CERTAI LTHEA cm, NPACKETI OF SECRET LETTELS&PA;E% .3 abinet: opened 1 S VVritten with the Kings own Hand, and taken in his Cabinet at N¢séy«FieIci; JUNEI4. 1645. A By Vi€co1*ioL1sS“7'l9omm F”a'-iifqx 5 . myfieries hf Stategtending to the A W/herein many Juflification of that C A u SE,“ for which Sir flfwmas Fzzirfzwc: joyneci bzztrellthat A memorable day are clearly laid open; Together, with fame Annotations th-ereupoen. Publifhed by @ecia11 Orde2:me)f’tl1erParlzezz72srzt~ M e§a€%%°§7:«?§%e§%eT%?» e LoNDoN,e A/6344'» Printedfor Rpéert Bafiack, dwelling in TM]: CI1u1fch~—- vmrc a great fin :againf ’c the 1:.Z2r:>IE: cx«i&e.11ccs ofz'%ruth;whic11 hes:-: [fa gmcioufly ( and al- znrfi flli‘-1‘-a1CU1~(§1if1y ) by {ur- prizall ofthsefe Papers, Imtll . " V I ‘r }3.'L. _ ..'-¢: 4;. . 5 , ‘ ~.. W. . “ vi 2 7 u ., an ‘ " . ‘~ ‘ .. -». » ' . ‘ - v"-‘"3" . ‘ gs.‘ °‘ , . :5‘! * I: ‘ we {mother thiaa Iighz: under a Bufhell, but frcydy v§.1::2ld it out to <:;>.ur imiuccd bz:e.t}2A:~en, (for W ft?) in the {pirit of nmcsrmzcf77cI.aboL2.ri:2g, to rmlaizn 2:hem,vve fiillfifpeak) that th»::y may fee their Acrrn-rs, gmd return M330" t-ht: 1-ight w; 350;" x:i1c)fe that wiifijfly dcxriate , zzdmalcvsv it their pxrofefliozu traoppofc the tru::%,A»veAtE1Ai:1kitAbcIowu*s*, to revilmhcin with opprobrious Ia.ng1ua.ge, cimcmbring r?.1e Apmfile St. 33.w;r"c, and that examp}c~ wl1ich%h3:_2,ivcs«u3 inlai.» Epfiie, ‘1I'hcyn1ayi"ee here in his privat I...ettcrs urhataFF..'%&iAQnt¥:eA King‘ be::rc3 to his ~pcop3c, what: Jan. gu:;»g»:2 «mr:dh:;iz*IcAs he bcftowzs upon his gr=c:a:tA C~Aoz-mcell 5 ¢...4 ‘. _ _ _ _ A whmb we return um: ;;ga2Ar1,bL1tco13fid€:Ar xvmth fonovv, sflhat %itc()1‘I1»::*sV f"'mxn_aVPrinc<3 Vflduccéd oumrf Ms proper f;zh€.ar_;. one that has left that feat :51 winch heough , and Alnacrla ~ boundbi.m¢{eIfe to fit, to fit {as the Pfas1Vn1i{’cfpeaMks) in the mime» qftiaefcorivfitflg 31 t 0 Athfi $Tuifle%CaI1nofi)0f t‘hrecK1'ng- dOms,fha.rh n}.~u’.«%ea’i.vz 1ZzeVcnw2f:'l3' aFrAlaeue2gaz14a; and though in on; tezncnts wejarmex no i.11fa~IIibity to the feat ofaw King in Par1iamcn%t,asthc: ~R.om.m/$5 do to the Pa.pa‘1l ~C4ha~irc, (fincae aIA1m%en are i"ub}e6’c to ex: tour); yet vvc Adam boldly fay,that no Egégliflv %Kingdid ‘E-701‘ from that VIVa?c-fin, wfpeak dc- ““‘~::.:,7)""y W"" A ‘ )"3 3 ‘ .9 .1 4-‘ an 1- “R ’ ~ mercifss A-wf God, to »co::scca!e* pus: im<0T" om‘ h:m.ds%5 not dare. A %.;le{lf~tut€tfhion to his people," but fafety and htonour; norh"9t1§;7. txthat abhor:-ed that Seat and Councell, but did the Contra” ry. Thetefore,Reader, to come nowto the prefent huh» nefle of thefe Letters -, thouerteither a friend or them ‘TO otmtcaufe : If thou art well aheéted to that Caufe of Li- “herty tic Religion, which the two Parliaments of I-:r2g!zt-mi ahtl -5'.£0,f[#Zi'76'i, new maintain egainft a combination ofall the " Papilts in Eun>pe“”alhmoft, efpecially the bloocly Tygers ot“ Ireltmd, and {time of the Ptelaticall 3t‘3d0LlI‘t , Facftion in V’ A Efiglmd: thou wilt he abundantly fatisfied -‘With thefe Leta “t'€rs here printed gtndttalre notice t’hereftom,how theCo‘ut-t has been tCzzz'e!ct’e, ( thats the new authenticlt word now V amonglt out Cabalifilcall adverfaries) by the Papiftsg and we the more heleevittg fort of Protellzants, by the Court. It thou art an enemy to Patliam.etttt and Reformation, ‘astad made willful} in Ell}? enmity beyond the help of mira- tcles,<)t fttch revelations es thefe are, then tis to he expetfite «ed,that thou wtlt either deny thele opapers to have been written by the Kings own hand, or are that we make jufl; conlh-u&;'ons and inferences out of them: ‘Or laflly, thou «wilt d~:n3,tl1ot1gl'1 the-yhe the King": town, and beare fuch a ~f:t1{e as we ut1dettt2mcl them it1.,.yet that they are blatneable, =01‘ ttnjtlfiifiable aegamfl fuch tehelq as we are. As to the ttfirllt, knotv that the Parliament was never yet guilty of ‘latch forgery, the Iiing yet in all the Letters. of his, which have been hxthetto '1nterc<3pted, never ‘objfififid any fuck thing, and We dare appeale t0 his own confcience now, A fuchfotgery. couldlbe poflible. As to our Comments and --knowing that he cannot clifavow either his own hand wri-~ tittgpr the matters the-th {elves here Written. All the Ci-— Tpher~$,‘L€tf€rS, all citcum Ptztnces oftime, and fat}, and the vety"hand bywhith they are figned {fogcnerally known and ”ttowettpofed‘to the View of all) will averre for hus,h that no 311" I Ainnotatiom iftherc be nert perfpieuiity aa“ai*eieaa:;tmi A V the:n,the:'c isnoiciA3~minonjel"t.ic: net place for credit left amOflgftm‘3Ifi{l]d:buti‘fl'Zi3C.:i'EZ1T)9£ of the maii1AAciu*cum%-i fiancesvvmt noillufiratiosi atail to the naafit migar c.ip.1- A cities: and therefoite We 3ffifm.HA0ti)iflg. vI1€Cf3ff;1Ty_ to be be- lceved,t_bt3t what the perm-ted pap::rsw1Ii‘1 .thegmFel Aesutter in their own language :.aed yet for that which is not fo V clearly warranteci here 3‘ V. we have other Papersfor their twat-rant, were theynot too nuimerottmnd vet}, and too mikgcili-m.telrmiX€& with other matter of no pe2'tinience for publxcatiion at:-this time. “ Tfo~=1c111ngr11e hi’: objeéhon, if thou art a perfeét tn‘aiigt1.;m.t ,, and deft mt flick to deny, that there i3i_&anytl1it1e_in thefe letters umbefeeniirig 3 WPrince,who pro eH‘es h‘i‘mf‘e-If Defender of the true Faithga A tender Father of hist.etC”0untrey,and has been foe fan€ti—rnoniV- oufly ingaged with frequent, fpeciatll vawes of affeéfion, candour, fincerity, ‘ id conftanciei to his particuiar pro.te- V fiant fubjeftsuof Errgleedand Sm!z:a2de:i. Then knew, that M "thou art fcarce worthy ofany reply, c)1'fetiefa&,i0n in this ~ point. Outcaufe is: now the fame as its was when‘ tiie Ki-1-’Ygiigi firfltookup Armes, and as itwas when theliing made" moi’: of thefe Oathes and ptofefsi-ens. Our three propofi-A tions concerning theab’>::1itioin of Epifcopacy, the fer.-ling the Militia ofthetithtee Ifmgdomes in good hands, by‘ ad-e vice 0fP.1r1iament~, thevindicaition of the Ir:/72 tebeis, be» ‘A ing ail our main ciemandsiatthe Treaty in February lafic, AA and no oitherthenthemopofitiom {em in June 1 642. be-A “ fore any Pcroite Pcmcic, will beareus witneffe that we have A A rather ftraitned then enlargedourcomplaints. But were 7 our eaufe aIte1'ed,a.s it is not 501‘ were we worfe rebels then formerI_V,a-s none ea:nA affitm” which takes notice of our late fuFferings,and our firange patience even now after the diil cevety ofthefe Papers, and one late extraordinary fucceflre A . A r A m i;sm”eBie1d;%ye: ai-rE‘thisic1anM:ime proceeding a=ga~ir1fi~ us hm-e,’and Ccndemniqg a'1l*th at are E12 szfiy .c*?%eg‘*rée Prouiftanrs at [c>:>c._;a2;;-51:», as sure granting a toIeratio”nor'Ido1atryto Pa- #pifi:s,in&.emn1ty to the murtherous Infn, m a ciofe zradmg way for rneer particular advalatzagg, canmt be C!E~f“€DC}cd by “ Aanygbut bychQfa1fe%fi pf men, Paepiflss 3 or the fa‘Mesi°§‘;%0'fV Pap- pi1’os,Ief11its._ Hithcrt0~t‘heE2¢gli/bA‘l1Aave-Md c0%mnaifsic5n to chaftjfe the 1'wfl:,the Inf‘/In l'2aye¢I1adt§1eI§J.«;&r m chafiife the EngZ£[b,*b«oth_h.we fpiit e;a.ch others blood by {her Kings smrrantg ‘j,Z€3*t'3.”S bath luvs been in pafirt qwnecl, (0 both hazve been gin part dzfomvned, and the Kmg‘h1mf::1f3 has not ap- peared Wiaix an o pe11' face in the: bufir:§:s,'but now by Gods good providmca sghc traverfe Curtmfl as drawn, fifldfthfi Iiing mriazirzg to Ckfmand, and the Qgecn, wirmz they zrxufk not di£"doiEé,ispre£t%t:o fife all l;zwfzAnZlmeA;mx%t0 mai2zAmz'A72Ait,A, Ilmwe tkazggbt ofaize %me2t7z:AmqArAe to flake. ~ A A witlzfiar mjafllfliancggtben hitherto 2‘/jszzt /9,m7.‘AAAI:fAA13uA*laA:zt I give tkeepawer ftapro-A~ A mifirirz mynamafito whom khan tlvizzkgfi mm fit) rim I will 2‘a{q.j away all the penal! 2 ‘A lawwdgainfi RammAi'Catlmlz‘¢@ £724 Englmzd Mféan 44' Goal]/call zfrzzzlfle me to d'a_ A % it 5 t/3ei7A'A mam, arAin%At.52eirfizwourJ3 I /2,,zzIeporvérfztll%afl5j=3ance* Am A A def:m2eA great :zf2zw2zr,a21AAd eflafile me to da it.BL1tiftl1o%L1%ask W11 Azu; I call that; A ,afliffaxA1Acc,-, I%AAa11fwer,:%hat when £11011»k;1oWeffw11.1t‘n1ay~be done for it, in ; wil be eafi1yfeen;ifitAdcfctvc to be focfcecn1cd.Inccd;notA tell thee what re- crcfy this.b_nfines tequiresayetthis Wil l'ay,that this i‘s~t_h"c gttatefipoint A of clonfidencctll can exprcfs toAthcAc; for it is no thanks to me to trail thee in A A my thing elfe but in this which is the only thing .ofdifl"cren€c in AA opin°iAonA‘ beI:AWi:x: us: flrzalyet I lqzowtloou Awi1tAAmaIQ: at? good a bargain forlme,we7z in tbihl trulling thee,(though it Aconccrn religion) as if thou were a protcflantg 7 thevifible good oft-ny affairs {'0 much depending on it, Ihavc fo ful1y~~in-A- A tr"ufiedAthis bearer Poob/,that~I willnoto fay more to thee noW,but that liere-A» A A A Awith Ifencl thee in. new Cypher (afihting thcegthat n-one hath or Ihalhave any’ <:0pyA0f itbut I1'1yA1"elfe,to themdgthou tn-ayfl ufe it, when thou {halt find fit to Write any thing which thou wilt judge worthy of thy pains to put incy”pl1er,and to be docyphered by none but megand fo likcwifc from him to thee, who is eternally thine. ‘ ’ 2o.A 23 A ~ To my wife the f. March 164;. by Pooljr. 4 ‘fbi: 1'4‘ a true Copioexaminecl Edm . Prideaiux. The little that isAAheAreA in Cypher is "3 3:‘ l A AA ‘ % A in that which I fiznt to thee byAPoolyA. l 0xfbrAd,»Wednefday 9 April, I 645‘. ~~ ‘Z)e:tr«H:art.-A AA AA A A A A A ‘ A -Houghit be an uncomfortable ‘thin g to write by a. flow Meflenger, A A A yet: all occafioxlsgof this (Which is now the onely) way ofconvcr 1 A A I with thee, is {'0 Welcome tome as Ifhall be loath to loofc “any”; but cxpcfi: A neeithcr news or publick bufines, from me,by thisway of coAnAAvAcy%ancc;yet judging thee by my {elf even thcfe nothings wil not he nnwclcom to thee, -thoughl {hould chidc the-e,i which ifl cAon1d=IAwould do, for thy too fildf‘ M A _ tlen taking Ailarnxsglprayethee eonfidczffixuec Ilove thee above all earthly A A things,8cA that my eontentmentAis nnfcpcrably conjfoyneAdtwith thine,muPc nouAa1i1imy Aétions tenclAtoferveandplcafethecl? Ij"tlm:A /Qzew what at‘ Alifgl AA A tleod, (I_{13eak'7zofi in refl>e£'z‘ o f the common a.’z:flra&‘z'on.r)e22en irzpoint ofeomzerjfiotion, AA AA which in mf‘mi7io{_.,i! the lclaief or tzéxoztion of one: 12' fi2,I dare fZz_y tbouwouldpity A A megforflvmelmfet too xvi je,llot/oemitoo fi1olzf£', fome too lmfie, other: too reféroeol, mom}! A AA *3 fimAtaflz'eI(:~I72 ‘.3 worélA,nzIa\e2'zAA I A kgzowfiane better (Ifiealgnot mum in relation to Im- A A _fi72é_flé)tbe7z 359.8‘ o7Ao.35:5:7:67:18.$294:35:6A9A: I6:54:6:38:I:l 67: 68:'9:A66:tt H I t A A A.-t/you may leazfz'[y4 . ydge Vlaow my corz_z2erfztion pleafiztla Ame. Iconfeffe thy com- A pany hath Apcrhaps nude ‘me in this, hard to he pl¢;afed,bnt not lefllctobe A AA AA pitied by thec,Whoo:m;the only icnAreV for this difeafe. The endof all is .‘this,to defire thee to§coAifi‘fi>'rt me as often as thou can with thy letters .5 St A.Adofinot»thon thinl~:A,that to know particulars ofthy health; 8: how thou A A A fpendellthe tilnxegarc pleafing fubjefis unto naegth ouygh thou hall no other AArbufinefl*‘e%toAAW riteloflilfieleeve mAe,fweet hcartgthy kindneile is es neceflhry At?o,cornforAt my hearAfAtg,as thy affil‘cance~is fort-ny affairs. , A A ‘ A AA A AA'51'o my Wife 9 Agvril. IA 641'-by Iiingiozzl-‘ ngl U9 ) A ‘_.‘..n‘_ oxfwdrmfag 20. mm, ‘Deere Heart: A [IPOn'Saturflay lafi: Wrote to theeby ~/Sazbroan (but this Ihgese A « leave may come as {bone to thee) and I have received thine of the feventh upon Munday Iafi, which gave me great contemt- ment both in prefent and expeétatiosn, (the quicke pafiége being A likewife a Welcome circumftancc) and yet I cannot but node 2:. fault of omiflion in mofi: of thy latter Difpatches, the-re being nothing in them concerning thy health. e For though I confefle, ” that in this no news is good news, yet I am not fo ihtisfied with- out a more perfeft affuranceg 8: I hope thou wilt by fatisfying moo confeife the jufinefle of this my exception. I am now full fraught ‘ A with expeétation I pray God fend me :1 good unlading ) for I A Iooke daily for fame blow of importance to be given about Tazmtorzb or Sbrew.r2’2my;~and Iam confidently afibred of 2; confide rm AA able and fudden fupply of men from Ireland, Iikewife the refra- fiory Horfe (asfhse London Rebels calls them) may be reckoned. A in; for yet it is notknowne what fomentem they Abave, or who- ther they have none, if t‘beA1atter,thcre is the more hope of gain---* ing them to me; howfoeverldoubt not, but if they" fiend one (as it is probable) good ufe may be made of them. OF this I be- A leave toegive thee a fcrfefier account next weeke.-,havizA1g fem: L to try the‘irpuIfcs_5 Pctit came yeficrday, but be having at Law- dozz tbru_£’c his Difpatcbes into the States AAn1bai'Tadours Pziquebts _Iha,ve not yet received them, andAI would not fray to lengthen this in anfwer of them, nor give thee balfe hopes of good ’We{‘t..; erne news, j knowing of an opportunity for writingto thee WM; 1 . , in thcfe tbrec or foure dfltyes 5 onely I congramlate with thee for the fafe arrivall Of thy 7-well fweet hear.t. A A‘ P M be Thinesof the me; I have rncwly reeeived, whereby I fifnde :11“ bt11ou n;1L1eh%n1i£fakes&I4;1ee concerping for I clefire no, sbéng more than a Peace there}, and never forbadthy com W inne-:a3:Iventure at‘ Caz[:7§JA : A A and fo fare A , mm: A i? meme there 5 onely I gave thee warning of fame Iriih in Fmzeee, whom I tlxexlthought, and-“now hnoxv to he knaves. To rgg) 20. .Mz:_n~cb 164%» by P. A. ._ TM; 3': a true Copy, examined by Edm“. Pr§dea.L1Xe . Dmit Wécise. ‘vvednefday IA}~M'«l}’~ eh Pedre hemet : Archihg; takes mrvafy thehcenveniency Qf fending my Letw te3.‘S {O?’.7J.1‘"ea11dquiciezetathee as Wheil 1 W13 at.0:evrtl he _“ “ 9 ex. so hewfiver £3 “ m.2_?;E not flaiie tcx doe what cam 3:0 :fez1d,0%%e23 to thee 5 there is 170 little news :~E01*the ph1‘c§.::.“i1tz1SI 13.7%.? 1e;weAtI1m:ihh§eit7c {O14 » oth ers, oneiy upml Sa#;u1*d;1y3‘L;:eW: hxéeeeived 21 Dif patch frozzz JZ2i’o7z~ m_w;’c;., 'w*11ic11%.afihres me his cV0ndhieih to he fo V egocd, ethasat he bids fine he coiiafidem that his _COL3A£?iTEi“"?y*i“i‘}s§LI7i,_fl'l£1fi‘::d4C)@..I116 110~g1‘eat, hzusnzae 2:his_3reea*e3 and if K Couid lesmd -him bi_1*C4‘jOO.1101”fi‘3g7 he vmzseld undertake to hrhagg me zzoeoo. h111e:1%heE?:n*e%the end jof tlfisp Smamaer. Forti1ege1iem1l~flcate of xiiy-Mafi"}1ireshWeha»11he1#e“thinkee to very l10;_j:efz.flI 5 this Army being; of a goQdhi’c1*engcl1§‘AWe1I Oreiered, am?iix1c1'eai111g 3 my Sennes fiuzh" ehale, f1?£}?‘fi3j?J»ax' will not b ., ‘ rdv be m] ‘1..a.‘:,..;.s—I «C eh" h 1 1'» 4 ~ e »~°1l;'. w ‘ exehue tau eieug; H. mm}, 0;. W 1C, ‘I lap» thou W11. xecene good £atisfa¢??cio11 fi*oz1'1himfe1fe. Its true%tha’t I MC,aI1I10t bragfor %oreofmox1ey, but; a iharpe Sword ahhrmies hi11de_1*s flrarving at *.iea£’c; and I beleeve thAeh‘Rehe1sCofFersare_i not very ‘hfuI1j’(and cer- tainly we {hall xamhe as goad a flxitft with ezhpty fxizjfes as they) 1 or they mufl: have ibnne g1*eate1~ 'defe&, emf the-i1fh»Le;1Vies could. not ‘him fa backward as they are;-‘or E aflhre tlfee that I have at this in- Pcant many more men in the Field then they. I am: not verycon-h fideht what thei1*N o1'the1*ne Forkzes 2u:e,bLit expefl.‘ theyare much Fcromger then I :m1 made beieeve. I111 .137 liliewiie inchide them. Q New In3ufi:n1akee.a. complaint £0 thee df~ehmy Some ‘CI:’?JZ?"_l6’.5‘3. wbic/9 mmlaieyeme the fiz95"e3 that 1790;: 272a-;I]i+fi4]3e&”V Ijéelie by egrzaiwow eating #0 hide the breach my wear.«:!,h w/Bier’: I hate Zczéiazze all ht./Jizzgy, efireciwll v to ilaee It 22:‘ the he barb V 2+0 defire \,me3VM-Tkazt Sir John Greenfield mag}: befmwzeh Gewzelemom of his‘ Bedchambér, ‘ bmt alreadyfé publikegz ingaged in it, that tine refizjlzll would [bee great _Vdij§rg-ace £90213 e M or) A _ to my Smzrze and theyomzg Gentlemazz, to whom it if mtfit to give ajzgfh u glz:[1‘aj7ie, ejfzeciallynow, confiderzng hz.r'F,rzther.¢ meriw, hzlr ozeme bfilpéfflgfi h zzefjh, hej:?de.r the great pohier that Famih that in the Wéfi .1 Yet I have tetitfeo the admiring of him until! I {hall heart; fi~on1 thee. Whegvu fore Idefhse theefirll to chide my Sonne for ingaging hjmfeffe without one of out confentsg, then, not to refufe thy owne con- fentg, a;11dl:il’:ly,gto beleeve tilmth direétly or inditeéfly I ngvfif A knew ofthis while yefterday at the delivery of my Sonnes Letter. So fwewell, Sweet hea1't,2tnd%God fend me good news from thee. » t ' t ' T0m}l"V@‘é,.7l4'.<§y 14,. 164.5. e A 71953 if a true Copy, examined by Miles Corbett. w -w Delete Heart : h A % Know thy affeftion to me lo truly grounded, that thou W11: be " in as much (if11otn1ore) trouble to fincle my reputation, as my life in danger ; therefore leall: the falfe fotmd ofnzy oflering 2!. Treaty to the Rebels upon balk and tttlllafe te1*mes lhoulcl dilhlrhe _ thy thougl1ts_., Ihave thottgllt it zgecefiiwy (to aflhte th.';7mlnde from filch mm ours) to tell thee the W-ayes I have ufed to come to a. Treaty, and upon What gtouxgds. I llmll firll: fltew_ thee my grounds,to the end thou may thehbetteru11de1.'fc.3.11cl and ah-~ prove ofmy Wayes; Tliela lmow (as.aecet‘tah1e tmth) that all, even my party, are llrangely impatient for peace, 'wl1lc:h obliged me fo n1ucl1theMmore(at allhoccafio11s) to thew xnyre-all inteuti-~ ons to peace; Arzdlihgwifil zzmpm ire oeiy gavel hope (fizme /mlclr it at cemzizzzfy) ihezt if I camld come to :2: fleizfe ‘l'3re.'zz‘y, the Ring--Iewdiazg Rehelr could not hirzcler mefiram at good Peazee : l7;h~j3', hecm e their axwze forty acre mafi wemgy of the 157512’, 52:72.51 Zihgwi E the great a3i_{l";*.;z€¥z7a2z.4* which ¢:ztthiJ‘ time mofi aflhredly are amorzgfi fbl3?7Z’fi3lUef3 or Preyhytewi.-272.? ¢ag¢2"':v{fl Imclepezzdeiztm £72 Religion , and General! aggzitzzfl Gerzemll in poizzt of command AZ/]7oi2l.lz‘hejE grozfizdw a Tremry being mofi: clezmhle (7202? withazét htqpelof goadhhfitcceflgr) “the. mofi prahazhle meme: wproezere it wmltu he 2/zfeal, which might with laorzmr a7zdflzfi*2f}, «mzovzgfi l the refi for I will omit all thofé which are %?2g];’rt€_]l.7:07ZaZh_/}’ camzeelahle) whefizzmd my retzzrrhto Lotudolx m1ethoz¢ght to ho ‘eff; o2z¢c:hfiv:*ce of A populezr Retoriggzee it, that zgpatz 4 Tz'e"m3y would he had, pr see 2:,’- V ‘" ” “ 2 “ e I9 3 ifnianlzi kkriizg mmk p7'e.jn:dicc to them, and‘ adoamagidux to men '33. yet olenfi fiolifla or malicio.75z?peo1ble~_{IaouZd interpret t/J"rz'.r' do‘ to prbaeedfiwnax f=2a:re"orfi:Zl , d”I‘/Moe jgyrzed condition: with the Propofition-~ ( without: which 1122.5‘ fiwzd willfigrzifie nothing which tb0u'2i¢°ilz~fi72de to bomofi; ofthe c}9iefe_—ki2zgredie?zf;' of 7472' /aozzozmzble mzdfafe Peace.» Then ob- ferve, if A an Treaty at London with Commiflioners for both» fid..es~ rnay be had without it-, itis not to be nil-2d; nor, in cafe they‘ will ‘treat with no body butn1y»SeIf3z—, fothat the conditions faves» any afpez1:ion~ofdifl1o;1ou1*, and the»Treating at London the ma- lignity which our fl:-1E’cions T irits here may infufc.-': into this Treas- 13;, upon thiskfixbfec.’-3:7; This hope wiflf-Secure thee from the trou- bled WE1icIiotIiemvife—-nmy be»caufed— by falfemalicious rumoursa and tImugho,I judg my fclffiacure in thy thouglritsfiom fuf fling me uilt of an bafeneflé, er I held this account neee ax‘ to E Y Y Y Y t11eeo11d.nthouma%n1ake ot:hc1*sknow,'as well as thy fizlfe, this- ccrta.i’ne~ tmdig, Hat no danger of death or n1i1Ery ( which I‘ ohinkc much Worf?:)fhaI1 make me do any thing unworthy of thy love. For the fiate of my prefent: af:Efi1*es I refiarrc thee ‘to 933 concluding (as I did in my Iafl: to thee)“ by conjuring thec_.,as thou 1_‘i::>vcH nae; tliat no appearance-of Peaceoo‘ Ckandvnonrl adde) nor fiopefixll condition ofmine, make them negleéf to hafle fuccotnr for him who is eternally thine. M Copy to my W'zfi~, Decemb. 1644. b}~Ton1. E11102; YES} 23;‘ az ~tme«C7op}5,- emmirzed Z2} Edm. Prideaux. , A V 7" Oxford,» I 3*. March, Old-St}lke.. ~ Deane Heazrt": " V .a V ..-‘ith om: Lords and Commons here, was on Mnnd iiandfomly portormedg, ;md‘now if I d or diiadvantagious~-to my fev1f'e;o1' frie ay Iafi: nds,Ain order to a T1‘caty,,§it A will ‘be n1ccr1y myowne fan} t;._for~ I ‘kconfcflé when Ikdwroteo IME , I Wa{s in fan no to Iiayé been prcfl% d to makefome mean eovertures” to nemw the Treaty_., C knowing thattherc were great labouring‘ to j£h“a1: pu-rpofoz) But now I promifc thec,- If’ irbe rezzemeclg, on C which -I " A .§n:!iéz2u«nvz[Zz29t,% wzrbamfanze *emim°:zt Wgoadfimctfigé mmyfide)’ itfizazll :52 In ‘Hat; I told" tfiée the lid} Wee-kc collccflrnihga go0d*’pm‘ting 045' any thing unhandfonm %1?¢Ij;*:' my Imzazzr maid adwcziztczge, I being new all wellfionz the piece of t and mzttiizom motion: (that if zaflyt, em‘ Zllmzgrell Parliament here) .43‘ of the claiefe ctzzzfirr, far re?/Jam Imwy expeéif tor be ebiddeyz by titre, A for bevingjitfléred thee to be ivexed 2?£2em,lVz'Znzet being already there, Pcrgl on his Way,and Szzfléx within few daies taking his journey to thee, but that, I‘ know, thou careft not fora little trouble to free A “me from great inconveniences, yet I muii tell thee, that ii‘ i knew not the perfect iledznelle of thy love to me, I might reafonnhlyy ap- prehend that their repaire to thee would rather prove 31. Change then an end of their villanies 5 and I-cannot deny, but my conlilmt deuce in thee, was forne caufe ‘of’ this permifiive troubleto thee. ii I have received thine of the third of Z1/fizrcbj by which thott puts main hope of afiiiiance of “men and Money, and it is no little 'e:s:preflion of thy love to me,that(becat1fe of my bufineiie) Feiii- vale :11‘e‘trOublefOn1‘e to thee, Belt Ifie that Aflémblirr in 720 Comztrier t arewery agreeable to thee, and it may be done a pnrpofe to nmlte thee weary of tl1.ei.r companies, and excufe me to tell thee in earnefi, that it isino wonder, that meere Statefmen y ll10t:l.lCl defire to be rid in of thee, therefore Iidefire thee to thinke Whether it would not advantage thee much to make a yperfonall friendlhip with the ~ Qtieen Regent, (Without ihewing any diilrufi of her Minifters, though not wholly truliing to them) St to fhew her , that when her Regency comes out ( and oflibly before) {hemay have need A A of her friends, lb that the {hall at lerve her felfe by helping of “ who is eternally thine.- fhgg-3‘; ancito fay no more, but certainly , iF this Rebellion had not begunto oppre-He me when it did, a late great Q_gee11e haden-- ded more glorious then the did. In the la.fi'place I defire thee, to c ive me 2. weekly account of thy henltli‘, for I feare leaii in than: ‘alone thou takelt not care enonghto =e:t-prefiae thy kindneile to him 0 The N0rfIJer22cI1eWeS is rather better then what We firii‘ iiezirdg for What: by Sir Iii/.;f.;'IJfi'}72aZdl¢3k§ Lmzgdaler _., and ]la1o72tr'0fl72J‘ vie5’cories,. A Carlile and thel*ref’c of our Nortlaeme Gar1"ifons are relievechand We hope for this yearfecured_.,and befides all this,the Northern Horfi: are already returned and joyned with my Nephew R.2gper~r‘. A Ta my wif-', I3. J£;‘r’errI9. 1645;‘, 1 };y P, A, y T1253" .4 true C op} t extznzirzecl by. " i t i l Edm. Ptfideallx. D.z.’}ztrey,t. 14> .-.D«:z;r'7et2efefi=,._ Svmdzzj//8. juee. Deere Hetzrt: b othetwife I could have expe'€ted_, which makes me believe? that my good newes will not be very itale _-,. 'VVh1Ch in {heart is this, Since the taking of Leicefier mytmzmzhlng downe bttber to relieve Xfowbeixzg ftee,I hope thisfwill comefooner to thee them Oscflvrd made the Rebels mife their fiege before Ittceuld come meet“ A them, havimg had their Qgarte1*s 01168.01“ twice beaten up by t11atGa1~rifon, and 10.9: foure hundred men at an affatflt before .BafialZ—Hoz¢J/é; at firit I thought tbey would have fought with me, being; marched as fez‘ as E2uzc1Qey,' but are fince gone afide to B;~it-&;« I9iZ1_.,fo as I believe they are Weaker then they are thought to be 3 whether by their d’iPZI‘3;8CiO11S , (which are certainly very great, Feirfizx and B;r*02:Wze beating been at Cudgels ,, and his rnen and Cramzveifs likewffe at blowes t0getbex*,where a Capt.=.1i11 was flame, 0t"tva£tiz1fg; tbeirmen, I will not fay: befides Goring hath given a A great defeate to the VVef’temePtebeIs , but I doe not yet know the particulars ;, wherefore I mz1y(with0ut being too much flmgtzine) aflirm,thet(fince this Rebe1lion)my af£1i1‘es were 1:: ever in ft» fitire and hopeful} a. we y , though am0ng*yyot1rfeIvee we W..mt not our own follies, wh§cl1 is needleffe, and Iam iure tedioufto tell thee, but fuch as I am confident {hall do no haxm not much ttoubie me: Yet I nmft tell thee, that it is thy Letter by Fzt:t7VilZz1zmr,, eff u1*ing- me of thy perfeét recovexy with thy wanted. .kind11efie , which makes me capable of taking contentment in thcfe good fuccefles 5 Fm‘ at diver; me22p2'ap0fixf?ve.mZ! ree0mj2e2zce.r 250 tbemzfelwerfiir il7ei2';2.eiyz3- and bexemri irz em Rebellion 5 fa tlgy campergy i51‘}3et~ arzeflv re2¢m*d I e.9c~ V gvefi and wiflafim. M V H To my W? e 9. jrmzc I 64.5.. Ybir ix 4 m¢e»Co}3y, bexmined by Miles Corbett. 1354???? (Is) , Deereflédftt t l . A ‘ VA , : Unday left I recerved three Letters from thee 3 one 3. Duplicate A f of the3o.Decemb. another or the 6. jazz.” *8: the left of the I 4. jazz. and even now! one Petite is Come with a Duplicate of the lat’: 3 wherein, as I irzfinitely joy in the exprelfions of thy co11fi-- dent love ofm.e,'fo E mtllt extreamlywonde‘r,that any who pretend to he 3. friend to our Cattle, (for I believe thou Wouldelt not men-- A tion any i11t"otrn1e'tioz1 ‘fromwthe other lide) can irwent lhcl1lies, that t”l10til1i;-‘J3 lied ill oflfites done to me by any 5 or that they care i for my afliiiat1ce lmth been the leali fi1t}Jef3ced,it being‘; (70 far from truth, that ‘tilt.'El.li]ECO..l1El‘£1i‘y'l.S true. Forl protett to God lnever »l1ea;.rd-ti zfiooheti rot; but witlt the gr*e;ttel‘t eatprefthotzs of eltima“ tion for thy love to me, and pa.i‘tit“t?.l;3;:t‘l}7 for thy eliligent care for A A my aihfiztrree :_But I am confident that it is 3. branch of that 1'C>ot of l~;na.very which E ztt1111o*w diggriztg at, zmd of this I have more then at here lilfpitioit : Anti incleetl, if I were to fiitde fault with thee,,it lhould be for not tail-rsiirag imtcl1 care of thine own health ztsiof n1y‘allil’tance, at lealt not §,§;iw*ir1g me to often account of it as I tlefire gtheile three lei}, nroakieg no mention of thy felfe. Now as -tor the Treaty (which begins this day,) I clefire thee to becorrfi. . dent, there I llmllnever make E1 peace by abandoning my friends, ;1ot~t11e11ejoeneas tvillrziotltand with my honour and ihfety; or” A yvltichrI‘w’ilL,li1y:1o n1oi*e,‘becaufe, lmowizrgthy love , I aim fire » thou maul’: believe me, ar1tln1al«:eeotl1ersliitewife confitient of me. . I {end thee herewith mydire€’cions to my Cmiamillioners _., but 1 how I came to rmlte them my fell? with out any others Digby will tell ithee‘, with all the netves,as well concerning Pt/lilitwyas Caba- liiiieeill rm.-.tters.l At this time I will fay no more , but that I fimll " mail thir; (only not artfwe1*ing for words) truly lhew my felfe ~ to he etetmtliy thine. ‘ A V V M .Theyl’%o2~z*;rgeH Agerat -hath made me two propolitions, firlt,con-~ eertming; the r'eleefeiot his l\’la.t7ters Brother, tor wltleh E fl1allheve* goooo. 1. i5 I €8.31" pgrocure his liberty from the King of Speirzeg the other.“ is fore. n1ar1*ia.ge betwixt my Son Clmrler zmcl his Ma-A fters eleleit daughter ‘L: For theyfirlt I have freely 't1r1dertake11 to do i what I ea.n_, anti for the other, will gzfzzefizcfi at!» z42{Fwer,e*fleelZfig— t V y . i rzfie mt hieg. Idefire thee not to give too much credit to A Selmzzzr FL€i3ti0l1S9 or 1103? V as > nor_rr‘1uch cotxntenaucag to the Iriih Agents in Porig, .fA.t-he particular rcafons thoti 'fl1a71: have by oPoog'y , (Whom I intend V for m A next: MeHE?ngér;)In~theIaif pIace‘I recon1mcnd,to the¢ the care 0 ‘ferfey ax1d~Gemf;y, it being impofiib1eofor4L1s here to doimuch, phoughu we-were rich, being Weake at Sea. Tony woe», ;o.j’cm.. 154%} A A zlrotme Cop_y,eo5omi2zea?. o A "}3}Lxs‘c3he5. _ o 1 _ A hy Ema.B1u:nnAuzg. 07"m0fld5 A A = He impoflibility of preforving my Proteflant Sub§e&s'in Ire--e A lowed, by a continuafion ofthc war, ';having moved me to give you thofe powerso and direffionsa Which I have firmerly dcne for A zhe%cor2olz¢ol.i7zg of.¢Peo,rce therqazzoi thefizme growingodaily much more win oiezzf, ihot ozlorze were reofon oztozoghfor me, to enlarge your power: 3 aha? MA A zmrzxfi iogy Commazrzdxh £72 thepoizzt more pofigiwo. Em hefideo hthejé oozofiohzrw A ' htiom, it heizzg now rmzzifizfi that the Erzglflh Rehel.r~ha'z1e M far :25“ in V them 923') giwerz the Commarzd of Ireland to the Scot: 5 that their oeiomoeh ' is‘ at oi tom!/flahverflon Religion and RegozlZ1’ower , and thort nothing _1él7hAzvi1lc0g2te7zt them, or pzorchafépezzce here. I thinhg ngy fé[f' hmnaféfrz oonfiiezzce, not to Ietflip the meczrzeo of jétlizzg that Kizzgdome it may he) mzzier my ohedimce 3 nor to loo’/5 that offiflmzce which I my hope fiom my Ir-{fly Snhjefzlq, fizr fizch fcrzqaleo do in at Iq[]7apr¢gflEr'7zg oowzoiitim » swzigloi reofizzahfy he hy me : For their ]kZ‘I'd‘_fhI(S'1vtI507Z\», I do thmfire co;omm:rzoi}'oz¢ to conclude a Peace with z‘heAI7'ifh, whoztezzer it cofl , hf?) Atlmt my Pirote]§{§m§i- 125' mhjeifi mm mug/A hafiwrhédg and Raga}! mtharhfyprew A jéhvecl 5 Ezttfiih all whixyozo are {'0 mo@ me the hefi horgaizzeyou can , and I mt oé'ojAt3o*vc1~ irzlargemerzt qfpowcr tillyozz izeech‘ mzzfi. find though I lame :he%m;:z7mgi2zg of thzlrgreot mzql neceflor} zvorlge mtireév toyou, J et fivzzrzhot hm :tAéAAhhj’0.‘Z£, {hat théfiofjvéizfiorz of Poinings ./155 flrftch Bib or he hag+~éed'z499o2z hetwomyozo there, and theprejént takgrzg “$1949, oftht Pemrll Low; ogomfi Paz}2ifi.s3hy at zmwszz doe it : I fholl not thinkg it A i;;z2*o£ 1}}.-37"'g«.‘ZfA'?.”§t.’A 5. Ihdtfieel} and vigorozofly they eyzgoge themfélve; in ohm} £fi2:fl:’:fillei37;5CAeo.fl';1£_7)'z7i7Z_Afi'A Rehéljfiof E11gIa11d,m2dSc0tla11d, for A A M hhoozzdiiicw my he m‘~imr;1, mt hoingohogoAz"f2fiiCo7g}?ie7zoe or oI«Imm;~. A - " .CopiE~tohO;~nmn}:1, hé7;mFéb1~.* 5 :64;-. A ~ V./1 Tlhzoe «Copy, Zoucii TaTtc.o A A ~XVI_I To Owmozad. ‘ Q:v:fm'd At Fehr. I64_4.7‘7 . R M 0 N D, I fluotxldwvtongnyr ovlfmellletvlice. antlttl1§slGenAt~ tltttnen Sir Timetéy Ferheefiewefi if I did not recommcndl and his hull';nefi’"e toyou; for th€'p31'tiCu.larS ofwhlich Al referr you to Dtgéy : Aral new again catmot butmention to you the necemgy AA A of the hAa(l'.eni13g of the Itilh Peace, for which I hope you £1-ea1I-eady l A furniflzed me, with materials fulhcieet : But in célfe Eagainllc all Iexpedétatione and realism) Peace cannot be had upon thofe tetmes, you trnull not: by any memes fall to a new rupture with them, but ccmti-» nue the ‘Cellar ion (according to a Pollltript in a Letter hy_7m:k_B.m_y V (a copy ofWhic.hDi~l"pateh I herewith {end you.) So I tell, 1’ aférfirt. an A In cafe upon particular met-as tanczes, the Irifl; Pe3¢e{}mu1d not be, procured, upon powers Ihave already gtven you, I have lthouoht good to give you this further Ortlet (which I h?pfi W111 prov: med, » flefie) to leekto renew the Cefl'at1on for a year,fo;; xfvllichi}/5;Ag_f,E‘,;[;’p§}0K_ limgfie the Irgfla (if you can have it no cheaper)toja}m with them gate]; the Scan and Inc/_aeqm‘e 3 A for I hope by that fiimetmy eonditionemay be fuch? as the Ittih may he glad toiacceptlefle, or 1 '15: 55!: town; more. A. A A A A V A true copy, am.‘/:3: T ate. "W . XVIII ‘ F f y To Ormcmd. Oxford 7.. Ian. 164;.‘ R M 0 N D, upon the great rumours and expec9cations”l' which are new o,f‘Pea<;e_, .1 think it neceflary to tell you the true Hate i , lei’: miflléken reportsfftom hence might trouble my aflhiges V # there. ‘IV The Rebels herehaveagteed tol Treat ; eand mofl~alli1re§iIy,.one ll‘_oftlaeefItll*ajt;dchiefe gxttieleg they will itififi on; will be, to continue l‘WtI*1le;'4 ewyarre ll; per/aibb 2': art. paint mt Ifapuldffir mm érmkayx ; A of % ‘F Whie_hyo§1_ are to make admahleufe : _F1rf’r., ‘toehaflenl (with all pam. :€b1&: dilrgence) thePeacetthere; the timely corzcilufion of which will r‘talteoffthatlinconvenienee which ethetwayes I.tt1ey,he.ftihje.m;ributi-—- on, and unneceffary Garrifons, that Cimpflow and Monv mam/J may bczythr: better £:’rre1-aygtylywaimd; ‘A « That: Sir Tlmmm Lundsfwrd may bee qua1ified‘with Am r thorit.'y,.t0 proteét them according to fualmxfier asvrim: Prince {hall ma1s:e,y _ A y March 21. y y A i . Thefcprefzlated by yyour“ : “L644-..y * A . y V7140)/afl Subjefi 9 A A ’ A Edward Bafdom This a_ true Copy. 4 y A ¢Za#uc/aye Tate. 'yC%*‘o'l0?2%ell Fitz~WilIiam humbly p2*'2aje~s gzml frofzozmdsi 4 " as fallowet/7. . THatyy,you; facyred Majefiy will vouchfafe to px:ev2;i1wichIuié;« y Majciiy to condiiizend IQ thejufidemandsof his Iri{h~fiab~— jeé‘rs the Confizderate Catholiktzsy in his Majcfiies ‘Kingdoms 0f Ireland, at. feat’: in private. F % That upon the confidérarzon tfiereof Colonell Fit&—Willid.m-* humbly-’ propyomiads and undergoe;‘h (with cheyyappryobationfigf’ A .‘ . A ‘W .y .‘ % 1 A A yr; A 3,, ,. by) (22)! ! Mr Hmidegan new erriployed‘ A gent flf‘0‘r the fa C d- Con Fcdetate lCatho1ic!<'es in Frzmce)t0 brine an Army 0F ten thou {and men and t l more of his Majoflies fi1bjC¢§$ in his kingdomof/relaadyfoplhis Majefiies fetvice, into Eng/and. " i That Colanell!Fit.eiwi/[fave nndertalces for the fumme of ten thouland pound lierl,to!ea\ty, fhip, andatm, the {aid ten thou- V {and tnen,and fo proportionably for more orleffe ; and that the 1 faid money may be put into fuch hands as may be fafe for his A M ajefiyaas well as ready For the Colonel! when it Ihal appear the {aid Army (hall be in a readineffie to be tranfpotted into EngJmnd.t That upon the landing the {aid mlen; there {hall be advanced to the Colonel! onemmonths pay for an the Army, according to the ~M~uPter, for the pretent fnppott ofthe Army. ’ by That Colonel! Fitz. Mliam may bee Commander if’: Chiefe *- it hereof, and difpiofe of‘ all the Oflicers,and onely be commanded by his Majeliy, his Highneffe the Prince of Wales , and Prince Rupert , and qualified with fuch Commiliions as hath been formerly granted to his Majeliies Genetalls ,. that have Com- manded bodies ‘apart from this Majeiiies own Atmy , as the .Matq'uifl’e lot”N5.-wcafile , the Earle of Ifingflam-, andothers, hereby the better to enable him in the Leavies as well as in the general! condua, of the bufinelfe; and that in refpeét the Parliament gives no quatterto his Majeflies Irzfk Subjedts, therefore that the faid Forces‘ {hall not by any Order whatl'o- foverbe devided. by ‘R ' l That the Colonel! may be fupplyed with a body of hotfe, of at !eaP: two thoufand, to be ready at, the place of landing. That thecolonell may be provided with Amunition and Artiliery, or with money requifite for himlelfe to provide ne~ ceidaryyptopottioins for to bring with him.“ c C ~ - That the Army fhallbe paid as othet“Armies of‘ his Majefiies. Having taken thefe ~Propofitio_ns into eonlidieziati-on»,t We havethought fiCj..EO..CCfi1fi€V01.1I‘ approbation and agteemem; ithiereunto under our fiigne Mannal1;a!fi1”ri__ngi whatrhath beans dc... fired lotus therein,» {hall be forthwith efieflillally‘ endeavoured, and not doubting to the iatisfaéfion ofthe. Confederate Cat/aa» .1;i{a-: of his Majeliies Kingdom ofln-l.amd;and tothe’ iaidcolo-— nell nel11?Eite-Wllliam , log that wee may ljufllyexpefi an agree-ab-13 llcomplxance and performance accordingly from all parties iuthefe l-yfeverallconcernmemze. j t A ‘ 4 l _ l « ‘ l r This is a true Copy of the Original] fentby her Ish. jefly to the King,/Ma}: 1 5. 154,5, ‘i A W N i A: [owl], Secretary to the right Honourable l the LOECI farming, A true Copy. a Zomba Tate, V or XXII h Ta my Wife, -'t4'.]an. 1641;». by C‘-izoqum. Tear: Heart, _ _ h vlPOo[y came the ~;-:. Jan. to whole great diljpatch 5ll«thQugh,_ at for fotne dayes I cannot gtve afull anfvver , I'733I]‘I'lOtlbu[ ' this opportunity reply to fomething in thy Letter, not vyithoutttll l telating to fomething of his Difcourfe. AA A l As I confefleit a mil-l-fortune (but deny it a fault) thy not hearinglofiner from me, fo excule me to deny that it can belbf 170 ill confequence as thou mentions, if‘thei’r afleéiions werélb l reall, as they make {hew ofto thee; for thedilheultyoffending A -1 is known to all, and the numbers of each -Letter wi1I«fluewh“my diligence, and certainly there goes no“ great wit to finde out wayes of‘-fending, vvhereforeifany be neglected more, then our Wits are faulty {but to imagine that it can enter into the thought of any flefh living, that any body here {hould hide from thee what is defired,that every one fhould know (excufe me to lay it) is fuch afolly , that I ‘(hall not be-leeve thatany can think it though he fay it : . And for my affeétion to thee, it will not bet: the mifizarrying of a Letter or two that will call it in qpeflion ; but ‘take heed that thefedifcourfcs be not rather the ”efFed-it of their wearineffe ofthy cornpany,.then the true image of their thoughts 3 and-of this is not the ptopofauofthy.jou-rney' tozyw, a‘pre:tyin&an¢e2 For ferio-ufly on: f'e1Fe,;I ma itone ‘ of? the rrsbfl exteravaganec propofitions that Iehave heard, thy gia- vixrw care to it being rnofi affurecfai (mi an ex reffeth» loxe 2:) 3 4,,» , V [Q me, andnot thy)udg€t1‘I€ntI1‘1 my a~Pfaires"I:I‘ As for the bufi-- Im':iTeIit feflfe, ( I meane the Ipeaceof'm~e!zrs:m‘*)*t'"o mew thee the care I have hadhof" it, and the fruits I hope to receive from it : Ih-ave {emg thee the 1::"z.f(3£jdii§2.tCh€$ , I haveiexntconcerning it, earnefi1ywdAefiring thee to keepethem I.-'0.thy felfe’, only thou nuaiff in general} let the _Q;__fi€gemt and fI‘v’£i1‘3il°c€fS thelifi under- firands that Ihawe (i‘3F5:“.r€d my Irifh Subjefis fo good iizzisfacfiion, that a peace will {hardy Ieenfiie, w1‘1”ich Ireally b€16€V‘€- But For Gods lake iet none know the particulars ofmy difpatehes. I can - nozbut tell thee, that I am much beholding to the Pormgafl .f-’§g€.11t‘("€£11dlitt1€tO the French) it being by hismeanes that I have %fem:thee«a11emy Letters, (‘ befides exprefies) fince I came V 'hiEh€f,§ tlmugh I expIec‘)cIeIdmoPc fiiom Sazémrz. 7! * I vwill not trouble thee With repetmons of Nexjves, Dzfgéws V =fi*11TrI3; cgarinet but paraphrafe a littleupon‘ that which hxhse‘ I1}: §J‘E1‘1__J£ItIOL1S‘OIMCIVEZIIOII : I 1: rs tins, nothmg can be II59%*m7y €=i'=u‘nine‘d j A; I . bY"5déWd7’.**dM#*f~.I I 41 ‘W 2‘ NW ‘ -.-9 I? ' .' V]‘' T ‘ < y‘ “ A ‘_.a ‘I V‘ at‘ *‘ .4. I ‘ ' . V“ V.»___’_.. " ~ ‘__ .;.~‘ ' u ‘N 3'“ Iz,ec1ywh'i;:%hII have feene being (0 full, that I can addeJno~ ; I o \ » ‘ . ‘ «-mu‘... .‘. nu -- nu»-u y.-mu.--H.-—..“....-o-o...‘ .,.. ' r , _ II - up-—.... ‘ .1... Imufl XX H L Ciopym thcD. o€7?.V T .4 ‘ .__..v -——.._..——.. "R‘1c'/»'-maria’, I thank you forthe-;accompt.yoLifE'.mtznc bythfs # B4-’3T‘~‘?!‘, and lmvenothing oflsew to dircfl you in, but only A to It mg‘-mlzcr yvu that my gohg to Wefl. is %nm to be mcntiganed but upon probable hopes cf procuring a Txtaty with Cum. there V or there abputs , and that you mcntionthc fécuritylaske with ' mfg’ comming $0 W69. And I hnpc I ncszd x1ot:cmem‘aacr youto ' C31‘ “'36 Well E‘!-2-C Ind cpcndc 1:5 and Scots; thi.<‘{B='a? er will tell you haw well our Wcficrne an” Northern: Aflociations gcacs on re» V wlmml Vrefir you ‘or other tlmzgs. Ircfr. "fins a true Cqpy. Zmche 1"’ are, 0.a.;z’«)r% Feb. 1644. Ms511mrié1Hs For Secretary N£¢~£ml.ss con-» " ccming the Treaty atWp:V&r‘TL:J£tfi’o IrPc for Rc7I7gion and Church gov*::-mincnt I ~..v§1h;ot goc om j or fiarthcr tljcn what is offxcd byyoa alrr:a"dy.A _ ~A " A 2. And To for the /1«[i.r'£ti.4 m"=rc than what yczhavct ‘allowed % by me. but even in that you mufl oblczra-*2 that I m:.1fH1avc?rcc nb-‘ V mfnaticm ofthc full halfk; as ifthc totall nuxnfificr ‘Scots and*aI1% b3 b5 ‘hi”}’ 3 1 W111 name fi!"t‘ccnc ; yctifthc-y(Iznc:1nc thc‘En- gliih Rcbcls) will be (0 baibas to admito’ tan Scots to twenty Englifh, I am contented to name five Scots and ten l:!7gli{h, and fo proportionably to any number that fhallbc agreed upon. 3 . As for gaining 0fp.1rt'cuI.ar pcrfons b~'.fidCS{€CL1I‘§.ty,IgiV@ you pnwcr to promih: them rewards for 1:.-c‘ farmed in-vices,V um: fparmg to engage For placrss ; fo they b: not of great tn uf}, cg A taken aw:ayfi*c;mh» and certainly,’ the rel’: “will: hat-eaiilgét M A fay-ithis of my ownt: head» alone‘: ‘for ggnertally hoth tht.-fa who 1 ‘FEE’ « A4A V . comes ; onelly I will tell you, that the Propefiticrns which 1“; brings Wu are good , but 263. I llclelévc that it ism): yet _ time to put the-.m into extctztion : tllfii clots: findc.Iomr- mezmes to IE,-nd them bacl(,which may not clifc-antent them ( and doc not tell who gave you this advifc.‘ Sr. Hwgb Claolmegr is come with a Troop t ofthorfc to llciffc my hanfls : the 1-zfi: of has people heleft at Scaréorratgg/95 with a (hip lad en with Arms, which the [hips of the Parliamlsnt had takitn and brought thitl1cr,.fo {he is ours ; the Rcbclllshavcltlquittccl Taézlwg/fer‘ upon cnur§e:z1ding flurccs to Whe- zbaréy, but they are re=umcd with twC1V‘¢«‘ l“‘“d“’v'd men : wt-£2-nd more fi:>rcc*s to drive them Motrt, though tlaofc wcVhav‘c ‘Valrsady at Wbetherthjr -at-cl {i1fi‘i::ie21lt,hut we {care left they have all their fir- ccgwthcre ab§,>uL' , and vlcll; they havc logic :il5-7r5’_,:’7:'“i2’!.$;:d iiwflyéir 9°t£p.'r“7"f, wiwf M} V ,,.ufl"z¢w'c tbe.m,t1mt wlam jam flaw ée z'2m;2o:é«'ar cozzdixian than year. saw mwfi/M: yaw willgive them mmsamm. wl tlxought it to be a matter a? {o great engagem-ant, that I dam not dam it without you r1com»m.:md ; thcvreiam if it pleat”: ywu that I fhouid doc fo,fcnd,r-nc wha%t%%y~ou:..WouId have me Write , thaw mé;y7not doe more.:he:n What you appoynt : A;:z2d4 aifb that it being your command; you may held to that which I pmmifc : for if V lflmuld be very much gricvcd to write any thing which I would mt ho1d.~to‘,'and when you havc.prozmfE:d it me, I will be confin- dcnt. bciccvc alfo, that $0 Wmtc to my Lflfd M'#~*'k‘-'73 withomt thercfi:wi11bcw%cnough ;fonthciI.c:tter*whichI {hall Writc$tm_ Ahimfhvallbc with myownc hand: and if it betoall your Comm gnaifli-aners, it {hall be by the Secretary. Parcwcllmy dcarchcarta. Iscannot write any morcfizutthat I amabfo-Iutcly ,- ‘ti J . % r 7 Yours, ‘ A Atrue Coppy. . - A A V Zamb Tam ',,,..- _, __‘. 'wo »—.—-..o. q........ .. ...,,.\. , . an-. _._.....4._ “""i:‘* WXXIX; The tn the %K;‘fi-bfiparék. ” % ‘ A [Ian-uayzy I%64§..A ' ]-).»!rzI:,Iams:ary,T. have received one afycinur Letteszfs, flared from M .M¢rIe£varaw pf an aid datcfiraving Icceivcd manyothcrs more f'rcfh,to which I have made anfwer : I will fay nothing concern» ing this but cnly concerning» the aflfiifr v.j)f(ar.)Ifi¢; bcinat done, it is time”, being very fcafonabla atthis time, which I did not be.- lieva-.‘bcforc.A I . underPcand thapthc Com%mifiionm}< , aaid I pray begin to rcmembcr What I fizakc to you come: rning I.ecé_. Bark]; foi1fMa&crof the Wards.; I am next ingagcd ncrr wifl not V for the places C-FL. ‘Bar. and othcrs,.%doc ynu accoArdingly.& A ' I3 _/Irfgnrcla 1644,. T71: 3 6333 % % xxxm. V Newarke the 17... -ef Iamn A Y dear: heart, I rcccivcd jufi now your Iettcr by my Lord St-iflijfl , ; wha Found me ready to gm: away; {laying but Pm‘ (me t§.1i11‘g*,V fat which you warm well pardwn :2. dayag fin%3P$ it is m Emvg. gig]; gmdf Lin... ~ are/m ., ymmg Hm‘/Jxzrfa having biz‘: pm in prnibn by erdct ax” §’”m:1ia2I2cn[t,, visefcapcd :%an=.i'imt1~n1ea‘2‘z.* to .25; thsathmfiiwzxici cafik himfelfc mm his armes, and that HM’ mm M .». M/rm? fiwufid ha 1‘€'!‘4?1d}.‘E:*3,; he is? gamete» his % Fathcr. ands; fin. 'Writ=es for ymzzr aaafwm‘, (33 that I azhinkel fhzdi gm -1 hence Fzyday or ’Sattur*c2a§,7, and {hail gm Iya’: at Wcrrawymd fimm Athmcc to J5fZ”"5‘)':.\7s7hc1*c: we will mzfolva whmt my to miss, mad I wfllfiay there .3 day, %bc':*caufc that thc march of the: day b¢‘%brc§ wilfihava binfoxnc- what grcatymd aim m know haw thc %Enc:my nwrchcs : 35.23 thcir forces af"Natringlaa:m, mt pwfent being gone to Leicafier, and Daré}, which makca us beA1c:e~z«m:hatitis toiutcrccptour pafihgc, aflbcsn as we have refolvcd, I'v.*i¢I1{bm§ you word .2 at this prefmt Ti’ *thifx3< it fin to let you know we Hate in which we march , and what I lmzvcbehind mm for A tlicwcty Mé“I.iaaca.’r2t’J93ire and Zfiaztimgwzm/Mrs; Ileavc 2000. foam uzudwbcrcwitimll to arm #20. mow: , zo; Companycs of Horfe, all this to be under éwlex §z*wandifb,W§%nm the Gentiamcn nfthe fitlmm. try hzwr; c:Ec*firc:d 1:216 not mcarry with me, againfl: his Wm, far Em dc;-afim . rad xtv cm1c%y4to gags; The Enemies,-havta left w%t%hmMmtinghmn loam, ;:::::rry ‘Wit’?! arm: 3000. ;Fz::m;;m:, gm‘. .g:«Difi'3p.‘§£)3‘fi§ of Hcxrfe anfi %Dra;;;;nuo:);;A4F?;:. j;§,?L*ri%%7"e:é;:r::=z4 mf =ti.;7Zzu11facm, 512.1%‘. . MO3‘fi£E‘S9 Ei',.»grry Ge;-m2_ym com» manda rrzhcz ¢;;2.’. aztm a:?i.;=»7 .i»:.Tm:1’t;’1‘, 3:3 fifloicmczli of my Ciiuarde-,an»~{ Sr. a*3'l£$‘...’1c’.$Z7¢?62tffi}‘ *tt3~i':%c: 11I%as;33a3r 3, mad ¢f;1"er.¢2‘r£1t§1!€: Horfc, and SE:;qé%“:4 .ZC6';;jg'th*‘3A1f»?:;l.Hré:a‘}7, and l%1a;:;¢€?maac ¢iivi.a)7cfi:ie Gene2s~a1iiH'xna, and; cmeczznucly «.iilig«zx1t, witlm x 50. wag.::ns of Baggage to govern: , in »c3.fi: G1’ %;53attu1l,ha\m a care tlm no Troupe of Effcx. his A%rmyincc>rnm:1~» % date my, For Ihopa th.;et for thc rczfflz wee fhzxllbe Pcrong enough, For at: Nam? -.g.{~:z.m we have had. thfi mcperiencc , one of our Troupcs having beaten 6. of thrcimyand made than By. I have received your Prwclzzw maticm or Dz; clarazion4,which I w‘i{h had not ban‘1nadr::,bcing extmaznm Eydifézdvamagious Fur you,for you {haw too much’fcar,, and do not what Ajmu had; refflvcd upon. VFarcw‘c11my dean: mart. Tina 0:49:22 :a%t+’::¢: Ifing, :57.]un:::, té.:;.3... (34) ; XXXIV. CHA RLE3 Rex, it '1‘ is not unlmownc both to the "Frenchliing and his Mother,’-what it .. unkindncfles and difiafies have fallen hetweencmy wife and Mice. which hitherto I have home with great patience, (as all the world lmowcs) ever eatpeélzing and hoping an amendment, knowing her to he hutlyoung, and perceiving it to he the ill craftie counlclls of her fe::- wants, for adraoceing of their owne ends , rather then her own: incli- nation : Eor atmy firfi: meeting of her at Dover, I could not exfpea more Teflimonies of refpeét and love, then fhee lhewed, as to gm: one inilance,her firlt fuite to mee was, thatlhee being young~,and comeing to a flzrange Countrey,hoth by her yeares and ignorance of the culiom es l or‘ the place, might commit many errors , therefore that I would not be angry with her for her faults of ignorance , before I. had with my infirufiionslmrned her to efchew them A, and dcfired°mec‘lin thefe ca- fito ufe no third perform , hurto tell her my felfc 3» when I found the: did any thing amiffe, I both granted her requelli, and thanked her for it, but dofired that fhee would of: mee, aa (he: had delired mee to ufe her, which {bee willingly promifed mee , which pcomife {hoe never kept, for a little after thi~s,Madam St. George taking a dillaflr hccaufe I would notlcther ride with us in the Coach , when there was YVocmcn aft better quality to fill her roommlaiming it as her duc,( which in England we thirtke a lirange thing) fettl my wife in {itch an humor of diflzalhz an ainfl: rnee, as from thatvery houre to this , no man can fay that ever fiiee ufed me: two dayes together, with fa much relp oil as I. defervedl of her, but hythc contrary , has put: fo many diirefpecfh; on roee , as it were too long to ietdowne ail, fame I Will relate : As I aake hair Was at l l her firl’c Jeommihg to Hampton Court , I lent fame of my Councefl to hcmvith thofe «fl-‘rders that were kept in the Ogeeragmy Mothers houfe, defireing {bee would contoaand the Comm: i of Tilhera , that the fame might hekept in hers, her anfwer was , thee hoped that I would give her tlcareto oi‘cleri1erl1ouf§e fh ee1i§?c her felie, (Now if {hoe had [hid thatflzsegae would {peake wriazh mee_.,r;ott alouhrirxg to give me: fatiffaétion 7m it, I could have found no ziimlt with whatfoeverlflaee would have {aid of this to my ielfe, rm: ll could oialy impure it to ignorance , but I “could not imagine that {bee ail‘-.i=onred me la , as to refufel met: in fuch A a ahingpnhlickly ) ggtafter Ihearol 'iIhiS4E11fl;V£‘.T , make at time ( When} thought wee had both} hell lealute to difputo it ) to tell her calrncly hath hcrfaalt in the publikedenyallfia hm‘ the bufmeife rt i i » (as) (Elle, thee i-nlletcl of acltoowlcdging her lhult and mlllalting, tttivé moo’ Io ill an arnfwet that I omitt, not to be tedious, the relation of that dif- eoutfet. havmg to much of that nature hetcaftm to relate, Many littlo neglofts I will not take the paioesto fet dovtme, as her efehcwing to he in my company, when I havcany thing to {t eak to her, 1 mail mwnes hctllehrvao-t fitgh elfe_I am fare to be denied, t er oegle& of the Eoglilh Tongue, and of the Nation in geoerall, I will alfo omit the 3ffi'0‘flt {he t did m:.";'c, before my going to this loll unhappy aflemhly of Parliament, hocaufe there has been talke enough ofthat already,:.8cc. the author of it. A is heforc you in ‘France, to be lhott, Ollllltlflg all other pafftgts, corro- ax mg only to that whielt 1:?» molt tefcent tn memorie : lhaving made a commtmon to make my wtfes joyofiute &c.to afligne her thofclands the is to éivc on. and it being btooght to loch a tipt:i‘!,clle that it wanted A but my confent to the part:lt:ul:trs they had ehofem {bee taltcing notice t that it was now time to mono the Otfieers for hot Revenue, one night when Izwas a bed, put a paper in my hand , telliog; some it was a lilt of tlmle that fhco defited to be of her reveotte, I toolte it, and laid I would read it next mornittg, but withall told l‘l£$‘t”,t,l?tt&t by agreement; in France lhad the ma meingot them ,. {he fzziol , there were both Englilh and French in the note, I rcplyed, that thoiicz Eoglifh I thought fitt to fem: hex-,1 would confirmcybut for the French , it was impoffihlc for them to {me her in that nature, then thee {aid , all thofc in the apex had to btcvetts from her Mother, and her felfe, and that {he could a mist no our the? .- Tllen I laid 1t was neither in her Mothers power, not I-Icrs,~to aclw mzt any without my leave, & that if {he flood lu..>onthat,Who1nl‘oe\’ct’ {bee recommended, fhould not come in ; then {heel baddo me plainely take my lands to my It-1fc,for if 111: had no power to put in whom (he wouli in thofe places, {heewould have neither Lands nor Houfe ofme, but had me give her what I thought fitt in penfion 5 Ibad her than to--‘ member to whom (he: fpake, A and toldhet , that lhec ought not to ufc: me: lo, then lhc fell into a paflionatc: difcourfe, how lheo is miferable, in having no power to place lervants, and that bufimfles M {ucccedctl the warts: Father recomnaexadahoo, which when I ofltrred to anfwer. ihcc; would not fo ‘much as heart meet; Then {bee went on, fayln , {he was not of that bafe quality to be uled to ill, ‘then I made her hot heat mceattanidoteod that difoom-f:.t Thualzavittg had to long patience , with t the dilttttbance ofthat that {hould be one of my grcatetll: contetltments I can noilorlger fuffettholelthat I know to be the mule and fotnenters of theft: httmotsgtot beahoutnty wife anytlongm whichtlmtxft dot it wet: but for one aétion they mad: my with doe , which is, to mgkc A A A ' “ (3’5') ‘ A mg Tamra m devcmon. to pm ,w‘hwh afhcm can have no grem- A A .:e%%‘f»iA”%T_yA(l.:c 7:. xx 1 Imp: roflmd t/am .- Ivawypgy :5, whvlewattar I d._*/’z're"$tl9e=e to /77%: the and Minwcrs there 3 we imjyra... . Aéabflzij that t};2.£.r preflm: rent} flaw! pradmca ant pazsae , cafifidgyiflg ,5, gr.-net firm: gs dtflérencef ( ,1’ mt cantmrmfl ofgraum’: t/my nrc$£uetw."x: ~ the R c?éei’l1zropofitioxf: Aamdmin: , and zlmr I manner after m1'm,7n-or wig’! tfaej .711:-r t air; , f'i?31‘17a't'Mtb£]":[J6’0fJt qf/sap: to prevail; 5] fimrc» M251, ‘ lgfrtlc a_[.7?{z‘:znca,A 5} tb] flitdimf, will /anus» make tifzcm fa /gr am Mafia. dgnt , sf war I paxtld put them ta 4 defmfiw (32:/91':/9 5 rug/E7méZ:‘fvm..~ 9’ math} waulddac) ti?) would 5': mfil} éraggb: to rmfim. 7 Cancerfiikg om- % % iflfrgeg hctc__at Ox Aord Adfire t/9:: tofflfiendtéjjuziggmgnra far 1 5,. N A 14:22:: W fiat partiallrelazz ’ am will come to tévca) until! I _/6»/lfiwifbpm A A 2a»fA7:é2m4V 7 my tmjz‘ J ward afmam/9; it hing ma mach trawl: to J: fiat/5 . ; *t¢fi*t ztvmdawn its ?’.¢per. % % A % " Copim~$ my wife‘. 2 2. law. 16,¢4__ __ ~ This isa true Ccjppy Examine-d% by ‘Miln Coréett. ~.—'-up A A did not know the danger that thou wcrt in by: thcfiormc,bcforc I had certain: aifuranm of thy happy efcapc; j was having had aplea-r Bare heart, I never till now A knew the good of ignorancc, Fox-AI firxgfalie rcportc, ofthyiafe 1~mdingMa*t*'““‘ ~«:WMflt’:‘~ which thine ofthe: ; 19.AI4n. o confirmed us~in,4Athatw‘¢c,.at ‘eaft were not undcccivcd “ afthat hope, ml was knew cert-aincly haw great a danger thou haft Y page .of which I {ball not be out of a A rchcrifion, Auntill irxayhmrc the happincs ofth Companyfor indcc think it not the Icafl: of my mifw fortunes, that or my fake thou bait run {in much ‘hazard ; in which thou hafi %~:'::c;_2rc11“cd [0 much love to mac that I confcfilz it is Impofliblc to rc-4* « A pf.-.A%y, by any thing Iscan doc. much lcfiéwby wmjds; but my heart bcgrfi V t ‘i _ V _l _‘i_(39) A A M full of afle-axon for thee, admiration ofthce, and impatient patfitm ‘mafi- gratitude to thee, I could not but fay fame thing , leavin the tell to lbc_c read by thee, out of thine AA own: noble heart. The insrrceptin g to mine to thee , of the 2 Fcé. has bred great clifcoutfc in {email erfons» and of {overall kinds as my fitying I was perfccutc-.d for places is applied to all and only thofe that I there name tohee Sutors wht-.tct§ the truth is : I meant thereby the importunity ofothctawhom atvthat time,I had not time to name afttrell a :. (am: there rnentioned,fot I con- ftfli: I74. and I 3 3. are not guilty ofthat Fault, fume finds fault as too much kindneffc to thee (thou may eafily voatc from what conllellatioh that comes) but .1 allure {itch that I want expreliioni ,l not will, to doe it . tcnn timesatmoiretot.the:c on all octcafiotns , others prefle mate as being btopght upon tlte-~Stagc, hurl anfwer that having profeil; to havcthy advice It were {wrong to thee to do: any thing before I had it. As for em: Treatyfleavmg the particulars to this int:lefed)I am ctonfilcnt than . wilt be c ntem: with it-,as concerning my part in it,fo::r all the Souldiersl are wel p eafetl withwhat I have do:1e,but cxpeét no ccffation ofA:ms,.% for the lower houfe Will have none withouta disbanding and I will not dilhand till all bee agreed; laltly for out Military aEtires.I thank God that here and in the Well: they ptolfpct well as For the North I refcttc thee to 2.26. 14.0. information 0 good news from thee. ‘ Cop}: to M] Wifi’, I 3. Feé. 164;. flxfard 1;. Feb. 1-64.; . a M 4‘ t V ‘A a true Copte A Zauclae T}: M. ;.X"XX17X, A we Inflmfiians to Colonel! Cooktan to bepurfued in his stage». dayly expeétingand praying Fez; « tiation. to the K5223 of Denrriatlte» YOu are tt: infotmcthe Kitng of‘ Denmark: , that by his Mai’cl'li'es A A commartcl, as to the nearcllzhllye of his Crovtme, his Vnclc, and iwbomtlhe beleeves will nothe imconee-med in his afiaites, as well in. ii A Intcrclls as atllzétion, you are fear to give a ptttictilar accompt of the- to reduce it tea more €K§fl;,partlCl.llat‘B] , finch mrtight ttiéfu r V ‘ at L} Prfi‘-alt’ State of his Mtajelhics affairs, a. to renew the ancient League and Amitie» that hath been between the two Kingdomes, and Families Rcflralhancl A l I to the H “ ‘ , _ . ‘ V . ‘ I In ‘ 9- ‘ Q . ‘ “ ‘.«“ w N 'g'ef”e11t afiizircs of" England, anti ali wzurrengzes m tbs mwrc of thofe at cnmarkco That 6’ c prefmzat affiizlr mi’ §;*‘t3fii'§.K‘ nc, ;;mE«;e‘:a:& £;.fa@pmx"a wxth % fucceflie in their fiefignc. That the nature of their pmzzecdimgs ?;Tw;t?:*g *ii‘%.u:m w l‘ ' "” Mk -Wm M ' ma z~~.:'.'“ "mm. ;g§N.:‘°!«?,~. vr- 3‘ - imttedg any fDf1‘&1gK3EEI'€$€*Ky M13 a..3.s:fiW@.a‘3.=M§ Em .2‘i.§.E;;..:=’fis. =%:..§:Z.:.,WI E not ad» -2 fiicizagnc, -2! cu 4%,.-1 M ‘ u ‘ .1 ‘ 7? "c" If“ ‘ \i?"‘ ' ‘ - "5' l'.1\'¢-H-0‘;I "‘ W‘ “' -*- ("ks wxthout gwmg them: adm ms .$:::¥'(‘:‘fz.“7‘4‘.i)L'§.x‘5&3"‘ smmrzs, flfd draiwim awa Vnivnrfafil fhm kwm £2? ‘W-v"5’**~'"'~*"n *‘*"%ZW"-=' h ‘& J‘: V b y La . y 5» 9w.»~.~. . w M? -J! §.¢" +..;.(;:;«‘u«m,g H: :..*m»_:.. an ‘fi:’.~oe\} 3. bation of their proccccfings, and in ‘FJMMJ ( “ ‘ ~ ‘ »a at 5 "W M an -4, ‘ J ‘H %% iéqucncc and defignc Wcrc vlfibic to me: 3% infinuatcd under pretcnsizc of r:fm:11a*%:imm GE Ga» Vern meat, and Miniflcm of fEfl:a1:e_., m szmwcamfra emi€.:.% ::»:~:;»p;::g-9., mn- tmt K *9: was nc_cefi'ary lcait any publique mm :3 N M- a v"-.~:<-‘ '13‘. 1» 1 ~ mi ghtféexnc to defeats: the gram ?§:m§ r2aaiiE:& difpcrfsd and Foznented an:on:g{% thegzrfé; mi V," and Forcc, to beg: ufcd to oppaf: and iup‘gm"m<:;;° '£,%;1W:2;{@ V moovers thcrcm. i T in the Commang in thofe piem;fibIc paa‘i.im?;=:2r:g gg ‘ I W 1’ ‘ Maw: A--‘ -W. ‘ ' H“ ‘ gcnerail rcvoltc, throughout the: hzmmg V ‘L: V S." Q :1 v;*¢.'x-V1» ';www.«3 fifiwwprn. {mm ‘ mm A é . "«;;~n,:z:;I ',‘_gwn,..«q‘A3,m,2lvL..§I"-fi:fl ‘ up I W, W/pom the credit theyzhad §“~crew§th 51%: on fise }Tp¢0;sIz:'5 0;3:;§nic.%»ns, th ey proccedcd undcr pretenccu:-' Eiefbrmazimn GE §51e1§.;gic;;s7 ‘tc{difl?::lve thcfsmgczrnment of thc ChurC3‘3,a£”t0fd.§1fi‘:f?; ta its rcm{5;ituiti<>nii1‘%gEng1an'd 21 chiefs columne and fizgnport fo“211:étN£o;‘12=.rcE.1y mad Crmmc. Tine}! lafily im'adcd his M‘atieinaU the Prcz‘ogati§*eS of his Crowne, «mad undar pretence Bf ill lV.’Li:1:Ificrs and ¥LI'oun£mfl0%urs%o*f'% Evflgzic , Wham they pretended to remzbovc ::mig=:.amL1r“¢;.~*c{ ta i1m=:Pc in thgmiclxm in an gsianss for the s‘utuz‘e the Domination ofail M:§§rz}L{ir».§es of mm , and of This M¢aties‘fami1;r; withdrew 211 his mzcmm into thcir owmf hands, ani W: ism and‘ fim. to%C0:3fim1e thflnfcwfl in an abfolutc power cifdifpafing his cfiattg‘ an-r ‘ " ztj::«f:~.~i ugion ;;:%ofi7:ffing%%£bcn1f:Iw Saf that Militia if the Kingdoms , his «.5; and Magazi-123‘, m whxchhis Mane.’ ffbnscd tq a¢pp¢:ar_”<: in .e!jpp:.;3fizzu.% tiargczaus ‘WCN mfcd aymft bxm,‘ fczsthath ms: was §i3§'€~‘%:*c3t0f?37¥1‘ai€c%Lond<§n, f"orpré:f:r*.*atiuon of his Pcrfont, his Qgecné V and (‘§3iié.'§r€;1. " ‘ y p , y . «“£hai*f1nce foelthe= fafety of the Qfueen he hath been forced to fend ‘her into H ahnd, to retire lrimfelfe to the beft l affecfted party of his Subiefts, ~ from whence by‘declarationsv fe ttin forth the finiiler proceedings of that faction, difcovering their defignes o ‘ innovating the government, and {al- fifyingthe fcaridals they had imputed to him, he hath had the advantage A generally to undeceive his people, to draw to him univetfallyithe Nobility‘ and Gentryiof the Kingdom. But the other faftioii {till keeping up fome interell and credit with the Commons, in ' the defperate eftate, they finde thernfelves begin to make head againfi: him, have appointed a General,a*nd are leavying Fotcesto rnaintaine their party, committing divers aéts of hoitihty, violence and rebellion. , That his Majeilzie having great encouragements given him by the 6XC€‘C-- ding numbers of Gentry and Noble-men that refort to him, is already ad-«ll vancedneere them with 6ooo. Horfe, and 1oooo.Foot. That the States of H at/and have condefcended to give her Maieftie the ' (been a convo y of the greatell part of their Fleet now at Sea, for her re» turne into England. i That divers Ports and Counties upon his Majefizies perfonall appearance, have declared for him, fo that his af-iaires at home grow daily into a better i A eitate, as he likewife expeels and hopes, that all his neighbour Princes and Allies, will not looke upon fo dangerous a precedent to their own Crowns and Mouarchies, without contributing to fuppreffe this fo pernicious a de-« figne, begun within his Kingdom. y A I\ That toigive his Maielty the jufter ground to reiieéh upon the dangerous confequences, in relation to his own intereft, of their fucceffe. It hath been by them publikely moved in the Commons Houfe long fince, to in terpofe in the accommodation of the“D:m-Ia and to let out a Fleece, to take away his Cuilomes of the Sound. M “ e That they have fince imputed to his Mtio as a ground to fcandal him with a his people',that he did negotiate,the introducing by his Uncle the King of Dmma-rice’ a forraigne power to ifettle his aEaires,and under that pretext l havegiven large Commiilion, and particular inllruétions to the Fleete, to vifite, fearch, and intercept all fuch Danifb ihips, as they fhould meete, and to fight with, {inke or deliroy, all fuch as fhould rehl’t them, not per»-« mitting thefame, or to take and detaine them, having any Armes or Am»- munition on board ”; according to which they have iearched, vilited, and ' diet-ained.divers,ito the great prejudice and interruption of the Narway trade driven commonly in this léingdome, in their owne bottomes : And Ih‘3.l‘. they did prepare force againfl: others, whom they permitted not to , water, not any other accommodation being bound for the W¢fi'1ndier, and put in by llreile of Weather in th/eéhieit of England. Th r Tim in pur‘fi.uncc of their gI’€Cl_t,(l€llgl’lC”Of€Xtll‘Pat1I1gttl1C‘P\0yalll)l0l.ICl_§ and l~.-lonarchieof Eng1a23d,they have endeavoured ylikewife i to lay a greati bletnilli upon his toyalliamily, endeavouring to illegitimztte all derived» from his Silier, at once to cut off the inyterdl. antl”prIetentio-nseof' ii the whole- Race,_which their rnoftdetefiableyyaitatlt it-C3_llClCll.y',0:l1_S,\ deligne they have pnrfire. ed, ertainining witnefl;~s,:mtl CClill3l_‘I‘l‘ll'lg CifCui1'llla1lC€S,311Cl times to colour their pretenlionsin fo great a fault : and which as his l-acted Mtueftie of £2: land in the true ietice of honor ofhis Mother, cloth abhor, and will pu—- .0 nii'n,fo he er-:peé’cs his concurrence, in vinclicatinga Siller of (0 happy tnemorlygmd by whom fo neate an union, and continued league of amity, hath been produced between the Families and Islingdoms. _ That the pmicttlsrs in which l'11S Majeltie cloth dcfire his aflillzance, are, in the loane,and raifing; of men, money, armes, and Ships, all or {rich of: them as may conf,Pt belt: with the convenience of his own ztffaires :. And of fnch in the firfr place as may he tnoll requilite and 3; wanting to hislvlznelly. That tofet hisleavies on foot, and put him in a pollute to protect his fubjetfls in all places that adheare to him, and receive their contribution ;& Ioooooli. will be neceffiry for him,whi-ch his Mtjefly defites inay, be by way of loane. And for the re{’citution of it, befides his Kingly word, and {olemne engagement upon this treaty, he is contented of fuch his (Browne jewels as are in his difpofnre, to leave his royal pledge,ifit ll‘l£1llb€~tZlCllr€€l‘:I particulars of Attnes that» he defires , are 6000. Mufquets, I 500. t V Horfz-arines, and 20. pieces of field Artillery mounted. , ‘ A V ~ Aflillance of men, he defires onely in I-lorfernen, and to ltnow in Wfictt time they nmy be ready,ancl how many. it i That the Holy Ilantl, or New- Calltle are defigned For the lantling oi‘ the. {aid}-l0_rie, ancl Magazin of the faid provifions, for reception liltewife, and pI'£3>II€&iDn of Inch his Shipsas he {hall thinlte fit to employ for the coun- tensncei and fecutityj of thofe his _ Sttbjeéls. that yfliall tradefupon .thefe Coafisg and for yyafcertaining the__correfpondence i,yajn:l 0‘ intelligence be»-I it tween the two Kingdondes _; in which theim1mberils.ileft to betpropomo- si» e and lo lhon as his sffaires ihallbe fettleizhancl liiinlielfe in a contlition to A A i i ll doe ned as maybellc fort and agree with his owne affaiies... And forwhich the. Holy Ilancl is conceived one of the apiteil Harbours in his Majefties Domia nions, being capeable ofsny Ships whatfoevetyin a very great proportion, an eztcellent roci-do at the entrance, at ready out lett,and' :4. Ptrong for: under his Mijefisies commtmtl. T ' i. That in Lien of his afliftance contributed by the “Ki1‘lg0fDcnm..m*@r_.l, his Mafefiie will obliege hitnfelfe, and raitifie in exprelfe ‘articles to reftore into theyhlagazities of £_)mmm4{:f,a like proportion of arrnes and ammunition,> to repay anal defray the charges of the money len ti, and lea}/its of‘ I-lorfe,i dfieitu .\ , P911 1110 F” A . ‘ “*9-Ing his riahc:§1§}i1"¥3f1t° °°““‘ibu§§§ {he ram ufiome 3~!'1Ceof 11' » A Softhes ‘3AF1ee{-.* AA Ound, 3,, . A91“ Inaxmn. -‘=="*‘“3¢ all A per... fons x A Vhatfofiver . O 3 eaaue ‘ A at :3 Offfnfive ‘A was lnad » and défenf Elafi 5 A. “E3 again % ' y 8”‘ T50 “ pt mtefi, .. % we re... benions E . cles m, ‘b lpurfimlccof Wm rnonegfga Whilfi the 116003‘ - £8 in Cafe the %§gmff~§ “mites; ugh dqth QXPEE‘ ri“r?i:(:)infaE and arti... 1n Aafland a great Coo :nm4,,% . rrutting a . 1‘ fig-PP1 A F liar QFRubieW1n lend men 6 “Y In the {am y 0' V 8* anda €yl1pQn‘}-EV 6.. A nether of Rubiesxglrfd thatmwbe fem: to him or dcliveredt hi 0 .3 Agent her C : Vvho ma A J7 have mrdex: to P3 % % Y the In ‘ That the: 5 may hare = or a c ave beene in Difco:112',fi§5&th{c“’fv]e“i.1enS. 3 era pm‘ _ pOfiUOnS efA CCOfnQ__ % dam)“ made by them to I the King A 3 to which the K108’ hath at ‘all times made mam advmc 93 on his reafon coul % *1 hzw e beene A V e"P€&ecE A from him " A a Indnhe dgfficul . f3:1llAr1fen on the‘!-rs. A And that -Wheras _ I113 Majefi y doth uflderfl: mdathit I) . a erfon IS addreffid 7 ECS the K of ’ Dmmarfi V efrom his Parliam mt: t0 inf m‘-13126 m‘ 1fund,erf_tandingS abmadewimyhis Maffiflies Alli ‘ dflne ‘U5 ho V meamong his A APe°P1¢. his Ma‘ ]€&y%e"P€&‘s th A A at he be neith A A ‘M Cir recewed, nor A pefrmitmd Am Wmai“e Within his Domini OHS, [Q be‘ com; an I nteI1io~@A PYE up- AA M‘ the Treat . difmifi and gfand Negotiafio A . Em: away F0 bétweene th . V A as e 511? lvkg‘ afi: A A vet hL {hall arrives 3768, but that he be ANm§Zf;f“”§' "°”‘°"“i"g Cock A “ t V‘ ‘ i A _ ‘ .A A A 0 erwzfézrggyrcd‘ V1EII’n Ws§lJtIo; mmrcpkedam fl w _-‘4“vN'1NOri i .nlT1‘n.N S7’. Much ufé may be H A Aow Ama..de gfthc V . (3 Prmfide A ‘ A DC Papers SC ' 3 Ina. my thi“gS‘thcrein W11 A I ‘I A It is P1-Rifle; hgreaggiar {fry WO1‘th}v0f‘ filngg Con , ttcc. 1:0. 6 Whol- fA1y.4gAov A A bDl‘flC §)&E(fn .. though fl b ,3‘ e ljpinna Conrr 13 , % N My Rt:-Iigigne ""<=‘a%Iecaurfe~ being in Treaty With the two rPafliamenrs of England and ‘Afleatlmd, «a»- bout profecutrion bferhe Irifh , He may be prever1:;e‘d %therein;, and preingaged not no confent, esreejmp. r 6.1 7,1 8,19. He onely r4‘hcs, e fucht truetfomeshof the Church as the King pretends you: to; be. when he fpreads his Oratory before the people. A‘ItA7we;:be, A Rebels 3.ttL0?3d0”: becaufe We are not 1Ao£"e1~vilAe‘tes you are, and; you are mutinecrs at flxfirrd, becaufe A you arena: 12; 11:1-vile 1 the Kmg would have you. Let usknow by what dCfiHIACAAi0Hf; A either you or We are meafuredt and how we are difiinguifltt. AA and let us fee that other third remaining party which the King ownes as his Ioyall faithful! party indeed. It concerm_A you to look both forward and backward, and having now ca» hen the dimention of the Kings minde by his fecret Letters, turns about awhile and looke upon the fame in his pubhke Declarations. See if you can reconcile his former promifes tothisprcfcnttdefigttcs; for as you have had fame reprefen.» tation of the latter m the former parhyou flmall now be made V Speétators anq Judgcsfiofi the former in this latter part. The » Kxng (accordmg to Dzgbm fupcrihtxous obfexvation) to in- his A Lette—r of Jan. «r4.tla1’c, takesit; as evident,thatt Sirefivrdr £11"? nocent blood has btought the judgement of this civill wax e ually upon both fides, both being equally guilty thereAo~f.'. he Kings meaning is, That he and his {idea was as guilty in permitting as the Parliament wasjn profecuting. But now thr Cmzterbwiw‘ blood, that being total] put upon the Pan liaments fcote, hedoubts not but the and of }uPtice will’ AA from hexgceforth totally lay the weight of this uilt tupontt the Parhaments fide. The truth 1S,tS1rafl«A/M’ an Camcremy wereArhcAchief'e fitebrands of this war, the twoAei1l’Councel4~ I Jorsthatchiefly incenfed -th,e...KingA againfi the Scots,“ zmcl} V «endeavoured to fubjeét all thefe three Kingdomsto at new arbitrary Government, and were 1‘ ufcly executcdfor attempa» A ting that fubvertion of Law which.the.sKing has perfefied fince. “ The King and Digbxboth adjudgedSmfird-Worthy A V ofeieath. yet not for_T.tca1on, itwas charged , but noth —obe2ogM,tatbIe to fave hm hfc, without ufing force; and find“ A ting fierce ovety dangerous they left him to the blocke, .a”ge.1.n&, confc1ence:_., A as, 13 now a11eadoed.. Cmzrerbfny re111eu:;s_ ’ in the fame “Caffla andfgnowv remoreeof ‘Conicitence (or -rather the oldprojeél of altqringlaw) iuggefgs to the K‘in§;h A A V That if no tefificancc bte.uie;1fiS‘trtzjf%>2~:1:prehdent Jwiil tcafii A {.}.1r2- * O . A: C:srzta;’{~.=Iv:sr_y,A and Gmt§rbm*ie.r ‘all thy: rd’: 0? the.’ Co1*lVfpi’1'am1'3s$ and 10 the peqple Wxli make good their azacient Afi-ccdom Pcilh Hereupon diicontexgts break out, the King Withdravws ham Scotland, dm'ingh_1s abods thfire the Rebellion in Ireland, % flame attempts againfc .P%¥§&x‘q§.§¢:§¥3 Ha:;m?,£lm7z and ogherg in SVcorl.=a.n~d*, a;1C§ {ems cu-her d:mg<:re::»us machinam’o2423 im'”Er-agm Lama} put us mm ih*a.z1gaAt«3rmmc and appreh&snfim.ms.~ The “Kn-mg has xfitazma, De2cf§11b¢4 r§::i- cgn1pEajnH$;at7 dmfe jm1os:mcsJFr:ghts9 ap.-d .—;~am_;fn;& M-'12:} th3;;‘§Jp1*®§[a_-;°fi3;g¢;~,;m I mm jg} fi}:r*:rte_,"?‘§*e::';«z %7*4e1+7a:xztia*;:ég' of gzgy‘ A afuzza t/fan 3.: W2 frjr A2523 g:;v.m’ ail” my ‘ that itwere 1'0 doe .92 aziize Immld dée it Maggi win % »~. ‘R 3 . 7 ¢_ 2 ye gr./32$ (I. x:¢'}.-mt }e~/)9 c.-mt Eve gig/$132 d'3firedL. He comcludtss E/Wth Q mcmzmmmu datim 0-SF Athe bmfimfl}: @f Ireland; and finding pmrpam... ¢ti2'3ns*f7c>r Eb;-e‘: fame flow,agaim:“onth¢ a4..Aof' Da.:;cg~:m%; hfi.,.,i3 pa‘-ther£¢::;d} in quigknin-g mam thereumto. A751 this gm-W,‘;;h.. :t3c+an&z’mg the Parhament findies the oid faciion at Court :0 grow flrong, and daily to attains to more prevalence with the Ki:-lg, which b«efi'de5~ other caufes 0f jeaioufie mafices them my opm th€ifldf.f{133fi€i‘0fl of the whole-State in ex plain and {harp Ramonflrazzcea Dscfimb. xg; with the Remedies thereof prop0fi:*d~k The King as to thc Elfin 5117: of Religion anfwers, PW pJ"ay’Z32‘v;=‘7zg . of the peaccfz mad _{'}1fe?2‘:j/A0f‘tbe Kfinga7v;2zef3*0.r;¢ the oiefigneyof 4% Pupzfl; Parzfyj we [mm (mgr will cwzmr wit/9 all de we; of our people in 4 Pazrliaz-~ riierzfmgv may. Far hrelan wee t/5422-/1:5,? you fin? jaxxr care ,r£7zdfl£rI3€B2:}‘7flZ7 A ingazgement far #53 flbeecly fitppreflfm of tlmtLR‘el2e11’.’im , t/as glory“ of Gad in the Proteflant Pm-—% f5‘«’fl30?¢a #39 _/&f331’}? 0f the Erittfl tbereg 071-rAHMwm~ ,% mid” ‘#132’: Natimw fir azzzatcj/9 depending tbereupoii, 65‘-4'. Tam» Pm... wizxfi fa czpplj your félve: to fuck com:/é.r M mmyfiappoz»-t Mr R0_*ya1l§fl.;zte with honour mdplenzjx at flame; dfiid wit/9 power ¢ma'r'epm'atiwz aémad , 225' that which we Imve ever mwffeaf fifirfiflg «50f»5 ] '5"0m j/Wr%[.9}ra1t2‘e.r and afifiionx. gene are Words thatfouud nothing but grace , and here is a déare tvefkimon from the Kings owns mouth ,, concerning the mafia 0 this Nation to this day 5. But n0tW"ithfl‘:m&ng thafe pmmifes and teflfirnonies, the King difcovers meme an& more regret for 6’t:rfiz3rd.r execution ,, ificks ciao» Ac 51 Afer to the counfels of the fame faéitioti,a-nd infcead of hAea1A=—-5 A » kenin to his Pati,iatneirt*i':::,,., C:£J1I‘m3A:2I1CiS~a charge of Trea- fort ta e framed agailtfiilif. ii/{embers ,t the Amofi e-mment and aéfive in heath ,.Ai{7o upan the fourth of jim. the King comes in petftim with a great Tmine armed into the Houfqand miiiittg the five Members the1:e,te1s the refit that he mufi have them Wh(‘11‘€f0€V€I';h*€ found them.Herc A was the fat3.l1‘cQmmence?:ment of the war,f0r the next day the Houfe declares ,' that th cantiot fit in fafety any itm-~ get at Weflwhzfier, and ti1€I‘:i§(;1‘€ they adjoumte for fame aies, and retire into the City. Deeezzzb. 31. the _ petition A fora Guzwd out Of thecitya under command 0 the Iixngt Lord Chamberlaine the Earle of E 9 which is denyed, ‘yet Wltil thefe expteffions : We m~e igmwmr :2 the gmttizcly ofjtmr appre/acnfibzzx , bet pr.-fvtefi befixre .4!;:m’gm£y Gad , lmal A we may kn.awlealge, W’ belieje 0f the lest/Z‘ aiefigrze 277;: cz;2ij‘t:f vi» . ‘_ P A4 alerzce, eit/rierfizrzizerljzg, m" at 2?/375.1‘ tame agaiiyt _ym , we wauld A Apztrfize them to comiigvze ].7¢t7Z?:fl?fiZ€72-tAA, with the feet’;-fay mzd clettjiintion .4»: we wrndoi tiiegrezztte/ii dttemzpt upm aw Cromze 5 a2zd_we alt) ingagefalezrmzlytt/Je wwd af (1 2'€mg , that A fl.A3efe='cztriz3/ every awe of A you f1”t9?il tvialemze, gs", .:z2za.i§‘fZm§.’"l be .7 ever as rimcb «mr aizrc, .45’ the p2*ejZ>r*v.rttz'0zz af #5‘ and our Chil- dren. Thefe words werefweetly tempered , but wonne A no beiiefe, not could ovet--pmvct contrmry a&i0.1i:~t,, Wi1€I‘€-- A fore the Major,A1dertnen,and Common-Cotinceil 0fLm- dam feeing nothing but'tfympt0mes of war in the Court, fmtne :1 Petition; praying the King that the Tower of Law- don may be put intothet ands of perfons of mifi‘, that by iemovall of idotibtfi111”and unitnowne perfons fmm about Whitehall and AWer‘ tnzizzflér,.Aakno’wne zmd approved gtmtd A gmay be appointed for the fafety of the Parliament ,,_zmd that the accufed Members may tiot he refirayned qt pt0- ceeded againft ,2; .0ti}ErWi[§;" then ttceerding, t0 the Pttvi1ed-- ges of iP:tr1iam€nt. , T he King, gr:.mtsnoth1ng3.but aniitersa A ‘I/Amt /;ri$‘Aere¢eptti0tafi4_cb an uiizgfitzgll reqfléfia 59‘ ”}fiiF'i€”i A A i A A H 2 ixj£Ttcm‘e ‘M V 5:2. = .d?w{/fihzeeev I?‘"i’;re]?r1‘g;vz2'L~rr (_~/:?i2:«E4tioJ;v’¢ 54: “hail: fnf the gawl tafléu. A Y . Etzmzr af the Ci1:7»,htzv/§:i.c*/3 /Be beliewe: in gratitude will’ xzeoezv A A be wanting in bra" ccmwzmzdxyamnl flzreice. Hitherto the King [peaks nothing,butoinjuftificationy both of the Cd:~».. ties,dPm~1ia1nents,and Peoples loyalty, The tumults a.bout:~; ,1/P’7(IiZ”‘t!/.1511/3 évc. amounted to no War , are imputed by the King to the Rabble, and by us to the Kings Partysthe Pam liamentis 2;cqn’ittedexCept the fixe Mem7bers,and the prom. tfecution of them zdfottis after declined by the Kingmyet the ~ t=K.i11g de.p2.n*ts fifom the City g as unfafe , feeing plainly it. could not he averted from the Parliament- Upon the 20¢ I‘ of jazz. the King (ends a Meflhge to the Parliamentgco {hate to the differences on both fidegpromifing that whenthey are T A digefled into on-body,‘ fit to be ;~ judged of; it {hall appeare ~ what he will do. In anfvver hereuntoythe Commons Houfe A (the Lords refufing to joine) onely petition for the raifing ~ up unto them andthe State a fare ground of fafety and‘. confidence, that the Tower of L‘amTla2: and the Militia of t¢_ ‘by defigncs« againit the A, V a “ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ W‘ “ “ ‘, ‘ Q I . ‘H in V the i"..awaes,Sec.r;atrci further makes£ir*1c9ciProcIanration, r”!;,eZm~i;z to. for putting Lawes in execution agarnfi the Papiiis. The i A Pyariiament feeing eaufe to fufpecfi: that the King and Qseene did i’tiilfavroAutDig1?y 8: others flying from th ejuitice of P.‘£11'A-=-‘ V iiament , and appear~ing‘ to be Incendiaries by Letters inter- A eepted, knowing alfo that the Queen was going into H01/Md to pawne the jewels of the Crowne for Armes; and having; f divers other grounds of further apprehenfions , againe Peti- tion conc.erning,the fetling of theAMi1itia, and the Kings re- turne. but are denyed in both” Thoughts of Peace are now laid afide, and Hall being a ftrongTowne . and ii Magazine of so A-rnress asalfo Z\7'ewc«:tz/He being the puhlike Magazine of fuelb and arieh place: are looked upon with foiiicitous eyes, but as : “ the Parliament prevents the King in Hall 3 the Kin gr prevents the Parliament in Nemuzfl/e :»Yet. the war being io tar advan- ced, 13 ficarcely avowed on either fide nor. is it agreed which part was put to the defenfive. and therefore on the 2. of ‘jams, 1642. before any blood fhed, another aifay is made for Peace, and the Parliaments Caufe fltated fully in 2:9. Propoiitions, are ciifpatched to the King; the mainethings defired were Re-~ iormation in Church. Government, that power military and ? civili mi ght be put into confining» hands; That jnfiiee of t; Parliament-n1ig,ht pafle up;onDe1inqn-ents -, but the Ainfwer» 1~ctuA1-ned is, "1/mt rA/9e/C: tlairzgs zzoere gmm‘ed,tbe Iii ing flyrarzld 7’e?72c2i?Ie [mt I‘/.7£’ out f’r/e, [mt 2‘/3e pie33.‘m*e,i but the {igne of a AIC'z'21g. This, though 1 it was the Trumpet of war and the found of defiance in refe- fefi, yet was onotrfo owned, for Frill‘ the King faies, He iizrcrzdr - not tofixe may c1.2’j’/':yzZz“' defigrze men bath or either Hazrfi of P.zr1iame72t, _ 1 be is ratio er rizafl corzjioiezzt of tire Iry..tlzj}', good ajfeéiierzr, V and irztegrifj of A 2‘/mt great but/its good izztemieizs-: i but 1/9eme[ig72ity»qf' the riejfgrze C ht'.'.a= ,, iAAiE3A1't£'.'53A) i?.ei1.9.j92"0ceeee’er/ fi~m;_sz the fisbtill iigfemmtiorzr, mifi/3iee.'rxz:.r }7mEi‘ijer, and will . Cozmeelr of rzmbiriazu tmbzelerzt jj>irz‘t.r _., not withotzt M {hon g imzfzrezzcre g.zrprr.=rz 1/3e very rzfiirzrzr of but/,7 Houfer. This to as the 111: - A moft charge of Treafon, th.ateouIc‘i beAtI1en**breongirt a gainft V iathe.Pairliament , randfthe Propofitione of the Parliarnerzt Atreatedlately at :7/xbridgegin ear. _I544,bBingifl0«_Oti1tZi: in efteéh . is A then theft of _fzt7ze, 1642. this inference may be trig ly rnade, .. e thatthe Kinghath no caufe to Iooke upon us fl'E)1Vs=A5f§Oti1C1WViiAAACJ then as hedid then ;~.:and if hesrhavetvar-ied ofince firon:1~ thofe ‘Views anda'Aafl‘everattions rwhichh ea magic th:en,the iilame will ' . A V e__ e is t 3 1. _ \)%)%% A :1-:am*»;1.§1=zai11c on this fide, but onbis; {'0 t:ha!.: the very calling A 3: 0 mzizfie when hath bveeu faid by the King... will be new fufiiu A gicggz mi‘ ox-1r__ purpofe. 2.. VVh£’1'ci"O‘m"3gaSt0 thfi taking up of’ Armes at an aoainfic . u D rim: Pszrlxlgxnem, jmzsj 3. %1%6.4;:.. the Kmg in his D.-eciaratmn {'0 A S "‘~ at ' ' '1) ‘J3 . y""‘ L3 0“ - W I‘ ‘ 9 rm; 3: 1 echoidaers of 1; omgzgmn as rend-unces my mtmrmn cf wan, ‘ ‘ ‘-7" 4» 4: ) -»-'.-u ‘ " " V‘ 131:4 an 5 ~.-W» ' ,4, , ,. 0 '7'‘ H33 xwgfds gm, _¢ 0 LL: em: I/Jgdfifir ejarzr p.9m-1.: :3, EH96, 5,5,7}, we must 3 J;/gmlgi ;~.:.:.~,=:r .:ajf7‘ég/3!?y0.la 2.:r:u5z*/iv 2‘/he r-.%’z§ra272pe2~'.r of Mg fl.-WZEJ‘, we /32 yw to /a;':,Z:Ug ézszea d V I W“ ' ‘A w M ‘r .1» '.-a. ' u. «L 3 ‘W A“? ' ‘- % M912 Cc‘}fifi 0j.vi:zo;=».z ;J,'%2‘[l c07;»j2*2r;~ztzo2z cf om» Gflmrd, m‘1c:./iyaza we 1:.’ ;.«72c.=,’¢. N _j.~)_f.;zr -A _-;+7,‘~(,.;.-r;.;g ;7efizC£’ 02'f:}_rzr gr’ 'z»vz,z7%*,2?lmt 2:: jes"-zrar z‘oJ/e;rz;2*~e;/.72»; 5:5 2415:’! 3:97 2::-5 f',»a,~';z £23 ,» “ -' 9' ' '0 Q. ' " W.‘ " ..* ‘. ;‘.,., ,, ‘ A ('9-*~s.AUO jzozmz I 6.111 ins D«..cLm1t1on at [01 ” we mam tlzeie z$'01db§ _ M» Wee Lag,-zizze, m zfiie prafcmze cf A/mzgbgy God om‘ /ixjzflz ~22 arzd }5'ea*£'w7zer3, We're the world, we 12.2% 720 more tb.9zzg£7t of mgégrzg rm?" ag.:i.=v2fi um Paw- i°i.z;%'m:.7zt3 flaeiz ;zg¢»zi72j3' 0:417‘ ozwze C/9i!d2;e72. vTQ the {gum pm-pgfg hg A made all his lords {igne a tefiixnoniail with their own hands, in éfirnaancc of his profefiion. T125 trumafterwards when he woke theficld with his inqreafzrd Gugrdand became the A11 fiLay*1ax1t at If/'swl1, (baving[aI;o poifefi hgmfelfe of Z‘CZ?z-.a~Jc;gfl!€_) he was d1~ivz;n to fave himiclf by diPc1'n€c1ons, for he had now dif- A €l.~:a},~'n1cd allvvarin genatall, but allinvafive war, and if the iisge of Hm’/had fame flaewof iqtrafion, yet indeed itwas but in order to his defence , and thzs wasa iubtslty thatali the 4 fubfigning Lords and others, it is thought, “had met forefecne: till now. ,z.AS try the waging war sgainfi the P ar1iament,_?zme”1o’.The King diidazmes all thoughts of war agamft his Parhament, and in j":z«efiv.. after thqdate of 13113 Earle of £fl5.r his Commif- ‘ & A izom, he abhors the ixkc, Defiwmr :20 larger at/Be furflicéfim mzzvi [2z’e,7':'2'2-T A Q ‘ nr _‘:‘‘.!9 4:3’ J{l’£,?’;17iEgl"5l:y 43rd ‘up;-,=rz ;5f:%;*,_z_./e‘3t;fl':’ 4;2a'lm‘ pafi’ em 25;’, ;* W2 be and 3.31:3!’ fl.mfZj0~ V Ie=:q;;v{;r oa':f§7*z‘a? the Lamar in aieferzce of Pm~1i.zme2zt.r. Alfo on xiwg. 3 *2. J aft: 1: ,z:&_73an2x'ea'geJ" that #96 Ix”. i72g and P ¢~z:='.~75 :1.‘-‘Z?t".?Zi’ are [513 the nviriar of’ H3§apgcrates,wbic£a zmzfi laugh and cw-_y,,!iz:e and 553-‘: :~.2ge2r.be2". So this V gm’ ‘es mg m m0rc£§jfl1'n&ions,that the Kingomayj defend him“. fcife agamfl a Parlzam am. yet not fight agamfl m or he mav . aifaile a .E‘v'1ai_ign§n: p;myin‘_P§sr1igmcnt, yet not touch thé Parliament 1t fzlfc: Thcfa &1fi1n&:ons how good on this fid».-3:. ‘ notion that: b'u:'.'_ by what diflinéiion Win; the King put a 1310:: period ta this perpetuafl Parliament Without: violcncc? A 0; how can he deny ixrthe name of 3 Parliamezgt without hog. V A Afizflity? Examine the I.ctters further about thzs. A * V ' ‘ A 3% As to the wa in ef War by Papifts. Th.r.:K1'ng Augufl 4.. when the Earle on E1 Ex his Army was in formi'ng,in his Speech $0 Eh-6 Gentry Of Y0fl(fl1ir6 EW L”1“‘.S,3 /J.:‘Zt be {field M {1m,’er' i.5h.n392e2“ of t/oe .5’aa>r2rdfI30z.-wk! mat come into ride /ymzdy of Papyh". And xiwg. 1 0. He makes f‘r.I‘it9c ProCla"mati0n,7lmt all Papiflx prqfizrazirzg to 115/?‘ 2be;mj'e;ne""::.-'e'.r zm-- dew [rams /M Qfii€€J‘J (rr Soz».tl.:[z'¢:rx,_f’;=0za:Zd be pzwzifi ct./,«.z'7zd at my /:3! Om/9 may ]t:7'<:?- jE.7‘£.Z7ezZ_}‘E2;=' xii criminzswioiz 0fi'/Jam. AND A113‘. 29.14153 Kizzg ,q'éveJ 172;‘? rz{£fg'g7;1J‘ to bzlr Co.=m*zifl2o7ze:~;fcr7* /Jrm J‘ to dz:/Zzrm azZ1.Pe2p;§{i’.r. 30 06,103}, after the battell at Edge-—hiI.l t ¢K.i@ng thinks _it wprth his cxcuih, That A be had fome few Popsfh Commandexjsm hrs Army, taken in of A gm-1tn%ccefsity, he concludes thus 5 14”’"ej£»azZ7zcz2er finjget om‘ fizmzzz % Uxftlm in am‘ ji:=a:.re2r-.:zIZ il3‘ecl:zmtiwzJ,.wc are foo much a Clarifihzrz to Ifieleeve %2‘}':i.%;2'i:' we 9;.-7,: 1,7-W; ibnfé Pw2mz'_{I3.r md mt-via? tI9e_7'Az¢fi‘ice of Heavm. T15 true) af., tmswards a new dxflxnéhon canm to lzghta for upon 9a Petition {mm thfi Mmcaflmirc Papifls.-, the King did avow. ‘-1’/Mi 1°a;>i‘j.~**.s- were A y .L;:z2>;:=' }Jrmi5ibitex£' .zEfrm:ey in riwrze of Pearce, mi in time of W'm»e~,-;. arzzh/9ere— _;F.7m3 be diari ma: 0229/} azz».etbnr-52,6 93¢! 2*c7g2*:i2"c ilvem to zrrrme t;’.7e:;7:efél7;e:_., féI"‘Zh*2W-l'U':, 2Ee7Z..£?:?.z“‘Jf, .1_~';-,.F.:v.;;'::."*'/II,,{fé:'.*é2e%%_/§'.me.x€rnza"J5 eff§"C. difijnffign bore dam long aftcf thré Wm‘ bEfUI1a5b\l1f that was want of invention only. 4.. xssto n1aI1agin;;M:haVVa1‘re% by Iriflm Papifis, be load 72e've7° be» “ fare nmzed t»%?1e?:w but with a bleeding /mart-' His wmds once were, W72 Iaope z’/JB lJ’?73€?Zt-az«§*[e cwzditiozzz of Imzlmazd will irzvite m to arfZ:z:i're izzte/Jim game and wig’, iluzz‘. we 7:~'z..9t wit}: me. /Jmrt imcrzal £136. 2*elEc2‘i72g_mzcZ m:.'c2- mrirzg of zflmt $£?2];'7,;ZP}‘)} Kizzgdume, where t/90 /'2.a:rI2m~r2zz.r Iiefiwzfx }22*aC'3ifé figs]? inlomnarze amt’ mziymrd of Ommgey mg:-072 our mi cmb/e _pc*c:}n’e_,, fimt no C1J3"%’§i..272' ewe cm lawre 2a:'itf3(2m' /yam/am-5 mmflmy pmuzl/’eI. At an Othcir tlinae thus : W72 carzjzmz all our Smlajeffy, Zgy all time band; low, dmy, or almdierzce that are]7recicm.r to good merzto fegzrze wztlzr am‘ firs" mzwwgy of rim“! Ki7zgr1rWi”- fq July: at thcSiege of Hull; he conjurcshboth Hon» {es as they wrfl anfvvcr the contrary to Almighty God. to wzfre Aw =:beirj%rceji:u' méwrozwewy of Is«~~.:m.:*2c1. In Ofwber, from Ayno. in his Pm»- clamation, he excufcs the takingof Clothes and fame DraL'z,g;ht« horfes fem: for Ireland , as done of necefiity and agaénfi hiss Wilma Dccmnberthc King anfwers fame Iriih Protrsflamez thus :; .S'z’2z-:2 the Zvegizming of that mu72fl'roz¢.r }'Ce.l2eZ[io72 I Igm-vep [Md 2213 gm:.:mfe7*_;°7w*._—z2.w than fin" tlae bleedipgg co22ditz'mz%cy" iiam.‘ ffirzgdoxna. Nay, fincc the Tyeaw. ty at Hxbridge, the Kingkin publikc wafhcs his hands of 52.11 comm temance givm to the Rebels, and turncs the blama upon the Par-~ liamcnt, though in privatelic hfadbcerne (£13 it were) a fuitcr to them for Peace, ainfl {time :Aaf$ifi:;mc.c from then} by private: I%%T.«c:w ‘fhettem m 0rmm!.% §;g_g.we how? this may he 1~cconAciicai:1e , gr A.s4AtoA the granting ofa%A,to1erm:ion'.The King March 9. I641“ in anfwczr to the Parliammts Dcciaration, ufim thcfc word%s,A 0;:g~aA ‘j’§gM;vfi«zZz’ award zegzlom afiérffiazz to the timer P2‘at€j3W‘lf PW{fi3_/]'5'973) 439365 WP ?‘t;/9* !;¢r:rxi0;rz if to cam:z«m~e% witb om Pm*lz'.zme7zt in my fajjibie cozarfé fim #25 In-m~«A ;t}.zgazti0rz c_-Afiz? oz72.:71fitp}7re]}z';272 ofPo;2ery. In Apr: I 64.3. he calls God my *W'j:g2'1efl'¢3v, with this affumnceg Tlmzt be will 7ze‘z*e2r* coag/érzt (zap.-272’ W/2..-wém A PFEf€?fiC€ ;!@1z""22"0lerati07z «cf zf/Be P0§ui{7a I)r0J2j}-Z-0733 02‘ abolitiarz qf‘ ;LzmT.e‘% :~2a.w in zzgwirg/1' Reczg/Zwztra A110 A91‘ H 2% He 1232! my other Verz.ri%I'2;z%A22+?“A A MA de;;fe':2zc2»’ $129 ztrm Protefl¢m.t Profzfiimz, Gowijfi dmle z2:*£t1jm, :25 we comm-5 mm in :»%ez:’éAP?*¢«fej3~i;a;zx. So. in has Speech m the head af his Army»: AA fiept» $9, Somhis AP:-ocIatnatim1~Aof pazden mlondesm @&0«»!A7 A her A39. Aif we pmfil/].ia7zr we have made in am jézvemli l3’e3::Zm*.:m.iar2: firs“ .j.§§&pr*e;{]i072of$17apc;;y mad m.,ez7pctz£;a!lf§prwe :::1zdi72*fl22:7m_y. AME) Nlafch 2A€§.164A..":..A., A Affj i”7o7lic.%tat1T0;n4 fufpeficd pf! the King 0figDfen_markc.A. Arhiqzgwrds am, &}L%fig€- yzzsztberjb 2!! AA cm opirz2:’mw om‘ orwze :merzi:r_., or ?t!2gfA$azw% A A .1§:’xa§;a,-§::é772%7,9/$5 iv ti;:i2zl;q%%azz*rjé,{farA:imze;%:z1Az;>f~fE:emzig7za A Fz~m:¢:;.: "LI-'gI:1fi:..§.. ,M t%x.»é.KimgA£n his 5 peach to; ch.cL=]*G exmjyi bf mp 313% Aaclmmzdrl , A was; i‘ic‘iI%zv;1§fl.5{:V ;:.x}z‘j zr:;2.~r;w we a;gfi‘éri'§¢fi0‘22mgrJ:,irp¢a,2vzTa5*;Jm:£22g~;m::r Iywpa T 3372/13»: in AA H " A 123-mcz’ :57):-1.!" A;3.rss"3i'&:+.mf;}, 4z:zx£Ari;I¢2%.Al4:z»n;3 ..I7:ri.5“L‘3’zx¢!A2Af~}&‘A:’i”2752r."AA A » x:1A:.A«awAAi%Z1at§sfieAus;AA§fihat! mime:-A Irifh; French: 4ArI;0rmimrs;.AA mtam A A A3 ‘.:»121%3s, ;31A'£foi*rBI17nex*s?¢ Tbmc:Aomcealing af this by fealing u A A Ap_‘£i7 the Affifiigmne mfl %0rmor2.»;-4, and.-?VG*m~:!.;5;:z29z _mn,1fl Afigppg A 7:.Aé:£ztA2si:::2m:s.s. A A A A A . A ‘ 7] % 53 LMEIAAMAA githc