L RDSE and COM av ’ A ’_ ‘HA _ C 7 A A ~ ‘-3.:-g 5 - d . - , ‘:‘ ‘I ‘A ~, \ "_ ‘ ‘ ‘ A ’ j J '5 1 : 5‘ ‘Ln i‘); i"T \\‘ V .‘- ‘ A ~ _ A. g ? 3.» .:i‘_l.. .n . _ A ~ ._ «iigl < 4, I 3 ' - 4, ;. : L + THE A M A Afihfibledw in A H PA PLLIAMEN M T Aormzmn ofMiniac1 Fun¢non%, .—;_1cho4%"gh we "4jh2£MthA becne 4C§D71’lfl1Pt , €§lg1¢;.'_M4_4 A %% g?W __ i¢; A ‘%fi0n1‘emappr0pria¢€d‘$0OW aI1Ath9%tMuhw4 him aferibedaanbY.11i111a117rIm¢d:aa$in°~* that; mt *w ithf’car‘1cTing%bein%g:pefforme§iiAby“ him a rexbyfer joyned W¢it«*+Hi‘Ad‘*t%Iie1* P2*exbyte.r~.r 3 We ‘hlfor fu bfian¢€*W1i»d an A bé{éV+:édWifcIaim@d by afiy‘4_% thajt hive“ réi(iei'<:7”"€*”fl A And.g.that'Pre.rbyi*erx To ordained bc-rim A :;;.xvf1,111y*f;hereur;*t9 ap pQ%i%%1gt¢d" "211 ; Zed, %#1n2iy %ardaii:‘e th,mjA,.reIz5y£c1*y.4 And _% whereas AA isAa1foiLma3;1i~f¢Pc;L‘§»€:? c;.<;w..3.1°fc mfVV‘Q1‘d:z1atiAQ:aV % <:>.:fMiniiV7c«e%1*%s¢ in: am. g%sr::*% ~fl?*“?zWx¢5 t»?75:3f¢L?”uCf*3J7., mxizfiwf . .04.: JR wt v N‘ my W3 mM*"- 9 -.1‘ ‘ Mmflw A 5’5??’W%¢W’°§% ' i:j:§.,!;;'*ey (§‘*i3;¢:222(3%¢;rWs*,%M A Mm. A 1* M%“:%u%‘E‘2iz¢%z‘£g«% gm no 4 M.” M M» E? "MrJ2.., % : ‘VA '3 “»’;.L g‘ » ‘V ‘ at A ~ A 0 .2 4 I» {E1 *1?“ :33 :5 vs ‘ ml 4 t . ‘A «,.‘ % M“ 3~:, Dr. zllzzgmz izwfimmm.LM*T*:f3*W~4% Vf4%;’\4c:31f1l%sc:m wt¢tA11% 5 ;AiI'<:r11‘11:»4»IyV%A A‘ i 'AI3;rI?:}J.i%z%e.3‘g,* M‘”%-Adfiexzry K,cI[7r%m¢qIqw11£i£%9Af §}1«::‘4& V +R~z:4vlW€iLc%m€Sa his dai1i%genA“¢e and; p;:oficiency71nAh:s Studms, ..Wha.t.d=eg1*ees Lh,ee._ Hath ta«gke1ninth‘eVn.iver{iiEy3V aiadhwharz hath .« been 4the~Atim“e of7’h“is a*b‘odevthe1‘e,’T[and”with:-e» all of“ his agie-, wh.ichristo bee tweflnty; ifgure A~ ' ycerés at the leafig" ‘ %e:%1"pg:cialIy_V.of.4 #1ife.fi..: A aha A ~ “flififl pmceed Ito‘ i11q11i;re touphifig MT fuch holine~flZc~ Act? % life férs is . Minfifer of zh£eGbfPe14¥ tci exaghifiel A L iou¢hing.hisLeamin.g.ai1d Vfuffiéi”éx;cy”; A V zéjéjztghing theVriejvé*i~de-flee .vof§...1iéi.é '§al1ing.*to t‘ A‘ % half: (5)4 ‘ihgly Mirnift-ef%y, and~injp"artAiCulai°, his fairc: Iand diretff callingto t"hai.t‘_pIa<:¢e,to which he.‘ delfigned? 4+++¢+¢¢+a¢++§§¢+++¢o§¢++¢&+§¢¢+¢+V : RVLE for EXA1VIINA-TION A b m A ; d3 4‘lt“wit/9 in ‘Z BV0t5¢?t9'a “ %witb%mildne/fieoffZ>irir.arzd¢vtitb}I>e~ {A C fwdqualzéy 0féWy.one~ % "2? M Iaeee exékiihed tomgzng M Hebrew and Greek Tqfldmefitr, and %rendriflgfl%m¢Pmi0nw0fA~tW W % »V H4t t/'9£e1mr't“y_ Exzzmined“ I92: ial1%féfi7e5?t0%tbe¢grWim. mbdefllr W Qrigifiéfl .% 7’éfi£?4.&r, and V V that“ Tryall to lzée made Igyrekzding tbe Am: ifiduiv What! bee mag % V“ $2??? écié fevr$i£?;z3°4f:§;b5 619 Lefi%3%2%i}z§,, 22:5 Iaeermzs Pbifcyfip/ay. $3. I/V/oatz%lutbo2wiii~%,%Di‘vifli1?}f/oee /ml? 4 wwél, and is %ac41winted.mith.Jzmd L«r S]:jri‘tu‘rwe ,,%rmd%a J in t/§ei%¢1cl9iefeT4Ground50f ‘fleligiorzz, a4nd%ofbzs~J4bi1it3%»toclemdr/oe0rtIvo» 7m Byron OPZ; effecidl1)I%%t/9 o;e?* oftke prefent age: 0fI§&:w,%ntbefinjé anclmecz-—~ A A fling ofplczcesf of Scripture £16‘ fl5&zz,lll9eepro1;§cjE:dAunto [9zjm,_In jefaféy of AA t!oe$Ecc1e~2¢z}§ic4z1 ‘ » A .n,;» mm, u ' ., « 5. W A , _ , , I‘ ‘ .2 ‘, “ ‘ ‘ V \ 9 ' fiwf V .\ ~ ‘ , 3 ‘ ‘W H ‘ 0 ‘ .» L *' ‘ gm ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ A%Ifbéeb4t/Hint before Preacéed in A Publike c7¢:2A » ¢ « 3 publique, with ¢..j:z])1§ro*[9atio220f fiqc/am‘ ;; m-ézziamle ‘z;: ndggg /aeée jb4.Z1,% 3 ~‘*coifi¥- the Zl([imfler‘r‘ czplp0i}ited*to~~r}:1aine, ‘ n W" M ‘ ‘El.’ - _, V In v_ 2 E '1‘ 5-‘~"‘ 9' " “ I ‘~ ~.\,‘ "um . .‘ ‘ ‘ ; , ~. .. M 4_e Agwen M2. . Ae T W; " {ii '-; ‘< 1.’ "A W "5" *1, ' . M * ‘ " M ~ M. e: . N “'14 \ Afhi va "Iv-...L9 V ‘"47; ‘II "M " ‘M 3» w ‘, W ; 4&4 ‘X '1‘, ‘ 5 ' ‘ ‘ « ‘t: ‘W ‘W " ‘"13, 3 3'' .."‘V‘ flu rm,‘ ‘ , , v: -d -. - = » ' W‘ - é -A.‘ . ‘ } ' W “‘ ‘. n -n M V 1 W w_,«> _ ‘L ‘. 1 aoammén filace , or contro#z2er winitfy, rwflazzll bee a ' ~pe:em t2me¢ag;¢e;z;wm, Ejéfiare @3120‘:-and c/aa12.4ceofScripwregs ; ;m;Z%exbz'l7z’t%e%to‘ t/ae Minzyiery rflPPOi1£—' *t4a:,%x&lai7ze,Z Mt]? /93f?!‘ ao*4“6£?C Eflé 1 I 4 , ‘ - “' I - 4 If “ ‘N “5 \ T‘ ) . . " ' 1'': gr ‘. 1 W ,4; . “ W ‘ ‘ ‘ “h” ‘v F‘ 34 ,3‘ W \ » ," “ -. W zbé zimim is‘ Je « mam am a "5 , . = M wk ‘ ‘ “a ‘ - % « -"A ‘W9’ ‘ «L '1 (Q ’ “ x‘ ‘ *‘ ‘V V’ V‘ '7“ ‘ *7-‘ " n" it" “'. "I? "" “ ~ 5".‘ .1‘ " M ‘..‘’'‘‘a W M 3"‘ -' 4‘ , 1" . ‘ ‘ 1‘ V.‘ M 6.. 21» a‘ n..:‘./ . Hm.‘ do-rm &n...»’ “,1 .L.‘.‘ ,.;-F «A «an 3 .I».}, '1' y " ‘ I I 1 ‘ ‘ 0 W; a." A '3» ‘,. *1 I! K 3 IV I .5: ‘ uni} 3': 4‘ ‘ V__;“ ‘ an M W.‘ .‘ ‘ ‘ " ‘MMHSV m_,__ P ‘ ( V! W .¢.,“..~.u “I Mn»? ‘ ' 1;.‘ __ v . ‘aw rt" “' Q, “ ‘ff’ V V: w arm.‘ ‘{gN"¢§‘ ?,gy-M‘. .,-an, 145* "‘M‘v""‘ -J 7 fl;“"'~d§fi““ ‘ l W 9 ‘ . . : ‘ *' 3» y . , ‘ “ - ‘. »‘ -m'v».m'°’ M .. u 9" ma W. Na. 9.‘ 41' L ..:.. W. at 1.. 1‘ K < 3, ‘., .r, ‘u ‘kn 3‘ ‘ -at ‘ H W, ,3 y‘ “ ‘ A‘ ‘I .0 “, * V‘ V ., ‘ H W, ‘ ‘_ my ‘ I, ‘ H - ,‘ ,; . ‘ 1 “ « ‘ an 9 . :7 w u H UAW! '3‘ Ma M, ..‘.m- ‘. W“ 1' ’ “ W‘, #,V‘‘'_ "W I at ‘H - ' I. I ~ “V; 6 m I‘ ‘fie ‘ g V “ “ ‘ . Ia ‘ « r\ ' "‘“ ‘ w ‘ \ - -c- . ‘ H W ....- ‘ 1;.‘ ., ,, ., ‘__‘ I _ ‘:3 _ 4.. W ,‘ ‘ W ' M‘;fl‘«.‘ film" ‘ ‘ J‘ W y ‘ I‘ .‘ ‘ H - - “ a, 'A- ‘,r ‘ ‘ P ‘ .° ._\ nu ‘. - v ‘ H ~ o» "~ rm .3 ~ ‘” W‘ W 1". a‘ ‘ "‘ ‘ '- k b “ ‘gm I,‘ 7‘ 1; ‘ '_ W “In s:I , '_“ ‘ ~:‘""““ " e ' 7‘ J er a «nu ‘V W» s ‘ H ¢. M M-.m< ~~ . _‘ M < 9 «~p€!6M‘.‘ -« . ‘ 3,, ".' W _ - . ' C k ‘ W _ , * “ * s , ' 4 33; kg‘ ~._ ~ rw “ \£,w.,‘V 1;» -E». w\ ~ 4!. ., ' _ ,, ..U..‘ , ‘R Q. ,‘ W . 3;“ 4. Ark“ . p ‘ ‘ .\ ‘ . “ < H ‘ ‘ ‘\ -‘ ‘ 2 ‘ - V 1 a. u '5 I ‘I .’g A ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ M w. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘_'WV‘ ‘ ' _| ‘ ‘N ‘ _ ‘. .4; ‘ am ~n ‘ W. W >21 .. ; V“: ‘ :“ in 3 ‘ “ ‘ I " ‘ Y ‘ - In .81 "‘V‘ . . . J‘. .. . HA M ' “ . _ V” . (81% , tatbeplace, Tnnt1oM;vbiicbbeez3fiéalled, _ I ‘ , ‘.-I h ‘ ,‘ ‘_ ' W h .; ‘ -w_ L’ . I‘ ‘ . 3 .,“»=— w 1: . . . ‘ Vv _, ~ ’ V ‘ “ ‘ w-Mu , ..‘ V‘ \ 7“ K W ‘ . f, _ V‘ s. ‘ « . ‘ . bl .‘ V ., ‘l..‘ r ‘ :_, .‘ - ‘ ‘ . . ._ _ I * “ . . .. ,.:- ‘ W - m .M. ‘ ‘L . “ :3 ‘J“»\ y mi ‘- ,, 1| .\ N‘-« ‘M " '''''A “V .' ‘m _‘ ""3? ‘K 7.‘ ‘A ' ‘. u ‘ ; i ‘n "" :2 ad 5 “ ' ‘ ‘""‘"‘ ‘ "' 5 W’ " ' '.,“_y ‘ ...m ,,.. N "‘ I s ‘ ; ' “ M “ "uh an . t my in V preacbing,beef}54ll}£;idér(g_g"0erm Exam minatiwz we Pre7?2&ifef»m'0f6’v6r41%A ‘ "I . +.. - A , “ 5 , 6 r ; . ‘ J r 1 2 ‘ Ian ‘ - In » .5. ‘ .: “ ‘, .. ".9 r‘. «H.» . J V v , y ‘ V! V r "‘ u, ‘ w ‘an ‘ V 3 ‘ 0 ‘ ,, A "I u \, fl. \ . . . .. ‘ ~ . ~ 4), - « K ,_ A “ ‘ ~ 6 4 A % A I 1=‘.¢urrbly,1n: ‘ 1 “ r . W *b~¢ing appmv ed, *P¢iflted%i%é%£;0?f?’ i%?Chu£&hdoiisrc.-,4;‘g A A A Q1,ZhQ&;ffli&.§30ngi1f:..g%12i9!i§ r7%P.;é;..[£'f.'f'. éfrf h;=at“4 SQ c*v‘%¢r:%., :%0f :0 £4 amd%%m'é¢ kn eflki, What€@X¢€§tiZ§11!$?a‘»$h€y ha3.§~§fi? Q a%pp‘oizi%taa:d;;am;@ % 11: W. WM the£e;iAb¢¢.no%%%jt1fi £X'C€p fi:LiQ; e «A N ~ * 2» 1’ “ W “W «'1 v«~’?“~" 1"‘? 3: wV:= W: ;r;;‘* “ 1» r . , ~:. M J’,_"..".jv.C‘ ::.5.’ 2.4%’ ....a*§..’1 "«5};.~9 L... .. .3 M {..~v 1%..) A. 91:} ‘‘ x .2. % . 33., ‘V I‘ % AA A a fie AChurs‘»h£, 3,, X. » ~ % ‘ U“':L“". £3 . “ Vi" W?‘ R v‘ “Ml ‘ ‘ " ‘ . “ ‘ ‘ ' \ 5 4‘ ‘ ‘ -H" ‘ W V‘ ‘ d , 1}1i:_ei%xt:.e) “Ta Ssf0‘IeW2e:=:F3%zjiAvfli?Li11 abfifiksfi A 1‘ 3 W14 3 V - A VA B3 W A4 A %.them % Q’ _ % 3 . I R&§fi?.f§?d3 thzat Q;:‘V<‘i3 m;72.2‘1@' ffia 1* Grew” zfim vf",;7W7zg‘flcrJ? pm: "3§f7eJ{.‘2¢9reN? 3:: ex‘: fm*?:,h~« Wfith‘?rr%.z2t¢d4,ax1& that it: has: fazat m athér Vifiizgrizgey {:0 it;F‘l.i%i;@ gram: :35 thcsr prim;"w- ‘{C”§1€3’iTé?£3f Agni that: am 3;“§T‘.§.E"'§.,3..3?,;' day fpri%z1;?: tti.m:::* is;.£:§fs:a;;:: {372:«x§;7§ %U"."E"$“¢”.:f~I,a‘(‘:,1i:}'.‘T‘E.‘llg”'j"€?{;E ’ A,‘ . ;€Ts;2;i*§;‘2<;3 111‘: ii *%{3::;%§I1%ifaE¢:5.,1“2§,** E ‘ 67 .,&”;5?a22;2.£3‘z32;¢a V vow ‘ ._-‘ -v; «Q -*1 " ‘Maw nu’:-_~,-«1. "u-\."'.“""""""""“l'F"‘»a.'JI-..'qyv an 4. u...-M......‘w\.‘,__.__,_‘"_;,,,_,.,_;;;.,,gr'x~ "'.‘*""‘W"“V - -sm.rr- »-— »-. ‘ M. .«~..w., .. m_ _. ,,‘__M_{__ _, v,«_‘M_,.m.,,_,_..‘,.,..4g,yu-..,.‘ av r -‘ "vi 4§i%§}§§j§fif§7 3 :;3'i‘2:f*x..’f )9‘ 1‘ éiza? ;f,?§?¢?£iA§r.e:y gvf £95?! if1?<.:?.$..£‘9 %J}:;,»; ” $125 S'cri13:;a.r Mir: fljfizwxélyfazkc awe: afi L513“ Pz*i23fizzg aézg” ivfiizs“ 0r*c!a:zz¢z,vz<.?:?. A \ g A65.-:7» :71 F 3226.2 A --——- -~---_.;. ‘‘ ‘_ ,_ ,‘,____,,_ , ‘ _ it £§”.;;m I} £‘«;3 pr in t ?."h i A ()1ia:§.4111%.:faz%:~ I N 1’ARLIAMENT.§ A After Advice had with the Aflémbly of A V D IV I N E S, for the Ordirzatiozz 0“f.Mini". % nifters pro Tempore,2zcc01*ding to the Di:-effary V for Ordmazmza, and Ru1es%‘forEx:zmi« .% A M r2c2r&_ior2,A th.c1*ein..¢exp:*:-‘H-eid. ~ 3 v A V 4' DieM&3rc:urii,%2 Oéiab. 164.4. 4 ‘ 1 R(,-{e,w1_,,% tirat tiaér Omlirzarzce _fm~ Ordi%11ation,qf Mi " em pro _ %. % A%Tcmp0re,-.Z2éeflsrrégzrmiib I’I.’.‘2'7z'z‘ed.v AA % ‘ % T “ % A A A A A .E1fyng'eClcr. Parl. Dqn1.Com. =1: sLONDON;. M A % i-Printed for 1241;;/2 Smith, and are to bee fold" at V‘ . his{hop,attIfW1efigne oft‘he_BibIc ifl\~COY‘72E?_I9H‘I,’ nest": “ v-A“vr' ' I A V « " . -‘.,#‘¢«' ‘ ' n . ‘ , . ‘M . . n ,' ‘ L n . . % tHe*Kayal1 Exc/mrigé. ; %I64?.1..: V V LORD and COMMNSE %??@W?@W$@@@€@W?#f 3; o;%i:i%1:t4a€e:d‘::; ;:{o¥§ wéflazxmig fmrm “ “o flafill i3:?=’(5”‘~"-»‘c I~)L’&7” §1;La";”¢e7",f Wifmem A . :jf_ “ pg ~**"‘ H m: C" t » A‘ ué % ~ ~ ViA"l2_ W‘ iéfiw . .» -"W. . ,,,A.y “ J3’ . MM)‘ I ,, (, ‘I! ,,. ~ W. .,, ‘_ ‘ ._ ‘ V 6' ‘F . M fig 1 »:Sz~xt[ » x ~ , o1a%:c.nd€3duth»@m ‘‘ ,‘ ‘ ‘ ' n ‘ ‘mu 5 ‘ ‘a 1 A 4:A;hf1«'t:hj R1*5@ah* ‘r J A :,;tf€¢;r me dire ; :4& A ’”7."A £3 i&¥dEfi:£ifii;gmo»3exrxH¢§ @qj%cps- at F "V w11¥¢ “éa%v“:*rdEi n?éd‘flogfiefl1Eiqxg*{}:£i‘§ 1:. tie}; é; «.ip”‘eQp1'e:;ao;r;cernri1?1;g:v tha % F‘ ‘ Tlv I xi“ “ g, ‘ 7” ‘. *1 A, H" ""' “ .. » “ *“-—- n v . 4 7 “ L; ' ‘ 1123 :2 A’ V _ >1; , ‘ .w . ‘ _- - “W ‘M 5; ‘ \ L \ ‘ ‘ .. 3 ‘ W. ‘ '“ WM “ ‘. 4" «~ A Emé ‘?g;ar»EV¢¢;‘1a~aaz% ,¢hY§‘3A:tp';érfzfi.izj§m£ A 4difigi’”éWiEié”&S@1fiI[fiLftI;?éi§Cg,$ ::*;m‘m2~é: 59"‘ “if@fi.I~J5.i; ling R.-‘aw MM2fi&t‘zW:;fii§§A@fiiA¥g;3M%£‘ i. *;mg”9%%;ib.e 4 3§ii‘7r*ai1;§§ée’2i“i;;¢;;”3ia’t1nfc1‘3fl@~i”1g"””fifiI1 <$MimfiéwEéfl§£a¢i;w zzéfléflfixéniéifitfiifi %‘***;n1°¢*‘i11*%t~W %::‘% ?‘ ind: “érf@&u*tiL6fl%»A%i% % V*~‘%- V-S‘mie¢2t/9-%% E" s§fi;a1§’m_IZaz¢d%;3ané”1fi:%;fi7*&iw* 1fi&%har his refolution to be diIiTgefl®in?*»'~»_P«¥%3'm;E A :»;v:w¢;e% f*afia&f;}éZ; ég:ⅈsy$% rm @b§?k»%k§l3**iagjaim‘fi“*i Erirawvwamd ” ’ A YA =_, 4 . . *a.nd~«hr.s*:r4Refizl:tt?zxow*itoéwatflimujarh Imus; QM [4 *a11‘%%~+:mch«Wing vwared * v 4: %:fcn4%or afipointcd for % thesgrvice of theAt“fny,orN4avy;5i*«Colleges, other Charge, “be” 4OA4rIdained as A abovefgzid, in fuchclmrcb, 4asthcM.in»iVf-iers appoinredtoV% rdfaine {hall thiinke fit 3% ;a¢nid%InchAAlterat§o%n=s‘L made by tb-c:Mi«niPc~et *l:ha"t r‘dTain~et~h, from Athc4 V V liA;xhr»tati:on lafi ‘before pvrcfcr«ibed_, -as the Cit«g W A c4uAmfla