A TRUE OF THE LATE 'SVCCESS WHICI-I of the Fleet of this C 0 MMO N -VVEALTH, upon the SPANISH Coat‘: , againft the King of SPAIN 5 Wefl-India Fleet, i in its return to CADIZ. ' Being the fubiiance of feveral Letters ‘Writ and , ient by the Generals of the Fleet upon . this occafion; e _ t . Saturday, the 4., of oiioéier, I656. ORdered by the Parliament, That this Narrative be forthwith Printed and Pubhihedt , ’ , H em Scolvel ,- Clerk cf the Parliament; Jag» London Printed by Henry Hills and film Field, Printers to NARPCATIVE It hath pleaied God to give to fomeitpart His Higfinefs the Lord Ptoteétor; 1657, J T __ . , .1 . ‘\1' 2"‘; ‘ \ u‘ \. ,1! J . mu‘? cu) e=%eseeeese2ea:me=e A true Narrative ofthe late Succefs which it hath pleafed God to . give to fome part of the Fleet of this Com- monwealth, upon the Spmzi/5 Coafl, ta-a gainfl: _the King of Spain: VVefl-India- Fleet, in its return to Czzdig *' being the 9 iubfiance of feveral Letters Writiiand fent Jy the Generals of the Fleet upon this‘ i 3ccafion.i 4 when {hips in the fttbict of A - the iétingtot 5paiaf1(b¢it1§ A, r \ four of we iktngs own jfltcti, any [time £1Ber.—.- ea,/Z» wants )&‘tommg from we I1.’ (Wk \Y/ell Indies, /mutt nftgzm - , 3 icotnmobitiesflvii. awe zlnmital Don Marquis Del porto tlfimttal, the bit: zlnmttal a dfiallton Don Erancifco De Efquevel dtommannet , slim mumital a mitten Don Francifco Del Hayo «Eomntanntt , a tbip tommanncn by otaptain John Rhodrignes Caldron, aflflflpi commanhen by dtaptain John De La Tour, 3311015981? final! man of mar, am: a mum of amine from the Vice Roy Of Mexico 130 Spain; 3312? Bib ill fight hates motctn to fat as mttbtn afcm magma of Cadiz, mittjnut making man 0; touclmng at any platznmtng the boyagc, Dabtng in were » ¢ 2. may A (12,) maybzmlipt tije mefiirnjflaanns ann Mam: garn 2} M380 a4..%Vft1Ifl5i¥~»ATrA¢P Oftugal 4 R5 1a zi5§c,% hpmljnm receintng a faaiz ihfaszmafion, tpa;.wé;§pan;ards:nau beam¢%tm, fleet A fxmmafi ti)ez'c~%¢'ohft, %a:%nniez§3 mzfoge; ways“ ‘ % W may %mu.cD. mafia: -' 0 .. *9W.?5% Cadiz“ o-,-.4 fivttmfitfinfi 013;‘¥?¢W°“é1 \‘ % ‘_ . \ m sr°:Jza:z&%va% Jeri as Englxflwjflm, mm an ' :»t3iu1B‘ffl;0m1:£fi fijt %R[?0f W‘)'€1'SinPortu- g4?1§Cn3D££§,tQ§P aa:uinznw2A2imn£b af Septem« 1 her mft )‘ _m tztrcmfi; fijm. mantis, gann mbein at 51 ma“vfif’futtD¢t%@zW‘5;;% fiiwfienmas waving A bcfjtnfie-itijmt1‘§*'§>qnamfin of fix: 0; when §I)im»(:w yam} an we msfin Cacliz ) mat; the commatmr of cfiaptain scayner, mptamnf the 4 . of Sc~g;¢%1:gb¢r¢1 5,..l1§1Yifl§ »f02C¢D opat5§iE ht « %‘wer*.~‘§:1irhi:r Jbetmi§£’:§tbem%;‘:A;%31:1): 2tnmita1%hzmg a {mall »fl1iP»L~3*3D!t W3 QQHQQEDED that that Illaciflsigf Spcakrsr jmgot, which fiquamon an we etgijt ' Ja ;pn;§;mJe%£tet1g»mtn11c?émn acme T ;_§DilfC°iU¢V11J3 SP-mifh: A eagutgto tbz:ni9\ettmacn~oE ‘T! «T I'D g: 3:“ D '1‘-U ‘ ‘I gppgoacnqf the » ntgijt Denying h % 9 g-[Bt};t:»'£17t_j,;iDfla tI)cy;¢nncabout= Icn‘t¢fiaL , A ]$9¢n:w¥next Dav, mm ass» coz32‘in;al!i%tne2mvab°utnine of an em mm W [ n nr:.ia:«K mus! 19¢ %spanxards tube ’ ‘&'f§!JI1a»ts?)f?;f% I1f'tD9Jt,c; hang fiafnetb fiaie L ‘ ;,¢§t1_1%1T “t 3t£.fif[*t.EJe fiquaflzan were ‘ tmamg* P main W mtfjzirtiv cam ‘,1?f¥9—1?¢—‘§D£;:$panifli=Fleet wflifi I;te‘VSp*e;i_fg¢.r;; we Bridgwanermin % _ . , 0% (“¢i;tBWng%»it abmfez ‘ablgz £9‘ t1E31%_ fazgtllfaj mt of; we fiquanzon , they m faucifieaguwnf caycm“) engagcn bemJ*‘[",t,% L mitb%£D$i.3Fl¢et;J" alifi 3} fi)Rrp* nifpute were was (13) the sflas moon IJc%¢,%m€gbthe%in 13B1iCPt0—D§bm tljetmfmm atttt1uing Atb@e9i)tps of bmev=»nas me, they fl,:'g1)tenI)eWt’, arm fnfimfl Der ( mid} t1)zPorcuga11i%;a3e)ta gn%inw Cadiz Imp, where: (as Iain) [fin was tunonfbnge am mmi, being rfpoztefl t;G‘i)a m*rnL?ne: my ijuglbzeb zzmuiann pigzws of @i'~gij?tA: Eijeiéitw finmirau ( being as fpagtm :0 mm in new @275 :19unmeB fljuufarm pieces of mfigtjtg harms in flcighels an»B%¢¢=1ace,; upon fijeacwmpt fifthe MarqucfsA0f Bademtbe mine cf the bunnzesn tnoufannpieecsgf eight) ‘bafhinfifougbt fit mars, mas tam hpéomt $i2ip§ ann aftw?tetnn fire-by we swmiars i ':1:§fl=§Aij£.iDE5 , anb to harm‘ na»mt1“?§2 fianb funk, ‘aiminnermmnc&rnpzD5®n»e1)wnnzen ann tea men t}13e;p!;it‘nm'pai1nfmhnmzmag the Ma1