‘ ‘ “ ‘ " “ u ‘ ‘ , ‘ u W-W ~23 2,... ‘ ‘ , ‘ M ‘V J‘! W,‘ ." ‘Try: '2. 3:‘. * ‘ f? - Q2" 'u‘:"n‘ “’- 4. , “ _,m'j\,9 - “hwy.” ~ ‘ _ n ‘ ,’*« ~‘ W 4 A 9 . M“ ‘u ‘ M‘ A PR 0 CLAM AT ION ‘ declaringhis % MAI ESTIES % Pleafurc concerning the diffdb uing of the prcfcnt Conucntion ofParliarncnt. V . U-W ’ '\ . \. ‘S ‘r ‘L w . _‘ , ‘ ‘ . W; 0 ‘ _ ‘- N IEV ET MON DROIT. zl.fg_u In: "‘-.,§_,§3' 5/f,'_;~;~» «W-,.. -nu-..p...._......,...-..—._ . —.r J Imprmed at Lmzahn/Jy BCNHAM N 0 1>{'roN and Io:-I N B 1 LL, Printers to thc Kings mot} Exbcilcnt MA x 12 5 T! E. 16213; ‘ ‘ “ ‘ " “ u ‘ ‘ , ‘ u W-W ~23 2,... ‘ ‘ , ‘ M ‘V J‘! W,‘ ." ‘Try: '2. 3:‘. * ‘ f? - Q2" 'u‘:"n‘ “’- 4. , “ _,m'j\,9 - “hwy.” ~ ‘ _ n ‘ ,’*« ~‘ W 4 A 9 . M“ ‘u ‘ M‘ A PR 0 CLAM AT ION ‘ declaringhis % MAI ESTIES % Pleafurc concerning the diffdb uing of the prcfcnt Conucntion ofParliarncnt. V . U-W ’ '\ . \. ‘S ‘r ‘L w . _‘ , ‘ ‘ . W; 0 ‘ _ ‘- N IEV ET MON DROIT. zl.fg_u In: "‘-.,§_,§3' 5/f,'_;~;~» «W-,.. -nu-..p...._......,...-..—._ . —.r J Imprmed at Lmzahn/Jy BCNHAM N 0 1>{'roN and Io:-I N B 1 LL, Printers to thc Kings mot} Exbcilcnt MA x 12 5 T! E. 16213; ' - I-'. ‘I; I _ K...‘ . . _ _.~ ,~ ' _~ ~ . . L . 7 wt - »‘ « w. . T , _ . , _, _, . 5. 5‘ . 1 _ “....,. 4'.-"" .: ‘; ‘_v"~ ‘y :5‘ “ I, ..u u _\ . -V. . _ M; :.¢ ‘ I . . ‘fix.’ ‘ . f’ . ,‘4 V r 0‘ . . 1‘ W J ‘ k ' ' ‘ ~ -I‘ ; &wm‘~“’ . ’ ‘ ( ‘ _ ‘ ‘ ‘ W I ‘: , ‘ ‘ .. A ‘ $4 . v: n ‘ ‘ I K. 1* l‘ . V. . ' .vl EM a % dcclaring hisMaicflicsplcafu rAe veonccrning thc diflbluing of thé % prcfcnt Conucncion of P=rh'=ment{..' . Lbci: a.cAa:.-...;.; ' fllllllfl r .8311). ' ibfitlfflmifltfi, V ‘. be zerogaz . till! 0 ptmlfi __' aclyhelaumng _ A 1 :Vt~0-«®933’m‘-5 4 pcrtaltwtomnc annf the times arm team as tbctcoi to zabfomteltfm :'£Io1amn “mW1°"5¢5” ‘3'e‘9D?e u~n!w"-"_'§WW‘m” . 2» seemec,eeeceeeeneeee noeeegme‘easement tbeeeeoefeehnee awe: 175$ aecozeflmfieffle flDHV9e¥031$‘"fl311 5'91‘ I-tomatonzaae £Due gent subieees aequainten met!) the eeafmes efani Qezepubleke eeiblutieng arm aeeee am; we bane etjoughtezt enaenient aft tijes time te Declare , not anew e flue pieafmre emu eefomtt'o'n tbere- in , A gmuneee been maetnte eeiibe- eatton,1bitbtt)eaDui£eann1mifozme% $0flf€1I§flf®u€.fu3'U0lB19211133Q1:0Hfi- ten; but therewith alto to note fame eeeeciafl pzueeemnfifi menuingfifle to this e4efolue7eon e mmtbat cbieflie e fbfietaes fnitbe m.ee1e may eitneffemftlj fi%1se,eaeee M it was meueitttentm bane maneetbes » ?e*U¢eD3vm’9“ eeitamenetbateme tim¢»ree3:;e?*‘<3"D ~?w13t “J3 eeeinzenes tbeeeeffeee "engeneiteerteeimli nztfeznneeflaneings 1&6 re.nwe!ieem e M A » V r yatmeg r eebeageeefagggfmmge ineputieg 2 E ‘,T,.W,‘,w,,W.Wyu,,.,‘.....,. ,._, , , , Wfi,‘ _ »)W H ,._h,‘ . ‘ fmmltiflfifilit’.0fflJ°Mi1fitliififilitfia tba.t%ba%uébapnenevD:ina¢rI¢an:wt; In any man: may neglect ofnutv, oz goon afiettion V mmavns €1Hs‘%i,% by anemia isznmjiy amAtIJe% greatest ‘ annbemc un~mcvof%1@ar1iame»ns ‘men, a¢<5me are confluent (the true *a%"fw,*>*“°*!°r¢ miwefam fvonttrmmtmg @515 ;tbere: baum%gA in fbehegtnning m‘%tbis late 2ifl‘en1h.Iie« paflen gteas W an3JVt1mc~ infa»1iime tokens of mm arm utpfrom £Dw: §t1b1’c£‘5 to ‘€133 mete éouecatgue, ant: name A* $remarmabie tefiimontes fmmms of am? Wiuceiy cam annscale of their weifare then have hew6:if' V an 1BavIia%mcnt«met%4 rnanv foztmt 2499. J ;| $?m’s1%ar!iantent was by W cailw 5 as %foz%mam'ng goon arm -ma ha. %3znfi‘tahi¢i1.at3J¢5 .., fa 111%? £f9&£€- W1? 39,55 W113 %a4f%mt£eta~I%e.:#%Bv«= mamou~te z«oughau~t@b%ztenimnw» $02 t9be§b?et7t£'x? seams of neaeeasrifi A %I 2, % fieligion, %%%*~fi¢1tm:¢fl~»% 8fl0;¢¢fi02m9* é ' 9 6% 10% vattimnnvawhichW¢T;a"¢+"1vt¢B¢0 BIOEEIE9*0Y1D€&f¢&WWfififvsat®uc fame rm vzwtit Vtbew%”J¢ffufi0*!t of A V nr»mam;,ai;n u:tienaoAr:;%pe: mm; A muouvnofe that ftifmbib? HM: %moue;c:mtt the m»o2n%; ann .t11¢tfo2c»®”*a'1n¢r¢,ffw%tiWan¢5 tow hnacmgto LtI1ote%¢nns,‘¢tm fuzwwef ~m: £e‘aIu1 fi% mfoanp Eermzs »m;:eti).scv%,%% of am am 4 2 ‘, . wow“ 7 V711‘-3;; j:;m:*«ea* ii» . ‘V4. . $5 Vqg§nacpV ~ % M5Ltmes‘ 5 5e‘mettt 9f the ;@0m1tve:;; Aanu ttjercfaze;wppozntebm abimmm ti}? 19a*2:‘uamcnt ;flII'?!DB fD!W£fi%‘DflP offlunemningthatmasntng,!o'ngs er tben,_hfua1l,% timt they zmgijtfet‘ in D25€'5Uti)m ‘mummies, ann me.-.: pare their gmuawtefi, m1)%:‘cbmw ‘ mamwfefimtll toneaceanw {met ‘befoz.e‘*tl)atfiecefle, faz%pzefcntm{g; Ihlmeof was appm'nteD%._$ttJe:n a: time. £3315 mefl‘ageg.cacmufl%%W teams by ms , was not fix A A ~ent“ertameDh:p fnme%L, nob irm“~a;§t% timz% Btfperfen am: {pm tam sea».-= ’ arm%4ro; fabozbtnate I laufigs hum others, anIa4Jt~I3mqw .,o:cafinuen nifcntenttzxenfi" an :2 g~aniont*t:e‘4’itI3but» 0uf25: % mlkoneb:-bnto W twtbe fifth-£515 IBMin£OmIufiD1ttD€.t)oufeofflama mung maamsitrbetc cbmfeamee ~» tmvfi.84Wtef1'8Iwanmmsnement of A Aamua ment. A we fomtv. bay of + gunesfibongn tunecnmc mutt one them this right . that at the ram fietfifl? f&W9“htar that reviews ¥ COIL’: II} 113113 with D amma3us%:% ttjatgon cfl°e.ct:m 13 TI §mifin2tatin.n the mcfwt cadre of s:>¢utt¢%Jci):l‘uzenab2Aoab“, am: (the genes an afflmcn %eflatwf the “time 1920: feifozs o%ffieliginntnfo_gt' spams, 5: {*4 tom fettmn tbenameof tn cti1feiues;ann } ti) cNII1lJoI>e% baby of ‘tbe% %é%At’n“guo11te, make a mo1;I Dutif;;1l:;%anu V 4 motenaon iJcau$n:1ts;b§tt%éaiié%%rzI3étt peaceann fafet1’e,&J €boVIn:A1hot take Deficen % In-.= hIvbefoug1):¢fiI15,,not to rfu wan); % longneiawtbaen, nntin mntficattou ofmcpleafuretnwm:!tamem,;tl)w 1¥1ADVVD$V$:93B,;Ps to%tDe11=£tttrma” 135 A II) mztuues tnaffitwis; :§fO mtbatbxq t M %ADiui1tB 091138 of filfllifibtit WE, mzMn:Im1Jt be able tonne tbathy urfwozb mbicDJ'b¥ i;fl¢a7t6flbl8 at 3:0 mum Anote :>fl’;2rt%e33.% ;, %ucunring tbmfmeoftbts tang ms 2. fieceffz, nmceof the 132*‘ %3Retea'c. hauinn to mnng%reatthar- gcsmentaten with theamhemur, hpthcmeanes nfmc eembaflfanout, tl1~e3Ln2nDigbic,ann bauingfunnb ofehnhpzstofaytc, Ibhittj the hat: h pzeuau bptreatp, was in confi- mthus pzomifen anu mote»- utenf£Dur pen- aen hin 1aa::Hammt,* Din hmrtanmg uzqen the time of the aaeceffe. ‘I blcnhh hzfozzapvnintenta intmue; 4 t of mm: with . ; ‘ V. K“. ‘ H" V * 7”’ sf? _ * I ' h k a 3‘ ‘ bzuaw, aunmn hceaffemhlc gnu: ahavliamem, thetlhentietb new of 3Bnucmbctlafl,anIJ maueltnomen * e» w 28 115 affavzes, Ire: flaring mat vefolution hate them; at tahtng‘bpon 1115 thhehnefemc of hhhmmzh»nam:imnv.bvma2 of :4».-mes, htzhaccumntmt com; patfe it by an amicable tteatpsann thetcfiozt Bwectenthe fruit of that than be mtion,mhetcb.y nacmcrc 1JI%¢h¢l'BDt”D Dam cfzh L snutten, 1; tnutten bum this some :I)em'n,; bombcitnmaveeu fatiffieb nf the £00“ in€"Wf0%fl% 0ftIJemoi1Avartof MW fl30uf¢0f°Enn1m0ns,tcfitfienby tumteanwaifmtttotbefem pays mmt%ofaJfiubauie to bee to Dlitftl inn: m.m Wu tofmaketcb {eff gcancevgm npon this occafienfomz vavtitmac members 9f that mute My /«wk: mi) zcmga , . WI: .:§"=, ‘ “ fa» 1?“ to mat of ®zc ttncst, arm of runmp things %tnat . I11itb0_ut§iDtWfl1£tiall ntrecttmim bl ' v mstobz mates nfm« tefn,ett offnzraigne aazimcs, ac % f3s1il195»flJ€fl mere_fitfoggm2spubtecc tfl%0~&mf«an%2n£eu% If mafia, womb M 5&5 ‘_w‘ I, “ in Acnmitv arm tzfeb fame% remenenaou tomatnes theft ntifcavrtaneg,rmutrtn9tnem« wt to moccebe hutm fucbtzbtngs: as within { |?D¢i :aarttv% of that v ‘ 3‘ l‘ ‘ rt ‘ -t I ' é » ".« I 'w;,h ‘ex: 5 9-r“ '4 ‘ H . ‘ I 0 as tv‘mitb%”«‘nRz. % 2tnn;mbw.Imontbt$ottauon,me¢ um cbecnvnunuama j flame acme efigzefitteflozs, than by fmfcdntenMtw‘perfous, filth am: ml1empzv:%%astapfemntbe mute, tbeii‘ téfttivfifi than a1nm:;;d,ct3ena£e1ues ha Iuen%?n% W %*asemonA,an gum ea neflfuitvm atfenteb»-mt af- tet this %fi:e mnmen , they veiecten %now,*ann testing 698:: an bafiI1€iT¢s o rmmnce mama: < nonwh- muting. at a=b:tmnit§on earr- mnerrareas went, 0; [pent me time ' Diflantitig o¢fi@IiflI1¢D£€5, Wftfitlé of flfl¢ T 1' 4fozV%bettev~ ‘clearingoftcuetbmm iaa afl pecitzoxzmge ’ vs v “' A a J‘ -‘ . 7»w.r , . é ,, .. . W2 i g ‘.$ t ‘ \ ‘{ W ‘ ‘V rgts. . I ‘ 791 J “ “*.&:.,M:'.:~. ,1mcobot1a mum at g mm: to gas on ) in may eeIh1’efl’g‘e§,"m{JitIj » 4 LlIe%ofiea9$pflIe. ac W ewonm. ;meiv 1%2:’u&1eage~s, asnf gramme %1%0m111%zerogatiue;atmm fiiluvcx-«= vianattmtaftetfmhnto‘ lbBI;11*13P mvsmevs,mzatren tomuazm sremp,%meto!i3tiJcm that mccnea mt: mzanttonettietbemanp{1a..mfui 132x'uiI eDgei5 tnateuertnatfinnfeew Vioven in mu: pgkenetctfouts times; am: am mmtfoeuev pz:ui1@baes ia cm fitatuteg ayoum euewee mainla- blp pzieferuen by me; am we bunch ~ffl~tfl€§ t:m‘gx,~. :fo £D*n*r pofierttp mnnli1$i§m'1;ate mm: 19193‘: nztutiiwges tbeveniovebbv%‘iet1§cu¢ am 2, arm bneontmueb ant! lawful ,;i%zefi4Det%t5»me wotIIb%+¢Iifi@Ihk'; ‘awful! to n2efcvue%tbe mt: c1;ecace:necofw£DntriT6titty, &conf_efl':’ng fl>ut:felue~s i%n%;iul1i§:z%tBi be II+tatnta%ine aaigbta arwtngra-:2, tbamaetme wmtnec mtunenminweafe.tnm ms fame am: of t%b‘em.trwe2 flifiulwb igefecucg nnmbxcv tmybt mrew~ea$tcu nmmtbatwc feam 1'“io*Iatit1s¢% watt W‘ 111137333» mm filtbougbbv @1113 31. tents mzitten to their §peaIm:, ezahuifmtben: to vzotewe» arm %maB¢tbis8 @¢1fiou:totbz%enn,tbac uvgoon 66 ffiouing fnbtects might Vsijfiuefogne tam, afmeii ofétvmt grace 1"§‘“‘13%3!w%?°."%*“‘° £0 °9fi&W 316 V #gnnes tamacn5toet1z,bpmut [ bee rm tbgwab bfitbbfilifittaf -. w. ,. , «.3 ' ,1’ Ataffifiafw to A W V figfilibmil manner than hath Avv¢*39l3fiit!1“¢ 4 fMAfl1i9bt 18? arm the tbougtjt ffi1Jt¢,%anM0€.0nIhitD»an I" ‘u '6 mfoztsgcttimtnttjcm ’ D that ma maze gratis @ 4 ? _3‘:”?W9§b¢f02¢a arm » lanlnbeemtffvent, fact 7.. ~—__._........._..~_..—n»—,——v. ~._«—m<-:r——-vr-z~.‘~~,.—.~. I 17 A mt: -fa: co*ntt’uu%anteof, tatntes, 3.nD fl9€ Qfiflgtallfl 5 ail A A t1)‘i£p*22flatI£D iun.cmfat1ffietb%em, f strum: fozt1)+e%iv;:metennen 1%gu'u%t1en-» £65,, 02 to %nerrmaM Atljettt to was ceefmlmt)” mtwfoz tDegoeD‘oft11efm~ felumannt1ba£etbatfenttt)em.218ut * astbe %eu::on%armwvnnntheve A uptiamnrbeitnefimaaxfiragroihere tvepas%iiItetecten at the ‘lair ; ann notmttbflannmg we fincerttiz of ‘ $bnv.pzote&at:'nn“s, not ta inniabe arm general! moms, as mum): [ems " 6 foz ~ ti,1e_ir1%2iutieDge5,-pztbp the pets fmafion of filth as?» lJaD%,he¢t1¢ the mate of all were m€temvers.. they fail to tame fog tbenaretues, ann zazetenningcaafeleflv to bmccaifioe nentbetznnto, iuanVvttfeafnnab!e boureoftbenay, annamty tIJinn%¢.% $oufe,contratp totbm omnefiw. * ftomcitzail mattersofmatgbt.cnn- «dune, mm mm: a%%mote&attonfaz mete liberties, in fact) Tambtguous J fog mare flmegtaza im~1ab%e%:‘1mfinf *®minfeparab1c ifiigbtzaun 1.9)»- wagmmes ,anneJ;eD to mu:L3na*pe.»: mil @mnJne:na1)zteef um mama intiJet[m:-as nf mtbevwm $ga23gma- % was butfiu the bleffen Eamfgsmnf m: we §@zeB%eceflb5z, mat eézzmwa . RED fififet-EB E L I ZA BE T H? 39 Emma mt momm asma1immii”ef~ {ma ; rmvfuwatiombat the flfiazcfip ofa asmgtazt by no xncémea en»- mm. 215;: aiwnljicbmay appmte, A % tmtzmmfeeaxet intbe gezzeweéimer saezaiaagg of was flamzfej, £:i;e1°a zzecz ;nzanp%nntfieps of lmtmg a?n<‘m11ci1 affemn tmetie tn.%~.fil§s;V vs: faint EH % scnmeren fpiréts I)sz:za%fgTi1:m tarts “ % aznxmgtbe w21w,mmt2;;m?mp fm» ~ fimtm &g*t)e,i)op*zV% uf mat ;2§etmfz1i;i% arm gosh ijaweft , %m13:c1; itzngigz % ham mumplven £119 mcaifii} mm meifsm Bffijfs n31)meiatIfi sf ma fly tzbcizi czmtung nt‘uetfintzabm:_ei:mm~ ftbhpml $33 a neceffztiz fiffi%'i'm‘i‘i-' « A swim fl. % %:mmng ttgzsbmerene a,a:ar1mmem; maxim: passing mum it mVeVname 2Apm'en afafiefiimz. % V zénntmefoze, m23ems§‘;i,2a% mam mremmp of gaavuamms figam by wzwflanamis ahimmnm “ mum tbeeigijznay offebzt:Aa$ya<§.m22na;€ enfmng, maze, nzaamnmg am: mm mm- tmm ms Yam any mama’, a:%:m%s@fw~ few nus‘ i3%nim'ng it fine tiavazvfmje amelates , jfiobierztm , exam fimwg effi3is®t1vfieeaInm2ti_:a2 iamgm, miisztm arm: ztfiumgeffes Mme farm 1%‘athamentm traumas tijeteiahtrtg . lJ*avuzt!3mzgmfi~ttotiuafiezbtssan vemiminn; msi) we minus meme» nfbnm an was %umm:&’ -, émjabifi tmg~mVai1paa:ts* of this fieaxztm mtfmng ants ::c%qu-icingtiyefam a,%g