gmmm V W mm A I Md @®MR‘Eir&§Hfi emmrw mtzuamwfwmfig &E1@l ma." 0 €‘&n..‘§ as N am i 1.1 V Eammfmxgfmfl w 0:’ $53292? mgwmw V». W" . 1 ‘ W “ ‘Wm wmm...w.\ V1!‘ “ “..‘w,,. ---—Muv-WW '““ "W ---' ..;;..h;,_. ;mmM¢ jg» K fig; r W . . ., , , ‘ J,‘ x M .. 3 - ' .'~ '“ ~.‘....... ......“;»- " ”* . _ .« , . . .1 . 3 ' -' . . . ‘. -- r . . , ,._.. .. . . ‘ ._ .. ‘ .,,, "n" *7 WV" ,, 1" ‘ ‘ "' -_V ‘ _o~*‘ ‘,_. , . 7' ' :‘ W ‘ * ~. ‘ _‘ ' ...-2» an - , xx " ‘ *‘ ' ‘ v ‘ ‘ . ‘ L’ ‘ _‘ , ‘ . V. ‘ ,. » . ‘ ', ‘ V 3. ‘ V .= L . ‘ ‘ my ‘ 4 _' -, Y.‘ 3‘. ,‘ " “ ,(. ;' “ , If“ ‘ ._ I‘ ‘ 1 ,‘ ‘ “ W : J VI D 7.‘ , g N \ *\ ‘ x « 5' §_ .- M‘ , vs “ p * ‘ . V, , , V n . V , . ; ‘A v; ' V ,‘ 41 r - % p ‘ ' w. ‘ u ,, K ‘, ‘M ‘ ‘ 1 ’ V ‘ V ‘ N 4 ’‘>-*| ‘:0 3 I I I fl ‘ , ‘fl I "I . M ‘4’ Av ‘ I M J » T » ~ A M E I I I I’ 2 If s . “I a z « é M 1“ k - .' -j , \ ;~ ¢ gm» 0 %t/yam";/:», (940. ourrighc tm- 1’ciic,Tand right vvclbcloucd Counécllour, W x ,LgLI AMA LordV&AK11o14lys ,Vifcount Wal~g- lingfbrdw, Maficr 0f[.U4F~rA¢CouA%rt of Wards A A and Liucjri-es,And 1:0 a;1d4¢wcll- A g “ be‘IcoL1cd, %thc4Cou11cc1I.AVof t1aAc{'amc Court, %A11dto t11c%Ma*’Ptcr a11daC:;u;nccllV of;tI1c% A faid Court for the time bci11g;AGrccting. 4 H E RE 9 ‘Ncchauc hcrcto%f<3Ar}:”~~pub1i- u . “ . 9’\,*"f“'”'"“‘ "" ‘ifi ~.-m"“‘ ‘- K; v s ‘A by t/BE % (yang/M ~Sc*ot%.. /and Pnmceand nd, 738192 de>~ mi Ihcdffitucrall CQ“mm1fl3ons,with4InPc1fuc3:di~ A 4 ons a11diyDirc€tions to you Our Ma7flcf% A 3 j and _ co,u=n¢c1l of Our com: of?~wara.saW Liueries. ,”F_:>r Corx&‘pou11&~i%ng for Wardsm % Lujmatiqiics now» that timc ‘% and cxpm*ic11cc liauepiroduccd thcfimow... %¢1fcdgc of‘[fm1drydefc&sA, that otherwifé. ” 7cbuIdAfiot éafilyhaucbi11forc&c%11c,which§ V are to bcc’fExp;p‘11'.-;e7d by explanatio n and ad» d;tion«%%to the fame Om Inlh'a.n€tions , ac» cdrdihg mQ,ur gracious purpofc For the of'O L‘u‘IOui11g; Subi¢6ts,& Ourcfpce» cia1'l:A%t:arc fi3«rAthctrue ain{’wcrir1g,; 05 Om; rRcucnuc s. A A as ittfdoithape W-;“ich 'héthA *bc”cnc ‘ "cIdc¢ fincc the Afirfl. ercaion of Our Co7i1rmé1f\7\l*ad»1*ds and Liam u1c:icsA4;, Thar partly by the flackcncffc of A d1icFricnd~s of tfhc:‘Wards,vpo»n mhcdcccafci A o7frhc Parents br Anccflours , who haw fmbarnc m afar timely «COHlfP0fil3i0l"E,, f0m’ctim¢s ~ with Qpinion» 3.: That “no Tide maid Bcwfiaundfoif Vs,and”R:rmrixncs with A purpofé tofugprcflizthc fémc, &: partlyby % the Mjtoif or > er men, the Cuflodic ofthm fimmimzd £70 fuchVpcr£bn.s» 3 fame for mm fliésanfl-lianfis0f‘Ou:r‘Wards,hauc been “xcffacfi ‘ ding the carc1a'nad 'jp M : rcfpcfifomc foranot5hcr,as (no:wirhfiafi«A .Maftcr:m1d “C%ounccll~ ~.of‘Ou-r*Co1i7rt5 Ardf bind them ingrcat Bonds’ ’an‘d*{Cc:"vuc>nian?ts 7 fur the ‘wclcduvcating-ofnhc C‘hild~rc*li,and§%4 rcfcruation of their Inh.c'ritJa*ncc ) 7ba.uc: \1L flbmc in mcancéplaccs , %committed1wa%fic=fs;d and oylcs vpm1# their La11%ds,a%ndi»n%thc:§ ma imam exaeccd-,grca:¢rVfummcs¢Aofma+» an -marriages -of {ugh W£§fiVrdS,AtbcKI§"" fl17c”§b:gf4htA«+t§o«li1-aéngicl don: i.m*ca”{;o¢1”1c« uitymotWit;§}fi‘andi’nganyth'cir disbu1jfi.;.‘”T MKS 03' m“imgt'hcf3m‘n'e» W ; A % V _A . madwhcras filfo-jWc7¢5héii%c‘:5bEé,t) "iiyfdié the t, what by rcafomfjf the‘ A dram; dii*fl‘icu1f7i¢s~Lth:a;t haunt‘ been fo,u:hd by* ; ofOfi7cés,a‘nE1"Surué3fs{bnIy5ié4 >15-i‘d % pofitioias wfwards Lands ,» wiihficjh ¢qu:éjVliic‘i~e ¢'?L§;na=‘A mddcratiéri V%‘beéw*ecne*‘vs;afid¢. ~ icéts 3 as werfc iuflf d%V“i~rciA;aror1;4ab1e that ‘through -want ofduc information in that rd~ui~dvc—nce*of youthh? ‘ cenV.carcl§eITc ofchcir education ,4:mmic& thatb¢h31fCsmuCh0fth5P1'0fit that might hauc be-nc yrayiF¢dforVs» hath belie diner» tci) diLic;sySutors:and Com mittces,who by yyobfcuring the 4 tructh;oftI1<:W'ards . C3353, and by mifinforming of the Court therein, haue reaped greater profits, than was intended , if you could by ordinary mca-mes ,hauc ycomc thc: k11ow1cdgcof thcil‘ Valutsysyfo A35: both, Wfichauc rccciued lcflé then othcrwifiz Wcfhould haucydon c, écthc Wards foundlitlccakiytm many cafés. . Wherefore , for thc: prcucnyyring ofthcfc ayndy ytlhcylikayin<;c:um¢:n%ic1*1ccs , zuld to the end that Our ylouingv Subicéirs may Pcand aflizrcd , that Wcc dcflrc ynqthingy more, than that .tyhcirChi1drcn and their Lands, that fhallyfall into Vs ~by.rcaf0n of Warde- fhips, might; after thcirc:1¢CC_a{(3, ybc:c‘y c:om-I» mlttcd may rhcjry ncércflyaud f§1fuPc,i,cfl; fri¢r1d;s.cirir<>yfuch, as thcy; by+yWi1,oryyor”hbr+ wifiacommit the charge yntoyy, vpon fuchy A valuable confiderationsy ,, as am iLlfiia1‘ldv_ rcafonablcz‘ And to thgyyiutcnt xc;1*e§ya.ndy Anceflours may d¢part in gzfgag-r A tcr A A tern peace, mhopeof this 0111:, gracious‘ A fauour ; and their lriendes may lee their A Children brought V‘? in pietie and lear~ ning, and may take uch c-ate as is fit, for the preferuation of their inheritance , if they wil feeke the lame in tirne,andby lllcll meanes as are fitte“ and conuenietirgwee i haue thoughtgoodherebyto require you, the Malier and Councell ol the {aid Court forthe titneheeing, thatin elilpofing and Cammitrillg ofthe cuPtoclie of the Bodies and Lands of l.L1Cl1'()UI' Wards, whole An»- CCll0u1‘S‘ areia.lreacly elecealed, or {hall die from and after the date of tliefe prefents, andot {itch Itleots and Lutiaticfles, and their Ellates, as ilhall fallvnto Vs from heneefoorth,you fhal Ptriétly and carefully ohferne thefe Our Diretiizions following. i clingof “arty Officeg, bee giuen for A ewardlhip of the Body and Lands of anywertl tr, «vntill the ende of otietimeoneth nextafier the deatli of the Aiicefior of the ‘Ward, but to the i11Cct'e& and trulliell: t it B friends. t: I re. 5 T,%th&tl”tO Direétiott for the fin» ffiends ofthe Ward ' . ,0: othereperfbns um » mfhated by the eAnce‘fl:oi‘ irathe Wards be- ha1fe,Who ma”yin”$the meaneetime becom e ; Suitors for the !;ame,among Whotmchoice 3 A may be made of the befl and fittefi: and if ; no11Aeof'the Wards friendsmake petition bythe end of the monerh, thenit {hall be lavvfi1LLfor any other to petition , and 2:0 “ finde the Offiee for the féidkvardflmip. A L S4 o,Th2gt 110 compofirion , agree- ment orepmmife of any W ardlhip,or Leafe ofLands bee made, Vntifl the Ofice bee V f0und‘,ar1d then fuch of the Friends to» bane preferrnent , as tendered their Petiti-- one witfiin the moneth , they yeeldinb 0' 3. reafonablc Con1pofit1'on5and in default of * themfiichothers as were or fhalbe Suitors,e yeeldingalfb a reafonable Compofition. A L s 0 , You {hall doe your befl in» A fieijxirs ef<3‘inf'om11ee'your {clues as parti... eularly as you may , by C3o:mmi‘flio’11 , Sgrg my math ervsvifz, ofthee truth ofthe Wards AE:fiatees,ael"We11ofI1is Inhcritance»,as4of his [ Goodsmand Chatt‘els~i,» and ofthe Eflate of the me deccafed Anceflor, and ofallother due e , eircumfianccs confiderable _., to rheeemdgee V i the C0111pofitio1i3 inay bee fixch as may e fiand both with Our rea;”o11abIep1‘ofit.,.and? with the abihm: of the heires eflate. A TH A T all Petitions for Wardfhips 3 L. dams and Lumtiques , flqalbe firfi deliue; red to the Clerke ofihe Court, by the Sui» mr«hin‘1{eIfe , and the Olerkeeof the Court: is hereby direfied to make: “entry of the {éine Petitions eevvithout any Fee, the Very /" day Aofrhe ciefiuery ofche iame,and re lturhc jfizhexn to the Suitor , whoihall afierwérd A prefent the fame Petition openly atethe Councefl Table of the Court ef'Wards,. . e there E0 beordered by rheO.fficers attheir mextfictinga. V A T HAT cucry filch Petition doe ex” I rcifc the feueraI¢l Cou1ities,ewhcrc;;n the . AncePnors'died'feii7ed ofLahds. L e TH A ‘I’. all vPct:itim1ers“T that ~haueeevvarl9 A A rant tofinde an Office, and appoiné:ed to? A ' atteflele at 3% certaiiue day, ifafier they Ends 5 n1oOfHce, neoredm:-~1mcatrexzdbeforemefl V Ofl3cers for their: Compofirionm, at fuche B 2, rzme , “.ut euery Afllgtteea of euery Colm- mittee or Leflee ( except the Cal7t:sofCor1- cealements hereafter mentioned) {hall take the Oath, twig. Best. And for that purpofe euery Committeegand Leffee, 6c Allignee; {hall be fvvorrte whether he taketh it tohis ovvne vle,or to the vfe of any ‘otlaer , to the endtheymay%bqtl1takethe Oath. t A 4 A A ND furthermore,Wee cltne herebyrew quite and autlhotile you,» thatyou giue or- der, that eucry perlen that Ihallprofizcute fi1cl1Co1npofitiot1 for the cuPtodie ofa Wardfidleot, or lLut1atique,or leafe of their C 2. ‘ Land, V bob Efioy-TE-ab!-1,. of ~co11,ceaIiem§ii§:$§b m¢11‘5i0e“€bL‘1e) 01311 A A 1% 7 beb0dy,of ofchc deliuered vmso him vnder t1’LC ;S c;a1;=,-*o'f Our [aid Court; rake lifiixfil eorpoorall Oath in open C‘ourt,or by Ceomx11i1bI_ion(Lif the caufe ofhallfbrequoire ). before three Comrriiiliozuers at the leaPt,whereof one to wit‘ bea Iuflice of the Peace,to be certified and b:9i”?59“i‘e:u.r11oed into the CourE,«before+the deliuee... ; ry of‘ fuch” grant or Leafe, in xnaonerbmad forme folio vving,viz. j‘, A .B. doefwezzre, T/Mt nei- t/aeer finer any other to m _)' know/edge, /acme or /mt/9gizm2,0r pro2njfl2d,]2r0cu.—- rm/or cfinteol zogiueeorto begiuen oz»- nygz/t or retmczfd, a'ir%e6Z/y or indireéh. acre or 0//7cer.r A oft/fie bnmtoany fi Court q/Ward: and Liueries, or to we-~ 22) at/aerperfon orperfom xv/mg/oeuer, fir procuring any prefizrmcnt‘ M com» pound _5z,fc}re~.ezn at/Ber, orfor mitigpz... A e e mm Lam 3' . m “ N W. . ‘ A . “ a m " -“ ‘,/J: _ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ .‘ h v » ‘ ‘ . . A» v‘ ’ SC W ‘ V 1 ; # W \ Nine 2 0 I” ‘ Ht I “ ' I ‘ /gning mg a 7m} Gmm oft/Jém, oramyo/’ tb€m,or flar t/figmitzgatifi ft/2e_yereZ):$ Mew 0/‘anJ‘é:t14€LWI¢ft Wm Cardinm Q $661,) /17/1615/?4$[33’»i1lfl05W4 mid q “ Wm ‘ ‘ wvitbmyconfiznt/Mlgiue, or é W rewarfla 0 W2 v‘éé?b% /0?‘ W M4;/W 0~"«+:-3 ‘ix Mcr,;/aenzg V .4idé W drf ‘V “‘ ‘ ‘ ' ’ 4 ‘z ‘ V w , w r 5 _ _ J ‘ w , > ‘V; gm ‘ - ‘ . . 3' “A \ a ‘, ‘ ~ ‘ ‘ ~ ' ‘. I ' kw ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ H V‘ ‘ ‘ , - ‘ _ ‘ w ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 9 4' j ; ,» . y y ‘ Y . ‘ 1 ‘ 0 " (A . ., , _ Y hr W K ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘mm a.«.; w. ‘ ‘ w ‘ ‘ V ‘ Q N ‘ ‘ -‘cw ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘~ ‘ ‘N? « us?‘ ‘»‘ 3,, I , -M‘ , / ' “ H‘ W ‘ ‘ .A ,5 ‘ f ‘ ‘ W‘. ' ‘ ‘ ‘ , 9 ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘ H ‘ ‘ , -‘ ‘ ‘ g . ‘ » , ‘ H _ , » ‘ \_‘ ,, 9: ‘ 14 M‘ ,5‘; ‘V ‘ x W W . J. P?‘ “ J '" ‘,3 H ‘ "" ‘ M ‘ ‘ '51‘: ‘H , . ‘ "M ‘Km W ‘ ‘ .‘ far» 3‘ ‘ I, ‘ “ ‘ - ‘ . Mas,” . ‘ V T H A T eiapcciallchoicebemad4eVdbfthcv4 Comn1i{I}o11crs¢tl1at recciuc t1}C»~ath in a [hay Countrcy , {‘o%thattl"’xt':"'U§1'th may bee" t1'ue1y”andt‘Lzfly taken by the Cornrni~t-- % :ees,"Lefl‘ces and Aflignccs, and thc parties A * écommitrino‘ truflto anyyotlner. A 4'3 T H A T the Oath be taken bythoféthafi are C ornmittccs or I.efl”ces%vpon neglccft in Nbecverham. A 4 A A . B. doefwearaflt/94: neitiaer I, nor any at/aerto my /(nmledge, or? A Il2eleeM€.4* bmrt/, bane or ‘ /mtlv taken cmy co.mfe , or =4vfl’c/any % pmflzfl’[vimm'on a/iretflly or in»-E direélb/,6} myflalfe or 5} .4n0t/yer, ~ mt/2 any per/on or perform w/Mzy?9e- tier, to/t’zzyAvAar /Binder tfacpfcyécution ¢ ~ 0}’, mzclfor t/ye Compofitionjfir“ the E W mi//92'}? oft/Jeéoclyo/‘B. Cor the A Lezzfi @fz1m' 0’ gt/aefaidfl/ardx lama/.5‘, ‘Wit/9 any purpo/:5’ or intent wbazf/beuer [ t/mt or eit/yer oft/gem, ' 1 5/9 m;g[€g} gm; dejfiult ofpro/écutiotz, ; mg M mes, or to my other to my 'z_2/“e, 2 my meme: arpraczkrement, or :0 my ;§_now[edge5 S0/fie!/2e me (fad. T H A T no Recufant bee admitted to compound, or beeA_f1‘1gnee of any Ward. ' ofBodie or Lands , or of Ideots. e T HAT all tenders and continuance-s of A Liueries , be onely made to the Surueyour of the Liueries, who is commanded to take an exaét care of Our iuft profits therein, We intending an account of him for that fcruice. 4 A ~ A T H A T the Feodarics fhall make Sun- ueys v«pon1;iuerics,in cafes offal age,aTvveI as incafes withillage, andboth according A to the reafonahlc value, hauingrcfjacéizetai theimproued Value. A 4 EV '1: touching Lunatikes, let nci chm-V ofition bee taken for the committing of he them 0tthcirEf’tates; butletfuch carihg ; A A W flgmzrcim; %aé“:~:; th@y“‘m£1.y ‘ham ;fi”<:“e§y;§»r‘ma"1r5:~«~ mind W Eg:M_»;m~ bgfl‘ mmsfi m:1«;%;,';r:.~2*.l% fi‘ri@n1d.% A E1‘i£‘x1;;_ft:_€‘mi‘B“E':‘K’€CC'_»%\1n"t5.; sz"ii1®wg’_"M3flChE'. by their fiflifih m M m¢M min; (Qmmmmccs botlnd, m ;~MM*»;v“'v<:1“<:“fi mm @m:J§y the mhma fcaund by Ofiiiccfibaim Eh: vary iu Q vahm mfflucm“ Eihtes arpo2“a ac-» ggnajptgfimr me bmcfir: ofluch Lumuaicclgluwfif" (if hfi-rccou@r)0r0H1is mm; Hmra 9 Eagmw cumrs or A&111imPtrat0rs5 duc mgmrfi §:»«::~~ mg had mm the mines and cmrgm; @;‘fl7i1«:."E"sa. Co1nn1itteesfi1Zn kecpmg, mmmmimn gm ~» uerzamg, a11&curing%of‘thc i§."aic§ «fi£h';:,€tc«:§ Fcrfons. T H A T all the rwmmcs of Ehfi ‘v‘V:u'«;?§s? Lands bee xlmmediatly payd imorhc R&'f.f-- mipz mfthc Wards , mm me Remmcr <05 me fame Court 4, by the Fmmors MM Le?’-1 fees theiniflucmmd flml HOE bee paici mm fine Emnetfis 0? any other ( %c}:Mcepti11g finch Emu; than bm Vader me wafuwr of mmm gmmmmzfis 3 ymm, which am ap§30i.11m& to be WM vmo dm Fcmdmicso T H A T Pemms or cimmunfls for an aflmwamccs fimm vs mch£E31?t<::& by Iheff Fcow dawmsgor any other 9 fm any {mm 01‘ «M1 Mlrfczlaexm hhurfirie11‘rsh fl'~l2m1‘&OE he A *-m:ti£11trl=1ef2tr11'z1ee be both partieulariy exam. " 11‘edr;md allowaedhy the rM£ri%e_g;a11»d Ceun-— A .;éell_0penlyrattl1eir fléuemhilfithrtietagrg, M W 4 Thzwtlxhe Rezceiuers a_cc:?oumtitthhhhhftfhee takerzh M ancir declared euery yeere, accore'ihi11g'to :the Statute <53 z.Heme0EZaué,before the Mafier -ofthe Wards,Attourney,6f tigreét part h«ath b¢¢n di-- urcrteidiihy iGrants,tt>Cotnmittces , and 0- thcrvvife: Wee doe hereby eicclariqthattt it is not Our trieanirig ,\.ifiO«vTVCha1]ge the cqtirfe thathath been :for”m%er1y held and vfed iii. finding Ofhces 5; rioiri to. prcffe the raifitig tiorimproouing of miiyvalucsor Rates in t a»nytInquiifitions, other thenas aforefitid: * Neither Williwee hauethe Rents vvhich v<‘‘‘‘’‘ ' " {hail} *1; T:"Il1al.l bee referuegl vpon ru¢I~l Leafes , or any firth lCerri'ficats§lttfbrtttatitmsijrlnllrmfitiwl‘ — Qhlls,a§fl1all hyat1y‘meanes be giuen 03:’ apw peare of the valewes of fuch "Wards Lands or lel’tates,to be tranfc.r;bed,"orrtranfmitteél A | ‘many other Court, Oflicqplace or perlbtt; or admitted or vied as Prefidetat, euidence or inducement, to charge 0 ur Subjects in A any other payments HOW, OI‘ hereafter an-- L fvverahle VHIIO VS, Ourfleircs or Succcfl fors,or for any other caule. A NEVERTHELES , Wee are well pleafed/ix and contented, that ifa11yWardl'l1ip,Leale A of Land , Meane rates before or after full age, now be, or hereafter fhal be concealed from Vs ,and no Suite {hall betnade %with--'- A W in three yeeres next after Our Tenants death , for fuch Wardfhip or Leafe ; that in fitchcafe the Mallet and Ccmtacellof the Court of"Wards ;”o_pcnly in‘ the Counfcel-# chamber , as afote-{aid , "may admit atlyfit perlbn vvhatFocuer,that {hall makeeffer to dilcduer Our right F0 concealed, or fottght to be concealed and fuppreiled, Vpon good matterlor proofe , fhevved for Vs and ap-- 4 D 2. A proued A Primer féiI2:nl,lR_clilef.é '3'; Réljalaélt of Ho. A II pqrouttl l*byll1l¢fl(3 curt: ,lltl0lprolEct11tctlmc film; dlingof 2m.m;§¥ic<: , and to palfc tl1cl51lidcl% - ‘\«‘$7airdl_l1i.p,;l%"c:a{’¢ orl\/lleanle ratesmithout re; A :l’crainin.g orbi11di1jgtl1cl§id Co'urt,or ltl1c~' paxticprolécuting,accordixzcr to tl1eDirc-- A létiosnslabouc mcntmmscl, butthat the Ma». ficrand. Counccl ofthc: {aicl“Court , may on» 2 pcnly in the counccl—Chaml3cr,as aforlizidg according ‘to the games trauajle ,_ expenies, laduenturcan {"clr4 ‘ , ward~~ 5 ly°gra.nting Fuch Wardfhip, Lcai?:,orMean1c ratcs,in fuchfort as Othcm maybeéucouragcdlto employ themfclums in the likle Scruicc ; And all clcuiccs4ar1acl 4 pra«£’cil?:s tddeceiuc and def'rauclVs ofOur A i A due anél,aiufi:Right,,l be bettcrlprcuclatcdg Any thing in thefe ou'rInP:ru«£tions or Di--l-4 rc€tions to the contrary notlwithfianding. P30 V I_ me: D alvvaylcts, and~Wcc~ do laercbydaclareit to ljeO'i1r'Willllal11dplcal-Y furc,:haz where it fl1allVapp_ca1:c to Lyou,tl1alfi A ncithér Wee nor Our Progenitors , haue cnio“ycd any Ben cflt bywardflfiip, Liucr. " ' Tu .,.: J l m3gc,I$'incso1° Meanc Rancsleflax1ylL“2iBlcl§ 4 l within: 3 *~Wit‘hi11 the *fp:a:cc* bf thx*+ssVc¢f¥:Aor:c:‘ ycvsrtsflafi pafc, V-‘xf_h_C1‘C.;{fl;Chf7b€HiC'fit€ A4».2,:gl:n;§to?Vha'iié come to ¢ the AC1r'owwnc , iffi1ch"i"mu5r7c h«adA ' bane’ acknowfedgccf: In 1"1L1chc;i!cs»3.?VcVa4rc ‘pllcaféd .'. to; gins power 3; mad aiutfhfitié to you Our Maftcr and Cou1‘24ae!l.i?o7f74‘m‘ Court, 0 pcnly in the "coum;e1«Ch_amber," as V aforcfiicl ,to remit and 1‘z=:1'ca.{"c ail fi1p::h BC“? nefir anclprofit, as ._2iu:c or.oug§‘1tto'haw:" accrucdvnto Vs,.orto'Ourr P1‘gcnirors’,~by %rcafon “of any fuck Tenure, av1!ow%ing [Q. fuch: pcrfons as haucpxvofccutcdila Our bie-V halfc, fuch par%t&thcrcofas [hall {acme goocl your difcrcrion , not exceeding a Athirdc part ofthc whole, as thcfamc fha1bc«fau%nd4_ by«in *5 A Say1i11g;.toVsd, 0 ur cares and Su?ccc{Tou«rs,thc Aright anddinhcritancc OFO ur Tenu1?es,;AndI21uing Ou1‘~P1‘cmga- (jug, Vaxadafiie benefit Eandprofir of~fi1‘ch Tcn%ur~cs:~p u1:Progcnitors,as as ex refly aypciaurc‘ fBy_ maacr V05 Rec-rd; And ‘aifbfitch as k hauebcn%c createcfii; {orn- ;thgrwi¥é A coma ‘Vnto~%V3 %wirhi;:? thé 5fa'n1‘c T‘EhI3CCf_E'hfC J &D_ 3: A Arm A” AND newthatwe we {'0 lizfliciently clireé’teclyou,as Wee make little dotibt but —~~ye‘u willbee carefull of Our profit in the execution of your places; So iictwrthelefle, Wee let you know hereby,that' leeing A011: V‘ :3 _ . ‘ fall into your coiifiderations many ctr» i ‘| owne iuClo'ementtellsVs,A that there may eumitaiices ,which mull guide youin afi Felling the Pines for the marriages of O'urA# W a an"s;t ome Wards, and Reiatigggpfit ' arifing.aaerieher‘“t)“i1”Elof the broken eflate of the deceafed , want of prouifion for his Wife,his.gteatchargc ofchildren ‘V*l1pI‘O- A uideci for, inflrmitie or tenderiiefle of the I—I.eire~, vncertainty of the Title , or great- nelre ofincumhrance vp.on the Land , teas fame Heire , that may in ref pet}: of his de:— A gree , blond , orliuing , in opinionof the World be itidged to dellerue atrgreater Rem: ‘N ArA>rFine, then llomefother perfons more Oh» {cure may, yet in regard of the caulesa- bout: mhent1oned,Aor rfome other oflilte fort,leflE fit to ha~ue‘any greater charge laid 31 pon him ; Wee doe therefore , nOtWltl1-‘A A ‘A A A A A flzanding i‘tandinganythii1g Con rained in tiiiefifc Our Ini’crué’cions,i giuc you full Iibertic, tifiaras , t_ihc-fc,;oVr any otl1crthc_likcccmfidcraticms, ( final] oH’cr tlicnifclucs vnito you, you may vf: that good difcretion and confcicincc which is fit, openly inthc Councell cham- ber, as afcurefaid ,i_n mittigating or abating the Pines or‘ Rams vpon thci"aicl Grants or Lieafes, to-the reliefie offilch neccfiitics ; So aI%w::ayc:.«:as care be taken , that by any fuch, prctcnfi:s,iLhat profit which flmuld accrue vnto» V33bC not d1‘1:lC1-‘ted tosany o.£hcr3.that {hall fcckc to draws to thcmfislues at priua-tc benefit out ofgthis Our gracious iicarc and confidcration. And Out will and iplca... fun: is ,"and Wcc dloic hereby dircét and au-i « ithorifc you the Maficrw and Cmmcelil of the ffiyd Court,and rhc Maficr and Com. cell of the fame for this" time‘ bccing, ' that with‘u~ic:c& 0fOutj, Ifiudgcs 5 Aflifiaints ofOiur ifiyi C0L11ft»i Youi dfligezarly .,nm¢,{&af¢h out, 8: refiprmc all fraLifciuIc4nt " dcuiccs 82 praétifés , dcuiizsd or ¢¢toBc¢d‘c~ uifétli and put 1i*n:~virc, to dccciu‘c and” dc» fcatc *fcalteVsofO*ur refllxfir W C omfla/W0” 13 V Wardflaipea ,» «Our Wards Lancls,o;r ofany Eéluc or in 1;’: be--» n.cfi»t.b¢lngi11gv11tl Vs, by relailotm 050 url lTcnurcs.’ “ A.N.m1af’tl_y. -*tha~t the Mal’rc~r.of the Wardes, %'Surucy-our , Attourney Rlleccie 11er,»Auditrs, Clarke ofthc Court, anal ;hisl.Dcp—mic, the Clcrkcof the Liucrics, and A his Dcpultic , and all the Fcodaricsg" mad the MaPcerslSccrcra1;Le ..,,..m l M 1 :‘fi”‘ii‘§l§Wr}1)lloyred in his Ma?- ;irePcics Rcucnucof the Wards , {hall take an mlprcffcl oat‘l1,l»l0pcl11%ly in tlm. ”4.Counccl«l % lbhambcjr offhc Cloy11ftl.Ql:‘ 5Nafidcs,iL1;§mam—~ i-mt andformcfollowilng. A A “ 4 3. doe fi376’d7;”€] , At./Mt nmlaer norm‘ 0”""?lP3’f