Clafsicall Prcsbytcrs Iidered by the Lord: Afimbled. in 1’arlz'éwem‘, A London Printed fdr jahn right at the Kings A fi 3‘ .. fi§§5%&*@@@@§@@§%%‘§fi£%¥‘a§£*§§‘fiW3“3’@ AN Z24 nd COMMONS . @ N (mg g %Afl'embled in A V % " :» " "!f’"'X1~ - W T“ W “A “ fin-' .‘ ; 'c‘‘§v‘zm— J“‘,,§%";” 4.4;‘? W. 4W,,w F v y ' ‘ M For the” Ordlnatlon of M1n1f’£ers 4 By the ;._ .. Within thcirmfpefiive Bounds for >..-fw Kingaom of England. A Die Veneris 28. Auguff, 1646. A ‘ :33 A ‘1'}'aa_t t/ii: Ordinance fix»? Ordination of Mimffler: v be fbrtlmozt/J printed and pzablzjwcd. % ~ A A A Jo. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum. 1 \ Q % Head in the01dBay1ey. 1646.; % - %@ M:%@@@@@@$@%%.6%%w%%§*%@e A ‘. . c-'."'%" V the feverall Congregatxons In the ‘ 2;? U '3 A to W eetewee At A pie Venerir *2‘8A.A,ugn'fi.A 164.6. A l A "Wu ,4 Ordirianee of the Lords and Corh; mons Aa*.l1_‘exr1Mbled1n Parltament T A the 0rdZfl4iZ0fl Of Mlfld}8TT.l A A A ~._,;.._) 'Hrereas'the word Prexbjter, thlatlis to fay, A Elder, and the word Bz']bo12, dointh7e*‘ ho? _ 1 1y Scripture intend and fignifie one and "‘ the fame funétion, " although the Title of Bifhop hath been by corrupt ecufiome ' applropriatcdeto one, andthat unto him *1”; agfcribed, and by him aflI1med_.,as in other “things, F0 in the matter of‘Ordiln’a:tilon5 % ” M ‘V A that was not meet ,-, which Ordination A hotwithftaudingbeing performed by him, a Presbyterl joyned“ -with othetj Preisbytemewe hold forfubflance to be valid,8t not to bcdiiiclaimed by; any that, have received it’; And that Presbyters. To eordainedfiaeing 1Aawfu1lyIthereunto appointed and authorized, mayoordaineflotherePresbyters : And WhC1‘CaS'a,lf0~it is ma.nifef’t by the Word ofGod,; that noman ought to take upon him the “ Qfficeof a Miniiler, unitill he be lawfully called and otdaire .1 thereunto 5 and thattthewozrke ‘of0AtAdination5 that his to fay, an A outwartl folemixe fettihg a part of perfons for the Office of the A Minifiery in the jchfurch by thetpreaching Presbyters, is an Or'd7i~ nyanee of Chr'ifl, and is to be performed with all due. care, will elome,.gtavity,g and fOlCl’I1DiCy9 It is Ordained by the Lords and t A Co_mmone_AHembledix1 Parlité.ment;.andAby the Authority otlthettw came, (after “advice h:a;dA_ withfthe Aflem bly of Divines now con--~~ .A A med at Wéllmirzjier, )That: the feverall and refpeftivle Clalfical-ll’lt Presbyters, within their feverall andlrefpefiivebounds, may and t AA; {hall - 7"‘,-1/.A fl}%11An€2J"’£PW°“C?>’ an AA drdéinfi Pr%§AbX¥¢r=a.a9Ac9rding to whc» * 1 Firfi, He that is to be Ordained, muff addrefléhimfelfc to the Presbyterxq 494 brizzg wish hi§nVVam-Mti9a1Qn‘ia41lA9fhis taking the Covenant of‘the thréc‘7Kiz"1g”d6n”1”es§ bfliis diligéiice and pro» .‘ ‘.; V ficiency in his Studies; whag dcgreeshe hath takenin thp Univqr» A and whatrhath 911% rim 91: ahgég sh: .w:AchAal1 M ~€fP€<3ia1lY~E¥i% Aéomimm ' grace of Gogijbn b‘i_p,1.,.annd Wh eth of His age, which 13; mt; f’ot'11:e:Aax%14A—% wzpqgney, gegraf Vgu; llpafi 5 but Secondl), The Pr€Sbyte::5L1ha1l—f&roC€Ed't0 enquiretouching the er -ha b¢.qf=fuAcb l101iAn¢}fi'e of life ' as is req,I1ifit¢ a" GE ”G‘€efpe1l3“: "and; to examine him In touching his learning and fufficicncy, ans! touch _ing the evidence of his ca1;Iin_g%t;o thfi ho1yMinii%crya amd%AAm _P3«:17‘1Cll13Pa»Ahis_mfaire 334 diAf:¢5’€ “Hing to: thacplace coAAwhicl1haAA:%s;»A4defi%g;ne. ~ The Rules for xaminationarcthv : A A %%H4t%Ii»€‘9VPar£y tow mm *'1i'iud%Lbe dea2t7wifli%: ia l2fo*tb§r1}’\‘225flf§ 4 A ~ WM m;ldm;géAoffi:iri:, .a2zdwitbfl»ec£4ll rxzjfiefi to the gravity,‘ modg/ix, amqmlfij U A — A A ‘ j A A ; 3 .L V M HgjbaAA1A;5,5£ eixamimdstaurbirzg bi.r%.rlLill in the 0rigirz;zlV1j7:?2rz‘gz%,:e.r; ;tIx4~t iriall id be made éflmeadiag tbcg Helv%rezv qndflreélgg Tqfidgnmtr, 4,14‘ reygflrizzg jbmg pzmt;_ia&27z.r% afibem into 54 II_z"‘g3iry5~ ayirjbdll be .ma4fe ofkix /Qzamledge and .r1{i1I in LogicI(9Pb}Io]5p/gy, A129» qtber learning. A 3%. VI-tjImlA1¢ be;z'rzquired%wbat Author: in Dizzizzigy he hath read, and % V ggff gcgxaintzd1:Pii£:,~an.dmb£;£wgr:belmtb read kind abfeméd tlyé Ec;-I94 ¢fi4}}ifl¢,;1lAHz:[io;3z, j mlyat bi:‘:lQE1I%12rin=tbevCl2rwzology> of holy A.Sar1:p- M xgrg.‘ , ; g ‘ ; % ' ' % % 4.. 'I23Iallfball“l2e "made qfl9z2r1qzamledge“irz the chief?! gfotmdx qf A % ligiafly mid of bid‘ ability to the 0rtlaadax~Da£"I'rir1‘e contained,‘ 3): them, .¢tg4i;7zfi agll and.exro7geom%opinion:, %e_fi':eci4lb§'"tbajé 5 % Jar4é71t;agef,5 xx!/5 qfbi.c.rI{g”llA;in%2!;uréA.a4'_[Z(all l2e_prap0jéd.ta”bim5 Qf‘ jicqflgenient café: A A A A %‘ ' I A W A 1 A M A A V A V ‘I K3 ) 5 A ‘e%%~bfl,o:Z“Jqfl’)Hf'e# Ereacloed in }mBl*iIge5 ;zfi>ro!7‘2z£io):z% who ability to jzidge, e_fla’ozl?at Aa“oo1n}>‘elf¢nt time ‘afligméd Yoim, and kefbrg the Ifrexlgytefy, preqcgz 4 Sermon rtponf ajoilcxoe of S ooriptzor}! oar (bé£Ibegiwc2z:bim- AA A A “ ‘ - AA V Hgflmflvin¢zAca}npete22t_ti1ne fraineaofli ink Lorine, up % on or com _o,n;pl‘a_vce orcozztroverfie iii Doivinigh or flmll ‘ bei ofligned [1izoz_,-'an;i‘¢gc/Jifioiteta the Porerbytery fiocb ‘.Tloefe: at expreffi: the thew- anofmaizzmine or dzflruto“ upon Mom; alfo be fballpr mob befirre tloe pteg, I/9oPré:l9_yte?y, ‘ arfmge oftbe'Minifler: of the Ward ap}?0i?1AT€d by V “ *tb£?m% jbez°ng;pz:'¢3:zt;.ooAo.: ; % “ % A A " * be proportiozo f /J33‘ géflfin re lotion to tbeplacg unto which be i; called fballfié oo2zfic1er€d- A5 ’ A u y 7 % A A A A 8. oBefide,r the wool!" flair géfir in preaching, be [ball mzdergoe an gocamizzatiozz in the fremifléx two [overall daieo or more, ifxbe Preréytery flmlljxdgeit '7zecefl'a7y. i W A’ " ‘ 3 % A A % 4 ‘L o o o ' iomzgo, After which,“he bring approved, A ‘is to be fient to” the Church or ocher pla"cc‘Whcre he is to fcrvegifit may be done with fafety and conveniencic, there to preach thrccfcvcrall d_aies,and to conoverfe with the %peopIe,that they may have triall ofhis gifts . for the'ir %cd‘ifica ri0n,an.d jrnay have time anod%1o¢a%furcoot0 inquire irr- to, and the betteroto know his life and conver17ati0n;4.,; A %Poz%ortIobg in the Iai’t%df%thofe th‘r<=:e%daies appointed for the ‘ma-~ A king known of his gifts in preaochingg, theveofhall be fem: from the Présbyterie to the C0ngr‘egation,a publike infirumept in wri- ;;_ing,which‘fluAIl publikelybe read before the people azfi aofcér af» fixed to the Church%&% doore,o to fignifie fuch a day any member or memborsoftAhe faidA Congregati”bTn, or any other perfbn or per» M {"0113 whatfoeyrer, or any of them, mziy put" inwith all Chriffianm A Wdifizretion and meekncfTe,WhA.1t exceptions they have againfthimg And if uponthe day appointedrhere be nAo:AiufiAw exceptions ag- ¢V ‘%aiin{’rhhirn_,tho Pr,e§byccry.fl1a4lIprogeedto Ortfinationo. W % oooo.-Fiftloly, Upon theday appointedfor Ordination, which is to “ I A I'be pcrformedin that Church where he that is to be (ordained ii: A to £2:rve,(ifVit may bo dong: with fafety and“ conveniency)a folcmn #3 Wbgo kept, by the Gong regation, that they may more car- netflyjqyneooin Prayer to; God; for a V bleffin g upon 17151:: perfon oani A labofiioof t1‘1’ i_SW His Servant, Afolcmnlyto be (kt; a part: to the Oflice % of:he»VMiniflery, » for their gofiod 5% the Presbytery fhall“ come A 3:3 A :11; glgce, 0; Come Miniflersofthe Word, five the leafl, fllallabe 1 A3 A A A ‘K <-$51 A I §{€m3_:fi‘0m the P1_'93by_C€1'y5 whefebfonehh {hall Preachgtue theépeople Conccrning4tAli"‘c*Ofliée handh duty of the Miniffers of Chrill; and %holw.thc peoglc ought to eflceme him for the Workeslfake. h V Szxtly, After the Sermon ended, the Miniflcr which _hat—h P€€ached,fl?a11in*the fa?‘-' of the Congregation demand of him A ;.wn_oh is now robe Ordained concerning his faith inChriPc]efus_., and lliq perfwdfionl ofthe truth of the reformeclfleligion accolw lding tothc Scripcures,Ah.islfincere intentions and ends in def‘... ring to enter into this Calling, his refoluicion to 1113 éizmflant A diligence in Prayeig. lPL€adinlgaMeditatiox1,,Preaching, minifiringl A the Sacraments, and doiflngall Minifierialll duties towards his Charge with his whole dcfire, as in the prefimce of God; {O as‘ may mofi further their édificatioxrand falvation 5 his zeale and l faithfulnefl7ai11% maintaining the truth“ of the Glol‘pcll,h and plirity bfthe Church againfi Errotir and hSchil'me 5 his care t%hat¢him- _ fclfe andhanjily may be iunblameable, “and examples :9 the l Flock 5 andhis fhll Apurpofe to continuejn his v du_ty againfi all ll trouble and perfecution. M VSwent/ai_’y_-, In all whichhavjng declared‘himfélfhpxjgfefidh his” h “ A A Willingnelle, and pmmifcd his indeavours by the helper of God 5 X The Presbytery 0f“Mirlifiersfént‘from mgm " {hall A {olemnlyl fet himlapart to thé Qlhce and Worke of théhhh/Iinillery, laying their A hands on him, with a ihort Prayer or Blelllng to this elfe&; l A A ~ T aciénowlédgiflg the great lmerqy af Gal, in fifldiflg ll C/nrifl fbr flue redemptiarz of/.7.z'.lr péapieg d72alff3?'[9iJ“ to the right [mad ofGoal t?IaeFat/yer, Md 1/Jere pouring am bi: pirit and gizziyzggifity to mzen-,V ApofHe.r,A Ewangeltiflh Prop/2et.’r,l P.;zfior.r, Mzzzzd l \ ffeaclaem. far.ibegM/Jeriflgrmd5¢=i1di72g¥*P Of /714‘ Clmlfis mdfirfir~ A Azm ye, ting mgiizrqhlihfling t/viihmr-W 10l1“5?~5€‘ firm» W0"1(9a to 945909 195*”; ’<’A?r:fi”A" A m im. him migb bis“ ba{y pirit, W $?5'[16l?9%}-72%”/9i!lLl N.4’”_9A W3 ""P4?"h 7.9 Al‘ ‘heir Serviéifg Af‘ofit{1‘iZ!tl9ewa?1Q2’tfl7zf1K572Ul€U:1734[1_?I?3”g~’: ‘that 199 A 5UP‘ 5» /l 1. V F 1. dtlg A er fa committed to /95:0/Jar e. A ‘ I ,j his atfjhawl2;r.%2fifi445'1h 9}’ T Ah h‘ Al . A E M £61, ’ h Al Tlxis théhh iiike lf¢rme§A 6fA.PraYe1ihh or bleffin llibeing A l ¢naehd,l1en aha MinmerWh0Pi"ea¢h:edal¥?iéf1Y.¢>ih0F¢A«him"AiC@5"tofiflhlf. A fider the gxcatnéffc of his Ofilée ‘land VW0rk¢;thc‘d:§““l§er "i1’le_g1i~[7 A ger:c"e,blo:.htC> hirfifellé’ arxdq lhis, people, the blefvfing WhICll‘l.R7&il”l: ‘> .Aaccompany his faIi‘t§]‘f‘i'_l;II.1;€.:wE"‘e iri this 115%? nd that to comm; w1;th~ , 7 him: him axhortthefpeoplé, ggxddchargc them in the lxlan-ml of M God AU 1* E‘ Godéwillifigly coAr¢c7ei‘vcoa_nd acknowledge him ha:-:A itheo Minifier of C«hrifk‘,AanAd'tomaintaiflefincfluffigfi-'3 A A _ parts of his Qfficefi And fo by *PrayerAAcom-metA1ding bothhign Aand hi§s.F‘lockh to theAgraCe-ofGod5”afi;erAthe‘fitigihgof aA Pfa:1méA, loo Ath’¢A;hAfl'emb1y be difmifedwith abIefling- " ” ’ terations tfia andaflili himin all the A Nimbly,Let fuchA asAare or {ball be chofi-zn or appoihtedforthe A oSer‘v?‘ihce of: Army, Navie, Colledgesoohrotht-rAcharge, be AOrdai- A A A AnAedAas-a;vforefaAAiAd5 in AChurCho:is;tAheAClafif‘1caI}1PresbyteryA to A ‘AAwhichthe°ylA{haI1 addreflé’ch‘emfelves{h~;1l1 fthAinAAké ahAiA:HA‘uch a1-he A h déby’AthAe Minifter th at 0;§dainech,fr‘om the Exhon» A tationlafi before.prefcribed, ashthe circumfiance of place and perfonihall require; A ‘ A A A A AA ?ATez2tb§y., AA Let every one whichis orfhall bebchofcn, ~oAr_ appoin-~ A ted for any plAacéoIf