Appoitltned“ But: Preacheci "1 In~ Saiflfz. Paula %Church;%A A O:N~ .‘ ‘ * % MAFESF TIE s%% H A 12 9 NIJHR .c 42.7. 16.4.2. -<-._...“.— o...._........ .................__..u—n.auy. ......‘.,.........—~-.....«...a ---.—..—.o—...~_w, ty:‘bri_flL.;C*f2urcla, _% Oxmm AA V L‘0 N."DE‘oey aaaaazza. aadyet flJ0%1dW*aae to a Mead, V1 /aave am“... M1 % R 7715579 ’H7it7a aa az'a;%ofleaflve %c1’2’efl_?5',; aizdtemperedit wife modera».-% % Fi0I¢e%“73’€11 é%073’?7¢8 I 7941?? S6’m‘/€e W? gaage Iaatla A‘ oft ’b,ee7ae prervaleatg, ~ “W/avere If/ye boyfirouawordcoald aot; Toexpam_gemzJ?:or2flrzaé?ioa..r, and to =cleare allfirraples, I leave anatomi- aed, 4 aadlaidopea J17/aole i;227eara’ man teitifbiag fame §DoEZ_:riaals, and Czrcamfiaatials now mack agitated, afizd V 927/aerem% I mtg/at ‘beemgflakea .;, looping *tberel7y to jlaaéiiaprzlg/at eirz ‘tlae fadgement of I(52owiagMea,ee *‘ ,?j1';é9ra.eloae J,careto:fat:&fie. 1 _‘ \ II’ ‘ . k ‘ gs‘ ’ “ ‘ I I .__ 5 ‘ e . :v--~. ‘ ' ' I a‘ 4 Thefigiaieedicmoryg /aednxr ortbezrcowfe to mggzt toget/96;” at A eefzlflfiieté obediem: ‘iv rive Woeieg Ema’ cbeeraefzr/zi!127*0te~ Eiioe in the S overagee. 7”“/ye we be" iegtfée 91};/9‘€fi%f€11CiU’ 0f 57761 Kéeg» dim/96 OF/yer‘ #795 gréete/5 We/3i”3 Of 3/ye Sebjefi‘. ‘I/ye compleatiizg of 73?/95679 WPPin6fl6gé3 J70”? Honors dd)» gvpraéiije; zmd di/lfli/1 be the [fem-5 dfld prayer of ‘ . H‘ e Your I-ordfliips obfiaede e A M» inVa110b£Eervancca-5. I ‘i ‘ .‘ ‘ -«H M“ 5; I ‘ , L Q 5 “ " r ‘ M. - 4 1 ;, H,‘ _ ‘. ‘ ‘ ‘ _ V- ‘ ' ,§[“‘”~~ , ‘ W '41‘ , 4 ‘ ‘ r‘ ._ " W ‘“‘ ‘ ’;" ,‘ ‘ “ ‘ A % ~*C“§?fwA.‘R..eb. -6 mm ym 3 ix, . ‘ ‘ . .4 .,_*__M, ‘ LI‘) ' - 1 W." "T “ W;-'1‘ :$f;“,> .‘.’:_ I.” ~. 3"‘ " "v, -"+."3"w . 4},‘ :. ‘ I M‘ g 93‘ “RE .. ‘:3-crga‘ _ ‘v ark‘ .‘ ylfii : fir}. 4 ‘W; "V I "J! " ‘~ . ' ‘. .‘.:‘:l: ‘ ‘ H ‘W W‘ "* RIGHT HONOVRABLE» u ' ‘ .. ‘ ‘ ,1, «A ‘ ‘ K - 1 .- V” ‘ "1 ‘Ma “V h ‘ w ‘v ‘ V ' M’ f» A V 4:‘ , " 3;, " Thegran (3 11.001 "" ‘ ‘V , , ‘ ' Ame ‘.5 “Z. K '* «'2 W N 33:“ . «V .,. (\~ - -‘ ( . i‘-v.~‘Q.'|J . W \ ‘ A V "7 ¥ “ km in . 4,. ‘ 2- 1 » ‘ ; _; " ‘ ‘ : ‘ ' ‘ - ' 2 '. 1 4‘ 3\ " - ‘ «, ‘ Q‘ E’ \ “ w) “ : ‘ p, ‘ ‘ at .. ,, ‘ m - ‘ ‘ ‘ .U, m0W9d’V6 P ”.T mid??? t/W :’t/?6.C0W~ P%l¢”3°‘i"i07¢t75€3”60 VWS ezzowgbto come abroad, ‘T’ 9: m‘, J“ I‘, .“ . ‘y "‘ \ ‘, Y‘ ‘ 7} 130.: '3” #7 3 t 3 % . Wm V “.v n ’ . ‘ - ' "- "1' “- ‘ ~ ‘ flame ire- %'l:«l"~'a‘ig-;*e"]:‘,. my RUM - A Vfieifedzflkfivee ~ C’/Mri€)’eP”0C!4red A meazeerofcommmzzcetzng it to moree‘ eeres, eedeyes 1:175:22 their o712we.~eRr4z~» lam refolved it fljcz/Z: flye no fmrzlgggw 3/aez»: your Lard/hip /1244? pzeafezo egdde meg; to 213;. ‘IT/9e~ee~c022feieIzce~—of ' _%ratz'tezd(a.;~ prongvtes me to eckeow; W edge that I /aeve ripeeedaaedgrowgg to meztwzv by t/be mtrme eemflemf A . 3zo¢tr~fioblef4v01¢r,emdj0 eizcoxmzgetb me to crave tloefdme iedtdgeet inflga eizce I/t/D0?! £19225: /p2lv‘递?‘I‘ we ~0fmLjf£>Mi27eea. ‘I/we Dielefz‘ dzfi:o'ver.rtZwzte z't.z§r 7Z0t.0f me? Lb0wr5‘e~eFarfree{§>,d§éd fziicem,» bjitee1<;v0m?tl:eDi$eterofe/aem e 45dlflE’I'6W11'.'6’0Ctf';’lé'2i0?Z‘”f?"O1fl m for... fWdze~e tf’eeeet0%Wee ewe’ C0eerr;eeTeefepemrme town/ke A edizte me. ??!Pe072~e 2::/as ridgeeofe 50 . eve?/We Weeeeees We/ieemieei‘ e 4 emfgte~;::~g %%%%%%%%T%% A ENAVGVRATL ..,,.M ,.;n.,_ ;,,,w,M.,,g, gW,,_ M M MM M _- M M M l_ 1 l 0' MM~« " H ‘ JM M ‘ M,M‘ “ C ‘ ' ‘ n ‘M ‘I R ‘ I M W ‘ l .. V ,,V. 4_, . “in W T 6 MM} MM’ A‘ ‘u - - n uh‘ W M M M I M «M» M Mr ‘."M ‘L " W "IN a 4", ’M ‘ .9rM ’ an MM _ ...aMMM M M Jr‘ " E‘-:‘$ 39..., / ' km" ’* _.‘_-‘- -N‘, . QMMM ‘W ‘;w m V »'v . M;.M',j ‘. E: W». 1. I I 4”‘ M" 4 ‘.‘'";...:-f; ,u 41 ‘;.n;,'_ M . ".19 ';_ ‘ 14M Ma‘: 2 M";-4. - ,. MM.’ .,. , ‘M ‘,i ‘ "M "J M 1 . f ‘ .,;:'.MMM:. - _ M; _ M, _ -M ‘.1 ‘WM I F Mr E K I N G 3 I TIM. 2. 1,2. fl mlzort Mt‘72e2Mef«9re tl;-oat qffizzll flpplicatiang _prayers,ir2terccfflion5, andgiving oft/:r.».mkej5 lze mczclejor all men: %_ . M A 4 Par K irzgsaamd/Err a'li.tl2:,zt are in Azltimrity, that mnzay leads a quiet and peacmblel‘ife,,l£n all godliazejfe,’ and borzefly. A A W u.u——-.w——~v -u-v “ —.—.-.-—m_—. wmmmm =.. 3. HEN Mvice growes flu impuml ’ dent tlmt it oL1t4bravesfl’w.... V‘ tlaarity, and dares adventure ~ "6.-W1 upon the danglelrofitfit were ' cowardize in a *Govemourte> f1Thismadc5ai11t’9°4¢ll. Wm B uruain W” ' B--«»a:-~«»«I-s-v.’ ‘ M “ ‘5 MM‘ A.Sern2m flfozffl 87% 43.1 >- % nfi]13.1§I'fiCthG&. was. ta cum by fofrgq arm? cafie wayesfi to fland upon his Jpafilwflvzpj % and',as ftig regiflred in the clofc oflthe pres» A c,€dmtChapterzt0 cenfureH}me;2em and: ’ filexcznclewg becaufé for fame by-refpc*éts,M.J theyquitzed their Station, % and apofiaten1A=% from their faith, and re.l1'gion., Now that: this, and the 1i;kAe%a»x%ving Aéfs~mig_I1t be 1 more.fucccfTeFul1V, he exhorzs us to mixfl mmfoulcs in an unanini1ous%devoti0»n$ rhacfo a bleffing may dcfcend uLponthaa: % Government, ., Which. gtoncernes the good? of all, Whether of deZz'nquents, that "they mayberej5rm’d,» or not deIi%nqi1cnts, Vt}1a£~ th ey may.bcfi2re31aarrzed, or the Common ‘A % “ refiirve-%Head,of£hcm oth, that the influa-A V ens: ofhis @’ower~m~ay be m0re~,%effEc5h1a1iI: ' in the ordez-*ly gu~:ding-Of’thalvody politiqgge. A So that %th4.e.Textis an E :clsortat.ion, Preach» ingaduty with its feverall ‘bTanChC5,' V ex/ntnrl‘ tl;ve:'ef5r*é, t/mt ~afa/ls Supglicatiansg. , zfrf, 3:1 2:z‘e%r"::.;>_,C5°i0.rI.$‘ :2’?/:d % 7:725:72/<6’/gl'A Z?€’_ A M mggig 5 The aéjeéi gs firfllald downegcncw rally; Eur all m%mV; an d.rhen part1cuIarJy,£or - thcVrIi%ofi%%Emimnt oi allmensfar Kings; % 3613; %fubordi.m;atio:n9alltbaw Ti.‘ ‘I ‘ i. «~ .. C "' “ eefliozzgatlel Tlmnkfgils irggr. l of 1,53 l[Q;»;g",- ‘[;W,;gg,;m;§0;¢;' W 4 ” 3 ire in Authority; The end, « mleada gm'et,and peaceaéle liflé 5 the quaelifimtiazz, in allgdlineflfi, and bone/Z31. Imull begin, as l am exlmrte 1; Hrllt of all with @ra_j»‘er.s', Szgbplicatiezzsj, T llzzreifa % The Eye of Nature could dif"eerne,"l"ha€ AW,‘ Men by na.mre,isa Supplaam to hislvlalieeg ‘ and tl:le_ Light 0? the World olie forefee that this tribizte of Prayer would be eendefd e..{ very where, R) that no,tdoub::ingeofthe A mattemhe inllruéls in the jerwze. When} you Marrlz.6} Wmy, Tray tlm/5,. The old people of Rorzze held it in fuch a religious lelleeme, that they inllituteea publeique Officer, the i;n_ame%‘oFl%C‘o:Mitor ‘Precmn ,tl1e Conzpiler ofSupa plieagipns, whole taske was to make par« eicular -Collefis upongrateladtions for evim. dent be11efi.t?.l.;ll And net onely ‘}{¢me, ‘but the Inhabitants 6f the round world us’d prayer; as an Introduétion for the l'1appi~ neffc Qf‘alltl1eir 44%delig.§1l€33- Stillthey went I10 'W0I;‘l$e we 6~"‘~7=.*«lll,-‘Y i»f1V€?r%%:;$CAhariry 5 by Tban‘kcfg‘ivi?{g 4we?a voutly with . God, than heart: others {peak eloquently ;ofGod. A Hay no more of the two 9 e1cc~€H7ci‘1A!AL Adukcics of Prayin and = Preachi n bu r Von"ely* this I. c.:tA net tlié or} c . juflic outthc other, but It-mhem gee hind . A in hand rzogmher," th3.1:God-*may be thereby moz~aae%d,am:1mevlamfied; T-0? 7%‘<.%c"9r3 myfe1€e:o rhfle‘ V7v01‘cY§%of“m ~ Tem*, %ImL*:fl*racquain1V~c yam that byfiapplicai % zvmdjwg&écIar%gV~anr 1;m;mi%iity; ‘?7*:rje7j pnoblfiim E “égeityv by In tercéflion Weméké life of » PW: % " ‘ N-M am .~'”wv RM of tbe K5113’: Inauguration: Piety. "I:-o « Supplicate, and 'n4»tA earneflly m Pray,J1.s%m propofeto beclenyed, A bet: meanes not to obtaincthat leaves ofiin the very;i‘i’rologue' :2; To E-ray, and not to: i%m:ercede,. A is to be afraid tdbc heard, to ‘ thinks we fl1all.bc pang’/bed with a grant::: To Supp1icé.te,to Pray,and Incercede, and % yet _t,9—i~nt<:nd no retribution 0% thankes, is Kathcr an cxppfluiatzozm for a due, rh-em~ a rmogn-vition of 3 Boone: Thamherefore A this 7uge‘Sacrificium ofthe Church may 2.. {trend as a%wcl1p:1%ea1“i13g Inccnfe, itmuffi‘ be our carcto leave otwnone of rhefe A- A ;2ofloZicallingredie11ts, %but to make a happy fiompmmdkof l?rayers, Supplications, [mer- %%ccH3oms;, andthankfgivingsjand thatli. Fog all mm:1;: ffhercis no man {O Bachbut he may %c%aa§~ lcngg our Prayers, and none Io good,}but A be maywhave need oftbem. % The. choycefi ofmcn are mat the abfolute, th‘ough1:hcH ..pxincipal,1ASub}eg‘tofour Dgevotion. V165: lb with our4fI’ra3:er's5as with our ;4l222efl2ed2s, by the one vvesdoe good toall, but eipecially im4:he¢houfhol»d ¢ofFait:h, by; thc: %]oth~cr we A are to folicite God For every Man,cbeugh in apeceliar, and more ferventerelation For A Q/{S€I"m0!3$lj)0i1tb6@d)’ the clrziefe of'me1:1.~ There be fame who WM have none comprehended. within the 151% cf their prayers, but {uch aseare fare cf the Aeenefia e farre fetclfd, even from theclofetof the Wfillyou have their reafon? its Almighty, and grounded upon his eterneafl purpofe. There is no reafozxfay they, ta pray For their falvation, which God hath “never pr 0 mif:-rd, on ti) wifh them exam all b:lifl7e,whom he hath aifured us he wili coax.» , demne, By way ofanfwer, Iumifl coxafefle e Ifllould be readyeto joyn hands with them cmzld they but e{ me: who tb efewmrei Butwwhere is che~Counfe[ior «of .::he Lomflzhat dares fay, this Man is a Veflelil of wrath, thatotheris the childe of Belief], and ofa third that he is infailibly aflfltted to eternal! perdition; Since the repmbation éfany is 4 locked upin Godsowlne boidme, and that he, whois a w1ldeOlive to day,to marrow ’ be grafted ifico a better f’:ock5e,l feene pretence why this Catholiqueduty fpraya ing for all flwuid not be Aenlargcdee to hxghe ,andlW,googog.bad~A Yfhatficheygdwefl %1n and let God alone with his. ¢ I e 7; iien”darlre- they i”ubje€c"»tO their tfémporall Lordfor hisfak.e,'A that». was «gtheir eternda1l%Lo;r¢d,,and Maflér. % » K; A 9i . ‘flfhig.fl1o¢u~1dfchooLexunyo§§ed fl_1.1bbom3_ Pf»zI.1§4..?%: :4- Semtm «pm: the Day naeflh arid makm. each necke plyable unlit; a11mantner.ofOtdinanccS afman,, for the‘ Lard: fake, for foisthetW:'ll of God, 1 ?Pet.z.. - 13,14. For facing all *1{_z";zgs, t without di- Pcimfiion, or reflriétiom, are Gods V ice-» gen rents, profound King janze: in his bookc of the true Law of free Monarchy, largtcly proves timt‘ fubmiffion is to be rendered to them, W.h‘c:the1‘jufz‘,'0r unjufl, not fomtuch astthty are Men, but as they are the Depm... A ‘ties of God,bearintgatkinttdof Divinity about A them, which makes them‘ pcrfons and par» t swerbalwaies Sacred, -and inviolable. If A their'iniun6l:ions doc not contradiét the .grcateflK;ing, we arembc nflimblctby an :aEtiveobedicnceV, in pcrfbrmitngwhat they will 5 tlf‘-tthcy clecrely oppugncthe Law of God, in cafe vve.canno.ttwelI fly from their fu1:y,t We mufi be content by tour Influx: 0-~ bcdience toyecld our {elves to betexecutcd rather than to executethtem. Bonmfl fat» rit gm’ tibiprgw, zmtritar mu»: e/hmalm fifuerit, tmtator tum eff, is Saint Au/fin: Dofirinc; ~Kin(g.r, if they be good, are oiur'ProteEiort, A iftbadgheyare Gods Inflrutments to prove ,_» Dl]1‘ Loyaltie. '*Theytarc7 fliled the ‘Rod of his Fury, a [ward to punifh finners. /Ij7mr,l § rherod of my wrath, I will fendhim to a ldiflembling Nation, and I will givehima A A charge againfithe people of my wrath. E~ fzi.2:o..Tl1ePropheecjeremycalsthacEthnicl< Z Emperor,NeI2ucbedneq§ar,che fervant ofGod lei‘. 3 4.And*:Saint ‘Paul termesvthe tyrant Z\[e-l _ ro in his time, the Mz'ni/ler of God, 7{om.13. ; This made Saint zlmlzrofeconfeflne that tearesl ‘""“"7 ‘e’ "W"‘fi4+ 4 ll ‘ V were his weapons againfi; the armes, andfilic-T*“d5*-l'l l S‘ouIdiers—ofthe Emperour, that be neither could,nor oughrrcfifi. For fince, as Tm tullian fpeakes,‘they.receive from God what-- foever they are, ancljare onely» lefle than *4” ‘9“P‘ll’ God, it is nocforus vincliftively to meddle With. them. P or who earn lay hands one God: Jnointed, and beinnocent? 1 Sa??2'I“\-140*" It was fP“0k€l10fI(¢'7Zg Saul; whollacontrary. to all Law,.equity, and Religionéhlzlmclcaulel-r Aw lefly flainelthe P%Iiclls:ofl:h-C Lord, " uuh ough Sai"ntAml2re[e Tin Apologia D;l.: "vied telsus, I\(ulli& ivocatur ad. pcezmml legibmele teem. Imperii Mrlig/fete, yet: Kings are not to 4 thinke they areeexemptedfmm» thee dire€£i«-' l m tl1eirLayves,l;iandl fromll eonfermin J A I "‘§fi'gi{ laaionlsl thgrcuntlol. makes his will a Law, ljecaufc What bee" ‘l A Indeed a73m: ‘Nils hclwilllliavwé to be a Law; but a good King m"a,lr dtsti; fuI1,and ‘awful! regard. But moi’: of us ad»: mire the heighth of their exaltation, few there are who found the deprh‘4AAof their Care; VVee“are take’n with the gold,‘ and” precious Hones in their Cfawnes, Wecom fidcr not howtheyeare~ linede with :I:omes;% and that there aretbifllesin theirpiflowes as W intheir E22/Eégnes. /Intt'cgomx»sfoundir5 when - hetwold an old wife that was prVaifing11'nto him his happincflein his ‘raigne,fl1ewin?g his Diademe, ‘that, if flue knewhow many j -v evils it was fluffed vvitb,fhc would ‘be loath e toerake it up, eiffbee Foundeitlyingflbnithe _ ground. Mcfls was-~a Governou~r~eby~GoJy A owne appomtmfent»; N'umb,e%:1.yethewase efo ty_rc,d out that he Praycs to be rid ofhis life, Cbarlei the fifth , afzere avié’, Raignechanged his Court For a Clogjflér.” It A is then the lefle that enigmsiti; c;1ll‘eparabIe propounded by A jotlmm, j’uéigese A 4 Where Ehe@trces wentforth to ‘anoynta King over them :,thC7)0ll.1’€ would not leave hf-is fatne1Te to macerasc lnmfelfe with the cares o£?a K?»ingdome¥, j_hI10§th.c"eF1;g¢ge treehis . .fWs=¢@::; o/:beZgng’:Jmgmrion; "2; ‘ A fweetnefle :,t0 talle Gftllerbltter; fweettes 3 Kingdotne; nor the ‘vine his .fi~uitfulnefI’ei, ‘ ch earingboth God and Man, to alf‘Hié3:~tl1-im. pfelfewithfthebarren careslof a Kingdoms.- And thus becaufe the Governors load is grea; A ter than their h~3not1r,that they may be won to achearefull acceptance, fuppl‘ications are to be made joyntly For the Sztpreanze, and for the fltbordimzte, for I€i2zc_gs, and all that be in Authority. A A” t ' 7 A ‘ So greatis the care ofthe‘ Almeigbty; to fee e all things‘ well ordcr’d, that he hath placed a threefold fuhordinate Authority in'thew World, Dome/iicallin private Families, Spi- . i ritualfin the Minifieriall Kcycs, and Tam-e , A _ para/Zeinthe Mqgifl}ate. For oneas Onetcana A norpéflibly. governe many», though his ~.Trince§y rnindebe accompliihed with He... ll lroique Excellencics. Andtherefore as God T tfinfllercith his Vilce-tgerezzts to {hate withhim timhis~high:€llTitle,fo hath Regal! tAutl1ori.«— try commtunicated part of its Royalty totheir 4 Subflitdutetw, that the greatneffe of their trufi i may put them in mindcof theitcharge, , yvhiell ,is‘« the cQntl'€1*Vat1on of tl1»c~l{in»g$gl10n~ t W ‘ P/"3 §?°¥l1’tt ari V e’flSermanu[éon%lt/ye 13.ay= nduajfand "our peace» Theylm‘ovellil¢:a M wheclgs, csfielwlclfin. the other, the Icfllef‘ ‘witlhinl tl'l£ gzexter, yet they all move in t~l~1$c~ fltength of the King, as the lurzdcr wheclcs in Bgekiels Vifion did by the greatllcdmpall. {Eng wlheele, w hich alone appeared- The Head derives influence 0f fcnfe and motion to%%alltl3¢lilnftrior members, Wllcrebylthcy C are fufiained, yet doth the eycwatch, the cm hcarc, and every fenfe is employed for the dircétion ofzhe hands, and Facts. 80 albeit Originally ‘it is the King, which 11 11.... derG0c1 upholds the pepp-le, lie‘ being called 3“ "V”“‘*5- €'¢co§>.a5‘;; 5%}? é.°a§a1§7§"A:¢'8, as 1:: werethe fou=nd_;ti. 2.;_;.Alwif'c A H _. _m % . % V N ‘ Krngacm ononwluch Ins fub}e&s rcfl, yet hchnth ding to the l 3'!1ed'l1iS_c31"€S,3.Dd Inrelligezzcerslifor the ordering flabilzzyzenruzrz ” l populi; the “0fthe@0mlmon lgobd. ' As tllhmefore We A M f§§*2,‘Z,°,»,~‘§°l§‘§{;,¢ lo we allegeancc to Goc£"thr0u~gl1 the g,{o 4 ' ¢P“°P’€~ 4 A We owe it to the King throtighhis authori- ‘zed Oflicers, by whoféplrelfctmcc, ‘and guiz.-. cfllanccn: comes to pajflei thatcvery man fits qmctly und=.rhis owns roofc, which is the endlovftyurplrayerég and the Kings carc,tha1; A lwclrnlaylead aqzeiet, and apeacealgle Aw minim A of we 1(mg's1n4ugura:za;z. 2; m%i‘nianA%morc forth: pompe oftheG%overnar.%, A A than for the benefit of the wgovderned. The Qmmonwealth of A V 4amemadetl1ataAquar- % W11 betwixt them, a;t1dtheSenate. MeAnenim~‘ M % .,»~,{grippa.4% Compafd it in his Apologueto the. variance, ='whicht«hcA members of the body; had againf=’cthe fiomach, they objeétc.dt:hatM ~ it dc-ivourcd all, and woke no paines, but: lay idly, and fluggiflily in the midfl: ofche . b.ody,whilc thercfllabourcd full Rare; and % fo the eye would not fee for it, nor the.“ hand worke foric, nor the teethchew for ‘ it, but every member refufcdito doe its AVof~;'« ficc. 4 The Pcomacb {cone after wanting % meatcyand being empty, the»cy.:e waxed dimm 6, thc hand wealcc,wthefcetfeeb1e,a1=1‘? ‘the: body begin to languiflx and pine ajwayy infomuch that at the lafl:"%'they were c9Amp;cI-rl+~ led to afford theirmutuall Oflices fbr the; A fircnggth ofthef’com~ach, that {o themfelvesL%* J be flrengthen ed» Thus it f'aresAbeL.. "tw eefiV*”e~4th;c Kinganjd th7e7’P£0plé, for fubjef-; L cfizion is more rm: theAgood%biVfLthedState;,a ;tl1‘m’rfor the ‘Pcatgeof the King.’ ~~H¢r&upon., ifomelvvbuld 1 have: ,ImD%iadzaém cQmpoAu?nde;d ~ofm; » .4m»ayV4Ai11A+3% ?Gm¢ke V.[c4o'nj£in95’¢i¥~%"i= A . om; 24- cflh erxames upontlée ‘Dav! V \ on oF\,vordshhhe~h£'ome*timcsuliéd fo1:For,and; A Andhnot onclyh .;~z:,..—.@-5 which is the ‘?eople. pmphane Writers, but Saint: ,@a1¢l,§KT]?€fi 2; makes Coromzm*"to fignifyh the 'CP~€ople;A .f‘ai;:e rem-em hrance, that as the C rofnme com .. pa{Tetl1theKings head, I?) is he ietin the A middcfiof his Subjeéts to_ be employed for CarIzl*dv?1! E“ 1z'{.wh % ( bing,Sz' A collidinzw, fi*¢z.-gvimur, ifwe knocke to. 4 their welfare,-, the concord, and trahquila lity ofthc CqmmonweaItl'1,heing his grew- tefl:hono‘ur,énd felicity; % h_'I_'.he Emblems of the Net/2erlands by fiamping money with two earthen pots‘ fwimmingin the Sea," and witcilyinfcri... h getl1er*“mvearc Zwroken, hath a ufeFulIMorall V Ploughfhares fhould be tum dinto fwords, and our fiches into fpeares, the“ famineof A hread, cleanencflia ofhceeth, and dearth ‘of « "all . goodthings , would make us fill the ,earesyofHeaven with Orizonsfl fear Kings, ' _. andafl that he in 4Aut72aziz3‘, that wcmay leafd _a -quiet; and peggggbhaj life. ' But wee are 1 gr9.!Y9¢ forthefc rinses. Should we come coiheahrc the dreadfull, and confizfed nhoyffi-of Warrc, V tI1c~hthunhdrihnf: of the 0rd’mmces,;h ‘If our tofqhgbe [§g?1g:n4ugurdtFon. gtowtaefat with peace,.tand4 fo beginne to A loath it,as Iflael did their Manna; itfsmade bymofl the fuel! ofdv1c.e, andoiccafioneof loofenefie, and fecureidlenefle,asifwec d ifaidtwithin our {elves astBa5ell did inhex: nprqfperityt We {hall never be mnved,the1j.e V ifhallwbefno leadingirzto captivity, nortcqm- flplaining in 0Ul‘efl1l'€tt€S.t A great impedi- mentof our quiet, and peaceable life are thomebred, and .domg/Zita/I Foes. The firft .arec ?apiflt,f.flzlft;~I2earted,t fBrr.zi:ze~benartedtTa-r pi/2: I mcane, who have aftontgue for the .K’t'r_zcg,and a heart for his enemies, facofis tvoyce, Efadshandsi ~«whowi1l:bc‘ready.tat every turne to open the doorc, and let the h ythiefeini andlike fly Foxes will {hewthe way for thewilde Boa.rett":> deflcroy. How- V -25 A foever they pretend a derePration? of thofc‘ ” ‘ “salon. A-2 _ . A ding Ireland, yetetflloieulld they tn ore then inhumane eruelties,which their Rfeudocat/volicgue fraternity infliéit‘ upon blee- gct the mafia- ry hetfe, which ItruttGod goo.dneIT: will vevenprevent, we muff expecft no mercy. Geéall,dmman,& /fmalek, 3paine,the‘1”ope, dc the Egglev won Id flyc upQn.us5 and combine h tta:1w!ttl1eig~nfoxces ?0:d¢V11T1';e us. e E0: as M. he womeg 26 A %VV~?%’érmon+ «pant/;fe«%;y+fi‘j4 A iaamet i:31. his Alchoran p.rom”ifeth1h;e ,highm- A % - A A efi%1}ate4%in heaven ‘to Thim that:rch,A they give ad 4 fignall to them without, and encouracre; , an Allen: to joy_r1c b1afp;hemy,vvith¢ their.d1_IT{ex1-5 ‘4 9 ‘W/h‘crc is now-that folemné ufe ofuna; nimous . agreemgnt? 7 , In % Ter‘mlIian:.d_ayc»s' thcmwas «fuck un~1ty~amon gC brf/lizmx, than it was adfluporcm‘Gemium,to theamazemcnt ofthcvfi-Ieathcn, Sce,:fay they-,hoflw the: Chris fi~i.mslove ca ch m;hc-rs and arer°ready* todye Acme for anothtrél VTht¥» =time.wa»s,wh~'én one» houlé, one boo:rd,< yea~~ on-c'foulc~ could fsflice threerthoufands, xi/'c‘1"z4.-3.2. but now, A (a1as.’)’\37c»aref0 cPtranged fnoIn. fuch gocd»-: * p,r%i¥aAce roofs,’ and ~t}:1eywho% {hould be one’ flejb, n4o~u:*ifla$ a faéiion Iikefmao %1\[_atio7i:.% In L isthat4which~Saint T’aulbIam~cs amongthe ¢ A 4 160*»: 3. % c1a;~vyjng,% andfl1’i.fc,%,_and%; di_vi%fi;ons, neffs, that wee dwell" afund-er under one Garintlziam-5;ddwefihearcethere;is 5am ongw you ‘ ’*‘h:¢f:I3 oft/jibe f7Fz4ugur4t£arz;i ‘*9 he tticoncludesi them aarnalli Fotfuch Sc/zifnes i are notof the Spirit, but workes of i Satan," t ‘ and th’el"€f01?€s he is properlydcaltlediin outs ‘ ‘i Englifh tongue the Divellg, from Divefla,» whichflgnifiés to ut1joyne,:;and putafun. Adar‘; for heis alwayies labouring todifi-—t folve that which God hath joyn:cd.tWhicre.i. fore to preivent the fnared ofjarres, where. with wcwmay baentangled through adsmiés ration ofmcns pcrrfonsgnd wriaitugsfiaint. Auflinsircflflution in his ninetccnthEpifl1csi to Saint» jerome is to bee embraced. Alias“ im lc’gsa5~»Ii fo tread ot_her~ mans. wiorkes; » that notwithflanding ‘ their fanétity, and i lciarninggt Igzm not of t_hci tm.inde, uns” s t leffc A the truth sof - tbgir opinions may app:-are—~ WI»‘ProEabili rations, rvel per iiutko. rt: Canonicos, either by-probable reafonplr V by Canonicall Scriptures. , For the nb1¢m»i=s~ btrs o.fCI2ri/Z: holy Gburch {hould be lo? ins-. f .ir;cdtwith¢ one». right faith, asinthc rtto... dell of the bod yiasltl parts are—it;fortt,1cd\gvigi1 one fouls. I~‘_o~r5{uch as the [mile is ttosmanys. members, finch is_/Zzitla tosmanymfoules; If : every member had a diflinét /suite, whet: ' t§Mt;€}_‘€'a..th6~b0~dy If ever E 5.. Y foulshsda L v mt‘ ‘rs , ‘.~I'u"r ~« -' . frmcss: Inn» ‘ V 1‘ ‘ L go "V the waters’ of life, [and prghibiting them ~ 2 e/1S'ermen upantbeflgv formeoffézitb, whetewcre the Church 5 And here give me leave to difchatge Vtthole confcience touching the erepre/enta. W t A 022': offlzcrecl Ptories, and’ fome undoubted Saints, asyet remaimngin Cathedrals, and Cbappel:,that {'0 I may endeavour to remove fame Randall, that hath,eor may be taken. My proteflatiotn is hearty, and Iincere, that A Ihabhorre ademtiorz oflmazgexjas well relative» ‘ t 13,33 a£jfi2tlutely.No worfhipis to be given ta A thctn,di~re&1y inchcmfelves, nor obl%ique.:# lybyrefletfting on the prototypes‘, which they Vreprcf?:nt.t “Where they are yetremaining, ' they are to he ufed onely as Ornaments}; {or \ HWUT;C4fi_'C0mmem‘O7dtiT€5.; Grqgéa the great, who well might Becalled the lab‘; of the befi, and the 611’: of the woxjft ‘Paper, firfl‘ ~ caIIed% Images Lay—1nen5eBA00/W5’; the %pe: A fueceeding made an impious ufc ttluereofiby teaching th ey Aw ere th e-Ofleiy fit bhookesvfot the Laicyt? to pore on,$f = dvcptivhing them of to rcéd e the S cjripatturest, eo?”t1traty «V toxthe ex-. preifilcttcrofthe—tScripttti5e.%eeItt were fomce A wyhatwtelctable hgd ttheyintetprcetcd, e thofc 7 e yards 0/E!/90 1\iztgit1rmugurat:qn. 3, wotdshdidonelyhmctme that ignorant men bytasking what isfignifyed by thofe jfigpm. ftntments,. _WhiCh thc fee ptiéturetd before their eyes,and by pondering a rightnnfwcr h tothcir queflion, might fo be inftruéted as it were outof a booke, t that the piety of fuch holy petfons, a.nd~ £ElCI'C~d aéts,which« are exptcffed by thofe vifible obje éts,ough‘t V t to be imitatedtintheir livesfiand deaths. But fuchtahtfobcr ‘confirmation hitshot the fcdpe A tof*'their~ mcaningifor they infhniét the pea» {ale downe--right to Idolize them 5 Bellarmiine the Atlaaof their predominant Hierarchy, V doth not tremble “termin-i>5 t terminantibzuj. in ; exprcffe tetmes to averre thatthch Images of net-magi». ' Sanflo. 1.. 2.. A Clmfi, and thesaints; are to behworfhipped tn, . not oncly improperly, butproperly, andt_ themfilves, {'0 that theyterminate the ;e A xvotfliipgtefettted to them. * « \ Fmmyowncpart,:tas~I willinotstconteendftf with flmdowes, fe=-Ifhea1lh..n*ever t any »wayt.~ t fltivc for fltadowcs, betetiengrcfolv-ed to ap-» ’ V pstove no further the fa external! dtcoremeizts, and: other cimmmflantials. in G0dI*.'htQuIe,~ttthcn ethetfllicy _ofthc Landwhcrcin I: live,:fe~;t{;haH _ 4 ‘ _ 4 Eh§91§W Tufll. 1.376 0f- 5 fic. " ‘ 3?» . thimke good to fi'Ipp”0rt.A And thislafizpl.‘ A e pofe is'to kcepe within the compadffe oflcaa “ ding a quiet, andpeaceable Iifi’, in 4ll«rgodliHg[f'e, A amflbone/2}, which-vis t:he.c1oIee of my Text, A 2/! Sermon upon £56’ DU‘ and the totailfimzme pfGI2rf/fianififir.‘ ‘ TI1eheathen—O'mtmtcou1dfly, Inter 50230; me‘ agere opartet, among good, an-ciéhotaefi emenemufljbe good, and honefi »;d‘eaIing.5 ‘ much more thcy who eprofeffe themfelvcs V ~Cl7rifli:ms‘ fhould beth~L1§ afiE'c‘fted.Forfin¢e' ~man»is a-fociable“-Creature, every oneowes wthat. natprally to another by which humane :fociety_is cenferved: Butmencannotielive, « Q e'andm’nverfe, «if they may not beleeevgande =truft oneanothere in g0dZir2.'.’fl7:, andee/améfly. 4-For x;his~1‘ee-rning zea1e,this formal} ..hone{’cy is like the Tzrojmz horfe »-in Virg:'l,ws:h;ieh was egpretcnded thegifc of Minerva, but Proved the.-mine ofirroj, So that godlincfle, and % 11 on eflyg ‘faithfie and good; worke‘s»m'uH:.cga‘t1;nea,.Cxho1' tingall:in their fupglicati- , {_.J‘ ‘ 03?? 4 A33 ‘ aadulterate, awcounterFei1:Apeace,ic”turnes the A i grace of-AGod intoewamonnes. In gbdlinejfle; % A otherwife our peaceable life is no better A ~ then confenting in afafiion, in a Combina- ea tion.;.fortherc's Cantor: Ocliung unityirlha-a J34‘. Tg/1 Sérmoiz upon {/26 Day. ~ @fis,pna".yers, Inm:'c£*f:‘;'iOns3 and Irilxankfgi-Q‘ ¢[ . vimés no n1agn“ify%¢hc./fim zgbty, byfi.d#the pro... % vidence ofwhofc -goodmeffc we ha*vc»atc,.:~«,§ € nnwn%ed~AICing,who “is an jV11duIgr::ur,%&carc,;~ 5 '. ffl11F8!}1E§‘s0f:'Eh€ Chm rah, , an-dCom?m0z1~» 3: wealth a dconfla mt, ¢ Exerrrplzm ‘Enscoumger, "andAAdv%an§cm* of; aiifcgodlizzgyjfe,;;andVV/zone/7);. Some K¢'.72g._s' have« be-ene fa .;comp~os’