Pummw HIsL0VING 1 s, Of the ca11f€5WhiC%hV movcd him” * aJcI?*%ics@¢¢ia1I"c¢~mmand- v n‘ V4LoNDoN.:4A Printed by R on E RT B A R‘ ICE R, Printer to the Kings moi’: Excellent Majcffic : And by theAHignes of] o H N BI 1‘. L. A M D we XL. ’ “ l Il'UC‘fi"‘|l" ‘$3 ' _l m-,r; % .. . ., ::..:::;...."':*:k:. i 4/ " J- ’’ K-1’): ’ h50§:?7. LG V “"‘ ' ~ 3 f ., '5" ‘ ‘ I ‘ ‘ilk K I 1% ‘ i L” t .‘ R“ 1. -'~ I V‘ .V “ . ‘u '31‘ 5 ‘:5 m ‘ 1 ‘ V, ‘ . ''‘’m' ‘R M '1‘- ,, I V ‘I-u 0 a A ~15-%ov11a ‘Sub eéts ~ W gm‘ xv, . ‘ fl M N‘ M ‘_ -“‘v “M M ,. ‘ _ ‘ ‘ _ '. ‘ ‘ _ V. _ , ~ f; ‘ g I V‘ '; *1‘. -, 3 \: _ * , H “ ‘ v- V A ~ '. ‘ «- ‘ K t.._,',;, “' .;.1 ‘ the *ca11‘fdés:~s;}}1:icI?i ed £0 % d1fiblxre thé la£?c:Par11‘ame11t.;w: * %‘K:I N G 8- %rn%c%>1’t -,,f afixcellmt % &4i6s‘Zi,;;» 33"9lZ“'{_71.03‘?1?5’1‘l7K) 9774’ gtb‘? . % iC4l1m‘g,‘11aiiaztrningfl’r0- r0guing,4~nsé’ 513”ifl5”Ri";§ £95494”/i=3¥7?6fléI; fare undoubted Trerog4ti=v&:%%z'nfl=p arab- 56» annexed taint?» I pcri411€wmm&,+$ if Mic/2be~éfié$lI0#nt1F0f6n er am M- * eau.nar -"‘.....a“ s. a .» 2 mm2Véu¢~ za ———.—.—_ hum? _‘ l_,__‘ H ‘A__,‘,y,.. ‘ ‘” w) ‘M C‘ V [pix other ‘Regal/dfiionx. » N cverth elefle hj/9:53 % ¢5’\42tjaj/iia_»; fafaz/90f3:‘WPg'eg:y and 1fl§ /5...rz—'17c’ made [aim werfoorder 41%! go ‘barn all t/yingr, <2: <3 :3 on 75/Mt tbpwe c[e:rfn,e_*fle~;4zzc{ mm:/or of/91}: R0143 fiédrtizfilayiiézppeazr I01 4/Ii/91': Sufi... je&.r,eflbecia/_ly m t/qajézgmzt 4ndpuZ2lz'@- .cztt2:{r3 .6?fStez‘t6,t72‘4t me;re/2;z2a;2% to $56’ @641 azn¢%!flz}‘?et3?ci9f.V/ai} 73236}:/e, am! :56 /Banaur of/it} Royd//perfanandgo. *v€rnment 1 .1? { ~:Hath ..1%thO1;:1ghtT *?fi c, - Br mroiding andprevenzfing 14]/bflnyier-“can... Aflmffionrandnzwnterprerationr.22»/air/5 i¢Ae=%m.;2/zce%o]”fo»me% .4’ 552551” /Jz3%Crb)2:n m‘z;zlS'0%77‘t%}<4.z;gi22;j2 ,:7b;zg!/9‘; 5r”mzgz ézzrs «of:/yzkgo T’ ;2rmz1}_4{5?~ «Q!/f‘»a$'flé].é’ &'.f, tofet dawn xpz_zyof»Leclzzr4zz'on, 2:/ae tmfi‘ ¢‘”4ufl=:% gfcpezl ?/fi'flefi7é/i'“ng, aw "ofifipk if dying %t/9‘eiiéié{:a“ A ér[z2zm«mr.; fit ITi.c;1zotu2z&rzoxvz2 tamaflgaf bis. :z:6J.Z_.-Q'r‘iI1c£.St[&]T€f[,51wfldts cli aaué: 774c§’@77?6fl?5[29 154:/éformer/3» /ma’ 5,; t/2&7’ uz1a?%’tt:?lfiA/l%%%471d fl’-ditiom ‘carriage of . % 4 ._. _ —w—v——-nu. %diver;c2f2*ba; lom’r«£2ozy?3;in@precedz'ng e/fflfemélics of L%‘1’l4_ili4mem‘ enoucglzf mi /Jav4'~wM'6bim amfe to t/2ofe;«an- cienzrr ancif‘ accufibmeti m_1}_e.r%A%afc4l!i2zg A /pix peop/etacgetbéig1a2£én.in_/Zcmléofdu.’ M 2:99:11 exfréflionx; towards, »e¢m Md %0"1?6rIifl¢€flt,tl5€J% vented tbéir mm malice and 6/1)AC’1fl3’<511'0fl~f 1304*; I66 S%t4te..-,, and t5)?_l’b.§eirfl4ézi[e‘4ndmalégmflt caur¢— » féy, and e4*voa;m1 }zozbz’ng more 35622 to ' (j*o?¢rnwVen§%4‘n%dcu % A" ”€2‘P;@)9;ég'r¢:g{¢§{t:/£9?”0' [Wing %im«‘L0. contempt and ‘dz’/Earder all % A flgi/ZM 0’-%.M‘% 7 A [ A fljefl-icaave/ZsA 'confl6{6’riz7g;j VA _ %.iMt/mte=e1i£1— 4144' [V141/+:5€lI”4'i?i“a&tta::%4Iio31.éo:a:~ 12ir2g;at/:viitTA¢im34n?f’éxperi€Ii€654‘ti2774614 ‘ M; _————.-.r 4; 1515: [owing Stz'jéje£%?; Afifllilé’ of tbe div; I figmper t/atxplza/6 Ifizhgt/om” 3976128’ tndttnég géi! Id 56 put irztoéj t/at illgofzzernfl a:§3z'an%s7Itf t;bc>feV ‘mm; he2{nd$%%/913 JW4.-it j?;tj/3£eéeii¢g=te)wér% déflramtot t>rct2d int/at flap; ojbzlrmcytnaé/e ‘1’rocgenitor:,Nnm>: pletgfédttot ifltefirtb /fit! I/Vrz't:%tmder the t great Seal of ngland ttT.4¥r/£4-A menttw ‘babe/den on ‘t/2e»tl2%z}'teent‘/9‘ dag W Dr ¢ /aicfycitzy, £2‘: Majefly t/ac: ardttlflfper ’0f})l.J'(g1"6’4t’S’€t1[)27tI:$fgf4n-: * ciaxyljplezt -ctlto let bot/at /aozmxao/‘1°tzr.‘ li4mentkno)9p,£Io):a: deflrat/ts’ */at wtzt,Tb4t 411 /jixpeop/e would tlfli{6~»tb6ir /yearn and aflifiionsin tiactwexecsuttiarzt t/9a_vfl:Comz« t ca/J‘ ta/sat msig/2t tentlta t/at Honour of/912 A/[}1j6fli6,%4t»/5297'/’?7]r66’ of :ti: Kgngdamsg a*nT‘“a’t/wegooat‘tntlpéveflertwmahftaa ll ‘/92: peopléét t,é?n1c{ tow tvm,azenz% /at ' ' I ‘J \ ‘ "Li ; gmstbat tlzeywou/d 110$ vfifziling in t/2eirJ% vlutie: an d;je&iom% to biréésmzd ;4pp4razntm%i%%.c/.21’:mtblfeatngéitoz/gig 1 and; all his oti/yer; lfflg’d'0I§2J5'-5é)’»i3I69’ tingmanclieéellipm { behaviour die- rzzerm t/2:2 Sriatti/17;n4tion:,;,fawb0}b40L@* their exam]: lair ‘drawn mmzJJAi2//213 jgflytbete intaa couzjéq/dylqyaalgv-Land V di[afi2edience»":.notfit¢.a % bo}zour,f«.fig§‘y, hr wt/an/bnz éndure. Havp¢zofl2fent*be. mine>aznd:;*b92ertbiro%rp;qfltbjfs ~ flzjflom M0narc‘by , ur)itec!=éJ”>tb‘e dé-A-*.-% fl:'§’zzt’=o’ tblfl VEn‘g1and upon % %;Wr W?/iiei (id/2&5 great M- A ‘4}§7z&lZ%_;aw3 of *%Iaa%tl:A zbepfotéiiibfi. ;zgzd.;gjawrnmentoft/9em)A rtfc/M "of z/as tru/H6170» :9 Jr, by the [am 4»;- aingdomx,‘ for my re Md At/am'e@£a4«2iri-9 dicatis‘ t/azztjéwerazgnepowper enmt/Zed to‘/aim; e5b4d17Jvtb¢%logfiSummm { zriaififqtéid grace andgpbd» i1f!M.’.f;Z*w5q9! if A ma Mama, 4324 :72 amsontraijjl to bis Bxpefiatiqfin an 61 %tbeirf4itIgfuVl£ pm.-,. wi§1<:, and tbeTaaij5c4fian t/Jere m%'40/.8; pig}? ed tb&érformer~r§égllio m,dc:fg;ze:,-. “ _ 4%na_l;t!Jeref_car¢; it was “ner:e[]2i;3»»no)9w'jai€' " t I ‘X!’ 61} Majefiic 5} owezh té’réduce‘Mzben“z totbe mzd772aa’tflc_om{z';z'an their ofiédz”enAcaiV1; M342: 14z6jeéZia7a.w/9z'cb? xv/Jc=zz% Ever} 111759! /790$‘;/d 56 értjizglat mite,” or féeg z'~ngitbc=ir anon erroum flzouldput t/gem»? felwx ‘inta ~4Vj%A‘w@Ai+cfbumi[z'ty, ‘47zd‘A"L~é5e». diezice éecofiziiézg i/aém ,%/air aje/Zie T A flaw/d need no other Z\4edi4tam{:Af0rL C/eméngv 4ndMergI:;to tZIe%zi1;¢&t/aén bi: a»wn*7’i6é)I andgoodmflégand the ten... w cit’? 4jf6o7z'on%%l76:/24:12 ever 50:72 wtfi tbat ' /2!31A.n4ti'U6 Kingdoms. A 22'/32: éeingcffz; great W3/2: M can/éguenmé go tlze 7245.60/elgngdvm,” and ‘ t[2ec};IwétItg“é+pf¢1§fl/T1fm)4,ito*mzy%rflw/:4 ¢?1%T5t.Iflrzcfle', amounting to fogredt atjizm 7 :4j€3z'e _b4d_n0 mwzm to 774%; A é4f1iiI2§ ”fiot one$[g>~én%ptiec1% /Jisr ownewjAC- 5915 IfliI6d%éemeen% kt/aree mzdfour £7iIfl~c{réd_t/aiqzyhfl d_pom2d.r u:1abicj£2% be 1202*.- ‘3,2 ‘ rowed _ I! “Up flu‘! I M’: ‘ """:\“ " . ,, "‘"" ronzedbisfjénmnrx; upibnx eatifiitjt out of/21': q;;m2mefl4Ie ,,;z‘a provide fltc/J;/iings % ‘ wizéceflzzlgiia zmaéiicm L % wit./9 ; :/2i: ie*“a terV’t/aekxamp‘/e of /2i.t ‘P*reclcc£fl5r: , rcforted to bi: people ‘ in%tl2eir%reprcflvntative‘%6aab:~tbe1’zzrli.:z»- méntA%, jwbon’¢VJVAi/as dcfied* C with all t/23 % i expréflion: o]”gLr4ce%4ndgoadncflE nvbic/2 % coz,4ld_p0fli*I2[7ic0m%efi'amfMm.)r‘I"£mt :4. I king iritci feriottr and alzgtffull confider4- titm the nature. of tbefé bleeding cvilr, and /.7039? dangeiom z'tmz;:toV/ofit/ya.» leaflmiizut; cftime , lcfitbcrebj tbofl: of S cotlandy /baa/dgain ioppormjnitj to ~ flame tlveir; par13iej_"m:itbfbrr4z;gn.Smte.r, % t/243::/ac} wouldfamwza/vile /4_y4/ideal! other delwcx, andpaflé fortbe fieedie payment affly %m::my Suéjidie: m migbt enaéle '%/Ji: /1%1jqflz'ezapu‘tinV reagiimsflé Summer t/Jofe Atbing: » MWVH TW“'FI?7“!r:"W{1y:yfi1fiwr":7‘),m"v"M"“.;'7-rm’:-wwwvwwyw , H . nz/gicbraazerei taeéeg, prepared. ;l2e_fare;e great an _e/{rm} could aéebreettg/3ttinta% fiarfurtberfu p_/9’ ttecegezty greet em undertaking , .61}: Meje]3z'ede- elem! .t/mt /Jeflfxpefieel it not etill Tt/Jere mlégfttéeflt£I:zp[)}.C(§ttE{tt/gen To_f“tbat4tSesa7 flan , emdtilltireir{rgriewizcexenzég/9te~ V e éeflrflgmeiotfl} /J6e1ra’t4ndre7i-e)3e%$ W « e DAV/yer.9in‘;,4 #493. bii mefl aszéillinglj /mite egivent/gemtbe pre; term maztereeppt» we greet necfiitjof/oi:o‘ceafian'seottlele/Jezfpe: permitted , fie /ye W14‘ greezeiettyy «pica?/ts't1 for t't/aeir fitllaflttmnee and therein to give them ejédll n2o”rd,.i A ‘That without edeterm-inincgt/ae“Sefl‘ienee .,_.... upon gr4ttti7e(g rift/yeSu&fldie:,£7e525att[d“. give them éeflre tlteartpertetf etimtte/5t~i» timed/3 tbe /etzfoncsft/ye jeer ,‘ and I/76' Q B 3 _ greet r...--up IO’ _ grgdtj afi%¢irx_z‘n1l2and Wald permit; %ca1zfldéring7alZ ‘Petition! 51/3:/any jbould conccimto begoadfir t/2_e.C‘am.-A " » zznclup/2$4t%T%%£l7e_yJ could not nawflni/55 t/aejf//aauld /Jawfu/I timeto perfifi’ toward: inter; /air e9\44jcft’y ‘; grqcziazyly ’4[]'uriz2‘égt/9é:?m,z/a;z‘t /Jeunvau/of ailongaxiz/azlaemfiar 1:/aeiradaadnzage t[2ra.u¢g/2.411;/2eexpro2j5’ian: ofxa grztciom amfpiom gag," M 3126 Vendt/acre mzgbz éefllclw "4 bdppyconcltflon 4 of .t/Mt .44 mzgbt £33‘ :52 o»fmmytmore;m;ee£a mga/%bim:v A t’/2eirfirfl%¢éflemfb/incg zmti//tbs? 2 1,. bf 21» pri[,"tfie“b0ufe:of Cammamdid m2Ifbz'n‘t t5%4tA*;%aoulz1gi17e%¢ 5iJ7.Z\1'4j'E§ZZ'6’¢ ~.*/my icc¥m.¥-% tmfnr canficlenméin 1/2c=z'r @3651)»; apply.-. ’ .b§r»éup7mv*£7e*pomm’4zm’ea! - botbvtbe 6"q&yE.r‘ ‘tor attend M/213724 in] tb.c:.)* 1 ‘Z:’gm‘quem'ng./2ou74%.=er at VVhitehall in . V .3; " W 4 Vfizrbij/U4j:flz'e;rfizpp{y,.: L4 % f/2e%«¢y?er1z.0oz2 oftZ2at;2;.d4y%.V ' $1/I;/;/zérezéy the am’ eefier £113: Aémjea /fie: I/Jam in mirzdeof Ike endfor iwiab $53’ were aflcm bIedA~w»jc/Ema Y ‘~W/Jzztiit were ~iz0tf 4£vo)7evVi§1.:Vda2%:»/itizi§€eéf“t/jozcgmzwl ~ pounds 4% monetb, nabic/9 Wu/da/1' 564% 9’ /21} VM4jgflie were not r49fent@rw%%;»up§;- p/z‘éd,f0 rt/3*Vit9M.€72’oA2 pcflz‘ /efo ”ée /dnger firlaorn. Tet bi: iefllajefiié t/Jen ex», A prqfl:z/Mt t/jvcé. ‘ “/26 fir. t/3e}9r_cfl’1“zt dcy€red,1m:‘pne/gt I bim togoan wpitb /Jzlri dzgfignes fir t/2r£emAqr mag; :2eIbx,,;. 4mltb§ztV£2e;,gxp.efiéA"d‘:éQ fltftbfir flzppb? zilmzz zbeir?" juizgrievances were ‘reliaaeedjk F L 11} '2 . .31” ,,_. ‘*5 ,0 ‘ I '_ u é 42 K W M ‘ H L. ‘ ‘ » M I ‘ V‘ ,.. ken not % " ca fame mi/zzpprebenfiom abate; J ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ <‘“" \ “ ‘ ‘ ‘ - ‘ - ‘- -- ‘ ‘ . A-y ..4\.«~~.w.\..‘.“. M M ...«----- 9 e V 4: ..+ . « .. -A - 9 ,-".%,_A-» " ‘ . > V’ M?‘ ' I . £50111:/Jee./eayzinge the S/2z'ppincg’e?m7¢«e0neejwW, Keeper taee.lete.el2em Qzow, T/Mt be never % j/Md em: intemeien 27e;e(emz9’e. ‘Revenue qfit,nor bezel$e17e2?e mndezeanjg lam: t/Mt ezli e%%t5£’ I770?1€)' 0 Eefied bad éeen paid to the 1‘ ~ expeniled , éefideségreatiflzmreofmonzga A efrery jeer gm: of bi: c5\/14je/iiexA oenm A e That bi:LMzy"eflie badanee“ reflwhved etbisjeer to béve levied none; éuttlmt be < e aavaeflvrcéd toe/ter /aim refalzmbng in re.» gdrd be may Q/fl8CQ[$‘1'L‘)' tafimd an /{rm} firffdfififig t/Jajé of S codand , during We timee; eit: 112244? ; éreqilf/te the em’ flould fie weegzmded *3.-‘e/Ind éeflcies 171$ fvjeffie lmd knew/ecege oft/Be gM,6’ad‘t, ieezeepreparedéy;ezli,neg/Jéour» A-mge‘Prmcg: ten‘: year, and tbe“ Zenaie: committed Z2) Vt/aofle Algiefr writ/aft/aejiore afSbip: zwbicb they /aczdinf { rcadimgflé. % wind tmfm waugb 192;: jcfliefor 2:612 prcflntyecr can/dnatfor. (war it, éut expefledtbeir cone-wrI*6fI2\c*e in t/ye levying 0 1'2‘ ;, ye: fir tlaefitmre Eta give M /223: Suéjeéix Aflitmzzce /arm» jufii 4ndh‘1Ky4ll'4/22': intention: 4xvere,~%and 25¢; 411. hi: Mme V¢‘wm*éut l‘0'1%l1i173u.ll.é‘€“t)5..5 f,ir Igng, aé/eta dcfqndbimfel %4;dna’.T&%£m, to 65 ufefltllro bzkfliendx Andconfider» V 4616 to aenemiafi, to maint%ai1z%tbe;S}oa werazgmié. Sgau , 42251,./:51. m%e.t)5£ I(ingdam M in trade * :.4m{ ;:am».—- merce , lye; ‘pa; gmc¢'§az.g{Zy« plcéyfegl M: :~;1«:?t *7?~0%'3%‘?€%%3_6'?4_‘@‘1‘i5*i‘—’;* ‘Rgfienue touldywt ‘A ttzétné mgflifierg/we 2/::,sz:~z‘tAzzzz:fl;5,Ve«&9* ‘ES’ $5.1}? ” xame%§rm:£v£r vim C M war/Jcfrein ‘ » 5- asp£>;¥reg§'iz/}‘:é n22z5§22ilIi’ngto 1€.z!.1’e‘;'izt0tI5€ir Vcon/Memtians M.~wv£2.4;%%TZae;t»3r%: couifiafl to finde out , and twjéttlc it, /10322.5:/a.r?y woflflu/J; fl9%1:}3¢*;/aiizg *n‘2e3r+;=-‘Janie 55:19/air:/) /0 malt/aiwmported Z/96’ honour d7‘Zdf¢l_][€l)’.0/ ~tbe‘:'[Q:zz'gz2’a%m-5 m¢J/six 4 ~ vi)‘-eflie partn_qmé¢Lld«mo/2,¢~2jeadi/32 an’d,:céeer~e % grant @4192 thing coals! 4:9/frcfi forfituring A/Jam inj/aei %pr0pr%z'm* of T’1>“e°P”’¢=@: I M %ezrg§m%dsk~¢a % 0?‘%f/jeirp61%fo‘nr.%% A ~A¢»2:*Iy‘*éir A %¢tim:m% AV 1:/2i.s4 /34,1219)? 47.q%W¢ :nm~%, "4nr1ta4 be *t/ac? wmfé “ f tbezlfings dc/fig/ating to meet wit/alril 4)f)2itAb ‘E .; ~ “ < 4 M fat tbere“:wr:na fltrilé1%%wy¢ to-efbfi 1;/22}: arlyfiputtingwoé/aigatians ofmgfl and 4 A fidcnce‘*u/Jon /aim, 4»:/aic/J 4: nmstlza % 3‘? ad ggoad mamnffm witbé it ueflategand z7iztA/9J%e~liAéer1»*)»* 1 Ht} A'jeflie4.te[ling '1«‘5t‘?i7H"2f'I3M*J’ in 499454 fzlrex, I/Jen any that I/Jeireazzvnjeeifeuflese. and fcwe: can/dimaent , /air M ezje/fie éeing 4 Tririyceetbezt,dgfervedt/1eir‘rru/Z, ~ and wouldnot /(Jet/ye l7am9urofit,e emd ‘ 4 Trince offize/9 ‘.egr4ci0mn4tz¢re"‘t/Mt a’4.iz?ze2{ my people /lam! overcome, /azmeég»zg'nen,z//'a...eeeeeee mi: ezrer and;/Bzfer cw vfljbret//vein»-A He /mdmede 2*/9i:go0eltoJ®me10t£2er Suejeéfx ofe/2i¢;.e and gfibem lloawed /oi A comfell, /Eon] beflaée natetoerefpem it, éteirzg the people £5 at were neerefl~arzAqL deere/3 t.o/aim, ezne1';4S ubjeflsf whom he didezzzd A/3461 ereeyfin to.ée'v2z,lueem.oreaAt«be:e[* A the 4SzMj.'e6?x.oj"ezn)’e/jii 0tbef‘I{z'ngd0‘fié5. ,' eeea’Z?iIn[e[ tzntoeibeizz ; =»eegcjie‘2 8e :15}: Hon/2 ofG’ommons?3920iild15d?,Ize, t/ye neqgt day I/1/{6‘n:ei12t0e€0;¢z'g;’éf4iti0I?» e/2e: C 2 otber Fazrber debate: M till t/mt were %refo[ved rf accardzhgta lIi:“a'éflre.q A T * %azt 1'2;/lead qfcgiving an dflfnafir tbarzéirz, /2505 am t/ye pref/King and urgent acca/Ian: regwired, neg fell into Difi A cmtjey and ‘Debate: azéaut t%/Mir pram tended Vriewizqes, and rai/éd’ up mm, andraffaflsmerall natures , mm 5224 Tarlianzentavway tlvgrcauld not Eittfiand :‘¢a;a»re time:/am bi: aj'efZz'e5 great and weigbzy a/fczirex could pajii £213». aforvjl. A ‘. ’; fbra*:fi’eingin%.bi5gre4; aazzfdom that ft/14>)’ were not in the mg :9. make t/Jig: almppy Tariidment, nvbic/J _ defireddnd /moped, AT/mtna» tbing%m1'gbt be vfmdnting on In’: part to 4 bring tbemJinta¢tbeA rzgbt mzyfir bis boa A r_, :59 at)» cyftljelfincgdom and V irahwngamh refllfied tozlcyire 1:/Je ’65’W"?e e/Vifienee aft/Je r Lords. tl9er biglver /am/ye , eeperflnz: in rank and degree M mere}? to the ‘Rqyell T/prone, .endm: /aezving reeehaed rbenourflam bimand /32': Regal! ‘Prqgeniterx, /2e doueted. not mete/elfir t/2::/e and men} Gtbflferééfofii lac! moved in honour and duezfullr .efii- Eliento bi: ‘Pezfan and roman, to di- fizfi else /aoufi cf Cemmom to expre[E' teeirdutie: to ./Jgii“ Maj: We, inn expedi... V ting tlve matter of Suppb , fir wbicb t/ye) were called together, andwbieé re!-» A quiredfa preflwt 4 tlijjvdtgiv. ” er tbxét pztrpafe, 1:13 1 j :3 fl@z4lI ‘Perfan came again I0 tbea Lord: berg/.3: on Wedmfdgv the 2.4.; day oft-Jpril, ‘Ir/acre bimflebrdeeiered to tbe Lord: tr/ae eeefe of 12:} caming,. wbiela wee, toputt/iem tw}Mt' lied been the Lord Keer in Iii! C 3 Mme .....—__ 18 4 .flWr name %%cleIz")2ereol omto bot/9 A/2ory@.r » ~dc;)i oft/oe Tor/icment, ezizo’ ayier 4; V’/Vhitehallg lmc contrary to /32’: ex. Q peffction t£.'eIaouj2»ofC’ommon: /coming be/dconfz4lmzz'on cf Matter of &°[z'_,<;i.- on, Tropert} goody, and rliéaerty A spcrliamenz ; A&rmd :rooteo/ fame mg; concerning t/oofl’ tbree /Jecclc,/34753 there» 4 éyogiaflrcn them toe precedence é8f0I’£..: tbermczter of 75216 /opp/J,“ That .613 nee-. ceflz'tz'e.r were flick; 5/76} could not bear deldyi.‘]#br4Z1I’b4fB'19'6'i”., /cc bod Ivy t/jg; 4 Lord Qeper promzfled fie vnéou/(J/fiver; A _/firm , we boofiehof Common: would V trufz’ oz’/72. 1j7cr:Y{eligion, then: /9133 /aecrc crud co§ofc%;£zcer xiaentr togezrber -%1:ri%/2» the 7 .r.oZ{;giowi”*e§Zcoly/nodTen Ibo. ~c/mace A and;c‘m2d be naouldgiwe order to - ..rc;%i op: cno1»zf/a.op.r,et/acct ho * * ofigggéagm;/gauze ;:;:eepez'o.. For toeeS/9zpeo.money, it/W: /3e never mode or intended to me .e mgiy profit to I5iiofi'§‘ ofit, out ooeb Toto "“ fer}??? W§6‘,_‘7®027?Zfi2Z’0z<},"‘0/ Lt/9eeSe2of5” 7l2@3’f0° oecefi;;;y, zbeaembooz it Ifigncgdomoeecoo/oi jzoztfltoflfl‘; oozfmlae aoc1veod?7?64os oyeJSoz'p.:meone92, o2~%or;6e§>:- xozfleoelefl‘ iota I./Jem. For [}roperej'of' goods, oezd /ioertj. of%T4rIz'emer2o,o be ever ioteoded £22’: people flyoolol mjoy ,1 them, ea/dog no‘ [fling foo §gre‘ot A 3254:: we Ifing of 4 riclv emdfiee people, and toy boa’ not properqye gooolo, end/ioem» o_foe1y77iz.r, z/ye}: could ober riconorflee. ‘T/net:/gee /aoufe of Common; would oat 1;;-ofl e all bi; afeirx would eoé,‘ difoedered ,* om! I112: on/imfiéoe /o/2.‘ Tom: tboug/2 o my e trofled bim in port oteefirfi, yetocfore the Terliemeno one/ode be mzzflitoozzlfy orzgfii , ,: , A.:__‘: N %2.o trufltbem, and in con}:/ufion t/ac) mail flir. execution ofall tbingx wbolly tfufl bim. Therefore /ince the matter mu nonzore tbenwbo/79auld 5: %truf1ed, and Vt/uzt tbe try}? ofbimfirfi‘ Vmu fiat a myiin part, /22': Majeflie dcfired the Lord: wt0;Mt;% einta tbeir canfidemtion: iii: and t/Jeir mam Honour, t/ae fzfety and mV~ areaftlais Kingdom, with the ‘dam’ itJmu Min, mad tbdt tbw iavauldb tbcir advice olfltfl: we bozfi ofcommom tagive /Jixpbr t/peprece.-_ be-farcmée griemnaex. fl VI1 Mdjef?17e éeing departed , tile ord: tomfi into fiviom corfideratimz ‘M/Jqtiaéis ajeflia “ 1 dad to ¢beir% éasam , an rtiwwitb /qying aflde all atbe~r%ulw4m.,%/uc/9 was their .Lord» Awutzjfifland afefiiornme zcarriage, A Md formerb %f02'mer/)'%;%dEc/are % zlve /Jammyr q/bi: Q/(t})l‘;F;; M I ‘ '4- " ' ‘ av % ; , L . ~'v ., - «y W , V V 3» . , I “ ‘ ,\_I M 4 ;z_ . " . m ,‘ ’1;_ ‘ :; . ‘ ‘ my :3’ “ ‘ v ' ' ,. As. -. m. <. ~ . ; av: ~ M xi: n ** 1’ ~ ' u A » ., '2‘. M", H 5,,‘-‘.'. x.’‘y., _ ‘ "‘£WFW}Wl?n:w fmM 4- ‘ ‘ name to bail) £701!/5'4‘ bi‘: Mzyéfiiexgra; ciam promi/é:%_4nd~exj2rr]5'ion5 than and at E/9534 timcywit/9 t/Jé pr¢5flz‘ng%4nd% are '1 gen: ocmflam nabicb mm‘/9 imported ingdom,%zzagzr Lord/lip: cfelzl-M% vered tl2ez‘r votes VinAt/mjé war % .;r, A c areof 0p1‘111'01;1.that the¢‘matter %Of‘ his ajeflies »}fup%pIy ioi1ld I*1av_e“: p'r§e—». 4 eedence; and be*£réfo1x?ecI»of bmeforé any other rnatter¢%WhatfOeve_r And we th;i11k L4fi1:i-ithete {hall be aconfé~T;% rcnce cared che* w awfld ‘ngfl .%1eEVVn:xv@; aslayotbHotfl.r ca$u1d%pat Ar1?e‘0'0‘vk:fl‘ait 3 4ndtber«sfare4tbeir% tbing, ‘net give edwieecencerning A Sttigfldiex , eat tleeline it, at that wlvic/9 ntttttmlly mcteto eegin with tbel-Iottfeof Common: , yet being ezli/{e intercfled andeencemed in tlaebenottr tmdfit/ety W oft/2e IQflge[0I7L),“‘ they be/6iit_fitt0'1€t t/aem et{newt/yeir opiniom eleflrey, wists/3 my , ‘I-‘belt tag»/tot/egafirfi on wit!) the mtttterf q//site zweje/iiesfitppiy, ex tbet tr/2ieb;zWtI;r"i)2oii_nee¢*fl§ztjr endfit V to beam pfeeetieneai ; wind that éeing done , tbeyeiieeeuld cbeerfitlly jqyn wit/'2 them in t/at prrt/fitting cf} tbeirtegrieg T73:-3 He cf Comment betting teem etbeiriLe“zfel A ipseeopi2iiait*~ and de?.. ~ V‘ i*e,i tettt;iet ea1iettrtfi1zg fizite t/Jeiri =3-.. t «r A L are tip‘: ‘preferring t tbe eon Mere- mm ytiei iMeje texfuppb re tbezr « t t . M A rm Mzmé/.4;UalZ0??ing&eI'ng 27 :1 If % % Mpri/, in tr«’1/154%’ Cdflfl’/cflé exception: % I0 #1741? MIMIVXI/26 Qanferwce r6!a« Win“ 3/56”?-‘ V ;»i¢}555%4’«it/929716963 dflflfiéeifig Tvfdam we 28- of eflpril» t/W Mred C9i2z¢v+!:W?Pit/9 ?5€L0N1J3 and their Lord [ 31>! méétiwbew P'?6%5’W9’ in 1% %q>.4inm1 C/Saméer that were fa far flow:/W exm/fing @“4nwwi”ingn»9/J5? ?0ii%0)*%1¢wit/2t»56ir Lora’/79110!“ 72>/94!/9461 V lzeezzupcmflfc} naeigbzrj rcwfl9%n1recommen.. ded%wnto*t/rm: that an. tf'¢%c0ntr¢t2.*}*t/Jen» €594?/,Mge”V¢*~'?tlve3 LWJi% ar ififiiadwg 2%? Tridji/edge: oftbe Hoéfi qf Commons, «/Yl1e4t’§i”3»7‘/1%” Word! lwfaing in .256 ormer %_CW~ %¢Kén¢ei.fi.v/{now/Mg€d ‘IN mm’? .-4 ‘wt. «. «W2 tr/fie éf S?!/Wie ‘ml Sitppb? W3/at t0éégi:z in we How 0/Comm,“ My 1'" ¢%'¢ir§$14#i"g t/mi it was and A J g *2” 2 5 15,470}:/d /M176: P1-’E6_t?d6ffiL‘£’ ”[56y?9rezzlZ at/Ever éwfifléfl? , 2701?. 0-rm‘/)7 éeen tmnfported 58; .3*cm/we é0Mlfl&£& nabic/9 their Lam’/iaipr /24¢/firmer/yfit to 3/aemfilver, _19z«z2«.‘ 6;: med/ing will: matter of’Sz/WI)» , /Md 4%‘ '" far 4: in tbmlay, Acancluded éatb we ¢ Mmatterf andarder cyfproceedingfaa/yicb» ‘ tbs Hot;/.1: of Common: t06;kwvto—%ée ¢ A M ledge _tbé.Hpu/é éreazcb gftbcir ‘Privi/edge; , zmdfir it desflreofl reparation tbeir Lora’: , ml becazye the Lord: law’ in 2?/fie fir/Z Cazzfiéren enumer'at€€{ t/90/5' t%/We particular:¢0f7Qh;gioi1.,} T?5;p)*ic=z;I eff ~ Cjaods, andTrivi/ea§e»cy’.‘1’ar/iamant, t;9cHozfiéof Common: calfefiéd #113)’ had iiwkm nofibé af fme prabfiediflgfi i '1 Z7765” % H 014/? c%bnd£rnz'zzcg ti % particuld2'f;”dnd tberely 51f0k3'f‘n§; %4notb6r A Cgre%4£%‘Priw'%~ 973:5 753 3 Hz/775;! .¢——-.- A 2 6 V Hzflredinflarliament,m1dmlIed,771e Indempnitj aftbe Commony. This /9032: flrmgge and unexpefled ..;_._.__ A jfvever, the Lord;/Jeard witbpatience, M and being deflraw: to remmaeall impe- ' dimwm, and dear any mijiazkingr I/Mt mégbtretard or avert tbe njfolmiem of fltppbring bi: M azjeflie, thaw firiazfly debated in tbe /aiglaar 501% w/mt /ma! keen aéjefled 554 the ban/e offiammanx, and refo/reafl, That their Lord» e [hips former voting, That in their 0» ” pinions hiseA1\/lajcffies fupplyfhould g b have precedence before all other" matters, wasflno breach of the Privi- ledges ofthe Houfe of Commons. /indfecandl ,That it was no breach of A thePriViledges ofthehoufeofCom-- n1%ons A for their Lordfhips eito‘eel=1ea‘r what his Majéfiie cclared "to them, e V and L 27 % and thereupon to report the fame to the Houfe Of Commons. 17276’ 50v?/76 End tbebazwsfcy’ Cammafl: V might have a right undcflianding of tb£irL0rd/M17! pr0ce6din_g:,tb£irL.0rd~ flvips‘ défwe mot/yer :2fls*rence% mtb 2:/am, wlaicb nag: ¢amrding1y /Bad an F0001)‘ Zlzefirfl 0 M 4) in the painted C/Mméer, where £1:/93 cammanofcsftlfe Lam’: , 4 the Lord -Kgeper clec laredA to the bauflz afccomnéam, “‘Tb4tMa Lard: aft/26 higher 50% beam’, as in dut;r.4?zd aflgflion ta /9is,ZW4jefiiE:: Crown mzdgw vernment t/24} were éaundfta mam ’ A fi=riomf can/Memtian‘ the great Amid wezgbgv V marines 0 M"J:bz3fl44jc1§7?i9:¢ 07.4151- élingtbti Tarliammé, "The %gr'e4the'v am! A calamities that , biuig 'o'rer"z*£7eit be4d5:#,“%and the app4rent.~ danger the.» Ifinsdvm W like to ?’”?‘I5?.“?=~?7”"5J‘ % gem ~-\ 2.8 A fieeabv cmd»fittiIzg~fl!p]?/J £25.: Adeje/Z; were not erzeérled to prevent it- How in- fuppareeze/e rde/;u‘”aed~prezreE7ion um, ‘/yer» impeyfiélefor earl: beafe: to reeovef I/ye lofle qfzime in a matter of e prey3’z'ng etzzd mgent necefiity. 77921: bis eejeflieeee/sac! bot/9 in e/ye e /gig/yer /naufiv, and in%tbeB4nquettingbozJe at ?"i; *I1iteh~all, exprefleel/azlfgmcioue eeemd fiprineelj. eleflrete do 411 Ma: firom at A ezndgrezeiomi Ifirzcg mzgbtée expefieafl » nazbereb t/52': ‘Parliament mzgbt /Jaw aab2zplt1Jv:canéleJiaii.”"e‘%T‘ aw’bfi3:%i» A ézje/Zia. bad promified all their jufl grievances’ flzau/déegrezciotfly I/Jeerd4ndrelieveel.A e, Mtge/izee.el:4ei gzlveiz" ‘ bi: A 7{g‘3;‘;;Z[e::«.);;,gy;j fierem; wlaze/:3 Z}; eh’ L.ord/Z’ 'p..r3/orf their I uh’ W V . Q V ‘ V L,‘ ‘ ‘ 4», ‘ 4 ‘_f'.,,, M, ‘ -W ‘ W’ 1 e emer M u 3521.41 e : ~ A x» A V e H ‘j “ " M‘ ‘ " W‘ "‘ ,3 w " v " ¢ ’’ R we t ’5 ' "W vi. J _i‘ ‘ \ "e ' ‘ ‘= V M ...... - ' M M WW» ‘ ii‘: ‘ 1" V __ ‘ V ) A.‘m..m~x,»\]‘.,“.., V»! ‘ . , . ‘ . . ,...., ‘. ‘,...,.m. .‘,., —‘. \T» WV,-,,..,...‘ ‘ NH‘ ,‘_ .,‘,A‘51'$WV"W:K!‘.N‘».§£W”‘ ‘ :‘°"”'|MF. 29 IWMJ‘ alfi» tétfleizfitrz/per a/6C[:1I’€dMfi— % V “Ate t/gem, T641: /92': M4j¢9fi5ic bddhlata/32 lmfioziracfkl/aeir bazydeimt/2 bis prflnce dg4ifi,‘4fidbdd tbére rem/ted 2:/ye remem érozm'c~ qfwlmt /Md écflre 55622 dieli-a % ‘mrccfta éotb or/:'AcéJ, mft.6tbe:z'm;>_¢yfZ» Zvifiij qfadniitiing de/a},e’,m I/26 c/Mrfiex ¢ pfbis fllaje/fies intentions and refiim» am, to give all /Zztisfaéiion to wbat with reaflvn%caz:laL’ be deflred cg//Jim. ~ | A 7'b atA/air Majéflie lwtdtaf/{efl notice of fammbazt " voted in t/ye Houfe’ qf Common: concerningflqlgitm,pr0prie- yo/Cjoads, and Ziéerm af‘Y’Ar/idmem, 4” ” w/Jic/zbir _../1Jaje§’t’ie conceived Ike... ~ matterofbzlr /itpplyfitaflde,’ 232/sic/2 be bad [0 qften mm’ with fuel: wezgbt pf ’ Mredfan dasyfirednzégrbt /nave precede‘-‘flee. 77222:bi:M;yi'effz'ea1j?e2*ve29’gr4¢£» “ % om’ ¢]5'z4r4nc6: 0}’/air canfiam‘ flfléfiion W ml 30 and A .::«;m/Mfir tmeu R/zgzbnw _.., préT'entincg4l1%Innaw"zzz0n: t/yerein, re- 4A ‘iterating . o/ten promfljfor re/iea , '«'.2ingA~ all tivzsirjufl gr~ie”mme:,A mt/;v My ‘Rzywzllinzentiam in; t/ma’ particular M % of :{7z°om9?.2a2/.>ic/a¢ /aefiimd mm:/2 A flood 1§epon, )22dJp/ea/E51 to *5/eflrezlaeir L0r7dflz‘p.rC4sA Tmfin: in rank and ole»- gr'ee%%ne;=re§Z‘ /oimi, infionown 4: mflclaeor more‘(:*onc€rn’d{tl5e:zot/Jar, and in z%@ fa/Eaty arzdproflzrrity of It/:6 Kfngdgm at fem‘? aqua/1}? iizterefléd mt/59 other: <‘Té4tz'n44 caféoft/jisgreozmnd impor.-‘ M21; weig/at , their .£Qi’6?«,/%l.P.!"~'}390I»ll(I1I‘% tlaeir ww;:j7el1 and pea;/jam/fan ~”enc['z'ne...~ tbé%H0u]e0fCamm0i¢54tagive/oi!/\/la» $ J'e§?I'ezzfl0ecw,’v an/war azncf[Vre/0/zztim in we m4t2ié:1**of Supp/y. ‘T has their Lord, fl A;/7:2‘ip.r /Md taken his Z%{l'4jcjZiexVa’e/z«re into ri.<»I«t£,m¢~c!aa/47/szifittll lco’.rzfia/z:*r4z?ia72T,; and _ ' upon. a zltpon great: omdfla/mm éfeéate/Dad, %an_/9? voted in i/96/6 wordy, ‘Va areofopi» ‘ nion th at the matter of His Maj efiies - fupply fl1ouldA have precedence,a1f1d J be: refolvéd ofbcfbre any othermat» ter Whatfoeve1é.L wind that they did thi111< fit there {hold be a. Corferenace A defired with the houfc of Commons A to difpofe themthere1Jnt0»;?2v/2icI5 as n2.¢z;r_ 434% /yanourméfgé fax ‘t/Jeir *”L0rd_/5z}2.rta do, fly itwm nofireacb qf awprivi/edge 0/“tbs /3019/éaf Commonx. » 5 art/abaug/,9 zlaeir Lord/laips did Mr mit, T/M; 2:/9592f]! b[Sz!l>/ia’iex 0213/72! to begin in t/as Houjeq/Cofiflwzons, and 4 ‘Dvbenit ix .a‘gree a’ unto Lord! , e . mufi éawrtftflrned bfl-C/Q, 412615? 5; t/flair A A ‘%Spe;4éerprefl9ntea’,atnd zbereflarctbezr * Lord/laip: ]di/c!faima:l% %to%imedd/e wizb :9uéflafi"or*Su1>pZ2*,‘ 52?/uéb éegimifig 1'” «V % E2 { * ‘tbq “ >4 L ‘—A Ad’?/7* ‘A "'4' , _,,.“.. 5&6 ./gig/Jar Haw, or naming z/55,, m4m£>er% cfSué;/z'"dz'e.r, times" 0/;mymm.t,§ ar any flzc/9 circzmgflfancex inazdent to 4 fii 5 iéttbeir Larip”5 m/at conflm A dJ‘7l£7[ M aéom: Szqap/is: zhgenemli, and A give 5/562? advice therein, £6.42: éeing rm: 3:12/git alw'agatory to tfae Tr2"vi[eo/gay as tbofev that aware neemwdm Am? V the Home afflsmmam, their.» Larczflipat in mllrm an Eezfng /1&3/ier to e'ommm¢i.- A A were in 5/98 Counsel: azndfiacrets Siam; owl! /Jrone, mad /M)71}rzgju/L‘ ~t}:mmz'n~ M: zmpmatqa ¢ dangers to tbe Hozfi afCammn5. ' % “T/94$/zéc»6 praceedizygroft/5eir Laraé; v 27563! were gr0u‘ndedapam}‘#§ZW' and vmzfwz, fit they were agreea- abla to» ancient u/age and cuffmzve, 12¢’ were ed éytbat e:%lv[flm%erz.t, . n._..J ‘- 3:; pf Commozz: mike 14%’ CoIy€=rc=m‘e,ée.- ing mm at G1ouccPcer‘,, in $56 9. year /»He11ryt'/9ef9zzrt,6,* and Eii/cfdyzor If/ye n - Indemgnity of I/ye Cw:/zmom (oz: 642% . % % éeen/aid) [W :56 Indempnit}2'cj’Lord: and Cwmmm. =;e,{na-[fear the ow érm: of M; ‘ ‘E23/edge ixbic/2 [mi 53222 A alvjeéied, their’ Eord/7aip.rdea/ared, Tb at 51}: ajeu ’ fife‘ bad mid % them zbe H039/6 of (‘emf-9 man: A rwkz’ved;/fame!/azng cancerm éng t/90/e z‘/Jree /ae4dJ, Of YQJ/zggion, . Tztopriety gaadx, 4ndA‘17ri*viledge % §°4rli4m6Izt;% V A M x[.f2&:z9;:ez..». .:_zj’e/?ie[@ew af M #513 refit-I Hcmv /111?: ltztian bel0ngc;lnat‘tat/aeir Lordlfiips ma; ” 4 enqwireinta" , At/Ieir Lord/%z'p.r nb: meal: ‘ [ting tbinggt/Mt ozbcrsfaid M: we 1Q:ng,[ but what: the Kingfaid tar; Ea; I W4**‘ ‘ ’A.‘’‘ V» ‘ m._........_ . ‘ ‘ ,,-M .. ‘ . ~ .“ 13;. ‘ , , thee their Lora’/hzgps werefiz J fnrfifozn holding it on} )n'o/ezzion ofthe ‘Pfivi/edge5g’the Z370!/ye ofConnnon5’ for their L07‘d(hipJ‘ to hear what the V Jfing declared to thenu , nndfor them thereupon to report the fame to the... o How cyonerno/25', thntonthe eonz‘rn..» 29* in dntie to his Mnjeflie 3", their Lorel- A /hip: eonldedo no other; and the coznznna ” nicntingof it wn3”nn'n1gnn¢enz cfefleao A j fiion one’ define ofgooo/eorreflom/once 4 with theflozwe Conemongnnd nee-4-A rieeel noeflzehe~nmifeVon/Zrnéiion no had heen2nno’eofz'z‘; neither did the; e n.«- hhflvneentin 7347-/znment 9. H.4.. eon... V min en} wordr thntronld heeonflrnek/to ma/{e their Lord/hip: proceeding; in the} V he/3 el/Zen)’ hreneh, mo: Trim/edge: o the hon/e Commom. Their Lord‘/hzlo;proceedz'néo:nncfino £ez1Zz,oif2.9‘ » ” ]ten_tiam being tbmc/emfedk t£veLord IQeper 5;’ 3/aéirjll orz!M.ipJ cammamlaal cleaifurtbfirfl"/W I/Mr »Lorc//Zzipf com ”U05«£’WT€iMfI¢t0A tkeirfir/i grournds and reflq/mion: , A Mic/2 Izaerei at’! fair and 4fl65,t'i0MtP6 manner to/it)” upjn t/Eafe 0f If[ 7e HOZ{fl3',¢9j(:C0mi??0flJ the *confi..—.. "oiérdtiaza Z£70[6g}"€d!:, Md imminem? d4nger:«tb4t tbremfnedt/as Kingdom am tim6’?, 436350139 dangerowdnafirrecae I wrazé/6 de/wxws, and wzk/Mlltoawofe A I/3emVzoVVMlq3irzto t/oeirfirfl am’ éefi V t/2*augb»ts‘Vt/9e nmzzer~ of/his :31 aj eflies‘ " fi;pp[y, mzqlgjuaa /9z‘rI2.4 /137660/ie an/zm?‘ a . 6 ‘ EV ; % W/aic/2:12 as Lérd//flip: W cwfié ~dc'nt% 0i$.,t,4%/d é€%£be?m§%m: ta méké A W: % V ”/MPPJ:" “ (1)c?irZ’z}m2en:¢:5%[ émdV’ to *“zz"11e1ft.J£I5e * L ;m5[z’{c5' c_a/azmitiex} :15/9,aJ4tm.e1mccdLI/M“ Q M ruins and 0‘1?c’rt/W037? 0:; ;t£7z3f4m0M Mm % \ v u ‘V-av.‘-»xwy‘,e,Wt11aj: outA"Qfl_*’arliLame11t fllaflgbfi asr*each%eAv, non om vvilu ”t($f:hé af, % a11d *1*“éclrefl"‘(~: ,’{ 3.51137 A(}ri*¢;Va11ce‘si,3si%1i P4“a.i*l:iament'. There mhe'rs ,'a1}df~thé;tisReIigio11 ; C03; ié mg i11i11gj, thatis: {p®I;e171§o£,' th0:wgh;?‘110t* f;':mu¢h 1’f€*dA% 7 n “I 4'"! . wt ‘- " W '1 . " ‘ . ,,.\v-‘ .1‘ I’ v‘ .- ,~ 1,,‘ ‘. F .. ‘ ‘ ‘ ; M new 1' $1 " .2.’ am - . ‘ ~ .-W. .".. «M ,3“ M .‘,' ‘w J %« - ‘n’ .’ ~' F 1, . I‘ ‘I ‘.4 ‘ , ‘ C ‘ r ‘ ‘ 2.’ « yV*V ;., ‘ .4‘ \ N '. ... z-,, ‘, , 4. "'» . g \ 1: “ 41 ~ ‘ z .‘ ‘ _ - “ A‘ M! -‘ «v. ‘.u J M ‘. >. H - - 4 ' ‘ «rt n U ., » ‘ ; . '9. jvve1*e told, in mYName, bymy /V Lord Keeper, That delayvvas the ' VVOrPC»;1§i11’d€ ofdeniall; yet % I Vvili G A e not rm e 45%. e place to your Lo1*dfl1ips, yet,I think itfit again , 011thisVoc_cafion , to tell you, that, (as I am e1noficeonce1*nec?,, T0) Ifllall be 111oe1“c~care1€u11, to pre_—- ‘f31‘V"’€,tI1aE‘pL11‘1't4YeOefRC1%igiQ11,Vvllicha ItI1anI«: God, is fo well :efcab1iIhed £11 %t%heChu1‘Ch offlnglmd, and that, as well out, as i11Parliame11t. e A A My Lords, I fl1al111ottroub1eeyou long vvith Vvords , it bemg 11ot111y efafhion V 5% vvherefore to Coflncltlde, What I ofiered, the lafl day , to thee Hdufe 0fC0mmons, Ithink is well e1moevV11 to ~youa.l1, as Iikexrvife 11 OS/V they accepted it, vvhich I defire not M toremember , but vvifh that they ha.dremeeemb1*ed, hovv, at firfls, they I1'0t~«l£1Y t1'11.S f2'LU.lt OI1 the dxrvhogtiz Houfe f01"I Vvfll not judge f0%un... chartitablytof thofe , VV’hO, 501'’ I116 moftpart, I take tobe’Loy7al1 anclt vVeilI-ai¥ctC°cetd Sutvjrt cits) b1A1f;th?“31A‘t'5 6 . hathbeen the1nal1c1ous cunning, of A form-': fevv fediciouflya-aH?e éted men, that hath been the caufe of this mil: %under£’ca11.di11g.A I fliall xiovv entLas I‘ be‘g2§n, in gi- ving your Lordihips thanks ,T fqr‘ your afFec’tion fhevvn to1r11teatt¢I1is ‘ time 5 defiring you, togojon to afsiflt met, ”1'n%thetmai11taining of that Raw gall povver, that is truly 11f1i11c,a11d*;,t aéfor tht:Libertie ofthe people, that t maintain the1nin,“‘ The propc1*tic they now fo much fcem to fitattle at; K1ioVV,( my"Lords )"that no Ki-11g’ inthe vvorld {hall be - more c.arefi1%l1 of +7 f tI1e'ir.Goods%, Libertie oftlaeir Perfons ,anC1truC Rfiligion , than I fhallbc. A T % ..A11dfiOVV, my Lord Keeper, d o vvhat I have commalldéd you... " A % T/am If/9e LJ0rd[(ee1W7er azcldea/.; . ‘.5. Y, Lords, and you Gentle.» A men of theHoufc ofCom.. , ‘ Ca;g'% %~ doth diflblve this Parliament. “ Tall t/.»e]7r0ceea1ing: herein ; . % % 1" . «- declared , ztv z/5 evzdem“ wall 92 ’ » men,/flow ml/ingzznd dgflrom’ M,ZIz}.s'AZW::tje/lie/wit/9 5»-een%4z‘:o male? 1%? y‘ k A A V M A 1 ~ . ». will :4 ,- v ' ' " .- ‘ ‘ '1, -ur an I‘ -« “ "'-V“ ‘*7’ ‘ " Z‘./36 a‘72:cI'~e;iti.czmz’ .9\]‘ Ms ‘Hbnomdnt! fi2emzgntze__.» , and fir prefer’)9z'72g the W xfi zgdam inaglmwzndflzfetieg ‘I7acfe * ” EN. {V §1l*afl7eE?ed*m"e*m 9 we HozJé%*0‘ ’ C0m'm0ny%'%, Vin /Zéacl gran /9mm’7/e 22721:! 1 dz{ti*»z1[%wmy p%refmz:é7zg%:r/Mir’ aw. % “w A 3% % ’mz*2ce.r4 A . .fi...._..——- |__ ‘ foe fl V trance: to/J13: fl/Iey7e/fie, £m1e~tzz@en up- % on them... , to be the gwielery and 91'.» ‘ reéhrx‘, izmll mezttegée t/mteemsern/9z'e‘ ‘Maje/iiex go’1¢er:nment.£»er/9 Tempo» rezll zznc{Eccleflz2flimZ[, and ~ ; .K};g.rwere éourzelto give em; aeconntcf t’/361'?’ Kegeflefiiony, emdoft/zveir mam; ner Cjmaemment , to tbeir; Suéjeélr ezflemé/ed in Tet?/izzmenzi);t/eagle"/aawe in mvemi «me/eci0ue%¢e2nel irzfi/erzt nzqyene treclinto .ex4n2imm°0neznd cenflerin‘ e if/fie prefint g’0’17ee2f'7zment,*e mzo{tkee»" lei; zzjrefliesadminfllzfation 0]? eflicug 7’M€ne/reef (ea mac: 9 as in et/eem {4}} 0:12’... em toet/aerrflcyf bi: c5\/fe2jz,flie:Sezé;.— jeeffx, mat oneéy t/ae fflcersartdfldiiziu fiery Smtei but efpen »e/91.3‘ M4/'e/Eiex 4 *q2e;:y~ ge'19er7m2ent;e mic/9 /M2577 éeenje emel grereiom’ ,. t/oat never die’ t/aim #1‘ any other ..7\Qgti0n enjqy meme“/efl flag‘? % .‘ * _ a l‘ n., ‘Y ‘ ‘ V fl2?zg.w17*1d /.vazp1bi726_’fi,%vt{7€n/oat/ééeeri % éy zzll/J-1; c§7\/12zjeflie.r15'ué]°eEZ.r mj'o)zeJ - eiéerflnce /2ixjM»y'«9fifié: .4cc.sfléto tbe..« Crown 5 nor did tbi: Iflngc/om efléer a » flourfl in ‘fmdezzml Commerce, @321? ;1fid]2lehtie in all kinds: avlmzflever. “‘ A xfnolaav/alderezw the om’t'mz7y ’ 3 E I 2*/azlr lyre/Em“ , og¢]>4rt41(%éofm%o7re1ve4ce 3 mm“ qft/96 Cr01v‘n%n0tflfl?cirzg"to ole; ' fizz}extmoifdinaiyc/9m;ge1%, it 4 /M255 ‘ ; mr éezfnt/96 zxfage imz/1* Tar/idméfitx V . to aidzznd tbs Kirzgr aft/oi; A '3 A EQ4/m+'1aviz.‘/afree andfitting Su]:]2_/y ta. * %4'm.ml_r%%*t/Je V mzzjntenan their I//zzrx zmdfor goocft/9eirRt9)Id1lun.., dertzzkirzgr , 19>/93755} z‘/.1e*%I(i2%2%,<:;‘c/027.23 erztrzgyie-cl to" t/aeirpr0teEz‘i0n,w mtg/atlvé /9elcz’upLin‘. /em/or m2dg7eatne.r,. 33 -:€omm0n.r 571137659672’/(*9 fzzrfram} treat!» mg» ii/majfesiedpemmy of rice Howvqf 5*: h 4 mg in the /hep; of their flnceflomis‘, hy their duzfiz/Z expreffiom in thzkfigzde, that contraribw they have intro;/weed at why cfhmjgzzining and coritrhging nzith the King, .413. nothing aughifo he given him hj thém, hm“ what he/hould hp} aznd purch¢zfl;>()f¢hem, either hy quittizzgjhmévrhmr ofhéx. Rm/I Tran *‘ ‘ 2-agatiaae, hr hj dimirgi/hing zzn_d!c_aflr2- ing hi: ?@2emze.r. I/Vbliéfb. comjflzr qf theinr, how repugmmt they are t0 the“ duty cfSuhjeELr, how unfitfor his ;..7\J:t;... je/Zita in “Hqnozir to” permit hndfigflér, m2a'1a2h;zth;zg:zm/ amj! clflgnggm Ihegy flthjeff this Kingdoms t0, all men fizazjéh ‘?flh7,jm{ge, that my 5-utheqmlly find; impartial/J’: weigh them.’ j Hi: Mhjeflie hathhheen hy this’ mam ' reduced thafihch/Emz'gh1'r molextrenzia ties‘, that weremt his care the A m h figure" J . E ‘ .9‘: ,7;,,._/,._ M;.;,,.‘; . g , I ¥t:)(2e;.S7t2zite5;zz72 §J0*)f**i011$ A V T %u*t%V*t/9Ai5"<:A! % V 49‘: «»l'6'J7.C‘m"’£‘@C1P%L%éfVD9ifig74i56€ 229349 @.oc'l..%s* gmci Laf5'if£;zn;e will pro... vib/eV%,% rz‘/9‘azt34‘flZ/ A/aisilowing Subjeflr may flill t/92 /azzp]2in.e*jfe of[i'12ing_unde7? A at? A4 2§72eé[i9fl;7:)éZ/Maia f#f0te5Zi0n~fiq]‘ ”* R0)/all Scepter. ” i I72:/aemezm tzme, to the enAdA'a1lbi$ ».. % .Mgjg/zze: zmngsué;‘eEt+:%%may%rknow; % %li;g%zzeg0:ad.zzz1d.%.4f}5zyI At/oejgreaterfi/29 le ‘ . me4nV.(d3.=m%C/mzs.in%z?/zemliege)_2avWlr:l quic/Q/y‘“£vri7ggj;.ruine%% and ; mm; ‘MI I! re»nclér contemptzwe 4’2.‘=l2Mir&.f V % flyoaaogwi 723 753 ;pZ73;£lwt:n dmj; A , 5 f4a*g%im~oL ¢f9z’7r;r4j, &.«cmmAm“ [e4«e;z4 — A rI?’6’J‘€7’1»tfl/136.5/%I:“0‘/9‘lfITvfategiibn qnd Qwrmamentb nor :/2;z5;r. grgz“ciou;.and 1 tezdziekm/j5az5iio'n%to iii‘ 11260]?/6 ;fama2i/oi‘ 7‘ * 4 A gi;j0”d2z‘nzf, c3bmfb*rI~7J9i: A A‘ 4/j;é%f£i?e: fly “ A éeflazjgmciouflyebiyl‘e/qfajeflie elm t/fie)" cleclezre lei; 7%)/ell. fnfilleznldejzledé fere , tlmteeezll loving Suljer5Z.r,992/ye have any Cezzje topreflezée , or com; - plain of eznyegrieuaezncex or o‘ppr¢z'... on:,my freely edclrefleetlaemfelver, lgy }l2eir bmzéle Tetitiom to £7i.re Sex}..- ~ cred ./1J.4je/Zie_“.»,e aw/éoaaaill grezctibeyb bear let‘/9ez'2?:. cgmplziirztx , zezndgiaze l ..g'.MCb fltting7;lr"elelrefle tlvereiri , time all /an l _ [7e0[2le_/[mile/5.e’)9e cezefe to ezc;{ne§99—- L ledge.*l9iI lgmeeeemd geodnejfe »to‘39mrei':ee , t/2em.;,l and to éefullyvfiztisfeel, t/mt“ X 720 pwfolmeeor gt/jemélieecem morepre» A ‘)§&Z1lN)§9z'l'l2 /9i:”’* l 6 , } M Veil)? cliheal re e /1341” and" reelreflérlzll %et/a.§;..el jg/£i‘l‘gri€v4”Ce“f“e