AC For Confiituting %c 0 MMISSIO NER$ F OR Ordering and Managing the A 1: pa 1 R OF THE ‘ Admira]tya1.91dNaVy.; . Thurfday the 28““of5l3u2'y,I653. 4‘ 4 ma! P1212111’,/Iaed. London, 4 Print:éd by IabnPield, Printer to theMPar.-3 A A V A _ Hen: Scobcll,CIerk% off‘ the Parliament; AA liamcnt of England. 165;. V A '71- ‘ .., _..w_.w_ ORalcrm’éy the P.zrl£ame;¢t, That t/J23‘ A6? 6:4fortl1wz‘”t£%Pri72tcd A % I9) ,1‘ Y . T ' ‘ ‘ ‘ V ‘k :1‘ '. ' ‘ V “ ‘ ‘ L ‘ ‘ . ‘ . , ‘ AConf’citutin‘gCommifsioncrs forordering _ and managing the AflFairs%ofche Adw A A mir?1‘Ya“d NaVY~ 4 .§ ‘w; the better oztmmg mm name.» aging of the fifiwfm of ma fltnmze waitp m'm51Mnp mmrmms mea§tIJ,2I5wt t1Eizmcw.b hvtnsg pm: fmt §B&rimaw1mt, a":g.hp that an: “% may fibe f&n'fi92,fiD£%€ R.o*bcrt Blakcrfifqq. John V A Nathanael Rich,ifllfmflflt¢mDtwI“SalmAox; Carew fifq; Richard Salway fifth George Monk fifq; %a_]'03 Clfictlwal John Desbomugh ,_hh:1 L‘an'glcy, Dcnnys Ho1liPcer,mdWilliaAm Bu4rt.on ,m‘qg ;%QCD1ElIR£1V A 3 aieutenfint‘0EoIo1m1T1aomasKe1I&y»,oz‘%any twee 02 "I022 nft1)m’¢, mamas two of fijc wcmmw V at aaavliammt harem mroz=e Amman to 112 at: maps pzmtw, @Ua1l*h zann ave hemp comma; tab annappcinten %z£:antmifliAauecA5,%foz the 920%: " it1E.mana ging,nimtin am: cat:a"pmg on M the mam: of the A mntm' “awn 3I«*2an«p~ nftiais ¢nntmon=m2altb%V; ant) fl)ai11)acanu4 @ece%WV fijahg committevtmntn tIj*mz,ti)%e4fu1%lcave af,%awu 4 f111fpBt$z’m1intwofinbmttctim poet: aeanwms ci3Aa4t%Vco”mmI,dflz% are n¢e~ceffaw,% in the pa. abwntg mm mm W @Div5{fi2vfi’1m afleisme "imaging In tbs &u:mmn¢¢m:eaIt1) Em Atcwice, W fuvniwam am fwm timm%tt«mc. $mnn%tbe WU fimwifiwttetsowmvnne 0: them afazemm raw afiitbazism ma to an . J: at anartmf cm:%a:: f2cAVcAaA%ti&fie,, 4 ¢WV%$ “" y A WP4$ma@“tex~in mlatian $1 tI,1zhutws~%ft~% 2, W L 1' nmmrm nwerren:s,raz we mm: than M r( 20 ) iw.%m €3.32 main" ¢ommiffiotm:5oz any time 0;; mazmf €TJmz¢a5akfe;efm’n, ate autijmszb m : mam {mi} 331: ev§,A fit¥2n mm‘ fw:bmawams,foz the repamng & pzefétbing the %Ijs'ps @ mtilkig of we fiommon-.1mal%tl), '@ Em tm: fl1€m'.G)mg at’ t‘fi.’zem%*mm) fitofzes am: 21nzzn.u1u’tiem ;%e;e fa; we mming,ntctna1tim;manflfng‘ant: mcmg fljclll fmti) mm an tljima imongzttg t u tljemazm 2-..= hm: nf tiaem, as may fl)al.fl’§'unge fit, mm fa; the fertjécor of we m:%11mon:!:m*a1tb , accozntng to f1&C7)@2'ii¢r5 aawmimtionfi as’ tljapmnnttzm % to time mall meme f::oA‘u:t1)c 1@as:1ima1cnAto; manual of @tatz ;¢annfoz the me am btfpofal Wat? um aununfewiceamz whips a11n%‘fi{1em:tsbe»; .mnging to miss 0Io:1I1m'm~meaIti) the pzofit %y£b2twr“»ta be to t1)9¢n(c of the §ta¢c mun am: fffoz this mmbminitlga lJlepc1I:t'ng,,fittiramfurnia): tug, arxnfttg, buttuaumg,.1nazmmg ant faring ¢in;t1)l'uc1)%i)ip§a1tDf1ea*t§, 33 they fl)aI1r%e= came Ebitcmottsfm , tithes from time imtliaa %.m¢nt,rszfrunttbemunctiof was»»avv0inteb“ DP anthem of1%ar!iatt41ent. mm tmram max» % ntifimcrs oz am’ ‘time a: mfizeof tbwt rm aw Avfozvfitin , aw bmbv autmztscn mm teamren ftanttin1zto3,w.t¢in12, ‘as ti): f£tm'£ £ of cm @9111: m0n;1miiltbflmlltmaiteaamaas um Mitre‘ mmflbznzrdsfwtnthe imliametlt 02 WMICBI afmateatn pzenarea 31-ifi0ft‘b¢5W1!¢69ffflcb fiantatnscf ®1)tps,4as tbey%fl)a1A1iu%g£ fit mm 3a%b1¢fo:tD¢&t feztmice; ant) alto Ibbat mums ‘%anbmaQ95tiJwfl)&1l%¢conc¢ihcfUfi4iwDfift0b¢ gthzttw that 1%av1¥am¢nt,unto all flaotatnsann afiecm1no%tner% ulmtsof az:mt;zp,3rctgmt o2.%?111e£Ie1wcIonm‘:ig to%tms ¢m*nnwn mfialws =atAx%~a1fnt£uc!)~%+Fattncmfia mkmen,anutual1 ofi‘ftcrs4anbnet%fns110 are 02 a;a1H,2e% I'mnioiv== % in%At1'JVefewicsmm *anv;£be%tam W9 of ;e V attteza aptairtfi #f%ip:s_.ann offias * “ tmjteg 4 cm lama a%1t‘i%%%i:%a%gc§tnpz» pzzfmten by the ram éfiomznifimttscw in mm;mg , mica «tt)e»1Mr‘u‘a- mam foz tmie: a;mwhatim1,n; tmm the étuumgaéi af fltate : mm the ma @m1Atam£fmnm*5 nz a1~aV*ap tum at nmgwf them as% afozafam, aczmrwg mnttjmzisen mm izzzpmzman, fmm tia%zw"tntitm,m temzove,mfp€ace zmnuiftijfinge mm mm ficesmm fltnploymmm bet-mgin,@¢'a tbzjmw 13p,ozto any film) 0; mama: of wig fiommnns I1Jmlt1)%, any <.~IDfl°I'ms %umacw that negm of flaps: % rams m£%bx'p5, as any wmzmew, 4 Immnxcnt, oz % attack perfcms intploym 0; tn be txttpiown tame ferbica o£cI)e;1aaw,0:. of any @1J”D02fl1zfl‘e*l of tours Qtomnmnmeaitbmma £0 place Rm) ntbet awe mu: fitpwfoam in the £am$ {erbium mm im- plspmentmn tbm toon15a:z'npmcw ofgtbz per- {£8115 man than be to nzffcbargeh oz remover: , as by the {am fioutzmtflhmztz o2anptIJzr:c&n; maze of tbem as afozefatnV (bail be mgen am: wougm fit, am: an the anb2antagemt‘n£etbicc oftbe finmtttun-Matti). amohinen, that noc1;VzngtazAtyzzmccayauimg peach ‘oz a1tectnepnmcv»gmen¢ untntbe