ament, For the fading of the Mi/itiAA_0f M London, and4Libertiesthcreof. 1 . V ‘ . ‘ ‘ \ tr 4! vm.un‘w .. . I “ .- ‘o ‘mu-‘W ‘ u. “ “ ‘ ‘ , ‘ ‘ 1 ‘ pp .,;‘.. " wum 3" ‘ ' w’ " ' ~ ;‘ .,~. “ ‘ ‘ Mg... ‘ ' n|.Iw.e~‘ ” “ ‘ , r » ., ; ‘ ‘ -‘- , ‘ - .0 w ‘ _ vv M‘ ‘ Mi, . ‘ x ‘ ."" _fm rv, ~ , 'l\’ “ K-13! {;*'‘;A .,._ ‘ ‘ ., ‘*1 Mn ‘ 4 i ‘ “ 4 ‘ 1 , ‘W: ,-,2 ’ gt ‘ ' W F: - ‘ ‘ ‘ 3}‘ ‘V ‘ A e, «mu or wv :4 rm -W ‘ , . ‘IN ‘ -.-..‘ .91} .5 . y A ,‘ ? - ‘ ‘ x a ‘ -nu. man ‘M. ‘‘.A _ ‘ . A ‘ , ' A IN ‘~ .‘ “Ll . . 1 ‘ " A v \- . ‘ ‘ . . 9 '| ‘Q ‘ J! « ‘--' _ um’ V 7 ‘ . " " ‘ ‘ -' ‘A ’ . ‘V , I ,1 “ ‘,Dg‘\“u “ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘I . \ " "$1, on, .’ ‘fr, \ 3 A Won» £116, vawmt‘ W m anncuazttma nf tmklttfi“-5 '3 “ r‘, X M M é w r ‘ ‘u my ‘,4 3 _ M: 5-»"' V» VV .1. W ; ‘l’ S ‘ ‘ “ “‘ ,1 Vflh 4:‘ 1*‘ g‘ R,‘ "1, ‘ ‘ T", ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ,»,\" . . ._ “ in ‘ ‘ ‘ ; “'5' ‘ , v ‘ '“' I ‘ , ‘J ,3‘ '. ‘vuv w ‘w I’ ‘ -' "nu " ‘~‘ '- ‘ “ V‘ ,“ .« H, 4 ‘ ‘_ _ ‘ ‘V ‘ I ‘ ‘ w * '7‘Hft‘,.‘ film‘ A 1"‘ Vfl,’:\:L%{' V, I ‘ ' ’ 1 V _ “ ‘ “ ‘ ‘; pr ‘ . ‘ ‘ J ‘ I I ‘. Y‘ My fin: 4 t ; < the 0 M M 0 N s affembled inarli-2? » ‘in aaatltartzenntamiwg m== ’ tica1mr1yu”ftne&:tp of 4% Lundwn mm mm mm am,am bm’tmaw I‘ % A Iohnwollafianiémiwtg ThomasfitklrlaTi10m3s4”An*% d1‘€WS5f John Fo%wk,Wil1i§am%Gibs, Th9masAFao£,Cbriw (636) w nf London, I ®zmm1'Phi1ips1tbcnwf0nslafozefam, was A "ram am) mzapnmen, fo; the fuppgeffwn nflaliczr; 4 e he11ious mfumctiuns amt: inhafingus that may Dappmn!itbin‘t1)¢f3fi3fiwl’:-fifln7L1l3W‘5l¢51?D¢W=-‘* ’ of 1'» %tnh1ik¢mifv’ V fbail 1J‘aW fut,t1J¢t 9011?“ WI? l lantijuzitvgtultahgcotlimcta W?’ ‘"1910? £118 pw= ll fonlslafnzctatn a]tw?¢D amsmeavonem MMW11 A Ibiti)i1tfiJcfaiD rzlzim asmttbin ‘myvnthzvlvart f lthisfieaim Bf Englandfiz §D0tm'uI0n0f‘Va1cSaf0z the mppzkfsinn. of an rebeutnusoloinfutrcctiomg an (Q7) ~aiin innaiinna that may ihanyen; attaining at a they than frnin time to time reteinenireetiene train the innrnrnnns in aeariiijiinent anetiinien. mane that the fate iteinnritteem any nine ez ineze et them at ategetain, fl)ai'i have power, ant are hereby anthneisen, to tenititnte ann inane etc»: tenets, étaptaina, an?) ether ®tfi*eeee; annfliaii have power to retnmae anh nifplace Ql:D'i0i’w1§,(!Ii1-r.: ntaine, ann nthermffitere, from time to time, at they, in any nine ee ningze of them as atezes iain fee canie , ann thine fit: ant: that the {am aotnniittee, in any nine in maze of them an afozefain, fliailhane the fame pemer ant an: thniity within the fair: <£ity ann fltihertiee there: nf, asany ittnnnnittee fee the Milltia of the itityi ntLondonthan the firteenth of May. ®ne than-.3 tann fir hnnmen teity eight, 1l1?®zDetDz£ID2Di—.:.% nante of iearnarnent. S,/ant: it it hereby further flgnainen, ’£hatiin<2J:iti3eiinf the (titty of Lon-— don, ee any of the jfnetee of the fail: city in liners: tiee thereof, than be mamn faith at teinpellen to go out at the faint city at liberties thereof, to; nii-..= iitary fernice, without his in their free content ‘t Iztnn this zefent mt is to continue During the pleafnre n the aharliatnent. rant: be it further meainen, flihat no other perfonnwerfeiteme therthenthe perfone afezenantetmu oz Chaufrein hencefoethattee exertife any power in anthrnity aemeinbera of the Militia toe the city of Lonon. by fezte oz, tolonrnf any tanner £DzDeI? Dzwznu y name, in antheeity of iearliatnent. A r A Hen:Scobcll,Clcr.Parl.D.Cctng ...‘........_. ...._. 4.... i London, Printcdliy 107922 Field forEelnmrd Hnabandfifrintct to the Parliament gf Ergdland,1649.