ARTICLES TEflCE a: flLLIANCE Between the moft Serene and Mighty P R I N C E C H A R L E S II 'By the grace of God King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, . Defender of the Faith, (#5.- And the Hng dfldJWzglotj L 0 R ‘D S The States GE‘neral A , ' Of the LlNII ED NE THE RLANDSaK/LI‘B C‘m‘i‘lded the Way 9f 33M": 1667- 6 31? .x , UV puh't’t'tben by ibis fiaiefiiee flammanb. In the 28‘ A V 0 2f,- ‘ Printed by the Afligns of 5130522 Bill and Cériflopber ‘ Barker, Printer: to the Kings molt Excellent . l " Majefly I 6 6 7 \ l..__ [Articles of Peace andAlIimzce between the 4 , vMofi Serene and Mighty PrimeaeCharles the Second, hy the Grace of God, King of England Scotland, France and Ire~ land Defender of the Faith; m. and ' the High 47121 Mighty Lords the State: General of the united Netherlands Con: eluded the a. day of July, 1667. . I; . ~ 1:111}, That from this day there be a true, " ' firm, and inviolable Peace, fincere Friendfhip, a nearer and flraiter Alli- {f 3 ance and Union between the mofi Se~ ' H1gha11d Mighty States General of the United Pro- vmces of the Netherlands, and the Lands, Countreys, A2 and (M rene King of Greet Britain, and the ' m , and Cities under fie Obedience of bOth Parties, wherefoever fituate, and their Subjeé‘ts and Inhabi- rants, of what degreefoever they be 1 Alfo, T , tfor the time to come, all Enmities, Hon ' fiilities , fcb1ds and Wars between the {aid L01d. the King, and the forefaid L01 115 the St1tes General, and theii Subjects and Inhabitants, ceafe and be abo- liihed'; And that‘borh Parties :10 altogether forbear and abflain from all Plundeiing, Deprehtion, Harm- 'do1ng,In)ur1es and Infeftatagn whati'oevei, as well by [Land as bySea, and 1n Rem-waters eVery wherge and » ,efpecially through all TrafiseDoimmons Places and Governments (of what condition foever they be) within theJur1fd16hon of eithei Party -« III Alfo, That all Offences , Injuries, Damages; Ioffes, which His laid Majefiy and His Subjeé’ts, or th'eforefaid States General and the1rSub1eéts have on either {:1 1e fuflained during this War, or at any time whatfoever heretofore upon what Caufe or Pretence foever, be buried 1n 0bl1vion; and totally expunged , out of Re11,1emb1ang,,e-a as if no fuchi things had Ever all. P Furthermore, That the forefaid Peace, Frienclih’ip and Alliance may {land upon firm and unihaken Founw 1"_dat10ns, and that ro'rn this very day all Occaf ons of new DiiIention and D iffetmce may be cut Oil‘s It is further 8 x.» _ . -M;‘- “LLM . 5 - further Agreede-‘hgtbqth thepmiesj and-either 0.55 them, {hall keep and pOIIEfs hereafter with" plénarf; Right. of A Sovereignty, Propriety and Pofl‘efliOn»,l; allfuch Lands, lflands, Cities, Forts,.Places,. and C973 lon.‘es (how. many foever) as during this War, or in. any former'times before this War, they have. by Forte of Arms) 01: any other Wily Whatfoeven goztmand; detained from the Other Party 3. and that, altdgotheb after the fame manner as they had gorten and did‘pof? fefs them the giddy of May lafl pafhj none of the; fame.Places..being Excepte_d,..,_, “ , , . - g; .» ‘1’ ‘ u . .i ' .. ‘ . , ‘ v I v“ - , e m . ; .- .~ ' ' ' , :7 Mbreover, That allShips, with their Furniture and. Merchandife, and all MQVeables, which during this!» War; 9? «it my time heretofore;:haveefcqrnni‘mq the POW“: ot'éither Of the eremen'tioned Parties 0.1311613: Subjects, be and remain t0 the prefenttPofl'efforsy Witheut any COIIIlpenfationor Reflitutions f0. asieach) one ..b€C0n1€ 4,an r emaind Ergprietor and Poffgflbr £93; Elm" of thaE'Wl‘lCh W35 (,0. gotten,Withont any cont}; tréVerfiemor Exceptionof Place, {Tim-e,tori.’I'hing_s.w -~ ,. . . - ' v, Moreover, That-"all Pea-ionsa Suits, and P’retenfir ons,whatf0ever they. be, or in- what manner foevet‘ they have been refirained, circumfcribed , . defined or. referved inany Articles Of Peace-or Alliance already; made, (and efpecially in the-fifteenth Article “of; thag Treetx which was Signed in the year 1662.) whfih ’ - , 15.275 ("His {aidiNIajeflyi and the {aid States- General, or their Strikers, mayorwou‘ld p’rofecute 0r moVe againi’t'one’ anothEr Tab‘out‘ .fuch matters or thingsas have happen- e‘d during thisWar, or in any former times asWell be- .fOre as after the forefaid Treaty of 156-2, until the day‘offg/it'hisé‘ prefent Alliance, be‘ and remain void,obli- matted-3» 3and difanmifled; 1A5 His faidM'ajefly and the "namesake General thall‘declare,‘ and they do hereby d’e‘clare,That by vertue of thefe Prefents, they will for ever tetal-ly renounce , even as hereby they do re— nounce,all fuch Aé‘tions,S Hits and Pretenfions for them— felves & their Succefl‘orsfo as in regard oftbem nOthing : more may or ought ever to be urged on either fide, and norhing to be moved thereupon hereafter. ’ day‘ofr 3M4], exfiefl'e’dfin téhefpre-‘i v c’edent-‘t’hird Attempt-after the PeaCe is-t‘na‘deg’ or this”- Treaty Signed, either "Party {hall- intercept and get" from the other any Lands, Iflands, Cities, Forts, Co: loniefsfior Other? plaeeawhatfoever, all/eartd'éevery of therng'w’tthouf any'difliafiion ofT place“ or’time, ” {hall be reflor’ed? baa/i» file in the fame fiate ‘ and “condition- wherein they {hall be found to beat the time, when- foever it {hall be known in thofe places that the Peace is made, ' *i—‘f‘iaeertargertheu ”Butte avoid all matter of firife or 9 contention here-l after, that. ufeth fometimes to arife concerning the R9 flitution 0r Liquidation of [rich Ships,‘ Merchandife; and other Moveables,» as both Parties (0: either of them , hr" if. (:13 ‘T-i .; :13: ' . 7.3.39 may . - . ( 7 ) s . .x . may pretend. to have been taken or gettenm Places / and 6303115 far diflant,’a£te_t the Peace is "concluded, and before it be. :nOtified unto thofe place555f It- is: Agreed, That all in ch Ships, Merchandife, and Other» Moveables, which may chance to fall into either Pap. ties hands after the Concluinn and Publication of the prefent Inftrument , in: the, Channel onBfit‘z’fli Sea, withinthe {pace of Twelve days,2.' andthefame in the? North Sea;and within the fpace of Six Weeks,from the mouth of the Channel unto the Cape of St. Vincent; as alfo within the {pace of Ten weeks beyond the {aid Cape, and on this fide the ufiquinoc'fz’al Line or Jayme» tar, as well in the Ocean and Mediterranean Sea, as elfe- where; and from thence within the'fpace 'of Eight moneths , beyond the terms of the forefaid Line-— throughout all the World‘s; {hall be and remainunto the PoiTeiTOts ,‘without any=exception' or further- "di—J fiinétion of time or place.,or any regard had to the Ina-5- king of Reflitutioni or ‘ Compenfation. VIII. V It is alfo Agreed, That under the forefaid Renunif ciation and Stipulation, all Letters whatfoever of Rep-9 prizal,Marque and Counter—Marque, bOth general and particular, and Others of that kind, by vertue whereof any Hofiility. may be exercifed. for the future; oughti alfo to be reckoned and comprehended; and by the Publick Authority of this Alliance they are inhibited . and revoked. And if any perfons of either Nation, ‘ after fuch Revocation, {hall neverthelefs , under re- tence' or authority. of .fuch Letters or Commiflihns . . * '. , - w already _ i a (a ) already tévokedrdefign anynew mifchief, or at? any Hoflil‘ity, after thePeacTe is'mades and the times -«fpeci-~ fiiedin the precedent feventh Article are elapfed 5 they are to be looked upon ".as difiurbers of the Publick Peace , and puniihed’ according to the Law of Nan. _ ons, befides an entireReflitUtion. of the thing taken, or full fatisfaétion of Damages ; ‘ to which they {hall be liable; anatwit'hfianding any Claufe whatfiiever to the contrary, which maybe infetted in the {aid Letters re; yoked as afotefaid, ' ' . 31X, 1‘ , , And whereasin Countreys far remote, as in Africk and America, efpecially in Gamay, certain PrOteflati— > ons and'EeclaratiOnsf, and: other Writings of- that kind % prejudicialto't'he Liberty of :T rade and Navigation, have been emitted and publiihe‘d onteither‘fide by theg GWernors and Officersin the Namevof their Superi. i ours; It is inlike manner Agreed , That all and every inch Pl‘OtefliatiODS, Declarations, and Writings afore—, faid, be aboliihed, and held hereafter for null and void 5 and-that b‘Oth the abovefimentioned Parties, and-their Inhabitants and subjects,” ufe and enjoythe fame Li—' betty of Trade and Navigation, as well in Africa as in- America, which they rufed and enjoyed ,or of right, mightnfe andgenjoy at that timewhenthe‘Treaty of the year 1662..was.Subfcribed. ~ ~ 4 ' X g .1. Alfo; ; That Prifoners on both ifidesgone‘ and ' all, of what Degree, Dignity, or Condition foever theyihbei a {hallbe l‘et at; Libertygwithoht uranfom or anymthar ' rite of their Freedom; Providedfatislaaiorr e made y them for Debts which they have c'ontraéted for Diet, orany ptherlawfulCaufe. ' _ XI. , That the {aid King of. Great Britain, and the {aid States General remain Friends, Confederate, United; andéA‘llied, for the defence and prefervation ofthe‘ Rights, Liberties, and Immunities of either "Alli and their Subjeéts, ‘againft all whomfoeVer, ‘w’hoi {hall endeavour to. diflurb the Peace of eitheis State-c... by Sea orLand, or fuch as. living within eithers Do— 119mg, Gigi}, be declared Publick Enemies to Clea; tel}... '“H . .' ' .‘ ',, ' XII." . :rhag neither the {aid King of Great Britain, nor theifiid.‘ _ States -- General. £11311: A61, i DO;- Endeavofir.'--, Treat or Attemptany thing againllthe other, or. the Sabjeas 'of either, anywhere by Land or Sea, or in any Ports, Liberties, Creeks, or Freih—waters, upon any. occafion whatfoever; And that neither, they nor the Subjects of‘eithe‘r of them, {hall give, afford, ”for ‘ {upplyfany‘Aid, Connfel or Favour ,~ nor content. that any, thing be Done, Treatedmr Attempted by. any Other ‘Whofoever, to the harm ’Or prejudice of the Other, or the Subjeéts of either; but {hall eXprefly and "actually Oppofe, contradiét, and really hinder all whomfoever, refiding or dwelling in either the B refpeétive A (m a) ' , 1111:1666 1991111111665;- 11111116111311 2161f 665116111 6t? aflmpvanythmg 6011111111 6111161 bf 6116111 . 1, "X111; " Thatne1th6111161'aidK-1‘11g, 11011116 [11111 Common- yvcglch,1101 any of the Sub? 6615 016111161, inhabiging orrefidmg 1111111111 111611 11111111611611 1113111 611611111 and 2111111 the Rebels of 611h61 P3111! mrh any 811660111, 6' nf61,.orFavourwh1tfoc176r 11111 1111111 exppeflyp ‘1 ‘ 11161 61166111an 111111161 21116111313151.1115“; 1 (11116, or (11176111110111 6111161 01' 611611 1301111111011 1111111 {'11 9151111 01 11111111111 1%] any of 611616 1111613161 51166615 by Sea of Land W1111 ySuccanor 111111161166, 611116141 111 Mand’ghrfi Ann‘s" Warhké‘i’unfltme, or‘ot‘h‘er‘ pro111bited Goods, 01with Money, Provifions, or V1- éiuals: And all Ships, Acms, warlike Furniture, or l()1h61‘ fmbidden Goods, 3110 Money and Provifions b6- 111g to any 11611011 or perfons 11111611661761, 1111111611 11111119116 1111111611 11111111111611 contrary to 1116 1116611111 -; of 1115 A127 1116 6011 11-16616 3116116116 (1101 Parry1$vh616 the 61111115 ofi'ending 11111111166 1111 111016 whofhaflwrttm and wiilingly 1161, 6011111111- ,6116111pt,; or advife ahy 1h: 11g conmry to the {61116 1121115111111. 616, 11111111: judg6d E11611116's of both Parties,- and 1112111 b6 pnn1fh6d as Traitors, 111616 11111616 1116 01161166 111311" -- b6 commuted But as touching 1116 fpmficanon of Proh1b116dor Contraband Goods, 11 111611116 provid’ed for hereafter. 1 ' .- . r v . , ‘r I i ' 'y' m ‘ u i A. . ‘ . m: _ That the {aid King of Great Britain, and the {aid StatesGeneral {hall mutually, fincerély, and'fér‘ith- fnl1y7(as there is occalion) aflifl: each Other againll the Rebelsof either, by Sea or Land, with Men and Ships, at the colt and charges of the Parties: who'de-‘i fire the fame, in ,fuch proportion and'manmri, and upon. {uch conditions, as afterWard [hell he agreed, and the prefent occafi-on (hall require. ' n i xv; .. That? neither the faid King; northe {aid Commbn; wefilth,..nor the Subjefts 50f either, 411311 in anyr‘of their Jurifdiétions, Countries, Lands, Havens; Sea-f- pmsiCr‘eeksi receive any, Rebel: or Rebels,zFugi-:- ewe or Iiugitives of them-her Party, ,declzired,=-.or $0.. be" declared, 4 nor 6131} give or. yield 'unte firth“ declared Rebels and Fugitives. in the places . afmefaidg, .or elfewhere, though «without-their hm . Countries, Havens, Sea+pokts; Creeks; or“ Jutil'difiin ons, any Help, Counfel, Lodging, Souldiers, Ships, Money, Arms, Ammutlit‘ien’ or Viétuals: As alfo neither of the States {hall permit that fuch Rebels 0t Fugitives” be. received thy? any fipéeféflffl' qr: perfflns Within their Juriildiaiens ,1 Countries, Lmds,Siem ports, ~ Henri-us; Creeks 5; 'nonrfufer: that ' any; éHelp-g ‘ Counfely. Lnd'ging,.. Primer, Arms, Ammunition; SguldiemyrvShi Mbneys? or Prouifion— be given-for: yieldedwtoi fuehé’Rebels and Bugieive's; butrvfliall'xre , w B 2 prefly (.31 2 : )1 .prefly and efieaually oppofe, and really hinder the fame. '. a xvi. ‘ Thatin .cafea eitherof them by their publick and ' authenti‘ck. Letters {hall make known and declare . unto.the other, :that anyperfon or perfons are or have been a: Rebel: or Rebels, Fugitive or Fugitives, and thatthey or anyfof them have been received, or. refidex lie Thid ,r or 'feek {belter in their Jurifdiétb ons, Lands, Countries,.Sea—ports, or in any of them; then that party who {hall have received fuch Letters, or to whom fuch n0tice {hall be given, or declaration made, {hall within the {pace of Twenty eight days, to be accounted from the day: that fuch nOtice wag given, be bound to Chargeand Command fuch Re- beiror,R.ebels, {Fugitive-w or Fugitives ,1towithdraw. anthdepartout of- their iJurifdiétions,: LandsfiDo'mi-a nions, Countries; .and‘every. .of them: :And in cafe any'of 'the {aid Rebels Or Fugitives do n0t Withdraw. and depart within Fifteen days after fuchChargetor V Command—{o given, then that they be :puniihedt with Death, and lofs of Lands andjgoo‘d‘s. . XVII. - ~w’I’hat no Rebel of the {aid King of. Great Britain fltallibe' received into any oflthe- Caflles, Cities, Has“ vens, iJurifdiétions, ,or other placesPriviledg’d or not Priviledg‘d-, which any. perfon of what dignity or degree {never be be ,. or {hall he, hath within. the. Doininions or Territories of the. United. Provinces: . O (.. by what right (”title foevergge “f'dd't‘hi'nr 'lha'll hold-1 or pom-{s the fame , norrbe permitted to be received into, or; remain in them,- by any perfon‘,‘ of Wham quality or degree foever he. be, ,Neitherflhall the"; {aid States General permit or- {tiger , that in any-of the aforefaid places, any' Affifianééf" :Counl'e'l or Bad vonrwith‘Ships, Souldiers, Money'or Provifion -,_~ or"— in any Other manner, be given Oraflbrded unto" lanyi f {UCh Rebel, by any perfon of what degree or‘qnaé‘ 'lity {never he be, but {hall Openly and exprefly for-’ bid,‘ and effectually hinder the fame.- And if any perfon or perfons, of what degree or quality foever‘ ' they be, dwelling or remaining withinithe Domini; onsof the {aid United Provinces, or under their Command, {hall 216% any thing contrary to this Agreement, That then all and fingular fuch perfons {0 doing, lhall for term of - their lives .refpeétivelyi'; ‘ lofe . and forfeit all fu‘e‘h Gillies; : ”towns,- Vi’ltalges, ’Iiand’fia‘ I em at that 7 and orher (places which t‘iheyIOr any; Of t time have or pretend to have , by what right Or title ‘ foever. In like manner, no Rebel of the faid States , of the-united Provinces {hall be received into any Games, Towns, Havens, or. OIhErp places ,' ’ or any lof ‘ 9' them, Priviledg'd for no: Priviledg’d,which5 any perfon' ~ or perfons,of what degree or quality: {never they b-e,and- by what right or title (own he or they do or {ball hold and. polfefs, within the“ Kingdoms or Domini-v 011's of His faid Maiefly oqureatx Britain .9 . Nor ‘fliall‘. fuch Rebel be fuffered- to be rCCEiVed ~by any perfon 5 or perfons whatl'oever, or there to remain; neither fliallthe King ofi-Grent Britain permit or infer, that“ ' any COW-{€13 Affiflance, =-0r Favour. in any of t.-.’.el~ {aid “ , ' (t4 ) raid=:h.l?lacc;szwlchrShips, Men5 Money,- *V‘ié‘tuals, » ‘or at any. achcr mung-The; given; or afl'orded unto; anyfuch -R§h€1, byanyfuch pgr-fonpr, perform, of what-.degrm. ossquakistyifocver; they, be , bu:- fhallnpenly and em.- prpfly forbid, and eEeétugaUy hinder the fame. And in. cafe any: of» the Subjecfts‘of the {aid King, or‘ withit} His; Dominionsk, flaall do or attempt; any thing: ' a0 'nftgthis Agreqmentzh Thailaliandjevery perfons‘fo” ' j gaging,flyalljin-like.,-maanm¢r—fortheir rgfpeaive lives. :ilo'fe .Vxénéit'o‘nfieicg all‘fuch Cafiles, C ities, Towns, Lands; anfidfothje; -_placeswhich they pr any of. them at that. tinge, 31-3311, J. pr, {hall prfitfind to.- have, ., by any right . on r 1ififi9W1MO§V¢ra '41'2..i..:.;,.'l;; » .1 E - . ' 3 villihwbe {aid Kingaofyammmm and: His sub; EQQSMQFQ;—x§-11§H€«1fgbflbitmt520£ , miMZEAjC‘fiGS:Dmfii-i . \ ““3350 V: and 3’50: 511?; kid: U 8&de 'PfWhICES§ and théim; Sflbkas 343d, flflbabhitaais , fof; what. :rank or .confd‘iti- : 'OflrifQ¢!€IE;t’h€y’~-be, {hall bcgboundhco’nfe: each Other-'7: Mildly. 39d Efr‘ifindly, in: fever)». ching~:,..fa that they :imyr) {$31}? MEL/[affix pafsby «Land. 01" ' bYEW 3061': iii-[O nabh) ' x-Oshfinéfiqumeyswgitihs,‘ . 3 9m mnéd: o: unrivalled; 2 queifiim (:9?th foaiflada, and Ithveir'HaxZens, andz gm Othfintghfiifi; Dominiohs»; {imam ianarnpr , E03 comb; . ‘nufizfiflddbidfs {ELM 9R1. groalong l as): the? E {hall} pkeaf‘eyi ~31le @356. whemab ayjfmmusfiaprpvifihns L as: am‘n'ewm {332.593th 'ufég .Wishquc any: hind-tame: Afidfiithiwi likfiWifélhe}? may Ti‘adeflfldflmffiqlicm Quads: and” Commodities 9f. ail» {OHS ‘,- as to than/{hall feem . flay: and 21116411210. Export. and 2 hyporuat. their pleafnm; P3)“ places do ufually pay. :‘T‘ffiwtywnpm—wr—fiw 44“ i - i (W) \ fiy‘ng theiuffitlibueieéflavm Itéieztth'efimm'cyibeit piaircurrat (laws éhd :Gufi s.-‘ Pnovrihedrithittrxthe Suhjeéts and inhabitants of reither fide'txerciflng: that mxfifleéinjeé‘cahmhets Gouhtrey—s and Dominions, JIM]! nbf“b€‘08iig‘ctf h'ttegfitet’ to pity dfiiyzmoz‘é C ufimnsfim. pom tersc‘atha'Dutiesfihen accptding 2w thapmpmg tion which Other Foreign-Natimfi Wading 'i‘mdfil‘faédi (A XIX. . f T x » ‘ '1' -." fsf'W'!’ Y "x.’ 39."; l ‘,;I.»)' I but the Ships andV‘dfels “of th’é ffidflnitfllm. Vincess '35 W611" Men Of ?Wa-r as others, mating any Menof W ar. of the faid King of am: British": in me- ‘ Myfifieas,‘ {1131117 Strike theiFlag, and Lorctm Tom _ fail in: :futh manner ins? the famezha'tih helm. {9:313:in * ebfemediiafiny timwwha‘tfoefi'e’rg .--~ .. - 4: « .z' _ i 9'“: ' . , ) “xx, And for the greater Ffieedom- of Cammerce and? Navigatifbn , It is Agriccdt and‘benclude‘d, That _ the' faid King of Great Britain, and the raid States Genes“ rai,’ man—m: rtceive into their Havens, Cities and Towns'r‘, Mr {ufi'er that any of the Sabjcétsof, either Party do‘receive Pirates-or Sea~Rovers, or a'ffdrd them. any entertainment, atfiftance I or'provifion ,1 but than. endeavour that? the {aid Pirates-i and Sea4Rovers ,. or? thtrir‘ Partners, Sharers and Abetwrs'g be found out; ' afiprchcndéd, and {affai- condign’ pan‘iflit‘nent fqrighiei tartar-of ()th And all the Shipngoodsgandv Com. moditie‘s-Piratically taken; by them-fund biéught in? ' ‘ t ’e: - . 66) , the. Pprts of -"7¢ill1£t..-P6ar;t:inl) ieh; egnbe ff?“ d 3' pay. at; thonghithey‘be.._,fold, lib-all be reamed to the " i (he OWflCIS, =or Ssatisfaflion; 111311 begivtn’ cit? «st to t eir Owners, or to thofe who ngLfttfi‘lS of. Attorney {hall , challenge‘the fan1e=;6P:‘o‘videdt;he 6ight t charm. - prietyrbc, made to. appearin the Court of Admiralty, / by'duerptoofs.acCording to Law. . . _ ' T XXI. It {hall n0t be permitted to the Subieéis of the {aid King-.0? '6Gi’édt Br’z’tdin, and the Inhabitants Of the Kingdoms. and Countreyts under His Obedience, Or to» the Inhabitants and ,Sub'jeéis of the {aid Linited Provinces, to: door ,oifer; any Hoflility or‘2Vio: lenceto. each other, ,either by:Land oriby Sea ,mpon any pretence or ”colour ~"Whatfoe’vertr Afldir;.conf¢e- quently it [hall net be lawful for the {aid Subjetits or Inhabitants to get Commiflions or Letters of Re~ prizal from any Prince or State , «with whom either either-nfederétes are at difference, "or 'in‘ open War; and. much lefs. by vertue of th‘ofe- Letters to molelt or damn‘ifie the Subjefts of either Party. ‘Neither lhall it~be lawful for any Foreign Private Men of War, who are not Subjeéis to one nor the Other Patty , having Commiflions, from any other Prince-tor State,to»Equip,their Shipsin the Har- bours of either of the aforefaid Parties, or to fell o‘r-r-anfom their Prizes ,- or any Other way. to Truck, 3.5 Well the Ships and Goods; as any other Lading wh‘acfoever. And it fliallnotrbelaw-fnl; for them'to buy any: -:-Viétua:l A, but: what; lhalli f be: neceifariy so ’ ' bring - 7 x . , (177 bring,- them to ithenext Port of thathrince from whom they obtained their faid COmmiflions. And- fif perchance any of the. S'ubjeéts of the {aid Kin of . Great Britain, or of the {aid States 'General 7 all buy, or gctyto themfelves by Truck, or any Other way, fuch Ship or Goods which have been taken by; the Subjeéts of one-or the Other Party; in fuch cafe. the ., {aid Subject. {hall be‘bonnd to reflore the {aid Ship or Goods to the Pi'oprietors without any delay, . and withom any Compenfa-tion or re-imburfement of Money paid or promifed for the fame; Provided that they make it appear before the Council of the:~ {aid King of Great Britain, or before the {aid States. General, that they are'the right Owners or Propriy mom of them, . 7. , , XXII. That in cafe thefaid Kirigof Great Britain, or the {aid States Gene al'do make any Treaty7‘of Amity or Alliance with ny ether Kings, Republicks, Prin» ces or States, they (hall, therein comprehend each 0- ther and their, Domin‘ions , if they defire to be therein comprehended; and [hail give to the Other nontice of" all fuch Treaties or Friendihip and Alliance. xxnr That in cafe it happen during this Friendlhip, Confederacy and Alliance, any thingflrallbe done ‘ soratternpted by any of the Subjects or Inhabitants of either Party againft this Treaty, or any part . ' C the-re- (”cra) thereof; -by512‘.and,Sea, or Freihéviraters»,~ That nee verthelefs this Amity and Alliance-between the. faidi ’ Nations {hall net thereby be brokenor interrupted}; bin-{hall remain and continue in:«its fullsforce ; and that; only-thofe particular perfons {hall be ~ptmiflied,‘whou haVe‘committed any thing againl‘t this 'Trcaty,and none cilia; and: that Juilicefhallbe render, and fa'tisfaaion. gchnto'all performs. concerned, byallfuch Who have committed any thing contrary to "this. Treaty, by Land orSea, or Other Waters, in any part of Europe,_:. or any places within the Straits; or in America, or upon& / nhé Bonita of Africa, or in any Lands,“ Illa-nds‘ Seas, , Cteehs,£ays, lhivers,,_,or many placesron this nae the Gap: of Good'Hop:I,_-within Twelve Moneths fpac‘e after Jultice {hall be demanded; Andin all . placed} whatfoever on the other Ede... the {aid Cape. (35“!)th -- been abovefaid); within Eighteen Moneths ~nexuenfu: » ing af ere, demand of Jufiice {balletbfiymadesinmanner» aforel‘aid,‘ Bu’tin cafe the offenders ag—‘ainll this Treas ty donor-appear;and-fubmit th lyes to Judge»: ment, and givefatisfaaion within t erefpeétive times]; above expreffsed, proportionable to theadiilance ofthe- places, they {hall be declaredEnemiesof bOth Pare-i. ties, and their Eflates, Goods, and Reyenues whatfor ever, 11731le COUfifCREd {Or due and full fatisfaaion of" " the injuriesaand Wtongs- by“ them offered 5.. and their perfons alfo, when they come within the Dominican of either- Barty, {hall be, liable unto. finch puniih- ments as, everyone. (lulladeferve fort. liis,~rcipe&ive ofl'ences; fee/”m . , “XXIV. ‘_ ‘ T hat the Subj‘et‘ts of the Taid’King of cm: Britain; land thofe which are under his 'Jurifdiétion, may free-«' :1), and fecurely travel in :all the Proflnces of . the Law-f Countreyx, and all their Dominions in Europe, and. ethrough them by Sea or Land pafs to Other places ~there orbeyondthem, and through all Charters of ithe United Provinces,‘Cities, Forts, orGarifons wh‘zr- r 'foever, which are in‘any parts of the United Provin‘i ces, or elfewhere in their Dominion's inEiurape ; as* "well they themfelves exercifing Trade in all thofe' éiplaces, as their Agents, Faétors and Servants,- may go armed or'nnarmed (butif armed, n0t above Forty in ~aCompan-y ) as well withour their Goods and MCI-i chandifes ‘ as {with them , rwh'erefoever they pleafe.‘ ThePeople alfo and Inhabitants of the United Pro- w'vinces {hall enjoy; the fame Liberty and Freedom in all the Dominidns of the {aid King in Europchro- g evided that they and every of them do in their Trade .andMerchandi-‘fingj eild Obedience to the Laws and Statues of either CNat’ion'refpeaively. ‘* ‘ 7 ' XXV. ' That in cafe 't he Merchant-Ships of 'the'Subjeéts of either Nation Ifhall by Storm, Pirates, or any Other "'mec‘eflity wharfoever 'be‘ driven into any Haven ”of ‘ either .DOminiOn, they may depart fecnrely and at their pleafur‘e, with-their Ships and Goods), without -_-paying any Cufioms or orher Duties -, Provided they ' C a. break breakno Bulk, nor fell any thing; nor {hall they be fitbjeét to any Moleflationaor. Starch, provided they do no: receive on board an Perfons or Goods, nor do any thingelfe contrary to t e Laws,- Ordinances or €u- Roms of the places; where they (asaforefaid) {hall hagn spent. to.arrive,,- ~ ' . . - XXVI; That the-Merchants, Mailers and SeamenX-ofieither Party, their Ships, Goods. Wares, or MerchandifeS {hall net-v be Arrefied or sailed in the-Lands, Havens, Roads or Rivers of-the Other,~ touferve at War, or any, other ufe, by. vertue of. any general or fpecial Coma» mand, unlefs upongan extraordinary. neceflh-y, and that-jufbfatisfaé’tion be given: for the fame -,- but {0 a& the fame {hall nor derogate from the Seifuresand , Arrefls duely made in; the ordinary Courts of In: Price of eitherr Nation. ' , . XXV Hi- 4 That the Merchants on borh rides, their Baritone and Servants,.and alfo the Mailers and other Sea-- men, as. well'going asvretuming by, Sea and Other: , Waters, as alfo in the Havens of either Party , or go. ingon-S‘hore 5 mayca‘rry: and ufeifor the defence of themfelves and Goods, all fortsof Weapons, as well @ffenfive as. Defenfiveo; but being come into their Eodgingsor Inns, they {hall there lay by! and leave their Arms, until theybe going ton-board again. X XVHY’; That; ’ " XXVIII-i. _ ‘That- the Men ‘ of~.War,' or' C on‘vbys of “eitherNa‘é- tion, meeting or overtaking at Sea any Merchantsu Ship or Ships belonging to the Subjee‘te or Inhabit— tantsof’ the other, holding the fame Courfe, or goe - ing the fame Way, {hall be bound, as long as- they keep one Courfe together, to ' rotea anddefend 311cm .againl’tcall. and- every onew to would fet, upon!“ - emg ' ~ - .. I XXIXa That il’anyShip orShipsofitheSubieCts or Inhabi- tants of either Nation, or of a Neuter~,-.xbe taken by a'third Party in. the Harbours of either, not being ofsthe Subjects. or: Inhabitants of». eitherNationg they in or out of whofe, Haven; or Jurifdiaion the fai Ships fhalh lie-taken, lhal-Lbe bound to endeavour with the otheePart .5 'that-thefaid' Ship or Ships be purfued,.. brought ' 3k, and reheated to the Owners/en, butvall this {hall be done at :the. charges of the @wnersa or. whomieconcerns, ' a . . -' ’ xxx;.. _ That Searchers and Other likeefficers‘onfimhfiaes‘z filial-1 regulate themfelv-es according totthe Laws of" either Nation, and (hail ' not Limpofe or demand more thensthey. are allowed. by; theirJComrnilfions and Iii-r~ 'Qtufiionsa, a A ~ ‘ ‘XXXI..- Tshatr .4 C 2:2- ) ‘ :‘XXXL‘ a” a That iif'any“ injury be done or praétii'éd’by'dther Nation-,- or the Subjeétsor Inhabitants of the fame} aagaiiiff the‘S-ubjeéisbr :‘Inhabitants of “the ether, "or 'againfl any oftheArticle’s 'of this prefent ‘ Treaty,‘ 6t . .epgainf’t common right 5 ,yet neverthelefsno'Letters of hep-rifal , Mark or Countermark :{hall be granted "by either :sfide, - till Juflice hath abeenffirfi demanded according totheordinary co-urfe of-Law; but in cafe ,Juflice be there denied or delayred, ~"then “that'the faid "King "of Greathrz'mz'n and the {aid States General, or "Commiflioners‘ of that Nationwhofesub‘ieéis and In- habitants have .fuffered‘the wrong, ffliallipublidkly‘ tel ire; fittfiicrtfiamtthi-het EParty; where (asabove- {cg-id): it:'t\iasi.denied or delayed,‘ or? frqm that-'P‘oWer f‘fippointedtto hear and decide {och differences , that there ma35 be a friendly'compofu e; or due proce‘fs of “Law; "But if Mlkthere happen more delays, and é‘flfiithflti Juflicebe T8dil'fifiiflf6d, eno'r -.'.fat_isfaétion- given 'within.'é',t>hree menethsfrafter fuchdemand, that theta ifbetters ef iRCPI‘iffll, Mark, or Countermark may be :granted. ' , ' XXXII ' Iris 33ft). agreed; “If - atiany "time it happen (whiéh God of his mercy forbid) that the ,Difl‘erences‘ now tompofed between His faid Majefly and the faidStates- *Generzfl, ‘flaould’fefler, 'andbreak oat again intobpen- War, that then thofe Ships, Merchandife, 'or‘any- ;kind :‘ofMGieables of either Party, which {hall be , found <2 ) foundfto 56 and retriain ingsthe Ports, and undér ...-t_h"'c{v command of tho Inadveifez—Part-yé oneithctrfi'dfi-zfliall; not2for all” thanbe. confidtated. ., 161* made ohnottimJS’tfl~ 5 any inconvenience; 2 but the {pane-of {if-x monethsvfléalle entirely be allowed to the Subjefits and Inhabitants of“? either Part-y. thatsthey ‘mayhave leifute to tranfport: from .thcnccth‘c :foremcntioned things, andany thing; olféthatrzinheits. whither they" {hall think fit; without; anykind oftMochtatiom,, - ‘ .' ~ = : 2 xxxnt_“ That: theh . who have: obtained ‘.ptivat,e.;CommiIii&; ons from (it er Party, before theyixeCEiVCfiICh 601112; miflitbnsgflaall; give good and fufficie‘nt caution be-‘i fete thejudge; of the Court where they-.teccivc {ache Gommiifions‘; by‘re'fponfibie men; whahavgzno park: or {hare in fuchi'-Ships,§y. Ii Edono damagtr. or injury to the Subjeéts or Inhabitants-<- on. either fiidn ¥ - ‘ . XXXNJ.. TItE‘is ' aifo: agreed and concluded ,.- Hint-1th: Subjéfitsfi and inhabitants of; tithe!“ Party fhailfllways-havm- free. acccfse-toeach. others" Sea-ports, there to remain; and from thenco to depart with the» fame freedomgk and net only with than Merchant—235mm! 'Lhdingy; bUt alfo with their Men of War, whether they-be» long; to the {aid King orS‘t'a—tle's General, or unto fuch as have. obtained privater: CommifliOns, ‘ whether they tarriVe - through violence. ofTemp'eft; on Other 621- ~ fualtyfof $583323 T: onto mend thcit‘Bhipsrmt to buy: ' .- ' Profs...- "('24) gpmvmon, {galley eXceed not the number 0, 4.5 i. Mm of rWar; When they come there voluntarily, nor dhall‘remain-‘orxabide longer in the Havens 0r Places adjacent; then they [than have awjufl caufe to repair :their'faid'Sh-ip‘s, or to buy'Viéluals or-orher neceffa~ tries. And if agreatermumberof Men of'Warélhoold uponoocafion defir'e to come untoiifuch Ports, : they , {hallimno zcafeienter :thereintos until they have firft obtained leave from thofe to whom the’faid. Havens- zdo appertain, unlefs they be forced {o to do. by ‘Storm, or forne force orneceflity, whereby they may avoid the danger of the Sea: In which cafe alfo they M ‘mrefently make known the came of their .com- 7ingrn'néto the'Governouror Chief Magiflrate of the Place, and 7111311 flayno longer then the find Gover- near or chief Magiflrate (hall permit them, ,andaihall :mr do any 3615- or Hoflilityzor other prejudice in the aforefaid Havens duringtt'heir abode there. ' ' 'xxxv. Furthermore it is agreed and concluded , The! ’bo'thiPa'r‘ti'eé {hall truly and firmly obferve and exe- cUte this prefent Wreaty, and all and every the mat— rters contained therein, and efi’eflually-caufe the fame to be obferved end oerformed by :the Subjects and Inhabitants/of eltherNation, , ' . ‘ XXXVI. , . Alto for further rcaution and .a'lfurance that this Ereaty‘ and Confederacy (hall be duly and 50m? fde ‘ ’ obferved cured by Others. F—WI- (23> obferved" on the part of the {aid States General of the , Uni-ted Provinces and their People; It is Concluded and Agreed , as alfo the {aid States General - by thefe ,Prefents do agree, and firmly oblige and bind them.- felves, That all and every one whom they, or the States of the Provinces fhallat any time choofe , ap- . point,’ or make ' Captain-General, ~,Governour ,. or chief Prefident, or State—holder,General-of Armies 'or Military Forces by Land, or-Admiral or General of the Fleets, Ships, or Forces at Sea, {hall be bound and, obliged-by-Oath to confirm this Treaty, and all the Articles thereof, and promife facredly- upon Oath, That they {hall , as far as it is? polfible, religiOufly .ob‘l‘erve and execute the fame,’ and as, much as Con- cerns them, caufe the fame to be obfervedand exez Under this prefent Treaty of Peace thol'e {hall be comprehended, who {hall be named “by either Party with common confent before the Exchange of R atifi- cations, or within Six Moneths after. But in the mean A time, as the Covenanting Parties do thankfully ac- , knowledge the friendly Offices and unwearied Endea- . vours, whereby the molt Serene King of Swedeninter- pofing his Mediation , hath through the alfifiance of God romOted and carried on this beneficial Work of Paci cation unto the defired Conclufion; So to telli- fie their like Affection, it is decreed and cov‘enanted by the common confent of all the Parties, That His abovementioned Majefly of Sweden, with all His .Kingdoms,Dominions, lr‘rovinces, and Rights be in- c .' ur’ ed winded in this Twenty, and cnmprehended'in the i-pre. '- KenttPacificat'ion,:aftersthebefi and merit efieaua~11nan~ ” maehariimybe. ‘ ' ' ' XXX-VIII. his:aifoCavenanted5Cn‘ncluded,.and Agreed,That etiheqnfefent Ereaty, and alland every thing and things therein contained ”and cancluded, .‘(hall .be confirmed é'zndrmtified by the {aid King of Great Britain, and the ifaid StatesIGeneralof the United Provinces ,- by Let- ears Patents on both Sides, Sealed with the Great Seal 'ainéd’ue and authentick Form, within Four Weeks next mfningmrfooner, if it "can be done; and that within {hefaid time the Ratificatiens on beth tides {hall be Exchanged at Breda ; and that prefently aftemhe De- livery and Exchange of the fame,this Treaty and Alli— ancelfliall be publiflte‘d fin Ineh Form and Place as is :11 na , ' ' . 229mm Bmdaflye 35 daynf July, 1667. I The w p ( 27) i x mama; aaaaataaaas THESERARATE ‘V R T I C L ~> r F ith-vappen that any Tapiflry, H:mgiriga,’h Cara ' ets, Pictures, on; Houlholdy-Furnitureofwha; indfoever, or PffiCiOWS Smnesb Imam... Rink Curiofities, or other Moveable Goods what- {0.67813 belonging-t9 the Kingzof‘ GrmfiBritain, either now are, or hereafter {hall be found: to be in the hands or power of the {aid States General, or of any of their Subjeéts; the {aid States General do pro- ' mile, that they will in no wife proreét the Pofl'efl'ors of any Moveables appertaining unto the {aid King 5 which Goods may be taken from them in fuch manner , that they who {hall make difficulty to reflore them freely, may n0t be dealt withall by, any means contrary to» Equity and Juli—ice: And the-{aid State-s dopromifeto ufe their mofl elfeétual endeavours, that a plain and fummary way of Proceeding may be taken- in! this af- fair, without the ordinary form and method of Procefs. ufually obferved in Courts; and that Iufi‘ice be admi- nifired, whereby His faid Majefiy may be fatisfized as: far: as poflibly may be, without the wrong of any one. D 2: ’ Alloy, ( 28.) “Alfo, That if any of thofe who are ‘guilty of that horribleTreafon and .Parricide committed upon King CH A R L E S the Firfl of mofi bleffed Memory, and lawfully;attainted, condemned, or conviéted of thefame,either now are in the Dominions of the {aid StatesGeneral , or {hall hereafter come thither; as . foon as ever it flrallbe known or fignified to the faid 1 States General, or anygof their Officers,- they {hall be apprehended , put into Cufiody , and {cm Prifoners into England, or delivered into the hands of thofe ivhom the {aid King of Great Britain {hall appoint to take charge of them, and-bring themhome, ' Dan: at Breda the 3‘; day of July, 1667. \ HIS v? (29)., A. H: s MAj E s'rrEs ‘ i . . DECLARATION y . . Concerning V ° ’. ‘ The . Refioring of all Places ,I . Ports, &c. which his Subjects filall have taken or recovered from the ‘D LL TC H " afterthe 32. day'of, May 191% pm. “I a- of Great Britain, Frame and Ireland, Defender . ’ of the Faith, (9‘0. We do hereby make known and tef’tifie unto all and every perfon and per- Ions. whom it, doth ormay any way concern, That whereas in the Treaty of Peace’concluded at Bred/1' the}: day of 5W1}, 1:667. between’Us and the High and Mighty Lords States General of the United Ne- tberlazm’x, it is agreed in thethird Article, That each Party is to hold and polfefs for the time to come, with plenary right of SOVeraignty,Pr0prietyrand Pofreflion, all fuch Lands, Iflands, Cities, Ports, Places, and Co- "Ionics, as during this War; or in any former times be- forethis War, they have by force of Arms, or any way whatfoever gotten or detained from the Other ‘ - ‘ ' ' ' Party, , CH A RL-E S the II. by the Grace ofGod King .\ firm a (30) Party, after the very‘l'ame manner as they had feized‘. and did poflefs.-t,hem...on- the ‘5. day of Man. 11ft Pflfla‘ n0t excepting any of the f 3 id Places. And whereas fur- thermore, for the avordmg of all matter of Strife and Contention, which ufeth fometrmes to arife by reafon of Reititutions, it is alfo agreed in the {iXth Article, That if either Party {hall intercept and get from the other any Lands, Ifl'ands , Cities, Forts, Colonies, and other Places after the faid ‘3. day of May laft pair, all and every of the Premifles (without any difiinétion' of time and place) are forthwith to be relic-red in the very fame Condition wherein they {hall be found to be. at the time whenfoever certain nonce {hall come to thofe places that the Peace, is re- newed: We do hereby require and command all Our Governours, Oflicers, Commanders and Soul- diets, both 13312863 and “Band, Of '--"‘what;'~(htality and Conditiongfoevert they: be, as: we'll“ within..- Emmy as without, that. they. dog—nor. only forbeér, andtti‘ tally abflain from all Hoflillty~ according; to the Tea nor of, the. forefaid': Treaty? but alfo ik'é at any; time \ ittx fh‘all: happen-or: come to pafs ,. that. any-Lands; wands], Cities-a For-ts, Colonies, and; orherplaces wherefoever fituated,‘ {hall be taken from: the United: Net/redefine ,: on recovered: ftiom them and brought under. OurPower, aftertheexpiration of the {aid-33:. day; of':M4}-,"f1?hat they refiorethemialgl without any delay or, extufe', unto thofe perfons who {hall exhibit: threlie Letters Patents-,1 int fuch , condition, as; they; {hall be; found iljl‘at- the» time when. theirenewingt nf the Race (hall. he. notified-there; , without 7—“M M. (at) - “MM without any Diminution , Detraétion,‘ Wafte or Embezilment whatfoever, upon pain of Our highefl: difpieafure. Given at We/fmz‘n/lcr the Nine. and Twentieth day of in!) Old fiile, and Eighth day of Augafi New (tile, in the Year of our Lord. 166.57. and of Our Reign the Nineteenth. FINIS; c J , g1; ' » ' _ :§ 1.3% C \. , . . «‘P \ " '- I I . ‘ ‘ ,\ , \ / ~ \ ‘. . )\ u ‘v. x ' \ ‘ , , . / I . ‘ , ,1 O \- 3; ii 2 E 1 "M. H. mam»; . Moll Serene 472szng 'P R 1 N c E W mfiauhlt’flyen hp Ibis wajefliw flammanis. _“{—“’“’“’““' ARTICLES 1 TEACH e: ALLIANCE, l i Between the mof’t Serene and Mighty P R I N C E “GEARLES 11. ‘3. BY the grace of God King of England: Scotland: France and Ireland: ' Defender of the Faith, (we. And the Lewis XIV. ‘ The Mofi Cloriflidn 1U N 9. Concluded the 5; day of 9311]], I667. ‘ In the s A V o 2', \ . Printed by the Aifigns of 550/222 Bill and Cbrzflepleer Barker, Printers to the Kings molt Excellent \ Majefty, 1 6 6 7, . k no” mau- A .. g. i f 5: g: i i 9 f a I: an”-.- ,.-..‘.....A.._.A. .. “nu-Nut.» of“. “f m... w ) ”a: I meug‘. ,. ' _| < ‘ 3 . s - «T 9T ML 3:13th ~_ (bit 3‘; fjf. 9am. ye» ow...~;.~ . WM, 4.,“‘ fig flfiflhfiy‘ W p.‘w..-.p..m,."‘ ~ M 1,1; A" I. , .. . | F ‘ 1’ ‘ ‘ M «y «it,» a» \ .. .. r . ,fi,‘.,m..~.¢.-; a; ’ ‘ 1,, ’1 V / ,- 2?“; “9%“ 3:) 3:19 ERA a»: ‘ . r ' -. Afimjr ymnyfl’ w-sx. :- u 1 l. A . = .; v -; d a ., "4 \_ fi, . . VI; “3 \ a , 4 “L.“ (. fl . «I ‘m ‘ "fiu‘ ’ . ‘ ‘ - o #1 ‘ ”w ‘~N.w‘_‘ Mn “‘3. . .. : \» \ ' f I I ‘ I ~ ' ‘ . o _ .. _ . ‘» 7’}: . a - , ~ \' . y ‘- u y I . __ r _ 1 , ,3 .33 ~» ‘4 ’5‘? j,“ u ., ‘g ‘ ' ‘ n . 1. - . . “_ 1 ., o ‘b - $ , ‘V , .. K 4:3k g _ / 1 7 ., ‘ . U / ‘ > . o "“‘< j . . u "L -;..A. .A...‘ .‘. m . ,_.__..,. .VLVQH , l > - \ o ‘ K . . ; a . I . ’ , . . A k V s...” ‘v..Wm WWO». -, ‘..Kfi--vw»4n_‘.,g.p -.- mm... :14. “1%,; >. ., . _ g“ u , H ' ;' “N ,'\-1~3l‘ “NI-r”: V‘ I \ ‘ ‘ .- V ' ' ‘ \. x ' , -. v, \ ' ‘ _ ’ § s . ‘ \ \" . I I ‘ x - - ’ n \ ‘ } ‘ W I ’ 1 / \ _ , _ - \- ‘ ; 4 \ “V - ‘ . t ' , ' — ‘ ~ . l J u s ‘ F 1f 1 Ar ti—cles of Peace and Alliance between the M0]? Serene and Mighty Prince, Charles ”36’ «gamed h the Grace of God, King of England Scotland France, and he 1and Defender of the Faith, 119’ c. and ' the Mofl. Serene and Mighty Prince, ; LEWIS X I V. The Mofl Chrifiinn King. w I; Hat there be an Univerfal,Pe1petual, ’ 1‘ ‘ True and Sincere Peace and Amity be- tween the mofiChriflian King and the - 1 . King of Great Britain, theirHeirs and 1 " Sueceffors, and between the Kingdoms; 1"" States and Subjeéts of both; and that the fame be fo fincetely and ferioufly obgtved and kept, that 11: 1.1 2 . a “m ..1.. E;— c 6 > x , ihall promote the honour arid advantage of the other; and thata faithful Neighbourhood, and fecure obfer, _ evation of Peaceand Friendlhip may flourilh again on , 5 every fide. . ’ r- ‘ ' , ' II. That allyEnmities,Hollilities, Difcor‘ds and Wars betWeenth'e, {aid Kings and their Subjee‘is, ,eeafe. and 'b‘eiabolifliecl; {o as they both do forbear and abfiain hereafter from all plundering, depredation, harm-do- ing, injuries and infeflation whatfoever, as well by Land as by Sea, and in Fi'em‘Waters, every where; and efpecially through all Traéis, Dominions and Places of. eithers Kingdoms and Territories, of what conditi- on {oever they-be. ‘ ; .' - ' ' Ill. That all Offences, Injuries, Damageslwhich either of the {aid Kings or their Subjeé’cs have fufl‘ered from the Other during this War, be buried in" Oblivion; fo that neither in regard of them, nor for the Caufe or Pretence of any other thing ,. neither Party, nor the Subjeé‘ts of either , {hall hereafter do or caufe to be done or made, . any Hollility, En‘mity, Molei’tation or ,Hindranc'e to the Other , ,by, himfclf or by othcrss- {64 cretly or Openly, g. direétly or lndireétly, ‘by colOur-T'of Right or way of Faét. r r , ’. ' , IV. Thai ) a (37):. That the me of Navigation and Commerce be free bEtween the Subjects of boththefaid Kings, as it» was ancient-1y in the time of Peacehgand before "the, DennnciatiOn of the late;War ;_--'forthatseveryone of them‘may freely come into the Kingdoms», .‘fProvinces, Marts, Ports and RiVers of either Patty, bringing their M’erchandife, and Converfing and Tradihgthere without Moleflation.’ . a. . :. a v . V. That al‘l'Prifoners on either fide, of what Degree, - Dignity or Conditionifoever, be forthwith fet atgliat bérty without Ranfom or any other Price ofztfheirfFrce-g dom‘g‘P-rovided they pay what is~lanully due for? Diet or ether Caufe, . _ . a p _ “VI;- That all Proclamations and A613 which by real'ort of this War either Party hath Publifhed , to the prejur dice of either, againft the liberty of Navigation and Trade, be abrogatedon'thh fides“ _. m — - , . e i : CV11... a, That the mofi Ghriftian King flwllvvitl‘ifall {meat or at the furthefl' within SixaMoneths, to be reckoned from, the day of {ubfcribing this Prefep-t- Agreement: ' ., re: T ‘ 1 33 ) reflore unto the King of Grew Britain, 01 unto fuc‘h as to that purpofe 111111 receive his Commands due-1y paired under the G1eat Seal of England, that part of the 1111‘: of St. Chrifloplzm' which the Eflgllfl) pgfl'eifed thefirflt of $4111.11} 1665. before the Deciaration of the late War; and to that end the {aid M011 Chrifli- _,an K1110 {1111-1 irhtnediately. upon the Ratification of; ’ th-1‘s fame Agree1ne11t,de11vet or canfe to be delivered 11nto the {11d King of :6th .Brz'tairz, o1 fuch Miniflers of his as {Hall be thereunto appointed, all neceffiry Inflruments and Orders duely drf patched _ VH1. But if any Of the Subjeéts of the {arid King of firm: Britain fluall have fold the Goods which he , £11111 in that Ill-and, and the Price: of 1111683111: “ 3th been paid unto him; he 111311 not be reflored and put into pofleflion of thofe Goods by venue of «the prefent Agreement, before he hath afiually . paid back the Price or the money he hath re- .aceived ’ IX} ~ 51:11 it 11an (which yEt is no: 1111611111 hithettoI what the Submits of the {aid M011 Chriitian King are beaten out of the [aid Wand of St. Chriflopberr, by the Subjeas of the abovementioned King of Gre4t_ ' 1811114111, before 01 after the Subfciiption of 1111211111111: Agreement Nemenheiefs 11111113131111 be vdflorerh unto rthat flare and condttm 1111111112111 they were :lin 1 1e F‘”‘””"WW" , 39 i - die-beginning of the Year 1665.,thnt is ,,.before the; Declaration. of the, War now =dst¢tmining= ?? and the {aid Kingaof Gnu BMW} ..Jaflhqfn a; he. hath. notice thflCQf, {hall withoutany. delgy. deliver; or cdufe to be delivered unto the abovementioned Mofi'vChrifii’anx King ,i or his Miniflers . thetennto appointed, till Inf" ' flruments and Ordersjduely. made, which are neeeffarg; htMt,Re&i_tution,,.;. f v Mfo, That-thefaid Kingof Great-‘Britaindolikei- wife refiore unto the faid Molt Chriflian King, or: unto fuch. as! tothat Rurpofe {maltreceive his-Com» mand duelyfi paired under the GreatSeal (of France, the Countrey which is called Acadia, lying in North-«- America , which the faid,” MOI}; Ch‘rifiian King did.‘ formerly enjoy: _, 'And to that: end s, the-{aid King of? Great: Britain {hall .7 immediately upon .- the Ratification; of this Agreement; deliver on caufe to he ’deliVered; unto the {aid Mofi'Chriflian King,.‘or‘ fuch Minifiets. of his {as mall be thereunto appointed,- all .Infi-mmentsi and-Orders du-ely difpa'tched,, Which {hall be necefl'dty to thefaid Reflitutiom . ' XI.“-~ ., Bntif any of the Inhabitants-oi? that Countreycali led 1" Acadiarfliall ratherdefire to be hereafterrunderi ' the Dominion of the King of Great 'Bxitaz'n, it {hallo he lawful ‘for-fuch to depart within the {pace-:05 one- ' year” to be counted from the. day; of the Refiitutionf 0 <45) C 6f that Country; 'andaro fell, alienate; Orfothcrwifefi andall their Goodsmoveable or Im » (We firth“ perms as fliall tonr‘ractrwirhwheni fer the digfpdfe’gs théytpleaife; their? Lands; Gi‘tp‘nnd‘sé Slaves; a f i {meg-1mm be forced to make gnod fuch‘ Contraéts ' by f the Molt ChrifiianKingS‘Aut’hor'it :~But if they {ha-ll {rarh er choofe. ‘10:” i'c’a‘iiry‘*é’r’xzviziy" 'thhf‘ them their Money, Houflloldflufl‘, VelTels, Srl‘ti’y“eé~j"kind"all'~ithe3'i'i2 Meveables; it {hall be free for them-f0 to do, withom' any hindrance or moleflation whatfoever. g I .- ' v Q ' -, . z : ‘f r -' ',_ v , a ., “if; 9,, x 1&0, ~. 5..“ 1,, , , , .1 . 4 ,,\} flint ‘, '\ ‘Alfo the molt ? Chril‘tian King “111511 12in like manner: reflore unto the King of Great‘Brz‘tam the Iflancls cal~ led Antzgoa and Monflzr-zzt (if they be in his prower).and.- any Other-{Manda «Comtreys’; ..F0rts:and' Colonies, which may have been gorten by "the Arms of - the? molt Chrifliaun King ,2 before or afteii'. the r Subfcr‘ipti-L on‘of the prefent Treatyjand which the King of Great Britain pbffefled before he entredf into the War with. thegStatesE General (to which - War this Treaty dOth put an end.“ )1 ' Onsthe orh’erfi de ,' J the {aid King of Great .. Britain}, (hall after the manner aforefaid‘, refiore unto the abovementioned Moll Chrifiian King all Iflands, Countreys, Forts , and Colonies, any where fituate, which might be gorren by the King of Great Britain: Arms, beforeor after the Suberiptinn of the prefent ‘ Agreement, and which the molt Chriftian' King pOf- {tired before the firfi of 513mm 16 6 S. " ’ - ” ' ' :foer a“ . .' j .A 5) . I; ! (3‘5- and, But if any“ of thofe Servants and Slaves that ferved the Englzflr‘in that part; ofthe Iflc OfSt, C/m'fla-t pker: which belonged to the, 'forefaid King of Great Bri~ min; as all?) in the Iflands called Antzgoa and Monftfi’dt, when they Were taken by theArms or the forefaid Molt Chriltian King; {htllsdefire to return again unto the fubjeétion of the Englzflr (yet without allforceor "com firaint) it lhall be 'fr'ee'and .lannl for. them {0 to" do: Within the fp'ace‘of fix Monet-he, to be reckOned from the day on which thefarne Iflands Lflrall fbe refiored}, But if the Englzflj before they wéntrofl‘ offthe {aid Irllands, fold forne Servants, and the money was. paid for them; thofe Servants are nottobe-rflellored upon": other terms, but that the price be reflored' and. re-y Paid. ; . In. like manner, if fame. othhe foi'efziid. King ‘of': ( GreatBritaimS ubjeé'tst ho were not reckoned amongft Servants and Slaves) ‘flrall hire themfelves in the quar lity of a Sduldier, a LabOnrer', or under whatfoever Other Title, to the forefaid Molt Chriftian King, or ' any one of his Subjects that dwelleth in the forefaid . Iflands, covenanting for Wages by the Year, thE' ' Moneth, or the Day; After the Refiitution of the -.: Ifland or lflands, fuch hiring of» ones {elf or Obliga- tion is to ceafe, Wages being received after the rate of - ~ labour : O in: labour already performed, and it {hall be {tee for then; to return unto their Countreymen, and live under the Dominion of the King of Great Britain. XV. g W hatfoever is re‘folved "Icon eming the forefaid- 'Iflands, it is to beunderflood,thatit is inlike manner ‘refolv‘edf concerning all'Other Iflands, Forts, Coun-g “trey",s‘,‘ andr‘Colyoniesyand'th-e Subjeéts and Servants h- iring th‘érei‘n‘, "whom and‘whichthe abovementioned MORChriflian King fha‘l‘l have gbtten by his Arms, or {hell “get before 0r afterthe'S‘ubfcription of this Treatygif {o be the {aid King of Great Britain pofTeITed them before he entred intothe‘ ‘Warwiththe States Genera}, which War is ended'by this Treaty. On the Otherfide; ”the fame is’allounderftood tobe fefolved; in relation to thofe lilands, Countreys) Forts, andCo- .ionies, and Subjeé‘ts and Servants living there, who or which belonged unto the ab0vementioned Mofi Chri- ’ itian King before the Firfi of 554121444 ,__Ié6.5:. and whom “or-which the abovementioned'Krng or Great Britain fliall‘have gotten-origflmll get by his Arms'bef‘ fore or after the Subfcription of this Treaty. ‘ XVI. Tim“ .51 ( 4; 3; XVI. I . g T3114? sad- Letters as well of Reprizal, asof- Marque and“ Conn ter'marque, which hitherto have been grant~ ed on either Side for any caufe, {hall be and be held null and void 5 Nor {hall any the like Letters be “here- ‘ after granted by either of the {aid Kings againfiithe ‘ Snbjeéts- of either; unlefs it be fitfl, made manifeft that Right hath been denied; and unlefs he whodee fires Letters of Reprizal to be granted unto him, do firfi draw and prefent his Petitionto the Miniiter refi; ding in the name of that Kingdom againflwwhofe Sub: jeéts thofe Letters are defired; that he within. the {pace of Four Moneths ,' or fooner, may enquire , into the contrary, or procure that fatisfaétion be with all {peed made from the party ofl'ending to the 90% plainant. But if. that Kingdomgagainfl whofe. Silh- jeassReprizais are demanded , ‘haveno Minifler refi- ding there, Letters of Reprizal. are not. to be granted till‘after the {pace of Four Moneth5~, to be reckoned from the‘day-whereupon his Petition g was made and pteféhted to the. King againfi whore Subjects Reprizal . aredefired, or to his Privy Council, j _ ~ ts " I? E XVII; Then. u: ,,,, fins 1 bi” $333 if 0raflyéodfldeféifbfit0b‘21had3offighmg on or Cbmpenfaumz- 5'37») :: ' ,. - g; . (44) *xvn; : Then ta cut oh‘réflmétter 6f"'.C.‘Lufirrel and Conttn- ati'onisa Which might ‘arife in regard of the Ref’citution of :SIfips,~Me&'chandife, and ether Move-ables which ei~ ther‘ :Parpytmay complain toib'e; taken and. detained from the other In iCoumrays'and anfis far difla’nt, af‘ tier-the Peaceis‘ Concluded, ahd‘before it be noxified 5; AH" Ships; Merchandife,: and Other Moveables Which {hall mlefle-gb‘tten by eithEr-‘Side after the Saba f6 Ptmanci ‘Pt‘iin-catign ‘ dfi the ifpgefent Agreemmt, " mthe {page Gfi T Wave Day‘s 3m the ‘ Neighbour- h: mg Seéé 'g'WitihiiMIie {pacéieE Six Weeks from thefaid "Ne'ighho'uri" 5&3!un theflsp’e-‘ofaSt. Vincent; {mn*WEW-a e3: "‘a‘cgofi Tan-1.;W‘eeksbeymd, the'faizd (“Sate-30% r‘lfi witheimommm yum maxi ~ Id? 5‘- a§3,WéII Macaw“ maimmm Sam; 21g eIEWHéEé; «Eamfir‘ withhéhe Tpac€>0f 23m Mth b; - are {retinas “of? théierefaidLme through «(the w e,Wdr!d§»*fln!I békafifirem‘iiwmmchermfldfors Rm $411“me ’ ' awmi timfi ‘r XVIII. But ' (4s) ' XVIII. But it (which God of his mercy forbid) the Difl‘erences now compofed between the faid Kings fhonld at any time lefter, an break out again into open War, the Ships, Merchandife, or any kind of . Moveables of either Party which {hall be-found to" be and remain in the Ports and under the Command of theadverfe Party on either fide, flaallnoc be Con- fifcated, or made Obnoxious to any inconvenience, but the {pace of fix Moneths {hallentirely be allowed to the Subjects of either of the {aid Kings, that they may carry away and tranfport the forefaid things, and any thing ell'ethat is theirs, whither they (hall think fit, without any moleflation. XIX; Under this 'prel'ent Treaty of geace {hall be com-3 prehended thofe who (hall be named by eitherParty with common confent before the Exchange of Ratifie. cations, or within 'fix Moneths after. But in the mean time bOth Parties are well pleafed that the King of Sweden as Mediator be comprehended. and he is com: . preheaded; .. r. . a“ XX. Laflly5 "" 'Y ' ‘ ' ‘1 “ ".' ' ' "W“ ...,, ”WW ww-';a.w-;“ ; ‘C ; ."! . 1 (46) .‘XXJ‘ 11111131, The Solemn RatéficatIOns of this. prefe‘fitw Agreement and Alliance, made in due? arm, flmll'be delivered on both fide‘s, and annually and duly ex— 1 c banged at Break: within the fpaCe of Three Weeks to ’m: reckoned “11.0111 the day of the Subfcnptxon -‘ ‘ Dan: at Bred; t5: -" 31.447 of July, 166 7. ‘ 1 pru1s. IIIXII.I.I:I9. ‘IllllllllIlIlllliIllllgiIliIll‘Illllltly! i'giiinitili; iile I.I IIIIIIIII IIIIIII|I|II|1IIIIIIIIII|IIIIIIII I IIIIWIHIINIIHLLW. III I ,III.I3..I II I I ..I. IFIII IIIII. ., "IIIIIIIIII E .III. III. gtygg’. gagii'iiiiiiii‘ .l.. {L I. 7.9:; IIIIIIIIIIIIIII III (III I _. _ I . . I . \ , . I I I u. . . , . , .. . . . . ‘ \ I, I _ _ . r . . ‘ . I u . I It. I . I . I . A . . / , . . I 1 \ l I l I . _ I K . . I I I a I \ o _ I . . I x I I . . I \ . . . \ \ I I. r I \ I . I ..\ ’ v o I I _ \ / , , . z , , A / . ., ‘ I o I - ., . . . / ’ , . t . I x a . . I . h I . . . I I \ A , \ . I I I . _ . \ I I v . . . I . l . , I I I r . I r n \\/ n 1 / I I I I . I I g I a s x . . I I I \ . I . I I _ a \ I I I I ~ . ,I . . . / x I d z, n \ . I .I , . , v . I . \ . n o _ . q . I I . h . x ‘ I z ‘ I O y . f . . I \ I I . — I \ . . . . \ . , _ _ , /I\ — / I t l. p I I . \ _ . ; I . , a . I I \ § ‘ r u l l x .. \ I , . r Ir 1 , _ .. . . \ . ~ , I . I I c C / I .— _ .\ / . I . , I . I | n \ I o I \ ( I z \ I \ . y . I I I . V l I ,I \ I I b I . I . w... .u v, I I)» ,I.. I; 'ARTICLES 0 F 7’ 1316 E 6c ALLIAIN CE, Between the molt Serene and Mighty P R'I N C E C H A R L E S 11. By the grace of God King of h England: Scotland; F mme and Irelagnda Defender of the Faith, é‘o‘. And the Mo/Z Serene and Mtg/9131 P &I N c E ‘ Frederick Ill. King of Denmark 472d Norway. _ Concluded the g‘day of gfuly, 1667. publflbeb hp £9132: @ajeflt’w QInmmanB. In the S A V o r, - Printed by the Alligns of 3595;; Bill and Cbriflopéer Barker, Printers to the Kings molt Excellent Majefiy I 6 6 7 1" ' fig.“ ., ,1“ ‘3; , = v ' . . ~“- ‘1' _, . w «a .ftufiw.mfi‘w; , w‘V'VII" f ‘ 33:) m1fiq yrfigxM 13112333332313.3311 aurmamfl , ' ‘ gm.“ 0.1- c: ' -"“ ="‘ j 3.33) 333123 b0 33: 2331+..331 { \‘(L-k- t 1 3 33.333?va “‘3‘ 3.33“ 3.5,}; "1,3333; mg‘fgfigz 3353‘33 L3, 3 ~ - - 3:33.539? "2:3 1333333”! 3 I , . ,- mwwr c duW’,a.fl-v . (My: . \ \ F'AT-u-{Q- .mw-W wa;3..¢3,a.-.yug,q.. . .. «- . I ‘ ="V H I I '5? ”if?!" 35f y’x’h-‘ ,3. ~33 ‘33 3 3 33.3.3 I. 3 _ 133;: @333; 333 {3.32 331m" Mum“ a... ..., _,.,‘ m..;.v..~.---m Mowiwn‘... 3 . ,._,‘. w t“...- 5..., -( mum-'1'» my --- .3333: 31333 33393335613" «33 gt:- 633333333333; ‘wmufi-‘M , wwm sum! _ _ 3 :‘- In?! ~XEZ’W‘ 3’ 33-: 33 30 Nufigfi ‘3 3333 3' ‘5; (3 335;; ’1' x 3' “fiat-333,3 f3 ”333333 333 (33?:3332" 3‘53 {$33. 33-13 / §_ , I“ . M b 0-1 I" ‘ffi£){fi,\(1 ‘, \I . wl_..._ «a»... l .. .. ~. ,- m. “a... 4 .3 mp- -. .. — y... . , ‘ ' a» «a.» v' a . .~ ' n - l K / / > L / - - .‘ B - - r;.~ uuflwk'm‘um ' . . a ,,., ~v-n I- ‘ 3"! I n ‘— -—009 g / ’ n .~x ’- n . .. r \ Z . - ' . 3‘ V L _ J ‘ \ ‘ ‘ \ \ . . s ’ ( _ ‘ y. 3 ‘ " a v V f \ \ \ / h I I . I l‘ O V - > r <- . _ \ mu-«w. .w‘ai-u‘qc- w-“ ‘_ -. I 3 I Java”. \.3 . ~ ~‘ -— “4.... cut-«4.... . c . ' I 2 :4 i . , \ “ . .3 i ,3 O . . 1 l 3' '3. q i 3- . (51 ) ”'7‘ ”37/, 4‘72), (3" .3 . i Articles of Peace and Alliance between the ‘ Mofl Serene and Mighty Prince, Charles the Second, by the Grace of God: King of England, Scotland France and Itc- Tland r)Defemz’er of the Faith, We. and the Mofi Serene and Mighty Prince, Fredmick III. King of Denmark and NorWay. 1. » , . {A} It 13 COVEn’z‘zm‘ed, Concluded anéi erpétu'al, firm,’ and inviolabIe Peace EEtWeem the MOR Serene and MOB: ' 7 .. ' ' Mighty “Prince, Cherie: the S‘e’Cofl'd, Kino OFG'reat 1922222272, and the MO‘fl Serene ande'ft Mxotbty Prince, Frederzch tbéc'l‘hxrd, ng 6133:2227)”: ‘3 an Agreed, That there be from this day a; ('52, ) . and-Norway, between their Heirs and Succeiwijors 2,1th 1‘ Klfigdosns, Phatlpalltiesyififlldomss mi 5; Citing, .«Fart'531, Lands”, Subjefit's; and Inhabitants oils ' “awhajgfiaterand quality foever, And. {'0 as to maintain" andpromotegeach other-s,g0t_3d13.<)'.16?ng”then-Shelr 0W“; ' and“) avert» andhinderiwi‘thEllipfombk Rudy t‘he..“sd.a—f ” igjjfagejand deitruftion of. oné'f_:a§rio'the-r‘. 1 And inethis ‘iiiefpeét it {hallibef free {Orth‘e‘fS-u’bjefis of'either King"; .toéegremife 11- MUtual Navigationand Commerce With:- ‘ ‘ ‘ out molef’cation, and with their Merchandifes to come to each Others: Kingdoms..Provinces, Marts, Ports, and Rivers, and thereto abide and traflick._ II. ' ’A-tlthi's prefmt {hall ceafe between the aforefaid K Kings, and their Kingdoms, Principalities, Earldoms, i PeOple, and“ Subjeéts bOth by Land and Sea, all Enmi- ty, War, and Hoflility, that is to fay, in the Northern Ocean, and in the Baltic/e Sea and the Channel, within Twenty ~ one dayes; from the Mouth of the {aid Streight or Channel to the Cape of SLViflcent, with- in Six Weeks; and then'Within the {pace of Ten Weeks beyond the. {aid Cape, on this rfide the ufiqui- , ' n‘pé’z‘ia‘i Line or pfquatar, a's wellin' the Ocean as the Mgdi'téfmhcm Sfea :f Finally, Within the {pace ofEight Moneths,“beyond the Bounds o'f, theiafOrefaid Line all over], the, World, withOut'any‘ exception or further dmjgygfiqn of time or place 5", all Dayes, Weekes, and Mogcths to becornpuited ‘ from "the Subi’cript’ion of the1 pre‘l'ent ‘ Agreement 5 ,‘and the PublicatiOn of the ' ' fame " “a ‘3' ” ' fame: heremade at freak? And'whatfoever {hall be taken and feized after the aforefaid days by either King or their Subjeéts , to whom Commiflions have been granted, it {hall be wholly reflored back again to him ' or them from whom the fame was taken; and further- more, full fatisfaé‘tion fhalllie made for the damages to him or them thereby arifing , or the Charges they have been at 5 and every perfon herein offending {hall be pnfiiflied as his Offence deferves. ' ' r ' III. It is alfo Agreed and Concluded , That all Diffe- rences on both fides, Sufpicions and ill will, borh on the partoyf the M011 Serene King of Great Britain, and onthe'part of the Molt Serene Kingof Denmark, Sec. - and? l-ikewife for {ingular the Miniflers, Officers, ‘ , and Subjects of them, be buried and aboliihed by a perpetual Oblivion. And further fromthis prefent {hall expire, be annulled and for ever cancelled all Da- mages, Offences , Injuries byword Or writing, that either the one has done the‘other, or has been fulfered by the one from the Other, from the very firlt begin- ning of the now ceafing War to this day, and the dee termined point of time wherein all Diffentions, Dif- cords,Differences and Enmities {hall ceafe and be laid ‘ afide: By name, the Afl'ault and Defence made at , Bergenin Norway, and. in whole », whatfoever either followed from thence, or does thereon depend 5 in fuch ' manner», as that neither Of the {aid Parties by reafon of any damage of this kind, offence, or: charges hd do ~ ”T 54 ) under myprctence .whuevepcaufe themhcr any nun“; hie, much kfsfer this cau'fe endeavour or ....attempt my, VW’OLJHOMJIW; . ’ ' . . 1'". . ’ ’ ' - Q \ A111Prifbneesen both fides , of whatfeever For; «tune okmnkfihallb: fmthwith fetat Liberty without Lia-OYLRanme. \ " I heAllflsmpsfcoodg, or the like, {that in'this Nrbni knefeafdn,inthe§ heat-0f this ~ve§y War between 12b0ththe' abovMEHtioned Kings and-their Sabin-as; éhave been taken by the ' (me from themh‘er, or that , afitbC—I‘ Party has Confifcated- and feized of the Goods andapmenfiensof Performs orfSalay'e‘as of the Other Nation: 25 ialfo“ all the Expences of War on borh :«fid‘es, éihall --beeompenfatt . {tediment- refi'oefied'back to thofe,‘ Who-before the de- nouncing Of? the" prefeht War were the POflfoI‘OY‘S‘ ' an *Pxoptietotigofthang ‘ ‘ . _ ‘ ,5?" xi ‘ - * ; wit-"iiLCOV’enanted undertake :lafi. mentidneide' Compenfatton ; neither / I Conntries,’ nor Ifl‘andss nor Cities,~ nor Forts, nor ‘ Ports, nor other like Places areto be undegflood. :But ifitifltallfie found; {That-4“either-“Party dating this Warthath' :eith'etl- taken. any 'fuCh, mat on": of E ”MP6; or may'yet take Within the time'limited in the fecend Article , whatfoeVer it‘be', it fliall' be Withoflt any Compenfation and-Leafs, togetherwith all ', even the fmallefl things th-éretolrapperytaining, forthwitli reflo-' ted to. him who'fe‘lt :ivaS'before,‘ and ‘inith'e fame condition wherein :it was then when' it was taken,’ ton,- delay, or any kmd of pre—' without. ter’giverfat tence, , . - 4 ‘7" Under ‘ 311C? AgPEEd'on both {Meg}? Thai: - . u ‘. , P'VA . , _‘_. ‘__._.____._—- a._ wwvrw—w‘m—w-vw .fl . A r" ( 57’) V I l. , under this prefent Treaty of Peace {hall be Com-~~ prehended thofe, who before the Exchange of Rati- fications, or afterwards. within Six Moneths {hall be ‘ by common Confént nominated by borh Parties. And as the Covenanting Parties do thankfully ac-a knowledge the Friendly Offices and unwearied Endea- vou'rs, whereby the Moft Serene King of Sweden interpofing his Mediation, hath through the Affili- ance of God apromOted and carried on this beneficial Work of Paciflcation unto the deli-red Conclufion, So to teflifie their like afieaiongit is Decreed and Co-j- venanted by the common Confent of all the Parties, That His above-mentioned Majefly of Sweden, with all his Kingdoms, Dominions, Provinces and Rights, be included in this Treaty, and comprehended in the prefent Pacification, after the heft and molt effectual: manner that may be. - ' . . . - VIII; Laflly, It is Concluded, Covenanted ' and Agreed,'. That the forefaid Molt" Serene and Moft‘P‘Otent Kings {hall fincerely and 50nd fia’e obferve all and fingular the Articles contained and eltabliihed in this prefent. Treaty, and {hall caufe the fame to be obferved by theirSubjeéts and Inhabitants, neither flaall they di- reé’tly or indireétly tranfgrefs them, or {ne‘er them to; be tranfgr'effed by their Subjeé’cs or Inhabitants di- ~ ' H reétly; .96.)? * (58> . 7 ~ indireéfl : And they that“ Ratxfie and Con- E35323 and eve¥y thing as they are ahove vaenatét- ed by Letters Patents Subfcnbedwtth theerI-Iah sCi "31131 «Cormborated‘ with their Great Seals, congetve .and written in'fuflicient,f.vahd, and effeétual , on; éhd {hall reeiprocally'deltveg or caufe the fafl‘mg‘t K) 11' .deliVer’ed-I here at Breda,‘5om*fidcj, really. and efe out: hy "within the {pace of Four Weeks next en umc, tb: ...Date of thefe "Prefents, or fooner ,1f it may , dgne. _ 5 - -. ' f "B'reda WEE: day vau1Y»"165% ,3 I t 1. M ---M————7 ‘ ‘ s .‘l‘ ‘ 4r! -"\ l . 5 k‘KWFN-“Wmmot‘, ’5 . ... .,. t . I "’t 1; "Ale-(li'ufir - ‘ .;,__ "A w—i » ARTICLES Touching NAVIGATION 8c COMMERCE ‘ Between the molt Serene and Mighty PRINCE‘ CHARLESH- By the grace of God King of England, Scotland, F Vance and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &5. _ And the , High and JMz'glaty L 0 R ‘D S The States General Of the HNITED NETHERLANDS, Concluded the " day of (filly, I667. publtfljtn lap ibis: @ajefh’ez Qtummanb. In the s A V o 2‘, Printed by the Alfigns of {7305” EM and Clyrifloplver \ Bar/ear, Printers to the Kings mofl Excellent Majefly I 6 6 7 A \ ,_. . l 54E" '- ,3! M7 1;" B-fi' IQ \ .1. ’ J Off! .. I 3‘15 { A "VJ r . i as ‘ . ‘ T) {‘3 Y. 1. .137} z 2 . 4“ g g, ._.' $3 M)?“- A t L. 'ig‘c. fl- -‘ at. l 2’ 3‘3 bf: 41%. ..J i !‘ ,7 30 : 5 3-3:": M; i i k £2, 3 'L s w “‘51:. (Ami V . _ .. . ., .. w I . a“ .. . e #32.” n \ u. ,. 4.5» 7559 .r.: ,, . _ 1x .. , . ghk ...-3. a . . , .n _. $5an .1. ml. . .2 ”V .. .; ‘ l . . . . ‘ ... t .l . J 3 f I .. . . ‘ ‘ ...K... ,. . a .n ..h" s g n . _. \ - . .. ....a 21.5.» (Fail-£59.... ..aL 11‘ 13.11/51... r r ‘ I . .,.?:!i.!;§. 1. tibia! «3%.; 0-9... I . r r ‘ _ . \ ‘ \ I / . \ . \ ‘ . ‘ — ‘ , , ¢ . . . .o . I I s. _ r . \ 4 ., r V m (YA ~3~<§gi 5* 23% ‘7 l . \ a ‘ 5, ) “JV '4... . J ( . x I.” x \ w ,. . . u. . _ a.“ . .. Q. .. x . .V .v . wail}. ’ A .13! ..z 9.9.!03.’ ... a , r .l. v \ , F . V ~ ' r s ‘ ..4 . , m ..V ‘ . K D i l 3.. ".19~}33v5¢.4 i; .a '4 ...—-.’-...-»w ...—.... ... . r u... .. (ll / / t I .Jx\.\ " I ‘ - . fl“ ”\‘h [/1 .‘V _\\ . I] e .. r‘ {’75-}? [1’ 7‘ 5:2?» f}; ‘ ‘3‘ ' a as: \\ a ,3 ¢ ‘ 31st, 1 ' V l V‘ 1 a ,l ‘ ‘ " - ., bye , / 4 I ‘ U , . (C. 3" I ‘ N/ , I,n.‘} » .‘ 4 . ‘ Fly/'1 ‘ \ ( , ‘ " ‘ ' a v \ t ) \ , I4" I. y 4 ‘- \ > ‘ \‘ at» ,‘ M'f “ "- 5‘ ' .x r . .» scant - _'.'- .. i. .. It 4 , . ll” VA : , 1 ‘ \‘." Q {I /‘ té‘j‘ ‘ k ‘1‘ ‘r t " .I '(/ / ‘ _ . . ' ' ~ I" -. ’ , ts ’ ‘k‘ \ .9 u\ A s— t _ ,r I’ I / x ‘ ' -‘ Q’\x\~ ~-¢’/‘-f'// ‘ Q a c, \----w;:-' .p n ' Articles of. Navigation‘ancl Comm-re between _ theMo/l Serene and" Mighty PrinceaCha'rIes the Second, by the Grace of God, 'Kz'ng of England, Scocland, France, and Ire- land, Defender of the Faith, €9’c. and the High and Mighty Lords the State: General of the United Netherlands. W Herea: hy thofe Article: of Peace, Vnion am? Alliance which are this day concluded between - Hi: Mnje/ly the K ing of Great Britain, and the State: General of the United, Provinces, it isfpe.‘ cially and carefully provided, That all the difmnl and calamiton: eflefi: if War may forthwith ceafe, and that the Peacefc much defired hy all, may he refined in all K inga’om: and Dominion: of hath Parties, and unto all . their thjeéi‘: and Inhahitants: And the men/ere of ' time and flair: hath not permitted them to weigh in an ' I 2 equal ( 5+ c) " eqnal Bafianee, and therehy exaéfly to aelja/Z all and ‘ ever thing and things which were to he ohfirved and . eon tame ahontl'v‘th'e fare/aid Article: ,_ .efiteeially “about , ‘ “theft which belong to the. “Rule: of free Nafwgatien and Trade; andathat (itmay he feared, the Inhah-t'tant: and: thjefi: 'af hath Parties way fall hark again into new ' -fiarrel: and Diflflention: , and the Deflerente: new veempofed may hleed afrejh, .z‘fthey he not hound up "hy fame certain Law: abut ‘thafe thing: which concern ' Navigation-and the ,nfe of Trade: Therefore hy the_ Mediation and endeavour: of the Swedifh Amhafl'av' , Jon, the firementioned Parties have. further agreed unto thefe Separate thicles. ' 4 I. That I. fig-g “:9 Hat all fuch Proclamations and. Acts of f 3;? " State which either Party hath publiflte ed, by reafon oft-his War, to th’j‘g " prejudice of the Other Party, againft . a- — the liberty 0f Navigation and Trade, b abrogated onbOthSides, . -, ' 4' '. 1 ' ”-32-. 11. That for the Elucidation of that A62: which the King of , Great Britain caufed to-be publiihed in the ear 1660, For the Encouragement. of Ndw'gatz’m in his own Subjeéts, whereby firangers are prohibibited to import any Commodities into Englanébut fuch as are of their own gr0wt11 or Manufaéture, it may be lawful for the States General, and their Subjeéts, to carry al— {0 into England in their Ships, all fuch Commodities ' as growing, being produced,or manufaaured in Lower or Upper Germany, are net ufually carried {0 frequenu ly and commodioufly unto Sea-Ports (thence to be .tranfported to Other Countries) any Other way but through the Territories and Dominionsof the United mammal, either by Land or by Rivers. III. ' Whereas the King of Great Britain hath ' heretofore ptefl'ed , That Meach-andife an‘d Commoditiesb o? i ,50 a . ( 66 ) 'bothSides might be reduced to a certain and conve- nient Rule; the States General alfo have always aimed at the fame mark,That Mer‘chandife {hould be bounded ' , , and circumfcribed within fome certain Laws of perpe- ~ 3 tualOb-fervation; and yet that bufinefs feems to re- quire longer attention and labour, then that it can bee {peedily difpatcht to the fatistaaion of borh Par- ties; They are bOth content to remit the fame unto a fitter occafion , that Commiflioners on bOth Sides , may meet together afroon as may be afterthis Peace is concluded, who may refolve and agree about fpeci- -_ ,- ‘fying and circumfcribing the fpecies of Commodities, " and the Laws of Navigation, and may fet the fame down innew andmutualCovenams. Yet left in the mean time the Inhabitants andSubjeéls of both Par- ties {hould bein {ufpence and doubt , as. not knowing whatkinds of Commoditiesit may be lawful, or :uné- lawful to: carry ,or fupply ' unto. the Enemy, of . either Party ,. after the manner and form of. Warlilte Previ- fions,.0t Succours , or under the title or pretence of Merchandife 5 It .is likewife covenamed and agreed, That the Treaty of Navigation and Commerce'madc between the Mof‘t Chrilfian King, and the faid States GeneraICbeginning from the 26. unto the 4.2, Article incilufively) in that manner and tenor wherein they fol- low here infettedin. the Erma/1 Language, may, provi-. fionally ferveforaRule and Lani, and fo‘makepww for the perfeaing of a larger and fuller Treaty con- cerning Maritime Commerce-5 between the abovemen— tioned Parties. ,1 The {maid Articles follow. ‘ . , 11am.» lgfl.‘ 26. All ‘ (67)“ 26., ,_ All the Subjects and Inhabitants of France may" with all {afety and freedom Sail and Traflick in all the Kingdoms, Countries and Eflates which are or {ball be in Peace, Amity, or Neutrality with France,- with-- out being troubled or difquieted in that Liberty by the" Ships, Gallies,Fregats, Barques, or Other Veifels bed- Ionging to the States General or any of their Subjeas; ’upen occafion and account of the Hoi’tilities which may hereafter happen betweEn the {aid States Gene- ral and the abovefaid Kingdoms, Countries and Eflates , or any of them , which are or {hall‘be'in ' Peace, Amity,o; Neutralitywith frame. . 27; This Tranprt-tation and Ttafiick {hall extend to all“: lens of Merchandife, except thofe of Contraband- t 28;, . Th‘isterm-of COntraband Goods is ,underfiood to» comprehend only all forts of Fire-Arms and their Ape- purtenances, as Canon,..Mufquets, Mortar-pieces” Petards,Bombes, ,Granadoesfiauczfles, Pitched Hoops, , Carriages, Refis, Bandeliets, Powder, Match, Salt-.5 peter, Bullets, Pikes, Swords, Morian:,Headapieces, Guiraflhs, Halberts, Javelins, HOrfes, great Saddles, , Holflets, Belts, and ether grenfils of 'War. 29-. In}: (68) 29, ‘ In this qualityof Contraband Goods,—thefe fol- lowing thalant be comprehended; Wheat, Corn, and Other Grain, Gums, Oyls, Wines, Salt, nor gene~ rally any thing that belongs to the \nourilhment and Suftenance of life, but {hall remain free as Other Met.- ‘chandi’fe and Commodities n0t comprehended in the, precedent Article; and’the Tranfportation of them {hall be permitted even unto places in Enmity with the laid States General,-..except fuch Cities and Places as are belieged, blocked up, or invefled. ' - . 30. It hath been agreed, Thatthe Execution of what is abovefaid, {hall beperformed in the manner follow- ing: Thatthe Ships and Barqueswith'the Me’rch’andife of his. Majel‘ties Suhjeé‘ts, beino entred into any Port of the {aid States General, and purpofing to pals’from thence unto the Ports of the {aid Enemies, {hall he only ohliged to lhew unto the Officers of the Portof thefaid States out of whichthey would go; their Pafsports’, containing the fpecificationof the Lading ofptheir- Ships, attelted and marked with the ordinary Sealand Signing {acknowled ged by the Ofliceis of the Admiralty .o'f thofe places trdm whence they firfl: came, Withfithe place whitherthey are bound, all in the u’i‘ual and accufiomed'Form: After which {hew- “ing of their Pafsports in the Form aforefaid, they may nOtbe difquieted nor fearched, detained nor rc— tarded. W (69') erarded in their Voyages, upon any pretence What-é ifoever. . s ~ . 31'. - . The ‘fame-courfe ihail "be tried in regard of "the A 'EFrench'Ships and Barqnes which ihall come into anyT Roads of the Countreys under the Obedience of the? ‘ffatid States; not intending to enter into the Ports, or i being entred thereinto, notto-n nlade and break Bulk ; ‘ Which-Ship's may not be obliged to give account of ' litheirfLadingybur in cafe of fnfpicion that they Carry "“‘fintb the Enemies of the {aid States anyContraband " *«Goeds, as was abovefaid, 3 2. And in cafe o’f "fuch apmrent fufpiCion , the Said ‘Subjeéts of His Majefty . 11 be obliged to fliewin the Ports their Pafsports in the Form above fpecified, '33. But if they were come within the Roads, or were met in the openSea by any of the {aid States Ships, or \ Private Men of War their Subjects; for avoiding of alldiforder, the {aid Ships of the United Provinces" {hall come no nearer umorhe French Barks then within ‘ Canon-(hm, ~ and may fend their Long-Boat or Shale- rilop'on Board the French Ships or Barks, and caufe’ only two or three men to go on Board , unto whom the' Pafsports and Certificates {hall be {hewn by the ‘ - . K ‘ éMafte-r I (70) ’ Mailer or Piloe of the French Ship, in' the manner above fpecified', according to the Form of the {aid Certificates which {hall be inferted at the end of this, Treaty; by which Pafsports and Certificates proof may be made n0t only of the Lading, but-*alfo or the: r place of the Abode and Relidencc as well of the Mailer and Piloc, as of the Ship in felf; to the end: that'by thefe two. wayes it may be known whether they "carry Contraband Goods; and that the quality as well of the faid Ship as of its Mailer and Pilot may fufliciently. appear a Unto which Pafsports and, Certi- ficates entire faith and credit. oughtitobe given. And to. the 'end that- their'vialidityi. may be the better known, and that they- may nOt be in any. wife falfilieclv; and counterfeit, certain marks and counterfigns of His, Majefiy and the {aid States General {hall be given un,.. uo.them., ' ' 374» ’And‘in ciafeany Merchandife and commoditiea of: thofe kinds= which are before declared to be Contra- band and forbidden , [ball by the meansaforefaid be: ‘ found in the French Velfels and Barques bound for the: Ports, of the faid States Enemies-5 they {hall be une: ladcnhand declared confifcate before the ludges of the- Adm‘iralty of. the United.Provinces,g or other com:- petentOfii'C-ers; But fo, tllatithe Ship and Barque, or- other-free and allowed GOods, Merchandifeand Come-a. modities found in the fame Ship, may no: for that caufe: {bein‘any mannertfeifedOr confifcatea . <. l J13 \ L c ., Iv-van" L" - 35. ‘ ,__, . Itwas furthermore Agreed ’ and Covenanted3 That whatfoever. {hall be found Laden by His Majefljes ~ Subjeéts upon a Ship of the Enemies of the faid States, although the fame were nor “Contraband Goods, {hall yet be crinfifcate withalil'ithat {hall be found in the fardShr-p, without exception or referva. tion 5 But on the Other fide alfo, all that {1,311 be,’a~nd {hall be found in the Ships belonging to the moft C hri- .‘ than Kings Subjeéts, {hall be free and, dil'chargedg ab though the Lading or part thereof belong to the-raid: States Enemies; EXCCpt Contraband Goods, in re-v gard whereof fuch rule than be obferved as hath been ordered in the precedent Articles. ' ”36. * All the Subjeéts and Inhabitants of the {aid United Provinces fliall reciprocally enjoy the fame Rights.a Li- berties and Exemptions in their Trade and Com- merce within the Ports, Road:s,.Séa’s, and Ella-tes of. his {aid Majefly, (as hath been newly faid) which his“ {aid Majelties Subjec‘is {hall enjoy in thofe of the faidStates.‘~ and in open Sea 2,: It being to be under-9 ' Rood, that the equalityfhallbermutual every way. on ~ both fides: And even incafe the {aid States3f‘h‘ou‘ld; hereafter be in Peace, Amity, and Nemtality iwith any Kings, Princes, and “States, who mould-become. Enemies to His {aid Majefiy, either of :the Parties are mutually to ufe the fame‘conditions and reflzriétions K 2 exprelfed » u A _. ,4 a; hag-“Agra;A;:~;§.&—r-xrea:=‘-wmlrm (2 "72> )‘ expreffe’d in the Articles of this prefent Treaty, w hich regard Trade and Commerce 37. And the more to affine the Subjects of the raids States, that no violence {hall beoffered them by the faid Ships o£ War, all the Captains of the Kings Ships, and Other His Majeflies Subjefis. 111111 be .- charged and enjoyned not to molefi 01 endamage them, in any thing whatfoevet, upon pain of being piiniihed. and made anfwerable in their Perfons and Goods for: the Damages and Interefls fufiiered and to be {affetedn until due: reflitution and reparation be made. 381,; And for this caufe the Captains and Capers ihalif: from henceforth every one of them be obliged be- fore they go out, to give. good and filffidtnt feciirity before Compflent Judges, in the fumme of Fifteen- Thonfand Lia'm Toe-1171011, ta anfwer. every one by himfelf for the Mifcarriages they may commit in. their C0111 fesat Sea, and for their Captains and 0115-. cers violations of this prefent Treaty, and of the. Orders and Proclamations of, H sMa 1efiy which fhalL be publiihed by. vertue, and in confoinuty of the Re-L. gulation therein made; upon pain of being eaflsiieried, and forfeiting the {aid Commiflions and Licences: Which 111311? in like manner be piaé‘tifed by. the Sub-- 111615 of thefaid States General.: 39,. 1f ‘ If it would [happen-.1 that any. of the {aid Wendi: Eaptains-{hould make. Prize of: aVefl'el'lladen with. Contraband Goods,, been. (aid, the {aid Gap-s- t‘ains may no: open not break upthe Chem,- Mdleb; Packs, Bags, Cask, and other BoXegmr’7t’riinfpor‘t; - fell, or exchange, and ocherwiiealienate them, :nneih they have Landed in. the prefence ofithe Edges of: the Admiralty.» and afitcr,anr.t1nventomhath¥by them ' been made of the {aid Goods found lathe! [aid Slefl’el’s ;-. unlefs the -~Contraband Goods making been 133?? of? the Lading,..l the Mafterot Pilot of the Shipjflaoufldbe content-to delivettéhe faidCOntrabandfioods wit-o the“ (aid Captain“ and“ to 2 gutfnezdin dyang‘: In which Cafe the {aid Mailer or P210: lhhli bywne ? 111% Be bins-5 dredfrom continumgghisibomfa‘andfvtlaeedefignégofa his; Voyage” . ' -« 4.0;. t, »His,»’Ma~iefiy beingidefiious marksman: itifffhe: ’feid States My be tired in, all Countreys‘é bn‘det his’Ofié‘é» dienee a‘sfaVourably. as his own. Subjeé'tss will giveelli neceffary.0rders, 'th'at'Jndgements and Decrees upon: ' Brizes whichih'atll happen £0:st taken at 3635:1111}? be; ‘ given-with all}ufiice andiEquity,‘ by-p'erfons 'n'of- fag}; peé‘ted-_ nor concerned in the: 'matt'erS’nnder debate And H is Majefiy will give .pfiecife and"efi7e&ualfli'der55 ' that all Decree-s, Judgements, and Oiders..~o£: Jufiice '~ already given and to be given-3 may-abe-amdilyeandl dilly executed according to their;forms.. " ~ ~ 4;;And.‘ ) ' ‘ C 74) «4t. And when {the Ambafl'adors of the {aid Sta‘es Geo metal, {or any other of their Publick Miniflers refiding' imhi‘sMajeflics Court, than make-i complaint of the“ Jud ememSWhie-hfllall be given , His .-Maje{ty will: bulges Review {to be made of ; the {aid Judgements in hi$.Counc-il,; to examine whether the Order and Pree cautions contained in theprefentTreaty have been igllowedfind obferved:,~s1 and to provide for. the fame .acgptfiitiglpizrfiafmg which Ihall: be dOne within the: {page of _:three Months at the farthefl: Neverthelefs neitherbefote the firfl judgement,nor after it, during- thetime.__o£the'Reyi,ew,. the Coeds and Effects which are tedaimed; gay; mtzbefold orrunlad'en; aunlfefs it be -. Wifihfils ,figgflfefit bf“ (h? JPnrtiesintcrdTedgv‘to avoid the ._ {fiifiageaf‘the faidQCeu'Imodities, “if. they. ' be periflr— ' a e. r , i42- Whenflogefimflmfls he moved in the firft or fecond inflWfibfitWQfiflfith-figihal have taken the ”Prizes at. Sea, and the petibnsjinterefred therein, and the {aid i-n— ' eetefifcd' perfgns {hail tome to obtain. a favourable Mggment or Degree; the {aid Judgementor Decree mgr}; hgverits,fiyewlionvtipon‘Securitygiven, notyvrth- fiandipggthe-Appetil of'him that took the Prize; lint thefame‘flgallfnot holdon the. contrary,’ ‘ And that» «éhichis {aid inthisprefent, and in the precedentArti- .tigles,ifgrmtheggufing of good and fpeedyjuflisce t: be: ‘ ‘ ‘ri' , ‘- ‘ . , , . one ‘ym A . ‘ > (' 75 ) reione unto the Subjefts‘of the United Provinces in the matter of Prizes taken atSea by His Majef‘ties Sub- jeé‘ts, fhallbeundérflood and“ praétifed by the State": General, in: regard of Prizes taken by their Subjjeétsr from thofe of His Majei’cy. ' ' * " ' It is al‘fo Covenanted‘, That thefe aboVe-writtenr . Separate Articles, and all and every thing therein'con- tained and concluded,:ihall be confirmed and ratified by. the {aid King of Gratifizitain, a‘né ”thefiidi’staue: GeneraL of t he United Provinces, by“ Lecture ' Patents, of bOth Parties Sealed with their Great Seal“ infdire‘t andamhentique form, within.Four.W'eeks~ next entire ' ing,.or fooner, if it may be; and mutual Infirume‘nts‘é {hall be exchanged at Brm’rziwithirrfthe forefaidétime‘; and the fame ihallbe r'prublifhed afier the delivery and? exchange thereof, in the ufual Form and Place, ‘ Benefit Breda aficfidaytqf July, 2667‘» '1 , i “ j . ., ‘ ‘. " I r .1 > (a), v" \ - 5‘ 1 y“ 3 .fl 6 I . l I v;- "J ' . I I ‘ 1 ‘ V C' \ _ ,1 T . 1 ‘ '1' ., 3 ‘ ~ . . 1 " J i 1 1! 1‘.- l- A Form oft/ye P4fiport1 444 Certfi'c ttes t7)4't‘ ought to be given xiat tin; Admirqlty of I‘ 1ance to the Ships 4nd B4rqttes tb4t go out theme, 4ccording to the Article of the Prefint lreatja ‘ ‘ 1: thley - W "; ‘ :“ ewe“ 1;. Alien Duke of rimme,;1)&r and greatMafter,‘ "’lef W St) tintendentflanerab of the Na- ' “vigation and ommetce; of France: To all who? 11%le theft preféntS, Greeting. ' ' We demakeknown, That we have granted leaVe 39d: parmitfion 1.0;: .1 1' Mailer and. f‘ Condnflot'of: a Ship called .' , 1. of thei City of . of the? heathen: of s " . , T ms or thereabouts, being 1 " at prefent in thePort and Haven of . 1 1 to go to 1 laden with- 1, .1 3f. i “‘ tarfearc’h {hall have been made of his Ship, and he i . before his departure fluid make oath before the Officers that exereife the Iurifdiétion of Maritime Caufes, That the {31d Veilel dOth belong to one or 1 ' » more of his Majefties Subjtéts, an Aét whereof {ball be at at the boatom of the Prefents, as alfo to keep caufe to be kept by thofe aboard him, the Orders 1 and Rules of the Marine, and {ball put into the Regi- a flry the Roll {igned 8: certified, containing the Names and Surnames, the Nativity and Habitation of the men that are aboard him, and of all that {ball imbaquue » i t em- 1 ( 77 ) ‘ themfelves, whom he mav n0t take on board without the knowledge and permiflion of the Marine Officers; and in every Port. or Havenwhere hepflaall enter “with his Ship”. (hall make appear to the Officers and Marine Judges concerning the prefent Licence, and {hail make them faithful relation of what. hath been done, and bath palied during his Voyage ,, and {hail carry the Flags, Arms, and Colours, bath the Kings and. Ours, throughout his whole Voyage. In witnefs whereof, We have Signed thefe Prefe'nts, and caufed the Seal of our‘Arms to be put thereunto, and the fame to be coupter-figned by Our C§ecre1§ary of the Marine, the a o .. One thoufand-fixhundre Signed - — a " ‘ ' ' Cefir -of random. And underneath ,- ' By my Lord Matbarel,and fealed with the Seal «of the Arms of the {aid Lord Admiral, ‘ , L '/ Afar»: - j ‘ ‘1 . i J '. .o' i -‘. y "“hfii‘tfléybf ""3 " do Cara tifie that ' ‘ ‘ Maf’cet of the Ship named 1n the Pafsport above hath ta~ km the Oath thCICln menuoncd Made , nhé day of One thoufand fix hundred at. Amber " Aunt/Jar F arm oft/re Cerrzfz‘cater, tbgzriorrgb-tflro be given by. the Citier and SmepofiX-effihe . , Wired Provinces, to the Ship; ma Barques «that gofrom the ace, according to the Article- abovefizid. ‘ ' Molt Mighty, Moll Noble, H onourable,’ and Prudent Lords, Emperors, Kings, Common-s wealths, Princes, Dukes, Comties, Barons, Lords, Burgomaflers, Sheriffs, Counfellors, Judges, Olli- c'ers, JuftiCes and Regents of all“g‘o:od' 'Cit'iesf'and Places, as well Ecclefiaflical as Secular, who {hall fee or read thefe Prefents. We Burgomafters and Gover- T O the Moll Serene, Molt Illuffrious, Illufltious, . . noursof the City of do make known, That Ship-Mailer ap- pearing before Us, hath declared. by folemn Oath,thac the Ship called containing about _ Laflis, of which he is at prefent ' the Mailer, belongeth to Inhabitants of the united Provrnces, So help himGod: And as weWould wilt-r lingly fee the {aid Ship-Mailer aflifled in his jufl affairs", We do reguefi You. all in general.'and'partic'ularg'that I L where the alSOVefaid Mafler-jha-ll arrive WithhisShip ‘ p and Goods, it may pleafe them to receive him courte- ,, '1 ' L42 " . . oufly, . (30) goufly, and ufe him in due manner, {offering him upon the ufnal Rights of Tolls and other Charges, {1‘5 . through.and nigh your Ports, Rivers andTefliwries, ; .permittin him to fail,_pafs, frequent and trade there where-he; . all think-fit. Which we fltzailwil’ling’ly ac-L "knowledge, In Witnefs whereof We have ‘canfe’d j_;sl1e$'eal.of our City to-zbethereunto.»prut‘. ' ’ i mm or m - emu-IA ELL SPC RRE RARE \Imumi’i’ilfiiilullm 01 0-00601 4671