OPA % C H--»-G oV1E'RiN ‘MAE¢Ni1i* _ % Cleared from fome 1niPcakesA ' and prejudices - " ~ ‘ ‘. _ ‘ ‘ , ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘M _ - ' \‘ ‘ -WK, V ‘ ‘ ‘. ‘ . ‘ 5, V 3,, 1:.“ V ‘ , ‘ K“ _ I ‘E ‘ . _ p ‘ ‘ . ~ _ “ ‘, ‘- ' -4- \ “ ‘ fr/ye co MM I s 5 I 0 yxggags Vt/ac Cjenemll flflmbbl gr Vt/96‘ A Church Sporr LAND’, new at London;._ A ublifhed ‘by Ae'fpec'ia.11 Comrn;1nd~« A %¢EDINBURGH, _ V%;1;:15*:inte%dAby Evan Tyler, Printer . to %i :1_1eVK“ing§: 44 émoft Exce11cntMajePc~icJ,, 1644;.‘ 4 2 %@@@W%m%@@w$f@%m. %%%Wm%qw [:A@w%% P\efbrmam“011 of %hu GoVer11m;:11¢_1: m Sc0IL4:AND , c[eei*ec{f3"0i’z~2f;c9AmB % v mfiakes 422dprejzm’igm5. L ’ a!’ $5.5‘ ..—r§E.. 15' ii .03 ‘ . ~, _ i _‘j AI-'1i1e w*fvge,t11e A111e;me{t ofmany QurBre1:hrcnv,' A _. for aAt1me fepcéumed fromAourAparticu}ar;<:a1~ on. lings smd flations , and fcntfqxjgh.i;ito%‘this Kingdonlefor 9. meme publi1<;eimploymemA:, A - 44 are in alllxtunility and p3.tier1cc , waiting what the Loyd Wh0 isabout fome g.reVa*t%Wo1¥A1< inhis sChurc11 , (for4whichare raifed fogmat Commoricmsain irthefe and mzher ‘Kingdomsof the earth)w.iA11 be pleafed tifiv “ dofor ARef0rmati0no1f Religion ;,A=c11§?gAreat Work of-me «honourable houfifis of P1ar1i€tt1'1cnt4," and '.the1fcveArend A fembly of1)ivir1es;, a11df0rU.nifoArmity%in‘Religion ,,A £0 A *rn~ucl; dAeifire.d by%aa114th€ godly ii) iiihfi’ t11F€€V:TCi17%z%‘dm€S§L= Unto Whch an entmnceis made by a. fo1e111neV"Le‘agge afifl A .«:Covet1ant. ‘Ne f1'nclle our felvesbound a,g§.inAf{: t11e%pwreju~ A A dices and mi£’cakings ofAfo1ne,Awho4inAt11e d@%arI.r;d;¢»r and ;g9V;€rnmentAQf ;.u1—1eA.. ;R:e«foxmedA W ‘Ch%urc‘11c;s_ ,3 and »p£a1#;icu1a,xA=1y Qf ,t1m ' occafi Church; Qffscotlamd,.W11iCh‘Ch¢YVdmv¢1l,g1e{erve, Aandtp rhonour them who r.r1thc "~L01:dV E33-fih f0 hig111y;11QnouredAA', «inadvancmg the K.1ngdqm+ caf :h1_s% Scm,1r1.c11e,con%v¢rting -Viur rm; .. #9.“! -l i~ defence, Withoutrldefire or intentionto give the fmallefc ~ l ofience to any who fear God,1ove the Truth, 8: defire to i i . i e {‘ 2) r §;nid’faVing offo many f'ou1's,and‘linyoppofing alndifupprefe fing a World ofcorruptions , Hereiies,..and Schifrnes , by his c. wonderfull bleffingf upon their order and 1I'l€nt'. ‘ \ x In this our-humble teftirmony and true relation ii, unto which we are at this time thus necefiitate, We {hall endea- n voul: nothing burn fimple and innocent manifeftation and Walk in truth and in love with their Brethren. This our profs flion, We areoiiconfiodent will finde credit with all that iifiknoiw ‘us , and have obfervediour W-ayes fince our coming 4 into this Kingclorn,w-hich have been , and {fa fame as the ent of the “ lcformed fhurchcs is . ~ lawn. * in the lightofthe Sunne “are after a fpeciall V0111‘. jhc Cv'ovcm- y. the truth will fuffer us ) ever {hall be _, to unite,and not to : divide 3 to cornpofet, rather then to create differences»; wihichx-vet conceive alfo to be one principall l end; , ofithe — 'ca1lingof~theAfl'emblyof' Divines , and which all the members of the Affembly, againfl: all particular interefls, manner ingaged to aime at and enc’ea;- The order and G'ove~rnment ofthe reFor‘rned~Churches in the beauty and firength thereof,as it isnot hid in anecdot- ner,wrapped up in a Myf’cery,or covered under a cloud of darknefle at but—iisk»nyown tothe Nations and Kingdom:-":5 of theearth‘ , openlyrprofelfedi an-d is Ia i on; at ; h ill, at noone day 5 So is if.iC0l11=tI}Cfl- , V A 4 _ded,and already confirmed by along Etaét Oftimciandtllc r e-xperienceotm-any yeers ,, and hath been countenanced .flnvisp“, find all forts of Seas and Schiifmes , x Where from Heaven ,and blefl"edfrom7 ébove, with thepref‘e1'va.— tion of the truth and unity of Religion, againfl: cHe—re{ies and enrours in oDo6i:rine ,Ido1atry and corruptions in Wore- With it hath Govern-l praéiifed in the eyes of V if orefpondeyncewith Divines Agreatefl and purefr lights in tl1eChurch of England,inAth‘e ' A and fetling 0fChurcI1-government, point olReformation winch at that t1me.vvas the .cornmion,ftudy_iand endeavour A t ~> hath been continually‘ aflimlted :.-J Plow 0*_Iacob,zzm1t/5y Taéermzrler 0 Ifm6l3c§"'z7‘.‘It hath made the Church; ofAChrifl: terrible as an Armywith banners, and" A i like a _fl:rong and fenced City , againlt which the Adverse faries have defpaired to prevaile ,‘but by making a breach in this wall,and wherethey have any advantage, either the wall hath not been built,i or be--— ing bu~iltAl1a.th been broken down, or not vigilantly keep»- ed by the Watcl1—1nen. A i i A The Infrruments which the Lord ufed in the blefled Wiortk of Reforrnationlof the Church of'fScotl:.tnd, ( wee fpeak not of the reformers of other Churches ) Were not o-nely learned and holy men , but hedfornewhat in their calling,gifts,and zeal to the glory ofGod,more then or-4 dinary 2 Their Adve1*l%.ries were not able to x'elili.: the Wil”-‘-V dome andSpirit*by which they fpa.l~:e.-, fome ofthern had a proplleticall "Spirit,.manifel’ted in divers particular and wonderfnll predi».?cions,and fome of them were honoured to be Martyrs ,, and fealed the truth with theirblood :-So gore’/y are téyTr}'42‘i3‘“ gained ground or gotten? i The Rcfnr- mcrs of the- Church oi-_7j Scorlarayd-ii> that in themfiin the people ofGod converted by them,and A and in the Reforrmtion ‘ 7 brought about by the blieliing of Godupontheir labours , againftall the Learning, Pride“, A Policie‘, and abufed power of the time , there Was to bee ifeen at reprefentatron of the Primitive tirr1es,a.nday newrefurreé’:ior1fro1n thedead. After a-lfo did rheiLord’lup thee ny burning and ihining lights -, men ofthefame mi hty in converting offouls , Walking in the fame way, mfwho communicated their Counfels and keeped con- of other Na.tions,and with the and Apolicolicke A therrz fpirit, . A;-*0‘? bc3tI»1j*,"an‘d vflxerein they end their Succ%efi"<;3;rsLcxi1tiI3}1*% ed eei1e1:,th‘€:,ti:1':es cf defea€?c;Qn,w'11iche made an unhappy ilk" te1'1'upz:ione0fit13eworlc. What men are like £0 do in eftfixf times we Cannot forefeea tbutewvelmve not {flea 0.1:‘ h€3.i1‘C1 ofgmy to this day ,, fe1're-;'fi*oin pmiality and prejudice iii te11emeatc:ers of God , ethen their iwaveswitxnefie .t11e1I1tO lmve been -.-, and “we:-e they now living we beleeve theere xvould be none in the reformed Clzurches , f0 fare fwayed 1‘ “ewith p:11'cia1iey or p4reju%di<:e , that would deny themthis Intern " of hair" 'R*c1”é>r— nation. » " vtefiimony. A efhle T1116: am! They Ind no Other” ._1j.11.€ zmdpa.te1'ne ofRefo1'me.tiOfl but eher word of ed,-and ce12e~p1*a.ee ff. -i<:e *Oeft¥h1Ce~1’§pT0f‘E011i€;1iflr Chureheese 1n the ‘Word. Ailthe books .05-God are per«- fe&,t:11eebook ef 3.iFe,the bo.0Z~< ofnetuxfe, the book of pro— A videnecegznd efpecially t11eeebooeE< of eScrieptm*e, which W 21$ dyted by the Hoiy G.11of’r, 110 be a4 per£'eétdire6te1*y to Valli the Clmrehes , unto the {econd coming of Jef us C hrifi .5 -‘but fo that it prefuppofeth the light ancblaw ofnaxure , 0,1‘ »t_he;ru1e_~s of com mon pl‘ud€£1C€_.,EO be our guide in circum-A» flaneces O1‘thmgsIOC:1II ,tempora11_.,and perfonall , which being Erclaflqfliea Po!m'me,y:a1»el pe;rf0I1:s , ien:a1?1:rtiee1*r1.es and places Ofetlmingseof chiskizud a godely and wife eDivine ;giV€thtW’O1‘uI€S ::‘eOne.€ % VV % _ w % V. P:.1rienzeappointe'tl1e C1; »ete¢,and ‘ebateh ;,e the pulfe muffi bee i«mL1cI1t_e,La;Andeaseieeisintheep1'eoveerbieL11{}r>eec11 , glzwliatorem ~%9P".?" 174?? ii” A-arezhz Capers ecoz43'fla"!;imez.Tl1eee0the.r isgghaet in things % .;ofIt4*I11sevIAIoAve ofln-A novation,smd derogateth to the authority whihchA1*n:akeI:I1 the Confcimtion. e "A A * A A W'h2.At they had once received , not * upon p1‘obahIe'=g’-A gz*ou_z;ds in W.:1y ofcoenjee&m‘e.,hut upon the We.1‘ra.nthofthe n3a:_:ér§ <39 « Aoifleod by the teaching of the f pi1'it,wit11 cermintie of °1“““’”" feeit11,t’he-4:: they 1‘efo1vedto ho1c§fa{°c,& did hate every fa1i{'e~ A xmjy ec>z1tAr“ary unto i:7.They died noothi.nt11eem;m:ers of R6113- giozzrefi ‘upon a hhsceptiazl or Pyrwémziaw uncertainAcy( qthe cI1ar;ge ofthe Orthodox Divines againfi: the tenets of Are mihiagos and"SOCi‘ni3.1‘1s)WI1‘iCh 1I{€€p€Ath the 1m'»need euncemin » u=n{¥:abhAIe, is :1 foLzAm:::.in of perpetuall aIcera.tions 1'n_:the-‘ . I Clm1‘cho§' God,az1cop”’en door to all hexefiees and fchif-mes .. to emcer hygtnd a ground ofdeFpa1'ri*ng to liriotug quefiions . and comz~overAfies to a fizmallfffue nod de1:e~ri'nina.~teieon.c And? £>rL1s,3.s :huApoh”iAt‘hAAe one ;pah1*t,We not 0111 y coxaceive, X that no hmne3§:t:zine‘tAh Afo *I‘L1lIha;Afl"uA1‘a1Ice of faivth, in anye§‘1ne§teg 7c‘>A~‘F o}§1e4iigion‘h, huehe,1n;z1y ereceiveeeenc.rea=fe of his faith , zuxd. ‘t"hhereofo::e«fhou§c1 alwayes Ahave his mhrdeopen and ‘ready? Amx-eceive more }’ight/Af'x'on1ohthe Weox*d’and Spirit of God 2 ; ’hut‘ag1A§£o do ingenuoufly acknowledge ( as wee have v=fo~r—- A merlyA»proFeITed A) that: wee a.remoft"wilAling to hear and V’ h_IAe;ur”n“from c.;hecWAoArd of God, ‘what need ethfurt‘her to be rznecl ‘A A, . em: we thould 2;;1evercoA1I1e toany certainty_oFperfvva{1on~, A. or that weAfl1ouAldAeAver be leernirxg; and neverhco meeto-the ‘ knoewleedge ofAAthe truih ,; wee eougi1t'tobeh1*e£oIute and uh» 4 h=iov_ea'h1e?ine fofarfis weAhavecatchainedsanod this we mketo [- ‘be~:13e gr”ound, A‘AasAioAFoHihe.rAApraétices, foe altfo of*Covenan~ts . “andOaths,fhoth2ifI’e;*Atory and p’j1:OmiITo1’Y, fin hm2u:tee1's~oE * . _ "AReI”igion., A A v A A A j ‘ 4 V 7hczr;.»m.- As.~:hey_hg;1d it; rrorh hfL’1fi’icien£ 5 gro receive or retain Tome f‘§T駑£{;"}Z,fi 111c11;f1§§‘ e"*%""j C(15) y"ifuc11"p1'ar.9cices , as other refor-medrChurches judged war-4* r2.nta~hie~, for thusthey fhould have reited upon iotne few‘ principles and beginnings of Reformation , and might have dii-‘feted as much in other things from the Reformed r Churches,as they agreedrin fome things with them-,fo can it notwbe i“atisf=;-rclory ", .tha.t any Church fl1ou1d: only upra- étifefomc chings_,univerfa1iy received in the Reformed Churches. (.1) All Chrifician Churches , although very diiferent in ordinances and praétices, yet do agree in forne things, (2) Ifour defire of Uniformity with other refor- med C hurf:hes,a.ndWth[ereverende fiieem we ,ha.v_e ofthem , draw usto conform to them in fame things ;uPOI‘1 the ' furne reafon we ought to royne rnrailrthrngs wherein they donii agreey arnongfl’: thernfeives. ( 3 ’) Differences iibout Negatives and the denying ofprofeflion and praétice in o- ther rm-.tt.ers. wherein they are all ttnaniimous and uniform, irnayihaprovye noiefliedangerous and defcruétive, thendifl’e- rences about Afiirmatives. The Arrians,S_ocinians, and many others , do erre dangeroufly in denying forne pofii-C rive points a“ndreceivedprinci_p1es of the doffcrine of the reformed Churchegconcerrniingithe Perfon of‘Chrift,and h”1sOVyflicesi. TheiAntfinomianS aIfo( if We ifhould mention thein )do aifo agree with us in the principles of Grace; butin theirfit;»~er{i.ruétt11'es and conc'1ufio.ns,runne in a way . tie%&1fitt«§i:iv‘e tothe do6trir1~e and deduétions of the Apofco-4 r lick . A C jvedihy ti1€miiE.‘i'"v’€S. (4) Such Churches as make proife‘f-”' » fionofdiffiarertces only in Negatives , or in denying forne pruétices receivLed,in the reformed Churches 5 have recei- ~*eds M40 1101*?‘ {Om r0fitfiV€ P”3‘9‘i‘~'_°5 °fr‘h‘3iY.,0“*fl"‘» iwhichthe rLefo1'n1ed Churches donor allow ., and which to them are ne“gatiVert.ii Of tihis (would we fufier our f‘e1ve5s to defeend into tparticuiarsoc ) we might give diversjknown i "yi’1“1fi13._I1f_'_ . \ ‘ x< . » ‘ - l5~l®-e » nah rt ‘mm W; 3 2; inf%em%ces.-.% ~~now if they do not ailcw of t:h‘”e refeermed ficive pfreétices ._, how {hall they think that 4thee‘x'eff‘Q1tmed V A Qehu¢rc‘hees can ailow them inche like 2? foruthe ri1IeeiAs, Wt iudg«:ft‘ do/i t/vefitWt/Wg:- 7 A W They did honour‘ L»;¢tVb¢rA,Ca[rvi;¢,and many 0thers,Whe- the: their Predeceflors or ceonte1nporaries,whohad heart of:»l1an‘é:1,e efpeciallyine an eminent degree, in the: blefled W/aerein thaw j uzlgv2jfarzotbcr,tlaazo candemfiq/3 tlxyfefifazjtbazi ofthelight which fuch notable fervams of Jeefus Chrifl: ‘ Ceehurches,*in {O fares they do not admit ofetheeffi their pp; They are not to be cgllcd Cale- vuifiana ‘if V work of Reformeation : for their direéiion, they madehfe “ did held forth ,ei1:1 doéhéizxe and dif:ip1ine_.,ancI it1e.11eeteI1eaaenLc.~ % fulneffe they did deflre and wifh, that their enames emighjg: be had in eternal! remetnbrance : N01‘ Was it poflibeletihat: {'0 great an alteration as the COI‘1‘H_~ipE Peace of the Church required could be effeé-‘teed. , and not car1*y fome remem- brameceeeoff the infiruments : »I:.W1‘f071'Eh:iS to callus Calezimia gm-gand the eereformedeee urches ,Calw';ai:zn m:;fiz;~medeACl2w..- ~ was ,, is to difgraecethe true Churches? of Cleerift ., and to jflmbolize with the Papiflcs,whQ ca.l1t11‘ernsfeIVesTl1«e Caf- eetlwlicke" Chu1‘c11:,a;nd hold the rule deliveredby efiéerme eeagaiflfl: the Lmiferians : Iazuy where‘ wefizzdc mm pmjfizfcing e h are be ‘ Chm’/t‘. VA Brewnifmand from the mazcewr W1fi@t6in- tlueey erre. VA dwpflfifiefE‘Q'm»i1fi1'lg.;I1Lm5Onxelyzthfi raferme , but Gbweifiim ~ 345% the Manwbelitexfolde , Lan~d—t‘he w»w5w;7€fl:* e my beer £h€iAre9Wn%fl31Ifl:e:s.e They eeewhe eepp1*ehmxd“e ‘ ’ , " qdei1ge»rin;namees (wthedre iwsasgreat. defile‘ Cfdmlfgefife §:t“he1meee;ughte ms eepropriate A unto~~:1:1eiri We qpi:n«toe. 1. the '4 ’ e W ' K « V B- reformed eigzg¢ity,cjAfleo{ by filaepztrtimlme names pfmm , /mow me»? A e re *aramon may be well al‘”l-o'$Ved eafledA AA, and mt the Cshwe/vi» ef ” marten. l l‘rei‘orined Churches ; S and C 3') . they who conceive no>“l‘e'vill in ‘fo doing , ought not to oPfend, that namesaregiven’ unto filth as hint mofls cl from reproaclnto be aittributed u .4 4 lminative and tolerable. Their Rc- ‘ i formation was not framed‘ to i 5’~‘a¢¢w4" 7iel’Wera;h1ietotanyparticnlar tonne ofcivill p.o-licy, orrcomw ' thern,efpecially_fince their differences from the reformed" Churches , rnuPc be defigned under fome nrztmeand notia ~on,a.ndin this cafe c1'1a:rity»ecommandls the mildePcVna‘t11es5 early atthe di%f’fe1*eace; ,* and are Farrell ni:o‘thern,a.s molt difcri:- Nothing was farrer from their th A tons, then cofrarne in then: own forge 3. Lesbian rule, an- rplyab-le With State ends. That they looked with {ingle- i evidences (1) The ?nef1"eofrni»n~de to the rule o-fScri- ture,we l ive thefé three reat ams the lt0Ol{lX1l‘C3't11‘Cl‘l1n the wxllof God 5 and after they had found it, 1111811‘ grievous 'fufl’eringsff'ro1nthe“ civill authority in defence thereof ,. of whorl: vivhi-ch aftervvérd in the own place (25) The rePc1efl’e t objeéirion and continuall oppofition of politick men and l Court Sycophants againfi Presbyteriall governments,‘ as incornpa.-tib1‘e with Mlo11archy,an‘tl their manners ( g)“An»d the neceffaryztflertion of the true» policy of“th;eChurch A ‘V by I)ivin‘es in both Kingdoms(betWeen Whom there was V no notable difference ) demonfirating‘that it was init {elf tmalterable , ’b«eca-rule divine, and yet complyable with Byafffdy ‘ i but benefi-“ t«m:'l_by cdu-« 1arWfu11~i kindtaoeft oi ’Tl1e»RcFo1"- if f !ICl.'S»1‘1OC l andfure way of Religion-; /‘Wu, tment,2tnd“a'bl‘e to keep a.twho1eeIrét1[1?1«,n<3r req‘-uirieng; any [grweat { medicazixoin or find-y 2£p9c‘1*t; : bu:tfuch« a?sV1:=1*aey eafi~1y~* a'm:emd_ 5 AW-it‘hou”t negglefi of t4h‘e1r‘?o-wne particular a.f- f faires. % A A V . - H VV~‘lm fl1a;1l.bc rem;1reVd,une<:> the Magi>Pcmte by ochers—,, paxétéicular tenets are‘mtyet.14%£t%nb*vvn4%eitJ¥i¢er"‘A4 we ~*t~h“c V €fhuArc“h orMa;g;i-Rotate , un<1»eH°eAit4be in a hid and {ecret x‘>vay«,umu® w%h~ic‘h we wife not prAivy,we-cannm: decerxninefl Bti;i1:4‘t‘E:1"ci-i:A dflfitrinfe ®f3‘t~h~eRefo‘r%medA Churches, %c0n;ce1*ning3: % Hthe 110z‘ic>;ur ati£d“dbedience”d‘uetoe1*1eMag—if1érate, is pen“-«v ly 1<;no¢whby‘*e«h+ei.rconfeifionis of fafith, antd1ong*Conti‘nL1- ; §ed%4% p'ra+é’c.ic'e a«nduhis much we; kri0w‘,VtAhat the principles Vb0Eh!0£*Cifv“ill~*a;x%x Ch~urch-»A'goV;e'rnment ,, a-1'ela»iAd out in M M V:VSctip1:‘«ure5and th€;ref'or:e5~t«1*1??eV Qnecannot~be%%cQont:rary tm:fI"1e** dtihér," or t1€1ey*inconfifl«ent~*between themfebves. ;No‘r“d*oA w4ee-mea.fi11*e1zhe~pow~er of ?t~11e5M*agi~f%ra~t;e by %e11eAAp1*in,ci-a A p1‘es‘0»£~ Pre”'sb’yt“e1'iall Govern 1n%e1it , b~u1: bot‘hA0f?1thetn A b”y uh‘e»Wo;r,ax1df:%he1vcfdredeny notunto%t11e*Miagif{rare WI1a}:God;g‘ivezh tlxein 5 an?d‘more»1:hen~ thisvd“are% wane‘: W af0”r»anyA rMe:f’1«w>e;~s5t~ c9Msvu;:fe1Vr~es,0r%tWo theform7¢%%9f»Ec— :“11%[efia;£t‘ican~ Go‘ve’ rnraE~1;én»r"&}5fQ+fE“HéH4é A mum; fdr¥What1enVds;che» P’agagns~~ and¥jInfideIsT of oAld~,theAPa3=;- pi1fisa,&j%PVn@I%Lnes,and-~Armihians oflare , l1ave%labo“uredAt0 mm: the wwy of hate‘[fu1-1* to P7rinces a11d Mégia £hta;eas_.,is W611‘ kno~wn~,and hath bjec=:n b%itter1%y,f%e1:;, yet G¢¢‘%:d%%na:hcu1~:refd*;ms;po1icyin@ct;e send. There;may4bee g;‘o’od?reVafot1 i"to= A e::pr»eH:e%« ‘0ur‘~j—udge1n¢nt«of Ut1”1i“’S‘()f1‘ o%ther Ciyo1ntV§~ofidAL1uy»from%.;Sc-ript;gre : bu1:*to~~aavQuch~ whenwc 3-TC ' r 3 A aroconot éEa1”1*en‘*g€d ;4'é;nd7 that only‘ inthoe V&§é*nérao1.If,bv way Vo’i5com%pari¥o~n, A T bar; we afco1‘ibe‘m:1‘o«re-otootheMagoiflrate, o tl1enthvCre‘f7Ormed C"1~‘m1=cVhesooodo»e , they bemg fa1s«:I?1£ul‘lto«» A 4 their own pri~ncip“1es.o!f oEcoc1efia;{Ei~::"al?I Go-vernoomemt, may A 1‘ ufféro a harder cVonPmr&ion,tI1Aen: we our :fcIvc:+s* woualid w:ioI- 44 A .1ing1~y und4e~r— go , oropum upon ootheo 1«r1Uem:1OnS0fm=er1=",¥Wh0"7 feekr1ot- t:h?e~ir own or hi-ngs,bot: ?ch§e‘tho-ingsoAo«f Jefws o ‘ V ‘A As the b1efi"’e«d InPcru«1=nem:s vof Rofirm mtion‘ p1*oceedsedo~ Tcfifiirfjgfigfl byno other m1ie_bn1r theo’VVo1fd of God , foodiido they‘ with é>l:ur31g=o_" -great joud~gemJoent~ a~r1~d? Iea’rn:i~ng, which they hoacI“h~1a:m~ea~ vcrr1mcn§, fixre above others,e~xa.m—i«ne and frame all thing-s~ d*i~l—igen~t- i:§5‘;i§?2** ly ando exoa<£?t1~yooa»c~co1=d*isn«gLuo~ who mlcw 5 A oand~ow1thoL1g1‘I vhxe ““P°“ *‘?°**"' Reformers in Enog1a~md;—were oeitl=1re~r aIiot*o‘get*her ,A%o%~1*fora the greagcwefirpart taken upwi_t11 otlie Do:éi9ri‘neo 5 yet the A Church of oVSco1eI‘a»r«1d~’ic W-as otsherowifiik. Afccor 1_:~1~”1c~ doé?sori’ne‘,«o was*efl%=rbIi»fl1edio,w*hicho- was fj‘peedi‘i‘1’y dorm,» they were ex--» ~ Ae%1'ci*f‘ed%i1:1 Commences = and1A:fTe1n=1%ies , w4iot4%1?1 ~o d4e‘bm~in~g§A A tiih‘crmatters A of D1f7:1p1fm=e ~ etnd Government w1‘3o~ve‘+*t*}'re V ’ A ?1;1'cnt praye.rand'I*1umilia£ion~ ,b0vI1 fiaaceoof 2 o~.‘y*ea.rs, W«hic1i«end%us1==ed~¥much~«~op*po{i1:¢ion~ flam- dfithority from‘ worldly mengandfi mm oahe:ad%zerfa«sisesoo1¢ the 'T'1‘uEh,b0th* P*re1"atiCal*1” on th;e~on;e:1:a*n~d"3amd'* upon>t»F1e* other hand" SeVpara%i?‘fi:‘%s 4*, 4 Ao*fW111:i”cho A £o~1*t*£omoe7 osca~1n*:eoii*n1:“o1»» Scoc1an’f’rom»o ‘Eiexgmzn d** ,; whit‘h» was.umto~t”h em-‘aw Vv»he”E~ flame ‘to qLIiC'k€vn“t*h<;'J‘m‘*, o »=1;o»o~1n a‘”1{~éjt1‘mm'%Wthje m+o%;1e.A'oCi~irw cuxnrpeevr W<fi*1“1~éi%r*§*vvay;w~Ifi%it I’i*iH'c¥lE'.*5,~ betwixt Ep:ifcopac4y upon me one hand,and‘popu1arco“n‘~ fufiox1'on~ to1;1e~o1:*hc“r.; ‘It! pIee:~fed'—r:¥hc< Lord, ofe%~p:réfenoe find, obleoffing they Afooughb after firrAtI1efe4.dayosooWittI1free-7 in-private andj’»in~ A o publike NationaI‘l7 A*fTe1nobl‘ies , “ fo to»,afl”i.{1*a11doolead‘themow A inalltrmh;-, tha.t«t~he Church 'ScocIandowas4‘honoured ‘ from‘ ab road ,borh fro mo Eng1‘anda4nAd‘ot*heor Nationso,“w&bh, gthe teflcimony of fuch~a Reform ationog,.a.soot2heniGlnm;chés; 4 VB 3 ooaccounced (I2) 3C.'C0.11fli'.5de to he the "g.reate_fi happin-effe upon earth, and‘ i when they were wrihing after a Reformation ,they made \ iti~theam.eaIure oftheir wifhes. t We would willingly {him in con’rp?t‘rii?§'ns»;Weree‘we not broughtuponthis‘ Ptraine : We eiouponvery good reafon judgethe Church of England ' in ,themidPcra.~eof~ her Ceremonies , to have beene atrue Church , andthe miniitery thereof, notwithfiandingthe A =rnany- hie miihesiand corruptions cleaving unto it._,t0have " been a true mmrfiery, and {hall never deny unto them that fpra1ie,whether1ndebating controverfies with Papi1ics,or ‘ in praéticall Diviinityforiiprivate Chriflians , which they « a do moit juitly deferve. Upon the other part ;we are nei- ther fo ignorant nor fo arrogant , as toafcribe to the Church of Scotland fuch abfolute purityand perfecftion, asihath not need or cannot admit of further Reformation; ‘I Yet thatthere t is a. wide difference A betwixt the one and the othenacknowledged alfo in the Common Covenant-,-, Wee bring two famous witneiies from the Church of Englandto prove: The one is Brig/atmm 5 Lam‘/9 would I. ée(faith h~e,fpeeaking ofithe Church of Scotland ) to pro- rvoke may mean to em,ry,or ta A grieve“ him with my words: Tet tbz3'**~ I?“ 7395-ye :35 f?0])laZ6'613?b6’7’6’fl.7€ Dorfirineeefiwndetb more 12grrely,te enzor/ebip gf G en’ 23' exerci moretnneorrnpetlye , where marefeit/efn/I diligence of'tbePzz_.fler elotéflomuf/72,‘ar' more free . ‘ mw W, .i.,,,» 2: it he 2 t ~r or wif oéediemee 2* given éy Me peaple, mvryet where there i ' H i M‘'”''”“‘’”'‘“‘'"’“‘'””‘‘'‘ We ,___j; [W V "7 W 4 ' wr Q "8: § 1 qiers. Anci_afterwards-,Neitber iofatibiti mely keefiiiifie r>aem;ac mn[¢rntr'0.flfreefi’am eorrujytiem eat it doth zzlfe éetb afelivefr -et*/25¢?‘}jifim¢g,a;er1;exere%inprzzo3‘iee,t64t fimere warmer of go- e_gz{ez*;22;ee;é_zte whereby men areitmaefe perm:/ear: of fizlwation, ’ Revel. of the Apocal. cap. 37. The other is Cartwright : - rfeezgt/Jet Scotti/75 Natiefignikick were fame yeerrée/Jigad we in it/ye C T? ‘i1>rc>"fef:io;z4iej"t/aee,G'afi§e/Z, tkefirfledezy almqfltbattkey received re (I3) tire tmtfy ,M_5y mzzirty degree: in the way afpurity amfflrzlti eT"ll1ei‘e two vvitneifes , unto which we might acldc‘ many otherfrorn the ref'o'rmedi'Churches; in ,otherNati-ons,. bear tefl:'ir7nony,that there is no fuch thinghin the Ch'urcl1. it of Scotland" , as might prove her to be 110 Church, or bar‘ jv Communion in Worfhip with her, as theplliturgy , Cerea i monies and Prelacy in the Church of England or; or that to l the Corruptions of the one and the other are of the fame ll kinde,equally deiiruiétive ofxthe eflence ofa ppChurch,a,nd A equally impedetive of Commiunionancl worfhip. All vi- fible C‘3hurches,Which have been ,;or fliallbe at; any timeg, on earth , confifli of -ipcrfons good and bad, Sheepand A; Goats , Wheat and Tares , fuch asiwallt Chrifiianly and fuch as walk inordinatly : Whichtherefore mull alfo be ' the condition of the Church of Scottland,yet the order of the Church,admittcth not either ignorant or openly pro-«fir *pl1ane and fcandalousti perl‘ons,to the participation of 4 the Lords fupper: Ifany Paflor and particular Elderfhipbee, . H negligent in their duty , it is theirfault , wh0:are_ tobeare their own guiltinefle, and ought not to be irnputedto the ‘ -order of the Church ,“ which flfandepth inpiforce againfl it; tWe may be very confident , that the godly people , who did tranfplant themlfelvesp out of this Illand, (the fame of who 1” er pie Va A i»)lto~lfn¥6r* 01? the “ fmalle[l:pdiminutiort*from our thoughts or VVOrCl~$).iI1»lgl1t have lived in the Church ofScotland , injoying theppure O rdinances oF~God ; withpeace in their confciences i and comfort to their foulsgand wouldhave willingly; come in-4 toScotland", when theywent"in—to 1\,Iew-England , coulcl they have been ireeiilof the uifurpationandpp tyranny of Pref?» “lats and the“iPrelat.ical ipartmwhicih at thattime did reigne o and rage in that_7Kingfdorne,‘ vexing tlhe‘pGodly Minifieryr it and people thpre,with manyand bitter fufferingst. l r l t i i r The e»'I‘1:e de—- T fen cc t that'- cf againfl: adverfaries on both V hands. e~tehettwo e_xtreemVseotf tthetfrtxe fiormeof Church-AGo..t vernment,whieh t°candethtim§.he middle wgy" b:etwitxtePAo- pitflfrandhPre1atica1l[Tyranny ,:*at1:d Brownifcitallt and go. AV pular Atnttchie , were eontmtyAoh€,t0 an0thCf1‘oa afld have A thexr‘ owntdegtees of Tyranny otAneafCh:1¢ 15 '5h€m{7€1V€;Sa whiwcheis caeufe of their {ub- divitfions t,h Frafiiofns , and d3fi.€fCflC3$«» amongfi themfeltve$A :7bt;1t both:fid~esa:gree5and I A fltrengiyjteoyne in oppofing the true Government, which " fia,ndi:ng'conftantly , and without varimzion between the ‘ ojr1etthe:e:Aie?A: he botlm This is the true C%u{c5“(‘.nOr could it be otherwife 1) that onetwhat handftheet invafioowastehoteft A, there the defence was Ptrongefi. V Againfi Prelacie which hadtmany fr1ends,and therefore made many enemies to Presbyteries , the Ptesbytcriall power andpens were Iongpleading : No fooner is the PreIaticall‘party,by the powerand blefling of God,begun to befubdued in this Iflflfldgbut arifeth unexA.pec9cedly,The ‘ A oppoF1ttionontA‘tflhe other hand, waiting the. opportunity, ' " 4 ¥M21‘“-’I *b1ies;e~y»~t?heépof§tiveA%:gtAoLihdseioftheCoir ‘ 11,4 jmaich workcqua1lAyaaimt Adv»erfat1eton%both o have b’een;app1yeda ftronger then it was before, )WhiCAh moved fome of our Divines to Hate‘,to write A on {AC-hi5 thendt in odefétncfi 9f the go». overnment ofttthe—re£ot:med Ch»t1rc_hC.S:, aevethters had AAdA0ne’ before them o4t*herA*~C“hurches;In Fran»c~etBe.'{’4,& againft xtfl/..Ta~rel1'z’~m Asadeez. ‘Two’ Nationallsynods;alio of the re» fo1*med~Chu1'chestAiAn France , the one,atOrleans in the A A A " 6 ¢1’;nm€nAt are .. (VA 4; x g V} ;;;,,ff«“ 5, yr (rem ‘ .I'@S ormed?C;h~i1rché?§ goizerneti y A A 3‘ 2 tthem re? W as “tHey”d{i@f&fi%‘et§"rtetfhew AA:t:themfe1m":s.; ~T”Z.:I?€f:f9‘ haveAr10t V ' hperifaomeéhémd aethe iotheg, §mt*a;Ap1AeemiéghI1e "and-Atnafketzefiifek way ‘,:1ect it,tetttihpted¢~uhtoA-tthe A eorfzxne ., which we.s:u:A etgfwmhtxd _, eetanefmm “h_ ‘W, ‘*4 whore ( I5 )‘ v\‘ it whom fmalldafigerxvas apprehended : it being Iaidfor aicompmon ground by them all , That Where a. whole Nationis converted to the Chrillian faith, every parti-fr cular Church not to bee left to it lelfe, asifit were a--A : lone in a Nation, but that Chrilt had. provided 2. way, and there is anecefsitie ofat common N:-ttionall Go» ‘A W t lvernemernt, to preferve all the Churches in Llnitie and All 1?eace.l r r t A» l l e _ It is the Will of God ,and hath been alwayes the con- Their ffirfice Ptant courfe of Divine providence,that when his lervants iii? ciiirifti have been diligent in fearching the truth,and zealous by 3°"°“"“‘°‘”" profefling andpreaching, to hold it forth unto others, i that they confirme and feal the truth, which they have beleeved and profefled with their confefsion and fufFet-- ing. The Church ofSrotZ;z2m’w had many Confeflburs, ‘\ divers Pallours brotlgljtbefore the Lords of Councell, A the High CommiHion;Dilocefztn Synodsywere removed from their places,dep1'ived ofall the means of their live» A A lyhood 5 fome confined, others imprifoned : a third fort brought into Engl4_zm’,whence fome of them were never A lhffered to‘ returne, all of themfor the Government of rth—e,Church. Others for the fame caufe were proceeded againft byptheecriminalljudge, condemned e"of’Trea,fon, it fentencked to dehtlhmnd after long impri{‘onment,be’fore and after the lt’ntenc§:,l could finde no otherrmpercyg but i perpetuall banifltmeut, wherein the greater part ofthern A ended theirdayesp, without any Congregatiomor Com- panyof their Aowne Nation, rich or poore, to comfort l therrt”. So“ many of thefe witneflies as were fuffered to live I“ in their owne Land, didnot undergoeany voluntary ex—- l" ire, i but in much i poverty r and affliétion, Went up and’ it down, teaching and confirming the good people, ”‘andl ’ waiting for a fprlng time,wherein the face ofG od might A A C r again A ‘aghgi'n*fl1inc,hupTon: his ,Gh1;r¢1iManhd3 ( VI3,f€ttt;j11€if» Otwnc--eex-«A Ap;eI1iQn’)hh%f0‘mebLids n1ig'1ittharifEWn out of the fiurnpe.o£’.: church government left.in th.e%ea,rth; Had they ahtthath, tihrneabantdonedhthe pQQ15€f4 Opprgffed %ChurCh‘,When they vsfe1‘€: pnttft%omfthei4r places; and deprived ofthcijr lib¢r—— 'V ty,’a;nd had carried awajytwith them fuch of the people; -~ as were of their%‘mAinde, they had‘ 4" (if. wee t would judgctt ac‘cordit1gto’t5tdinar‘yprovidenbe, and the cohurfe of fc-4 V condvcaufcs) oppofed the fgoore dcfolated , Church for a 1 AtQt"hEpihTC0pé'L11 ohppte 0r1,and mfld%@‘htthQ,C3 he of. Re» ligioninvthat Kingdomeidefpetate : Or iftheyhfhould ham: retutneid upon axevolutiont ofext‘itao'trdina_ry ‘ p1‘o\r&—h den Ce, tht¢y1WouId have “prheferred thc fL1i¥€<1‘1'I‘Jg$tOf;tthe.iE’d Btjethten 1ef'Ebhéhindet11etn Vinhthfi midfi; ofthc fierytri-V all, unto their owneexile, andd would have bcten 10ath«to« A havetimpededt cfifréhtardedh thnehléite Reformation, with; Their excrci- % zfing of that true Church government for which they had donc and Tuffcrcvd To much. ‘ bgingihb1fifpherfied,t"he%Church”anti people of Go tn fi1h*cH”Cha.1» aredang¢r;0us fOIh.Fh¢,ChB¥¢h; andttwafitathnConfcifinv» thjinjgi:I~1éyhad brk:>ughttwitl}.t11em%from abroad .: In-..t~ many tas_returnc”d ftomh cbnflraincd banifl1;mnent,h having . Refermanriod-‘ m V &'1’_hte.‘ChhL1r¢aI1 of hScot!.gtz¢d asw[;a11L.t émhetf {re fotined A. ofthe,Ke,yes ,.&t tC.hurch:- the gravcft of excom1*nu-rt I A ¢fl¢«andtfcscarictsttand e"rfu1,Ianndhtteiflitualhl,to pre intt‘a1IUniticofmind:¢, aradIfmttj*toyn¢dttintnrhworketof .4 ‘g. A. , "4, Chu*rch¢s,hhath ififed thtéfibxgvtt cenf‘u1‘es hof'aIIhI’orEs, efpeciwallyt nrewenche ‘ V V ‘ ‘ ‘ H W cBntag‘ioing gmid that D€11n€1l1€fltt5h bY0Ugnht~nunden cenfurenn from hh¢;Ié1t%;gétici;“nt; nwh,ich”ar¢ chpflflflds proponfed by. them; iii”§§?€Ct1hfi3'igitI1€fét1fLiré$Qfch¢,Chfl1jCh,aridw11ere man i icaindalls arif”e,whethet1n ma£Fh¢1’: Qfoplniotn or hpraétife, J; as até apt tétneikc the Nam%eof Godrobe. b1a.tpnemed,. C65 A cationic) “fiirtioln one againfl: iatlftltlléf; and A com munion a§"ri0tl1er, may 4 I; iTl1at*tliis‘%bje&ion“fupp‘bl’ethl ($7; obrlinaeieand contempt of Eccliefiaflicrill AiUtl1lo‘riAty, thetv doe apply this laifl renredy, according to thetorcler pirellcribed Cluiiilr, againlt fcaridéllo4us trar1Ifglré%Hbu1*s;l Tolimit thé-': cieillhréi Of excoinmuirication in rnattertdf‘ opinion, t0 the common and uncontrovertttd priiiciples; and in the»rr1atter of manners, to the common and; uni-3 verfatll praélifes '0fChlriflianit7ie—.;, and in both,t9 thepar? ties lli-ace‘: the Wi¢11‘d1‘?~Wi“3 of A A 4 V bee‘ afuflicieihrrél ~I1‘l€‘dYa '3-hjdi rm’ leli'e \efl°'eé°cu~all againfi: all ofiénces, tlaeri excommunrcacron it relic : ticrpeciaarlry ifr;rhlieMeL,lg'ifl1*a.t;é V fwhalli Vouchfafé his afliflance, and intcrpofe "his atrtluo‘: i‘i_tii’e; filr fbrezmgchening the ifeiitencéé of'Noncom1i1u- >n1on er it A l To t£zé;V“mell4;§i,fi;yg,;"l;l A A A ~ w A 9 9 a‘céffe§ vsil‘i‘"i3cill**h:itll C 2 A l A not;, vmg thcr. to gflw . ’ (‘18);» not beenfound in theChurcl1 of Scotland for thefiaace of above fourelcore yeares, and which wee beleeve was never heard ofinany of the Reformed Churches, ex- cept thofe of the feparation : the pronouncing of Now- communion or Excommunication againft 9.. i whole Church. Our excormjnunicaltion hath beene executed, a and but feldome againft particular members, never at- gainftia. whole Church, and wee thinke never fhallbee, andtherefore this imaginary feare of that which never falleth i forth, ii-s-noti confiderakble e: yy,Rulesare made for v ordinary and ufuall cafes. A A A A A A A 2.. What {hall bee the remedy where the cenfure is mutuall, and two or more Churches mutually protefh, and pronouncee the 1" entence of Non-communion one 3,... gainfi others’. unleflie there be a common Presbyterie,or Synod made up of the whole, which maydecide the: \ {:6 powerofpa controver[ie,and giveorder unto the feverall Churches 0. .v This Nor:-A-communion may proves meanyofdivi.{ion,,ry, i rather then union. l ~ I ~ 3. In this Exhorta.tion,.Proteftatilon, and A1\lfon.-com.;-A munion ,4. there-is no more to be found, then one particu-‘ Iarm,en1berv may doe againfi another,, which yet is lac-A-A ltnowledged to-bee unfufficient for removing of offens- 5,. . 1 Churches; v ' I or care for atone ofthofei things 2’ or i‘fl1isiiAiuthor*itie ‘ A 4.'VV’hat missions ifth.eil\/Iagiflzrate be negligent unlefle the authority of the Church, o.fwhricl1[bo”th. rticularntembers to u‘ e . it V ‘Aye. mritfig“ h as they plea~l‘e,there}wouldt bee as great dilferenc ~ sdivifibn amongft members, as. no~vv‘there; amongfliit cannot be obtainedci nor ifhee bee oi another Religiory ‘l i send-foment the diffemnce for” his owne politicke ends 13* M — harm (I9 ) hath? not the wifedome of the Sonne of Godptovildled? remedies in the Church for all the internall necefii7ties+' of the Church, and con{’cit]ute it a perfeét body witlfin: A it felfe. _ ‘ jy M by 5 . Bywhat ptobabilitie can it be made to appeatreto» flax-1y Ration:-all man and indi£’r"erentrninde, that no Au- thoritie {hall be as valide t_as aut'hotity againft the ob{’ci- nate, that via admanitioiais, (9 reeqzaifitganix, is equall with avian uitationzk, g-5" puélim Mt”/Joritatif : There cannot be l‘o~7 much as triall and examgnation of the offence without Auth0ritie,L1nIefle the pattie be willing to appeate : that perfwafio_n and _Iutil’di6’cionl, that the ldelilvlering over to f Satan, and thereby flrilting the Confcience with the tetrour of God, by the authority of Jelus Cl‘11‘lfl:, which ” hath the promife of a fpeciall and flroxng ratification in Heaven, and any other Eeclefi-aflicalll way whatfoever, ‘wluiclt mull be inferioutr to this, and depend onely upon petfwafion on the one p3.1"t, and free will on the other.,.l M can be fuppofecl to bee a like efficacious. IN'o\m=lz1n will lay, bl-ltin ClVill11~'1att€rS,T itis one thingto have acloel A With our neighbour, who hath no more authority over‘ °us,then we have over him; and another thing to have to 2 “n§will power Wlaich hath 3.l.1tl.'lO‘I'llZye]0VCI' both. 6*‘ { The oth «~bjec5tilon‘is":Thaltby this lAulthofitie and ”Thise govern. meflt 2'lg!'6C- l0rder«ol Governntent, oneChurchlmth power over cnhwilzh chi: machete, Wliiclt 1-sltcontrary‘ tothat liberty and equalitie fjC}’1f;§§f;¢’:*;f‘ A Chlrifi hathendned his Chutcltes with, and is no other particular » ‘Of.C.h1‘l‘~f’E ?< but 9: new t*Prelaticall clomirnion fer: over: the Churches. lCm"r°““' T 0717713‘ we azafmer; _ t n I . That Weete very farte from itmpeofineg o'r‘a;clTh¢ power which we; ‘*maintain; is aggregative of the O-fficers of many com ;; g~reg:fitions’overrhe p1rticularn1ernnb”e1fs of their Cor- poration: even as a member of-the Natural} bodygis not \ , sflrbjeéi; to another; but each one ofthem to the Whole Mafn confifiing ofthem all: And” as one Member of Par» liamenr, one Counsfellerr :, one goes lower, onernember of acompianyi. iisnot fubieéhsonnonluer,rburevery one to the Whole Colledge : The fame 1Tl9.:y bee faiicllof’ rownes and cities : Ibis it With pa1‘ticu~lar congregati- ons combinednin one Presbyterie. All the Refornxedii Churches‘acknowledge tl1eIr1depenclencie of one parci-~M~ clllar Church upon a;nother~.l 2. II; is assm,ife1*a,b1ie ’arr1if’ca.lst:thié ~>R%eformati®n én%d?%11niformitie wkll cm: * ¢Lf0iAtI1A¢¢3fil‘;C[hi211‘C§h€Sa have '1 f91€ffifi¢1Y andconfiantlvw £0 en. ea.v0urAA1Vz1.smJrA*