,2‘ An Oath, win ,4 make: the Ldnd to, mean: : "an Om]; llifwg-fgbry, mmxic rejoice; ‘lbs’: irfid newzhingrs 4114 not done in, 4 AourTLandbeflre 5:*and"I hope‘ will bév:avnewr;w€f¢'3. rnotfem byrlour “people before. A: v < A .r 2 V A ‘ p ~ We are to fweérinl the ilfirfl brénch , That we will reqlly .~undcou§‘r'¢nt«ly endécmauretbe preférvagionr of the; refo1medF%Religi- .0» Aiiztrbe Church of Scotland,in Doctrine, Worfbip, rDifi:ipl,in: , I and ‘Government: and :yet in the fame branch we {wear to rrmzdecwourlta bring A ftbgfi cburrcbeieof God in tbefi.-A three Kingdom: ._( of which Scatlandis one) to 2be_ nmrefl; cagljunction and uni- jbrmity in form of -Church Government according to _tbe Word hf Gad, fiend ’ the A‘ the V be]! refarmedfibur cbu. “But this, «* cannot: b¢s~«r::dmeri5A Al A A A ~ rerctofiy for Wbrp , A Aline, an A r V -Government: in the Church of England 3 Ireland , DnAzm¢rk,A "I « “‘ évérmenc : for the Snmbland , Polcmd, ~S4xo72_'y , and in all the Churches of the %Eafi( not fubjeét tothe Pope) is Epjfiapnl: and:, that is A l proved toxbe mofwonfbrmalzle to the If/ardr «of A A A any. A - “wrlq 32 A W; Twcar in thefatniebranch, Tharwe will eudewolhr to reform lb: Doctrine of the Church of England according ls 355 A 44;, cflion of the , dr Limrgig 5 fl’ n.m:Jl;lrr Domim , gs ii: is dafiingulr .,.r » W "‘ WW5" M, d. bv I Wldqd in ‘v A Englandmdr “«?-l15A2T€’4l,,?*,'!¢‘;hh7aE'.l1..”:€;g'fl}”a A 4 A h A A ” gtfweart in the fectondttbranch _.,t ;1thatm wifl endeavour 4. tbe ‘9_~.1“Kt21:rpa'ti0?1 of tI%V’rela‘c_y aud,tSc73ijm::% hwhcteast;Prelacyh hath A l3__‘etne1j1%%evtr,‘ and; is, the fpecial, if notmjy means to:ext§hr%pate cbjifjm-: fin-‘lacy zbe . taken A away, faith St. fimmet 4:! Lung ;:md_ t;.-lug pm«eVmi%nenpiet of oh: tméesbyttgr “above anothferg; to; ~Scbi[vztat4htt mm «4uott~‘iaa4t:a§oter.t; Twtis :st:o ~txfifP¢te Cfaurclas tevtrntmtvt ;5JhAt2;4rctb,bifIvvrr; Bifboprs 866- “W164 yet in the third branch‘ we {wear to‘, pnfi-we 119: right: A~;mdA privilm'ge:A»of ‘t/ac ParIi4rnent,aq;_d the Lfibmietwof the Kingdom: amgngwhfch (ibu- A ties of tlleffiixigdom of E%r:g'[and,. and privilédge: ‘of the Parlia- xment, 3l’“€'A[;l«_JC,~C0n.t4‘eh‘rltS of ‘Magnet Charm, and‘ 4Pct:t4iqn A bf‘ R;’ght ; Kin %which%th%chGovernmetnt: of Arcbbgfhapr and Bifhopx, and :the right: and yrifzziledgétr of the Cbnrcb art‘ comprifed; A A the thitfdwabtanth we’ {Wéar tvotprefirjre ana’Ad}find M2-"5. =’j:fiz7»~e.r Pérf3n , (Ind Autbtvarit}, without any dimizwlion of bk *j‘u[lApower anAdAgreatr1e]3'zgfanii yet ijn the fixrb Article we ._ ,fwttfiatrA tE§0"- afiij! -and deflnd all “tbofle tbathenlertinto tbia¢Lt-.2gue M arzdCo7Jem1r1t, intbe maintaining and. purflumce tiaeajeof : Wher_e- tasit ishknowhn bytheir ‘daylyprafiife, that they z'éw'e%armr hagainfi, the King; [éize upon his F om, Ships, Magagzxqs, 1, and t Revttnugs, How ’can_ah, mjan21efiend hisferjhn Ez‘Theteforc before; wcAAeptm;jix1toA thiswtvcae Lzggtpzqhtto make pp,”all”t1;g¢prgta~chqsin thcjC'burcb and Cam; Atmo;2-wealtb , we tnflft make up the 5r{c:z}cb::% in the Gamma: fflith rfelfa... hb.¢tf.o”w_twerecancilehtandtt1nite_thc thrce. Kingdpmsa we mutt endeavour to reconcile the ‘ in this oxur A ~ - A r A ‘ Hf! 7 A O J“ ‘ t ‘ V M ,' 4, ‘ _ Elthtl‘ thus L..¢5agu“e*aflcImCwmantfconfirmedtby Qtathht?1sAfm_ A 7,; A \;afid~§gug§gfltaryA’~; or;f:acrcwlAa;t1d~caniputlfary. If it tbjc 7fre:e Aahd“ thvomfi. is there anh¢3i¢dt a 4 mofi fame P4’m*e’*)’ be *_ :_}\ntcrs_:1n- V . Mr. “)2 {Cum cannot o%ferve,ox§“at”lea”fi be i‘nfli&¢d upon all thofe who Mrefufe to %ent‘ey into it hgfpre hlfthe» of M'c1rcbA.?A If it be forced and?AAcah2pu1_'fary, -hhowh is it a Cayfindntg‘ efpecAiAalI“yA. with God, who refpefieth not our ‘wrdx, bucfour bmm?‘If_ it be a can/fraimd Oarb “Aimpofcd u41zion*hAusA whct‘het“We will»Ao1j¢no;AthenW it is a Lbeatayh yoke laid awn; thAeh?i6ioizfie-imceA, AAhaco*nAfificnt with AA oufrv Gbriflidnhfiihwty and thé "raquifinghAit of is not+AlAihe to procureh a" bleflifig. from Heaven to thcrLanJ-, buctopuA!l down the1vial:df«Godx A zmrge"-ante upon it. h‘IfhATertufiim2hhcouidhfay, “Non If/I Rahligfomfi Jfeligionam cogérey is is nu‘ re!iAgi<)us aét cohforce Religion “: we may_fm:ar that ”fi1ch"Aah can/I'rai‘nedOd1b~h is-«Tho -Away ar;:cepA~ “taAbJ*e to God. ,WeAI*l »it may he termed-A iAn%hAmr languégea hLed»g;:?e*orACoz:e11*a,nt: but int'heiangimge%ofCanaanit is nO5I:hf0. “ Ear Btrhihrb, ai Covenant, comes from ABfara, whhich fignifiethi eli- gVere,hfa_ith Bhuxtorfim; A chatis, tchclmfe. Neithgris it any actaf zgerme in Ariflotluhschool : for uirtunfi b¢bitAu:A almizmera a habit Wbhfiffby We cxzerézife our free*cboice,A: v A “A '“ A N-one ought h‘%1‘"ea~rwA to“ that he knawetb Am! A for an Mb muff be ‘c‘ak_¢rn ‘i 11 A j.udgém.:ent5 Wt hfigbhhtéfiuufnefc,‘ " Ier. 4. 2 . man canhnothfwearhin‘judgement, or judzcioujly, who know» eib not that to be true in an aflévrtqry Out}: A; and botzefl‘ and rig/atheozéx in aa promiflfiry, which hhehfvvgearéth unto. *For- M that he {wife to whiAc*hAhe jwedmb, he AA is ;>zirjuréd:in“d9hji'Fich a a'i{bomfl chhhing which he promifcch‘ to"*~do?;~,? A . A o;m." BA¢fidebfe:rvie géhe St“acutes‘; A1;5prencfc;sii1‘5°‘m°“ at £2‘ LandmAzo maintain the privi1»edges%of~:t;e Guy; amt a«A11<“*’”“‘*’- ¢‘;m&us in our late Pr'jottfta**tion;,‘ the *I.i“bbrty of the Sfififeéh “ya-ndyet rwisther S-cho1a‘rs%,A%noéAp‘px~b_Qciogs, %no%;_~%we«, know ‘<¥in4pare:4:«wl;an -<¢a?1I% the»S:atgum%s,‘~ax3fd privilcdges wefwcamo % “ obrmeana.wend. 7’fher¢.=.- A‘r1‘fu’}é31~'s y~ieI%d ‘toffitppofl a weaI{kRe%pfy i» ‘and doubting cenfcieqce; for fuch as our Oatb is, {urh muflc A bc'our knowledge: Awbat we {Wear tom general, Wé %mufi know in general; what: we {wear to in particular, We mutt Mknowin particular. % But in¢this.Covemmt we are {worn to preferzzewe raforméd Religion in S,%co*t%Vland, n%oc only in gem-9» ral, fo far asi: is Pr%0tqfl4n;t;“*~but itithe parmular: theta named, DaéZ‘rine,*‘ Difazpline, Goverzzment, and Worfl91'p§: . which we tcannot jdo* _.%,A if WC “know not’ ‘wbat»A thcyare, in ‘ __N k . unle{s«w(:as ‘fihfif Papifi igcl" ve,fo wc mar) fide implzs ') "’C'af2-«gives us a '*lt’he=t0ricaAl Ag;2amimtio»n for a Lovgi-W 2. '?'§_§§ A ca! Solution; 1; §’inglefor‘a lf"flI'725li0I7.. ‘It: is true, that to M WV A A % A 1%AV4?'»I3h~e:A cavfle, 'is,ffi&r, fd&Mifi ercnt Bqtvireep die Smut; Libfi; pre_f£!r%* and Aoibfewc is not all ‘one. thief that nlafirzm :4 Pwrt-:maar:tei°uWm= a1 cap-cafe, Abghind aT1javeller, doth %nprin— tend to“ preféwe if; for him was a ma*n;gaAnnoc pbfiwe A*ct1‘a’=r. haeV~fmV71ot 5 ‘fo he‘%%c%anfioA*t in judgement Wear ‘to %pre]e2fvt.{% what: “A A =”ThIe wi%ve%sV,4% Tons and daughtefs in Neb*mziab3 ti"mf'e;, 3,_ Mcmtrcd into that Covmant,“ knewin fiarticular whatiE%w&s‘*A;‘ nfimely,w_ to put fawn) tbeirfl*ra*nge w%izze.c :% and the Text ffiirh cxpreffgly, that zzarze took the Gavenant, but fuck M u(zder§3%»adVCiJ- m. 2.8. in-5 and ‘AI~%‘*(:ox1afei'§%I‘¢LI,¢vz‘az'i-rjlazzd not how this c.xam*;>fe*is f to pugpovfwg A4 A §i*S4A¢‘F*4- ‘F’ afw-FA Pi 1 ‘ thamKiwngdo*m »,‘ éfxifig E"hAeWz'fl"ipiirze’ arid: 'G8vernm cn “t,* \ xhexj Ifiingdom-. Our Szatnhé and 15)-‘z‘55‘2i§Ye‘rZgér: ar.:eA*" E2 A m ii ¢;;,._.fifi_ _ iwho fwillnoeftandupfforthe honour of thisfiggiqwd Ao‘;,;,,m-_lu_ 3,34 i A , !,'I2el1:¢4gae Illega:k'.AAA:. A gin conti.nual‘~iufe; wekrzow mofi o£_‘..them:fand coneerningoill llethofe loweilqzow not_.,“ we may eafily mformlourgfelveszoutiof’ l *thcCBo,oksoofoASltacutes,l and Records; Bug: for wjthekgcotcb Ga.- A mrizmmz of the Gbuarcbfinid Liturgie, not:.onel.lof a hundred among the learneditenorl one of a thoufand of the Aifiitemtg «vulgar, areinfiruéledinit; neitherpcan we know certainly‘ where tofind it. A For the Scotch have onooBook of Genome,‘ or fee Form of Prayer ordered by eheiricburcb, and ratified atthis dayby rhe}Ro;alag'gnt,l as we have, A A e A ‘ , c_a"nno"t coneeiiveany hreafon why.“ the Suéjeqt4;_ of £48,. 1m2dii‘fHouldohc{_”bound by Daub to prefer:/e tbeDifci]}line anal; Litizrg} of Sc_otlag”d wihereaé the Sllbi€&5‘.,g:Ofo Scotland are. ingtoaf all l2qu"r_z¢_c2’, lnorhi:oi¢bei bound, to proefervgehthc Dmg,-§P[ine_ and VLz’t;trgyo_fh tl)ie’iC_.hu1fch of E/ngldndfw Y‘ i ‘A i 6. ii I; A fecms altogether unreajlnxble "thati,we of. 41/:2iq_ Rf¢7m_: A % fhould b£f_._bound by0atb to preferve that Government and“ Form of Worflaip in Scotland; which Search themfelivesiafe, not necefflrlily bound to obferve: Forthey h8lVfCA0ffCfl3 and f \ ngay l’liloli,cbilhange ipawc theirlpleaffiilf€:h’~l’Inthe 1 3.37%: of Qgqen ’ E!i¥abe*’=¢ r‘=rsanal they, conform~edrc2 ms Cm-b Apf Eriglsma’; as Buchanan relateth in his §cotc/aoflory : oafeeg ehciylconfopmedli 1 to _the Cl1u,reh qoflcieiihevqh : upon which occafioon Bancroft wrote? ' ‘-hl5ll7ilBb°k 9‘’.h‘i‘“1‘~’dlE”$’’”’‘S‘°‘’iZ5”Ehih4?74 3' Wm:/13**Q¢'1K21’fl'?»§l1gl.;; See the AfTcrn~ h1»;!€i"z3‘4mr1 his Rclgn (hefllblizwimemoryl :;¢;F;h‘jlc)y recumeaA; uh‘ b1y_at1°£Wb- in pare to fthei FhgIi{biFcrm of Government : ‘but; ofinoce of? A late to the French. To [marl then to prefzrm them irzhibeir Qifijpliue, Govemmem,,aind Worfhig, is _:o frvektr to k.eep‘ 3 C.bflm£ll.’0H In: onej__:_‘£c;_<5l<;;§ur, i‘.wh§1r:l1 .elmaggech_Voga91Qm.% gvgwa l hope, i. h !"‘:*1 A ' land. Forhe deferves not to EHJOY the fingularpriviledgerand -commodities of this Lzmd, nAorCo¢mu¢h as breatbeEng,Mi:_l¢;r, “ A“ kZér3g¢*;ary to the’ bohoiir"“of the Cliurcb and Kingdom of El;;4g_ ‘\ ‘A h L cbargrate: gnarl} oomplectitm ,l. W . - ‘«.. M o ..:‘-1 w "1 g» A Ngififiéliflv Ame!” °“8ht;it.<>:ee7nhter into a iCWazI:;tdhtll.‘whiehlhll xv " em, fi¢fli041h“Hi6t4t¢bfiA A A A A A AA ~ _ofA _E“7'zglaz2a[ _AAhaAth_ been . »atwayeAs~ hep‘: Ag fl:r,.M...t ~ A ‘ . . 7% Letétgtéealflga/lihht.; . AA But this ;Cov£’ndnt is mat'ay- wayes derogatory - to the may . A orEugzm1..A Forthe+Church.ofScot{cmd isAt;notA%ox71y fit 655 A [are th7Ae"A Church of E3;glfan21’in it; jbut i5t3A1tAA{0 A AhPtj(>pountdedAt its d‘pgtterrz'of% a Church intirelymformed, not _ only in Do. atrium tbntte tin‘ Dijciplim alfo end Worfbipg t and there-t fate to «beprefetvedfin[allh~three: But the Church of A Englgnzhas animperfeét, draught of a Church deflaaive in’ al1%;htAAand_ confeqeen tly.» to be. . reformed in A gill, according __to_ GodAsAW'ord, "and thepatcern of otherireforttxed Churehes«.g:. whereas :21 truth the AACl;>u,zcb of hE:zglenzd, astit washrefotmedxt tbeforeithe Church of Scotland; fo it was .mofehexdé?z')o and X perfectly Rafbrmed_(pri}2Ittthempore,Wdite9°boz2ore.) And no rnar- he tvel-3 hfith the Church of Englmtd was reformed by the Matt»-, ‘thority of the.Princcj,A andethefwifdom of the SAmzee:,. hut_'the Church of Scotland thedzeal of. private men... Thjevflhutclm of England was reformed notcmly. in tDoctrin:,.» bhtualfo in Deifiiplinetand Liturgy, conformably to the‘ aMnci?- hh ‘eetntwdhd ~befl_ Chutch;eAs:AAwI1ereas the Church of Scatlgmd, thVOMugh:itt himhthatedflpofiolical doétrine, yet it had notthet A eztercife of A pOfiC)¥h~Cal dzfcipline fince the.PLeformation, till, A King j‘ame5”oft bleffed memory refiored Epifcapal Governtg ment there : where (they before .wr,itingAa€t‘er theAcotpAy {et by Galvin} they had {ct Aug ChC.P(;€Jb}f£€7)’, or. ggvmernmenth by: Lay»ttEf21cr:,Ahuhknown to any Elder ge of the Church. \' Bum hhowfocver the glory. of the Englifb _Gburcb of late hath been, eclipfed in the eyes of hmarty yet by the'tePti’tnoniehs Aoflg Tthhehgfi belth“ am-4 Cburclae: beyond the Steagin the Reign of Q1_een,— E1izwAl3etb‘tande %King fumes, ittmay appear "that fl1‘e,[bim=dh.. among ; an the Gblden Cdndlefijckt fee A in th/ Nqrthernparts of Acbrifiertdom, vtlutgin-tar igne:h,Lh:hma mi» nnref. She fitprorfed hal’lh_’()“*ther Ii¢fo1:m9alhhh§buro(qgx;h ma_Mnd~the,. ’hW0_fS’cotla‘zzd by name ;A as theitgohvdtth.QhrOAhfcIe§téhleite 1 A“nd_7 hohv1A’O§Y.¢.f, hfomc thing hath been Aqhefiibnhed in the ‘ 1)jfa§plhinetA,anvd‘ Lilungié ofA"t_hc Church df~..Engl41m’AA by the Scholars 'p7f7 .4er2n.~A Heretickg. Aopp()fing.'A all tEccle-.._ Liturgie _y;e;t; the _ doctrine of vfhet .‘ ». t»~9’“gd"3~~bY"?11?13“§h§3¥‘Y°‘1’*‘fi9 e Welterhn a nd h. ” ‘ game ‘ , . I0. am? 4-" ‘iwefléfirs : and the Article: of Religion , rvéfihec wich *AvvoIvgy~ of Bifh°P3¢Wvfl.% C W»-:.exn tbe‘whqxeiDoe the” Chtfrcfg’ of” %£z&g*lanzz’5i i"<$ * compgifed) gf zediimao th*e~%fw'mon)~0f1P?'M?4”* VC°"f*?fl%22‘: :3‘? and‘ fa pprcmd Bymc fuffra‘ge”i-of%¢‘*aiF 0rcho%do’x:"%$Church‘eM§. ‘%T’o¢jfvx?‘eax “%€her~efm‘¢<“‘ cn%c1gavéu9r {ht Yfformiing % Of" the ‘Chm~:h?& Erzgfaafifiin‘ .D0¢’W? »r‘%im°¢fdifi3 10 M of G-”o%d;%isL; e~ie511etm=‘Fwea;»r *a§1umA dgere co~jd6» cfia‘: whit!) is“ do‘hfc:h1“...F A xeadyy‘, and -fmié‘“fWeari2a»iz:br:% or E0 fwear to pervert z"‘t,,1? it‘:[ béing firai.ghta1r%eady4 ; Whichis toA%fWearfm[>fouflj. A A No roremncwenm cefpmmy comma by%mi1lion sf ‘df Oaths becweencwo Kingdoms) ought robe made “ » wi%thou£fi¢oefl3%ry and urgent ocgrafion: For ocherwife i«z1&Vfi1fchi% a [eI.:71‘n}an**d pfzzblick maizner to ‘call God as yjf we;-¢V heaven to* atcefl; wi:h% ns;’wouxd be a rah‘-‘ng of by 2\{,ame ‘firaf. fidag- 21422:. Such Covénanring is“like“the cafiing the £oo;{;¢27cIgor :¢s=a.~.m7$>1;-; ~.me ~przzcrifir~3“ :in2t»ou:c t*dfgIe‘A v saimdi ng;em9ry;;\xi1th_out tiny F2'*¢Egea'enf t.=fmrne;~ ;ageA: §fld1AIZi")§ bcgflftimm-As: hf c Cburtb. vNeitherAye‘t fatifl" V! they paraliel to thls: For the K1-Ag of &'pain (agaiinftiwh"0m the Netberlm2d:)_and the F remii King (againfi whom Achc Rocbeflcr: entredtixintm a ‘League DAiefcnfi:ve *3nd“AOfi‘enfive ttwith us) were perfimtiierr of A the true Protefldzzti R:[igion‘tA,; and tappreflr: of theiirI>imownLiberry: Whei'easA ouirgmfcioitia =~ iSaverm’gniis at Profefflar ofithe Goffialii, and a ‘Drfehinder‘AOfAt‘tih”c Ortbsdoxht Proteflmt Faith, and a. maintrzizzer of the PrivilAed'ge:A of Parliament, and Libertigs of Su1aj~ect:[y: as appeareth byhis. A Every one that fmeag§ptb,;mu&have~anAeyeto7¢the ci7zditi- om of,a frat-=redt0a1h fer down jiigimthevmferem, 4. 2. He Ajtmtituiflfweari in nv'mb,I judgwemenmr awdttrigbreoufnejs; "in Irutb not? fal*f»ly,tin judgementjnot rafhly, in rigbteaufziefx, not swickedly. V ' t A But no “man can tavkesthis? ®aA!t~hi~inArigbteou]7i2-jiVI:_ tfgg no; J M ’X’7'h~"V difanul, abrojg:ate,i and A overithrow i.the%iiila&«A Wil: Vand Teflav... mm: of all the Founder: of ,,and Benefactm: row Biflggprzfclgr, ;Demzawi:.r,,I and Cdtbec(rali\ii;»aiz1d «C'o’l1egiate7 Glmrcbiési ;5~ gp ::; aj*_ t % Ailinzate their rwenueytoianothver eridWheni<*i€*hié*yiiti“A? A 1‘ i cfpecially tho!’ A land: being d %dimsted m0 God; antdi thiit fox’: A _-the ~mainieitunae of his nu;-’i%rf72ip,”%AA’andikiadtA fiaper/iitviall‘ A _xI:,1s,,1an nntjufixtizhilng to h:tIwi'1¢«§? out; it ' warld “Of without any crime, or legaiforfeiturge, out of theitidignitiw, A iefermerm, and Eflam, whereof they and their predyggors «gr gbeeffn /laggtfly I Mrimcta miiii of? if: d. to their Aowxi confcietncesi, whether a than might fufiir fmgar to endeavour the extirpation of allthe fudge: 0% rheii — mgs Kings Bench: 317d Common P162193 B4roit:Vof%the VExC¢h=eqU4el‘, V 7 A % TA Sgyjgaggfj at, Law; 6‘Ofix_/E1103?!) 3377135/}0f:r9*311’d ’ Attflrflgf 3; ~11’ of A all ..Maier:; Sbefifi} , Aldermen: Comiisonécoflmrelmeng Add- A fler: and Warden: =09 fompaniex, Sword ’ée4rar: ; Ofiicmr and Beadle»-. I am fare fuch an Oat/9“ were I‘/mm: dc-vowndmm and f¢»dmfedum;% not only an illegal; but a. det.eyZ£6!:Vand % execraélg 03:10. And What: can theyallcadg to difference tlg;;s frV§;>n1frzc/manna? If thfiyfay:‘Lord‘B£/laopraéflwxxgArab- d;,m,,;, ammo where mentioned in Scripmrez no more ~ A is there ofLord Maioria or Lord c/aiqf Baronxsécc. ‘Yea but 05}; cfirfggifirareg and fudge: are named; ‘though not with fuel: A h.on‘orab1e c1rlcs.Sojare.Bijibaps and_Dmcan.r: and thcrcis A f A A %@sg%:¢ata neccfi'ity40f Ecclcjiaflical Magiflratex, as civil]; PW!‘ 4 9E drde; in th€Cbztrc/9: as in the City and 4TSt4te: of fomc prffermcnt: a11dV4 encaxtmgementx for VVClargy mum and im'1i:mn as for Common La_w)er,r: As this Oat/9 cannot; be At:akan;i"n ri gbreofifirc'fi‘> {:9 f.nC1t~h¢r In judgmm: for who can jiadicimflj ’fm=m~ to V p‘refer"'w the ".D0t.‘3rifl£: ‘Di/2*ipline, anVd%jWarflaip of a. Nacioxagwhich%Lhcknowetla not .5‘ How can he (‘wear in truth ’ that hfi W111 ifldfitavour to Reform the Dofirine ofthe chum qfEnglandaCC01’diY}_gA £9 Gods Wordnvhich he /Qzoweth and hath no mmvledged In hxs former Pratq/fdtian, and fub1"cribcd_ to the Article: 0539-1igi0n;A to be(as%ir is)Vca»fa‘r-méle chem- AA‘ux_1:o'. But thefe rcafons, have been touched before, ancimghc Rcaders flomach is like Iioloatzh Cnrméexbz} coéZam.%w% r| %”%N04¢%04th might to be ta1ten,or Gawmmt entredintmwhith ' In is repagmsnt“Atp% theJllfiandwholefome Law: of t:heKing— do»; now 1:: force. For totakc fuch an Oatlmsro fwmr ta. ~fi;;,'f%and confequentlyzgofinjnfwéaringg unlcfs they canmgxke - to the Ldwiflfphc landm liutthis ’@aveM11t is mlwgnant to many Lam o‘fEnglmu¥; A V A namcly all thofeyASt:u,:utcs and A615 of Parliament whereby Aign gcgulatad. V Epi copal Ga-verrjpmzt and a:le;fiaffic4l%MCourt: arc eflabA1ifLhcd msA anfw¢r- hand in dzown % gm To this ‘.€i1§g%L1m~€Dvt if is A zgnfwered by thofife‘ who have Ia them = ‘ii that 50,9, 1'-‘That. the gofi Pe:r1»*1ia.V%m¢im arenm:~V1.ikerhewLwwsof {V 6‘ Made; andf Perfiam, than cannot be aI r?ered4: and in mg. en; ;1cu1g!:: t;,haht4V Vcha % f<;mme,::«~ Afis pa%#fl"<:d“ fizwur’ of Egg; = ~ Verem~'}11},¥ Anrpmled W A thafi Orcii:mn*m~ of both 9? himies, whe,:'mn»Lt ES réi':olv%ed,. Epafiwal Gwm:mmd- “fl'1;1l1bC ¢u%E%%,0ff raatV;md£vranc~I2.& . " ] % FV 331,1} H1. - But npicher ifithis anfwer anyfwayfawrzkfkfiarjg not better % ~ then then‘ formeu For firf’cs[A The rafiselxmon Vtomake an ism not the _ena§i€ingdeLdm; V,.M2my t::hira.gs fall« out b’e:tw*een~r « fuch a“R€f&l1m;an%ndn&h»e ;E'xacuti‘an:»‘thereGf’ :; in %Wh%iah% énter£3‘I1%.%% t;Vh7ey .Wh»oiL thka: ehis W “ may abfukmetyr 1%,. fwadyk rhemfelves in breaking rhre ‘%€ba‘tb@ of‘ déadfimbe toj; *Bi{hop4s}§eti11 being. 4 A A A» A % .. lg v M’ . 2. g H L of A ; yet “ V v‘?v*er%e% gamncdVthercunt*o5 fuch an Ordinance Cour %ne%vver” V gmpmmd to an Azffaf Purlidmmtg‘ much Aleffe of fore*c%fio2 Repeal many armer A675. For as neither:the~I{£ngwi;b*,;fi’3 Coimmomwizt Aoum 1‘VL>’:"X PMM3. ‘nor ‘thfi Kiiu « ~ the Commows: fo neither» the "232 r: an vvicho.%uc~% A A We % MT vo1r%VRe“p*val:“ Ey»%r%¢* Three; _ : EH: ;t:e$'.; *VForuhaa£ ”Wvhich%i*s Mlifi?wfibyi»;#y:fibbr§"; Ewzfi Adag. dc n5mgn:ted by 'c_qmr1 5». tripod: mm. £fi»ze:% m th¢11'*“V*0teS. 1:: *that*gdId V which we areto hear t:he,Ascm.$4:[é%‘J ; ‘Q of the Law. A "V % 1:3. "Contfiary oawhs and' Pfat¢~j¥4iimn:%;G 4 abey dveflry uh: othw; xvdlisev w J hke the S.:zr}~re~% in the Post, who our of che-*“ }:;mes 3. I Vfi“fi’2eMVplace fend awfmet and 0 mr mater: 3 % 1. bldweth /90: and cold. Cam thegountaifla fin’:/9 Sr. fag;-,p;;;~ gftlgg % 3, %BVut¢ ( ‘ Iflvgtll-W A es y _ But; ‘h Qougngng hand Rrotmmfop gis haantraoy to that V w.yhichyVwastakenyby both yHoufes_, and all the Subjtecfisytof A this Kingdomalvlny 5. 1651. For tn that we {wear to main-- h min the PM/iledge: of Parliament and Liéertiex t/ac Subjeéit ( and no man doubteth but Bifbapxj Dmmp 6%; are Suéjeéix ,-A and their yelilvmie: and pri?/iledgext ate exprefly mentioned both in uclamrm Magma: andtthc Petition eoj’Rig/at :) t_tB11jt:, in ytbgk we aéjmfie all tPrel;zcy that is, Government 19} Arclaéifboptp Bflfipl, DMN) @"5'o — V ' h 1 h .. No man ought to /bllicit ("much lefle .i‘nforca upon pmal- 14. yticx) any of the.:C'.lerg} to take an oath contrary to the ‘Oath: they have formetlyetaken, bogth in their ordination: and inflimtion and induéfion into their Benefices; nyamclyy the Oath of Cmzanicait oévedienceyto their Bi/laopxa and of the Defenszc and Matintenyance of the Privil‘edges of their Seer. “ A §V| V A ‘ A V H 4 ;;sB,U:t{*::fl1§CEhy%iS,y‘ the Uatezib ctomxsiyfed ; in New ycmmz= hTheresfTohe cam in hno‘hhh‘hw‘ifeeeb~e taeken 5% at A Item by any h A [Mg]: and Beneficed men. 4 _ y y 7 “As forthcfCiClerg] men who pretend that they above The comm. 0‘ all others cannot (‘awmznt to0extz‘rpmte t/Mt qawrnmmt, “=1'5=mfW¢r- §F’~hocauyf{’e theyghave (as theyyfay) taken an Oath‘/3.tQ oéejlthef» ht“ Bi/bop: in Idem}: Iaaneflzk theycan t€;1l,i=f they plfiafeg Sec exhorrati- ;, *a.=1: they that have [worn ohfivdicaace to‘ the Lam: of the 0?” the “ff .~h“;Landy5 “are not thereby prohibitedfrom‘ indmvauring by §”1’~3 °f W t t , V. .e « y 0 mm 1%‘ a/vj:V‘§,‘éfi“‘ ‘ wt? A3? "g‘h,~‘.¢’ r ; , § 4.‘ A A Afouhrth fort anfwer Awiythtttfdthe tfib h V?“ hm.“ ‘ R they na- ' »‘ ré of probaBi1i* A Atyah “’- That the Oath made to Bi/zap: expired With'thWCAI‘fi * ‘°andt‘thattt75’z]boyh- naw, if" they ‘are not dead, A yet A a “ dying, and breathing out Atheit 4414]? gazjjvgg ‘for “ have voted them down. A 1". AA 311! thefé Bretbrhn tfliouldéhhire WeighAWi”7 tt»trémr¢1veWs,. » and ‘éommmaed wifin 19*/m’r owfiy lamrm =*-béwfc ‘A they Put Vhélf A A ‘\ h A ~ A AA > hands Artbbifbops and :_“ 1‘1M:llM.;¢g!uallIJllrgm!Z; hands to this new Gavcnanlt; Whether the prefcht Vom of hcim mafia canldl/fiance with a lawful] and lfolcmn lath taken at their 0rdinm‘¢n,and fignzed with Clarifi: blaudl at thfl .Camomuni— an ;A which they immediately receive ;from the baud: l of the Bifbap ,aftex-hhelhatlh laid /arzmiron them P A V ‘2. D am et non aonceflb , granting that (in regard ofthofc z, precedent vote; , and this new Cwemzzt taken by both Houfet ‘ hot the cxtilrpation 0fEpl{/2'op¢cie,} Bifhops might be {aid _co be» dying .3 ‘What then ? doth this dlfcharge them of their Oath}: No more than it wil~l:a: W2’ e‘forwi.chdrra»wing her duty and kdyalcie frommhler Huflmnd while he is a dying, and looking For. a-good h-cure. The Ceremonial Law was dying as foon has Cbrifi * was born: yet tilllli: was deddandb:m'edcoo,both he andlhis ‘ Apoflle: ohfcrved ir- Thercforc ril*l Epzféojzacicis dead and bu-A v riedy this l«O’~a~_thh may not be lawfulllyjtaken by any ordained by: them. Natynoh than ll neichlen by their leave: for howknowil they whzctheriltl may not he revivedlandilraifedup again by fu- hhhlel‘ of P&Fr1i~4mWtl,l limzilmcs aslnvefildécliehd to h the Clergiel aS*llth§l'e allr%lcW[l?l Andlliflit hellfo, the waundfi oftbair l Ganfcirewce: wifl bleed afifefb. No man can doubt but that Epifcopacie bet-** cwfolrtmzh WlithMam2rcbietheVn Prefhyrery or Irzdvpendency ; tilt islcertain that Epifirapacie lcamturrilng with Rloyal Mwjeflyy and hbd hAmh.olrh3z:» l7 m:he.rPvm3 lllfirsll wnflimredll I’:?arliamenu:' Miahbfich; lweunfel LTbElCWst‘507Hfi'rmtd by Parlilwments inéall fn ccee-- dh'jlglAgC‘S£.VIEl‘$l;§fl~¥’P£4fit5'WlW@.‘ll3l either Cbryiz himfelf plamttd, lgjmhwifs Apaflhm: as is demonflrwativel-muzomedin Bilfim: hislpcr~-- ” padmall ‘"gomerrmmncl oficlrc cn:uncb;Mmm.;u amfwfir to- Ham; Dlv.;1t“a}rrold»n¥ hlhrllemm cllolmmenmli hp;un.y.c.heh~ ‘ =H1l.ffl1fl;tE*l0Fl11W1dgbl§ll«afld ifllqoplAndxmr’~hisll»>0mxfi.-. In fpzuwg gapltogether‘ winhlahle mfpafl iznahhies NalEio“m;l;land mean‘ gmvne by it‘:a*s:a' fiwcour. l Tlhewwe-“fie wilelw-blifmpxnalnllrll“aB&la mom hand» i»iiipl¢lna‘ln,g:cheGwllahd»: mm and i l fdsfclyl, ;"h*1m.um‘mug tbfew V Raf:-;c A5 l_»aIl.‘Jid 7§4.fhéer< : wadlng tl:1*¢ ' rmlhunmlch my eh zyl able’; claiafhwnrfn in» plumiingllthhc ‘ mfavmmh rlrlswwgmme mdwoamelor — nhrem :“ it with their blond. IF inthis EamamzzwlmilIF»au:%llhm;;;henn;lth- lendlleavour thercmovall -of all *An ticb_3fi~ £2. 1 443‘ .i 01:. Sols- ~i A_«:Here~ if the y c i’ti,{no;uir[ di .e'be;League zlteg4lz,_ * Oficiallr .:.,_ that wouldhavebeen no more then as it; em-Ag _' P31. zzggofi‘ fame witberedbudifromitherod ofillaran. Bu: fimfpjy m3 abjure PreIacz'e(w1th an Englifb glofle far w%1;feq-thein the’ Scotch Text) than: is Cbmb Government by Arc. e;th)farever of the gqodly andfair Aimondxic hath herdemfoire, end no doubt will in fucccedmg Agesbeanif they: vbeenozi ' niprin the bud’: Many glorious A.Mdny1fe:.; fuch asiwcrccran-A A mar, Ridlqy , Larimer , Hooper , =Fdrrar,. i~Pbilpot: »M:my enable Champion: of the reformed migionzg as B fem-ll,BilfonA,Andrem, Aérbat, F r. White ,:.Dr.~KejnoidJ 3 iNowel,Su1c1ifl’e, Field ,- Many A eminent: Prcacherr; B. iMcrtbew:i,«KirIg,,,Babbingrm, Felgmiha, I eLarkei, Peri};r;eSinnien‘eI.,Tb0mpfon,Goodwin , End:-I , Boyfei, ‘ Many mumficent —¢Pa}tran: of iLearningi, and Religion; Faun-A, .deg'r of, ior=Bem-faéiaurx toiiVniverfili_e1, Sicbaials, iCoHc£ge.t,i Hall: , and‘H0f;3:i~ta.”I5 flS.,fl4"”°734)Cb1'0/9197:‘Waiflfleftea Wickbam,Kemp,e A Leiclafieid, .Fax,«0ldb¢m,G«n'ndall, A Wbitgift,wG. Abl>ot,__ and di... 1 W ‘ ‘ “ V‘ ‘ ' ‘ ’ W A fl,’-Wu - A; A> Eiiflévi x . ‘W 9“ "'?"|'1*~*i?ii’> :’\”"‘~;?+% 9"‘ e e ‘ ‘ * K: v 7. la, n *3’ .4 fily Arid our hands of them. For it was not Prelaaieia but Po... pay, thatimbittered, or raeherpoyfoned them: A Which poyjim, fince I tbereformationfls drawn Aout,i and takieema;ma3;;i“ Epifcopacie in Engldml,iA by A the Oath iatitheiri whic icutteth 03 all their idepcndencie fromnhe Rope : and fince that hone have given ihimea more A deadly Wigund then our learned and every wayaccomp1ifl71edV_fberI, Mariam, H403, and A Pri- A deauxa. HoAwfocv%cr,wa‘e there not a S antiaimong~ith:eA1?;W;]m, ; ‘< 3 julidn among ram‘: 3 ::EV,, i,h9%fi10ngii:thi¢;dpa§?IeI ; hiDz'.o:ropim among the Elder? ; andjya Aiir:§l5To«iszt:“ii9mi:oti‘g%the Deed»-A aim and mufl thefe mqfi fact d and “divine A Cdlliizgs ( likeiif M Amanyiitrm of Paradifee , planted by God himfelf) be cxtim 1; V ‘ted for (hereandthcwr-Q) fome raumor perifbed fruit fii Tome times up*on’the;branches ? V ' A A A A ‘ 3; g >1.‘ Drfinrpaucorflm 1'9 ctfirizi-ni in} omnguw yea % ‘ i[7J0(>AI_.A, Biflwpr, . i sic. is either toblafl withapoyifoned breath, or to pluck up” "tbdtAr0d' which ever fince the reformation. bath happily ins:-' dadin this Church; and to deprive us (fo fart zisin them iy. A A i foimeiifieckett , and Gdrdinerg: \ and ‘ Eam1er:,f which were indeed bitter Almond: ; we can ca... e % A A be!-Adevauredmne of eanotb%er.::or~ofAthat moadefi and i~ngenu.... Gal. 5. x 5. 1 %o‘u°Vs*c%onfe1'{i"@n if 3:!?&V0l.‘.tIt AAFatber”,= ‘I alergmm , «'9» zazeygmmg; We‘*fnu& Giaaarizyg this coémnanwiir dguih/i *@bari(y;, '-‘mad, ' T'vsA%‘~fi~vaM»1Wcg«I!. ‘Yéa man_t~f0*1d 4bufir‘abmvccn%¢§;1;t3n%:o% the ec%c1e2fia&;QaH “Cou1¢:*§‘Ca6mmumfl°”’n d"l¢)’5'a mdA~%exceflive%A fem AAgd;. L;A;{vAeAA%,',fm5 ‘ theli‘k*e',‘ oras b8d*in~fl-cu1a»r?A Shaflwe -?thenfhav,e :10 Gem. Afleries, proved ) have corrupted the Gofaefl : andhave not rem: fun’... as the.Lam 3 Shall v:_(c then have no more judge; upm, V the A B *% A Synod ofPmfl: and" Elder: condemned oui‘ Sdwggurl; fi Aind, dV’wers Gourmet: have défined ;berefie.rAfor Daéfrines Defide, “‘a%nd%fet~ up Idolatry and Euperflitiona (hall we then have no more ‘ A Aflemblte: of Divine: P -Nay truth cannot be‘ concealed : A Kupta caprificm. There have been Afirange% paffages in A jecare cxibit V _ “former Parliczmenxs , at wmchxourx AroF:izma»nVd Kecord:VbAlufl1; %mu&"w‘%e« ”theiréfo*rc€ are‘ down all Votéx, AAandTmkc; away 311 3%,; Aliamem“: ?* G661 % forbid. Tx.'tr1all%%vth@fcIwhso are now mofi emf. iperated again?! th¢~;TW€f«mdFatb;e?rx afthc Claurcb ,« and A .o:1;grg { as they t‘iea%>1-m mhem amf the Aprwaticafl AClergi;¢5 :¢ooA1‘»g their ' mat 5 and: Vputwaterimtgo thcirWz'm-,%AA ;ei,;ALm with g,Ah,gA_; fAme¢ept» ofour Saviour, fltdge V A G M A M M A s I c@ndmmed% %:% ?:AwomF3at4flTt»emA «pf L?h¢e; Apofi 1%*e,;1)gz;gm§gAA,g0:’ lvflye ‘lobar wit}: [oti1e;thingsA i%n,~Vfl%:;he algrgm , V fa, mu“ wit~h=m@r‘l:Wn£hE »L:aitie:.m1§a1er4wi, :%€'9"AIWV%7a!e:r¢¢are,é efl‘= in. Atowraiiilé : -H e:»«7»i« $ ofw j ~?maolImIbleA% A:n%amr§ ,'g‘<[Qtd1r‘rjd»«i£RQJgii[.i¢$ who %cxpe&s ma“: 0§Ih 6”rs.7[11‘m®ld~ta1eraq‘i?: ‘ Eigfl‘/?Ag!l“‘!h;V2.flg£,«'~"5 and %?e~%;;qler¢ité »m:h4ersAiny?natb%iug%r:4:f¢r=f11£:4h AaaA:Adi p f 7 V o :3 :2. 3 33 $ £- :2: 1% "or%€aur"t: at all? The Bilhopr (asic is objefied bug mt: . “ 022 V Sol. an‘ ‘I: . Xi.» n‘ ‘W '7” 15!“ J”? 59‘ i~§¢dgP»2Y5s£Ar2?2depnp¢%;n}a; Mar. 7. 1. % j731ly50p”p5§fite >10‘ th’eApo”fiiesApmc£pt, Bear ye one anotbm Gal. 5. 2%. VVABuw$énw“.,%«midjo?fuwtbmL*aw01264!-exam; .1“ “??3"% N am mt%ma dalcimmr ‘aC0;VQ}mm*C~:m aides, \:htt;i¢11 j5 3;. ’ I mid mtwi %Vanc.mad:g%AAw ‘fi’i9?W£lt1"""*(3‘ '%5:’;l2'i’£‘%ITgI”/Dewy ‘dnwomicwwremlgan kw aemzyfiway Iwqfim »cAg;1aM_ .g;1‘¢% M- ”t.u;ra‘~l> a9fl‘eiVvi4lVty‘ew.;whereb5fl w;e,AAAarc‘T‘bomA V one}, %t0~~Aano:hc1;. “‘Giéarfitié4 V {EM b Effifi , haVffoevei‘flfi‘§’3L%t?$@y%ie’imCbariAgyim mt. i 5,; A 5:); it~~<~f€?7lf.] FérrA:byAi;it?weVmgca%hound4:m1aa3(émdAumzey all j * G Bond: m ‘ » X ‘Z V4 R n Agmmsd */'u«mrm-:~o%f the Goflrell; % ‘pié#'rrfWioWtv~”fcl~5.:; vdagzéa %f¢§tm f .% I I 3.. «J? I ’, A -4, V ' 0firt%W3'ofé~ncé to !1*1:,aLe4g:4q Jllegzifl. Bond: ewhatfoever ; whethexgloflafiimytie, Iorh can/Emguinity ofirof ' winltimate friendfbip, cum lqmrlmomiurzrurg l ‘T'ctprolqAu.¢ «mriunt-urlveg ; rd: amihcitiae candidati. l our" larotilenomhljouhrfonize. and daughter; or the wifexthat lyesin ’0l.:1r«l blofomcg or ourffrima’f thlapis as our own foul, be a malxgfiant 57 we are fwaml by this Coz)enan.t to derail them,l-l and betrayxhelmatol the [éml=iIie%h_ of the mfg Ccmmitteel,l and lbarbarous fcr‘u.eltyl of h the”. ,Scqueflrator;,;‘~%lland theft in&rumen’fs;lAnd Malig>éant3»1 (lixn:t'h.e.,Tenlc. :01’ them whq telnder this; Oath-”) *2 re a alljucb withomfi e‘xcepft/iom who fwini again]? the fllreamel , or rhea ther forrent , Ithau: bears all down be-% fore it ; all who comply not with the times ; all who complain of the Libertier of Sulbjea trefncht upoh , an and 7??/Mr“: s W 35% WP: Svrpfivea Ore/Iv *irl B“aptif1n,l“.Ri‘ng:ih Ma'rr1lage,l@:c-. upon all lfuch of t:heClergy "as Wereiinjfitz¢ted*’ax1dlindufied into Belmeficel.r.l What then lvvilllbe thoughtli ofz:h:m: who with greater Eagernzafland V‘. A ll%~olee§v€,ej 1md£“:r‘liWlr:'fc lpenlultiua PFEECUPOI1 I116 coxfcience not "Cer?emom'e:,l but Oat/9:; riot upon .3. few of one lcaflinga but ‘ "W/l~-fort*3" ofmem110I:~inn0ce22tabut nocent Oath: , to the grielvous ‘wounding oftheir_ troubled fiiiritx, and utter mine of their To conc‘lvIde warms incl’: Cllrillian refolution of Lgfizulz-, Wm; Re’ligiiallldefi1ndmduz eff; 710n'0E'C'.id8n6l0) fed morimdo ; mm mm. Izlfliz. A ~f‘Jé'r)itin’l§fe‘d]I}zrient£o'ilj nan fcclcrel, fed _fid:. Nam fi fmguine, lib. 5- 6.‘:-cw ~('i tormentzkal /3 male Religianem defender: vols}: 5 jem mm defmde- Kttler £114“, fed} pollm:"mrJ “ l“ N i“/aim! emim eff tam/va%l2mmrium qztkzm .””Rel£_gioV :9 in qizé fiianiézme dqrzficantis lmmfm eff: jnmfublatu g "~‘e[f5 hm‘? fi£tllat:f%..l7jlThself?am6f’c*32r;tenlce, an Cl" mofl pla ufiblefcape land:mzlo£ rbe'm"w»hol fix§Pc.D¢vifed and Framed this oath, 1 was 'lTt‘oll engfagiel‘ the Sub jeélzsfgof ‘ llfndglund in afirm League with the ;*l,5',;:m,‘aglain’£’cA»tl1elPupijbA part}: that fo by I1l‘1C1I aflegzialced 9./1f'77lE:f>tlI1€YfIll0l2'llIl'EllC better Protefz‘ the %Prat:jhmt Religjon h‘E§2gl;mzl;* anal mazzcgte i’t,. and Re/fore it in Ireland. But what if itimay be InWade.g90;d l.3;Y authlomsy qEScripmrmandl : not fuch a kinde of defence: That" fuch a flrengt/oeninghof A A l _ . G2. % l V the tq/iimonie: of all ages, tll3tlllCbrifi‘ian Religion approveth ll es; Mat. :6. 52.. Isfillizags but b"Y[19}ing.;: _ For if Religion be defm j tétined bthemayewall (Tea by lafyifi’g'ff " A Cities and Villages» flwghtlering menaand Gf0:pi0US‘e_fiEt£finnl"'0:f ll Maxed) ;/belwlill not éetkereéy ldqfenaled§~ Aittl dtfiled. ‘God lopenf! ‘A our eyes rhatlwe may fee the way chalked out beformsll H in his word 5 and 111: tin}: day: ofom-2 Wéfltationlvtimely \ -“~hel'c:a“:~w£'el1is~i511deleCI? the wédflwihglit 3,. A and; inch av forcible fro‘? jmgning «the Protzeficsmtz eéizri11e5'*la¢fir0:n;-;~. lav ‘ ofirizm fipsq it, and Val realimpwgning«it;v«?lll Surely Mrecalemangmlehiswsermoncom; l l1«mrxd?ed cache 'PrellTe;!b»y«- she AvIut:hllo1;icyl of the «High Court A bf» Parliament; faith, aé f m11.chll+zveirmini: termimmtiéuzg and. lverfiis; notelb1'lFy«le~aI{~fiertz3-3 but axettzln pag;.3~6..e ~‘~‘ May the Re- 1 “f;orrnatijlr”1% of Religion beilblxfotlght in b:y~Amne$ ?lIla,n,£'yvc: M Negative1‘y~g it maynor. Tlheslzvrofdllis notthe means whigh f“»‘lGd“ blrdaiiaedl {O4 pro$§pla;l.gate pelgl and ‘teach all Nations; not goaxadfzwdaa lalll”Nalcio116~»is Q11:-Mafietsl Precept. And» Bqfqmlertru.ly‘0blbrveth,e “-ThatlPi{h willnoc “ be caught wit~h?a;fb2'«mz{yVlnllec :,if thelly”lfp;ie but -.1“ drop of “l21aydupon~ir, they will fwimzeqaway. Nay C“hlr'1P: himlfjellf lrefufedl to beee~refcued¢ by fbrce‘1rtufi qdnmaxlg ecommandin Pam !-‘0 put zap /az3x‘f~rvdr%z1l; 3«dd~’111glllwithlalalfleat/mime/<5; 14p the lSwom’aflm/Z peri_/Z21} the -Vwawdlitl if the» anciem;“‘1)mf}m- V as welllaes H1}/2‘orz’am~ may be believed, tlhelyl fpeakmht, and tell "us; That‘ Cbrfiima Religion thoughfllecmld, yet bever wagld A drawmnyl other ; w::apom«im defence . agaisnfi ghe mowers that ‘Tare r6.*‘a:ine~d' iof Gods Tad‘ ¢emill:”%and;there- fore her flflel was, ( when ihehad caufe to weep and lammt for thoufands of her children executed with moi’: exquifite tormemts bybloudy Perfecutours) in her Remonflmmw to the l Emp~‘.':I’01‘JfS: Rogammfidugwflea film» pugmmm ;;e:,pra- flmte our {elves at my fee;c~,t: ncyble «llEmpg;rmml.l5l:me;.l rag/g~4m¢ A up in Arm: againll libel: :* Eeomlwel have learmfd Lfiiéfm our Mg. fiew, Thantme "nude undefiled Revligianf*efar‘eGad zkla to be dfl... éffidfdj not by the Sword, but by the Ward; «lnm, by Bgfiflanca, ; ut; bylP.am'mce; lnot'by Wicl(cdmflr,ll.but «byV!,._L0¢g alt}; by ’ 4 n_zdemd«l»lmain- Plwxdéiing W1. an ‘Q ‘ . Q‘ van‘ ebzfc tivixggx 1/aatléelbfiglttg mrlpcace I. lflmen and Amhl r n. .f’” " “VT Ffwfififlfi l , M %z@z@%z§%sag%%%%%%%%=%%%%%%%%%% aaa%aza2a::a2ama: amaaaaa saga % OMRNXNG % Tke1\(ew LEAGUE and COVENANT. V.M;Pé*élocz{%ior, . W“? ¢Br<:thren of Scotland defire a. Rcfolucion A ‘$7 w from A this A{jTemb1y,Vc011C@rnin ; :th(;‘ Neceffity V“4 Lavgfiglfieyfs A of flczntring, into this New League A: 3fi;ahd how can r .refQ1ve them, if wt:;beA not refol-~ A “;VCdV wou1;tt£e1\_gcs%,w as form: of us a1t?. I {hall §‘thc:r¢fo re .h~umb1y Qfifir A * y0;11r;%V1kerious H c«onfidera-2» '3 tio;n@,Q¢%i\ZVhcrher$V it be not fit to qualifie the word ¢f_.1?TreT4i£y%, when. ‘it: is;ankc‘d with Popery Aancl S:¢per-- ;$tftcrf this Amaxuntxg I w“i11»%endeavour the fagififfiirwpaxioflli 0fPOpery , and all» Antichrifiian, Ty‘- ‘f‘ra.nni§al1;, ofilmdependent I3%ré1ac:Vy? for otllcrwife by _a,hju;:i1j1g, Prelacy, Aajbfolutely fome of usflnt-ll ?‘.fve;§4r to f0%rfWr&?Avévr »fi*lv»e:.w For~:Prel-W.-, alfe H:éiar¢h«§§;;.%A:%;iLivVfhe f0r1Z=fi¥@r aémcld bett»e1§7 ages of me A f‘”%Ch1ir¢h]Lyzvexefl%‘takCn "tsh¢ betteré pawn; rHierar<;11Y‘ €f§fig%nifyifi%g* fbut holy’ or GOv"ernm€nt;, 5‘, e4 ml ..,4" ‘Q wha- G 3 .“.r1‘2€*:r‘ % 3% W??? D.1=.%5pee»b béforét7=? Jlfemfib ofrmvznes, f‘:and%V¢I?r§c:1;:cy.%ghe%preAemim:n+c4e. ofqfiomc tine hxamh “QT wbovwcé» n0tH,e3r.%. Prqlarxon 15% a IEIWAOA dIfqwW* % ~ rt ’ 3§ar1id~ frfiléti are «WWI to Vthofe overwhomz 45 We 46 A _ D, F, lazls Speech, concerning “ they are feta who may be eithertwthe Vflocki, or the “Paf’corsthe.rnfe1ves. If the P100191“ AA Qhfl Fnfe, ell cf‘ thaclfiave charge of fou.1s1may‘be -truly Carfled Pm, H1412", »«vz'e,yGregz‘; for they are fer over them to be" ’ ‘V their“iOv*er-"féers and Spiritual Riders, 4.41674.’ 8.2h3_ wt reAr.As. 2. Heé. I 3. I7, 2A4-AAI»AT1m. 5-A I7. 1n—~tl3is; rfzfénfe both ‘Sti idrrgbryi ‘:1ind‘eie1?e’r‘i2?zzrflfike the W61“ “Pm/atinon quzej fuzz A fz&flt,;;f¢‘d 11”‘? Dfimifii, qtiuc.--3 “ “ mz;m.~ «:47 nor; Pafforer, Impofloresg mm Do... “ c'?ore.s*,]ed eeSea’m:'2‘ore: 3 11071 1371614113‘ fle*d.1_’j'éztfz.‘ let ~ “‘ Pre1:«1tes' not feek their oW11,.but thofe thiligswwvhichti “ are the Lords; now 4 dryer nae/mm not ,T_eg1chers, “ but Seducers 5 not Shephetdfip but Degervers ;ti‘ino3;j “ Prelates, butPilat:: in Whiehiientence, Teachers: A ‘F’ Pafiors, andPreIates are ranged rtogretherg ‘as, efig1’ji..:$ Vfying the efamlew AA _ A V V a V ‘F ‘tmaalafi: hear’ “ lates, are a‘ kind of Symmyma’s.i eIh»thrs fehfe rrwe “ condemn Prelates, and Vote their Exterpation A “ [hall with one breath blow all the Divines that have A “ cure of ‘Souls, not only‘ out of “ rrtoucofchcir Parfonagesgand Vicéridghzéélfo. Butif A “ Pnelati iareher-e in this Covenant taken in reference ?“ to Pafiors themfelves, and Miniiters of the'Gefpe1:; “ and thereby fuch are meant only who are Prgpofiigf 4‘ clero _., fer» over Clergy-men, thenhfelveéi ” ihaving AA“‘fhot. only fome predweficyh ~ authorityi"ov'e-rt F‘ the raft : neither in” this fenfe mayrwe pioufly fwea}; ‘‘ the Eradication ofthem. For there are CIS’ A -AF‘AAthe Netherlands rlntendents and Super~inte1rAj’iii4ients A 1 A Yliods" r“AFmme and~Maf’cers_., Provofis, arid ‘of Col; A I‘ 3 i T‘ A I‘ r CCL1edAges3 “ Germany; Prefidents in‘the§.rRefrméd‘ perfons :: it In which egéganc .d‘Iz§- » f the League and Caaxemwt. “ledges , and Hals in our llniverfitiesg who have “‘3_v_ ; “ kind of Prclacy, and Authority lover the Fellows and A“ Students, whereof the major part are Divines, and A“ in holy Orders. Here I conceive it will be faid, That “ none ofthefe are Aaimeda at 5 Wbutf} bnly ~])z'oceflm~ Bi» “ {hops alreagiy bamfhed otlt of7_Scatl4;m’. And Pmlateg “ mdeed theytare 111 a mxnent“ dfigrep A5 ai;1d“*‘“ l “ *Pre;l‘aE:§y:: : ;E‘f>‘i,f“c[o';j)aa*<:y§ maul, “ is princ1pally {hot at 310 the Extxrpatxon whereof! “date not yield my Vote or Suftragea left this New “Oath intangle me in perjury. For both my felf, andfi “all who havelreceivczd Orders in’ this Kingdom I by “theglmpofition oflipifcopal hands, have freely En- “gaged our {elves by Oathto obey out Ordinaty,and “ to fubmit to his odly udgement, and 111 all things‘ “’ lawful and bone A ~ t0rec;31\;.c.ah1s Commands. If than we’l’liiéWt' fv<%iear~ chetabolinazng or “ Epifcbpacyg‘ v€re‘S’Weat’to ’Renou11te out Ca'noni-- “ cal Obed1ence5~ that 15, as Iapptohend, we ftmmr to’ “f3irftifa4r"wlmrfel‘vtl:. p A _ Al * l it Itlis true that the Jr; was furnifhed with many other" Realonsfor Epifto acy, bcfides thefe 5 and of ‘form: he‘ gave a‘hintinv.thé {Tembly it felf u;>_QI_1 Other‘ Qlmfi‘ " V Q_17‘1l%S1-,11a.II1€ly_Ih€f€f.th3,FhfOu0W¢., ” A l 47$ A laczmzte‘/zeizt Epifz.-opi. W ‘ ‘ ‘ '3 ., ,»,¢_ ' ‘ ‘ A “, \‘ ‘ ..~~ “ . a, . ,..m_ “ . . ‘ .. . . ‘ 3. IV. 7‘ Wu, ‘ . s _ ‘ I ‘ F « ‘ % Vern rriexiti; Eifcdpai v VVhir?:h he inanetohave,afi1Viv¢m, in «the %% ifl¥m¢d%i3t51YA 1 1 A pneceaeht sjmecli was germ; - V’ V‘ éé I é ‘ 3 . é _ M I" ; M VA _ f, ~”j ‘VG! “Q; »,.W ‘Z,’ f .55 ’ 3‘ ‘g‘ x “ > Av _' , I; T %H;v;tt%h‘e Aimme of £’pifbopac;y;cvéf) as“Ait: fignifieth ?1Ade_g5r.a2.-M ofEminency in the Church, is a Sacred and Vcnérabid Title; firfi in holy Ascripturc afcribéd our%h1§fl.§¢dw4A,1$¢:M deemet, who as he is Damirzm .D0mimmt1:flma: Lord of Lords, A fo alfoz 394%/WWEI fiPifi=é7m»#> Bifi*9P %~B1:flw9Psz:nhe" $3.6: pheard and Bifhop of «our '4 fouls :: Jxxzxt‘ to, ,_t:he_. ;A;pofl1;cs,~w A ” A A A A Aw~hc)fcAAdfl§¢é7 in 4théCh"ur“cAh~‘ is flylgd A I In 2451 3?z1azo'm9. Aft. 1. 2.0- =* Ambrof. com. in Ephcf. capw.$4. v. to; fipfi fioli fimt Epifcopi. crom. ad Marcel. Apud nos‘ Apoftolarmh CW, c. 7. 1. 3. Apofiolos, id eff, Epifcopofs A Lémnother mkfi his Ofl3C€o Yfitihfi eye PM-pofitas Domiim/5 elcgit- [Zzopr-icleg; though in berraiaflated, O1"i;;gim1 fignifies not an Office at" jxugufiz. in Pfal. 4;». lsca%pat2‘ztmiw1z7zt filii; A 5,131}, Apoflo!0mm' Epifcopi.‘ _ _ Ex; xbid.‘ Dzlatzztmn efi .Evzmgclzzmz m ommlzws finibm mtmalz-; m qzu’.=w3 prmczpe: Ecclefiw, kid 31;, Epifcopi; [mt canftimi. Iargé«,b~4:r an Epifcppal fun&ion;,that orme which fzxdda 101%,, % and 4.21zt4¢~ t/aim’ was eleéfed into ; .ms A the Officze and Dignity of an AA... pofilea _" lafily toA chofe whom the A A » AApojfilc A tW'tfi*»rttG'&~mm»vnr: 1 49 A Apofilest Tet ve_1jtheA“ Cf{11rC_?hese,as*'nnatr;elyA-, to i?"x'mc-I/2; and“ A 7 ‘Ti‘=tm,”Wh*0_ 11;! 1513!? S’”ubfCIlPF1_“011OftheApofi1es7Letters,;Di-;A vtinelnyf it3fpv1teds'at€“Pcyl“ed‘ Blfhvps In the teflraftned fenfe of ' tAhe;wordt 1 im;4. ’wtittentftom Rome to Tzmaxlam the firPc Bifladpelecfied of the ChH1‘Chh,'0fEP/Jq/‘#15’ andto T im;, the e_ fittt e1e3¢’ttBi:fl§top of the Churchtof the Cretirmx. Howjancient: thefe Subfctiptions are,it is not Acertain among the Learned. If they bear A not the fanle date with the;£pifl1e: themfelves he ( the Contrary whereof neither is not canAben'Demonftrated), A yet they are undoubtedly very anctent, and. ‘of great Autho- tity. Andin them the word I:’_ifA/':op%ACan1‘t«0t be taken at large fog; an‘y.M%inwiHCt _n otPrcsbytAe1‘ , ”bi1t fbr ayf;1jguIn:ar perfon m ‘ PAI;a;Ce <§rhfDihg1fity above other ‘)Paflots‘_;n for‘ there-were many oghe-t PI;¢':§:.1A)A}],£é.fS,intfp/9:;/}f.r:bQCh before andhefihdes Ti7ma~ +thjsAé?’. no; 27; 2%» and, IH CH6 mfind 0fC'réét otrcmnt there nihflhofneceflxty be more then one Pafio: or,n1\/Iinnifter. Befidhs, St. Tan! intvefieth Tim’ot/dy in Epifcopal potver, V mgtkingen ~him,t,a A Judge of_iPteszbyt>¢rs; ’both7to xglaakg them , eh I.:7m"i2rz“. 52.! and co préfiirand rawmé theni, veti".].f1h7._ and e t0~ cenfme IhC1T19:‘iff3V-VI9- Hfgkififf 4”. Bldg?‘ receive no ncwgfationa bntunder two orthree zkvitnejfex 34 Ghd giveth to Titm exprefly beach pm_/hujrgmnj mlinzic (g’z°hhj1ag~1ifdi€*15't'£onI3xa of Oi'd,€t‘A and Jurifdi-h ¢9tiQn ; A Of Qfdéfr in thefqA”WotdSa 5317- IA. 5;T/§dttbpz4/bVo1¢ldfl ; grim EIder:‘ié¢.eh'very»t any ; a%nd,0fjUrifdi61ionatnJ (aft am am. cymxbm: tbhaufémldfl contiimeh ‘”9PA9?'?h"'“_'n’s. to cotre;-9: Cir redtefle ” thci things that remained, or thofe things which the Apofilte tbefore intended“ to amendobut had“ not redrefleei. A A 2. The Angel? of the {even Churches‘; Apoth.‘ IO. 2o/.wete’ n9,RC1C‘efY1.‘3 J”°£>~*‘h%c" J ' t '1 A’ n n . .: t ' - __ befi Lgamgd Commentators both * AtA1g.nEp.A1:Az 6.q’;v~A Comment 11’! Apoc.hom.2. fmctent and Later , then_the Bx: Mmmt A fi10P?et°fFh9f¢A)5eS55.5. fQJr(1n»“’th°f,.¢* Pa'teu”sin~Apoc.c. IA.':v..A e t A V Prov 1“°¢5°”t'.1'§‘§” ?‘°"*’?~°% '€’“"-F‘”’ Can’ P¢1§WP~nEPif€tIWn~5‘mW=:0rtr/Em»: Iévbvfi» be conce1wedAtoAA be Iefle than A,.4;2:zpm_PAAe;'gamz. An lnany hundr-2:6“ érdmaryn Preachers A and P«af’:ors';‘ yetAthere” re but {even precifely anfvveringé V to the” {even golden Candlef’ticks.ne Seven €and1ePcicks,fevAAen V M ’ ‘H A v ” Iig tsn ~ Ambteft 1007'. It. 16. oecmm, Ar'cti2tm “ V” T£’6‘[t€a l dcmonllrateth ‘£45139 A . A A T124awifiifiiy;4M1\Zlg;cej§"J%lt« l t .lil_«_.,'>,,1'1tsl buminf, if? ‘h‘?ml=t ‘hm? .,.C*‘=‘.l1? Mel“? °~‘ht€? then‘ _fe%ve.nl prxme ‘V Pallets, who had the gverfight t.of%.g the%4.te£l .tfgr 15¢ Errotstand’ Ahufes tn all thofe Chute:hcs.”ate;Tlmputed téiél _ . _, 4 2. 14]; A7‘/millaa_{i$.tbe1¢2“t/mt maintl4l£h.llthe"l Dbffrine Ba’-: 11: 15 jvvswgia 0'8 V “ ‘ them}; arid they reptovedlvforlnlettedrefllngthem, c]m'p,,l my wi€c.vth1chliam5 aw‘ W1ft?'=°rlt?"90'4~feJ?’€r=13 the " Wvmaelczcbtl sea that the An- ‘I gell there llignifietlm onelhfingular’ mdnl ~df\AuthotA1ty, the ml!‘-~.htl1e{§vholeA. Clergy of that place, Ep, ad Epifc.Ij¥'z'nto7z'§ 3, It is confefled M6~lZhw:a; and other Leerned Pittons 7. of Ptesbyterial Gbvernmentthemfelves1-that EpifcopacyA isaplztnt, eithelrI'et_in the Church by_th_e Apofiles them-. felves; ottheirimmediate SuccelTors in the fitll “and bet’: ages “ of the Church and tstt agreeable to Plery tolfweat thfev Excirpation of fuch alplant? A ‘h’ 4 L A at £ 4; It cahnot be denyed ,thatwhen the VChtlrch‘mq;fl' - flourifhed, and usmof fari 1ai:getP4tes§te;_@n«t then now is«»?,‘l Over" * -canczz. Nice. thefacel of the Ghrillian World Ttheteltlvasi nb * other Go.» cm. 5. vemment then Epifcopacy regul*ated.by%Divine precepts, and he g"”"A“‘i°?“’ EcclefiaPci'c.1lCanons‘:4 anclfluall welfwear to Extirpate that C::;_5‘§’sara Government under the ’Wl'l1Cl1. the Church moi’: thrived gtndl cm I 4_ flourilhed E‘ Shallwe fwearnagainfl our Prayers, mix; Cant. Chal. rooting out of th:xt,uponwhich we are enjolyt5ed’“ Ito“ .‘epfayl A5» 15- 9- 19- God to paurtdovfn the dew of 1513' lbltflilng ?*'S“urcly the ticwbf Ignatius in y d WW E1’ ' heaven burns north: root: *of any Plant upton'earth,bm: we-‘ ll 0 V Irenaeus I. 3. ‘firs 1.: and mgkfs "5 gr.°W' t Tm-gul, I. delete bzzptz/‘mo. Eufeb. 1.6.5 40. ]erolm'ep:,ad Nepot. Optattw l.t,l[rl.**~co7fl‘.t “ ‘ . * , mm. Arnb§irz EpI.1.lcap.h4. Befil Epb.7q. 5.» They were Bil-hc_>p§ who had the chiefefi hand, firfl; the planjtaticn oFChr1{l1anl" Religion tn the dayes of King of A Brita» ;“ andaftet in‘ the reltitution in, the Vd‘aye§*o£~ .Et/ocldred King of K ext 3» andin the‘ Reformation let in in the Reign of Jidmrd the fixth, and .Qcgeen A Ettifiaétib : and in A 'his"11Efurr¢«» ‘ ‘ -Q gm”; \ .IQf5I’W7.€?1’4§ifi‘?"’€r2""¢”?’- hR<*=1igi<>u3 ¢a5*£hmtc c‘h A Hm V A all I ttlhévmccivhedccffom teh€iI1V1‘af’<<=I; I.Wh3§hG0V3xQcmEnt ‘I st A %eAmHwirWiNwWty V ~Aa1‘I aAges~,:hath uniAform1"y’ Apbrerycdand P‘ra&1F€d2fl}d man cén dczfine wbo,A":x*Fre1*4A the AA’pc‘>{’cltssA A the Abcg1nrrcrsA ~o’fHi;; ; [ nmfi i1eecisbefL2%ppo1“ed to! ‘be 50”‘? by Order or Tradition Aszmnzhcm. A A A A .A A: .- AA7%;A;Tiais fdrmof 1Gow5emAAmAentAw was n‘ocAAA only »generAa%H’yV A re<;t:s.Ave:& and embracadbyAACitAho1icks 5 AbALrc‘tAvcn by AHcre- :4 ticks »a1+xd‘»Schifmacicks%»;A who l:.h*0ug‘h X they fgvered from the A i‘Cdmmu1iionAAoAt‘1ALhe AChi1f%Ch A71"D"%A%0&1‘Ai‘I3€' 2 AAycf*no"t ‘in Die” «1‘ci%«p1in:. For Athe-NwatiLm: and Domrrwx ih2idAABiH1ops ‘of A “ A A A A Athcrr ownafrom whomthcyscook "‘ 1-Zpiplmnius Hgrcf, p. 2.95; L A75 their names; only * Aéirimj Who Aug. ad quad ’EJI#[tjLD£’«l£m.‘ ; . - 4 AA P‘E.m”i Aw6"i9 ~?fl"'Wmmi”“ti*’ “iAfa“ outbf ‘d‘1.TC@i1EEf3t brofidhefl that d J.v.I,Azfca[ms ;z0r2A;/2()AAAt‘AzA;AAAtAéAA;'(I3ii}z;f;QA_ c:2.A;;cL;;zAzr,1>-.:A¢»,;{2A3zA-5 A It 33 3 te~-rzmz ab Epzfcopb .'r21t’[l2t‘Az!i_(f¢*2‘c7:tz«,¢ *AolAel;‘2(Awa“ “Of OW %5Ch11fm£'f“Jl:1Ck"s are fo cli[cc';v',r'2i.AA _ #7 ~ % y 5iI1r0"X1Cj$1Ced5"‘"2/342.4.“ Tfhat I/9£r'e'fl“0"flg'}:t H’°"°“- m T2?‘ 91- W A75 77 % ‘ A A AA A taéAE'nAodzfli21rA5?ian in 't}..:e » £Pme;:e»= ‘FAQ? A :rm..f B;10prS_ and «E1:,- A ’ :~dcrs;,AAAand«toAbr1ng -VdoAw:nA;a ,B1flr1opjno A Afr. 1' 5. t. “:9. Afizzttolxitas .:.C%o;yZzz22tA. . Eyififap, .,{;,;»;tj (M; Vdargnrw zzb fiipzfippalz ‘d:gmm2.fc "ad Presbytefi mgizrzem deJ,cemizjj"e,. fi 1421,; _¢1‘e%A¢;4,,/,A‘,-%_,’5'-,,;;q_., dem;2anmr_:, mic Pr£3byte”7fi_§bo2z0.ré %dz'g’2zi%fm;r.% . % % i;z%APrnr» ' bytm grazdzmz h redmere cf} Sdcrilegiwr.- Piezy mw;,;,w hiCh%%was:A Ab:a;ndiedA ufor Sacriledge above I gojoc ‘years ages. A % A A A " 9.. Neither we_re:he F-athe:rs.oEthe Cdnncel 0fC}.m/d'£’d0ihI>' only 2::-alous in this caufc; which In much concerned [the ” honour of the Church :4. but the oztber three: %:zI<1”o, whofe A a;ut:hori1::y A St. Gregmgx ~hB1-d ~j !I,O. bf: the next to the four. Evangclifiscaxud the D68:-rine rh%creof»is .a£rer >21 for,c¢inco:r+-~ . porated; 151:0 our Aéis of P.x:1ia_men4:, E_[{z,..I.' ;1;h.e{'e:: Councels w.hich%a1A%l c%onVfifi:edA% o%fLB1flWop4£‘a; E1*H1*cAopacyAyAi:‘A feV1*f:‘a% _ A zmgajnd others... A is almofl in every Canon and Sanéiion e.'u:he.r Afl'erte.d orb p xo. Nex: t:ca.»—1:1‘2<%:~, Primicivcflhurch, we ow“ reverend mfpesfi gto AAth~e ,R‘cfQ«{ ‘II1£:d‘ %%i=AQhmchc§ ;baeyaA aha; SvdasA%a;§4. fiithcxi" haw: ,.Ai.ihfiTpia5 L3Sr‘,fi11‘ ;l‘.’olzznz:i:,hV 2Tma,Wvuwi:k .; r»;Dp;¢.L. mfifkia‘ ,and_£wrr!il¢md..g or 5th.»: ?iZaL;:nc% *Em:&ibm‘i§-’&A‘in: N..3:I;‘l’tr e .%uhA®;ug%4:mp%t%A4%iz3 ,}:él:a;’me.,..: rm 'AAwfu:,» iB11se;nd7ci1ts Iand .inmn..- denu;s%I;%AV"ATw%mey:wdrt11dAhawéAr1;hc:Inifxheycauld, as I¥u"r;d.er-- £120 tad mz»;m%}rV;Minifiex4s 5;x3)_‘:A‘TF7’a2¢’¢“e ;; Am: at?1caI’c:a’pprdvfe ;ofiA’ * them, asappea,;cth by the tefixmony.\of.$am,d.Swdia2’, ~%;$‘c’wZr:- 4! AV AA ”%.:%«m£,fl1ou1Ad:; I fipeak gof %1:hAe.- AmcAle‘s inf R;“eV1igi'o:m ,;:h liislsmefiys who hath‘:-.{1{e15~« ""3“‘ °“gh‘ 4"‘°*‘r'J%Ad°£§“dh ‘W Bm‘°1"’ “"‘d~ ‘ _ * 3 % . , V . / . AC=hurt:hcs~»ut;d¢i'~-j=phcir'~Governn1ent, Szc, 1“L,h.1SC01“On&.;fl0fli3$€O pi‘€*-:1 VTh<‘:n.i1.ayin’g’his:h:md an the buck on the 'V ferveBi{hops~ii1-their Legal Rigghtsy. Cmnrmxnlen Tabla, he l§a‘n;h, The things; I mm’: lcafrn from o,urgreat M%aPcers% iyW%hi"‘ Il‘?‘~"°?"’%"f°"¢ PY°miT€d;T1fl1={1¥J4P*=1"*‘ of LN» Forbv EheG9fP31=* ~a“A%' 7 §Z°;§‘c:?§a}k§§§l?b§Z{3?‘? °T_.°°*‘*=~ “““v">""“ ind%ucements;t~o are {I115;“3nd;fO1i+‘:-'= ; ~ A ~ % ' } V ;j T citations; to perjury are tainted with thacrguilt : :ncia.her is« there any power upon-‘earth to difpencc .\Vi:!b;th6* breach, of Oathslzrwfully taken: V A V F If 5. If ddéfifc that Churcl%i bf ffiglaiizl H§;‘>114riMfl1% 1ikcA the Garden of'Ede9n,.wc mufihavean cyecozhe nurfle;r.ie._9, of good Learmng and Religxong the two 11jmvcr11:.ies;: which; * Wi1lneverbc~ %furni‘The%d 1 with choice plants,;.‘i£ thefm be no P;*»efcrm_ent~s~and Invco11'ragemencs_:0;t:heA S:udem.=s; z;h?ere5i;who ‘f0r%%th~e' far greater part bend theirj{’cx1%di-cs to the 0_ueen %of‘ all mofeflignsa Divinity ; %which%wi1l make bucafknv» pro;g=re£f~f:§ Lt. w AM‘ . W M. " Cit. T19,‘ “"3. AAqzr.cfi. 95- A Sale 1;i§h%§fo‘”AHA6*nbur ”By"th‘efjPremife’oE4l rod ,{»;;&ah,1"thdfethatlhlonyor me, IwAillhonor.; becaufe they moi} honor God in every aérion of their hfunéfion, which imme-' Allldiately rendethcohis glory? r. N A r ‘ They will fay,’ That EpifCOP3:I Government Ahar:hAA proved > A f1'ba«.AAmt?qAAw5ty: fine; Nrrejfiry‘ =ifr:Bil{hopAr§.¢lcs§ Deanrlesg Archrieac <;inrie_s, iamd Prehez1dAarie~s, ‘ and allorheri?EAcc1efial9rrrcall§d‘1lgn1n1esrgr(whxchg. rl1keJ€[q;,9,A.rf,,,m.,Ar . ;Ap rirsk oragtlne rihdullry roll thole W ho'confecrate tAhAeiAr La hours-A ejand Aendeavours ml the glo~r1fy1A11fgofyG.0d,r1n rmplio yling ;§{mi,_. ltrilenrlinrrhe Minlilferyof the <;3ol'pAel, be taken Aawa.y.A AWAhat’ A «fallsAA are to AaA_r Ship: that arlerafle€tionsA to the foul ; w{1Arg¢hAA«A 35 r they be not hlled Awirhrhe hopeof folmerrexvarrdsaiad &€feAfA¢!cdA.l A - prefermenrs, as a prolperouls gale of wind) ou“rAAA.l£ah€reAdAA l"cludlireAgi ‘and endeavours will foon be calmed: for,*AI'aa;:o.r xii: array; omnefqmz incmduntur glaxige jarcntqmc aaAfi=’mj2er,qm gpgd ,qy.wJfq.l+»se i mp»1'obm¢tAm'r ;» Hfonor n:.owril"l1erch rArrrs:_-y, zmd all me :1 an? inllarmedr with delim of Glory‘; and chofe Profeilhfions AAfalAlA and decay, which A are in no el’cee1I1rrwirheArr1ol%r AA A’:A;n"d:A if” . tAhere«aereflplac1es bothrAofgreacr Profit, he andA.»I?%}wggr “ Ar pl: unded coArAAS:aref-r-men,anrthofe rhacareleamed Ainthe Lam A. like rich Prizes to lthpfe that pwve MalleArAies; fllalel the p-:3» A fefibrs of the Divir1e‘L2{vv be had in Aelleemachen.r;jhelAA 3w,lf’lA A ¥dAenArsAA and I?raA&icerslin the Mun‘ic”:Ai.pa-1 1'haljlA :ha:»A APm.;r : rrfellionrcmlyA.‘he; barredfromrem1:ring*inra“‘the Tmpzm" pbmw, A » yr?’ Alarlzafanter we Aificonlvénienftyy and pryeju“dicial to r;h«e*SAcat:e ;. and therefore the, A Hierarchy is t.OL.Abe cut dow~n,roo1:AAand lbran,ch.[Ol‘ this argumemg We may fay ,+AasT Cicero Ardoth of Cato his ‘Aexceptionsagainll r;-oLM;rr.rol1e *< ArMm-away Se::laAlideAArhe Auth"oricyx;of rheAhOhjAee’:ors, theob... *"A”W” c‘“‘”W- Jeéhon hath very lrrrle wexght m 11:. For 112,13 lrable to many and jail exceptions, and admitrech of divers Replyesr. M lF‘irPc"Alir ‘is faid,TharEpil'cop.all lhlGo§rernnien.t is inconvenient and mifchievons-,. landprejudicigllrco rhe.StAarer: but it was never proyedAAAAro be lo. A J A A A ‘ A A Secondly, Admit fame good prool" could be brpught of it 5 l Ayerif Epifcopac ,,beof Divine Infii:ution,l as hath A brew pm; vcd,Ar:rmuaAno: e clherefore "rooted: out .3 but the _Luxurious " :l’c‘e«ms;oENitApruned, and :rhol‘e~ ad’dicAions to the firfiAinl’titution _ A from A A A rAAetrAen~cthodL A ‘ ;A J wficmemhefoimgconweniencoso _ r A ~ '1=‘h2ird1y , If Eepifcfopaoy hoadwo optoovod iricionvenicnt, and mifch-i'ev~ous;in this » age,whiCh was mefi 5* bentzficiaol and pro- x mm,“ mm ficxble; «In al1fot~mer ages, the fault may help the:Ma1adi<:s. of 3. Ann. 2,5, the«Pat;i@nt,A not xonho mct‘hodoA of ;oCur*.c.; ;Th1s age is to be T56 Church Rcfo5m*ned, not Bpiflcoapacyc Abrbgaced ;o.och‘attheoLi;ber:y ando fmdfid in the of England wéso A 1m{enerso~rchere:A£a:mgs Awi1lno.r;bi4‘n<.thooS31%cred;bao13dSooA0fnate0gpram V E4p,i:1'copalooD=1fci1A1ne;,. 1s ravizher a proof ofzthfit ll:1tegr1ty.tAh¢rC--Acy, m. for “Ac ofy then a two argument of any malignity in it to the State : ow to it‘ our ’ wichoAutAwhic~h, noAeFfe5tuAa=l T meansor courfe can be: taken, !’ef%*:13-W5=o‘“ad¢ »e‘u:‘her A fo:r=Athe fuppre fling SChiifm'atiACkS)0I' the contim1anionAof fimise f:§”” a*l7aWfu11amdgundcfiyab1o fuccefiion i.n.tho AMinifiery. A chf¢,.,:, Mam cbetwofioihég ”arkando Latmfiezj, the marriage with Scotlmzd arid l2t1:b:>l\§::Fl*‘:1L.i‘iz,L:l}fi-g; Plantation and Rcfotmacion of true Ré1i'gion. A53: Vindicatian‘ of ‘L‘pij'copacy,A pag.“ 2,3, $4.. See alfo the Statute book of I6 Rich. 2.; vvhexte the Commons flucwg That the P.rc1ares o were much profitable and nc c:efl'ary“co their Soveraig'nAALordo'3:h¢*King, and the Rca1m,c’yvc. T Icronmc..AodverflLuc:A;c.4; oilgcclofiw fzlm EA fdi?£;rd*0tz2s-digr1i1j4{£A‘pcndet, mi fi mm o - o gigcamg =,qAM.'gl,5zw,£’9' mbwmmijzm emmozzso-dmm17rptA£fi:zsA5.A tot m ligclejigzo ¢egjfic_ientu2' Sclaifzzmm, }, {L facewlates. J ':C 3,.‘ N02: aliwzde Haérefes alcome fzmta craft .mzt_z_z Schifmm, qmzm mdc quad fizcerdatz Does not: obtempei'ntm'5 7106 1mm 2'71 Ecblcfia ad tcmpm fdcerdas, 23*» ad I Judex rvice CI)2fij%ico_git:ztz¢2'. ‘‘ o A A 7 A16. Lafflya fume ofilm .i:h‘ink "h_%!Ve IprOi%igAhox; =+ A,;1,am{'_ A__A % V and $1,andfi~l€zci=,va1adpre‘ciAoAus fiones to “buii g;t»h¢,A(Aho;uofo of4po_¥.Ho‘2,., Cafithm old, by Aprodocing Afomc: fhmff out of AAmiquicy.s to ooproyc M :hg»§Wd“??* oP:'«?sl?JI~ ’rd'i1aatAiAonAAAoA>E Pr¢s‘!b yjrers by moor: Pre_s~by*x:jers ; yon being’ pot to tl31»eAufl,¢itA; rovesxnccrcra-fh :Afoor~theve . can1b;~;_1ac9iAifW€8:;11~Cc ;;[z1a$‘j I’~r“e;:byze. A brought out o Scripturo of any odination, owixlmoog kg; ;2j-,~¢i2;z;z,;g Ao of Apofiaolfigl op Ep~i9feop@1“ha11:d‘5 mcgimhzer r;§+h' Wime P%?‘99[l¥mRf¢??ffi¢oo,§ mmiqu&:‘y::o¢vempemnoved Prosbyncrsdoyoing3hg,m15.gae W "'-’f”f/4Af’W op;poAm%zmother5 Abm:A Orthodi:¢lo*’Counc¢l§ :c*vo1‘ ./1.+57A1Aff¢’.7I€’J'v. and? l0“n'W‘l¥§“'a‘dh1.1:-tA'0fA Epifcapa\l—‘**G:m'¢rnm€11E;, moi’: wvillinglyl AA{’ubmi‘t rib izgbut never ‘ had ,tO1'a'f£ this (‘lay h9aV€.%?l11lY“.0;tl?JClr ?ANei+ ‘ther is [A-l'lA‘:.lS1; i’o’r can irfbe ‘deny ed by our z1é'ri4n:“:’lbutl rhel;ylc‘el3-lfl“ A Jug; charlthefe are*Chril’cians at ‘large; who hold_ 1-‘x_j1anyM Errqrs and? Supe1'fli[.lOI]S with the Fundament: ls O£Chr1ll%1anA I)_ocSh;1‘n: llltlhelif Chu1'7ches are like A Aoazre not Aclezmfed ff0AAm' ¢31Th“5*11k€g0/d not P,,,g,g from drafgluke t:Ahr<:fl1ed wbeatangtfanyed frou1;A the cbafifeg nkc ml notfifred from ‘ht’? bretns 1¥kPl.W%,m notdmmv 4 ¢JJ”»rIaeA1;—e: :~vearcsf3Y th¢Y>“P°“ 3 R"-f°"mA“,“°”’“13d W’-""“" lcovenanr engagerh us =0 *=r1d‘=-W=r th? R¢f°€ll“‘9t1°n ofshe AChuArch offingland inDO&f1m?>W0Ff1}}P.>D1f01P111?€:831§l bor- vernméntaaccordilugxo the _Word of Kaoda; and accqrdmg. [0 theeXafI”'P‘1¢l0ftl?¢ 941/? .3319’ ’”“lC If?" .’’‘'’f ' The ”’?J"”v1“‘37’??’??“{’ xvhich arerheyHvhcthfififhef¢m““?d_e?5’9§fh?1’?'“’4'7€"~%“ml AA1A6;'génfé_c in P£emaAnAtA> ifldl A5h‘A'-7 Parts 3_‘U93’fimg 5A 937 AA°f t 3 T4? éorites in Boéemiaaor of the Lu:/J‘,-rmgx m Gerrmmjsor thofc chat: Aafc called after the name of Calvin 1n Franccaandfilfewhere? 5.3‘; 3310 5, A1,; Firfl,for~the Winldenfex, the fore-rurmC_IT;5 0F.l.lLJrrt1Jcr, as} he “ bat in hisTAm&lhim{'c1f lconfe{Teth,rthey hadl Bifhops wlho‘Tl*0r€i»aiAn€Ad wait- of thcé v§fibi—- llpafiolursl: . 3 (;—a,ca1ogucllWheArl¢of we may fcciq chc~:H=i'llory (Sf lizy o t cw ‘ " U Ch r h nd .n the pyggldgu/2-4-, firfl written in French, and after? tranflared‘ into u c ,3 1 » V l » ‘A l . l A AA lms:A%n[.Wcr to lgflgggfg bya lea'rn‘cd Héfald. ¢ . zr A‘ 5 l‘ A d] fox-th:Lutbcr:§nAChurches,Ehey l1avAe Pgélatcs & VA 1 A govéififig [yl'1Al;'_In,lnnd€l‘ thetxtles ofArchb1{hopsAand Bxfhops M A "l pAolA. A;CoAr1Afcfl‘..3Aug;kil‘can.Ac- dd 1'1“m¢1'°A5C ufu» Sacrament. N03‘ fepe‘ pratffiflfii Wm” but lmdc[_th—c ‘gun?’ Sup¢r'1l1tcrk A A fmmum ,m,,,m,m cP,,fi,,,,,,,g I,,;m,,,,, 1_ag..A dents I_nt_cn cuts m §:’:rr2;larg.§nd. A ‘, czc1ia;2icm=lA* Lather 1/rifnfclfa who of an 113611 II1QP‘ibiEt¥‘3f¥Ytt«i9V‘Eighi°dit433i??? thfii ;§‘nEi:Che¥i&ia‘n : .Hic:m£% ye; ’f%L,uther Tom}. :4. p. 3 zo; Ncmo cozztrafiatgwz ‘Ep ifcqparum ~ ;¢’9;* «um: Epifioposg welt bdiior‘ W3EBE1nt'{0.h1S w1ne;add1ng, Let Pt flaw. diam I,,‘,,,,,i,1,,;qm-,6; mm 1,3,-ett:-,;.i #0 W4” l""e"é.)' “”“i”‘5 ‘I-"“"' I/Peflk ram-ea: diczmax V t 4»; thing again/i theflate afBij71op:, V _ _ _ A e e A A baton!) Jgaififl Kama}: Wolves and T}ra)zt¢:.t N61thCf_3f¢ '3h¢ x‘H- . Lutlieranxetofiandthcr minde atthist dayvtiwirfids tthcif <=V<=ry*Way ac—- mid. ta; Mithiihfi-ioi‘eEccic£fiNemb 1..., comphihed i.Gerag~d : eN:me of ma flmm dicit “nibitl; imeiefl} “inter: Epifc:‘apum:i faith he , M pzfiirmet/9; That 119373 55 2% Pmbytcrmn; fjdagnafiimzu difiirzifiozzcmf flax dtfirerenceéétween 4 Bi/I-10]’) or gmd“’‘~”’ 1’ "'”Pm °”7'.‘€‘°'-'7 E“l‘fi" M 69"" Prexlajter a or Pridl’ ' but i we at‘ cow“ c“["'Wt”'r' kiubwlqdgehh kt i difiErexce' of Dggrecxig M NH gt) de0trdi¢/‘fake at an}! to, prefirw gin» hqrdiiin /iiittrc/9; t V Herc. nxe~chinks,I reechetsmewmmx; bend their br¢ws,t and imfwe.:w,1.£ht fotnemdxgnation : Wm: have we to do ,. wit%hiLw;;h:igén& who have Images in their CNhutches,andfiAuri-g Cuiliar con¢féifii9na_ahdiemain:ain Confubfiiahtiation; and iuibi: qmty‘, and Iintfifclfion of grace-,.%and many other Ezrrots? W: 7 are of Calvinaéifld hold With lihfif Doéfiineand Difciplinc of V ,‘ (;,,,,mi,i _§h"a;'tihi no H//2!] at all of Error and; Supcrflfitioni, but is 1i1<'~°=er:héeipur<= Ang<*J~’-gold-t ,I§1ete_tthhtigh “ '1 imigh‘t;ivt( aéimafiiy have done) crave =r M‘ “V pp; a “Legal ExcéPt1oni‘iagrai‘n3i. the 4’a‘l]t)t‘]Q,,g1..,'£kv¥,:k.,y°g imcfgggiflf énd am in mtatscr Qf»;tDifCi.P1ifl?; b‘?°3Ufe A rghfcyehfid Vaflhaxidi In rhruiilixg °u¢;=hcB1fl10pi”of» G¢Wi'¢'-fa;3ndTfhC”L1i)ii%Pf'¢3hY*i‘ ts:ien.t¥3°vemmen%t~t~w=mt:hc”fiflhe:s>f:hei=brain; ggandz 1s.fih"atura1if<>,,r :ePaFem5 to date upon their A dféh,ié;"nd hccbmpt them ta; f;t,ixjecAéan¢d more beaiut‘i‘fi Q1 th1eniehin;’h deed they are : A yet fuch was the ingenuity df thofeifiihitihiyi A R6501-‘mcfs and fuch is A the evidence and firength of ‘e Truth, that in this point, concerning the Abolition of EPifC9PaCY in the Chux;cb_of Emqnd. Idgare churethcm as Ilmplres. 1‘ A Fi1ii“Pr.—. y ('9' Pajtom %Ab:zb;;eriz‘,% &c._ .,,»J‘ A @314 Egg.-'1‘eAfi,:e..A ;Ai‘al”e2n. rz:»£zz«.s;V,A&i;i+§c2«::c:vé«;£%-%,:r?22W¢s2<:I2iA5a»:z»§§ra z2zAAqT7gmfiv"%Ac%zi+AA'%A A 'Il£’tZrlt' E pf f 00123, M Cf?rifio’f);Iaej77'c'_rzDz;‘ %}ée‘Q'c25fe"7¢f,_* at ab il.-’o tmzqzmm mica capitc pcizclezzzzt %é’a‘ 22:1 % ip_,/"zmz 1'efcr;z2zrz4a~;:’z?;;; Qzw;.:jic imfmr fee f 2ja;c'r-_% mzm facietatcm icolmzr, t2t;zd2i”zz7iW1:‘7o21o” qzz:zAmA “ " efztas werimte first colligatég tum veframzlla mm mn;:£b€m?1teZi§$r7Ifl$f%V fmm :“ qua-i ’%,e'r'}itizVt;.. wi- naxz A mm f ajewe2*€?1¢fi£r:‘ft4fi?3m&~q§aqAnlgecfictitifl 0?? *3 1 H V ri:a,»1e:* ygrzm fpea Mja:z:¢,cIar;fl, tlmf 1:19;; A f*I§wI»~fig“iiit*j wfllwbejfityofi 81¢; % his Ae}‘AerA r%ew;;%m»A% M19 an‘ fiiwrr/91> in .°%»*éiv6/2;A?se«$2—% ¢ my V/52:22? f2zAcA1d' p‘rAe/ieminemj;t%b‘zzt% J” W} rffflfi’ wt 1 themfislm: to ée ” dépend pzpoh 1a£mA.Afm9AA Jag ]7aLfl};AA W} V ¢ W rfwtlver ’W’€, W mm. of %t’aatr#»k> ewazzbfi ‘fama»sg_2a»1myr.«, anz1"1"4,ffo7¢r:CwI&iclal:»zp;g£§§2y‘} I}, ]M*?£a "W1;/72 tlzzzM'fa¢9jma}A ‘r%:ontfiz'tz3tdLlZj'AenjAQy AC; Sure! he _cH;i1: A fqh”iAgh1&yv...extiol1;ed_o11%;*’Bi4£1u*ops,‘ax;d%wvi~Fhi:d tdhAat’At:I1ié;«t:A-%#()fdéA14 might; like*&:héAA*t§réev~~im:hé P0315: A*'1§IOnc1%;;7m’%aI;I?yV4~Bfiii‘ér A " A g3~}den~‘~Y!bi§g'H§ ~Aai1jc”I%‘~£‘r»1:'r’it~,; wauvd A iffb cj rhafii y3‘fwet§‘;¥:c3? Avvoaw A v&i1t»»u}&‘1é __Ef*5zrci*r;}A3a}t;ioiu'i; we-r¢vo£. A mm; % L . ......:»,,,‘[,~ ,1 , .‘ ~.: l"“:"“ ' /. A‘ ‘M. ' 3-7"".-."u'«‘"’"3?,1 ‘~‘“.§T.T."~**-"’l'l'lu.:'*‘: ' ‘. A£.r.'.'“4 r . --2.:-«.3»;-r..~; ,',«., Hm “ ‘nu ‘ ‘$1.7 ‘ % A Qfthv late Vow; orVACAoruen4;aAt5%;Mq{(gV . W‘ % king ffé~dby%%fome A-Mé‘~Wém‘ ‘Of 50”! MH0flf~m%%t03‘§.”¢”H,.*iS Miajefciéfs-_goAd%.v A A » Sz«:bJAe¢‘rs in the ix1::§;rm:%Am@:@#AAr1hAasAodious £ae»ba1At4iamI:;A. ‘ « V {W HE'S“ me:;mane fiILIo‘!Jm3:' A §ttt¢p*2tV I; A A ’i”¢f7H§hM;?6R’Eflh?f@m8 A A * 8fl’lbfi.tB‘t 6!.‘ now; $3W‘fWVffif V A$’aI:I*ia- , 5 ; 4 Aflg:gu9ticz4% J ~:=~'r ‘ mi nrwmmfljm @13M‘tmfi‘Q$%.h;t’»‘fqMh91 ._ 4.‘ In! A :fifmtw:'i’fij} mew A» I «A l V; A A %‘7f:isaf*iTI;m1tHTi A r.guyi.n»Lt¢c:%1-,,V,Il;m%l@ 9%»; A mmtnmjme w mam: egémz \ A A « .m as pmzfnmce: M ‘ > '* A " am. 3' M an wmnfi m min; A gm-muA& -A 1] A % A +€;%&‘m:‘@b8w A A A ¢:2@1;iIxp;»~ A ‘ , ‘ A 1‘ ‘N 31 3-s A X?J.i€1);m 1 nfi mimincms miagnom , shame mm fat from gihing counmxameAtathatm1igion.A~tbatw¢ habealmayeg ginefl;'if$,an‘D aiboam‘offmMDnmuf¢t1t%tu wfiv filctfag the £u;J%pge££wn;of %‘1E*opm:,auDti;e Vgtom.tbtb’éteof;Vann V 4‘ .2 a me am mzmat-at-:=: @.;o1mcnt:o;n tn ttaattbe wrmvtaifebbvma is»t'~ntc.utb fa: t-beneceaa- A 1' ti’ B9;f?l1F9%;nf%f$1) .4 Bflablfli % ea i‘me ifiefogmjw1a;otei1aut%fie—iig%ien . y * the 1ib8tfiP‘AiAfl”flDgémovctty or the W i V to §%§atif4’ameutbeing ; pzubineffl fag , ma§“‘“t'i)z*tamcfAmitw~pbe {M8114 mefimg -:l?iff€t2D*atlD are a‘:E1’tea‘oy to %z5ban%D**ou1: atmies: anMe';tl3.eM.4faLII math was tlehtfeh mfziv to pgcneng M miinuz fiebellion ate it is D _a@éac¢,é%a:iuJtéypigéeeugm tmAma:e§s oftbé gaemwg as «m~4ta1.%?oufes%(DAitec‘tIrconfirmW the %ifmnom%ann ',11,ib¢rtgiV‘9f4V 3:221‘: ivamenicarm me tt;em*»an~n~®i:t go oh $ub‘t'~ec%ts in the Inaiu.tcnance% of tb%is« lyogrin mm trail? as 21! to emmeaun 3 so % % 3 3‘ kgupzcmacp zilablitlwenmflba,?hJbicIroblige5tt;cm :5 :tM ~a *? w~V1:;ouAt:5toI,J:fc1afe nun: " , " ma 11‘tojt1%zicpnmmr;fo'~1{t"afl m an V .. neattogdififitntb afiin with ofiifcg‘ ‘flaemberfi any I 1>'41Bm“mout,,a:nIJV~tut «é’fmlJ“'c!II§"; toga of \ nmétsagafnu aw ctnrmzim 5 am» ‘s 1I3b‘Va4fi‘Wb8vs mm Ci) ; " 1: ’ 4: my. fil1D;"t&:J‘Bb(F%T%?%fl)¢W bVpflm;n¢a%- V W, A % 1' , f w f.,i“%3IiI'»fWc:4 ttnflfilg 393 €i3"g¢Sa3?2»A%1)em;n1M%c‘n%i=eA5‘i4aW‘ittb%fi3iwT%fie:.V. lbngtng to 615;, o;un1teD an‘ annmn to «fibre flimpagfisgl ~tfo%w A V“ tjbatio memetpangte main «ou5»wcr.fz_%“ gnwaygagg fling}: em ‘into a tentitmattee et theta miteeableee A “ane blunts? ‘etttempew, we be tbeeefoge out of ®z-aeee arm cientttattmn to out steam? aunt that tbeemaiennt e wane craft oz bioteate tufiet tbemtetbeste be femteep againttthett Butt» atmaonteiemze, maentbemefehete natutal Elltlegiettte, ant) tbeie mbligattonst be flettes e lawfully ahmmtt-‘teen to them, atmtnifi; t1;emttete~ membeettge great mleftings of £15 on in peace ants plea» ‘Pg mbicbtbe‘mb01ee fiingDeem% bath teeetveh, mbzltt that Bitty ate!) there Maths ‘mete catefu11p’~ebtetbetz,t mm the unfpeakable mifettee atm ,eaia:;1tttee they habet tuffeteh tin t1]8;.e.b38a’ktI!g annmeietmn tbeeeete. t em taee he Ittaitip etbatge arm‘ qcemttxaneeewut toning Subtettfiof what Degree arm quaiztp efoeteeege upon tbetttatllegiance , tbattbeep ngetumeeuet to take me fete efienitwus arm ’®:attetone menu 0; cztebenant. mettle A enbeatreute e_o mtthmam teem teem their neettgeawiet Iegmnce mbttbweyteme 1!I1t071I3§;aflUt0 mnxctgtttjeet are ogought to*be»fmogn~,ea;nhatehaunt bzzttvyetmemmet meme of the ‘mane , albett ..tt;ev areenett'f1nezn.'ett1a engages them in fiftts 0fi1.)igl) firearm be the emgerg e letter of the éatatute eftbe 2. 31:11. fleet of iiiittg Edema tlge ttbieh. arm wee no liltemtfeijeteep teem ‘mm in-.-«. meet all men: fiubtette to: imp ofe: etmnitgttteet ; cg: ten-“ft A Bettbe tam @etbe;,v:fml,-*’theOfiie.and%Twt:11tiei:h: daye