‘% “ Afl}:-mbled«in ‘~%??% _: § .A-:as;.;.:-as-g...-era. t.*"2$.,“a§._ - ‘j . = ‘ A. i§‘_:_: :uaA:vo'o“ H‘ _ A‘ ‘ M ‘ e M AN V €@ W, ‘:5 ' ‘I « ‘ “ W G‘ flu"-nu _ -,2"-s‘- ~m’~ ; A L O R D S and C0 M Mo NS V PAR1/I%AM'%EN,T: ’ 6, FOR % % A The prefeilt fetling (Without ‘further delay) fl ; U Ofthe ¢ {A %4 P1‘ 33 bytéri all Go‘ver11ment wa “«;~‘ ¢ %%= Afifi 4; $‘ ’*9s‘t 3‘: x , .3.’ ‘ ‘K: A A __ . 5",?‘ r-.....,,.. y u ‘ ‘ 3-....~-“ V4 _ .-u-ms-A .. why... "' ,,..—.--—un—...4-u Lam printedfor 7ob,¢Wn-war mferc Headintheomgayley‘. VI A ,. 1646' £1 % % :;«'.—-i'~A;_ *«”'%~"=¥’..;«#‘ 9% . *3? In the Church ofE N G ‘L’ A N D % é-£"”~<:» A <2» flgggg. lugs :11.-' A‘ V 11”.“ ‘gm 4 A MW j ~ ‘ ,.Q§§ ‘ A A d~ ‘A D1t:Vener1s, sjzzxzzz. A1645, “ R f«’7 6'61 by the Lordsflfléwblecl in p4r1.~ ;% 42‘ TI ‘ £1:-,,,,,'?< AA Atlm, 0,,dI~”m(_e mm F . A _ Agzwczz , mt «go ‘$53? befi>;~mm¢:AA ,»* 2 J cwflg "’"‘" ”G"W”wW €60 A J°“’Br°WnCI¢r-Parlimnerirorum.M % ‘% “ Afl}:-mbled«in ‘~%??% _: § .A-:as;.;.:-as-g...-era. t.*"2$.,“a§._ - ‘j . = ‘ A. i§‘_:_: :uaA:vo'o“ H‘ _ A‘ ‘ M ‘ e M AN V €@ W, ‘:5 ' ‘I « ‘ “ W G‘ flu"-nu _ -,2"-s‘- ~m’~ ; A L O R D S and C0 M Mo NS V PAR1/I%AM'%EN,T: ’ 6, FOR % % A The prefeilt fetling (Without ‘further delay) fl ; U Ofthe ¢ {A %4 P1‘ 33 bytéri all Go‘ver11ment wa “«;~‘ ¢ %%= Afifi 4; $‘ ’*9s‘t 3‘: x , .3.’ ‘ ‘K: A A __ . 5",?‘ r-.....,,.. y u ‘ ‘ 3-....~-“ V4 _ .-u-ms-A .. why... "' ,,..—.--—un—...4-u Lam printedfor 7ob,¢Wn-war mferc Headintheomgayley‘. VI A ,. 1646' £1 % % :;«'.—-i'~A;_ *«”'%~"=¥’..;«#‘ 9% . *3? In the Church ofE N G ‘L’ A N D % é-£"”~<:» A <2» flgggg. lugs :11.-' A‘ V 11”.“ ‘gm 4 A MW j ~ ‘ ,.Q§§ ‘ A A d~ ‘A D1t:Vener1s, sjzzxzzz. A1645, “ R f«’7 6'61 by the Lordsflfléwblecl in p4r1.~ ;% 42‘ TI ‘ £1:-,,,,,'?< AA Atlm, 0,,dI~”m(_e mm F . A _ Agzwczz , mt «go ‘$53? befi>;~mm¢:AA ,»* 2 J cwflg "’"‘" ”G"W”wW €60 A J°“’Br°WnCI¢r-Parlimnerirorum.M % . .r.. sf" '. ‘ ‘ ‘ (W _/«-f'\Tv.'-<-/VM“ . ' ,_ fixj 33 r" u *5,‘ ‘ *9.‘ , . '. t V _. , ‘gm W \« v- V» 1” ~11 “ . ' Q,’ ,~.t(L¥‘.d. ¢.,$z§',iar!,‘A;‘,,,§v|.o,,,‘v"j§!'*A'°’s .~,~~-W;-.\;~. 3,2 Vsaa'=»u.;'m I ‘ “'~‘«¥*\\.'% * 1.,‘ *3 ‘v .-!«:c V6 ‘ "be I." \ . enerigryg. fungi 1646,, % 0 R I NAVNQ1: LORDS and COMMONS Airembled in A ‘ liamc-:nt,hoIding their former A : reroxuaon, mall and fcandalVousOfFcnders fhalbc %_ ,, kept from the ,Sacrament, have tddition fCa11dal‘c$u§. VOfFenCesfdr;merl4y A znumeraredfor which mu k¢P‘é % V ,thou1ghtVfit_mtomakea further A % from . .r.. sf" '. ‘ ‘ ‘ (W _/«-f'\Tv.'-<-/VM“ . ' ,_ fixj 33 r" u *5,‘ ‘ *9.‘ , . '. t V _. , ‘gm W \« v- V» 1” ~11 “ . ' Q,’ ,~.t(L¥‘.d. ¢.,$z§',iar!,‘A;‘,,,§v|.o,,,‘v"j§!'*A'°’s .~,~~-W;-.\;~. 3,2 Vsaa'=»u.;'m I ‘ “'~‘«¥*\\.'% * 1.,‘ *3 ‘v .-!«:c V6 ‘ "be I." \ . enerigryg. fungi 1646,, % 0 R I NAVNQ1: LORDS and COMMONS Airembled in A ‘ liamc-:nt,hoIding their former A : reroxuaon, mall and fcandalVousOfFcnders fhalbc %_ ,, kept from the ,Sacrament, have tddition fCa11dal‘c$u§. VOfFenCesfdr;merl4y A znumeraredfor which mu k¢P‘é % V ,thou1ghtVfit_mtomakea further A % from < > A from th‘eAASac;13am»e11t 3 aixtzl Aleafi fhePtayA of the * enumeration, and the not snamwing. ofA«Co1.nmi{— A ‘ A fipnérs to“ .judg=eT ’,Of" ACa feAs%A not ¢e11u:neratAed 1,. A fl10uId%hi"nd€‘r theputtingAmin«.exe<:u%tion«%the A '1P1:¢s%by.teAriAa1iGosvemment'a1r€4ad4)iA»Aefl:abli+fl1ed ‘ T’ t fitgflla E 311 Ffigi-1}‘d‘that.divers A -péj:rfo11%sA fit‘4Tt:o AVb%e C0m1I‘1i1§ione‘r:-L; accgjrdin”g AA to We 1&9? Qfdii1flI1C,€ 71 4 Méalfirti %I%AA545.%by Areas-¢ .| {You of the pre fent%%Difcr3g55‘Iions, are abfent from their habritaticms, anc§“TfO‘T%t»a11not% 4d0eA.thefeArvice_V if »‘:¢%ére4i1i;W 5 bthfrwi they In ighi: 7doe:ThE: dée t‘hérefc§ rEV 4OrdainAe,AAv~that in fl:"efid’afid plaice A o£AC9I!1mifai9nerAs Faid 1*<1‘irIaI1c¢, “-3 A "h u: A \ ~. ‘v H » ''i?'10W“‘E& A A ‘A A A A A A Of%Nort/mAwAberland5AHem“)! E%rAjrIe‘*0f% Kent, jabn Eztrle f AA1ia%be§~1'F Eaflé ‘0f'E]j’x’"‘1‘7J}abp7oi/ 7.45‘ Earle“ E5fwI1“i}";¢c"efié1:~zc,C£r;erle.¢~ ~ A Earlfi bf Nott}'ngb4}7z,_ jzz.I¢2e&~Ear1¢ of ax WiIlia;;z' A “‘i4:;r1‘e 5? sagz2wmy,£f%3ob2z%~Eaas1e¢$~e~£1m.gz(gaa;a.gm;;;ggm+rz4AEar1 [ T£3>’faZ2F”s.vv¢2;¢>%ie/{e;.,:‘* %B;¢fziff;lVA_A%[Ea:1*)e.AA Q31? 1 A «s'ti2zLAlvi «E31316 offiélizglziraa “I "-9aV"¢ F . {u ‘\(‘ V‘ r iV;df—H’417 § 13h u as // Gm ‘*?ze* “ I V‘! A A. «A rle of Az;zmd¢1Z~~ ~aI1d~yS7tI‘7’}’_-, xflggsrnaiz Earle A af Rztlanaflf p Of Pmzliroliej’ Y wztgoiizery, «V ‘V %:a1>ig£*sEr£r1€~4”%0f I AAA @l'ard%VE”ar1e~ I A :1 2221 £2Vra;7,I>Vi;2‘2‘ia£r§;VLdora\i“ifc0ut:mV:s’2z3/ anC1‘:Se¢zlea\.\‘\:"GA§av£’ Lurdflerkéeys ~Abrsl[*Vwee:a4Pb€?iR LCM Whrr «W7 cMev:LordA‘ Sf4*WPPa~’3?’?*°dr”1L°rd KW %L::;;d.c;;~e;z ofW4rk¢» Iam‘Loré1A%rzo»A 1 < > A from th‘eAASac;13am»e11t 3 aixtzl Aleafi fhePtayA of the * enumeration, and the not snamwing. ofA«Co1.nmi{— A ‘ A fipnérs to“ .judg=eT ’,Of" ACa feAs%A not ¢e11u:neratAed 1,. A fl10uId%hi"nd€‘r theputtingAmin«.exe<:u%tion«%the A '1P1:¢s%by.teAriAa1iGosvemment'a1r€4ad4)iA»Aefl:abli+fl1ed ‘ T’ t fitgflla E 311 Ffigi-1}‘d‘that.divers A -péj:rfo11%sA fit‘4Tt:o AVb%e C0m1I‘1i1§ione‘r:-L; accgjrdin”g AA to We 1&9? Qfdii1flI1C,€ 71 4 Méalfirti %I%AA545.%by Areas-¢ .| {You of the pre fent%%Difcr3g55‘Iions, are abfent from their habritaticms, anc§“TfO‘T%t»a11not% 4d0eA.thefeArvice_V if »‘:¢%ére4i1i;W 5 bthfrwi they In ighi: 7doe:ThE: dée t‘hérefc§ rEV 4OrdainAe,AAv~that in fl:"efid’afid plaice A o£AC9I!1mifai9nerAs Faid 1*<1‘irIaI1c¢, “-3 A "h u: A \ ~. ‘v H » ''i?'10W“‘E& A A ‘A A A A A A Of%Nort/mAwAberland5AHem“)! E%rAjrIe‘*0f% Kent, jabn Eztrle f AA1ia%be§~1'F Eaflé ‘0f'E]j’x’"‘1‘7J}abp7oi/ 7.45‘ Earle“ E5fwI1“i}";¢c"efié1:~zc,C£r;erle.¢~ ~ A Earlfi bf Nott}'ngb4}7z,_ jzz.I¢2e&~Ear1¢ of ax WiIlia;;z' A “‘i4:;r1‘e 5? sagz2wmy,£f%3ob2z%~Eaas1e¢$~e~£1m.gz(gaa;a.gm;;;ggm+rz4AEar1 [ T£3>’faZ2F”s.vv¢2;¢>%ie/{e;.,:‘* %B;¢fziff;lVA_A%[Ea:1*)e.AA Q31? 1 A «s'ti2zLAlvi «E31316 offiélizglziraa “I "-9aV"¢ F . {u ‘\(‘ V‘ r iV;df—H’417 § 13h u as // Gm ‘*?ze* “ I V‘! A A. «A rle of Az;zmd¢1Z~~ ~aI1d~yS7tI‘7’}’_-, xflggsrnaiz Earle A af Rztlanaflf p Of Pmzliroliej’ Y wztgoiizery, «V ‘V %:a1>ig£*sEr£r1€~4”%0f I AAA @l'ard%VE”ar1e~ I A :1 2221 £2Vra;7,I>Vi;2‘2‘ia£r§;VLdora\i“ifc0ut:mV:s’2z3/ anC1‘:Se¢zlea\.\‘\:"GA§av£’ Lurdflerkéeys ~Abrsl[*Vwee:a4Pb€?iR LCM Whrr «W7 cMev:LordA‘ Sf4*WPPa~’3?’?*°dr”1L°rd KW %L::;;d.c;;~e;z ofW4rk¢» Iam‘Loré1A%rzo»A 1 fa)“ .w Eficricb, 1ii‘c£uzj~olLor<;1 Herbert Cfierélerry, T/:'mwa2.¢ Loyal" Brace. A mnc;mm,Edmuxd m-dam: Erquires,sar Henry Vane % Senior, 102»: GI}/12 Efqhire, Recorder of 11o)zdm¢5’S%ir‘Ro- ll>ert”HarleJ1/3 Bulflraale W/.7z'tloc:§_ Efquirgflzmzplorej Sallb- wa}/lEfquire, Mafiter Serjeant Wilde,-r,Oli71er 82‘, Join; Ef- quire,1,lhis Majefiies Sollicitbra Sif lBenj¢im';z.‘£i1;.%;’}{¢zrcl Knlight, A Mafier Tate, Sil‘ Iolvz Clotrvortly/M Knight, .I0/522: Majrm-r6llEfquir€, 5511' H mr_yVmz(3 junior Knight, William; l Zierrepovz-fEfquE~ra=,‘W11/iaz7;¢Wl2ee/er Efquireg, Sir William; hfigflwam, Vléklter Tamzfg, Sir /Iolmé llirzzeljrz Knight: 10,133; . 4S'el/’qZczz‘7 Efquire, Sarzmziel vB:rmwze Efquirc , Sir William M lSi‘i*}'ckla72d, Walter Lo:2g~*EfqL1ire , Herbert Morley Bf-1 V qtlire, "Ge0rge‘S7zellinglEfq5 Hazrlmttle Grimflavz Efq57I0lmz % - Egg/§rVEfq5 Rz‘c*l.mrcal Slmttlewortlv, Lord Fmirfizx, Sir Io/ma l . 1_?’A7zz)er.r, Ialm Crew Efqg," Sir ;17ztlm22_y,Irl»}I, Sir john Hal.- l.4_z2lAd,,l Si1*1’/Jz'li_p Sltapletozr, Lvtke Ral22'2z[22izL Efqs Thoma: We‘- j fim Efq-3 Demasell Halli? Elfqa Hc2w;yI.¢1ca:l Efqs Sir Ia/‘ma “ » “ D1‘¢”:‘_yd072:; Robert Kg/nalcl: Efq-3 Sir Tbmzzax Afiaklletozz, R0-A lifiiff 16721202" Elf 5~He:w} 0x61zdei2»Efq_g Sir G2/'l2ert Gc792':z7*c“§ V . Niclmlzm mag hm Efqgm Sir I017): Burgoyne 3 Sir Ezg’ém:rd ' Ail caugl7_.,: Izz/5:2 S122;/nfen Efqs" Sir Hiemgy.» I‘1€)lwlZn,Etl1l'5.LeVigl2l"l ; E q5Si_r T /,)l072z{m: I/‘I/frat/.7‘,,Szz7;.mel Gait Ef.f15Sirjok7z B4mfiela’,: A. Sir Art‘:/Ber Haflg-rigf ,,4S,i,r pg¢dlé_;i Né3rtb,Silr 17’!/':illi4zrIz%I/7/czfillcrg, A VI/§il[i.a722‘13?allEfq5J0l.m -I’al2i2erEfq5Lmttre72ce VI/lJit4acre Efqa ” Ndtfiamiel Bmn[El qs.ziic£24r;1 lEdw;muEA{q5¢ llzu/12 .Hadgé.r Efiwlir 7/Vl[[;W5lL6:mi!aF7"4r2cz25‘All€W’l 4E1?‘-15 <5’i1€w'lGr€W < lEfq5#llial2z¢l Gm»da2zlEfq5.l 1>ezz2zli«nB.?l0'72d*A1*3fq5 Sir. Peterli/I/ent— A = PWl?l‘ll”~ 75 :$am:¢l“l%L#1L€, lEd1I2z¢1"¢’llB4W¢?tzE31q€15 . Rl,¢‘l’.4?d All Sa11oi2w;*iunior;s2w2o%z ‘Malawi!E1131;atimflrmvelififqal AW¥“¢Pmniflgt@flEl§%§ll~A1d¢1’m3Hf0ffh¢..fCitYOf ”Lll9hdll0rl::& John V612 Erqs Dfcéfiorwm RandalSirl*lfi"ivb4fd0Wfl0w;l Sfizxl ;'V351???”fl’Z?Z"fl”wVVilll4?i¢lfl%Zfi‘5’?;§l9lllfiiiliifea‘3"""8? “ ~ A’ “‘ “ ’ ‘ v Z V 14550’ ' “ MI‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ _‘ ‘ ‘ fa)“ .w Eficricb, 1ii‘c£uzj~olLor<;1 Herbert Cfierélerry, T/:'mwa2.¢ Loyal" Brace. A mnc;mm,Edmuxd m-dam: Erquires,sar Henry Vane % Senior, 102»: GI}/12 Efqhire, Recorder of 11o)zdm¢5’S%ir‘Ro- ll>ert”HarleJ1/3 Bulflraale W/.7z'tloc:§_ Efquirgflzmzplorej Sallb- wa}/lEfquire, Mafiter Serjeant Wilde,-r,Oli71er 82‘, Join; Ef- quire,1,lhis Majefiies Sollicitbra Sif lBenj¢im';z.‘£i1;.%;’}{¢zrcl Knlight, A Mafier Tate, Sil‘ Iolvz Clotrvortly/M Knight, .I0/522: Majrm-r6llEfquir€, 5511' H mr_yVmz(3 junior Knight, William; l Zierrepovz-fEfquE~ra=,‘W11/iaz7;¢Wl2ee/er Efquireg, Sir William; hfigflwam, Vléklter Tamzfg, Sir /Iolmé llirzzeljrz Knight: 10,133; . 4S'el/’qZczz‘7 Efquire, Sarzmziel vB:rmwze Efquirc , Sir William M lSi‘i*}'ckla72d, Walter Lo:2g~*EfqL1ire , Herbert Morley Bf-1 V qtlire, "Ge0rge‘S7zellinglEfq5 Hazrlmttle Grimflavz Efq57I0lmz % - Egg/§rVEfq5 Rz‘c*l.mrcal Slmttlewortlv, Lord Fmirfizx, Sir Io/ma l . 1_?’A7zz)er.r, Ialm Crew Efqg," Sir ;17ztlm22_y,Irl»}I, Sir john Hal.- l.4_z2lAd,,l Si1*1’/Jz'li_p Sltapletozr, Lvtke Ral22'2z[22izL Efqs Thoma: We‘- j fim Efq-3 Demasell Halli? Elfqa Hc2w;yI.¢1ca:l Efqs Sir Ia/‘ma “ » “ D1‘¢”:‘_yd072:; Robert Kg/nalcl: Efq-3 Sir Tbmzzax Afiaklletozz, R0-A lifiiff 16721202" Elf 5~He:w} 0x61zdei2»Efq_g Sir G2/'l2ert Gc792':z7*c“§ V . Niclmlzm mag hm Efqgm Sir I017): Burgoyne 3 Sir Ezg’ém:rd ' Ail caugl7_.,: Izz/5:2 S122;/nfen Efqs" Sir Hiemgy.» I‘1€)lwlZn,Etl1l'5.LeVigl2l"l ; E q5Si_r T /,)l072z{m: I/‘I/frat/.7‘,,Szz7;.mel Gait Ef.f15Sirjok7z B4mfiela’,: A. Sir Art‘:/Ber Haflg-rigf ,,4S,i,r pg¢dlé_;i Né3rtb,Silr 17’!/':illi4zrIz%I/7/czfillcrg, A VI/§il[i.a722‘13?allEfq5J0l.m -I’al2i2erEfq5Lmttre72ce VI/lJit4acre Efqa ” Ndtfiamiel Bmn[El qs.ziic£24r;1 lEdw;muEA{q5¢ llzu/12 .Hadgé.r Efiwlir 7/Vl[[;W5lL6:mi!aF7"4r2cz25‘All€W’l 4E1?‘-15 <5’i1€w'lGr€W < lEfq5#llial2z¢l Gm»da2zlEfq5.l 1>ezz2zli«nB.?l0'72d*A1*3fq5 Sir. Peterli/I/ent— A = PWl?l‘ll”~ 75 :$am:¢l“l%L#1L€, lEd1I2z¢1"¢’llB4W¢?tzE31q€15 . Rl,¢‘l’.4?d All Sa11oi2w;*iunior;s2w2o%z ‘Malawi!E1131;atimflrmvelififqal AW¥“¢Pmniflgt@flEl§%§ll~A1d¢1’m3Hf0ffh¢..fCitYOf ”Lll9hdll0rl::& John V612 Erqs Dfcéfiorwm RandalSirl*lfi"ivb4fd0Wfl0w;l Sfizxl ;'V351???”fl’Z?Z"fl”wVVilll4?i¢lfl%Zfi‘5’?;§l9lllfiiiliifea‘3"""8? “ ~ A’ “‘ “ ’ ‘ v Z V 14550’ ' “ MI‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ _‘ ‘ ‘ 1‘:1qL1§.£"C.‘,, t§7*’&m‘eliz/5° Halland‘E quire, J05It'Blac£jIzfle7i$E”“‘ fqui1*e3, L01“c1H¢rl>mjt,.'l Si: A I/7/4.A’«ter Erlebl, Henry, M.-Azrfm’ “ Efqulre ,, ASirl*T£)0;32m Demeter ,‘ Tfiiclémwl lBrmx>2’z‘l Efq2,2’3§l‘e, %z”’.fi-mg Eiijfqxlire, ljalazé Lrfle Efquir-:.=,.Z~’V2*1i’i£2".w ,‘4j‘[l7‘Itl_‘/i A §"li?.§1‘1itt:,l 3ir:';3’A?w§n l&’1?°l::*;zzJ!).*"5llSir‘ 1\T;zI.l;».z:¢g‘cll Bzz%~"22ard2jlo7zV;" ".f}3.Aw:;3'5¥Ldrd zA’mr;zl::=¢.m, 3%r1VIez:*li/zlLzz,v;zlc2}',. lsaimztelll Véflll V iillquire, Sir M21‘:/atzzzél Boynran, :ferv«zce Pzggotl Efqui1‘€‘3' Hi:tclrinjl3?1z‘Ei‘q:Jir-E, T/.mr;m*o' Harv/Jer% }Eiqquire,l‘ jzmef‘ z*m;zt~; ’Efquire, P2z:'e,a:Izr2e" V/d/(071 Efquire, ~ja/.r:2l Ste;-3: }.’?.?‘:?L‘fiII: Efquire. , jalw. Evcalyn of smy A, T/L1lar2zzz:lA‘5ficottA;“ A E".fL:f«,.;;i-res‘, ‘llnozrzazx Tzyfry lEfqUirt’,, Henry Peck "Efquire A TiC!e:l.*J3g2'5 I-lodge: Of-Gl4()L1C€fiZ€31'»1}lir€ Efquire.,VWlli.mz Lezmzn‘ A ElA1Ep1'*i“:_<.g~:, Iiiclmrd Vrflrrzmaocl Efquire, jolan L0227I’j/E1Z]uil‘t:f,5 A W311‘ Zv1Zzi')‘:7:1 Lzfler, Sir Eolmzoml Powell, Ral2ert\Vall0j>A l_ }3»i"1Lzire, R1:/card VV/sifclvelzcl Efquire, ‘Nathaniel H¢.I[a;p;l }E‘.i*quir€, Iiolvert Brewfler Elquire, Sir‘ Edward Itfzlflgejf‘-2’ f£9r:2’5 Rik:/yard A Norton Efqulre, Sir ‘.Tl3o7;za:‘Brzrlmz-daylo1z,l‘ SirlT/Jowaw Treazclmrd, Milqr Garbet Efquire,Sirl‘Iieiz1y Mildmay, AT l30I1.mJ' Atlgina Efquire',A1der1nan of the City l I 0f‘London,L0rd Cmvzlwrrze, Roger Hill Efquircg Sixj john Baritzgton, Jo/§niTrefl?l3dr;:l Efquire, Sir Jo/;v7z C0rl7et,Alex-- A mzder Poplmwz Efquire, Sir Samuel Hall, Sir John %Col;_e_.,l ]o/an Nut Ef'q.uire"_., Ralph ./1flJto%n¢ Efquircg Richard Barwi: Efquire, Willing; lgslrzzzj/22 Efquirei RiclmrdTal[bn¢Efq1fire, ’ SlirlHemy C/.wl2’2¢lJy,AASir? A Tlvowm Widdrington, George Fens» A A zpilckc Efquire, Eclzizmzcl Ludlaw Efquire,*lL%ill7'ln9n iLlaz2g'A Efquire, Films: lnraka Efqufre, Sir Michael! Limflz ,~Ed+ A mrd Step/Jen: EfquireasirWilliam.S'pring,;.ll awe: Herbert l T Efquirc, Hemy L:mre7zc§;’Efquire, ]0lw_lRAo A Efquirea 3 W 4 Jplan Franckzy», Tbozmzr Sa2zcl].r;E(qui‘1*%5SirTlJa2;MgjllMatli~l‘l ’.’W‘11im Erquire A _ l Ivererg $11‘ William Litto1r,l‘lI\}'¢t/.a;zrgiléll Fiezajze: E§_fquire,l‘l A ‘ll or rhwiflwall beacommirreeof . A 1‘:1qL1§.£"C.‘,, t§7*’&m‘eliz/5° Halland‘E quire, J05It'Blac£jIzfle7i$E”“‘ fqui1*e3, L01“c1H¢rl>mjt,.'l Si: A I/7/4.A’«ter Erlebl, Henry, M.-Azrfm’ “ Efqulre ,, ASirl*T£)0;32m Demeter ,‘ Tfiiclémwl lBrmx>2’z‘l Efq2,2’3§l‘e, %z”’.fi-mg Eiijfqxlire, ljalazé Lrfle Efquir-:.=,.Z~’V2*1i’i£2".w ,‘4j‘[l7‘Itl_‘/i A §"li?.§1‘1itt:,l 3ir:';3’A?w§n l&’1?°l::*;zzJ!).*"5llSir‘ 1\T;zI.l;».z:¢g‘cll Bzz%~"22ard2jlo7zV;" ".f}3.Aw:;3'5¥Ldrd zA’mr;zl::=¢.m, 3%r1VIez:*li/zlLzz,v;zlc2}',. lsaimztelll Véflll V iillquire, Sir M21‘:/atzzzél Boynran, :ferv«zce Pzggotl Efqui1‘€‘3' Hi:tclrinjl3?1z‘Ei‘q:Jir-E, T/.mr;m*o' Harv/Jer% }Eiqquire,l‘ jzmef‘ z*m;zt~; ’Efquire, P2z:'e,a:Izr2e" V/d/(071 Efquire, ~ja/.r:2l Ste;-3: }.’?.?‘:?L‘fiII: Efquire. , jalw. Evcalyn of smy A, T/L1lar2zzz:lA‘5ficottA;“ A E".fL:f«,.;;i-res‘, ‘llnozrzazx Tzyfry lEfqUirt’,, Henry Peck "Efquire A TiC!e:l.*J3g2'5 I-lodge: Of-Gl4()L1C€fiZ€31'»1}lir€ Efquire.,VWlli.mz Lezmzn‘ A ElA1Ep1'*i“:_<.g~:, Iiiclmrd Vrflrrzmaocl Efquire, jolan L0227I’j/E1Z]uil‘t:f,5 A W311‘ Zv1Zzi')‘:7:1 Lzfler, Sir Eolmzoml Powell, Ral2ert\Vall0j>A l_ }3»i"1Lzire, R1:/card VV/sifclvelzcl Efquire, ‘Nathaniel H¢.I[a;p;l }E‘.i*quir€, Iiolvert Brewfler Elquire, Sir‘ Edward Itfzlflgejf‘-2’ f£9r:2’5 Rik:/yard A Norton Efqulre, Sir ‘.Tl3o7;za:‘Brzrlmz-daylo1z,l‘ SirlT/Jowaw Treazclmrd, Milqr Garbet Efquire,Sirl‘Iieiz1y Mildmay, AT l30I1.mJ' Atlgina Efquire',A1der1nan of the City l I 0f‘London,L0rd Cmvzlwrrze, Roger Hill Efquircg Sixj john Baritzgton, Jo/§niTrefl?l3dr;:l Efquire, Sir Jo/;v7z C0rl7et,Alex-- A mzder Poplmwz Efquire, Sir Samuel Hall, Sir John %Col;_e_.,l ]o/an Nut Ef'q.uire"_., Ralph ./1flJto%n¢ Efquircg Richard Barwi: Efquire, Willing; lgslrzzzj/22 Efquirei RiclmrdTal[bn¢Efq1fire, ’ SlirlHemy C/.wl2’2¢lJy,AASir? A Tlvowm Widdrington, George Fens» A A zpilckc Efquire, Eclzizmzcl Ludlaw Efquire,*lL%ill7'ln9n iLlaz2g'A Efquire, Films: lnraka Efqufre, Sir Michael! Limflz ,~Ed+ A mrd Step/Jen: EfquireasirWilliam.S'pring,;.ll awe: Herbert l T Efquirc, Hemy L:mre7zc§;’Efquire, ]0lw_lRAo A Efquirea 3 W 4 Jplan Franckzy», Tbozmzr Sa2zcl].r;E(qui‘1*%5SirTlJa2;MgjllMatli~l‘l ’.’W‘11im Erquire A _ l Ivererg $11‘ William Litto1r,l‘lI\}'¢t/.a;zrgiléll Fiezajze: E§_fquire,l‘l A ‘ll or rhwiflwall beacommirreeof . A (5) Lords and Commons, to adjudge [and ldeterag mine ficandalous offences 4 not formerly enume- l ra:e‘d,l A andlteheElderfhipsfl1all proceedin the 4 ilgjxaniinations of inch lean dalons ofl"encesaccor-l- dingtothe caufions and refirifiionsmexutioned , a liniihe Ordinance of the twentieth oflO€l:ober, i 1 64;. And the {aid Committee {hill have lluch Pow 1'5, and fliallaproceed in filch fort as is here--7 after m'enr;1.oned. A If any notorious and fcandalousofFe11ceAnot * formerly enumerated. “be committed: bylany Awithin anyElder{l1ip,a»nd lo after fulltproloie {hall be foun laéfoire ttheiElder‘{l1ip, who {hall thaeveipowertoaexwminc Proofs and VVit11Vefli‘es A i l fionbot-ah fides,in cafeboth the%E»lderfl1ip and the party‘comp“lained of do~agre_€, the Proofs‘eia11tl ‘Examinations totbeduliy taken,.the faid Elciez?» {hip Ihallt forthwith certifie the laid Oflence; I A ~with=the-Proofs, totheifaidCom.mitt:eeoofPar~— ]iament,, who .‘)‘ {hall withall convlenitent fpeed nation of dctermineand adjiltilge the fame; Bntain ca~l3e[* thepartygaccufed» flmallfinde himzfelfe grieved, M A eitherebylthe not examination torundue exatnie V A itneifes,iorrnili-fintningeaofthetDe»~i V %tP0fit;0mnna (5) Lords and Commons, to adjudge [and ldeterag mine ficandalous offences 4 not formerly enume- l ra:e‘d,l A andlteheElderfhipsfl1all proceedin the 4 ilgjxaniinations of inch lean dalons ofl"encesaccor-l- dingtothe caufions and refirifiionsmexutioned , a liniihe Ordinance of the twentieth oflO€l:ober, i 1 64;. And the {aid Committee {hill have lluch Pow 1'5, and fliallaproceed in filch fort as is here--7 after m'enr;1.oned. A If any notorious and fcandalousofFe11ceAnot * formerly enumerated. “be committed: bylany Awithin anyElder{l1ip,a»nd lo after fulltproloie {hall be foun laéfoire ttheiElder‘{l1ip, who {hall thaeveipowertoaexwminc Proofs and VVit11Vefli‘es A i l fionbot-ah fides,in cafeboth the%E»lderfl1ip and the party‘comp“lained of do~agre_€, the Proofs‘eia11tl ‘Examinations totbeduliy taken,.the faid Elciez?» {hip Ihallt forthwith certifie the laid Oflence; I A ~with=the-Proofs, totheifaidCom.mitt:eeoofPar~— ]iament,, who .‘)‘ {hall withall convlenitent fpeed nation of dctermineand adjiltilge the fame; Bntain ca~l3e[* thepartygaccufed» flmallfinde himzfelfe grieved, M A eitherebylthe not examination torundue exatnie V A itneifes,iorrnili-fintningeaofthetDe»~i V %tP0fit;0mnna <6) pfi1:ions3%i:;ifuchicafE:3h%eV {I1a1I*fo:*thwirh declare the vfa1neA1j.QAtheAEldfiffhi P ,Wl1 fhallrelic Vehim % «if;;t11ereAbAe V,&ca}1fe, «'Whic’h if % th'eyi%fl14alI i1ot.do, th£i.1 «the {th reg :: L1fii.é:§:s 10-f/‘ Peacee11_"efixt: mthci .Pa'-T A V t 1¢i;fl1"iiWh¢reof%tI1e%arty complained offs-ax em- V ; her, Vor anytwo 0ft%her'n,A not being’ é>ftVhc-fame ifllderlhirp before Whom theCon1p~Iaint lykes, w»fl1all hztvé p’ower,and are hereb y,~inabIed~and rwe-4» 4 quired forthwith to examine 11P0fl.‘ ‘A 0athMt11’c .» ’itt1efl"es that were not examined, m*AAWere A mid & mif-céi§}:anj1i11ed,«or e Depofiticms were miI7- entred, AT-and with an VAC-onvenient reed“: nefurne the Exan'fif1ati4on%to the faid Commirztee of Pan- A liamcnt AnftVhc-fame ifllderlhirp before Whom theCon1p~Iaint lykes, w»fl1all hztvé p’ower,and are hereb y,~inabIed~and rwe-4» 4 quired forthwith to examine 11P0fl.‘ ‘A 0athMt11’c .» ’itt1efl"es that were not examined, m*AAWere A mid & mif-céi§}:anj1i11ed,«or e Depofiticms were miI7- entred, AT-and with an VAC-onvenient reed“: nefurne the Exan'fif1ati4on%to the faid Commirztee of Pan- A liamcnt Anj;@im’dc~ 9 ~qm zof both Holilfes dot: fend flw% ;fa.idA%reci1;1snes Am thfi flaitd mittee accordingly: 5% ; fuch % bcip g by them; ~co—:1fi¢1f€r¢;d .o~£“i\i mowed, £haIl~ A have Power to a& according to 0ArAdi11am:¢_o~f' A 4%Awhe~L.imits%Ofth€f3;idf€f§P@19iiv4eClaiI“e$s nb :C¢»ngmgafi;(m&1*1 Bram texiiA¢s a1~r¢é;:1y*' hailed 5 1 ;ham from ,tim¢ ,Mt}me 117wyf¢:* »»qua.1ifi¢d accm-‘ding.:to~ Or¢immc€sA Vm iaym Aich tzbaem in ‘elm fame, ~bc»apgprQmdiVby:th¢ A M * A A a MD ‘o uAaa::iA%esr» V¥it»hi1f1~ and ~aBP;Q@m%r gm£ion,aL11% PIe$bydt¢ride$fl1a1i<* ht A:;1c% A Pariiamwt , A fi11+ th¢ i'ev€na.l?l‘71 A rt) — A24 Thastfuch %re‘t§irn€s firm 4‘ orfthge M Co11nt%iasé?s as are lakraadyjmaclejg % _ A b»ytl1es£;Z:omm1ttceA 0% Lm=ds4 and , iuj;@im’dc~ 9 ~qm zof both Holilfes dot: fend flw% ;fa.idA%reci1;1snes Am thfi flaitd mittee accordingly: 5% ; fuch % bcip g by them; ~co—:1fi¢1f€r¢;d .o~£“i\i mowed, £haIl~ A have Power to a& according to 0ArAdi11am:¢_o~f' A 4%Awhe~L.imits%Ofth€f3;idf€f§P@19iiv4eClaiI“e$s nb :C¢»ngmgafi;(m&1*1 Bram texiiA¢s a1~r¢é;:1y*' hailed 5 1 ;ham from ,tim¢ ,Mt}me 117wyf¢:* »»qua.1ifi¢d accm-‘ding.:to~ Or¢immc€sA Vm iaym Aich tzbaem in ‘elm fame, ~bc»apgprQmdiVby:th¢ A M * A A a MD ‘o uAaa::iA%esr» V¥it»hi1f1~ and ~aBP;Q@m%r gm£ion,aL11% PIe$bydt¢ride$fl1a1i<* ht A:;1c% A 4 M itihifl faid L’%?§4:I2f1i‘t”S5v fai gngnejgaA»:io»n all pmsby Fer} {ha11;; 2;r&: A a7ccC>'3f*ki1;11g tdk =:p"’o we1jA+ a;n%d4%%%dim,€rio$za of’ the ‘~Ordin>an CE in that »be?h§L;If Arid ihét t:L ft1éh?%%%p'o vvfer fhaflli —?‘b"¢ e'fxec‘I71 ted rib E. 0-11e}y9I‘"§ i—u éc‘a ~L%\d\%éaAt%hV5 or (73t‘héTr* 7dr‘ep*a.fl’cur”¢5‘.{‘f» am y 1\xIii1#iffie1%:1ox3f f ‘fi‘bVm%the;‘place of“thei_r5W0ntcd*f M ~ aH"oin&ca1'eVof increafe ‘of NIinifiej*s%da4n%d'’‘C6rij:-r ‘ g“r6;’g"é1 iidonall :F.1d€fflai{P®' in? t[hei.rV 'f€vcra11: 1 ll 4, Tlugt at any 1upIfl1 time as f'«@VéIi*7*(§)ongré4~ gationall Elderfllips, ‘ Aorr“110n“;~~, - V{ha1AlA* bé‘x.confii- H. . L1 tédhi any % Clafficaifl px’ebi}1& 7i n. 4 f:1Tn*yf”§Ath‘e4 % Co unr4ies,%%} d:VrI1e'reA1‘pe4&i7ve 4Cl;i~fl‘es:.efiab1*ifla-am ‘edby wP3~rlia1nent, the‘ {E11567 gfhazll" Ab Tthém%bc~ figni“fied@cqd~th-e feverallC'a§1grégatibha11 7E..lE1ei:- "fhi lb e'fiab1ifl1edV-;i% 3:; nd Athrej “‘1Irega"~ _ tiona1I ’E1“derfl1ips fl1aH3' fc3r”thwitI1'4v% ‘procééd to . fQg'e__t deptltefixch of Eldé:ré%4asaré njoéft‘ Hf, /§W'h 0f %1:heir A MiniPc§;*1js»AA %(V::a*:;co?irding:~ r‘dina“nc'c~ bf Parliafij efi: {ha} t;:;a,> A C13. His, ' and 1'-bVe,%%¥to~5a1I ~ n%tem:s Aand. K‘ A , fes thencefort$h the and xec:zsea1.Ipower r%¢¢”in<9t, 4 M itihifl faid L’%?§4:I2f1i‘t”S5v fai gngnejgaA»:io»n all pmsby Fer} {ha11;; 2;r&: A a7ccC>'3f*ki1;11g tdk =:p"’o we1jA+ a;n%d4%%%dim,€rio$za of’ the ‘~Ordin>an CE in that »be?h§L;If Arid ihét t:L ft1éh?%%%p'o vvfer fhaflli —?‘b"¢ e'fxec‘I71 ted rib E. 0-11e}y9I‘"§ i—u éc‘a ~L%\d\%éaAt%hV5 or (73t‘héTr* 7dr‘ep*a.fl’cur”¢5‘.{‘f» am y 1\xIii1#iffie1%:1ox3f f ‘fi‘bVm%the;‘place of“thei_r5W0ntcd*f M ~ aH"oin&ca1'eVof increafe ‘of NIinifiej*s%da4n%d'’‘C6rij:-r ‘ g“r6;’g"é1 iidonall :F.1d€fflai{P®' in? t[hei.rV 'f€vcra11: 1 ll 4, Tlugt at any 1upIfl1 time as f'«@VéIi*7*(§)ongré4~ gationall Elderfllips, ‘ Aorr“110n“;~~, - V{ha1AlA* bé‘x.confii- H. . L1 tédhi any % Clafficaifl px’ebi}1& 7i n. 4 f:1Tn*yf”§Ath‘e4 % Co unr4ies,%%} d:VrI1e'reA1‘pe4&i7ve 4Cl;i~fl‘es:.efiab1*ifla-am ‘edby wP3~rlia1nent, the‘ {E11567 gfhazll" Ab Tthém%bc~ figni“fied@cqd~th-e feverallC'a§1grégatibha11 7E..lE1ei:- "fhi lb e'fiab1ifl1edV-;i% 3:; nd Athrej “‘1Irega"~ _ tiona1I ’E1“derfl1ips fl1aH3' fc3r”thwitI1'4v% ‘procééd to . fQg'e__t deptltefixch of Eldé:ré%4asaré njoéft‘ Hf, /§W'h 0f %1:heir A MiniPc§;*1js»AA %(V::a*:;co?irding:~ r‘dina“nc'c~ bf Parliafij efi: {ha} t;:;a,> A C13. His, ' and 1'-bVe,%%¥to~5a1I ~ n%tem:s Aand. K‘ A , fes thencefort$h the and xec:zsea1.Ipower r%¢¢”in<9t, “ » A V » ' 5Tha#ti:‘thr&&:El~d;€rs cf Clia His of ”fhev;Pr;@+ ,y§—;j:¢ef‘%. of érzdazz I Edd chéirAy ma vificia11% with Adjo:iriim§né%untAo:Vt4fm% ncx tad}? poVrr?L1%uity€, according 4 thé O1'rd’i&'naVnce of *:Parlia1nent‘:‘ I ¢ -vw. An;d*.%athatVn«}of~%}°x