V fztzi‘ % A . T 4 Lordsand Commqns a . _ I _ -v . _ ‘ Inn’ . -... ,__4___,,...___.._,..._______ ._ A . _ .__.__.. _ V-..‘ a - - ____.._.,.,, . _ ___._j._ . .-_ _- , , ._ - _ -._.._,_..., ‘ > 3* jut $1 #5‘: . ‘ ',: .- ‘_ _ . -_ D ‘ __' ‘I: .. < aw L:=»:=::==3<;.s:?3«:.~s.‘='-‘a.-» * :: -~3~:<;t‘r' .. .. . $2.-3 9.33112 sq srsé _,.—?‘e we ~ % . _.%.«:¢ee::¢€ax;s«u4’ro--us’%».-4%.;-rs’%v~.a.3‘n:r.v$%r: ,1- _c o L [ OFTHE G‘ ; Affembled in PARLIAMENT, That the Commititee for the Z1/lilitizlyof‘ ~ jif L ON 1) o N {hall have Power to Impo ~ % éa upon Perfons to fingde Arms, not excccdlng Thrc; foot-Souldicrs for any one man : 1.. p‘ 'p‘ ‘-at av %§@@§@§@@§@@@§§@- ~1§¢ And to catch/for Papifis and SLif‘pitious pen= I .09 4 fons, and to dif arm them, and to ralfc Horfcg ' I ‘<.o’ % . Dieforuis-, %27.%Feér. 164.4. L H: 8!/jngc, C7er.7’arl.‘D;Com.% : no. Primed atflLo22oz'm for Edw4r%1Ht£:54nd:# L A ««« '~ Fcbr. 28. I 644. ’ Y‘ i l A i“ f ’~ *7." '.‘ 2-. 1. -*. I f‘— i ‘ ~-f;- — :4 I ’ ' ' ( 3 ) ‘Ya I Die Jovis, 27t.Febr. 1644{ A flu Ordinance of the Lord: ma’ Comment y e e;z/fimb/ea’ in ‘Par/ii4menlt.' Vvflereas divers perfons within the City V I of Lovidan and parts.» adjacent within the Lines of Communication ,and Parifhes men... tioned in the Weekly Bills ofMoIta1ity , ‘and; l Hamlets of the Tower , that are «notfit to bear Armsin their own perfons, yet areable an-d ‘finite e findeArms, andypteay others forbearing the §famci,e.= but do negleéfiz and refule. the doing thereoifgi .And= whereasdivers Papifis, and ether ill-*aH'e&ed.5per.-i Fons do It: rk and hide themfelves in divers houfes and places iwithini the limits alforeliaid, that hold‘ correfpondency With, or bring Intelligence from: A the Ene_my,and others that gather together Arrsis..,; A Ammunition, and other materialels of War, likely to he imployed to the prejudice of the Parliament and City. e .[. s ~ And Whereas by feverall Ordinances ofPa*rlia-it ’ ment,P0wer is given to the {aid iCo1iimittee for ordering the {aid Militia Within the Limits afore-' U f aid, and drawing out»Eoreesefot, Service ah~road,= And that many things mentioined ii1fthe' ~faid.Ori-5 i ii A 2 « dinances J .. '— 3 .» A f (4 )e — dinfances toebeptit in;ex.ecution, require the help alnd_af5ej{lanece{oi_e moreeperfons in the nature of Sub-Committeeés -5‘,‘Taheteup.otetn Power is given to the {aid Cornn1ii'ttee,: to make one or more Sub- CoTmmitItees iVV‘:lEhl‘.I.l‘El‘r€ {aid Limits, as tiheyjhall thienk fit_:_9Anjd "fox: the better enabiling the {aid Sub+CuiI§1It1ittE‘es’e.i§oe~1:nade,_:or to be made‘ to per- form theferviees,ttherieini.conl:aineed: j T \ A . e 2 The» ifaid Lords and Commons in Parliarhent eeafllernblcd do aQrdain‘atrd Declare, %a1£1d. be it ‘Or; dained and» D,ec1aiirede,l That» thief aid Committee Qf‘;t‘he ll/Iilitiia? o:faLona1an allthave power, and are hereby; a11lCh'OIi‘lZCfdft0§ Impofe tgpon all fuch per- funsaasf have ‘any’. Sto¢l<';ste:going.Ii nTrade Within chie*Limits afotefaid, and abféntathemlelves, or do perfonally inha7bite_or refide =Wifhin. the {aid Li- naitsjeto finde firc11iProptortigc5n.'e Arm‘s,iand pay fuich?perfons'as Haweibeergor flaall be appointed‘ to bear the fame,; as the {aid Committee {hall u think fit, not exceeding Three Foot~SouIdiers For any i;one‘=pe1:fon«*: ugh periion for p_€l‘{OI]~S as. " H1511 edifohieytthie’ Commands and Di,re6’cions of A % fohablefiries 1i}_5onit1he1iI15e%ora11yiof‘e them, as they the {aid Committee} ofithe Militia herein, the {aid Qtommitteelflinlallehave-power to Iiinpof e fuech rea-9 {hall ' —’?""“ ""“"-"‘:j""‘-"_’___""j’ {hall think fit, not exceeding the «film of Forty l llhillings for any one offence}; and for wanteof payment thereof; to Leavie the fame h’ytD.i{lrelTc andlale of their Goods antdCh2.ttels,lor other- wife, to lmptiFon.tl1eit plerfor-1-s withoL1tBail or‘ d .M3lfiPflZ€, tmtill lluch ‘(EH16 as they {hall conform. .theml‘elves accordingly: But in leaf e fuchl pher- {on or performs Fe offending, do ablaent theml“ elves Withou”t the 1‘2.ideL.imits» , where theeAuthori'ty of; the {aid C01-‘ntrllttec doth not ex.tend,aend-"not a * fuffieient V-alueol‘ hisor their‘Goods.o:' Cha.ttels- to be found Within the—faid Limits, whereon to Leavie the flrid Finest l3'yDif’t-reflfle ‘as’ afo1**elf‘a‘id;e That then thelCo’mmiteee of Lords and Come I mons forSequePt1'at_ions, upon complaint made. by the fCeommitteee of the .Mz'lz'ttz'a,l or fuch a'S‘th.CY _ {hall appoeint, do forthwith grant their *\Y/arrallitsr ‘ .for— apprehending of el‘u.c;h perfon or perfons, wherefoever theyfhall he,eand to lcomtmt him or Z; them to pteihllon Without B-ail OI Mainprize, untill L he or they do conform themf‘e1ves,or to .dif’trai11; I -his or their Goods, lanldlzring tlxeml to Logzdozg a \ thereof‘ ell theme to pay the {aid Fil1_1'e~;c>r.Feeii:I‘_re‘S ;t;’l33h;l‘l l putrpof e for the fafety and defence of this ctty;2ts which Fines are toebe tlmployed to t fuch llullet atilil L the - t (6) “the {aid Committee of the Militia {hail think fit and ‘direcft. aAnd ittis further Ordained,That the iaid Committee for; the Militia {hail have power, and is hereby Authorized by themfelves, or fuch as; they {hall appoint, for Whom they {hail be each-A countable, there beeingone of the {aid Committee i of the r\/filitiap'1'ef‘ent, to fearch all houf es and Pia-y aces Within the Limits iafoteiiaid, Where the {aid Committee {hall have caufe to iiu1‘pe6’t that any Papiits are, or other Perfons that come froimanyj of the Kings quarters, or ‘cannot give a good 3C—j count of their hufinefle or aboad within the Li: mits aforefiaidy, or thatjhave torihall diicover their‘ilI~aiTe&ion to the Pairliamenttg and likewiiie tofearchfior Arms,yAmm1mition and Materialst for War in the cuflzody offi1_chpe_rfons,and tog y feize' and take Vawaythe fame, and to commit fuch perfons to iiafe cufiody, or to expell them out of the Limits aforef aid, if they {hall {flee caufe; and in cafe of Refifiancie, the {aid Committee are hereby Authorized to command any C oniiable or V ~ Cgonfitablies , to break open anyiihouiie or place, A within the {aid Limits Where fuch Refiitance ifha1l%he;m&de.‘. ii And t r ‘ . . _ Q.-.’ ~ ’ " K ., 1!-av . < ,-2." ' *v~ . ’ i I \ » . I’ a _ 2-o.~.a~+-V ‘..‘.'u"!!'v '15” " .. And i-tis further ordained thatthe faid‘Sub- C omtnittee lo appointed, or ‘to be appointed by. the faid,Com'mittee of the Milzrmfhall have po- wer, and are hereby Authorized to cauf e all or a: ny ofthe claufes contained in this or any other of the {aid Ordinances, to be put in due Execution, i when and as often as they {hall receive directions fromthe l'aid;Committee forithe Mz'lz’tz'a5 and all Conftables , I-Ieadboroughs, and other Officers and Souldiers are hereby required to obey, and ‘executefuchWarrants as they from time to time {hall receive from the laid ‘Committee for the Illilitia, or other iSub-Committees, for and con- cerning the execution of the fame accordingly. , Andit is furtherordered and ordained by the {aid Lords and Commons in Parliament aiTem- bled, that the faid~Committee For the Mrlitia of London, {hall have power to charge fuch Inhabi- tants within the Lines of Communication and , Bills of Mortality, as tl1€y,fl‘121ll.ClgtC€mC able to s finde a’ rnaintaine I-lorlest with Riders -and .. . 9 , furniture at their firoper charge for the defence of the city and parts ad cent, [0 as no one perfon fhall be charged for the railing and maintaining‘ of more then two Horf es. , ‘ t Prov i- mg, _ 7 I31‘OV’lil€(l’[l1&t noipewet heifelay granteclfliall be extended againfl:/any Peere of this Kingdom, or Member tofeither ofthe H>ouiesoftParliant1ent;, 9: any of the Asfiftants of the Hon? e ofPeeres, l ‘orattendants of the Houfe of Peetes, or Com- moms; And as Well_.the {aid Committee, as aalfe th«ei1' {aid Sub-'CQltnmittees,a and all other perfoae aétinga 1n the Praemivflesr according tothe intent of this Orclinance, {hall be faved harmeleffeby :Author_i?ty of both Hbuafes of Parliament, f Prbvidefd that this’ Ordinance {hall contimlre and be in force for the {pace of eight morreths, tp begin from the publifl1i?tfg of this Oardinancflc and % no longer.‘ \ ammum\i\{Iiu@fiifj@@fi\igiEE@gwmmmuuniu University of Missouri Libraries University of Missouri——Co1umbia Eng1ish Short Tit1e Cata1og Loca1 identifier Capture information Date captured Scanner manufacturer Scanner mode1 Scanning software Optica1 reso1ution Co1or settings Fi1e types Source information Format Content type Source ID Notes AnOrdinanceofMi1itia1644 14 June 2018 Ricoh MP C4503 600 dpi co1or, 24 bit TIFF Book Text Barcode page at end of text. 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