the Proceedings of their Exfr - » * « L k . % %~ I‘. ~ I , , * ’ I V ' ‘ _ ‘V J‘ ‘ , , \ I k .. ,__; 'W;',‘.'f .‘ armtive '1'? 3 1,-. KC 9' ' «. 3,, ; 4 4 my... L»c:e}lencies, the’Righc Honourable the L%Lord {OIL L E "S, l ] . A N D T H E V % % ‘Lord 0'»-V8 : Appointed by H}: Ivfajefty of “Great Ba} é rain to be his 1A.r:)bafl”2.dors AE%x.traord‘inary,a-nd P1cnipotentia«ri¢s for theffreaty held at 3.‘ "r '',_j_ i: :' 4-" . "Li I '1 ‘ With thf:.A_mb2fl'ado‘rs of thefrencb King, the King ‘of . Dczgmarlpand the"StateS General of the: un-ited'PravJince.r. ' % < Bya Perfon qf,%dlify,concer;2ezz' in t/xx’; Amégfj}. P.z:vleta_:_th: Bible in-Glmncery-lane,nearSerjeant:-Inna, 1667] ’ i ‘T {Printed ;By'%Tl2o;%Newcomlr, and are to be Md by ‘Réégfi? J ‘ _.x ‘_g._. * ,». —“ , v 7 44_ T. K .9\Qt_mztive, or fotmml of the ‘P2729 2 eeedingr of their Excel/eneier, the ‘Right Honoztmhle the Lord Holles, h and the Lord Coventry; appointed by hz33Mtzjefly of Great Britain, to he his /imhetjfltdor: Extmora'z'mzry, and ‘Plenipotentietriet for the 7-reaa ty helm Breda, with the flmhet/C feelers of the French lfing , the King of Denmarig /zeta’ the State: (jeneml of the United Provinces. April 2 9. Eing Monday, their Excellen- .1 667. cies the Englifh Ambafl”adors weighed Anchor from the Hope. i His EX-7 T A 2 4 cellency 'g- u -.- . ' ....-\..~z\.< . — ('54- eellency the Lord Holler in the Kent Fregat,.: commanded CaptainoSilrzxer; %Hi'§En>ftcel4h1? .leney/the»~Lorde Coerentry on board the.tA»zity,t commanded by y Captain Poyiz ~-go both Shipsy carrying white Flags in the Main top; ; From...; the Hope they fell down to the B240) in the V Name. and fo _to_I.he-1. Gzmflmfv, from {whence they weighed again‘ on If/Jzerfciay/_-.l7Q1eIow. ing, beingthe {‘eCond.ofh%May;_' about two in the morning j, hécving a ‘very excellent, Pail fage-«.~.— 0 t e y 4‘ . May 2. ;Aboutoeighfeinitheevening, their Excellencies atri,\7edyobeforeFl1J79iIzg,e about \ five ieagu es . 031 the ,;%CoaI‘t,aond there, made ‘up to them a Dogger-‘Boat, fentoout byorder of the States toattend —tth’eirtExCeIleet1Cie’shf)- pitfoach, and to _g’ivetnoti'ce;of' tI1e1"ame~;:which the Dagger-boat did byfllooting offfeveral Gt.1n§_ : two belonging unto Holland, two unto Zea- Iaizd, one to the St2zte.r;Gez2er4/, and one to the Inclia Company an whichtnet their .E21‘1)i13g7,a Gentlemaiicamlei frpm Monfieur Cozzrtizz wiithhissCoaCh, unto his Excellency" the Lord Holley his Excel- ‘~,l!,encies.o*»V11 Coach being. not yet read y) to’ bring him iizcogzzito to Breclcz; "But his~Excel- ' lency with a. itesturn-:of1r\'mich refpeéi-. excuiied himfelf from making ufe of-‘vit. On the fame day his Excellency tl1e‘Lefd ii Holley, upon the invitation of the.Gover- nour of Terbeyd, remoivedlon Ihore to liein the F ort. l ‘ l l May ‘His Excellency was 1TTreated‘ by M011fieur;Sé7z§[cIJylon board the Yachts ; and ‘Ma 9. His Excellency entertained MoI_1—. fieur Sezzefcby, ‘and with him on {herein the ‘Fart. 4 .lVI4)r:1o.~ His ExeelIen‘cie_s iHoufei.11i-:Bredas i being ; in fame meafiir£ fitted for his Kecepf stion, he removed incognito to Breala. -‘Afterlthein.Excellencies arrival atBre.d4,, * L where __ -.44 ' (:9 J" there ‘we,rei:aIready‘arrived Mohfieut D’ E-» flrzzfia’/2, A Qmd Monfieur C ourtizz, ‘Ainhaflhdeore . for France; Mionfieut Clinenlzerg and l\’Ir.m- fieut Chan]?/its-, Plenipotentiaries for Dena 232454;"; and Mon{iet1r'Berverrzing , Monfieut; D’ Huyla/ert, ‘and Monfieur j'o/zgtjial, ‘Pieiiijf pioten.t.iariestf‘0.r the“S.tates. .Md)I'II. Monfieur 1})” Eflmde ga‘vefi1ei“:'~"‘ Excellencies alprivate vilit 5 after which,t!ieir‘ Excellencies prepared for their puhlickEn~= try: In order to which, J T May 14.. 01171356/a'ay,i Their Exceiieneies, with their reeintles M-*i‘t¥t»—ifl60gmit0 out of BM» dd to the ‘Speele-heufe, \a' pieafant {ummere houfein-the*Prince of50ra22ge.r,Pax‘ki, {bmedi- T fiance-efijonl the Town 5 *andi~there {pending flame time till Monfieur ‘Vallzgn/Jaeiz Lievte~« n-ant Governoilr of the'Fown came to wait u-pontheiri Excellencies 5 Sir George C/Jarrziock‘ _ the Knight Martial immediately by i their Exe- cellencies Commands, difpofed the triain into i this iOrder. ‘Firft rode eight Groomson _ Horiebaék ,* ‘after them eight Pages, tail’ in the Ambaiiiadorse rich Livery 3 A then four 90? ‘B V’ has ([10). his Majefiies Trujmpeters, nextirode ithfeir Eka- cellencies two—Gentlemen of, the Horfe, (then; immediately next before their Excellencies . A i. own Coach,rode. the Knight~Mi1rfl1alto=thee Ambaliigbearing in his heaenda Richly guildedtle ’ ‘i ‘Batton or Staff,“ the Enfigin of his Oflicegt his L .% Horfe attended on each fidewith-\Foot-men in the Amballadors Liveries, then followed 4 his Excellenci-e the Lord Hollemhis fitfl Coach . whichwas both in itfelf, and c all the Furni. - ture of the Horfes exceeding Rich and Roy--- al. In this rode their-. Eixcellenciesy, accompanied ~iWith‘~ Ménfieurceee the Marque_fé.. offlcmterie/e‘ Governor oflirecla, .and'Monfieur_~ Seizcefcby, andtfeverall‘ others, who are Sons« and Bf.Of.l'l€I‘SjIOi—fO11'l€§Ofil‘h€'N.0bilitiC‘, alfoi 4 NicbolgmMqf»rice.tEfq; Son to the Right Ho-. norable, Sir. William Morrice Principal Secre-, tary, of State,.o who was by his Maj€f’ties;fpe-‘-i cial appointment,Secretarie unto the Amball. fie, a Gentleman of eminent D‘efe‘rt-,e parti-L cularly_for. the diligent zimd prudent difcharge ofi his imploymentin this Affair. The faid‘:; _ Coached was attended, on each fide by the " g¥‘°@* ecu) F~gmi"sc£ the Footmeny being near Fifty in number; in ‘verycolily and rich Liveries. ” ~ Next followed his Excellencie the Lord a Cozzzentrier firft Coach; which was allb of a flfuiitable Magnificence. r 1 , -Next followed the Lord Holler his fecond’ ' Coach, and then the Lord Coezentrier fecond *"Co‘ach, in all which Coaches theirExcellen- scies were alfo attended by divers other per- -fons of Honor and Oyality. " After that went the Governors of the 1 Town, then the Coaches of the feveral No- ebilitie and -Gentry about” the Town. ‘ There were drawn upin the -Park three Troops offlorfe to attend their Excellencies : The firfi of which upon their Excellencies moving by after having very refpefifully a faluted them) advanced and led the way at 1 the head of all out of the “Park. The other two Tro’op§Ptood Ptill while the "whole Train pafled by, all of which they "with like refpeft faluting, clolied in after and brought up the rear. Atthe head of «thefe -was Monfzeur aOn‘derl>\z?rkCaiptain of oneof the r B 2 g ,lTroops n(i12,i) i Troops, and Gentleman of; the Horl'e..~to- the Prince of Orange, a brave young" -Ca~z2alz7er.,j it zmcl Brotherj to the, Rig'l1t,tHo,norable¢.rithe Lord Arlizzgzmzes -Lady. , T i At‘ their Excellencies eintrance into the Town, they were,_Moi2fiemf the .M-arquefs d’H4meriz-e the Governor, with all V — P0fl‘1bl_€'(al€1nOn‘l‘tl‘atti.Qt}S of, Kjindn,ef§: and -Re» fpefis, , to. ,wh.i¢h vtheir:.~E x_icellencies_ having e ‘made lilitahle Returnsng invited -him into. their own ,.1Coa£h,;, wlaichlfihe a.cLéepted‘-,<~.acei e c__()rdinglyr.,e A L p % ‘_ L There. was all: the Souldiery in thefrown amounting to about . Two thoufand Foot he,- fides th~e,,1refti-_of»erthel I-lorlaei glifpoled at the ends, of... fijll Streets they; pafledeby. And- the iW»holei..,grieat. eMark\et {being the princi- pal _})l:ace.~. for Beauty ._andiLargenel§i in the: Town, was filled w-ith.i,Horl"e a11&"'~_F09tjl€a-{O ying onely room tfonthe Coaches to p_afs.. i i A,t,ithiS.—9ipla.C:e aptpearéd-thegreate-Pt State~and.. Splendor of tl1e.Solefnnitie V: rlurizig the Whole r 7 time, of vwhich ~ the great :(-Runs fromyall... 4 {jd.¢‘s' ,0l:_ the L Town liberally difchargeed ,. wha.c t(iti3i)’ whit contribution they ovved “to R‘) :jo§{ft1Ian _A appearance; % t - \ It is not concei vahlelhoxv tthe fpeéiators‘,(w'ho» in throngs~fil~Iec§ ah} -Windows and Streets)? _ were transported withhdmirzitiioin and cone tenitginfionuich that from the unanimous£Con5- vent ofsaltl theiriivexpreflionsg itfmay be true’ ly. aflirmed.that ’n'othingnf this naiure hath»: i ever been, .performed-. with more ‘ad vantage» ’ tothe Honour of-the Naticm. , Being 7 arrived}-sat1~-t—heir“‘~own Houfe; they" ’ /T%un~d~a iveryt fplendidtEntertainment proa vided foritheir Excellenciesiand their ‘Re--f~ tinue by: t$i1t€eStcztefc.’ appoinmient, t where Mon fieu.r:theM-arqtiefs (l’H:4uteri«ve,Monfie11rt*. I’all@nbaen,Mon{ie’t1ifOzzrlerkjrkand Monfieur i Semfrby with ’ the Noble perfons that ac‘:-" companied. their Efxcellenciesi, and thofeti who atticiaded;»tehem~:i.ii. Tthe-;fevei'ai_ Coaches did all: Dine”;Excel1'enciesi Prefencegi 7 ~I_\rIaj -I 5. f The-‘Fr?/M3 Ainbaffadors did in‘: tithe morning give their EXCCH€n‘Cii(’S a pub- Iiquevifit, and in the aftern0on:«t%. Daizfliai Plenipptcntiariesy t:.gaveeie:th.eir»§ Excelilencies al Vi fit» i F M4): t ;'4-.9 / g't»iNId_y.'I6. r.The Fregzcli Atnbafiadors :;again in the rxzaorning give their Ex»celIen~ V cies 2i»»t~pub~liqneevifit,* zind 'iin-‘the afternoon‘eir i:ErXCelIen€,ieS‘gave therFrenc]J‘ Ambafi . fadors’«ahputbl'%.qAue-»'Vhifit;’ ' A t h May. The ‘ Amhafl'adorsi(ha~ i wring not yet made their publiqu$e”5‘Entriej ~ ;~gave their"Excellen~cie-s'.«a-vifitxtincognito. And after them the Mitiifters of the Town/gave a vifit,and«the fame morning their t‘Exce1lencies vifited the Dam’/72 Pletiipotentiaries. ‘Inthe af- ternoon <.~lI"h€'St’dt"8=’.I"7:B1CI1iP9t€l'lti3.Fi€S zvifitedi . ifthéir 'Exce1lencies.* v ’ May :1 8.The Burgomaffiers oftheTown wait- ed upon the A1nbaITadors.The fame morning I their Exce-1lenciese.vifi the State: Plenipo- itentiaries. “In the afte-imoont-heir Excellencies rvifited "Monfieur diflauterivué the‘Governor. I May 9. Their Excellencies vifited the ;Swedflb Ambaéfliadors, and fame of the fol-;_ "lowing days werelikewife fpent in vifits~ The place appointed for the Treaty was ;3t thfi ’Calile. H ' e In‘ the Cafile there was a large Room IICXC next unto the greatitHa-Ilcirichiy hang witIi?:=< i i Tapefiry, and in the middle of the Room was a round. Table covered over with green i Velvet, overe.>w;hich-«< hung (ax Canopie of . green Veh/et,etover-gflitradowing all the Table, aboutecw-hichitwere placed" many Chairseand.‘ Cufliions-fuittabclea the floor of thetlioom under the ‘Table and round about the fame‘ was coverediealfo,~With’ gr/een~Velvet.. i To=th~is Roomthereg Were three doors, one opening into the great H2111, ; at the other end of the Roo'mew~as.~ another door,‘ and: the third doorewas on the fide. of the Room next to«-the G’éllerie., However; the AmbaITadots- not; finding ~ it convenient tot mzike ufe of th-.istRo,o1in»i for their ordinary meeting together, made ‘ choice of feveral. di[‘tin&-‘iappartmentss the» the S wedzj7a Mediators paflingrbetwixt from i. g -honeto the otlhereas there was occafion com- ~ "municated their feveral Propofals, Objefiia-~i ons, aindnalliof that Nature relatingto the jN’egot1at1onf,r which ".mann’er proceeding i was. obferved ‘dam: g the whole -Treaty. 'BC?rilig.;f, ~ .. iiC*‘§‘) J '11/Ia}.-a._;;. Being Sdétfl7'.,decZ}!, The: refpeéiive r_irAmbafl“adorsi and Plenipotentfiaries ,«aecQ1'd% ring to’-Aappointment came to r'their{‘everai«a~p— >7.partments i n-,th-e. .Cafi:Ie, and -the Treaty was begun in the method i21fbref2.i.d. % ' V 7» .eDuring tlleir vvhole-refidenee at Bztecla, .Ii1€I‘€g pafled not at -any tin1Ae..»ear::Ty <1iii*e{'pe& ebetween the perfons-interefiedain the T1f,eat.y, nor anyof their. followers or Retinue, ibru: \ every thing carried on with all mutual,eivi-r Lliries and kindneiis. ’ ‘ _ T After .th.e .firPc. gen’era_.~I meeting onthe, «2 3 ii} “of IV_I4y ,.;rl1r.r_e yvas,a di{‘continuan_ce_ e.of-.arl1 ii Treaty and Tranfafiipné until the.tln:ee and itwentierh day of 71:/zeiand duringthe, fa-id ,time very few, ifiany Wits w.€r€.u1adre? 1 e. , e .]m2e.:;.3. Jndrhe morning their Excellencies I. the Ei2glybA'1nbafl?1.dors, vifited. the S.za2‘edfl2 ' ‘A1nbafl7.1d..0rs.’ _ June .2 5,, Th1e.Fre2zc_eb Arnbafliadorsuvifited \their.E«xicel‘leneies,, and wereqin con-fe-r§ence"‘ with then}/above thz=_ee..ho.urs. Andiinither afternoon‘. of the fame _ daythe Swedflla Am- "ba~{Tadors ivifitedi .their; Exceilenciies;, land 1 ‘ were vziéije;“ein:‘co11ference them ‘V above three hourS.'*": ’ e ’ ’ ’ 7 jime ’Teh‘eirLExCeI'lencies' vifited tfle French “and .S"wéc{j79 Atnbaffadors, % and W€1:‘€ 7 with ch/em»eaII:cheaA,fcernoon. e » - A W June 27. theiflefpefiive Ambafl‘ado«rs and ‘Plenipotentiariesfi”came fo their feveral . V ‘appmftmaénts in the .=C'afileeea‘§:wut’ibur of the Cltieki inéthe Afteméone, A andcontinued their , Treaty ;iIl'abo‘uVt'eninei‘n the evening, in xnan- net asflbcfore. V e V ifsi.Ju2ze.h?’3;::.The%.A1IiBa{TaiIprs, aAn‘d Plenipjoi-_ ( _ t<:nt‘iaries:{g:an'1e, ’toie"l'thei:3r iffeveral zippartments i-n';.'fh’ee €afile.{ahout’fis{e .:a§ Clock, and con- iinued":th'eirLTreatyetill: about nine in the E3 . vehing, in mannerasebefote. V . ,. \ ; ~]"mze' The ‘ Amba7fl“aVdors and Pleziipe- tem;iaries;ecame ag‘2,ti%n'Ito their feveral a*ppart- ments:'in the ”Ca£He at nine in the morning, _ aridi; cicyxéiiniled bnf their Treaty ‘_ti/Hfabout one of t}hc-C1ock before .5 and they came again inthe Aftemooneabout four;,‘ and , - .. . .‘ - .0 .. . , . ' . _ contmuéd thejTr:eaty t;ll about rune,‘ ; .;.r_ u_.'\.» C - S zmclzzy, (:8) Stzzzdzzj, ffzme go; The;{'evei*aI—3AnibaiTa4« dors and Plenipotentiaries came again to~ their feveral appaiftmentseabout five of the Clock in the A..fter.noon,-‘ and continued their Treaty till about nine at night 3 In whichtime they concluded upon the get1era‘Iity.of the Articles of the Peace : Onely fomesparticulars e yet remaining, iH‘T‘Whi‘Ch fit. fit: his Majem‘ flies pleafure fhouid be fartherrkndwniheforee the ab-foliute com.pleeatin7g them: It: i A unanimoufly defiifedibiy all the Aimadors,‘ ; that his Exceliency the 1:40?-dc.C0?Zl€fli_11:y.;~VUEO_Uid‘ take the pains’ upon: himfelif i a ejoutneey, :0; England for -that, puerapofe, §1{hetoe.prefehéi.‘ L His Ma jefiy with the accnpf what was all ma d‘fy by aH«their:Co7nfen té compleated; :E‘Ip«'- - on which cam efi; idefire iofrhms ,hisiExee11¢n.ii t M cy the Lord‘sCo¢uentrydid* ac.c.ondingiy‘under-<~ take journey, whichiihe-fet out iuponithe- fecondbf antI+‘tii'etuif11ed with-:HiseeMajea flies‘ Refolntion -and‘:-r App! i he atiani the I 7‘? 79f the fa«meMbn~th; ‘ ' During. :th—is:;T1*eat"y vat» -i “ mzcb and; iA.n1hafl“adors caime Tome: times : co) .'3tQ’ appartment of their Exceiielr-.= we».-.--< ithft Treaty. 6:363 §h.€§iEz2gl]b Amhaflhdors, but the Dutch Atnbéiiadors came7.not till the {aid clofe of “ All therefpet9r-i.vei Atnbafiiadors eceamej to vifit their eExicellencies,i after the ‘return of his Excellency the Lord Co«z/e2z- .o-ctr . i A r ‘ - ~_ 9; All the refpefiive Ambaliadors «an Plenipotentiaries came’ to their feverail‘ .appartmcnts' in ‘iti'lC Caftle at nine in the mormng-, and flayed there till tweivei at noon.‘ V ’ ‘L i 7216! $2 0. They caitixe lihewife to their fe- everal ~appartmcm3 can the rC2tfHe about ‘five Fin the Afternoon, and; continued .there tih. eight. A w , Smzday, 21. Th_ey came again to their ife.veral.i appar.tme.n’t.s V ‘in ‘the C_aPrIe €five,_;and continiaed pali; nine,’ and then ‘flgned }and:f'eal_ed in: their feveral appart- ments Articles of Peace; ,andi'prefently‘ after came togetherinto one mom, and mu. rtuallyenterchangod the fame, »-Immediately - , -e ‘C 2 N ‘ here-upon ~ — v=::»~.;..»v :7 C 2°) t hereupon,, Tome fignai beii1g‘.igiven«, all the Cannon ofethe Cafile were dtifchargechand {o from Fort toFortrou~n'dthe Town; After which, the Arnbaflhdots and 'Pl’e_nip‘iotenti-‘ aries adjdufniéd I2iny_" further 5 meeting. -until fuch time as tthefiatifications from‘ the1fe- veral Princes might in. alhpiéababilit-y be re» A turned. V _ — At1etl1eiefegoing omsof the;Ca.BIe,;thisnight th€,f;€et Vviére tfev-e<:1*a+l» Tiroopsh of H0rfe,' a1:1dil‘e‘—' veral ‘Foot’ ‘CQI1‘l‘p3ni_€S placed: in‘ the High-7 ftge€,.£,3: thttough ,'which the A=mbg£fadors Coaches returning, there were great exprefa fipns Qfj_oy1,'tt‘thc_'Dru1ns beating, »COlo'urs flying-, Trumpets fou.n.ding,, and I)ifch=arg»ing’ » [.;'li1i‘°7.iF;P3.fi01S,3I3€i"Mxllsktts. F * <= July 23. The Honourable Sir;.]\q/ii9i‘zaiiCiiri;iieIzsi zjgv, Knight »of Eh6.‘YT§Batb; Etxceileney the Loi?d= iCo,7xen.try,; .hadg‘aIi along.‘ zitteneied the 'AIfi1b2§fl‘§i; a;nd.';omiutedinq’e§{§ _ pence fzid ‘to- the5‘GtLanedhui:1;it11‘.d; .\_hi<)‘I]7()’§]li?i i_ of the ‘Ambiafly, being ivery. -n(1b\l‘e-:fi;n\»Equi- page; fuitable. to- his .qL1alit{y ',/Hewas after for EI1g,léiI761'b)£.theit:iiExcefleheieg ‘ ‘' tinta cm 3 ‘ ; unto his Majefiie ‘ for his :M駧fii:€3 Raflffidi‘ Vtion‘ o‘tTfi',thé*P‘<:ace;“'I" 5- 4 . % .? L ’ « a4. Their" ExbeI1enci"¢s thC'—EI2glz[77 Ambaflfadors dined the ICTUPO‘ :tentiari«e§.§ i % v *- \ 175:1} 2 5’. Tl“1j€3I)4I§z]b/ P1eni'poténtiaries"iafid " -the G0\?erfior‘offBréda dine"d’ with thwtir‘ . :celIef1ci,€s; ‘ Dtrring thisReé.£{§;.‘%%:thiéiSn7éa'e.r% and I),4tzzg'f/72 A11iAbafTa‘d%ors%~~ vécnta 5t'mE.o:A% ' the "Hag2t_e. -,7‘ 9 and fo didr-Mo’nfi%euLn §Bevz2ernz'ng‘l{_,} and Mon- ~fi-e;u'r’; Hzijbert , ' two % pf the: Dutch 7 Abafl‘adorFs;:-Mo1i:fi¢ur* _'fqnggfl¢l' .retm%§un’1hg~ T312844. " .l;d_Iid‘With£gEca&%§:éIispi1tol1::T.E. .m. . 3 = ’Affcé.r9the+return“L0f%Sir ~7a}§n§be2éi2i}ri1i~%%t£)'i ’ "Break: Lhe§?Frem?h,- D.zi2zai , FA Honorabl§'Sit7obn Cozzehtry arrived at Breclmag:beingrétumed;fro-I§‘EZ1g- 1 IN Iii: dgrs,‘ :. a nd‘;‘?Rle’n&po;EnAtiaf§cs aiaeguhrnfid 8:13.-’ .fé§to'B;néda~§’:a%1té1?=t‘Ecfrgzlfvrrhén>nc.drMVdnfic;ur ' ‘ %Berver}2z'zzfgk and -Mmifieut%cZ?Hzzy1?rri§,..¢;%§2\i0‘:i)f' thfih D,flt€‘}J‘. P-lfinipbténti§a£i‘cé,y thrQugh‘ :the whole Town; th€re‘*bei{1ga¥great;conHh¢ncé% of 1/"eopI2-': from%. a%1~lL"13'ar«ts-A of fl‘fe~ V izteh tberlandx. /And it Wale» agreed“By the baffadors - and PIeni4poLten%t%i%ariéé‘ r b‘efqre~ th (.3; came out of the that a:t%’fo1‘1f ’=éf’t"ljé c1oVck%:hac ;iftern6o’n7; this Peace? fliouTIa;%]I§e §2'r\oclaimedJ beforeét %Pal‘lac\es~ of the; r¢..; fpeélivé "A.mbafTad'01‘-s- and’?'~Pienipoténtiai'ies;; This day % 4-their —f:E§eenefic£2_;§ ?dinéa*‘i’j ‘ I Monfieug cL’E]1f'4dé%,* 0r1e'.j *9? ' the V Fiéenéli‘ - .§ : ; At [fou1">‘%0fit hLé‘i c}OqEf:‘in3 aftérfioiih . ‘Gentlemérg 2itfefi€liL1g”; Am éjrfanfl an‘ the Sgricanifis that: ¢Ex&¢e;11e::cfés Sir =-G,ebi’geA Cbaffidfik so the ,6"fL“'ihé% lth5€it‘-4* EiécéI~1€;f%néie§ P§aIfzi’éé,"‘% f '5 his Maiefiies 'Tm”fnpéfé-7‘fodfiding ‘bi-féré % them; and- éva¥kéd>éfhe=~¥whol€ b£f’tfié % 'g£Q.l}nd before the Pallacc’; find beingbrought 0 Into»: A x H1‘:- /? 8-.‘ “~ x before the d;1¢ ? Wirltlb §9;f‘%§h§t“P:i.1ll1.C€3 lltheir E?ceI1‘en4-'% cigsil llféagcld lat;..fh%¢;% Window in : chm (ff -State,‘ 'yV-,;th‘_; mslvgc CL1flT1%i0ns;..bef.orc? thémé argdg ,ad.Qrning ‘tl1.€_’:%lOl1%«filTlCl' Ofifhcl. wi%ndo;_ws‘_,' 2;11dl1nul..ti1:udl€s of the Dzdcia I\%«l_at;iior‘1 att}emii:ng ¢_to. ,1f,e§ell‘l.thell. *So1<:mnicie5 :1? '»!”lb§, E¥%¢all'¢<;1»was Pfmc1axi;111:dJ with Denmank, ; and V Holl4j2zdT,i 31; Dbélorf: z"lZizzI:z; Hénéelé I_)f9&or_pf the Laws, Whb wéntl_,:b.vér: '_w§ith\_ theig; Excellen Ci€$=,j. =P%crrf;oi1 in Lmuchl Hénér 1?-1;1lcs:ti;il fiwithlhfctia %fo.rl i$g=;§J‘h€lh¢36F’§3i¥A29§¢¥Vi¢$$1iri1;th€IwAmbafTy;.fréadi-l ihg g.the .P'rocJilan;la;io1)s;_ , a‘nd‘1Mr‘;; . Lzzzifirentéf Lloé .7».1lo1l1ld lprdnoiuncing the fariic after" h‘im;,l #94 ;é?F‘,«?.hE:?¢?€1:i9‘§s%€Y€::|?)f - , . TI‘fimP!¢tS¥_f99nd%1?gm1Ev2¢tal_: .El<2urifl1e§,:=andf gréa; I§¢}oyci.ngsT“ah1_(a;igl,l all }th€‘Peo~pilé. ' “After thxf: {aid »_P1go_c_la.mat‘ijons,_ ,alL,the’Gon-5. ” = F1191 1: ors; T; P a-;‘ 1ac¢.iri’héreI.¥¢v¢:§! :hég§héa3s%¢fl lWinel«12€> ihglllfit rliflllfltll ‘;<%l:, me.‘ P601516 §Wi*3hi 5“ 97} 354?. r,¢9¢iv¢d: fame-J .‘ 1 8 - "' - ‘i.'r~.a 9. pa .5 ‘iv 4.»? 5‘: "‘ ‘l. » A:;aI.u».x, ' --‘v ‘ ‘ The ‘El-.5’; '3. ~d ;P£S§cl?aflm.é1tiQnl_ the ‘ % (25)? v Fzz-web‘ _A1nbaff2idéi&s§12andf pm» A made the: like Proclatriatiohashi bef6hre‘hthé¥é Palaces rhrefpefiihvhely, and the Dutch Pilenih-‘.4 ‘ pbccntiaries before the Stadthouljé‘. h.’:.::Nigh’c; ,cotn.irig on, yélllrthe wind°o1vvs”'0f thehh .Pa1a'hC'e oftheir Excellencies ’ fronting to- wards the‘ fireet, were fat with fevera1=row's Ieshlighted, in ,a very 'gl‘€at:f‘I1lI111§: of ‘Can _ ice:«of3 hCha’P1ain ta ‘their’ E>éc'é}é»-=, ,3‘ ‘ C lcncics» ’ 23) leneiesss and? aftei a_ci<)nei{'e ‘and "€IoqnenE > Latine "Speeiithtiby jl1i1n.,mad’efo;r tha‘t'occa.; lion; the Condition of the periions receiving that E-Icimour, the Renownpf the Unisiirer-= Iity his Mother, and the Dignity oftheit Excellencies, ~ and the ’ faid” Minifiers return » pf] thanks for the” Honour/5 Doéhor Men; delivered thegfaid DipIo1na’s.unttothen1Jre- fi;e&ivCiy; ’i _ i " «/e ‘ W = N . Aug. 2~7.i,Their 'Exc.e1lencies ;diTpached' Sir ’G'eorge tCImr;zo.::k, ‘with éxpreffes [unto his Majeliy of the Exchange of the Rati- fications, and bf iiPro31aitn_ing of,t’he«P..eace, and feveral pnblieations of the fame; And the {aid Sir‘George-comingntoMid'dle‘burgb, / A was very civiily ~trea‘i'¢d by°theaF,rCfi.dent;of the Admira1ty,,»a‘nd had a‘Warrant to "one -took into her _ aifo many’. Ezzglfl: I-BI‘if0/° A -of the States Mennf ,War, then atTerruere,‘ who lay ready to tranfporthim for hEng’la:zd,f the Sh.ipi‘bei11g%tby chets¢§.¢.L¢§;g.~ Qgder tweI‘lifur~= nifhedi with Prnvifions fot; his entertainment >4 * in his paffiage 5 and SIirGep}ge embarquing; nets, or nets,‘ came to the North-fbreland where were‘ riding the _Vice-Admiral of North- ~Hollaz2cl , with about four Dutch-men of 4 War 5 to whom Sir George gave notice of the Proclamations of the Peace: At which the Vice-Admiralexprefled muchjoy, and; s fo did all the Seamen with very great Shouts and Acclamations, and then lhotofi‘ many Guns 3 ~ and immediately after h hung up their blew F lag, weighed Auchor, and went away; i took Poll-horfe immediately for London. Aug. 23. Very earlyih the Lmorning he came to Whitehall, and in difcliarge of his Duty delivered his Expreflies.‘ Aug. 24.. By His Majefiies fpecial Com-A mand, the Peace with the French , Dane Sir George landed at Mzzrget.-t, and there 1 and Dutch ‘Was Proclaimed by three fevcral I -1’roclamatiot1s“5att’he Court Gate, and atthe zufual places in the -City of London, by the Heraulds, ‘Serjeantse at Armes , with the Trumpets , and other Oflicers attending. V E The V ' 0 Qt L‘ " V J._., -5.‘: ...' "1 . K. 73» ‘ . i The Right Hémotirable :i’the. ;Loirid.'hMajor» atnd‘Aiderme1itpf.rhe; City :af:Lo2zd.o9’z, ‘wait- fing a1fou,p<_)‘n the ;publick1tioh~ Of the ffaméeh fi‘to11iTe;mple-Bar.:‘chrough the? City uhtdt »_Bz'fl.-vopfgate-fireet, to; *Gr:flbzzI7z'-‘h0ufe;:th€ Pre- fent Exchange, wherethie; .1afi'il?ubIiCations and Proclamations weremadei. X i ' ’ V »DGring the time after {the difpatch of the formentioned ;Pt1b.liCatiOnS, isthere pail fed diverfe:;Invitations-iind .Enit'cr..tatinin‘ents betwixt the feveral AmbafTadors,while.=they -remained, till‘ His,MajeI’ties#‘~Fr¢ga-ts, the F,ortla‘nds=and the 1i1feri7ze5t:,;ar;rivingtiatsfilifly. ting -for-,;th€it Eitcelflénctcs mcoi1vcy.ance:i.nto- Eizglandi, ,they 5_t_OoI{' their: jciumey from Brecht thither acEOrdi1agiy'.»»., being by the wa«y‘::VT€ty=¢arneLiiy :iri1p:a:tLm’ed».§to% I‘€C~6lV€ ai— Treatfxfroma thté;= Sizates sat ,:It*!Iz'd£lJe,burgb’ 3 which in ‘regar’d‘téof "tE1::.hét7Pce they .iiefir’3 to make in hretuming.i tozhis Majefliesiférthet fersvicf, i.-thfiy2éxeufechfhenifelvesifrdmficiya itag rd-ac€epc,=ofi"g:émii11g3aitctt_'nt3 boéitiéiftheiit ‘ tlitcgats.’ Th*ey}:fet %i.'a3i.%hfré>mttfbcfor¢FliyZv? ing” T_* ~ izig on Mondziy ; morning September the 9*“; and quitting the F regats before Graevejénd, . they entred there into Barges} fent down exprefs by His Majeflye, and arrived} at-* Whitehall on F riday the I 3"‘ in‘ the A5-~ , ternoon, where they were mofl: gracioufiy- received by His.Majefiy. i uuwunm cs Inooun - oounuu ELL SPC RRE RARE D xmumlifiiliingnuixxuxn 0-00601 46