OF THE C OM M O N o F .. kuENGLANDFf Again lizCharls King of Eng/412d, Of High Trenton, and other Hi Crimes, 5 exhibited to the High court 0 Jufhce, By 33019» Cook Ei'quire, Solicitor General, appointed by the faid ( mm, for, and on the behalf of the «5,1,. People of Engiaud. .- As it was read to Him by the Clerk 111 the {aid 55!. i , C011“, asioon as Mr. Solicitor General for the Kingdom '~ had Impeached Him in the name of the Commons of England. at His fitil: Ataigntnent, Satvrda)’, Inn. 20. 1648 .__; 1-._m“w Examined by the Onginal Cow minim, Gitbm Mabbot. g: W, Printed for Rapba Harfind, at the Gilt Bible 111 Qeens-Head-Alley 2:: ' in Patennofierflow. 1 6 48. ~ ' ' FFFFFFFFWMFFMFF / O ‘ 0'? J i $1: iWw s t Q”? (JAM 3w VF % Mafia 31:5 Ff, 31$ @4131: We FFFFQEM‘FF ,\ iii Hm by”: 2M: ‘ l (5) ' 911-11: .. Charge of the Commons of Eng/42111.7, ' . againfl CHARLS STUART ’ , King of England, ' OF High Treafon and other High Crimes, exhibited to the High Court of Jufiice, ‘ Saturday, Ianuary 20. 1648 The Court being fate and the P1110 e1 at the .Bar, Mr. Cook, Solicitor General, fpake thus- My .1 Lord, In behaif of the Commons of ,Eccgland, and "of ail the people thereof, I do aceufe C/m 11.19221”, ~he’rep1ei‘ent,of High Treafon, and Hi:- h Mitcie-‘ , meanors: And I do, 1n the name of the Commons of England, defite the Charge may be it 11 1.12720. Him, which the Clerk then read, as fellow eth Hat: the {aid CHARLS STUART ’ being admitted King of England: and the1 ein trufled with a limited- ing to the Laws of the Land ,and not otherwife; And by his TruPt, 021th and Of ‘ flee being Obliged to uie the poWer eohnmitted to him For tbegood and benefit aft/9e feofle and £01 the prefetvaition of their Rights and Liber- ties Yet neveitheleié out of a wicked! @efign to e1e€t 21nd Upheld in himfeii an unlimited and T} rannicall poWer to rule acceding 101,25 W21? .4 z and 3,31%‘3‘11 Power to Govein by, and accord- < 41) . and to overthrow the Rights and Libertios of the People ‘5 ‘Yea, to take'awayland make voici Eh‘é ‘fbh-fidzitiéiis‘th‘éi‘éof, ma ofall ‘f’edrefs 'a‘ncl. ‘ remedy offifif-‘gbi/erfirfié‘n‘t, Which i5? ihe‘fi‘in: damental Conflfith‘i‘iofié oi‘thi’é Kin dOmfi,Were réfi‘ri‘e‘d ‘()"t“127th"e_~"T’E‘CJPJES9'be’ii‘aii‘f,‘~ in“ the Ri hr and 'Pdw‘e‘r‘ of . fieq-wefie: 31'an 'FuC‘deIEiVE Min- merits, or- N’atioh‘éil fi‘l‘éé‘tinés i‘fi Councell‘; He, fihe-faid um: “Smart, for acacia? ‘ytifli men: of fiuchahiSP-Befigng ’aird For the gproteé’cing of himfetfandhis 'évdhef’ejfits, in ’His aha Their. fiiékéd'fiafizfis to the fame Ends, " hath Trayce- rouflfi’ rat-id malicioufly' i-éerd War/laga'irxfl‘she prqfe‘n,t‘?drliam‘éflt,® "the (Pébplc ‘fberein ,I’Répfefim‘éd; , Paiiicula'rly', “upon or about the t’hiftiéth .. dayao‘i? 'Iflne 3, in ‘éhé yéé‘f of bar Lord", tie tiidfiFd-ndfix hi'mdfied‘ {city arid two , At Be rveibgn‘the Coufity-of'ffo’rh‘A-fnd upon; or. . about théfh‘irti’éth ‘fi'ziy “offu'bi, in th’ef‘yee’ij a; forefaid,‘ infliei'Cbumy'of thefCity of York; Add upon ,‘Or ébom t‘h’é'tWén'ty ‘Fou'fth dzyfof 4ugufl, inchefam‘e year, -at't7h"‘ci'(36untyof the '1’” ()Wn of Nottingham ( When ,and W hefeHe {it-t. up Hid-Stafidafdi‘of Wag.) Andiaifo 09,01“ about the t‘W‘énty ’ihif‘d‘ day'--. ofaOBober, - in’fhe fame 'y‘e‘er, at» Edg-Efiflfifid‘lfieifiton-fieId, in‘ the Cosm- ‘ey‘lof: Warwick; And‘uponi, 0r about: the thirtie eth = - I I . 4 ' ‘giz-H-‘M: v -.. “Mm...““mrtw. - 51:... . y. . '- . ‘11.... . ... «n: . i , .. 4.95.. . -.-..‘u-. ‘- — m . x . eth day 6f -Norz}zem5€r ,- in the fame "year, it firdiflfikflfdfln the Connty‘ of Middle/ex: And upbnm 2%me thé‘thirt—iéthday of Augufl, in th¢ ' y-‘céf of: but Lam-l, One than-{mat {1x hundred fourty find'tihxée‘, at" Cameflam-Jbflcg, n’eer' Refl- iflg, in the Calm)? of {Berks ,; Anél‘upen, or abwt the thirtieth day of 02295”, ‘iffi the-ycer hflim Entienéd, at, at racer the Gify'df Glooéfler; Ansel upbtapr about the thirtieth (filmy of Nov‘em- bar, ifi ~t‘hé yeeriafl mtntiQn-‘ed, atNgwlyeryjn the ‘Cmamy«—ofr@erks 5 And upon 501' Shout the aneiahdfthivti‘e‘da-éiay cf Inbgin t‘h'c Yeér (if our Lord, One thmffahd fix hundred {cu-11y and {om-1' Sitf'prrEdyabrig, in the Coumty 0903:0215 And-1ip6fi;®r a‘bout ché‘thiffiiefh day‘ of Sigma- Lberstin‘flhe yéel‘rilzéfi mentiened, at ‘flodfitfitmd. Othfie’f places ”titer adjacent, in the-County Off Cam-ml; An'diupon, Gr‘abwt the thiwticfh day“ “ 6f Néwméerfifiifihe/yfir lag: mentionedfit Nm— . ber‘y afor’bfiaid; *A fid=up6n,or about-thecighth day-70f Iufie,~=in-€he ycerlbf our Lo.rd,vone~thou- find”fiX’hundre‘di-forty and five; at the To'wn GFLeice/Ier; ‘A‘nd a-lfo,'up0n*thcfourteenth day OF- the fame “m ongcth;.in tfibvfamezyecrgt Nakby; fieldfifn‘ t‘hc'Countygof Nartbampton. At-which - fc‘veralti-mes and place-garmefl of them, and at many» athersplacss in this Land): at feVeral 1-. 3 . , Other. f s» (6) ether times within the yeers afmementioneds: And in the yee1 ofout I:Q1'd, One ‘thoufand f 1: hunched fourty and fix , He the {aid [19111515 8111111 hath caufed and procured many thou— fands of. the free-people of the Nation to be [kin and by D1111f0ns,?4rtte5 a1zd11fi1rreflzou5 Within this Land, by 1nvaf 011s {10111 fo1raig11 paits endeVored and precured by Him and I 'by many other 5011111195 and mea1z5. He the {aid 0.111115 Stuart, hath not 011er maintained and Carryed 0n the laid War, bot/2 by Land a12d8ea j during the yeets before mentim1ed3~but 111(1) bath renewed 01 em ed to be renewed the/111d W'ar ,againi’c the rf’a-rliczmemt andgoodpeop/e of this N tton in this pmfent yeer One thouifind fix hundred forty and eight , 1n the Counties of ‘ Kent, Ejfix Sane}, Suffix Middle/ex and many Othet Counties and places 1n Ergland and Wale5 and alib by Sea; And particulatly, He the {11d Cheek 31111111 hath {01 that putpofe, Given (omen/510115 1071158012 the Prince, and othets; whereby, ‘Befidw 21111105241105 efot/aerpe1fe125 'mfany men has mm: by the {1911111111111th intmfled end ilezé-zployd‘, [£01 the [111 tety of the Nari-012 be‘inor Dby 1 Him QrHisA gents conupted to the betray-1 1115; @F then T111]? and 1evolt1ng 110111 the ‘Par-l * 1111111111 haVe had ente1ta1ment and commig‘i- 011, I01 the continuing and renewing of W122 and H 1‘22?ng , again'i’t the Iaid @arlmmem 22222? T201212, as an1eIaid By Which cruel 22222? 22222222122221? ‘ Wars by H1111, the Iaid (harlsSt222-12t, levyed centinued, and 1eneW2ed, as aforeIaiCi, ‘ triuch 1222206th 121002? OI the Free—people of this N22202: hath been flnlt many 172222221221 have been 22 2.. 250222, the rP22612ke Tied/2222232 waflec? 222222? exbaufled, Tracie 0121222221222, and 22222fl2r2zl2ly, dew) 2212,; (1222/? €x~ . 12222222 and dam”:2zge to the N22120222 2222222222? and: many parts OI the I 22222? flmyled I 0116 OI them even to 2?e/0?22120222 And for fillthél‘ profecuuon Of His Iaid 24122? 2322 3221, He, the: {aid 02222112 Stuart thh fhi’l Contintm his Comm1ls1ons to {the Iaid Pumice and Other R2521: and Qiervohcrs b0tl1 Pnghfb and Forratgnms andtothe hail of 2022220222? ,‘and to the [22/21 R2523: and 3121190111225 aroc1ated Wlth him, from whom Iu1t’he1‘ IWafom upon this Land are threatned, 1113011 the procurement and on the behalf of? the Imd‘Cbarls 8222222! 2 “‘ " All Which 222221222 1943222122222, and 1411111111-. &iIes OI H1111, the Iaid 022121: 82222121; have been and are carryed 0112, for the advaneing and u balding of the PerIO‘n‘al Interef’c oI WiZ? 21222? - 6Power, and pretended Wrerorratzr've to Htmfei _ and his Family,a1gaini’c the publike Interefi,‘ pommen Right, Liberty, J11fliee,and Peace’ Of? V“. ‘A ‘ ,. -‘w 7~>a 'aQ3l5:7;H;.;;-U;7¢Je ~ " f themp‘l? 0" bit-Nam by, ~ and ‘ far Wheat; ' 1 - hewasentru, fed, as afoeefaid, ’ : By all which i»; epp'eare .11, due 171e,. Lhel‘eil g CharlsVStmrt hath‘been, andis Izhe Oeee’fipner} . \ . --. . _, ) Author, and Contriver ofethe faid -uuhatur§l3l; 3- Cmell,;and bloody Wars; landitherein guilty 0? allth'e‘Treafons, Murtheérs, Rapines? Burnin $1.3 Spoiles, Defolations; Damage. and Mifehielgtp this Nation, 21‘5de 9r: Committed 19 3b: fed: Wars, or oceafioned thereby, ._ 7 ' . . . 3, ,3. .- 1And the {aid Iolm"‘-Cook,by Proteflanignfleving ion the behalf of the People ofEngland, ;he li~ . berry of Exhibiting at an