7‘) A y 11,, ‘S Q F0 R Z103\(.J A s 5 RMONT Prcached before f‘und_ryOf‘ ‘»'t”’he". Ho.» F TI}: 0»: W 1 L s 0 N Preachérof t1-1e Wércl E A A 1 at 0t79cmzinwZ< E ‘ "."':2ara‘5 “iiourablc I-‘vloufe of %Commons St. c_;34,4rg4rmayt Weflminflcr, /1pril4. 2 B‘ 3 . V» _LONfl0M Pfiggted f'or""Iw57zVBar2flét;;a_nd are to befoVl M 4mpnearVS.A;y?imwGatc;.in ‘7’a;?;l:»Chuggf§i44;yaf%dL%x64r;C, A - A A < 7”; 4*: A}; At A CW ' .‘ ‘ ‘V, .v,,.,.. ‘ “.A ‘ ‘ - .:* ' ‘ ‘ ,w_. ‘. __ _‘ .‘ ‘~ ‘ “ Vs‘ ‘ I, “ L. ‘ ;-‘v’-“ ~,u-WM“ . I ‘-5 k W a 1‘: *. V‘ M -M ‘_ a ( V M, ' ‘ .‘ . H’ “ I: ‘ “ 9'5 .. >1: 1* A fig: _., ¢,‘:«[-;,_%.;.g*,E:,.y,A,-,,!.,«S5 age. .4. E‘? " Efifl‘- "" % " " " ' A ‘M O W - ‘ V % ,4 i§~i).»‘E"'£f§;"“ 5:~";);~g(2~__ ‘$939. an . . , .. ,. 1 .9, at” ‘~ my-m. MT’ .- >. TO ER. 1 G H T _ % 1 L . x PF . A_ « siV:}% EDIVAR13 2) 5 agzzxg 0, ¥ If Sdre?Id6n+3éri?££,& in tfic Count! % Aof‘K6w.1inighAtan"riBarontr-4 W Bemards: fizyingg Nemo cf-E R fa Z "b70I~1i1S p1;L;1fquém ~VopartecA po- 3%-E9-9%’ zcfl: T/Jere notA% czAmmz; dlive can ““”“‘ » be better tlyennlznefliould be; and it is ‘fiaitlzout doubt be not good, w/ao:would.'n0t~'Z2e bet» A ~ ter : Ubiincipis nolle ’fiei'ime1ior,ibi*.etiam definis effe bonus; adding they lag»: projfiflfidlj the~chi1d1*cn of the 1u1ke~WarI11'I«, I 1l177Ofl1)I5 A W112 belrzolaetter tlémiour ‘Fathers? :No1umus eff: m€1i01-¢sA qufim p21trcs~n»oPcr-Ti; w72ererx«:t men are in Re-licgion not to be flinted by any zintzquity, V but zpgfmt divinefiorrz ‘Godf t/neflrzcierit of dayes‘. The chfldrcwn of lighit be proficients, t/5&3}:-zfeaf/1 forward, tbeirflmrk comes t%oAI9e444r%C°~"l9'a tI’‘?’‘_’’ 5957‘ d_2zzc_>/3 rvelzement flame; God hath kinfledzhyaur % 4/3 2. V ma./z 1 an ardent lave to the laozfflaof God, you: A fiea1eP1'0Vokcs many, yourzeale make: many an ‘I (glad/aearg, 3_2og¢r_%{e4_A;led%I9o22pur: %G_Qd, w}9t.)l75tt/917z‘4t % ’ “.4}2bnaw{uponyow — VFor~tIae2n*t/mt honour Iazmjae will bonburlpgfpfézzg emplryzment in tI2e'7aonourz:tl2le* ~ . C 6mm5ns'“§n @czrZiame’nt," caZ.&4 fbrwgeale: It 1 .;‘”’AE?£ve% to ‘fit all on work, ‘the élmnd, "tbe t0ng,.t_¢e,,fl,11j72(:j /251451, t77e;/7641?-V 2-%‘:C4k; f}5?36{)’; it aniciter ezteéézji ¢9fi{_e’[ZI_yé'3 %i%r2V_its work, V Wine- % ment 5 itfieflowetbtiae top ofafiefiian, andflrencgt/2 grintentiorzsbzz what it lows‘. * 4. zIj]9irincg 5 it 135 like A "}5igJ2¢f£:gZeJézéng 7%t0iz;2t§> u]2*ne;¢fer.'A,l颒a19en, necgrer C ' tI2e:‘_§L“0rz1;4'%. ‘24nciently,‘7t7aey% wq/2a= pijlali/bed B00/{sf W rwere“ 1§0nt;“ to /20220151-’e2f2nc%z gas wit/2 tlaepatrorzage of” % ‘ ‘~ikat;mbicI:;f£1§qj1 tlaem "£0156 7:015??? 07'fW0f’_/]5I’5 ‘Tbtb/iam tbevi may t/yié‘ 4 pre?fent% z’_;iQ;*d zeqle N b,r1ce you:' heaxgd With paticnce)fl Ea ’ fledggated moreAFproperl)I,A tlaen unto you? 2{iEiZi:ije& c_,ozgjmzz5.i'Az'o72V wit/2 geale, ,:grac:ed-it wit‘/,»i % and nz40cl.rfly-, render you amiable to __ allit12zzt%know. yqzk, and /yonouralale in ¢minde: r/ml: _72eZzre'y0fi.4 I l)u72zZ9l)_I prayyowacceptdnce of j¢1zeiiz0;‘i;{ingy6urzeqzlefiir 23072 5 2"e2:1d‘e ‘not Vi?e7:efiyeIZie'zcg')v0i*d5¢ qvfj2cz2ziz:yi,27z)%z1flzz;Iy um»: to be not _ }7la%zjiZ>Zebutprc)fi't4Zi1e5% -Nos autcm quiurervum ii.‘IZf§’E§§§§f~f? 1m3%i%3 ‘1“5~?¥¥ vY¢§§§‘rgH3 V genatorcsj ; utilia “ A p0_t1}J§_; ‘ ...-ya E 1. as room: A Eaiiubs qufimb plaufibiylia b{E:é’camuoro: Tbzislblb A -prejéntyou witboll, to deliver ‘myfelfefiomfijfition and imputation; of .2131" igoztloankfiell mifide..‘toword: you’, wbo eozmtezzanced me witb gaze ""mentz'on rto‘o "bo-- " m”Y°!1r M * e e peach In Par- y ‘noumble fr-2;? me, zoben Iumej in contempt 5 zbbo Iiamenytgwheny I was purfucd 1 bteflifie A my rejfefi‘: tofyou 7:r"zucb' bborzozored good by , pm.;c,,;,,t ftomkhc Arch- A 5me.2ze'for °~mell-elobzcg thérsbzcale bflzozawldb‘ oloefbe mm? ofcdbm ~ confirmed me, but t/Mt Tyouir 'z£'a1c:zb‘corfiemedyou ff)!‘ not twin: o for I /mvefieeiz God in you , yet I bezve ezgreczter borzycylb agfiilxfiygboth of deeper ockriomledgement yourygeole, rtbeizyozir &°' ‘ g i Q , 7 _. {PEI :9. }g,. V many finzours to‘me-word fsomtozmt zmtojewbzcb urtbe _ fizit/afd dgfcbortge oftbot plooe tbeCooflt2y_bai72 zvortbily pot _upo22 you, and intrufled you zvitboll; wbereine your flmvordvzcflé for tbe good of tbe Clmrcb (tbe welfire wbereof 1}: above my cbiefejoy) bot/2 been to my pom fort,botb wormed many ez bean‘, oézd boatb ooccofionedb t/fionkjjgiving by many wzto God. Tbefluit oftrue zozflome :35 credit and confi- A dome, Eccl.8. l{A..md:7’lS lmfclome make: /21?: fizce to _/bine, and tbe boldizet/]e of bi: fizcc flmll be cl2'm;gecl_.,No A A aefoultlefle ondfiaczrbejfe. M/.‘bc.10}”?Z‘)10lt1’j7€}:fi}?1d/I ficiencies with tbeetruefear o_fGod2o wffl’ mom treat... flzgugez qeolouxs fi2rmc1fdnefle for Godscglorykgoodnes, “ ezrzdcgood cezz_zfl2?5,,b zoloerebyyour publzgue imploymemfy may be ble/]ed : Keep good corzfiience, tbe dearefl jewellyowr beort can bare in its 251014 4 conflrmty A be oeomzu » .#Em1: s>:1‘~:;L E, ,_n..‘..»«...‘ cduntermotio;z*tvt1je%Comfé tlée w0rld~; m§na'e 2142 life grace )5;/mt L mint]: 4 fizrre % Z?xceIJVA4*‘z213,or« WW’””*2atur€;~ art} 0fP0li5j’5v~ t}mt:. .mmze; A giad rmzaiales them.» I/I//mtycm doéfarGaa’ flee M rz7mz,aaL4:w are. to be rezzz;/mi £31005; Lam; '_m:¢z jét "their atcb by fine Lfiyall, 1 a22c£ the A A ‘ fflgéézllilaytlae 31m.r"m_ty tine znflwyau %:l;zz5dui~,t15e I mar; 'rLfl"wi1ly0i¢~ finale.‘ 222% mi ¢ _prayerJ"%ta%At7?ie ofallgrace,Tha.t he may efl;-3. 1i£h'y%our heartunb1amgbE.c::inrho‘limei'§é, zhd guiding you by'h%iAsVcoun1%11,} a.t‘i:<=.¥r xecexvc you to. glory. %. V; %» _Ynur VVQr£h ips % 4 * A‘ Petitioner? ta: tha % 1 T 30: W o:N,. “ I‘ ‘ 1" “ d ‘ ‘ H ‘ ‘ I Q A A " % Preac « cd at VVjr-.s'I“MINsr 219% 1 - % % Aprill 4. .3, "L. 1» The «gaze gravy »=é~.»: '. {His ‘Bffdokc of Prai{'cs and f iri-tuali . ;, 5. % ~ Songs waéspenncdby d1vcr‘e.AmcI.1?=?f \ -2“ 793 Thisis evident by fthcz various aargu... meats in it; Itisthebrs:viary of the the: art Qfpraycrg : A % “ 5 Bible, the.anatomi‘e of cotlfcicncc‘, A B -ms 4- . ‘ W WyA%2” ‘ 7 --acommiirzs}; efl ,Pf.2;3;%::z»5 ,;»;3! ya’- mv '.Z3z1Z2§dis. Q % °9\gI33Ei«d«V; _ Clmfii. % “ 2-:3‘? am§oo¢2fle¢'rLV “ .'EccZqfl}:.Iua. §?§r:al.in19c. cam‘: ids A to God. For, z'E[?M‘Pfi'flfiE~ . % h‘ fizz: irzixt-:2: ex ‘ «:m02'e,;iaIor6. ,__;,, ‘ ,__....,.»m.W » _ ‘.. -......... 3" J”2'e;Zé7}%§5*L r "o N. This.;PI3:Ime; ;i:1fpi:"-Jcciof’ Gad, [was Writ by D4... =w21:.roy.fi1l%Tp%¢n , fgvI;1,Q Wasi both thefaghep and fir“ gluiejojf Iris not purely prop¢rAto either Cf/9*»fl‘3‘M'91‘\DIt’??5“§; iAbP?”C0mfD0fi 50th 130 . 13%” aflé V wish 11;; cm». Ta D4wz‘d[%t try; ’,'.;.%7;fo thé:=”W‘C/Jzzrtk/9 f;;gdpheTt:1gé'a~l1%y. 7A 4PetitZé):$?;; Pfalmé confaineth 1 1 ”’ WA A 1. A pa~;:;w, }1a;3{J¢1aa;13b1y4¢::eq ue*m*:%’g agar; V‘ IV, By fizppliikifajég tczfbe dfiyivcred from 1nani“~ fold t%rot3‘1?$§s ,¢V.,V._iL&_;:2‘z.11A'%c'c‘T mfers ‘%¢7.$ff;g«ve wee 0. Var/5 “" 2% Bw?mz*warié%&w§:h p%urei?%eI1"e of gainfl perfecu-t_,0“rs ,, L%etW?79eir t4£ilE % .4 11. Arezgwn o£1zis‘z~’M~e;wuaz%,:r;=;ez+:2=i 11'! . We onréain many 1 “:‘\ l;;“ F7,“ .' ‘ N‘ “ ‘N rj “»; e was good , he 11 ‘ éfied A %_ Fdffiislove T5&4${§:i~lc3qft@v 5 ‘ -...,, ‘ ‘T/7e male. % A A M hot as fire :_ V *5 ~-%na£#atay"5»{iag1e? a7'1‘¥e'£fi;on ,. but the earnVef,’g,:3cff§a%11é%i£‘V¢f¢@fe‘so£a«lL%xphu afl3:&ions¢,liking .9- O or difliking, aslovc arid’hLh(at‘r€d5‘gi"iéfeAgnd joy, A -» dfefi-rés;“fc}éclig§1ts,%fcares and,angé1' ,,r f€>y_1c:d”v:"o_ the; h’ig}:efi?cag‘rée ;and tpfithje %;h~ozr¢fl tem%;2ndii;-;., A that A"4whic%;.%oppofe%rh4 a'ez1fion?:1‘ W V I ‘Iti‘S' f¢f4"4i:afl:5€=Z¥i11;as’f’finand;1’inners,wirfiall _ _Gaaa€3a-%will;%az1d§7gI ry 3, with kgpglgd anger and mdxgnatzon. rm » 5%. a V. .,,‘ J ‘ ypicallyg ta V W; , ' ‘'".t'I~v-‘a*r?g:.if) ‘aw. - - become at fizare 3 A £b%~?6kf'£ Amzm me up, 1 *5 .\_",x - . ‘I In .‘ .5.‘ n- It '14,‘. ', .' ,“ _ u 2 ~33 ¢ $D.;&;ifE~§W Z6416 " 4 ends) with all eagerneffc; 2 4 Iris C3-med toward: good , as>Gad.s Word and A ;:{*~’~f tfi impé’-WA‘ Glory, Name and Worflnp (and not our owne$r,djjf’,‘;:f«§,j~ ff; % ; ‘I r % % rm az'£'c»;’72:.¢m., A --of téy ¢;‘zaz;fi.4 »God~.r houf'e,not his oxivnc houfigof. % A his owrmame and honour he was moved not ['0 m.uch%with his ewne injuiies and contumeiiesm more privafgg aawith that which vvae: nwre pub» Kike.(\ N I -9944’2‘i¢a‘ig¢¢df507:2~=f0r% £11-6 Ch‘UfChCQrrup«1A sad, the %:wffl1ihp< ;"of'7G od *7" pcillutcdg-4*4%“h~i‘s 1a'wAAi?iola-” ted5 andctherthings of God unwofibily handled. 3 He éaabz-flwdzbmcare and ardentlovctoI1avc fl1e$;frué rel-isgioin taught: and pr’ofe«ffcd— , the 1ji7g2htV M V worfl1ip'of‘Ga;:’ e*fiab1i£h~ed and» preférvcd holy: and. pure from ftxperiflition ,=" crrour and corruption in WOW’? afliiW°Pfl‘iPJ?er5::*}th3C‘WY Asaints, ‘ = A ¥MMe,maybc’meantp1:oper1y?and {imply bath Qf J 1 D%;wia’andVC;62f.z'jf.»”%V% 4 % Eateinqp. Confumcd or devoured , as the fire E’?-'1'9:m air fully burnt upthc fat of fome facrifices (as thci-r 9,5} y % .. . : h ,M % VA . ._ . 3 Pfito pcace..offcr1ngs ) It was vgrho1lythcA%Lar_zls: fo the A M, A zcalc df *G0d.c 4houfe‘*bu4r:nNt7i1}3i4LM%114¢lid;n%;hc Vwas*fL1lIy A f01.if_ I >V A A % 1. Théwordsflucw 1:; piom mamfiudy: A Hcis zca- % ous, ~ ~ »~ A - % ~ & V I AI:a*t»6'e aéj'ec‘?,%af1d’mé1tt'e~1:«Qf‘>it,G‘M'g$f%4houfc.4 A 2 % In the .«fiI:é?,3and nature of it, it eats‘Ahim4u.p‘.‘ f mm téarowly relégiom truly »-‘=f»ealaMflr4 A*D;,05fri~£g Gadsmzfylzgire/a4. . A % V 4% Wiuieffe ifiliméid fig‘ureL%5£cm/2v:,% and% ca’? A . A A A ‘. B‘: mtcw U % s‘ 1'53‘ =; ¢ % m Zeale ;2,rz$m T 9 the Some of Vbzwid ,, A of whom it: written , -A and the Difciplcs remémbrcd it was writtczn, T/ye zseale Qf tlay /aoufi: bar/2 eaten me up, Mém A : %%1;’ezz!az:s5.z';¢ remo‘”w'7ag.,% ( aCC01‘ding as G.w£hatl1- whazzs prcjug. _cai1edAAafnd enabled every man ) in purging out SE3‘-§31'=0 and oppmfingwith depth % Qf d€f€flatiQn,What~ "°“S3}°’:“' is cc»r1‘upt,”and cozutrary to God: will, andpm-A.% j*.zdi<::i:a1l to his gbry 3. revengi~ngA h=i3;Adifl1nno11r: A Thus Anlzzfi; fiVundAA£n tée A temple tiaofi: that filo! ox. "Ten ,, andjbeepe azadfldwes‘ , 4na’%1be% 4/Jdflgezcr. of gm» 1 -- %7zeyfitt:ifl,g,.% and when he /9/uluaade 4_fl:az;rgc fzjm/1 _ cord: 3 123 cZrove% tlzém all am: cf the ~2fem‘ple , and A we /Maps ,‘4 and A 25:? am: , and pomred rm: tlae gbman ger;»A mazczey , :md_ crvertbmv Azlae tables‘, arid fizid. I‘ ” mate jzbemjéar /did dam: ,; Vfakat/acfi thing; hence, A m:Ml*.e_~ fiat my fathers‘4/2o¢«fi.:»=<.a»u,; oz: gjwq » f mercfzapdfi, , . A w ¢ efiiof Clmjl; beholding t1ieVTéd3p1e, moff’corfu*pV;‘J,Vw _ 1;/‘eéfi 14:, AHec;AfWepz: the ihoufc, I/‘erfe A15.. mo... ~ vcd % with 1:;hc;{g1ie f ca,rc%=-1 and Vzeale ‘of his fathers *" A " 1h0Uf€a;I<’effl*‘.I5-AAM “ ‘ “ 3 Perfbnfiavi-. minus minifiers ~. . 9:members.. men offa1‘e4ca11ings’;,~ not warranted of God, pretending divine right, which cannot bee Ade... m0nflra€Acd Qufof his Word: M em to be dealt‘ A Vwithali; gs:_p*c>§1;1:¢7dipricfls A5. th cf: fought fithgzir regiflcr%among.ti1ofc that were Areckoncduby A‘ Wgeneafiagicy but they were ‘hot fqund, thcrforc AA ‘;,A‘.?;;¢2ereA4I.a’:ré=y"4 oI&¢'z‘ecI«,; f pm: from‘ 17%: -jw'efl”'baoz.’, Ez. 4 at them her: dealt Awithall ”as%G'm’ A %*?a§>fl;1;§i~haYc i-H -?.W‘~l¢fi€ a'wicke23;zef]Zgof.A;t&eif daipagr, A" % .1. *Rerfimsct¢A~.éae4%4rez?W€d 3 fits A¢I3~€r1iAic%sAtoA 65.22‘/3, D A+if£1.b s %Zea?e~ fir Z—I*lb'N7.I A ll Kfwlfls drive them omnoflmy: /Jazg/‘r3',, Hafia 9. 15’. Idolatrous priefls were no. motel tominifier in the Priefis Qffice. d Menthat once pmfefled them.- ‘ fems for» God, who fellto idols, andby.tllheir. example and counfell caufed Others to fall to’ finne , fhould bean: %thei_r1'ham‘e ._. their finne, but neverlcome neare God in their office any,‘ more, as it is recorded in the«Prophet,l becaufe they ( the Levitesgone awayllfarre fron1e.Ga¢1l)l mi-4 nifhed , unto them, lbeforel theirl.‘*idlols ,6. and as: flumblingblockes )2, caufed the houfe ofqfiaéltoe A fall iato iniquity, therefore have I lift up my hand againfc them, faith lthe"Lor'd Goak-and “ L they {hall bearetheir iriiquityl, and t/any/724/Z am come near: zmtéa mac, toedoe the cffice cf 4 Priefix zmfa we , note tame were uzzta of myl-lmlj things» in the —mzy?‘;9ol)z~plm .-lbuc- they flmallr bea re theie - ll dfhazlne and their abominations ‘Whicl"1‘ they have 1' I committed , ‘ Ezekiel 44; 12 ,fI.d3'..‘_ “After this A manner did renowned Nehemiah, .cleanfed*the" chambers ,“ and_cl.1afed out 'the'wicked ‘corrup-~ Vters, who‘ relates it thus: 7‘ I lunderflood of the will that Ziajkié did f01feielTa,5jA1z»,“eeejnluprcp3ringl~ ll him ‘zi chamber in the Courts of the holxfelof \ Gad, Nelaemia/9&1 3. 7. And it grieved me fare, A the;-efore_I 6'dfi’,.]F07“"t}.d A4/Z tbe‘l2oujbold~flqf;j5:' 0}’ Te-L-A l * bz‘ab.’oz4t of tbe c/Jdméer , Verfe 8. ;”T/Evin I~camm;:m A dad, mdl they clemsfidwtlac clmmlvem, Ve~rf'e 9; Arm‘ v A one 0}’ 11:6 fame: of Iojada, the fivmiejqf Elia/?:il2~ the High Prizsfl,;e wmf flan1¢c2;z'22_ lzmz to dlS4rz.£4l1zz# we we _H0rw¢ite*.,* zlzercfzare A-:1. clngfiéd. /mm: ,f3‘”02?3ls’wf%£°;:- 8.. l M M . ‘A M H “ VA BE Zeale Z :x%”0, % L It is, tobe provided , that holy things maybé "’ kept fromprofanatien 5 _ Give not that rTi7bz'éf2z': /"ably A ‘grregzztiomft/‘ye~4LAard::yeop[eL, but the blemifli of A meta dog: , mi:/mf cyfycz yoztryedrles éefizre lg/l t/éeymzmjzle Mam zma’er feet, and name agmzeama mnyoza, Matté. 7-. 6.8 Aim: at conformity? with Arm: yew Ierzgfizlem,on earth, into whzch were flm/Z} 2}: m 1292;/2 ermrzmy thing t/zanlefiletb, %2¢es'tV/new wéaztfie--A war nzor/eéz/9 aéamimztizm, or makeztb 4 lie, Revel. 2 I. 2 7- cziiiemzre to .9: mt/7am‘,t/mt 56 not fit fir .4 cm» oux.Ch,.Urch.- For witbwt zzredogs, and fimrersmm’ E... rwbaréffiéngers , mdidalaters ,A am! w/1afloerver~ laraet/5 amlmaket/a;zlie,VerF.z2.% A A % 2 Dofirimes % erroneous and % u-nfound. d0<5’friI1€S= C5Vif“"3ithVws— V deemf;I:e+#zv;z-ozzzzxm, 1A%w;iy‘r5‘”b4:e 5.. Rex? V61.‘ 2 AA. 6; £27102; kzzfl tried tlzzm wl'Iicb¥flz_y. t/aey%%:.re¢ A ]7.r,yZlc5,a.422d fare rm‘, and b..«¢fl% ~fowad. t/aem ‘Zier:,% in re; A gardoffithcit.crrorsand*fa1fé%do6trine,vVerff24.Do«e &rrine.s4“thatLoppofe Qad:%free%gfaq“e,%’as if it were no 1 N 2 m%.DaE%rir2es to 5:: oppayéd‘, unfound and .corrupt’:‘Aj"A doéirincs be hatefulland tcx:beha_te"'d. This was good inlanguiflaing Epbqfzs, fllehatcd poyibnfull ; révrzw /Eatefl grace._;zRam_. I I. . whichexalirfiéns fi‘£€-Wi1'}, as A —if%G‘aa’Vdid~not w%or1cet11c5vv4i1l, Pbz‘!§‘.2?. 1;.-~wVhich teach the apofiafie of Saints'_, WE: are kept éy 2”/we ' pow£r'God tkrazzg/a‘-faith ¢mtoj?¢lrwzzion;%1Pet.I. 5'. %A 2-md ovhers l*i1€e%venf<:d and printed , aranot to belt’ permitt¢_dA‘:' Tbyatimwas checked for fuch apcng mi-fiion.4 CV;'mf»‘wilLI11aveAt1d»fuch tolerationg I » A ‘ ' A (faith hoe) éw.-ve$ 4 fe~m".Vt/ai72g3 Jgainflwtéee , éeczmfé fifia praplteieffe, to mac}: and to fidlifid my finjwms, téaufiflrefl that wok4¢422'1éza'5cl‘,~ wlyic/5 cafict/5 /322* #9 V»1'%DAA§ribVS Z£ale 4 in cai72222z't¢.jV’0r2ziczzt:'a2z , and to e4t\tl2z'figsu%'f::cr{ficedt0% V Mala, R6718/.2.20. Ghrxfimms are mavoid w/mt _2'.r rw~°‘E93 &"W=-’ contrary to, or écfidc: the do&rine“o£ C/m'[t‘, as very , a V . _ ‘ , 4 ' . ‘ ‘ 3 cr ofiznfive, and the caufe of dmfions and offences. interpn . 0<9c’o'r ofthe: Gcntiies toldthe Ro‘mans5hcw’ A 50 ram?/(75% z'baza,ezv/Jicb mp “dz'rz-,¢ifiwz5 'L;z;2;I'o.f2;¢?:c’:, ‘cm- tmry tat/ac dofirime W/9296 ;ywzZwveA {earned ,4 4;z-m2'"aé- wad:/Jam, Ram.1 6.7147. ‘ 4 V V .3 I/V02;/72z'p;to»£re purgearatat‘ W~’h3.t.¢~is,"f‘alfe, ifu- 5,» W@rflaip- V ration bif “c1'cani.nfes~ ,1" 5; Wbrfhiwjfifiifig wood , . . AA A‘ I fl ._ ‘. Q _ ., %% ;__ _corrup: and pejxfinrxous, xdolatrous, fp;11tualljn::lulc¢x1cs,ado Vidolmm A V i«n1agesA,.g,nd~ names-,~the im! ages of t11ings,”5i“nvo'ca~* tion of Saints, praying aéazzfand flrfjye dezEd',4 A and 3311 ()tI1(j'1”f‘».ltt-Jt?j37€’d:Vttift‘C85 ’a"7zd~ pr4Vc'i‘zce.{;qf. eroi/Z; A» lGod: 'jea1Oufic“isV aiga1nfhmagc4mzak1ng,‘ or any %1114z‘?!.A#?~°5€1f-,4;-8-% ‘ 4 ‘ :2. In the ci'r- % ‘I Ih€'5X?¢1‘“311 1°01‘mC‘ ‘§ )3 V_ M _ W M d circumfiancc,ma~ 4 A wmfiancc of ny'Vfixp€rP:it1ons be to bcvcafl 0 V N uginjuncffions not of‘ “ Gad,AAzao:goqd, afi‘er the doéfrincs and commana I “ emenfs of men, Col, 2 . 2 to which a Chriflian % xcdccmed by cjérg/Z hathno areafon to befixbjca, - T DAVIDS .2'eale,for Z1914. if ye bee dead with Chrifi: from the rudiments of the world , I/Vby M tbaug/2 living in the maria’ are "yea fizéjeéi‘ to ardizmmes .? Calafll 2 . wrfl 2 o. Many additions , geflurcs, now Handing, now kneeling, are not ncccflary, but cumbcrfome, not to be tolerated my more than diminutions, or mutations, and altcrarions in Gods worfhip, Wbatfiever I icommzma’ jute , oéfirwe is do it, t4/sum flmlt not add: tberbza, ,, nor gdizwng/7: fro [11 it, Dede teramm. Chap. 1'. 2 . Verf. 3 2. -6061: ,1/Ford is per»- gfcfii ,[,to teach ‘us what to know, and what ta‘ doc, and 14ckes'mt A jot, mm: t,z'tt/c , V./'Wzzttb., i Chap. 4;. «Vc;ri‘. ,Thc ltagfftammagds to 43 zptfa, or A titt-lc, arcgta 6: relzgiaufly oéfirvved ,, and tlvcilczffii addition: by the fa me rcaibn are to be rgjccficd, Mat; . Ch3P- s~Ver£ 1.9- Away with Wall, imagery; which pr9v0kcsi;,G to’bci+gon¢V from his Sam. fiuary’. Lei: awry image of jcalaufie, 5e firm 45 an ,4’£omz'zza:im . and flcafi an: 4: A pro-vocation , £z.g£.' Chap. 8,. Vcrf. 5, J... ,4 That 4: we: jzg/fly alrborre“ the Romijfi £g4rL'at , A let A We; not wear: /yer fgqvour , but dicfacciaind .d¢tcfl* all her trump¢ry~, iasthci Lords pf0?h¢'€F0.1,d&‘h¢ pcoplcofm-i,Lord, 2*: flmfl defile the covering of thy gravcn images of fiilvcr, and thc,oié:322n1cnts of thy molten ima- gc${0f?.,g01d =,~. “thou fl?31Fi¢3M‘h€mi awtayas a mm- flr1ious,clotb, thou {halt fay .unto it, ,Get.t3e,t.‘,' items, Iflz. Chap. 3.o.VerT. 22.. Thus thicitho- rowiy religious is to bctruly zralous in God's Church ,,..to 1;cmovc,pmfgc .-our;, and qppofe vicious ipr:rfons.,. erroneous doéiiincs, ffupcrfliti; .ouswotfl~1ip. , A A, i 4 C 2, Zealaw ‘ :1 Minificrs. 16 D A i 1;‘: s _ Zeale Z1 6 2; In E»rofz1o- ; 2 Z8419!!! in jfmzfizvting G’orl.s~gl22"ry with inrenfigm iigfi ‘”""““ of afi‘?:<5ti0n , and fervency in ail goodférvices for ‘~=— 3' % the home 5 thfi Lord, t efl:-ab1ifli“aIi~in it arighr: This w.;:s%ir: an cminém manner and%meafi1rcipN‘e.». bemiabi, %xvho%m the géaieof Gads h*o*u£c:%dideaAc . upon. A R.cmembc*r me O‘ my God conccrnizig this, and wipis not out my‘ good 4l£ea'3“a:* £’2'2gez’:A‘¢zfl§.s% that 1 km: me fin‘ the bwzfe «Bf God, ar1d'~f‘Oftf1’~é- OflEces-thereof, Nebené; 13.14.; ~ A % “‘1P¢1‘1"°*13- . I In pezfifi: who are {to beim théhofi-fe7%0f V1’ u“14i>2zj3ei'.»“~ to 63 ¢%coza2”fiienm¢c?2r(;1nd con*tinued to lzibdur in %wEard»&-ahd~dQiihc3 A tofian;d'and mini-' V “ ‘ gééd ‘AAH*é*z¢éaEiaiiJ: “ ggalififled. fierbabgrctha¢fL%cw4;'Av N , V f‘fe1d;; ihe- £émm:s%%1i2ns had flwft ‘upth2’e- dwiéaes bf gm:o;4~&r:,?%‘1i~e opéned thsi‘: %do%or¢s ”orFth e4[~ houflaof the Lard! fheyhad fiat é5uArVthé lampfig. be 5i?o:z‘gl7tWi;i22‘2;9e‘~_I_?ri${ %,4:harJ;¢1¢igi=ou»mig ht bare: Agf héaré Newisvinifiyghéém ea: :2""‘c‘”o‘v“ena*gj1*£Wiffi»‘tfie “Gébd Vb? Ifr”’a¢&1A*i&hat his fir;t'f‘c3”é3V§f§’£%é""tL1’rrI«‘¥§_3y%;% 2 igch%he*Px5ie£%si;i‘1i1‘y¥‘fors2ié:=;¥; [ea Vr2at’;¢‘oa2a.»;afeglzggai¢t;{; T _for_the I;o1*d hath chojfeh you {ta‘nd~ beforcwhrifm, to rcxveham ,;and 3;~csu[¢aac:»u1d wmi+ni£%»:u umc him and burfie inccnfe, I/erfi'1~é.‘I/agfiwafl ée flat, F iiL1£i¢)e2;°‘g;$'oai:' A oiv;/3.411%:/9e"fy pared:/3 éxc'*e!}2t4tl9e'y fig; jém ?' Ram Q i. A145 W221! qxmlgfied ;.m;rfm: , apt m tcach_“th;:,VVo:rd of-%Gmd xviafi p1"'udmcc* Vzinczhgttca fancy: 7*gz2a.%3;z”a Able, xmtllfufrniflacd with éefTaryg”b_ili;ti¢s%j t’_:‘0‘imvfilggufivflf-:héf§\f?; » won? sin cc5iive:*fz&ti~té:;'i“; %fl1éw‘i”n‘g md,. and rhcreforeiée !¢sfi'¢mre4a_’,? It was rnot. fox of old ,:»when ‘.M?fé!"'hA’ad inV*~oévé; city ‘them ~that.A*prcachio}}iin, “ “being reacfiiia 4 the Synagogues ~cvcry_*oSabb_at1h day, was oV_crf.—2 A V 1 AA _ r::: (4 Prayer 925;; *o¢la“e .Ho1_’y-Gbafi Lass‘-l’t'h'¢¥.*hiJt‘bhV“’ios ‘ »c:»h:i:~ged§ coo p*nay;o14de;Vcrl; 26,; cu floinaa ~ 4 of. praye;*o1rem“oovcd; “ 13vE@uI€ii"‘¢au“iE,a»n %%;nivo&*ri3y f Tunable aazid odmtxmbc AMini.fiic°rioe» tofézfi Iito xhocarzh; , -and com‘ooi1onued_5 bring moi}. of mm‘ to roci"t"in~ Ihfi 4 ¢ ‘iniquity mks ‘=1éPc:*and pcrimius otfimc'so§%g,:&oora*2 1 Wm ~ ;@rlo;fl"c"v2"ormcrofgodli”tre1’¥c.to;l;bs~rfl111mncd firm -o3'_§’.;r‘,% 5; Chrifiwoho commo"nds opvayemtcofxding $0 “~o>me*ptso ccrtdipie — D M? 1915 s Zeaie fbr 2:: os::A to the .5:-.sJ‘°=“"3‘-1‘? «3’:'«-3 Q1?‘ vi : § ‘re 3 ,__i' U .,,;_ 4:; _._< 7 2. zcale is not oncly in and for things ci- yzll. 5 ca: up. It is a am i:oiica1ii;;fo%J1~y,: as net zealflius Dzzwflwifer than ;§ach_cr5,ithan his i3:£1emiesi«, than the, aged 2? §Lu1§€i~iW;a?i?ir11e ¢:i“iliicfury;i;Gads Sgigighfigamcs itfiiilififi-Cqamie, that hath a men vehemenitiflame. Wfiybiearcg zgailc iz::ipu:;g;iA1¢5i:"‘“af“indifcrecion, I3fhQiQiflf§§u;i5fifit%Qii£Q3c0r headineflb: .Was it D4-‘ rfiflzncife 2: It was fcrvei7fiE3i ii2.1:ch1igion. =»Was Céwfl indifcrcet :‘ Theiwifedome of his Faither. ,F?ffM{.€d1!q¢g3l_§gglm4d, with a Iowd voice, Afisiz 6. A iéfiiilfiiigmfmlihc fpiake but W,0rds of truth and fobcr... ;nc;fl"¢ rzgerf¢]z 5].“ Gbrgjls kinfigagn. 1:ba:4g_Iz;fi_gM¢"‘ga3g2{ V54/ids 1217722 L§:¢§rfg,,M;s1ar.—3A;2iI;; Vvas the ju"dgcmejnt ohfiich men any difparagcmcntto our Saviours zeal: ’ fgliid I Nay, it is a commendation to root out cvill from, and to efiablifh good in the houfe of God , is a goodthing; G414. T T =3 All mrm ,:_w}zaf :3 “ ; not {Me for civil! agfézires , iimmfinities‘ and facieties, ~( thingsin their order and meafurew to be tninddd) 13 33 § ' iDamidiw‘ais zealous. for] Godfsghoufc 5; ; f,Q1'"f“eeti1é:‘LmdesTfl0ck,th;z€they that feareae the Lrd;may:eedwe1l»~i?n—ehiéehou fags::th:xtee%h7e+freu"eb of edbfirihc may be contintaedeand confirmed a. mongues , that réepurity qf dfrzfline (4 flared way" A. af firvmvrizcg rim Gaofpell , ‘ witEbw¢e.».n2fizf.cb all *C‘13';yfz"ft‘5 Kimgdam -and 7 Gafiezfl 125: no: em awed } : ‘z;eryee%néb.«:f}zr‘y . taeri:e:o;ea’itz‘a2éfVT—:9J‘5 tlzé C/‘aural: 5. ‘ rrizey be A inetrodeuecedg Chriflgcm was not to be.» H \ that the infiituted worflaip offieodffmaibe comm gm, in this iiilqdifnhhies~Ch1§;rehg:;igneaehi3}jr~and.4 ffiiiitvmll tifzznz-.r world, but for n?c;r5‘eV§ffth0uiW0rt.h16fl’C and; w.itIefi'e innovationse, LE“ f{‘t";‘*‘ 4 a.ndeee~wicke»deinventions of met!"@'f.eecorrupt;m&:,nd es, hfug:,v.f§; defiitmte of -theetrnt”h~,e:e et~ha"teamanm2iy* fay‘asT1J4=e- and aim?- ‘,,e e:arbez.aa1e My houfé ,léd’z:;‘5 eztqzmz we ‘mlo mus F fihafe vifioriou s7 i13é{rt3’r§ were Wi}li.mgffs®“‘e1uy‘ as1iCi‘te1ovin’g their Ii\fcs:',’e.:f03c't;I*1Tew‘mv£md e:e7e:?etm_the ’ 1 which they held andbe1ecved,R¢w;x 2e.“’1ife.-. ‘ 3 eee‘MCnth0r(1-Wly religious, b~eingmily zealous, Lukem.m.e 3! Wei.lca;mc5 z':*;ia:rr‘el2fgz’tW‘to eiva;luke.w;z§1imé; A za‘eut4erse, “F3? %f$$;1i~ 4* e¢amc.rervers,e ind igfferctilf mcfi5::f0r3%1*%AIi‘a1le’e%to"mpm%es 3‘°“‘“’”e%e“‘ mid "rel igioem;mia;i“d1e~mcn betweetfie ::trureh2n‘tiiee*‘1:-- rem“; betweecéme :Chrfafl; fifidafifiticflh1‘i;fiZ'gbt1IW‘W?€fi5h§a' iin“‘er.pmfameneifegzunm1ee;;ine%reIigifin,V or gem cm g£;&)d5¢‘§S»W€a¢s’ii“hG leLi1;€e3v5va;i'?i:z1»é’f*e§2?1¥fi7é- ~ gr;é1le,_'d‘1féE4agj"i‘é£*2zaeee Mexxectwrfhipeis V ‘f ezw:e“edmmi+ nationg. . “T6 D.Mfms Zmiefir ZIBNI nation, God willfirctch out his hand upon them that fiveare by the Lord, and that fwcrare by c/"1/tzz[cr.’12zm,,Ze}s-b, 1.5. God abhorres “mixtures " nowas much asrhen, It is a dcfilcment to fow a vineyard with divers feeds, dosftrincs of Chrifi, and traditions of men. Saints and -belecvers not mix: with fizandaious infidels and idolafcrs, Dmt. 22.4.9. Butthc pure worfhip kc-pt from fu€1‘=.fi?it."'ie- OHS : Men may not ée Iizafe wvoaflfiy }?'r¢y‘Eflc3r: ~,.» nan pI;owzw:£th an Once and an Age; theft: in the Loxzdst plow mufinot be mixed of the clean and unclean, labourers and loycercrs , A of the fcrvants ofchrifl: ' and Antichrifi, wrerfe 10,11. &rmMcn%mayemt~bc«Eey.% cal}! .Ga1lfo::~ irireligion , a deputy.that fiwould not mcddlcin {uch mattcrsA, and cared fir none qftbqfl: firings, Aflszgx 8%. 1 2 5137. V r\ -This i;nd1fi'crcncy,bringsm grcat ., judgz-:m'ents , if ’\ «cpl:-A,~a" Church 4. dleflick, andfcts cMdzamt%whercthc candlcfiick A -wag. 3643,, “ T20 by it, may provcno Church , , icremovcsthia can.- fiend 2.: '..v Yea God abhorrcs lukcwartnei nefl‘easrmofi1oathfomc , he will fpue them out of hismourlyas Laadz'¢7z-M ,:’.as~t.he Hifiorians tcflific, was fwailowcdup in an earrh.;quakc,w¢ were near goingin 353» ncarca blow by the Powder-—trcafon : arxd DOW: 4nii,9,h.% *;was;.»bur .troubIc. thcfef % two iilafi V;y¢arcs an‘d”:'G;ods hand lift up , as+if ther<‘:% were éxztrxz jfiart, as%onc‘e\Aéncr:Amen and 1045:, iz;1’p;ure pai1:c%'of'Pric-Gs) r: S4m.hz.%*V;c1f;— 23», 29, 31;. God lukc-warm: pl4yL%5'£0t:a1¢dEr1glijFI. Elybis ’femifncfl'c in dca- ling with his Tonnes ( an xuigycd his houfeg isnot pleafcd with ncutcrs-, ncirhm-~-fl1all the H xmwarmc ml: Mrs -zealous for Gods ‘Church, Learn: I/Jcviciaaf. ma --urv-uumuazu A DA~'VivwktJ#t$Z‘e}1I3‘ fw‘Z!oA1~r§ 1,7A in ‘that man rhorowl reli ”ious.isAtrul ’ 4 Vi¢i0ufi~1c% 4' I a ll ‘ Y g ‘ y ofmcnefgbg A mfie ::_af—me'm fivirit: , and the naughrinclfc of cli«- A verfeforts. A ’ L A A A A V. A r A‘ A v A [AA AA ' I W’l10blameA I Wlzoblame zeal: zugqadandfirgoo ,asa thing malcammm A difgracefufliand finfull. T he divell and his imps 1i.,g;,,r_ firaccufer ( whole word is no {lander ) but an rmfufl judgeinrhrs pomt. Hanan faid unto King ~ or never wanted names, to difcover and deliver their A fpite and fpirit againfl zcalc , alas What hath zeale or g A A 1 It it fcditio an enemy to government , as M3” in-confifienr with royal! lawes , cries Hand” ; Aa W-5 1 %‘<;§33 ‘ ‘ will A u!é4jI::a:rAg:,i There is a cerraine A people fcatte- A red abroad , and difperfed among‘ rlge people,‘ 4‘ A A f in allthcprovincesof thy kingdomcg, aAndthc‘i'rllril lawcs arc" diverfe from all people, raeitbuz keep“ ‘ £113} :5: K21: lave: : Therefore it is not for the Kings pro r to fuffer them, £fiA5erAACha.p. 3. A Verfe 8. Zeale inpiery its {aid to trouble the eountrey , whereas iniquity and lukemarmnefli: — ruincsA ails as vi/I45 fin9¢da andrfilifl is bla-r med : A Well clid.l-:lz‘4a: retort: itto hirrr ,* N0‘ 1 3 lrutrkan 1:96 A trauélcdrr Ifmd , King. “Chap.-. A18. A” V¢1'£I7:I3- “ A A r 2 AI: is fiugularity and oluefli .- but till a man lecmc odde todithcworld , he is Anevcr right in rc1igiAenAand Arightcoufncifc , in piety and fincc; ~ rity: A man an]! do: more 154» atberr, ;LM4t.‘5.A'r36fmm$‘3 r EA 3 A47. Altwasmll for Nab, that he wasafingular‘ ”°‘“°"* A mania a fobcir fincm finsfiléiifyawhcnlfhc .w‘fl ‘1 % __ ‘ HI)“i «iAflood h% . ‘i -7:.’ “ {.w"/If ‘ ..~ ,. ‘ W-,2 .» ’ .»-.»-- " ‘ ' M {W I If V _. V‘; C»:- m DJ; Zéwfir ? fZ‘?I%'od«N. 3 flood rm»: 2_1w:.:y”tVhc§ oVmae< ungodly} mg H is it noAv'v%p'r0Ve£i bad A: to “excel! in following ~hoii... v ncfl“e._, and ap~provmgth1ng~s thatarecxcellenzze Or 0 15 it oncly the fztfe W.-.1 y to doc as mofi do 5 and “pic:-..~ - r}fl1inthe bmacl way , and nqtmrather to go: in»’t%l1ef narrow ~v%ayc*o1at7~:, A 3L3>14-5 M L 3 1:53 _ 1 A V Godsfiery Lzmnmd etverl/zfiizrg Gofiiellg i-nMthc dayes4 of W! flit? 911164,?‘ ghfilflit *0 Préach the faiths’ t0Vdr;fend~44tl1~e faith ;"€*‘o“k‘é¢p; t"’hb tr utfig is by A%‘mcn”» of A anantichriftién “f‘pirit1Ca“lled heréfie; and xn%e‘n“tha;tA i”u%s,f¢o_tid¢%11medés;4héfericall;;_AE2‘$ 24.4%,. » j ¢ . “ A 2 ‘Whoare zealaus a.-- gainfi Gocls * W ,.A ‘. %:~,m*2-d‘Q‘1*dg.ws:w)fro"% §§iT3‘t”1*f*=?‘W@» ?o€a?en*“3 *a%»d~.W*i*a%va;% V 1' fl.5«%”€sifr<3i‘i3v rife‘~i:fii€>Wér¢Ygéfi¢i%itiéms ~t41*=y ‘2’z*é*i5:*e» ren:1_y&a;;gur¢%d of penzaenzawfggge dg¢¢«;:2v;*g¢gs>;v, w63v;ra’7_{’ee;I3‘ ' ‘ keyepfc the “coniniaiids of God, andthc fai4th?A of J76»:-~ v4 fi‘%ar§zA A mfg’ azigfid my eic bf If in ad ~?fO:'}5EaC-6 %% 0F”co:1fC;cng‘c-5 ::r3d»defi%1;;;; go pI_e_aif:, and hot’ bfi7endJ; ” A A’ 4~m‘i;%~%mciis, l*uft‘s9;» fix csjir ‘%feL1l5 ‘* éfidi 16 f%‘ *’t1Va1%14«:f‘ t31ifxfbW.§**vvit13&%AV%Gd;,;»V 7‘ .5”. fram %;z»‘"e2z[E°25?¢ r£lj3*?9;?«,_ di'w%;$13t,,?.A;?A W .'.‘ .*v‘ ‘ my r, ‘. Va 4. r \‘/._‘ _ : I‘ ‘_ v~ “ ‘H 't1V ‘ H fincfik‘ 2% w W»-a«~+ N M ‘F ~ 2 5~22re».‘%:.*2‘2z >:s5a*“1»}g:;4-green’z%se»&a2z% c2J‘Mc;;,v_zl, 3,3 fez: gm fire: pf heli; I}: was bfiéé Pé§"zZ35 Ii rah; zjinéi*i*hjf'c§i'y'5,Et§t1E‘"é‘1;fij%ig <<§évfc?Qut:i°éw:g ~thc c1;g‘:%%¢1g+iég§{g;;3,_.%-‘is, ‘f*As.§_ pet :. 7?fi1oz:~‘fl1 1—»g*m; 3‘€A@?p“€I'fi0$T§§ * **1“~’5‘S‘5“§?l“*f¢f% 77 ‘?a5Vti*é*f-5S5,*’7f5'7G"ii4i%;=% / W. f‘Thfi?4‘fiéf:?%1,%s::%i%1*i*<*%1a~é OFVgC%*wYi%fix)fR?%3*V»,f~i 5‘fi”t‘ii_:*i:'1i?%m5ii?11 % M fg§i11Ao;flf*‘%fi::w§:iH*'ffii?§i” *§ggh1°cft%ic*1i6i:f%*€aii?*ihihawppy, _._as‘toebeAwiflioutfome zeealots < in ch=crethings,e;Auna¢cre+we11-lgkea;aames%o£deceen- ‘”%afi"d *c>rder},” ‘ffé °cJric“c3fii5t‘ to 3 \ A ~eWhefeas.zfi re£zgio2z.we~mwfi. imqfiire; 'w7m; '1/smihé gm? _ A 41251 D W 335 -2643? M ' 2.; mzdgreat, be 2': :54: 2é}eqzzz'm/3 it, zemd appoints it : A no}; as thg divellturnes it, into w/3.v;t,: am’ of 232264: gzggl£_ tyA,@‘g4;¢;{;V£2ow gageat Ma’ Aedecezat the, Ming injayned 1'5, thatwcmayA%knwith‘kyo’u~r knowledge, A and zealc with rcl‘igi0n.; witty heads, and zea.-1o%usA% , 1* A hc%a1*ts,f.aVs we are ac%on1mVandc:d ‘, -Be zealous, 1te«+ A C. T56" j?€’Tfi+*?¢qfi5&‘;€f.‘5é%';;”¢'*'§4A?0#é5e A Ev. ; ...a , ;2‘_; '17?/-43¢ jpmperzie:.cy*' tkis;.:eaZeV.. " &T‘ée:Anee.:;rwe:A% f é W “ n1@oi;1g*33T3€IT1 =,. I‘§Vri;s g00€1Vt0?«3i3 ~zeé~l0ufl§7 a 4. Tbs mativésfo zlaiszcgzfle... V ; 1*; . I ,.7Eh£ ’pcrf9ns~ $9 ab’:A»zea&qusJ,«~4thaw. :md&s fpm-» km tG;£1mixt3{f¢mb1Yn,.§‘fld‘f§5 fit~fGra%11'*::4 iwoum . have'nonefLher;2'.fent awasywithout fir“c.i. A mg 1 %‘P7ga}oZa A A V A _ _g % V A wflrpaqbfirs 3 «~ 3 ‘ pr’ ‘aw I. People w ¢,‘\.y “ ‘. ._ é _ K _ s » w M w ‘A M 756v vjmople 47¢ ’9"fl?4‘i3%€fllé5 Zealc xsgoo W - .- . ~ I ?€4fiifi- Vt@€~5?i7¥.§!’0w«eA~qfm4*5:a;w4n l5,y:.%:1w;s~% r;¢m@N.i°ag Sail im§¢dimeni%.;:izwathq - roWding_in as in aggrggggancgggfgffimg rm ‘ai1.r_2:<:1:ad* M11330 A M.“ ~. . be zeaiousim . e&edV::' fix things” H n_._._.__ ‘ one city {hall oto anothcrfa i ""17to!~y59§ iyng A ‘V I 55 Zfdiefw’ Z‘ ‘V: V zintomeanes ofgracc rinthcir day',as a matter of lift, 91' /aeééingdome of heaven _,fz2fi"»:rer;b violence , and A . thcviolcnt take it by force: Duty requires it,nc€:cf- - fity urgcth it, it is for a kingdomc, neglcfi it 00% Marta. 11.112. A A % _ 2 “In feroing the Lora’, doing his work with feta vency-, that the hicartsiofmcn ihouid burnt: within them,not~ibcfco1d or lu1cc;warmc,butfcn*cnt in gai- ritt,’ in fpiritfervingthe Lord , having aholy i re kindled on thc"h'earth,in the heart, Item‘: 2 . I I . A W 3 In loving the bmfiéod, minding meancs of A gracc,< and performing holy duties with fpirituail aflcflion, delighted in‘ God, and united tonGOd, in whofc houfc we finde fuch fatisfaétion and con? i tcntmcnt, as Dwidszcalc was, Lord Ihavc lovcd ,_.‘thc habitation of thy houfc, and the place: whctc: ifiiicrhonour dW€HCth; his longings were afkrit, to dw¢1lin it, Ifzl. 2 63 . 4 1; cmzug Dtfitrs withall carincRncfi‘eand im- o A portunity to feel: the Lord, Call on your friends, or kinfmcn, neighbours, call thy husbnnd5 thy child, thy fcrvangbccniargcd in dcfirc after men to fcckc i i and few: the Lord,r be notuhnaturali, uncivill, to M mind: goodncfll: alone, gsbutibei fpitituall, V have" A .’ bdwcls of.cotn]p‘aflion to thy brothcr,to thy friend A ' A that thou lovcfl as thy own: mayhavc communion with God, and comfort in ‘ foulc , that thtyi the Lord, and accc-fllzi tothc‘Lord as well as thy fcifn, as it is in the Prophet, iThcin—habitantsof , Let in go fiat» W #5: Lord , and to feel: the Lord of hofts,1rnviflgo4{fi,zcf§4g.8.zi;. i i A it A ” i 5 In On- withtheirun1a_wfu1I¢decds, VPet.z".7;,8f; % difl¢z“ém'n;g:,4é:e2fz;{Iyto % ‘Vnam;%cgofi;:bc,«fg1:vi§éV’bf»%‘Go&F,.th%a%t‘(}(:>fi may be ho." «"%Ii<>§i1’f’eC1V§i.th*%fi151i5fUbflanC¢,%‘35‘h'=Yf0I‘th=taber- fna‘c«1c,theycame ¢v*rr>?~<>”I1‘c Whofréedrtflirredfiim {ia;>,. anal-evvery 6226 Wbém Mi fiirit ‘mad’: Awillfaég , and %%%th¢y%fbr(3ughrthc Lords gffcring to thework of the cgb¢=rnacIe:of%:heAcbng:¢g§i%ion, andf0ra11hisf¢:r- %¢D.«»aY: Szeale Z16 % ‘ 5 1;;;g1g~ie:mg”faé&%é>2é%7¢¢g1:¢7zg;‘ Gad: L;m{,an d_ t11eLdifl3ono.uVr-that is dime tfo.Go%d by difobséie me. Ibchcld thctrafifgreffors and was grieved}, ‘be. _caufc fhcy%:1€e¢p]pbtthywpQrd,% Pfali 119 J5 8 ; »R*i- ‘*3 9£:wW3?¢%‘%$J%¥”&fi »d¢0*W¢."*131D*¢ ”“~’*Y‘4“55> b3C.'3“%f€ Vtm?‘ kec=p_notthy Iigiwgs Myzaage fmtb em V:aa~fimzz 1V?£ ,~ .6ec;tm :1 mizgc "’"é5a‘en2:ia:(. Lfbrgaiftcm. tézy words; fa1t11th:=* I3f:£1rriifl_., PfizlV.1”I9: war“. I 3 9.. %% T“husA La: 3 iLuf’tandan hfinéftmaél%*VaS.V?'exf?’VPWV€ér byfififl-% nérs 4:. a‘nd”..déZ£&;?b;;vlflhfariflry Jufi ’ AW La:%was Vvefiéfid with ‘thc “ filchy convey-'fation~ of‘ the [ Wifikfdt fqorgbatrigh§:cou‘s%mandwclling among V V %thVicim (of %Sd6?0??3€ iihd Gamakrba) in féeingdnd ~hea..; ritigs W€xtéi’MVv%t3A ftlzififewts /é»ét=%fromrJ‘aay :o%V‘§!23r;" _.|___ %z:¢¢‘,““Exvd;3§ .: x ;“:,&,:h¢y;+m.-1;: rdAA4£orwwardd in A gm. | itwgfit, till an%otdcr"Was 4madéf6éV:'%t'HE'ir ref’crai%nt 5% fci thr: pcgfplc: by _LMpfi:..c0mmand were refiraxncd; v A Aforxlgeé fiuffé they had was fuifiéicnt, A tgmd too wti1uch’f0f%it3.%~¢E3cod;:36;( 6-,. 1 JMiflifii'ifi8 fbfi»; jmjthe V11éccI;iii:3¢@s%of thc:Sainrs as Chrif¥s~mem.: A ” bets , iii w1z&ich~A the Cbrintbiarx; were «forward '5, V and of~ cxemglary zeal¢.,VAg.¢;'ari»tb. 9V.1;iz.;»; Elm‘ < » Apdfilé‘ t0‘fiim”cndcd A their;iz¢s=t1¢%s’ ¢1;cd4§ycry% “many. ; ,_ F % 3 A ” ’ _ —-—--u-.-—-s 77-, ""“""’ .-" 2 ’ , ,... .«_u4nn-g....._..._ z Preachers to be zealous in Eouge dfiszgso foundthc Word of the Eiwr mafia’- M‘-'rI5. A 013 M 2 Pfmber: 6:19 6: zmlom ,4 not luke-Vvarhxc, 150: Cold ,, but as men touched ‘With a, live coalé from thfi altar, thaththc Word (SE life dieAnotit‘1 their mouthcsg zilbhtic {exile and the pa'w‘er af t/Be Vmiiaiffe; age 2': mt inhhyrafds, nor aim! ivoire. Thus was I fiziab touched by the Seraphim, Ifiy 6 .6 ,7, Thus Iermy kept i_n,hhIeir'._.2o.”94 V r 1 .7 fffdtkzfl A tbehmard af:ia7,¢onfhthant.1yhx“‘wti‘th§' h huthlookino back: , and diligently without wcari: . V cffeh anhdh faith, our of love to thchChur¢h, to boas. bc11owcsrof*irtw1> thbi fire-in /o\:"¢h'\5‘eL.'Sf'“\%',‘4tQ promoté grahccin th¢%r1"g towarme 3 C016; an.d;i'th‘éW f”f07i€n hpheoplm This is 24M0:"hisPraifc= hhvizho béihgfirr «vex: in tée~fpirig,hc fpakc and taughtdiligently fh*7e things?Fh‘?;,LO¥dah/1&-1h8‘:3é5'7°f y W W A QB praying}; .52 h:b<:hcbz2a;chz9.—&‘£o*i: 31* 7‘ vujl; ‘ 3" N. H L 3 t ‘ h!.£fifh;ahxi»dhh*c9J1fifhi.e35iii ;%“réa?;%¢¢1¢$*1&bbu%iI% rggraa * A *1!‘ :K”mg;HW?%?%éT¢i’#.f€>§:th¢*hPr6$v:1r€t Jfméa 4???? Arm? éwuhhfih P»W%yh.” 1 O f05;f’th”c v {Ca ‘IV «:1 3 . " A V‘ *~.. ~ 3‘ M .-a. ....un .mT“:. “ sf‘; ’ »;¢"h';»’~rj-‘ha V:2z1th1ncT2gaé‘tzsdz2saf>1éI?£§é.@I..§a.f~ fion W “ ' ,_ ' V 6 5'25’ .a*’;” 7.‘ ,';::‘"'«§ ‘ 2 haJ_&flag?*r22z£;hh§o abhdrrclxes, falfitiesg v3ani't*1cs,_ thxs . '-~7 5* mm‘. Lord as ahfirc,not tobc: W éaakv, n0rh:ahs:a alazléiftieél fifirfiséhh: hphuigfvcs ~ D A vi §'2%43?f5I~ 2% ‘N: this {vasin the Epbgfim A:ageZ,Wh(€> cou1dAnotbeag:¢ with them which a,rvc cvill, which upon triall were % A found not Apofllcsfiut Apofiatcs, deceivcrs, licrs,, 2 020 % 5 «J13 W01;/.7:ip,:ourfpiri:fl1ouldrif6A aggzinft an dolatrics,fuperfiitions, vairie iz1v;:ntion4s t"h.atf an A man may defile thictempleof God.’ Thus mt gm fiairit was flirted 12221553 13523, Whén he faW.the,Cify% WholylygivcntoidQlat:y,A6?:17316. % I A A A A % 3v&zza}ar4&i5e;d1:gw.%.e41tth¢fW9rdof;Go<3s{pie .rit‘éga§qfl A3lA1-iniqility ._; difcA<5x?*er”$4h<5W vG6d d<'3th% diflike alllewdneffc, inany ‘(if their liCarcr.sA. A AA}; bait men bcgreat aAndbo"ld finnefs, ¢ceI1them What A isnot ’1aizv,£i11Il%for them ,” by a divine, law: Lcarm af :5: B¢,;:;g<:%, A we ‘would »aemre%¢ke liéerty 13:“: Pwzfivn, var/‘var W14 vegléé? 1126 fi¢:dazmbi: M dcxxverangbfrhemor liberty; Iy and indifi'c1j&:ntIy removing fin in all éflatcs; He A V maid mgr lafie /aisbeazi %tb4Vn Maggi; bafowre hypocritical! Hem’, M}¢tL14..4. A 4 In rgfiterizzg f9r%t£eA Church, to confirms itia V tmruch. He;cinAwas‘r4xaz; z¢a1c,‘who faith, If I bc %A9fi’¢Ai?¢d%°4u1iG:n:.?11c f%9%r§£fi£¢ f¢rv.i¢¢ rofvour , I%i0yandAr:¢i0y.c¢W%f11Wall, PM 2+ 17- % Prcachexés tare to I léi: 1i~bi::@rtvicsVai1dilivAés‘gQcforthA¢~ n goodbf zhecnmh; may (faith .thC AAp<:£é- file) ‘i1&ot7to be boi;nd¢ne1y*,4 A I::71"1ft a1foéo‘di¢ for: the % name of %t*h*=IA¢irdA3*¢i’us«;~% Aé?q;2«:%- fI3«- Yea W66 fl1o-uld notbnely.undergoi:fthc c3jQfI£eg,abideth¢pri~~ ' ‘ A forgbut %fomc;imés_ dgfiret&zz"dQ"crri7:g 41f our A glary A %f3"* t9? ffirrberavcetv’ the’ (WWI 1% gm“: as itisc— videnciwatgr¢at%fi£%#@Pé#éW%siM9%?1°ar=arlf1 . L ~ 4 . V A c4 p-I-—u... fla, _.._......._. . % ~ ” am§w3a’nQ w/Jicbmy /aéarfggffifitéér /aatbwnatwfe if: the flcflig, was ‘Ban-‘er‘for t1icxi:a,V%.P/fili I . 2(;',:z“ 4;. '3.,Magifir=t=8 “ M2zgWr;:ztc.cvG"Ods‘ Minifiers, thcM'if1§I’te2' As of V bc.§5?it§1.Chri%ft$%\vE1s better for }1%ivr1*1§t{j 1__i.vc :z;7:.;:%i"{5:ii:I黑 % §§£:iZ.°?§.§’§;a Starssbe Y? z¢a10u5aF664Cv¢:**5i¢*WfiN=aS’A>9%4:W’fV . ' zeal-;‘cm:4hImLup, fojfct zea1¢oEGQds%h0uf¢ began to afar UPQ3 Y0“; T5f€173*'fif2i[5f?5¢”“7”’J( 4fi9r'?fW Z»:W—' J 11 I7: cajlizag am‘ zée filtlriza Gods houfifgtakc away“ the wickédgthatitmaynot bea de’n&of‘Vt11ccves,fiir' up your fgirits againfithcm that me as cheicxetzm ivcrjc,aIway1ie1'sacyi1 beafls,fl‘c;w‘;b¢I1ies%;Let Fri};/is be’ Xhc*ld%as”pgflilcnt;1ct4 Iefiaiteiy 4%bea§§Ieéiafitex,§% reckon‘ I f'\a1'£'c M/I}7rJ]'?.léxVas with¢redA4Ap«afl;tt§:§i”‘ ’ *~yc* with’ M ,. all h€Cd’fU1D€fl‘Cffhat‘Of our-*Saviour%,;£rz2cry”{4nt A ‘* m ml :~:p;Mzzt. I’5'.‘C'E"ri'ftf"i“fii;,Efi;.s §fg§_jf_Qgping air lap.’ ping :91" fiacé trees, be dz"/Zz'£e%:' "i“£7§§723"o’t .- It 2": vzof‘ any 14z2:£~4,JZ2§w%.-..¢ a mo? cutting or cropping zzziléctégcpzre, it is the plucking. wuphe%im‘d°Ifi€~d%F¢6V¢rS‘*9 eutofcqdséwordby~d1v2n¢1iahr5%pazm¢%c:aa/your ' ‘father, and the A farfier ‘Of 'our'fiic3rd‘ I€fi§S Cfifiiff “' ;>l4n:ed”i¢ot, up wit/3‘tb4mf iilwé:d:éy ~:/ye.;vao:,mou1d you flmve them with 21332913 théy4wo‘t3ldf growfiff gainc. 0k zlziri/E it mat eriazzgfita clip:/¢Leir:ww‘ii¢g:, avb,er2~ % A havcliffup1hcir'fa¢é' againfi Gods law, anti by A this made thcn'1f'eIves ycontcmptiblcandbafc be... “ M A 4£orca11:he%peop1e;‘Aag-ai»n+nido1accrs,:1-:a:by—%:heirM L % i:‘“‘4‘g2ziz¢fltb; hing qffitc)945ody. Let your % M ' r _ zcalr: be kindled inyourbrefis agzii-n'fl:"th¢m'wI1o £215 Ii1a?v¢‘caufcd%1nany t¢f*.):fii.‘Imbk..' Gird "hm ~ your J fword4a‘gaVinAIf‘ci1'Vrfedf'Wczi1"é1‘S,propIianciSfi¥:$b:ith— A ' “I74gg%i5r¢a¥<€i's»rht= impureP¢:%f0'ns,andthofe bcI1y~g‘ods. &~ :3 :<_,_: f';dr11nkaxds5 aad or}1'er%.oF*that‘ infambus nattircgthat am Dig zmzefor zxrm: 29% fi.::A;f‘am;AVa fllal r£*ié%{aVIim1”3g ixS};furéTpifritg hcn.:y*ou” with"dAo‘é’:‘tin?es not~‘a:’="tc:*i‘ ¢gc><:I1in§e%fi”é,and i=v.orfl1‘ip rm after ‘Goa gg Asa): égyawtiwrity , take tficjfi I/éizzgs bemef, 3 A r AA ¢ AA ggglga‘ % Vggildihg-'4God444~%¢;fé,t11attheLbrdcod may dwell 061% ilsginzéflPr€Pai?€~himAailhabiratipn: .iEx.a;1a5;zA.Bziruc>9“«theftannc%?ofZzMuiis«+r¢fi0Wnedg4 :3 J 4 x;<,‘vhcj‘ '.r¢Vd“?%?ti!h‘é~ Wall? of Ier‘aflzf[emMV , e;u‘n€ffHy'he mccmzit fig, W1 ' wzisflfet 0nT§fire,%yca be ‘fired éimfi%:£;‘.;bu~rfiout intb Trm» x “ eat;_; asgangry“with;himfclfc»éhd:»6the1rs?:;1%Té Qbth; full in‘-the Lards W‘ork,Ne/aezaz‘. 3‘.%2*eta.Beye:?of?4r:% bzg/5 fiE1it,b01dinpromofiagthe*s:hing§¢f}Godshoufc, A ,that allycgiuzsbcfiTabi1'itie$;:;nd d§C.pfCf’t;gr0j€&s may be vv‘i%Tti“"zz‘I‘I‘:£’ti‘1fring of..héa1irA fiibfr. firicntd ro»w4.A Church;§1nd*fubordinateAtdfhisglrjn Lct‘t’1ie have A of Chrifibé: fo wa rmé in you ;f._héa~1‘"tS , thatwfwhiyfie. A Iveryciu’p€rceivc’i.§7w4fifing4ifi>1T}3‘Emmiwzflerj,§n" oamfi " - fiwémsj»%nVMri»e4;;r 4;«ip1ines%»r :«»y%;>m¢ we A A M j yyq»/},;'}¢g“; 4.§‘:,;a;;r AGod,if:m}tjA Aeerf ;,=¢ireal.4&c?07‘difigtéVt»5e '2 A L}I_f.é~}.5d8;I2. A 6,. ?V1.mr”z:f't/je'“La‘rd,»aud the coun(*:1Iofwthc%%mofi High, w>ho3{vi11faveZion,aand¢ha1éhhis?ihRrn'ments.4,;‘his . A V ":1‘ari:<5°rifir'*:;*<:!fbr%es,4thai‘W* 35% ”bx:*M£a11¢d4:t»h¢:f¢P3if‘:rs 7 " .~ ofthe brca'ch,thc* rcftoférsofrth*¢: Eths t'®\dvst.c=1!*it?‘£, . 7 ~ ' V4 w ;, ,4‘ ga v%DM*xD5 Zw1efW%Z¥°N*% g,§uig;Viof::gIc‘6. and%natuf?eof _ A A A 47*aIefI§}§cii2¢g;tl2a ifliéabtnt, countenancing well. docrs, you are for the praife ofthcm that do well; difgracc your flattercrsand t_hc-irflanficrers, plead V yewzhe caufcof%.Ieremy , charged with revolt .g,j the cag1fcx4of% Pad, acc ufed_Ofgrcat and griyc%vous_things % cafe; whenhcvin‘ his: is called fcdxrious. V Men run which cannot bee proved; remgnmbcr yc: G/mg‘/is 7 under youvruprotcdcion who hadjmcom fortcr, [Tm-V A W ‘, ’ art 2352 fiJic1a':1aV.jtl1£‘e«strf£I,I€%tthe caufié of thfi poorc come before you and let: that needy that hatléi iiq hclperctwcll Afafcgbyyou. You arcgovcrnpurs for A the=;pfra;_c&ion.%o%f Wellgdocrsf, 1: 1—f’e:.2 J 4, Let it 6:: flee fbr mm whofe heartis to their Work,thq work A of theLo1'd,,injzrégcéifigwtgying, and figs 413;/we (ff; 56: If #36 lmtfi of 11534, Lord; in fémze‘ tée Lam’ in :17: 1:7». ” A" émy afC/Qrzffl, witlraigst fiaarc arfiuzrc. Say ofafl {ugh i asA4CJrw,T1w. Gad e1‘3%»‘1¢A:.==r4¢tr1i3?etvitér/aw?!’ Bard I -3}- A thatthey%%may firancg %;m%»« 11¢; V/zfe‘ (f the 1{z'ng=:;4m! bi: ./ifirfitig and thof¢ b¢‘cuVt;g£-FAtha£ tr_oubIc4‘thcm,. as Awas:%D4riz4: his d¢C1‘<‘-’€, %;~tb,a€ they mayoaer i5ac¢rificcs of fw"e§nfav.ours untqthc spa . 0f Ca:Vc?n, émdp rayfcm zh;eA'*Lifc_%,ofthe Kifig and hi§ * f0flI3€.'»s5 ;A1fo make a ;.d cc1'.¢:c,t mt, méafigéver» flmK_ Anltci? this mérd,1ct~:timberL.h€ p%u1;edr downs. from hishfc, an%dMeings."f1'et+4upj, Zetgzim 6:” »94z¢‘gqdAtheré» *IM:!,*:fipz1aes%~5a‘daand +ififlaffié'.'éfi£; far“? “fl%fisé*¢%.a*$i§~§ *1”; ' \ _ % 4 71% i:«4%c¢:l.g72¥fz‘4l,l9s~ is figefftfé“ V;%h»ewenV:;g% fig; i"s,{~=vt‘;1é:'A fF£6m:thc‘:é%r‘€h'5 ~i§ "1; dfvi§i’e;5"rt§1a,i«7Gjo'd‘s Spifiitgfibft Wfismxahg *3rrafiiifegidwhcllifia&*fi&fhf1 £f¢‘ewf«‘o fi:?figéséEA ~h*é'11 'ffificWée % ' , V‘ 1“%&kit‘dfiIf;,sta3vv¢.’f:i%f~IirI'r*,a‘¥- ?*fc*7d1§fl’é’&i<3fr§nd:"f&ivéi1m1i§i@1ciV”ft#'§‘Yhéh6d‘fc?6Ftfic¢ Lord, it is the Hqly Gheft»baptiwzfiéh*‘*§xfi‘i:?1i‘t§?:i;‘s“~fi1'%,. WI: t :§y"Wé?a3i &a'iz.¢; wza£s*»a£i~%‘Iui‘;¢»1;>ii£l%«A‘i!;g;zjLf 's$h’c,1*?_«,€33.0“§WC17Y%¢’lVilLii1-thetcmP15'a_3lld93' l 11/24;-mgzaée 6::/eryl pigéfior zéataéémacflle. us cfl/t§9¢f,s Avs&a.sll“ad;rrl9nii:h¢d, H25. 3. 5 l ThiTSVI£5a’#;£V“m1iTed'J“ 5; lpgzgtjall jafifcfiion, or refines? ,vfp:2fins;~great or 1' m-ail; l;I€;'z:g=rgr%.:pea;[¢ .{:£zefwz4nlarAA caumey~m.m, izgwlwill Qclvfioc "I~:.“i.‘gh‘t:«:‘g«O~ all; wiihout daing:af2*iwd l 4 pla+4fi!re,l‘i ¢r:»;¢ hm u V xemlQlvc,.cl her: from being hm» 7.30f¢lhl¢.had;»n?adle idoll inla grovc,2 C/22% I 5. 516}. , llH_f:;dild not as, Was] covcnaxj1ted,th..1t Whafqciycr .l‘;V.V0J;11,d l19t%f¢¢Is!h€lL0rd God of Ifidel 3:; 319514 be ¢;puG,bg9; l0x;gx:e;atsl'gr:b€¥h€l: man or“ _ man, 'U.%I 3; Minchow,Le'vi,lll»igiapgxgtialljin zeal¢,hrccovler;cd his hl_opo;11r,is# QGDQWDQQEQHE1 l,;;ath a~b1¢flil8 h;i$lfazl3cr:l%;;=m§l, to l l l l ;d.¥¢1:1;:If‘l:for%llthc havt Qb;fC11’V€C§ ‘thY'5WQ1’da,' T and Rep: 4~lthy:§9v¢nantgDams;;9. i 5 A l .5 I « Wi€:‘%o%%v_f¢Alrfcox:l,1’c_é1:s%grcé4_t % ;l*‘di.i».£?agfimfiF!‘I%$§§?»;§5:(§'3?l€§-?’1;ffi§l£.i1f;a ,afraild.-o:faGy- _ 31% Children xna fu’l1Mf0ll0w¢¢dlltl:c ; LI?.lZd:13,b;Q13rCdt0l’fiillth€l1‘fllTl1?!.l1!fl1l?§:lS, andfl4J W l f‘¥i”t-alrcdmrl Pl-fOP1b;lf¢r ,11‘~?.'1,1i.1l‘-;llVl,?tIl<:3?§f?1T»f‘Pl'»1i5i:l§iwith A he re- B A? ‘V S ; _.ZeaI§l far.; 2 if 5 if A Gal.4.I8. x _%‘_l A fixf¢lodlif5He6.z1.2 4.. aéavefleqfize, which he: chofi: not,az;.'z 5 ._~4émI: éviatbes and trc4fiIr::,vvhich'h_o cfioc; " med not, vv.:: 6. Maw fkvaur: or flares of mortall man,l1Clfa‘WfhClBVifib1¢G05, -22. 27.4 It A islrcfolutc: » ~ in holy ~undcfi:akings,Walks in véraycs ofgood con- % fiqicncc lwit?h.7llilonl-like tooragogit {paras no Agagsasl ~ 5412! did ,but hcwos him in lpo?ooos-, as Samuel did, _ H1’; ~ I S'4m.“I 5'. 33.11: willnot be over.-powered withrw‘ wc:Jth,worfhip, looming or%~gt*catncf‘l‘e;, jealouficis * V crucll as the grave, t£ve‘c}t7n:ItJ rbercafarelmlmffirc; whichlhathla mofivchcmcntflamc , many watt rs cénnotquonch love; nciihvsr-(‘San the floods drown: 11::*if a man would give all the fubflzinlcc ofllhis houfe for lovc,if would utterly be conccmncdy. nci. that waversiof advlcrfity and fcarc of puniflxmcnt, nor favours of s§rorld,an.dlhopcs«of pref~cm7rcnc' ll Can flop zcalcs"mouth,i it caézisatz 5: quentéed, if wig M 21:26: ériéad, Cam. 8 .6, 7 .l butfrom afparkc incrcafcth to; -molt" vehement A l flame, it forgcttctoh more things which arc:bchinc:l, and rcachcth forth unto thof: things wtflch’ are bet; 4 H V ‘ 6‘ It :2; cm]lamt,zcal is a fire {hould ziévcrgo oug AT forc,itprc1Tcth forward, is not declining; Tau that A A W ’5eg4n we/1,“/154353 well,l.wroxgbr well, dr“a'W not back, grow notwcary",elcca~" hotin zcalo: aslitisgoodto be righteous fiill and ‘ olyflillfo it is, goodio 5:2“ 41.; omyc: zealoaw, till tbcfin:qfLeo;‘ zéepyrffied, and the ungodly be no morcgifl error: 6: abamlaned or Ian ri- cd,arid lfuperfiixions abolifhcd, till trmfb 6: q/3451:’ fl -L _ ed,Chrifisgovcmmcn”t crcficdfitil 411 the work amt: _ A ‘tbe We of we Lord végfimijbed,‘ i7fl"CYCry“l;‘pB€Ch, in oven; projcéli, in e*v'cry« dayg; wk 1:: zeal: ‘éeinyao, A “ 3 ‘M: §_hingsV.. v- -~- .2 ~.. W V at’ *: . ,. ;*Mc;.m.cs to . 3: zealous. an Avbid fgggc; r§w;$; &Aa’leVfarJ aw xii: A R A 3 A AffA§faAA%Ai:1Ia';1Air»§a;%ai%rzc..tA11is Ahea-.4-A ké,Tc:a.:1y iirc~,AVfo *’m:.ce4ITar in all %«:fw’ai.c¢;s of the « Sanéiuary. A’ A I. AWZA A,;z44q.gz¢mj/’a~wca4Ze:,A~AA A A % V.wz'ty ef fiacalgtiofi , fhun vame janglings A and;c0n~t@An*ti0ns,Which;¢di2fi.e7notinfaifla AAa«ndA4o1m:li:. §.1;iAé1'1C€ :; *Emg1» wQu1d.%Aha;v¢A mc:ncl1Aarg§:d %b;£er.é‘_t;£1*e I.Qrdg5 tlxattlmy firiv;¢not.ahout vSIQ2;ds.:9:n0Apro; V fir,AB_ut to {the Afubvcrting of the hea%rc1=sA; zejfizh. 2;; » ;;4,.A‘§nto%avs3id foolviflmand i1nIcarn§fd~qmsfiions5 A gm; .VAIc;%is1A1AlAfpmt% a;r1d«zAcaI£; mhanis fczit Ajtiiis way.m'I‘hefe cfVap0rat7iqI3%sihi1ad@r flaef"in5av,ardA:'Vzc:a1o» A and’wwaxmth ofhcart iA1at1:L¢%trut.h£afcex*godfineffc: I l’4é2ze.caz.2¢194:9idf2::,t9»bbfami1iarA.with cold 10f !u1<€:——~WaArm=mcmchilsfmen; Vainibfocsicrtyysdccaycd tl1cA1o%vc;QfA Aiazm; it wasA the n1ixtm>u1simde inA{fi.; A m6l;wbich..W:a§;.11qtQfl/}14él, Wha fclAl‘:lIL1fiing5thAa1': A V‘ hroughtA Jfiacl to lament afigg Egyptian: fl~cfl»1, L1mbcrs,Me1ons, Lbcks;Qnions1,“aAndGarliakc, but Mmrzpt 10okcdac2nAas §qu1*;fcAfarc,Numpi,. "A s,A;é. Wéafi Abmg@A&az;4A; mi: I/?6Ai’ I e ' ~ :.»Ze'b3:‘"A nets fire; ewhere heeemakeéwany zealous , V hegivcs his»Spint,', whic11b2pt‘izeth with fireof pi; ous afi’e£tion‘; natureeedotb not firing itforthy, itvsfram F 2 ' 95$‘ '%*apoE&Ua"‘ g:w:raZ;sa?7H$. % Dgii s : fZea1e2fm* % % 2 o 52*/as mfg» of so waxy mg}: 155 acre sea: ‘ menshea1‘ts,Icx.z".3 .« g 9 .15-not my w0x:d”a 5172:.’ it is fire in nho mouth of,Gods meficngérsao Moo tlmtfi £li2ed.hear,mofl m~iino“thAis,‘too prcfcrve am! ineomafeo To zealie: G1*eoa£‘¢are11:uft be had to enjoy Prcachei:s‘, _ .whofclips~are touezlucd vwtha Coalc takenfrozn Gods Altaag, I/4. 6%.A67o._;1,'b.ey who przmcb t4ée~ Word of God 2'e;v:zflZ’l'y mzd c‘az'd¢’j,.s»:.t}2ey é::ca1d,tf7£g_ lemazcohtbeix. ; .. o % z*9:4rer5*m[d; cold preacéixg make: cold peoféle. Nico undo: fuch lukc-Woarmn.efl“c i-n_Prcachcrs,a1'€ daily more co1d,andeome to be haxdcncodooby~a~i}3§riwal1o froflfiand zeal: pcriA‘fhcth,and~o.xvh~@rc vifion failcth, the people are made oakcd,coId,lamc,andbeoum. mcd,Pro.29.V I 8. A ‘ ~ A‘ A M A A 3 Zcalazzs company is a live coale tor» fob. oshcré ‘On: o \ fire , one Wil-I wvarmejanotoher... Ioocly taiéc in the Preachegs phrafc, Ifltwo lie together, then they have hcat,.bu’t howocan one bcwarmefalone:.' fBccl».» ' 4. I 1. Whenfomc want fi1'c,they~ fetch thmacoalc at their neighbours: Godly men garovokc on-ano—— that to oloveand good works, ; oH4e5.1 o . 2 4. and odoo 3 -Wiharpcnoonc anothcrlron fl3arpconerh,iron,‘{'o :1 man flmrpencth me ocpunfeoance ofhis fi*iend_,Pro.2 7.1 ~ “ 4, Prayer in God whofc Spirit is fire ., powro out -your hearts tothe God of hczwcn forthis zc‘:a‘I.c', ES» laws, I C/3m.4.o.1o. O that thou wouldefl b1eflE me A iodcedsaod inkzrgc my coaff: ;.-..-and Godgranted him his requcfi, Rm‘ fit}? oflepezitiofiofir .ze4!e,for this; 51': to be kindled on thy haxth , in theo-,o that the bredth of thy gi1’it may not boo firaicnod 3'" byanyo coldnes 0:? fr: mg: the duty is,qi1enoch nottbc {pi-'4 1“ii', 11?" /76% 5 . :9 .A the mean isjprayooxvithouc ceafingy. _ @163/"jfl 147; ‘J T I15; V E?‘ A i 4. The Wave; to 23ezz1,tO exiiitc meiitso bc:z‘<:-along ii Ira regard cf GM}, A ii A V ii God amrmfinds ighc requires i:r,w7c may not ale-A my 'iilt,l1cTw.ill.i;1a.vc it,undcr». pains of dilfobedienec5itol thcihighéfi lMa‘jcfi'y ‘, we mayllnot.izi‘e'glec5i it, his 3; Mativcs :6‘ . zealc: ’ I In re ;1rd of; God, our‘: 1!l'i0«ti~'v"€Sa ' commanll is the argurncnt ofconfcicncc , Be zc:‘a- V lous,.Rw.3.19. fl1<>uldy=e not obey him 2' will ye xcjecfi‘ his Wand? It isGod;,, ittis Godicalslon=you' M ii fér zeal Rm his lxoufgit is Ihfifflilihx elm; mind 3cm 1-... ding. to my mind muflbc as lvacirmimaridi, izbaloius. l 2 God 1'3 zealaw, a ]calous.God againil: fpirituall‘ fornication, I in generall,' allfin a going a whoring from him; 1 in fpeciallA,Aidlolatx‘7y,fiiperfl;~ition.,th§s» is liatefixll to, himn, Exam’ 2 07.: I'.*.l2?>?}siTzl*-i}‘t?ti2’&’ttd" God,“ he willnotfparcimfie dfay of v"engcanc¢,i when the time @of_rccomp.r~:nlccv~is comc‘:he regards not broken wedlocl<;: Which my covenarét they continued not - in3'afl(ig I; regarded tl1€.'m¢nC>t,,{‘aith ché: ‘Lord, Hgév. 8;. 9l.l1’Zmr‘?{§4ll¢inAtaking away 8: dciacing cvcry who-»« i xzifh %th'mg.,cvery provocation,.may;revent Gad: fed-V-‘ lmg/Zc,that it burn not like fiarqthat-~=nonc: can qucnclv in f; it A inyour he.1rts 3; and W the I'.ord- l{irr<~':~ your fpirits wit-l1in,you , thai'l:'? .we.-may fi'ndlfucl1ll».a¥i _ l fruit of your z~ca1e,that we fccllniot l‘-ris fiiry. V 3. Gad dralcmly. lawcslziazzgi his Church, and the welfare ofit : Thus. faith the Lord of hoilis, I was jealous forzz’-on with great jealoufic, and Iwas fea- lousfor Ahcrlwisb great fury ,3 ec£r.:78‘.2 .W»9e:n ymt bear: j A , Godli-.r z:.ealm:,may not yawéc zealaus? Will not your 4 M be zcalousvi God is with you in this work of i he is ingagcd forshis fons thrcmc, andwill cfiabliflr it}. he.lhath.fet the lgovcrnmlcnt ripen his -fl1ould@r+ F f A A h DH: __ ‘Q _,........— and judgement, and his zcalc will performe it, my 9; 67. are young minds andmendi the Minifferyf: ' he is with. you..AreAyou zcaioau for the truth dfthcfl Gofpcflf fa is he; Are you fervcr.1r:‘tha€‘GddimayA he worfizaippcd according to his own iieart *3 he is ‘I mare abundant.‘ May it not cjmholden any rmarii when it may be 'truIyf'aici‘to him, in his way, in his’ ‘ work for Zz'm,i The Lord is witihi thee thou \rarIiantA man, Go on iii your mightj, that you may fave at-xri Jfiael, and build up. Zim. V E ~ 4% icadyromafitéxmofl famiiiaxf cbmmunionwitih th:e_zcalous:', WhiCh.flTOuid:pE1‘fW<3d€ so this’ 26346, . he who ft0mia~cks~thc: 1.u:kc-wairm 5:, loves the zeaa-T: ions, and faith, he will icomc‘ in t0 him, and? flip“ ’ i with himaand hcwith Chrifi. “C/.zr.§& fippe: wit/1 u.r7,» in chrceringganddelighting him feifc with his pwner. V grac:cs,§,ah;r1iigi»'ftisioif ihisiiifipirin lateéfiiowc-dfgan tits, as ' finer it-113:1 eats {wear an dhiiplcaihnip ’mcar;i‘ Vmithzr V C/frrxfii, when we communicateiiin-gallthe cares and pirituall d€iiCat€S.0fAChA1’Zifl, as;thcy“tha”tfupJtogci. i:h_::r',i parstakcirin .:bodi1y%i fbodr; A Fwould ygm rnc-jet‘ ‘With Chrifiin~his ordinzmces, or“hei*1vc1cQmcd“by: A him” in his houfe :‘ A Bhzcalous, 101% norfuich ‘a prel- fa-:‘nce.by our Ia:2ke~xvarn1ineflE*, andifizch communi--_ Q,m”0r13CkA0fzhcaicfizmv. gA.i2:0. ~ ‘ A 2Mam1e’£ourc 3.]”»"?’§“"*z57C:”§gAi(jjé”’""5-_ , V ‘_ V ‘A things. d f Téemafl 2/m*z.zzz¢;ey¢r¢i~zi5ia*m.w, ithe hedge? 154 2'1‘ . oé é i ‘ H _ 1"“: _A __H vs’ ..‘, ‘: flm“C'§§j§h full of4gap.:~r, any bcafl: or. B:oi21eima»yig€t m, It is ca LA ,3?!“ m.9£$"!(c3. ircnup, % iris trodrén dowxw, it isiaid waif: in many‘ places, oven-ifprcad with woods-5 itviwanfs ‘rainghathi ciaudsgwithoxzt rains, the hedgc, corpc>r.=31l hesipegi i A A V A Without _i he hath préhiiigcii ail" iihaibc ordered with jufiir; :35‘? 1 “ A:~%§}1i 51333 Zeaile.far :12’; t 651%} ’ ~~ A V L }i9%*iAt1?1§W:go®d L3Wcs,g@.§mi Magifirares; the w;aH,§a fpmrtluall d€f,€~i1~cA.c;‘V,,inwa§d,;as gOd;ly I.\r*ii1nificrs, me xdifcipiinc,i% clouds withoujt~tfaiae‘O»V€r;ir,. Miniftcrs ¢ -. :Wli1i-ch maikc ¢1fairc~fl1eW,.and y%€téire W615 Without W A wager, orzly barren, WithQ.l1?-‘g@Q$3fl€fl72~ifl.mtl1cir%Mi.. ;nifi€I'y,no 1‘¢fi"€fl3iDg$@‘iE‘jh*_CfliQC; % 56.da:h not pertain t0_y%01,1 3: Mcnffaug’ out ;f-among men 5&9 make up the hcdge, and ’to;ffian_d i;«-in xmny things,;inpcrfo%ns Vitis V atas, th£:%i*§ick¢:ddwa1koaw<::vy%fid': andchejvilcff T §Zi§1:l?£€Md3':});r§)fl1%QtCd :3 lEl*da1fih@$?%57\*4‘;h0W‘ ~ many*%:fp¢ak¢ tflrzmge ¢ thfings , V p€1*V&:rfcj things, A £Qntra1‘ytQ-Athedoflrincof Ch1'iPc!f; In difcipline" %many';:at the fi'~Qn‘:€5'-»\.4xf'LCh€f p€Op1e%,“: and g-{OW fax?-by thy vcrtuc:s:qf~t£1n::4 3 pl¢,d~ C0552- houfs is for fuch n1¢rcha:‘ndif=c in ficnrrupt courts made ,a_, den ofthficvcs, Mgméz. 2 I 1~;::;. I 3.. In ‘the: v~.vorfhip cf God; Amen in moflz‘ p1;ace«s~-have fct up-~« . M ;E_.x.fad, amd ail, while flap: ,*andA ;wantcci? . zc:1,1¢~,xvhilcy.oL1f<;e theft: things‘, 11je~tyaz;f¢7ager"’4 % with Mofi: wzzxc /9ot;zfe§'fl'I9:~ d0Wn& w1thAiai1c4a1ves, V burns them in the fire, grinde,themt70 90wdcr,i tm beu:ter1y?;;bo1ifh¢d,«uerfiz <:>;V.[ v :~ TA V p A :~- 4 . 1t=i~.vf;/9: Imzzfl: ofGod, Z?avidfaith,t5vj 50£4fiaI‘ti$~+ A the fp0ufeofC mariedtOC¢€2fé{3Af04r*A@Vf€r-AWh0f¢« A bowals yem I;10!—’t0 17:: Cbrifi:.fpAoufeint1-ac duff! 0» forzjam fakcithagaan QE:heVkx013e.0;1¢ofV1fi4el)h0W .,, 15% \ fig-,f DA V '1 13li‘s‘ Z1-lro N3 nnotyowur peace. Danie telslnsehis love to zgmf4zZ&j A becaufe bfthe hen-fegnfuhe Lord our‘gGod,Pf;&.1z2l. 1 V —9. what youedfnr his houfcg you dbfor him, to him. l I: isifloriellcl a worthy a& of a religiens - «hcart,i-n Terentius, amptaigae finder zZzeEm}wraz:r V4» A Jam, wh0%Al1$hving»gdOne"l fomejfpecia1l.fervice , V for which the Empeictaféfihought him‘ worthy of afci. . conupence, and{laeing»lz:hereu;pon willed by him, lg: " -demandyvhat he would , prcfented this petition 3 $5.41:tw3ae2*r:;;~C'/9r{,4"i;m:l might édwe #9: 12'6" riyaf as A Cbygté 5}tfiapefilves:f;;1a73Eef*:irzwe In mm“:/311;? Apart flaw’ tkel;4rriami,l‘_wholfc herefie had then ipread it Ielfcxceedinglyf. The ‘Emperor reading fuppli-- _ -cation, wasehmuch difpleafed, tare {tin “peeces, and A threw it away;.~.Terer2tim modefl1y.gafhercd up the piecesagaih,prbfeH§ng to him, thzit ifrhc could not A be heard in Godscaufe, he would make no {min for his ownlprofitgi Showyouqyo.u:fincerc and ‘faith... "' A 4 A L “full rel7pe<€’c- to‘;.thclgoodi1and prlofpcxolus eflaltcof .. ::G od S Chl1m:h;,"ablovc all’k}perl_‘ona!ll“concemmmcntsM: V be not put offiwith $vorldlyprofits,peace,and ncivill ‘ M 1’17ghts.2I1d lzbcrties, you lhavemore craniecndentn matters,the good of{eules,the liberty ofconl'cien.; ces, thelm.eanes ofgrace, the worfl1ip"ofGod; the kingdom: of iChrii’c,thclho:ul‘e“of the L0rd,nla7bou.é this let your zeale have a melt vehement flame. 3» In regard at A 3 In regard.o_fmm,mény thingslmay kindle zeal. ff‘ ‘f:Gaoa’z22e;¢;‘exgzmple:,th eybe all zealous ofgoocl ,, good ma worl<_s,‘Ifzz*.2. I 4,3/nd may you ‘be coIcl:’_ piousmen minim V all pray For 3.: as if iwrlwere a timevof mercy for, Bi» ' A any they take pleafure in her flames; and favour the gflg;P:.thex_'e<;f; Pfil. I 02 3,14. and {hall it not come A mro.y”ou1‘,mindes in the martyrs bf renowned A zealcl ' .37 n .j 7 l l lgvefl A ‘which they did fo af¥'cé’c,A1Ee»;;el.*x 2. 111». A not Amcns hca_rts‘noW~bc fired for iv: Mofn was a A plcafcd‘ w‘._itht_hc wicked -.' ~ A A it, A Nc6em.?2..-3”. 4W&yw flmuld not 192} ca:mmMg¢ce4A6eV* éhrifhpowcr, —a.——o».—, m2» "Zezzle Z:1:o"1sr;"«” loved not theirlives forxkxc trqgh of God§‘word' and may ..................................~...__. .... A..__......_....._..._...._.,,. mcckc man in his ‘ownc cafe , ‘but no Shcbp~in Gods caufcA, -he was angry and vegy ‘hot againfc wicked doers, Exad. I 9. ~fl1al_l -men inow bee Neégmizb -was >fad*for.; fad? ‘he faficd, wepngprayed, 1.4;.‘ fl1al{ men now: A not lay it to heart! A‘?/21nmA waAs4;«~zc;“aAIel”1s for God fgn: -h~is%good=in the AV matter A of. Zimri and; Cp{éz§,~ A Numéuzs‘. 11. and isfitVVa time cobélukcwarme whcn,thcrc;bcA.many Azimries and Cazséées .5‘ Pzmfi was ‘jealous for the Church, 2 Car. 11.2. 554/! tbejéée we Jaye»: tp érizggfirtfi —c4reslefl"¢% 0miJ.?AGod1y % m¢DAAAto rcmcmbcAr%~ZAi0fl" 3; wept fTa makcmazzy _1’rofelyte.r, to promote Anti. 7 howédac they confu1t.,.pIot, ..pra- ~ —étifc,yca compafl'c feaand land to make onc‘Pro- Ielytc 2' 4M4t.'2..-3. 15.. -Can t~hcythus(imp1oy their hearts, heads and hands for that kingdome, a V kingdomc "6f'-darknefl"cs' and whofl1a1l»not,~wi1.l A a A not bc.quickne.dfor«-.Chrifts Kitigdomc,_ and his 2-T9 41% ' 2.. Badman Z€.l0tSiI1tW0_‘ things. V ;....n- 9;- '42 sag. -u..o.._...,..... 6 Del ml ~Z¢4ze. Z*m~ mile ;, 2%. To £r’z3zegez!a:;vne lz:lr9elllZI:0:;_[E%Gad”,‘ pervé; A ring: Iéthlefle Sa£i‘pture;S~ ei-,7‘leeleor1?!i1§£tingL “ wmfhip -of ~ ‘3;}_.Mens-concliu - E10115: 1. Vnlclext bura Vé*3«l1~9a‘ . " lG0dl,ii'fufpehdrifig thee fefvalnts‘lof ’*Chrifl,envfi1a‘ring* tlie Saintlsof God , lW£w flay oftbe mm efCl2rz'ff,7 Dawn tlaflit, damze to itllwen ta tbegmmal, fiat of’!/3: tS‘}2m%cW/;iafC/9rz',fl1,‘ A Down witbeein dawns w%it%*1it weni wlzfdz graundglocldefldamfs ‘race lPfi¢l .71" 3l7.~7; Shall the le'wd‘ll:be tl1ru‘s“ag%§iri?ftir5 and fhalllhnotany man that- hilatehany fpirite within him be ;tnd7ve'd for Zianlef“ is their worl;“t"x5e:gl3:o 5 depart iwbtrei if bath/aéeciw; zw Wiéisé: mam I tinmgévts ;c‘4z3~ 31:: take up itéeir cafe’ w£wre;*5»éagZ¢iryi' '1?"/ea;‘24tz&re:. cdndititxii r».oTur Ipvfieriwlhmald "“»:r-“’I7“""'7£ir1i’+'-1?.iI”!?é’z.W 4 35 this kimflc zit£i1ct‘tih;~mc”n :5 16%-t uislnfqm l”eavict:ii<’hili¥«" f,§’:‘,f,“‘°” of drcn aficifitis to inih-crit our fo=lIics:'; ‘iises zmdiivani; ‘ t,ies,t let your izicaic in reforming the houfc 0”fG‘od accordingto théiwbfd of Gfodi, iprcfvct1t»th£.=:*ir::ire~ panting of~ou1f .c.hrrupti6s: wihit. bcg.7’éiredii to‘ this preftnt agcWrtm‘haxr”ciithc next igmeration come to g 0 i i G 2 ‘ t God \ N2. ‘ - W. . M, “M V '-~‘_ 4 ‘ .- Q , ‘ om ‘ ‘ _..._..g a «- P""", ""';""‘ . “" A - D.:mr~1 DTSM »Z vezziég 1:‘Ad-> . in » ‘x God with wsicfived ”1;1carts,and‘,i_to c1carc:“t‘hcmfelvcs Qf oui: ab0f11ina=rionLs% fay furcly , "0ur'F4-tlaers in- h=t§)§it€‘6J7J2Y:€:E;,%_fKatt&g¢fli£’.§,f zmd;"’t/?é'i$&g,¢3;sv4£ztrei”i2VAt!jer_e M A fi1'?7J€.1f.-%VIV%;;6$%f% 9 SL'17£cl;y‘Vi¢R:c?fog;-m‘a5tiéniwill b:=,_V,A,f<$r‘?+; \ A the préfcnt, fhbii'1d«:bé*, put;it§'not ofl.4f?3r'afc(cVr tii7t1C’s: ‘to doe it}, *dd"é;*y0#ur%utrhoft3.t~hVat no;_Cé1mfianitc~'mvay . be1cft.,_nol§aVcD;uncafi out or..curfcd 5 “no fupér-‘A M In ~ regard of, fpecia1I"rnen, . % 4, Motives. 1; :3: Thcirpléce. V M A Z-i—o-%nthat youarcA imploycd hcrcs: Had "you not y4_ourVLCount,r1cs,~ Coumxcs hearts, voxccs, hands, + £aid“TVto». Lg,-Thci%f'% p¢E1céa fiitions: bclcfi tompofiTérityA4i,i% ibutthc‘ word of God= a4s—anhVerit:§g6Af'orcxie‘r..A. A ‘ V‘ M Y AAAAA 7 A , :_4-- In reg4r_do'fpar:icm'4rAc/7aice%%m::a who f'carc “the Lordxand hcarc; his word -thisfd ay, to inflame yourrzeiilej, &"mVin;de 2; .:.%:% ; . AA 9; . :; A {~~Tam-Eplac e;,and‘cal1in*ig zfpeaiies’ to ‘you; Is it: n’étJo£~'God that you are ferflt hither =3 Is it*not‘for* (:0dO€5::AW%Q1?thily?'uin-:Zion:.'~Erriindc what‘ Mordecai‘ AuecAnc.;,‘A:E*‘ «liar 14>. 71'/Vlra knmw,””whcther thouart come 136 the kingdom: for fiich Mime as this May net :Iw.wit~h=?litt-1eA change. fay , A Wén? kwfiwfiiw/zcthtr jrc lac ‘vaézse tbs: ~té_a VParliamem;, fo_r fuAcLh-.2 tiamctas»:t'histr.iIVVe44 hop”c% for’ fuch sa tixtnoas? 4 A thisbvbw mm‘ tberczfiw/a avtime») ‘for fixch a thingas ‘ t~his,W wshcnwas there fuch caufc-':. , callcth for zcalc. fllCh-'33 calI~,;? ’rii:y issin the welfare of ' I G%o%dshoufc~,yOu~ haw‘: a~{harei?ntha%t {hip ,V -inth.¢~ t §erufa1cm,+.th¢y flaall pmfpcr thVat%lovc it, PM.‘ awiiglg mmtf the beauty Ofthc “aH'emb1ies~, ‘:1 V V g*o:d1&V Mini.Pccr:y%, a ~purc"4iDifci;p1ine.‘~,A zi fpirituallg worfl11p,[brxng1:a%u’nto you muchpcac;-,. and com... ‘W’ fort,“ caccVthAcrcof fl1allyou-:-have peatcg it is faid of ' DrAYv'I5o.§Zeale fl» Zr iO'i\f * fort, but if'trurh_ be fupprefI~‘ed,godlinefl'e oppref-l fed‘, the Minifiery corrupt , theworfhip of “God ~ poliiuted, what~‘lwill:‘become.of your felvesa, your ‘ r A2,; __.._4......-in foules',~your~fa,miliesrNo peaeei»l€you.{iir<:norrthis ~ day,you and yours may perilh for it, Eff/JET’ 4.14. 3. Your borimr is in rnarching valiantly on for Gods houfeg Bamoks flownefie madethe journey _ that he tooke,not to be for his honour, _Irtd_g'.4..8, r '4 9. what honour. will this pocoriiming to Parlia- _3.’:Tl1ei1'hG~ ‘A 5 1. $101.11.‘. rnentbetoa mean-that~fpnke nothing, or didno- A thing for thofe poere people, the childrenpof God ,who gave their voices in hope of help in the Cihurchi, in Religion -3 how can-yeelookeupon. you have made their eyesro fair-l‘e, their hearts to put uponmyoirmfhen you b‘eh‘ave your {elves wor- \ tliily, as faviours come up on Mount Zion‘: Your bappinefiii {hall bee great: in pleading thoroughly for Zion,and againfc Babylon,’ as it. is prophcfied; 0 daughter of~-Babylon who art to be deflsroyedfl, happy thee as thou hafi ferv-ed us,rPf 41.1 37.8. happy‘ in l credit, ., h’app3.z"inryour*Country, happy in your P theme in yourrerurnei-ntoyour Countries, when l ~ bleedrtheir conditin in F pi rituall things as heavy r & helplefs,buetowhar loye wilberoyou and honor A 4.Tl1eir haffi-'5 . pinefl'c:'.r ‘ fhall Q he be that rewardeth X r ’. your felv~es,lhap,py in your"families,happy in your ‘ foules,,hap"py in your bodies. Wherefore (that I may not be farther tedious to anies patience ) let i Zion come into arr minds, and as Iorzé animaried L Aézfbai, 2 Sam. 10.): 2. be of good courngep andfelt #6 play tlac mmfor our people, and for we City vf e wrGod.,' and the Lord doe that which feemerh. himgood; foflrcngtben your 62pm’: far this gwd . r rwrk, .5... M... 45 be _publifl1ed in Print: DA%v:n§%ZeaZefm» Z: o1;r;% v % \ Qvork, Neb:2:#:.‘2.:g 1 8.ta1ce heed what ye doe, for £73- far we bmf: of the L-am’ , 2 Cl7I'0mI9«6. Let the fearc efthe Lord be upcim you, «z/.7. Beale caurag gizwflymtdtlza Lmiflmll ée wizk rm-gam',v.x L. A % 111 mg} .9. .sDz:’Ia7;,;-,Azo;c21ms 154,; A Ata;C0mmittc'C».0fth¢: Commonsk Houfc of Parliament, for liccncing of Books, A ItVis.ordfercd that this Sermon éfM. _VV1LsoNs * A Sir Edward ffjering, A Knightand.Barofict.