OR DINANCE Lords and Commons .. ? A \ 1 ax \ u. "1 l’ ,‘ r ‘ 'r\“ -“ l n , . . .'AI U U k ‘V . V. __.‘.‘.'-. . , " h "::‘ ‘ _ . -. \ ‘ y m_‘ " ' _ u‘. 9 ' n ’ ' I _ Q -...,.: 4 is-;3 ‘C I o“‘h V” I I I 14''“. {In C 5.- ; 4 ‘Ca ‘ *%S% G: . .. ~ _ ll ‘ ‘ ’_rk«‘._.- ‘‘?:I«\e,$-1 ; ,wm%%$%$ LMMMMMM < Allemblecl in L I A M E The more efleftuallputing in cxecutlon,the ‘ DIRECTORY For publique Worllfip, in ~ all land Chappells within the Kingclomeof V Ezzglzma’ and Dominion ofW4les, And for the %ldifperfing_of them in all places and l.’an{hes within this Kingdome, and the Dominion of VVaIesl, Cnfnmons in Parliament, That',thisOrdi- and publiflwecl. L Hen,E%z»ge Cler.Par!.D.Cm.e! ‘ A n H‘ V c‘~, ' . I’ 4 ' I ‘ . u r » 0- , l \ on. , I \ I.h~ x,‘ parilh Churches A Rdcred by the sauce be forthwith printed Printed by T.W. For Edné.Hm5mxd, Printer to the Honou- rable Ho;zlfe'oF Commons. I645. \ A .: ~ ~ vase: o ~ Ga » -— °'r-mgwat‘. ac/=\:> '5 .0 ‘ g g ‘ £1 .1 . ‘I ; ‘F ‘RI ‘‘3; 'A" o‘ “ . ‘ 0‘ ’ . « "it" 37 ii-.¥?es‘§?‘%5-W? '$ii駣§§é§§»£§§£§ gfiléélggggégaia 1% e ?%§§§@¢$@~ ?:?§§:%§9?§§i§.'§¥§§i?§§ An Ordinance ofthe Lords and { — ‘Commons affcmbled in Parliament ‘For the more effeétuall puting in execution the Direftory for publique worfhip,8cc. i ‘=e3-«4z¢.eufl,i I645. y Heteas by an Ordinanceof Parliament e i made the third Cay oflarzzmry la{‘t pal}, and intituled an\Ordinance of Parlia- ment, for the taking away the bodkc A J of Common _Prayer, and for eftabli{h- ing and putting in eX€Cut1OI1 of the Direétory for thepublique W0rfl1ip»0f God. It was (amongfe o- ther things thereincontayned) Ordained : That the faid"B00k of Common Prayer {hoard not remaine,or > be from thenceibtth ufed in any "Church, Chappell, L or place of publique Worfhipwithin the Kingdome A of Egzglayzzd and Dominionof Wzzleg and that the Dire€cory for publique Worihip. in the {aid reci. ted Ordinance fer forth, fhould be from ithenceforth \ ufed, tpurfued and crbferved, accotdicg to the‘ true in- tent and meaning of the {aid Ordinance, in all ex- K A 2 ercifes ‘~’e’3»%’W i __'__,_.' -——_ -an .; ' ) e c 2 >‘ ercifes of the publique VVor{hip of God, inevery Congregation, Church, Chappell, and place of ub- lique VVorfhipwithin this Kingdorne of Eng diidy and Dominion of Wales 5 yet nevertheleife LE1 re- ‘ -gard that in or by the {aid recited Ordinance, there wasnofpecialldireétion madeor contayned for then fpeedy difperfing oftheiaid Direétory, into the fe-~ t verall Parifhes within the Kingdome 0F E/‘flglzmd and I)omi1}ionofWzile5za'nLd publifhing Of ‘the fanlen 'I)iL‘€&OI)?5 any puni;fh15nent fer downe either for ~ the ufing of the {aid Bookeof Common Prayer, or for the Non u1fing‘or depraving of the {aid Direétory: \ by means whereof there hathbeen, as yet little fruite 7 ofthe {aid Ordinance. The Lords and Commons affemhled in Parlialment, taking the premifesintott ’ ferious.C0f1liderati0n,Doe ordain_e,That the Kni hrs a and .Burgefl’es of the feverall Counties, {hall end ‘fitinted Bookes oftheefaid .Di're6l:ory for Gods VVor+ > ip fairely bound up“=int~L‘eather, unto the Commeit-~ - i reesof Parliament refiding inlthefaid feverall rel? t peétive Counties: who Ihallwith all convenient fgbeed {end the fame, and caufe them to be delivered 7 unto -the feveraliirefpeétive Gonfiables, or other Of- ficers of all the feverall Pafifhes, and refpeétive Chappellries and Donatives, within the Kingdome. of England, and Dominion of Wales, and Port and Towne of _-_Bieamim€e , I That is to fay )% One * Booke unto the refpeffive Conftahles, and other Of? ficers of every one of the {aid Parifhes, Ch a ppelries and Donativesi to be paid’ for t. by the Inhabitants withine the. {aid feverall Pjarifhese and Chappelriest. And ‘I , ‘~- (3) , And it is further hereby Ordayned by the Lords and 9’ a Gommons : That the feverall and.refpe€cive C on {ta- bles or other Officers, {hall within one weeke after * their Receipts of the {aid Books of the Direéiory de- liver the faid B.00k_es unto the feverall and refpeétive A ’ Minifters of the {aid Parrihes, upon paine that every ' of the {aid Conftables, or otherO.ff1cers, that {hall make default therein, {hall forfeit and pay for every « fuch default, thefumme of ‘five {hillings of lawfully Engliih Money. _ And it is further hereby Otdain-ed by the {aid Lords and Commons, That the faidfeverall Mini- . , flers {hall on the next Lords day ~ after their Receipt s of the {aid Bookes of the;Direc9tory, before. the mor- - ning ffermon,.:0penly readsin their feverall Churches a~nidChappe«lls,the.faid. Direétory for the publique» Worfhip ofGod. i s And it is further ‘hereby Ordained by the, {aid Lords and Commons that if any» perfoné or perfons r — whatfoever {hall at any time or times hereafter fufe‘ « l oricaufethe aforefaid Booke of Common Prayer to » be ufed in any Church, Chappell or publique place . of VVor{l1ip, or -in any private placeyor-Family, within‘theKingdome of Ezzglaizd or Dominion of WzzleS,~O1‘ Port and T owneof Bzmvicke, That then every fuch perfon fo ofiiendin-g therein ;_-{hall forrhe. ; -firlt offence forfeit and pay the fumme of fivae pounds; Ofslaw full ' Engliih money, for the fecond offence the a funime often p0‘lnds, and for the third Offence {hall “ {uffer one whole yeares.imprifonmentwithout b ;aile.- figr. Mainprizet ‘ h—_..J (4) Audit is further hereby Ordained in the (aid Lords V I and Commons, that the feverall and refpeétive Mi- -nifters of all Pariihes , Churches, and Chappels within the {aid Kingdome of England and Domini- ngn of Wales, and Port and Tovvneof Barmicée,’ {hall irefpeétively from time to time, and at all times here- after (as much as {hall in them lye) purfue and ob: ferve thedireétory for publique Worfhip eftabli-3 {hed by Ordinance” of Parliament, according to the , tiueintentland meaningthereof. a And it is further Ordained, that every Minifler which {hall not henceforth purfue and obfervethe -Diretftory for tpublique 'w0~rfl1ip,: according to the true intent and,meaning“thereof, in all excifes of the . publique wotfhip of God within this Realmeof Euglazza.’ and ~'Dotninion of Wales, and within the Towne and Port of Barwick, {hall for every time, that {he {h-all fooffend, lofe and forfeit the fumme of fourty fhillings oflawfull Englifh money. And that ’ what perfonlfoever {hall with intent to bring the {aid ’Dire8toty into contempt and negleét, _or» to raife op.- pofltion agatnft it, Preach, Write, Prtnt,0r caufe to be written or Egnted any thing III the derogation or « depraving oft xf aid Book, or any thing therein con- teyned, or any part thereof, {hall lofe and forfeit for every fuch ol’i'enrce,fucha fumme of Money, as {hall . at thetime of his conviétion, ‘be thought fit to be impofed upon him, by thofe before whom he {hall have his tryall, provided, thatit be not lefle thenfive V punds, not exceeding the fumme of fifty pounds. And be it further Ordainedhy the authority aforeé T-aid, V’ faid, that no perfonor perfons fhall be at anyatime‘ hereafter impeached or molefied, of, nor» for any of V the offences lat’: above mentioned, hereafterto bee a committed ordoneicontrary to this Ordinance, um‘- leife he Or they {'0 offending be thereof indiéted at the - next or fecond‘ generall Seffions, to be holden before y any Jufiice of Gyre, and *Terminer,;or jufticesof . Aflize, or before the In-fiices of Peace attheirt gee rnerall quarter Seffions n'ext5~after~any offence com‘ mitted or done, contrary»-to the tenor of this Ordi- . nance, and that he be thereof lawfully C0flVi&€d 30‘ cordingto the Lawes of *thissRealme, by Vetdiét of twelve men,»or by his owne c0nf€fliOfl- t Provided alfo,-and »be-it-Ordained by the authori-4 ty asforef’aid,i,That the Lord Major of L ‘ozzdozz, and all other Ma jors, Bailiffs, and all other head Officers of _ all and fingular Cities,Bun-ought, and Townes Cora » porate within this Realme, and Dominion of Ijlfa/es‘; k tothe whichfi Iilftices of Aflize doe not» commonly ‘ repaire,and that have Cotnmifiion-s of Gaole deleiyerya-. dire&edunto,them, orare Counties of themfelves,-fl, {hall have full power and authority,by vertue of ” this Ordinance inquire, heare, and :determine,« the.» offences afore-mentioned, and every of them yearly: within fifteene dayesafter the twenty fifthday of? 141476 ,1, and the nineand twenfieth day of S epteméer; In like manner and forme, as juftices. of A.£lize,jand}.2 ‘ Oyre and Tetminer may doe. And it is further Ordained by the authority afore-4 a find, that all Mulfis and Penalties infliéted by this }Ordinance_.,-nnot exceeding the fummeof five pounds‘ J o . J ,,....._i . Q a man %”y x (1%) ~ {hall be leavied and paid to the ule of the poore of the f‘Pari£h, where the {aid offence hath been committed, and that all other Pines, exceeding the {aid fumme of’ a five pounds‘, {hall be to the ufe of the poore of the Countie, Citie, or Borough refpeéfively, where the tliaid Offences {hall be committed, to be difpofed by e the Jufiicesof the Peace, Majors or Bailiffs refpe-1 tétively, at the next generall Seffions, where and when * thefaid fummes {hall be adjudged. e e . eIt is further Ordered and Ordained, That all C om- mon Prayer bookes remaining in parilh Churches and Chappells {hall within a Moneth afterrthe pub- O lifhing of this Ordinan<:e,be by the Church-wardens: =oriConfi:ables of the refpeétive Parifhes, ‘under the penalty of forty {billings tobe employed as afore- ‘ faid, carryed unto the Committees of the refpeétive Counties, where they (hall be found,_to be difpofeda ' of, as the Parliament flaall .dire&. RARE BX 5153 1645 AUG. 23 ImmIInI1fifi]Eiji@@@j@7[@immrwImum University of Missouri Libraries University of Missouri——Co1umbia Eng1ish Short Tit1e Cata1og Loca1 identifier Capture information Date captured Scanner manufacturer Scanner mode1 Scanning software Optica1 reso1ution Co1or settings Fi1e types Source information Format Content type Source ID Notes AnordinanceoftheLords1645 18 June 2018 Ricoh MP C4503 600 dpi co1or, 24 bit TIFF Book Text Barcode page at end of text. Some pages have handwritten marginaiia. Faded text and b1eed—through are present in origina1 document. Derivatives - Access copy Compression Editing software Reso1ution Co1or Fi1e types Notes TIFF compressed with Lzw before conversion to JPEG Adobe Photoshop CS5 600 dpi Grayscaie and co1or avai1ab1e on request. JPEG Grayscaie pages canvassed, images brightened. Co1or pages cropped.