he Lxfe and earl}? of (ha I ( A U1‘. . V "-1 ,. ' 4 4-, N ,‘.;. “Ca, “‘: ' ' ' 6, ‘ ‘_ 1"! ‘ ‘ ‘‘;'.h ‘'‘'‘‘‘”H ' """"""'wm “ “':" " I t “IV I -' . ~ . V an;-.~.§: .,:. ‘{;,.=.-W ‘3-3:‘ ‘ " ‘ ;' 45 W,-pm ' “ A - ml 45:‘ V J. «v -W s;=1:%‘ “ ‘= v- ” \,"..’fT:§' “'4” ‘I . :=::y::‘ ~ 1' ’,', ‘ 5?‘!-._aN.,. -..1§;,,; \\ he Imd in Hoilmzci, the Tgxlgztizzxin-gfaxad in lENG[,A.ND¢ 9;? T0_gc:t}u*:r Wzth foxnewvonde1*fi1H0“§3» 1%) ;:fi3tVati011s bcsmh of himiefléj, and h~1§5P1:€~» ‘ V dccéflbrs, and many mofi rmmkablc .1? $1}? 1’a(Tages Frozn his: Ixwfazacie, Lmm (*3? Vthc day of his Dcaam. L “ .4 rfiéfi .. we» % 1 ” M~ «ch ‘ W ‘ - é \ * An: " 4:’; «A c‘i.?z2cc%$?m @339 <;*;;;».;:«...’v¢;.s> SQ; \ K . &f,.fi$ I “L K}? 1 ‘W3 ‘if’ Q» By ?{oEart§C.‘a;{2*i2ggto2z, Mzeafler of Am. miséira Q E} lifi .. :, .., ‘ .fi. gm London prmttitd by P. Za'€t.1€i.7.} for L. CKv;z[>2¢za2:.3 1323;, Anne Dom. 1 6 4 6.. ‘gig mafi $3 ‘é‘ %%@%%%%%%%%%@%@%%%%% :15? A ‘ A“~%¢%%%%%%@%%@%%%%%%w M r .,fl: - 1- . Lg Va ; . w fifl‘ W A t" ‘ ,4" * ‘ - V . ¢~ A V ‘V ‘ 4 iv I iv: :. g v: V V,’ , . wk “,2 ' A A A E H W m 4 5 *9: an V,-2:. .,‘ :37 M‘ P ‘ ~ " ‘V T ‘7! F‘ l ' M . " " 4329?; N279 Mafiimf Efi iii“? I I ‘ ‘ z?‘7:>is frfgfiary “@:fZ€"m met? 0;?‘ tiae We Earle of E 3 :3 K z:zm;Z‘0 _g;e%m* A 9/;5f€7”1*«.znce 5, _fl2?w yozzzr :W¢éfiW@«é' A w I ‘Wax? I125 fiyfl iaonozw .%é“Z:-wt‘ “17fEm;- . “ W f“ ,s_‘,,% % " “‘ - = % « -» % % ‘ 4 flymm "*3 3“ “'2: A W36’ £515,132/9zci:~.7242t!2 bmem¢2ze2»zt3fbr i';;r¢;;g;"2”e3«:z42i' mad mail /fm2£c.es4 Zmj[o;~2m§ gjiwgg gwgw M~»a1~,w:ly W 3, " ‘ ' ' . V‘ - m r _§;§:‘ if-"a:i7’.,» M °?“: /‘ 071%; 63‘ ‘)1:/M‘/.2 CW2}J(E’i"’i“£’ci z::~%w afziarsfififi” ‘ A n . ‘L if" 1 ’ fin ' w ' ‘ ‘ \ ’ Mu . g ‘ “W WW3 them mm’ ti20ug72' I33; 1”‘£.’?:fI](2‘7Z af z?§2:3za*’ J flmfl‘-M33‘? May bcldmlf cor?/Mm? :#fl>ei.%31‘hc:3.e‘2mcfi“@ A [M _ M” 0»: ‘F’ ca, u “'9 5- M‘ 1%?’ {WW gjmzz.‘ tmyflfizameci m M7611" fail Z¢:.a[£‘2‘e“,¢ma:i/ ,¢s;N nwfié M ,; _ 4%” «T H 1 a VI" .' W‘*fiM‘”m ‘dW§3’3* N?t4‘1i“i:7égI2c;;2P!am'WWW repzwcmagx“-.3 A AA 0 at’! krzazwizggmfi/m7¢zfi&2ivicfiw npZ!2l;z~.ag z§’2a3; a2Z"};})a{jy@5 z:§?Ew §j"]0've::l $293 Hyyzazar ti;>:3i2*' $o"w?2*a§u_w«2;22a=s9 zamam“ "mm war A» W“ A Pwfik Wye ecclzlavjegl ,1? zmml fa,» Lgrtgy Wg "$4 7 9'’ ?Wte:.“b tlgrafy war c4ac{”wzfl;zm2V"¢:mi fpamwzd 163/“e ‘WW 1;?” WW8 Iz2&fc;~"cffl:5 mi" trim? WZfi1”aiL‘£‘fi£ M Crwzfr. A It -mci%>zrzm1m@;mswmzmagm bmfa zli m A’ . W” 7, J-*""'" “‘ "“”“"}* .. ‘$95; WM «¢;§{je{§f¢;i was zfi.>e?f;*” m:'c.s= Tlym W526 171'}: few TheEpifHé; afour Nolaiféty that have bin more t;~ou4bleJJ‘wtI}tZ§é#-:v% A more joyful! than this EA f:m§£z'e:1s the Court, mar my thzt“ were lejflz gzzilg A _ £‘iWz,zzeét72erda I knofi:vtJf'ar2_.)9 tlmt “mexaid have 5312- ” ta féeI2isS‘o~ » 'm{aig,wze to live amtlr raigne in the fiearts ~ of his < A feaple to the A gerpgtzmll eftaétiflvznent of his Cmwnefi W2:-2'1 tlaeglory and fzfety ofbis three Kirgdomes, wlaécfzw % ’l}7it72- the Imzgzid ofbis life be adventfified 3 but had not A we iJ4m‘ 2ifl£j?e=t0fi’8 it észckcmnplz:/Jaedi TVImtis 129% V eampélkd on his lzfi: and Death} dz/aeiy/kbnit untaywm Hbrzw rnk cenfime as Ilggww fa prefiifedit tajoyrs. _prote*£f?z0n _, éefieclpirzg youjtiaat 1]‘ any tbzng flmll afi/gag» _ ‘genre imferfefi in» this Hiftory or " unwo;*tby‘ of ;/&;44 gmai ma Argument, orfigreat a @at3‘onage,t1:>atyaz:a.~" ‘mil Aacceftd the ggale 3 and forgive ,t «i2ek rudme_/_rfe M grim gfifvfaa is % 1 W E0r<3"';T A "Yeur Honours; A man humble mm-;o&~:V dfivotedservagit, M A L:~afi%E.ar1bof¢ E 55 w ‘ ‘ E Wee dare begin with the " dizléouyfeof the 115:: and cdearh efthis I1%1m&r1%o*us Earle, icvvili noc*beim.;.. Rmmvned Ear~1e«hi,aI43 Pofleri~ry.. A ‘ i Tm‘ giw: nymu a P¥iam1~1e11 m"zhef%c W0 Worthfcs is a taske A‘ éZmmf’r%?as~ impoffibfe as ~imp€2‘.tf‘nEnt*, f'o1ri£’~yomv!'1l excure imhem ~-thfi gpzmrimy c-.'ofTimc,4we«may,in the cemtfe cfiheir f 1ivm.%%~an&whnnmrs 5 A make a. Apafraleil 9 pi11$af1‘C.t0-»§e efpcmfed me mhceemf the mofi: ggah 4 lamaATPé:f£bxaages4which that Age did‘ know» 4 Her firfl Hui”; ham? was [Sir 3.4%; Sidmgy ,% whofe'Vermes are mo high - AA “M” We }gaxay2fE?s 0§‘@tAher menu?» reach chemgatad ma mcdefl N A :- 3. \..:'a'Ls. cg,»-a. g m ~—h'im famousw::Az:mugh he éyczd by the arm, and by the tuber he 6 A2,:.,:i1é mm: live. This is z:he~happ1nefTc oEAArt ,:hata!théuAgh%»_~ me Sm“:->i‘d de:>.:¥1arc{1ei»*c the honaur, yet the Arts doe ‘re-A card H1 ;, and “no"'pe2*a' hath t‘1”13?.'d€ i'tA'bEtE€I”* knmwmz“ then EgmAA*i ovum M: E":?ie¢.:z.‘f7E-:c:oxfzd Husband was thfi Renowmrd Faci=1cro£" A EMS m@fi= Ncbie»Earie who dyed beleved 5 andhoamured as = wgell by hisfoe-5 as by~hi~s fri+ejr.ads, and whom: 1«ofl‘e¢veni9j~ Heaven mzghc lament , did netHeavenAen};myi;h2wmV Hen‘ % mhird AHuAsbami waszh-‘:2 Ear1ofCfearéc’~ézzrd:a ga!:f&n;Gen‘tIc~ %‘man,f»~ whp exceadedmbe‘ wifizineflc ms Ahzuf. na3.E1ve“Cm:m.p L my by hxs fccond edL1catV1on,a~md who axceed hm edwcatima “ byxhgz happ;n€fTe—o.fhis W’edIc=cE<9and xiamugi-Waradvfimtmre A fame vaine Mm do account it but as awn thmés pm rage. I ztfglex-,,I1£ &id make it his Ba%nc5,by the’adva:nwgeof' wvhighm A did {"0 zwifi himfelfe into the Enezglifia Vcwu.cmmhar%21«athimg ;mmai.aacd;im»h%im asmipuxa frvflm-1V€1w3.md3 as Jmzmd .210»? denim %flan<:i.. % A A To cmirthe *p.refage.s§+1nd:h"e.um€‘ai’Athf”uH igiflksmf *t~hée*~~"‘: promi.CingMacffams~wh-9 ~;t:»c~.!«:eé his {.‘.rac¥1e,fK wi11.no;1’Iay 9 Eihat in :hatm(ovxng w%icke;: J I }i1ke"Aaza%r>t}m_- Hszrmmlw] %hec*"*«' fcrmgged in zachlmnd the tvvo%1m=adimg 7L):;:;a.gons pf man.” : sfgcndimg Prerogativta and Supas:H:imnA= ?iA_~:i::sr ms the A Eu»;- §«'3ms his: E0 manic gfi %b'né_.finc4s yvhich did -grww my Awjmh «A-'1} --fzifi~y*_®uEmi1«rh0P9 =.3»3‘1iVV%h3C="fl 5? in tha jm'ez2t,”es .i‘13:hc: but vwsr r:s?,=*¢3‘1“c@‘1'n.3.'~, v: ggr gi“€a?'.i:fifC?‘¢- *yv'“z‘%‘}%'_17z:3.‘z i:~:§ Ignomrémcein our%you:f;:y.A ‘ta ggw V qu;e.£~wh1a:E*: he r€e;t*«*:1%'ve:3 a"I€:m2d1‘tar;:r can rage mam his ?3azher%; who Ana:-. cmly cwezcamesz but miumphed‘ mrer it, and dis! ac.“ F gap: the fbrri?331EY'0f“'V0 D€§“§¢3,and 3;*2’r”¥x'l'z% gs-e~a~t repzlrcm .. mggg,pa:~r~%pr4z21é:sd {he .E~»5Ir:i::%cx.fe;»..u&£o,ng1z3g~s;a mam jnVgV{}e,=A 6 iverii fly ..@‘f”Cg2:r:z‘éridga@ . 3 1 V I: is 11=m%!iE%c€r%ta4im: that I£;‘zz{?mi0:;is and e:2:traor2i'£1m.ry~per.. A §bmagesi1am Ofittmtiknfifs extrapr%dm:-szry ifluminmons *e>'£‘"cl2»e:‘ A EVEJBES bmth gaod amd«b‘a.dwh1ci1ihatlbefiiifi them ; (Bf mis.-= *@veAcam3give»y0u refimrkabfcz sIVmf~'.:anc<:s in this Family. '.vVhei1‘SiwWlW D¢'2!¢"?”¢°‘t».z.::f was created Vifiscsgum of” Hera- fwrduand Ear1e%%~Qf% about the zwcgifih §,:e%3r{-;- M35’ {[13 1"_§_a§g,.nc %e::xf:Q_:1<.=ren :2 Elx'ea2a6ctb~ ,% becam 1}: he wa.s= «ME: cmd<éd= by hisf’M;mlacrs fid6,;-fréim the ancicm: anbi hAon0us:a%31e%4 Fami!-y afthcflazzreiwiarf» in vvasciac .de1iberate.pEeaihre czf the: A Qi__;1c:ex1e?22:1d‘Sz;at;%e" m zizicreafe his E‘}0110uI?Sb‘ff" the%I~;42mwr‘~=* bccfige VoFci1e.Fu%Ene!i'c ufhis merit and E0 nf;.z?.kehi:11 €’3m~'et—- n<§7usVafIrcf.wgd,and this place being prcVtZ=:~rred unm" him{_?f'm:; indeed l1c%i2'§ra%s ’aVGenr1¢1nanmof incmparable in,dowmem:s_[ & hed11c;i.»%1yz\anWe«£hc %A?.&a1r¢M'af thatfizngdonxc with gt-can E-mmnzr &13~d.3:* _‘THj‘.g.S3fitl,€B‘t; qndby 31 (acre: power ofaVr»traé*ci%m;g:L . nfwhich is natural! and inherent to that A Family j % he gaifm*&~ gh’e.a‘ppns;Iwa»tmn%ain;d appfiaufeofau men, , amé clzzzd much -adv» % ~mnc¢»%%:hc ,afi-'a,irsas~ af7EngZ¢m{ in the; Kingdmne of MIra'lm.m’. 3 Ysamzicha j -fimbaztzzon aud%T:th4e Folzcy _c>Fthe*"EAar1e3mf Lewica/fave“, vvha:M.w;9nid;;I1aM‘e;mmarrmoreA$:m1nem then hzmfeifc , Add A .{@pr¢vai}~¢ac C~am1rthavt upon no €a:mE:-2 atafl ,{' ‘Em: that he m:2z::3'% as good asgreafifihemufl Ib1'-: difl10n%0W§€d FY01“ M5 dig“ ~ A x—2iry,a:2d%%AcI?2<: %GoVve.r;nmem ‘o‘Fc.har «Kingdoms ConFer»r‘e«:i am ‘ S7jrA.&.~:ury;%S;dm:y,Aa dcflerving Gentleman indeed and ‘thfl more m@ziw‘fti9us,becanf:;Ahe waafiathey :9 Sir—P/giligr Tfxis A A B3. A A mdzgnzry ».......Q‘ ‘"1 A€;”£-J V .§fl3}€;§fi:y4&4i& "flick :{°uch:vAan4 impreflién m1‘th‘is nbbflefifieé “ w ho’ had now onely a c:i'1arg,c0F¢fom.e empty”Regimen!:s4 AA 91’ M Hggfg and Fcmonthaxz his melanchaly *b1501-1gh.£”a% F€’¥'¢l°%0m him, and me faozaer, becaufe hisfriemi was the Author of 7 {his ]njury_,fQr.th€ Earle of %Le£ceih-.-r did-prezendvto 1:10 mm A A $1-¢a%cera,§~"e&i@n than w;,hi?m{‘e1Fe. After fame few daj-res wards to his Bed :1-his dying wards were remarkablegflé-dc~% {fired that hrs %Son who was chemnor a§=»ove~tenA3,fear*es affisgc. -' might refrains fromme Court and not»rruPc%hi4s Earewich the fiattexies, nm?*h1's Eye much the fp.’¢z1dor—;6sfxr_;, and above his fickneffe did confi-me himto his Chamber and~a¥fa:@t% AaI1dn‘1-ings .-I'I-mt hefiaouid be m5ndefi11IVo€th>e fi&x.a‘nd chini; VA mh x,1eare~o“f7his %Age5be«yand Wh%ich»>nc~:i-t%hcr he,=mfr'4'b1€1t’f“c\v«oF I A” Ms 3:7-nrafatherskivedo ‘T£-Ms-*5i%nflrL1&cd*Siofldidbbey-his Fa-... ‘K thersf vviil , and for many yearcsM-%did1cad a "c:cmtent‘cd7 and 9; A retired Iifczin 2% aglejly ,untiI1%%V[“I R1109?‘ mt bywhars T9611] we E‘ar1eAof%%Lm‘-efler ézdworky him i12‘tb~thef“fa£‘a~H C'ir?c1‘e., M ;fij:1~d betrayed him 1:0 delfruéhmn: éin:'g.cbnd%emned‘to7the %—B1ék:k,he zemembred his Fathers predisftion vvvhich-n0WfA he V ~‘.C5DH'1dffl0[ avoyd, And which is %in¢}ee~ ‘muff ‘wmzfierfuli, ronsthe very i’ame11cmrc,.anc:I [as it is believed ] M eamhc Very fiméie minureA=:ha;:z hew%asV:beh€a»ded%,his .Sma;whc:~*a=t*zbattim& 4 % ’:wa=s4aA%StudeAn;z in Earn Gvolede :vdi.d41iaddfszi:nIMc%d.i§&ma~&eda ieapewout oF”h§s.~Bed whcrc he vvem”fé4fl"a?flre‘epe,A:4a4h tiw fthe ‘émazememoi-“all, he cryedoucfithat his Fathm';rw“aa 7ki1r1t:d;; ' his Father was dead , and not many ~houres4 » afiseér , xhmfad . ‘HCWESW3S«’bmjagbt,Whi€h fa carlyin che~m;A;;c>}s:ni»£ag ;r"4.amt; d%1‘¢ V " gflrazage-Iy he prcfaged.‘ ; v His Father being dead:, t9hi§::yeWng;‘»‘EIairIeAWa%§ ,.. and mm with mare than cardfnary ob[erva11c‘e,$.aAnEn:he r?ath€r§% *bc_cau{c<:t was ¢ge“n2eraI1y fiffipwtfcd‘-thfiHv‘1’iS F2zf!1e'i*hh‘d‘Vcw fivesre trya‘i1,A at-tagczlg that %hi$i:Ii:£ewa5-mad*€% a*1Eztz:=1fi£‘:s :a‘:ii>f'a«‘tim aha Ambiritan of fzmm greacV~perfonages;h&gh fa;vAn»"a£*a4“t& ~ —-ghe Court; 7‘ 3'1l1r6"‘it irAs%%thar.~i:%hcrc.;appe‘a1fed%fbrmthifeg W61’ L;:3m;£%icc' in his Death; f01'_'O.Ih€£'Wi{€.W'hy'ffljo{fld'S1i£’Wd[f§W *‘ flaiwfig/.1 and 0fhE'1'S‘Wh0W€f6 camfdcmncc%Aaw?ccefl"arjrt0 mi .5’ P“b;£I!§€‘f¥ a.fE¢W¥@saandV%*in¢pri#=‘difs%W§ £5: tyngi‘, ‘ ‘~ ‘I ‘ . ¢ wr %=Qi1 e'et:fE lirwfimé 4vEe§n;gr‘AV2;é}’ec;e5aI5'edsiiing idww was mm fomim % %cImbImaAgd in:~rhe;pdfi"efliom‘of“ahe Cmwne cf Ezglmd, but \- nhe reflcwred not this ~yomagV.’E”ar£"c’*his.Fazhérs%tir}2es andieflasVe“,, and his “JE1deR'fo’nne%w(me?ki1Ermr.of h‘iImge, 44m the Wm figmg V w-o;1d%.§)% Afrzlvw Iiamy ”w_a«s;flp%Ieafcd%t®*Eiee Very com. wen-£Ianz~~a*nfi féanilimr wii»dqh‘im, being neeremato Him in age, Ebur more near: Lit; aFEe.%i.tm -téaemaviza-ye}&“th.e %E?ar1e1o'f :E;fm that héefvvas the fomaefof‘ a’Traytor, ?I1heVEarI4"QF%4EfiZ*xA was th*€fn'Ain t7}ta’;=:’fl€>uri‘f?h 925 hi%s*7y*0mh,iam.£ {mil 0ffirem%ndco12rage3A %«fa_x’lm‘2 Magma? iablks ‘tO“G@=nmimM6’T~h'fmm wfelfc, v ha? ?f1%“?1*¥i*1ce%~~tl91‘i*:*(iP1*‘Ei1f:‘c:e‘ wuicfw ’hi-"3 Rac9k1Ae.‘r‘oml:Z=1‘e Vh‘eaaL and :hax~~{;m4flarewd1y,% c:>hat*[as tic raid] ?f0?mé fifdpkfif bIgm& tflfif-C73§1*éa<®W35flg. "~T’1‘i”E“"fl’éW§‘(§F wa*‘$¥pre£éza%rJyhrouugm m the Kiwaz-gr4m‘¢.reg, =\f:<,-h'¢ having e1ie*d*almVbufinefieaaméi . fully mm*&*er;fim6d mi-wmanner axudthwe adcafipn 0%‘ it, dfid d if 11 Amim-:»V%th=e ExiarIewi*tlac>4um «amy%g1veatAA*thc“c:k, a“fid1A(B4éiwga true «M-a‘cegmaker) "%hMb1‘d his S—nm€;>th&n he wvhu (:1ii&j{E'r&1§f@ him them;;w.u1d%~ee¢ fm-’e ~Witb«’ii?£1O51.’»fi ‘.vi'men?t b1mwes:m Afirzfmhia , ‘miemy imim e§‘tc*mme» * T A A z ; T'hi“s3 being i'taga::h;is’ 4‘rt2*V‘ai=1’~_t1%e'r"remncwilaufi, ~¥th*e& rcpt: M3" HM yum1ag%‘Ea~Mc§éifl? ar2féA%Vcvéry afy higher midfgreater. His recreatic:‘ir1sA4A:Werx”e riding emf’ th~¢_‘%g“5rAeér:A horfe 3' taming at the Ring, Wand the: «Em-&i»re csf’>Mmes;Hi‘s mheie hbwrcs vvere cm lwzemznp in rm;~1y,«;a;xa%d in pa-'s;~ré‘1{'a’1AI 40*? Vflwks "z:h ‘at~yee1d‘edAmo¢fT% ‘.pL"&fit;nd-t‘m0fl“dé:;Iigfit; a‘n’&‘fwt2a ;1h”éfc~": hi‘: wnauxd mlwayes ag rifefbét%rerA*th<%.*:“n Vwhém hrefire dwriwinito thtm :* his délighw we:reMhumtix&g‘df that Hare,’ ms: “Buck, and hbwcmia! 1“e1&an~‘u;-=, ~§'xi1e:’t:’I:.j«?:!)?e'at:-rxmigfl=ther.fmemoFf‘at them! «of me Smggcm A %%?*!¢n:L@*%¢%Ea1¢c;9n~W v%W%.V,:£i%at he; was rim lefffi in cEi2*2edV m 3 rcé?aoz;7‘ P'£'@'tg{ft44 .36: R. e%vF¢£€I1d :D.*i«V‘3.ne:,; *9 aiiffl his Tu:m:,aii”0¢. Vi.?%r3,<‘I:V€1;@«1"~.fvf-“ he v.3r.&s.&aBii’1’m:»pa- ; Ema AtAI1e%amEitima vaffl pA"’§€§-.*3, m5‘, ni1c‘%§~?s%§;lia,t¢§ and the C,;%£erg;-r vvzsrm npt:hcn%arrive:dA m z_heis: u_ t:n_mf?§ pé‘ri0%d, Exafupptéfiizig of th;.em mull‘ raga» mama, to b*s:%eAz§:z;e vwrkeof’ my Lard his Sonnxre, whgmzhag V ”Par1ia*mnt4;%9f“%‘4E’3g5»W!;€1u4a11v~£§’n&¢;r:obéthflétxaxapiainfirm: ment.o$da19¢.&%fbr fa grea:4dAtA.an cndbv} a gx.<;aze?»r#proyxrergV: \ * , Tf1€.'.E.&3£}§r0f- K.)-ac‘ being ca4I3fir3:n€d %i‘lEI;h%i$A»EAath£:rs;hm-e! moms _a11d%p@fl'ef'3"ions,ti1at aperflzfl: reconciiemcmc migha has made it} all tlaizxgs, a marriage was comrafiedazifi coma idmsicid infiie yeam Qnc.A¥i?<3ui'anri fixni-i=xuV.nd:ed andfix %bc- ;!&ViXt”%I1im.aA']&md th?@:L.adyA. Fwavirf Qmwrda Dau‘gbtem;o a;h~eA » Right Hrsmmzrable we Earléof Sufi-1&5, ShAeevvra?s ga Ladjzw 3‘.,‘i:'&:31{.C\<3I1fiC3Et1‘3“_'itix}"§1@K'fip§3“.‘iE as her beauty :~They were .mucI§ Aa‘:.:-rzsm my-:_%av_ag_;e 'v*.:h£.*zj'; x;h¢;r,»ver_e Am&r:ied,@ the Lady Frmwgég ~w%i>einAg about I g. aw’ 2-":Ah<.=:EarIe nocwovakfi fixtecm jaga tT?:1e%1npVi£,, A ; ,mEmsi'’C*re%A~fbrv1”@m€ f“~i=w%yeatessvwby;~reaf®.nv%oF t&zeNbnageof the Eagle, Fhey _,1n_r€d ‘a=Apar5t%um111w%abnut t,1_*1t‘3;5*c°:arc,VI6I%o.;a‘a* which timt: Q ‘t§‘1&fy’f_‘%'€I1_1'oy€:dt§.'1(’; fo«cis?,t%y eff oritfcficddq; and fa! W *_c9m£nued _untm ;ga5G>E1t F the jyeare 1,61 34. “when, a *cc:mpIair1t: 1wfas»made, azqdffp c10fly~p’mfecu£€da that a%»vs{ayLV%4waS%.¢§an»tfi~* .‘yf.;e=:iA and canned on xvzz}3jgrc:a%z V%povv:e“:L'A;f'or the .épmcur:i1ag Ltzif ;a isfotm be1;w ixc* the %E%%ar1emf %Efl2*x az1d thisvI.»a§adY» %I~fayit A was cam-yed«on with great pmwer,% for bath~Di_vimity an& J«a»vfl%d;1:I not oniy Iooka o,n,,= b“utWere:inforced m beeVA6%;§ ms 1:; H3 éqd yc;4§I:1~ey&vh°vI£o mu4ci1labo%rmed4.A:i:n 1t,*~hadi A u % V1 % .....__.,..... N“ .. qaf.§¢‘Efl4% M % V% ‘ ahAAm fight anav ~o»:w—%om¢~ Winh}f-fim andrmmorhersv«41«o7 8% had that Clfifirgsty of Regimcnui, the Em-l¢ Gffifllm: ;was, very comer. . A fiat, and 521116 »%%;axef'€I%G,¢ aflid C01‘1%“3»=a¥1dfA% 0‘f;~t;h€{€ Noble‘ mggnt iVn;%ww:!f;lg;A_§%r;§gW fm§11¢h,add¢,to._ Lhé h0n mI£"G5£h¢ Eng... liliafiegimmxw aIadi%4«¢1id{ i%n!ar3~‘~'aI1.i~A d%i1a:i¢ their oxvnefiamc Emmi aéiaacxwt Kingfiomfiso 2-; gig mm:;%!g?11u;¢;f§c¢x:ai;;~v; yeatcs im~t_he"Nethcr1an&g , 33¢; having;;.gaia¢d~g:rwt-Renfiwnc-W h1WP¢ri¢n¢@ amfi: PW-§ fe£‘&i.e,xg the fcficjcs‘ wf-{gm-w»Ahe advanbedthfi3Ic¢~»to.£~¥I¢ P&[a;§,natj¢, to ¥vLb:i£h plgzaa we::_:_ alfa, the: 45139.3,-Zc% c»£’. Sara:/:.zr;xp,:o»x,tI1e%L‘¢s:d Wi£€:mg5é)vV , the Earlczzr ;0xf'aM,,” ma $ir395#[,£a):lm:Lwiazhthei Rcgimetacs , tlueyarrivcd *4 mafia vvtIwn1eMto2*~%=hé7» Kin a¥Id‘°41¢%¢!3~‘= ®f' Emmi“ , the; A%~Wfentava»a:dic«i0n%offieir a%,aix¢S¢4imHch Wanting the pm fikwfié mi" f-i.1ch?bx'a;‘V“e Commzndarfi whfixgavc‘,a.;.n¢w,1.ifc; and : Writ my the Souldicrs whcr¢foevcr%:ha4tzlacyAcameg At, that A A mfmate there; Aware: grgzarg h.opc;s ,thac,thVeA King of Ezsglawd W0 ‘W,0umfhis .3 .KiH.§*.doa;11;s.Wm11¢1 Ycné ~fiwh a mmimzed%w ~fi@c,kgafMcm me the ]Pa1acina%:¢,i that :11: .C::own;e a£fl4zm,.-mm% Y €W3*mw3%d.y ba eflablifhfid M th¢¢~h¢92d ?ftheA%AVL E1¢&%t‘P?a1azi&w¢,: \ and ma flay ma mmfc (bane: themby Vcrtm: mi’ the En%"g41i*'flu% fimicfi ~” EH£KiflgV ;1WMi%n¢V¢= 3094 g§¢dar:%1VafiVe»&ed., ei-- yher» tmhis Warrmnd to :hc_CaMe 4thfe==¢eof, :-md% ahemupon Y.9....1§;%!E§3‘a amamnver A t11g,a§"te;:%h;:1dA£h¢i‘¢¢ t5‘~€% C91*I1§1§3%11d%w0fa.R€§.:imeI~fl?, Ar KW} Em fieafi Ma Weii wmpafird Armygmwas we rea9&»nw‘amamgi%A % many‘ other that not my Balm-mm, him the Palatinagte warm A rA mEfalwf%,Wh1ch”were both invaded Kay 10- mighty an Etmmy as waszhen the Emperor, andA*i"emndedAby fo puiffarzzi a; A A Pmexx-rate aswas ti-re King fSpazi¢ee'a‘ The Eariem? Efiéx having a&vem1ure& a3} mbimgs AFN.“ aha reiiefe of that AAdfifirc{§"7ed lady 3 and? finding an impoffibiiizy r with finch weak fmces w appaf -C 39 9-“ 2% 4. vcfi mretumewfintm Ewgiéwd, but mzmvimom fame hope Khafi his Ni"i&.fiA€fA"3:y wauldba femfibla mf his aughmrs fz.1fm.,..% a‘§n"AgAs,, and afflmifa iilufirioms amM.:aopefuMCmd1es whiah &3’m*ayA’a and Fame am ra.c3*£mnd that he wmzfid fend aver figaché Y full Recmias ofMa:;%a%§ might aalvamce agmzzc his ffipeficiy Em A 7 £‘“«.~é';rn'1&*i1.2.m Gsrmwmgm But G O D cfid mEmAwifeA ~or&.auTm"e Em, far am@$Almmg aft-:1: K{i.fiig‘MmAes by the privatiom‘A@{’fDer.zh mjhyedthe pc>1A'§M=lw flan wfa. better fife“ Ami Pxfimce C"i5ms;:rfa°5 being Vzmveflcai with the Ca-ovvm , ha was {"0 Far {mm femdmg mm:Aa:.2:sr xmca A A AG'arm:2~:2}Jt11a~txAhe German Hmfa Were%mflk§:‘~& a3_fa,1$‘§.”@gz:'3-S G;:ar¢va?’m,%:t13A‘ti:%%c§ij:ic‘3t%£”»:':: Cmxzmdnderslfiopexmeci ~ mar‘ iimmmifftmgn‘, am:-i findina~modA.thcirgreatgxriefeay tha=a:.M xhaey’ gamma %zV!1ag%‘p%@swrmgg-gramceeighemmrhich may e3:p;~d"%@:dj £;h€§;=' ammfhiraziozss on it 2 Sis: Ecinmwi Cam’! amraa fiazaazth awmiazaad e;f1c:4Ab0um;?isVuf' aha Cc:~n1z'mé£%fi@z='a, s:*é.relA1k1f1ws;~“~§ imgwiaa: eiamgzgar mam his gazzazrmsz mighc mm me=mL2¢:y., A A '1‘ he I‘-Lia: E .2 M‘ Ej‘w Wa,%s~t21Mii§iz1g an z:ez:m:ne wxitE'm;;I;m5 etfli A’ f.;=_=-fling any ehinig, Am? ah»: ;:aaher,becam"7e: aha Spaniard (a c.:“~...., c..=:»rci2'ngzo the O£’te%nmme>:,n mcurafl ma Mm Nia;mm)d1d be» gin to dare him from tiwiz: %Wa«l-I~s3 and Efiamcmemzs Info;- Vxnuth that {me of his men were Eamfed and emrred ibme ~ Apaxfi: of’ the Lcwmqand the Eariemld £—-E nde that M was no .. ficula mamz: £93: zheA%E2:agIuTI1 agazneto bee rmflcrs 0f‘ the A n:owne,%% had they -but %au:‘h0riry m{£alI:I0n :}H.mv{oeve.r the Spauimwlx hm v—%nozic<:4% beforjé b2az1dthatzihc:Eng§iQ2 flfippfisv .4 \. §::a.d: adefignc upen that pIa,<:¢_.§,And' fome,wirh 391, are of mpi. , mim, Liraat they knm~fv%;bg0W;_farre their Cmmméiffimn éid ex” tjcnd {A11 a1r::gz: h{c fhotc their horfe and foam: Hooé ready ” to enterraine -as agtou-r’ landing, who »v4ann:ed%me£fi:1cr~<:?efi«re ‘ nor\~ref'aI%utihon coinccmvncer mam, had buAtt§:ew*aMbcez;eA gzxrem. The Ear1eg0Fw&f§2~xbeizag ferry that he: was impIoy.i.~ M an on {G ~zamn.ec%e£:‘ary an expedzzicm, and ibAuAm¥%£.1it;abi¢TVt%o fh aw “ Englifla temper, did‘ refolve with hinn%i'e}fe onwm rmzrrze rm Emgfaad, w advenuxreno more onfzcchAimplaymems, bum; . E0 repa%i~r¢asgai4»n§2 {G I'1iVa1i4fi¢dflw’vhefe_fizzizgegmgrage Qafh \ an c_z:1;h'is Sfllilgii-=S;€tv&“S flxaufd be litre cf afiim 21,; a‘ncl%‘vW:2:::‘re%%théiié afixen %""&-wuldwbfi a~r:t~<*:ndec-1 :.‘ll‘l‘honGur“: Heflfhere xéefided%< ~ a«.'~:r:%~*:i=ai22§ ¢i%n¢;»§§1§‘?}?’%h+'3e$¢§€mp?a1‘:>?%i€rU:€%d~idAn:mcia*ad%~ fi 4 Q jagaxzcc % 9 . Q ' gggmaw-E .“ ‘ - I , -\ n ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ V @»’~?$$t§’§C@ 321% a:.%%;:w;*3 ig”.-Vat Smfifig ,?.»A_:,AA'A=A:A;AAAA:A »aAsA._;_AAmA:..?AAA:_A:_AAAifAA I - A W» A N, ~.~.;,.- L; L M ‘ 3' Q36 §§&uQbf§.T”“ U92 e‘*V”’.3:"’.-‘fa-."'!/“£T's}“";-.1£".‘v’,,=I?; f7,;r;t:fgg»@ J! 3”?-3 =a‘§%‘/ $5‘ A gm-no}. s C a ‘An _ M AA_A . M AA _ M A_ may fiaflgiaffiwfi my mg, kxz~aApmz%L».m:ay af hm &g*;.m. A A ' en.-A ‘%A.Avd-W ‘. A . A AA W ‘A. Mr 'n’.u-to V’ -! %3:&£'.‘i §W.1aE‘$.§S £3-vfi'»»'£’.'.»;6s»*&f:’3‘f,:?A Pmyim '~:;m,»f1~g:; ;"3§' gwq mm. 'ra"A u ! ‘A ‘ ‘ ' E 49- ma, ‘' ‘ EMA MW" {@1118 e,!am:v:2 an aim A»i£2rs;%~~m H * . A, A $3-£‘fl=33%®f .§’iZ".:=;:~z*=.-2?‘ W {hm Ear1eaTAh‘zs Mz%.°1s 4%,,.AWgfi a:AA,mm§ AAEA.-__A‘A3mflAA Q fig u A» $4‘ m. ~:~_:~ ~ A, MW A3. A A A A A '1 % . ‘ ‘ T‘ ‘W3 “ am“? 0*" 35¢ 4' W[W‘~¢,Ax% MaI‘(~u;1.€§1+'=—m:,‘ W’Zmm%'>~q,!fer..° her the Em-Kc-of Efi'2n.z.~hg.;}a {mm3“,3 ,y;:,sm:, w"a3-@313:-aimed R 0 E E K T,9afb::r his Fmfjmss mam an}; dgégg inflmyeam K6‘-3&0 md~l:,,*cs bmriefi at V‘ J W " H my ‘Oi"’V.$'5“"m wicfig A M { *3 1 I 9 ‘ I * If A I A A ' ‘ AB ‘A . A: ‘Q ‘ A, A fngrm M n?Ei1A1Hg mm fa happy W-in ME 13 &‘;?_~,g;3 Am mA,.€3.y V x" .--:'v A ' ' ' . ‘I? V‘ ’ I _ H §2.m%_., m‘mAAmm aAoov.:mAheA£ZzAm& tz:‘a'3,eAAgAi‘zr;_-*3.ra.*.=: dxd aa*af@.£bme ejéik e..:-«:,»;«3z:e;2m;s *Ama-mm time: Ham anci mm .L;:&y ,a§;"‘¢::,J g»-§,AaAa;_gg;,§&;_g_.,1 heme QM z.A1{c§r met abamon ax; mxmzmus z?mwgh€cs.a:M"i' ~zz=mo3Ey app%ZA}vm;€ mmfiaeife m we .m';.gA0rWcrrm.:1m of xiamfe mlm whmiézi caamdum m zine‘ fzauxwnes @f”<.'3hur<::f"z azid%fmTm;¢~gAm§ M? amAg2' nxaifavresrcr Emures AAo%f~Ie'11zrwcA %mfl*ercd_a-hgmféivas £22 h.i:r...~.= A Mfikzzdyfl »Vh¢e4A A%WQ~w:dAxzmplaymzamtzzme Eflflflfi-&r‘mf31I0fA{o§11Q fgxbmzrci ifweme, and; han~iAzagAgreat judggmezm ’efp¢,;_~ga1 13,: m at ‘*1’ Enghflx Verfe, 11: was ms CL1G: mfi:§ymm*;&0n~«» A f4zi0m%.ab*1&«%%burden 5 by Acoir':puX£i~m;%¢'(;‘ . Amman igm 3 A,AMAAAAmA ‘ U‘ ' ‘n «I: v < ‘d A 8, ,’l' .5 .-1“ J]... :?_ W?“ ' d0l7fl ©f5¢“”9W42?me ‘WQTEEH Ehfiffl Cum mm. §.3:*{‘3‘5 "E fl;.f“7‘},«W.A.I§.:’A§j'AAA yfl‘ H whfch was Aafiervnrards ibflczwediay t£*;e§.tA 3m;zaa§2, tH?é::‘{::~' saw A when %:emf%em:d tiiemfehias imam mag f«;».“«:‘~z§m ;:;i?ei>‘E::mc&2xf.L~‘.i?‘ A §Bqehg:.m,A Aprmcefhng xhemfdws to me W gm - lr:hough4ts than had b1.m ;Ah¢3«:.?;asf% miamiasrn to *£"‘;¢:2w " A _(£z; '% ;?I"’m};3g 1-¢§'ég§m‘£a’z"1 [ii wing farghc cau%”eA +155? %G%Ae&}the’wh«@sIe A -,-Efiimgdi-ngf 5m:l.did goyn c§3c1rda.~wm,dhands.We Kifiyg A A was A {educed by the Engiifim Bifhogs to mark: a War againfi zhezmrmd great ptparaiiam \—vm*‘em lwafnflgo ma:zrfnmm:;.1n: {ha fi;g:,g yea;-3 aha: the King aAdvanc.ed%_a ga1:3{’c tize» Sm n:5 3 mhé E an-1.: 05 E_,g7'E:c was we ofhxs prmcxpall Cwrmn anders 9 V bum it pieafed oé m make shat: yeare no years: 0? Blond. km the: yearn: fbiiawimg a. E_’arIiaA2.-mam was called, and monyes: being gains M: the proTe¢u~tzc°1=xofmegwarréhft was agazix bwkeoff... Tmhis Viarm {ha Bxfiwps dzd c@ntn:1buzeAmuci*s~ ,; % and Dg£‘mgV%Peirce E316 E*".%i.2"°hGAp af. that time ®fB.eztA19a1'1¥<:§ % % pfygzij did {my duh: so caffl itmzihxs Pwfpzt the“; Bi... {hops Wm-rm u: what hgfi thee Bmgopps cc? daée »vi5_fz £113 fwozd , and in&ee& M zimvedi with mm acczcxrdzmgly, {M the Army mfthe King hang b.zts,;, and the Tawne orwewcnwe bamg fleizedi bythfim, 1:: was ahaugtm expedient by the Kizagc §cf%CouAn?£cc1Iors thata. %Par1ianA1'cm: ' M ~flmuId’be called agmne. Thxs IS the Pamamem Which um.-% A go cfxiwgLfigywdoahcontinue,amfi whiehz have Iabmired fo Amu-‘ch? £ %toA”tfi<éir perpVetix3§EI %G1c>ry, far the rcForm~acion: o:fR.e1igiom;, foxcthe liberty of the fiubgegfh. and the fafety of the King: . dune. A ~ . on the beginning ofehis ParL£amenr;wh4ich.repteiénted the Afihal bady ofthe Kingdeam,t.:he King whmwithouc a1A1AAd«onb¢c, was Enforced w fummanmw refeive the crying ®pp4:e%ensA 2 f mt” his fubje<~‘3{s,did‘apeare 1i5ieA a man in a Feverafiametim-eis ere: A hmtfgirée give” i°atiVs”f’a5’ci0nt0the complaints and. éiefircé " ,e£h*is A Subjeéis 7, and fome%ti;m*:s agai%mec0Id_aandA !&’0wardA. " The ma‘flA‘N%obIe Earle @FPw9V0¢é¢ ,% an ,«.Maamtgowm§ A .%eiAngdifi1zifl‘edfrom his pIa<:e4By r:hA?epIe}afurew6f his %AMAajc, A A , fly , the AParIA%iam.enA%t dm move the King , 'th’3*CA_lChC %E?ar1Ve‘ ef’ might fucceed Exam; mgwhifih [ ‘his¢ Mzzjeffy uwwi-flting mpenly E0 deny them]&idjAgi~ve i;isa‘T€mt,h~e ?fi?t€‘W 7¢eryA wen athat~recai?ved Maxime;thar[&uring aheixrime ®F% fitting. in A 7 P§r2iamentj]% Smibjhfls are graatex-%AtI§em*A 4tPre‘§v3arAle,fi7n:=d4 aha ,[;Kmg1~e£fc~.4%A A A M 1*%%§+A§%s1§§¥§¥%Wssh §£F@€aa Egngmimci hgiaaéi dikemifdg“ A —. _‘ A " ; 3n3ue& it W;,1‘*“ A iamétiae Cvm;1r*t%,yct_: dififiepeart himfeffa vvitiia fa % m'uc?§V%‘Ha% mmr ,md mdgemem , that the am Emrtiem mésf **thm£?c . h whma were m@£&‘c‘mEm mamms; Majfifly mm mm: we K'Ic:wlM“m1bj"@é'% mf»D§:%€%e¢ Eat the d§£%.:mmtae3at*sbmwi;m thfm Kingat1&?E%.,.rfixamemm mmem’~:-‘£3g%, azma£ the Mag f"*os:fZ2.Es;§.p§i_;r‘v; <« Ewmafwwhtglé x; with all she this Ma» V j=ei% had fummancfi in ;th<;? Cuunzry ahauz 2"9?°)<¢"vVh~.‘31;”C3 them appeared many than-{ands that promigfizd no adlzzere imam “ him, arm érhathrz had a gefl'"mIutimmw bc5{§c%ge¥1’:zl! ,A Iaztxd farm irzo% his o%be&iemce,they were: c”c3m1a%e‘£1€Ad [Atliamgh with Aheafls fm!I%%0Ffi:mm?w] m have :3, rtfc© ur£?;: m Armzasm A Mammy is zhefiizmvv a'1%EWa.rrc,,to%provic£e memfe41mwizh .W'fi.i<:?hthe‘ City avers A&e{iredfA%tU‘j£)ri1jf..; £13?‘ tfimir Plate m maIa:e~ Asa maxing farthaft i7'e':v*i:;e.*1j‘§iié» I3ub1ike,;£ai¢b éhé‘ Kihg... uhme was fhefir 4{‘eC‘i1ticyfTn:)‘%s.“;‘it'f;A A %1}dVji%;:§deEd wE1é::"b€*2:mm {ecmrity C0!2‘Zd fl‘Wy maxi mtpfifi ~itI1en~t’h€*;4 m‘r;£;ij1a M’ the whofa Kimg,&021&2;o{’w&hi¢h tme‘ Pm2ame‘n£‘%%were the Rwy x.~c»¢.;p:e.. f'emaziv[e,a: nd [as it Werg 3% Mche Féwfes in vrufi . Yam Awmflefi a fm Was; W @%i% mrmire; wiwmzfsummesj «$9 s.~“e”aéyAz11I,wi;a:-L ,,w£~iar‘ Rings mmzd, what !%re&fmafi"yV4pza:ebath Sji=f*v%er énd gm-':i4I”t were bramght M V max. fiufld Hail} difi nAevm‘Vdc1'erm _._ C3 .. mu! hp i*F®r£esA *vft%15ciI$ins;Ash$’ ?%i3hAw%fd92%i!% *9jf»;:'h%e if I A i£°~3~Namc.f"0AiWPt%r33*Vas% a"tT%:}i§‘-p§:eFeflt;\ 1nA4rbe"m'eaI3é:im&;‘» %Mdcre-¢.fi‘e}ds ;&:AAit%3oi“v; pla.c«:s.sv£1e:¢ HorfeAs;;fm* fervicficr vvciie. 9 . ' my be ‘iif%é<;§;.rgra:rAe afimoffl;gljrongédvwifth Vexcgllflfm ‘1~1»:»xra, anti &heWy,0fiti1Gi‘£CW2daM£az,varc1szhemg, §Jeing% ace omp‘a.'Lji¢&§v%ii1iA%'iji1a:-33?4 'I;Ar%c1s4 and» %GA¢:nMcme1a , as _% **aE13:3w~i‘th ‘many Co1© n% 61173 fand ?A%Comma$ndersA «of ab: Ci $31.5 and ‘m%"amy.l1undre,d‘s‘ c;2.t’?H@FiAC7"%“mer2fl,a~nd aha ‘Maimad flands A who guarded him thmughy Témp1eA%%Ba2: mam ‘M'e«ore-fi7e1'ds:. A I@rt~'I'}YI}1€_fl€£‘1‘1‘1-h§SA.COR§hAfl.€AP3H’Ed to Hi g11~ gate, {he pmple * m~1each‘hamzIha%vi”ng;"a"§t~4hewMay maeleahedgaz vvixh their awn ;l3jc:"*v:iiés5az1dwithA1Du%€3 acclamatioms ai1,I7?:wry%ing t32.»m3G%r'3d blefife my Lora G’en€I}a ”iIA77, Gbeiprefgrve myL%e"xd Generazx, ’ dHis Ei3z“ce11cj1'1acieAA%"’bcingndw in,Hi3A March m zéappofe the R V % F”.?Efl’?:.?”r A_.,% Ahafimg fm5,;AVAB¢.Fo::‘e% ins ‘v“f3’3<)1€;.£i3(;<1:lf’§1ia1;_£¢;fT€_GfW$a.f’if6.VVhO vvm:eAc;L'zartm:eC1anci V _i giexxafimd fax:-:hc.Pa;r... . Parliament. ‘ “ wsmugfiz ( 2 j ’ (afthmughthey Thafl «dfiyen ma md‘ tin: ‘ifiimg befgreijy» ,,%;3r;,3 E197*“3’:?“3}didy‘*§hi“k‘3 E‘! €x?3di‘WW0 ffcmci Um izumbia Pmiu A mm m‘me«~zm£0 Eiaa Magieitxe, mm bveieeeéa hzm to x:»;~:gv1»;~a;w.=,»g~,; . f;tm'na1&ie* from ch01: Evin Launcialis «and C—aumcei§ars, fA%As,vh«::»‘% M hadf€W11&.“i3‘€.‘fi';'d*Eh€ h-mrricirebAe1i%ion in Agiwzm, and gm; 93%? deay«ou4reeME1*@ iikebksudy M»a£}‘a,<:re in gngzmda gwimgm ti=:r2gA himw nmka Xvatuvith zi1e4VPaz~1iame»m Awiuzm.-mg .5? . é . ' at V. .‘ ‘ _j_“* -A .~ _:-' ¢,_5..A A be{%Sub;eé,‘§»! m A a;ngd:3me 2, 1/\4’v7;CE7A\.V\1Hlm$h§Si3§3zVCC3VVV{’§f31in Wit myou me 1% Lawn orbmtitn a:he%i—2.oéui?cAs 0!’ fsarzgmmm: . NW .. ‘. ‘ ; M I. I ‘. . ‘ . ‘ ‘ V‘ 4 5 “ ‘ ‘ wh1%chl1.eI1Vzmn be%an<5,.1o if°u%M§>£W%£;%z;g;%i1%Aco,%z;;%ce;n3-t;~:m:,g am g;.»um: A 33 3«d*‘3iF~?§‘*‘i‘-533% &~?3¢3é‘3¢%€&U?E it was no bei%%d4elivem"-zd by i41is%%£4?”2>¢: ,, gr ‘ %:“_ . A M %-Q‘'‘“ cegienqy £he.§:aF.eQ; E_/jcaza ,w;,,, gggngewels Very, mquuglm W t§a::spiac¢:V%wm1@rrzm.. * M A ‘ A" a.......,,. fl%¢E.s¢,¢E,% Qth1@%§K~.in35m€¢%EX¥C€H®11t T}1cHum"::>71e Petitian ofthe Laxacggm mm mm, fi0W% Mefihblfidifi'Pa1~1ié1n%enn 4 MA WW1 ?(¥‘’’9*'”W?“ "3 *PéW1’i¢7m¢W£,.£f#m17c?t wm’3azac: gwmjzr E % 3 am‘ ~/vfi1»s;eflsa:..wa_;? L43;,u2’ 3g¢gymfg_5.’% 33%, Ewmrfi % % g2Vfa,%¢ Md Atmderswfi %.£¢mpmj§Kz’im_,,,¢§9;ba[d ;£,W,;fjj;mg;jjf#m rim the émmimma d;4g3zg%cr, mad z/asda%Vzzazzrimg%m;mmW, W3”-g§_%_g dw M-awmmcfytl§rMt.e;z?».:¢g;;;1I.%ub.r¢!UeApmfly f¢;';:_, _g~¢{?#P,.3 (rm. 5 IMF’, K”:'m'gda:«me.r sf’ England awa3%I¢:*e1and, 5} tbcprgzfigylrx sf prgym L prewafiififig w£th»%Tmr 3:/}y,.. zvizo 19}! mm} ~;.,;,.‘;g~,.;’g;§5,:4' pflms mmi m_;;azr,;;A¢xe.«»;e:4,zya;Vw gtt¢F2zptem.?%z£2§1«¢;V[tcr4Mm ;g.,‘, W,“ ¢_.,g$~W$% 1 “ m””f "57? V“"”‘*'f‘f""""”%%‘%’*'5 G"""’,‘""’”’;79"”"$‘%7‘??"”j 9115‘ 55-" Kt'fi:gi'aa’a$¢.u 3.5%: :"2m=a.s. £aw::'a';r.gg afP*o§£[hfi:;¢xflitiowm& Idalatry mm aim {°,.l§;,,;,.,_.;;r, A Aflwdé _ M-, V ' W » w , .....'. W .,. ._.. .;.. ‘.*....... ‘ __~_E _ ‘ I . ‘ 3' "0' y:Wmy {"WJ » %%;e~¢2¢mj‘wn3 wfifk/‘iisnimtéfi. ‘$37M’-F’&J A #d}%r~t5e“&éinpwfl§wg #5 W: AA g af &4w:=A£.mg: aarrmptmd Tax? Maj Ca;:xfai£e:Ja;émjadTm9* A ‘A 4 “ pawari ..mm«>'£éi;r ;§wM'.am and marimeajr dgmsiwmg cf fiarmwr Para; A ~ ~ % A’£.@mwt:, m.~m~ afiw éimdrafi the .R%ef'armatiam,, mdgrewar/m'am—A qf tfmfw $7¢s‘j‘ci3*£§fi:J, wfia éeing aqqw dg“m£.~I:d tmzragd 56¢ mm... j V’ mx~m- jaf 3:95: Pm4mmmwL£e} avyfxcémeme: fiave zryreramjbv " mmmpzeed tawamar aw: tlaa J/43¢:-m 5} farm-,%» mud in praficmim af . ‘ amffirficred mm Mair wicfiedfdefigirg"-3, flaw: em;-z'£eal3 mom % -mrmmmmi! Keéelliam-.£n% Ire-1and,..£} wéfiicb #19; meél, wmdmayfi H mrmgmx wmwar? mmg7":3f1’-"mm-‘ fieéjefh twfzéra Méwzle fiwrsw dam. % fflraytd, dzzdiéy faflflamfiews mpfam T'm:«£r P.a?7l£¢zmem;L 5 mm’ éyh ~ A maliréam‘ >4 mm! smjzzfi‘ new/cm'am uh} 29$-“W mdmfiivarswdi ta flew ‘E gin ;,t/.7; like maflscre bare, émvéaéxzg dzféappoimtwl réarcim 5; Me? T % M£j§€;sg~~$af Gad ~ré«g7I bzzwa as‘ the mqfl mflfaimaxzx. mad élzswafy ¢A de/?gr«wc:~f az.:££)% ymvmzae %:»:p.cw ram‘ Jmzjafl; to mnk‘_¢VVar w2gaimfiV %_‘T?}*"aW" Pmiigmemt mzwi V germ}!/Cz~z£5!ja£§1H'~«9_)° Viki! .R”ifi@gfd9»?W£.'5l@Ed1.?§“g‘:'_ M A‘ % yam:-A'~£~WM€’ pmrfw: um Away agazimfl them,“ Mr zfffjmc amended a.=var:gIMfl to ,a:flxa£*!{[a5 ma @a$_/blurs lm?§~iEz'mi:%}ed power 9‘??? ~i‘/3£’m9 V mdé; tée power wad if/at vamr:m“m~a:img ebf yam: Aipreffewag Imwa *r'.=a:uflzc»Q2a1;jf}éLag7lea!*aa2&4d¢V‘-i.m‘>.§r3:{2é"m ad ,s.m ciizmv,/e af fly? % ~ ggzeaplc : 447563. ' _fTar_t/1&3?‘ ‘5m‘i‘-45*?‘ ::::_/'."r%::/f:‘.a!1:ce"i;a t‘b?fe"w£c&ed defigyges -dotfaelqeta ériz§g;»a72:r;££:c $»e.~étl:~ of1{reI=’and,= amd"azf*2‘er Partew ‘ %_;;"’~"%’r‘am égyamd :7/.2lr*Se.s2x tafiyeme with them .- A vmZ%i22:;‘>fi12di:x‘g mr % fiI*e2e;:t~=:att4:zr{y deprived af Tatar‘: 4Majefi‘iexprafi‘¢E}£wJ m_v#~t:5a .;fl%%é-talyarr % Vfiamajlsilam; and wégzrarx of zlzq/lei mzyb/:z:_fIen7n Y gragtefi pawn-ervtzxdfaaz/Mir with Tfirfh“ Vflfwjafiie, Md dwfmded fly fy9W=‘»,g¢gfl9'fi;§‘~'I- tw/as fwfiicg Md .Mmt1:9xi{y%‘afV=Y cam H 13.35: Cmrr qf A ”)§m~!ia%miwt5wbrre&} t/11:} are graw2¢Vta%tJM#1% lm'2fg}:t% mdhmfilcucw % M m; mmnfifif tbéeirmge mm} atwalic-:,%.rt_gm%sfb Névnfée. HM Zvaérk my mad atberxwba are my wa]inv1z':»wd%:ac;2wj peace; mt witfiaax A A y':a5t.— aagznpmmma sf c!angermra”}am‘ own: Raw»?! perfim yam ~ fim/Z;‘»%mvt in AN things ¢:w¢m.¢r‘ra‘~ wit!» Atfiéir mm-A «med tra/yt:ra:¢;¢4 A m;:z5rfi%s_.,* %$16*';J£W¢r_f0?"1‘iW]“fi_,l‘1z Arsd wmccefiary ggfinw aftiw Praia; V flan? R4-l:'giam;Va‘f T»:éwr Majeflie;%$P:rfi»3 Crawumwd flaigadityg ~ A gf 241'»-A Lama: amd&Z;z'&:rtéa:4:V«of the-K%»gdam;AAa»dAzb*e pmwmmdw % préwilgdgfif bf RR'rlf?dm%¢nt,%rak:u fir}? ..'&3?*m:15"afi63 appaizutedmu A ’ -aw:&¢r£m:d~~R; “ ~§sj{{‘f A § at*b4h:Cwpffm‘m¢;44 s......‘».« -L.—-c-v--wanna.-.....-...«._a “FDIC 1.1.... in .....huu’-..---.n -"-' " ""- -. *§.'€:v53'a2;= &E?; fiatszérzsfaf Jaf‘ .?a£'l$":%a?%e%~fi"’4ya:i‘_g~g.a*% W % %¢m;m¥ mgfgmgfi m;;m§~.g__£, .wmg£w&~€f me"§gjZ?3«m$ xfgwmfl m;3,:’.?; fl .,§,§-,»g_«,s‘- ‘.._;-3A::;_,~,;g %;5;gw_w-ya mm: M MP‘ ,1! . M '3'" .‘ ’ -3 ‘ v1- _ n umefff \ . , _ ‘ , 3“! 1; 1? WW ::3r."’.'?£" M. T ' 7-1" ~''’' ,, .-M ' ’l * a w. . . jégf TJMV Aflfigjfifi EW fig/ymgy :§r,,.;r5«*A."f:;:".x'“2':;”.""4.';*‘!‘ av . M‘; J mzwé A%{.%'w.wz:z*;e?ivm»x+.e.*e.- fiww . zfxcfifa Wig ;$*&”y;';?(:};,:vg;*; ,—§;m,f}f‘% ?;,¢;,n;.,.;,, fif fl“’”d ,f°"Wm d‘7f“;?°w“°" E-"é‘j"*"" ?"::*'°5'="§%’V¥‘¢3"-"*»-i¢‘~‘v""e’FI=*'?*«»s3" mxfaawfisff a$£*f;*.?wp;2*,:?“5{ téjgt ffimr ;;M'£fe};(3,}7 wz!%:'m'z'M %£.émfme4. M ;»§»=;~:»1”;+.-;£ae;1,&+,»:»—,:;,gf,F2e»g»,:'g§} gg§,g;w%%§,%¢wW wmm war have J/‘mt 4% Awzmfi? t.5Qw.¢.=..wJ"¢;g¢,=~z%d :1m*!" zw‘-.;~m~ “,a«1*;»,;,;»”£;.,;',:,:,«§;a2}, mg; . » H ‘; _ . i ..r ( I _,‘ J. M” 4 mt mam Jamar nvmxe darxgerx wmfy A-%9:.~‘¢;r'.x', ém m §;e,«m»% fiflfg 3* ,‘,%'°"_a;%.“2g! V (kvzréamz ’y£a2'4-V $5:-?"c‘¢.r,).J‘.f'.:=wta{11:::=Vz2~-H5r£rm‘;2z?T£w‘Vy:a;~:w" ,P,£.*“:’.t',.;:g*.~“'y,;::;?’;'«zvz%"9 mxgfl é3ffi‘j%‘?a;ww-fiait €._‘::’v‘$€r’v~‘fi<5‘z*'s;;?'e” .;=s%;-gay? Mme wmg;~.:j:=: 2%’ a’ fan féaxzer £37. fic'W1!wé"J‘ mad $“!J.v:2_a,2‘«:-;fi2v,wa.r ::+I5*‘6w<:s»">:I..‘::.’;:‘;~;2 2:5,‘: écw’-E7 -f«r::~*.r.~zr .e'32:"2,;;;g~?_.,~£.;;;;:m»_,r W,- ‘ J‘ ‘ I ' ‘ . I to ‘ . zgsm-w:d: fir ifie V m;‘m*zr}« mm’ /5¢fiM0fi£?‘AofJmr¢r }m;—V_fi 'M,_§:4* P5;/£~¢'T5*:?;y “"353 3‘ 576 pMJ:‘:,9;*ram fig/~§%zz‘:;° q*_,1"aza”f * a§'.’¢,~§,".§,‘¢' rm}:/3 /:70fifid’.5fl*‘M7¢f¢’/fdif‘ ,,:y",5‘ oé~.;'..« % a’s'«.'m"e réflzdj/:5$é,’:’&:-6‘fiZ9 mm’ sxi£.?.5_j‘}£z’zj1' :.“:*e;*:fi§?¢gzw¢e-5g;v~ ,3-,3; _g3rf+~¢_9 3;‘,.;W» - I‘ ‘ “ ‘ ' ’ ” I way #34 ‘ Pd‘-’?‘_/’:mr.w;’fi¢d eflam: *rW¢:zf!' ::.a’.~z»2gc*r', umwca’ M 21% zwr:7~"m.~=$:%§ eff asvz¢:z~ A pazvrrprwmfa, mad t.j';§z“"*.»a:~Mw'fl‘i M ]0£w7V/75“A{fi“, %€5%'?c%£ sq. ;V::£.s.:'Ijf“%‘Az_:L4:‘w:“;_::a~.~‘”':%;=*__%W» 1 J ~£/9A.:-t 5-le:[3*£zg:of~a mg/E!9a:ppy.mmd glarfnrws-;%§;ir:gm%, V ‘ T116: ‘Ear!c:*0~:i" £17”;-.r having 1*sce$:§w.:-c§:tE=1§~s 2ve«:mo_m; Em?“ M ~made 1,21%‘: 0933‘ she E.» GE" D0rfir’{w?1<3~w;.a.s thszzma S:?:r.«r2~%.:_;j,:’I;’:hz'.az-5; tyvirh His Majefiy)£havtit ti-nig§‘H: find accezffiz mm himA, z%%.1m‘?. V within 3?.‘ F:wrei"£a—nrc:c¥L2;z1d the Kqling rca;:ut'n:ed. thi.EIf 1:.%t‘1i‘vVer; fT»43w-at J:««;s~ mzmwldrucciwc 42:] Petition tlmt ]}':.:»:zM$1Zza prim [awed m ~»6*z'r.%§¢ friam 1'49! 3 Afizarlifizrimm , from may r/mt flmcz’ é '&:'»*zr':;g % V %t*/Mifiame, fast tmtlikewmr;:Mvzzat»r¢¢:£zrM*1*’eri:i:w:.éam of I.‘/MP /J::r2~i1'I%a*%f"am;:%‘T'r‘a]rM*¢ % % W ” ‘ M V % _ M His; ‘E%his i1afiruflio%ns~w§~zh alicsonveniem » i'peed3andto1a.y ’Jyd'ze Peci¢c1‘on:wh%:h was mqbe preferred V «us: his Majefiy. ‘ Much abcmt this time the King a§va=nccd from $:5r'5w_f. bar} with an Army comm’-li»zag oféacm Fact, mom ~Ho:fc ,, and I 5oo.D-ragom-mes , his defigue%Wra3~ ta march tcawards Z »49.wJw2 with all his- Fm'ces', @FWhicJ1 the Earle of Efrcx be» ir=sg_a.dvcrt%ifed,he admv.anc<-:d with a- refolm-ion to inccsuntew with them,and.~being agraue Cwmcello-r~as vvell «as a great: Commmder, he dc-1-fired the VPar».1«i%amcnr~ chat %t"ee Trained i ~ Bands in an».iab.<3um11e Ciry mt? Londen,%%m igtm A be pm: in 3. V4 Amadinefle«A4For theirownc defence, and that the City“ might be’ Forc~i»HveeL.,8é an efpeciwcaze taken to fecure mhe: perfons of % xhc: chief:-zrfi ofzhofe Ma ignam CiItiz€nS,Wh0@W'.t" the E-ml, on the right hand Aofraur Ama;r. It was fomethmg flung before the}: tlamzin , and the Beware mi 1 their F;f”ou:: Army ,zaa%x-mfiy the bard Gm1sré1lsRegi:21em commanded by Sir P.%~iL4p 5§2'.¢x‘,m’~“.. 7 A rm who that day did excellent fervice, Sir €6§’.«:'£.?ims-; afla/farm Regiment vvha was I.ier,1zwAc:na;2: f’3e11ex;mI.' 05 that Hews , 1 ami the Lord: %F»—"i1.s3z':rg»r AwRa%gi2m1e1ac.vv.!1ich» L1-oogdas a mfiervc um. ‘ no :;i1£Vz'..rhiSR€g?1T§E£1t_w§:iC§.1 drliV(irike17azé£1 gem: m {lame other af our F00tR€gim€nE&3' om zhc1c.*?t; : "Wing that f'0mrC_Reg1m@mtS'With0hIt Hrikzng mm H3.-cake dd am quite away ,A‘ their Officers being I710WM@'I01?tay A.AA:n «r;‘ifi”e:*;r"2.°i”f‘i’;'2 E’A:iez1“a?c:s Tflorfa on the IféFzw%i‘mg §1a&AA~t5"Ie Ynéttéx? [ 01%? 0E1ii"S;mr at Athe fir‘? :1-:ga;:1g&timyMAAx:c>Iamd them, and irtreat ahmr; Abaclkuponaur faotmtrdfm*Ced‘ti3eiAr way C=1’e&I:1e ] thfmjwho zhcr»ef'm°e“cam'e up to the Vam in the rightwing ; ma diti cxtraordimry fervice,~a~m$ .. ,. , , ta . - . @252: xvas Amormr-mzAZy fl1mA*x%nrt1e Thzgglmofi which mat Emmi; sitar hésr dyed“ R ‘ A V G Ex«::cHemcy%%§9erceivzxa”g mat ‘Af%:>ure~Rcg§mems0f dam A ~3§T~‘f‘-FE ’V'<«"i=‘i‘!$; 05 hI=S“AAI“1T£y1vV¢3refled,and never f‘0L2g§'3£Awv¢iz:§a 3 M A rchmfiledhhis R@'Foi4lm‘;Ai‘oza‘%oAn‘th“eArighx Wing where with un- Admzmd V§lOufi;i}¢ charged the 1(~ingsRegime'xat; " Once hee 4;:harg,ed '.viA»thAAhiAsAAdVvme‘A?l‘ro@pe offlerfe, and when wvmg his R~3giz.nemcof%. Foam wA;n~admirab1e Eviang whow far Ashe‘ ~ féfézy at’ the I§in.ga&m«mA:A‘, emu! top1z:2cAI+: the Kmg Mom the ‘ hands mE'zho‘:°c: Lrhat «slid miflead him, did thisday adn£1£x~ab1er“..~ fm'ice.VrAAH@was a;I'.va_vesimAthe»headoflais Army, and Em» A wing at 121% gotthe advamArag€% 05 me wind:-: anfl ground, ‘bee ” .g[13fg_ed[f1C.KimgS RegimentVfbhomefiaving the revimem . 4 Jo . ..»;.~,£mc Lord Bm_os{:_a.s‘ w%aiTfi{% hzwjthar Ahe%u:.zcerIy defeated 1:, bee take the Kings.$tamdard',énd the Eariefof Lind]/E} Ge. ' A A-. 4 A A ~ “ A ' 3 "‘ : 1 ' A. "‘ "" A mrail czfrhe Kxngs Army :«Hx¢s Sam was azio mien Pmomer i 3 QE'].i“;Lliémri‘COIoV5i?)i£f0rvVh¢3’~'COn311-laiadfid tharfiegjnucz-w:,%$ir A‘ Edna-zrd Varmjwho Acam-iedA«nhe AKimgs ‘:3 andard was flame, A A «mg Loyd AA;{.{g§:gza/y tvats; alfo A-flaine, C01. V.c‘Mmy:r'w“a% great {jgmmandeg 0;; mm Kings‘ {ide-?Aw::-15 Afl.aim~e. A Two A HAegi%— 3'~£1ff‘;nKS:‘~0F Kb-6 Ei1emiesFpm:[tlstaezaighr comming Monjrraryw A~ Iing»;ia;éinfc1~s'es mvwardsthc H111! ,fm:mdAth-ext Ordnance ’4;-viAt11ouzAanyAGmr& at?‘Aa11;w11Acre't%-wey mr:~2deA a Aflanfla aAnd diil A gmrgga m,;myAg;-can Ham; againfl us; Byxhis time the B®dyA ~}t§1:: E11emAA'AAesA%AH;eArfe which hadbin pi1IagingthAe.VVa‘»g..;. ‘gem: at zc:yzm~ghaohhe1eiIam w? wvheelcabaut ;%fome: on“ Agsm of Am: Armmand fgmcwm tbs gnhm j,_and Afqaté M: ” A A A (.27 :2} A A Esgfi they united tE*a&;a.~» {‘eIwz~: zomzhrz §:ws~:-c§y 6;-mi“ %§3§1‘% 4i%z‘/zip Smfleram, who d1d ICQ3V;x{}§€&§3?§& féwvice, HHS day, % 5 4 L. ing in wiaét ”&Li{bf‘dé&r £”h<éy€e&‘1‘th€_,. ciouiti, theyfiygrzzedi th&mft'iV€S with the r»2fé*: of their %mEaen% Tm'%@p::sL, x-vhfic$%'la haaimaw recavercd their P®t "thaf &id guard their Ordnaxtzcc. O»mari1orfewet€a1fb gachergd :6 mar Fxamre, animus bath Armyes cf hmfe and: ’ ioetafikomd one ag;2in£%;- az1orher%ti1imi_5.;;i%1r. “ j This great Vxfihzsry being obtaing:;=:d% me Earfie M Eflezt mm:-chad :0 Wxarzvicfle where he f(3fi’€fl.‘;15‘.’d his mmy Em a few ~c§a.yV«es,, where Mafccr Azarmzz fpeakizag of the‘, a%d*m£ra;%a«1c fu%ccefl?s: cf this b:¥:m:ai1c:'; His E raceliency repljgffid twice €036» Khfigrz: 'i‘km4%i~1ee n£:ve:*!Zwv Ieéfe of rmniin anythi2*2gthe1x in A t:H‘is Eaanaiie, -nomn-arc of Gad. A. ~ ~ N0: 1ozaga§’m::'r his Ex%cr:*£1m3cy the Earn 01*’ Efikx came ms % Lmaian with fevcmlfcoi’ his Ficge:-”:ments w*fE'Hi0f53 and FQOE, who \7\?;§£[7i"I7I1‘!.Ti3..‘.h ;g”::>_v were %enrer:a.izr2.-9.51 the [ii’..”"m.:z aflattft the Ctmltets in their match from Kimgflave im the Cgmggw i ty of Kent and to oppoife them 1n"£hrSiii'fE1vP[h€I“'in_V&Giittg the fifiotmtie of Stzrtgw « ATi2is Bridge atAAAeach end ms fortified ivitiz. Qtiénaneee art-ti Mttrskettets to ‘fetid it from the Enemy‘, who at :hacr锑:.,,¢ had‘ ttttfetabiy pIundcredfCiHg;£am-, and fame Vfllageg ad- jet-erit tiaeretinto, atafd now being fat} of the piiiage Q? the V ‘T0‘vVH$‘ 0f3’"4’“f”rda‘ Kmffi'W€,&l3Ci other piaces,and not da- ttitag to attempt Further, they were tetytittig towards Mm)” den/Jmd_,' fi‘®mi%thE‘ttC€ to Reddixg, and Oxfivrd, the {cam of the Conmaind the Retidetvetts at the Malignant fttt-my dtiring thetwat. t A _ t A The Ptt-iiamettt‘ (tit they had itiii camie ft» m tine) ditti on this pubtiiflt a Deeitration, to teitifie to the wt-ztiti the cat» riage of the matterat Emit-fbrti,in the time oft Treat): the -the peacecf the Kingtc-am; ‘ to the end that all meta diiE:ettt»- .ing h0W"T3t‘they bed beetietdeceiived withfaire {hewes we hate p&‘€t'El3C€S§ tnight now at: It flandepomheit twee " tiet”'enAce,a$1tn&ti1eir flctongefi gear ~ ,&t to tiibciate themicites togetfiet todefemi andpreferve theit Religion‘, Lawes ttmi Liberty &€)fpé11'A1A1'.’{1m4i'nIi a~t1clAKttagdnmt:,A yea themielveathett A AA Wives anidt Cbi‘1df5‘I?FrOFfl tapine“atnd’ ruitte, who vvet-eafi ~C0m€t'n‘ed37 m the tziotiitnon danger ttowmundt about titem. as teiiwply-ti AA “Alg_-"§:cetesit2t~av Cmmmtisi fmmthie P£E1iam€m£a£i‘1€:«.££flKhAWhfifi V -- -— v —---_- ~'~- —---~-- -* -*"---*- u-- - - ~~ ~-‘A-"' i ~---»-*—-“- ~‘— ~*'-" '“"--""‘ .' On this the Counties ofthis Iiittgdom did begin bAy degrees [0 aflbeitate thettafelves. A t A Theti Kmg haviing ~a.i'ter‘ this:' made Aanother metiaxi F015 ipeaeeg and the Par1sa~mentt‘hat~in§Ag rettumjed a finite ta»n(i=vere re "it upon*fmme»new ccsunfailesfiis Majefiy was its i~mjp:it1ent1 Thatiihe leaked cm thePariiam*etntS an;f"wer;*1'as petmefi Qa Malignant party inboth hottfes,twhttfe fafety is built upott A the ruines off’ ithisN;ationt,whehaveciiafediflits Majeftyg his ‘““"‘ Lmm. g [Hi P35 3-9 . ft; “#1! €23‘ Si; 5’ ~ g;:9.vm:£h V V 9 %V::a:§fi=:d%»an Army mfa§wa%a=¢va3sE1%§~; fjféa :h:::§.i;»cs cf Zizeis C§a§2m*en_, and; thaw mfg Rtimig zmr: mmv ’"’" M M V _ _ h , M ;%’°:'c:2m hm hefici aha}? wouldimmfi mm»Wm@3j¢.mcwmm:p3 a:«:n»'.i$ W ia;g£rm§a*w1*mV AM ihjthe erzpreflizans eat” that zed... dggfig 3;; §?;*r“g.igg,‘:f‘ar»ra§:.. Hia Majefléta fimpzad (if :§t«?.a::*c-..{:a<-:-:‘.:*::~.«.x§2.:a:Ve.:_w~.¥ ' ' W F a an 9 Q . - ~ ~ A, -:~ %~ .. he Parézamens umm i._§;;a.2iemtao:u>~. {Em Ezvmswg com- M °" war rv v” o¢--$- 11-3 ‘ '. if) ;.t:,-¢»93iv.*3ei*a5u7Qfi£?,--J3iI3i1:5:3~«¥‘3%.’I€.°,' wf.-2 §€.:%Im”%% mam» ahfi Crmvm V {ham {:9 ‘E3 ?u%lé£}~.ed) a’im; his D«:c§ara':z§p“n w~cm.£d £"‘1azis.:5@ ¢ ._§§e;‘c,‘i w wok-mamtE3e1x:::”I3:Et*r:§,, I@i1“;>;.E%:,raf.i:%“a?2%a:m f”c;»2'E)::r;:%ra. ah? ’ ‘ n ‘‘ V fiat: 7%. V ‘*3 x "““’?"“.K~”-'-I T‘ "W T . her 1'rem;ms,;mc:é ggzuee: cram E0 .&;:%§.E:~am..IEe1»m. m;..mwx::h2 “ “ ‘ “' ~ mm iv ca.“ “mi. ' ‘to Mx:AmV4:e his Arzrmy, Aarzd 5:333 aaE§.’1Lx. mmanfie they um... a"erf’:cce@. §:“:‘“;a*'?.:&i'=;’:€{-’£;€:;§ Lemar fem umm SxrAV%Ec.!:zé;awéZ’ A1-tE»‘v.%;§!Zf?d‘.i%:'7EJ”J nmmy experiencecfi C'0an:naV::»c%em, mad wiz:§=2 A zzfzézfm mi‘? 1'z.*‘§0i‘5€}7, Arm“, 3~“§Aflm~1ufliIi0‘i“I2 were de;§gz%1¢:;~L*£r‘7ra*:::.m Hafikmd cc» §.:~; 13é at m.r.u~zj?!e .£'m' VzhcwfeJr~ me of 3:13 KEAi3$g .:s.mcE time §sd§'¢'§,11CCI1'I€flC_G?fT~EhiS unnatuAraL?; ”%i*’a7a:re.. V V A % A M 'm§5 die} imetfiin flmrp ed’ an the axZ~""t'e:§:§m'm m’-"zhe City; *%tv:ha€:; vvfhemas the Pm.~£iamem GEM defim thézfmk ta M339: th¢‘m% with Ehe Imam 0FAnhAirryth0ui%»%1a'i P011“ to W’ the V-Army» may cheerevfully fmbfcrii§%d c;-:0 pay 55.1%. th;:eai&ore_A:%h?.r21af"a1a& paunci, and wmzid have madeiw. Farreigreaterfimmme ca» fimher the $1.0m‘ 66232.2-r.~aEi me Bade 01” .EJy&.r:tm pram-:ee& with hisifirmy; an refme His JMaje.iH<:~ fiom mflehands 0%-ff” Vzbofc x'vho%A%V%c1e,za'2:3edA hi}-T3‘f§fl~1fi’hiS:;P‘:’Gp"Ee_~, andh?i3.Par1ia... ,m€nt. % %~ ~ i _ % A But the Wfntgr aid new grawhezwic an;di%mmQdem.e ~ihowreMs mffiaim had {'0 corrnpted“the4 gmuvnci, that time body @550-0; covmld nut marchsw 310! the TrayneVofAi‘ti"1‘1~mfymay aw. ~ A me%refo*»:¢ the Lord Gem-rail »vasi}nfc.r<;v:d;2;c3 cpmimuein Ahis winner“ qtzxafrrersf; a»t‘W.émt[3r u%nuIl the Sprm h&vfi:r:e»*c:3 cm: V Ho:-fir. dadexceiient fervie¢_1$n: the%%VWe£:?rm1dier the cwm%n~:,an& of‘ Sir VVu’liam«.wWa!!c.r, and the Righ st, Hamourable: the Lor&‘ -‘7"E”£7:;f¢°3x,3*31d his‘vrenoWncdVf?0n:nAwc Sir T£w.maa:AFairfie~v;A a;:tgh,i§e:~;- Q Ef€<3§ mm}: %gE0ri%QustVi£tggr§¢s in £5355: Nfif¥h4,‘;.%@f WAVhich:,;*%*3‘1t%’i¢ % A W. he ~7"hct° Fe peeper ih rhispiiaceiteidehiivee ‘theeiho:*y,‘'i‘itiheihg*the .. ~ ~:.easke ofthis Pen m"‘expre{i"eem"1y thm"e‘ipai.rt’icuIaie fervicee in which his Excellency was peetbzm;iiy% preifiznt. A » The Spring now‘ ceinming am his Excellency ahjo at the meiidgiie of Apirifl did quit his winter Q__r_mters, anti advanm ced ' cmvards Oxfizrdahe feemed co‘ airieby-’Rm’d:’;¢_g m rem i ” éex: that Garilbh morefcewre,‘ehd t at cheichiefieii firengch ~ ~hemcrr Mme where the chiefcii danger did appeal-e,he m;g1m C30 i take Reddmgwiti-1 the mere cafe and Fp.-zed 3 Having there» Fore Wheeled ebouuhe hmexpeeftediy came 555 face den 21 he... i ~e:~;—iz:"a::e Tkeidiig , and ("em his Trumpet to zheeoxih-no1:‘: to A M fut-render that Tewheaumro him for the fervice efthe King end Parliament. Colcmeii Afihrm vvhowas Governouri at“ A «it rezurzueeiafiubberh eanfiverffhac he wowd either Iceepe A the fowne or fimcveiaind dye in re. Hhereepon his Excei-. iericy taking compafiioh of the Woemen and Children 3 which were ca zmciergoe Ei1€" common dangenhe {em umog A 4:; ehetflovernour that they might‘ be i‘u1i'ered;m come forth ~ but this aifn was rehsafed by ti-‘IC Colenell. ‘ I Iereuipon-our SouIeiicrs”began to intrehch rhemfehizes ; i.an& dayiy to make their apptohehese heetere:ia%h”e_at~up the E.» nemiesvQ_;1arr%e‘rs%—%amDargbefler about fcavcrimilcs Erorn 0a:_flmvZ,.andA routcdand..furprized many ofzhe Kings Horfc; M andaRegimwcntoFFD@t% under the Cemmand af Lieute«.»~ A An;m:%1Co1o1aeI1 ;"?a'wzfZ2r who was :akcn%Pri;i'oner at Kiutan, A n, AAg'i::azion , Ihte11igence%.wa s%%receSgV % and_af'cerwards re-leafed :¢He wasabiienc imhis fervice ;‘bm.:V %‘ Vhisfiaptazne Lieuc€,'nam: »va.s'c%aken Pr1f’oner.»The Kings Sm.nda1‘d wasxagaine indangered; and about one hundrwzzd Vmdgtbrry gaI1a%n:,Iw-iorfs,vsrcr.e ta%k‘¢.n..;. Hovvfoever the King gconciriultdi h_isMRefo1utioMn..foM: Arafiflng gr 1:116] fi_e;ge an »x;addié2g %,.Vand;be»ii;gA‘ aAdva%nc%ed,z:d 37:8//iiwrgfbfifd hes: marched V figom thence gmvards’ Keddizvg wi*thab-out ~nineR~cgiments of'HorIE:,and nine Regxments e£’F%coc~, and tweIv.ev»p¢iceMsA +05 Qrdmnce HIS. Res;mem:s:cfPoor were but fthgfi-and my _ _ if % . l ;7-ryl. His Excellency undegllamdingef the a;§preael1t§Fth'iie tl1°*-l“f1W;e‘nr.‘l th at his Mtjellyt himfelfe , anti» lthetwo Germfm J’rIncthis,iz p1ea*fedAeiemighty God to vifit the Army of they Parliangente eewixh {ickWfi.\efl‘e; bywhieh many qt’ my ymng men pemfhed, and the refl by rcafon of their 'weaknefl'e'V were difabledfxmn dining any. greanfervice in the A Field: : His Excelleiice emitned_nothing*£hatxnightgiveerew a';refl"e ungothcm.‘ Phyfieke andwwhateecvcru eif<:‘W1as l5t‘1‘W£'§I3E{e! expedient wagwfem-fmznq:Lcmd9fi, .and~;cate~.w%3r§%Kmlb;nh;~ r 3 * L ‘e 4"?" “""f'”"* '“" my huawi F~o1f1m_n_yanhd éloathesforthe Souldiers 3 mad men makeoui h ‘ wndxcwn yet1worz"e, Sxr Williszm; V V411.-,-r had 1*ecei‘vcdhi30me h " 1933 H012 ffifF3h1i'%0En Bflflfi//, andthe Marquiflé of Nmm:;.:*x’a was ggcawnvvcgry pmverfullfim the North. In the ~meam*: mm.-2 the King having pofl‘eH'ed himfclfe of Braflolla, ‘was march» .3113 up t0hL9’W-V with a pnifl‘am:’“‘Army ghmhis way he rum.» V moned_G/09%-‘V linwilling W leave any Towns behindhhim ma commue m the ‘piowejr of the! Parhamemz", anci Brg'/Fa/1 be. ‘ing taken, difdaining m fit &o‘wne before a wwneazafl near’ to; carry it ; but the courage: of the gaflam; Governour Co... 2'91-1eIl¢M«:fl2}, was fa remarkable, thgthc mm one-Iydid put ‘ V. A A‘ a lipp to the furiws march of the Kifig‘,h who having gaineai Giuqeflar, would have forthwith‘ ac? vanccd to Laxa-a£m,_% but by holdixag h1I.m’1n play; bee gaveahnhoppcsrtunity so his Excel.» A 16116»?-" to recruirems: Army. and under God, was a principal! hinflrument'oF the fafaty ofchis Kingdomemfl. h V W _ In excrmrdimafyh neceifities we doe ml:-: extmhrdinary ex; Eedicnts ; A The Trained bands of the City cf Lwm‘w:,wh@ ' eforeweret m':hverkmowne*ton1ake£‘m 1ongha~marchouwf’ ' mhe Ciryg »di“d‘new teadiiy comfemhto lend their jbefl afii‘... f%har“x;c:c,h and hto their éternafl honour prefcmringche. publike 1 V above then‘ pnvaae good they~ref'0Ived m adventure E3365: mvm: hves, to prefervemche Cfity,St3[€g and Kzngdomeu A A Inythis hrefolmion they met his’ExccI1¢ncyhon‘Hmfim Hékthb. Whq beingright g1 adro {'ce~x;hem , has thanked them. h forcljeitilavg, .anhdap‘pIauded chem fmrthveixr courage. arm * umi't.ing theflrmysbothimohone,hehforrzhwichmarchedW; A the reliefe of Gléaeflar, whichat tI1aztimedidmucllnhcedhh " mhchafiiflahnce of Fe brave an Army .2: Thge;Kiz3g5h vF?oz';c:es with;.~ great violence did pfbfeeutehh rhehfiegef“ which Tcomixme-&; “ from thc~u:m~hhof;' Am§#fi5«to the fi‘Ft..@§"'%3£pttm5a?,OH which; day the Enemy hearin~ga>f~ the appréaach’1ofhishfixvcellcz-nee, did becin to fend a"wayhzheirhCarriagc*s.q andxhcir foot and hc:«_rfc gig} march a&eMrhthem,han*e1 thé hefieged (it being a day; " ‘ {ct Ahahhpagjt far puhlike fafi) hdid mrne: it inm aday of joy,an&. ~pa'-ydh%..un!c:) —G.M0;d}hhh§h¢i:;*5§h£1n7}b1ehchan};eshforh.fa «gracious a.di:g: h A aihzézincée .‘—-.¥-45-: i ‘Wee have not the IiiJ¢rty.l’.0 give ante yet: the difeoutrefie ” of this fiegeatmtge, becaufe it dmzh 11‘ot.fe».*tproper_1y belong; unto this fuhjeéi, It may fiahice :i‘1at§te.it wag r‘a1tedbyi.the eptmvesiof the moi’: ntfhle the we at Efl3’%_‘.~»1C-> 15 WW3 midi, reiolutely fufiained by theivalnue, ixadui-tty,2md dexterity --of ‘the. Hetoicke Govemour Colonel! M.g§7:;t, who can... Tttived a‘M=. the Sttatagemwi hand ioceafieneci all the falleyess he the mine‘ efhis Enemyfl and the ptreteeitiont of the Citya ‘ V ‘ he City efgleccflar being thus h'1'aveIy relieved and the fiege taifed, his Excelience thefiarie caf Efléx did prepare to follow the Enemy, whe alwayes fled before himdand refh-A {ed E0 Ranti E0 the hazard re? a B—attaiIe.: The Earle p€1.'C€i-- -wing that Ei=1'£f"t‘z’13.i£§I€.7:I’fE€R3"t” of the Enemy was to cut off all ptoviiioh 'j_f;:om his Army, he made avhridge over the River of Seveme, as if hewohid march to VVara'e.fi‘er', to amufe " the Enemy, ahcito caufe themto draweparti of thE‘ir’F0fC<3S thatway, which accordingly they did, and on a fuddaine he Wheeled ehouti another way, arid marched to Tcwkxézmay, and from thence E0 Cirdfirefler, where he found two Regiments of the Kings Harte web were but newly entred inte fettvice In one ef their Stahdat}?is:the Inventiomvaethe Efhges-of‘ the Paazliament Hioufe, with two Traytors heads fixed on A ‘I a two poles can theI7mptheroF,The In1cr1p.tion was this;S:'cr;%t extra fie pzrux, which is,as without,fo within..The indignity V whercofleft fuch ajufl impre£fio11ioFdi£'dai11in the Brefls of t the Parliamentgthat itwas Voted, that the centrivet ofthis ignomimiousinvention flmnld be very flriftly [hatched out, and beingeknowne. thathee fh0!i1/ bee for ever haniaiflmed the Kingdoms, as being ax-mrorthy»ito live in the Eng-iifh ah-e..~e‘Thisgeo<;i fervice was performed aheuti-tvvoiiof the A Clocke in the morning, the Enemyes f@£'*ithe mofi part he; mgtalten pnfeners 11‘) their heds,and their horfes feedinginii he _i diets: the P:abIes,thete was_.a%l{e a Magazi11e4oefVi6*‘ma11 feiezede on; which was awelceme boety to our Souldiersythereweree We ii1n—a!1»€etire heeded ~erifen§£s; aeneiemany 55°11?“ Frém i A A f’;‘s’3‘*) f ‘§3'1=mmhe1<3¥:ehi‘VsiExcellencemaféhed imp Wfirfiire, anfi being advancedxowards Axémrae hiiis he hada fight of his 7% Mggeiiics Horfe which_apPSarcd in fevcrall great Bocfies and were {'0 marflmzmed tb eharga our Army offooc b'eing_?then I on their march in feverai diV.ifi@flS,\IVh1.Ch'C&1lfl‘Jd~;£}j.J£‘»fl53OCIQ ¢unizeathe1n3{EIVes into one Groflligour hbri}: p€I‘p._€ [11}1.37 1._;,%1;~j.;~.-.... ¢ mjgfllimgyvitb them to keep Ch‘CI1fl‘ Ofi"rI'DTn the.,Foot. In the % m~:?"a*metimc she DI&gCOH€‘S%€9l‘1bOEhfidCSg3V€ firein fufl Bodies on one 'a11ozhgf,r on the fideof the,H111~..U2ar the Woods%above,‘an& the ‘V-~a11i%es helm-V did Ecchow with the Thizndcr of? the. Charge. There“ wcrcabma 5%; £'oux-%eI'cm5e fia%i_m:%upon the ‘ace , and mc>re:h¢11gaLsma11y 111 @r;::wem V1‘ 0 “ely w ounderfi. our Hort": a1(b?1mde a gsqeatltnpretfion upon the_‘D4*zeen§ Regiment <95 Hm~l'@»,., and.. charged t!‘1em%againe,a_nd againerm A andcmtrin pi¢ces many of7i"1;er~’L%iFc Guard. In this Aiérvicc Ehe Marquiflc0FV'i‘UiJc was rakenfl. P.nfo1,1el’.1z:f tccmes bee vvveuld I10: bekmcawne whoh‘e'vvas%, burind c:av%ouring no ‘ Iefcue himfelfs: from a Lieutenant t‘faat: took him: Prifmaer, and tmrgupon havinghis hjérad a:'m9Ih:”IQLvc4n.af.1'nde:n pwitha = Polcaxe he ack.no»v1edge’d.him1EIFcA1;:=.&hc1afl W1® rds¢;¢ghe;f pak;-,% which were zV1m:- -“yo;/:2. -amgrpmd Ax?/1'arg:¢i: mourn t.%th E‘ is, You 122: a great Marquis dylni’-HIS dead BQdy,J7vaws,~% c»a‘rried go Hung-arfbrd bythe Lox-d~iG%er;era11s%;C.I%omn;;and4:%VIchadnot: “ long bin tA11ere,bmI th;€‘4King~‘d_id i7€?fi§1T;1Tl!A%T?Pfit: ta; h%isrAEx~ ‘cellencé conceiving that t:hA¢24 Mér;11ui‘s hacfi .bz'n wounded cm ,1” and taken Pnfo11¢’;r, and dcfirVedt%h.atVh1s Chxrwurggams-anti Do6°cm'~s*migh1: have frssfiz accefkuntio I-um far Ins recovery. "His E'>:cel1ermy cu“:rt-ifi ed the Tfnznpcc :ha;:.hew~a$ dead~,~an<3 mzumacd his Body to the K.tngvto .rec&e1vc thof::_1-jzmerall ‘ Rg,;35”as his Majefly would give zr; tome fay that his was mnfoxned forr:hrec,hundred pt-ices 0: Gold, A" . % Higfixceilency being cemezo Hwngerfivrdidrheé Armyraf his M:3.j¢3fiyL»»vhi%c{1Wasmorenumerous: in..Hc>r1Ze , had gem . be{0m5%1m,%a1adAA»vas advanced towardsdviwémy, anVd»1'wee.. pg,,g;beLCuntry before them haL:ci{5AV1efi:%ir def’cim:cA of pro. V K r'Vi~[i01=l,"&1flfr2mL1C~hV.‘§3a5,h‘i§‘ E%§ce_31cn.C3’ fi?3di§g: %,1i£;t%1.e%m~h:§o- ,.A H (373; 1 tlaingathHagtzger;%r& to l@a_fiS~Eethe‘11eCemty of his Army; he was infotcetd £0 marchaway that night towardslVNm.... . Mr} , to which place (although it is .bl:i'l[ fzaven‘ miles idli- ,ll:tVt2ce) it was the next day httcme he came ; when hen wag within two miles hf §t,he did mndctllamd by his Slwflts that . the whole Atmyol? the Kingwete ,at hand, and that they had mt only pt>(l'efi'edV themlelves 0f.Nm£mr7,but that they hadmade themfelves Mallets efall advantages that could V he def-lt-ed for the difphfihg ofthc Battle. Their mainé htl dd {law in allatgeplain, and were rem , l'ol‘ute and ready [U receive hut P0.1'ceswhichin the;l‘Vattt vwtte paffe thtettgh 3 Kane uttth them, mwhxtzh but fix men couid match oh ht-ell. V I; 4 efifies, by this memes hut Foot were depttvtsd tn thhle places ef the {accents of out Horfe, and our Canntm was made unprofitable. Neither was this a1l,f'or our Army was alfo in great danger to bee charged in the Rlaarew -and there- lsbre the mofhwtthy Major S£g'ppm.was called hff {mm thé?” . Fttmt to provide a valiant Remedy againlt all dangers that flteuld invade , the Ream. *All,.that nightour Army Iilyinl the fieillgafmpatllcnt efwthe floth of‘datknes,,~atacl wifhing ft,-ti . the ” motxnings light to exercxlefthcit ~Valour_,, and the rather hecaufe the King had fem: a c:hal,let2ge«ovet~ night tothe: lord Generall to give him hattaile the next morning. A ‘great part ofthe Enemies Att-nyj continued alfo in the field, .w iulcapabulc tzfflesepghcir En emy: being. fo nlghtand fomtimes u looking "ohthe gmund they" thought yzlpon the melancholy Element of which.lltheytw.erecompql‘cd,_and to which they mttfil retuttae,‘ and fomctimes lacking up, they obfetvad l “‘ the film: matchca of? the Sgtattes, and the mming fizeneof’ El-leaven. A %_ A V The day no Afoonetl did. appears but they w are llmatfln alled lintb order-gand advanced on therogv of the Hill, and not % long after, the Ordnance wassplanteyct, and the whola bady of thcirliotfeand F,®:0t;HOOdi117Batt3Iia. ~‘~"l'he'Offiters~an;& Cegnmanders of their __Fwte_did many_ of A them leave FF A W‘? —d°:ub1e:wa and-vt.1tl3 :?& do Afgprsak hix=rzVk1§giz%erdaem mar }3piz!Ew:.,_.,. He perfozAmc;:»;Ai Aim wiz;h, great reibéutima, andby his mvmiz: Aexamuplg exmrilem dem£>n£mwms if Vaioumo im- Regitmsw: E 3% Cmsaixry of.~tEAAza~‘-2 Encszmy p«:-:rfor1ned‘%Aa1fugh%0ur rzamkes, wit 3 Cle;mdA-of bullets came at once fie thi.;:k fmm our Muf. ke[5_ avndA1nadr::fi.a%ch a. havocke amongfl them bath of mm. and horfe,A that inAAa:Fem'e, AfuM~oA£con%fmfed;fpee:-d me); did ifiye before us, and didn more adventure Lmpmn fa warme . ~aAferv%Ece; A; ‘ ». “ ' ma V A '7 In tha magma ume Sn: Pwlzp Smp!atwpezcfm:rmec=} exc«:2h~ lent fexrvice xvxth the Lox;d Garzeralls Ragimemmf’ harm‘ and five: ytin'aesA togezgher did chargcathe Ernemy :: at aimvc :m.A!A,, the renbwne and glam? of this day is Amm-£‘%i jumy due um-. , Am thc:refeI21A:3amAaz1d coArJdm~‘?cAc»F mix? Ganzarfld, “f'm§bef9re A we battaile was bcgg-zn4, bee did ‘ride Fraym cam Regfimmt it(;n A A anbthezganci did i1:1i;’iame them with mm1rag»m2z‘2a3.pz:rc@ivizsg in them all an eager defire imba:te3l4%wA"wh their Emmissfi he; c:nile:8ced4%to himfelfe a fur: prefage MI Viéfizory mmm.?cA.- %1WhaveAh:‘-Bard" that when in the »hm.t«£: amc1mempeIA1~ afthe fight A flame fi:i»ends of lmis -did advifla him m:1ea=:.ve mff his white the? ‘ fiat % bqcauffi in Vgc‘m’gmd»l3im a1mA@bje& KW Xmtzariaabie-mu ‘ V J ‘ _ , ; L.‘ ‘QM... H . -~-- --~-- ~~ ‘ 7 - ' " A aw M A;-Km ngmy " ‘) rzzpfyed the‘ Emle, It iwm we Hat, é?p;m+-'/Q" A Heart, the E«1at4is mm capable ¢.itE':e¢:* offeare Gt honour. Hg l:§rz*:§7e.‘—‘;:‘7% being fbremcfii in P:~:r£bza_ did ieadgup the‘C~§“fy ARg;g,gim::AAnAAcA am when a val‘: bmdy oi the .»...nemzesAi*1m-.1eha.;& ‘ giarehfo xvioieama Ciaarge, t§‘iat.fl":%eyha«:i broken qm%i«a:Ae:' .{hfQ,u_‘:;hL in, ; hm éiuicklyMrai3§;.ed\hi%s m1en~t0u;;C:tAh€rgand wim Aumiauxmsd courage dici Eead th"~“:‘:njg 51-zpsihehifl. In his way A ha dxd beate cheA1mé.mry. W?‘ the K i2=i‘;*g:%%-tkam hmcige m fiedgie, and did {o?i'&:atLer_:hem mam hardly azzgzm the Enamms ism; appeared atI.thatprc£?ent‘toémlmmm §v;€cf‘:fg:t together in .22. 500$; :9 .§%.fcerAfixhom~es1c»n:Eg figmg mm firxee{ifi{%azace of his hoffz, hf: gained thcfe advazzrages v¢i1ichm';z€f4E1ne1ny pofl7<:fl?;:di4a “ the morning, which; were z3i1eA§zi1i_A, a}.1ei1cdges”and rim Pu}‘.’ve& A A A A A ‘ In tile? mean &'imc;a party of the Emnuiesl10r;:”e%i1aAa great Ezmxziy Aw*h<:e.’mi‘ labeuc, and about three quarters 0£~7aA rzsyfac: me i‘3,§;.?._?%,_ .Athey dlid féii upcm I336: Reare Of our Army, *:»%vAeV§1ere%4Aur ‘«t".Z§ax~:ria§,*z%.Vs: were p?a:”:e:::*f...’1?’a:» miieve which , his Ex. v~;.jé;«=:,w3’¢Ahs,»i::u_:s;«,=:% fem: 3 i“é;"§~_:Aj‘imi:f’:A**.;<;-:r.:'=‘:; gzuaamy ;*&Tm.m7; the mu m afliffrbeixr —‘+E}iem:§As.A whaa Wfim&<3eepe1y%»i.mgaygedin me.-fighr%,Tl1efe f‘c>::ces Am Iarch%ing3 do»v:n,e}%4; the hAii§d£dmj,efi: as Rt-ég;ime$m flwforfe 0%” zheAEnAem€es, vsrhmimhssir hm bszazachés of Furs, and Broom, which @.m~;.Army &nd m'2:2t'd2zyxv§r¢:are,For dz£%1n:?cioz=: flake, A m bee knowneby one awrhar from tbfiif advcrfariese, A" ai1_d~ they crycci. cue: to mu‘ m%eufrimd.g_frze:m:’:; Em may bfcVin;gA%%diA%1&eAvered £04366 Encf';na1es, our Amengave f-}’reAupmn and having fame Aherfe‘ tofecondthe exc:c:u‘z:1c»m_, they “immm F the M11, they increafed mcmurage 0? %A5é”*:»m:.-v1'57mc> 8316A with rematkgbie Ioflé, having left the grczrmel z*'%m:vveci»~mhA_:hc gcarcafles eftlaetr hm:~fe.-yand Riders‘. ‘ IntEA1«e:A meigma mime has ExceIlenceAbaving new piafited I1 is flirdnmmra an aha tp mfthchzzi dzd«thrmderaga1nH ch: cue... them fmthzzr from themzour men bejirsg »nmrv znarw ::;miri1§r£¢.“nd$,%‘xLa§te‘r a {Imp <:onfli<§t they inforcedthe Kings * my whereheeAAfoun¢dA.%t.heir numbers ta be thickelh % rlanidthc A King: Orclmancc A (bei mg yet) on the famehilljh did p1gy~.wim we 4£a%:3.:;.“ fury agaiazii §i1e I~'g1‘/cc; of ;hi*s EVxce1_lemc:c {the C a- mm 4., whorenamesiAare~*nn}§;do»vn§mam us? A “ * M “V ‘ (3%? A mngevméach fifie &3cI fliijputev with 1923»;ay;a=otl1g;;;_%;1s§;"th¢[a3‘;t;a’ mu,» Waabmt 113W ‘begum-‘A This Traxnfid Banéwfif fi3’i5f,C‘iW Lgmlém endured *afhe%%%‘cfa¢i7ef'e£'%*2‘?ne.&r oi’£'§?1€.‘ ;dafg:g :§f£§(ii§2£id£%2ti':ht3V~eV_ mm" {:0 Win £5, fr be%ing; n»9WF&u3:so:n :E:%«eBiré'sfv‘of':%%2é%‘ Eigxil [h.;=;yA1a~g rm: onlyop-:-;-n “E0 th‘eA%HmrieV, -but the Camzz of she“ Em*myJ ye.; :g§;ey‘&mod_ma&au%nc&dA, and Cmquerors %againff A 311: andériike agrave e:fETPii%nes in '3 &‘ayw3fx*\{imde %an_:i may mi}; mavefl than heads or Armegbaxt keprzhezt fem: King fare _., umleflh by an xmprovgemezrzi: @fl}ca1m;u¢r_:h€€3,v = *~m‘xce%d fmvvaard mo vpuszéme tAhe1ra&VanmgeV cmrc{mr *1 V A%1;{wragh:r1:z.e% n:zght"&1cZ now dfraVvvon,% }jez‘m1thm: A -' Amnics did draw ot€Ew:~ ’Ha<:> E*t1esnreLs*Horie%1x1 .3 grearfimiy fiiavf fimmd an the furthe{.%fide ofrhe %I1II,a11d aim‘: mmainders of':tl1eu:Fo«.:av; A behimd them, az1&1aav£12gnw,?«:: {Ema Pillage :1 about the miwiéfie mflhe might may dre§vV’o:§? mheir Qxdfilteamze, Mai rcmcamzi .z=m=wm] ; On .tfhc~ mxc znmninfghis £ xce3Jm3c»:= being gbimiure I\..:‘Ia§ser ml? the field; did marffrmli againe his Sm2}d5m*s Vinwprcier :0 ram ceiwa flue Enemy~%i*fh“ehéid any floAm:m£<»4m the field‘ 5 and my that purpmfs ciiiéhargad a peirrie mf0rdnrg’=21C<3 9 ‘mm ‘Fla’:-> $E3‘.I?$«~«.i %my% appearing, he marched tic‘-Naréis fi£a'dt'wg.* The1ofl7'mw’nich the Kings {mates ms V ”ve& in t7:.~%:s* fl"Z3§€5"i“f3(3~ mb1e.B3;e:m§.£e is remarkablefor -heAfides*¢thAé m1u1ti:iVizdes%thaifi % were carriedawayA’in‘C.artfM£3ere %ve*re“v:%£vmff:=:’ fau‘ndtka;: were buried ia“n;4i7~‘*irs and Di’tchc5,I%”Thm-e*~m.n::w mm P~:3r~== 1E:z1ages of n<=:r.M~‘:,a.zaca"»hcn'Ur flainagag ti-2‘? ~E‘:.w1%s.'3’~:’-: §’.“a*,{“(7r:3;‘“§!»;:'” the E 3.1375 of .S’;a.;;meri.vz2:¢2’st1:3«B Lmrdi" 0!‘ Fa:wfé;';z::¢;£ mare f'a%‘ifafmu%3%%% for his«Pe£a‘ than far hm Smzrfi, CoIom‘.~§4%1 .m1‘:.y,r:#_yo:aw mma;/F yam “ mm A A A Dated , 2x~S»eprr:n"-abet; I 6 4 3» A A A% AV . ESSEX. His Majefly having mA1a<—§e:ri%ooti the pious: Care mflais Ex; ceflence for the burial! ofzhe .Daa.d on bum fidesfic Efliacfl out his Warrant to the M aim: mi’ Zvew-:’:w.w*;? for the recovery ofthe woundedzhac wera :;gk,c~':31 ’£73s:i{onAer‘s on ma: fldq: Wificfa A if7’”r~ W‘/1mm’ Cammmmri i.ga*£rat}a;¢zfiérMwi3)§ [mi £5330 rm‘ 1' amizw mm? mflwgew W-{j¢sa'e.wzt , and grimy zvéewc mil I/M flmd /amt Swzldierx Qftéfl Emmfa af E1‘F3;,d m} ,m.m-J mi... V t/amgév £17957 éze I€(*ée[Z.ga;Az¢al dsjé'7~::.A2r;* ,z“:’s~e pmmffivmeuxzt agf ?"’wzyror.¢b yet mt avfemr tender comp.»sfl3m .m;n?i¢ 2‘/ism /}e*:':r¢g Mr Sm.«}j¢§~¥m' , yr wilfandplmfiwa ix t!.wz:rAyazw mr-¢jf2rzlfy 1m-a*w'deAfa~r tbc-:‘:- ma- aawezy: , ax Wei! mfér tbefr: qfcwr mama‘ Arm}, and rims zafemfi 2/aam mam 0x£'ord- %. A A “ A His Exc:c1%IencAyes Fnrces had not n'r23;"-Ached above three or fv:.vu7re mglesfrom Nawém;yA.bmt xhey gzierceived rim am-mug art 7 0 the Enem - made haffi W (mam them who were Emmi? anded by they E%a.r1~e of Nwtlmmptwé ‘, agd we Lord Wilmaax APrinAce RA.w;éAert‘vvas aifethere in I’erfc:m,Athey téroke WT §'9?€¢¢_5; “@403 %gf¢a£A%dE&m%€ ii? a mrm%»v Lan¢Aa°X~A pfifiing fl (37) wdhihghh m-Why Eh xaieepe at hand ‘. Gut fioxaflon ErighEf‘e' marchc-3d.i11% aha R€a.re,md%aih2crehh was a Forlorncfi hinge hfifix hzmdrcd Mwhettizerss Eth-:~'~iE mharchttdhin the figure oflhem; om: Hmfifh aim: hroughtQ;h up our Rearey,/pc:rc£ivvi2'zg 1%,» fhrohnhgg a B®c§y_m“:~;h0ri—h and fimm IE.) heard we hhahdhmi chm» e%¢hi}img. themlefiives mt ahie m cppofé zA%zem, 2323 grew: com. fiizfiom and dif;‘7QfC‘i§€rEh€y made ziaeir vfiy through em :r.«mV12fi P@@i:,aa1d tfamplefi Gm many of’£hem;,’i11 that hfmigh: &:..‘-fxa:E;«1r€‘3 %1m&erzheirHor£L~s fiat. Hawfoevhéfr a3E§“1;oL3gh. this <;‘«::~.za:‘hw ficmhf’ mm fiosrah did put hm: Emits imw fbmc chEf:;rc}e:h‘,}1'c€ \ we m+£m_mg aha Eagm ihrvfice psrferzned hf: thram thy: «;ia3,,v hc3Fore,& nhtxrviflihgxww mfoofiietheir hr it di d hearts: dfiowne both Hmtfe and Man,ahd inghe _midde1-I afche mm nude a new lam among,£% zhczm. The [Fail 0:” :he17i::~m:n vvm the Rift: ofthe Courage of 1:h~eir Companicns; , and thereupu. an addirzg {my me theirvalcmx”, ;-md aieihperaaxawfiie w Lh€iE' fury, may advehtured on the zncaumofcrzzr Ordnance and mm the jawss 40$ D each , and became a!’c<::r5,A ofchvvo ofouc Dm fies. In the mzsrane time a feieéhie Iparcty of our Peace were drawne Om: of the Lane into ahIeid:,w£1ere mizhe £71-3» wnfi chargcz ({2} hot wag the Fervicczjthey ihfnrced ihé‘: Eihcw hmies {home who lined the Heéges [0 he-take Ihf’mfq1%’e5 nu... ma thehc hec~:Ie:;:a1a;$ th1'o12_gh thcz Hedges {£3 gaufecfi the: Em“.-.. my with their (hm, that ahorzt one-2 hnznflrad mft11e~mIu-2‘ of his dangers; ‘I-7~%£1«2 Lo_:»:d M330: %a511d% L116 MAmazfrx27e11“~V4Qix‘7i%*3c €i~g5r%1~d‘ié<*me€te ‘ am '3""rzV—-._iraA<':d, Bands at Tem;:~J¢*.«BrwreV;;;za%dw::~:émm3,ined% them t»=‘i.—'?ie:i'1grsrzegajoy,?'andthey4f1admany th%c:u«f£md"\ve1c0ms {mm t{1ep¥e%op3c as ::i'1%~ej,*p.~1'fl:d in marciali izwrderthrimgh the: ‘5..”~:z;£'£:“:f3I:‘5_-_ His3ExceVlZez3ceAa.Hb, [%faeimgcome I10 Lwdm] had‘ iblemme ft5an1is%sfécmmcdy l~..im by%VthegParIia;z11c1at€01” 1315 . faizhfizll 4«.m ea»riéd!1?:.€rvic£s¢ £5m:«*t%he Mare%a1:ééVKi11gdam»e ; And4 V11ew,z hf: Vflixazfirkcornmizagmm , hehad}:E1e~!§i1%1regf'oaa°“ are whz%le% no refi*elhta1;nfe!feM,m1-id U0 Vma?$e«mxv P1t0v:I43ons.fof“ ‘WW 3”‘? &g3ifl1‘}~the«enAfmi13g3L;3Lpri mg m revdum Peace uzaw me Kingd.om¢,a,zadthc Ki:-1gV u¢m0§ his Parliamcmpg am! ,_;0«‘n‘-7 firm’ and the %M.afignaVz3z G?a§rx%i%1%;1AaVs i11theVVe_Hr no {he ebedk. E;-:..m:ve of b‘0_13h3Eil3d Lizisgreanwwrke mmfl asks fame time far we p1':e'pa:°ati0-ms of in Therffore on -Mwnday z.’24?mh%cA 33th. he f°e1:mhT2s Cami- ages é fiam Lgwiriwv, 52 is '5 culdiers wet; m arclgiezd away gbetfor-‘e:,% mid 0;fl?Tm€"day fifaj the 14:71.}. ve:y_eax;¢:1yiI1 th-£::%FnOf1TiT3g% he f'0HQ?NCf1 afier zhem tmvazrds xfmi. Hm ga,1:1a%yn: Coma-j ‘finfm dérASi%IzZ!imm%W2/lgfad vazmccé w.i"th, hVi‘:%a:1i=?;jéj,bgzu7z't,ac fame e;:£11%ance Amvreafc the _Cm1z»:2mes threugh 1,vv%£~*1ic11arhey~1:xa%a'r~ czhedmd gssean care was mkccnm punifla all di1'brdcrs%‘gim his A’ ‘3W“d§§§i“.~Sa M may appears by4.§his ~l3i§ P;m¢1am:a-tiona 3 %9fi¥RE' $ AR. L .E ~ Qf 5' 3'} Captains Gegtciiafi 05f the Army ia*np§a=y€“»Asas:=;emr5@ ma. V mm mm np1m:2fi.a:.zt1hg;» ma Gfiammg Vamtamg W: V mm mm to vetwfiag tyazn gs? weir &m“U*§;amx’haga« at w tberafnnwmg emmife wmmu pieamrc am:,*>.~e ma; mzwbg firgiabtig marge am mmsrnrazm 221$ xmfinzem Ami: ®aumim‘a uf fignm feat anu ?.Drw2§fl9mfi fiefimamgimg V we flm ‘Q mmem my ¢umn1at+mfi?aatm£p,az%aw mmgga mi? mm ms fngtagmaftt; arm: i>r; cu:;H;Eflé‘x~wm at tléeir baalw, which didhh£%ri30UI'*I {Chg ity '39 @xfc3?£¥, and taken 3 pt-rrfafl vicWc>Fit,‘di'& A f2thdowne~b.eFahreit; with fbpohwerFu11anhArmxy,hghgzfihig Majeflic on Munday _7wm't’l1eLhird.h abam :w'e1m.s£ the Mar nishsié 5aE:9!?9§_¥‘%a.§§5n颀i:-rvitkrcerraizaa troops ~-- p-I-»..— nus-g... . 4 ' =W;r‘E*1c:v car mg (‘owe z‘7&~=,c:>t‘e E-‘z.“a*C:m.?:£‘r:.*C3 iaehind them 2 T?2&re"Fa.-E5 g .FI%*.,r«..°:;ah.f::~:s;" which a.f.i'c:.:=:rwarcis b€C‘c1V1’1~‘3 ?~‘ 3_'-’Ch 500%’ Wt‘ &heir%unféit§1fM£%iE=:rv;anES» ‘ “ %. A I; ‘ . JLJM ' . 0‘ ' ° " 7 ‘ .0 - . . “:1 The limngg being; .2mm:edx%acezy zI‘reA1nte;1zge-21¢», Azthereoif \«v;~mb3."0Ls,g3:1t *L1l1fCs§-7&3 EI:>zceE.1cncc:,and the a.:"'*E:iv€ ailti’, * ‘\"" z ‘ ‘ ‘ "LY; ‘ vjgifiagqg $3,‘: =%«’«;»‘b".2r'[a7zLw;2 é?'3?’¢z!s’¢:;:~ z.r\,::-g;,:;- cifimréid to attend him, . e ‘ U l . .5 -. _(~ Y ficxzag came cc: fl”.V:t‘;*»2c';';’,,ti/ mm; mm Fences wlmh 13 WWW myles from xa:»-f?;.-W2 wrhercaahc Iriisag than was; Hi? M333“ Pigs Scams came galioppimg 121, and b1~oug,htthefadz1ews: .. ‘ . . . .. “ ”‘ ‘kl 3’ ;£har~4 aux‘ fczrces w~er:i~ at h.:mc§ = 0&1 this In 3 _§¥‘3§~F 1" 1.:"~3J?‘5j~*;“‘:«f: - "A! Q 1 Lia Wfivo-:'d.Adraw%11e, dim‘: ride aboua the .f.r>wfi<'3 E0 1133511 *5 ”‘’-‘m ..and (11eceiTz'tze4 bein :mva‘y.. - A ‘ ‘ _ %_ v_ %- — . H .% About a day cartwo af'cer,‘H;zs %I~~Mj%¢:f”*s:1esAForcC5 11? #1 Ymig march did c::0me~to ‘fiyzrf/mrvbridgfi. V.Vh1Ch ‘MY Punedlmn the mother of 7 - V‘ % - % ' 7 ' ’ CE '3 A hmd ta pafie ovcr,wn1ch being d0n¢Jlh‘3Y 1m‘3“‘d"d'; 3}‘ ¢ A - 7 ' * ‘ W [1 rs mhebords auvaym Ij1Az~11dcr.t%1eap§.(’Fagc@f_&31FW“'Wf" A“ .5 J *E4*’oz'ces tfmtfwcre inthe‘ir.p11rf'u1E,but £5113 iPa31“;‘iY* 551% ACC’”'”'' to thq Bridges,and?haPci1ypaPfing (aver it,yt;he 1001}: beta 3 aw fl%ipv3fi'om the Homes, and §th.eyw%hmver§_%u.pon :1-1e,_3f‘dg5f, did fa11‘finz:m:he River, and »vereAdf0Wfl’»?%%<'3T"‘ H‘? "3ha’m» ¥VP‘a%![:'amAms!!er did loiiz-:no timem 0,v€1jfak¢ t11e%F0V‘C€{5d‘:3’ the “King,mAn:l his EVxc.e11en.cewe11~1was gon€:anc?lwt%he(~fi€g‘*?! rawétd‘ by 9*“? m“°"V“ed ma L 533 mmil, due z4ighnH;onow:ab1,c the Ear1€fG€93“VV4””i“€‘ V 'T«!-,_%; *nvem ic:n)V E?-WY 1??‘-1'1 ' “ ~ A q ' .. I‘ W 3 em’ Joafe bards upon Hones mt apamy of their Emma thtn 7 j Mt‘) incomparable ‘examples at‘ F0~i’[iUL‘1d€ and Pat.~i«:~m:c, to the Wonder of their'adtverfaties, and eof Uenetatlons; to come): theLotti‘Adrr:itai1did‘adverti{e his Excellencege-thatt=fbrthe A % more fpcedy reducing; of the Wefl, he would beaffificant te H t R This Toweetebeing titustieafenably re1i‘evc.1u‘tie1utA{ion aharging the Horfc ~, at lihc“ W , firfH11cc:unte;r he did Routthem“j,'azadpurfiacdthc Vifiorjf‘ V ‘almofi as far as the Tcmme of flridgewarer. In this {'crv1'<:ee~' herookesfoma Commanders Prifoners, eiievérs Tiféaopersg H a21df@z1rAcEfcare Hmrfe. ¢ Mach“ about the fame time a'pemi-T-§* ¢i»ous::defi4gn%e*:®F meA Eemémies mi blow up his; 13 x::c~1I:;2incies*~‘ 'T::a‘im' 0f'mjzi11ery5 wasfiwndcrfully difce‘p'<:racd»a11d prevem ~ IKE." A His ExceL’cncewi2h4 a %1a'bVouring WexpeéZ’cation ‘did mend the fu.pp!ye.s QEEME-n axadmmacy tobe Af:-nr unto him.‘ The V Armies ofth: Kingaml of his Excellence ware npw drawn ~ Ene~; . % mm;e;amc'ii dayly facimg was anmher. “AVA pmyA of the e 462 44 ..E1?l-:§‘3‘3 cconfifling hf‘ ehnn~t threemhunclrcd hcrll: had ‘ nne m'nr-5 £1lElg.chCaR2.l[hC13I1l}31$’€$ into rhreedlivifinns, and advancing % mere hisfixfcellenciesccQjerzers did dare our men to an in... eoumer 2 The Gallant young.Geln:le.man lM.ajor Arcézlézlsl $;mzz».er,gI;n::nn»t able to indure the indignity, defired of him Exceileaace that hee might lmvhe leaveto charge chem he-c with onenhnnd-red home. His Excellence applaudingllie courage did cafilyccondifcenduntoica A l A l L He receivécllchec firll imprellion nftheenengy wlthnnlz: Hie; ring fmnji szheplace whereon he flondfindwlnoc firixng on the Enemy until! they camellhrell unto hrelh he made lheh ha ha» vocke among£l::hem,, that many of them were ohfcrved an A fall to the ground together. and the re[*Ebeganl~t:0 fly; Incouw raged with this f'ucceflTe,9 he charge:-;l the fennnd diviflon, ancl Ihm';,w1x;h 1'0 much fiJ1‘y,,tl1at they began to Eye ingxeat cqxx-. £ut'ion,clinn:. 8.51610 M incluxse the thocke a1iCi.C¢m~pEi3r0-f'tl’i€_ ' A Aft rlrhiscllhee cclhangcdtl1e~~thii-d ciivifion, and having his men, wellacmed, [their Piflnlls being all before difchargecl, they didnow fall in Pell..mell upon tlrmemwizh chcir fivordsw and did foone infcarce them by an ignornjnious [peed E0 flyen tn the ;nai:1ql:>_odyoF:pl1ceir Ar1‘):§y,fc3n their preteé‘rinn:: The King hirnfelfe was then inPcr_£'onl in the Field, and was 3; fed lbehnldlerlocf this flaisghcer,and,.difor&ervofhis men. « For this bravefervice his Excellencenelvardecl this Vi..f“tn- lelleemed to laejwcorth one hundred pound. rious Meier; who was a Gentleman nf; 5cat!4ud,wiuhlma-ny thanks and appellations of Hm1our,and with agallam: hnrfe His Excellence having a lcmg time Waited For thefnppliea nf’ Ammunition, Mbnycs and Men, and finding that mane arrived. hee. much Wondresl acthle caul°e,“and the creche: be- eanfe that he: was (0 flraicned by the iniquityof the place Wh*°-‘féinl he was incampecl, that his horfe had no women for l Portage, and he found the Irfmy of his Enemy did daily in--_ A Cféare in nunber and in powvezf, vvhcreforela Councell of c Wan-re being called, it was concluded that three thcufand of W: §Q1T°al!9_d§E¢h€—¢@mmand ofche xerolucesirvwzzm f 1”" W ’ 2:1/‘ea, (Jm Eazflreg flnouideehreaire threhgh the mainehofly of the*E'he£ I my which was aCCorciingIy.performed;, ii and that with {ache A A T-emipefi_,~ that they did beare ciowne many of the Enemies befmree the‘m,i and fne=tched* frcm rhcm efe.vera11Co*Io‘ure ” ~wfhich t11eybe«eughe~wizh them fafe to-flljmmrb, as the tee‘- e iiinmlly of their Vailour :' His Exceiiexacie difpofed of him‘-_ felfe tIo— Sea, mended wiz:hrheeE.ord Raécrtx. i‘i-Eidi-d-{Rife fl*1ipping,aetF0)', aindzhe Seas edanced to receive him vvhem ifour"Iand was not worthy ox‘? Hee landed firfi at Plywom/.v_, A and 110? lenge aher he put to Sea againe. and fafely arrived” * at =Sc»m*l’mmptazz.. A I ii In the mean ztimethe anofirefofmte M ajor Genera!1Skip’- pw impr-(wing his necefiitie into awertue, didhga-Ilantly in- courage hi.~'< §huiciiers,who were all refelveci to-live anti dye like Seuldieers t'=.vith« ehim; and the Ferees of the Enemy aei“-. vazacing etowarids them, they W ere receievedwizh fuch unz-. A dauntede courage, that the Enemy were in"orc;1ed for their iowne fafefiy, not only to give‘ them quarter“ but ti(.)CCDdi{’- ‘fiend I10“ vreey Honourable Articles on our parts, but rhoiej Articles. were vioiAa:ed,. ‘amid ‘ thee alxhofl imhf: facee£*:1:e KING. “* he ” I have b-imvofiezm informedmhat Majfir Gen. 5*:2ippa:a'h~eing difpoyled ef his fcaitlet C oatghi s-cafe‘ of Pei£ioIs,.and Rapier, did ride up iumoe the King;e and very rouzadlyezoldhim of ru:he= vio'Im:ieneieef? c'he.ArticIes‘by his Souldiiersfis ariiail times :_ih»%geneerai11; {7of:1tthisiprei”e1atin particular. The‘Kir-mg net 5 well renuembringhhm, did wske him“ who hewas ; He rep:’yi-i ed that his name was Skippae. A Tl~1eKing demanded who _ were ehcrfe fouldfervs who thus hjadinjured him ; He fhewed eheme me His Majeflie, for as yet they continued within the eeach of his Eye .rU1”heyw«ere ab out nine in hnurjnher. immcdxateiy the Maribel] was cai1::~d,i ancithefe Seouiciiers were epprehencie d‘, {6aV€fl‘ of the nine were condiemneci re the Tree_.,andi fuffered accorcij'ihe; to their fenzence-. dee i3€i1t?.V€ cherefioreethatHisAAMaje{iywas met accei”. my to this pAerfidmus rudenefle .45 his 8G¢1.‘1ji£Tii.EI5 _., which ehough pcradgezzrere bed a..conh.ijgcnce a=.t:1€i—’e milesaizien» A hem Tram mam ,3: reca§=.red; a E 5"“: Si} G 5.3 J*:«.m-my? hacifcu-1-csaaiy dwmted t11c:a.m"cIw:=:sco:iA2c obadiance .¢o>:‘”.r;h:.:*; ?3a.r1iam$n:Ja:3cEV:£1e C031-ummds at" his: AA+%.Exce:1emce 9 A ..-did Shaw; the ciwpaf”-*7: %i{fiz1~m2atig:m, and cxprefiéd the .m!;3% imhuxnanfiy z:§.m:cc»L1i«.i bee pumin ex+ecutiox1,for claw iirrifirzwfisi arm Smrzfdéers i%a::i-»: mE.mdy fiom the Hemzca thkz H » :4 Faommd fiat": 2:§m=.:zxr.mr:himg E0 comfbrt chen:M'e1ares in this ..%,AdiE-Ezmflhgbm aha: 11*e.E.§";=:"m,«*?2h£p 3 and me number of the dzfireh “«--fed» In this Camcfiitfm fmmacency and Injury they cameum. .,.mSawr£~ampxam_3 aha Emdignxcyrziuemeuf inlively Chm .,:m63:aw mr2asA_wri%.:a:-em in [chair bm1%s,andmviI1 Hm-rtly bee reg, Avenged by:rf?1c:i£.‘ha:2c’m. And indeed not Icng afcm: they gdifi mckmthem again»e at4Nmw.é»m-/1», and t"orgecciz1g aim-off: tfaeir miiitary earder cm a«5.-mate tl1%eir:revcnge:,1:hey Adidwfi. Mu mn%tm=:mEii=:e 11> rnamy Lions, and havin-g made agxteat A-fi:I3rght€:t° ofz.hea.n,the_xr dzd redaeme their;C10.ath£:s§Wirh Ehfi .A.dVc£3c;:ué2EionA ozfcheir adverié ries wvho having nothing 1:0 cm «uvet them _., but tht than %p*:e{‘cm,bu: remembring his: vertuc,thcy~f0ught by his exampia-_.,hev*vas about thactime at fiapwlimmpzan, tick ix-2 Eady and in mimic. A A There is no mariwho by honomtabla Dangers did eve:-.~': adventure mam: fbt wtmmds then ;he<:*c , ‘ And yet in all the Warres bexnanaged he neverdreceivecii any hurt: , but whaz: he dxd take ir.1ward1jy,whzch by a magnanim ms and . gallant “a"ciem:e,he admihably a1:;vayesb<§;@3ALz.=;.Axtmieszin mg 4. * I V A I ‘ U m I ‘ «r H‘ % 15$ . .,.,____ ‘ ‘L us-mfhzmzat from him ; Bufzzthe M .pr0te?E~img {.Ir:>rni.€'h wfm bszmre the advancfi 0f-‘his l‘«/1”a§j<:£’ci:;::; M »¢(hfl ” A His Em~:eIie1’tee‘withealeenmchclaeerefhInefl'eWa: féacfjfi‘ te1aydtv«vne*hi3ArInee, aswith Refblution he didtaket . them up, and jeyning wtzh-the Parliament as Well in per... mm and ptefenee, as in afleélion , hedid-~mheh advance and taeilita-te the Vtietties to come.» ' A And gnmv aha:-at the 1atmt"-'€'nd®f' March, there was h eenfizrtence hetweenboth Hcmfes e£5PatZiameent cencernihort I _ ,_ t __ 3;, the newMede1l,fot the fetlttagot the Army, the fetmet Ghmmazaders being eefled te (it in the Heufcs ht" Parlie-— ment,It was before Dtvietechtiaat Sit Theme: Pmrfa.r ihouidw. h be,..Cotnmm:tdet i£‘M:hi€Ff:~0F one and twenty theufatsd hotfe and feet [0 he feieehed Fm: this fervicet and that MatjertGe. new 11 S£(’ip‘9€?i’311Q‘rV'G0\’€fflDUf of Em:/Eol_Z1hot11d bee M awe" Genet-an ef the whole Army.» v At this Conference there ' was $1 pet-rfeéi: C oneuttenee of the Houfesm" Letds with the» E~;-mute offietzhmons eeneerhing the teatificationwof the Lifl ht" Sit Theme: I*";m'f"e.v his Ofheers, in which was made no ~ altetatieh at all, And this wax indeed Fe acceptable ta‘ the Home of C ommotts, that upon report thereof unto the?‘ Hcufegtheytappointed a, Committee En’pr€pa'EC a Meifage A . A the Lord: to tengtatulate their happy eoheutteenceand to 5: A fitrtte them efthe tea}i”aPt7e¢‘t~ieh, ami itfleavouts of the houfer eFCemtnehs; te fi1pp@rEEh€ir'L0rdflfip-S in their honours an their Privflefifggcs, Ané now an Ordinantcewvastderawht‘ up for the taifing of monys to maintaine this Armywvhich Anny. fhettly after was eompleateiand with admirable {'uc««~:~ eeffe, die} take tvhe:fielchvundetthetcqmtnand of the renehwe tied Sit ‘.?&£yw'o‘F.az.r]r;1a%:'-'3 thetpatticulatrs whereefflml1»hee the: happy ilahetttef fome other pen, and netpf this which prew- t:h"e.Hy tmely mufl depend upen_ therelattons at‘ the afiiens we faving Counfailes ‘of’ his Excellence t.th¢~ Earle hf’ M esegxt , 1"-"ohg did he thus contithteeaeqmighty Agemtfor the healthe efthis Land, until} it-pleafehd God te Pcrike him with a Viflw ~ Mint attawfhddarne and a fatall fichneffe, and now being con; hhed he hit Bedde,he,5‘iad no méreto do with his hands but he 31%}. them up te:Heeveh,‘rattm ‘ " e * ‘ "‘ , “‘ ‘ ‘ gt , ' t A @..;~ . =23 N‘; *3} butifi ,. .53 ‘F 1* M ‘1 E41}-‘M?MS' ‘M13’; 6 mmam E“:1ag§Bb1§1’€?fl MA mm} **‘am:>fim"z [E3 §'m§i°‘ :§&m&@Tl I ..I. IV Q Mm mm Mm @ N am 3 6 mm my 6 Mn. new am mm M $£,M,M..vum.wwM% HmmM.m,MMw...wMuMfisfl.E mmWIM.Mm1M.CM.L hutmmrufl MM» an nmmwfi f.m mm wcMw%M1mM&Mfl . 9 ’ _J E I 4a ‘a. Na“ M. .3 E WNW flm E mus. Kb G .» rm 3 5% a VA mi.» ML «fut. «M» aka 1%.. . Mum VV ..M..Mm «Marl «J 3 . mm NW4 v m may AWL wu aw » Mm 7 ..u«h¢ 5 : TMM4 a m u. M WW. mm was «HA mks Q 0, L J MIL. K... J NJ. warm nq.MMMMMa n\.w_u.m .. £1. FM!» in 9 Ma WW .\M.w. mwwvwr Winn . 4 AM; .9.m.Mun.&m ml» » WW m.MM.MM WW .cMu mm rum Wk M M. 5 MM Av M WNWHAM mM M Mm Wu F. Wu» «re. mud .5 1 M? K .iuMMu Mu WW1. WW. MW mu re,» man» .5 Man? MMM «min. MAI? M M .41. .4 mi in 7% 0 «Ea Mk :4 u u Ma muw . A nxmfl .5 Arm maw W .1 n M A n . smmw .\...H w..MMM.» ..M! gum wan: 1:» a ...«J mum V; m. M15. «Mm mu m H MN 3%.! Imam. wk ._M.flM mama» Q mm mm.» re. ur ..M.»M a .. mm MM 6» at -w HM New H». MMMML wk mu «J wau w v 4 an. n Wbyu "M Noun afl Wfim «J Wham «law wk V firm M W mlmum NW0 /M «Kym .a maaMfMfiwe%mq§aM®vw Msqfivmfi M. ab Mk C an as“ mm .M amw VJ mw Jim at an aw. M? Ma. mm, 0 we WM» MI , M 3 «J M mm E MM 3 3 M M». M ,.MmMMM_ MW» M fl Ma WM. 3 E ww M W wfl 5. Wm M u walk 1 V. MP! .Nux Av .. Man «urn c v Ivw fiflfiun N /4% XUM nflvm. Md. mu MC v. Q» “E. m mm» {Na Na» mi». in ii 5 am.“ » ma mi - K .3 W» Va WU . 1.2 M. W .£..M.u ah KM» \w.» ....m W «Wm wu 35. @ M W . W 3mm ?W M _...wu mnm u M We wank - 1 PL Fwl nnmw mm fin... nmwrw Mat ,3» «M...» WM mm. 3. M3 M, we . MC am I M J .0 mm MMMMM MW? E MMQ 1 WC 3 5 Wm 73 W... I mm W: mm . an Wm .M§M3MM.M ..M7 MM? xv. “M R Q m& lmww «Wu G «Zn m m fink Mu MM. mam Wmmmm Wm was mmw wwl e MM wk A wmmawb .MMa «pf r, “L 5,“ Lb. C Mm M M33 M3 mm. am... .M awn H. .,.w ..m m . xm mam .V nwm . «bu M m .2; in W 3. .3. K. Wu mww mam «ML Emu MW. .I.M...tI.m a war“ . mm \M1ru 0 Hr” W M4 ..MJ « Awivmk 0 «wave. ‘I u. WV % @.M.% wwu@ML m Y1 flfl rm u m T,wA¢ 1 flwfi “mm B M... shwx Wu. J V Mwr. win. VJ _ Msmudam. mkf M M 9 HM... o Wm» WM «Em Va M M. NH Mafia M Wham “V numb «.1 W U Mmumrmub Rum Mylo & WWW Mg m M mad W1)» M Eb Q uwnri . M... «Nu M a nun Wm» n via ink) H «mm. M H- I nwmvn M a ulfl n MW 0 «(AA Wan vino L W.» WNW: Fa» . Hwn. u 2,14. uuflm MW /uwfim M ..m. Mm WE. “MM. H. M wd mu M, E pm H mm Ea m M... MM . M Di 3 M 1? M . I M . mi M . M ‘ . rb «emu Em Wm »MrM..._ nwam Emu MM. mm «M. M14“ AMMM u «C am 0 . om VJ ab...» my: MM MM fix u . L1 T. M ..7.MM ntfi . M. mm at M a new wnmn a M Cflflv M . . M. .. mm W- 3 MD 3 W3 .2. J TN QM «M. 7, S «M Q X» M M.” 5 MK“ & U m .3. Km MLWU .& wit . WM «M flu . 11 M. 291. owl 1. M «um fin» {.M~M1Mu M M1M M M m/D .umi mu ,. M w MMJIK VA ui rm an JWW mum aw .wM . «J W.» 9 My AC Mm. Mud? a mud 2+ flu» Mn. Wk vii M nut M Ma? wnuua Tm. Wm mm Mb mu!» mnmMuM Wm ..,. PM VJ W. «C WM. mu» 3 a .. :1 M W TM. rt . 3.4 Ex». a E. mm W... wow mm an «x. am“ Re. . M I L Ll.» mm 31 3.. M FM. m.... K. ..nfiM. M 6 Mm fiuoyw, W MK J: K M iuflmw M M 3 .1 8?. W.M.mVwm mam m:.,MM._.Mm._.mfi%M.aK « ammf w.m.,MxM.M__. p . .M AM .M . mu. - 1 A, M M .1" . M M .M «k Lu .93 fiowfm Eafl. 0 EM. Grfl O & . v I 3 MQMMMH 3 I C E w» «.3 U. H NM ..w. W» 3 U 3 . M: .l Q may an .H Ma ,.M Mm my u «ml...» flaw Wu» mrw NW my» man? flxfld cm «.1 . «L 7 73. ht» o «law hm /QM.“ Eh“ V ,1. 3 9- awn zL..»L .n+urL ab xvi}. mm M, 1 53; M3 W 5, Kfla ¢r:Mm d& w1.a;ww!m$»@Y£+x Mu EH fin... nix Mama.» . yaw mu. mam «SA [W G. an mam um?» Q M1... Pm mam 1» KM. Lw. M. .1... M. M, 0 mm MW... M W NM M «Q EM mu. M...m 3.3% E. M... ?..,.MMEM Fw M. mi» P.» mtw PM WVILMHL 3 m Ma 9/flu wM‘3l am . win M MAM A M . V. 3 0 M72 C J u L .....M . «M... Ma 3» MM. v M . wt. 0 an 3 1?». mm fu Tfl MM nu PW mm ma 1». mm yum. MC . fir» «MM V/V1 rum V n on , «J: mww» 4. Wu? wum MN» Wm J Hum “F M Mann "ML M vmh a 41 ML» 7 LU xi 7 mm. 3 mam 7» .M. M 3 MM.» E FL 3 W. 3 M 1 way h M TA #3» WW an 3. M3 M. 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