SC: 011$ died auto FEE cfitndammmfi andSmmms 0f this Kimgdiome, “ V1/l;aea*i11 is mani fefied dam wffoxmry ufes ofthe Kitjaga oEVEmg!md upon all occafions, mithm'oH\/hrriagcg‘Peace am A Warrc, to can their Wares and Bamns wfthe Realms 20 has bmnmcrs in Tricafizcsg mad to givctheir judicious advice: :% Vtfw A A‘:-"tats mdiccmrity oftha? whole Kingdume depending A upon fiuzh Cozmfclls anémd cicztcrxninatiozws ‘S%3"3 Likcwife the nzmms 0f the Kfitlgfig ;:md the timfis when fuch }%r1i.cmaar:4::ts wgm caflcci, mm the Aéts thag Eaaflw upan thoic and the like accaafionssu Hcww 2'] He-%nr3}v 4. I Lftaixn " g Hc":n.ry 9; Hr::x‘1tiy 5'2 x‘ J Mc:xn'y >25 Iia;§.w;:ra2rai 35?! (‘*3 .) Echvaréi 4% % I.iciw;m1u..i A % m ‘ M«::m'y A 7 }€aéRw:2».a'c§ 3;: H<.rmry% 3 h}?iVi<:lm1*a.f;{ E55 miifhed Mr fim f‘9at§.s.+f”;z;c'Ié:i}:2»x2a WE" .1113 timffl, that defirc %:¢kmw& the nmznmmx zmd icgnrmm mvfkm: “€;. ,f3m'«;%:rm<::mcx1tofihc I sandy zarrwfz '~:;E?"2¢L7 fi:z?%1a%§m1A“n«;:z.:mI1 ."Li,‘.;.*»’-'»,%'v'..::*:? of rim K;%:1g;MaV3:x%1::« ....,, ‘ W -v--an ""'*~m~nmwo.; um -Iidvuamggu flu ‘ ' ‘ ‘ “""""""“"""'- %WW%flfl! ‘¢{,.t}ift5I£c’.‘fi.f?;,p’!$i1”a1!.’t‘.?(if(.‘.>3:Tfififimfififiw K 5 A WWW”. \ ttwwémw aammmm 5;: A ?2:»ts*5¢ai§§‘5¢t§zt'%*rtas%éms'5?e£zs“‘i£$*5‘ i That the Kings of Etiglarici A A have bcenc pleafed ufimlly to co11fiiItj iintheir great Counfcils of Marriage-,Peaca, [1 and Wztm; with their PccresandCo;¢3 ; A V A AA moms inPAiuIAmaNr. A A Q, O fearch ft) high as the Norman Con uefl, ’ ,__ itis ncceflilry tolay downc tthciforme of‘ ” 7 A Govcrnmcntof thofc times,whctcin"thei i State of affaites Icdtin another form: of i _ ~ puhliquc Councclss For the pee Ic _ ’ V (wrought under the Svvordof the firfl: W3/lzkzmmnd his 7W’”"”" W followm-s,to a fubieétcd Vaflaxadge) could not panama "””W"”““i fuch .AfIé:»nbIies the Right of their format A Liberties, Divifions and Power having maftercd them, and none of their oldnobility and Heads, bcingicfi: either of credit or fartuncs. A it ‘ ii ‘A -~ What hcdrctaincd not in providence as the Dcxncafi Damfétji ms of the Crowns) or rcfervczd in Piqr /as the main» A V V tcnzmcc of the Church)hc parmd to the c Strangers that gézmmm.’ W fayled along withhimi , in" thatABarqtgc ofhis Advcnture; Icavimgthe Nativas far the tnoft part {' as it apwpcarcs by hisi$urvey) in no bcttcr conditio$n,A than villany; maul- A fling their Cuftomcs to the manner of his owns Court» trcyg and fotborcita grant thc Lawns oifiSaim;J t4Et;‘};;,;;;»,;$ iJtiwtt~gg¢ayt,A~ A £otoAfccn callcdfor. . _ é A 11+) Ex rm %1%ovfusp+x3Iyhis ¢Accafions0fmen.mon¢y; an%apxA%av;ri: A ‘feadaram 4 01:1 5_he;: 0ArdAcred thatAaIAl‘AthO-fat, 9that’Acnj”oyedA*an‘y “ A 2'»: 55-630. Ajf§%uitjo’{his’ CAoi1‘q;.x‘e{f,'Afhou1d hold ‘th¢irA%Lp;Vopm—_ AA _t1ofiabI¢by fit} manAy Knxghtsfces of%LthcCrownVe;a'%'1m.'t.. — ted them 0 cnf_CO4ffew theirfoilowgm Qffuch partAé(Aa:. the ‘ va ,E'xLz’éra C Wd. Ah3$AjfQflfl€«5 ‘W’??? FC®ffi1 €fll '~‘=, ,,.,g,g,.¢ gm; the one dc! )w7)a,thc othcx: de wterz.T‘I=uscour{e pro; idad, Hm i_/M. p1éa£r:o1)o£their d7x.v‘zj portjionsg wI:(’iAch%Ato ¢Aaf: their charge A g:”1:ra;ascm dc himoMfrh¢V;body qfh.i§warr¢ thf¢A*mApncy and Pro'ziAfim-1 Dwnfiaé/e." was byyI1eaAda‘“g€.Aa:H~§flA€d%th¢f %©Ih§mOfl people by thé C0. ZEN! _ 3305550» A toi%I';mg*cthcMo11archVy~AA A , A A A AA ' [T’Ti1Qugh0th¢AtS f”re%fav-I £56 ifchicfc bcArimes; y“:,:cA¢ A fént of t11:§i1f LA€3fd’s 3:i*fiiésVA"i*i§941d in a117thcif Seignioricss {um Pmm 1"?§1ghtQAfR€gg1}t1e,astoAt}{€1rVa{TalIcs5 fa 2A1S(fai1hf’g.. $»,.Wsz.A "9W4P*"'*?%¢”*??1*W=andFwd to the Kn m H A* T 1.. .. % ’ .. NI.’ 3‘f10I'.‘%J*'V "‘A W,W._ M Ag1i¢Aat.AAacurbc and reflramc of power, h t_,Il «Aw: .» Hmz. RYE. Qf M§i€1’ti4A¢kA 3gff¢fWardmorje,; :41mmor:~ Germ/Em tr-é nch th'cAfoVr¢cf“oftI11sVAAr1&oc:facy,that A\A,7£,9I3§ in mm mm A , Vv ,, V , N‘ V ‘ V ‘ A T ‘H .‘ 4, ‘ man:¢:2:g:e1¢gap;‘¢AdA‘t1x¢ r,exnedy,Aun;m ,I{i‘i~“:g :0/m,;%.~wz1o:"e 9... 3%‘? mm_ x-ér‘hafiie‘ 1’i:*2:A:ier’t;i1;:i%1“gbrought" in thofé: brdyies 0 ft». AcV _ A LBA:1;%r‘o nswfa;res;%_Thcr;¢ needcd%notbcforct1u's any cam rhe%Commons in. a1I%pVcsb12qucAnmbxv, W1-scnev¢ry[ manin ’Er2g?zmd by Te%n'ur‘e,*ne1dh;mr¢1+..:A3OVj smtfierds %"ii?»W*?0f¢ rc’°nCe»*mA¢vvr reqmd in A “ Vého!eCo::nVceI1s 3A and ngw Aofc a1Tcmbh¥is depcndan1Tc.. n , Wsints wnfenr was ¢V*€rinc1ud¢d~ AA % 5 rfiis Kingsjtimb .%v>*:';eMVfcri:kcs i:*5ss.éainc£oiEw A orrowo1zt,of A A _d2::..I I .AD¢_wf -: ih;cRo1lc:-s 0fSumm0ns,wi~1m'cin tiw forms fio0dAvari_ 5*‘ KW?“ A .V grew iconfiimm in mas according to the occafionsgmtill 1 am! the fccond, A , . . ; L d. the forms ms, about the cmrmg of Ru: 0" i 4thejoumallWfioilesbeingifpoilcd by the injury of time: mr private ends. g This Kingin the fift of his. R”a.ig:ie called .’i1«P3.rHa£I1h€?.'i1I‘, c1,;,,f5, zindthczécin advifcd with his Lords and Cmnmons, for £dw.1,..:*zj. AA fupprcifing iLle:w/Yin Priniccof W;zlm And h€ari11g that x2..Darfi; th(.jF1‘€‘11€hKiingintdndedtci invade fomcipeeccsaofhis \. inherimnccitm Framrefum moned 9, Pariiamcntadffaéiaze»[W177-E~3i A; dmem, ardizzzmdam, gévfltciémium cumI’rcl:mi.§,1’rc;2ccri:rcéialiix W3 *D‘”'/: A lawn/:3 Regmgqttomada /miufmdi piricyiixtfif cxcagim1s4»Amz'IZr". A A irzflrc/Jmm C*la:z:¥A. ., AA . . A A AA ‘ AAAA A . ‘ A A E3 Aomzzes tang-zt,4bAomn:bu: appraéaremr. In the thtrty fourth’ A Clawflx.E...z . i:j..I9. <6) ¢22.=pzoama~m5 irfiértixxgl in the vifrict, thaf it was Lac AA ziozilrimaégvraigidéz aircwmfpfliane /lklaéiitag “th at AtAhaAt grand’ A of his Raignei par ordinatiane. 55-»_[lz6ilim‘:i:ta Rqgmi Some; A; h¢Amad¢.th<:A1ikc cdnvcmicn. 2 AA ,;I-Iis Some, that fccond Ednwal, g:rAafEle}iz‘pAn£t4tcS[3oA;2/3; A 53”" 3' {2g¢m(é~ Cormationis,confizlteclwigh his pedpl¢ AAit1;hisfirfl; A yearcgin his fixsch ycare.Afip:r dzwrfi: Anegtzirjfiatdfim Regné A AC1Mf:6fiE'$2¢ ¢fxpea’itionc AG¢tgrAr»: gftaticflaecfglittr At.4.ngerit£&9#:,A I1'éAAfifl‘c m» A W; 3,; A A4 A “ bled 'chcAStaces_At:oadv»1I:etfgelxkche dxdip lvii«s”§ighAtyear¢.jAA %C1m,«fi8..E,A2. The FrcAnc\h:AI{mg havxng-A mvadcd—AAG;zfi-aggzze 1n.Athc Achi‘r:.._ by. 3. teénth y_c_a’rc,V thc Panliamctitwas called fi¢ea»4rdw3- ggg-0.... 3? A Iii: Statimm dxzczzmx Vqflanit tangentiéuss {And in the ‘fix... €.2.:;J..1 3' W. gem thto confillt Afldfffidfldfldflm Scymrm alg/Ejgmgriagg ACl':mflI6- D”/: ' Amdlfzidm. E.'z.z‘zj.27. A A A _z;,,«1,,,._ 3,, A whetherPcaccorwatrciiviththe Scotifll Kingzglxe fum. A (14»fz.E.3.A monedthcAPccrcsAand“‘Commonsfhper pramzfli: Atraéiara é- concilium impemiere. A A fioti.T;m'.A5, The .ChanccllourAAAmm the fifth dcclfireth fromAthe* A £4533, A King,the caufe ofthatA{Tcmby.AVthat it was-to confult I ABef'orcAEdr:Amra’tl:A1cthirdwbuld refolvc inhisfirPs year, A A A A_ A A find refeAIvc,whc:thcr the King fhotxld proceed with AFr_4m:e A A A A A A far rec-rovcric at A his Ascignorics, y Allyancc oFrn[a1:riage,if AA A AA A m: By vvarfe Q And Whether to ‘Vrec:I1*«:°1IeA the Adifobcflicncc A_ A A A A 0f the Irifh, he flaould paffc in perform or race {A We-I. 6. E.;;.: Thcyear following hcArcfc~mb1ed his Lords? and Com“. A A .mor1+s,an;Irc:qL1ircidJzhcir advicc,Awh¢thcr hcf-h'ouIdA~un«+ A A éier:;;k¢%t1;eAl1QIyExpcdi'*.:ionA wichAthe Frmch King, ex: A A A no? V.Thc Bifl1op_s and Profiorsmfthe GAlcr_gieAw€iuId not A befp1f¢1en,t; as ferbiddcn by t1‘1CiArjAC:aAAA110I7I§ ~’fuch7 CouAn- eds; IhtA;}PB€ir€SV»3'flAdEC0fl11171095 confult, app1‘audingtheAA - RcA1igious and AAPrim1y fotwardneffc o£’AtAh¢i*r»Sover;1ignc‘A A to this holy et:1ccrprife,. but humb1y‘adV}ife ftirbcairamcc A n this Ay_¢ar,for urgcnt.rcafens. A A T he ‘\ RI‘ A [A C7). . A 4 N ~ hThc{amcycarchth0ughha§ hanothcr Scflion, the King‘ ‘ A 4" d¢maundinghth¢,~adv1*cc of h1§.pcopIc,whct'hcrhe fl1o:z1dhR,,-;_- P4,,‘-5; Pat-Ig jam. Fxan¢;,t;;¢nrcrY1'ew as was A fikdcfiredfl, for he a 5,1,,“ 3 _ 5',_.]j3» pcdfting the trcatxc of Marr1agc.:thc Prehtcshbythcrn-ij.6. « f", the EarIcs'and Bar_ons"hy:thcmfclves, and the Knights of Shh-es by thhAcmfcIvcs,wnfi1Itcd apart, £01-_ To are the Rccords,an~d in‘ the end rpfolvcd, that to prevent fame dangcrslikclym Varifc from the North : it would = pleafc the: King to foxbcarc his journey, and to draw TOW“. . ‘ards thofc parts where the pgrihls wcrcflfcarcd, his pm; ifcmcc being. the: bcft prcvchnuon 3% wI1i<;lr:.1dvifc A he ’foIg_- lawcd. dclivarcd ch;-.*ir“? opinions %_:_, ~arc callcéth cohfulx: , and qdvifh, howh the domcfiiquc: Edna, In the folloWing«Par1iamcnt at Toflgthc Kihgflucwcfh, 9 how by their Format advice he had drawn himfelfc tow. ards thc North parts, ‘and how againc hchhhhad’afl"cm bled them to advifc further for his procccdixzgs. To which the AAAA ~ cards ‘and hCo1~:nrrions having confultcdapart, pray fur- ther til-’n€t0*[€{.OlrVC_., until] :1 full aflcmbly ofthc States,‘ which the King grauntinghadjourncththat Scflioxi. A At thcir next meeting they are charged upon their 4 Allcgiamte and Faith, to, give the King htheir'h’bcf{h“1'5%i’W'41W"-7'4 advicc 5 thm Pccres and Commons confulting apart,h15"’"-3vhh__4 And fo the.‘ Parliament: S‘fi“"”°6* t!,.P.2!c¢',h ahnfwc1'shh%that the Guardians V oftlnc Shircsh Eiffiflfid by the knights may efFc&’hVthc firfl, 4:: Iha camof the. A "h A A z9r’za;r¢hc$ A M A i <83 marches they humbly leave to the Kmgana his coumi, . imam the: fafcguard“ oFHiAs» Seas, they with that six: Cinquc Ports and Maritime iToiwncs5ciifcharged my thq _ iimclqft parjcfrorgn many Burthens of the Iniand parts, ma, 1 A have that icftArotI1¢irchargC;£ir1d care :i and that fuch as A V "have Lands near the C ourts bcicemmmded to wide on f thofe p0flE:A{fi0n‘s.A A A i%:.“Pm~i. " ThePariiamem:is izhfiiiiimeiyearez'cafl?:mbled,4&!z1%— ‘A If 2; .Edw. 3.. ézzeram Pre/atarzm,Pracer:¢rvzi,rz£a nmicwwmmitatisgtu ~ad”vifc S ~43-*.?«« » «A dcex:pea’itiMe A Gtzerrkéiiir: parfibm trdflfmftriflis. At this: Qrdi-‘ nan cc are madcfor provxfion of Shzps,armying of men A for thc marches and defence of the He of Ierfcy,mmin:g fiich intthc Recef>rds,aAsAti-may ¢:0n"cweiv’c fit for Afhofe im?-5‘ A ployments. A Paw." 14.15. 3 The ncxt ycsm: de 1:: mail: accominteth ihe cxpences of V A the‘ warge 3 a new ayde is graAm:ed,and byfcycrall Com- ’ V mitcecs,ii in which divers were manned that were not A A Apeerds of Pariiament, the fai‘cgu_ar%d oft; escas, and idefencc ofthc Seasare confuitcdof. , ‘ v A i‘Wf«5~ I 5 23d In the fiftéchth ycare dc aflénfia Praflaioritm Praccwzm, ér afiaram dc Carzci/.€¢a,th“e Kings paiiége into Fxzmce is rcfo1~ ‘magi i~- 4 i .-_P:i5?:-Zu.:I\"7u«€u; .m:a;AA I7.iBi:zid[i3f¢¢{0}‘£ in A placfe » the Cliaiiicéllveuirj AAdi=:clm'ctI1” unto the Pcaeres and .Co:nm@ns 5 that ‘i A m’I‘1c1'cas by their affcmsithc King had undertaken the 17 ‘3;A"?”fii‘L1cr: W25 Offfcd .-Awhichthen their Soyeraigm forbore Ato‘ e‘ntiért:1i:‘1 withoutthcir allowance’, TI‘ieLords apart A A confultmid alfo tha C0mincms,rctAurnin.g by Sir William . Tfirgfl/!»ii1ainf7vver their mcivifc, and dcfirfiing to compofe ii ;h§i?iC@‘zirrcIl,approivc th'cTruceAaI1dthc: Popwés mendiati. i warrgs in ~Frzz'me, and that by the znjzdiaticnrofthe Popic ‘ 1"@.‘~;."’lfA M ‘ A on‘s¢-* Th”e Popes tlndcrtakiingproving fruitlcflé, and} dc}. I ~ Liyes to» the French zidvantagiougwlae inthe mean time » Witi1‘$CO§iagd gggorigers p1jaAQ.ji{cd to Arprote'out the A E“hgiifl1Anati°n 4 in FWe~:%+Thv€«A4Kiw%ag%ime% afi%mbIwV W. 18 his Parliamentithc‘y¢ateifQllOw;iz92g;: m,wI3ici1:;tI2%e Peam MW, 3: and ACommcms aft;ef.m:iny;daye*S m'7‘da?Iib¢‘:r2s.iCicm.g1?dIve to end it;,«?itf1€I' by Battaile pr Pe2:ac¢§m:a& am mam 1tmmanc§€<'§,.a;zw‘%%i£”$/9 lyfewmimt fairs ;5{”]e;¢2~.M¢*,*v~3 fit: eaflfzflai‘ /ggzr’€£ Xe a’M>°wie3¢f mmzwm 4% RM» aft» M G.m:;aa:Ma~;7;ze5 (fa fix A . C.awm“2§.Q ;:f7t«::r 4.. c3aies‘c0nft1,Etazi0mA; hu. mm 3: defim wfmc Iiimag, that he would bee advifgd hrremby his Lmficfis and and m'h5ers% of more cxpci~rives.:,an& the Con... A clufio1~1g€ncra;li to the King. In the 27.3. g1‘c.a,s:.LCorumcciZHs a:aflVcmhedg$ many of th%c; 4 Lay Pccres, Vfewof thc"Cla:2rgy: and of the Shires and Burroeugghs but on%eAapic-cm This was far the profccu--V tic::nV%ofthe::A1“’}%exW2 wastes, Awhen an hc~nm.1mblc Peace- culdniot bye A géiiistten. Em: the yew: follmwing :1 Truce beingu0ffcré%d4 flfm fathom: ati0% ._«€x1~tm“ta*ii3e iguntill héhadmc co7~‘nf¢n%tofhis~ Pearce. and“ C.m.myems whixzh they in P;.1rI~i3mmit accmdczcl A untQ% bc‘foré_ “ capes mnmrybyp1i1vIiqucIr2flmment« % . ’ T . The4da1lyi1kg%;Vof7,rhc Fr¢2:W;£2A1 t11c%c01aCIu:{1€”J£1 ofPea.::e; ‘RM-27w I zmd thit fiillimg bxff of the Umkée “09f”firz't¢air:5e having M’*+’° 3* wmuh: (I6) . m’0”Vu;g ht rwith Frémccbythe: repuratimn of the in ME f-ac; AA %% %L coux‘:s~)% ‘Wis ‘thd yeare following ‘decl-affid ifl Pal‘ iamem , H ’ and their aflvicc am ayde required ferthc Kings pray Far}. 36. Edam, 3;. V Pmi 45;, A 30 Vrémo: ccedings. % A A ~ 4 A V Inrhethirty fixt_h yearn he callcth his Parliament to Confillt whc-thcr%War1'eor .Peace by Dzwid the~Kir-mg of % Swzzs, then affefed, flmuld be exccpicrsci. A . Enthaf Fox-tieth ycam th:’:POp¢ demanding‘ thcTrE-% busts Qfliing Ia/m, the I9arIiamm;t wasafl%mb.1<2d5 where aftcr%con{uitationapart, the §~”'relatv2s,' Lm-dsr, and Com» % mbnswadfiviiiéd thed%en.im1l, although it bee by dint cf .fivrd.; A A A F-WMQQ A rfaéiwn 39‘ A A I n the forty third year: declared to the Pccres and Commons, ~< that the Pram’/9, againfi thc,ArtAiclcs 0f the Truce, tefixfcdpaymcnt of thcemonics, anddclivcry: afthc.VTowncs,{ummonidng L4 Brent, and others. of the ;%King*s Subicfis in Gafiozgme, to make at Ptris thc'irap~ pealcs, and-had forragcd his Cuuntrie ofPoz'tiers:rcqui« _ %% f A ring in their breach, whether how might not rcfume the Style and quarrel] sof Fm m¢., The Lordsrand Comns V havihgapart confuItc'd,advife thcliing to both,which he approving ., altered the infcriptima and %figgm'.: of his ' é V. M V\ ; é é . V 3 Two.yemes4 after it was% declared w the Pccrcs and §Commons,~thal: by theirxadvifi: he had refumtcl the Style 4 A %and(h1atrell of Frzmces and therefoazc defircd theirad-A ; vi”i% f‘rthe defence 0fth?e%RTea1ne7 agaijnfttlnc Freya:/2, ‘fan ’ ” A A tinting of I:heS¢as, %and4pu%rfui11§gofthVaVWarrfis.» (Of which theIy”confuIVt,ax1d r~efo1vetogivc%th*e King anaydc; A 1 The like ‘ Couz-':fell and fupply was the very nextycarsc Y E3 ’;thc Fiftiegla years, a Pgflggmcgggq l'.hcpAu*rpmfehof (LI) A jzixeimrrxacrtaxia, fom»n1m1ed.;iAand 3? A€’m‘A ffiifflkfi Mfig W " % J;®fAth¢fcAtiAr1=i§;cs ifb gocad at-M g1’0riCJ!‘é‘%,aftcr.:«;;¢6 izag, mhAe1AI{img in Pdarliam¢mt cclaritmg hm«v» ":56 Afirrmév guWa;,%,' h'3d§;.GQ1i1bifl43d.-‘Ufl*C§¢‘i'h£?Lfidfl: agaiu”fif%himA svith ~9}W}w and ” rmwldizfii, mq uired’tI1Azir advice, A how p¢{«aA;c¢ at «Emma, .1:g>}e ATi¢£itmft*hA:r3m.‘*csrders, the Kings poffions beycmd the S £21753 Vite/and ma Gzflayzze, ~ his ' in 1 Pmtmgzz/ti Tim Lorcia approve the Dukcs intentions for Portugalt, pml .5flRfi_4A mad che Cdmmons §I1atA A1th;e*Bifl*10pT of Narzvécé havin A the Pop::s~Cf:ofy¢r (he-uld invade .Frmce.Thcfiznmc yeam Athc%Sta’pe was-ca11.ed3,gaine to c0nfi.1lt,; Whefthfil‘ the King M A ‘V ‘flaulgQ€Ai;1rper{on“AAto 1‘ (ffCL!€ Chzwt or fend his Army. ?fvThe C.omA~m0n%saftertwo daycs debate,_ craved a comma- A a:chcFcAAfwnr»ith thefiordsiffhe efikéhs notcncmdin the 4R'ol‘I¢ mnely they by $ir"1‘£2amm Pzackcrmg their Spc*ai;c:;*,prc)tc1’t M L , % mag: Ckauripelis for wardid aptly belong to theAKingax-M « ~his'L.ord=s;yct:fincethe Cmmmmnswemcommanded ta give their advice, they humbly wiihcd a voy‘ageb-y the ing; ifmaft, thatthe Bifihop 0f17\LarmA¢/'2_frnight.with the A advantage ofthe Popes Crcyfiexg be ufcclm that Service, % Who.accepted, the chargcwxth 111 fugceffc, hcfurther for aim Commons praycth,thatthc: Kings Vncles fllould mt MA fpared out of the R.€alI1?1Cb€3fQT€3 famw %Pe:az%ce7 was flat- 4 led with r11-eSmts5%Anc1 that rim Lord ode La:jI1mr,fe%nt 5 Ezirh Prfmwfitions Ac;-f Peace fmxnflpairwmight firfibce ~Wg"- 7~AW-'- I The Qhanccllors in the fm:enthy_car¢ in“ name, oftfhn ‘t King willcththeL0rdSAapart,« ;and M the fConm1onsA ta confillts, whether Peace 01‘ Warxe wirh ;S’cotlamd,ar:d whc;-'-A thfir to refifl or afilault the Kings Adverfarics of Spazé-ate,’ A Fmmr,an_»d Elandergg fIh_c,1; opiniogg ax; got: stntreéjmzha Rgyvles AV ‘R1l‘es,f “amm?m*iflién ufuall to 35¢ exams neglcfi 3 onely meg: Pezicionsarerecorded, rhzatthc mmop ofworzww A may?acc0mptinParIiamentthccxpencc cf the money? % N ' and Vbc.punifl1c‘d‘fOr% hisfamIrs{ imheftrvice, avhichhea A m1¢rt€3okcv,ibAoAtEi which are Mgmnmd. ‘Anat thcnext Seffim in the fame gmareg the Cwmmcms a.Armrv:i}Icd m A advife upan viewbfi Lfl*1e‘" A1'ticks afpeacc xvimh the Frmzrév WhetherrW’arre mm. fuwch -Amfim ‘Wm0‘;fli«;i base: ameptedf 4? Thfiy Am0;d;efHy.% }e*:a.?c13fe"” themfeivmas W We;a§;:.~c: ms azcm. M;Mmff0VwJeigE1ty caufcs 53m cha1'ge::«:1 mggmazeas;h%::*y4dM A ;a:"m«jv:?;?e?1'dm§r henourgaixfi Hm rightfof the King, they A K-mks their Anfwer 5 givimgmhcir opmians rather for ’ A Pgagfithgn Wag}-e,'_’ " 7% ~ ' " A. % u 5 4 ' I A Peace with Francen0Minccced3ng;l‘inrheicfighthyear, A AAthc”b0‘dy~;of the Sta2:c"W;3s mflcd to advéfih, Whszthm the ‘7‘%'V?- 3-» ~*King¢i11hisAowncA&perf0ra;;,ofrby {fending fcrcfis» agai11:fl:Athe K""5’° 3» ‘ fi1:"em;_i'1,4 $pai‘ne,B1a~und&rs :.'m.w:§ SAm"*1d%.,f’%10miId proceed. AA A .T%11aKing11avei:ag;.thisyem*c:affc1a1b§;ed ar‘O3mzm“his C! AgrfiatC0unceII,m'advife, ~wAhefh@r%hcTshm11d p:zfl'"e.fthe Rfifflf“ Seasiorno,Witl1Aai1ArmyRoyaiI5 andrhcyamt curing ° 7tA.a1TeAnt4Awitl1@ut~a*Agreatér Coalnmii Pariéaxmmt the sIc:n_i:l1yAéare was Cam mhiave the advice ofmhe Co m. P‘{¢”."~W- mns,ai'We1Ai as at wthemiords, haow we Rcaimc fhimlé be R”°"’” " 2' ’A.gow~:rne&iaa*thcir §Qvm'aigms~:abfmce.0 ‘V ] A 3 A A ‘ This Truce with France imw, neateAe:~;pirc&, thfi P2t*§i~ p;m1.x g. A ammtwas c‘a_lI<:d in the thirteenth ycme no advifa tipom Ra’m’J , 21.. vvh;=ztcQndition'itflqmlld btt‘: r.mmwdA : otherwiflc how 4 flzrz ch axgc wfwzlrm {hat-mid be fl1[%aa‘352ed. fltthis Affm'1AE31yt Sr?/Tn H A am ca:m{mr4Qf a1l,At§m A4Dt1ke%of"Lancs1f?c.cr4‘ iswreated [z,;;;;;;:z '2; %‘ A 1’§qu§i:aimc.* thefitamtcs ofprowifion were nmv RM. 2.. ‘pa §’;§‘:€c“3,, amsrfii floznxanozms am namcci a partygin. abs: 1%- K€xA"A.m*3’ P‘3P@~ % %% % % % % , % ‘ - P;z;r[q_j14_, ym€.fl_‘§:;ccg;e;dV}Aix1gaAPagf§iament isscallefi, for that .m,~,I:a. ma ‘ ; ' % % ‘ ' " ' " M ah??? .4 BaA=»2;.{fi¢s;°e$% 9;. % A , «.3? _ A % fine YsZiz1g:%&v0m13d4 hav€'t31€ a?c¥vice'of*A¢his I:;mds4an& Gem; -gnaunsi fg;r»%rvtI1%c waxjre With Scotland 5, and Would} :10: Wim“ A qut Ehcir C ou11f€%5c@n4cIudeahfismfii pmccwirh;F1'am;c%. myfi 1153 = VA%i?.Ti1€1%k¢Afl?:mbiy’forA the i‘amc c-anfaswas rim Nymcam Récba %%c;t§f11§z3g,%wher:ciz:a€§m Cm1‘lI’flV0I‘£$?=“diififeNthc ‘ ;_ u;‘han'aoc§cratzo2": in the LawH.og_f pmvifiom,’ to plcafc as vmis {time th:e11*Ho‘ly Father; 7Sa5sthc ;Statme13pon*7t*h”cir d;j»fl‘fi~2€ “might aqa.iI-1 [bx excciut-:::d3%And thatm ncgmtia m A fifm peace mrithMF1”&£i1C€,‘1*h€iDuke&of Aquit;2i'1a%¢4might rmther th~€.";i~‘»1 a11§?c}1thm*,beimp10ycd. % A M % A ADI \ P.«w'.z ya A ’1”r;wonfifia:Vof r‘he:Tr~eaty w+'" E: Fmncc for the King im )Rmi'v.w an «theVfevA(;;:1tecArgtl1*%c:alicz:h a PVarl3i~amcu:~t;,.:Aihc;%%anfwér of the Lordsisicft unémrcd in the Réllé, butrthé‘ :'Com4m0n$ A upon:1;hc%i‘rfai‘tImn%dVa11egiancc r:hargcd,*advi{‘e that with W A : = %%gc:«d movdcration,homagcmay be madn for Guycxa, an wappena;geo?fL:hc1?rencI1CroWnc:; fzwyas it xnrnc%nm,ig-gm A % £0 i;m'01v¢‘tI1€A otImjr%,VHp;cm:es of that Eng-lifh %cdm1?u:5fl, A A ~tI1-Esif ~aVn1‘w%er_' is mdcfl, large, and,wr%thL§z .yo'%f1*f"iarkt;*. I-_fm., .4:£a..A A A ; NAMVA fi,1cc:c@ccic=d;,anmztn-tAhac,fir{"c i1uyicd.allpopulari%t} r, -PW’~ 5~H-4% ayneedimg‘alltQ~fiappo;1't%his Titles, He im:hc.fifth year _ ca1IadV 2..P;.2 rliam fin swrfzipprac t%hcq(:mal.i.cr3 of trhezDufka of LO+rlezznce4,anQdAtAo aAdvifr:«f0rthe~warresm I'~rc1ancS:aM V" Sicmlzmdg neifun4f3:'Is or fup;pIVic5~aLre.entrcd .In ""tbe" A A - “MM” H“"3"‘ Rolls? and to rcfifi an In¢ovationi;m;m‘ded byFrsmcc and. f B;ri:tai':u¢, h%eafTcmb1et%11thc4State amine. \ " ~ % , 4 Va % a. _ % % % . . czw/3 7.. - Thc4l§{;ewas* m the twoAiycz2res follovvmg forfiratm-ce. fie.m,.:.«£ 3;, Zambia thficmmQ11S%COnf€1‘r wAi;t:h1:hc Lo%rds%%f»m: Guard of «the: ‘SEa,amd xnalmmany Ordinzmccs to which the ‘A VV;§{iV11g% a{I7¢ntcd”: thmR,;;:acew’ith th-emAcrchax1%ts of Pruceg, ‘émd the Hanfimvns is dcbatcd,.a'md 1 71*roc*laz.riation pub-_ 57° 4 lifl1cd,as they zjefolvc, by ~th:c fipcaker the Commmas" i V A an m plain of 9,9 6. peeccs of Ordinancclafi in Guycri the yeaix'e+Bc£e’rc.,”'th¢*nEcdwof defence the Barderz an: 4 V , A M ** «uar & to France, a qum:rc1l%hceAvv0:11»;i profccusc to death : if H’~”’”"«5*= (5) A Guard of £116 Scafcoaifis. Ta fupprcfle the Rcbeiiiadn Warm, and thed1fl0yEItyA0£ the lEar_Ie of NQrthUmflif« fig. W hnd,m*cy humbly dc re, r at 1316 Princc maybe difl. ' " rctchedinto rthofe parts w§th{gecd:Aand tea have AaAAvigi« A c1nAwycofAzAheScottifl1 Prxformsm _ A _% A M A A In the tenth the Pmflizzmcnt is commsmded w Qivfl PM, W tlmior ztgvgcc abiam t1%€t§11‘LI%€ 0fCShcotIand,Am;d pr¢:p:.ara5i'?i0nA Hm. 4. flgmfil uexamzceo we rm ..m ‘ A A A _His Smmaz, thcvvxfeamdlrgippyumdm*m‘é<.m*, -con§’a2:§:t¢thAI-Em. 94:» with the Parliament: in his we yam-e,how"to chmuflh his PM, u ’ Afliesgmd rc£%mim1isEmen1ies,fQr this chercwass afc. Hm-3w Rafi Cammimccof the C0z11x'qo11s, appoi11t€d to c«onf'er with the Lord§_.,. t}:1er11attcrbmAng entered into :1 Sche;-~ dwaic. Tgglchiflg Yéelanéi, fV:al§s, Scoclitland, Calicf, Guyen,A A ipping, may A0» e 1-casaan waryprovi <1-AA on to rcpul{E:tl1cEncAxny. A A A A 4 A ‘ A In the Second he 0 cneth to the PaA.1*iiament his tithe Wdrlfli 593$ P I flrzszew fig they allowed and ayded, d;ca.this% in this Affembly, an»; A aéted to 311,, thatveithcr breakthc Tmcmor the Kings [aft aondtxifi; A A A AA A A A A " A _ A A Tmyearfollowiug pcaccbeingofiflvd by aha Frmclx Rm Pwfiifl Kingg and the Kimg of the R011m:ms.mivcdum cffcfi thm«4”~3J?7m-AS woxkc, the King fefufeth any cctmqtafimxa, untill h%5.3.Ah3.dfA tEmrc11x1Ato the ad viceAA:md afiént of Ms: A Lands ‘aaui cm-we ‘means, which occafion tlm Chémcciiomf clcclareth m that Pxff'emMy.. A ” 2‘-J5‘-‘= If: A ;t11Ac7 fAAJ0u1'th A and 5. . mm A peace A abnd1u&ed%AAvJith P’»a;~i;;;A;t';-%*% France, the Iiing €31I¢th‘AtAhAe=§%ta1E%£ toAgAethAcrto4 rconfuk aw 55 bm1t'th.c Warrcgc01:x¢1%udinga51"r<:aty mfAmirie”‘with A SE» A gifmt1ndKingAAof tlmRmm.:1mss,bythcallvowance bf aha A chreé A $tams, audA mmthA the Articles in the Iotzrzmall Rpilé. "II1th§I5;m*€;“ yam byszxébgkc ffigédfiégdgiai :z;g%‘W- 5 A AA V Ems (M) A pmzpoies, as it appcamh by the Summans, thwmgfh in the A:Rmkomkm¢V ~A;f~T* ” ““~* ”*““ %zMr2:7.bH.»§¢ Tl1cl.ikcin the ~fsavcn.thyea1j_. Andflm Tmaty with A _ A Fi“gmce£3 by that13%=:e1ato::,&*s3VNr:h}es and GVzi‘::mi11om of tha Pzrm’. Io, Kin:g&®1ne%perL2i’m§ saw f€i§T_3Ai§Ai%:'2’§1AiI1tE*z*.@Effi'E'1thf§sAA‘w;fE{A0fthiS A %AH¢'Mo 5. %Kiflg. A. A A " "A AA A ' ‘ A A BMW 6% A HiAs_Sv:mne‘ morfihwfiythgnl1gpWfi:cc€feé’¢:d3 am? aim 3.3% PM,” 3; vifeth1nAthcfm;:oEm War with .ti§2V:.%:v:Lc*LsArd3 2115?; ACw::nm0ms Hm. gs; £m“tlim well kceping.<*;sf tm";“ peam with Erawcicw-g, canfmtw A Kings abfem:e- zi Parliamem: v: as called Alto tI2c’%’FAorVm‘ér' A » ‘ Acth With**tim:;:n fiche dszrhwry“ mfthez SCAomfl"n King, % R5,‘ pm,[_3_ and the mnclufimn isca:miiz"nnc=c§‘by cmmmcm»; a{’iAE;:nt. AM. % Hflfio thetM¥dyz:2‘:11‘£:;?.T1€}&"&rCACiH€i'd :0 awe azm c<:arnfcmt to a V ncavfirticzlc in théz icaguc with swxzm, for charge of % H0.fh2ge,:.mdn?+§ ;(:‘.}{AI’1i«b.§i‘i'T€ a~Bm ?fi::>4L'- A m;cwrdt*th.%Aj4 And thar the AGr‘*nnW.1ies A mi;5ht4A‘?b¢ Ad[e<:lare&AA 'V%""'w I ‘ h:aemx%«:4sjAf0raffifiitag: the Afuirk in fpoyla of 3:§':ic:A Knighm 7 A V of R411w§a%:?+e=k Amt} zl3;§rAAti§cA;'Apfivi}edAg;nof~*‘Ath¢:“%’§?ru€€~?MMAA .H;»z;*m;e:;wz'2:cs gm be fuflpermccfi,amtzl1=wm%p-cuitiom be madfii AA K17) i made ti-E the,—Eug1~ifl1.ifmrwrm3gs theyvhad dang i fllrxxin. To the whichjn iparittrhe King ;iac<:ordc:h. ThcKing by the Chancellour decilartcth in Pare -dfimiiii. A Aliamcru, ithatthfifidarfiagfiWithM4rg»zretcheKi~ng Hmfi‘ " of Si£71'¥_y his daughtcriiiwasi contxfaéfizied. Fm‘? induicea V 4 ingche pcaccmade —wich I’r4z!cje.iAgainfi the which the Lords”noti_by their advifc effeéied, ‘make apm. mfiatien, and ente«ritflm.1 thcRol1e. A . - The King intending to paflir in pcrfon into PW~=25'- Frame, there to treat mi Pjeace with the King, ad» H9’”~§f vifcth with His Lords and Commons inPizr1ia- mcmr, and Icttssrs of iMart are granted iagzsixuiiz the *“"”“T 37 Britfiaines fori{'poy1cs‘dorm to the Engii%fl1”Miar- i chants, - A V %IhcLo1‘diHiflimgs andthc iAbboi: of G«£”£é’3’_(icV‘ Amm 27¢. i clam-in P;i.1~Iian1cncxhepreparation caf theFrcnch, Hmé. ‘.“\thc B§€€iQh~byt gm 0f the Pcszca , the ‘Wcakc «rig. fence of Normandy, and tVbey cxpirationflmrtiy af theifmcci .- requiring fpccdyadvicé atldire-1-* media 1': iinic2Yt1i<=c3th¢ Patliamerinitziiitoi~prox%idéifor the Mfiiazfia ¢jD¢fcn;;cVi oi, the Scai and Land, iagaiufl the H45’-53i“i E"l.‘CIlChfgA WA % * i , i « V % " 5 I1:MwasA=commandcd by %tIxeAKiag4to thcistatcs ,4T,,,,0,33;i éiaifcmbleqd, to ;zcivifef:,)ri4tII'i‘ Wfilliiiordiering af his Hm.6. Hcmfm paymcntiojfhis Soaxldjiisrse an Ca1ice,Guard V V» 1%oF};hc S¢:is_, 1-ayfix1g of the Scigciat Berwikeimade A byftibe Scots again th e Truc:::Difpofizag oh; co, 1SpuI.<;licV:s anfayeci the 1:21} Parliament _: According of ¢ci1.ff'c:rc?x;3<;%esamongftithc Lm:d;s,r_e{;kraini~ng the A 1tm[1{poMrtatio‘n 0f‘iGz)ld;;n.d Silver, and quitting 1 tgh;ci% diformdcrs‘ in j Wales , of all yvhich Com. mittccs (Y8) mitfeés amppoamea rorramc“ mils. £%mu4. A .g§xr:a~_jgV H “Edwm:dt1he féilzrth by th‘c?ChancelIour defilai rcthitci>AtheAALordsand Comons, that having A 4 £nad€':"'\\:pea“CcA‘With S%co:laad, curred league Frfawécearmfl mmgrk, gontraéied with Bm"gundy‘Tan‘& .Br:'mz‘r:e For their aide for the recovery of his right in Franc::g.,heAL had noWAafl?:mbled them to give their A Co ufc:'ll ixmprocc¢ding;, which cha;~ge in a fecmad flmzb In A“ €dw.;;I, H¢”AA-AAAAW‘; Par/I I. ‘ % ;Hm.7e. * k <%tiA0flr‘h1€I{.hiUAg¥’0 mkszva~oAAAmfi:£!¢z4éezh the d:1ugh=- , E E”: 8} R."§- 33* . Hm%;s;,'%%é Irafiw 2. A Y The next ,is‘“jt’he*”Athitd~ of H Asieflidix 4s}va$‘.in. Afa1‘cHE:’c.:!j uz+m*the;n.d T 11%: Iikewas at anothe“rPar1:a:ncnAthfildinthe }eIIc;ve:mh “[‘ymre. A%Aft¢rtih~i$ time the Journals of ‘Parliament have .i‘bin ieithci-71* notA= wc‘1lApref':rved, jor flint‘ carefully [em- tre‘d', fk;)rIc::-m firid of this nature no A Rr:mrds, Aun- till the firfl Aof ME-Imryg zljm fmwcnth, vvhAerc‘:inA the % Comt:nonsAby Twhoqfifas Lmr:.»«liA thtinr peaIcr3rA,”pcti~ fierof Edward the f0iuVrAt1a,A’AA to whichthe I{ing?at* their rcqugfi doth agree. ” A A A A _ A A A V’ enryAth¢ eighth in which ftpm the King, themChanccl1mur dcclarcth as ch: Staxes*%t*fic%tamgtifcfiait Aifcnably rd M fixft, A—=tc3 aviferxt ce:>tT1Ar1‘ef'orreAfiffinA“g the innova*tioncof the Scots : the next, how :0 quiet the quarrefl be-A ‘twm;-nAAAthe King of Caftile_.,and the Duke 05 Gel- 'A ders,laflIyf@rafSi_f1:ing the°Pop”c:1gainfiALema~.r~of V FrAar3ce;*whole;Bu11 expr‘efEingVthe “injuries d%mw‘c A Aashe Sta Apofioliqtxe, was read By the Mafmr of’ A A*th?e' Rbllés inppen Pai“1iAAar.ncnt, after which the A" CAha!nAcc1lo?ur, There and other Lords w¢reV“*~fcflt A -£)0t.Pd"’[o32u’ Ham 3. A A A in t_ hc Clianceflour rcrpembxing the many tro “dywwue Limo theCom‘monstoconfer~thercmf£A T A“ A The 13?: is in the two and°thirtie*::l14ycarcVAwhere- ua. MAM A Arch.bifh0ps arcihttth dawne to the Commons A t _ A 19 A A bias the State had u£dc£g0ne'in houhtfhi Titles of Sutzccfsion, dtsclatcth, that although the coxivoct» tton had judgt-M mm the marriage with mm of Wewe, yr:tthcI{ittg%wmt1’d not proceed withottt thcCoun{e1I of the Statesa whereupon the W0 Exmflrm mam“. Orfgzh with the ftinttttct fc::thc&,Wh ich being theta ‘difcuf. mi“ fe:d7,they§>afl'taBi!1again{t the Mattiagc. . A Email thtile paifagts of puhlrlqfuct Qfluififfiflfififi A fiiflmhtcrve ,thac the Sovcraignc Lard either in hett ztdvife, or molt nccefsitie vvmtldenttttaine the Comrnomswith the tveightiefl: cmlfesg cithfir fhtrcinetdr dot’-ncfiiquc, thereby to apt them and ’bin“d them to a readincs of Charge And they as watily avoiding it to thine cxpcnte. f'Zt3*