"' v-w-y-—u.—..- .~ . £8 rim er to th g1‘ % Eifbr %'4 hmaé xv ingfi M» 1-’ “gifts e»Wis;!C3hi1r[é*h, imdigavéotficbsiifiewtfary m we .“ ‘ ‘ ‘ H > V ‘. " w -I‘ ‘: V "“ "cl r To 1 ‘ . - ’ V ‘ H w \ 1 ., i. ‘K Wu H,» Xi’ \.v‘. ' ‘4. I ‘ my ,, “ ‘ ‘ ‘fly K W" _‘ « \ ‘ .a- ' « V 1‘ V “ » ‘1 ii :3 \ ‘ ' i . V ‘ _ . “ i w i i i w mfim ‘ “f M -" , M 2‘, v ‘my > V 1 3. - ., _ W ,1 '. 3 “ ‘fi ‘ “ ‘ " “ ' . i W’ ' V “ V’ 7 -‘A " J ‘ ' « ~» < 7’ -i W '” v ~ ‘ '7 w .»‘ " , .. .5 ‘ V " ..o' " ‘ i ‘ -a “K” \ A v ' V .. . 1-‘! ‘,p- _m ,.. _‘ P‘ “ 1;. ‘ .‘-1 . V V - - \‘ 1 ‘ 1 . v - ,_ _, W_?- W 4 2 A 1 mm‘ _A_,"_' .... ‘ i ‘o no‘, , _ > 3. ‘ _ ..m ~ . ‘ .‘ - ‘ .‘ ‘ ~ .‘ .. . ,. . ‘ , i ' ‘ ~ ' " 3 r “ r ’H ‘B, ‘O’ _‘ .‘ . , ‘ M‘ \“)f‘§ 3 .-, 1‘ ‘ , .\ J“ V _’ 4, .\ _ _‘ _ . . ‘ ,« u ., ‘’V we .‘ . y ‘V ‘ ‘ \_ ‘ N . ‘ 2_ V ,, J N ‘ ; ‘A “at ‘ Q . \ ' V i V N . 5”. " " “ “ ' 2 - ‘ f M i - .3‘ ' V ’ . ‘ i i ' ‘ Ni ‘ 1‘ ‘ Xv ‘ v , _ V ‘ j ‘ K . ‘ ‘ i - ‘ I ‘ ‘- .p 1 . w I ;'~ ‘ } 1 ‘iv ‘ ‘ I ' " . V H, .n_ | ‘ ‘ u i , ‘ i ‘ ‘ « i ‘ ‘ ~ i . ‘H, K emly The humble advice.0f the A 0? Divimcs , V, niowiifittiingi by i7Qrdiflan»C§\ii cf Parliamemiac iW7iEiS3j§M~l—N»STiERy‘ ~ ‘iv’ mcerning CHMCH G07"§.li2YjMEN9f"g j ,4 .u. i _.__..._.‘an 4. .4‘ A&......._.... -w-w---- HY w- -' "MI V""‘I"'fiL 1‘ . 4.» ,,v—wv /wnl-as ‘II .'I\ , ‘; vv~,zv ‘ ,w~v ‘YA ‘NV Tb? iPir°z~f:zée*. % 6'3? Efus Ciirifi upon iwhofe {boulders the Gciirnrnxneht i A A V A as is, whofe name is called Wonderful, Couniellor, ‘AM 1 of 1?ca.c¢,o;f aézaawafci wbciIi:(3owecimm¢n;t and I ‘ finaM?»e emi,whoi~fim_1u9@m¢ghemrmle ’ V i of David, and’ upon ihisikingdém to order illtgmd A aflabiifla ii: with ]L1€3gm€I1t’afld]ufliC€,‘ ficom vbpemfifisirch iem for me wgmyazsml, cm ¢miafii;igi;liather, we “-9- W" ever; having all power given unnoihimii1n‘;H<:avexMincsI in by‘ M=M8-1‘ ii A the Father, who raifed him from the dead and fer; him on his own *9 ~"”*‘ : A ' Ephtxijyfié Right Hand, far above all Principalities and Power, and Might and 115*-%*'3#‘i Dominion, and eveiryiljigzmeithat is named, not_on1y in this World, cawamg A but aiibiiini that wimzhi~1s.__tcs and pm: all things uxider his» feet, with ph. '%zt‘x1d‘iigavel1i‘m«té ithehfemi over[a'i1_;things, to the whicihi +3~I‘-#114 . i ishis4Body,th€ffl1U€fS ofhirnthHtffl1€tha1Wr1:a11;~:.H6 b¢ingafcen~~1"“‘“““ 9 »«u« dad u far aboveall Heavens, that hmmifghm fill all niiings, iv emoq §fmGmcmmflpMeflmg0fJfi$ M w V €1n@mlAh"AA,ChLurch vgiibhmhgl Ebrth in the NW "Ah"-v; 1' fi";,13a58.“ fogethérhvirichh‘ hthé1AAhfcfi‘“ A . V W 7A *'AA‘AA":**~ “ h » ' A ' ‘ " V‘ ,_: 11. was A h*I¢he‘hAhM1n11}ry,,A31AAQa#ae1cis h,wand~Ord1n nces ofthe New fliefiamencwh A arise’ given by Ifefus Chfiifihhhhto the General A Chiirchhxvifible, A For the gal-?%AAA A A chering and 'perfe€ting of ipirz fg:I11js,L1ife until his fecond coming, ‘ 1 Car; 12.. :8. .Ep/a.4.‘4_,5.5' 15,1: 5.‘hofiheféméGhap?ter. ' A omparedWiAtI1 wrfl 10: II, 12,AIA3,.... AhAPart:icuIzi vifibleh whurche“ ””AMex:t1bers oif the Genérai ChiL!’I.iCh9a7L_1'EA‘§ ‘alfo held Forthfiin thehnew eftamentg, 6321.1. 21 , 2.2., Rm/. 1 . 4. no. and Req.j_2. W1; Parci§u1ar;Churches in the APrimicive=t;iynes. were % A Amade.up;%oFvifible,.S;a1nts, viz. AOE fuch as being of ,agc;A rofeffed faith in hChri;(hi.,7‘iin3 6bédiez1é§:"ui}1tb Chrihfi; Vaccordifig M u e7 Rule ofFair:ha11d;Life taughtby ChJ;lfl;332Ud§hAi.S_“. Appf3clg-:s";; .A1;1dh :.of their » A Childreh, g16"r’.r 2. 3 3,4I- 2451 2- '2/e%'f.,Ah1aff,.;| comflparedhhwith A6}: I 5.14. 1 Car. ii 2. condpahred with the i Car. h9.1I§.] ’;4£2‘.r24.39.h 1 CoAr.7.14. Ram. II-.Ih6«*andh—fO Forward, Markh1o.,14. compared‘ with Mpg/313.1 3,14. Lug; ; 8. I 5 ,1 6. A 0f“’Wfi?fiA6?”f=r/96 CW» h HE, fficersh(3hi'ii'f hath edificefifoq of, ».4 his (3hjurch,;and the hperfeéting of theh-Saints; are, AA A VA ‘ Some extyaordinaryig as Apofi"les3%Ev hnhgelifls and Prophéts arei:eafe‘d.: A 5 -1 A ' A h * A A - 1 Others ordina-ryhandpehrpetualh, Aa§.Pa:i’cors,jA?l”ea;g:hejrs,A Aéxfihér. V V V Governorshand Daaqonsr. ‘( ‘A h ; “ - r- . . y w , n ., ~- \-A 4 ..‘ r ‘u . h " w. » ‘ hm M. .. p ” h - ‘ A He PaPcorAis;.an-ordinary and perpetual in rhhhchuréhg AA L ‘A W 3%. 3.15A,16,17. .»Prophécy~ing of'chegti;ne of »Ehe* _G0{pel_," 1%‘:-_s~.A§;3,4-fégp/1.4.1 AA A A ' Fxrfig Itbclongs to hi$,,AA‘ 6:; V A ;; v To pray for; axndhhwith hiéflock as.» A ‘SW «45‘-' 55- 9»3.4~ 45%‘: 29- aA6s«YYh§r?— _Er§§A<:1fi"3Aa94 ifirayex A A A A 35¢. . A % A A‘ Iv--‘~-"mi I :A ‘ ' " ' N A ' ‘ .- .e C1 ( ii) A fire joynedas Afevera! A parts of the fame Ofliee, fame: 5. I 4,15. The Office of the Elder; that.“iSi_“the‘PafipI:,‘$ is tolpray for the lick, even in private, to which a” bleffing is ‘efpecially promifed, much more therefore ohgh; he to perform thig it] they puhliqk . execution "@7553ffi¢€35d9'P4f§iiitFh5i56bf§' 1530"" - 1:4-’”€"f:'15 3‘1‘5¥i A A " '13; read?*?1:;IzeTsct7i“ptu}:e~ptib1nick1y; “foe pfie“IJr6{bF~:éE§»whié\H*:§” "7 ‘I351 AThacAi and Levites in‘1"the_‘]e'wiflw ?qhtt:c1i;vgiereEhfi&. \ ed ixrithmthe publiekggeggdihgofAt1*ie*Word,e ash-;is‘i ptved, D{jmr;*;ge*1:.;h x \ 9,:oet:. oA1“‘ZVAéld.ij8,AAI,2, andqI3t.'A ‘ 2. That“.s,z6. compa; red with Rafa. x 4., 3. _ (where the fame bleflings, and Perfons from whom they come are exprefly mentioned) ‘ A1”jm56A.:~. I. Where um»-A der the names t0f‘Pl‘,i€fiS and Lfivites to be continuedunder the “Gofpel, as-e'meantvEvange1ica1Paflots, who therefozze theatre by Oxfice to blefsthePeop1e,etDeui.1o.‘8.i AA;2VCor.Io3.I4e_. 1:‘ e A TOtakchareoF1he«poor, 21:32‘: II. 3o.e;2m: 4.3-4, i.A£Z.ic’fi.2,;3,4. * 1 Cor. t16;~e‘1:.,2j,3,4.teg‘.al:2;9,Iot A A V A eAn;d. he to hath alfoaruling power‘ over the flock asa‘Pa{’cor,_fx A 1‘iv?~i5A-I7-/15?-w°~I7-e**~1e8-I??”’ve£Foiso»r2- HWE3-7:17» A I5 -' ; Y _ W ‘ . , IAN ‘. . v . 5, ‘ ' ‘ f_ ‘ * -5.; Q . K » - ‘ “ ‘ ‘ v_ ‘ ‘A’ ? .~ - _, n my. - ‘~. . ‘ , N ‘ : V ‘; ‘ _ .1, .»l :1 3 ,., “ L ". ‘ y.“ -'3, 1 4 ‘ \ " J‘ ‘ 1- ‘ ‘ as ‘ " ‘. ,, ‘Mn ‘ 2 .‘ M _ . “ “ 1 ,_ . n, ‘I , . « 1! 1 "bv u .1 V_= " W ’ 0 u ~ ‘ » \ r w w 1 ‘H \ * " W ‘"3 N A ‘ I‘ T“ 7 . ~~ ~ at ‘ . e. " ‘ V ; _ j V a _ - - ‘ ‘ ‘ .. . .. 1». . \ ‘ ‘ “ ‘ ‘ _ , ’ ‘ « ,, “ .- \‘ , 3 -A-.‘ -. " V‘ - ‘ Mm W» Up,‘ ‘.‘x. H . “ ‘ ‘. . .. ‘,u,n. -- ‘ ‘ ‘ 3’ ‘ - '-\ u - " “ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' _ . e % e .‘ ; fthe _ pf The Lord having given different: gi€t§ gm ;4ivexs:exhrcife«waem¥~ tlingm ;tEx'efe_gi_ft&in t;he~Mi11iR’ry of'th€?e;,Wérd;§ ‘SQ. am 12-¥»4,LS3¢?a:Z;4..3§hC?!1g11‘thfifidifffiiffiflfifiifts maye ; : acmréingly be exeraifede by am :md;rMini&er.e. E 30%! mo e A ¥c‘:‘fi."\..W:‘I;a:ci“t.‘e.:‘bE~:«. £é7£:€r;&l.¢b~{I;i£2ii};er§§n rqthc A C$‘113§"5m§"%§io11;,th€t}¥,!13.a}’ cl;cfig§Icd;tio.r£€V5€:I;a'1;;e;e e to the different“ gifts in hick eacjheoffthem hymencsmcqw aatjchmtaft ;e:;c;e1, mwe.em§.ee;weeex- ..q-. Kern-g :’7T‘33.-7' 1;wJ7§?_t%:f%rfI;G§WI.~I;- ;;.3fl¢ W‘ e ” pcifitiisgn ofeS¢xip»ture; cing gain-fayers; has dark 11,3 31C§lf10fl3a1?ld§l$.e A ~cherein,.may ibecallced fijréflfihfilfy aft 1* ; *( :x:he** al- elcdgede by §h¢:M:2§a£ixoneea,f;the do£hJ’:Ve’ A mmhc iseto ‘petfortmfzx far we ise;ab1e,§hee4who1e,e Neverthelefs, where is but one Minifief in aVp»at:x:icxa1a‘r(e.2éng;eggtig-» nm*ry,: as» appcagacezh, Aim‘ the ,3. .TTm.4..z,.; $51.9. béfereeafledged, 1 Tim. 6. 2. 4% ” “ e “ M v , M A Teacher‘eyQn1Do€h:Jr £595 Lmfifih ftlié ; S¢hdé§ls,'5m1«i .U:.niverfities,; maf;o1d.in;etheeSnho9Is~9fee ?l:0ph§e¢$L.‘"€§IWa:£J;tfru5- falem, whcxe Gamalidgani mzhrersetgaught asectm; VA pt», 11 ‘P 1 ~ A S ?1?€¥éyWr€Tin.§h¢e i1né?1>.et>.€1vf1=“i*~‘:':=::ar~ ¢'n€<1»\V%Fh the I?rie, sami Lcvites ' f*m;4T*¢13E: of we flhurch (as.app¢@rethe1n_th¢ ?-.C/:ra~Ie9- 8:9, Isa eCmifl.~who A Thafih infiifuted it C.39"vfetnfr:ene;,;2a,nd"C§ “¢v*err;‘or»s’ I_3.c;_c1e_£i.at£3cic»a~l4¢iI:1nhe eChurch;.«,: hath ;fi1~rf1i{I1eiiA h"is xkhé of t1ieWord,~withegifi:sfor §39.V§H3£I!€§3Fx;aL1d; with j*¢01?3miF59’I.3‘,t0 eieduiefthe fétiie iiWié1§»e%tHed’thereunte§; A W‘ho*are*-to%Vjoy?x1 with tfie Mxmfier m the Government ofche Church, Row. 1 2. 7, 8; I Can. V '2.egA8, which Qfficegs, _Refpr;;3ed_Churghes goggggmy cal Elders. A %Dmcon;e ar.md.hazhw- '_' --‘n - g.,,""." e T congrega ." ‘\ x &>eVéfi§sec1%«§3£:e:g aéi.ana§7tfia1c wrommamawmfbmflym V .I.Tiw-3-8» to '0-*-’rf¢fi I ?fl%¢rA§+Is%3 %~%wh9f€. §£%‘b.?&* A A me~:2 fiamanwenm, to figlkc gate in di Aibuting pg?) necefl'itjes.QF£h¢%po@r,;»; A ‘ ‘ a ; « 1 5 A , V7:‘anr@& ; A A ‘ _ M , . w * _din;_u:i1y for publiké ’ orfhip... When BeIi*eve1‘$:t~mp).wi;zg1_ymgp;?ii~:%¢;1:1A,a, ? f j :chcyi“3fl1oI11dfb¢:;d4ividc.:iflW“ tions;; -forphe betacér adminiP:raticm,dof, :£m4,~11 as belongunpq. them, and- tlIc~&—difi:harg:;-: ofmutual. duties,. Cor. A mmrfi: fgrehsgrmfi mafl ‘raap§dmnt%:fwf_ wfimm M by «@440. , 9 ¢ . ‘ in~%di£tA ;;th€' gggfpcxvc «"5442 4. . ,,, ,. w .. W “"5”-7 ‘.»“':'_~.«‘.?i’L %é‘%f‘\5}‘?7.i”f%-. , I .1‘ 2»"I',:; .2%‘T.',,a“;‘ ‘ W E W ‘M A A Of Me Ojficnm of n‘p»zrtivii?ar Cougregatiofl; afiihg 75§36§g?‘fefgatibn§ fheite ought: A :1: bMne;az ‘ hhe;1ea‘fl;—j‘hoththttj1b:béui?~"m aha Word.and~tth,h% hfi¢lXn;g,"i‘~htandato h Rt31e;;'tP;ro®.'29;I 8.” ”»I_‘5tTt21jr1a§’.;IT'7; Heh.¢tt3.7:; .3 ,, ~ ‘jIt~isa1fo t‘equifi'te,t§i_a£ttt?5there‘{hould‘bebthers_t<5 V; .yn«in%gGowm+f vr‘! ht And likewife it is requifite, tIfI,;‘atu.U1fefte b.é*:;:’o=thetS 32% 9 care For the relief of the poor, A5}: 6. 2, 3. l V t The number oF*-éa"«éh;°*<:»£«vt' is‘to..be;p1j”o»p“m:tioned according to I. ., p‘ «E « "the condition of the_Copgr§gation. W A A ~»T«Tfi’cffe h4OfiicEf§htare—~ tr;:> meet: ‘together at: A .CQI3VCI1"1C{;l.Cu."aI3dffs§C‘;%~* 3?/if Ga"?/ertzmmr t/qefliw rutxngeommorapartzcuxar Congregateioh have 'powe’mu~ , _ ighogfitativeg, cg5f¢a1r4béfore than any 1ne1Iibefr of the Coxagrem gdtiefi a“sAth‘éy aIfe“eju1°coccézfi¢é:. ;:T§7ehE1fi'ité irité “she; ;1;:1¢*w1eag "afivd/Tpiritttall ertaee ofe:hérevera1re’ 'xr€r’xibers¢5?£héAC61§gtég;u;§bh.T A A A To admoniih and rebuke.) I jwhich three»~ebrapch‘es% are”prb\7r_e€{By“’ 3.1 7.5,: T/éa%5¢.;;g, 1g'.V F%¢é34-4- A .1&iithi>i-itativgé;fufpéhffih‘: ftI6x3E{iih%§’ L¢:t;fd§Tab1’e;wV% I5“erfor:;xV%zi«;$;€f A yet cafi out of the Church, is agreeable‘ come Scripture. e ,F.ir& Becaufe the Grdinance if felF muff ’not%% be -propha. Secondly, Becaufe we are charged té wiechdrawvflioriu thefeerhat walk difczrderlye L I A V e A’ Thfrdlji, A 7BeCa1ife bfthé A 16 to the .wheo1echm:ch,. e.M»zr;.7,.6. 2.: édmes urgi>sror":1ii1y”,%“eeaiid a i4‘«"",flI"",rS‘ww}.Jj.W\|“ E55 e:it1e¢céfMth¢e<é‘/mp-A ¢ompared wxflgjlzzda, wr-_/5 2 3. r Tm2;5.22. Aug _there waspower and au-;; =:!19r1=:z.ux1s1¢r the 0ldTefia93er1r, etc ke¢Ms:r»c1«:4anper1‘onsfrom C151i1§S, «£5652/it.I 335 «f NzfiWé%'L9a7. 2 eCbrorg,z3,19fl \ . A . frekzf’ {ind dfiriget3e ’botI1 to_ him tfhatze: irks A xi... der New reixamenr. A ‘ V “ The Ruling Officers ofa Anxthoritarively to fufpendr rom the Lords IQ 1eaWPerfon_notnyet r (10); V The like Bower andAuthority way ofiAna1ogie,continnes gm-5 % e ‘cafi out oF\ehe~Ghnrch;e * ~ ' r Eirfc, Becgaufe thqferwheo have Anthority to of,_ and gdtnitw, e efuehéfie are fit‘ iio’5‘ receive the *Sacra,men1_:,_ have Authority tolgelep’ L nefles and Vmutugale rdependenee; As;~al{bM,“ inregard of A egemiesefrcm-—r “ bad:-« inch is f1‘1'a1**be?Foundwnnvvortehygv . Seconddly,’ 1~3‘ecaure‘i:r is‘ an Ecclefiafl flife-belonging“to-“thatCongregation. V When COI1gtegations_,are_ divided_and fixed; tfxey"neé4rea<:h‘ea‘ Buyfjfeldom ';hhiehvx211 fconfii%‘xi?.ith "3’”"“I75€'5"- i*e»terf¢ :1 'oF'thefameeB09k‘Ofihe 14 W of the "ApoPc1”"es; * g e V: T hirdly, _ ."1_‘he‘diiverfit;y oflangnages amongn; the Be1ievexfs,i mew’ iitioneii boghi in V *'hth‘e;M.f¢.'cc.:0Ih1‘ffl‘.’aafl.1“fl‘ fiicth€he9rér8‘f°i”ith€ 245?»: dor:hAiar-—' ‘ q1no:e‘~Cong*cegag;iofisigghenfonegIn thatCh£trch.r AA in A A A s ~ 1: V . . . « iv‘ o ' iemthhoifé V@ongi*egatg onow tier one Ptesbyterial A G6w}etmnient;h‘beéaufei‘;Fir;i’c,i Theyg were one Church, §;4z£?.g 8.4:; and Chap. 2.‘ 47;m~cornf>arie‘d with C‘/az2}>°tea? 5;. :1 1.1 C/mp; 1 2.3 5%. and CImp.1:5.4. of the fame B001 . A ‘ Secondly, Elders of-i;heChL1rchi are men tioned, Acii-.c I igThir,d1y,,g The Apofiles did the ‘ordinary gA<.°cs ofiilhesbyters, as t ifireéfiyters initha63Kirk; A,which7~ptoveti1-a Piresbyteriai Chuechbe- g ibfeithe dif}§>egrAfior1_,A~A5z1z§2‘:«6.Aoi “A ~ ‘i'°F6nrehl5f;A ‘i he‘ fevAe1*aiL Coxigregaftiens ~in=i§‘4_emfo£em.;&h;ei11g ‘gone gflihiitchg fgtiie7El61e"fs {bTtha*tiChb1rchi Gil’?9-=1T1e‘11AfiiOI*1@d“"ifl§ meegingiL:oge4 whet *‘AFo‘rAA;”a (“£39 ’@‘tover1*i1?1?1etat, A I ’1f;i3 o’. V4 Eh» I“ a5<1,,eJié§:,,i’;»'.:;.Ai 1a=nAd A “C7:aj2.".~.":ziA. 17: I”8.~¥and4 >fo A 1 Forward ~,V which proves «Athat. thofe evegfalgl Congregations A were AL11:1dti‘rr one]. Presby_:eri_al1MGovern~ U‘ And? whether tghefe Cong§egaéi£3h's~ii;iey%ere*3fixed ;;oi.*_’§1ioit;J«v~iiifii;eti, ~in‘iih,1feggrd~*cf;?Qeficer$or;i‘ivMA¢mber5;i-i»?fi:f~ae i—*ah11¥~'c:'»{17!?%e %iS«~to1ii$th€‘AtMfmthg of ;thePrbp0fi[10ri;7“TA”" A A AA ” Nor doth therehppeai5hnyJ’1nihteeia1*‘iiifference sbetiwuixt 1:I1efeive.- A ml Congregations in flcmrféz/em, and the many Congregations now . “in the ordinary condition ofthe he to the Apoim: of fixed» i ' ne{§ArequiredeoEAQfficers or Members. ‘ v " .. \ ' \ Thirdly’, Therefore » he 8 iripture “doth forth , that ma-» ny Congregations may beunder one Presbyt:eria1loGovem--g ‘ 1;.“ “ix ‘ j_j- A i A g in ~ . 7 U§.€9nd.1y:.;‘iBYih171¢i"i13ftfWc¢ of th¢Chur¢h05 1?? em: for: A 5-xme Church A 1- “That they were more Congregatio irhenoiheigii offlplaefm, appears by A6}: 20.31. where is mention <$fP:z»tl.{co11— ieinuanceiate Ephcfm in Preaching for the {pace of three years,and Aanfdai I IIt30m . IL 1 oneci. mi Wfi I 0, and%i7,i»;*?F théfame G@4P.;m~eWh¢¥¢4 isea <.iif¥i*?~ @£;in:.9f . " . “ am w»%~Cht3£¢fi%;m the "f“ho-ufe of ~r1~qw€4,»and%5Iir479~&!1a “sf . 4 955 I14 y@¢x1£P vwtmfl «and AI9—.whexe } ¢4¢'z:“%?i.f8; : 9;%:4;2a. gather doth prove, that fhé i 7 ultitiiiiés QF fB€li‘eMirEi*s F ‘L V ' -<3o;\ngt¢agaations;thet1§th¢Church offipkdefwsw A "‘ V ,2. "mm %th¢r¢j%wef¢+v%mépy,~t E14? rs aver tlacfe In in? C9P%¥¢S$%ti- omens 6116 P1écksJ1a1ae.€;aJf%§1ir-45?Iic>-‘’r,m$;.z’8»;3o,3i6.3%7- [ fubordinatjon offlongr A «¢a1V%Affc:m bhies,f;an;hc%:A ;;L That.;h,¢fi: many ‘%"‘;%§oQ§regafions Aene ‘Church; Wt they eremdcrion¢;”P;:esbyLer1a11-Government. %.app¢ar€th,V¢ A%R¢'Ms % - . % % 41:1: ilcith héld 9ut_?moth§r ~fc>x¢%I;%}<:>f aA»flhxi1b1i¢éA£or the Govérnment of the Church, V befide =-Cafl"1galandACone eache-xs,and other ChurchGover1;tQrs%( as alfooiher fit ‘z-f.*r_fons, m’ f:;gr6gati0nal,‘«a11%WhiCh% we 13' wlmors :wI1en%it£Iha_lbe deemed expedient) gnqe firs oF%x;1ik;‘fe A’ ien'ib‘1‘igs “ .We..c2d1 Symdicaflé , vghere they have a l£i\2qfLi11:éa1_l~ingfithfé1f“q. ammo V ” * A Natianal. AL % » to V atgpnal, Cat!’ 1&1, Proving;_igg1.,,[;%;L ~ I'D V ,.\ W""»tC'" . "“ ? ’ . 1* A A N, ‘r -_:‘.~ _ V, U ._ -I - ~ « ‘ M M “ T . v\ ." w - W » ~‘ , ° ’ "‘ M "-“ma MM ‘B,’ no wwwc “o«'l~"‘ w.Io.l». firm »q..;g‘..,.\....,_...;,, mm W‘ ,,.9‘J'._.n_.,g .4.¢»..J1 ‘.,..,,,,,‘,.‘,. M ‘A. «,«(__, —_ Wtvm _\,‘_g,. ‘ * _,3r__¢ as ‘rm .1‘ J ,, ‘wm‘;‘~w It ,."‘_"' n n ‘ If N 4 ‘ ‘ L,‘ I an 4 ‘* ,- ‘V J.‘ , “ ‘ ‘ ‘<1 ‘ ‘ N % % V ~ed, ‘éithért €§‘D05’¥f2ii1é;;;§.>F¥’£)3:dinatik3n ,TfoI2§h@1~F駧1er Syiuodical Aifémblies may1gwrunybeb£'%revera1 com, as’1#:§y1:;, r hgag} f%O_1;diijati,g5n of Mi%pifiers4 cc} be?‘ A h All l I 9. A Ohr‘c‘linat1on”i§»thelfc3lem'n fettingl apart <35 zfperfoh Ate ‘fdhie ~ A.;7?Wén:8';IQn;§¢.‘I11'4l7-1.9=3!3?. v€~3=5 =6- * A A AA impofition 0*“ V A ,Aand1’r:axA;erA V!ii$h§@?‘1E1A%a by: lhoffi 1?r¢e¢h*Ps Presbyters t0 al- “ \ firhéln 1t doth belohg,” I Tz'm.5AfA.'§2.1 ” 62: I 3. 3. It is agreeable to the Word of Gocl andm-y expedient, that fuch as are to be lordainedl Minifcers, be defigned to lfomel par... ticular Church or other chargeg A62; 14. 23. Tit. 1.5. Acihzo-A17. and ;8A; A A‘ A ) ' A A, e A A A A that to;be* »daA~inecluMini{’cer, «Inuit becluly A qualified both for life and All/linillerialabilities,accoxd.ing to therules of theApoil:le; A ‘ ,3 us, avg ITim-A3.e2,3,4.5,6. and Tit+1h~“5a657,8,9~ ‘ - A fe by wlwlnheis LtoAAb9A A imlbeee and 499:9?“ by the ordained, 1”Tim.3.*v,7. and 1o.‘ancl C/mp.5.72.2;. Nhom-an is to be orilainedlfa M»ihifliAen'tor apan:1cular"Congrega- A tion; ifcheyof that Qongregation can lhew jufi capfe of gxcepgiozg, A #8331“ 9‘ ' If 7* ‘ A A A Tl«¥*?’f??4’%?‘£ the Afiveer» MAI 9" IN“ A . Rdin3tiQC1.s.Ti5 jAo€_a,l:AA;Ashygcrsz, 4.. M. The power“ o€g;ga1ng AtA;hA€ lg worlg, of Ordination, his. "»inlthe whole Ere.-sbylt A Ag, Whic;x2g:rh§n1§AA1s(§vér‘A more Cgpngregatim -e *§kq's..:\gery.requifirxe;;tAl:atAlnq figg V ens then orléf tA.:ieoh§ Afifiélalfihllzot fiixzecl, in regard of 0fficer.~mr~~Me1nbers;A 1«f‘+m9~u1?3u£l?ere‘hc as to» the point: of 4 l A _ A ;thacecm..c¢nvlenAle. A cntlygaiwfocxate, do affume to 1: {elf all and fqle power Qgdlnggm atom. A_ A A3 Becaufe there 33 no example m Scripture, that am. W AV imclfite. .Az1.rzAt:%z:;ei“;?e1_Z@f ' ' 'A ~. W AA . .3 V l l ] €%?e:-li,4ci * A A A V ' A ; 4 , '14‘ A ‘may warrant fuck a VA praftice. AThe$Iiumb~1eV*ad<%ite~oftheAfl"erhb1y- natxon the feled :£‘ecning,aparo of»a4p»erfonm;&éro,meWbligk ,§h”‘°hV¢°1fi‘¢é"% Nfimh-%3r?A0&IIsI4sI9szg,‘*%wzc?q ;_6.g.,;a;;cs, j my "» .v¢ 3 2.4 Béca*u%V ¢"tIiere is in $Cripture»”eX”aIfipIe (gs finmflinatiofi ‘ in a ’‘ I’.¥'¢3b~YF¢J?Yd.i¥e¥3.%C°‘7’ST¢§3Ci0U$M3% AS in the Church of .§‘m+- . /azgm, where A were m;any%‘ Congreggtxons, thefe‘ (;I3o1n;g:¢g;m; oflé,” Wéré: ’4w’undéf bne4‘I§fasbytery,* andthis diiH'é>rdai'n. l.MThe_w Pr€aCh1‘!3.1°resbyt€rS4 Qgdexjly affociatfid geitlier iii ‘C'i’ti€s‘or V A nEighbourifig‘Vi11a§eé;A’a;reV”:htifé‘¢:to% vfirhorh’t:I1é3iini5ofiti¢5fi%b‘F'H%1ifids flivelyn V W . 4 & A .-~a.r. . ,5} 4.. ‘:1; ‘;_‘ W « VwA"V ..‘ dothwpértain fort xhofe Congregations withimheir bbur$d§~re(p%:‘ ' ‘ " .; W." J.’ -, 2- ': fi; '”_",; L.‘ Q 5‘ ‘"5: ‘-‘ A‘; sf V ‘-:»:.'f-' T ;fi.€”' A f ”‘5?”iW' 4‘“'?J’«f€'r“ ?é=*%¢fil5?iV*4’?7?’?l“5f”**"="i”*?953¢579 fW.:"#/»‘%?é. " M V f ; Wzt/Q41?co3zV'a:72i€7¢t]j>eezl;]27*c*p I ‘ ” ‘tlJ;';t‘P%Io"?;*%fla‘rpz:’2"le * w 4» » g mg 3- ; 4 3; W‘ :' ,,,?» ’ x ‘."; ‘ ., . «- ,@ x.» \ 4 ,,, V,‘ g‘ “ N; F.‘,._' .:v__, M ‘ “u H. x- 4-J , , . 4 ‘fix 1» F‘, u ‘ M,A“;;d pl“ uw mu» 4m o ulna. ',,\l ‘ wvf _ __‘ . _ ‘ V ‘ .L 5.“ _ ‘ . . Iv “T “ “" ' ~-*‘”~-* 5‘-P-ad » w‘ .1-i~‘,}“...1~w..;»’ .,,. . ,3 ‘, k ‘, ___,c ,, ‘ ' ‘ u m I V ‘ v M v ‘ 1" ‘P , , w . Q , -. . . r_ ah : , , N . . ‘ L. “:2 .. .. ‘ ‘ M W 1,, W -. ‘ ~,‘ .d u‘ ‘Q w », IL, 3 _ ' ...~ W,,,H, ;_ ‘V’ ‘ . ~}.. $2 ., ‘ “‘ :.‘ ‘ U I. ""‘ * m - 5: w -my tug-K wk . ? ‘ -*'“‘r:( n '35,, . N.” _ ‘A‘ r "" u‘ w ? 1% \x -V‘ ‘*5 '?'w ‘ -" ‘W ‘‘‘'‘‘'s “IM{:'*'<"_ “ “W $7‘ fiwf Q m, w W. V3,. . ‘__ ‘ . .. 3. M. ,.».u M‘. “H. _. J A H fly; W 5 I :2 , 4 k 1.‘ H ,_ W k W ‘ y b H ‘ V H H > “ «v ' v~ : .1-" :4‘ --‘‘-J?. 31.. "z,;M- ‘ V ‘ ” .. ‘ ' ". Muw “A V_‘«,, V.-._ I” ‘U ‘ G if V n D R I Q» . ‘ \ “ ‘ " A A .» _ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ : " ., ..,’ C 1. . M ‘ . M . 3. ;_:;* r\.__ _ .-»A«~~.—e M 41‘ -M‘-" V R . Nb _ ‘ ,,‘ . ‘» . 4. ; "7 _. V H W W ‘ W k > ‘ ‘V : 4 W * 2 - ., , ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ _ ~ ‘ . ‘ .. m V . ‘ 1? Ag‘ *5 .r‘v,;¢‘-‘~ ‘H 1 ‘ \‘ -: L V w er m ‘ ’" " ‘V :3 o “ \_ {- ’ 79' » «L «J» ,v#w,.‘\u’ .4 ,:.. .‘.. ,..:~’ J . wgl ., 3“, ,“ W?‘ fin _,: ‘ 6 ; ‘ v .. ‘ d - ~ ox, . .; _ H . ‘ ‘ ‘ r » v ‘ V ‘ ‘ ~ - " , 5‘ MI “ ‘ We ...‘ . "J: L ‘. ..‘ g ,L ,1; _,__\, ___ _4 M m H . 4 t In ‘ wt‘ ‘ $ UH Mr ‘ ‘ I .. 5." ~ «.2 ‘as Vms; ‘ ‘M ii ‘ ‘ iv (7 4 .‘ ~-4. \» . . , H . M .‘ . v ‘ ,/ 9 ‘ _ ‘ vvy ‘ ‘ 1 WV . 3- u- v \..v- :» .vw,_,, " r , ‘ .. ‘ '“ ‘ “'" ** fit - E u s w. ,r. . “, , ; H " A em led an 9 A ~ " " * » " . ‘ ‘ ‘ .‘ ‘. ’ " ' 1 A ‘. " “ ” " ‘w - ~-w -» mad \ ' 1 mg; ’_~ a"‘ 1:.‘ ‘ .~ ‘ H “ V "" ‘ ‘ . V‘ M ‘ . . W ‘ I , ‘ , a ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘* V y‘ 5, ‘ w. ‘ v ‘ ,1 '5' h M - ‘ .. I , ‘ ,, W. ‘ . flfl“ ‘ -"".“*“."‘,{'“. u ;_ “""l.N]|’ , ‘ ‘ »-* - -' ‘ ‘ . ‘ »; ; . ‘ - ‘ ‘ » , J‘ W ‘ » M W: ,,« r -NP: . ..__,.‘ M ,.‘ L as v ‘ " ~ ~'7‘ V ' ‘ -' 4‘ ‘W ‘ ! mi <3, ‘ , 5,‘ “ my :M.vn.... _ W Am, ‘. y ‘ “ u « \ .7 _‘.. H,“ * " * It “ “ N M fig} ‘ . . N vv so. . % 43 W g W y O"rnanought-*toM take 11 onffim the«dffice%yofF.zj ma, *:;Wérd'Without"fi1aW£l§€q1{§mg;? fat/a2‘rz:;:.12:7;. A 5" 14 W M _ M ‘ , M ; ‘O ‘ ' " ‘ “ "‘*‘ ‘“"°”* '* V-A J-* -Him»? :n‘~M)J V,,_.J.5V3+:+i...f’I;!*«5A.§$3 J.r.”x§I[\,:Z.ah_ '4 V ‘ Ordination is algwaies robe continueAd in the Church, ‘ Tit. WI“ wi“H‘H‘£fl 0 4». ‘V ‘ ‘ ‘ 4‘ @1731/lfldpr;5:;fé{i:t2ti*'"£&1 ; .. :;f % y::‘+ov"c*»rs?'Nfieiyniftctofyrhewogsdisrweé y¢f&a*nedob3*.:y ehandss and Prayer wieth"F-Wes W thefe-Pr¢ach1neePr o whomeit~"do;hybelong,b‘y2 I ‘Tz'm.5 ...22;. ;/In-‘ix (14.2 3;. ; «A611-5",3'~‘o-3 .- ‘ A 1 ; I‘: Tim; L A Z ml ‘ uxlj ,,.‘yy;~.1,:y 1‘ . _‘<;&,;>__ . \ . I ‘ g ‘ 4* ‘ 0 ma I . . y o v The power of0rderine.theyWh91eWork 0F0rdinati0e ,\vy'l.|S" in the whole Pxesbyigeryg w,h,i¢h,wheny .1: 15 wet mote Congreganre 4 b 9IiS§ then one, "Whether ':hoT§7 Co£18?é§ati0fiS be ’bfi:§€d‘y .1‘~e 11i>e¥5b§fi3€€bd§ .' regard ofb0b1fi€€VS er M€1*1b¢*5=.3ti$i*‘diH’5’5‘=fi¢beS ‘59ybbb€5¢'P¢i%‘¥°5 Ordinatimabbl 77”’*'~-4-b’4- A b ~ v T ;~ In isagreeable to the Word yoFyC0d, and yeryb e:cped1eny:,‘y ‘that rucheasareycoebe eeogrdaoinecl Minifierys,y be defienedeyyta \ foxfiepaxw btichlaryobchurch, bf 40 ther ‘Minifieria1 chargfig :23 A. Tit; , A He that is to be oorydained Mxmfter, xnufi be duly qua11fiedAborhy For life and Miniflerial abilitiegaccordingyto therL11es of nhefkgofcle, 1 Tim. 3. 2,3,4,5"‘,6. and T2'r. I:-e5,6,77,8,9-~ He is to be examined and~approved«ofe tbofe by whom he is to be ordained, 1 Tim.3.7. IO._I i7"£;#xz.*5.'zz. V A e No man is to be ordained a Miniftertor :1 partieular Congr_ega- tion, if they of that Congregation can fhew jufi caufe of exception againfi him, 1Tz'm.3.2. Tzt. I. 7. y W‘ . _ e ‘I . llreachingePcesbytersorderly 'affoc1ated etther in Cities ~orNezgh-- boutinbg Vi11ages,are thofe ;tv0‘r‘Wh0m the impofition of haudsdoth appertain,“ for thef.-2 Coxugregatiozas withm their boundsy4refpe€tixre- A I'n.ex_traor'di:qary cares; fomeching extraordinary maybe done, until a fetled order may be had, yet keeping gs neer as poflibleymay berothefiuleg 2Cbm.29«34,3se»36- 2 CW0-30-2y»3,e4,s.y y 7 There isa: this tE111e(as We humbly conceiy/e)a11yextraordinary oe- ebcafion for a way of Ordeinationfor thebprefeuc fupply of Mi-A-V .niflers.. A ‘ be _ 2 %_ V . e .4:-T/96 Di;-4c'c%r_yfor0mi3'z¢.¢zti¢5n of; " b ‘ fl4z'r22flerm‘;« 4 M being manifefi by the bwordof God; that no moo ougheto take upon him the Office of a Minifler of the Gofpel, untiloy he A be lawfixlly called and ordained thereunto ;; And that she work» of ‘ Qrdinatxon is to beperformed with alldue care, wifdom, ygrayiny,yy :;1DIl1;}fole’%3’?1¢ 5? JM7i%WifB?¢’: 4A3?“M?7f/9? 7"!): W]. fl:%m‘r,* madefl , Md. aw/rléq. Aaf 32/€Z‘~}'; R ' A % A, A \ "" ‘ 55‘? ?55“’555’?é¢l .55?¢i7?L”?f‘£€A%i?K5/1.Li75 &0?‘i£5W%'.Z% "5‘}W‘ro.£>é?A$Wé*€"i‘r€9'%??¢fii:li7¢g4I/§EH€5f€W afld ,‘3f€€"1$4T¢3‘3‘f7‘ 5“%V3;zzn4mdrz;zgfiam«A;q¢;g:;an~¢afmm Latirfe; 445:4 155?; dafa£}i*vé_i7¢ t/aem,¢ngza}:j_é§:m.ade the more Igzftar /9126 $1 “ ";9'%"V’”?’%’A’1"’37"”m""'5’;§:-‘ 3”‘! 7*;/m747”?77’ £15’ ”./9?’i’7'~‘/9 €53 LQgi°kW?6i Ph510fOPh¥%. ., ‘W’/9a%t;Am‘/a‘é?f3‘:§2E]DiVii1i£)f Ige1g,azz:/a;;r;m“;z, mad 2;;-#5.:-J2 mlwir/v;.~ «WIW? 1%! %ée4wgzda%¢;i fiwéaiwledg o gffiiazédx rag? *t/3’3;£.«?9’1,\.;--85/3:"Z§7.f/)2 at/AZA #3 432217 apiriioiik, ”éf]5%EEw§§i7lJ% tiacfé of rI'9.3 prefmt page af /axis Irkzfl in the ‘anal meaéiififof A f""’l’ W‘ 4-" ‘J59 "’*'i1’”"” ‘V?’ /541 5'~°_P”'”P'?/7-“d W”? /“W3” Mfif 0fC07-’- % flcience, and m t/93; C‘/aL?'m"v[ag}' t/925% S’ the E66/efi... a.s‘?z'ca1Hi§3‘or]. M ¢ ~ %\."*-. if 19e7‘;!¢zr!: %2v4:%%é¢2??£flre4v/fiéd ii? Wliv/<5. \W/9 »4PP?054#‘i~ \‘ Jigs W: “PW?” We W Pré/%J?¢*W’J f“P"“." of 1W1 V A‘ , V _ L A jjfzafwée flflgfl’€dbim,.é‘£7?;1€.7Cv/:7£5;€f_fQfhcf Prgfbjtczj fm7;)”‘ i‘»m*zw%~‘;?pwf" J % 4 19* Vz,~e»~~423“'>‘¥' c‘o§*;é“t%&9”£1‘7‘-j22”i5z%«» A V" ‘ t;1zg.otJ/Iziniéiczé: qj" tidal Word appointed {9} mm, being preflmt, A "Tbeoprervrfioeafbe 39”‘; inrfldtieze to rlwiavetvnts Wbivbeteef e ii'5l13‘a',J%M5¢A5’0flfid6Tfd- ii A A ‘ A ” A h A 8;; :1.';:;Ecfid£ etloetn atlof/9{§1t‘g*t:ft:t:1€iPrel$¢W_fi1Athe _/balmzdgwrga gig’ €l?&7mflZ°2mffi0nAA‘i33 T i’.pre1b¢:fi°I* twaifi~ver}4l Aa]e:,afldmo7:c,‘¢fAth¢rA ‘Y?:i~.e.tc9_}A tar} /Imljmlg if izecejfafiy. A A :Itetit0t’£2e:remavad to another c/aarge,lae:]I;;zilAt£r7*£¢1‘ghA nAeTefiimoni;2l of :: I720i‘di1m£it)n,;47td‘of/Jé Jiéilitiegf~mgd;ACo(it(erf2ttian, whim.-n t t‘zA:4 ’ t],,;-V firm;/3-fof tlmt%plm;‘e fba!be.‘t7‘}ed bx?! Prea/via» there; ( A Jan! 5€i”d$‘4”€¢£U7"!) 6} eferdw ‘~’¢‘?’?’‘’’“'f°?’ :0 hm h.Im_1ll tvhich he being approved, he is to be (em: to the A Church? where he is to ferve, there to1Preach threeiifeveral days, and tocong. 4verfe.w;fth the People-,that they may have tryal of his “Gifts for ‘their be:rterA to know’ his life. and converfatioti. “A A edification,andmay#have time and occafiou to enquire ‘initoggnd ‘V 2 he laft ’oFthe{‘e three days apgoxntedfor the tiryafofh his hgifts; A ‘inprea¢hing,.‘ there final be fent from.AA»t~heeAP£esbyteiy to zhecom-: tfon, ‘ia;ipiA1b1ickeAintirhétion inzwtitzing whiclxfhal be pub1ic:!tly: A 1%-;£:a:?c%.5e1fotethet.,peop1e; And after £tfF1x€dA go the A Church "door, to A fignifie that fuck a dayga competent numbcreof the Members of that A A Congregation nominated by themfelves,‘ fhal appear tbeforeee Ache“ pm1;3y':ety,toAgixree%their confenithbndt A :tpptobationeeto'fv_.icA;h7ia” .maLt“1A to betheh: thfinifter, or otherwxfe to put rrA1:‘w1thA Chruhanh dxfcre-e tion and eemeeknefts; what exceptions theyi have aghinfl ; him, j and if: A upon the day appointed there benoejufi exception" the People give their confent, then the Presbyte1y‘AA itdination-J~ W‘ , .4 to ' A it to ;: ~ ' A A Um the day apP01i1§€§if0YA“.0fdmfiC1OH, .Wh1Ch W13; tobeper- fotmettgin that A Chm:chAt,e , wheretghe that istto be ordained is to fmg, ta folemn Pafi fhaltbie kept by the ~ Congregation, , that A" they zéainfc him, “but; the fnoreie eamefily: joyn tin AkP1:,ay.er,A, for a.b1eflingetupon the of ; iChr1fiAA,ja and; Athfifluw eelab“ourseAw of his .,%_ Servggmt A foe h_ ’.1‘he1».i’resbytet3C7’;’ _ comet ~I:9 the . place - u \ J §¢2‘g:e Afm rm-»x¢af,e and ; jamzimin "it: Aizytgsm mat 2A :6, éeforr the peohlegihtkc P5te.t£‘A)'te2fy,AA ‘oiffémecf 9e.Afldmfaréikim if/arttfhszt/2 ibeenfafinefhéy yardaimlrdeu Mini/fér,d#dhA allproceed to A A M . giy.‘ 3-». 5% . 44* V \ % ~T+A;m:.£o;z: A AtEm;i,nS A311Ql.§€;Ud$Aifl‘:§fCfiri1fig to remger into"tlii& Mi lling;H~is.d%di1igexnc@,W%' fiin%a»W§%:vt ¢heA°Frh? Minifirya by laying %%han;d§_ 1§: w; b_e.Vapc0mpame;i /wi%:.jh a fhort I?myc£,m; A 1? flé:’§”mau»WlATf+W"»Afe*‘A we gwfeemifig AMAA Wt’ §a7:hfl?£@,;_anmd farfitrimg;mdA£zzclining,tbi: 2m2.ia1ta.f*IaAi;é% ‘ V ,er(s0E tgléwnrd w froxfi theXPr’esby tety ; Ofwhich one appqggted by the ‘Presby.i:er.y,V t,qealm;AA§;2,c;op1c :.€1Qf}£.3€‘~1:ni»i_1g~A th¢“5ffic§,andgduty n£;I\/Hui-4-. ftérs offlhrifigfind haw the; «A pgaple A(3gl3gh‘!:~f1.'0 re£€iV§ ‘hem fr‘;;th§ialA*¢ 2 r After the Sermdn; *4 the Mi11ifierAwHo.ha1:tg =Br€aC11e:‘,{lmal4vimh‘é fzmc 0fAtP1;£~A§.citagr<:gagigr¢;‘ mmaméi Af WA Ordmatiou VA’wf1ik:%I1%%AAAAI‘1a;tI“x%$Ab€enAin”tfie ‘of ’’England fwlfiichfive hold for % fitbfi;‘an'ce‘toAbAe AAva1ide, anjd not to be 'di£"c:1a;im¢%:l by any who hiivé A A=i;cceivedAAitA:“'1’hen thtgre being a [c:aL"1tiou,sA proceédingin mdittérs A '”;§:cxF*?1?3::a‘m‘i‘né.1;ior_1‘;,iletbe fadjxnitted without any" n.éw"1Qr... A” A VA:_1dgVi1'1 Aéafe an”y1Perfon alreagiy oxjcw1VstinA haivdvzlieé°fam‘¢3A%Acd1itI‘tiheId’AVsi‘§;fi1m , him in opher particulars, as is fat down in .t:he rule itnmediatly W3ng%befora tcuchixag Exaxniinatiorl Aand V’ W » AA ‘ThatAARecordsAbcféércfully k€i;ptif1A~th€ Afevefdl Pre§by‘te:AieS+m7F the names of thfi Perfons érdained wi41:hA.r.héErAA% ti¢1‘:i‘m£o3.1i.a1s,% the tiine 'arA1d% place of their 1 OrdAinétic1n ; of Athé Pteiébjzfiersw‘ Wwllktp +im-- pofe” hands upon them anddof ‘thew chgvrgfi £5 th§:jfa.rc ‘AThatA'fioAMo1fi1ey or“ A A ?ift,ofAwhat kinél foéverfihal 6: received‘ from "5theA* Perfb"11*t’d beA é5r“dainedA, Ear 'Erc51n’a’n.y", (1131 his? hem for“ fdindtj- AoAn‘or oughtV¢1{'eA Abelotiging t‘b)it:, by any” ofizhe Pres ytery, [fir any " .,a$ppertaining toany ofithem upon what preAtet1c¢;-Afoever. A A _ A A i WT/iflfffi? qfAom’z'A‘A' azifjrptlex and cow]? of 0rdz‘mztAio;¢ in the Wdi-«A A « A Mzy way : Tlmtw/az'cAk z:a~xzc;em.r the eAxrmv7Adi1mrj %Awa_yAAre- Aquzfiteta 51¢ new prmiiz:/mi, fa/[met/9. ‘ A A” A A A AC A.Az ; 1:; 9%» xoli‘ my ii‘ {elves ‘enquire out andfind out one who maybe a !Fai"= A A A A ‘fOrA\thern.J fir have any with fafety fen; unto thexjrlfor A fuch afolemrl A " tryal as was before. ngentxonedixnt the ordinary “Rules; efpecially AA (tom) A A h ; to theft prefem: exigcnces while We cahnnothave €111)’ Pfesbyteties formed up to their ‘whale h POW¢f~ tA3n4~=W0fk»e ~3f::ld'€ Mini»- ' W ~fie;;s,;z§eo~to-bW§1es)thepeoplecannor eifherthéme whenhthete[Jtax1»'be nolhtesbyterynear unto tl1¢1Ii,t0 Whbmthe - addreI§,thet_11felv_es,;oor which mayftomeor {End to them a %_ I: mm ‘to be ordamed In that Congtegatxon, _and for that people: And yet notwithflanding, it is requifite that Minifierse be ordained Fm; them, by .fome;hwho being fet apart thetnfelves For the workof the fMin‘iPtr'y, havegpoyvetto joyn in the fetting apart ofethert, gwho A A ‘are found fit and AA_worthy.In thofe ca1es,until by God$h‘Blef3;ing*fhg " afm:e{éid' difl’1ci1lties,’n1aybe in fome good meafdretAremoyedA;ih.h1§¢ “fomee od1ytMini&ex;soin or “about the City of Landaig V”b:edefighnr;~d- h bypu likefauthority; who being aflbciated, may ordain Miniflcrs for the City, andthe Vicinity, keepingas near to the ordinary Rulee ’ ‘ forementioned, as pofsétble theytrnay .- And let this afl"ociatio1:§'hA A b“eA‘t1o“other intent 91: V purpofe, but only for thework ofO:;d”ii.g‘?' ' ~ A “ A ikffiet‘ the like affociation Be~mad‘e by the tame au.tho'rity in great: "1’ohwns,vand the Neighbouring Parifhes in the hfeverhal. Conn If which are at the prefenr. quiet and un-difturbed, to do theolike for '4 theparts adjacent. to A 4 91 A A ~ A A , V t let‘ fuchas are ch0fen.orA appointed for the {mice of the Ar»? A A mitts or Navie; .{ht.__Ao1:d~ained as aforefaid, by the affociatcd Miniflers 5 offiandont orfdtneeothers inAtheACountry. M e e - . do A _ Let‘ them do the like,; when d any man Lhal duly. andlawfillly he be recommended to them fo‘r‘the Minifiry ofany Conga ation,‘ dd who cannot enjoy liberty. to have a tryalheofhis parts and ‘a ilitysr, and deiire the help. offuch AAMinift‘ers fo affoeiated, for thebettet-A « ~ * to funliflfiitgg ofchem,with fucha Perfon, as by themfhalflbe judged ~ A ? 5% Form? f€1“‘-’i"-Wf rharChw=¢hAandPeopI~e- ’ ~ : ‘ Q g ” 1 ( ‘ z. ., ‘ , 2 V .A A, _ A ' 1xMi11ifle1f A » Ix » AA AlDiArrc6l:ory for Chureh G oiiernltflfititl, fa.Jt1'cl‘ 7 V dirmtioni of ‘MiniPters7;i .Tobc examiAncdiAa-'- A gainllrhe next r.1~n.=.AmrAL_ Alsslieu~eBer;Ar. A '1 ‘.w 1 ~.........—_—, ,V“_,_,:,_ A rm wee. r V ' 7 3 i A V‘ A-Efus. ripen Whofellihouleiersrhe Govemméne ’ 4 is,Awhofe name is called Wenderful, rCounlellor; the Mighty God, the cverlafimg Father, Ache Prince A A of Peace, of the exrcreare ofrwhofe Govermnenlt and re A Peaite there~£halA be no_encl ,who fitsliuponrethe throne % of Daw'd,~'and upon hrs Knngdom to order it,ar1d tq 4 i¢1}a1_;,1;{1, it wiirhjudgmencvand Iullice, frgm henceforth even; Fer A wenvhavingan pewer givenunto him iriiieafven _andriAn~AEarth' by mgjaagljger, . whu raifed him from the deed ";-mdi fez: hiinion his own A A A Right, Hand; far above all Principelitiee, gnelPower, :_u1d Might and; pbminien,rrandAAevery;Namerthat 13 named; r"1<‘>_t:“‘Qnly_ m thxs mild,‘ bur arm" that.whiel1is to come, anclput allthmgs under his feer,;_ may ggve him robe the head over all" thmgs to A the Church, which A is his Bod _, rhelulnefs of him that filleth all in all ; He being aeféena:7 A i A Y dedu . of laihif-‘i(3h1l1rch,”,l and perfeéfirlg of his 3‘e1i1i'1I$-.A, A, ll L Of the Cherub. he far above allfleavens, that he might fill all things, received‘: A ‘or; his Church,,anclegave offices necellary for the edifica.tion§A 4' A the is one General Churchvifible held A roman the WA A r. Tgftamenr, unto whichAGeneralA Church vifible, ther{Mi—A- nifiryg 0ra‘c1esr,‘.i andlOrdinancesAof7rhe New 'l‘ellament,,arergiven 5 A by Jefus Chriflf,” for the gathering and perfefhng of the Saints» 3. in: A ° eh until his feconcl domino‘. A A A A A A A 1: 1‘alr'1tficular‘lvifible Churches, Nzlaembers of the General Churclmre: filfoheld forth in the new iTeftament:, which Particular Churches-A the Primitive times‘ were made {U}? of Vifible Saints. fvit»; Of" {web as, beingofage; profelied Faith in Chriihand obedience unto Mi ( according to the Rples of Paidx 'E'Lfe geughr. by‘; him: A )‘ 9g‘_m;13_e35 Qhrlgreng. A Al A A 3. A 41$a1t1es,pmphecsea”na Awofrk of Izlici Mini£’c1jy.e “ V AA ‘ A .-rAIti$—1ikeWife agreeable to," and warranted ‘ A V _ % A /I c&chers',bEfid¢‘Eh€; AM1L11fi€rs;;o£ th€.eeVVard5b€’ G634 ‘A ” A A Evangelifis were extraordinary Officfers . ind1eChu:ch,andareceafed. A A Pair 3: is eordiriary“ ‘amf perpecuatl H V 5;: w1io&=7’0ficé?[‘it' bétongeth tciepi-ay,A fez: arid with his To readmthe Scripture px1b1iek1Lyin’ theCongregatior1, Which‘ise%ean holy ‘ Ordirmfice in GedsCh1jrch,although there follow howinimmediate ex- -. {on andout offeafor1;%To repro,ve, correét, inPcru6t,rebuke,exhort, “convince and ‘comfortneefpekéiale We} of difcharging A which wmjk of Preaching, isgby a~p1aifielayi‘ngWdown“t:heAfirPc principles of own theechurcfi ‘E A p1icau:Aion"ofAwhat is read .; To preach the Word, to be man: in efea» A i_BweAAOracIes%c3f GoC1,eWI1ich*is commonly“¢a11ecfCatechifing; to ad#-- A .;Fnirf1“i£’cer}:fj1e Sfhcramenta;eeAi11 the 'Nz1mefof if0%b1efsAAAA:he people; A :f;aieI;x,‘e Aexeel l‘ih" expofitiw ofScrip:1ire, Amteaching AAee"‘ramd.AADo&mue,* andAimL:dxavi1'ming gain»-£‘a1y:ers, thenehe do;t~he”ine Japa-:~ vpLica1:ion,ani:i is accordingly im‘pIoyed therei_x1; may 4be*ca~I¥‘Ied_a Cher, or Doé’cor.Neverthe1eI73; Wheree trhere 13 but one Mi"nii3eerAA%in~Aa° A iparticuluar-Congregacié,he is 'td‘perforin,fo far as he is ablmhewhole -j " A Teacher (car Do6t§arTAis»}_A“o£‘Vmoffeexcelleiatlufe i11'SCho61seIh1d Univverfi~tie$,_%as 017 f01d»1nA the Schoolsof I:he'Pz=ophetS,Aar1cl at Ieml;-; filem, where: Gpzmaziel and’c;sthers taugh:asDor%ctetLy5:(j mfibfifcr 1 7 nM@dAaFe.% 1: is than eiciieclieiit that in Achefe aeéczngag iirhqf¢tQfiieEié; tn lébdur in” the.Wotd7”an€llteDbftri-ne, Vdtx moderate initheir A it dings, whois tovote as wel as thereft of the .mClnb€1:8; To begii A tancl etAA1cl_everyimeet1'hg with rayer .-A. To ptQp°ofeA quelhons, gather“ A the 1/otesipronounce the Re olves:But not to do my aft ofGovemAé ment,unlefs;in szjoytatly withtheAfl‘emblywhetoFhe%‘is moderator; A A; tAll.tAhe members oft-hefe ‘ Affemblies refpeflively, are tdiifitltentll Aon thea pointed days oftheit Ameetings, or to {end the reafbn it their *eib_ ence to“be judged bytheAlTemblywhere theyought tomeet; The final Arefolutions fhal be by the Majot pattof the votesof thdfe "inembcrsiwhd are ptefent. e A l A0f ParticnlarCangregatio;i.r; A is expedient that particular*Congregations be fixed, bAotIAh it! A A A their Officers and Members, which are to meet in the fame All-A {embly ordinarily for publike wotfhip. * _ A;Whe_nAA;Ath rngumbexfis great, that theycannot convenietitly meet A in one place, it is expedient that they be Aclivided‘ according [toythfe it ;tefp’e&iveAboLhids bf Athtit dwellings into iiiilinfi 'and“fixed:iiCcm- A egastions, Eotthe better” iathiiiniitrationltof fuch Or§tlinances«aebt~« ong unto them, and the difcharge of mutual duflf-*3» Whfirein accortlingtto their ~Ieveral place and callii‘ , Aare to labour to mntézwhat ever appertainsm the power 9 Godlinelkfindctejdit A R,e1igion,”ithat the Whole Land in the full extent ofit, may become} , A the Kingdom of the Lord ahd Ataf his Chrift. W A 4 A A A.PafQChh11g:COAflglT€gaCl0fl8ll‘! this Kin Adorn, confifling oFMini{temA V Aiandi People, who prtzfefg Faith inChri ,and obedience iunto Chrifly A t ‘aCC0rdiDg'At§) the rules Bf Faith and Lifeeitaigtght by his . A 4 files; and j oyh together in the publick worfhip ofheiiriiig, ptayixig; ;ad111inifttatioZflAOf the Sa”ctament5;are Churches truly conflitutedg Vl%£%nyAP‘?1'AfiA)nYmr p¢€l'l.O1‘lS lfl the C0l1Ag,l1"Cgfltl0fl).dtJ not anfwct hp, or tnieit profc11ict'n,b‘t1thy open {in andAvCrititedrA1els ciufs and idjcny%%Ai1t,Aori_.Aif' there bed w”ant of fame Officers, or a. hnful tieglefit of Oi-Beets in.;the due cntecutioii Ao€llD’tfr:‘iAplineA‘;*tA yet this ‘doth; not make Atliaii:"‘ ACo:1greA atiartk lceztfc to be an 0 7 Church, but acquires that there: fhould hen {apply 0 €)AfiiAC€1‘5'AWhl¢h are A""‘*3¥,iA1l3'ilAlATgW3A:l"~’-1§1%_tAl"_A~’«! eitt§ful'it.ehdea{vout» ‘For the Rcfutmatioit oftthettaffiexidiedi tI:j“c[j?:1atur;;AAoft1it: eaul”eL' A A A A I V V *-Communien -an~dAMetnl5crIl:ip in Cougtegatians _El1L_!S~ ctinftitutcdtxjmat-3 *1 fan o,r,Perf2:>An$ , and OfAI_t€glAA1gt31A),t‘C’lfiC<;trS4 by julk cenfutesg, iaci{:otd"inAg_A wifl'-1”fitti';di‘ngf fhihifdttcmclttifined A?detcttsA ;sA:mtuu1awtu1.iAE 1‘hAAi?l§l‘3*O Atcfn.f‘t;m¥l A -r.tt1qun;c¢A ‘;A:§M€mh¢I§A1§P : ’;(;3h;l1A"€?h¢"l3C5~1T1A§AAI1li.13l012i :?0A:“ liwartami ?5f&¢m A$?h&*r9¥1Af=°Am;munion with C9neree¢=;ions thus cmxiitirurtdir iasiun1‘i~iwFu;Ii% A A A‘ AA l‘?€AASA~’*’Ai‘4?l 05!-‘htiri ¢0hfii§%1fi451iSi Ari¢l,AW‘l*I3A¥‘l¢dAAi’¥ A A Separation from a Church vdius ~con~fiituVteél2,‘Where"the Gaw-r Vvernmcmgis:Iawfulhupon an opinion that itis unIaWfi1"II,a.’ndVV ::‘ha%t’ cheri.éfore.a.llthe gudly—arcValfoV bbund to» feparate from allfizch» Churphes _fo‘-Conftituted a%3VndA gqvernedg and to joyn‘ themfelvesf to-1 % anothe:r,_;%_lmrch of another Confcitutim1~and Governmentgiiw “ , ‘ not warranted byflthe word of Godg, but‘cbntrary to ‘ % To gather Churches V into aninde.pendéntfo1*n1e o A menu out of Churches of a Presbyteriall forms of G@vernmpjntV F GVovex;n-7‘ A is unlawful}, isénotvlawfifll or warranted by t;he%Word of God 5 % Nor is it lawfull For any memberofa Parochial! Congrcgationl, if ~ them elfewherewordinq.riLy.A< % .,.l the Ordinances be there admixmiflred in purity, to go and feek” Of Ordinance: in 4 pzzrticzzlar Co¢z‘g2feg‘<:ti07éA;. ‘ ()Rdinanc%es in at particular Congregatién Jare Prayer,Thankf'~ giving, finging of Pfalms, reading of the Word, Preaching and Catechizing, %ad'miniPtring% the Sacraments, blcffing the peo- ple in the Name of God, and collefiion for the Poor. As for 4Difcip1inc_, wee refer our felves to what wee have elfewhvérc exw prclfid. A ' A W “ V ' A 4 Oftlée 0 wer: ofztjaézrtfcular Cozzgmrgcztioaz: %‘ IN ::he~ Congregation them mufi be fome who are few; apart to bear Office : One at the leaflc to labour in the Word and D0,; &rin¢,a.nd to rule; And let others be choien ruling Elders tow joyn With him in Government. A M , “ g %" V When any ruling Elder, is t0 5'3 C.hQ[€I1g. Where an Elderfhip is~ confiituted, let: it be dame by the:rn,s withthe Qonfint: and appro-* bationof flthewpeople; of 1hatCongr¢ga1f1%on, and that not fqvr 2. w “ limited Vtimr: : Yep the uxercife of their ()ffice may be fa ordfered bgr thé «EIderfl1ip, as that gheir <‘:ijrilI impIoymeI1tsl?¢ leaf}: Vhinwclré;-d. teV:§7h}:g1re ti!) ere: %are%x§1a ny rfi1ing.FQ:flLice;*$s% in rticL1Iax* _iCdfig¢re..}L$ fimgizf §o?.$oC%f§n§?L 53,23; iigifig 1i1Z§§?$!§§s§§fie§§?$* 13:4“ thfif‘-5 51*-fit; Kim”: Vifit M16 _f€V€1fa11“Fan3.ilicsfor;t11::i1f$¢_fpiri§u§}3-éf 0 ,,~ -A ; A “ ~ g Q‘” w s _ olgtthere be aICoDcac0nS[to‘ {age fpcciall cérefsar !:"{a7 Syhodicall ?AflA7amb1iés~ %am. . of;.V'fexze.rall,;. forts, wiczs,-. Provincial} A Nja.cionaI;la.; Qe.cfimen:i9a11%+% 0fPr4aiW411A?4fiw5f?e:;A A ;:‘A Et Provinciall »A’ffe~In-hlies Agéfierally A be bdunded ‘acc;or&‘inAAg A-tau AA_théciviIA1diAvifiQnA ofclie Kingdome, into Counties: and where?-‘ A guy very %gs:eat%.Countfies amdividehd within~thcmfejlves,Iet the Pro-« % vinciaAH%"ALflAemb1ics fo1J1OWAth¢fe;diVifiOI}S,.. asAin;theVB.idings% of~ .Iarkfl2ire.% A M A A ‘ * V “ Provinciall A i%_T,“'v.é11A1I;»IAiA(=.-s co11fifi:*' Ac;~f"DeIAegats~%fent-. from {c:veraI1~.A ' VA Elafiés: Within um Province; whof:A number ‘iha~1Al,..e§:cced r the; “numbfer of any oneCIaffi'ca.I} P‘resbytcry with‘tin~1:jh%at Province. : any 01imO1aE.s. . And to that;%cnd5wthere%,fha1I be at;{the lca,.fi§ two wMini=fie€rs, ~ and two ruling Elders outbf evcry~ C1aiTis,A and whcAre[~ it {hall appear nee. _ cieffary. tcmncreafe chG:Al1l1mb.cr, ,1:tAinnot&exceed~.fix% of each from‘ Le.;a+ % ..»*+ 2 Lét"théT§?’ .4 . g ~ :\,‘;fl.1: :l_ V ‘H _“ _ , wt 9 nieet ’ vtttthe’m*lulm:o’ any heel [”of‘ Govlernmexm let ~the"re be a»'ma§o’et? part at A A Wleafl of the Mgmiftets ;del*cgated fromche feverall Olafles; ‘ " def:/Memlltzongzznjmzy.» lHeNaczena11"Ae2mb1ycohfieses Minillets and Ptuxinget- e A me ‘~43 ‘Tr defs"delegated frdm each[Pr0vincia1l Affembly. tThel11urnbcr=” d lofvqhiclt d¥el~e‘gats%ll1allt;betl1ree Miniflefs, and three Ruling Els- ‘ edefs outdfeeeverylPrbv'ifnce, and lefive Learned and Godly Peffonsl Vtfrom each Uflgiverfity. ~ : “ , A - z “ W Let this Aflehibly meemnce every year, A andloftner if therclhall * t he eceufé. , A l A ~ Pa,rliztme’nt:. V‘ ‘ W .' ... T“ V . ' w‘ 0 _ t l W ‘um, . 935' '~ \- n ‘ - ' fl‘ Oftbefizbofdimtianoftbeflz ,4j].=:z$z£§12e:.;“ ‘Tie lafwfull and agrceable.tothe Wdrd ‘edf thetthere he :1: ti‘ fubordirnaltionl0fC0hgregatlie>na1l, Glalffiealll, Provincialle, and; twice llevex-yjyeeft:;And”fereenahling A L t The fir.l7t'” time to beappointed by the “Honourable H0ules- of ‘ Nationall A‘flemb‘1ieefor the Government of the lchtirch, that ‘far , appeals maybe": made from the infetiour to I the'e,fuperioureV 1'5-.-w fpe8tively.e e ¢ ,. . A A l The Provinclallt and N ationalIl.AHemblides, laratet have the fame.’ power in all pointed of Government and 4ce%nl'u'res‘, brovghft beftwre them within their feverall bounds refpecftively, as before ex--A preffedl to belong to Clalllca.lLPresbytei*iee within their feverall; A a.lT0t:iatlo11s. , A A AA A M _._¢s_ V The eDi”1'e&oryfl)‘r G/mrcla/cenfiirer.. Hutch cenfurea and «Difciplinege for iudging and‘ re»-V ‘V ." ‘ I‘ . '0 V “ *.= ,» 3'; -J‘ u . '. J; ' u ' V l ' -3* _ .' c , ‘ ‘ . V’ 5 , . “ 4%-<~.-.t -:« tr»? : V 9 ‘ ‘U W ...; uh 3 .4- be not blafphemedg. nor “his. Werath provoked aegainll _. mtwingl of offences, being of great ufe and lncceflityfl ,, in thelchurch, that the namelof Gad, 1 by reafelnefi A -". SW3 ungodly and wicked perfons 1iviflginth~e,Church~~ histl people; ‘that thefiodly be notllemrened ‘With, butprefervedl from the eontagion, and .fl;ickex1}L£with fear; and than the finnfrs : A A L33, he 4 W110 .. A ’[ who »aré_m be cenfaredgmay be iharned, 1:0. t~hehdhéfliru&i6n;0F the V ~flefl1ghan-Ad fa;vinglofthe SpirithintAhedxay»of the Lordhjefus 3 AW: judge this courfe;hofproceed«ing%therein to 'b&,I‘hCqt:l'Alfite;. A A A Tljeordergofproceedingjzzitb 2:fl2and"er.rA wbob¢fi£;eexcom+- A ' mwzicatiof2‘hm4fl?3J‘5fi Repefltme-, ‘ '~ to , h A» VHen the, dffencehis p:*i§=ate, the order of.qi§ir1;1on~ition_ phew h flfcr'1¥bed by ow::Lord,, Mat. :;8. 15' . is i~nra1l Awifedomegg-xd 2 love; 1:0;br::” obfel rvcd , AAthé1I:'t:he _ofi:enderhmayheithexj_be recovered? ihy A roffunfcignedBucpentance forhit, 'afld;‘ of his? refolution, Repentance; Oc_.,,if he adAde,Aobftinaeie omfontehapt;to his faults, “hemaybéAhu1:h*0H7hyAExcommunication. 1 A “J\ A W V‘ A A Ifthe finhnehbe publikely fcandglqusg and the firmer being exaa .minéd5 hEve~j1id‘g\t:d 1:9 have the fig”nesoAfunfeig‘I1s:dRcpehntgancca and nothing iuitly objeétcd againfi it, when Inahde known to the ‘peo-A- plé, let him he admittedhtopublike hconfe,hffionAof his finne, and manfcfiathih-n’ .o1H1i.<‘§ fiej3ericanc8.bAe'F0Pcfthc hCh0Ang1fega tion. _ A A Whmhhhthch pcnitéiit is 'br,otf1ght before the%AAGongregation, .Ath€ .I\/Iihiifef is tdAdeE:1a.reAhisLfinn¢, ~wh?¢rebyl1ehath provolmd Gods wrath; and ofl’cnd¢d his People, his confeffion ofit, andfmofeflion A through the then thAofChri{’t) topfinne "no more, and h his; defire; ofvtAheirh A Prayers or mercy,‘ and graceto be kept from falling again ‘ into that or"any»Athe“1ike fiune ¢:h Of all. which the peniccnc alfq is‘ ca) Ah make afi1Ila'nd:freeexprcflion, acCording.to hisabflity.‘ A h. Which being done, the Miniflcr, .a.fCeh[f; pr'ay=cI‘t0 Gddfor thy: Vbeen afl'ayhéd.‘Ah? 3 * penitent, This c;10AadtnoniIh him tohwalk circumfpe8c1y,h ; andthejpeoiv ple to make a, right ‘ufé Accar;<:z1z.a:rzic.zt;'orz, and ma£@rrg.itA efefiuafl by /9131 " S ;,z'r-2'1, zone the receverirzg nf“2Ia’r}: ofléneler; To magnifie tbeymergt qf'G0:l‘*t/aroug/9 yefm Ch/9r’1?‘z'n pardorziezg .:z7z;1r'ecei-- A wing to }ii:faz2r)ur, the muff griewm. ofleazdezug wbenjE2e72e:'5¢l9£y mzzfiziéfiedlj V V r¢pm;1kz7zdyyfl2rflzL:ehibAeir firizzétr. y y‘ A , A by A A 4T0 pg-cgIfi:r aflizrawzce of nyzcrycy and fl2rgieen;:flTz toh‘tI2i»;r 1f’e72i.*e72;t,~ made ‘ fiytayebltflayybh Ordirmzce of xiflajoltetim, other ]98"mqy' efzzde lvimfi/f Alzzégl/Cd ' M ‘ A‘ d b _ V F ' m .y “ yh2‘I9ee'e£1j:3y E 1 tfierezéjv 5%Aan;1'¢bmée~4Lm~d Am<"u.’d {9Mence}T~vrt7»r4§f:7oi41“fir~exzg%z‘lwzz»/Jim " lair piritg t/'95:: beingfotgszzci izzwtlaefait/9,, Md %ba :jv imalél mmnxaemf W24- . verflrtiongl W In A ‘ tl2e.d4gI,of £196 Lorri % » A4yVl2".¥2 /§vz£w£r¢(l,"‘tZ:ve 'C"I9}¢ré'lt/efii % M A ‘ Ttmn iballyfoflcw tin: £e;ar.e%;1ce osAbro:u;iag;,; ~ or phfeliéce words. % Wé}eré;;¢t£»nzt N évafifbr 3 beenjfiqi mt :b«‘faziAz!a%s mid »£2«zfi new vzmé/‘%j?ea?t£2y riW2#m¢¢a 24:2/aaereaiwtiegea £3/9¢1zr;:£&t rej%e£b4]‘2zti«fietla 172 the Name Hf }A¢f’“%~Cfa,-Maw I-’«“%WA 1./?1%1';Cazz,g;reg'av¢iaga?—.;z M Iprarzmnce and r!ecI}ire%%z:§:ee*22bfc3Z7Jed fiam tine jérzterzceaf Excomrmznz" cam ii»-yzflirmerly ;{ez201:47zaeaz’*ag.mF7z‘ A #529, % da r:~2c<3.zzzg thee to the Commgmi- A 07; af tIa2%C/mrcfihzzrztl tlyefiee x«.y'%3ofU-4223‘ #93 ““{?i'(Zz':‘7}z7zceJ' of C/arifl _., :1,-WA A ‘v” mm wag’; be p4rta;§gr;A Q5 a;Z[,i:.;?.r l7e;z‘eji11*" ta :@yAeterz2allAj4%l?1¢2:ia2z. A £;%:fte1:;thA-is, SeAi3tem:4c of Abf91;ution;. t,hAfc: MiniI%er~fpcaketh,toA Ahi7m A: as to a_ »Brothcr_-, exhorcjingv him mvvatch“ and AAVpz:iay,L or %comforti1a% hfiinTl3i~.fth'€1M'E-Abig need, the dd ers embrace ?him_», andA. the whole G.cm-A- gregationA;ho1»d%eth communion with l_.1iII1h,a‘\SyA0fl;fi of 1:l1,eir. awn. “ A A flltheughit be tl1e‘_“d'4u.ty\0f ,Pa.i’q0rS and _Q£'fher ru1ingAcaH«icers;tn-iv ‘ufe}al%1A dili mice and Vigi1an.Ey both by: D-0&I’*iI§?l€: and Difciipiincr. new * A fp,e€t_ivelY' Or the preventing aI1d%p-urging out; fi.z<;hA Errors,Hgrefies, « ; S¢hifmes,an%d fcandals, as tend to the detriment: and diflruxfbance. i of the Chm*ci1*: AYE: becaufe it may fall uumhrotxgh q;h.e. ‘pride and f’Acub%b0r1mcflEof ofl’endeI‘s,‘that‘th.afe mcams Aakmewill not b; effitfiuallito that PIJVPOQ 5 It is1.hemf0r€i nec¢fl31.ry5aft¢r'aII=%th%is ' - c:a_ti11gthediI?cip1ine'$of the Chmmtch from\co11te”mpt. tc>~implo1A‘¢= theaid of “the Givril1lVIagiflrate, whn. ~oL1ghtAtoAxu£7c% hi9 coercive .pOW6I"fO.1‘ the fupprcffing 0f;a.31 fixch ofl§cnCeAs 3 and Vii-ldiaf R .nA - 0rdi7z.1fz'¢m of Ecau{Z=.- no nifm otight to take.1:A!pCm himwthe officg of aA.AMinificr % A n the VV«% Without: aA%Ia%wfi.1I,1 Calxl, the‘refore,A Orvfizxation I ‘w11%Aich is the folcmne {Farting apart of a pcrfon, mtxgto fome publike V ChurchoHice,is aA1waies to be continued in the*Czhu::ch:. “ . . A .vWhen he who is 1:0 be 0i‘dAained Minifl'e1'A’,A haVthAA been HM’: due-Iy examined touching his %fit11efi7e,bot%fi for lit7e and %I\/1ini[fcri.a1lAabi1.i~~ ' ties, 3cc0.rding to the rules bf the Apoiile, nhoflz who age :0 ‘A A 4 " A “ “V Q A I A ordainc , rda'iAn*‘¢ fifna” »," amlo mo; been Ab be ordaine§ by impoi’icio1:mof‘%Ah;mds and prayer with Fai’cir1gs~’Eu*t if any pm~tcn1 be fonixad organ, he is not to ba ozA*daingaH.A A AA A It is a:’»"’gI'€'l'eZvlblfl to-the Wo1AdAAQ&1!1doV€PY fiézpadieem thatfitocli asoairro who be «orda.‘_incd1\/1'i»ni1ffers bgdefigncd oto fame particular Chourch, o orother Minifieriall charge. V 9 o A A A w Qrdirmion is the 3:8: of a P.resbyterie unto whi-chthe poweit of A Aord§erir1gAAtoh¢ whole works beiongs g, yet To as that: the }DI‘€Et'C*hiI‘~lg' A«Pr€ibytcrs orderly afiooiaited either in Citics, or in: neighobouz*ing A V111-Aggesg ar~e¢thofi:: aowhom theimopofitiono of hands doth appér- yvtfwm approved; He _§3~tMr'rm’ taini, forthofco Congregatiohs yvithin their boounds rcfpe£‘rive1y." A An~d*?th‘eref0rc 11: 13 very requzhte that no fingle Congregation which can convep1ently‘afToc1a$te, do aflhme to in {elf all and {ole power in Ord*inat'ion‘. A A A I Nolpcrfon or perf'on,s may or ought to nominate,‘ a;ppoi;;z; , on ;.chufe anytrnan to be aZAMini”fioer fora Congregation,wjhoi§4z1otVfic » ‘A oandmoble for that worka : And if any unfit man be"An“omi‘nAatcd to theClaflicaIl Ijresbytem, they are pp refufzto admin him. ' When anyAMinifiAero»ois tobeoordainecl for a particular Congrcw? gation, ortranflated fromone place to another, the people of that Congregation to which he is who ordzfined or admiAtted’,fI1éiI’I% o have notice of it; "and" if they {hem} jufc %caufe of exception aAgainAf?: him, hcois not robe orda~inAéd‘ or adnaims-d,~ And i-nwthe meme time tiI1Aom:4be admitted, the Presbytery {hall provide for the fupply of the CAongregation.\ A ¥ A , A A A M A A ” A 3 The Cox1g:iegatiAo11,% if they conceive tI1en1AfeIAvesAWronged by ‘any ad’: ofrhc Preobytery, {hall have liberty to appeal» to the next A ‘ Synod, which uponhearing of the matter, {hall judge aAs_1:hc Acaufe . {ball mquire-A “ ’ A A _ A A A A‘ The %%I)ifeEi‘oory‘¢_j?7r Ord}F72}¢t}a7z bf A Mihfflerx. % I"I;beingma.11ifefl by the%'Word%%of :C3od‘ thwa1t‘r1oo moan to takeAAt1ponhi}nthoofiicse of a Minifler of the Crofpell untbiAIlf'he beAIoawfu1£y:oe;;.1Ied andordainedo t%I1ereuAnto, and Lhac:theAwox'k of Ordination is to be perforrned wi:thA all due care, tflViT(:AtJ§oQI11E’5 g1*aA*vi..“ ty. and folemnity 5 we humbly t¢nd§:r*thef'£: D,ir,e€tions* requifite“ He,thatisAto beAordained,~ bciog e”itI1ei*nAon1inoatedV by-thfepeoe‘ g ” ’p2e,oorvothAg-rwifé corn mended to tiAac%‘Pre&b_Vte1"y fcmany p1_:.ice,mui.’c 9 ~ w ' ‘ - o F :3, - o ‘ A a:a‘idf:ie[;fé*A %4,_4A% A _ "C25) " A "%%A M. ¢a«ddr eflié himfclfe to ; the .PresbytcrY,4 and %bring~' with Aath 66971- A ; mo:aia11oi"~%h‘is taking the Cevenzmt mffchethrceKingdoms; ofhis % jt11«!:“£‘.£3. and wichall of Ahisage, wh-ich diligence and proficiency in his Scudies,.w%ha»c- degrees h,e-h%ath ta}- ,_~in“«th€ U'l'*)iVt31?fity_:,* andwhat been-th_e% gime of hisiabodew. ‘yis 130- Vbe;«Vfou£c md% Atwengyr y‘eares,% but efpeciafly of his life and coverfation. * % , 2+ Wfiich. being~Vc0nfi~d%ered**by;t;he Presbyterie, they are At:'oA-piro-A- " ceed to enquire touching the Grace 05 +G(3drinh*im, ~and~whet_hcr t he be offuch holineflfi of Iifqas is requifigge in a Miniflen of the :1 Gofpel And to examine him touching his.1»earnin’gand fuflicicnv gym: am! touching the evidences of his calling to the holy Minific. nfiand in particular his fainand dircéir calling» to. that; place. ~ V The Bmlcésfm examination are t:h~efi:.; A -' W 1; AA 754:? rbé }iuz}f£j_ l>;e déalt at z§'2‘vtI7'erlj'= warm mildnefle 0 7% Ifiirita :d”d°“zvif/9f1D€c§al1ré]1be6?_ t0 the: grztvizgyy modgw, %4nd.g;mmwéy of V ez2er_»:ywze.% AA “V 2 e fball. be examined touching bigr Jkill izz. t1’ae«()r:£gimlltongue.r, V and%%tI9eAt73;Jzzl1 to-be made [9] re4zdz3'2g%t/9eHeb n:W_ az1szdGi“eek fZ'efi,VL;a.==:«ze222%tJ, andrmdmzgflvme partionjofr/3em%into Latina; and be be dfigfiive iiz them, enquig; [ball be made the more /%ri£’r'l} af2er%lai: other learning, and :32/aetber he hath Jkl:/I» in: L0giCk and V _ 7 A _ % 3' 74V/zatflutborx in Divinity he hath retmffl and ii‘ Iéeft acgmzinted % -A ‘With; Jud tryall fball be made afziuh. igzuwfedge % izz the clai.efgr[mrzd.r cf “A % Religion, and of/221% Vabiligy are aa’sg;*f‘Z:-323$’ snéze” Orrbodqx Doffrine‘ c0é*z::»,¢zimzed.Z'71 ‘ them, dgaizzffall ztzzfilwzd .»,'zrz:.3" 9235525: r)J,tg.i72i07}J‘, efpecially tlyofé of the prejént age : /ii; will in tbeerzae. x.z.rzdA meaning of, fad: place: 1)fzS't:rip-- iztre 43"’ flifill be propofird to 1'22 cafe; aCo7zfcz'ence, in the Cléraaalogie ‘ qf-'5cripmrc, and 1/96 Ecclefiaflicafl Hzfinry. % V ' L 7% ' " VA 4. ,1 f be 19.2% mt. preached i#2.],2VuZ2liI,:e, .n:'ix]9,_ 4pprabatin7z_ fuck axare ab]e«to,judge,;l7efi:Jal1%at .;z%c0fi2;2£2?£37zt time ¢:zfl;~'g72e~d Mmv, expamzh’ lvcfivre the ' .E276J5$:fiB}:y.j§{Cb ,cz}!?ZaceV cyPScri]?tkre a¢.F«ffJgz11"5;é given him»... ‘ 5 e.firzzl1.;zZfl9 within a campetem time, jfitame a difcozflfe 5?!»-I-«£15729, V vtporzfizcb ‘¢zk%Cammm place, Aozé Corzmmerfie 2'22 Diainiy. .2: /ball be agized him, and~exI2,€l2z'ta ;w 1lm»:: APre.rbJyterie%,fz:cb ‘llwq/e.r;‘"a.r% . exfgreflé the fitmmg ‘ thereof, azzd~rgzl:zinz;;z§.m': A Difiute #1221212 them. v . .| , >1 % ’ 6 .Heflaali? Préaqb Iaefaré t/ac Peaplé, i/J8: Prey/9_yterie arjbfne ofjtlm :gi[1erJ‘.r)}‘7t/ye Ii/ord appointed them, ~beiv2g~pr.ejérzt. A _ % . A 1 U %% 7: » T/Jep2'}2artia72%qf'l1i.r %gifi*: in.%re1a:im. to tbeplacc wzto zav/aflicb be .54» caliedarimziaeconfidered: %~2Befide.4 3 Hefidewe trial! of 2.? i¢zPreecA/mhzg, Iaeflmll mzdergoe mt exev A mirzatiorz in tlaepremi ex two jezzerall dayenr or more, the Prerbyterie flmll it ?2~ece my. A HA9 And affon imrimt Imlo beenermerg,oreeegetalmzgzzfier, 47:42: h robe reA-m0'z/ed onto another c/surge,/9e [/9411 lvrzhzg e Tcfl‘imo7ziall bid‘ 0ra’17e- . nation, aim? 0]‘ bi: abil-z’tz"e.s* and eozwerfztion, whereupon lair fitizefle f0?‘A_M “_ that place flmll I162 trjyed by bx’: lPreae/wing there, and ifitfl./£211 bejudgegll zazecefllzry by afar:/oer extzmirzaliou cfbim. A , A’ Y I .. $3, In all which hebeing aepprovechhe is'tolllbe,f'ent; to thelChti1‘Ch.;A Whwilhe is to ferve, there to Preach three fevemll dayesg and to coxzverfe with the people, thatfthey n1Hy'hE1jVC.tI'ldH‘A0f his gifts .for their eeltification, andrnayt have-time and occafion to inquire into, and the-better. to know his life and converfatioxl. A u A A In the-loll: of thefe three dayes appointed for the triall of lfis» . gifts i11Px'eatcl1ing, there {hall be lent from the Presbitery to the Congtegatioxta; publike intimation. in Wziting, which fliall be AA publikely read before the people, and after afhxzed-to the Ghtlrch. door,,To fignifietlmt fi1chtAa‘da.y a competent number of the Mern- betsofthaAt=Conlgrege..tio:a nominated by themf7elves,lll:mll appeare A b§tl:QI‘6A the Presbyterie,.to give their conlTent and a}‘pi*ohlatpilo‘n to A loch a ma11 to be their Miniiter :“ Or lotherwile to put in [ with :all' C3l1:A*liAlleia11 difcretion and meelmeile, whxat exceptions they have 21-—_~» gaainll him. And I&i%?l”::A::por1. the d8.V‘21PpOln.‘L;,CCl.3 there be no jolt excep-.. tion agai11l’t"‘l1i;:'1, both the people giveptheir confent, then the Pref- byterielhall proceed to Ordination. V 5 Upon the dtmeppoixxtedlForeOrdination, whichis to beeper-we formed in tlAwAA. ~C:l*um:h Wheere hethat is to be ordained is to ferve. foletnne fail {hell he kept by the Con gtegation, that they may“ thetmoreAearnelllj,r 'ioy.xe in prayer for a blcflmg upon the ordi-« '.-nanee of Chrifi, and the labours of hie Servants for their good. ~ The Presbyterlet lheltl come to the place, or at lea-all three or foure; ‘ Mixfilters of the lWo17dl fhallbe fentthithez‘ from the P1fesbyterie_.,. pofwhicll one appointed by the”PrcSbyte17ie, {hall Preach to the people concerningthle office andldutys of the Minillers of Ghriflg, '-and how the people ought to receive them for their Works faker. A A 6.. After theSeAm10n, thelMiniller who hath Preaehedfihall ml: A the face of the Congregation demand of him who is;Anow to ‘be M A ordained.conceening.his faith in Chrift jefixs, and-his—perl"waflon A A of the TrutI1;of_l_i;he‘Reformed. Religion. aceordingto, the Scnp-~ A l ;tL1reA:3 ', V, L_””Z8 ”‘tm*ei; ibis {§;1Acere ‘%§née$n€Em_1é arzci ends‘ ihdbfiififi £0 €151’ @'i“‘5rii30 £3155 % .x«%Cailir2%g; his L”§1§3géT”II”z€‘3t3 E11 AI"”I7~‘?f+3’i‘I’€%f2i: §?v'5€€éA:«2IN%I3g5 Med1:t;$H0I1,A Pmach-5 A H g? n m‘;rr3t“. 5I'HI$3, and Minifieriall drxtimta tmvazsd hfits e:I"xsi2*°g;c,; Iris zeal and faith.fi1Ineffe;«in maixztainingfzl1eTmt.hA ufAtheG0f"m~I,, a%r:.d*Uni‘ty oi’ the Chu;ch r agzgainfi E3‘r<;1&i3I‘ Md Schifineg his care that Iuirnikffe and his ””Fa.«-»~ nzfify may be unblzanmabie and cxana pics to the fl(;>ck 5 his Willing» A ncfi7a%u1d_ humflity in measftmeflc of S{:ris'itAto% %{r'.1!:z;AVzniAt Lu1t0_the_ad...A .. p. A- dDf~A3«A_ 5 . 1 . mogzmons oxhxs Brethren an 2 czpume O1 (ht Calrgusrch, and his refolutiran to continua m his duty agazmfc all tr0ub!t':s and%per1"¢;- 7 §,:m):£H which having d.éc1areAcU1im§'e%if, profe€4Ted4 his willing-A meffeg amd promiiéd his endeavours by the helpot Gad, The Mi»- nific1‘li.ke1vife {hall dcrmand ofrhe‘ people concerning their wi}...% % ‘V Iingneflkto receivewand acfiinowledge M11} as the Mimifler of Ch1‘i£%, and to obey and fubtmt unto him, as having rule over tI1»s:m in the Lord, and to I1‘lE1'iI14t;‘iiI*h‘.1'_«5 eVncé)un-age, and afiifli him in _ all the parts ofhis Oflice. ‘ A . A v A W W 8 AWh;ci1Abeing mutually promzfizdbythe ptopltg, the Presbygg. A &ry_., or the M i1Tl.1Pt€!TSA fem: fivom them fc>r*Ordix1ati0n_.,ihaIl fblenwnlyfl fiat him apart to the Uffice and Work ”c>‘f ‘the Mi;ni1h“y,% AA laying their Exandson him,,*wl1"iAch isA*tObe aCcoAnipz1‘z1ie& with a more A Prayer, or Bleffiztxg mi this eff<':*L‘3t.A ’ Tbarzéfizlfik aclgv_2.'>w?am{_g{£Mg ziregreazt mew~cyvr2f Goa’, fi‘r:w3i7_2g ;7Lj%uW Ciyrréflfifr we R€@l€fW1P!i(9;J I{f 79i..«~ 1“"er:]?1cA‘a fifidfbr /9334‘ zzfirmtiarzmto I],-ye zriglzzt lmgggz gfifye Father, .:m.«;27% thence pozzrimg w.~tH.Aai,r Spirit, am! ‘giving gifixr , ” 3:; 414/922, A*pafl*1e.r. 333w.+1z,:W_r,elif/?rx, Prapbeti, l’aflm*.r,‘ and ‘Z'm.»,u42e:~:, fbr the gatlveriag and l7:4:i1a’i2zg,"z¢_p of/Ji.r%C/Jzzrclq, and fl)rfLttimg arm’ enclirziwg Mai; mm: to xl9i.rgre%.:z:r 7Vc»r/{J-, Ta erzmzzt /aim M fill Mm mix}? /oi: }.w{y°* ;S’pirit_., ta give him ( nmbzjnz in bzir Nrmze‘ We tlsrmr jét zz]>_¢;zA:¢‘r ta 2‘bz'.r 1909" Ser'z,*ice ) tofi¢ZTf.iH i/9e 35V.~;r,l(_‘(;j him ]Mi2zi_{z':7_~y in all r/yivzgy, xflmt IJemma_y Ilvotiofizve‘/3im_fé{/"9 ma’ I/.78 Fe.-aple cammitted #0 hi; charge, 9 Tlfis or :he:IEIwi:ef<;>rn1c ofPrayei' or BIefl§ngbe:ingc:1dAed, Iwec, 5 the Minifie1f‘who }7reached;yb£'i~cfly cxhorthim to conAfid‘er the greatneflé ofhis Ofiice andm/Kerk, the*dzfl1AnAger of flagligence both rozm;me1a«, and¢%‘Ah%is.peopIe,* the Blefling wluich will acci0z:i1pany%A AhisfaicI1fu*1nefl"ein this Iifhand that to come; An&dAAwithaAIlT e:«<4-;,% Iiortthe Pe<.up1e:to carfy the%n1%fE:Ivcs%j to ‘him’ as to? their I\~’Iinii-‘cor in‘ AA 33;-e.apg win ted , ‘ i A A A , A A “ y y V A drmTLorci acco;*ciiAzA2'gta ::.§1eyyiA:.' fuleyixa mg: pz“om&ifi:4Amad‘¢* beyf’oTa*‘E:‘ AC 111;? - w:’«'d‘*, by -praymibianhy c0%.z*arx1t:~xAzimgjflim Aay:id]% his Flssacigra €I‘1€"g£"£?;C€-3 yyoii A God. Aftm r;;h¢yfingiL1.g of ~a_P£a1mc, lei: the Aifimbly be difi'11Ai.flEd y *6 A Aid-If Miniflicr b¢idyeyfig11.edfé0&:Cflngregationyevlxalzath been 1 A fo'r'h2erl‘yqx‘C1aii1c:d yPxea*by,cer acczordiingj no _the farms of Ordlina-‘?-%yA , ytifln which yhasthgbem in the Church of E72glzz.a'd,‘_ whicia vvehald; A §};;w A£u§:.~$3.’§?u;1ct:2 to be validm amd not to be dif€:1ai§31€C1- by any who‘ §y1;aA'y¢y1:;eyc¢ived icygy .T§hy;m thaws bairzyg a.ycs1;utiousyproceesdmg in map-ay my 05% €X&£21in.2iWfii;{§Uy}LL8€_i1imbfifltdmisfififid with-out any new r-~ dinatidyn. i A y A I I find in ciafg amyperfon already ordaineci Minifier in Scot- .é?¢z7za'5, or in anyyreflwnned Church, bedcfigmed 1:0 a Cgongnegation inn Ezzglavrzd, hejis £0 br‘ing.f:‘o%n1 thatAC}1L2rch to the Presbytery herie, withirx Whiscsh that ConAgAr¢gari0n is, a fuzflficiycntyTe1Ah§An10x'1ia11‘A AA of his Ordination, of his life a.nd%c0nve1'iZ3.ti0n while he 1.'tved with tl1Aem,,amd Of the caitwfea of his yrexmvall 5 and to y mA2A1dycrg0c “ fuch a. trial! of his fitnc:[fi~3 and fufficiemcyg Amd”m’have the fame gourfe hszld with him in O.t.h€~F gsnzrtirazularfs, as is {Tet dowm in the 1*uIeimmedim:Iy going before tcmching,exaAnaim:.im1 Say ezdznifiioh. V “I2 ~TAim:; PL€CO:K’Ci3 bk: carefullyképt in ti1ci?:gvcrz:11 Pm:sbyte:AAies“ of LheAN'am«e:s of chcypmrfons y0rda,imc$d with theiryATey£‘:i'm0niaJs5 the time andyplaceyoftheir Ord§natios7e,of they.Presbytess'who V did7imypofi:'~i1ar*2ds- upon them, azzdméc" the Ch$~1l‘gt‘.t:CIrVJhiCh they 1:3 ATI1atm) Money or gift .03? what §~;.7:m:%e %{A£A:n;*vc:*r f}fsa}IyA1:u:: rcce.=A:i- A wad flvmijx the perlbn to be ordained, 0rAfi‘;0zzA1y75*my on his Lvchaffe %fé>:A Ordinmion, or ougl1:yc clfle txcloyxwging to it, by%é:.n'y ofthe Pref... bytery, or any ap_pertaiming to any of them, Lapoz1A;«w11acypreteA11Ce fcaever. A A AA A y A A Y/qmfizr tine r2w_Zi,mx2«y mlqx 422253 ca.-am.»’§ cf (JAr.sZ.-‘miziyrmz irzl‘yz~be’_yord??2a§yw rm}. flhzae zv.~.’:ic,»ir co¢.mar7zw' rim m:tmordiAzzmg}' 2r2v..%: rAAe;e*.é:E_,/Ete’y 10‘ 71021!’ py~a£?ife ,.fi2[Zz2xz*«erl.2 .' A y 14 In chef}: prefent e>:%gf“thVe Min'ifiry.;, have pwwer _3“m;7m aha efiectizag apm of A0thr:rsAW§10“a:*e% iC0'u.nd fit aI‘£d_TVV(M’~'-}- :5x'vhy:5‘ In {i.1éf.u.‘3_C9f€S, 7LIflEi“;‘ by G0d’s.b1e{fing ,the%%%¢;aii3;:>%r«efaidAA difi-~§« % I-“:,t5.}’i[i53SA‘Ifi§Tibl;§7 LN: in 1‘on1e.g0i@d meafim‘:~.1"em0ved}WiE€ %:0me;;ag §)d;iy% % , AAAM3mii?£mf*$ in m'about¢ Lhs:Cit4y¢of Lmzim,* be dcgilgmed ~by%p:1;bAIike A “,m1t;i13%0I%a'i%ty5 who T b»eir1g% Aa’£fi;:>c71e2;_t.%ed4% may_ord3aine ,i\«Ai%is1i1tm‘s% we-* t_h;a ¢_{1it§s;jAa;%zM_th%¢ %ViC%,nir.y, Smepixig as mcfre to aha DJ'd§.m§ mlm _ fm1r;ex31!¢;£1AtiOned as«.poflib1y:ha;:y m%a.yg .,And 16"‘. :*hisVa1f;>ciation be jA;‘3}I3’37€§:ti3fi‘13Afi4€-E7 M M a.clj;.>=.~,Ccj:1"1t;., H V i 1;; AJ:%:“q,ca%%;_AmAAgc h, %as are =c:§‘i*:%..c){‘erw:jm7:A;f-a‘p%mm3: . ;f>$gj:)kz,:Jav%§~Ao§*;$l;:zné»0$tiie1fs 1‘5jt;A H A 'L¢‘f¥t-h€Am~“’d§> t?~¥m«1ikc WW?“ , \ ‘T°3¢:HjmcéQx?;:‘x£fi%3simciagift0tlfu::m for vpi1eM;&h11%; Qifi «%"’~?‘%%l3*’«3 C0l3g1‘€g€&;ti0 :1,“ _ I A f :AaI'~*!m\a*s:c:a;i§ 15:}? A tl;¢§:%AA?iem?icc§ uf’% .M1at 4(_:\h‘l11"L?h' axmd%A‘:p‘€&%ié+w.‘ lfi31j,r3t» ot§1Aep§#%;3“£*e_nt or! ,purpc>%fc_-A, but ‘om-W1 €015 thAe~workm;f Ux=di~~ % we1a:he%% prefent q11i¢:t% aagngi A. V.» ‘Au j: Y! , ” ‘"l‘A‘I‘w' ' 4:iA%:%:mi§a;,4;::;‘Aii"AN;uéiVe;be=.méd;aiinad as.4a:jbnvg2 ” ‘A’fDpaTt,mt4:'2es(. v ‘ y «H ‘I , M V %:i%:t7;i}vAcA.*1a,J j and%%jd’¢1”i;ta%s:he* 11:51 pf of *i"uc%»h~;1 flH‘0CiMA€d% Jfivr Anhé % 1 A V A A 1mi% thc~;fa4n3eVaut:hbrit)i irg‘ A igr'¢m3‘%§Ac;wv;1‘sA’;‘iifi‘c§ W-4:Vhe?§n‘eig»hAAbeu1 irng ~Pmflm%$%%4in the fevemli Corum 7 % 4 A meaiuu;~b¢d.~. todaeche fr tI1e‘{"erv’1’c:&mf iA§1¢ A fa;a.1Ai*d* by d1e”%afToCiated, -Mini-as A {W11 du1..y:~ am1axg;fLr113;VA ut;.¢g}:}_Vg‘y;,}§b’,§:‘;'tY Q0 §;_3v¢Aa~%Af“§j [MHZS emd‘abi1i- % f’:j_:r‘fui9{1*ri~z1f‘gfi ofxzhem withxa. =PraMa~fox?§’§§g§.{Vby fthe;'11‘iha11bIé judged‘ A C£Wzel;€z}:hAI3m"ge: PrO1Q(éuAt€fif5A%PYQ t€1nAp01‘é, ; 4«I%:{¢r:rry AIir»b0v”ov¢g/Wficraba % A % ~ ?;z1£4'Q§‘zi%‘d é72§’%'”?B}y?e'M;,