“gaaeaeaeaagaaeeeaaegwé §%@@%@$%%%%@@@%@@@%%%%%%$3 e e % ah {DECL RATIN a Of the Lords and Commons af‘fem- bled in Parliament upon the Statute of 5 whereby the Comrniflion of Array '‘ is fuppofed to bciwarrantcd: Together with divers other Statutes , vvhcreby it ,.; appeares that the (‘aid Cornm.if_sion is not warranted by - "Ill any Aét of Parliament, that 1tlS contrary to the Laws r i ‘ and Cuftomes of the Realme , deftruétive to the liberty and property of the Subject, contrary A to the Petition of Right , -and the Statute made this prefent ’ Parliament. , As alfo his Majefiices Letter to the’ SheriFoFLeiceflerL { flair: to execute the {aid Commiflion according "I to his Maj efiies Proclamation. ]ul . I 6 4. 2 . i Ordered by the Lords Commons in Parliament, that thisDeclaration be forthwith printed * and publiihed. H. Efinge 6167. Par}. D .‘ Com. -j ALONDON, Printed For Edm. Hmbandr and iolmfrank, I642. . /.:-‘l—°\ K . 6 1’ , ."" > "1 ~.*'’" ,,. r .: . J ‘ / co l_,I(_ ‘I 7' *"' Declaration of the Lords and Commons ; . ; aatifembled In Parliament. ‘ t 1 “ l ' " Hereas information hath hectic" given to the ‘r Lords 8: Cémons aflembled in Parliament thataCommifsion;hath “lately ilfued out un, ~ 9 der the great Seal of E ngland,dire‘&,ed torthe . V o, a rEa.rls OfH!m,tifigtoiz .6: Devon, H carry Haflingir v t - Efquire, and others, comm‘andino.them to g » ‘ array all men within the County O€Lez'tc_flc7:, of ‘according to their efiates and abilities, and at ~ g to charge them with arms at the difcretion of the Commiilionersgor any three of them ; And to diflraine ali ~ «thof e that are able either in lands or goods. to finde arms, and fuch as by reafon of impotency are not a_b,le to ferve in perfon‘ to findi: menat arms, according to the quantity 02': their lands: and»goods=; and all ‘fuch perfonsfoarrayed and armed , tocaule to hetrained -~and_.exe_,rciledoat the pleafure of the {aid ~Commil7sioners,: ottany three of them, and the perfons fo arrayed to draw to the coafis of the -Sea,or elf: where , and fuch as {hall oppofe or conttra.di&*the . fame C6mif'sion,to commit’ to prifon, Sr there todetainfthern un- till they fltail be delivered by It-.aw.And the {aid Lordsand Com-A mons are further informed, that together with tl-ierkfaid. Gomm'i.f- {ion , ra{Letter under his Majerftieslharndsr was direfiedtothe {aid Commifsioners_, declaringethelegalitie of the {aid Commiff-— 4 gen tooebe grounded upon a Statute madcin the 5 H34. not printed, ,with further ioftruétionsgto the [aid Commifsionerstfor putting the fame Commifsion forthwith in executionzand that divers Proclamations did iffue forth endeavouring to jufiifie the legallity of that Ciommifsromo. The tenoureof which Commilsion, Letter, Proclamation and Statrutei‘, the {aid Lords and Commons have _CalJ‘_fCC_i to beannexed hereunto. ‘ F ' * r ‘ t l g’1‘~heofaiad;Lotd§ and M€ggm%m0ns are mueh agrievetl and ‘_ 1 ,7 I: 1.4-‘ 9 3 " ~ '2 3-», , U’: ."«r‘» v ._ ‘ l i " V '1: 3 2 xv‘); -.‘f‘):'~.,"‘ ,,-2§‘;; ' "V ' Z.— I 1:“.-’ +;,.—.' . -. onsof evill Counfellours after many Declarations and folemne Prcteftations rpadgto his Parliament and people,of his refolution t(fiffii1liiTgGYQit1£*b.}t'tliEiaIZfita7es3oE51116 [Land and to, sheep mayntaine the falne: And after {’o many Declarations made b both Houfes.of-Parliament of ‘tth*ei’r‘*el'oyalty andtfidelity to his Majefiy, and of their - faithful} endreavoursmfor the *preferva.tion of his Majefiies honour and ~fafety,and for the vwelf"are,peace,and hap. tpinefle of 'this:Real1r1e,fl1o.ul'd now be drawn to ifihe out fuch a Commifsion, folcontmry to the Laws , sand to full of a danger and inconvenlrencys to‘ allfhis M a jeftgies Subje6ts,Which Aiffasdmitted will» ‘i1ti1i1::i£‘=ttes~":mge tharhismajenybeiiiglnirr iaede bytE¢*mgg€ni:' btiatheavieryoketof bondage‘ upon. the peopletatthen» that of Ship- - moat-y, or any other illegall-}l:l1argetwh«ich ha-th been ’a~'Bre£tp1a;e bf tIi:oi1;,a‘iIaé[v{t4>i*cij,‘ and: 0» e f?:,fi auraaaadazom;1.r1mas,Taoatbree,i ta Bre%fi‘pl‘are loflfron ; g Sword andafKnir'e: and from 4.: s. lands, and more unto 51.0? r l . 1331515 asword, aBow and arrows, and alinife : and bee that hath leffe thenao yeerly flmllbe fworne to kee cl Gyfarinysr, Kniivces, and other leffe weapons : and her that hath led’: a then at», _rr}ax'ks goedé fliall have Swords Knives , and other 1:11“: weaplons:yanid ;tll”others_that rnay,{hall have Bows and arrows out of tAhe(Forrel‘t,and’in the For‘;-ell Bows 8:: Bolts: and that View ofiirrmoiir-be‘made etxry yeer two» times 5- and in all Hundreds and Franchifes, tvro Con “ables {hall hechofen to make the View Ofail"-’ atom: and thcCon{iables aforefaid fhdl be iprefent before Juflices ti{sign'd For inch default as they do fee in-the country about armor: T anciof the liuitsof Towns &oFHigh\a'ays. ‘And alfo lhal ptefent all i firth as do lodrte fttanget-s in ulplandifli Townsfoct whom they will iqotanfwer.-a e . nd the Juflices ihalslptefent alfo at every parliiamenlt l unto‘-the King fuch defaults as they have foun d,'andi_tl1e King (hall. provide remedy therin.And from hence forth let Sherifsrake good heed and Baylifs within their Franchifes , and without, be they hidheror lower, that have any Bayliwick , Forrefiry in Fee, or 0- 5 u . '- . ' 0 t-her-wife, that they fhal follow the Cry with the Countty,& after, as they are bound to keep hotfes 8: armour fo to do; And if there be any that do not, the defaults‘ flaall be prefe-nrted"-to the Iufiiceslaf. jfighed and after by them to the King as before is faid,and the King s lhall provide remedy. And the Statute made in the firfi yeer of E. si£r.;§;tz:3 3 -.cap--. 5’.S:at.M .2 9. which followet-h in thefehwordsflem, the King thc“Wlll€I-ll that no man fromsshencefotth {hal1he"charged to arm him- 5.,;,ao11,fl‘elfe otheiwife t-hen‘-hee was wont i‘rrth’éetimes-of his Progenitours :€,yE.‘a3.m.’,;iK-ingsrofEngland, and -that no man be compelled to gootit of his Shire ,3 but where necefsi-ty requireth ‘and fudden coinminig T of ifirange enernies i-ntothe Realms :5 and ‘then it fhall he done as hath Chin ufed intimes pail for the defenceof the Realme‘ , declares the «Law to the fame efi’e& with the former, for here it is declared , §3rat.zr.'E.~man can be charged with armes otherwife then as in ‘time of the 3. cap _-._ f Kingis:eProgenitors,;or;compel'led togo_e«out of his County-' but in fh‘;‘l;:$£*cafeAof adtuallinvafieon. And tothe fame effeéi is the Stiatutemade amcng 32 5 ,E.r3.cap_.-8.which followeth in thefe words; i1tem,itis accorded ;§’°‘éé 3 n . u attcl_gl17entedrt:hat_'.z.1o manjhall be conflrained to {ind men ofarms, 3°“: thrice gracious Soveraigneibpur Lord the King, Wee yqur pogte "that none {hall be diliraytied to go out oftheirCount_ies,V but_on;- ..1y for the caufe ofneceflity of fuclden comming offlrzinge enemies Raifne of thetfaid Gravndfatlxer, That men oEArmes, Hoblers an the Counties where they were Chofen. And alfo the Stgztute made he Compelled to End men of Armes, Hoblerrs ., D01} l&IfCl'1€l'S;_", -eformeof‘ the Statutes afore{aid..Ancl that all the Commiflions and Q or accu ations, that they be prefently deliveredg ‘and’ the fhid lite i7"th;ét allwayesby Force or coloutgf the Paid‘ laLl§pllC3ElQfl3liE3Q1'Q7.€ » I-loblcfs ore’ Archers, 0tllCl‘tl1C'g)th0f€_ which hold by fuch Err; vices, if it bee not by common aflentor grant -made. in Paflizgt ment, A for that ‘is contraryjtothe Law of the Re'a;lme.; A T A-%ndA.by another A6! of Parliament made 4. H. 4. Qap. 1. 3} the Stem- FormerA&s ef 1.AE.3.and t5.E.3.are allconfirmed as may appeate :53?-‘ f bythe llzatute taken out of the‘P.'1rliameflt roll it lelfe, becaufeiiamém thatxhc ptinted booke doth: not fully recite it, which followed) 34- HI in thefe wordys,viz.. To the th riceexeellent, .-thrice'_renomaeed, agd "C Commons prhy,.thztt the Statute wtI13.€'l€ in the firPc_yeate ;of.. the raigneoftbte Noble King Edwaralyour Grandfather,containing, into theRealme. And the Statute made in the 18%. year: of the Archers, Chofen to go in the Kingsvfervice out of England; {hall be at the Kings wages from tl1eyday’they'doe d.ep;n*t ,0.ut.Qf in the zspyeare of the raigne of the {aid Ctaxxdfather,-that npnze other then thofe which hold by fuch fcrviices, vnlelle it bee Common afl?:nt,and grant made in Parliament, Khalil b’e7firn_1ly holden and kept in all points fafe without beipg broke in any manner;Aadthat none of us the faid Comemnsbe {difirayneql to go intb Walmorlelfe where out of the Realzn, Contm-ty to the Writs rmde contrary to the {aid St .1CLlt€S,ftfl:1 all‘; the lrsdift gnents, and accufations, .oblig'ations,—itnd ties made by‘ Colour of the {aid Commiflions or Wtitts with ealltl1eitDependanc7ies and Cit? cumflmnces thereof’, may be revoked, Cancelled, qualhed and difanulled for evcr,'4s things made againfl‘,.the layvjaind that they may not bee taken Foran example in timeto carxgei, And iFTa my bf’ your leioe people bee imprifoned by force of t.he{°aid Indiéiments di&mentsheld v~oyd.T'heKing Confentethito ‘this law'w,itl1, this, any .i .’any 'Statu7t"e therupon to‘ be ma (5) ":1 their faidllan.ds'i-and poffefsionsgnoreof any other. devoier-i__or things wherecb-they orzany of them beecfpe~cia11y~*bouud to ourfaid ll ’Lord’the King,tho;ugh thatthe fame Lomls and others have other lands and polléafstiohs within’ the Rgealm of~E;zgla.n-al -,;nor that the i-I%.or,ds.or other of vt‘ha‘t ef~tate‘orecon:ditioh l7oevl_¢_r they bee, that‘ _ h~old,by-lE‘fcha”ge.or'}oth»er fervicesadwueto"_ti1e;aKing anylandsi 1 poffefsionswithinethefatd,Rcal.m,bc.,hohTwayetxcufed to do t”h_e‘ir I ferviices ‘a-nd"De.veo1ers due oftthe-faid lauds andpoffefsions ;'nor that the: Lord s_,._,Knights;fifqdiresgnor other perfonse of what eff-large or Condition they bee,‘ which holgta-had have of the graent or Confirmation of our -{aid Lord the,.King, la—nds,pofl"efsi'ons, Fees, ’Anr1_‘uityes, pC;I‘IfiOt_1;S,‘0;P'6tl1€I“y€3;1‘ll€ profitts be not exeufed to do their fetviccs to our‘ Lord the. Kringfin fuch man-net as they are -boux;1d,;becaufe of trhe:‘Laet1eds7,VPofI"ef sions, Fees,Ann'uityes, Pen"li- ons,_or:I3rofits aforefaid. So that the Statutes ‘before mentioned were all Confirmed by the’-Pajrliameht held not full one tyeare before Statute of5.H; 4. And by thefe Acts, it cleerly ap- A? :pear‘eath,'th:;1t-the;King‘could not by the Law give power to im‘-e .pofeArms upon the Subjeéts,or‘toiCompe-ll them to bee drawne L out of their Counties e,‘ and .there_fore~the Commons of the Parli- ament of'5.«§H. 4.m.T-any whereof -very probably ferived-‘ in the in’- »mediateParl—iament before whenrthe Statutes (1fO1‘C’£.lCl («ms eon’- _=firm:_ed);kane.w very well that the Commifsioniofi ;‘A'rra_yl,fhen -pare» A’ feI:1tzecl'1_1_nto them could not bind itherh" rhatl had the laxng and .fir'-ength or fojmanyi A&=s of Parliament-to proteét them. But i lbecaufe the former A6} of Parliament ididprovide remedy only for the perfonsftllat were tobee Commanded, and not for the .Cottiifsioners"that~were to put thofe’ commas in Executiotgupon 3 4 my greatepaihe§the"Commons,for_the'iindem:—pIiityeoftholeg per- _ font who under colour o fthofejC6inands might probably-.be trou- <-bled and vexed by iFines. eoifl1mp»riFonments;e, t;l_10ugl1t,'it n=ecer{Tary,to fecure them afwell as therhfelivels‘, and’ tltereforee :.pra§L*ed7 that :*>£'i§11§.P]¢.F!3sllE1?}£?§¢§E9H§l*i¥‘S the §_9m¥It1ifsioz1¢rs might be PU‘ out» And A de,'th*e lords nor ahyfflother that have i A vlands» or pofl‘efsi_ons_in the Country ofmzle: or in theMarches thet- ‘ of {hall in no Wile be excufed o»ft'heiti.[ervi.t es and }devoiers:*clue -{of ‘I .. And though giany Commiffions of Array did afterwards iillue forth in the times of H.4.. H. 5. 8»: H. 6. Yet didnot any illueout agreeable in words and manner With thatcore treéted Commilfion , as may appeare by the Pattent Rols of thofetimes, and the very next Commsffion that ilfued out 5. 14.4.- which was in time 6. H4. andi-si entred upon the Pattent Roll 6; H.4. M. 15. Dory?» did not agree either in word or matter with that offi-"H. 4. and mofl of the6'H'4‘R°" times that the forme ofthe cfimiffion agreed upon 5. H .4," and there entered had been by thatParl1ament enaéted, they woulduot have iffuedout to many Cornmiflions; efpecially in 6.H.4.being the next immediate yeere,ofdif- V ferent words and different matter, which cleerely made thgfn. void by that Statute of 5. H.4.A for the Statutedoth so-rdaine them no Commiflion of Array {hould then after illue out otherwife, -or in other words, then the Copy agreed ‘upon, whereby all Comrniflions in other words or other manner ilfued would be voyd , and not warranted bytthat Law,had it enaéted that Commifiion, And that the .Law then was, that no other perfon could be compelled to fuirnifhand provide Armes and Horfe,,sand goe out of his County otherwife then is declared by the afore—recited AétsaofPar;liament“, doth not onely appeare by thofe Sta- tutes, but by feverall Acts of Parliament made after 5.H.4. The Statutemade in the fourthand fifth yeere of Philip and ;Z\lary; cap.2. repeales all former Statutes concerning the (finding ofArmes, and all penalties and forfeitures touch- ing thefame , And by that A5}: fetled the proportions of Men, Horfestand Atmes that every man was to finde, ac- cording to the value of their refpeétive efiates, and fets ,.d0W,ne.;11eppetaaltics ‘andiforfeitures ofefuchlas flaould difobey, aniclthis Law continued in force till tht firfi B yeere . Cornmiflions that afterwards tllued vary from that seven 9 sin fub.fiance.: And furely had it been conceivedin thofe orfo. 4.8: ;. Pb- & M.cb«z. .,sm‘.' 1 fac. 1,:-5K;1~,;;§' ;g*,;,e “P 25' ‘£15.; !t}r6e?ilIa‘fl3:r1’ent-it." féaa&e~xh<:t;;»aerb,=m¢. :‘. i?»util§y5Simute % % (pr'§>bdb1y':be«'cau Fe of ifhé greait prQportiiah_%of%-Amines.i1:rdic?;% impofe I awasfr€pé;i1$ec‘i ‘7a!1id‘ ‘by what ,re'pen1c>t.h€ ‘‘ 53Smt:u'te off 13. I‘. ‘afgame revived , :farA.tfiat% mhe—:3%En,» =tute%sc5f"4.%.:$: 5'. Pk; z§» $3’. ‘thatiha d #11:-p%;'g1e(iV “that .‘Law was } repealed ,' and a§tc~rwards‘in I?.::§‘lianianf§ 2:I.-I'czc';§' cap, ‘28. the Stmute of Igi.E.1._ _crap‘. 6.’ m:1d‘of*3g.H. 8. _cap.%;‘-. - iwdre bhth of them repé_aIe'd.?'ifs=rrd: then adtri?tti;:3g‘¢*thE Cbrhm-Qffi-an4oif A "ray as to inggdf juxztaifiétnrk +;éé‘;f:cultate:% so ibe §¥¢{t2b’iith¢’d vby {5..*H. :4; :mrhichs might ;h:-we:fom‘ec¢1611r»tb‘be 1egaL11,J;sacof:mt4 .par~t:fdr;:-fin- :,d_i;ng rof ffirrfies gréunded =upen>2‘t‘he :‘iS£tatute3rb>f. Lg. -.% .26: . fbr -that Statute which’ then‘ Wa‘~s* imEorce_didJ?s enaflf ' t’herfin- of Armes “juxta flatuw fdcultater in ma1me..r%,eis ’ithe're‘iéexpre{{ed,y»et_v§2hc-n l§hatfS't9;tl1t8=DfiI3 ‘I ..:is me- % TfPe;a‘.1ed}thelI].th‘a‘t Comm: 0‘ fl71on?i$ ”1.?ikewif e we pealeda hdr be-% ’ ’conie‘;ut:wa*rraTntab1eV‘,» A "n’o_w it 1s 'I1£5t";p1 'obab1e = .that szthe '5-F:grl»izfrhent-~oF the firftr OfK1ngIame’: would have =repea<1e,d %‘che’"St{gt.ute of -4., 8: 5.- M; sand thatof t‘he*V2:1’.-qzeere o'fKing jiéviéx worrtd réTpea‘1e &th*e“fStatutes 6% 13'. E,;’%1s,a§@« g‘~;{H.8-. which in a ‘m%edefra*t‘e ma1mer‘.:d2id!= proportion ; the‘ Armes~ everyfman vvasto finde in ‘certainty;"2nd~ 1 fufiér an AC’: of Parliament to cQntinué.,A' that di=d:e.ft‘a~ ‘ blifh 21 '}90vv_::r" in the King without-limitaxi“_ori.not dnelymo _, _ 5-3‘iff§p5Q1?e%’AVrm‘es*-but to ~comm‘=mdr:ha f perfoi1Ls-'«oF.;%t~1i§e:: Sub =- F , éjéélésat‘ ‘151eafuré,"for Vfufcfh-is:ttI’e‘ p.0*wVen?oF=theflominiflidn ‘ ” «¢£A%r%xay,i=a=nd theyh‘%ad_ Ihewéd very rlitvt-ie cav:e1o£«A.:1:ear j"'mVn‘a_ri‘d%‘th’e‘ Subjeéts l_iberty,i'n ihe-Pa*rliame'nt"of :tl1t§5fii‘{f‘t% yeeré 0fjKin‘g Iemm to repeialet‘he’¢Sta‘tute 094; Philip *fe§v.Ma;y~_; thatjvhad repealed all fo.:mTérStam-res pemgléiés =*d__tad“?*f:brfcitg1r¢5s i1 fiouching A1 finiti2§ng&..:%=jf ’ Armes ,1. whéu'::br~y {qai:fiion‘§=A{the%:i(3nmmi:(i“ma_ofi éfirnéy ;ndmie- ~ ]mxawsreolbeet%aB1i‘med*t2ym~:nameacm»wasxepealax,and g. ‘ thereby, >%h'eaebyno:m;1veahmpamscs ofi Campfifiomiwhiclz <‘ L ':'we1u1dlhaxe{nb}e._&ed’ lrhq pcQ"pl¢rI_0 fa;nzrx,=: _ éfi gge-,fl;A gfd. laurély ‘had. %l_1elColmmifl71.<9t| of Artaylpsnc I sau?:hor:ifed:by Aétof Bor-1d\s,'; and things done by colon-r:offth;e fa«id*contmiffions, totrwrilts; with all their depéndancies, v;.an‘d circumflances, fhotjldibe revoked cancelled quta{l1edafn:drmade1"»voi for-ever,‘ As things done againfl the Law, a'nd'?thattrthey fhould not be drawnein example in time to come :Then in‘c)6't’0ber fol~~ tlowing divers Cornmiflions lexprefly contrary ftoathofe fiatutes iffuedouteto {everal cof=:fiti‘es;ol:~e this Realm,in Hilary Terr-n”e next following that Ofiilobei-fi 5:;an,oth-e=r_ Parliament was calledtand then a ’coppy,’ol'7 that-eometnilfionr was deli- vered to the Commons , -who complained onely of dlvergs dangerous c1a.uf.es- contained in nth-eefi-Ttne that concerned the Commiffionersfor whom nofprovifion. at all made by any the former Aéts of Parliament , and thofe clatitfes onely put out by the Commons,_who defire that no Commiflion hereafter {h»ouldt.ro‘ifli;e out otherwifeg, or in other words then are contained inthre {aid Coppy, but take no further care of thernfelves, knotwingvery lwellthat as to the power of charginrgthem with Armes, Trayning , and exercifingof , and commanding them out of their Counties, the fame was fu-fliciently pro- tri-dedt for, the Parliament before being all wit-hinithe compafl-"e of a yeare 3‘ for that Parliament was {ammon- ed in ‘Mic/.melrm:,t the fourth Hemgy the fourth. And it‘ 42. ; j——-<._—.‘.-=.—.a._._—..f. ~—, R011 AL I _§.E53¢g . be=obferve'd;thai.trhe mmiffi?m;‘of7Awaay awafided .:b@fdrabh'at“Paflinni=mt£5 é’1V.VE1i3"latA".’a6j‘f tiie;;v&r)( izirlie ?ihé;r[€ir1g'flafiIazsii!ztsriny_aded‘3b f0n'aigne;"endmi7es% ,1 r:Ermab=‘Im\?i1:g'ar{I%a uitéid» qlwe.-*%I*1;e."&.of ;-:—d{vfg'g’,§;<; » and «btlmed .Ii.!i7¢¢a7zt/:5 5‘ = ia fi'di.5lhEI'l5"€;0'9-3 having: fenifir.ed:,;the‘V.\Nérthparts %nr£'this-‘I£i'n.gdonIe_,%;,I:‘2w.l?fiich .. robablyf;tw:§isJt!ae:§1?reafotnthb .('3ommoHs:.bus;con£imi*ed:z112atil~I' ‘ thessfcintthnanui bad Mary ‘izvhichi ;‘:m‘peal5b$qa1.lr *:Smm‘tesf* tbuching .;=herfind‘!- in ‘6f“:Arma9;= dti chprovifdieé fiiffiii inu}fp%:ciai~IT%mmniergtfien - ‘ 8t<;:tii1te?;g;)1’;LI2Io}‘il*z’p%ziznii> Mraisy wa$i:e*pieai~e;:b§1§%ac;sd‘fmmhy ‘all thefg‘fdr’mer§ LéW駒igflihE'@€\)Wéd2€z: Thénths Siiamues bf: 1:§..Ezfzta'rd*cherfir£k;* iaiéad ~3:;.r '“Hemy. €‘g € -Wei*ys:.'%r‘e“;‘3?e=21lte’c¥:=Ib.y'72'&n§ ‘j'.a%c.«':ASo that thes.*pretence:cfi«t}he:ke.- =g?aJl&‘t1y‘v§f rhea ?faai:¢1 €d>%mmiflionsf%~e"1iax:}eavm3?ed::Jto» ib§=jw£’ci;e-% fiefifiby «. this zaefirréi 1t1B1exaciia>i§edJ' matiom: ;—, z.dbt«h-V :nos’2'v if Vésreffiaipger 3and¥=unWé!=rafi>ta%ble.%};*'%And ohougim the faékf» P1i§alm?:atian‘%%‘-itf si*§2 *a11e<:1ged;_; £th9.t?=t3:'1E{fp0w.m= of §1’9é&!ai'ir'5g:fu1:ih= 53oIi:1i§fifi?1ians>£@r the defandé %uf~'%;d1-e‘I§i*ng, iafiiififingd Gmbg, i‘=s*Jn3herIreni in: €13)wde‘,ahd9.warza;ntéd p1=é~fiderafs% ‘of vth‘e“= like Cf@;mmi{fions: in.‘ 51!. agesfirbofh ‘befofre~‘andcfin%ce .M§czgn"@_ zzmzaz; h.a=P!enner.jo£ vjhao ‘3‘c‘-lié n’Fat‘io'n‘~tr1aJ1?t* pvmucé tim?fe‘-fpirefikla afmhm akfi Nd céiiIkvé1?§2i§€%s}7i2v£PIai!§'m‘1{1e2nB hefieincbk izire-dfalrmzpmirn .».tr1§E'1é(§3§i'§:%y‘ gf‘ ifhxaefy iciemzrmceéxgakwfitga Em Btdimed»: mtéffl‘ 1. pfiefiaéfitsi5t:°tfiay‘'.pmid::°Eréffi3omiimiflimis A:1é&ay£Befogzeé;; f€Héfi3fl_}iq';3 Eorsdiwecp iflued am i1:r{d'fizt.*rs' ':IQiav~gs‘;r::‘igues ;% éiadefnr vf1enhe§woerAe waxmaratkéia ‘B3?’ ipia r%%ticul9§5r%AA &"sf~I*of i1P?§ f_¥i‘é'”men_t*,« 5351* I 3.: A=%It?La«ppe%1%- 5I£ffif17::"V th'E iixlrfw’-'Ro§:1': 8.-9-i1‘5’-5564-<$.E‘0’:?j'Z’i ifihatsdiwers s.\.‘1..53‘.":;"; 15.‘ j€S3()ir3;¥ii5AT3%’:?1s;’4(5FZ3[-rs ~1i';i1'g,ift'iiéf‘:x';i4f’I-‘u’z:a'~;;‘§* 11131 ~t}~.¥.§3i"@: %3G0£i5%1tniffiGzas v \ '-_I 11.; 1 3.-wem mrgm -&y%;an 2Z9i€tfé)€i:Pavr‘£i§ér?11.tiékatsayahre 5'.-«L rfiaas 'n:h?nt.1:>i1x pafas-éiaéfifi [ Ed. 3es§’.~?:‘Ne-’?r9-;*=Aa“=dthe baits? mzffions of the 1ik??,fl3.tUf¢ @8612 M‘ 39' AC’: 0f;P,{iY1i3[1’_1_§ljt~__t(_)_ 1Vafr%}1fF_h¢f 13,1159 ‘#3 ap,psarggh by % [me 1>:a1§li‘arr3e}_1,t ':i1l_;L:%*‘4:.‘2*Zc;l33;¥AE€id%?mi€hé Roll Rel Purl. «a£+,%fis§a£&$iz&z,i%-ea‘ E A: 3IiN. 6.z‘2,4:7:se.%5 ;:,,.;3;a!:;.gj;E"63- IF‘ :%.:,,;,,,gg;.;3ueithmv£arth%a.mfiywnrrafi:t =11‘? ;3¢£§3'**°§'~0f;§19&C0§g1*>¥1{a1? 5'52; W R1-=1 O ’ % { H ,,r¢¢;,,:L;n«;yea;;:%,g$ige;aa1e;;cs Mhiftiisgk, 3: s:$a:r;;;gg53‘prac§<2e4t%ééieg’;aili¢y gdf the Gfinniuiiflégni1fi:qm:3139fi:¥Z%€4-””’fi- ‘ 4:8¢‘s»%of%1?I5iIér21an§ 4{1e+afu:ceI§2i~? ts by‘-that Statuta ~i.t x>x3‘a1‘xi¢«é13%%‘T% ;'“if1Th‘a:‘iAE a.ny.g3e\rfon..fha1 % xfi hiufie? be§éf¢%*‘ 7‘ -4 any perfoh a*uthOrifed~fo1‘ 4t-h eifa ma-élby ~C9m+1mIfi on; mm . ‘ A. ;: 1. Pall. fig; 3- P- 71 é£heaKing, doV\aBfc{rit§ti&mTeIi”e;¥h3¥:3¢a.~% »~*$*:t::t5¢s% ;‘A;HP9Be3114fih.§°§‘§‘%§?110W€‘3{\z §f.’pEAf7tray xisisfizila’ '61Y.i%fl“%§?3'if9ft15“3$i:f!%°’‘?3‘?‘€%!f?fl¥ef1 5?‘ aw «dF"Par1i‘a f’1i3:Ei't9'-$3 i=s%contta‘ry« %oe téliei flaw, alnil iflxiifloxiz 1?; as the vrce-a1%mc+,defiriié?kii7e to the%.1iIamt3>%,;%and" ¢‘-L3’~..!-"5 ‘~..M-:.- _,--*5-»-.;«:.5~‘R?»‘.'“:»-t 3:“,- ‘ * otu a (,A_ A“ ’.' ,¢. 5' Ha ..I’_« 331-‘. ' 4 .-H_.’.. ‘ a‘,- I x» 1{dtuI.asParlia1n*enti tcntapud Wefimonafierium in Crafiino Sanéti H‘illarii Annb Régniflegis Hehrici quarii Z 4 __jP<’fi¢0fl9u‘<€fl“mqUifl*0+ * “ % Totlchantla Com1niflio1id§cLarraie 24.: 1 V Imm toutbant In flotmntffion he iatraiz put 125 plufours fozfagttzresee autczs nineties claw £23 (6 paroles cmnpggfcs an mil q“ fetttznt ttnpp % gciwcntzs namageoufcs if l3m’1loufe5% pm: 125 ®on11tff1’onzv5i1nmm3 an mztmc la tmnifiton as nibzvfz5.£ountee{s Ecngletetvz bout la mppp fuifl Imam as nits (fines put mt zsttc aunt: (es, (the 12 (Engage: fo1onc.1mt zntmtions ruck runs 125 tflfiez emzmstceo neltjmatissn E6 anbps fitzntcan,cc11%ve.r Jmtznts —c1aE1fas%qe pavntgs cum: pztm, mmgiie, qe.;pztzventau%3B.up a mum % Etlilililiitf-113111 @n:n*:flinn%nz ifmtvat itlwbmvt an; t'mm-tut, rm aunts pzgtoiw um um cntamms mlahtuté. floipje (H1 ms Bit: flmnifftumrs mt: ijzirés Qmciztozs on mt: tznants pmaufe Manama fmfaétms on pevnss ma mans autces ci)0fz*s4wtn92tm at1anic.@omtIl‘tonfnpt ut1Vfa<:fis::saie’€m*z anmieamn§1n1¢fcle5grams ctma; mag ‘mt’ §m1:p$e{c13@:,5 an amm1 tctflwfi Vahbzair qua pzewzmfire mt. §eg‘~‘. it 3B»op.;fiziLaunis D°§f$”3g. BflE’»\ fun: mtntnunication nmfqm I23 gzaugw mt%334aia1tne31m§1tgracajoufznentotttqiz 1 ztnaariztnent m%‘qIt12t<£opuzI2tmmtefmfmtsm » muss patoim Touching the rCon1miI§1on of Array; 2 4.. a i Tam, Touching the Commifiion of Array, for the ‘ A a “many forfeitu"rcs,and divcrsother claufes and words a com rifed in the fame, which were very grievous,-, 1 .hurtFull,at1;d dangerous for th‘c,Comm‘ifIioners,'named i yinthefame Commiffion, in divers Counties of 6mg- iy gland ; the copy whereof was delivered. toythe {aid Coin. A ‘mons , it to be thereupon adevifed , &: to correét it ac- cording to their intentions :The faid Commonseaha. ‘ving had delibcration,6c advice upon it, caufed certain claufes and words comprife d in the fame, to be cancel. a V ‘ledgand prayed the King,that hereafter no Commifiion of Array iffue out, otherwaies, norin other words than a are contained in the {aid Copy ; ianidthatnoneofthe ‘giifaid«iCommiH_ioncrs, their Heircs,Exccutors, or Te. nants, by reafon; of any forfciturcs, or penalties, or any other things comprifed intheiaid Commiifion, be, or hercaftcrbe any waies molefled, grieved, indama- _ aged, or impeached in any timetoicomte: Whicf-ipray. , er“ou’r {aid Lord the King, by thead vice of the Lords, a having hereupon communication wi;ththe’]udges of i the Kingdome, moflgtacioufly granted in Parliament: , Of which Copy the Tenor follovveth in thefe words : ‘fR_e:c,(9*c.~_ A ‘ ' p. y Dlleftzlr ('9' fidelibaa/axis, Thomas Sackvill, Iohanni Cafl-ellon , Iohanni Reynes, Iohanni Terringyham , Rich. Darchcs, Molins,Ioh.Boyfc, Edm. Hamp- ‘C ‘ ‘i den, ’ dmsimoniDafch¢s.ROg€roDéayrcllaR°g¢t.€hey‘hE3'..% Edni‘. %BAru_denelL Ioh;, B%a r%ton:S,cn RichA. % y % fie fvic. n ofiro ‘Buck; /zzzmim :[ Sciétéf‘ pun} guidem< int}-V mici noflri Regmlm r_z,of£‘r. Aincglieg gum poflfie (zbn mqdi(b7]2rzs- fizztib,us Wtrezzguis non olv/iapt1bgajam%tdrdE /bjofliliifr irzg$'¢3/3 flerintgépin dimeffis partibga ‘Recg«n‘i V¢a%mb:z[Térint‘~ Ana: maliciev bnjujmodi irzifizicoram Jzgoflr,/IRe‘gnum.no[?iumt a fariend. ,9m”nes1lIasqm dc co}'p0re,[un”t pgtenm d{d asvrmnde qr“ dc/"0 P'°Pr£0W':€z W‘-*~>1“:,3; a‘rmqrz'paf-. . . , . I _éisf2z)7e:2tc diivinn, re/iflm, *z1c12rq [g1I_17ati%az;‘é deflri/F05» » ne rzt§lft'i‘.¢'ao% Re‘__gnipr¢edi£Zi% 2,9‘ licgeflorum% :wflro rum,fl }g;'ufgiem..%. fncedi I. s;tcMzoL inléadyre prejtzmp/erint,'qfloJ%‘abfit greitias 4;‘/panere,(9*%.ardiAnareivolantéfigqt tmfmur ,4]/i¢g?nav12imA:;3.%)mT»4» %€,,;j;,,;£Zip¢ £9‘ dnai/im ad armiand [trt_'.4¢zd.amm-:5 .49, ‘bo_m.ine,;%qd .arma,ac lzomjrzes ar‘i22aw; ,:‘:g‘?ei;2i;, %fo“m}i;e:; ‘ :'lIqs % “gqui in "t+‘«’Pri'4 %*“boni:jZmtibatente;s;~déWithie‘cbrpom’a>z ‘lad %2&b’0r2md;A , im" Aééén~tet% ‘aid in’3ie‘rzie‘:td %’z'.{¢[x,;ti;¢' ’ua;s%titfatémifierrarizm In}. 2 % V ‘n e§’}5rb:‘it« mtzonaétzitagfiijiortm ’pq‘téruniLfcg£f"bo fiitu;z¢oVarma$tum:bqiminwv iiziiérmaieéibombxzémarmy2zf>,i.j Lac. argu; e§'_ja4tiiWeV% ~ g'iu]’d;mLRegniaantrzgAi)2i:;zicas‘no/Ira:/?pa%‘ic»iluii2é'v?§-. w:A%Ln.o%n c“a'g'zzz%‘74zt 72éidia,gnt%c ex'pe>1fi¢V:gbAm“a:'a4ffia ‘agiid dom‘o%s:. >> % >-— F ' pm: ‘ ‘ I . A _ _ , ‘ \ ‘_ . ‘ _ ._: 2 . ..n-qr\~1v-¢-<-- ""."~‘~":‘ _ ‘ -, (Ws‘””“"*) L .,-cz, [was (me dz5¥m,é{ 41 dzffcs 50mi(f,6’o‘ ad arma ac bamizmarma. :o : /kgitta%ria: fie a%rij;a;'4io;‘(£‘r’ m!_amfta;r caiztirzge in arrhi; ationguz infmil/siiis, éer2:§:’2éé‘k',Jq’9*L‘1»irzténi3s€§? dl;'4i‘proi{:co;i; m 7s‘%¥fl1er:"t, €§’ (ieo‘t.flE fizciénd. €35 iziiii a§;??¢?)/Zerazi; nlzariy qt:l;\¢?75; ‘did %Z’a‘c:z,A,_tI£i qaétie: mzcneftierif ah’ difléx iéziirzibos r2*o§Zro: expengnd. deébeflanéi, deflriierzzf; é?}é%,2e%m1>are in hemftrs am ':z%liquod ‘pericultti9%n ‘ imzlnxfiz mag Jame mjungend; gr admo‘uflr’fi‘P“e ad man/?r4;2anem to-‘ rimde‘m Izorazzimiz-m, addrrim,%aé%I7a27iirzum ar:1v(z4%far:4m%,@z:fi:cgit; r,2zr‘iérizm% def tamporei in ‘zempa: Tq‘m)tie‘s' ina’zgz;ei't't‘%Lc!i;lz'geiz“ie:‘ fdcie72d} Veé’:/uper”:°nt(n’d; as etidm aa'*praolam4 r:1dQ“ordiridnd} Qfilgenter eaéaminatzd. quad omae: (7 fl'nbaikkjn29dF baé‘m°n%esr an‘ };rm 2: , /.1 an'zin%er at mkzti,(9~jagit~tz1[i'ifi i3iz‘w__rma2;[-1512‘ v5uit£[‘mk)dz%L éryhatzirikfuixpiopriis (:55 2‘2”oWn%aliem':% aAfin:nttii%/a_5*j_% p‘<_z‘i2gz'a7'1gi[.?io;f;is (qraiédgih excejitis ad‘Téx§: pé2jfa} aliJfu%m gzrvmz ri tit ‘ p%rf'?¢diEZ(1:;9§ é"44V”01?1ne:§ /"ifzgular grab); /122:c[4rLt‘ef‘%i)2V'ja’en‘zf’ri»tis contrqribs fem ’ aria/512: h;i;q_a$ ’r‘apide71'i;1. ¢5‘9“.\%¢'”r2ri11;A[2r:'jB;zzi:rzo{¥ri: coimmiztmdg ezydem, riibfdtnr; "qaQu/Zjukzfirp,édr}«m}23i2‘ifime gzlitef‘d1ziv¢'ri? mus{orziizi4nd;L ‘tfiab’ 5205i: m.li5ét mflr’ iii/irfiacim. gm“ umjzs _[ufe%rd‘e é§'%Algk£&nci4¢ q)(t'bI1: yioéis téneminiLL:_irzjbhrz-. % ‘gimtgs, E5; viqndétmflii Sin: m;é*li:zs [ecizriusguo po:;ritt:@arr4idri%e§:pqrarzJ 0~*Ao(rdmL ’17ol2i: ad certqsdies, lag; yup: .‘rtd¢(itis%L%2{2a:g%i:L competgnm % eiv expedtéiatés, pro pop: 6 noflx~o' minm damnofis aimm » j I /nomines in putrid commarantas per qua:,arramzia ct nmnitio lsuiwfmodi mcliw fiéri .9; oampleri fatmmt ltenirc at Iwcaro D 2 fie? % _._,_.a _ ’ ‘ff?’ #22:;-’ mo: arraiari, armfari, at maniri, ciao: /Zcarraiatogegh mzmitos.inamuamne batafinodsatenert fitcf,_i.ga;k%t2yup}:rfi:gnaA ‘ a ~ ‘rocata Bekyns pom fda zanloaa confuma, per qmegente: ‘ patria dc ad‘Den%t%u inimicarum no/Zramm pozenmt cangrutk temporibuqpraemunzki 5 etweofdem /zamines '{ic;arraiatosaetJpm. nitos cumapericu/umaimminuerit indq”::nfloneeRae€gzzi at Qbatria praedifi‘. dc temper: in (em/aw tam ad cofleram maria quam alia locaubimagis mceflle/‘%i1erita,duoi)_'aca’, Eta quad pro defaéltg d:f:n[[on£;,arrai4_t}ori:3,fi'De duftionix diflorum /2omaimmz,)2elj par neglzgeutiawn fmflram, dammz ‘Pavia pradzfh per. z’m'mi- cos noflr.«am dda non pewéniaht aflo hnbdo pro pofle dveflraog D4. mu: autem uniwer/is etfincgalis Camitibtu, 73arom'bu:, Mimi- bm, M4iori6u:,a’Bafii1nls, Car-z}§Vi‘abul{1r. Minfflrgbgct alzitfide- h'l2m.e;t ligai; noffri: c’om.pradift. mm infia lilzertam qua.» extra , tmore pr.efi:nz' flrmiter in wanders’: guod 32012:? om’/ilwet izeflrum in omnibu: at /fn.guli1 [7raemif_;i: faciend. at explend. intendente: gm gzgnfuleumaet auxiliantes, enibiv prafat’ Vic’quod ad rem): disk at [am qua: /Jar ordina'beri- % ti: 'Jvenircfac’ caram ‘Dali: omnc: 1'59: in com. pradifi’. per, qua: arraiatig aflefsio ct ardinatio—melius poterunt fieri eta tompleri, at il1o:_qauVo: prq cbcflionefiza capi ét am/Iari can-a tjgcfit ova noflra cuflodim, /icut pradifiutn ;e/?. I :1 ca; gm (;;'_ia¢_71-q, % f 20 die 0&a12ris.f. , _ V‘ ' ‘/ f ‘ .. «Z-’ ‘r ‘ ' V. U 1 ' “" _“5 {*"2——_.__.?—'a% T . 5 . . . . ' ""—‘§——.*—§: A >__. pf, 37$-E i ‘Q; “ % The Copy of the Kings 2 ‘vs ea .~-~ . 5; 9 L . ‘r ‘#14. v-«(F139 9~Y't’ ‘sq; ..' -3»: (19 I ' .,Ig<’..‘ V‘ f0‘) ._':4.:.‘ g'_"’_.‘L;§IQ‘«,”I_ I O % Cottttntfsioh of flrray toLeiteflc2;"§z're. Cnhntns R Ight ttufty and sight well heloved'Co.u{ins, and.‘right.. ’ tritafi-y and wel1—tbeloved,VVe greet you well : Wheteas it hath befcn declared by the Votes of both Houfes of Parliament the I 5 ‘*1 offllarcb ‘lafl,That tiheKing-dotn hath been: A of late, and [till is, in To evident andtimmintent danger, both from enemies _abroad,and a Popifh difcontented Pa try at home; i That there is an urgent and inevitable neceflity of putting our Subjefis intqa Po{itIre.of.defence,t for the fafegnatd both of our Perfon» and peopl_e:;And that fithence divers1nh’abitants' of divers Couritiesihave Aaddrefied their Petitions to that p-utpofe; Andwhereas a {mall "number of both} Houfes (after it. had been;itcje‘€’ted1by the Lords ina. full I-Ioufei, and without out]. Royall aflent ,0: the opinion of the jndges concerning the le-f . gallityheteof,);bave attemp.te_d by way of Ordiinancetod put in % execution the tpowgroif the Jflilitia of the Kingdom‘, and to dtifpoffeffe many” of out ancient Nobility of the commando andi truft tepo&d.i;n.thernfby ]_Vs,i andhave nominated divers others, who have no intercfl in ;not livctncer to form: of the t,Countie£s to which they are nominated for. the Lievtenanc.y,whereby" F A they cannot bee properly ferv.i¢eable tothe Counties where- wlththey are inttufted, not out People receive that content‘ and fccuritywhich We defirc they {hould : To fubmit to the‘ ;executionofwhieh.posyct by. thewg ofitOt§\4it1ancc,witho1it' L ’ i .3; t W; 7 have thougit fit toitefelgre itv, tothatancicnt legall way» were" reduced into a Lawby A& of Parliament, eftabliihcclf by Our Royall affent , were to introduce and expofeour. _ Subiefimo a tneere Arbitrary government; which by God; graécieiifi/Veeflfhall,neizer"?pgeriI1_it; i ' _ We 5 therefore cocnfidering, that by the Lawes of it belongcth folely_ to Vs , to Or'det5’a'ndrG'ove"r’h’fhe Militii Of the Kingdome 5 have thereupon by Our Proclamation of the 2.7 of May lafi , prohibited; galiigmanner of perfons whatfoever upon their Allegiance, to Mailer, Lcvic,OtfJ1Ilm_0p, uponanyi Warrant , Order or Ordinance, from one" or both Houfes of Pa rliarnent ,. where unto We have not, or {hall not give ourex- l prefre confent, any of the Trained Bands, or other Officers; without efxprelfe \’Varrant under our hands; or«.VVat_1fant froth Ouf Sheriffe of‘ the County, grounded u n a particular to thattiepurpofe under our great Scale; " nd conftcleringg that‘ in ancient time the Militia of the Kingdom was ever difpofedé of by Cotrgmiflions of Array ,, and that by a particular Sta- tuteiu ,‘On Record in -the Tower, made “in.\the fifth: yeare.o‘Ea= Hm?) the Fourth ‘, by full confento£the=Prelates,~Earles,Ba-P tons, and C ominous", ' andat their fuit, and by the advice,and* ofainion of theujud‘ es then had, fueh (3ommiflions- were mitigated; in refpedt o " ome iclaufes perillious to; the Commife floners‘, andapproved-of for the time to come :-And that by the fubfequent Records it appeareth, that all Our Roy-all «Predc-g_ cefforsf have continually exercifed that powerby fuch Com-»* mifiions, till oflate timethey‘ have been diieontinued me’: Grants‘ or particular Commiflions of ;-LievtenanCy’;- ittle-e differing infubflancc from‘ the {aid 'Commilfions rofilA.rray;‘ againfl: which ityfeemes the lloufes havetaltcn Come 6 exeep- tion. And though) tree are no way -fatisEed»of the illegality» of them, Our Counecll beim «never heard in the defence thetc-- of, yet willing to avoidfiall C‘CCPCi0n_3.'3t iprelenrv,.Wee?4 A lav e power: of the s_Militiaib”y,fi:ch Comtnifiions of K“? t " »fi.”.3Ya {9} d:¢f€9¢€0f Om‘ Kingdome, and out Couatrey: i3_Fh9¥lZm% you; or any threepr more of you, to “Array and ‘ fuamc‘ to,” P309169 and ‘O 3PP0Yt1on and affefle fufch perfonstas ‘haw .~¢fl3¥€5a and fife able to. beam Atmes torfinde ‘ Arm-Es for other men, in a reafonableand moderateiprn‘porti- J on 5 and toaconduélthem fo Arraid , as tvellto the Coafts as \ 0t_h¢T_P;13C€S for the oppofitionand dePtm&ion of out ene- mies 1" Car? Ofaanger, as to your difcretions,or any three or more ofyou {hallfeeme meet , Whercof you Henry Earle of H“”"’¥g‘0’4._, afldln your abfence Wzfliam Earle of Devon, or {few} Htffmgs Efqutre to be one ; And being both confident In a great meafute of the Loyall affeéiions of out peoplc- 9'33,’ very ‘tender to bring any unneceflatic‘ butthcn 0' J‘ “ “ ’ them b an tnent'~ 1 D’ . "‘ marge 1190“ do {oi tyha ..g.;.:~. . mgih.‘-7 numb“ 3. H33 Trained Bands ; We ytmentonly require. that you sforthwtith caufcr to be e mufiered and trained all the ancient trained Bands and freehold ~: ._1331}sd5.0f?l1¢ Cwtttysticarefullv fecting. that they be fupplyetd i with ableand fulfic~ientPerfons,and complea tly» armed ;—unlefl'e'? _* you finde that there be jufi caufe,and that it flullbeswith the good liking of the Inhabitants for their iownbetter fccurity , 4 to make any encreafe of their numbers; And over fuch Bands .. " to appoint and let fuch Colonels, C=aptaines,and 0Ffic‘ers,as»., you {hall think tnofi fit for the difchargcof that fervice,bein§ 1 fuch Petfons as have confidetable interefi in the/County-, an . not flrangets. And in cafeof any opnofition, you are to raife the power of they;C0untylt0fupptcl1ie‘ it,aandto commit all ifusch Pferfons as’ {hall‘bee'fotindteb«e1lious herein, into the cu- ' A flodyof Our Shetiffefg whofecate aand aflifiance (‘V/Ve efpeci- s- ally recguire- And that th”éiei£h‘a“11ftom‘tlime“t6titne iiT"ue1forth a fu-ch Warrants for thetaffemblzing of our people,at {itch times . and places as by you fhallbe agree-do-"I, according to the trait z; tepofed inhim. by ()Ell?;{ai¥d. Commilfion. And W9 have;au—. t J’ thotized thorizedyou our C ommifiionerpr any three of you,/aifer fucir ' Array made,from time to time,to mine and take muflers of our faid Bands; and to provide Beacons-,and othe: neceffiries for the better exercifing of out people, and Iifcovery of fudden in- vafious and commotions : Of all which your proceedin ’s‘h'ere. in, VVc expea a fpeedy and plenary accompt,accor ing to the trutl repofed in you , and authority given you by ‘on; Commiflion on that behalfe, » Given at oiar Court at York the uzhaYzz}o_f‘]unei1ztl:e ’ 18:11 yer: of our Reign, 1 5 1, 2. FINIS; n.¢¢n—-—-.-—n—-.._¢.-4. -2..-,.».... . 5 . L. >0.“ __A ‘.,.r:-3 ‘lib . 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