§29ga2s.2.s:2s;'r.22;2 &%%5:$$5<%5.£%;?é$$’ mag sm2aaaeaaaaas.sa s 0 Nb 39' 933 % §ORDINANCES OFT}-IE 53; W dd W :53 %Lor San Commons T V Affemblcd in Parliament, For the fpeedy Demohfluxng of "T""‘ fhtious Mommatntr in an Cathedrall Pa nth» 9%; «am, ’ Churches and Chappels,throughout the Kingdom % t of ékglandand Dormnion ofWzz1e.r,the better to accom- F piilh the blefled Reformation fo happily begun, % and to remove all offences and things ‘ % . illegal! in the Worfhip of God. .2. vs? § 3. ‘N! E on m 3-: as '3 C‘.- M "..:‘. B as ‘:3 D (‘D r-: 8-. §.-’.’ “T3 r9 '''1 I % $3.9? Die Jovis, 9 Maii. I 644. Rderedb} the Lord: in Parliament Afl2m=Med%t£mt tbefi: Grdirzarzccs flag befort/nwit/Jprinzed and pulzlzfied. ; ]o.Brown;Cler.Parliamentorumg 4: W 96- 9-0- '30- 30- SG- 90- 50- 9(9- 9%» 90- 3'6 Sa- 30» St» LONTDON, 90: ‘ PrinLte'c«l for john Wrigbt in the Old-baily, L ’ T M4} 11.1644. g 2<~;%%%%*$%$%%%%%%%%%%%$%z%%z%%%%%%s é éé B 6* t - -. -1- --‘~ , ‘V -,'.\‘ ..‘-. ,- ‘- -. ,_ ‘:3; ‘. ‘ ' .4” * . 4 . .. -‘ _--* "~. .- 4;.‘ K’ I-’\ _» " .‘. - alv "“ > "-1 - .'.~:". - '. . ' ' .! '. _: :» ' .'-'.:-1 ._ ' 1. ‘:.':».*‘—. ’.‘:"»“~_- ‘ - _: _:_-_. -.- ~'r .. ‘.3 X-'~'-—l.;.r,-I’ . , \ 5 ' _ "-., , A «Die jowzkq, ,9 Maii. I 644,. An OrdAi.nancefort‘he '%furt;her demo-» ~li{hin_g of Monuments of Idolatry, find Superfi~iti0n._ < L 1Lo,jms“anb cfifammnnfiaff 8!1’i¥3§fE &i:a{~3at; ‘ ‘ ll'fl3i€!1f,ti)?€=fI£ttEl:t-0 accamphfl; tbehietfeia gw % J3.z£o;tnation%fe?bs.:pptlp ‘hegma, ant to re: _ =mamzal1nffm-:25 auntt;in‘gstIlegaI1iutbe - mazflaip cf @uD,Ba®2Dat'ne, fiibatall re: ‘ ‘ T gugetisntationtfiufat1yoft1;eperfon§oftbe T ~@tittit9,n%_2%of«any %uge.ii,og %:m’nt,in 0; about anpwfitbes %Bg*a1l;@uliegiaze,o»; 1Bart{i)= march, 83 ®ba~ppeil, as In any p%.ftt2 og other thing Meta, :12 to fie um) :11 oz about the mofibtp of 4590-gfiub mac a!!»93);g~ang,% ann ti3efra:m5,n_2' cares mueziu ti)?» Ram in all matches mm Q£iaap%pzis. afimiaifl {bail I12 tam: army; anh utterly Dzsfacwgazmr1taneJa*:IJe1t»Deceaftetfet up in their placeBi5$inn% was ad! Qtuw. %\m*;aIi€§e§ , Eupsztfiziiatm mszitmenzgg iRmia~s,% ans fisntzf afagefazupe i§_I:21n§f£e utterly befase'o;;,% 1‘;:§3=:’1:=2an:%:u aii pazcismgs mzébm 13:5 fitzzgisuane migmn at znaagcanceraxzawgzrztzp requizsha at weir pzsamts piein Due'emm‘2:::c. A % % T amssssiiaera man this ®;m[a%ance,eg%a1zp wing therein mm mum, fljiilltiotifiitfltfitfl any Emag.-2, {wars 0; coat nfafrmw, in ¢5!afl‘e,%tone, ug otfmmife, in any €i)urcI;v,, éfibappcll, rflfbcxrcusgatu 0; place of puhltque aggapev as: % *a‘fVogeé‘aéII%, L fer man; gsaben uneiga mg a mnnmnentof any “mung , 1331:-1ceoz3I«)uh!cman.%, 0; otbet Dean perfbnmbitb hath not but cummnnlp t/eputeb 0; taken fa; 3» %aint ;: fiat that all may Emagefia igéctuees anbntnats of flames may ftann‘ana muzintxe in has mama: mm Eagzueaa if this ’ sbgvinante Egan new: bin mauea Qmzrtbev l?cimal!'€buttb= mlnawms 0,2 9Dnetféers {nf the wage ot”tl3e£ai«a icneral! mfiuzcbes ants miaapptls temeaiheip, finujtbe mt away: niug Emits: sf me peace, azneputp metntenant, are been 'iJp‘t2qt:tr%eD in fee we Due ‘pztfuzmance Isersofw am that we repairing oftI3ez’ma1l:&:5, minnows, elsgqunns, any ‘other :_s!?aceznca&3ta:i3 malt be bgaiaeu, rug .impaueo up any VtI)e‘m%eam5 afaimifaita, ftpallhe Daneanh petfogmen hp mob vttfarr am: pstrfnns‘, 35 are fo; the fame eat. arm putpnre "nominate-Daub appointefi tap a‘ fo3m2.2: mgbinamz of gems; % iiamenfiftbg titan‘: an!) tfiesttittbt? Aug_u H515; gain; the mac :E2mum11_1ng;}’of» fitfiarsume-ntfi at fup2tfitttouM;;og _ ‘ /'9; I a 1! A Di; £42243; .2 Augz2flz'.‘.- V1 64 V A n Ordinance of the Eord‘s and Commons affetnbledin-P~AYRI, IAMENT, F or the utter l_)‘¢moIilhin_;r, rcrn‘Ovih§1z,Aa‘nd baking~ % %a~vvLa.y of all M ON?) ME NT 3 of Sugeijiitian or Idalzztgg. ’ I HE: 'Lord's 3113‘ Cbmmdns in Partlfamént ~‘ ‘°“\\ taking into their I7:riou:Confiderati:)ns5 ’ -;*'% how well pkleafingitiis to God-3a:nd‘con- ; '~ % due.-ible to the %b1€£fe'd ’R’efb‘rma1ti._0n‘;i1j % % fi i his VVOr{hip, fot fixpch %dtfi?re63b§I%%bo%th Hbulés of Parliament, That a1l%M‘onum‘:enté._ of Su- Vperflition or .Idul‘atry,,fhould. be removed and demoli- ‘fiied, doe Ordairythat inaflénd every thé Churches ‘ * ' "' "x, _ % ‘ anei ChappelIs,as well Cathedr.§l:ljan%dL c;_,1Iegia:e, as C);- ‘ther Churches and‘ Chappels, »at1d.o7t'her ufuaflplaces of pub!iC‘R" Pray=':r a‘uth%0rii‘edf L-aw within this l{ea"lme oFEugL-mdand I)%:)m_ini¢a‘r_1%o€=I/mile: ,4. all Altaxfs and Tables of (‘tone-,% {hall befcxré the firfiW da'y * of-% Nb‘- zzemékzr in the Yeere of our LordG;od 16‘4.3;," be‘u'ttérl"y. j * A 3* % u . takem 2 e D . ifit/.16) taken sway and dernolifhed 5 And alfo alICommuni« on Tables removed from the Eaflf end Ofevery fetch Church, ~,Chappell,; or; place (§fpubi.iCk,:5 .P.;;year, and Chanctsll ohhe fame , tanldéfhail beptaced Shane A to; ther fit and corivenient place or places of the body of the {aid Church;Chappell, or other fuxh placeofpfub-/e lickiPrayer, or ofthe body of the Chanceil of every fu‘chdChurch,~Chapp,ell,. ogother fuch piece ogfpuhlick Prayer‘, Andthat an Kayla whatfwever, which have been ereé’t_e_d_neere to, before , or about any Altar, or Communion~Table," in anyeof the faidfihurches or G113 I2P¢lls, or othtrgfilch P1fi¢§-1'9fPub5¢!§Prayergas’ ‘a- forefaid,» cihtallhbefore the Caeidtday be-l1k::wiifetak.en 3.. Way 5 And the Chancel!-ground of every t fuch Church or Chappell , or other place pubick Prayergwhich _ hath been within twenty yeares lafl pafl raifed for any Altar or Gommunion—Tab!e to fiand upon,fhal before the {aid day be laidd.0wn,and letvelledas the fame was A before the {aid TWentyyeeres'laPt_ pafl: 5 And that all _T:a;pers,Candleflick9 and Bafons, {hall before the {aid V y be removed a'nd;tajker1 a way from the Communion Tablein every? fuch.Chjgrch,C-happfel‘l,,- or other place I of publick Prayer 5 and neither the fatne,nor any fuch likeflaall be :1-{ed aboudththe {game at anytime after the hfaid day’: 5; And that :hahll1Crucifi1;csL; .Crofi"es , and all Llmafgeg a_nd‘PitSttire§ of any one or m0r.e Perfons of the }T.rin,ity,or of the Virgin M457, and all other Images and Pictures of _S‘:{1i.‘nts,.: or fuperfiitious Infcriptionsjnd, “ ,9! ‘upon; ail and, evetg?th"e feid Churches or Chappells V‘ Chi-i:I'Ch -yfiztrds 5 .othe1_',plaC6$ to the}-fa',i;dItC._h;1irchers and Che ppe;1fs,,o;'- place6Fpt1bIiék'Praierbelonging, or in any a. ' the: he3:ea?ft¢r,:pei‘n}ibttd an shy; ‘fueh C Huiéeh ;or‘Chapepe21, or ether placesas a-forefaeitds e - V ‘ f And be itfurher Otrdainfi that all and every fuch re-J mosvall efti1efa‘idAlta‘rs., Tables of (tone, .Commu-. et3ion~Tables , Tapers, Cmdlefiicks and Bafons , Cm. cifixes.and%’:cro[T;es, .Images and Piftures as aforefaid, 1 tzkingaway. of the faidflay-ls, level'li1"1g~ of the {aid groundsjheall be done and performed, and the Walls, Weirndowsgr Grounds, and other places which“fha-llbe- ‘ broken, eimpaired or ‘altered tbyranytthe means afore-t« faid,{ha1lbe made up 8c.erepaire.clin good and fufH"cient F manner,in all andseveryof the faid Parifh «churches or; Chnpp'e%I_s.,.; or ufixgall places of publick» Prayer belong A-t ing to any Pariflyby the ;Chu.rch-:warden,. or Church--_« wardenstofeveryfuch Parifh afore thefrime-being re’fpe- . éfivelysand in any;Cathe.drall or Collegiate Church or; A chéppell, by. the Dean or Sub-.Dean,or otherLch.iefe Oflicer of every fuch Qhnrdhorflhappell «for the ritjime being; And inujthe LIniver.fit—ies,”by’ the E:-verall Heads . and governors of every Golledge or I-Iall.refpe&‘ive-T 1y 5 And in the feverall lanes of Court,by the Bem=:5er.r—- and Readerteof every of the fam.errefpeé’tievely,e arthe Cofi and charges of all and every fuch Perfon or per-.« fons,Body Politickor corporate, or Pa1'iflfiUll6ro‘ uf c:-e very Parifh refpeérivelry , to whom the charge of the repaire of any fuch Ghurch,Chappel,-Chancel],or -placer of publick Prayer , orother part of fueb(-Jhurch or €3happell,or place of publick Prayer doth, or {ball be- long :and in cafe default be madein any of the Premill A jb_y_any}.afthe Perfon or gerfons theruntoappointed that open p1ece,fhall‘befnre the fair! fiiffidfiy-OF[\T0z)g;y¢-~ Jéerbe teken.;a~way- trend fiefaced -,7 “end ndnenf j 31;,-3» by. | _ 4_ “AL ." _. t by this Ordinanceft-tom , and after .tbe=faidfi:fl.day on a t eNoa:eml7er‘, which {hall be‘i'=n theyeere -of our [imd Gdd -‘A 1643.. That then every Inch Peirce-n or Pe;rfon3‘y.f0 ma- king defaulnfhall for every fnch neglect c-rdefault,," by the {pace of twenty dayes , forte-itb and lofeforty fhillixigs to the ufe of “the poore ~05-1 the {aid Parilh wherein fuchdefault .fball.‘be.tnade, or if "it The out of any Parifh, theme the ufe of the poore of fuch Parilh whole ‘Church is or lhall be neerefl to the Cnurch,or~ .Cl"l3p'p€ ll,or other place of publick Prayer, whete fnch, default {hall be zmadc: gand ifdefault {hall be made after the firfl day of Decembenwhich fhal be imhe laid} eere ‘ 1643. Then any one ] ullsce ofthe Peace oftheCoun- . ty,C1ty,or T-own where {um default {hall be tnadc+,up- - t on information !hetve0fl_;0l1§tn (0 be givrn, (hail! cxufe or procure the :prem.i'Hes.:tto be perfortntid aCCn:‘fri‘ii=".g to the Tenor ofthisOrdinanceiat the coil and charges gt.-E fuch Pet-{en or Pctfonls, bodiestpcslitéck or corporate, L l or Inhabitants -in every Patifh who are appointed by this Ordinance to bea;t..«the fame, 1 1 Ptnvidedghaet this‘-Otdinancael, :or any thing: therein contained, {hall nc;.ta:elx‘rend to any -Image, Piétnre, or coat ofAn:nes in Glaifle, Stone, or otherwi-fe, i-n any Chnr<;h,TjC;hap.pell, .Ch.urch- yard or place of publick . Pr.-¢yer.ats aforé faid’, {ct up or gzraven only-for a Monti-. ’ memo£ any King,Prince_ fir Noblemizn, or other dead perfon whlch hath not been commonly reputed of ta-c " ken for a Svint _: But that all fuch Iamages‘,Pit9tures,and ‘a coats‘ of Armes may {land and continue: in like man- a. net and forme, as c if. this Ordinance had never been made. \ e A _ , a lab. Bmnm Cierfarliamerztorym. F 1 N13.