/ cl‘/> the Mind, and of Grace‘, yet,if he might not have‘ they profit him? Vertly, no?! \ R A .11 Queens dud delivered to Her Majelty by a certain Nobleman, at Her firfl: Entrance to Her Reign. , * To the Nofilrz green, ELIZABETH! LB BIT, there be innumerable Gifts and Btne-by ‘But, Alas l oiir Natural Mother 1:'ng1'4Im', which hath fits of Almighty God, whereof every one would wonderfully comfort "any Perfon, on whom it lhould pleafe his Goodnefs to be- ftow it: Yet is none olthem, either fepirate by it fclf, or joyned with any other, or yet all mingled together, to be companied to this One; That it hath plcafed God of his Mercy, to deliver this Realm, our Country, from the Tyranny of Malicious Mar], and to commit it to the Government of Vertuous Eliz.a[2etb.i For, if a Man had all the Trealu-re ofSo1aman, and might not be fuffered to have the ufe thereof; in what better i Cafe were he, thrtnmillcrable Tm;m’u:, over whofe Head the Apples continually hung; yet being hunger-f’tarvecl, he could never touch them ? If a Man had as -{lrong :1 Body as had Sampfon, and beficles, were as W/ya/e 4: A F{flv,.as the Proverb is; yet if he were kept in Bands, , vxhat {hould it avail him? Yea,rather,if it be well con- fidercd, it is anhurt to him, if continuance ofTorments and Paint may be an hurt. , ‘ lfa Matuhgd, as tn,tri_y Children as hail Gfdeloiny thtijuclge, and might notb: fo fuilercd to hringitliem up, .in the ' Fm; }Of God, and good Knowledge and ,MannerS, had y bcinoc been more happy to be without them, than to, have them ? If a Man, had as much Knowledge of God, as had 5:, A2431, and durft not profefs it openly with Mouth, 3, hc is commanded‘, but,_”l'o't":i'ea_r of Death, {hould declare ‘thejeontrary in Deed, {l:mtlcr the W'ord of God", anddeny Cbrzfl, which is forbidden; Should it not rather be a lurthemnce to his Damnation, than otherwifc ? And, ,0 1,, (hm; If any one Man had in thcfe ,Ci-its all the Gifts of Fortune, the Bo~ . 0 F l ‘''’A gyfiiil V’ 3 _. ' .. 17> we :7 ‘Y 9" ". .. V‘ ’ e . ' '."» \ 7 W." _ . ‘I i ‘ - ,l. '5‘ To THE together, or generallya theufc of them, what flould _ ‘ O A thing at all: For Felicity is not in Hm/mg, but in ’U—- f;,,g'-’, not in Pa]:/]ir:,g, but in Occu}?ging 5 not in Know- ledge, but in Dotngv ( 1' - . - //i’ I { ‘ i , r - ‘*3.’ . . X‘ -3 a I ) . w\“\. ,. l ‘ — . ‘x... x Majeflir, r-nw-n¢.v¢.arua..~ua- ..~ ~-. n... __j. tjuuanonr <<‘sv been counted to he the fureft, the richefl, and of late al» fo the molt Godly Nation ofthe Earth, hath been tht-fe whole Five Years moft violently, by Tyrants, forced to latk the llle of all t.he Gifts and Benefits, where—with God and Nature had encluecl her. Her Natural and Lo- ving Children could not be fulilcred to enjoy their Right Inheritance, whereby theymigbt reli~.ve,ani?t'IlC(l,"liEr:IeIf to,b‘egIEhf of God, to rrde and tame the ’l3€0pié:,_QI"_ Eirglzgnfl-‘jf,_2ilbéit theft have been man , that have gone aliotit to’loofe their Brethrciinyout of the Yna’_k of this iiriroll milerable Captivi-_ tys , and albeit fome have proved to break the B..anc_ls of this ntolt7rruel'Tyranhy, fyct. th5y,_.nevei' bring to pals that which they to eam_‘éitiy l;ibotired’,_ and to man- fully at-tempted’. t ,_ _ ,; ~ - I, i I And it ishotyhing to b’:'vvon&1rcd,.1¢t tli::I’zz/'71fl5 bore thereof what itvplealiezh‘ themi ; For Almighty G-:'ad, be-' ing a mall; indifi'€fe.nI G.nvcr_nojir, ptmilliing'.Evil, and . his "Jt‘rR'ice Trill’:-rihis‘ Scourge Io foon to be taken from thi's"our;,Land, if He meant the Salvaiioniol the People, ‘as molt injanilieltly it appcarcth He did. 2 For, having once given to the Realni the greatell Jewel that ~might",b;c. that is‘, tlieifree tile of his Lively \/Vord, (which, they had embraced and ‘followed, it would haveircformedall -Diforders and Sins’ for which his Wrath was ,llinfClI(’iCl_:m(lip1‘OV0l{C(l} tlie Peo- pie nothing regarded, it, but either utterly contemnecl it,’ 01- abufcd ‘tr; and many made it a Cl0al{,_§m(l Colour,,to cover their Mifchief: So that, if He ;Il-‘.ould liiddenly have with-drawn this Plague, (as Tyran'ts‘and Evil Go- vernours he the Plague of God ‘ they would neither have paired on his lullice, not yet fhould they have felt the Swectnefs,of his Mercy. For commonly, the People re- gard but Things prefent, and neither rememl)Cr Things Fall’: nor yet pals on Things to come, unlefs they be warned by exceeding Extremities. the Glory ofthis Viétory ti) his own St1‘engt-h, or to his own Policy °, or that Fortune {hould feeegn to bear any Stroke in-i’o Glorious a and Partzmer, in Men’js,,Opi.niohs, of a Tr';u‘i‘uph to worthy.;; Neither did his Almighty Power work This, when Man would have it ciifpatclied :, that i~, as ioon as the Erie» my began to gather their Force; for it is not to great a Viitory, to clifcomfit a few diiperled People, as it is to dellroy a perfeélly united Army : But He iiifierecl them to make their Force as great as was pofliblé, to work whatfoever Mifchiefs by Spoyl, Banilhment, Pr'ifon~1:ent, Hanging, Heading, Burning, or otherwife could be ima~ ined. Neither would-his molt Provident Wifdom do it out of Seafon ,2 But as the Good Husband-man doth not Crop his Tree, till it have riindered his Fruit, Io would He might be taken thereof. ‘ When He had given ofuflicicnt Leifure to all kind of Men to declare themfelves; who were Crpcodjlar, Tome time lying in Water, fometime on Land; tlmt: is, both ~Gafpc!r'er.r and Papiflx : who were Springer, Iiiiiixzeéted whether they had Life, or no Life; whether their ‘>’*z"t.‘1”t”t C évrz:/firms,-or Epicure: : who were C/mmeleom, th;-ii tould turn ‘themlelves into all Colours; with PYoteJ"3z»1:.-*I‘5, Pro- tefhmt: 5 with Papzflf, Paalpzflxg With Spa.-.i.q7'ci‘5,\§;:,$‘.o3iii— 4rd: ; with Englzjh-Men, £2;-yfliy/B-Men : who i"‘«.ftfI‘~’-C ={}'.z2.z— tbo’:, that could apply themlelves to every 2*-;"lan’s :5tppe~ rite that was in Authority 2‘ if-tho were M4:-z};ot’a{:, that followed 2!/Iarfs mad Alli--Eitionsz who were Wm:/or-r- cacks, that did turn with every Wind: who were /‘mes ffi-yc:,that could Bite, and Bart; not 2 who were Cm-r:,ever Burr/ring: who were Foxes, that would promife much, and perform nothing; who could bind thzémf-elves with many 04:12:, and do clean contrary: who were Cains, that Taught thé‘In'nocl:nt Abel: Death : who were thei\‘R7olves, that worried the Lambs: And finally, when he had ‘Sufi. féred the Spiritual Shavelings to Spue outthelr Venome-, and-every Man to declare outwardly, who: he was inward- ly; then do'th'h‘e‘work this ‘molt Viétoritous Conquefh. your fakes, which nothing regarded the benefits: that I- molt plenteoully poured on you, and have dc-iferved mofl: grievous Punilhittents for your llnthankfhlfiefs: . But of mine Infinite Mercy, and for my Gloriesfalte, which I will have op‘ened_to all the World in thefe latterditys, to thfi I eat of the Evil’-d_o'é:r‘s, and to the Comfort of ihe W ellaf were before; Yetnay, if ye will, be more Veifriflmfipeftf in: rim‘: to tome, thin ye _"have been in time pail: - Ye may, if ye liI_’t, put me to lefs trouble,’ and keep I-yourifelm in g more -fafety; 11 have not only diliirovered Miné,'«?yburs,'ancI Lahd of Ehglzizrdr Enemies, arid all the Gr2fft§,l Subti;I-1 ties, and Policies,_ that have Beehfor may boil uféd ‘by them, oranyilike hereaftersbut I alfo have taken away theitx Head and C£ipL’l.If1,'afi(lClClifOf7Cd a great nurrffier of them, that ye fhould not be troubled’ with theti1,1‘s aiidafome of them have 1 leFt,_ that ye may make them Spiéébacles and- ‘Eitamples, to the Terrbur and Fear of their 'Po{t«:riry.. Love me, and I wil~I Love you: Seek my Hbnourtantl. Glory, and I will work your Commodiitya and Safitty :, Walk in my Wgtys and Commandments ,— and I will be; with you for ever. i" ;~ , Surely, If we éonfider the wonderful Methy, that it hath pleafed God to ufe towards us, in the delivering of the Realm, and us his People, out of the hafidsffof thgfé molt Cruel Tyrants, as we cannot but do, unlefs we will declare not root out the-fe Peftilent Tytrants, till the moit Profit Andywith his works the‘ feeméthA;pIainly to fay thus unto us: i ‘Ye fee (my'People) what I have done for ‘your; not for doers. Provokefno more my Wrath: Ye l‘Ee.,.i"{'l'Ia[ will - follow it: Be hereafter more Prudent and Wife; than yée K /_ .. (3 ~..,“declaz'c our l‘elv’est'o bciib: molt 11nthanlrtré.;iI‘:i‘r1 aséintlt théfwltirlu o’f‘.Voicss2 éficl Suffrage, silt» Féilfic ’tfof 3'rldfE“¢mli3 to their Country’. f c‘All°5,. ,dtvers'Btirg'eIfes, ting‘ ytirdélly Cljofén ,, land“ iéet_urh,'e’d,', ,4: in fom~e'p1aeesthe l Flebple ‘did what .!tjli‘e'.y could to ‘refit’: her puipolfé-s,s were d_ilfo‘_r*dcil'y and unlitv's[ful_ly piit out‘; ‘itnd‘oth;:rs Without any fril'érf of Lilli; '.i.i'1’ .§héir il3Ci3§.Pl?%:CC,Cl.. D039? Tell?’ Bifhop‘ ot‘,,Ltmii;,'. 5. Clin 'ia_i'i fi_i‘{hb’;l‘,, anti fa t;_ne"£{z;gnfl;~ iiizm’, Being“ Latiéfully and ‘ordetl,y_eg1,le,d to the Parli;t,hi§nt,. glad pistes ,in,tli'e,,I;c5,r‘;:ls ‘H011-fe, lg 'h1’s‘de rec, all his by Violéhéé ' out ofjfhe ye. v,»":!l,c“£x~éiio’l'er Ngivfeaj with tw_q‘ou:et,fal11.hrss béifiig BUrg¢'lTe‘s’_fbf di-t vets Shires, aria Chiiméin Men’: én