ORDINANCE .._....._..a# o”¥F.;;HE A LORD s and C”’_M M 0 N s Aflemblcd in PARL1 AMENI’ V FOR v Keeping of Scandalous perfons Born the Sacrament of the L 0 R as S 11 P 1» E L, M the enabling‘ of Congregation: for the choice EL DOFER s, T And; Snpplying eof Dcfeetsin formerf o Ordinances and Direétions of’ Parliament 1 Concerning A "V Church-—-Government.) Die Sabbarhi, 14. Martii.m1645. A A ‘ A Dfllvred 5] tin; Cammbm ajflrmélcd in ‘Parliament, Tim! #1913‘ Ordinance ée fartiawit/ae‘1Driz4tedand~‘Pu5l1flu-4]; A e 4 ‘ H: EIfyngc,Cler. Par]. D. Com, Landon, Printed foreEdw. Hmlmipd,Printernto the Ii-Ienorable‘ Houfe » ,of Commons, and are to be {old at his Shop at the figne A , V A of the Golden Dragon in Fleetflreet, neer the In- A ner-Temple. 21/_/arch 16; 1645; 4 Ame V‘ Qlnérifinfincc cf taitd [W}'oI I11v1ign;.r¢afl':piHéJinPurI:§1menr{ ‘ A Lords and 1C0mm:@nsAAt Aifemled ». ally mfimcatheir Eycs,theAwC'o v 7n‘ «N A gm 1:? M »Pamliament,t ;img' very A fcmfile {of the A , firem: my A:which iicA;thru°p0n them to MSIEA _ A ~MaEEe»ns c@ncemningA12e%zga'vn5awdtvhc twurmy A » nf ¢A~»lmightyA:.gGom 4,-,_ And having co*n::ima-«A t which 'Ih,C;-Y have ;«fo folemdélty taieenAfdr2theAA performsancet % thereof 73‘ and ~IhA»:C «Amanifold tmotives -amid in‘ct1vra‘ge‘- A meats mcrctmto , whicih are givtfn them from G‘ttAo$ himfclff, by a fpcmal Hamid A of :P1scwid*cnce :, powrimg forth dailfy rmcrcies them Alndiftzhargtc Duty , and tpurfuamtczc =of:;thc ;fa1_t1 A.Commmi* , h;a‘hfl ‘in” thankfulruaflc wA(~3od al:l lmstMc12c1c‘s, having difligcma A ly appliad thtmsAfclws to that ark wf his Hlmtfl: byhis Gmace and ailivftacmcc thcytthavc rtnaidz: fume pttigrem: thcrei~n_.,, nto~twithflanzd'mg that setxigeticy bf“ +t)th«"er Amtirsg A accompamriecd offtcn ~n‘1Amcs~’WIth g1teat%”ah&i!r~js»1riaita»entdzm—’ gets 2, And notwtthfiandmg Agmcat «dificulty «of tWork i£'fCl'f., in divers n<:.fi1et?cs., .a21dtpa‘:rt3i~cu*1ta1?ly%‘in the right gioymzing Aef What 4 waits to ’fttfil6d Aéwfth the Laws mad «Government 4 of tht I’ 4 ch: Awant ~w’*hcreo5f: hath Caufcd A;1wc1hAttnoubic in t this and >ot1hc‘r States A; ' yet by the’ ttmtzrciflfl A.aflEfl:anccAaofA;:Gbvd , havingremovtAdAthe Bow: of Cammm-Pwytr a°‘iIl~~its‘ mm1e~ceFf;vry and burdmfm-c C eremonics, srzmad éliablitflaed the Direfiory in» the mamvthcreof ; Aand having’ abolifla cad Prc1aAticAal Hietariclay byrfk nt:habifl1ops,Bifl1ops‘,sandttheitr Dc,-pendants, i=nfh‘:aad: thdrcof; A zlaid fnéhtétion of a Prterfiyreridl A’ G-Momma: itiievmy Cmmagtefgmaition , wiith ‘Sti-bAo~rdiAnationf " A taCla;m%cal,.?I?’?mvitncia~l,aand? Na'tionaIA Aifcmfblives, and of‘ 1 them tow m&c»{Ratfiamemttt.;t Although *itcafir1»ot be ex-’” _A A 2 A pcétcd A a 1 pcated that a prcfcht lRlule_Vtin;algvery7 particular fl1ouId'hc~ Q 1 fettled all 3,? once,t Hanna: there will be need of Supply» I . ments“andAdditidnigl’ haply valf'o_W’dfelaltefgtietné‘in a A _ e fame‘thihgs,-a’s,jexper1ence{hallbung tolightltehe necefli~ A ‘ tytheteof ; “ yet were the Fundamentals anu$%OfFcn'd‘ fl’ .% “ ‘ ‘ .4 4 1n AVthe~ A I‘ 4 a* 1' “ ~ "" "‘ af9f¢fai¢*¢A;:4'?d a:U0 Af0r4AiPPP1Y of Tome d¢5¢V&Si“¢h¢. ' fopme; Q¢rd;g_ange,and Dxreéhonsflof APar1iamcnc, com-%A; -:«=rningrI:*e of E:vnVnss“aMnd‘%fomc ochAervMa=cers%s % I,.¢ it%@z.haiine1:i5 f.h at°tbcve beffiztfia % with if 3 EDDILC-B name Of Elydérs é‘_hum;¢rat%éd “ Poi‘; 'At1icAVvénfdS Enid dfc=‘si. izljzougijouttgwtingnnnt‘nfEngla%nd;aiw» mutxainin n‘AIo W65 » mAtvem?pem*ne zaarifitluccljezama fiijappclfi, accmna4 z'ugto.fucb ;mi1:cctinzw as Ijam %a1rmnp% ' pafl'enbotb%Iaro§zfe5 ,%‘beam’ng bate Auguaz Z the nineteeatwg. mus" fljaufann %xl)un: mznfmxrty mgnams, atm;t‘m ct tb%.a1ttitiz¢ i 5W351)1'fl1 %gattans,%%%;ar¢%terpe»c4ta1aeip« bcrenymzthnig EETWTD? tvm;wo%wmmww«n [ tamacm wmtnmcuzninntv. % ~ 4 r . . v ‘V? Vzfizctua A :1; tin: of tB¢M,,¢Itctinn ambrai am Wnmegatwnai ::E1dems , mm I3f%131J€ff*m¢WJ¢11Ai;f aunt; hemven 0 we %ifl;ii1:et in the pnh1iB£.%tfl'emb1p, % mm 2113 new but onvbefazc; mm 1C‘bfl’t?l3fli the my ifbms ~nay asexman ha 1%zcacbenm¢vam%mzv m etgmy In ¢Emtinn A b%ufinefl'e. I I a2*1ecttnn.%s%’a,a;n mass by tlgzfimtgmgattomog ti): V paauf them wen afl'zmb1w,4hcingfucl) &’5«1)dbe¢taB¢nthc Nationa1C°Vcna%nr,a‘nD are notpecfans unnzrztgcmoztccnangs ‘ oft banana IV; iwatAtbz itcvws ',i*ann tmtotbemnife ” & A "V 1”‘ £93‘ W‘ ¢D&npeI591ms%ifl “3‘”°"“5‘b‘f %‘D¢‘19¢¢rs%.oftbififiemm; :a;a11~naa$ we rawrcyeenom. ‘I mattnesavoy WA am: vtckonw mt Lohjdoiii j fl A i A A lgmutb ¢mf5~t5“° Mat mnappexom tinny Sjcr jeantg; .31 ans], Ihfinf v+°°%m'B than 119 :1 imontuce _f £Ij¢:it£é1i:e’sA; Ram-5~; _ ¢ A " {all "*7* ~* , , M W V‘ a. H M [battijz Pr“‘csb V ‘ r n" ~S.crj¢ants;;fIn ¢ mag; ‘ ‘Q . L’ V ‘ M‘. ‘ yrery M1 the %.a;i?af 3 b A , ‘I ” u‘ "" flax‘: ‘ V "4 .' 7;:_ -W ".1, {Fr H mm H '_ . . “ ‘ “ ‘EEK V ‘ “ I‘: ‘ “L "“ ‘KIM’ V" * "w “ “ :..' R17‘ lncol I A T V W A “ % i*g+" : V V ' 4 “S” rm, %~1'3§’5%* ‘*1 >cr1eants-: ‘/ ;\ ‘W, .5 _ . me, ‘am; A W B ~» A» _ ) 4 M :‘mw 5e¢t*ieants=¢I%m 2'21, fifimffrm, flyaiflbz W amm~rA.%@a*mm¢ % I~.i%am;a,ztm @ia€m’mt? 2za'en[w2zz'e§ ma ea;cb%:g9;v%m%ir§:.~s.~£:e,% fiyaii affembiz %fiJzm-» fe1fm%5dib%iti,%%ist n tm¢At1m?mt1) am: tim9 %%f1jaum[*mnmtutm zmntbig mnsnance pn.fi§i£b2‘nV, atm am: ti)e:xcefaztI): ‘ljflibgg % ‘ weft i2me%rtir:.§53T ntmtzfljxlp by 1 &m’mt£%w:~ mmt a~;sftttm:%z'%?zmmv are , in mcija cqts: ‘ ‘*tam.p1szcms?flmmactmft comsmitzmm A % W13 [W53 W0i31€+ xII;i;‘¢£I)atV wt »nf%enetp éioiagr%:Agati..w.=k% % e::a1j®%1pecan'p:,%*wmu;a11n‘emnE1$ders% V 0; ‘mm, not exceemngw the ‘ %nu>:mb.¢t of font» atmnne. mifizr .fen$i:n wmzp IXIII.3Ebatal1pm:fn1isguiItp&ofnetn2i== u fcanna1euswef£izn.c¢s?, mm maze mt: AV. ‘ A A w£ica1ha4;t1p,,sm t€11L0t_EI£‘£w3i flffib£.tfiI—E;$@zfl¢ w%tmantfieit’gimx, mofeffw m ma bard) nVfEng1andv; ¢%aana1itp¢m:ima5 $1mt(ha1ib?% pzéamug m mzifiiaxg, maimaiaaaaap fucij gm:mw§3, a § has fmhwt amp mf 4mm zmim %cles_%",»fl)%e ignuzattwibijerenfd as tmmtt amip%¢m:£c~n:%e;:tIuUeh Emmy we @ac1:a+%% % mwt we %zvsA;mvsv mmawi pm-::‘“+I:‘“é 23? .=t;; an 3- ~ - u-* ecsro 3;)‘et'ffit'¢§%ffia€ a1inzeeeane@~1eza;gee, nee: aeictuees of the %etm'e1e,eoeef any peefen A eneeeenf: am all peefeueite mboen meliee eweaegann they refute tube eeeoncet'ieen;.e eueeeije feeme appearing man yitm mJ*ef,e am feeei) neurons may befufpetenen tienme the ewe ameeeti nfeetbe ieenznee $:upepen‘,; XIV. fitjatinebete iemiainueeeeefene flyaii heeij Men by the eeoufee we aeaeuae meat, that meat he mummifeioneez tn» y:?un ge of efcanneleue ufl'ence§ cxtotefieenws mecatell ineeemp eninanee of ieaeitaeee. meet) to them fllcffifltfin;:;%flI|13U&t’tDE:‘ %mneeu)tp of that ¢nngeega~1I:ionenJI)erz;e:e: fatn ~ offence was e comtmttez, .fi)e1I; npnne ex.am.einem’en emimer pznnf“ ate“ ftltlje; 1—’eem:aIous oifenee (in We manneexasee. is te e be none in the emcee eemtneeez. ten) 4 eeettfie the fame to e e mntmifae. fioneee, togetljet with t e peeve; ta;.e.e ken befnee them , arm. befoee the ‘fal’D}1ji=: « certificate ,etI)e petty aecufev fl)a1teb‘abe*~ itbeetp to make fucijnefence as be eflgall-.=e think fit hefoze the fam @i1necip,e attm a.«'IfU~,~r~‘b¢fU2E theeemmtfsemeeesee, befmee mtg eeetifi.cate, fl;);.ai1~ hegmee e fDfD£"$e31?¢;e' A e eiiamene1:j~ee .efit"ament. fine ifqthefein iflfltnaifeeeneee eaefteeeeeneinetiun efaie pen:te’ee,fl)em 116- ,tevmz'ne we nffeme to peefezeten men maven m be fcemneioue , mm the fame than ceetifie to the @nngttegati‘a:m,t§)e we neztflyip tijereef may mfp em: face) peefme eefcnm the fiaceamentnftbe flame @119:-= pet in like manner as in cefee emzmer- eeaten‘iu%a1tp weniueuce of aeatieaenezet, \. XV- %IJatefuc13p~eefeus eeflgeilheciaea fen fee mommifemnete to juegeef nem- eeioueann fcenneimes offencee as afnee- eefaingiheclihemeu of geotmnneeimnning “in etmttees ef aaeuginn , fouzmi in the rjfattb,1:mment,nit'creet, ‘gzahe, emu of unblameabie conmeefatian, emu fa cl) as he nfuellp eeceihetiye @eaceementnf the ifleene éuppee, ae emeeeeeeheee of a gem- eiwteeiaie mngeegetton. XV I. fibatifmmp petfon tbeilcnxemuit any fcannaioue nfmtce (not ezmnueraten vt’neene.®em'nence of eeew1z’en1ene)tepen eijemee of we 2m'e2ei:etfefet‘ezeee’eeeef the flea eceeemetet ef teje fieeee weggpee in the feeeeeef we 4% to cmwznt '.h4.sefwozatI)e1n~a11%perfo:1s, againft naijom any sampiaint {ball be bmugnt h?11€t:-- we 95 amp fuiei) Jmbinance , .annat1 fuel)‘ ~ mz'm2a‘e‘z asfljall be namen accozning to any fad) zhinzmpz fa: €3Jz‘].%nifcn1wm> of sf fl)¥...%:i1tI) of fuel) Tcontplmfim anniu-. cafe: a31p#.£ucb;p¢%rfa::_ mall acetate to ,apa; ‘vgatm mat, notbcing a4 1922:: sf tI)i5 fiealmg +zmmv of the mate of mmmnnz, oz mgifiant oftbe mut'c‘mf1%mg,« o;@*.%’..».~. ‘;;fiCCv of eitbev of the mzgfesnf qaawtiiag meat, tljm upon cmnplattnt nmne ta aye . mp: armies nftijz aaeace , tbepaxtp ta; fufmg {bail hebzougijt mfozz him ;an in cafe of hitinatc pet:fiftVi:ng%, fipail be ;commitmu by the fain%3Ju£ticwf amaze ;-;tillD¢fI1b1m't to mom * A XIX-iijat" ifanp emhetynfaittisttgzeg » gation than by bettue of any wmiuancz Vnf$av1tament fa; any ofience of {cm- IM1, 1'16 fufpennen from the éactammt %nftbz«iLngI15 fiuppet; mm being fofuf-V- ~pezmen, wan ofier bimfzif many ntljw watzgzcgation to teceibctbz 9acmmm1: % of tba mus ~?5umm= tngetijcr with tt1Am:A, mci) cfiungregattnn ijsmmgnnticzv of may mfpzmfmn, ftgailnotnaitijnut car; tificate fmm the flungtegmtinzt %mi)ére¢ Whats a éiweznbzn anmit Dian unto; 1:32;; i fiacrzmwm, V " XX. flijat z*m:p¢Q@mifter sf afimtgrz» gatiunjtttpbafufpmmfi from gmiazg 9; tec.%eibm;g,%% am.** %Vmw Elam.-.fmm xezaiixiagg <15) W at fiacmment of we '¥LozM fiuppew fo; the fame cauies , ants in the fame mam1wv,annl)am the am benefit of } mm asarw nfljetp zrficm may p any z== ninamcz of 19~at1imt1entA;%@after fad) fuf-..= Q¢l1fiD1‘£lJffl)£E1de.r fvnm the %m';rammt, % fl)0Fg1der‘¥i'fl fufpetmw, mall zmt e7czcm.Ae tI)at®fi.°tce hating big fufpe1t1'mn,mtii . the fippcal be Dztztmimn ,-,AanI1 ifupnn mpmjai the ‘ fufpenfinnAappAmt tubanz em mflz, than anot1)cvJto%%hz .cb£e:in, 4b W5 placm XXI. flbatmall tzgafaanf xppeaitoiz’ Le matfiml, 1am1n’miai,¢oz. 5F2an’una14%fa % fembmtljep flyallbijahe puma: r¢fp¢ct%ih%za leg to mnceentbmnpnnfi ;u:p 27cantin%am'un %nfmitneI1'esa1tn otbermife,t’1t fmb 111311: A new am the @o‘n.gtzgjatin nai amnetfljip .5 mzmztficij the m.pnmi Vaftifettjéawmav h1eM;o%mhp any zninzmcc» %at1ia& mmt,% mm % tbaii cewfic inch Aitljaxt. V202: i mningsuntn tbs: mm filnettp; % 4 xxu. %1)at«_tncafcof:fu%tI)fufpt1tfibnA nfanpiuiflemfiije ma :15 mbcteunma the fam @_ongt:¢g%atimu% net!) belong, than appnaint fonzcfitpctfon uz%pcrfons fa: ti? v “( 16“) L ;-fup*p*iz2'of‘tI)%at%p1swz mu:z’ug"fuc‘b”fufpet€6w nu, &xm[a)a.11i)a,m power toalium’ cow- .mm’enttmmttmsmce fez tbat'enB,nu¢¢uf xbz; pzfitwis hclongmg tn; the %in2’t1et:i;'n £ufpm'nen, mubabz 1)mhpA puma: ta fa: _mwftct mm impm? the fat1:c%fm,tI)at% puvpofz. A ~ ~ XXIII iii) in aII%ca.fcs nffumczifinnv of ,sat%?1m:fnn from the fiacmmmt , the part A ffifpencn :(t11Jot=1*tnm1ife£tattou af r*1)Ais% oz 4112:: wrtzpmtatzcc: beftm the “mneta am: by Inherit the patty mag fufpfetmen‘) ;all% be amnttten agaizmmo“ the fiacrzu of$s£1J;¢ ih£2.ms#:®upVct mamfpmtinn:%thcncejfnz$i) ~a11hwom 5} . ea 2P1‘0Vid‘3d; fiijafif the fam«mmm2tstn}.» t-ms mantwnnftbmz mail not mm—- ’- V it €1V?&«fit¢;f0£Q%ttéfiE%D35 %*%afmefam A to gtbczn A fmfxz we‘ A fiincrfiijip mmwm fix »,i13ceh*g[% aft 8?: tbs ¢é*I'«erA%cm’fim.te¢" to tum; V be: “p3tt?;i5 3) cm? mxfmwuwtn m the ytifitzaufty afl;ht fBatet1H1zmn,n;Vu1ta .$tii%be;gmz famsfactum .te%tbe‘mber11)ip. . W‘ a ' ‘ ‘ “ ‘‘ ‘:- ".y ‘‘ ‘ .1 ul“ q ‘ « ‘N ‘ ' “ _ ‘ " ‘ ‘_ “ ‘ . V: ‘W .1W‘1J¢ ‘I W W‘ ‘ "‘ ‘ ‘ V