. 5; 00d Mans Dear 1,3: LAMENTED. Preach ed ’ at My Wo‘olnotb in ’ Lyumlmrd-flrcet London, fifiuw 18”‘ It6#;5,. ‘ At the: Funeral! of that faithful} {swam of‘ Chrifl Mr RA. L P H R0 13 I N s 0 N,Min%ifi¢r of the Gofpell,and I’af3:or of the Church there. ___._.p¢n-runwa-nu-u-M-""' WBy SI M no 1: A s H n,— Pafior OfEh'é{:hlyI'C‘Ih A w _, V at uiuflim Lemme. 3 MI c.6,9. The Lord: 1/oicecfictlannto t/at Ciij, and the‘ mm of ‘rikrzfdame W190 bat/2 appointed it. I‘! 2 K 1 N G32. I I ,12. A A ~ «% % Eiijab Wm: rep 6] 4 W/airlwinde intaf-Icwzzeps. And Eli/imfizw z'r, V % and triad ;% My f¢ztbcr,m}fatl9er,tke c/akzrior of Jfmel mm’ the Iaarfirmw thereof. A/Ind hcfaw ioim no more. ' % ‘ % % AA fltallfée thy Nmv;e.PJmr_ye the rod,and A Printed by A. M. for George Saéwridgc mat the Sign of they A A ~ Bib1edonLwd_gnt:-:Hi1l. 1%=655i. ; V% A ,3. In» W. M m ‘M ‘w::;1_:r:??< ,5 .6 w rroche mghc ~wor‘n«iptut1 5“ THOMAS INER Knight: and Al%derman ofthe 4 4 ” famous City‘ of London. %A .5”; A V Q‘ ;H"éré 5:? it}: "mawri, I unt0%:%tv'£om tlve Dedicaiitmiof 4; rink Funeral! Sermon dark [6 jufily belong, A V at to yourflzlf. For you did M; 02261}, Ice;/fie-a Av ”r5i'zit1Jély7 my Robinfon M iyour.Pa_/far, long, zffleincaundgcmmtt ‘in the may of his )»{ifiiflry~: 32.5134;/1;, pgnrtirgtlraxzé; ;d0£ “?é*/afar-vc the Record of 4 t/Jankefitfl A 4clwo~vlm’_gem:nt.- gflfld M yea ham [mm 4 realrmmrrmj fir /2:3‘ death, 'fl;*‘/M-"ire you /ma’ the cbiefl/I band, to bring tlw Sermon mate the Prg/K, that it wig/at finale famew/Mt sf /u£s:rrxa2artf2,. Amlrm.é<:¢¢:azéae.rfirrrz:{2ccable to ‘ the puélzck. Myfi -.s cereakfirc but/1in%prcacI1i%ng and priming it, [Mr]: 5:03 11; prrmmc tine /jzirimalprofit of God; peoplr, camtcrmd in tbs’: af;‘lz¢?in_g rprovuidcmv. And I 1m~vcprefl:m:a’»m.:prq‘fxéya”ur Nam W/izfia fame gratitude, far yourrrcdl exprrfian: of'réfpe2*2"‘%uxtb my fivlfea S",God do:/2 remember and wifl 5’; .$:rt“you did 41/5 yeeld mm /aim,-afl .612: /tfl-If rgtwnpcnce rojourfclf andyours, aflyour law 14} adfmb A 1 % mm “M” Tg,,5 A Name, Via l;i2m’ncfi f?a£n5cJ It 512 _/'(rrwmts_., 4§(nd£y'f M e2m’mvuMcsm7ng L % Acgrmflly M l%ringA {%ifi A4;..ft:tccflbr,*»'[ r:‘22£va 5394} V wigafwjlyczxrry:on GAa§{s work v‘r;y~mr Cfazngrgfggtiw, éatl, in regard afWar.{72ip ;4ml%%Defciptzz2e, : 4:crrg:iz.:g%%:t;a% M‘: Ros» binf0”fi’:Lpr.?.m§‘ice, yaujlm[1'be called, %I:he.rcpai?rfcr:of; the breach?;made“5y /ztkdtceafi, y.%zlm %pméf;‘ as 41 flag yaw /7241! A gain ‘many fzraytrsy A and God ‘rjlwul 7:C€.§'1‘U£V -mflti/wbfliififlf wi}i,§.l.?,%w1a72fl1 add mdaubted{y to 11:: cvimfimflf ymr accaaflt 4t,‘A%:tg3€*%*'ld.r'i‘=ti’.zy.n y praycrx fire, Moat jdm~jélf;_ with year ‘L4TZ3’j*a7262' C Mdms, maj :ml2cr'it all 155 prjwiled. gay, pm*Tc'}m[ed 5)! £54: Hand of our ewer—£[;f]2-d .§?4«zxio;;r.V %Sr, [fyzm nzilltéeyleafléd tapdrdan, 4174 in amritpt this V fold ada7cf, I [Fall 5:4 yetjfiirtlarr oéligéd za “ ' Your Worfbipt bamélt firwqait I&1yz8"T‘i55‘§~A in :5: 3f1"‘?fiII &%SIui0fl A:na; T4 -233? ,_ ‘ISA. [M o \ gm xi_gb:caiuj5éri{betb, and no man lgqctb it ta heart; Md l Mm-£fgl1 [mm are taken away. mm cmcfidzriug tlg;xttl:c.2_ A Rig/imam is mkcn<\4way,l fiom I/re evil to coma; .r.- ‘ “ .I‘‘' . nfiv‘ A lfiOr‘1eth_*this’great Affembly) thatll lhould Preach ‘ his finefall Sermon, tlxerefore I {hall undertake that work from the words now‘ read. < M o ’The'fi:1b§4& matter of my Textis Lmmmm : a fubjeél very fimtablé feaforlablelforl*hcl1é dolefinll difpcnfation whicll hath A .0ould,wlth moreleafe Weep then Speak,“~if my A AT epeilrs might more edific this Congregation, then u t M my Words. But it was the requcfi of my much endeared Friend and Brother (whofe burial1occa-- V brought us together at this time. be afigbteam perzflwezla tmdflflf A mm: M36179 itltoloo/9£’r¢rt:.~3€C-V A “A A _ " v A A “ A‘ In the words, the eomlplaint, with the rcallground-s A thereof are heldlforth together. ~I-Ie;nc_e may bra nolted, “ That godltlyonells, eitlaerlc.4n,~ or at 134]?) l_/baraldée A1219 to ram A dc?‘ zéj “room/1 ablcoxnltlqft/aeirfilrrowx;Al -7_ l 1Hela‘€teth”notlill{e a4 man, whole aélions are irrzitionalllz and ‘lreafon reélzifiedlby Scriptzme light, jfhould bethe‘ru1e of all gm» w*heo*'tool’ high 1;» they would be owcjll abated. L ;tl0L1sQ-affo'cflfi0hs.ll“lCould~Chri1’cians hold to tbzk direétion, their 5hea‘rt¥motionsl wouldwbe mlorofllllcommenela-ble and comfortable. B31‘ltll.islMmeans affc&ionslwoul;d%b¢ faifed, when too low; and new In I.«3»:‘<~*-*6’ " 11p:ia.9. go. 8: 1'0: 4" %Z8ph, 4; 2.4‘. W- I“)'0h'~V3v.“7“". ‘V M 7 % b1C.A5a? 53% A to%thé'Aparti‘cxa1Ears;mor¢:%incended‘in%‘ the Text; = (3 i1tthis‘Vgmex-311obfervation~VIdo oriiy point asznmypamgee z Mymt give£i3:% threef01da¢°°un£0f the «W-2826::-ar5a»s which Vitbreax1xe:h%. » & 3 Fiber <:vne%0r m0re',WhiChiSampiifiedbythede1E:cipcion «:1. Both A cf thfiif perfens : ‘2,. And<>f%*theirMd§ath.*.As for their per§'€3;1s,A_V they are called 1?£gbte_aw, /74er:2?j';»¢l!,so9m'. AndtI1e;rd¢~;_uh is difcoi.~«'ered by thefe expreflions, Tim gzerzi/79, 7T}g.*?] W 1.2‘¢é:3_;};z~ .mzz ~ A A A . ; A Secondlyflhe fad cozafequence ‘Wh1Ch‘th1S biack grovidencevdash prefage, If-mi/Ito come. ' % Thzzdly, Thecommn fad renrémhe 5 and &up:d:gv%§£pggp1g; ‘' ziriderthis grievousprovidence amc%‘pref2;1ge,JVa m*¢m- zgyezzg §:;:;V:a heart : New ciamfidarzxg 322%? tfaef rig/étemgr mgmgmj fhzm tke wilto came. ” ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ % % % % ‘ "A A Thus you feefhe threé grounds of the grievous conépiaint poured fomth in myTe.xt,“a11d a11chree‘very fad;,.% I. Tim? per» fons:fQgoad,%fhQu1dbyJfhEaaIudW:hr¢e1znin§§Va«eommoz1%£§Qrm,¢AAfhfiuldbk? %¢fpied% imp,end¢in:g, hanging czvcér .Eh'j¢ p1ac¢smsA h.»1.rwzAA €z’e£2‘AAqf Qaa’ (fiiith the‘ °°“3"** ..Ap0f’c1e);kolj mid Zvelozzed, fi#f*om ['20)/i*':c’Z'hJ*h-¥h3)“h merc:ie:,h kjndn}fl‘c,AAProv.12..1“‘>’h A meeknejfe, &£.‘;. -And!/ac’ rig/az‘£om mai:h£:A;§m~¢z:fj¢/[fa /gghéggfl Quflebraei wheréas tlaeAAr.:§m4';ér Ahmércieuy’ ht/ofa h11*z'ckAed V ,gnghAAf.;;~;,;a/1, A A ’ fisrzmz ad °1’ra- there are various thoughts Aamongfilnrerpreters. Some‘, apprcy 13° (fflfiflifliih This paflhggéhhtlzus éxpiicated, rome Interprheteifidohhaplfi-Q; ””“‘”‘9’i“fi°’: A 1 gun‘?! .plurima.cA whomhhzllanajfefk eruellyput tohcileathi; hhofwhomghe scrgpmré 3 2 A givcch A A V 1faI’37.x‘3; A - A1ASam-Az6.1b. A mm pmre :uz‘- language ofthofe times, wherein fome imagined their diflblutio £42 g~}§;,,'g , ,_,,55_ igiveth this tepitoathfull charafter, “ if/fdndfl;-la fled}-mace»: éloéd, A H42: garzarltlziz" 4fl?Azi!§‘/5., /:13; l,24d_fl/ZAedA?iererr:g[.%{e mfi“0m am? End to kzitot/cuff; But ‘"1" 1"’_‘°P?3’3¥ae lAdoub‘tllel‘sAA::lA:e“:lAAl5rop‘hieltts phrpole wise to extendlit:fi1i:thetAAthenthat ad qua/vgiulffil Hifi01*3r‘i' V AA A ‘ 'i 2 M ” ‘A " V‘ M i M - /1‘. AA A /‘mam’ 8?“ ~ It followeltlg ffheferigl::teous,Ame1‘tii"ull onesare {aid to perzflyg WV’ ltatfisl, the leiilh of that W0l‘d‘?l Hereby the Prophet quel’tio.n:-» Aleié intends nomore then their dilT0lu»ti.on_Ab-y naturall death; as i In which fenfe alfo Sm! wastiaid to lperifij in éazitte‘/Z. And”-’£h'e Prophet here (as {ome do note) ufeth the common Qculis i?1fipit‘:'7t- i t 4¢"W-Mul¢Bl- by death, to he no lefs then ;Autter gerdition.__ whenelfewherellie fpieahetli of l~OEI1e_rc:z:>;1yita pmyzam the land it it " In tlze word tr:A1tiflatedAt¢e@:a‘:znmAy, therelis aMetapl1ox;iAi“AIAt A . fignifieth agathering of ripe Aiijuit, wl1enitisAtal1en away otltAo’f lth‘efiel"d into the halrn, in the accomplifhment of that ptomife to»Godsep‘eople, that they {hall came to the-¢gr2zfve,'. 44,4 jhoclgaf i I013 5535» cam comer/9‘i7zA in bi: fmfm, And fome ttonceivethe fenfe to Abe- colmgmu, ‘J the fame with the phrafe of belllggar/afrfd to :;,e;;«f.«z1gm, where-4 ’ giitrqg.‘ vacaAbL by the deathlof Ache godly is iordinafillyi expreffed in the Old Tea l fiaimient; A A l A A AA l_ - The other worcls, which might here he explag;ied',_ raizs. Evil taAco;;:,¢:. N at, lazfiisg ta /aeazrr. Not confiderimg, I {hall have 6cCafi'- it here, becaufe I am unwilling to.,Tauto1ogize*. A ~ Now from my Text thus farre laiclopen, both in its clivifion A and interpretation, there are {even profitable Doétrines,‘ Aiwcll worth ourilerinus confid'eration. A t A A 4) A A‘ A M I’: G’od':«tpeap1e‘4re rig/atcam d¢zd.mcrc_tfn/Zanex. At A ‘*2; Tlaefi2‘rigl}Jltem:Am:eai~mA?rb‘Q‘ull am: mefa5je&i;odm:h.A A on hereafter to’ {peak unto, anal’ therefore I touch notuponthem‘ A “ll i 3 . it?) dmt/a ricg/atcazamtzd wAe7?e::]'tt/li'ib;ies*A do “awn; ~ A A =4. W/am riglareibw m2d'm:rcz;faill'ont: do pert:/E and are tflk€fl'flf ~ “ w.czyA,7 Arlam soil: are coming 5. lSucl2f4d€pra'videne€:f/Baflld“éhcahfiderlaitefy lkzialta Ii;emftfA. V A 6. That ~peapllélilig2~i:era/{j are flenfdefl] regardlcfrlof tlaqfafeé difizenfatianxgiiii it l A " V AA A A l A‘ l " Tber"tbzlvfi»fz411fl%:pidi-oral W”€’“le9Ib"”"f€5 l#e?¢W?ié%i y:Am‘:9*grazciam /Jeszrtra ~ *1}: A A ishhhrheofih compr I~tA cahnmtebe expecfied that’ I flmoulg, difpatch "all thefe truths in} jbne‘ Sei*m’onh,Atherefore In int'end~to* undertake one Do (.°crAin-c,A;wh;ich y ehenfive, In Atlxehandlinge whereqf I willhtake “Y i:he1*ef’c.4 V AA A4 h ' T A ‘ D0e€t;%wATh_a*hhdedtb of gadiyanhex fioflldeconfldtratefyh be laid ‘to? A lam“rt.fifAA A? “A A 4 A A v Q A A Tdhemake [fair whayhfor "theproof ‘and the profecutionhmof this A 1 A ‘Dohfihrinein that; fenfe whichis moi’: feafofiablei and hpri.ncipa1]lyPm”fi‘Pfl_Am in min,eAhAaim.«.Confider thapthis phraffie-AO£f/fljing ro.lmz>~r the death eg]-ud.z‘-C1-,3. “gm of the ”righteous,eAdo:hrfuAefiethat hfbrrow ~wit;_hAewhichAa'1l gm-A 3-_ 4z;9;;¢%fi%,pzo.* ply ‘affe¢”ted= 1}’ pon fuch {ad difpenfatiohs rum [¢f.”7lfi£ zazegi; AA5t\:iot1sA fouls would he dee It/1Aufeul.e h \%(as Exphofitorseobkrve) and thofe& who are infenfiblchof Mthhisrod, N0 V e 9 A noc~ being troubled at all at hic,{areA“: fuch perfonswhoare fZqidAA1n hthe 'I7;ext,“ not lay thisprovidence to heart. AS0me_M Expofimrs A AdAo;1eekto explain this Aphrafe by a_parel1e1expre_fl’1-onhin theiori- I Sam-9,20. " 4 hinall, where Aévzmyel bad Sfl#lAAnOt tofct Im mhindehuponhther V109: N‘ Pefiwigror W V % % tuum .¢4fi71‘15A._h A AAAAHES, Adefiri-ng to taikeoAff This grief in that regard» " A M A Mam. A This being %Apmmifed;AAA’f0mewhat to clear the eXp3re1"fion;A of ., A ’ V vI;y‘in;gh.taebaarr;A’eI"proceed%teo*Athe proof of the2po'rm:,AAAby AAtheAVAap~h , xfoved prafiife of Gods people in alleges, mournfully laying to eeafitthedeathoftheirfellow SaihntsAkandAfervants.,A Ar e V V g V M When God was pleafed to tranflat:eAoldA fdcofi, who as aPrince’;‘ « « h had wrefl:Ie.d9with the Lord and prevailed, io~lyhi"toryh Areports, all ft/9'5 /aotxfle f‘offc}2/aA‘% mad A/915.: érhet/"arena, A«mi/aA;;»Afart/ae:r.r%%/aAaz2:fl:,’ Gel; so 8 Am ehwitla qgreqt hand ‘w’7j,f0h}‘€- lazmemzztriom, A Llhpm the‘ dc» A AA”'jceéa{‘e bf‘ . ° Aqfégrt11a.t9fait11full feri/ant of the Lord, ‘The-children af ‘)fi~4éZh\?eépt‘fog/Moflextbirzy daicx, And;.1evhcn the Propheth»LeSa- De:-Auc.% 34. 8'- wflffl 511:4, all t/pAe>eIfi~»¢Aa{g7;e.rWwereAgatlatred*AAtogAetIaer, Aandvizzmented I Sam.W[2,5.:. A paf:§;Af’<;>‘I?Vu>“zfrCli;AtInth0Itheeetirnes‘ ofchfmew '1?e7f’téiment, A 11 3 al_1 1jeade&Aoif'thé3A1iket‘A eeei:epfije‘Hions A of forrow; in» the A«ChuhrchAe4s upeon the_51fe1:r1oAvallf of ehgodiy ones,AoL1{c ofthe %Land bf j%A%hm.vjhenthe holy Martyr A.S’re"zJenAA‘W*as[hO11t2d%t0 death, M _flubbAorVenAfperfeci1reprs,,A;mrmtmm harried A & 8 2 15? *9 11% Q find? "A fldé ‘ hggriedt“*Iz:immti#1z‘ian§ Aozler A - E And A tIic\eathh‘he0f A D()7§da€', A:/§2hzh;hiAT3oi££aw: A6: 9} 33»- , M W . 4 5]” km! ¥’mPt”>¢;g. I hheY,e"aj: updnfthe repo1~tA5of'a* pro pVh“efiée,«.Af;:e-» ;de3.:th;,e DiAfcip.1Ae§‘ Ad?ifcAoveA1*edA fi1c11eAdeep.hAfo3:A~ Ah}?-°;"”5>A that he ¢XPf€fr¢§h himfelf paathetically hhewnqazzheeém, ‘A ‘A A BA 3 A A4 Where g*r:£:i.z2<§r_;.$;2z7arum. \ Job 4.7- ‘ F¢'&.»z»i. I35 %-%WM¢g}§Ezi?5é%j?eAi‘o,fw$éep d%dAté5reakmj heart; A, % A _ & A A reafonsof ‘;hc.DoéIr”ine Armght noW”t;>eAAeX:pe5f”etofrrakeig V imanifefi %to%yQAjur cdnfciences, That; &god1y‘:_>nes have»a%bund:*1‘né ,caufe,with,lzimentatiorgto lay to heart‘ the death ofthé rig'hce6us;- ; A.wBut‘_b'eF<)7re%i[ {peak unto t:hern.;,, Imufl; jcrzwe Ieavc; to fuAgg§e{fifA.fihis %.cau:1on that theirgrfief in thefe cafes doth not anfe from any‘ ‘ape A4Ap?fehAmfi~ons that righteous andxnercifull ones arqin.th.e &1eafipre:,&% Vy ' % 11€C€ffa?i1vAbePrfiwpofeda“A” 3 A A n ~W6‘ If/Wm 1?/3» A ;I;.; BeAcaufe'% is one defg ofwtlze Text; 104 a c1'mir”1ifier*\m2itter ‘mfiA‘””fi£5“m£” 10f .cnmf0rtagainfi the.fcér of deathw, wheEherAby»t+he cruelty of ;Mu{¢%u1,AA% A; ,Q:pprefl‘0rs,;0rQ1:herwife. jud&ce=d by their death M1Ad'd€partUfC=0uE of this w<">i:Ld,4fI1iis‘ A And a%;uAi'A¥\n; M Becaufe fomeperfons, wthroughignoraneefiarxd A - nergrians. [ apt to cenfume %fuc%h,t0be_4underf Divine hdifpleagfure,‘ ‘i5v;h‘o” A ‘ A¢Xpe_&edly takienj away by fir0aksQfde€_lth. Ramfiméei I pm) thee ~¢ (“faith .E1ip/m,zs%tAo% }'fa!2)A »W/so werperiféed éehetg ixinaqmt .? ‘ or Where were the rigbteam‘-mt off? . % %% ‘ ‘ 3; That f0m€%re1ief,: fome refrefl1in%g»may be reached~ fbrthfi Aunco:%fuch%who;fe.héarEs are ready to fink upon the thouglijtmflqf % ‘dearfriengsrd me lAlA%rclatiiOI1s ‘removed by death,A IvAIe%1f‘eiWx“‘“1 T‘ 5: Ap,m’1%was Ve:y .carefi1ll,; Wou%Zd"hio.;4 ‘I;z3;*:re mire ig):orozA7:’t, ére-A; % j “A Tm“: 4' *3‘ %t,«Iqren;;ranccrni%ng them Whitbdré %«£z]lré¢p, : tbfiijwi fiwm cfziéfiz AA .mVt‘hvrrWhi¢b bmfn,ohvP6»-4 , ~ We fmuf-’c know_thcrAefQre, A I. That Eh: dfiéith (F)? 6915 .10 themAfe1v9eIs, is promifed asan evidence of A thég Lords fpemarl [7G°“"5*"" A love. A5120 .A5mlmm,,y /mi?f5fl1fg9‘ *0 "U fat/5E'r!Lih%pédc€%«§6 A 3, c1m,,34%,,,3, t0j’«ofiaIa, M I Willggtber thee to th_y»»Mfat/a%:r:,amd%t1am flanlt £2: jmf"7?”‘ A 1 Trc;fi‘i2t;t’¢eir*%;g1ra«are;v,%Aeagchone \?e4lkg'ng%Vin%/oi: upr;'g/9t??At!I:f§:4§i;1 2. 1»eg.».; wicked, trim M: Aumr1,v% reré/he A fa»: %t‘bcredta%tbjf4tb:r:}i22Apmcc,8zc. A . A . M A 7% , 2.; That hqwfoevcr the Text phraféth _th¢ir'dea_tfi€§ yet it: is Amofl: certain thatjthis their perifhxng fiifng 9': ritzherythcirAargihilationor utter dcflrufiioné .Ind¢€d, 15% V PM. I 4»5_+_ % §.t:§fctI1th1sAword pmfb to exprgfé the fruftrattoq, th¢ & % m1:1on<1>1f%mm;s defigns by death, In that day allbu thought: yer; ’ ‘A - Butt ' A 6;, following the Tax: . aff11f§£h 11$, I with%Arh¢arigm;cous, in reference to6jAthcn: Adead; A 7l:h0ug9h the.A13o£{Ic"Pettr"A thus cxp1geITe(tti tfie A Eg , _ A . h ' w: A , tfhe“.r§gh[t¢_Qu$.,hhl?l:p®11’AAAl}3.t1Eii?€S downfall, for thereupmon, E2‘/£»Ae fjazw HAG!“ n;._ ,:,';;,;~ ,,f‘jA;_,¢fl are-mead: plerfifi. A A5 While they live 1Tl7.ére flmll .mt’I.am« lmizé qfzf/dehir i:7L°t«’4'6i‘tP€V7"1._fl,“ (they {hall not be one =hair_the wmgfefor any Aptovidence) foeneither can°A*their death tend in, ththe V th3ft':"¥&VemhhA7A2i§A?¢o 14/J‘ Athez'r.rA3, Le. Afbrbenegfit, thhe171life%i_t ¢>“'h{”eau{e they are rig M A v V sdeathupongoocii ground deeply Iamentediht A felf‘ ; V ea*tandAAeltfewhe1*e he c0hVfidentIy»AAafTerAts,iA that death to him- Afelféand fuch ash.AAI1Ai1%n1E:lf, 55%? gm; V And whht though death, be *a taking of God~sA people away, from the further enjoyment of friends and other 'c_omf0trts on eartzthh ; (As M,Hez.c@sz/9 expecfting Adeath .thUS‘€”E{p:1‘€iIJéfI"1h h‘imAf@15,. 1 I56/1% /?¢»’J01a"me2ma mar;-ye with A the A/at.zb.«:mm afrbe World-) Yet the changeihalfll be for ‘aelva‘t1tage,,‘ beAca;1fe to 52 tiyirfg C/:rg'fi‘ 2414;» lvetter. M V A h Having t(mc};1iited upon thefe tltungs, partly to prevent miftakes % very‘ much he in fame, and partly to: hinthhwords of comforttmtoothexjg roceed toAgiveAana:ccountof the Reafonseof myDo&rine, and A V hhtttfherein of the praéhce of Gods pheop1eA;AWa§71ng lamentingly A to heart the dea_thAAof righteous and mefcifullones. And my Text dothfuaggeftthree, whichlmallfpeak 1411t1I:o di1—’cinet1y~, andfyet twbtrteviwt; A A A brew am! therefore their up Thefehtwo quahficai 'ons dohhdemonfirate 1{ %T'heirworth;inefhs A A in regard of their own perfons ; [T113 ri glarem ""‘A1;t~ more exec/rm r 5;. 7‘A”'v "Wm M ‘W ‘ 4, M It 7‘ av ~? « - ‘IE gm /27;; rgeig?/9502471,-. And their ufefillneflsin their tc%ohverfation.e V V tr, V t:rén:¢¢et11¢A +“¥PA0f*1t¢A7W1P0inrcEh ar,.hbetWiX:—a rieere~ #2 pare, d1Ayj’A€becaufé fizch). erehvery dear A mm gall fi1ch,t w7hA0 grace are like to him.% _76’~- that lwtbfit mg; in lJi77gfl°Alf_.,A the \m4n“t%fl.t% zkgad/“J. - rmzmt ‘lg-53 A:.mtr;gh;eam; A A And }et%fZ3aw”gI beheaVrkegeé ulnr-.‘o,whiIe% A A he;ApAea*1<"e'TtI*‘i”‘A the’he f"je7nfe&vofaI1 Saints rcgehe;raetAedA thefameAA‘Spririt% Tbeh3§§£%*frhttiuftrifezzporgmrr/é;AAh;’iz;3a7ba27z22' my delight. Héncjé that »w~aAk¢;~ héthéirh ‘eyesdo Amp co‘tnp‘1éLihts; V“Wh€fih’fih€5‘=Ad¥A¢A¢Abfifiii We P"‘¢¢iW A M Visage A fcattttaiefl t'QAA tI1eA ;h'thifi. Igmay A flew Siwaet ?€?*P4’T4W‘=‘ V A ruggeeced,_ z;ame;;rea?Amg2aA Aflizelmiéntation A ~ war :2‘ G, ‘*9: we »,_,,, Am°IWhiflt§ Wet Withqfith z n L"qk.2.1.13.A A 1;eafiAumg, atheirrt tt?difaHm/alntageg The Apof-’rleA aflhteth GodAsh‘fer- A .1 C01‘. 3. 21:» Phil.i.zt.” P'hH*%~ A 1.: 23:“ t Reafafi ii Provi: h2'»'.2.t. Rom; 5.7, 1°ra1;+.3. & ws,s{.A Phil. 16. 1.} A Lam. “ 1121.; 8, tr», ; Gen. 3 oA.27.“l ‘ '1: i 37: l 7"-3: 26» 191‘ Aa;.ers4uz4‘}¢d aw gum;/9:1,; 5;; /mg.-,tIge team ,of me; flztiéxflpiari t}JE'*Bigil7 plaaex, Abo2aéillar*e the niiglbglfa/lam! 4;¢J ?onéAt/:.mA were lovely amidiplegfmzt ir'zt.éA:ieiri1£*2m':A 42;; ed: A _7%rAt£we my ératlaér fizamzzéza-n, plmflwt Alnzfl tbot;.17:annnto— me. “ ,Alt_hugltllthefervanits ofthei mofi High God, dA70§no“t in outward V A gfteetneléhnd‘fplendor exceed ithe peoplell of ’lthe_AW»orld, e yettheyi A are Gods fairot3i'ites,illaeautified with his Image, advanced” bytllstist A Mafel}y,'t0the1highef’c titlesiarid places of honourliandti renown,‘ ~men¢ed. Secondly, Add e tb ii'theirtpe'r1"bnlall worth,‘ their greatvufe-‘A A = firlnefi intheir lives. A As theirgodlinefidoth endear them 'uh.§oi Prceibug {mm Du’ cabifitnx. i Lapi-dc,‘ 9. 2.“: , ‘V }’l'aI.. 6; 4 1’ ;AP A live. i 1 God and’ all. good men; fo theit-i ‘mercifulnefis do‘thiidrlal1lW,i thcjiil" forth unto the iutmldfl, thatthey may be profitable by improving theiifiintereit in every kinde fer thatend and purpofe. iLotA.v iprayer did Afelcure the fafety of the plate for which hefpake, I Algal‘:/é‘ zwaptédi thee, and Wi/{mot drflrqj 1‘/A:z3V.C'it}fc;r lwhicbtkfotf ‘ zmfi /fyokem Hafi zlaee, get the: t/air/oer, for Iwmnat do my thing iii! A tboui 5: acme 31%/aiAtlA:;z=r.l And 1140]}: fiaod up, and tflrned alwaj Gad:iWir..?#lb,i pvt?/§&n.h'ii_$fizfd’ih:;t he %'v\‘_7oft1ddq/t'r0j«i I/aim-A W.;On.e righé ‘i:tcous.Axfxaninl‘lfhsmflzlenémight lhave p-revenAte«d its NotAon‘A- 1,,;$,4,¢;n "reg_ard o£;*m5i,i but Pvtipbar inrAefercnce>to’7 fa-i /by/a, knew by experience Ahow profitable Aanidl ptofpereius the 1 A No;m_arve1 usfefulnefs in the, feverétll places where Divine ~:p1I'0Vid.lCl‘w1‘§€ I V5‘ difpofed of them; this atgument.l David %iperfwadetht“¢‘”lii 1 on at: death gem: and ymrzmu, Ar: alaag/atgritA:gf .4w smz, W/in Klatbed’ you ‘AW, mgr ~a:z,'gz»;, who pg; mzhiarmmmry gold z¢paai'i_j'oiitri foinatban my lfV_pa_,/}]1din',i“i¢Aiij1‘/sing big}: plmx. ‘upon the llikeaeeoutA1ticli!di Elijbag 11;pO[nA the departure of his“ Mafier Elijah, cf7_'y Q1111 “bier, l lt}acA_ilc13E.¢riat of Ifiael and ikeékarflwitnnitgki ‘ has uh: one upon the,,C0mmem0rati0nii0f Provifiorwsijii ages} A dd fee cmfeto bewafu ith-edeath pf the‘“fore;t1end9;n - “ , , ye iother upon ‘the: co lTdejr' xzion of ‘A in T which regairdst its Areafonaihle that thei17ilcle;1th%%ifl1Ouldlbe4le-A A tefence off pious pcrfons is , toe the i places where ltheyie A vthereforeifi‘ the deathofi men bei'bittei-rly lbewailed by ingenuo"AusiChriltians, upon the remembrance of their Aformerf 7 ii“(9‘}Ai A if ”’¢~iCiivé me: Ieavéhi:r§«to*app1iytheiprafiiceiof%tI1e‘.9vid2ia'wEk;\3i5h‘&ifli’ ;m.’AX. find 1:} Pin}, Weeping and _/bewinjg the icaateumd garment: Micki ' 1 arcamade Whilcjbc W.“ with t/cam.» Didwie in like matineriiiicgll to mindc, thegricat?g:>iodi d<1net0ith¢.Pub1ick,i by ithem Whom: lately dead, througfitheirprayers both ordinarynnd iiextraordia 5: ‘A 'pa~ry,wc {hotjldo be more afl‘1i8ced,beca_A'ufiaA “of their deceafe. A What 4 de1iv"erances’wroughr, dangers PreVented,iib1¢ffinigsiPr0€1ir<=d,+ A ' good defigncsipromoted, bad Aicaufes checkedgerrors flcifled ,1;ruths‘%A A iitleared, tolligration hindered, ' and theslibierty ofholy Ordinances , \ A itonjtinued Such like meditations, might woundfiour hearts,‘ uipofn‘ I the thoughcof their death,’ ‘who have been A tht:1sA hap pily infiwru-A inentalgf r ipubliick good. Efpecially We add that which ifiollowfh-V A ¢th’i“n th fecond Reafon, . ; ABéca1iTé death they_pie rif/Emmi! areitgkgn awagy, .1&l:hough.,(és, Rmfiw : ‘A yfifiheéfd. beforeg) ithemfelves .;1ric‘ in a fafe and bleffzd condition; A Vyeftfras“ tons, A and in regardfurther fervicg onwearth,4:laey pefifbi ~ ~ V being taken from itheimprovcmcnt of any further%opporftun1ties% cougrgganturi ghat kindegj Ihcrei iyadiouble Mctaphorin the phrafc or :44-'~[ ‘°”‘”‘- 4*‘: V. ¢dw4‘y§,,ii Tnterfpretcrsfnote. Either they are taken away, as ‘ ‘°"’*‘i‘ A fig isiigiathpmd" outi*ofrh<= fielct. andrcarriedinéo the bamaiil A as things~i'ofpr1ceA,a*r.e taken fromA’onAe[p1ace,‘4to be'hidAiforif;fet_y, «‘ \‘ ”t';hiem_, as Dmzidwithicomfort iAap lieizhthie ph1'afetofhimfelf¢.. » in émothiér; Both t'IA1c:fe'oSimilicudegdoo {peak Gods fpeci-al;Cai*eioF Récéfiflflflri ‘ I film-A mm; t2i_kemeA V \ IV/0371 Am] f4tl:mrAamAd i my ?Lm’ot/yieffar iialqitmc, t/aefiflfle Lardwi/Ml P‘§31'A’7;fI‘9t . V i ‘ _ M V i K, ‘A A M ep.on*radi:ydi1ugsmo gfiem, who a1>idA¢ in the Wen fi€1d.fQbi¢o&;i~t0 fitmmer heaaandWinterfiormsswfiéii” A fuch; and firth‘ are“?Aifir1é;d.and_ gathereti, layed up arid hid, A A frioizp ‘all dangers and’d1Afco1fnfo4rcs.i %Nodoubt "bu-t ‘thoati queflion i ‘ J; i ico1,;1 toiA,£‘lij34_Mhisih¢2;i?1T:‘itLi:1’iK¢2afirefltéaw, A V A Al if ii ‘ 9 B‘ D3 r-r c M 4 I/vyiiaamfieir fiwm or/av !:»c»¢d, to 441 “ Bifiww» A9. :1 Ingft A uiaer, ‘ ‘_ A‘ i‘ .; -, » ‘ % 6vasthat,, which opefie the floud gatésiunto the Chr mt flmflk i A M ‘ knd 7 12:2 A L % mi? i «i g W i ; » ~ A TPra[_-“t1.1;' 15 1135 1% igafdfi-’f ‘i ‘M 1-,:.§/I V; iPi‘"‘ili’id¢?-th A” K = ific prommpit, Marc. ~ tlaét‘ M C ,1 A 0 thwieiféi A ‘/cgolillfiibfil. pita » iwmg-zir, 5.‘ ..' 1» s 7.? ‘- .x*'” -L J _A M, ‘V-~47 . v-.‘'» ''.«-V V :3‘ .__‘_‘~ V_A ‘ , V - M ~. M A " . . T €15.61 W‘l0fé5,- that A‘ 196:)’ J30?!/41/55 Afwfifflfit am »mm,A Acoulchflnot: bé;go£’d%otvn ‘v%%3;‘:€A»%A7 WAV¢I11J$t%AlAiigA. r~¢Sard thereforfiswéré is rmfodna Whereffife f=II1'g'<>d1y 096$; doe; V‘ 14} t5/a:£r% cfezgt/aftvo 1/a’c¢zr‘t».‘ i % j Herfe letus»rome~whacrurmerconfider;ro;m;f¢w*¢¢;£:h¢%radcone» fequenm-sVoEt4heir taking aw”eiy;A ’ ~ , , . A , - 1;. Hereby the number ofSajints%is abgiced; Th¢§Ap¢op1‘¢%¢fGod. We-in‘-r0mP3rif0fl °f'th<.= >%fi.¢1:é‘ut:‘ we fe;1d0me;h€are.fofAA:the~r€ui,gn1entm:1OnfOf: afid A%mer<:sifu1l”1ojncs.d %. ‘A ~ A%fluentiA fll”ben’cfi‘ $‘uz1t‘m5%qufi_ m‘ % % ’% ,éé Vj,Put1'f€f3:(Ff1¢ffl, mak«eth% fawury- WFxac~Ahu~mts"Ie ' % .~, . A m:g€;§%fgIl,fieavenlyV.di(pofiti0ns,a;-efrequéntly wro1;gfi‘t$ ¢ JAA:n~@hrifiian Aboiomcs, by we communion~"adf 2 fellowfiiip ceafctfi." I‘+Iow’fpiri-~e A rernscm p«»i:%~t“fl1¥féaming wast*1m‘ f0C*etvA=° many f°“1s- Bgpygggggs Efifqwxth whom thgfygonvgriédfivlmen-manmwénmgi, ~ +MaerV%Vswu; A A ,,A-their Vnackausmfetgnée, AB: 33’) ’£1iAghfWere»darted$§nt»o* dark niinrdesgjf17ii5ftualL~:{pa§kgh‘wef§'kinu. A led ir1‘fr§0Zenh breafls; holy fupportsa Jwene puAc5AA und€£"hfi“1‘if18 hearts, fatisfying Aanfweré“ Awere rettlmed hunto the " fcmpllese Jrthey=“Wer“c_A“ loath to leaveAhhiS;«C0mpany.A And this is one reafo7n* ‘perplexed fpirits; :NoAmaArve1l thereforejfthefriglxteous d“odeep- h lly lay this 1offetoAhcarc. eThehearts% of the two Difciplesh énmed A W2‘:/sin tézem; by hmeAan_esA oFCh1-ifis. conference; in which refpeét Mk :4 29., . with gm.’ h° whereforethe death Of 53iAI?t$ej" fl1QU_1d be b¢Wéi:x1ed,becaA11”feh’in theireqgi .,,,,;,,,, (9. V life time-,eAe they g,perfwade Ag0od;,~1d1lTwade evil; cherifl} Value,’ ,,,,-,Am~,,,_,’9. 19,, A check vice .5 oppofe error,Ah{apA’pearh"for truthh ;A awakfcnetI1eeife”cureA,P“1W¢A41‘h.virM- quicken the dull, give caveats tohhthe c-are-1~eflh'eA, andcordiaeis tothe ""9 ‘°‘“£“"‘i" he ' edihfuzvenfolate; ‘ What gracioush heart can doe lefle then bleed, upon L a pid. in Ate‘-tar.‘ 2 ‘V lr‘oA« ftQfehthf§h71,,;VVhAO*IMVCABCEH, in thefe 7and.fuAch‘like kinAdAes5 év%en:h.:.bywAtheir ;cVQmmL1Agfi5ahi1ndantly benheficiall. if»eedéAprNethhh:hheem Awheo7furv_ive of thefruit of their.Aemany~eepray»ers, which they were wont po;1.eallem~ergenciesA andAAAc>ccafic>ns,tAopou1: forth before the Lord. [ A A A A ' , V' prfi:‘12.z:led,\9s7e/ail: /Aflqhflezr ptPbz:.;'AA/_);z;¢:5g_{_rt1: ,~7_‘,' ‘VA A hishhandsfell :‘ yeacherame »-EIiA€*Aa”Eio;:At*°‘*0ur ‘mi? exphériehees A eeO5flAfi&eint{;A "or-«felted cmforts have be,qj[,?affi“Aéhntinued, and A Iieférxiedgiizéifi/éiTxAentVsehaveéhcctxlp.reventcé§AAAf many wee: ‘V bleffings have heenAc9x1;mpnic;at”c?d;"HyA meansef tAhofeA A Am .A W ",, W. I 3 A‘ AAA “HA "2; A‘ 3 f‘ A; ‘ ‘W 9* V; M . Afij ;,~., ‘Hf; A ,‘?«;v_F, {ii . ‘ M tmghty 1n p~rayerh~e Jgmclgr hcenAAAAta1§genAa%x2s7ja ffroxvirthrs. an A I ad,as=ga;v feéQnd§ reafbnemiiehhwifi yccAAbeA£treng-4 A 2 he ave 5 A ‘ aw ‘ » ‘AM ‘ ,3??? "A ‘"‘ ‘ F L '33. I , , M ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ W , Y , , .I«§v ".\A‘¥“7‘, ‘ y K .; . bx A W ' A A A ts“ ‘Tm AA AA A J ‘ ‘. V « A‘ A" ‘ L ‘ ~A—:> A h ‘ A: ‘~ « V w ;:AA1fi?lf$’5?€AlM?5l Agrlmzf tl{§:A?'tle:9l7p(fi§%o’E‘trbulilelméyf110.3’ bA§ax¢ MA MA. liem A ?IA7’h'L1s;7o‘- S :3 PI‘ la ‘ ~45-“* 7* ‘"1’ "9“‘*’“Allll[b3z' Vpc:jt{li;zg,%l%ic1~cd rds, _ tlAid« f0A3:€iff:r&A~A w_rath comin lbw: =AI‘¥ins»m.A:9W:12:»Al£m:¢§AAee;»£z',xx§mc,e‘z mm Imng#1m.%/Ji»*AP1m.'~A l AA '§’>lli‘§f;3”““”" waslTEAhdj‘:p1lQl.'}flfi: «MTG od( hichAAAa<:co1?Clir%gl§’ l?€1‘fQA1*m6d3A- A T/mg Alaw’-*’5le;A}Ag»%tkc2'w?A:Wat PM:¢7Ar?s e22¢dAlAr/gm; gaxjwz _ Au 3°‘ ll l f1"w_he.r~e..a1"eV-tlM1ree.£l1ixj1gSA'§0 €flCl1}115€ A d.§1.f'te1f in tI1e—enla1?lgillri;v;r of A A"t!hisA “llRe:u"on= AI: vwmc Aevils prob.ab1yAbeAAlc0ming =*«fher;x " A A j.t%l*;Ae go_dly.Vldi::; A.JA A V%:;W;l1erefo1'é;A11p9;n {ugh pro}/:1»ClA£1?;c*<=:s,~A ev‘1lAsln1ay bc.expeA&ed~ s~l1lpAonA ;W11a_tl AaC€A011f?r?A‘hA15 PFA¢fi”i8¢0f-aAppI40acl14n ‘I fpe AA AA A" Efiéépt ¢LelALardlllbf boflsbaé left a:wr7lfw4?lA A fM9AAflWl‘§l;5?§?J6A»£A€‘*fiAz-45:‘SlQda7”£! 4A»d:w :420a!1d+!mAvaAAlé;:% lzem.ye;,=zA éarh V »loinyAAoAr ll1srePz:1¢%Y¢€l M1:l “ of*”l and met: W1 are A“k'= #11 ..,y ‘l‘;;m_:>y Heb:/:eli:af%Atfa:ACizgrA,~~;zndAw;ept om-%r&£t,f4y¢~ ~ "r%4%3.+4"f' tlaoz>zJA19;zt1flkn¢1vJa,,e've7z4Ar/9015,31; leafi in t/oat/JA_)r_dAgyr ,%tbe thing)? ;Wbic/2~'29eZo"n to tkfyAApcw;ccV,;«g&ut;~maw tbcfy are AlJ.i:d;AA%?fiom V%z£v11m?%q}r%c:.% aw; dwjex fWZlwomaaWjimvt/W;V At;/JEIIAA tlaiiza eA;Ammia::alf»~cazfi%A4V%£r@gg§;k A ‘ajtlvonb éampétM/0¢€**%rom%nds ~m2dk§cp Atlaaei in V_~a;72,ezr4f;g( ‘W (i‘1¢ £IT”ilfl_)V. -»erim22% Wit/an‘; the grq!m»d and *3 c/:gildAA7~e;Az% A tbécg and they /Mil flat lWt.We‘?ivé the(?"A0§7L":flbW9."HB_Q71fflflbpbérla £??0.:fl“.f4’ A’ “w?1¢»',(,”3W5’/*lV”5tth¢ fimr ivwatiair-=<-?%%A ‘p A = » ; A :1 d.Beloved.A,W hat wild dot: Wiitlz I qzannot A . bh't4cl;ojLIItLlA mlr *finsA? A ].“udgeQ]= CAQE§jg’ and rs, fo many burningAV.and.efhA%uiga;}!;ifl MAI i 15%, V , :”éi21:"fc¢1w7glA%1g+«7cnafe:, !;scA;l1A3e¢rc.fo1*e,;~A thA¢i?e;3§ ggufe M W %%éi1?‘;%f:_@leafw11‘V%n I1eam~ A A J I-iav1ngthusM4difpatcl§ed the c0xi*fi‘i5m'ati0n of “th»e% WIT €‘PP1?»¢fi~§ r a§An€Lfl1a11wA~ A ‘leave? the amplification unmayfltwpwh AA A 7 A '7 a ‘Ufi * A . A A A A A V: [1 ;., * Infor,ma:%i_r.mA3‘ . I. Ae A A 2 M ’ A A A ~ 3 ” 5‘ A19-»13.»14- M ..A. -...n.,. .... »A. 1-Aw ‘ M A ‘ ‘.. 1» ‘. .,, AA ‘Ah; :~" rv\\>,.x :. ‘/“M"‘ « M q w-~;._ I! L I5. I 5'. A I’%fa.1.“ 14. «$4.; ' " ““'“"'r< 11'?‘ ~ 9* H A, K in Q 1 75, lgmaflti rbzezfiajijff, i as a fiégm 0frGJg'ds d’ zp A 335% fijixg, ,2!/2 ?La.rd. era/54 The} A /I14)? Egzrgi Lord. A WhAer4cg I“ \ «V “ 0* 3,; A ;. Therefore %pre;;o;;5 in WA; fight ofm». Lard 7:iamvfeIfe z2::?,tb: dézi£79A~vfi:z}Sa%£nW;‘Hi&s%A fe“fly who» c%omm£1nAdc th,Aand 1;:-nab1¢t11 ‘his 4&1-vann; A*%lay%*t@La‘V%heart the dieaxth pf peofikz. A will not fufiér b1ouTé?tdAB& Hxeiiéj lives; Am A bc;.. po11i:ed%0U%£A : 7 Vi%e{Y6r7s ‘1a”*£1d7 4 gwithéafut "tailing them 11i'£;tA._07 ac‘c-:‘ou:ra;tA;; A Th~is'is? 6fie%%‘b6r-Ifimendable “ch9:u§a&er% of _Tefi1s%Chri'Pc, 1fi‘nel: Kingg‘ WHL-A.‘ fImiZA~réd:é7ak¢ their fafilfiomdédeif /zndt rz2ialemi'e,i aAmiA_pret£om A/Imz;At1:e;r%é1aad&: 1;»; 1921.: fight :4 ~ whether the lives o£ Goctsfm-A ” *mnEs€A¥be%%fhAo,rtned~ by fiaifeéimpgifonment,unjufi: fentencés$o;rAAV11m=%p tVhe1*=c4= is’ n%o1qu¢£tio.n%iofit,% but that the-ix: mim- ‘ Tthcrefsflaaill %bd~«:feve1;c13rreckoned4Lwit1m, for“t:1mirb1oudy fraud Gen.‘-4.4% o, % % ' lly Lam-14.14. A iliafien their‘de &th;{ wluc A by God. 1% "‘ A%the’rc°f % re hbw grief ' of tI1cA godly fhould be~grcatncd% upon ~ the; dea~t:h»ofA g and for‘ce.~ You may take any ir1ffance*here0f in C2fzi22',fWhA0 W-Aas‘¢of sthe wicked one,'and_flew his brother% ; God ienAdeth.( as it Aware) -H1.1fe and Cry afwer him. Cain’, t/2} 6.roAt/aer.r 76/and c2;ye:t;_l:.u:;n:qA the? gz{o m‘wI, nerwtrt ”tI1au.onrfidj fiom t7:e%~::2t 1-H3; '_TI1iS~I Mmay¢not’%enlarge,y ihat: ‘ttormgnting-aWakfcn~ mg l*.Ch l1;is‘13A.Am@nted by th go*a1y;anc;{iI1 " by way of ratioiiall grad21ti'o2§;t l'1%c “‘ ‘ W "W ‘M L I£’tfi<= aearfi Afinélexiglamom an A more vjhouwthe ;a:h»oAfmasnym>f L m_*c;s3%A4 Abra: If theydeath sofAA'1Ss1ijx1jts,;1AA~ Ith w ewighfi dw pdvim ‘ A ubliokfin Q1§eéS!andéefnp’loymcntsw A Ifgrdfifif 123% A I A A % w 4#_#b;;;r: em-a;oa2r ’Az‘bc%AIGwemvA>$ n )5 nu! A w.. ‘,1 ,'k ‘.w ’lcafufi:. againfi fgse A ope*m"4" %r%9*Piv£§'%tbj‘$«lvratbbm‘ *5lé1.4Ad fiam tin} £z.«:md.., ‘ sof that -muyrthcrcrs coniitience, ‘may “warn‘a1ltheAcncmieAs.of4T “ Gods‘ pIeoplc,* 1:6 %‘take heed of all a&s”o£p%olicie ‘ %' %‘ .«A‘I}%vlE'f_I I ‘T ‘ A A fl)o1fId:beAbcwail_,edA,% how much ‘;t-l.1¢f;%l0ffeAof Afdflenfiéw 97% la; ;~.V And\(35 3{0HVhe&fdw,bc.l§0f.¢i} jg; _ A man pointed a}: 14n;Athew4T¢xt,j>a¢1ng the Pr0fp1}€C.'Mfli{zzb, A V A “A %Aiquent,abA1¢,fax:h£uJ1,Evan gev11.«.:alJ 1?rQ'1>hct, hxs 4‘-*h‘@’H1d‘.«thc % 7. fl 7 % '7 4 f 3x.5.; the%dVea§h Qf ~fi1ch‘pi9us.4% pmzfanzs, {ugh %‘,:Ma,gi£h'atesm1d?Minif’E€I'5, who sane A p-emliarly velaugedpo, om‘ A Afe;kv.es,. whether”:bydobliga%t10nS .rrati:aml, c_i,¢il,or Ecc1¢efiaflic€£1l.- A aa2z',tla$ a(grmtV and gwrj fore 14{??m;m'§*ion.A%44 A So E15/734 1-‘: pon that W deatll; of his Mai?-»t1;‘EilCtijab. crli6éthb0.ut,% zlfat/3er,n&}h Ffizrh¢r. 2 Kings, 2.1:.’ 1‘ egimanncr I on A p:€0«p Ac, Ve“more_ p;aune;. art «e emart, V . ‘7 J when tIicirdMi;1:ifierit jtheir Pafior, Ais p_{1ucked~%.away%fr9‘m them. % the ban a , Y4, ,13.£pcc;i%a4l1y,;, when p%iQt1S;guBIiukVpexffoméan£1.5né¢rly,i‘ela-4* tted Liiit0'0ur {elves are fnatched away, a%’whi1%eA Mvo3115ng»,g Awh»¢n,in ;thci1‘ growth;and‘ti;m§ ofimprovemgnt. Asj}afi;t'/aflainW'h‘cn . ‘A imr rlairzy; ;nim }.ew4r: old. What pixtyé is it, to? .b«eho1dy,;<>uAng A ;fruic«bcari;ag tmes cumidown. whit: fprzeading; fth§:i1’w fixanchwe and incr¢;Lfg”‘§;yd-arly in r.h¢it; %fxuitfu1ln¢£TcA;a:»T SQ Ms gxmamn %;fad[confi&ééra&;tioab,§tqfceayoung4saints4,3*,Qung Minifigrs~~ 5,. ; And this may Ayet givzejfurph occafion; %tocnia1:gc'our+ E ,forrow,, when; fuch rcligiuusamgs, cminenxtin regardéwo£&£;_ci;ae:I fglageyarc taken away,;,;.;;;whoL:wcmm~orc vthcnaQwdixJ%a>ml}m%>1}6£‘7 » Ear 4 A % ~% , 4%-c [L5 fgfi=pIa amd. 12¢}: bretlafen maflmed, for%£19£ir:,gbo$1 Aoiléifozflflzj, Gcn‘ S#.Io%:,;.«.¢. 3 téi.‘ himfeIfe,from the./5x‘I‘€¥mt£2 year ofhis age tohis~e“n~£1;,, V;%}s‘Chaco. 34.51’. - ' dag ;,bQ:"QPd¢'r€Ci"7MQ*¢I€fi§flg.«§.» »»m*mt:l:ers* his?! * A;,#minAde :ofGocm wan ~‘»dmb§l¢fEq.it:;%irmlxis 1:¢£p;c:@, 8"’ ‘"5 “°' “ . " §€a_,’is'.’ala,’ umd t/ae~;fi7n:git{1gE'é2t§f1I¥*: Md Vv4i?zgizig~wamm,A % in%%tlacir:lz% m;entat?~o¢h“~*0 W *5? ‘rm-A A A A A3? t’h‘E"‘0'!tl_ macaw: u:4:berauA ymlge tr:«o*l:.ergmn.de4lar: A A M A Ah A haw (I73 ;,,,_,m;glgpzlrfzjegtrem‘Ibero:¢fl}.Ar}d l1$7ld‘z:I'th1§Ahgad Q5, flf01.mW;.A§gfiAAA V _ Imight ;gxV,e111 an}:9th€r_(3€lUAt1€_>r1 E0 Chrtffiaxis fvign.) not to Weaken and wearo.ut.the11* M1n1i’£_m's,A by Atoo too much emAp1Q-3~.. mam. A.1ch0t1gl1AAVI‘acknowledge ma; moi} domc;>rewneedAthe rpm 4 then thue‘orid1eA, and fhouil-d 1'::=,tb.er be fp0kcAn-.u:n;to, ‘ as the..~Anc-‘- i?c1AeA advifed the %Co!a/flvzm to £13?” 1"1IA1,E0” rfirc/arIp,z_rm.~,% ‘M.-lqglacéd %ra}1:c A ;»’A_!+{£nifirA],% which thou /mfi“ r_¢'c~eiAvm’ zA';A.z the Lcrdficuar tiaoufiklfill it : (_‘Q;_ 4AM‘-AA am: A eopler u.g>%o11A the con£1dA:f mien of {h.':'._ vp<:»'u1¥: 11zxdier hand, “ A fl71QL11dA~in‘.10V.& to their Minii3eers.1ives, and tb;.A-:fu*% 0A*.vr1AA»Com ’i3csi‘u therczitg be adm0niAfhed, not 1:0 p1'efl3.=: them 1;{1Wto.n1oz',eAw-ark“; then the Pcrength and efiéitg of then; bmdies, .ca111r;*e11.'be31*e ~,r;;A;;}1%,4AA A out prejudice. _ In the time-2 of Mofaicall ~ad:niqii’r.r9.tions4,Athié AAwas . Gods appointment ( which be: d0t:':1 Q i’tA;m Ar_¢Ap.em:e%) %%.;iI1I:1t,th=:‘ M'm4..«- A fcers fhould Waite upon phat work fkrxnarézirrly ymr: a-Id .2;-ad-~zzp-A 2z=;rm~1,ervcA:’z"‘%AA2:¢:¢ti/Z fift} ymr: alal, %i11t%cz1%din§;, to indu1.geA tilemgvllaxn a7 ed and infim1Ae._f And c1uefiiox11:£fe, .t1215L=)rdinazice Aofified; is 3°’-7 5*A39>*‘*'3‘_ notaltogetlxer without nil: n-oWAix*;,the dayes0fA£11Ae‘.G0fi;xe1. A A A A 6.'I'hereEor,c-:-title rec ®_ver.y Aimd reparation %Q_t" natures decé:Ayefs,in% god1y}.»o11e%s,%j who have been dzmgerouflydiAfeafed,AA fhould be zit-«A courAn:ed a Agreatblfiffing, with_ the return of many 111ahkfgiving.sA to-«.G=od, feeing byfuchA~p1*v0AVid%W2f€S, much for-rpw¢t0hisfervémrs A _ is Gracioufly prevented. The praéficye ofthe Apofilc Paul, be our pattcrnthis particu,1:.,1.r. whom 1;eferenceuAn;1;o .15 pap/are- dit‘z>9_:"iI‘)_. fur: A A am! nigh z;:mfaAdentb,{mt Gad .72?:r§}_on/2£mA,a»nd%mot 0:4 him on'Aly, A but on me fl'1f£A);,AA[€flAA]fZ?01ZA[oi bwefafrow x%Aponf}3,.?.m,A_ A A AA % ‘ Thus%from—the*l1fe~of Informat1on,fprea~dAinto man}Ar{A>A;*anc1jes5 z)/3;,‘ Iproceed to th,eA1J_fe ofR¢Mpr,e:h.enfion. , _ A A kept-Gaga AA’; %.;And there] are; many w11ok%defer¢ve %b1am4e%up0n this account,, A WhAOfl'lIi‘fh311bf’i¢L‘flYe point a»t,WithAdefi1fepf1:he1r,; ~mation.% " A A 41 ‘.% »A1ltho%fe_, who are z11t<>’geth¢r fer1‘;;e1e{1'c ah regardleffe of fuch Afiroakes‘ of providence, whe1‘ebyiAthe A godly A are? removed A % out ofvfihe‘Iand»o%f:%11ev1iving, MYTe2;t%doth fpeake openly thi-SAGWMM mm: AreprcA>ofA: Thisne-g1e¢'t;Visfi’nful] and%bVlém]eworthy in a11,butz:1;Q,fi:.A,m,,,,,;, wmfi A horrid and inexcuhfabblei, _xvhen,foundi11p1{ofefl'ors of religianiand Lentiae. Mi11if’ters"tE.emfé1AV¢S, V A AA A A A theiArA pretended4%A»1ow‘e,~b_Qth§.c0Mthe god1yAAand«_;h¢mAA%GOfPe1A%AQAf%Tc%r.- i w Num.AA4,AA;,g;3;‘A 11 a%cafe,d0t“11thnmsercgqreffe hi-n1fe1F:AA1zm’eed Ah: vmzaAfick_Phi1- ii"-7. A AA \IIho.,¥ %f'iri herein;-againfi.the1r A,1'ight:,,: a.n,,d% 3:cu1Ate,:. in A t.':2;“.~ Much mm M 2:30 fiith tieferxtgfharp rehtihe, W1‘r'oit1:fleadof' t l.T1{}“i?‘.t‘ii‘in§__§5ti{) 1*.ejo3't‘e:.'thd make II1€:’1‘3’§,’, \7£’h_(;’,-rt’, godly ones’ Mifig; 1?I€A£‘S and others are taken away.% h Some of oureyest have ~1’eeAnt,ar;-‘<:i h M31" ears heard the infizltattions of’ fo.m'e5i'n this kind blameworthy, .. the Lard ;.7£!W’é’/E 2‘/arm mrzdfargeivc tlasm. : The Holy glmfi doth % fiigmatize Antith1ji£°ti-az1h1§ats with this charaétetg that upon the ..jAea;11fof ghecwo Vvttneffes, I/3-ejyh rejqjoex over At/amtz, zmd make merzfygahdj/}xdgz¢'zj‘}.r we f.-:2 xmbt/yer. Aundt 51:00 many filth 1 afraidt there a1*eamongfl: our felves, who upon fuch 0C£afiQI':S,,. do mourne (as ou1*Provt-rh expreffeth it)’ in fad; and fugar, quafi fing in wayes of finfull jholiity, when Gods faithfi31lMin-ifiers pee-=-to rifla and aremken away, but certainly‘ the Lord who doth oh- fervfe tltefettthings, “ ifl 1'etfh.on AV/M1 I:h7efe wretches to their for» A row,i»n his due time.; V . ‘ % “ A" y A A t 3.;Wl1att tl.1en,{ha11At«be £l1idAunto them, who fear Gods p,eopIcA » A for theh‘ forro-W in fuch cafes, David met with fuch u£'£ge,: PH]. 69.” to; whereof he complained before the Lbrd : W/am Itwept 4127516‘/M-' h h V 1 13”. tliedt my ntitbfizckj-6/03/930%’ W43‘ 1’ 0 77¢] ffproztcb, m2d1'éémme h A at pm writ grmro t/mm, mz1xam t/ewfimvg qf I/.ae~a'mn.Qard.r. Hen-cer“ ymltnay p<31“ceit%'e, what ctebauchcd ones tphofe are, WhoAbAehajve " themfelvest thus unworthily. And .Ii heartily wifh,t that they « would ferioutfly weigh the {mart ‘words which Athe 1Ho1y ghoflrz Ifa. 57. 4: 4 fpeaketh,unto theméwhi-ch I touched upon befo1'e,).tAgm'xfle’w/com ‘ h tdoyefiarrjozzrfiloes .5’ eyfgxzinfl whom malgje ahwikle 71¢?!/.’I_‘I75¢.*i1d:-g" dvmr mt 12:9 rorggwe '? m”E_“}’£’%'0t clai/Jrm qfz‘nz2¢_fgrr_[Zion, :1 find qf; fig/_/tfiwod ‘A? _ A . -4; How Aheavily doth my Doftrine féllttponthem, who 4pe1:-* A fecutet Gods people unto death, who by aecufations, imp1'it1"o11~t* mhents; and cruel fexih‘tences‘,t,‘fl1orten the‘livco'Ay.oAutnot tremeinhte1* A :3. $2. 1+g:,*iv;'otihztrhp}y(;:od ehxpreffeth l‘1imfe1Eagainfh:I1ofe W}Ji0'/h‘£k§»f‘k€ t Ijéw-zrrx-qfrtt/ye ghtrawhf .3‘ t And queftioxlleflb filth t {hall-tfeelte the x>6fehi,_ght ofd;ivihe ti-ifpleafitxe, foo-ner or Alater, who havetimadtetme-- A AA V A fry t1‘3Gt1hf£1=nd: h‘eat1*ts1"a.d,eo%»»by martyxiinhgjqyrt mu1'theVr:ing7Vfo1rIiet'oftl1re ‘yr.-4; ffifliuflifl t fer:/ants‘: of the tAlm‘Eghty. A The . A remenj‘?1b1'ance*t of fuchr AA ‘*,’5‘-"°=?“" 1ihe]ggui§t, was gt-all he-ahAdh1t‘tit*oA:'mu*ood» ‘unto c?om”'*ert‘e‘d” faiidh ’ 0°”? withotittdou-ht, this fin ‘iwifiafit fidiupoxutltveirAcofi‘AJhie‘t:ces, who ft uj-1t=y_,the1*eo;f, ifevexf tAhe"Lho1*dg_ive them g1‘acet0‘re;3ente‘;z ‘Bu: wiphrgtatrepentaxace. tfxis gmd bioiui fixed, ,t:o thcformw bf? <'.3«s::., a,_.jL‘:«’~'»‘*....¥"'-‘%‘: ’ Saints, W111 fink the 111m-1:‘-rsy of thefe m.m;*:hez'e.r§ into theplace oi; ‘ c;ternaIvengean‘ce.y ; A . A V V A 5. La1?Hy,Th1s,d0y€tx*x11e comzeizhxn a§ab}j£!Ck’b1110fII1d~1E{m.ent:, {mi audxciws a,g,a_inft ad fizch, wlxomce fo farm from arelégicms iayying E0 i=x::zm: .?°I¢?’J?W°"‘i"““" the deatzhof the righteous, fitiafi they hfereupon gr0"2Vy:h.eymorc 3”’ MW" 1 {mum age‘. 33"’. Jgwd$.nd.yIiC€nt101lS!nEhf3iI’1iV£‘33, imaginingthatGodxvimewHéth W dum W. “favour to themf§1v’esby.lenigtheniu1g their lives, vahcn others of 2; &;y]§mi:yga:iBu{~ more godlyy;f’cra1«u, areicarmd to the grave. Sundry E§£p0fi.tC>1‘S 9; tizmzeiazzrzt fw- Jfi1g‘gé&t“t{1§-S‘,€rOih the Text; But I may» has her: enlarge my felf, P¢"*‘5‘¢f*y’C3“'¥ _ 1 — _ a V — . . . _ La ' ' M ‘ m declaring the h0I'},"1d abufe of dyxvmye gzrovtdxsmce, I {hail rather pg: :33’: A vleave 01? this llfe ofRcpmof,:md proceed ty.o:E§:horc:ation. A dm Wtutiy-giy A To perfwade thf: goniidcmtrs Myizag to heart of cl1ecir3;2z.tI1 of mp-mam-wz, godlypcrfons. This 15 the duty, ythe: neg'iec§hvbe1*e0t", my Text: Sanétius. A reproveth: And thxs gs the praéhccy, ‘vvimch the occafion of this 9/5’ 3» “meeting calleth for :y,yeaynot only the prelim: providence, but Ex*‘°“‘3“°’3-‘A many oflike naturt, lately in this City, in Cmméridgey, and elf:-:- Dr G"“£"* kwherc,=fi10uld%work us unto this eiifiaofition and duty, wh1enM" yyG¢’Wk€"*‘ ffuCh7pVi112l1”S,‘ “ and fo 1I1‘«1nyy,y%yri fa {hora a time are takezz down, and “M” W/"€’“lmths:Prophet 4, iag,'\,,,‘;y’ My many others at this day fhaking and readyto fall, who have been ysgifg‘ V fl 3 9 andystfatez is there not abumdzmt csmfe, why chefs yfiroakies of _ «dyivine ydi€*3“* y**'Co»1z1yPav;21tiveIyy«z Aswhen the Apofirlcycomplaizaed that ziaflefielg ‘V/3"P¢’*‘5.’* L“*P~« ” tine tl2i:¢g:qf4Cbri_/f, M113irrte21iT1£E.'d»ytoteH,héoayfiew{yd )$;¢a2¢eyycam«-yy«yph;1_ ,_ 3,5, A pgrativegry: ‘S01 may fayain ourfyprefentycstfe.y‘yThere 'fl;1“’E'“b1'tt‘f6’iFf., yyeayversy few, who do affeéti0zi7a«te1yy.confideryGods hcavyyyhaind, A L” .yM~oreyovey;:,y might yet yy_fL;1yrythg:r;bt% .1rId1Ifced1toenlargey‘my; felf % f:,},1e%g‘<3diy %wiLi-1 . iazaacnzatiqg; _ % <20) ‘ iirwthis‘fm.:rfiicu1ax*, )bccaufé of" fizd E0¢nfc~:quences%df %':E1i's’ negg V a1c~3n;I{ha1H”pe“ak¢ unzo V t1'1c%ff’91~3I1%«>s%:' they ’ tw0«dutir.:r.*s whiZ:h my ~Text doth intimate (:=:xiz..)V 1 . Lamenpation, 2%.. C0‘nfider3.};i,c):f1V: but I mufi and win be brief 2:'z both.’ .As*i""0r the7f01*mer, the .iZ;*rious 1*eviexvinVg of the. many 'pa£.t‘i-'V«-ww % %cuia1*s hmtedzzz thefleafons dfm§*D0-e1éror%¢: Men fi.zIIA%%of% low: a.z.1d :2_;e.:1I, for Chxf_zfi~; the 6ofpe1._,»the Sabbath‘, %A‘%pure. ;O'rdii1a:1E:4;§s, , 11{;)}“§;7’. Difi. i'plin‘c'i", .. amzfa vightly-c0ni%itu.tedMir:ii‘fry', % ~ $uch%1iRe re-4 M , p1‘€1Ei'z3ta»£»Aio11s of the Worthies whczm weha‘ve‘V%_1ateI$yloft, may ~ *;p1*0bab1}’ m:3..c¥.1 (>13: hearts,w'1th f0‘m¢-fiiizable1'ame:2ta1:ion:a. And‘ A ¥.i)€‘I‘€ ma.v:bt3 themt;>reh<3pel1ez'e{=:f; :5 we would quickly; dear: ‘fig, ‘fig, «Ellis; 3~:iz1d%e»wi:{mi1::f feilves, xvhi'IeA%t};1é providences are f?;nn%ewh*a.: 4%3.m,m ‘:93! in %,£*'2':2:§hViz1 1;z%mi:>.des axidmemaxfites; Thus M1‘ CazZ2:i::[x:pQ:1the i7:;?g-3:54 E44-5 "1 s:~;::a%,~Im~: r*.£:I‘3; an ref¢ren.ce unto VL:M;er: ac‘2u:h,t *gvhrc11%Ixe' ;;h_erAem— F A’?-W€:%"~"’v¥?l P’~9“‘*~ .£?EM:12«2r:<2'ch“; % @f%Pi’”P’.'”7 SEE b€f{>3.‘{:"“}‘(>1IL‘(2y€S3g£5d}’}3’m0‘?.'£1‘1"£€fS5aShpfi.-IZt(i‘If'fiS céf imitag szj. svfis me,i.‘ere§V w<=:::: pi;'1§g ’€”§,‘*'*€S and »bleeding hearts thézve be in mémy p2u%t3%%¢f%t11is r::<.fl &€§t§.r, yea;)ofLhi§Nati@n,Qccafiézsned bythedeach"0fGpcis;preti~ . 4 ” A %%ousf+:rva11ts. T hink.wn:h Ayouri&’feIvesh0w Aman>3‘r4%%tca1*s_V fzrickle, 1f.“dOW£:t£beCh€&k€S -0f’WOn'ICn made Vwidowefi, %Childre:i["1efc%%%fa+ t:':v0:::. Ti1eP2‘0p1mw:}?are;zz£.z/ogavétlzis advim%C:w!£_far.r”£5s*‘ma:¢m~ 3~e,;9 .7A;,3,%; 233;? &i?azi¢W;,.7¢’&C.j/Er them-tem_;‘b y:.;zazgzmenratimconfider ho4wJ+%n2ax:;y ’ :he:7}:£*f;:% ands‘ ea le}%fca::ered»: like Shae c%wi~tho1z:a She -«A V ‘ A may (at) V A ”§;;.e2§.rd,., by the-file fitoaks téfprovitdence. Look upon jefus Chrfifia Jeoh in ‘S A A . ft": 3athizteingwit11A Vat‘?!/M, and Mqrjgmourning for the death Luk 19,40 ‘heart, may tatlfifi —‘ .P_t‘OVfh}E t -.:hé-ir br0thertL‘az,~:azrm. Behold himalfowecping overt Ac» mp-zzem,% inrefi"e themfehes; if/ye Croiamtzg f‘m1.A’e;zfrar:v2 ow ‘L Wee mzta 2A2T;5; that we }.r».~:.rm JG?Z.3"}£°da ;z_, Eafe yoAm'1burthened beam, by pO\E'1'1xI-3 them fzorth into _ 'toAfTes and the confequentiall forrowes upon, de ieArx/mg eautes thereot. As tthey inttheirt A A Lam.5.16.« the bofometof 0045» A5 f7’»W1fiv¢19ei3iiC1% E98/i,1 em .:z%'t-*;e’o:~:»zam ofoz : Sam,:.x§», ‘ .f!};r;»awfz¢/[J/Pi;-fit, tand /agave pax:red‘o;gt\y;;5y_,/ml l2efigAret4e.’ae L::~.v'd.t S0 “Mieab, brmgethem the Cht11“ACh , ‘in thisflmannet, tB%ewai§i*txg her" {elf to God, _wLi!pO11'¥i11€1-€.tfl_€.11t1‘1g of the number of ; sod} A7 (‘)_I1€’:r‘«,._1I‘1h1S tunes. wit: «.5 me for few, em ‘m§+Ae;«z tine}: £mzw1\A1ti%ch;7.x,zA. by P.‘ oumtmt V fzzii fifmwzm ft: p 13‘; V %aI1de;m_€Lny pom gqztfaered 21.23 .S%’zr:r1§:~7/zcr frm't.t,.-M the C]"razp6—;§fl:vz.=7i;'1g-@f“t13e vi;:e;-239;. % I/acre 23.»: no clzrflfr ; the ‘goaa’tmoes2 zét peri mt 0f‘”r;’4e MW‘/:5.’ A 3. Be the emote often and e::;rnei‘t‘ in your ztdd1'ei’fr:stAte; God’ 1 aeyer. tfietein the praétife ofthe Pfalmems 1-em1~ded,f"0r :-1ti%0i‘1.%He!p Lofl1_fr»7” 1‘/at G'c=dz_’_7 mas»: CA1:-.ezfi-A2/ae rlae fiziz.é:f1e/Z asvg tfoeCkz1’cirm o_, merz. In %t1'1its~:% ntztnztet, d-0thA“he0A1y faitla work m.1t ta1*a3§'erft*tr1na troubled heart, Irooiztingottttet fat es from the founmine, e xvi1e-ne t1ie*A [ti-eamest -are fhztllmsr, :>ra1.t:tz.. .,t»A A mA«o.girezz»u:z+ .* 4 av-M “ AL“. 5 V‘~ A "" AA L A ' -on {r ' .’ —~; dlzm‘ ‘ is 3.1 e quue dttetx up. A..tf1<.1 thus heip £01..» wltzth the c.,,,.,}b’ M 1-mm" : :P'fEl1IT'ti{°€ in this c:;tfe‘cr3"eLh mitt: Gf':d.,i$'€’>f largeA Cc>11%fide1*ati0nxamzi I;e,;gm-, a;e1dttte:etem:(:tS% 1\/TL‘"h/!#}'Hfi3*07‘f/3‘r10t€.’£tI1—.)i.”eaCht1'!g in every A1*egarVdV to ca2a12derA;z:§a5;;; AA A the zznetejfiities atttiettigezaees«wfA%£1z}e11 titne£g’ xtrhe1*ein Gods~.x.ror~- “‘tthtites are t‘t*tth~tdrzv.vnA ttesm the “u1.’()1‘1t;‘.’9b"§I ‘Streaks of dQ€tE«h.A‘Ht31pAttu;5 , \ t - . _ r.tm;»2u,, g'_g~%c1,;... 573% {*1 I2tf,f5'zm, gowbc awa1eened,11;tt111b1ed‘anti 're.f01'tt1ed,,by thefe male. Hefpwtth mm A figngmx, « ‘AWh01f0‘me fu‘pp.01't, 't':0I'nf(i‘a1"Et: and Afa1:~.%&if"yi11gt g1*acAe‘;A;AA+ ‘l4:Ie1ptt‘o Pius gm: 0 makfeeup thefe .w0fu1H:$reateites%, And in the meane t-tmegttto heme A . in they teptomtfes of .thyw%gt*aceA5 Awheereby thou art obliged totbte Q Yer y prefiznt Help in Ei.SI1_€'"' t>fvtz'oub1e; % A‘ F:-Eavixag tanslcmi‘ J;-fa; ‘ .2¢'mW“c,m_- _ Hzwingthtls e.i1.le.wot1rAel CO q".1ic:::-.'=:i.1 and die . 6.2% ) ¢‘flMQA333 % t§;”.t‘mn3, 1 proceed to fpealtra little um the feemd cli1ty+(l7;i~<, )A .591 tfikiflg aw-Y formztr, A y3,Il1€L<'ebyitl1«E_FOt‘m2t‘W'ill become the more ma anti end,COi‘1fi..li‘3:a_.ElOn‘. ._A%1d iioubtlelle thisis as e:tprefiy called for 9215 the _ _ N A % regultxr and “h“’3m“°““' proffrtslible. T0 move this COi1i1e beleeved, ("cviz..) ?I‘I"xat’t:he Lordjnilove .i gugzflg, M ,,_,,,,;0 his fai.tl1ful'l fe1'vanrse,tal111debe propounded 5h Wherefore fioth God thus take away his fzm.’hfu1lMinifierhs .> I ”a4nfi-ver. L 1. As :0 expreffe his great love to them, and to make wayfor Em,.,;,,Ad;,, 56;. the brheakxng forth of hxs fiery ztndxgnatxon ( as was formerly de- 172i21I4121i21graf;i.' *e1ared,A.)h {O10 puniih thehinexcufable ingratitude and fpirituah1h1‘“‘*WAi ’?W'**3 A debct;;r.Mai__or.h h barx-enneffe of the people who enjeyenhezn. The fr11ir}efnei1°e‘ofAinTm Gods vme.yarde~ under the dews of Heaven, prcwoked Godhto re-5 7 A ‘» .. «. Af0=1Ve,that the clmdx fbcmld not az:aymore'}Z7a:%5re dawn mi’ 14720» it." }[a, 5‘, 4:“. And upon this~aeeount,. many clouds fu11‘0f_vJater, manyh Minis-~« A fiers hen;-ihclxed witla abilities are bio-wed away, by the blafis of divine difp1eafL11'e. A _ I A . . .2. I may add, Becaufe ethcyAa.re'accounted ebrmfthens,therefore" God removeth them. As when people grew weary 0f Gods Or-"' dinamzes, fayiug, Xwam will t/aenew-;,/1«fi'ca;¢: mad the Smééwzt/9 l7eeWAm@_ 3; 5_~,,..__A~.:V gbne,&C. then was b1'O"'cIgtL}.tt1pOX?iEhCm,~a‘Z_](MiZi}7€ of hearing the Ward aftll:m ‘Lord. A11dint1'1iS§{i11dB,..EO fm:isfie'the finfulle defires-E, of men, is one of themoft dx'eadFu1l deemonfhhtionflshof Gods an--W ger that can be i1na'gined~. How greatly Ais God-s tvrahtl1hkmd1eeI,.A.. when 13: gimrb them up tafmzkfie their Zmfhixvitixout check or con-v pk}. , 3;, ,_ % tradifiion. Suppofe. ajpeevifh patient: quzmrelling w2:1n1zex>hy~ Ram. x»-.K:.4p‘ ‘ fltians p1=efcrip~tioz1s and.21llowance, Afhquld 1*eeeiveehhtI;1ise, anfwer, that the Phyfition wAi11neit11e.:' phxjovicie food, .1101“ adrriini{3c::1*7*ph11y-W“ ' flckany more. Now ,this«Ais~theecafe *c:.nde1* hand, Which*Ir~ece0m-e f mend to your £'e'rious cenfiderzuioxa. %When people hcomphelaine oi?! % p“1'emty,it{is jufi wAithCr0dto! take mvay—their eb1'C‘&’_d;_ ” eh ‘ x A A 3%. To'~mind.e andeprepaee 551' our own departureou¢:oF~this§- V 'W01‘1d_;V This;%God defi:.*eth, ancitzhus we Afhzri-1 {hew our felveshto h Eetruly wife : 0;?!/M1! they Were’Wfle;t-/2:zte?tk*g“W0.%ld' corgfizsi ert};cif'DeAm:;h gm 19;} lama.-rmd: W’hereas the-[;e01"d1layei:h mth1s; esacharge agai;;1{%:;r:-U A e %% A Edlgylan, Tao»; clzkzfl‘ 2«zut%Z,zy ‘reéuz’,/fifetlyizggq era, «r.1:jIae.vzrt,% snirlzer 5‘ ‘*7‘i7-’ A 0€fé’fue1i_»:;who a*ree» C“A“”A”' perfotjs is le fl‘ened;vxe may not f‘Z'1'U_i1’1t£):.,.x'3tCJ fled, who fitrvive andtlive .Iicentioufly.. A s at whet: the number ofpious; m p1ian,ce with the wioc-i 5. To prepare for the IAofleAofotherAA godly o~nes,bothAA-Iviini{’ce1*s; and others, for We cannot more affure our {elves of the lives of them whom We yet enjoy, them We could of them who are now Ade:-Ld and gone: Fewof your MiAniAfle:‘s whom God intthe iand of theliving,‘ are fo AAlikAeIytoIiveIong[, as fome of £h0fe,'whofe lives the Lord hath unexpeétedigr fl1O1‘AEI1€.‘d A A therefore for their removztll alfo. And to this: end,_.t,b yetbkeepeth A _; pmAvideJ¢' - ‘"1. Exprefle yourloveA ubntothem, in allvjayes antfiverdbleano A ‘$1 their Calling and your relation. A When the Saints fufpeéted they e A . 20. N3 ‘ fhould fee t‘I2%mZ.r face no more, tlarjfzzll zepqrz 122).: zeal; and Qjfgd him. The eremembrance of your want ofrefpeét unto yourAMit-— 11i{’rers,wh1le they were alive, W111 be an addition to your forrow A twhen they are dead.$ A A A 2,. Endeavour to makem eompzmy and Miniftry. This the Prophet Zack/zrgyoe perfwadeth 3fi¢h- ‘~4aT' Aup;onotI~1ibs confi ‘ % A Q Tomffaéty/very, W/953?‘: are tlmgr 5" and r}:e,Prap/.2et.r, do they Zivefar. *5?‘ .6’ ’7’“' eeger ?e%AndwttI1eApoflle Pm]: exhortation is efuitable: WeAAé‘e~; feéeia _;rm,,‘bthAtAlm:zt_;ro.u receive not zjbegmzce ofGod in mzin,A fdr',oAe£ve~ 3 A bald new is the dajoffelwtian. A %%Do~you;‘n0t tremember$4thofeA .L5“5‘* ‘I9-‘*3-A words whichAourtALo1*dfChritI’r%fpakebwith=»tteat?'s;A Ola t[QoZtft}J0#A, - AAAe2=,ren rf2ea#»b.4dfl’kAnoAAwn, at H134]? in t/11;: WAtlgyc1¢:_y,t t/ace %thiugJ'0f ore abundant improvement of their A. deration: Txma you new fibmjaw evilhxwzyex .~¢ “ V tAttp¢;zee.‘ You kfiow not how foon your {}1h1i;1gItights n1ayb§1:0\§Er&' t ¢1OuL§e;lh‘j,7%dé3“tI1,téae}e)‘bre-\?r:zlk_W,hiu[ayo,z-h..w£:7z*/93 lig‘:5’f.1”o* uh Jog, ‘1.“£,.:,‘-- . ~,3. yWL1i1o1yy*ou!.1i;3i11y prize and reveremte yourMhLz1iy{’tai.'s,5 ’ ‘ 5% not do-3pe;1:'ifi;1f'u§iyuponothern. A Th-5-: yProphe1t Ifziz/9 giveth this] admyoniaion fromfzhis confidehration. Cm «.4 fi:mzmn,wbafl-:-érmtb 55.3"}: /.223‘ mq;?r£l.r, fir r;;’ae«L9rd+of«obo]f:‘ a.’at/oh tafi army the Prophet H-a 2 I u . marl t/aa~pm:!mt,8£c. Couldyyouiufalhbly {chute ‘theuliyveshand Ii; barties oE“h‘your‘moi’:ahle azmdindufiriousminifccfsy yet by hp1a«-f- ” ' ' cing;coufide11co in them, you would both forfeit: them and’ ofifend V God, thgtrarorey thefe :1‘-may proavzdeaces wluchy prove their fraih V ~ty,y fh:)::5J"Ed:'bl3 argam-xeutsoto ydzff-..vade 1:.“ And“bez:3.ufe mmyare the 1<:fl3:y:lhabori.o:.1s in foéking the: fruitfullkimprovemontof their A Minifiers, hoping that they fhxll long enjoy tI1em=,;7 t‘herefor7*yeuyIyoira3 1-lréyouryfelvestolook upon them asdying daily, * and pr'o‘voke - your {elves to 11z::are every Sermon, as thelaf’: which they flmali A A "prr:21_ch:~ M ~‘Todog_y, While ‘it is M/lye:/to”d:~zy,y /a.r£m’e;4mrjmrhh/Jeozrty. , ~]\I£?ifla"er-%aéz_fi ofra mormJ>vo,~ fin» you 5@20}'i2’ not what it dpzyhmfij firing 1§_o -3%. A‘ forzfb. * Itowasotlxahfollyyoffle/;,~:«;;towputoffltheprefeut>yop‘pyor‘cu~ ‘ V‘ 17"‘ nicy, when God was"cl¢a1ingwith hisyconfdence by 5'"-»f’.aIk!.f dii-1 I couryfe :. G9 rlmuy faith he) for tbyé¢hrime,m¢d W/ohm I /Jmzan c@%n-‘-- _ V W - y A&s.2.4. 2.5‘ +aremem»fmfca2?2,1 um/i mllfiar time; for henever afcerwapds f2wv»ythat "‘ ‘ yfeafon.hj A Few Sabbaxihs finc’:e,u many of yo11'y_,1eard him prcachim “this pulpit, W1 whom death hath‘ nouflaid infthe duff, and you mupc hear: him preach no more; Be wi*fe',be“xvife therefore ”( Amy below ved ) for the future, andiimprove fpeedily, frugally your living Minihflcrs, becaufc you KIIOW»-n0t_h0W foor'1e,.how fudde-n1y,;the ~ righteous may ,pe‘1:i§{ha‘nd be taken away from your fervice. _ A Avingh now f'I1nif11e?:1hh;11m}“7AC:I"ii3§ourfe‘ uhponh my Text, I knour it * V is expeéied that Iyyflfhouhi fpeuk fomething of Mrkgzlpbo zzmwbm whofefmxerall1ettP:e..achcr Qfthc-i§Gofpe1.Q As for his Relations, He“ was ,a % loving Hfl§l)'3fld,a,t£‘fl.d€VIF3;th¢1‘52.€3l.'€fClll-P3flIO1f,,é1 goo<;LNeigh- A ‘ bour,_tlta.w.chea1~ful1 fCompanionl,_ a l.lfa1thfullFriendtL. In tlhis_~judg- mentt,h7alffcétion anldprlaéticté, he was a thOr_0W, wellegrountclcd’ ” Rresbyterian, and that upon a Sctfilpture account, being pCffWaw' xded ~th€§J_Z way of Church-g0vernm_ent to be according un,;to;:;th§:-V " ;miiz1d%etof€,3lQd,~~tt His» lconverféttionlwasholy, and unreproveable, A in, ?..@,fiLt‘riz2-ig.;c’;,;_ .‘,c¢it«h¢r [O3Y,‘a~f.'d.~$',_-_1'xi‘$§:.’.l. étftztengtth <;>f§fGqods lgram, fccuricngt him all thisl life long; from :‘t;h¢*rll€8fl?t9ta.iI1t of fcandallettt *H€ wastruc afld Imddy lélnwhis prim;-—%% laiples He ~ was confcientioufly C01’Ifi..3nt:-t0his‘Ck:sv¢nant neia that h0Pes nor‘ fears, czttafed him to warp, Orttto declineeithlertttow {me right: hand or to the lleft. , Hewast unwcariedly llaboltfiousgi-11l« ‘ the Wtarlmfi this ~Mini1‘ltry,, A bath ‘tp0n~jths:ll$aalbl§a%§h and his Wefilfily Leéture day, forhalf the year; as alfol for the monethly prépa~ ‘ ration Selrmon ‘fbirlll the‘tSacramcnt :4‘ And where is ‘the man who: ‘ ::a5mP€‘flf€d' more: frequently than Mr Roéinfw;‘t« th9;eXC17'C_if€"’_f0‘f holy fafc,in_g and prayer,.. lfortwhichlviork tlic;L01dd,.hadtfirtficlififiiifil.-l :«,:W“‘i3t-§.f‘».:fliV"_g~i‘ft§".. moree~ then” rdinary 3‘: Ittldiinlmtlthatl 7l?l1l€17~'l-' isnottarry ezver foflndthimlhuxtwilfiugl to Qllfigiilll. —wavye:m‘f extra erdinaxy feekingé-Sod, » acc0rdia,g “to: the ‘nfitfiflifiifil O.f;;t~h,e _l éfimés.tlflishighpans; gre.atferviees,: tacc9mpanied*t»twith seaprséliihntrtofrlfifptétglilthgrcecivtditIx;tl3i5:Cfiiy fi~=mlJed««him ihml; an»l.h-umb1efi.3{}d'.‘mge* ::V.§*'i1<5.€?(éxl law; .h:imlipro4udl3z lPi3ifl~.'3.9n.3§-t'§,- t 4 I J! J ‘« N, 3 ~73 B -22: 3 4% “Né: IV." n , » (27 ) Ever fincehe fctforwardiinfleaivcn"wai h h H % fpur, and thence it is,}'.h7at he ;jha_t.°h! tiiif pafghéf 11;i:tjoi1‘rx‘:f:l§:1{E<‘)f)'1I’:.)t(:E-xfiffr We 3 imagined * that 113: théicléinbt feién his iafterinoon A and ye: behoxd he hath fir1ifheidWhis~dzi e‘ i 1.; ii A ‘d’ i ,1. , i i dienly acid 115W‘ " unefipzgéggig fig taieioaifzato “fifudf 5a‘“rdaY‘ ‘three W6ekS‘h¢icei1ncfrom Iflzngan hith: 4' purpofeib‘o.t;h* to’ preach tWice,fi;afidi%im a%dm;nig&.Fi[11e isatramiem of and Pliyfitians diifwacfed‘ gm M which himféif didinmf corriiiiainofii Qmtiithefitirfie of h.i$ fitkfieife he. Wasinfenfib1e“6f and Imappifehéxifive may death threatnin difeztfé“ A ‘ -« ~ . . his anfwetgwas, ii iifilalzejhg mtiirtm cl an dz " w “ 7’ " % flatter dean: yjpbggz;{i;';f:be::zn,i:I‘fr he add“ tag; FWD’ .7” I/sé tlaaxtg/at of death 13.: not dreadful! to meg S’of£a.rf( 1f1:~£fl‘£ God) preffions to my felfe I will ihriéfl '1 C dew bur: er ex‘ I. ‘Returning thanks to a” fricnd rchfite’ gm. [0 ‘~'°“°l“d"-" bffigi" ~i i ‘< 5, E .¢‘_?§t‘.‘.?‘1i?‘T3S?iii17§‘i.I‘,°.ri.‘i1T lomdfflfling mzdpmjer with Z13’; ehgr 1 {wave ( I than/(God) frame of his heart: was enquired aéer 1211" i 2. tyvhm the pmfent 1;m,,,m, ,Mifi,”-ngww J” H”. 3 Wxswgs 1sanfwcr;T_lao:fgl: Pm”, mt gm-fliomvnjg msH96..¥Mfl{<'31€”gg;’:¢m1izte7;ruRt¢d,Iftt:{_fitflg "”"””.€l’ G M1‘ K" “C” 5" C’ Mil}. Andlar ch“ figmgrtggén cggggegxt ..M . . A . - ‘ _ {U1 \- " ‘ ggrtcgziofi h15M1‘]n‘fi°r‘m faqlngsa‘ he profeffed the comfort_ which a P0“ 3 3 1"?-membrdnce of his uprxghtneffe a d f hfull nerre,inam:h£tanding.h1siimpemicxion B ' " m " lievc his ownc fpirit by filem: and fiecfwit gw VG“-lg mWed"t°’ir9‘i regard .01}: his weakgzeife it micsht roft e]aCulat£0rd1?,'beCaufe%1n any friend to pray with him ifié ffid igjgery Pm“ .1C‘.a1 10.53" I/aém. 4.Ar1d upon his f_'0fliq,g5 and U7“. i Jere M nohifflzng Wzt}.7o2:t:_ in Chrifis bofome iirnaizig‘ iijédefied ‘-A an ilgshugfil 1s'bed’thc mg‘ wbgrgglife 58 %efl]_0Jmh. Amhz-i.s refl -I a_ axnfia true _refl‘.-mm na rived ind we are left {won a tro ,b1=~f' Cgnsii fma be IS‘ new at‘ ive aux‘? ;?~.21t%lo£T:;} ‘A u x’ mm ea’ [0 bewade zmdto *.‘M"" Mfii V?‘ - .. ' V - 2% ‘If =*PP“~ firiand and bmther buc»ni1if§I 11’; ’ f A " is °7”’ ear decea-«fed A A « -v ‘I 5 mi“ 1‘? °“1flC0y9ux;0wnpra&1ce. TE 21'‘ 'Doub:1cfl'eA‘ C 13 ) EQ11i3t1‘effe*liisghzath f;i‘5. matncr L of 1a;nez1I;a{:ic;>n,% bec_a_u 123 3; gaoa fi*tfor—rervicb.V a man ’=§W1I1in.g”i:"i Ve£v_.=;q; kindg to 1.;«;~*1‘;;3:vat4¢ab1e:,%a man‘ {cried iri {hf-Z u}?«V£L1m/wealile frfom‘ vvas+tes of.Gcds!1°1¥*v<>1*flMP» <1? tak€Was*= HiVsremova11v L(”c fpccial1Ly‘AirxA thefe times Of T0 much nefid is a.i0fl'é not bnly to ichg Co'_x'1gregati‘0n Vvahereof he was Paftqr, but to t1xe Claflis wh éféixl he was an Xaetive membrer;y¢a “unto théwhole Ch-.y,un:o which mg was pro“fitVal:Iy% infl11enuiaA11. " Tr1fly I b1e1Te God, no fee Afo grea; an AITemb~1y;% eixpreffing”fo' Amuch love un_x:oA this good and my prayers fha1lbé,;that G%O%d 'wofi1dwfan&ifie this b 1‘9w,m and make up lthiéj brqrach; F % thArough4the rijchefisofhisgracc in. J“E%§SLM§‘s‘I\ C1-i$B~jI manmand fo muchQ%dfi'eé‘tio%n under this {matting Aprovidencc,“ _ ",; ‘ ‘ W _' *4‘ - ‘ ‘ - " ~ ‘ ” . ‘ . ' " " E‘ V: ”"‘*e3|“+“!|'-"*"v' ~ "Wow . ~: - Im ‘ ‘ *’ ‘ <- nu ‘- 5:2» “'--4| C {"3" upon tlu: Lg‘; W1 zzmmf mt swam; ;cWta;ao4 A A tM1‘~BA. A LP H ‘R. Q ABt.I._,.Nh s on, tiger late aélcrrarzd fa?!/if!‘/1hPrW? "frrMhar¥tWc01neths am. died June zt5rt_h1*635.. A Flemg ex?ij}”¢2§c:he1i‘fes meafi1re5..then AL AA h Thy life was fl1ort,thy years were four times ten; AA But if that regular aAzzzmy A re A , A A A 5 h A re be lifes S«m*«z;ey.ore";.Ar The ‘Nativity AA Compared with thy departure makes a date of years that multiply to N oalaA"s rate. He was a ;nanrQfR¢;[},yetdid proclaime A V A AA A Gm my &_ L warre with thehqld woArld:Alufis‘ ;Thou did{’: the fame.. 2 pe;N_,,_5_‘ N oak fignifies» ‘7_~Wha’t cofi taridpainshhand tfldufistdihd he endure, ‘ A A th”Ahbuilding the Arfia Remnant to fecure? WI?‘- His was a fhadow to that living frame L t which thou xvaftbuildingtttto eternal Fame... I fl3w0 worlds he {aw of Sin and Mifery,.J t A fIl1c..fecond..Wor1d’is_ pureAAFelicit.y. : A A A A Rd an R: DR A 135; Pafior of- ‘Petier: Weffi-~Cbeap.r A A V "‘ ‘V “ " ‘ “ w yh ,‘ Cr ‘ “V “ A‘. gv AA A‘ 3 h A ‘W. My-. (3o)l %%~.§@%='&o&%é‘%§§&e%%&$&;&9$ llupomhela <=:a.th* army lFrielnd,az'1d much xamema A Blrotljxler Mr ‘KAL F" E Rvonx N5 0 N n Jar: Patton‘ of Mary WaalflathLmrfzéard:-flre¢tlllLofidpn; « RA A L P HE R0 B I N so N N;-B. . ._Amzgr. l Non’ {gable in praer; V V30 pmje: wel;lprcdlcber;liw: ve'?ell;T0 pr¢_3r*,Ii'ue,prc;w”b V Well,are three lCmm.«;-: ofG0ld to'fuchials Tmclé; 1] ‘Well didfi thouprmcb and Jim, but ;z2-;gyaM‘fo,* non‘ U l So laéle was in Pr;gyer,5fi aé~Ra»5iwf6;§.ll W l 3 7 l l Thefe three Crbwm endln“ on’e,l,la Crow1iofP$uyf&?; l Thofi: are Eartlis work awhile, this’ Heavens alwayesi j ‘ Jon SH. 1* B I 1-D Péfiefi 95;-Wrlviuy. W. O D 5 Gifts are va‘r:7io11s‘,l;;l fc$1?1=1'c TQM E ’ As flfiazkfmx, greatfichollérs :; llanldlrzbm’; V No Preacher: 5 forms in prczgc/2i¢¢g*q§1_lC1€,1:€lEép;fi1J1;,., Lively and Vpiercingjn p7fz}£r c0ole,fllat';dull.l V A 3'9¥fl¢.-h;W€ zlélfinowfieifea fbme the I<'.-:12: Of Heart; an;d;V;Ha{mzw., tqomvith great skill and cafe A They open all, there are 622, mm of God, As erft El£»rh,or .../‘Vfoflav With his Rod. Such was our Roéinfim, a man of skill To lapwfiods Wlaolelll‘Cf49“:“¢‘13v2f'c$12'_‘;mf1dhifilwillil A H6 yopenedlmzrtx bylprcac/aingl; andby Prayer He opened Hm*zIe:1,there gainfd he firfl Gods ear, Hisf&wam~,next,then (gram, his pr:/Encelnoxv ,~ from Grm:e,Gr4&'e iloth from _Pm}cr flow. .Mq[2=.r growes faingwhenh HM and Aaron fai1’d- Him on éazla 1mnd:,£hen e/!m4lelgprevail’d. A l A _ ; Lozzdaw growcs faint, time two fans: have pul’d down [Two prying pi//amchicffewelx in h§1j_A%C§g3{g?ggg._l ‘ AA A % .. , , .. .. W . l W}”.mk§r,5 <31} * iVI5itt.aI;er’s gone and mm/0,; gofie. I-low J6-Irv «mike mifightjfkz/Jmand we broughtlow % ‘%;j.The @n¢A%%Elz'j.zb‘wAas, Eliflqa th’ot~her,w4 ~ A He a grave Father was,Thou a dear zmrbgr; Two wk Marie: iddowes left, B4m_/22} the ‘lafi ggzidgiglg % Years 7m rem‘embers,Woalmaz*I: fuzz new paI’c;,, A . MW mm“ %ButTB2zr}2fZay bath a Wlaimzkér again 4 A L .. .. ; % - - 5 d .’ f&n~0thcrRaAéz.¢nfa1me may Wqalmt/«a gz’.un¥. A 7 % ’ um arfirm '-57$‘ fleziitxzé’ preaatzw A %- 3 '1 . LA flzd Lnmmtztian upém the 4I)e4t lt off; many A A 4 Minifécrsie? the City of 14t:ycar;,%ay4‘ a warming :0 4 \ London thereupon. hOnd_onthyAG10;‘y§s t;hin,%leaniie1§appear» Tlleflezxeja fall mar ar¢'fallen,feven thin fad7yca:rsV A :90;-t:énd4 Sampfiafzir {even lack; arecut and gone; %%Wifédam: {even P:/lam E0 the ground»ar;e: 1;hmwn;.; “ Tlmflajfs, the man offifgy, tla’7I:1o1m¢m5l¢, - % fTlaaV‘mmzfir_yczm, and wifedam wemméle ;: A Thy famous¥‘Dmn£mm, Gmge and Gatakgr; Strong, Aééot,fBalton, IxZ.oéi::¢fl22t, % A? 342:: thy gr-a_y }mirex.be:imes,: Afeetllyflagin E;ar.r.! A Thy la.zr'uej§”‘§ paff, flayvwintcr Roms appéars. %% '1?here’§ fewfifit up or left. Fly to _thy jllamzt 5: The Lam’: long f 1¢jfer£ng~tI9}fiI.lz2dtion ca.¢m't.%* V I He will not alwaje.rfir‘iz;e , j'h:6~:hfl%§1J; fent: 011t“4/I/ail: M:fl‘eng¢r:,:, i'fV7_nV'()rnve,'”':3.je4V[4)V'§2z1_t‘,; :.x I-Iee’1fay Cm: doWn&5t];i:4rev’.rnan_z 2¢a?%1*?g:'z(2i;cp{M;' 5; Cut dmn; 141214 .5/trren Fzg;2fce,Ig:t gg A j-fl‘~".,”"‘ 4:55-"‘{’p 3?. L51. 7 %1e4d))2g5£ .A 7.‘ ml, .4 _' r$1:"1'.9§1','vt‘-,&__\.‘§tf ‘ .’ _ I. A ,-M. gwfl; ‘L I _ I{.sa’z:1.'péa mnéirzfeize, Aflmg. A or! 5, MA; daélg p;~,,;‘,,,_,_ PRay»mu§:~11,gain 1*}r1uch,~but pré.3‘r% rnAore;a;1nd gé.inAAm«A0ré.% . among a1adgi:kmz:%rZe¢y%o11y0ur !wjem~ merefore_ .m(}4'.":’g‘3"€_AAl9.Afl7Z«‘/i.FA 542.4:/Q; Aligéter Warlg,fiw /wand; Workférg, 02¢ ;‘ a2’oz4éle,daz::§!e on ye-ur pm_yer.r therefore. God ca11s,Chv.rch,St:1te,y0ur own wants call for Pcoré; On 5 daméle an; enforce you:':'%pm}.er: themore. A A For daxazéla P%rAz2jerx,‘I doable ffflarj gain, AA % % 4. Do:46[é;AY0uk Pr2zJer:‘OnVEarth,and Heaven obtain. . V H IQ; SHEFFE IALp. on we Dem}: A of wort/2y&4mAlA ReAmrAem? Ffimd M;Rp. LAP u aR 0% B IN 5 0 N Baflor of 7 A A Mary4Wo%olno:h Land. A A Nether Cede_1r~falle1:;AA!. fucha tyne As juficly may impov’riih LAe£wmAan! A We mayAprogno£’ciqAue; iffuch Starrcs doe fall, Darkneffé becomes foonc Epidemicall. . And what deare Raéinfon .' Whdfe ufefulnefs A A Cafif.-3 this great City in a great di{[’crc=;fs,. 4 ’ Wasnon theMTowcr%fuffi»::ient, mufc his A”%ZeaAlcA A A Enraméed be to fervc» the Commonléwealc. » Diane: his chaines found harfh enough; bu: rim , Our joyes in him be wbuAried, in the daft ,Whé1; Ah; was though: the Soulcsinterpreter. So {weer a friend A; fo4Minificria11AA ‘ That now our Ioffe is Oecumenicall. _ What private dayes did he improve in praycxf,‘ M »~:M« V .~ .29: saga can A Each cafe could he unravel! at the Throné‘ A Ol*'Grace,when heanatomi:z.’d each grbane, Prayer was his lifcl,' how many famili‘és‘ll—lll “ Now wear the ifllics of his teares and cries." He was finnes holy Satyrifl; t'he~St:ite ' “ Gould not ~th'e heatepf” his pure zéaie,abate. _ A we fingle Starre he was not ;_ he fo ff1onc_ L ; His light; llirnlgfpake Corzfiellation..« q , lfieaffonand Grace ilneofplféltelwerel“-in hl,i:¢n;% * Few fuch as he would make a,Sa’nh€*Cllrilm.: _ %Whicl1 was obferlj-ved,when l we did him Call, To M0§5l€£2'1ECf;l.0~ulf'l gtfavé Provincial!» _ 'f;.'.." %ié)lV§5.1iI}l:I1f~:::l£ he didfo lMe“ch.odize 1 Ca1¢2£n;_mgl.xtf.eclalx/letemplfixchofis. ’ V Bunqheisldead; and 0L!f_A7:i1/Worlatlfal A 6 V v Ha_::h'lefLtlxe me‘ lldrldgtvnd nowi*slaed»from»us.# l Now Zealelhatlflfolunlcifts l Out ‘Saint? Knowcs not no%v}.%9w.tlo» ayeht hi5j¢c?1r,1<*Ml7Lu;é°til55£f%:l ffilifilélllylvféfifidtfii ‘ M l’ .4 of 4 éurnzng Fem-r ]Vud¢7ui5l;.l.l,lllAa535.: N pitch}? night when frigh.efui,1;.flam,es:lirEal€:;out;u- V ulnskilfull ;’a::1glc-rs f:::rvc no raxfem£lM?§rQ11l§~:.::lr 3*? Gods fiery fizune hath {lain a worry brQht¥l1'('4:1f5a W, A which [11a:"s'.€S melrucielyr chylmle an artlefs lry;;xI;;::*i :mith< llothgr, ‘May we but thus 5:01: to Wur aagingmigl l ~ ~ lhfaith,p;ralers,:¢ans,tg quench thefe we lxzivé 9% péygs; V upon we mm!» to W‘z%“«c»r"¢2llVl 'ofiawrtIvy: Roam s l.*"?.mtbf€3lAv.‘?¥g¥.€¥n¥!‘A1111; W?f»%!1ll ‘ruflorefllllll V A A‘L=“'5§At‘*’- All Qffmel muAfiAlamAen1:_ A A A The fiery punifhméxija ,, That ~d1'eadfAtxAliyh did.f1*ig1AhE;‘hAA And Ftlllyfadly Sigh E. _ On thofé rafh A oirA3Aa}aAi;g$:AA.h.A$ Surely then London A The cauffe is {uh as ~ ~ : ”Mu1chAmore bewail and weepjw M A Such Watchzneni fAali"r?17h ifégtin f’3:>iifaAl-it A Which did y0‘»ur'Giuy keep; r I Int1‘1ci'e ourhdéanfgerohushhnights. . A Your earthly buildings fiAred_A raifed. you to Lameintationh V Such heavenly 1iviAr14g.hfiempLés:hfafi11’1iA, A fhould-V raife rhhegflatisemé. To mourn in lofty vcrfe or f¥are1yAAfiile . A A’ “ A A With high rapt fancies, ttrairfd hypcrholies, A Over the dead gArief §rupAningA1Owhthehwhi1é In foulhh,,AAAAAis t’ aft a.AA art«inAAAE%lAegies h . g A A A 1 To wear the cloath of Art1W F119 Ma “ mjfigriefin ou:ward?wA6€ds exprefs, Y Deep Rn‘/ers make no noife Wiph drilling murmurin “vdice; ADee;.-p/v rrA1orta11Vvvounds4b"1ec~; moi’: within, 3.4 ‘Adr'Ay5irAr1,Igill;tAh§heart Ax1oti‘“1)’;'sA=.fz1}§A the skAiq.h A A 0h?thi’g‘11t5’thy"”d‘cAa;th bur” deadly Ififl‘: givén; 'kill%Au§ toworidhand finn'e,raifeAA us to*HAea’.vcnA.AA Thouthcn Elifba-likchmightfi A1A;3ir€.A,A..A';[ Au A A A living, and dAéad,fou1es to_ thy praife. A Bur: ifEZij7m*s‘hdm1blAe-partAbe fuchc,‘ V ‘That fome may“grutch,h ‘ ‘ Ycth1et£‘l;jah:"Namb, Jhfirfilméhthhvfame -h j hhAhndAbe AthcnA thus,/to thcc afi_;rib’i :* Here Hm {yer E1ifahAR_obinfan%; “"7 Wm M Exaiahs flvirit M, A Am42z:9f1ab”[j/§cp§zren{y"fierL j % _ % % In zyedlfifif Trfiéb. -' :4i?1c%3A]‘.:rfzmit praicr H % Saurapt £7;n’£'v:d,5:y~M1?'ewr:fire1aeAob’d§. - - A ‘ P‘111LI.E.R’s" A A upon the DeathoF‘tha.t"faithfu11Mi:1i&cr!o%f :heAGo- {pal Mran,vmA%Ronxssou, lam Patter at Vjwaozmb Lsmédra’-fine: L07/da;a. R AL 1? H nMRb%n_IA N5 cm. Amgr. Reap HonnorB1is». A Teafs guilt Lnmlmrd-» A roe: ‘ A ~p?ur%ASu;r1 ;s.1e§:,,gone 15 your Pafior fwcet : A * V inivérfe, or write in Gold A , % Tad Elegicsfor them that did unfold Chrifismifierics, dear Slmx: to g1ory’s gone‘ A - and, honour rcapcs in’bli1§,b1e£t Rabinflme. %% £1MridL«:&ures%%weMep,let¢fi0u.d§%arifc A A Seiliritzs Athat‘ ffeqwaerit” Mth%e4 morning E3LerciTe' And Sabbath;Q::~dfmmces,%Rivcrs% Aof"ITea,r.es T bgemzx ant: ourfi:“anes4;€>10fl'¢;%0ur V griefspur fares A: ‘Weep Lo1.1a"au Aweepflvgv‘S3:”a1:s;.ai1d»Cedé&*;s fall 3 % A Chariotszand HorfemenfoVdA3fr@m;;%h€e;>dbchAcall; §.n§ fad yeeife a%fceflr1d~sb1<‘:ft% V4 A ; than pious and Amofl lcamttd mG*ar.4k:x_,7 A And now dcare Raéinfim in glory bleff A . ~ ,byfASimeon: Nmic ‘Diinittzklaiid tci %r?eflr g ‘ M’.-flftmm A Honour and bliié they reaprin Heavens glory, " %“;fl’.‘ P£f*°‘;f .A IgcVc%’As‘1iv%e thcxrflyes and foinbalmc their ~fiovry.., A iealotzs Fever fientlhim to his bed “.4 \ V ‘l ' I36’) A A whole fervor wasfo hot for C§l1riPt.'our’Heacf,; Zealous in Faith, 2.e;1lQusVin Covcnantl,, A ‘V A V zealous in Pray"rl,in life a.zealoufslS'amt 5 V; S l Zealous i’ch Tower, i"th Chum-h,‘i—n“‘ Cl‘a‘fl’es all‘; 4 and zealous now in I-Icavens Provinciall. A. Elefi» Laoéigmakelway for thofe llthlat followlytbee. in”I;i;fe,in Lox/e,in Zeal, in Confiancy; Brat (‘cop dull Mule lei’; thou? diffhzkrbew by ’.\’c1'l_‘c .; Ellis“ facred Shrineghls fad’ lamented Hexjfe, W“ Gfiely let’s”pray“that lf’rill"och“ereomayo*behopt l another to rife i’th Horofcopg-l.ell A ' Sollweeps and prayesl ll J0HlNeHE'Ri1Nlc. ‘W Minmero£the~o0rpeal f ' 2: F at 13%:de;,LLoxam*; I m —...—._._ ——-r-- V-———-—-_ r— ,, U ,. - T}:-trf_are lam’/J;puéii/fiedfimgrall-.*Eunc1uz}lJeriwan: “pr;-¢gc]_u.‘{ . 12} Mr‘ mmeon Afhe, rzmzl A G:1‘a3r”‘Hay1*cis cro-wnedwith Gm.-, preuchedl 1:117 ;F«Mm?7;alZ of Thomas Gataker. e V Clhrdfi the A Riches of the Gofprellgi andethelvhoepe oeflohrifiians, ~7]2t;*%'=.!zc/.>i°‘a1l .4: the Fnmézgzz . spurfiow. ;.w:‘:1"'Th¢‘ Emdemeyiaecods Grace jm brim ginggainwfaying Sinners to Clarifi, AP7'?&'zlCoI9£’d’ at the , Fxnaraél effimt War:/5] Gmtlcfmlm 'llR§)bert‘eS.t:t“‘a"hg"e_eo* .e.;j~r¢ (gate-/oi/I.’ ‘ l l » re l2ef£u'd 5} George Savérbridge at the Sigxefgf Af]3.9‘"'.8liW6‘fi‘.'l.01:‘}fl 1;,,,,', . ’ aTh:re z}: !latrbr¢‘p;zel>I£;?2leldahll cxéelzlfnt ll ' uJfz'i%¢e /1!’ Ralph l%R0bilnl'0no,lll prams/zed »5E]”czi*;‘:e/32$: of l lflheflxire 5 ,;l‘T¢z_j/{girl I9jlSt:epl1én Bflwtelllfltel./afar S/gap fwzder Mam. A e.I ryjwoolzloth Cbgrtb in Lumba”rd~—flr.ee'tLondon.f A